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Provides Addl Info Re 950327 Meeting Between Gpu & NRC Concerning Idea of Independent Inspector.News Article from Altoona Mirror Which Author Believe Accurately Represents Bedford County Commissioners Viewpoint Encl
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1995
From: Tydeman J
To: Alexander Adams
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9504190209
Download: ML20082K289 (3)


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l Jim Tydeman y- l 1402 Wall St.

Saxton PA 16678 April 6, 1995 Mr. Alexander Adams, Jr.

Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactors & Decommissioning Project Directorate Division of Project Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Washington DC 20555-0001 l i

Dear Mr. Adams:

I 1 am writing to provide some additional information relating to the meeting between GPU and the NRC on March 27, 1995. l The last presentation at that meeting was given by GPU's public relations representative, Mr. Ralph DeSantis (although Mr. DeSantis's part was not listed on the meeting agenda circulated prior to the meeting. Mr.

DeSantis stated that GPU had decided to "do" an Independent inspector. ,

The idea of an Independent inspector has been a proposal of our group '

(Concerned Citizens for SNEC Safety) and is supported by various governmental bodies and hundreds of local citizens. Mr. DeSantis stated that the decision to select an independent inspector was made by GPU because our group had not proposed anyone for consideration for the position.

GPU first seemed to accept the idea of an Independent inspector at a June 1993 meeting that included Mr. Hildebrand, Dr. Beverly Goode, and Mr. DeSantis of GPU; Jim Elder, Ernest Fuller and myself from CCSS Bedford County Commissioner Kim Coon; .and Saxton Borough Council members Guy Giornesto and Paul Hamman. What Mr. DeSantis failed to mention was i from that time until their meeting with the NRC on 3/27/95, GPU never made I a definite commitment to in' dependent inspections in fact at subsequent l meetings with our group and others, GPU seemed to back away from the idea. I As recently as January 10 of this year, Dr. Goode and Mr. DeSantis ,

stated at a meeting with our group and local officials that there was I resistance to the idea of independent inspection, apparently from one or more members of SNEC's Board of Directors. So, since June 1993 we have not seen any development of GPU's commitment to our proposal, but instead just the opposite.

It should also be noted that at the March 27 meeting with the NRC, Mr. DeSantis seemed to imply that the Bedford County Commissioners were

, involved in their (GPU's) selection process for the Independent inspector.

However, under direct questioning from Mr. Tom Dragoon, Mr. DeSantis admitted that the individual was selected unilaterally by GPU.

Furthermore, Mr. Hildebrand and Mr. DeSantis stated that the Bedford County Commissioners were " pleased" with the selection.

On March 28, I attended a meeting of the Bedford County Commissioners and asked them if they have given any formal approval to GPU regarding the selection of the Independent inspector. I was told by the Commissioners that they have not given any formal approval to GPU. I have included a 9504190209 950406 PDR ADOCK 05000146 I Q -


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b copy of the news article from the Altoona Mirror which I believe l Occurately represents the Commissioners' viewpoint.

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t I hope this letter clarifies some of the information presented to the j NRC at the March 27 meeting with GPU.

i Thank you for your time and consideration.

l l

J m Tydeman -


  • '=

b e Group seeks N'^

new inspector for Saxton work  :

By Beth N. Gray

  • structure remammg at the site. I input into the selection. The citi N Comminsion -is followed. .

For ne Mirror 'lhe citizens group representa-; zens were dismayed to learn the 1: According to a proposal now

~ N tive Jim Tydeman told commis- inspector would not be workingu before the state' Public Utility BEDFORD~- Concerned Citi- sioners this week, had under . full-time.  ;- . o Commission, theinspector will be rens for SNEC Safety is asking ' stood that its members and GPU ' Also, Tydeman suggested a tie ' allowed on the site at'any time' Bedfon1 County commissioners to officials would cooperate in in .made a Penn State oflicial: .andwillreport tothecountycom--

allo,w the group to pursue seeking selecting an independent, full ."less .an independent." Penn :.:missioners as oflen as the com- f an mdependent mspector for the time inspector to oversee the dis - State belonged to a consortium, missioners request, Coon said.

proposed nuclear dismantimg mantling. that, early in the plant's history, While the commissioners took I project.' Last month GPU announced . had a hand in its operation. no formal action on Tydeman's  :

General Public Utilities, owner that Rodger W. Granlund, certi . Commissioner Kim Coon dis-- request, commissioner Chairman  ;;I of the closed Saxton Nuclear Ex- fled health physicist and head of counted the long-ago association, . . Dick Rice said,"We did not take a .

i; r perimental Corp. plant in north- Penn State University's radiation ; saying the inspector's job is to stand on an inspector. Our com-'

. eastern Bedford County, is pro- safety program, will serve part- ensure that GPU's plan , for . mitment will be to work with you j

decommissioning - approved by . . . and stand behind ' you ' in

posing to dismantle,the reactor time as inspector. i i containment building, the final Tydeman said his group had no the federal Nuclear Regulatory health and safety matters." ll
