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Advises That Licensee Considers 800320 Deficiency Rept Final.No Addl Action Planned Unless Required by New Info
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek, Callaway, Sterling  Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/1980
From: Petrick N
To: Robert Carlson
Shared Package
ML19309G624 List:
SLNRC-80-19, NUDOCS 8105080239
Download: ML20003H960 (1)


I l .

.i SNUPPS Standardisad fluttser Unit 4

Power Plant System (

5 Choke Cherry Ro,d Nicholas A.Petrick Rockvilfe. Ma yfend 20350 Executive Director (301) PC94010 April 18, 1980 I l

SLNRC 80-19 FILE: 0491.10.2 SUBJ: Undetectable Fail _ure in Engineer-l ,

ed Safety Feature!, Actuation i System RECEIVED Mr. Robert T. Carlson '

Chief, Reactor Construction and APRk,Z beu

f. Engineering Support Branch

%; ~ Region I


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co:miission NUCLEAR ENGR.

631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Docket Nos.: STN 50-402, STN S0-483, STN 50-485 and STN 50-436 Ref: (1) SLNRC 80-12, dated March 20, 1980, Same Subject

! (2) Your letter to SNUPPS, dated April 11, 1980, Same Subject

Dear Mr. Carlson:

Reference 1 reported the actions being taken by SNUPPS relative to the subject problem. Reference 2 acknowledged receipt of reference i but called it an interim report. SNUPPS considers this matter closed and no additional reports are planned unless required as a result of new

(; information.-

Yer truly yours, 1

\ ewe Nicholas A. Petrick RLS/jdk cc: J. K. Bryan UE G. L. Koester KGE

'D. T. McPhec KCPL J. E. Arthur RGE 1

8105080.231 l ._ _ _- - _ , _ . . __ _ - -

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n 50-485 ms,e 50-486 SIBIPPS ATTN: Mr. Richeles A. Petrick Esecutive Director 5 Choke Cherry Road Rockville. Marylud 30850 Gentionen: -


Undetectable Failure in Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (Your letter SUEtc 80-12 of March 20.1980)

Thank pursuant you forCFR to 10 your50.58(e letter,)regarding referenced theabove, subject which matter.forwarded an interim report We look forward to receiving your final report.

Your cooperation with us is appractated.

Sincerely, fh. $:s

. Cerisen. Chief Asoctor Construction and Ebgineering Support Branch ec:

J. E. Arthur Chief Eegineer . MBE C. R. Anderson, Manager. QA. MBE Lem K. Larsen. Esquire Gerald Charnoff. Esquire


, . 8008070 2.6~I=

SIUPPS ans. seme. "

eensmem.,n e Sheets A.PtWak y m = * =sasume amen e on ,

March 20.1980 SUIRC 80- 12 FILE: 0491.10.2 SWJ: Undetectable Failure in Eneineered 2 safety Features Actuation system fer. Boyce Grier '

Director. Region !

5.5. Nuclear Regulatory Ceaunission 831 Park Avenue King of Prussia. Pennsylventa 19406 Oschat mes.: STN 90-482. STN 90-483. STN 50-485. STN 50-486


1) SUIRC 79-21. dated 12/6/79: Same subject ,
2) Mestinghouse letter (T.N. Andersen). NS-TMA-2204, to USNRC '

(V.Stelle.Jr.), dated 2/15/80: Sane subject

Dear fer. Srier:

Reference (1) resorted a potential deficiency involving the Engineered Safety Features em:taation System and described a test sequence that was the necessary corrective action applicable to the SIRPPS plants. Ref-erence (2) Provided the IIRC with revised tests that yield more conclusive .


The 3110PP5 utilities are investigating harduare changes that any preclude the need for the tests described in Reference (2). If such hardware changes are not feasible. the appro(priate test sequence free Reference (2) will be incorporated in the precedures for the $NUPP5 plants.

Very$trulyyours, f %C Nicholas A. Petrick


IR.5/ves =

cc: 18r. Jonas 8. Reppler. Director Region !!! USNRC Mr Earl V. 56yfrit. Director. Reg"en IV USNRC Mr Victor Stelle. Jr. Director. Office of Inspection and Enforcement, USNRC Washington D.C.

