IR 05000482/1998003: Difference between revisions

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| number = ML20203K918
| number = ML20216K073
| issue date = 02/26/1998
| issue date = 04/16/1998
| title = Insp Rept 50-482/98-03 on 980202-06.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of Liquid & Gaseous Radwaste Mgt Program,Training & Qualifications,Qa Oversight, Facilities & Equipment & Annual Repts
| title = Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/98-03 on 980226
| author name =  
| author name = Murray B
| addressee name =  
| addressee name = Maynard O
| addressee affiliation =  
| addressee affiliation = WOLF CREEK NUCLEAR OPERATING CORP.
| docket = 05000482
| docket = 05000482
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = 50-482-98-03, 50-482-98-3, NUDOCS 9803050277
| document report number = 50-482-98-03, 50-482-98-3, NUDOCS 9804220084
| package number = ML20203K907
| title reference date = 03-27-1998
| page count = 18
| page count = 4

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Docket No.: 50-482 License No.: NPF-42 Report No.: 504 82/98-03 Licensee: Woli Oreek Nuclear Operating Corporation Facility; Wo. Oteek Nucleer Station Location: 1550 Oxen Lane, NE S
Burlington, Kansas Dates: February 2 to 6,1998 Inspector: J. Blair Nicholas, Ph.D., Senior Radiation Specialist Plant Support Branch Approved By: Blaine Murray, Chief, Plant Support Branch Divisiu. of Reactor Saidy Attachment: SupplementalInformation
2 G rn _
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wolf Creek Naclear Station NRC Inspection Report 50482/98 03 1his announced routine inspection reviewed the implementation of the liquid and (,aseous radioactive waste management program. Training and qualifications, quakty assurance oversight, facihties and equipment, .and annual reports were also reviewe P_laoLSuppott
  . The liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluent management program was properly implemented. Between 1993 and 1996, the licensee was in the first quartile (best performance) for airbome lodine /particulates and near the median for airborne tritium for ,
pressurized water reactors; however, the licensee was in the third and fourth quartiles for airborne gas, liquid mixed isotopes, and liquid tritium. The licensee's 1997 effluent data showed a significant reduction in the liquid and gaseous effluent curies released and a continuing reduction in the volume of liquid effluents discliarged (Sections R1.1, R1.2, and R3.1).
. The engineered safety feature air cleaning ventilation systems' surveillance testing program was properly implemented (Section R1.3).
. Liquid and gaseous radioactive waste management systems were operated properly and more efficiently (Section R2.1).
* Allliquid and gaseous effluent radiation monitoring instrumentation were operable and properly maintained, tested, and calibrated (Section R2.2).
. Training and qualification nrograms for chemistry technicians, radwaste operators, and nuclear strdion operators were properly implemented. Chemistry personnel had an excellen; understanding of the radioactive liquid and gaseous waste rnanagement program (Sections R4 and RS).
* Effectivo quality assurance and self assessment programs were maintained regarding the radioactive waste effluent activities. Program improvement requests were closed in a
timely manner (Section R7.1).
  ;E  REGION IV k9 ,4,  611 F.Y AN PL AZA DRIVE, SUITE 400 AR LINGTON, T EXAS 76011 8064  'f April 16, 1998 Otto L. Maynard, President and Chief Executive Officer Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839  -

. An effective performance evaluation program had been established for contractor chemistry laboratories (Section R7.2).
==Dear Mr. Maynard:==
Thank you for your letter of March 27,1998, in response to our February 26,1998 letter I
conceming fermal confirmation of your commit'nent to complete the testing of the meteorological data screening criteria; to complete the development of a computer program to validate the l meteorological tower instrumentation data; and to validate the meteorological tower  >

. Dunng the exit meeting. Mr Clay Warren, Vice President, Operations / Chief Operating Officer, stated that the meteorological validation program will be in effect, and the 1997 meteorological instrument tower data will be validated by March 15,199 . - -
instrumentation data for 1997 by using the tested criteria and computer program. We reviewed the implementation of your commitment during a recent inspection and found that your actions properly addressed our concerns. We have no further questions regarding this matter.

) '
l    Blaine Murray, Chief Plant Support Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket No.: 50-482 License No.: NPF-42

flt9911.Qttalla Summary of Plant Stalys     ,
l 9804220004 980416     i'
. The plant was operating at full power during the entire inspectio IV. Plant Sunport    -
PDR ADOCK 05000482      !
R1 Radiological Protection and Chemistry Controla R Radioloaical Waste Effluent Manaamment Proarams Inacection ScopeJ84I50)
Implementation of the radioactive waste efflNnt management program, as described in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, was reviewed. This review included; radioactive effluent waste processing, radioactive effluent waste sampling and analyses, analytical sensitivities and results, offsite dose fesults, and performance cf required surveillance tests. The following documentation was reviewed:
  . Selected batch radioactive liquid waste effluent release permits for the period January through December 1997
  . Selected batch radioacfsve gaseous waste effluent release permits for the period ;
January through Dece:nber 1997
  + Selected gaseous waste effluent sample analyses for samples from the plant's unit vent stack and the radweste building continuous releases for the period January through Cecember 1997
;  The following activities were observed:
  * Collection of the weekly air particulate filter and lodine charcoal cartridge samples and monthly tritium and noble gas samples from the plant's unit vent stack and the radweste building vent stack and the performance of the required surveillance testing analyses to monitor the continuous effluent release points
. Observations and Findegg-The inspector observed the collection of air particulate filter, lodine charcoal cartridge, noble gas, and tritium samples from the unit vent stack and the radwaste building vent i
  , stack for analyses and update of the continuous gaseous release permits for the unit vent and the radweste bui! ding vent. The inspector noted that the chemistry techr. clan referred i ; and followed the appropriate sampling procedures while performing th6 sample tollections. The inspector observed a chemistry technician perform the required .
radiochemistry analyses (principal gamma emitters. tritium, and gross alpha) on the samples in the radiochemistry counting room. All aspects of the sample collections and
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Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -2-cc:
Chief Operating Officer Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.
4, l t
)    analyses were properly performed. The inspector observed that the chemistry technician
;    properly performed the weekly update of the continuous gaseous .elease permits for the unit vent and radwaste building vent to monitor the gaseous effluent discharge The inspector verified that the processirg, sampling, analyses, and monitoring of the
batch liquid radioactive waste effluents, taatch gaseous radioactive waste effluents,
;    containment purges, and continuous releases of the liquid and gaseous radioactive j    waste effluents were conducted properly. Quantities of radionuclides released in the i    liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluonts were within the limits specified in the i    Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. Offsite doses were calculated according to proper j    methodologies and were within regulatory limits. Required analyses of monthly and
;    quarterly composite samples of liquid an.1 gaseous radioactive waste effluents were performed in accordance with Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requirement '
          ] Conclusions
!    The liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluent management program was properly implemented. Quantities of radionuclides released in the liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluents and offsite doses to the environment from the liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluents were within regulatory limits.

P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 6' 6839 Jay Silberg, Esq.
R1.2 Badi9 Active _Wasle EffluentRata I
t lDSDC.Gilon3QQDe (84750)
The inspector evaluated the radioactive waste effluent data and the licensee's
effectiveness in identifying, resolving, and preventing problems in the processing and treatment of radwaste effluents.

l j QhservaliODs and Findinas
Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
, 2300 N Street, NW l Washington, D.C. 20037 l
The licensee's effluent data, when compared with the industry's effluent data for pressurized water reactors, showed that between 1993 and 1996 the amount of gaseous
Supervisor Licensing Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.
-    curies released was in the third and fourth quartiles (worst) for airborne gas, in the second and first quartiles (best) for airborne iodine /particulates, and in the second j    quartile for airborne intium. The 1997 estimated gaseous effluent value showed a i    significant decrease in the curies of airbome gas referssed. The amount was less than j    4 percent of the curies released during 1996 which indicated 3 marked improvement and approached the estimated 1997 median value for the industry. The licensee's estimated
curies of airborne /particulates released during 1997 maintained the licensee iri the
estimated firsi quarti'e. The liquid effluent data showed that between 1993 and 1996 the licensee was in the third and fourth quartiles for liquid mixed isotopes and in the fourth
-    quartile for liquid tritium. The estimated curies of liquid mixed isotopes released during i    1996 showed a significant increase which was attributed to the inefficient processing of the radioactive liquid waste by the primary waste processing skid prior to release. In
-    1997, the licensee installed a leased ultra filtration skid in the liquid waste processing
system upstream to the primary liquid waste processing skid, The installation and use of
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t 5-the ultra filtration skid improved the performance of the liquid waste processing system and significantly reduced the curies of liquid mixed isotopes released. The 1997 data showed an order of magnitude decrease indicating a marked improvement. The  ;
estimated curies released approached the estimated median value for curies released by pressurized water reactors during 1997. The total volu'ne of liquio affluents discharged has shown a continual decrease since 199 The licensee informed the inspector that they were aware of their status in the industry relative to their effluent discharges and stated that improvement in the reduction of effluent radioactivity released from the plant had a high priority. The 1997 estimated effluent data reflected the licensee's efforts to reduce the curies discharged to the environmen Conclusions Between 1993 and 1996, the licensee was in the first quartile (best performance) for airborne iodine /particulates and near the median for airborne tntium for pressurized water reactors; however, the licensee was in the third and fourth quartiles for airborne gas, liquid mixed isotopes, and liquid tritium. The licensee's 1997 effluent data showed a significant reduction in the liquid and airborne effluent curies released and a continuing reduction in the volume of liquid effluents discharge R1.3 Engineered Safetv Feature Air Cleanina Systems [nspection Scooe (84750)
Selected survoillence tests and test results for the engineered safety feature air cleaning ventilation systems' testing program were reviewed to deterraine compliance with Technical Specification requirements, Observations and Finding $
The inspector verified that the required surveillance tests of the control room emergency ventilation system, emergency exhaust System auxiliary building, and emergency exhaust sys'.em fuel building were performed. The inspector reviewed the last performed surveillance tests' results for each of the safety related air cleaning ventilation systems an:1 verified that the previous surveillanc~ tests were performed at the required 18 month frequency The licensee performed the in place filter testing. A contractor laboratory performed the activated charcoallaboratory surveillance tests. The surveillance test results were verified to be within Technical Specification limit The inspector performed a visualinspection of the control room emergency ventilation system arid the emergency exhaust systems with the system engineer. The visual-inspection of the engineered safety feature ventilation systems indicated no problem All filter housing doors were tightly closed, and all door gaskets were in place and not teaking. The filter housings and ducts were well maintained. The areaa surrounding the
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ventilation units were clean, free of debris, and adequately lighted to proside for visual inspection of housings and component P Conclusions
The engineered safety feature air cleaning ventilatiori systems' surveillance testing program was properly implemented, and the systems were properly maintained.
i  Status of Chemistry and Radiological Waste Effluents Facilities and Equipment R2 r
!  R Radiochemistry Countina Room and Radioactive Waste Effluent Processina Systems    i
            ' lDanction Scone (34750)
;  The inspector observed / reviewed / inspected the following:
  . Analyses of radiological effluent samples      *
  . Radiochemistry counting room instrumentation calibration and quakty control i    doc; mentation
  . Liquid und gaseous radioactive waste processing equipment including waste
;    monitor tanks, secondary liquid waste monitor tanks, liquid waste effluent l    processing equipment, waste gas decay tanks, and radwaste control room
^ ObaeDratiou.an1Eindban F
The radiochemistry counting room maintained sufficient state-of the art analytical instrumentation to perform the required radiochemistry analytical measurements of the
{  radioactive waste effluents. The analyticalinstrumentation was properly maintained and L  ::ahbrated. Records of cahbrat!ons and daily operational quality control checks were i  properly maintaine The liquid and gaseous radioactive waste processing and storage systems were installed i  as described in the Updated Safety Analysis Report and were operated in accordance with station procedures.
No permanent major equipment or design modifications were made to the liquid or
<  gaseous radioactive waste management systems during 1997._ A leased ultra filtration    ;
skid was temporarily installed in the liquid waste processing system upstream to the primary liquid waste processing skid. The ultra filtration skid was used as a pretreatment
to the liquid radwaste water prior to being processed by the primary waste processing system. The ultra filtration skid helped prevent the inefficient clogging of the primary    .
waste processing skid and improved the efficiency of the primary waste processing skid to remove radioactive nuclides from the liquid radioactive effluent prior to discharge.

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P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kensas 66839 i Chief Enginee.'
! Utilities Division Kansas Corporation Commission 1500 SW Arrowhead Rd.
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7- Conclusions The radiochemistry counting room was equipped with state-of the ari analytical instrumentation. The analyticalinstrumentation was properly maintained, tested, and calibrated. Liquid and gaseous radioactive waste management systems were properly operated and more efficiently.

Topeka, Kansas 66604 4 027
R2.2 Liould and Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitqts Inspection Scoon (84750)
The liquid and gaseous effluent radiation monitors were inspected for operation, calibration, and reliability. The liquid and gaseous rodioactive waste effluent radiation monitor source check, channel check, channel functional test, and channel calibration records were reviewed to determine compliance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requirements for the time period January through December 199 Observations and Findinas All records and surveillance tests reviewed indicated that the liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluent monitoring instrumentation was properly maintained, tested, and calibrated in compliance with the surveillance requirements specified in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manua '
During 1997, effluent radiation monitoring instrumentation was not out of service in excess of Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requirement Conclusion All liquid and gaseous effluent radiation monitoring instrumentation was operable and properly maintained, tested, and calibrate R1 Radioactive Waste Cfluent and Chemistry Procedures and Documentation R Radioactlye Waste Effluent Procedures. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. and Annual Radioactive EffluentEgleaggEsports insoection Scoos (84750)
Revisions to the procedures for sempling, analysis, and release of radioactive liquid and gaseous waste effluents were reviewed. Revision 1 to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual was reviewed. The 1997 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report was reviewe (
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b. Observations and Findings The radioactive wasta eifluent program's implementing procedures described the responsibilities for conection and analyses of liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluent samp!es. Procedures for batch and continuous release of liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluents provided proper instruction for sampling, analyses, release permit generation, release limits, monitoring, and approvals. The procedures were written with sufficient detail to effectively conduct the required radioactive waste effluent program activitie The annual radioactive effluent release report for 1997 was written in the format described in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21, Revision 1. June 1974, and contained the required information. Summaries of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released to the environment, and their essociated doses to members of the public were properly documented. A summary of the radioactive I quid and gaseous effluent releases and associated doses is presented in Attachment 3 to this repor No unplanned relenses of radioactive liquid or gaseous waste were reported during 199 c. Conclualona implementing proaedures for the liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluent managemeat program provided proper guidance. Changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual were properly documented. The annual radioactive effluent release report for 1997 was submitted in a timely manner and contained the required inforraatio R4 Staff Knowledge and Performance a. Inspection Scoce (EEjiQ)
Chemistry personnel were observed and interviewed to determine their knowledge of regulatory and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requirements for the implementation of the liquid and gaseous radioactive waste effluent management progra b. Observations and Findings The inspector observed chemistry technicians perform some of the duties and responsibilities required for the implementation of the radioactive waste effluents program and determined that they were familiar with the requirements. Chemistry personnel including the radwaste supervisor and technicians were knowledgeable of :he programmatic procedures and regulatory requirements and maintained a high level of performance. Batch radioactive liquid waste effluent releases and batch and continuous radioactive gaseous waste effluent releases were prcperly performed during 199 ...__ _ _ .- _ _ _ _ . _ .
9 Conclugn Chemistry personnel had an excellent understanding of the liquid and gaseous radioactive waste management procedures, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, and regulatory requirement R6 Staff Training and Qualification Insoection Scoon (84750)
Training and qualification programs for chemistry technicians, radweste operators, nuclear station operators involved in conducting the radioactive waste effluent management program were reviewed. Training and qualifications of the chemistry technicians, radwaste operators, and nuclear station operators were verfie Observations and Findinas The inspector determined that appropriate training and qualification programs were implemented for the chemistry technicians and radwaste operators which included required formal classroom training and on the job trainin The inspector venfied that 14 of the 17 chemistry technicians had completed the required training to be shift qualified and, therefore, were qualified to independently perform all routine radioactive waste effluent management program activities. Three recently hired chemistry technicians were in the process of completing their required training and qualifications to be shift qualifie The inspector verified that the five radwaste operators and at least one nuclear station operator on each of the six operating shift crews were trained and qualified to conduct radioactive waste liquid and gaseous effluent batch releases and operate the radiocctive waste processing equipmen Conclusions Training and qualification programs for chemistry technicians, radwaste operators, and nuclear station operators were _ implemented properly. The experience, training, and working knowledge of the chemistry and radwaste operations personnel met the training and qualification requirement R6 Chemistry Organization and Administration a, Insoection Scone (84750)
The organization, staffing, and assignment of the radioactive waste effluent management
. program responsibilities were reviewed. Administrative and chemistry departmental procedures were reviewed for the assignment of responsibilities for the management and implementation of the radioactive waste effluent management progra _ i
*      l l
10- Observations and Findings The inspector venfied that the chemistry and radwaste operations organizations and staff were responsible for the implemantation of the radioactive s.aste effluent management progra The inspector determined that the chemistry and radwaste operations organizations were adequately staffed. The chemistry and health physics departments were recently combined and reorgardzed under one manager. The new chemistry / health physics department manager was fully qualified and had been the previous chemistry superintendent. A new, fully qualified chemistry radwaste supervisor was recently assigned under the new organization. Three new chemistry techniciens were hired during the past year. The radwaste operations staff of five operators was supplemented with qualified nuclear station operators and had experienced little change during the past yea CDDChliQD The chemistry and radwaste operations organizations were properly staffe R7 Quality Assurance in Chemistry and Radiological Wasto Effluents Activities R7.1 Radioactive Waste Effluent Quality Assurance Program inipection Scoce (84750)
The quality assurance program of the radioactive waste effluent management program activities was reviewed for scope, thoroughness of program evaluation, and timely followup of identified deficiencies. The review included:
. Quality assurance audit performed since January 1997
. Qualifications of auditors and technical specialists
. Chemistry department self easements performed since January 1997 QhARIYations and FiridiDQS The review of the quality assurance biennial audit schedule revised on January 29,1997, indicated that the environmental management audit, which included the radiological environmental monitoring program, Offsite Dose Calculations Manual and implementing procedures, and effluent and environmental monitoring program, was scheduled on a 12 month frequency in compliance with Technical Specifications and J. The audit of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and implementing procedures was scheduled on a 24 month frequency in compliance with Technical Specification 6.5.2. The quality assurance audit of the radioactive waste effluent management program activities and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual was performed during 1997. Qualified auditors and technical specialists from nu lear power facilities, who were knowledgeable s
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11-of radioactive waste effluent programs and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requirements, performed this audit. The aud:t provided good oversight ar'd evaluation of the licensee's performance in implementing the radiocctive waste effluent management progra The self assessments conducted by the chemistry department of the activities required by the Offsite Doso Calculation Manual and the chemistry training program provided detailed observations and evaluations in those program areas. The self assessments were an enhancement to the required quality assurance audit progra No negative trends were identified during the review of program improvement request reports written since January 1907. It was noted that recommendations to prevent
recurrence of issues identified in the program improvement requests were appropriate, and corrective actions were closed in a timely manne Conclusions An effective quality assurance program was maintained. Management oversight of the radioactive waste effluent management program was good. The quality assurance audit of the raceological waste effluent management program activities provided good program evaluation. Good chemistry department self assessments of the chemistry department's implementation of the radioactive waste effluent management program were performed and were an enhancement to the quality assurance audit program. Program improvement requests related to liquid and gaseous radioactive waste management program activities were closed in a timely manne R7.2 Quality Assurance Proaram for Contractors Insoection Scooe (8475D)
Office of the Govemor State of Kansas Topeka, Kansas 66612 Attomey General i Judicial Center 301 S.W.10th 2nd Floor Topeka, Kansas 66612-1597 l    I i County Clerk  )
The quality assurance audit program regarding contractors performing surveillance activities involving the radioactive waste effluent program and safety related air cleaning ventilation systems was reviewe Observations and Findinas The licensee used a contractor laboratory to perform required radiochemistry analyses of radioactive waste effluent comoosite samples. The licensee usec' another contractor to perform laboratory charcoal adsorber analyses on the station's engineered-safety feature air cleaning ventilation systems. The licensee obtained Nuclear Procurement issues Committee audits regarding the contractors responsible for performing radiochemistry
Coffey County Courthouse Burlington, Kansas 66839-1798 l
l Vick L. Cooper, Chief l Radiation Control Program Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Air and Radiation Forbes Field Building 283 Topeka, Kansas 66620
and charcoal adsorber analyses. The licensee used these audits to evaluate the performance of the contractors in performing the surveillance testing requirements and to retain their current status on the licensee's routine tuppliers list. The inspector reviewed the audits performed on the contractors and determined that the audits were satisfactory to evaluate the contractor's abilities to perform the Technical Specification required testing and surveillance activitie . ..

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' Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -3-Mr. Frank Moussa Division of Emergency Preparedness 2800 SW Topeka Blvd Topeka, Kansas 66611-1287 i
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12- Conclusion An effective performance evaluation program had been established for the contractor chemistry laboratorie R8 Miscellaneous Radiological Protection and Chemistry issues R8.1 (Ocen) intoection Followuo item 9617-01: Evaluation and Validation of Meteoroloalcal Monitorina Data This item was discussed in NRC Inspection Report 50 482/96-17 and involved the lack ;!
proper validation of meteorological data. Tha meteorological tower design engineer v'as not properly trained to evaluate and validate the meteorological data. No ;astructions o -
validation enteria had been developed to provide the frequency and methods to accurately validate the meteorological data. The licensee had previously relied on the plant computer's radiological release information system to monitor and validate the meteorological data. However, in 1990, the radiological release information system was replaced with the nuclear plant information system. The computer program used for meteorological data verification and validation that was formerly in the radiological release information system was not subsequentiy included in the nuclear plant information syste The licensee reviewed the Updated Safety Analysis Report Table 2.3-29b, " Data Recovery Statistics," for March 1980 to March 1981, and the samlannual and Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports from July 1985 to December 1990 to assure that the meteorologic'l data recovery percentage was greater than 90 percent. The 1995 and 1996 equipment out-of service logs, Technical Specification surveil lance tests, and computer down time were usod to generate accurate meteorological data in the 1996 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report. The licensee was working to generate validation enteria which can be programed into the nuclear plant information system computer to verify and validate meteorological tower instrument dat The inspector determined that the licensee was in the process of testing the proposed meteorological data screening criteria on the 1997 meteorological tower instrumentation data and developing a computer program to perform the meteorclogical data validatio At the exit raeeting on February 6,1998, Mr. Clay Warren, Vice President, Operations / Chief Operating Officer, stated that the testing of the meteorological data screening criteria and development of a computer program to validate the meteorological tower instrumentation data would be completed by March 15,1998. The licensee also stated that: (1) the meteorological tower instrumentation data for 1997 will be validated by March 15,1998, using the tested criteria and computer program, (2) the meteorological validation program will be procedura!y control;ed, (3) the meteorological tower instrumentation data for the years 1990 through 1996 will be validated using the meteorological validation program, and (4) the results will be reported in the 1997 Annual Effluent Release Report as stated in the 1996 Annual Effluent Release Report. This inspection followup item will remain open pending the implementation of the
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Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -4-     l E-Mail report to T. Frye (TJF)
E-Mail report to D. Lange (DJL)
E-Mail report to NRR Event Tracking System (IPAS)
meteorological validation program and the verification and validation of the meteot ological tower instrument data from 1990 through 1997,    i i
E-Mail report to Document Control Desk (DOCDESK)
V. Management Meetings f
bec to DCD (IE06) - Radiological Protection Reports bec distrib. by RIV:
X1 Exit Meeting Summary
Regional Administrator   Resident inspector DRP Director    SRI (Callaway, RIV)
Branch Chief (DRP/B)   DRS-PSB Project Engineer (DRP/B)   MIS System   :
The inspectoi presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at an exit meeting on February 6,1998. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented. No proprietary information was identified. During the exit meeting, Mr Clay Warren, Vice President, Operations / Chief Operating Officer, stated that the meteorological validation program will be in effect, and the 1997 meteorological Instrument tower data will be validated by March 15,1998.
Branch Chief (DRP/TSS)   RIV File    !
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.i PARTIAL LIST OF PERSO% CONTACTED Licensee C. Warren, Vice President, Operations / Chief Operating Officer M. Angus, Manager, Licensing and Corrective Action 4  M. Blow, Superintendent, Chemistry
DOCUMENT NAME: R:\_WC\WC803AK.JBN To receive copy of dal;;- .; indicate in box: "C" = Copy wthout enclosures "E" = Copy wth enclosures *N" = No co y RIV;SRS:P$ /E C:DRS:PSB E JBNicholas b  BMurray T)      0
S. Burkdoll, Supervising Instructor, Health Physics / Chemistry R Butz, System Engineer, Radiation Monitors V. Canales, Supervisor, Suppliers / Materials Quality / Purchasing and Material Services
04498 V'' 04( @ 8     l W OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 22n001 l
T. Damashek, Supervisor, Licensing 4  R. Denton, Quahty Specialist, Quakty Evaluations S. Devena System Engineer
,  S. Koenig, Supervisor, Quakty Evaluations R. Hubbard, Superintendent, Operations B. McKinney, Plant Manager i  T. Morrill, Assistant to Vice President of Engineering M. McMullen, Senior Engineer, Design Engineering
:  K. Mitchell, Chemistry Technician
,  R. Muench, Vice President, Engineering W. Norton, Manager, Performance improvement and Assessment
C. Palmer, Supervisor, Chemistry R. Parker, Supervisor, Chemi6try G. Pendergrass, Supervising Engineer, Performance J. Pippin, Manager, Training C. Reekle, Engineering Specialist, Regulatory Compliance L. Rockers, Chemistry Technician S. Steen, Supervisor, Chemistry H. Stubby, Supervisor, Technical Training T. Wilson, Supervisor, Operations Treatment Systems a
NRG F. Ringwald, Senior Resident inspector J. Pellet, Chief, Operations Branch G. Guerra, Radiation Specialist T. McKernen, Operations Examiner D. Graves, Senior Project Engineer LIST OF INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED
IP 84750  Radioactive Waste Treatment and Effluent and Env!ronmental Monitoring
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2-LIST OF ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSEU DiKums 50-482/9617 01 IFl Evaluation and Validation of Meteorological Monitoring Data LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED ORGANIZATION CHARTS Chemistry / Health Physics Department January 1999 Operating Crews January 1998 TRAINING DOCUMENTATION Chemistry department training records Senior nuclear station operator training records Raowaste operator training records QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTS Quakty Evaluations Biennial Audit Schedule, Revision 13, dated Janaary 29,1997 Quaktv Assurance Audit Quality Evaluations Audit Report K-477, " Environmental Management (REMP/ODCM/EEMP),"
conducted April 10 through June 30,1997 Vendor Audits NUPlc Joint Quakty Assurance Audit of NCS Corporation, conducted November 18 21,1996 NUPIC Joint Quakty Assurance Audit of Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services, conducted April 21-24,1997 NUPIC Joint Quality Assuranc6 Aedit of Flanders /CSC, conducted January 1417,1997 Self angssments Self A*sessmtnt Report SEL 97 008," Assessment of Chemistry Actions Required by the ODCM, Technical Specifications, USAR, and NPDES Permit " dhted March 7,1997 Se4 Assessment Report SEL 97-019,"Self Assessn'ent of the Chemistry Training Program,"
dated June 13,1997
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3-PROCEDURES AdministratiYeflotedunts GEN 00 020 " Liquid Waste Processing," Revision 12, January 14,1997 AP 02 002 " Chemistry Surveillance Program," Revision 5, December 30,1997 AP 02-009 * Chemistry Group Organization," Revision 0, June 19,1997 AP 02E-001 " Chemistry Calibration Program," Revision 5, May 6,1997 AP 078-001 " Radioactive Releases," Revision 3, February 17,1997 AP 161001 'l&C Group Calibration of Process Instrumentation and Special Maintenance,' Revision 0, September 15,1995 AP 17C 009 " Nuclear Station Operator Qualifications and Responsibilities," Revision 3, May 2,1997 AP 17C-015 ' Operations Watchstation Qualifications," Revision 4, March 26,1996 AP 17C 017 " Superintendent Chemistry Duties and Responsibilities," Revision 1, May 10,1596 AP 20A-003 " Audit / Surveillance Scheduling," Revision 2. February 12,1997 AP 20A-004 " Audit Procedure," Revision 3, March 13,1997 AP 300 002 " Nuclear Station Operator (NSO) Requalification Training," Revision 3, August 15,1997 AP 30D-006 " Chemistry Technician Training Program," R:s.sion 3, November 18,1997 Administrative instructions Al 078 019 " Effluent Management System (EMS) Instructions for Liquid Release Permits,"
Revision 5, May 3,1996 Al 078-020 " Instructions for Composite Preparation," Revision 6, August 16,1997 At 07B 022 " Effluent Management System (EMS) Instructions for Gas Decay Tank Permits," Revision 3, February 3,1997 Al 078-024 " Effluent Management System (EMS) Instructions for Containment Purge Permits," Revision 5, November 9,1997 At 078 026 " Effluent Management System (EMS) Instructions for Unit and Radwaste Vent Permits," Revision 3, August 22,1997
. - _ . . - . .. - - - . - _ _ __ _ . _- - - -___ - - . . _ - _ _ _
4    j Al 078-027 " Instructions for Updating the Effluent Management System (EMS) with Isotopic Composite Results " Revision 1, May 14,1997 Al 070 028 '' Instructions for Calculation of the Low Setpoint for Gaseous Effluent
Monitors," Revisien 0, February 22,1996 Al 070 032 " Chemistry Radioactive Release Reports," Revision 1, September 12,1996 Chemistty_P.LotedVIRS CHA RC 001 " Gross Alpha Measurement," Revision 0, May 31,1996  l
  ' Tritium Analysis," Revision 4, October 23,1997  l CHA RC-003 CHA RC 004 " Gamma Isotopic Analysis," Revision 2, April 14,1997  l CHA RC 005 ' Determination of Gas Activity,' Revision 3, February 25,1997 CHS AX G01 " Sampling of the Unit and Radwaste Vents for Radioactive Gas and Tritium,"
Revision 2, April 18,1997 CHS AX G02 " Exchange of Radioactive Gaseous Monitor Particulate and lodine Filters,"
Revision 8, October 31,1997 CHS AX G03 * Sampling of Building Atmosphere for Radioactive Gas and Tritium,"
Revision 2, June 19,1097 CHS RW G01 " Sampling of the Waste Gas Decay Tanks " Revision 0, October 3,1994 CHS RW LO1 *Radwaste Building Local Liquid Sampling Instructions,' Revision 4, December 12,1997 CHS SJ 144 *Radwaste Building Sample Station SJ 144 Sampling Instruction," Revision 5, October 31,1997 CHS TB-LO1 " Turbine Building Local Liquid Sampling,' Revision 9 December 9,1997 Surveillanceletts STN SP-018 " Analog Channel Operational Test Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor HBRE18," Revision 8, July 10,1996 STN SP-045 " Analog Channel Operational Test Secondary Liquid Waste System Radiation Monitor HFRE45," Revision 5 February 22,1996 STN SP 052 " Analog Channel Operational Test Steam Generator Blowdown Discharge Radiation Monitor BMRE52," Revision 5. February 20,1996 STN SP 059 " Analog Channel Operational Test Turbine Building Drain Radiation Monitor LERE59," Revision 6, March 23,1996
    -- --- - . _ _ . -  -
- . _ _ _ __  _ _ _ _ _ - . _ - _ _ - - _ _ . . - - - _
5-STN SP 095 " Analog Channel Calibration Test High and Low TDS Discharge to Waste Water Treatment Radiation Monitor HFRE95," Revision 7, February 23,1996 STN SP 110A * Channel Calibration Radwaste Building Vent Radiation Monitor GHRE10A,"
Revision 2, February 11,1994 STN SP 1100 * Channel Calibration Radwaste Building Vent Radiation Monitor GHRE100," Revision 3, August 24,1995 STN SP-118 " Channel Calibration Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor HBRE18," Revision 2, October 31,1995 STN SP 122 * Channel Calibration Containment Purge System Radiation Monitor GTRE22," Revision 5, November 21,1994 STN SP 133 " Channel Calibtation Containment Purge System Radiation Monitor GTRE33," Revision 4, December 9,1994 STN SP-145 * Channel Calibration Secondary Liquid Waste Radiation Monitor HFRE45,"
Revision 3, December 15,1995 STN SP 152 " Channel Calibration Steam Generator Blewdown Discharge Radiation Monitor BMRES2," Revision 1, November 10,1995 STN SP 159 "Chennel Calibration Turbine Buildir g Effluent Radiation Monitor LERE59,"
Revision 2, December 8,1995 STN SP 195 " Channel Calibration Hi/Lo TDS Dist,harge to Waste Water Treatment Radiation Monitor HFRE95," Revisia n 2, November 30,1995 STS IC-474B " Channel Calibration Unit Ventilation Sydem Radiation Monitor GTRE21B,"
Revision 7, August 24,1995 STN CH 011 " Calibration of the Particulate Detector for Gaseous Monitors," Revision 1, July 18,1991 STN CH-012 " Calibration of the lodine Detector for Gaseous Monitors," Revision 1, July 23,1991 STN CH-013 " Calibration of the Gaseous Detector for Gaseous Radiation Monitors,"
Revision 2, February 19,1992 MLSCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS Selected Liquid and Gaseous Radioactive Waste Batch Release Permits Engineered safety feature ad cleaning systems surveillance test records Annual Operating Radioactive Effluent Report - 1996 AP 078-003 "Offsite Dose Calculaiion Manual,' Revision 1, tuary 19,1998
  . - - -

Latest revision as of 05:45, 18 December 2021

Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/98-03 on 980226
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1998
From: Murray B
To: Maynard O
50-482-98-03, 50-482-98-3, NUDOCS 9804220084
Download: ML20216K073 (4)



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E REGION IV k9 ,4, 611 F.Y AN PL AZA DRIVE, SUITE 400 AR LINGTON, T EXAS 76011 8064 'f April 16, 1998 Otto L. Maynard, President and Chief Executive Officer Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 -


Dear Mr. Maynard:

Thank you for your letter of March 27,1998, in response to our February 26,1998 letter I

conceming fermal confirmation of your commit'nent to complete the testing of the meteorological data screening criteria; to complete the development of a computer program to validate the l meteorological tower instrumentation data; and to validate the meteorological tower >

instrumentation data for 1997 by using the tested criteria and computer program. We reviewed the implementation of your commitment during a recent inspection and found that your actions properly addressed our concerns. We have no further questions regarding this matter.


) '

l Blaine Murray, Chief Plant Support Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket No.: 50-482 License No.: NPF-42




l 9804220004 980416 i'

PDR ADOCK 05000482  !




. .

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -2-cc:

Chief Operating Officer Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.

P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 6' 6839 Jay Silberg, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge

, 2300 N Street, NW l Washington, D.C. 20037 l


Supervisor Licensing Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.



P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kensas 66839 i Chief Enginee.'

! Utilities Division Kansas Corporation Commission 1500 SW Arrowhead Rd.

Topeka, Kansas 66604 4 027


Office of the Govemor State of Kansas Topeka, Kansas 66612 Attomey General i Judicial Center 301 S.W.10th 2nd Floor Topeka, Kansas 66612-1597 l I i County Clerk )

Coffey County Courthouse Burlington, Kansas 66839-1798 l

l Vick L. Cooper, Chief l Radiation Control Program Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Air and Radiation Forbes Field Building 283 Topeka, Kansas 66620

- , e

' Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -3-Mr. Frank Moussa Division of Emergency Preparedness 2800 SW Topeka Blvd Topeka, Kansas 66611-1287 i







I i'


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Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation -4- l E-Mail report to T. Frye (TJF)

E-Mail report to D. Lange (DJL)

E-Mail report to NRR Event Tracking System (IPAS)

E-Mail report to Document Control Desk (DOCDESK)

bec to DCD (IE06) - Radiological Protection Reports bec distrib. by RIV:

Regional Administrator Resident inspector DRP Director SRI (Callaway, RIV)

Branch Chief (DRP/B) DRS-PSB Project Engineer (DRP/B) MIS System  :

Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) RIV File  !








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