ML20085C477 | |
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Site: | Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png |
Issue date: | 08/17/1960 |
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ML20083L048 | List:
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FOIA-91-17 WCAP-1620, NUDOCS 9110020052 | |
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, .l
>s WCAP-1620 e
L.R.Y.atz/Q August 17, 196 P
l Approved: b
- b h S W l
E. A. Goldcmith, Panager j Pricary Systems Section l
l l
9110020052 910424 l PDR FOIA DEKOK91-t7 PDR
LIST OF FIGURP.3..................................................... 11 I -
DITR0 DUCTION................................................ 1 II -
MULTI - 1MER HIST 01C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
QUALITY CONTROL'ON THE BAXTON VESSEL........................ 3 A. Summa ry o f ln o pe c t ion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 B. Ultrasonic Inspection - General......................... 3 C. Ultrasonic Inspection of Nozzle Welds................... 4 D. Ultrasonic Inspection of Girth Seam Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 E. Tightness and Contact Ibtveen Multi-Inyer Wraps. . . . . . . . . 4 IV -
SERVICE STRESSES Di THE SAXTON REACIOR VESSEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A. Cy c li c S t re s s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 B. Thermal Sta sse s at the Main Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 C. Stre ss-Baiser Effect of Weep Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O D. Neutron Irradiation Effect ............................. 9 E. Comparison of Strength in Equivalent Multi-Inyer and Solid Sections................................................ 10 F. Ductility in Multi-Inyer Shells......................... 1C V -
36 OPERATUG LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. We e p Hole Le akage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 D. Heat-up and Cool-down Tates............................. 16 C. Hydrostatic Test Temperature............................ 18 APPDiDIX A -
OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE SAXTON RFACTOR VESSEL. 23 REFERD1 CES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
LICT OF FIGURTS Figure No. Title 1 Saxton Beactor Vessel - Cyclic loading Conditions.
2 Macm-Hardness Survey of a Typical Non-Stress Relieved Weld Detween forging and Iayer Pir.te Material.
3 Saxton Beactor Vessel - Weep Hole Sampling System Schematic Diagram.
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_ - .. _ - - . . - - - - - - _ - . - - . . , - - _ ~ . _ - - . - . - . _ _ - _ . . .
l l
This report su'marizes technical information on the Saxton Reactor Vessel re-quested by personnel of the Reactor Hazards Evaluation Branch of the AEC for their use in preparing a formal recomendation to the Advisory Comittee on Beactor Safeguards on the use of multi-layer construction for the Saxton appli-cation. The infomation presented specifically covers the questions raised by Mescrs. N. Grossman, E. C. Miller and E. O. Case of the AEC based upon their reviev of Westinghouse APD report WCAP-1391 "Malti-layer Construction For the ruton Reactor Vessel," (Reference 1) previously submitted to AEC.
The ancvers to the various questions by the AEC have been catagorized under four main headings, namely, Multi-layer History, Q,lality Control, Service Stresses, and Operating Limitations. We feel thct the infomation to answer the specific questions raised by the AEC are included under each of these foar main heading.
The data presented in this report represents a joint effort by the A. O. Smith Corporation and Westinghouse Atomic Power Department.
t l
4 y -, - . -
Q - MULTI-IAYER HISTORY Over the past 30 years, A. O. Eaith Corporation has designed and manufactured approxir.ately 8000 multi-layer petroleum and chemical vessels of every variety and description with design pmssures up to 35,000 pai. Many of these vessels which have been in service for may years are similar to the rexton vessel in design and are operating under similar conditions of temperature and pressure, but differ only from the standpoint of the gamma heating effect which is not present. Appendix A is a listing of multi-layer vessels manufactured by A. O.
Smith and currently in service. This listing includes the operating conditions and diameter of each vessel and the number, size and proximity of location of the nozzle penetrations for each. Note the similarity between these vessels and the Saxton vessel, expecially with respect to nozzle design and proximity of location. This listing then indicates that the design and location of the nozzles on the Eaxton vessel does not represent a departure from designs applied to other multi-layer vessels which have operated safely over many years.
,, e * * ##
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4 III -
A. Sumary of Inspections Appendix B of this report is a complete and compnhensive listing of the ,
manufacturing pmcedums which require e non-destructive test or in=1pec-tion to assure ti.e quality of workmanship and material in the Saxton vessel. Also included are aferences to the pmcedures employed and the acceptance standarde for each test or inspection which have been agreed upon by both A. O. Smith Corporation and Westinghouse Atomic Power Depart.
ment. Of special interest are the ultrasonic inspections of the nozzle attachment velas and the circumferential velde joining the bottom head and bolting flange to the multi-2myer shell, since these procedums m pretent a deviation fmm the radiography requirements of the A31G code. Paragraphs III-B and III-C (below) discuss the procedums and acceptance standaris for the special ultrasonic insp*ction of girth velds and nozzle velds in gmater detail.
B. Ultrasonic Inspection - General Since the definitive radiographic examination of nozzle and girth seam velds ,
for Section I or Section VIII ASME Code approval is not possible because of the interference of seams between layers in a multi-layer she?.1, A. O.
Smith has developed an ultrasonic inspection technique which Westinghouse considers as reliable as radiography for detection of significant imperfec-l-
tions in velds. The ultrasonic testing method for both nozzle attach.mnt and girth velds on the Saxton vessel is covend Vy A. O. Smith's Non Destructive Testing Procedure MV-80016-UT-3, dated 7-15-60_(Referenew 5).
This procedum outlines the testing technique and also defines the applicable acceptance standards agreed upon by A. O. Smith and Westinghouse APD.
The acceptance standa24s agmed upon are bas 6d upon those defined by ASME Code (1959),Section VIII, Isr. W-51 (m). specificala,y, velde which are found to have any of the following typec of imperfections shall be judged unacceptable:
- 1. Any type of cre.ek or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration.
- 2. Anyelongatedslaginclusionwhichhasalengthgreaterthan3/4 inch.
l 3 Any group of slag incusions in line that have a aggregate length greater than T in a length of 221', axcept when the -distance betvoen the successive imperfections exceeds-6L yhe n L is the length of the longest imperfection in the group.
The ultrasonic test is not conside nd as precise as radiography for detec-tion of porosity. This condition msults fmm the fact that the general spherical shape of individual pores causes scattering of ultrasonic waves.
-3 k
e The larger size imperfections vin be detected as discrete indications while closely spaced imperfections vill cause attenuation of back reflec-tions. The agreement betveen A. O. Gmith and Westinghouse AFD on aceeptance standards for porosity is as fo12.ovs. A veld vin be considered unacceptable if St contains porosity exceeding the following limits:
An individual pore size inrger than that shwn in the ASE Code (1959)
Dcction VIII, Appendix IV, in the porosity chart marked "large", for plates over 21/2 in. thich, and a Iore distribution spaced more closely than that shown in the ASKE Code (1959) Section VIH, Appendix IV, in the porosity chart carked " Tine", for Ilates over 2-1/2 in. thick.
C. Ultrasonic Incpection of Nozzle Welds During the week of August 15, 1960, the results of the first inspection of au four nozzle attachment velds were reviewed jointly by A. O. Smith and Westinghoase representatives. Included among the Westinghouse representatives was an ultrasonics specialist from the Materials Engineering Department. The standard reference indications for these nozzle attachment velds were represented by 1/4 in. diameter flat bottom holes drined into the outside diameter of each
. nozzle immediately above the veld. The ultrasonic response from each of the Loles was thus reconied on each Brush trace as a nference for comparison with an indications picked up. With the aid of magnetic part! ele probing, it was proved that good correlation between those indications and actual defects was obtained. This correlation applied to imperfections both larger and nmaller than permitted by the acceptance stantinnis. On this basis, it was concluded that A. O. Smith has developed a satisfactory ultrasonic test procedure for the nozzle velds.
D. Ultrasonic inspection of Oirth Seam Welds The girth veld inspection vin be similar to the already successful nozzle veld inspection. Twoflatbottomholes,1/4inchindiameterand1 inch deep, vill be drilled radially into each circumferential seam of the Saxton vessel. The ultrasonic response from the side of each of these holes vill thus be recorded on each Brush trat.e, as a reference for comparison with an indications picked up.
i All test holes used as reference indications in both the nozzle and girth velds vill be repaired by velding and inspected by both magnetic particle and ultrasonic techniques.
E. Tightness and Contact Betveen Multi-layer Vraps In the manufacture of multi-layer shells, the tightness and contact between layer plates becomes significant from the standpoint of thermal conductivity of the shell and the thermal stresses which may be developed due to a temp-erature gradient in the shell. Tnis fact is especially significant in the manufacture of the Saxton vessel multi-layer shell because of the cawm l -k-I l
4 heating which vill occur. The results of an analycis of the Saxton veccel for both precoure and thermal stress conditions as reported in Reference 1, indicated that the operating stresses are well within code limits. The '
themal conductivity values of the Saxton vessel multi-layer shell for this analysis was chosen based upon laboratory tests on multi-layer shells
. manufactured and inspected to standard A. O. Bdth specifications. The inspection of the Daxton vessel multi-layer shell for layev contact and tightness likewise conforms to A. O. Smith's layer Tightness '.nspection Procedure for Malti-Inyer Constraction, MV-80016-LT-1 (Reference 6).
This procedure defines the inspection method and the standards of accept-ance agreed upon by both A. O. Smith 4 vi Vestinghouse APD. The inspection technique for checking layer tightness and contact consists of a method in which each hyer vrap is methodically tapped v1th a suitable tool after the vrap is applied and velded. Any loose a n as between layer wraps represents a distinct change in the ringing sound produced by the tapping procedure . The effectiveness of this tapping technique was demonstrated by A. O. Smith to Westinghouse engineering and inspection presonnel on the inspection of the Saxton vessel shell. This inspection procedure also requires a " feeler" gauge measu2tment of any gaps which can be foun,1 betveen hyer vraps as measured at both ends of the shen after each vrap is applied. The standards of acceptance agreed upon are the same as thoce previously established by A. O. 8mith for commercial, non-nuclear vessels. Specifically, loose areas or gaps between hyer vraps which exceed the follwing limits shall be judged unacceptable:
- 1. A loose area greater than 12 in. circumferential1y and/or 24 in.
longitudinally. In the event of more than one loose area circum-ferentially in any 24 in. length, the total of such areas shan not exceed the area prescribed by the limit spacified above.
- 2. A maximum single radial gap between any two layers as measured at the I-ends of the shell cources exceeding .020 in. or an e.rea of such a gap measured at right angles to the vessel axis in excess of .120 sq. in.
In order to justify the use of this comercial acceptance standard for vrap tightness to a nuclear vessel, A. O. Smith has performed an analysis to detemine the effect of the pemissible loose area on the thermal stresses o
in the Saxton vessel shell under the conditions of gnna heating at full power operation. This analysis was performed using the general equations for stresses in multi-hyer shens previously developed by A. O. Smith in conjunction with FrnnkH n Institute, as described in Reference 1. The results of this analysis indicates that if a loose area of 288 sq. in. as a
alloved by A. O. Smith Procedure MV-80016-LT-1 existed between the inner barrel and the first layer vrap of the Saxton vessel, the resulting tempera-ture gradient and themal stress in the multi-layer shen vill be well within st.fe limits. At 40 Ma (thermal) operation the temperature gradient at the loose area in the multi-layer shell between the inner barrel and the first layer vcap vill be approximately 40*F resulting in a themal stress under 5000 psi. The same loose area between the outerrat layers would yield a temperature gradient of less than 5'F.
IV SERVICE STRESSE3 IR THE SAXTON VESSEL The problems associated with the pressure and themal stmsses in the multi-layer shen of the Saxton vessel under fun power stsady-state operation are covered in Reference 1. This pcrtion of the report covers +,he stresses in the multi-layer shen resulting from transient operation including thi cyclic stresses and the effects of stress raisers introduced by nozzle penetrations nad veep holes.
A. Cyclic Stresces The effect of cyclic stresses on the Saxton vessel have been analyzed with respect to an expected cyclic loading conditions e.nd found to be vell within safe limits. This analysis was conducted by A. O. Smith based upon the expected cyclic loadings including those resulting from transients introduced by plant start-up, shut-down, load changes and certain credible accidents, as supplied by Westinghouse AFD and listed in Figure 1. The calculations on the cyclic stresses in the Faxton vessel vere perfomed in accordance with United States Dept. of Commerce report " Tentative Structural Design Basis for Reactor pressure Vessels and Directly Associated Components", December 1, 1958. (Reference 8).
The inherect ability of multi-layer construction to safely withstand the effects of cyclic loading has also been demonstrated in actual operating experience and shop testing of multi-layer vessels. An example is a multi-layer accumulator vessel built by A. O. Smith for the Aluminum Company of America in 1941. This vessel is 32 in. inside diameter and was designed for 4500 psi operating pressure. The multi-layer shen was manufactured from VMS-W-135 Special Grade A layer plate, the same naterial as used in tht. Saxton vessel shen, and the shen was designed using a safety factor of five on the ultimate strength of the material. There are no penetrations in the multi-layer shen. While in the service of the customer the vessel was subject to approximate 3y 4-1/2 million pressurs cycles fzum 4100 to 4500 pai. This vessel was returned to the Milwaukee plant of A. O. Smith after approximately 12 years of customer service for further cyclic testing.
Tae shop test on this vessel was conducted by cycling the vessel through a pressure range of 4000 psi to 5500 psi which exceeded the design pressure by 22 percent. Fhtigee testing equipment produced 16 cycles / min. and 20,000 cycles were obtained per day. After 2,368,k30 test c'cles / were completed, vater was noticed at one of the veep holes indicating a leaksse in-the inner shell. The leakage rate at 4000 psi was re ll. It was decided to continue pressure cycling the vessel. A periodic inspection was
, unintained on the leakage rate through two veep holes located adjacent to one of the circle veld set =s. After 5,002,500 test cycles, some ten months after the leak was detected, the fatigue test was concluded with no appreci-able increase in the leakage rate over that period of time, 6-
i Transient Number Average Temparnture Pressure Cycle Remarks "
Condition of Cycles (*F) (psia) Time In Sketch Sketch (minutes)
Five-Year of of 1 Period Max Min Cycle Mix Min Cycle 1, Cold startup 50 530 To 2000 15 h20 Mu. heatup rate 200*F/h i
Normal operation .
-100f, step ^ 2200 1800
^ 6
- 2. 53 556 527 Tims siven ar- for a full
- 3. + 10% Step 1500 533 526 gA~ 2050 1935 -
6 6
cycle,e.g. steady state to
- 4. - 10% step 1500 534 528 w 2050 1975 m maxi =m. to minimu- to steady state.
5, Hot Shutdown 250 530 500 2000 1200 --
Time may de as long as necessary for safety of vessel.
- 6. Cold Shutdown 50 530 To 200C 15 --
Time my be as long as necessary for safety cf ,
T. Scram 150 535 515 v '_ 2300 1950 _ o.5 ,
- 8. Ipss-of-Flow 5 '530 530 ,
?.Ioss-of-Coolant 1 530 120 2000 50 2
, i i I Figure 1 - Suton Reactor Vessel Cyclic Ioading Conditiens t l
Next, an attempt var mde to burst tle vescel. The burct tect was not nuccessful becauce the leakage thmugh the veep holec at 13,500 poi vns too great for the capacity of the pumps.
The tect accumulator was mturned to the chop and one head was cut off to permit access to the interior of the vessel. Veld repaire vere rnde t.o the inner chell. The shell end and nead vere scarfed and m-velded.
Another hydrostatic test was conducted on the vessel at 9000 psi for a duration of one hour without any leakage. pressure was then increased gradually, anti at a pressure reading of 15,500 psi them again was leakage at the veep holes. It was not possible to burst the vessel because the leakage exceeded the capacity of the pump.
This test demonstrated several important featum s of the multi-layer construction. The failure of the inner shell (as indicated by the leakage at the veep holec) did not propogate through the multiple layers of steel after some 2-1/2 FAllion additional pressure cycles. Irakage through the weep holes can be a cafety feature indicating when the inner shell has failed. This should be especially important for atomic reactors where
. radiation h age can occur in the steel.
B. Thermal Stmeses at the 14ain Nozzleo The thermal stress effect au the Saxton multi-layer shell at the main coola.nt nozzles was analyzed by A. O. 8mith ani found to be insignificant. This analysis was based upon the use of the Beneral equations for stresses in multi-layer veesels, described in Beference 1, and a gama heating value of 350 Btu /hr/cu. ft. as calcu. lated by Westinghouse APD at the inner surface of the multi-layer shell, adjacent to the main coolant nozzles for 28 W (thermal) operation. The calculated temperatum rise due to gamma heating at the nozzlec is less than 1*F for 28 W operation, and causes a negligible l thermal stress.
l l C. Stress Baiser Effect of Weep lloles In the history of the manufacture of multi-layer vencelo by the A. O. Smith Corporation there never han been a failure of a vessel due to a defect I originating at a veep hole. This 10 true both for the tests to destruction l vhich have been conducted by A. O. Smith and opemtional experience on l Vesselo in service.
, Tables of allovable atmoses for vessel materials were originally established for the purpose of comparison with stresses calculated on the assumption of perfectly homogeneous mterials of construction, fme of internal imperfec-tions such as sing inclusions. The deviations fmm calculated stresses due to small internal imperfections which actually exist in practice are comanly ignored. The stresses around the mall veep holes in the Saxton vessel vould seem to be of the came type and order of magnitude as those which would result at any local imperfection, and could the m fon be ignored for the same reason, namely that they would be relieved by local yielding in a ductile material.
4 We vould alco call attention to the fact that multi-layer construction han the inherent advantage that local yielding propagation in the radini dircetion is effectively prevented by the layer interfaces.
The effect of the veep holen as stress raisero has been analyzed for both
, otatic atui the most nevere dyntuaic loading conditions which vill be imposed on the Saxton vessel. The n eults of this analysis indicated that the veep holes have a negligible effect on the service streeces in the vesocl. The static stress raiser resulting from the 9/16 in. veep holes in approximately 2.63 (Refennee 11). This stress raiser results in a maximum tensile etreso in the vessel which would be 51,300 psi except for the fact that the metal vill yield at the actual yeild point of the material ( 41,250 psi). Although this value is above the yield point of the shell plate material, local yielding at the hole vill relieve the stresses in the plate material to a safe value. As explained above, a ductile member loaded with a steady stress does not suffer loss of strength due to the pneence of a notch or hole, because of the ability of the material tcr yield at the localized area of hi6her streso.
The effect of the weep hole as a stress raiser under cyclic loading was analyzed for the three most severe conditions of dynamic loading to which the vessels vill be sub.jected. These loading conditions could result fmm three phnt operating conditions, namely, a 10 percent loos of load during normal operation, nomal startup, and an accident condition resulting in a cocplete loss of coolant. The fatigue streno concentration factor resulting from the 5/16 in. veep holes in approximately 2 55 (Beterence 9). The results of a fatigue analysis of the three loading conditions outlined above are given in the following table.
Actual No.
Temperature Pm soure of cycles Safe No.
Variacion Variation During Plant of Icadinc Condition *F poi Life Cyclec
- 1. loco of load (1 I) 534 - 528 2050-1975 1500 infinite
- 2. Normal Startup 50 - 530 15-2000 50 90,000 3 loss of Coolant 530 - 120 2000-50 1* 800
- Ince of coolant 10 considered a endible accident condition. '
D. Neutron Irradiation Effect The effects of neutmn flux upon the Saxton vessel an identical to the effects which vould be imposed upon a colid vall vessel for the same applica-tion. The problems acoociated with these neutron flux effects, therefore, are the same for the Saxton vescel as for any reactor vessel being specified by Westinghouse APD, and the same design approach and testing programs vill be followed.
9 t
The nil ductility temperaturv af the actual shell plate used in the manufac-ture of the Saxton vessel vill be determined on carples prior to initial ope ration .
Operating irradiation torts of shell plate samples win be conducted in the Saxton vessel. These samples vill be encased in voter-tight stainless steel cans and suspended in the operating vessel between the themal shield and the vessel vall.
At the end of the various periods of phnt operation, sample tubes win be extracted from the reactor and teste vill be conducted to determine any changes in the physical properties of the material including the nil ductility te'::perature . As these tests are conducted on sa=ples exposed to increasingly longer periode of neutron bombardment, the progressive effect of neutron flux on the vessel vall can be monitored. Based upon the nil ductility tempera-tures found from these periodic tests, the operating procedures vin be written to prevent full pressuization of the vessel until a vessel van temperature of NITI + 60'F is attained. See paragraph V C.
E. Comparison of the Strength of Equivalent Multi-kyer and Solid Sections
. A basic advanta6e in multi-layer versus solid van construction results from the fact that many layers of thin plate have a superior tensile strength as compared to a solid plate of equivalent material and thickness. This condi-tion its due to the size effect, in that thinner materials have inherently superior physical properties. An analogy to this condition is the use of a cable rather than equivalent diameter bar of the same material for tensile loads. Similarly, the greater strength of a cable is due to the superior physical properties of the many sman vires used in its manufacture.
The superior strength of many layers of thin plate as compared to solid plate of the sme material and thick-ess have been demonstrated by A. O. Smith in tensi.Le tests. A typical test of this type was mnducted on a tensile specimen of A. O. Smith 1146 material. This specimen was made up of 4-1/2 in. thick forging butt velded to a stack of plates, the first 1/2 in. thick, and sixteen plates 1/4 in. thich each. As expected, the fracture occurred in the forged material at an ultimate tensile strength of 80,300 psi. The thinner layer plates have an ,
ultimate tensile strength of 105,000 psi. tieference lo is a photograpr shoving the fractured specimens resulting from this tensile test.
F. Duetility of Multi-inyer Shells
, As described in Refettnee 1, the final stress relief of all prer sure velds required by Section I or Section VIII of the ASKE Code is purposely elimin-ated in the Saxton vessel, as it is in all multi-layer vessels. The stress relief in a multi-layer vessel vould tend to remove the desirable precompress-ive stresses built into the shell layers, with the resulting loss of interface pressure between layers, which reduces the overall thermal conductivity of the shell.
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Iecaure of the inherent ductility and close velding control employed in multi-layer construction, the elimination of stress relief does not limit the reliability or compromise the safety of this type of construction in pressure vessels. In the velding of multi-layer chcIls to solid vall forgings and plates, any residual stressen in the veld metal and heat <
affected zone are greatly minimized through lateral movement of the individual layer plates during velding. In addition, mechanical peening has proved to be effective in controlling distortion in these velds. Also, the use of lov hydrogen velding electrodes enhances the ductility of the as deposited veld metal. Further, the veld beads in a multi-layer section joining a soild vall section am multi-pass, and each successive veld layer progress-ively grain refines and heat treats the preceding layers and heat affected zones.
Macro. hardness surveys conducted by A. O. Smith on non-stress niieved sample sections of multi-layer plate to solid forgings velds indicate that neither the veld retal nor the heat affected zones are excessively hardened above the range which would normally be expected for carbon steels. Figure 2 shows a macro hardness survey of a specimen from a forging of ASIM-A 105, Class 2, material velded to twenty-four layers of VMS W 1350 Special Orade' A
. material. This specimen was made up of the identical materials used in the flange forging and multi-layer shell of the Saxton Vessel and was not stress relieved after velding. The chemical analysis of the materials upon which this macro survey was made is as follows:
Material C Mn p S Si W.S W 1350 30 54 .014 .022 .10 Sie cial Grade "A Inyers W -45 Weld Material .13 32 .020 .019 .020 AS1b A 105
! Class 2 .25 1.18 .018 .044 .28 Forging Note that the maximum hardness found in this specimen is 232 (Vickers) in the forging heat affected zone.
The safety and reliability of non-stress relieved vessels has also been demonstrated by A. O. Smith in both shop tests and the following field operating experiences.
I l
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// i 106 -/76 s T& W ucAr reug atta D M S (IO M )
Aos rmms 45 r e s, ,u r. TEST No /-2
- If1A A A t. t' 11 A l' A ILS S t,.jst.<
h t ti ih n 11 IRS PIR 1R N NAL lh1 IAI 2ih 992 119 A s!L . 114 111 199 tt4 JLA Firmre 2 - Macro-Hardness Survey of a Typical A. O, n'In emT!0n Non-Strenc Relieved Weld Between welastw neenersh laboratory Forging and layer Riat,c Material
Datel 6/9/a f firaim pyt k d_
- 12 - t i l oriet FRL-D11 __
. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ l
i In 1937, two multi-layer veccels vere tested to destruction to establish infornation en the effect of stress relieving temperaturet upon multi-1crer conctruction. Each veccel vac built of 12 layerr,1/4 in. thich vrapped i
around a 1/2 in. inner shell giving a total vall thickness of 31/2 in.
Tne vescelo vere 19 2n. I.D. and approximately 7 ft. long. The vessels i were built of layers which came from identical sheets of steel, split in two at A. o. Smith co that one-half of each sheet van used on one vecoel, and the other half on the other vessel in identical positions. The princi-pal difference van that the vessel designated "A" vas not stress relieved whereas vessel "B" vno stress mileved at 1150'F. The stress relieving temlurature in vescel "B" van held for 31/2 hours; then cooled at the rate of Bo*F Ier hour. The average physical properties of the steel in the two vescelo, determined by test coupone cut from each plate were as shavn in the table belov. The test coupone for vessel "B" vore given the same stress relief ac the vessel.
Avernce phycical Properties of Steel in Veerels Coupons 0.2% Set Ultimate Elongation Remarks From Yield Str. Tensile Str. i n 6 in ._
Vescels (psi.) (psi.) @
"A" 39,770 58,845 29 5 Not Streno Relieved
. "B" 37,670 56,260 32 3 Strees Relieved The prescures and stresces at which the yielding and railute of the two vessels are listed below:
Stresses at Yield and Failure of the Vessels Veccel 0.2% Yield by Remarke Water Column Barst point Prencure Stress Pressure- Streco (poi) (pci) (psi) (pci)
"A" 13,400 43,100 18,800 60,400 Not Streoa Relieved "B" 11,500 37,000 17,375 55,900 Stasa Relieved e
It should be pointed out that the stmeses at yield and failure for the stress
. relieved vessel "B" are very close to the yield, and ultimate strength of the strees relieved test coupons. On the other hand, the stresses at yield and failure for vessel "A" are somewhat higher than the yield and ultimate strengthe for the non-streco relieved test coupons. It is believed that this my be due l to tin cold working of the steel in forming the shello.
l 13 - -
. , - , , _ - . - . . - . , . , _ _ .___.y .. __._, ,_y. , ,.m.. ,,,3.g , , . , ,.a ,y ,y9, . . , . , m .y .. ,
This experiment shoved that both the ctress relieved and not stress relieved vessels failed in a ductile maruler close to the calculated pressure levels. Also, the non stress relieved vessel was the stronger of the two.
Another test conducted on a trulti-layer vessel by the U. S. Navy demon-strates the inherent ductility in this type of construction.
In order to qualify for the non-shatterable requin ments of Navy Air Flasks, a multi-layer vessel was subjected to a banistic test at ihhlgren providing grounds. The vessel was 14-3/8 in. I.D. vith a 2-1/8 in. van thickness and a kB in. straight . Length. It was designed for 4500 psi pressure, using layer material I,imilar to ASIM A 225 Grade B, and a factor of cafety of 4 on the ultimate strength of the material. There were no nottle penetrations through the vall.
While charged with air at 3000 poi pressure the vessel was positioned on the firing range so that the longitudinal axis was perpendicular to the line of fire at a range of approximately 50 ft. The vessel vas subjected to the standard test of being hit by a 1.1 in. projectile. This projectile did not penetrate through the inner shell. It was then agreed to fire a 1mrger projectile (40 MM) at the vessel inmediately adjacent to the 1.1 in, hit. The 40 mm projectile penetrated the entrance vall and. projected through the exit vall without complete rupture or fragmentation of the tank.
This report and photographs are contained in Ba Ships letter S49 (5k8D)
Ser. #548-2506 of June 28, 1952 to A. O. Smith Corporation via INM, Milwaukee.
This test demonstrates that under impact multi-layer failure ic ductile.
In 1953, the A. O. Smith Corporation built two high pressure chemical reaction vessels for the Bemet Solvay Corporation, a division of Anied Chemical and Dye Corporation, located near Baffalo, New York. The n actors were built of multi-layer construction with a standard Bridgman closure at the top head. The vessel was 36 in. inside diameter,10 9/16 van thickness, designed for 7500 psi with VMS-W135, Special Grade A layers. The vessel was designed with a factor of safety of four (4) on the ultimate strength of the material. Five small nozzles penetrated the multi-layer van; the openings in the van vere 1-3/4 in, in diameter.
The two vessels vere enclosed by a 12 in. thich reinforced concrete cafety wall on three sides with the fourth side open to a large field and the top of the enclosure open to the atmosphere. A 12 in. concrete vall also sepa-q . rated the vertically supported reactors.
l l
4 Shortly after the petro-chemical plant vac placed into operation a failure j occurred in the cooling system reculting in a rise in temperature of the '
contents of the vescel, and a runnvny reaction occurred. There was an I instantaneous build-up of prescure vitbin the reactor to excessive propor- l tions, ectimated to be above 25,000 pai. The pressure blev the 2 in.
rupture disc, net for 12,000 psi, installed on the top end flange of the reactor. The gaseous discharge from the reactor caught fire. The fire was brou6ht under control with no injuries or loss of life to plant personnel.
Inspection of the reactor a few days later revenled only minor damage to the top head and copper gasket, and no damage to the multi-1syer shell.
The force of the explosion left 1/8 in. deep impressions of the main volting nute on the retsiner ring. After making the necessary minor repairs to the top head and installing a new gasket, the reactor was pinced back into operation and has been operating satisfactorily since 1953 Tuis accident demonstrates the ability of multi-layer constructionc with penetrations and weep holes to withstand an explosive type loading of at least three times the design pressure.
l 1
s j
V - OpDRTDG IDTIATIONS In order that the stress levels in the Saxton reactor vessel be maintained with.
in the safe limits for which it' was designed, certain limitations must be imposed on the vessel operation. These limitations am mlated to maximum anovable veep hole leakage, mitmm heatup and cooldcntn rates, and minimum hydrostatic test temperatures.
A. Veep Hole leakage The six weep holes drilled into the Saxton vessel multi-layer shen to carry off any leakage which could nault from a crack in the inner barrel, vin be piped to a sampling system for continuous monitoring. Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of the weep hole sampling system. Each of the sh veep holes, three of which are located near the upper girth seam, and three just above the lover girth seam are connected by 1/4 in. tubing and carried to a comon header line at the bottom end of the vessel. This header is then connected to a pm asure trancmitter vind to a pressure recorder and alam located on the panel in the
'nain control room. In series with the pmssure tmnsmitter is a pmssure relief valve set to open at 50 psig. The bicv-off line from this n11ef valve runs to the shielded plant container sump. This blev-off line also contains two valves, a local sampling valve located on a tee branch, and an isohtion valve which is normally locked upen. Both of these valves are hand operated.
If a leak should develope in the inner barmi during plant operation, the pressure acorder vin indicate a buildup in the pressure in the line between the inner shell and the pressure relief valve. If the pmssure continues to build up to 50 pois, the alarm vill sound in the control mom and the pressure relief valve vill open, allowing the leakage to pass to the plant container sump. The 50 psig precoure van chosen for the pmssure relief valve setting because it represents a pnssure von below the bursting pmssure of the outermont layer vrap.
Any leak of sufficient ==frMtude to open the relief valve and sound the pressure alarm vill be cause for bringing the plant to the " hot shutdown condition". During this condition of shutdown, the main coolant loop temperature and pmssure are maintained, but the reactor is screamed to zero power level. Plant operating personnel are then pemitted inside the plant container. The local sampling valve vi n then be opened, and the isolation valve which is nomally locked open, vin then be closed. A sample may then be taken fmn the local sampling valve to detemine the rate and magnitude of the-leak. A leak which exhibits an increasing rate vill be then considered cause for complete cold shutdown and emergency-repairs to the inner barni of the vessel shell.
B. Heat-up and Cool-down antes The desired heat-up and cool-down m te for the Sarton Plant has been estab-lishedat200'F/hr. Since the reactor . vessel is the component most severely 4
effected by rapid temperatum changes in the primry loop, the Saxton vessel has been analyzed by A. O. Smith to detemine the themal stresses in the veccel resulting from these temperature changes. The results of this analysis indicated that the themal stress is highest at the main bolting
. flange, but are vell within allovable safe limits. Since the highest themal stresses occur in the bolting flange and not in the shell, the problem of heat-up and cool-down mte for the Saxton vessel are exactly the same as for a solid vall vessel in the came application.
C. Wdroctatic Test Temperature The hydrostatic test temperature for both shop and initial field hydrostatic testing vill be set at a value at least 60*F above the nil ductility tempera-
+ure of the inner barrel and layer vrap material in the multi-layer shell.
The initial nil ductility temperatun of the multi-layer shell material vill be pre-determined by testing samples taken from the actual plates used in the manufacture of the Saxton multi-layer s' 'u, as described in Paragraph-IV D.
The hydrostatic test temperature for ten s onducted during various periods of plant life vill be determined based upou the nil ductility of the multi-1ayer shell material at that time. The nil ductility of the shell pInte material vill be determined at various periods of plant operation by testing shell plate camples which have been irradiated in the operating reactor as described in Paragraph IV D.
-... - .. = .... -. . -. - . . - -.- _ _ - . . . - - . . . _ _ _ _ - . - - . . . . . . - - . . . _ - . . _ - . - .
1 I
(IN) VES3EL WALL HEAD CIFCLE SEAM Inngitudinal Radial (MV-50266) scrubber Inside Dia. - 60" 1 1 1/2 h 3/h" ) (17' i Brown & Root Wall Thk. h" 2)) 2 6 )
7 7/8 (45*,90*
Design Presnure - 2nO psi 1 2 6 24 1/2" 337*
i De ign Temp. - 180*F 1 1 1/2 h 3/4 38" 27*
Installed - 1957 2) 2 6 ) 0,, (h5*,337*
- 1) 1 1/2 43/4 ) (17*
1 1h 27 T1" 180*
1 11/2 4 3/k 80" 27*
1 1 1/2 4 3/4 9'- 7" o' .
. 1 16 30 1/2 12'-7 1/2" 135*
- 1) 8 201/2 ) 73,- 6" (300
- 1) 10 18 ) (o* .
(M7-50162) Reactor Inside Dia. - 48" 6 8 n 3/4 15" - (30* ,90* ,150' .
Stearns-Rogers (SFERT III) Wall Thk. - 41/2" (210*,270*,330' Design Prt sure - 2500 psi l
@ Design Ter - 700*F 6 4 7 n '-8 1/2" 0*,60*,120*
, Installed - 1957 180*,2h0*,300* '
(MV-80004) Reactor Inside Dia. - 82" 2 6 10 3/h 7 1/h" 0*,180*
Westinghouse (HTIT) Wall Thk. - 2 1/2 1 8 12 3/h 12 1/h" 90* i Design Pressure - 650 psi Co. 2 6 10 3/4 32 1/h" 90*,270*
Design Te=p. - SoO*F 3 6 10 3/4 57 1/4" o* 90*,180*
1 Instaned - 1958 3 6 10 3/h 77 1/4" o*,90*,180*
2 6 10 3/h 97" 90*,270-i 2 6 10 3/h 9 '- 9 " 90*,135*
1 6 10 3/k 10'-n " 180* .
(MV-80014) Core Inside Dia. hT" . 4 5 3/16" 12 1/2 12'-5 3/h" o*,90*,180*
Westinghouse Corponent Wall Thk. - 4 7/8" 270* i Electric Co. Test vessel Design Pressure - 2580 psi i ,
Design Temp. - 650*F l
Instaned - 1959 , j i
i i
Icagitudinal Radial (Ki-1094) Gas Dehyd- Inside Dia. - 67" 1 12 171/h 18" 180*
i Fish Engineering rator Wall Thk. - 2.h91" 1 15 23 1/2 50" 90-j- Corp. Design Pressure - 1075 psi 1 15 23 1/2 16'- 8" 90* t j Design Temp. - LOO *F 1 15 23 1/2 o9 ' - 2 " 90*
Installation - 19h8 1 15 23 1/2 1'- 9" 90* j 1 12 171/4 43'- 0" 180*
(MV-1101) Cycle Gas Inside Dia. - Sh" 1 1 1/2 41/2 6" h5*
Hudson Scrubber Wall Tbk. - 3 3/16" 1 2 6 12" 135-Engineering Design Pressure - 1850 psi 1) 2 6 1g,, (180*
Co. Design Temp. - 125*F 1) 16 26 3/4 )) (225' .
Installation - 1948 1 10 161/4 6'- 6" O' 1 10 16 1/4 15'- 0" 90*
e' i
[3 (MV-1091) Inlet Surge Inside Dia. - 67" 1 12" 171/h 18" O*
, Fish Engineering Tank Wall Thk. - 2.491" 1 4" 7 1/2 36" O- .
1 Corp. Dasign Pressure - 1075 psi
- 1) 2" h3/h (180*
j Design Te:rp. - h00*F 1) 15" 231/2)1 5'- 0" (O'
- Installed - 19h8 1 4" 71/2 26'- 6" O' l 1) 6" 103/4? pg ,_ g., (180*
- 1) 12" 17 1/h j (O* ,
2 2" 4 3/h 29' 6" O*,180*
i (M7-3239) splitter insid- Dia. - 28" 3 1/2 3 1/2 ) 5,,
I Emery Industries Column Wall Thk. - 1 1/h" 1}1 1 6 1/4 ) (235' l Design Pressure - 800 psi 1 1 61/4 24" 225*
Design Terp. - 520*F h 1/2 31/2 72" 56*,69*,101*,129' Installation - 1954 3 1/2i 3 1/2 84" -
68 ,90*,113*
l This vessel also contains 15 additional connections varying in size i from 1/2" I.D. to h" I.D.
a .
CUSTOMER SERVICE NLHEER DTA. IN WITH Rwitdi 'IYJ TOP (IN) msm, WAIL HEAD CIFCLE SEAM Iongitudinal Radial (W-50227) Scrubber Inside Dia. - 108" 2) 3 6 ,, (225*,255*
Arabian American Wall Thk. - 5" 1) 2 51/2)1 (270*
af 011 Co. Design Pressure - 1250 psi 3 6 (133'
- 1) 72
Design Temp. - 650*F 1) 21 1/2 39 1/k )) (315*
Installed - 1957 1 3 6 83" 255*
1 18 311/2 14 ' - 7 " 180*
(Mv-50228) Scrubber Inside pic. - 84" 2) 3 5 1/2 ) 5" (21o*,255*
Arabian American Wall Thk. - 6 3/h 1) 2 6 1/2 ) (270*
Oil Co. Design Pressure - 2100 1 18 331/k 23" 315*
Design Temp. - 2OO*F 1 20 36 ) I ,,
Installed - 1957 1)1 3 51/2) (135*
1 3 51/2 77" (210" 1 16 30 13'-11" 255
', 180*
O(Mv-50229) Scrubber Inside Dia. - 72" 2) 3 5 1/2 5,,
(210",255' i
' Arabian American Wall Thk. - 15 13/16" 1) 2 6 3/8 )) (270* I Oil Co. Design Pressure - 2100 1 18 331/h 23" 315' .
Design Temp. - 200*F 1 16 30 73" 135* l Installed - 1957 2 3 5 1/2 77" .
210*,255' 1 11 7/8 27 1/2 13'-12" 180-(Mv-50265) Scrubber Inside Dia. - 79 1/2" 1 1 1/2 5 .' I;3h3* I Brown and Root Vall Thk. - 5 1/4" 1 2 61/2 10" L270*
Design Pressure - 2100 psi 1 3 9 3/4 I:325*
Design Temp. - 180*F 1 2 61/2 23 1/2" 22*
Installed - 1957 1 11/2 5 ho" 333*
1 2 61/2 47 1/2" 22*
1 1 1/2 5 52" 3h3' 1 16 31 3/4 76" 180*
1 1 1 1/2 5 82" . 333*
1 1 1/2 5 11'- 8" o'
, 1 16 31 3/4 12 '- 2" 135*
! 1) 10 203/h) 45'
, 1) ; 103/4 21 1 14 ' - 2" g.
DYE PENUTRANT - All dye penetrant incpections to be in accordance (MV-80016-PId-3 ) vith MV-80016-PId-3, and shall include base metal i
(Reference 2) for at least 1/2 in each side of conpleted veld.
! Record all defects.
! MAGNETIC PARTICLE - All magnetic particle inspectione are to be in (MV-80016-MT-3) accordance with MV-80016-MI-1. Record all defettr.
(Refen:nce 3)
-RADIOGRAPH - All radiograph inspections to be in uccordance with Section VIII 1959 (2f, sensitivity)
ULTRASONIC - Shell nozzle seams shall be inspected by the (MV-60016-UT-3) immersion method developed by A. O. Smith.
(Reference 5' Circle seams of the multi-laye2 .3 hell to the end flange and bottom head sha'l be inspected in acconiance with the procedura and techniques developed by A. O. Smith.
CLIANING - Ig er plates to be elsans in acec,wlance with (MV-80016-CL-1) A. O. 8sith cpecificatic MV-80016-Ot-1, Page 4.
(Reference 7)
Vessel assembly to be cleaned in accor!ance with A. O. Smita specification MV-80016-CL-1, Page 1-4.
WELDING - Detail velding for vesse2 to be in accordance with the following procedu m :*
l l W Inner Shell i W Iayers V-3 -'Dottom Head V End Flange j W Top Closure Read
- W Nozzles (N-12, N-13, N-14, and N-15)
W Thermal Shield W skirt 4
4 T
1 Manufacturing - Inspection Inspection Incpection Remarks
. Procedure Itr Std.
- 1. Inspect assembly and location of AOS Visual roundout rings in inner shell.
- 2. Inspect layer preparation prior is0S CL-1 to placing vraps on the vessel.
3 Inspect layerr for tightness and AOS/W_ LT-1 cleanliness. CL-1
- k. Wrap and tack layers onto shell. AOS/W_ Dryg.
Weld and clean (54) long seams SM 1 per ApD velding procedure W-2.
Contour chip and grind each long seam prior to wrapping next hyer.
Inspect contour with flexible gage.
5 Magnet 1.c particle inspect each AOS/W _ MT-3 layer c' veld on each long seam.
Reinspect spair areas.
- 6. Machinescarffor(C-2) seam AOS/W D:vg.
(End flg to shell circh sea =). _
SM 1 Seal veld scarf outside after gouge out on vrapped section and visually inspect.
7 Iayout and drill (6) 5/16 in. dia. AOS Drvg.
veep holes. Inspect location of SHEET 1 weep holes and record.
- 8. Remove two roundout disc from I.D. AOS Visual and grind. Inspect ground areas.
9 Assemble and tack veld end flange AOS Dryg.
to multi-layer shell at circle SHEET 3 seam (C-2). Check alignment and record.
- 10. Manual veld circle seam (C-2) to AOS W-2 depth of inner shell thickness plus 1-1/2 hyers per velding procedure W-2. Gouge out lip ran circle seam (C-2) inside and veld inside per W-2.
Manufacturing - Inspection Procedure Inspection
_- It/ Inspection hs Std. Pemarks Chip, grind and prepare circl e seam (C-2) inside and outside for radi graphic exam o- AOS circle seam (ination. Badiograph C-2 ASME plus 1-1/2 layers).through inner shell Code
- 11. Sect.
VIII velding procedure W-2 Alloy deposit circle seam insid e per Chip, peen and clean circle seam. outs W-2 trant inspect circle seam (ide. Dye pene-C-2) cora FTd-3
- 2. per AOS procedure (MV-80016-FM - 3) plete Iayout (4) connection openin gs N-12 N-13, N-14 and N-15, insulatio AOS/W n band support lugs Items,(6120 and 121 Item centering pads Drwg.
SHEET 1 117, and proof lines for (4 Item 44 key sea,ts.(2) Item 45and(4))
of layout. Check location Drill and gas multi-layer shell for connectionscut(4)openingsin AOS/W N-12, N-13, inspect. N-14 and N-15 and Dryg.
SHEEPS 1&4 Assemble and veld bleeder pressure and connections per AOS velding W-4.
e ure proc d AOS Grind (1) bleeder and (1 rrug.
pressure and ~ flush with face o)f SHEETS flange 1&3 W-4 Ln (4) connectionseposit to 250 INS 1 rind and buff I.D. of alloy d
- .n vicinity of the shell-nozzl finish AOS e veld. Visual
'ltrasonic inspect the shell-con ,
nection racedure MV-80016-UT-3. er AOS elds AOS/W by the ir.:mersion method p
Ur-3 i
15 inside for alloy deposit n andre AOS two outlet connections y N-12 a d eliminary i hey seats. face end flange, should er Drwg.
Manufacturing - Incpection Inspection Inspection Remarks Procedure By Std.
29 Finish face end flange and 1 in. radius. AOS Dryg.
Machine seats and bore I.D. to 59 004 in., Sht. 3 58 in., 56 in., and centering pads to 55 562 in. Scribe 75' bolt circle for drilling stud holes. Dimensionally inspect.
- 30. l>ye penetrant inspect'all surfaces in ADS M -3 end flange and ends of connections N '2 and N-15
- 31. Assemble and tack bottom head and multi- AOS Drug.
layer shell for circle seam (C-1). Sht. 1 Manual veld circle seam outcide to depth of inner shell plus 1-1/2 layers per ACS velding procedure W-2.
- 32. Gouge out circle seam inside (C-1) and AOS Dryg.
etch. Manual carbon veld per AOS veld- Sht. 1 ing specification W-2 and clean circle seam inside and chip and grind circle seal inside. Ohip, peen and prepare circle seam outside for radiograph.
33 Radiograph circle seam of bottom head AOS/W_ ASME Insurance and multi-layer shell (C-1) to depth Code Inspection ofinnershellplus1-1/2 layers. Sect.
- 34. Alloy depocit circle seam (C-1) inside AOS M -3 per velding procedure W-2. Dye penetrant inspect alloy depocit.
35 Radiograph circle seam (C-1) to include ADS /W_ ASME Insurance alloy deposit.
Code Inspection Sect.
- 36. Finish veld circle seam outside per ADS W-2
-welding procedure W-2 and ma6netic MT-3 particle inspect.
37 Ultrasonic inspect circle seam (C-1) A00/W UT-3 per AOS procedure UT-3
- 38. Turn build-up on bottom head outside ADS Drvg.
to 61 in dia. and 0.D. of head to 68- Sht. 3
.1/2 in. O.D. Dimensionally inspect.
Panufacturing - Inspection Inspection Inspection Remarks Procedure % Std.
39 Finish bore (9) adapter holes in ADS Dryg.
bottom head and ratch mark connections Sht. 4 and openings. Inspect dimensionally.
- 40. Pachine (4) key seats in shell flange AOS Dwg.
and layout 75 in. B.C. We penetrant Sht. 3 inspect key seats. PTd-3
- 41. Ieyout (33) 4 in, tapped holes and AOS Dryg.
counter-bore in end flange. nt w.n- Sht. 3 sionally inspect. ,
- 42. Pachine counterbore and spade drill, AOS Drvg.
ream and tap (33) 4 in. tapped holes Sht. 3 in end flange. Check threading with Go and No Go Gage.
43 Incate (3) alis' ment stud holes by index- &OS Drvg.
ing and counter-bore, drill, ream and tap. Sht. 3 Check with Go and No Go Gage. ,
h4. Assemble and tack (2) insu3ation band AOS Drug.
halves (Item 117) and (4) support lugs Sht. 8 (Item 120 and 121) to vessel.
45 Assemble and tack veld (9) 2-1/2 in. AOS Drug.
adapterc (Item 50) to bottom head. Sht. 4 Alloy veld adapters to bottom head PTd-3 inside. Grind and buff welds. Dye-penetrant inspect.
- 46. Clean out vessel inside and assemble AOS PTd-3 thermal shield. Alloy tack (4) alig-t pins. Remove thermal shield from vessel and alloy veld (4) alignment pins. Grind-and buff welds and dye penetrant inspect velds.
47 Assemble ar:* alloy veld test covers for AOS Dng.
N-12 to N-15 Sht. 4
- 48. Light sandblast interior surfaces with AOS CL-1 unused iron free quartz and clean out vessel. Black lite inspect interior of vessel, cover all openings to protect and maintain cleanliness.
Manufacturing - Inspection Inspection Inspection Remarks Procedure By Std.
49 Set up vessel and turn in (36) 4 in.
studs in end flange.
- 50. Assemble top closure head to end AOS/E Drug. Insurance flange and bolt for hydrotest using Sht. 1 Inspection tubular heaters in studs. Cover 2&7 all openings. Ifydrostatic test at 3750*
psi for one hour.
- 51. Detergent wash vessel interior with CL-1 AOS/E tri-sodium phosphate and flush until neutral with hot filtered tap vater.
Pickle interior with a nitric acid solution and flush until neutral with (
hot filtered tap water. Final rinse 1 vith clean demineralized water and
. dry out vessel.
- 50. Remove, inspect and protect top closure AOS CL-1
, head. Machine and scarf shell nozzle Drvg.
ends. Inspect scarf and protect. Sht. 4 53 Assemble and veld internal pipe asse=bly AOS PTd-3 to connections N-13 and N-15 Dye pene-trant inspect.
Sh. Re-assemble head. Trial fit-up of insula- Aos Drvg.
tion canning. Match mark shell canning Sht. 8 prior To shipment.
55 Final inspection, record as-built dimensions ADS /E Drug.
Sht. 1
- 56. paint with heat resistat paint and pre- AOS/E pare for shipment. Visual i
4 5
- . . _ _----- _- - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - )
- 1. L. R. Katz, E. A. Goldsmith. " Multi-layer Construction for the Saxton Reactor Vessel", WCAP-1391 (March 1, 1960)
. 2. A. O. Smith Corporation, " Nondestructive Testing Procedure -
Penetrant Testing for the Saxton Reactor Vessel", MV-80016-PTd-3 (July 15, 1960) 3 A. O. Smith Corporation, " Nondestructive Testing Pmeedurc -
Magnetic Particle Testing for the Saxtor. Reactor Vessel",
MV-80016-MT-3 (July 15, 1960)
- 4. A. O. Smith Corporation, " Nondestructive Testing Procedure -
Ultrasonic Testing - General", Technical Standards K-2 (May 5,1960) 5 A. O. Smith Corporation, " Nondestructive Testing Procedum -
Ultrasonic Testing of Nozzle Atcachment Welds and Circumferential Welds for the Saxton Beactor Vessel", XV-80016-UT-3 (July 15, 1960)
- 6. A. O. Smith Corporation, "Iayer Tightness Inspection Procedure for Multi-Iayer Construction for the Saxton Reactor Vessel",
MV-80016-LT-1 (July 21,1960) 7 A. O. Smith Corporation, " Cleaning Clad Lined Units and Iayer plates for the Saxton Beactor Vessel", MV-80016-CL-1 (July 21, 1960)
- 8. United States Department of Commerce, " Tentative Structural Design Basis for Reactor Pm ssure Vessels and Di m etly Ar.sociated Components", PB 151987 (December 1,1958) 9 B. F. langer, " Application of Stmas Concentration Factors" WAPD-BT-18 (April 1960)
- 10. A. O. Smith Corporation, " Tensile Test of Solid and Multi-Iayer Sect.'ons", Photograph 42503
- 11. R. E. Peterson, " Stress Concentration Design Factors" (1953) 4