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February 22, 2011, Summary of Pre-application Meeting with Carolina Power & Light and Representatives Regarding Upcoming BWR Boraflew License Amendment Request W/ Public Meeting Slides
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/21/2011
From: Mozafari B
Plant Licensing Branch II
Mozafari B, NRR/ADRO/DORL, 415-2020
Shared Package
ML110730132 List:
TAC ME5719
Download: ML110730138 (33)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 April 21, 2011 LICENSEE: Carolina Power & Light Company FACILITY: Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1




On February 22, 2011, a Category 1 public meeting was held between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and representatives of Carolina Power & Light Company (the licensee), at the NRC, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike in Rockville, Maryland.

The purpose of the preapplication meeting was to discuss the new criticality analysis for the forthcoming Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 (HNP), boiling-water reactor (BWR)

Boraflex license amendment request. No regulatory decisions were requested nor made at the meeting. The list of meeting attendees is included in Enclosure 1. The presentation slides provided by the licensee, including an agenda, are included in Enclosure 2.

Discussion - The licensee, along with its staff from Holtec, presented information (Enclosure 2) on the following topics:



A description of the HNP fuel pools, spent fuel storage, and the unique concerns related to Boraflex were discussed.

2. License Amendment Request Scope: The amendment request scope for the forthcoming HNP BWR Boraflex license amendment includes a new criticality analysis, new limitations of fuel designs permitted for storage, and administrative controls. The new methodology used for depletion analysis (CASMO-5) and rack analysis (MCNP5) were discussed.
3. Specific Methodology Topics: Detailed information was presented regarding the methodology for development of the axial burnup and void profiles. The approach for addressing rack interfaces was explained by the licensee. The statistical approach used to extend the analysis to the incomplete data was explained in detail.

4 . Schedule: The applicant plans to submit the BWR Boraflex license amendment request by August of 2011. Throughout the presentation, the NRC staff provided questions to the licensee and participated in discussion about the topics covered in the presentation .

The NRC staff did not agree with the licensee's approach to the new criticality analysis and methodologies. The NRC staff did note that previous requests for additional information provided for the withdrawn HNP BWR Boraflex license amendment request (Agencywide Document s Access and Management System Accession No. ML102670004) should be considered and that an extensive NRC review would be required due to certain aspects of the analysis being new and different from

-2 previously approved methods. The NRC staff expressed concern about the licensee's use of CASMO-5 instead of CASMO-4, which is approved for use by the NRC. The NRC staff also expressed concern about the statistical approach to building profiles for fuel types with incomplete data.

No members of the general public were in attendance. Public Meeting feedback forms were not received .

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-2020 or


Brenda Moza!ar;, ~~

Plant Licensing Branch 11-2 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-400


1. List of Attendees
2. Meeting Slides (Public) cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv

LIST OF ATTENDEES FEBRUARY 22, 2011, MEETING WITH CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY REGARDING THE REVISED CRITICALITY ANALYSIS AND UPCOMNG LICENSING SUBMITTALS FOR SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 NAME TITLE AFFLIATION Nakanishi, Tony Reactor Systems Engineer U.S . NRC Wood, Kent Team Leader U.S. NRC Wong, Emma Chemical Engineer U.S. NRC Bass , Kimberly Licensing Engineer Progress Energy Corlett, Dave Licensing Supervisor Progress Energy Anton , Stefan Vice President of Engineering Holtec, IntI.

Majumdar, Debu Program Manager Holtec, IntI.

Brukner, Bret Nuclear Eng ineer Holtec, IntI.

Marsh , Gary Reactor Engineer Progress Energy Geyer, Eric Lead Engineer Progress Energy Baksa, David Senior Nuclear Engineer Progress Energy Mozafari, Brenda Senior Project Manager U.S . NRC Loomis, Tom Public Member (Corporate) Exelon Enclosure 1

Preapplication Meeting NRC Office - One White Flint North Rockville, Maryland February 22, 2011 NON-PROPRIETARY Enclosure 2

  • Progress Energy
  • David Baksa, Nuclear Fuels Engineer
  • Kim Bass, Licensing Engineer
  • Dave Corlett, Supervisor, Licensing & Regulatory Programs
  • Eric Geyer, Nuclear Fuels Engineer

<> Gary Marsh, Nuclear Reactor Engineer

  • Holtec
  • Stefan Anton, VP of Engineering
  • Bret Brickner, Nuclear Criticality Engineer
  • Debu Majumdar, Program Manager-Engineering Analysis




~ Progress Energy

  • Opening Remarks and Meeting Objectives
  • Background
  • License Amendment Request Scope
  • Specific Methodology Topics
  • Summary
  • Schedule
  • Closing Remarks



~ Progress Energy

  • Overview of spent fuel management & Boraflex degradation at Harris
  • Overview of new criticality analysis & methodology
  • Specific methodology topic review NRC feedback
  • This presentation represents the License Amendment Request plans for preparation and submittal


~ Progress Energy

  • Began power operations in 1987
  • 900 MWe
  • 3-Loop Westinghouse PWR
  • 4-Unit fuel pool capacity (A, B, C, D); only one unit built


~ Progress Energy

  • Harris fuel pools provide storage for:
  • New and used PWR fuel from Harris
  • Used PWR fuel from Robinson
  • Used BWR fuel from Brunswick
  • BWR fuel storage in borated pools is unique to Harris


~ Progress Energy

  • Used fuel shipping program has ended
  • Harris fuel racks use various neutron absorber materials:
  • PWR (Boraflex, Boral, Metamic)
  • BWR (Boraflex, Boral)


~ Progress Energy

  • Boraflex degradation is known and documented
  • Harris License Amendment 121 removed credit for Boraflex and approved burnup and soluble boron credit for the PWR Boraflex racks in 2006
  • LAR purpose is to remove credit for Boraflex for the BWR Boraflex racks


. ~ Progress Energy

  • Total BWR assemblies:
  • Total BWR Boraflex storage locations:

Spent Fuel Pool A

  • Three (3) 11 x11 BWR Boraflex racks
  • Manufacturer: Westinghouse
  • Rack Type: Eggcrate
  • SpentFuelPoolB
  • Five (5) 11 x11 BWR Boraflex racks
  • Manufacturer: Westinghouse
  • Rack Type: Eggcrate



~~ Progress Energy

  • New BWR criticality analysis with no Boraflex credit
  • Burnup credit
  • Minimum required discharge cooling time
  • Limited fuel designs (GE3-GE7) permitted for storage
  • Older, less enriched, less complex, axially uniform designs
  • Provides ample number of candidates for storage
  • Each fuel type analyzed and qualified separately
  • Administrative controls assure compliance
  • Fuel movement unlikely after loading compliance with license amendment
  • Harris BWR fuel population is static
  • No reason to relocate fuel within racks


~~ Progress Energy

GE3 I 7x7 o o 1.1 - 2.1 I 0 4.9 - 27 I 29 or 34 GE4 8x8 o 1 2.1 - 2.7 0 12 - 28 II 26 or 27 GE5-GE7 8x8 o 2 2.8 - 3.2 6 inch 21 - 38 I 16 or 21




~~ Progress Energy

  • CASMO-5 depletion analysis
  • Dedicated calculation for each axial node
  • Geometry specific to each fuel type
  • Conservative operating parameters
  • MCNP5 3D rack analysis
  • Fuel type specific geometry
  • Fuel type specific axial burnup and void profiles
  • ENDF/8-VII cross sections

<> Consistent between CASMO-5 and MCNP5

  • Fission products modeled explicitly - no lumped fission products



~~ Progress Energy

Axial burnup and void profiles Demonstration of no adverse rack interface impacts




~~ Progress Energy

  • Axial Burnup and Void Profiles
  • Appropriate burnup and void selected for each node
  • Based on large sample from Brunswick plant records
  • Sample does not include every assembly e Conservative statistical approach employed to extend incomplete data to all fuel assemblies
  • Profile population and extension
  • Nominal profile selection and application
  • 95/95 bounding profile selection and application
  • Profile probability distribution check



~~ Progress Energy

Axial Burnup and Void Profiles Profile Population

  • Burnup group classification

+ Group 18: Once burned fuel profiles grouped for application to once burned fuel (e.g., initial core first cycle discharge fuel)

+ Group 28: Twice or more burned fuel profiles grouped together for remaining fuel

  • Profile grouping based on blanket presence
  • GE7 "2B" burnup and void history profiles
  • EOC fuel profiles retrieved from four complete full cores
  • "28" profiles


~~ Progress Energy

Axial Burnup and Void Profiles Profile Population GE3 and GE4 burnup profiles

  • Discharge fuel profiles retrieved from four complete eighth cores
  • * "18" GE3 profiles and. GE3 and GE4 "28" profiles
  • Equivalent whole core sample size due to core symmetry
  • "18" profiles
  • "28" profiles
  • Constructed GE3 and GE4 void history profiles
  • GE3 and GE4 void history profile records not retained
  • Basis: _ "18" GE8 through GE10 and GE7 "2B" burnup and void pr5liTes from 4 complete cores
  • TH analysis used to establish appropriate GE3 and GE4 1 8 and 28 void profiles based on GE7/8/9/10 profiles


~ Progress Energy

Axial Burnup and Void Profiles Nominal Profile Selection and Application

  • Nominal void and burnup profiles selected as more conservative of the mean or median of the profile population by node
  • Any distribution asymmetry about mean accounted for as a bias
  • Largest void, lowest burnup of median or mean selected
  • Nominal burnup profile will be renormalized to 1.0
  • Nominal void and burnup profiles will be baseline reference for MCNP uncertainty calculations
  • Base k-eff will be calculated with more limiting of flat or nominal burnup profile
  • Flat burnup profile will be paired with nominal void profile



~ Progress Energy

Axial Burnup and Void Profiles 95/95 Bou'nding Profile Selection and Application

  • 95/95 bounding void and burnup profile selection
  • One sided tolerance interval is < 2 standard deviations for profile sample sizes

() 95/95 profiles will be conservatively defined as no less than 2 standard deviations from the mean

  • 95/95 bounding void and burnup profiles will be assumed 1000/0 correlated
  • Conservative to assume low burnup and high void are coincident in every node Uncertainty due to burnup and void profile uncertainty will be determined together as a single k-eff uncertainty


~ Progress Energy

1.4 1.2 I ~ ~ 1!3 ~ I!l iii ~ iii -fiL:.-.

~ ~ ~

1.0 I 7~ I +/- ii1 o Mean c..

E 0.8

J )

)!l 1:

  • Median co Q)


/+ - - - - -


Q) 0.6 I ~

- --Nominal

+ Mean-2 Sigma 0.4 I 1 Minimum 0.2 - + - - J i 1 f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I j; - -Void History 0.0 I " ....... '

o 5 10 15 20 25 Axial Node(1= Top)


~ Progress Energy

0.8 0.7

+/- +/-


0.6 r

c g t.)


~ + Mean + 2 Sigma +/-


~ 0.4

.9 II) - Maximum I

~ 0.3

  • Median

~ +

0.2 o Mean

-Nominal 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Axial Node (1 = Top)


~ Progress Energy

0.8 0.7 I ::: _ _ __

0.6 I -~ -~

c gu 0.5



~ 0.4 I -GE7-10 2B Nominal



I - - GE72B Nominal

~ 0.3


0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Axial Node (1 = Top)



~~ Progress Energy

f) The proportion "p" of data known to be within the sample size (less than max void or greater than min burnup) at 950/0 confidence will be determined based on NonParametric (distribution free) statistics

  • The distribution free one sided tolerance interval for this proportion of data at 950/0 confidence is the number of standard deviations by which the max void or min burnup deviates from the mean at each axial node
  • A smaller distribution free one sided tolerance interval (K_NP p/95) than that for a normal distribution (K p/95) indicates the profile distribution is more peaked than a normal distribution at an axial node (conservative) o Otherwise, K 95/95 will be increased consistent with nonparametric result
  • K 95/95 will in no case be established as less than 2 standard deviations


~~ Progress Energy

  • Demonstration of no adverse rack interface impacts
  • PWR Boraflex rack interface
  • BWR Boral rack interface


~~ Progress Energy

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  • PWR rack burnup and boron credit approved in 2006
  • Limiting condition established by PWR rack analysis of record for BWR Boraflex rack interface
  • BWR Boraflex rack burnup and boron credit assumed
  • Reference assembly analyzed in BWR Boraflex rack with no credit for Boraflex
  • Reference assembly is fresh GE13 lattice with no part length rods or blankets at 1.5 wlo uniform enrichment
  • Limiting condition is K-eff of reference assembly in degraded BWR Boraflex rack
  • K-eff of fuel qualified for storage will meet the limiting condition


~ Progress Energy

  • BWR Boral racks do not credit burnup or boron
  • BWR Boral racks are currently qualified to store GE3 through fresh GE7 fuel designs ~ 3.2 wlo
  • BWR Boraflex to BWR Boral rack interface will be explicitly analyzed to demonstrate no increase in BWR Boral rack reactivity


~~ Progress Energy

  • BWR Boraflex rack LAR will be supported by rigorous criticality analysis crediting burnup and soluble boron and no credit for Boraflex
  • Axial profiles will bound qualified fuel types at 95/95
  • NRC feedback requested No adverse impact to rack interface will be demonstrated
  • NRC feedback requested
  • Questions or other concerns?


~~ Progress Energy

  • LAR submittal targeted for August 2011
  • August 2012 approval requested


PKG ML110760132 Notice ML110360497 Summary ML110730136 OFFICE LPL2-2/PM LPL2-2/LA SRX8/8C LPL2-2/8C LPL2-2/PM NAME BMozafari RSoia AULses (SMiranda for) DBroaddus (SLingam for) BMozafari DATE 03/15/11 03/15/11 03/16/11 04/21/11 04/21/11