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Forwards back-up Calculations Indicating That Hot Leg Restraint Adequate Under Asymmetric LOCA Load Conditions. Info Resolves Listed Items from & Suppls
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/1984
From: Hukill H
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
5211-84-2134, NUDOCS 8406250211
Download: ML20092G711 (17)



ENuclear  ?!suc&ffr "

Route 441 South Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057-0191 717 944 7621 TELEX 84 2386 Writer's Direct Dial Number:

June 15, 1984 5211-84-2134 Offioe of Nuclear Reactor Ibgulation J. F. Stolz, Olief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Otmnission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Stolz:

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit I (TMI-1)

Ope:Jating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Asyrmietric IOCA Inads (ALL)

As discussed with Mr. Owen Thompson of your staff, we are transmitting a copy of the back-up calculations showing that the TMI-l hot leg restraint is adequate under ALL conditions. This information should resolve items 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.8, 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of your letter dated Mardt 27, 1984.

The attached information also supplments GPUN letter dated June 25, 1982 (5211-82-151), B&W 1621 and its supplement. The attached information provides the apprcpriate calculations demonstrating the acceptability of the existing TMI-1 hot leg restraints without additional modification.


1. D. Hukill, Director, TMI-l HIII/PGD/OG/mle Attach!mnt: B&W Ietter, B. J. Short to D. G. Slear dated July 29,1982 (ESC-393) oc: R. Conte J. Van Vliet il 8406250211 840615 -l PDR ADOCK 05000289 80[


GPU Nuclear Corporation is a subsidiary of the General Public Utilities Corporation

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//f AUG G 4 982 1 7(4.

U 3~ ) .5 4 - F m

Babcock & Wilcox nu ., p..., a .r.iion oivi.i.n a Mco.rmott company 3315 Old Road v

July 29,1982 P.O. Box 1260 ESC-393 Lynchburg, Virginia 24505-1260 pisa 5 2000 582-7086/T1.2 ,

lh o ( ,'

Mr. D. G. Slear, TMI-1 Engineering Project Manager A{Jgg N .

GPU Nuclear Corporation h~

100 Interpace Parkway i-<

Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 i{,ggeAp ll (y/.q ;

Attention:)(Mr. J. A. Mahn  % p g y i;


GPU Nuclear Corporation (TMI-1) I i/:

Master Services Contract Effective date: June 1, 1977 ie Reference Nos.: B&W 582-7105, GPU M77120 \/

Task 202 - Analysis of Hot Leg Support for Asymmetric LOCA Loads


GPU Nuclear Vendor Transmittal Form, P.O. No. M77120, r transmitting B&W Document Number 32-1135359-00(5 copies) pi



Dear Mr. Slear:

( j;

\e.14 4 y The results from evaluating the Asymmetric LOCA Loads for TMI-1 10 (Task 86) showed that the hot leg restraint was overstressed. Many b discussions between your Mr. Steve Leshnoff and several engineers at B&W concluded that a less conservative cal'culation could be performed and a positive margin could be calculated. '

The attached document shows a calculated safety factor of 1.002 and completes the subject Task 202.

If you need any further assistance, or have any questions, please call ne at 804-385-2083.

Very truly ours,

/ .

i B. J. Short, Senior Product Manager Engineering Product Management .

E BJS/bgd -p' cc: 15. Leshnoff - GPUN W. D. Maxham - B&W L. J. Stanek - B&W w.* 1, s 0

I' O Nuclear v.neo, Tron,mittai gorm g,,,

1 1

To: D. C. SLEAR "

P.O. No. -

Address: 100 Interpace Parkway WO/SOM 6 s/A W ff Parsippany. NJ 07054 N Spec. No. Base 5522 Sukiect: YY'l *'i' "A $*h l-M 5,"PoS be- gn'r' J. A. Mahn M << & n .~ e -/ e .'c- ter W t&< ~


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TYPE 1 Rastacu a octrwnest sAF m M I.YS13 REPORT NUC. S W . INFVf DT31CN R M . DL3ICM VCRIF.

ornen  ;

TITLE Review of GPUN Calculation For TMI Restraint Bracket Design i l


TITLE Principal Engineer DATE7/28/82 TITLE dlow,u ,' $ 5 f.4 DATE 29Nll t f /

PURPOSE 1 if To review GPUN design calculation for TNI Hot Leg Restraint Bracket j



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See sumary of this document.

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i I, INTRODUCTION 32-1135359-00 i This report presents our view on GPUN calculation No.1101X-322C-A41, 1

" design qualification for TMI Hot Leg Restraint Bracket attachment. It is not intended to qualify the use of the results. ..

II. DESIGN REQUIREMENT References 2 and 3 are used as the guideline for this review. ,. ,

Bracket design should meet the following requirements: m ,!

II-a. '46 f 3 3' L -- ---(1)  ;)'

t-Where F = Shear strength of the bracket t

f * /. h () ,Do /2) / f . - (Z) r

/=DesignLoad /'

$6= Strength Reduction Factor VfN

[= Load Factor

)V '

II-b. j/D 2 1. 7 - f -------------(3) (< )

v 9 Where J = Length of Bracket Free-End Zone -

D = Diameter of Pin

(=kProjected Area of Pin

= 1.05- ($ = Ultimate Strength of bracket material)

The bracket has structural parameters as follows:


.h = 4 in.

/=3in. j'

$7=58ksi D Di = 4.03125 in.

0 9 i

. [ [ = ~ ~ ,' '

i s a

III. REVIEW OF GPUN CALCULATION Design load, L of 1271.7 Kips is obtained from BAW-1621,  !

the asymmetric LOCA loads analysis. Shear strength of the l


bracket, F, calculated from EQ.(2), is 1274.9 Kips. .

III-1 To meet EQ.(1)

EQ. (1) Can be rewritten as  !

, 'F/L > -------(4) t7p .

It should be noted that F/L is also termed as safety factor (SF). L ..

Therefore, the bracket is designed with SF = F/L = _1274.9 = 1.002 - J\/:(J }

1271.7  :

If M = .85 is applied to the design, then FJ9.(1) can be met iT hi only with using a load factor of .852 (<1.).

5i Hence, it can be concluded that the design has a SF of 5/

1.002, and a load factor of .852 if strength reduction factor of .85 is used in design calculation. In case a load factor of lois to be used, this design provides no y margin for strength reduction.



, III-2 To meet EQ.(3) pFi i h !>-

i v EQ.(3) is derived with a safety factor of 2. To provide 'd i a SF of 1.002, EQ.(3) 'can be modified into /

l/D*.852 f---(6) with//D=7 = 1.75 and 4


.852.g = .852 3*4 = 1.5

/ - 853lI Therefore. EQ.(6) is met if SF of 1.002 is used in design.

IV. Supt 1ARY The design of TMI Hot Le Restraint Bracket has a safety factor of 1.002, and allows no marg n for strength reduction if a LOAD factor of 1. is used. ,, ,/(


1. GPUN calculation no. 1101X-322C-A41 (Attached)
2. AISC Code, 1978


t 3. Fisher, J.W., and Struk, J.H.A., " Guide to Design Criteria .

For Bolted and Rivets Joints." Wiley, 1974. .;5 ,

3 Y({

Nualear CALC. NO..#!.# #.# H

.h . .

SHEET NO. . /. . .0F. .7....

' susJECT . Y"" .~. "& ' ' * * ' ' ' ' * * ' ' "

COMP. BYlDATE. .'b" ' .T .

-} Cede L Lormt.

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' b . .a..' $l v ,

1 32-1135759-00 l.l STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The asymmetric LOCA loads (ALL) a'nalysis (BAW-16 21) identified ,

the bracket attachment to the primary wall embedment portio pof  !

tho' hot leg restraint as a possible point of failure subsequent' to a guillotine break at the elbow. This is, in fact, notlan asymmetric LOCA load but was part of the ALL t evaluation. \j Due to a maximum load of 1271.7 KIPS, the bracket attachment is said to fail by a shear-out failure due to high bearing load:

If true, a reportable situation exists due to a structural i!

deficiency frc,m a loading that is part of the plant design bagia f.0 KEY RESULTS A technical logic exists which can be used to demonstrate that;:h' the hot leg restraint bracket attachment will not fail at tha; 4 postulated load. The technical logic employs:


1. NRC Standard Review Plan (SRP) 3.6.2 to incorporate stra (;

rate effects (10% increase on yield strength and a per- /

missable strain of one-half the uniform ultimate strain).

2 AISC Sec. to incorporate a 35% increase in yield when considering bearing stress. .

3. A B & W Owners Group position on material property variability to increase both yield strength and ultimate strength by 5%.
4. Design guidelines from the experimental work of, Fisher, J. W., and Striuk, J. H. A., Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints, Wiley, 1974.

The results below are supported by calculation

1. Tho maximum overload to be taken in bearing is 1271.7 KIPS?

It (.an be shown that the maximum allowable load is 1274.9[4 KIPS.


2. The net section tension stress is 42.53 KSI while the maximum net section tension strength is found to be 42.77 K9 N' A y a c le cl R.edige/c e

> c. .

Pq e .- @ '?,Q saan oma ...

[H]Nualo r .I35359o00 cA'c ~a. * /x:-

SnEET No. . .h. .OF 7

- susJECT . b .N.N @ . W... G '!-- W - . . D N ...d .. .. DATE . . .U[.(1, , , , , , , , , ,

v . . . . . . . . .&.3 fu f.d.'" . . . .P"MMMe. . . ag9 e aao u. .... ..... COMP.DYlDATE.

cas.o. Y,oire /. f;, .;.4 These results are conservative because the load reduci mechanisms are not in mked:

1. A plastic hinge develops in the hot leg piping between the; restraint and the OTSG inlet which will permit the large. ,

'. rotation required for the pipe to contact more than the; #

4 U-bars of the 7 that are impacted. jj t

2. These results ignore the energy absorbing circumferential deformation of the hot leg pipe as it bears against the M bp-The pipe is treated as infinitely stiff with respect to \1oen-deformations.


A reportable situation does not exist. There is margin in theY present structure, without modification, to withstand a maximum load of 1271.7 KIPS as a result of a guillotine break a,t the hot leg elbow. Structural integrity is demonstrated usinc?

NRC SRP 3.6.2, AISC code, and the technical literature. t.

\ a.


. ( )


l. BA W - ($1I, B i W ITT -f*A b WAICt3 CeRou?, f6 Sc73 Of AsfnHcrate Loc 4 LOADS , PMA3t. t ^^ tat'(4t{ Jul.~f 'to .
2. ftS$ ten, J. go. , f Spgotx., ,f sq. A. , 4 sting ya agStqa c,ggygno,4 pcg DeLTh'b AND Arsterco Jetstrs, kitt.ey, og yt .

3 A 4 3 C Ft f stiso+ L V StW CCM3rit UtflON, SedotTH arDr n o w.

4. NAC StMaMO Agytew pt4+t (sne )a.c.g.

S.O AS $vne n haus Awo gAste. D+TA.


t. lea 01.

THt KL60N SGMK ieADS hit /btDu!'/fft*D e4 TN4' /b LLO W W 4 TothLe ( IWA L C / ). SAILy TNG ypt* Loth otg* $44, df fj l

! fuAldeD4"M C D.

t l 1. WCH STh*~f Q Q. te N DMAtJ A $ ,tGTC y Of THE *$4t &% .


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' 32-1135353-00 '

$7J Nualear cu W r l.'. m d U -

SHEET NO. . . k. 0F 7 .. .



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Suninary of Pipe Whip Restrqin -


Loads for TMI-l - As-Builtta)t Restraint Peak load, '

Load l  ;,

Break type (see Figure B-2) lb description '

f . 'i Hot leg guill. No. 1, bar 1 2,533,810 Tension t it t '

at RV bar 2 2,513.110 Tension i bar 3 2,275,870 Tension. i,y bar 4 868,406 Tension v .s bar 5 NI --

bar 6 NI -- y!'

bar 7 NI -- L i' Sum 8.161,230 Tension i1 Collar NI -- V No. 2 NI --

Hot 109 guill. No. 1, bar 1 '

2,543,340 $ Tension at cibow bar 2 2,519,150 Tension bar 3 2,261,450 Tension klj,

'o bar 4 544,007 Tension bar 5 NI -- (t aj/

bar 6 NI --

bar 7 V NI --

Sum -7,718,890 Tension Collar NI --

No. 2 NI --

T 7,EstSN Lc40 '

Note: N!: not impacted.

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.................................................. .... ..................... . ...... cHx o. Brio 4rE .6.g. 6,.. '5 }

h.O $hLLULht}cy,g, L BRMecT ,571ettses itAt AKs AL Lc4D : 1211. T ft/f$.

6.l TEN 510H *

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= 42.53 ka.7 g > 4.fgf

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Nualear 32-1135359-00!!nv..5n.c.-au1 SHEET NO. . . .I .0F . 7. . . .

' susaEcr . . 4. L-,.6. . . 99. . .W9. . .T*.9 f? 'MC . .D.'"?.

DATE . .Ifl.6[.k . .. ..... .

W- COMP. BYlDATE. .I .I [Il:

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