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Forwards Corrected Page 2 to Amend 7,revising Paragraph Re Experience of Man Hired to Be Assistant General Manager
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/03/1961
From: Rees D
To: Edwards C
Shared Package
ML20083L048 List: ... further results
FOIA-91-17 NUDOCS 9110030076
Download: ML20085C546 (4)


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In addition to the Saxton staLff described in paragraph B and Tab 2e 3011 of Subsection 301 of the SKEC Final Safeguards Report, a Navy engineering officer, who has had broad experience in the submarine reactor field, is expceted to jo$n the Project )uior to reactor startup. This man, who is presently a lieutenant aciunander, is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy with a B.S. degree sad has attended the Butmarine School at New London, Connecticut. In addition to participating in the inspection, expediting, training an6 plant reliability n yiew of the USS Nautilus and its land-baped prototype, he qualified and participated as a Chief Operator of the land-based prototype. His submarine service includes a tour of duty vitt the first USS Naut!1us; Engineer Office, Executive Officer, Navigator, ma Operations Officer on the USS Skate; Executive Office on the USS Scorpion, and Engineering and Material Officer for Nuclear Powered Polaris Mwile firing submarines of Su1 marine Squadron 14. Experience during his tour of duty as Engineer Offictr of the USS Skate included setting a trans-Atlantic submerged speed record, cetting a submerged endurance reconi, and a subnerged transit under the ice to the North Pole. He vill be tio Assistant General Manager of the Saxton Project with primary responsibilities in the areas of training and operation.

  • The Radiation Protection Engineer vill come under the general supervision of the Supervisor of Reactor Plant Services who vill Jstablish policy as far as radiation limits and procedures are concerned. One of the test engineers who is a graduate engineer and attended courset; in besic radiological health and safety and reactor environmental health problems at the Robert A. Taft Banitary Engineering Center vill be available to assist with the health physics work and vill serve es 'a backup for the Radiation Prctection Engineer during his absence on account of sickness '

and vacation. A qualified health physics organir.atico vill also be reatined on a consulting basis.

4. Vestinghouse Startup Personnel Two technically qualified and experienced Westinghouse reactor operators vill supervise and train the Baxton personnel during the period of initial fuel loading, initial criticality, and core parametar measurements.

During this period, the twactor vill be operated on primarily a one-eWt basis. After the core safety parsaseters are obtained, the second shift may be used primarily for the training of operators. These men:will be 2nde available full time to the Saxton Project, approxiamately September 1,1961, '

in sufficient time to become licensed on the Saxton Reactor approximately one month prior to fuel loading and vill russin at Saxten"for at least two months after a sufficient number of Snxton supervisory pelrsonnel and operatort have been licensed to pemit round-the-clock operati'en at a substantial power level.

One of the men presently scheduled for this assignment is a graduate engineer with approximately five years' experience:in the nuclear reactor field. He has served as a twactor operations engineer for the Materials Testing Reactor and has had one year's experience as a licensed operator on the Westinghouse Testing Reactor. He also participated in the loading and startup for the Yankee. Atomic Plant for which hb obtained an operator's license. licensed to operate all three of the critical s assemblies at the Westinghouse Reactor .



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Dear Ibr. Rees:

l As a roeult of the meeting se June 2, iM1 vith personnel of 920 and Westinghouse, we have comeluded thac the following additional infen.stion will be required in order to coatstate our r,wiew of l

i your 'pplication for an operating licansa los' the Jaxton staretors

1. A diesessise of the teshetsal eeuyotenty at the orgaateattom to have respeesibility for esfe operaties d the Eastas raneter destas Laitial startmp and operettee at full power; feeloding the tashniaal sapablitties sf remeter superrteory and eyeraties peroommel. specifte ladiesties of the mueber ef such petsomul, their previous operattag experience on powr of testing i'entters, proposed duttaa and training for theos dutiae, med approximate lessth of time these individmete will be involud fn this phAet of .'esetor operation.


2. Procederse for pertedic testing of eestrol rod drive scram t apability; imeleitas parameters to be aboa1rved, frequency of caste, and the basis for sets.blieking the useptable l 11atte se ohnessed parameters.
3. An asammuy og the ved estve amehandas udah meterlate of sensementian ser eesh pers.
4 Psesedusas est abasking the bolted egatsumes antimes opening i et se W venant se tasses esmatemas en

. M eheM ese af Mia spectus, and thegtest des en spesse$ ens dusteg the edes thus tes AM essess opename ta =41 44.

5. Further detaile of the fuel red fabrication technieme which i

v111 lasure that ther , are ne gaps hetseen fuel pellete in the rods and the affects on reactor pert.ormance if rape are preseot between the pellete in the fuel nWo.


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Wr. D. R. toes 4. Pmeeourse aos shesking indivtamal fasi rods far Isak cishtness.

7. Psomedeses'esir ehestdde the miabal plattes em the As ta-cd esatam4 swee des proper thisknesa med for pia helse.

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Destas tid umsting, it one also omagested that the following itsee be 4P tm the Tosheimal spostriaatione edah are to be embaitted se part af the Samese appliaaties:

1. Ttsa ht$ yteesene trip setting dish initiates the closius of all ulves la H=am from the sestatassat vessel to the eswiros-nest.

2 The secondary system activity level alsrw potate.

1. "he boric acid concentrations at various resetor sperati e ran-ditions.

'. Iba scram trip points of tae reactor scram sli;aula .u .c3 1 t Table 203-5.

The 62tensation repeated should be submitted as an meendment to your applicaties. Aa original and two copies signed under oath or af fir-mation and forty conformed copias should be provided.

'incerely w rs, Director Pivistem of Licensing and Regulation est Geerse F. Tswebridge, Moshe med Trenduridge 1716 Ring Dutidies. Stk and M 8 tweets W.W.

Weakingtse 6, D. c.

Distribution _

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JUN 12


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