IR 05000295/1987026

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Insp Repts 50-295/87-26 & 50-304/87-27 on 870904-1008.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previous Insp Findings,Summary of Operations & Unit 2 Reactor Shutdown Due to Excessive RCS Leakage
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 10/14/1987
From: Hinds J
Shared Package
ML20235X256 List:
50-295-87-26, 50-304-87-27, NUDOCS 8710190274
Download: ML20235X266 (9)




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Report Nos. 50-295/87026(DRP);50-304/87027(DRP)

Docket Nos. 50-295; 50-304 License hos. DPR-39; DPR-48 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company P. O. Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 Inspection At: Zion, IL Inspection Conducted: September 4 through October 8, 1987 Inspectors: M. M. Holzmer P. L. Eng

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Approved B - M._ Hinds,'Jt, ief to . i 4. Bq Reacter Projects Section IA Date Inspection Summary Inspection on September 4 through October 8,1987 (Report No /87026(DRP); 50-304/87027(DRP))

Xieas Inspected: Routine, unannounced safety inspection of licensee action on previous inspection findings; summary of operations; Unit 2 reactor shutdown due to excessive reactor coolant system leakage; operational safety verification and engineered safety feature (ESF) system walkdown; surveillance observation; maintenance observation; licensee event reports (LERs); training; j

. Temporary Instruction (TI) 2515/84, verification of compliance with order regarding Event V valves; and September 30, 1987 management meeting in Region II Results: Of the 9 areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie .

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PDR ADOCK 05000295 -





Nb i t,y L DETAILS

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1. - Persons Contacted 3:1 1*G. Plim1, Station Manage , *E. Fuerst, Superintendent, Pr;oduction-

'*T. Rieck, Superintendent, Services


W.- Kurth, Assistant Station Superintendent, Operations R..~ Johnson,. Assistant Station Superintendent,- Maintenance-J. Gilmore, Assistant Station. Superintendent, Planning


  • R. Budowle, Assistant Station Superintendent, Technical Services
  • L.-Pruett, Unit 1 Operating Engineer N. Valos, Unit 2 Operating Engineer M. Carnahan, Training' Supervisor R .Cascarano, Technical. Staff Supervisor


C.. Schultz; Regulatory Assurance Administrator V. Williams,. Station Health Physicist-

  • J. Ballard, Quality Control Supervisor-
  • W. Stone, Quality Assurance Supervisor
  • T. Printz, Assistant Technical Staff Supervisor

'*M..Madigan,.In-Service Testing Coordinator

  • B. Soares, Technical Staff Engineer
  • L. Holden, Regulatory Assurance Enginee *J. Tiemann,: Primary Group Leader, Technical Staff
  • M. Pigon, Technical Staff Engineer

-*F. Lentine, PWR Licensing S iervisor

  • J.? Johnson, Westinghouse Site Representative
  • Indicates persons present at exit intervie . Licensee Actions on Previous Inspection Findings (92701, 92702)

(Closed) Unresolved Item (295/85020-02; 304/85021-01) Variations in processing license amendments. .This item addressed two instances where the licensee implemented changes to its management organization and reactor containment fan cooler (RCFC) damper surveillance prior to revision of the pertinent Technical Specifications. Subsequent to the licensee's response, dated August 28, 1985, to these items, proposed Technical Specification amendments regarding the licensee's management

, organization and RCFC damper surveillance were submitted by the licensee and the NRC on September 24, 1986, and August 17, 1987, )

respectively. The inspectors stated that licensees are required to (

. conduct plant operations in accordance with the facility Technical {

Specifications. The licensee acknowledged the inspectors' commen i This item is considered close (0 pen)Open' Item-(295/87006-04;304/87007-03) Revise procedure PM-017-1N to avoid safety-related snubbers being disconnected in violation of technical specifications. The licensee stated by means of LER 295/87003-01, revised on August 5, 1987, that some additional corrective ;

actions have been complete Specifically, TSS 15.6.48 has been updated '

to include the snubbers required for Modes 5 and 6 operation. This item will remain open pending revision of licensee procedure PM-017-I ____-_-_ _ -

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s (Closed);0 pen . Item (295/87017-02). Review of System Materials Analysis



Department (SMAD) report and determination by licensee of failure of J


.1A diesel _ generato'r on' August-12,1987. The inspector reviewed the SMAD report lwhich evaluated the failure mechanism for the 1A diesel

  • , . generator. fuel pump. . The. report concluded that bolt failure was'not

.due to bolt defects;; consequently, the' licensee concluded that the root causeiof fuel pump failure was loosening of the bolts holding the fuel



b pump assembly to- the ' diesel- generato .


. No' violations or deviations were identifie '

'i 1 Summary of Operations 1 F, Unit 1



i The unit-operated for the entire. inspection period at power levels-up-to-  !


' Unit 2 The unit began the inspection period in Mod'e l'and operated at power

. levels up to 99% until October 2, 1987, when the unit was-brought to hot-

'c shutdown in order to repair two;1eaking pressurizer spray valve Circumstances related to the shutdown are described in paragraph 4 of this. report.. .The pressurizer spray valves were repaired on October 3, 1987,'and the unit.was-tied to the grid'on October 3, 198 No violations or deviations were identified.-


- Unit 2 Reactor Shutdown To Repair Pressurizer Spray Valve Packing Leakage.-


On October 1, 1987, at approximately.5:00 PM (CDT), with Unit 2 at 99%

power,.the reactor operator noted that the reactor coolant system (RCS)  !

leak rate had increased to. greater than one gpm. By 5:45 PM.(CDT), the '


licensee had estimated the leak rate to be approximately five gpm. Leak identification and leak rate quantification were hampered by charging system flow control problems associated with the erratic behavior of

'2FCV-121, the charging pump discharge header flow control valve. Other minor' leak paths had also been identified earlier in the unit's cycle, i.e., 2A steam generator (SG) tube leakage of about 115 gallons per day (gpd),andleakageassociatedwiththesafetyinjection(SI)coldleg pressure isolation valves (PIVs).

The 2A SG tube leak was first identified on August 20, 1987, and was

. originally estimated to be approximately 114 gpd. Upon identification, the licensee. implemented shiftly sodium isotopic analyses and periodic readings on a nitrogen-16 detector taken every four hours. Radiation readings from the 2A steam line and the steam jet air ejector on the condenser were also monitored for evidence of increased tube leakag To date, the SG tube leak rate has been between 115 and 135 gp _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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The safety. infection cold leg PIV . leakage manifested itself by pressurizing the SI pump discharge header to pressures as high as 1750 psi. This pressurization caused sporadic lifting of.the relief valves on the SI pump discharge piping, which relieve to the

. pressurizer relief tank (PRT). Leakage external to the relief valves attributed to the leaking PIVs was estimated to be as high as~0.31 gp The RCS leak rate on October 1, 1987, could not be attributed to.either the 2A SG tube leak or the SI PIV On October 1, 1987, at approximately 10:00 PM (CDT), the licensee made a containment entry and determined that the source of RCS leakage was a packing leak on one of the two pressurizer spray valves, 2RC-07. The other pressurizer spray valve, 2RC-06, had exhibited excessive leakage apparently due to blown packing on September 7,1987, and had subsequently been isolated as allowed by plant procedures; therefore, both spray valves were effectively inoperable. The licensee commenced an orderly shutdown at 10:15 PM (CDT), and the unit was taken off the grid at approximately 1:56 AM (CDT) on October 2. The reactor was manually tripped at 2:12 AM (CDT) as required by normal plant shutdown procedures and all safety related equipment functioned as require Repair activities associated with the pressurizer spray valves are addressed in paragraph 7 of this repor No violations or deviations were identifie . Operational Safety Verification and Engineered Safety Features System Walkdown (71707 & 71710)

The inspectors observed control room operations, reviewed applicable logs and conducted discussions with control room operators from September 4 through October 8, 1987. During these discussions and observations, the 4 inspectors ascertained that the operators were alert, fully cognizant of )

plant conditions, and attentive to changes in those conditions, and took i prompt action when appropriate. The inspectors verified the operability )

of selected emergency systems, reviewed tagout records and verified '

proper return to service of affected components. Tours of the auxiliary l and turbine buildings were conducted to observe plant equipment ,

conditions, including potential fire hazards, fluid leaks, and excessive !

vibrations and to verify that maintenance requests had been initiated for *

equipment in need of maintenanc The inspectors by observation and direct interview verified that selected physical security activities were being implemented in accordance with the station security pla The inspectors observed plant housekeeping / cleanliness conditions and ;

verified implementation of radiation protection control From


September 4,1987, to October 8,1987, the inspectors walked down the accessible portions of the containment spray and safety injection piping systems, the safety-related 4 KV buses and selected 480 V ESF motor i control centers to verify operability, i

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These reviews and observations were conducted to verify that facility operations were in conformance with the requirements established under Technical Specifications,10 CFR, and administrative procedure No violations or deviations were identifie . Monthly Surveillance Observation (61726)

The inspectors reviewed Technical Specification required surveillance test results on the containment spray system and determined whether testing was performed in accordance with adequate procedures, whether test instrumentation was calibrated, whether limiting conditions for operation were met, whether removal and restoration of the affected components were accomplished, whether test results conformed with technical specifications and procedure requirements and were reviewed by personnel other than the individual directing the test, and whether any deficiencies identified during the testing were properly reviewed and resolved by appropriate management personne The inspector witnessed portions of TSSP-74-87, "SI Cold Leg Check Valve Leak Test." This test was performed to demonstrate the capability of valves 2SI-9001 A - D following determination by the inspector that a valid back-leakage test for these valves had not been performed during Unit 2 startup activities following refuelin Inspector observations associated with performance of this test are discussed in inspection report 295/87032; 304/8703 The inspector also reviewed the results of radiography conducted to verify that valves 2SI-9012 A - D were installed and intact. This review followed the determination by the inspector that a valid test to determine whether the valves were performing their pressure isolation function had not been performed during Unit 2 startup activities following refueling. Inspector observations associated with performance of this test are also discussed in inspection report 295/87032; 304/8703 No violations or deviations were identifie . Monthly Maintenance Observation (62703)

Station maintenance activities on safety-related systems and components listed below were observed or reviewed to ascertain whether they were conducted in accordance with approved procedures, regulatory guides, and industry codes or standards, and in conformance with Technical Specification The following items were considered during this review: the limiting conditions for operation were met while components or systems were removed from service; approvals were obtained prior to initiating the

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work; activities were accomplished using approved procedures and were inspected as applicab'le; functional testing and/or calibrations were performed prior to returning components or systems to service; quality !

control records were maintained; activities were accomplished by qualified personnel; parts and materials used were properly certified;

. radiological controls were implemented; and fire prevention controls were implemente Work requests were reviewed to determine the status of outstanding jobs and to assure that priority is assigned to safety-related equipment maintenance which may affect system performanc The following maintenance activity was reviewed:


Repair of Pressurizer Spray Valve 2RC-07 As noted in' paragraph 4 of this report, two pressurizer spray valves, 2RC-06 and 2RC-07, were determined to be leaking. Discussions with members of the plant staff revealed that both valves had been repacked ,

during the last outage. The licensee also stated that the corresponding '

valves in Unit I had previously been repacked during a recent refueling outage and were discovered to be leaking shortly after unit startup. The

. licensee indicated that efforts to investigate the compatibility between the valve. packing material and the valve itself were being pursue I Determination of the cause of pressurizer spray valve leakage exhibited shortly after.the valves had been repacked is considered an open item ;

.(295/87026-01; 304/87027-01).

Following the completion of maintenance on 2RC-07, the inspector verified that the valve had been returned to service properl t No violations or deviations were identified. One Open Item was l identifie L I Licensee Event Reports (LERs) Followup (92700) j i

Through direct observations, discussions with licensee personnel, and review of records, the following event reports were reviewed to determine ,

that deportability requirements were fulfilled, immediate corrective j action was accomplished, and corrective action to prevent recurrence had )

.been accomplished in accordance with Technical Specifications. The LERs j listed below are considered closed: l l

UNIT 1 l

LER N DESCRIPTION 87003-01 Inoper ible Safety-Related Snubber,1RHRS-1129, on the I


Residual Heat Removal System Due to Personnel Error 87009 Safety Injection Due to Main Steam Isolation Valve Deenergization Miscommunication l

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87014 Essential Heat Trace Deenergized on Boric Acid System


Due to a Policy Misunderstanding and Deficient Procedure 87015 Inoperable Residual Heat Removal Train Due to a Pump i Suction Isolation Valve Out of Service UNIT 2 LER N DESCRIPTION  !


87003 Autostart of Reactor Containment Fan Cooler due to Personnel Error l

87004- Reactor Trip Breaker Trip Due to Removal of Dummy Loads During Test 87005 Reactor Trip Breaker Trip Actuation due to Inadequate Test Procedure 87006 Inadvertent Injection from Safety Injection Pump to the Reactor Coolant System During Periodic Check Valve Leak Testing 87007 Autostart of 2A Auxiliary Feedwater Pump During Test Due to Misalignment of Relay Contact With regard to LER 295/87003-01, investigation of this event is being tracked by open items identified in inspection report 295/87006; 304/87007. (See paragraph 2 for additional details.)

With regard to LER 295/87009, investigation of this event resulted in two' violations, which are discussed in inspection report 295/8701 With regard to LER 295/E/014, investigation of this event is being tracked by unresolved item 295/87017-0 With regard to LER 295/87015, investigation of this event resulted in t issuance of violation 295/87017-0 With regard to LER 304/87003, investigation of this event is being  ;

tracked by unresolved item 304/87018-0 With regard to LER 304/87004, investigation of this event is being tracked by unresolved item 304/87018-0 With regard to LER 304/87005, investigation of this event is being tracked by unresolved item 304/87018-0 With regard to LER.304/87006, investigation of this event resulted in a violation issued in inspection report 295/87032; 304/8703 With regard to LER 304/87007, investigation of this event is being tracked by unresolved item 304/87019-0 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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No violations or deviations were identified.

, Training (41400)

During the inspection period, the inspectors reviewed abnormal events and unusual occurrences which may have resulted, in part, from training

, deficiencies. Selected events were evaluated to determine whether the l classroom, simulator, or on-the-job training received before the event f was sufficient either to have prevented the occurrence or to have l- mitigated its effects by recognition and proper operator actio Personnel qualifications were also evaluated. In addition, the inspectors determined whether lessons learned from the events were incorporated into the training program. The inspectors noted that corrective action in response to findings in the previous resident inspection report had been addressed in a memorandum to shift supervisors from the Assistant Superintendent of Operation One annual Nuclear General Employee Training (NGET) session was attended by the resident inspecto No violations or deviations were identifie . Temporary Instruction 2515/84, " Verification of Compliance with Order for Modification of License: Primary Coolant System Pressure Isolation (Event V) Valves" (25584)

Inspection efforts associated with the subject temporary instruction were combined with inspection efforts associated with Generic Letter 87-06,

" Periodic Verification of Leak Tight Integrity of Pressure Isolation Valves." Investigation revealed that, contrary to the assertions made in GL 87-06, the licensee did not receive an order which specifically delineated which valves were to be tested as Event V valves. Also, specific valve test acceptance criteria were not imposed on the license The inspection findings associated with the licensee's program for verification of the integrity of pressure isolation valves and Event V valves are discussed in detail in inspection report 295/87032; 304/8703 Evaluations of potential violations associated with this issue are also contained in that repor . Management Meeting (30702)

On September 30, 1987, a management meeting was held between members of the licensee's site and corporate staffs and the NRC Region III staff in the Region III offices in Glen Ellyn, Illinoi The meeting was held to discuss the licensee's evaluation of Zion Station's recent performance and its efforts and programs to improve performance. The meeting was a followup to a January 1987 meeting, in which the licensee initially identified its concern with possible declining station performance and its plans to address this concer The licensee emphasized the low number of reactor trips and the high percentage of operation time at Zion during the first nine months of 1987. The licensee also pointed o J the significant reductions in LERs,



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potentially significant events, personnel errors, unplanned ESF l actuations, and red phone calls. The licensee noted its improvement in 1 the areas of personnel contaminations and radiation exposure. The {

licensee discussed the reasons for the improvements, highlighting a {

number of new programs and the station's general emphasis on error-free j operatio Mr. Norelius acknowledged the licensee's improvements and stated that the NRC looked forward to further progres No violations or deviations were identifie . Open Items j l

Open Items are matters which have been discussed with the licensee, which I will be reviewed further by the inspector, and which involve some action on the part of the NRC or licensee or both. One Open Item disclosed during this inspection is discussed in paragraph ,

13. Exit Interview (30703)

The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)

throughout the inspection period and at the conclusion of the inspection on October 8,1987 to summarize the scope and findings of. the inspection activitie The licensee acknowledged the inspectors' comments. The inspectors also discussed the likely informational content of the !

inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the I inspectors during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such documents or processes as proprietary.


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