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Nuclear Production -' Fermi 2                                      O D C M-0.0
    /      Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                    DRAFT
    ''-                                                                        Pago 0.0-1 DETROIT EDISON - FERMI 2
    ,                                    OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                  Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                          Rev DRAFT      Date DTC    TMPLAN                              File 1715.02  Recipient 9112040214 911124.
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ODCM-0.0 DRAFT p' _                                                                                Page 0.0-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page            Section                                                          _      _  ,
1.0- 1     
PART I - RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS 2.0-2      2.0  DEFINITIONS 3.0- 1      3.0  CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.0-2            3/4.0              Cortrols and Surveillance Requiremente. Applicability 3.0-4            3/        Radioactive Liquid Effluent Moniuring instrumentation 3.0-9            3/4.3 7.12        Radioactive Oaseous Effluent '4onitoring lostrumentation 3.0-18          3/        Liquid Effluents Concentrat'on 3.0-22          3/4.11'2          Liquid Effluent Dose
      -3.0-23          3/4.i i.1.3        1.lquid Waste Treatrr.,nt 3.0-24          3/        Geseous Effluents Dose Rate 3.0-28          3/        Gascous Effluents Dose - Noble Gases 3.0-29          3/        Gaseous Effluents Dose - todine-131, lodine-133. Tritium, and Radionuclides in Particulate Form 3.0-30            3/        Offgas Treatment System 3.0-31            3A 11.2.5        Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System
    ')  3.0-32            3/4.11 7.8        Venting or Purging
[V . 3.0-33          3/4.11.4          Radioactive Effluents Total Dose 3.0-34          3/4.12.1          Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.0-46          3/4.12.2          Land Use Census 3.0-47          3/4.12.3          Interlaboratory Comparison Program 4.0- 1    4.0  BASES 5.0-1      5.0  ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.0-2              Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 5.0-2              Semlannual Effluent Release Report 5.0-4            5.15_              Majcr Changes to Radioactive Liquid, Gaseous, and Solid Waste Treatment Systems PART ll - CALCULATIONAL METHODS 6.0-2      6.0  LIQUID EFFLUENTS 6.0-2            6.1      Radiation Monitoring instrumentation and Controls 6.0-2                    6.1.1      Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Requirement 6.0-3                    6.1.2      Non-ODCM Required Monitor 6.0-3            6.2    Sampling and Analysis of Liquid Effluents
        - 6.0-4                    6.2.1      BATCH Releases
        . 6.0-4                    6.2.2      CONTINUOUS Releases 6.0          6.3    Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints O      6.0-5                    6.3.1      Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitor (D11-Nor /)
ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 0.0-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)
Page-            Section 6.0-8                      6.3.2      Circulating Water Reservoir Decant Lirie Radiation Monitor (D11-N402) 6.0-8                      6.3.3      Generic. Conservative Alarm Sotpoint for D11-N402 6.0-9                      6.3.4      Alarm Setpoint for GSW and RHR System Radiation Monitors 6.0-9                      6.3.5      Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release Conditions 6.0-10'                    6.3.6      Liquid Radwasta Setpoint Determination With Contaminated Circulating Water Pond 6.0-10            6.4      Contaminated GSW or RHR System - Quantifying and Controlling Releases 6.0-11            6.5      Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation - 10 CFR 50 6.0-11                      6.5.1. MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Dose - Liquid Effluents 6.0-13                      6.5.2      Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation 6.0-14                    6.5.3      Contaminated GSW System - Dose Calculation 6.0-15          6.6      Liquid Effluent Dose Projections 7.0-1        7.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 7.0-1            7.1      Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls 7.0-1                      7.1.1      Effluent Monitoring - Ventilation System Releases 7.0- 1                    7.1.2      Main Condenser Offgas Monitoring 7.0-2                      7.1.3      Reactor Building Ventilation Monitors (Gulf Atomic)
O-  7.0-2            7.2      Sampling and Analysis of Gaseous Effluents 7.0- 2                    7.2.1      Containment PURGE 7.0-2                      7.2.2      Ventilation System Releases 7.0-3            7.3        Gaseous Effluent Monitor Sotpoint Determination 7.0-3                      7.3.1    - Ventilatica System Monitors 7.0-5                      7.3.2      Conservative, Generic Alarm Setpoints 7.0-5                      7.3.3      Gaseous Effluent Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release Conditions 7.0-6            7.4        Containment Drywell VENTING and PURGING 7.0-6                      7.4.1      Release Rate Evaluation 7.0-7                      7.4.2  _ Alarm Setpoint Evaluation 7.0-7          7.5        Quantifying Releases - Noble Gases 7.0-7                      7.5.1      Sampling Protocol 7.0-8                      7.5.2      Release Concentration Determination for Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum 7.0-9                      7.5.3      Calculation of Activity Released 7.0-9            7.6      Site Boundary Dose Rate - Radiolodine and Particulates 7.0-10                    7.6.1      Simplified, Dose Rate Evaluation for Radiolodines and Particulates 7.0-10          7.7      Noble Gas Effluent Dose Caleplations - 10 CFR 50 7.0-10                    7.7.1      UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Noble Gases
ODCM-0.0 V                                                                              DRAFT Page 0.0 .1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)
Page            Section 7.0-11                7.7.2      Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble Gases 7.0-11          7.8    Radiolodine and Particulate Dose Calculations - 10 CFR 50 7.0-11                7.8.1      UNRESTRICTED AREA Dore - Radiolodine and Particulates 7.0-13                7.8.2      Simplified Dose Calculation for Radiolodines and Particulates 7.0-13          7.9 -  Gaseous Effluent Dose Projection
* 8.0-1    8.0    SPECIAL DOSE ANALYSES 8.0-1          8.1    Doses Due to Activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY 8.0- 1          8.2    Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - 40 CFR 190 8.0-2                  8.2.1      Effluent Dose Calculations 8.0-3                  8.2.2      Direct Exposure Dose Determination 8.0-3                  8.2.3      Dose Acsossment Based on Radiological Environmental Monitoring Data 9.0-1    9.0    ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE CENSUS DATA 9.0-1          9.1    Land Use Census as Required by ODCM 3.12.2 9.0-3          9.2    Land Use Census to Support Realistic Dose Assessment 10 0-1  10.0  RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 10.0-1          10.1  Sampling Locations 10.0-1          10.2  Reporting Levels 10.0-2          10.3  Interlaboratory Comparison Program APPENDICES A-1      A      Technical Basis for Effective Dose Factors Liquid Effluent Releases B-1      B      Technics' Basis for Effective Dose Factors Gaseous Radwaste Effluents TABLES 2.0-6    1.1                Surveillance Frequency Notation 2.0-7    1.2                Operational Conditions 3.0-5          Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring instrumentation 3.0-7          Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.0-10          Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation l
ODCM-0.0 D                                                                              DRAFT V                                                                              Page 0.0-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)
Page                        Section 3.0-14        Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.0-19    4,      Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 3.0-24    Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and analysis Program 3.0-35    3.12.1-1        Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.0-41    3.12.1-2        Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples 3.0-42    4.12.1-1        Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis 6.0-17    6.0- 1          Fermi 2 Site Specific Liquid Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors, Ajo 6.0-19    6.0          Bloaccumulation Factors (BFi) 7.0-15    7.0-1            Default Noble Gas Radionuclide Distribution of Gaseous Effluents 7.0-16    7.0-2            Generic Values for Evaluating Gaseous Release Rates and Alarm Setpoints 7.0-17    7.0-3            Dose Factors for Noble Gases 7.0-18    7.0-4            Controlling Locations, Pathways and Atmospheric Dispersion for Dose Calculations 7.0-19    7.0-5            Gaseous Effluent Pathway Dose Commitment Factors
_ TABLES 8.0  8.0-1            Assumptions for Assessing Doses Due to Activities inside SITE BOUNDARY 8.0-8    8.0 -2          Recommended Exposure Rates in Lieu of Site Specific Data 10.0-3    10.0-1          Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Formi 2 Sample Locations and Associated Media
          '10.0-13  -10.0-2          Radiological invironmental Monitoring Program, Fermi 1 Sample Locations 'd Associated Media A-4      A-1              Relative D .e Significance of Radionuclides in Liquid Effluents B-4      B-1              Effective Dose Factors - Noble Gas Effluents FIGURES 3.0-48  3.0-1            Map Defining Unrestricted Areas and Site Boundary for Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluents 6.0-20    6.0-1            Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitoring and Processing Diagram 7.0-34    7.0- 1          Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Monitoring and Ventilation Systems Diagram i
    .                  -  _        .  -- -.._ .-. ._          - . - . -  . _ . - .~    -                    -- - . -
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ODCM-0.0            .
    ' (''            '-                                                                              DRAFT Page 0.0-6 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)
Pago                    . Section 10.0-15    10.0-1        Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - Site Area 10.0-16    10.0-2        Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - Greater than 10 Miles 10.0-17    10.0-3        Radiological Environmantal Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - within 10 Miles 10.0-18    10.0-4        Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - Sito Area (Lako Erio side) 10.0-1 g    10.0-5        Fermi 1 Sampling Locations END OF SECTION 0.0
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                  ODCM-1.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                              DRAFT Page 1.0-1 p
V                                                INTRODUCTION
Part I of the Formi 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), which includes Sections 2.0 through 5.0, contains the controls and surveillance requirements for radioactive effluents and radiological environmental monitoring. It also contains requirements for the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and the Semlannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.
Part 11 of the ODCM biso describes the methodology and paramoters used in a) determining radioactive material releese rates and cumulative releases, b) calculating radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip set points, and c) calculating the corresponding dose rates and cumulative quarterly and yearly doses.
The methodology provided in Part il of this manual is accepthble for use in demonstrating compliance with the concentration ilmits of 10 CFR 20.106, the cumulative dose criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1, arid 40 CFR 190, and the controls in Part i of this manual.
More conservative calculational methods and/or conditions (e.g., location and/or exposure pathways) expected to yield higher computed doses than apprc,.riate for the maximally exposed person may be assumed in the dose evaluations for controlling the release of radioactive material from Fermi 2.
Part II, Section 6.0 of the ODCM describes equipment for monitoring and controlling liquid similar Information on gaseous effluent controls, sampilng, and dose evaluation.
  <D Section 8.0 describes special dose analyses required for compliance with Fermi 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and 40 CFR 190 Section 9.0 describes the role of the annual land use census in identifying the controlling pathways and locations of exposure for assessing potential off-site doses. Section 10.0 describes the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.
The ODCM will be maintained at Fermi 2 for use as a reference guide and training document of accepted methodologies and calculations. Changes to the ODCM calculational methcdologies and parameters will be made as necessary to ensure reasonable corservatism in keeping with the principles of 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix l for demonstrating radioactive effluents are *As Low As Reasonably Achievable."
NOTE: Throughout this document words appearing all capitalized denote either definitions specified in the Fermi 2 Controls or common acronyms.
END OF SECTION 1.0 ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                    Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                              Rev DRAFT            Date
Recipient DTC      TMPLAN                                  File 1715.02 O
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                  ODCH-2.0-Offsite Dose Calculat' . Manual                                              DRAFT Page 2,0-1 rw) 3%
!                                RADIOLOGICAL EFTLUENT CONTROLS I
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Nucicar Production - Fermi 2                              ODCH-2,0 Offaite Dose Calculation Manual                          DRAFT Page 2.0-2 x)
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I ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:              Release authorized by:
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      'DSN                                      Rev    DRAFT  Date DTC        TMPLAN                      File 1715.02  Recipient
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                          ODCM-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Hanual                                                                      DRAFT Page 2.0-3 fl
<J 2.0 DEFINITIONS ACTION Et ACTION shall be that part of a specification which prescribes remedial measures required under designated conditions.
CHANNEL CALIBRATION 2.4 A CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output such that it responds with the necessary ranSe and accuracy to known values of thei parameter which the channel monitors. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip functions, and shall include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps such that the entire channel is calibrated. Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detectors (RTD) or thermocouple sensors shall consist of verification of operability of the sensing element and adjustment, as necessary, of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel.
CHANNEL CHECK 2.5 A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation. This determination shall include, where
                ,possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrument channels
.(V]              measuring the same parameter.
: a. Analog channels - the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions and channel failuro trips.
: b. Bistable channels - the injection of a simulated si;;nal into the sensor to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions.
The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST may be performed by any sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps such that'the entire channel is tested.
DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 2.9 DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 shall be that concentration of I-131, microcuries per gram, which alone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity and isotopic mixture of I-131. I-132, I-133, I-134, and I-135 actually present. The thyroid dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed in Table III of TID-14844, " Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites."
FREQUENCY NOTATION 2.14 The FREQUENCY NOTATION specified for the performance of Surveillance (q f              Requirements shall correspond to the intervals defined in Table 2.1.
:n                    -- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - _ . _ - - _ - - - - - . - - - - - - - --              _      - - . - _ . - ~ - --    - - - - - - - - - -
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT Page 2.0 11 C-2.0 DEFINITIONS MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC 2.21 MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC shall include all persons who are not occupationally associated with the plant. This category does not include employees of the utility, its contractors or vendors. Also excluded from this category are persons who enter the site to service equipment or to make deliveries. This category does include persons who use portions of the site for recreational, occupational, or other purposes not associated with the plant.
OFF-GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM 2.23 An OFF-GAS TREATfiEST SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting reactor coolant system offgases from the reactor coolant and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.
OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONAL MANUAL 2.24 The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONAL MANUAL (ODCH) shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluent, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm / trip setpoints, and in the conduct of the g          radiological environmental monitoring program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the hadiological Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Controls, and (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Reports required by Controls 5 9 1.7 and
CPERABLE - OPERABILITY 2.25 A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function (s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxilliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support
function (s).
OPERATIONAL CONDITION - CONDITION 2.26 An OPERATIONAL CONDITION, i.e., CONDITION, shall be any one inclusive combination of mode switch position and average reactor coolant temperature as specified in Table 2.2.
PURGE - PURGING 2 31 PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas it required to purify the confinement.
Nuclear Production --Fermi _2-                              ODCH-2.0 Offsite-Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT
    -                                                                Page 2.0-5 2.0 DEFINITI0lIS RATED THERMAL POWER
      - 2 32 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 3293 MNT.
      -REPORTABLE EVENT 2 34 A REPORTABLE EVENT shall be any of those conditions specified in Section 50 73 to 10 CFR Part 50.
SITE BOUNDARY 2 35 The SITE BOUNDARY shall be that line beyond which the land is neither owr.ed, nor otherwise controlled, by the licensee.
SOURCE CHECK 2.40 A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source.
THERMAL-POWER 2.42 THERMAL POWER shall be. the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.
UNRESTRICTED AREA 2.45 An UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY
-]            access to which is not controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or for industrial, commercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes.
1 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM 2.46 A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be any system designed and reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal absorbers and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing lodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the release to the environment. Such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents. -Engineered Safety Feature (ESP) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be VENTILATION EIHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.
VENTING 2.47 VENTING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required during VENTING. Vent, used in system names, does not imply a VENTING process.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                  CDCH-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Kanual                              DRAFT Page 2.0-6
TABLE 2.1 SURVEll1ANCE FREQUENCY NOTATION NOTATION                                      FREQUENCY S                              At least once per 12 hours.
D                              At least once per 24 hours.
W                              At least once per 7 days.
M                              At least once per 31 days.
Q                              At least once per 92 days.
SA                              At least once per 184 days.
A                              At least once per 366 days.
R                              At least once per 18 months (550 days).
S/U                              Prior to each reactor startup.
(m_)          P                              Prior to each radioactive release.
NA                              Not applicable.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT (3                                                                Page 2.0-7 V
: 1. POWER OPERATION      Run                    Any temperature
: 2. STARTUP              Startup/ Hot Standby  Any temperature 3      HOT SHUTI/OWN        Shutdown, ###          > 200 degrees F
: 4. C0tD SHUTDOWN        Shutdown, if, ***      $ 200 degrees F
: 5. REFUELINGs          Shutdown or refue1##,# $ 140 degrees F i    The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Run, Startup/ Hot Standby, or Refuel position to test the switch interlock functions and related (V3              instrumentation provided that the control rods are verified to remain fully inserted by a second licensed operator or other technically qualified member of the unit technical staff.
              ## The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod drive is being removed from the reactor pressure vessel per Technical Specification 3 9.10.1.
* Fuel in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less
than fully tensioned or with the head removed.
              ##  See Special Test Exceptions 3.10.1 and 310 3 of Technical Specifications.
              *** The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod is being recoupled or withdrawn provided that the one-rod-out interlock is OPERABLE.
L l
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                              ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                          DRAFT Page 3 0-1
is' SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:          Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                Rev    DRAFT  Date DTC      TMPLAN                    File 1715.02  Recipient r'h U
l I
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                          ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                        DRAFT r's I
t,)                                                                                                            Page 3 0-2 CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABILITY CONTROLS 3 0.1    Compliance with the succeeding Controls is required during the OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS or other conditions specified therein; except that upon failure to meet the control, the associated ACTION requirements shall be met.
3 0.2    Noncompliance with a Control shall exist when the requirements of the control and associated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified time intervals. If the Control is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the Action requirements is not required.
303      When a Control is not met, except as provided in the associated ACTION requirements, within one hour act ton shall be initiated to place the unit in an OPERATIONAL CONDITION in which the control does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in
    ,r w                                  1.                At least STARTUP within the next 6 hours, L.]                                    2.                At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours, and 3                At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours.
Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the ACTION requirements, the ACTION may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time of failure to meet the Control. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual Controls.
This Control is not applicable in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 4 or 5 3 0.4          Entry into an OPERATIONAL CONDITION or other specified condition shall not be made unless the conditions for the Controls are met without reliance on provisions contained in the ACTION requirements. This prosision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS as required to comply with ACTION requirements. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual Controls.
          -          .      . - -            --      - - . . -. -..          ._  .  - - ~ - -
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                    ODCH-3 0 n      Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                DRAFT Page 3 0-3 X).
        -SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS                                                      _
        -4.0.1    -Surveillance Requirements shall be the OPERATIONAL ~
CONDITIONS or other conditions specified for individual Controls unless otherwise stated in an individual Surveillance Requirement.
4.0.2    Each Surveillance Requirement shall be performed within the specified
                  -surveillance interval with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25 percent of the specified surveillance interval.
4.0 3    Failure to perform a Surveillance Requirement within the allowed surveillance interval, defined by Surveillance 4.0.2, shall constitute noncompliance with the OPERABILITY requirements for a Centrol. The time limits of the ACTION requirements are applicable at the time it is identified I, hat a Surveillance Requirement has not been performed.
The ACTION requirements may be delayed for up to 24 hours to permit the completion of the surveillance when the allowable outage time limits of the ACTION requirements are less than 24 hours.
                  -Surveillance Requirements do not have to be performed on inoperable equipment.
Entry into an OPERATIONAL CONDITION or other specified applicable 11.0.4 condition-shall not be made unless the Surveillance Requirement (s) associated with the Control have been performed within the applicable surveillance interval or as'otherwise specified. .This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS as required to comply with ACTION requirements.
l Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                    ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                  DRLFT t'%. -                                                                  Page 3 0-4 Q)
INSTRUMENTATIut RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT HONITORING INSTRUMENTATION CONTROLS 3 3 7 11 The radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3 3 7.11-1 shall be OPERABLE with their alarm / trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of Control 311.1.1 are not exceeded. The alarm / trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONAL MANUAL (ODCH).
APPLICABILITY        At all times.
: a. With a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm / trip setpoint less conservative than required by the above control, immediately suspend the release of radioactivo liquid effluents monitored by the affected channel, or declare the channel inoperable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.
: b. With less than the minimum number of radioactive liquid effluent
(~~)              monitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in
\~/                Table 3 3 7.11-1. Restore the inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain why this inoperability was not corrected in a timely nanner in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.
: c. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4 3 7.11 Bach radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4 3 7 11-1.
: a. Liquid Radmaste Effluent Line Dif-NOO7
: s. Circulating water Reservoir Decant Line D11-N402
: a. Liquid Radmaste Eff8 vent Line G11-R703 1      ft2
: b. Circulating water Reservoir Decent Line N71-9802 i
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-3 0
^      Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                            DRAFT
(, )                                                                Page 3 0-6 i
TABLE 3 3 7.11.1 (Continued)
TABLE NOTATIONS ACTION 110 -  With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases from this pathway may continue provided that prior to initiating a releases
: a.        At least two independent samples are analyzed in accordance with Control, and
: b.        At least two technically qualified individuals independently verify the release rate calculations and discharge line valving; Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.
ACTION 111 -  With the number of channels OPERABLE less than the Minimum Channels OPEltABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that grab samples are collected p                      andanalyzedatleastcnceper12hoursforgrossradioactivigy V                      (beta or gamma) at a lower limit of detection of at least 10' microcurie /ml for Cs-137    Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.
      -ACTION 112 -    With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Chate <'s OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours during actual releases. Pump performance curves generated in place may be used to estimate flow.
Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.
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1 Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                            OICH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                        DRAFT T                                                                                            Page 3 0-8 (d
TABLE 11 3 7.11-1 (Continued)
TAllLE NOTATIONS (1) The CilANNEL PUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatio isolation of this pat.hway occurs if any of the following conditions exists:
: 1.      Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm / trip setpoint.
: 2.        Circuit failure.
(2) The CilANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of tho following conditions exists:
: 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above t.he alarm setpoint.
: 2.      Circuit failure.
3      Instrument indicates a downacale failure.
: 4. Instrument controls not set in operate mode.
A        (3) The initial QIANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using National Bureau
    ,V                            of Standards traceable sources. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over the range of energy and measurement espected during normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences. For subsequer.t OlANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration or are National Bureau of Standards traceable shall be used.
(4) OlANNEL QRCf shall consist of verifying indication of flow during periods of release. OLANNEL CilECK shall be made at least once per 24 hours on days on which continous, periodio or batch releases are made.
(5) The CilANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:
: 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.
: 2. Circuit failure.
3    Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
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Wuclear Production      Fermi 2                                                ODCH-3.0
-    Offsite fose Calculation Manual                                                DRAFT C                                                                                      Pago 3 0-9 INSTRUMENTATION RADIOACTIVE CASEOUS EFTLUENT HONITORING IN HJHENTATION CONTROLS 3 3 7 12 The radioactive gaseous effluent zonitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3 3 7.12-1 ehall be OPERABLE with their alarm / trip set pints set to ensure that the limits of Control 311.2.1 are not execeded. The alars/ trip setpoints of these channels, with the exception of the offgas monitoring systca, shall be determined and adjusted in accordancu with the sethodology and parameters in the ODCH.
APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3 3 7.12-1 ACTIOWs
: a. With a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm / trip setpoint less cor.servative than required by the above Control, immediately suspend the release of radioactive gaseous offluents sionitored by the affected channel, or declare the channel ir. operable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative, With less than the minimum number of radioactive gaseous effluent b"            b.
monitoring instrumentation anannels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3 3 7 12-1. Restore t.he inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain why this inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner in the next Sesiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.
: c. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMFXTS 4 3 7.12 Each radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at the frequrancies shown in Table 4 3 7.12-1.
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  ,            * !  ,              iJ    i j .                        il!i                                                        ;i<' . i4 i'  .      !- -
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* 121 i
: a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor t
* 122
: b. Iodine Samplee 1
* 122
: c. Particulate Samplec 1
* 123
: d. Sampter Flow Rate Monitor
: 7. ONSITE STOAAGE SUILDING VENTILATIGN EFHAUST RADIATION WONITOR                                                                  *            ???
: a. Noote Gas Activity Monttor
* 122 I
D. Iodine Saepler                                                                                      1;2 t
: c. Particulate Samplee
* 123 1
: d. Samolee Flow Mate Monitee 4
i Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                                                                                                          ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Ibnual                                                                                                                                                      DRAFT l' age 3 0-13 TABLE 3 3 7 12-1 (Continued)
    #    At all ti;aes.
se    Not used.
m During operation of the main condenser air ejector.
    #    11pring operation of the standby gas treatment systes.
ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 121 -    With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided grab samples are taken at least once per 12 hours and these samples are analyzed for gross activity within 24 hours. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.
ACTION 122 -    With the number of channels OPERABLE one less than required by the Minious Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that within 8 hours samples are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment as
(                  required in Table                                                                                                                                                          >
ACTION 123 -    With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.
ACTION 124 -      Not used.
ACTION 125 -    With the number of channels OPERABLE less thr.n required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided grab sampics are taken at least once per 4 hours and these samples are analyzed for gross activity within 24 hours. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.
ACTION 126 -    Witi. the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, releases via this pathway to the eh''ironment may continue for up to 7 days provided that
: a.                                                                              The offgas system is not bypassed, and
: b.                                                                                The reactor building exhaust plenum noble gas effluent (downstream) monitor is OPERABLE; i                      Otherwise, be in at 1 cast 110T STANDDY within 12 hours.
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* D        M        R(2)        Q(4k
: a. Nebte Gas Activlty Montter
* NA.        N A.
W        N.A.
: b. T oc 9 n-e Sampl e r
* w        M.A.      N.A.        N.A.
: c. Particulate Sew ter
* j N.A.      R            Q                                    l D
c Samoter Flcw Rate Monitor                                                                                              j
: 5. SEnv!CE BUILDING VENTILATION                                                                                              1 w?sITORING Sv5 TEM                                                                                  *                    )
D          u        R(2)        C(4)
: e. Ncole Gas Activity Montter
* W        N.A.      M.A.        N.A.
: d. Iocine Samoter
* W        N.A.      N.A.        N.A.
: c. Particu? ate Sawter
* D        N.A.      R            G
: d. Sa v er Flo Rate Monttee
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT
(                                                                Page 3 0-17 TABLE (Continued)
* At all times.
      *** During operation of the main condenser air ejector.
      #    During operation of the standby gas treatment system.
(1) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:
: 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.
: 2. Circuit failure.
3    Instrument indicates a downscale failure.
: 4. Instrument controls not, set in operate mode (alarm or type).                ,
(2) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using National Bureau of Standards traceable sources. These standards shall permit calibrating
    -~        the system over the range of energy and measur? ment expected during normal 1
operation and anticipated operational occurrences. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration or are National Bureau of Standards traceable shall be used.
(3) Not used.
(4) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TP.ST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation occurs on high level and that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:
: 1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoints.
: 2. Circuit failure.
3    Instrument indicates a downseale failure.
: 4. Instrument controls not set in the operate mode (alarm or type).
l l
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                        ODCH-3 0 o    Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                      DRAFT U                                                                                          Page 3 0e18 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONCENTRATION CONTROLS 3 11.1.1 The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid offluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR 20, t.ppendit B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolvedgrentrainednoblegases,theconcentrationshallbelimited to 2 I 10~ microcuries/a1 total activity.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
With the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS exceeding the above limits, immediately restore the cc3 centration to within the above limits, p
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS* Radioactive liquid wastes shall be sampled and analyzed according to the sampling and analysis program of Table The results of the radioactivity analyses shall be used in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH to assure that the concentrations at the point of release are maintained within the limits of Control 3 11.1.1.
O E)
Nuclear Production - Feral 2                                                  ODCM-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                              DRAFT Page 3 0-19 TABLE RADIDACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM                                i Lower Limit Minimus                        of Detection Liquid Helease    Sampling      Analysis    Type of Activity            (LLD)a Type          Frequency    Frequency        Analysis              (uci/al)
P              P A.BatchWgste                                  Principal Canna Release      -Each Batch Each Batch                        5 I 10~7                        '
Sample                                    EsittersC Tanks (3) 1-131                1 1 10~0 P              M      Dissolved and          1 X 10-5 One Batch /M              Entrained Cases (Camas Emitters)
P              M      H-3                    1 1 10-5 Each Batch Composite d    Cross Alpha            i I 10"I P              Q      Sr-89, Sr-90          5 X 10~0 Each Batch Composite d    Fe-55                  1 1 10-6 B Continuous Releases
* M      PrinolpagGamma        5 I 10-7 General          NA                      Esitters                                            -
Service                      Composite d
                                                                                                        .W ater                                    I-131                    1 x to" System (GSW) (if          W              H      Dissolved and            1 I 10-5
                                                                                                        -contaminated) Grab Sample                Entrained Gases (Canna Esitters)
M-    H-3                        1 x 10-5 NA Composite d  Gross Alpha                1 1 10-7                :
Q      Sr-89, Sr-90            5 X 10~0                  ,
NA Composite d  re-55                    1 X 10-6                l 10 L
l l
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                                  ODCH-3 0
(~    Offsita Dose Calculation Manual                                                                              DRAFT
(                                                                                                                  Page 3 0-20 TABLE (Continued)
TABLE NOTATION "The LLD is defined, for purposes of these controls, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a not count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.
For a particular measurement system, which may include radiochemical separation:
4.66 ab 11D =
* V
* 2.22 x 106.y. esp (-kt)
Wheret                                                                                                                          ,
11D is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above, as microcuries per unit mass or volume, k        8b is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate, as counts per minute, E is the counting efficiency, as counts per disintegration, V is the sample size in units of mass or volume, 2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurie, Y is the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable, histheradioactivedecayconstantfortheparticularradionuclide,and At for plant effluents is the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and time of counting.
Typical values of E, V, Y, and A t should be used in the calculatior.
It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability M a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.
bA batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume.
Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated, and then thoroughly mixed by a method described in the ODCH to assure representative sampling.
t l
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                              ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                          DRAFT O                                                            f se 3 0-24 TABLE (Continued)
TABLE NOTATION cThe principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively aret Hn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, In-65, Ho-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144. This does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered. Other peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuolides, shall also be analyzed rnd reported in the Sesiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.8.
dA composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid samples is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative of the liquids released. This any be accomplished through composites of grab samples obtained prior to discharge after the tanks have been recirculated.
        'A continuous release is the discharEe of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volumel e.g., from a volume of a system that has an input flow dtring the continuous release.
O 3
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dese Calculation Manual                              DRAFT Page 3 0-22
]L RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS LIQUID EFFLUENTS DOSE CONTROLS 3 11.1.2 The dose or dose commitment to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released, from each reactor unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited
: a. During any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 areas to the total body and to less than or equal to 5 areas to any organ, and
: b. During any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 areas to the Wtal body and to less than or equal to 10 arens to any organ.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
: a. With the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials in
,e                liquid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and
\                  submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed cor active actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits. This Special Report shall also include (1) the results of radiological ana bses of the drinking water source and (2) the radiological impact on finished drinking water supplies with regard to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141,
Safe Drinking Water Act.'
: b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid er fluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH at least once per 31 days.
          ' Applicable only if drinking water supply is taken from the receiving water p    body within 3 miles of the plant discharge.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                      ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                    DRAFT O                                                                      e Ee 3 o-23 I
RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS LIQUID WASTE TREATMFWT CONTROLS 3 11.1 3 The liquid radwaste treatment systen shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portions of the systen shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in 11guld wastes prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to the liquid effluent, from each reactor unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) would exceed 0.06 mrem to the tot.a1 body or 0.2 area to any organ                ,
any 31-day period.                                                                          1 APPLICABILITY:    At all times.
: a. With radioactive 11guld waste being discharged and in excess of the above limits and any portion of the liquid radwaste treatment systea not in operation, prepare and submit to the Coamission within 30 days pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2 a Specini Report that
      ,            includes the following information:
: 1.      Explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without complete treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for the inoperability.
: 2.      Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and 3        Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a
_                      recurrence.
: b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIPIHFNTS 4.11.1 3 1 Doses due to liquid releases from each reactor unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the aethodology and. parameters in the ODCH.
4.11.1 3 2 The installed 11guld radwaste treatment system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by meeting Controls 3 11.1.1 and 3 11.1.2.
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                              OICM-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                            DRAFT Page 3 0-24 O.
RAD 10 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE RAT _E CONTROLS 3 11.2.1 -the dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the following:
: a. For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 aress/yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 r. ream /yr to the skin, and
: b. For iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to 1500 areas /yr to any organ.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
()                  Wit? We dose rate (s) exceeding the above limits, lamediately restore the re.'vae rate to within the above lialt(s).
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the above limits in accordance with the methodology and
_                parameters in the ODCH. The dose rate due to iodine-131, iodine-133, tritius, and all other radionuolides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the above limits in accordance w!th the methodology and parameters in the ODCM by obtaining representative samples and performing analyses in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in Table
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temer Ltett of
!                                        .Seepitne          Anotyste                              Type of              Detect 9en (LLD)*
'                Geseove meIesse Type      Fr-_wy            F-.-_      4,                    Acttwity Aceiye4s            (uCt#et) f                                                P. S'            P. S'
;                A. Contstament PURGE        Each PURGE        Escts PURGE              Principal Govene Esattters b          1 e  10j (Pew Treatment)          Grob Semple              P                                M-3
* w to
'              ' B. Reactor Butiding      gc.d.e ;                    yc              ; Principal Gemme Emittersh              1m    TO'"
Eshaust Plenum      Grob Semple                MC                                H-3                      1a 10-6 3                    Standby Gas Tgest-ment $ystem
N                Principel Gemme Enttters b              1a C. Red =este But t dt ng  M M                              H-3                        t a  10~"6 10-Turbine Butiding      Grob Sample Service Suttolog 1                    On-Site Storage Factfity l
D. Att Release Types Continuous'                      w8                            1-131                      1 e  10-12 f                                                              .
Adsorbent                              1-133                      5m    10-10 1"                  as ilsted in 8 and C above.                            ' Semple peg ,cgg.g go        g.gtteru b          1 =  10~1' Continuous'                    we j'                                                              Porticulate Semple (I-131. others) ii
!                                        Continuous'                    u                          Gross Alphe                    t a  10~II
'                                                              .Compostte Particulate f-                                                            'Somote
4                                        Continuous f                  Q                        .Sr-89. Se-93                    1 m    10~II
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:Porticulate Semple i                                                          f                                                                        1 a    10-6 Continuous            Noble Gas                          Moble Gas Monttee                        Gross Sete ce Gemme
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5 I
Nuclet.r Production - Fermi 2                                    OICH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                  DRAFT 0,                                                                    Page 3 0-26 TABLE 1 (Continued)
TABLE NOTATION aThe 11D is defined, for purposes of these controls, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a not count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 55 probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real' signal.
For a particular acasurement system, which may include radiochealcal separationt 4.66 ab 11D *-
* V ' 2.22 r 100
* I '' e'sp (-ht)
Wheret 11D is the "a priori" loter limit of detection as defined above, as microcuries per unit mass or voluae, O            b i the t d rd devi tio# or the 6 casro=#d oo#atiai r t or or the counting rate of a bisnh sample as appropriate, as counts per minute, E is the counting efficiency, as counts per disintegration, V is the sample sine in units of mass or volume, 2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per alcrocurie,
  -          Y is the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable,
              )istheradioactivedecayconstantfortheparticularradionuclide,and at for plant effluents is the elapsed tino between the midpoint of aasple collection and time of counting.
Typical values of E, V, Y, and At should be used in the calculation.
It should be recognized that the 11D is defined as an a priori (before the fact) 11 alt representing the capability of a acasurement systen and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular acasurement.
t Nuclear Production - Termi 2                                                      ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                  DRAf*f Page 3 0-27 TARLE (Continued)
TABLE NOTATION DThe principal gamma 4%t>to tor which the LLD specification applies esclusively are the fuhoh radionuclidest Kr-87, Kr-88, Ie-133. Ie-133a, Ie-135, and Ie-133 in rek% 's As releases and Hn-54, re-59, C0-58, Co-60, In-65.
No.99, I-131, Cs-ty , 4 13h co-141, and Ce-144 in iodine and particulate releases. This liist en: int nean that only these nuclides are to be considered. Other (ydu the above nuclidnu, iludi(uida                        that areand also be analyzed      identifiable, reported intogether  with those of the Semiannual Radiactive Efflueat ittlere Report pursuant to Control 5 91.8.                                                        ,
cSampling and anal)s.ts shd1 also be performed following shutdown, startup, or a THERNAL POWE4 than(3 oncoeding 15% of RATED THERNAL POWER within a 1-hour period. This reentronen1. does not apply if (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 tar.cerAration in the primary coolant has not increased more                                        '
than a factor of h and (if).the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased,more than a factor of 3                                                                            ,
dTritius grab samples shall be taken at least once per 24 hours when either                                          .
the reactor well or the dryer-separator storage pool is flooded.
                'Trittua grab samples shall be taken at least once per 7 days from the O-      v a'ti tiaa                        a at era ta    e at r# t root ar        a a v r e #t r# 1 i ia the spent fuel po i rThe ratio of the anaple flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for_the tino perio@ covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with Controls 3,11.2.1, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 g$amples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours after changing, or after renoval from sampler.
Sampling shall also be performed at least once per 24 hours for at-least 7 days following each shntdown, startup or THERNAL POWER change exceeding 15% or RATED THERNAL POWER in 1 hour.and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours of changing. When sample.a collected for 24 hours are analyzed, the corresponding LLDs-say be increased by a factor of 10. This requirement does not apply if (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 concentration in the primary coolant has not ,tnereased more than a factor of 31 and (2) the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased more than a factor of 3 h Required    when the SCTS is in operation.
IThe containment shall be sampled and analyzed within 8 hours prior to the start of any VENTING or PURGING and at least once per 12 hours during VENTING or PURGING of the drywell through other than SGTS.
Nuclear Production - Persi 2                                  ODCH-3 0
  ,,      Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT Page 3 0-28 (J
RADIDACTIVE EFFLUENTS CASCOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE - NOBLE CASES CONTROLS 3 11.2.2 The air dose due to nobio gases released in gaseous effluents, from each reactor unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE DOUNDARY (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the followingt
: a. During any calendar .1uarter: Less than or equal to 5 mrada for gamma radiation and less Luan or equal to 10 mrada for beta radiation and,
: b. During any calendar yeart Less than or equal to 10 mrads for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mrads for beta radiation.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
  ,-            a. With the calculated air dose from radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to
  ' ')                the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.
: b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for noble gases shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH at least once per 31 days.
      ,e3 k)
Nuclear Production - Termi 2                                          ODCH-3 0 DRAIT m  Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                        Page 3 0-29 b)
RADIOACT!VE EFFLUENTS CASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE - 10 DINE-131,10D1HE-133. TRITIUH, AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORM CONTROLS 3 11.2 3 The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from iodine-131, todine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released, from reactor unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE DOUNDARY (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the followings
: a. During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 7 5 areas to any organ and,
: b. During any calendar years Less than or equal to 15 areas to any organ.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
: a. With the calculated dose from the release of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to Tshme the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.
: b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.11.2 3 Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for todine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH at least once per 31 days.
t i
i r
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                            ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calcuistion Manual                                                        DRAFT                                    r Page 3 0-30 i
APPLICABILITY: 'Whenever the main condenser steaa jet air ejectors are in operation.-
: a.      With the OFF-GAS TREATHENT SYSTEM inoperable for more than 7 days,                                      !
prepare and submit to the consission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Spooitication 6 9 2, a Spooial Report that includes the following informations                                                                                  ,
Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystens and
: 1.                                                                                        '
the reason for the inoperability, fy                                      2.              Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to v                                                      OPERABLE status, and 3                Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence,
: b.        1he provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable,
: c.        1he provisions of Control 4.0.11 are not applicable.-                                                  .
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS                                                                                          _            ,
4'.11.2.4 The OFF-GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be demona,trated OPERABLE by meeting Controls 3 11.2.1, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3
Nuclear Production - Permi 2                                                          ODCH-3 0 p                                                                                          Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                        DRAFT Q                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 3 0-31                .
t RADIDACTIVE EITLUENTS VENTILATION EIllAUST TREATHENT SYSTEH CONTROLS 3 11.2.5 The VENTILATION EIRAUST TREATHENT SYSTEM as described in the ODCH shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portions of the system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases from the site t.o UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) would exceed 0 3 ares to any organ in any 31-day period.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
: a. With radioactive gaseous waste being discharged in excess of the above limits and any portion of the VENTILATION EIllAUST TREATHENT            -
SYSTEM not in operation, prepare and submit to the Coamission within 30 days pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2 a Special Report that includes the following information O                                                                                                                                i.      Idenuficauea of anx 1a-rate eauir-at or s* sis the reason for the inoperability,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    , aad
: 2.      Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLP status, and 3      Summary description of aetton(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.
!-                                                                                                                                            b. 'lhe provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not. applicable.
1 1                                                                                                           1 Doses due to gaseous releases from the site shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH, when any portion of the VENTILATION EIHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM is not in use. The VENTILATION EIRAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by meeting Controla 3 11.2.1, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 O
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                        OICH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                    DRAPT O                                                                                    raE 3 o-32 RADIOACTIVE EITLUENTS VENTING OR PURGING CONTROLS
:a 3 11.2.8 VENTING or PURGING of the Mark I containment shall be through the standby gas treatment system or the reactor building ventilation system.
APPLICABILITYt Whenever the containment is vented or purged.
: a. With the requirements of the above control not satisfied, suspena all VENTING or PURGING of the drywell.
: b. The provision of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The containment shall be determined to be aligned for VENTING or O  PURGING through the standby gas treatment system or the reactor building ventilation system within 4 hours prior to start of and at least once per 12 hours during VENTING or PURGING of the containment. Prior to use of the purge system through the standby gas treatment system assure thatt
: a. Both standby gas treatment system trains are OPERABLE Whenever the purge system is in use, and
: b. Whenever the purge system is in uso dc.aing OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 or 2 or 3, only one of the standby gas treatment system trains may be used. 3 The containment drywell shall be sampled and analyzed per Table of Control 311.2.1 within 8 hears prior to the start of and at least once per 12 hours during VENTING or P1RGING of the drywell through other than the standby gas treatment system.
ODCH-3 0 Nucicar Production - Fermi 2                                DRAFT
(~T  Offatte Dose calculation Manual                              Page 3 0-33
RADIDACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE CONTRCLS 3 11.4 The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be lialted to less than or equal to 25 areas to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 areas.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
: a. With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits of Controls 3 11.1.2a., 3 11.1.2b., 3 11.2.2a., 3 11.2.2b., 3 11.2 3a., or 3 11.2 3b., calcuintions should be made including direct radiation contributions from the reactor units and from outside storage tanks to determine whether the limits of Control 3 11.4 havo been exceeded. If such is the case, prepare and submit to the Coamission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special
A                Report that defines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent releases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits and includes the schedule for achieving conformance with the                '
above limits. This Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR 20.4050, shall include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release (s) covered by this report.
It shall also describe levels of radiation and concentrations of
    -              radioactive material involved, and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations. If the estimated dose (s) exceeds the above limits, and if the release condition resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete,
: b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluents shall be determined in accordance with Controls,, and 4.11.2 3, and
(  in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH. Cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation from the reactor w its and from outside storage tanks shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH. This requirement is applicable only under conditions set forth in Control 3 11.4, ACTION a.
Wuclear Production - Termi 2                                              ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                          DRAFT Page 3.0-34
v RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONKENTAL HONITORING HONITORING PROGRAM C_0NTR0lJS 3 12.1 The radiological environsental monitoring program shall be conducted as specified in Table 3 12.1-1.
APPLICADILITY: At all times.
: a. With the radiological environmental monitoring program not being conducted as specified in Table 312.1-1, prepare and submit to the Commission, in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report required by Control 5.9 1 7, a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence,
: b. With the level of radioactivity as the result of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceeding the reporting levels of Table 3 12.1-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30
(~l                days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2, a Special Report
  '>                  that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose # to A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of Controla 3 11.1.2, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 When more than one of the radionuclides in Table 3 12.1-2 are detected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted ift c
_oncentration  (1)            + concentration (2)  +  ...> 1.0 reporting level (1)              reporting level (2)
When radionuclides other than those in Table 3 12-2 are detected and are the result of plant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the potential annual dose # to A KEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from all radionuclides is equal to or greater than the calendar year limits of Controls 3 11.1.2, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 This report is not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents; however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control
: c. With milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples unavailabic from one or more of the sample locations required by Tab ~le 3 12.1-1, identify specific locations for cbtaining replacement samples and add them to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days.
The specific locations from which samples were unavailable may then
            *The methodology used to estimate the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE 4
PUBLIC shall be indicated in this report.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                      ODCM-3 0 Offsite bose Calculation Manual                                                    DRAFT O                                                                                      PaSe 3 0-35 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HONITORING CONTROLS (Continued) i*e deleted from the monitoring program. Pursuant to Control 5.9 1.B.
                  'dentify the cause of the unavailability of samples and identify the new location (s) for ottaining replacement samples in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.8 and also include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCH reflecting the new location (s).
: d. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
4.12.1 The radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table 3 12.1-1 from the specific locations given in the table and figure (s) in the ODCH, and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table 3 12.1-1 and the detection capabilities required by Table 4.12.1-1.
CDCp 3.0 DRAFT Page 3.0-36 TABLF 3.12.1-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Number of Representative                              Sampling and      Type and Frequency Samples and                              Collection Frequency    Of Analysis Esposure Path =ay      Sample Locations
* and/or Saeole                                                                      Gamma dose quarterly.
D Quarterly 37 routine monitoring stations.
'. DIRECT RADIATION with two or more dosimeters placed as follows: 1) an inner ring of stations in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY and additionaf rings at approximately 2 5. and 10 miles. with a station in at least every other meteorciogical sector for each ring with the emception of tt'ose sectors over Lake Erie. The balance of the stations 8 should be placed in specist interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences, schools, and in 2 or 3 areas    to serve as control stations.
2,  AIRBORNF                                                    Continuous sampler    nagiotodine Cannistee Racioiodine and  Samples from 5 locations.                operation with sample  1-138 analysis weekly.
Particulates                                            Collectico usekly. or
: a. 3 samples from close to                mare frecuently if the 3 SITE BOUNDARY loca-tions, in different sectors.
required by dust      Particulate    Sa*ofee r Gross beta ractoactivity loading.
of tne highest calculated                                  analysis following d
annual overage ground-                                      filter changes level D,0.
Gamma Isotopic analysis' 1 samole from the wir r.?ty of e
: b.                                                              of composite (by a community having itJ *1ghest                              location) quarterly.
calculated annual average groundlevel D/Q.
l O                                                                        .O O                                                                                            COCM-3.0 DRAFT Page 3.0-37 TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)
RADIOLO'    . ENVIRONMENTAL WONITORING PROGRAM Number of P*oresentative                                    Sampling and            Type and Frequency Exposure Path =ay  ",4 pies and                                Cottection Frequency            of Analysis and/or Sample    7* .,o l e Locations *
: c. 1 sample from a control location, as for saample 15-30 km distant and in the least prevalent wind 1
direction.                                                                                                  1
: 3. WATERBORNE                                                    Composite sample over      Gamma isotopic *ealysis' Surface #      a. I sample upstream.                      t-month peelod 9            monthly. Compos to for a.
: b. I sample dcwnstream.                                                tritiu m analys*s aaarterly Quarterly                  Gamma isotopic" and
: b. Ground Samples from 1 or 2 sources                                            teltium analysis only if likely to be                                                    Quarterly if ground b
affectec .                                                              mater flow reversa* is noted.
Composite sample            I-131 analysis on each
: a.
* sample of each of 1 to              over 2-meek pericd9        composite when the cose
: c. Drinklog 3 of the nearest water                  when I-131 analysts        calculated for the supplies that could be                  is performed, monthly      consumption of the mater i
affected by its discharge.              composite otherwise          is greater than 1 mrem per year.        Composite
: b. 1 sample from a                                                    for gross beta and gamma control location                                                    isotopic analyses' Composite for monthly.
t ri t ium areal ys i s Cuart er ! y Semiannually                Gamma      isotopic smalysis' 1 sample from downstream area                                          semiannually.
: d. Sealment      with existing or potential from s$oreline  recreational value.
OOCM-3.0 DRAFT Page 3.0-38 l
TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)
RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAW Number of Representative                                    sampling and        Type and Frecuency Samples and                                  Cettection Frecuency      of Analysis Espesure Patn-ay          Sample Locations' anc/cr Sample Semimonthly when Gamma isotopic' and 4,  INGESTION                  Samples from milking animals                                    I-131 analysts semimontnly
: a. Mfik              a.                                          animals are on in 3 locations within 5 km              pasture, monthly at    when amissla are on distance having the highest                                      pasture; monthly at dose potential. If there                other times other times.
are none, then. I sample from milking animals in each of 3 areas between 5 to 8 km distant where doses are calculated to be gyeater                                                                        l l
than 1 mrom per yr .
: b. 1 sample from milking animals at a control location 15-30 km distant and in the least prevalent wind direction Sample in season, or Gamma isotopic aanlysis'        I
: n. Fism and          a. 1 sample of each commercially              semlannually if they  on edible portions.
and recreationally impcrtant Inverteorates        species in vicinity of plant              are not seasonal discharge area.
: b. I sample of same species in areas not influenced by plant d i scha rge ,
At  time of harvest)  Gamma isotopic analyses'
: a. 1 sample of each principal                                      on edible portions.
: c. Food                class of food products from Products any area that is irrigated by water in which liquid plant wastes have been discharged.
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Huclear Production - Fermi 2                                                          ODCH-3 0 DRAFT Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                      Page 3 0-40
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TABLE 3 12.1-1 (continued)
TABLE NOTATIONS aspecific parameters of distance and direction sector from the centerline of one reactor, and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in Table 312.1-1 in a table and figure (s) in the ODCH. Refer to NUREG-0133, " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979 Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the knnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Contol 5 9.1 7 It is recognized that, at times, it may not be possible or practicable to continue to obtain samples of the media of choics at the most desired location or time. In these instances suitable specific alternative media and locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question and appropriate . substitutions made within 30 days in the radiological environmental monitoring program. Pursuant to Control, identify the cause of the unavailability of samples for that pathway and identify the new location (s) for obtaining replacement samples in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and also include in the report a t]
k                    revised figure (s) and table for the ODCH reflecting the new location (s).
Done or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in addition to, integrating dosimaters. For the purpose of this table, a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; two or more phosphors in a packet are considered as tro or more dosimeters. Film badges shall not be used as dosimeters for measuring direct radiation. The frequency of analysis or readout for TLD systems will depend upon the characteristics of the specific system used and should be selected to obtain optimum dose information with minimal fading.
cThe purpose of this sample is to obtain background information. If it is not practical to establish control locations in accordance with the distance and wind direction criteria, other sites that have valid background data may be substituted.
dAirborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis shall be performed on the individual samples.
                        ' Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.
n Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                  OLCH-3 0
  . Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT              i Page 3 0 211 TABLE 3 12.1 1 (continued)
TABIE NOTATION IThe  " upstream sample" shall be taken at a distance beyond significant influence of the discharge. The " downstream" sample shall be taken in an area beyond but near the mixing zone. " Upstream" samples in an estuary must be        i taken far enough upstream to be beyond the plant ir. fluence.
gA composite sample is one in which the quantity (aliquot) of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of flowing liquid and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative of the liquid flow. In this program composite sample aliquots shall be collected at time intervals that are very shc.,rt (e.g., hourly) relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) in order to assure obtaining a representative sample.
hGroundwater samples shall be taken when this source is tapped for drinking or irrigation purposes in areas where the hydraulio gradient or recharge proporties are suiteble for contamination.
1The dose.shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, using the methodology and parameters in the ODCH.
JIf harvest occurs more tLan once a year, sampling shall be performed during O
each discrete harvest. If harvest occurs continuously, sampling shall be monthly. Attention shall be paid to including samples of tuberous and root food products.
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Nuclear Production - Ferai~2-                                                        ODCH-3 0-
        .    'Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                      PRAFT                                                  l Page 3.0-4'l TABLE 4.12.1-1 (Continued)
TABLE NOTATIONS "This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.
Other that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall s4 ..o be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5.9 1.7.
bRequired detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurements are given in Regulatory Guide 4.13.-
cThe LLD is defined, for purposes _of these Controls, es the smallest
              = concentration:of radioactive material in a sample that will' yield a not count, above systen background, that_ will be detected with 955 probability with only 55 probability of-falsely. concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.
                'For'a particular seasurement systes, which may include radiochemical separation:
4.66 se LLD
* E
* V ' 2.22
* Y
* exp (-AAt)
    -O          Where:
LLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above, as picoeuries por unit mass or volume,-
sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate-of a blank sample as appropriate, as counts per minute,
    .c                      E is the counting efficiency, as counts per disintegration, V is -the sample size in units of mass or volume, the number of disintegrations per minute por picoeurie,
                          -Y:is the fractional' radiochemical yield, when applicable, histheradioactivedecayconstantfortheparticularradionuclide,and 4t for environmental samples is the elapsed time.between sample collection, or end of the sample collection period, and time of counting Typical values of E, V, Y, and A t used in the calculation.
    ,      ,    . -..            ,    _ . , . . , - , -                .                            .    .                          . . - ~ _ . - _ _ 4 -
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l Nuclear Production - Fermi 2-                                                        ODcH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                      DRAFT
    - p\ n.-                                                                                            Page 3 0-45 TABtE 4.12.1-1 (Continued)
TABLE NOTATIONS It should be recognized that the LLD s defined as an a priori (before the ft ?} limit representing the capabi'                  of a measurement system and not as an a posi.eriori (after the fact) liml'                      '-ticular measurement. Analyses shall be performed in such a manner t% t                ., N .        -  LLDs will'De achieved under routine conditions. Occasional!' ty                -              Tetuations, unavoidable small sample sizes, the presence of inu : '                .
t    ,  cr other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs m-9:              In such cases, the contributing: factors shall be iden?=.                  -          -"    tea-in the Annual
                  -Radiological Environment.1 Operating              -                  ..s  t.) Control 5 9.1 7 d LLD    for drinking water samples.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                  ODCM-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                DRAFT
&                                                                    Page 3 0-46 W
RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HONITORING LAND USE CENSUS CONTROLS 3 12.2 A land use census shall be conducted and shall identify within a distance of 8 km (5 miles) the location in each of the 16 meteorological sectors of the nearest milk gnimal, tge nearest residence and the nearest gardent of greater than 50 m (500 ft ) producing broad leaf vegetation.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
: a. With a land use census identifying a location (s) that yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than the values currently being calculated in Control 4.11.2 3, identify the new location (s) in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, pursuant to Control 5.9.1.B.
: b. With a land use census identifying a location (s) that yields a calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) 20% greater than at a location from which samples are currently being G                  o'otained in accordance with Control 3 12.1, add the new location (s) to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days.
The sampling location (s), excluding the control station location, having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (s), via the same exposure pathway, may be deleted from this monitoring proEram after October 31 of the year in which this land use census was conde.ted.
Pursuant to Control 5 9.1.8, identify the new location (s) in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and also include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new location (s).
: c. The provisions of Control 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.12.2 The land use census shall be conducted during the growing season at least once per 12 months using that infor' nation that will provide the best results, such as by a door-to-door survey, visual survey, aerial survey, or by consulting local agriculture authorities. The results of the land use census shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.7
* Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation h    may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in each of two different direction sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of the garden census. Controls for broad leaf vegetation sampling in Table 3 12.1-1, Part ti.c, shall be followed, including analysis of control samples.
Nuclear Production - Ferni 2                                  ODcH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                DRAFT
  /O                                                                Page 3 0-47 V.
RADIOLOGICAL ENVI,RONMENTAL HONITORING INTERLABORATO.      cdMPARISON PROGRAM CONTROLS 3 12 3 Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that has been approved by the Commission.
APPLICABILITY: At all times.
: a. With analyses n'ot being performed as required above, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1 7
: b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.
  \J 4.12 3 The Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be described in the ODCM, A summary of the results obtained as part of the above required Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.7 m
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  \                          Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                                                                                                                                    DRAFT Page 3 0-48 i                      al!                                        !
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MAP OEFlHING UNRESTRICTED AREAS AND SITE BOUNDARY FOR RADIDACTIVE GASEOUS AND LIQUID EFFLUENTS                                                                                                                                                        j l
Figure 3.0-1 (also Figure 5.1.3-1 in Technical Specifications)
ODCH-4.0 Nuclear Production - Fermt 2 DRAFT Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 9                                                                                                  Page 4.0-1 SECTION 4.0 BASES O
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                ODCH-4.0 DRAFT Offsite Dese Calculation Manual
(                                                                                                    Page 4.0-2 INSTR" MENTATION BASES 3/4.3 7.11 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT HONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive 11guld effluent monitoring instrumentation is=provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases of liquid effluents. The alarm / trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH to ensure that the alarm / trip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, 3/ RADI0 ACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT NONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents during actual or potential releases of gaseous effluents.
The alarm / trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH utilizing the system design flow rates as specified in the ODCH. This conservative method is e-        used because the Fermi 2 design does not include flow rate measurement devices. This will ensure the alarm / trip will occur prior to exceeding the
(_)3 limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.
3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 3/ CONCENTRATION This control is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid waste effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be less than the concentration levels specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. This limitation provides additional assurance that the levels of radioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result in exposures within (1) the Section II.'A design objectives of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50, to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC and (2) the limits of 10 CFR Part 20.106(e) to the population. The concentration limit for dissolved or entrained noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-135 is the controlling radioisotope and its HPC in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the methods described in International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.
The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in liquid waste samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs).
Detailed discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits can be found in HASL Procedure Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually), Currie, L. A. , " Limits for (w~}      Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968), and Hartwell, J. K., " Detection Limits for Radionnalytical Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-SA-215 (June 1975).
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCM-4.0 n    Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT
()                                                                Page 4.0-3 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 3/ DOSE This control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.A.
III. A, and IV. A of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50. The control implements the guides set forth in Section II. A of Appendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV. A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably 1.chievable." Also, for fresh water sites with drinking reasonable assurance that the operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentrations in the finished drinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141. 'Ihe dose calculation methodology and parameters in the ODCM implement the requirements in Sect 1)n III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The equations specified in the ODCH for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, p    " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents i    for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I,"
Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113 " Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I," April 1977 3/4.11.1 3 LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the liquid radwaste treatment system ensures that this system will be available for use whenever liquid effluents require treatment
_    prior to their release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be used, when specified, provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid offluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable". This specification implements the requirements of General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and the design objective given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.
The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for liquid effluents.
3/4.11.2 CASE 00S EFFLUENTS 3/ DOSE RATE This control is provided to ensure that the dose at any time at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY from gaseous effluents from all units on the site will be O  within the annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part 20 to UNRESTRICTED AREAS. The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR l        Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 1. These limits provide reasonable
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-4.0 e    Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT Page 4.0-4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 3/ DOSE RATE (Continued) assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in an UNRESTRICTED AREA ,
either within or outsite the SITE BOUNDARY, to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II of 10 CFR Part 20 (10 CFR Part 20.106(b)). For HEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of that MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will usually be sufficiently low to compensate for any increase in the atmospherto diffusion        ,
factor above that for the SITE BOUNDARY. Examples of calculations for such          !
MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, with the appropriate occupancy factors, shall be given        )
in the ODCM. The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding gamma and beta dose rates above background to a HEMBER OF THE          i PUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500 mrems/ year te the total body or to less than or equal to 3000 arems/ year to the skin.
These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding            l thyroid dose rate limits above background to a child via the inhalation pathway'    '
to less than or equal to 1500 mrems/ year.
O          The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in gaseous V    waste samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs).
Detailed discusMon of the LLD, and other detection limits can be found in HASL Procedures Manual, MASL-300 (revised annually), Currie, L. A., " Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968), and Hartwell, J. E., " Detection Limits for Radioanalvtical Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-SA-215 (June 1975).
3/ DOSE - NOBLE GASES This control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.B.
III. A, and IV.A of Appendix I,10 CFR rart 50. The control implements the guides set forth in Section II.B of Appendix 1. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III. A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The dose calculation methodology and parameters established in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents  for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I,"
(7 u                    Rev!sion 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for EstimatinL atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Caseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for determining the air doses at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY see based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-4.0 DRAFT m-    Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Page 4.0-5 V
        'ihis control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.C, III.A.
and IV. A of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50. The controls are the guides set forth in Section II.C of Appendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in the Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Uection III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The ODCH calculational methodology and parameters for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the
      , subject materials are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routino Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory guide 1.111, " Methods for n    Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine V    Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977 These equations also provide for determining the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. The release rate controls for iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days are dependent upon the existing radionuclide pathways to man, in the areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY. The pathways that were examined in the development of these calculations weret (1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, (2) deposition of
  -      radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man, (3) deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals and meat producing animals grace with consumption of the milk and meat by man, and (4) deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man.
3/ 0FF-CAS TREATMENT SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of t.he OFF-CAS TREATHENT SYSTEM ensures that the system will be available for use whanever gaseous effluents require treatment prior to release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of these systems be used, when specified, provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." This control implements the requirements of General Design Criteria 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectivos given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a l        suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and O
v II.C of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents,
      --            --            -    -      -    -.-              -~.      ..      .. -.. -.    - - .
Nuclear Production - Feral 2L                                      ODCM-4.0 Offsite' Dose Calculation Manual                                    DRAFT
  -f                                                                          Page 4.0-6 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES I
3/4;11.2 5 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM The requirement that the appropriate portions of this systen be used, when
        - specified, provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and 'II.C of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.
3/ VENTING OR PURGING This. control provides reasonable assurance that releases from drywell purging operations will not exceed-the annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part-20 for UKRESTRICTED AREAS.
3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSE jr)              This control is provided to meet the dose limitations of 40 CFR Part 190 that have been incorporated into 10 CFR Part 20 by 46 FR 18525. The control v
requires the preparation and submittal of a Special-Report whenever the calculated doses from plant generated radioactive effluents and direct radiation exceed _25 area to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 areas. For sites containing up to 4 reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a NEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR Part 190 if the individual reactors remain;within twice the dose design objectives of Appendix;I, and if direct radiation doses-from the reactor units an1 outside storage tanks are kept small. The Special Report will describe a course of action that. should result in the limitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR Part 190 limits. .For the purpose of the.Special Report, it may be assumed that the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other than Luranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the exception that dose Sontributions from other'nuclearffuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 km must be considered. If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is estimated to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR'Part 190,. the Special Report with a request for'a variance (provided the release conditions resulting-in violation'of 40 CFR Part 190 have not already been corrected), in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part:190.11 and 10 CFR Part 20.405c, is considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR Part-
          .190 until NRC staff action is completed. The variance only relates to the limits of 40 CFR Part 190,'and does not apply in any way to the other requirements for dose limitation of 10 CFR Part 20, as addresssed in Controls 3 11.1.1 and 3 11.2.1      An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that
  ,O        is part of the nuclear fuel cycle.
1 1
Nuclear Production - Ferst 2                                ODCH-4.0 p' v Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT Page 4.0-7 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING l
BASES                                                                              j i
3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM The radiclogical environmental avnitoring program required by this control  j provides representative measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials    !
in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of HEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC resulting from the station operation. This monitoring program implements Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements the radiological effluent    .
monitoring program by. verifying that the measurcable concentrations of            ;
radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on      j the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways, Guidance for this monitoring program is provided by the        !
Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Honitoring.
The initially specified monitoring program will be effective for at least the first 3 years of commercial operation. Following this period, program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.
The required detection capabilities for environmental sample analyses are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLDs required q                    by Table 4.12.1-1 are considered optimum for routine environmental measurements O                      in industrial laboratories. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.
Detailed discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits, can be found in HASL Procedure Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually), Currie, L. A., " Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968), and Hartwell, J. K., " Detection Limits for Radioanalytical Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-SA-215 (June 1975).
3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS This control is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the radiological environmental monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census. The best information from the door-to-door survey, from aerial survey, from visual survey or from consulting with local agricultural authorities shall be used. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendig I to 10 CFR Part 50. Restricting the census to gardens of greater than 50 m provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables will be identified and monitored since a garden of this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26 kg/ year) of leafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child.
To determine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions were made:
(1)20%ofthegardenwasusedforgrowingbroadleafvegetatgon(i.e.,similar to lettuce and cabbage), and (2) a vegetation yield of 2 kg/m
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                  ODCH-4.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT Page 4.0-8 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HONITORING BASES 3/4.12.3 INTCRLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM The requirement for participation in an approved Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assursnee program for envi/onmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are valid for the purposes of Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                                            ODcH-5.0 Offaite Dose Calculation Kinual                                                                                          DRAFT 0                                                                                                                            Page 5.0-1 SECTION 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS O
ARMS - INPORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                                      Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                                        Rev    DRAFT    Date DTC    TMPLAN                                              Pile 1715.02    Recipient O
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-5,0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                            DRAFT              1 n                                                              Page 5.0-2 V                                                                                  l l
5 9 1.7 Routine Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year.
The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports shall include summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report period, including a comparison as appropriate, with preoperational studies, with operational controls, and with previous environmental surveillance reports, and an assessment of the observad impacts of the plant operation on the      -
environment. The reports shall also include the results of land use censuses required by Control 3 12.2. The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports shall include the results of analysis of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the Table and Figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and seasurments in the format of the table in the-Radiological Assessment Branch Technicul Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted n  noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. If possible, the
() missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.
The reports shall also include the followings a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring paogram; at least two legible maps' covering all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the centerline of one reactor; the results of licensee participation _in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program, re aired by Control 3 12 3; discussion of all deviations from the sampling schedule of Table 3 12.1-1; and discussion of all analyses in which the LLD required by Table 4.12.1-1 was not achievable.
SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT" 5 9.1.8 Routine Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous 6 months of operation shall be submitted witnin 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year.
    'One map shall cover stations near the SITE BOUNDARY; a second shall include the more distant stations.
    " A single submittal may be made for a mutiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                ODCH-5.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                              DRAFT (Vl                                                              Page 5.0-3 ADAINISTRATIVE CONTROLS SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (Continued)
The Semiannual Radicactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Heasuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radior.ctivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Caseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof.
The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted within 60 days after January 1 of each year shall include an annual summary of hourly meteorological data collected ove the previous year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing on ma p tic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and precipit0 tion (if measured),
or in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind spet1, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.**' This same report shall include an assessment of the radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit or station during the previous calendar year. This same report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous efflue*'-~; to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities q    inside the SITE BOUN F        .igure
                                  '      3 0-1) during the report period. All v    assumptions used          .ig these assessments, i.e., specific activity, exposure time and locat,'        .1 be included in these reports. The assessment of radiation dose:      2  be performed in accordance with the methodology and parameters in        OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION HANUAL (ODCH).
The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted 60 days after January 1 of each year shall also include an assessment of radiation doses to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from reactor releases and other nearby uranium fue) cycle sources, including doses from primary effluent
pathways and direct ca:aation, for the previous calendar year to show conformance with 40 CFR Part 190, Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operation. The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with methodology and parameters in the ODCM.
The Semiannual Radioactive Erluent Release Reports shall include the following information for each class of solid waste (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61) shipped offsite during the report period:
: a. Container volume,
: b. Total curic quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),
      ###1n lieu of submission with the first half year Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required meteorological data on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request.
Nucler*r Production - Fermi 2                                      ODCH-5.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                    DRAFT g_                                                                      Page 5.0-4 Q
: c. Principal radionuclides (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),
: d. Source of waste and processing employed (e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry waste, Svaporator bottoms),
: e. Type of container (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and      -
: f. Solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., ccment, urea formaldchyde).
      'the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a list and description of unplanned releases from the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting period.
The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include any chances made during the reporting period to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCH) as described in Technical Specification 6.14.2.c, as well as a listing of new locations for dose calculations and/or environmental monitoring identified by the land use census pursuant to Control 3 12.2.
The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall also include the following: an explanation as to why the inoperability of liquid or gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation was not corrected within the time specified f.n Control 3 3 711 or 3 3 712, respectively; and description of the events leading to liquid holdup tanks exceeding the limits of Technical Specification 3 11.1.4.
.      SYSTDtS*
5.15.1 Licensee-initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous, and solid):
: a. Shall be reported to the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the evaluation was reviewed by the OSRO. The discussion of each change shall contain:
: 1. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59
: 2.      Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information; O
O      ' Licensees may choose to submit the information called for in this Control as part of the annual FSAR update.
_.      . _ _      ~ _ - - ~ . - - . - . - . . - -                      _ - ~ ~ . . . . - _ ~ - - - . - - .
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2!                                                                    ODCH-5.0
              .Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                  DRAFT
Page 5.0-5 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 3            A detailed description of the equipment, components, and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems;                                                                                                    ,
1 11 .        An evaluation of the change, which shows the predicted                                                      )
releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous                                                      ,
effluents and/or quantity of solid waste that differ from                                                  i those previously predicted in the license application and                                                  l amendments thereto;                                                                                        ;
: 5.          An evaluation of the chango, which shows the expected maximum exposures to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in the UNRESTRICTED AREA-and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the license application and amendments thereto;
: 6.        A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive -
materials, in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste, to the actual releases for the period prior to when the changes are to be made; 7          An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a
                                            . result of the change; and
: 8.          Documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by.the'OSRO.
: b.        Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the OSRO.
i O
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                      ODCM-6.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                  DRAFT Page 6.0-1 m
e O
ODCM-0.0 DRAFT PaDe 6.0-2 LIOUl0 EFFLUENTS o                                      -
6.0              Ll0UlO EFFLUENTS This settlen summer!res information on the liquid effluent radiation monitoring instrumentation and controls. More detailed Information is provided in the Fermi 2 UFSAR and Fermi 2 design dranigs from which this rummary was derived. This section also describes the sampling and analysis required by the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.
"                                        Methods for calculating alarm setpoints for the liquid effluent mor.uors are presented. Also, fnethods for evaluating doses from liquid effluents are provided.                                                                    ,
6.1                Radiation Monitoring instrumentation end Controls This section summattres the instrumentation and_ controls monitoring liquid effluents.                            l This discussion focuses on the role of tills equipment in assuring compliance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.
6.1.1                    Offalte Oose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Requirement Fermi .: ODOM prescribes the monitoring required during liquid
rel6ases and the backup sampling required when monnors are Inopergble.
The liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation for controlling and monitoring
* radioactivo effluents in accordance with the Fermi 2 ODCM is summatlied below:
: 1.        Radiation Alarm - Automatic Release Termination
: a. Liquid Radweste Effluent Line - The D11-N007 Radiation Monitor on the liquid redwaste effluent line provides the alarm and              ,
automatic termination of Ilquid radioactive material releases prior to exceeding 1 Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC)
(10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table ll, Column 2) required by ODCM The monitor is located upstream of the Isolation Valve (011-F733) on the liquid radweste discharge line and monitors the concentration of liquid effluent before dilution by the circuleting water reservoir (CWR) decant flow.
l-                                                                                    2.        Radiation Alarm (only) l l                                                                                                a. Circulating Watar Reservoir (CWR) Decant Line - The CWR Decant Line Radiation Monitor (D11-N402) provides indication of the concentration of radioactive material in the diluted redloactive liquid rolesses just before discharge to Lake Erie. As required by l
ODCM, the alarm setpoint is established to alarm (only)
L                                                                                                    prior to exceeding one MPC, t
ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                                                    Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                                                  _
Rev DRAFT            Dato DTC                TMPLAN                                                      File 1715.02        Recipient
ODCM-60 DRAFT Page 0.0-3 (J~}
: 3.      Flow Rate Meaturing Devices
: a. Liquid Radwante Effluent Line - In accordance with ODCM, the release rate of liquid redweste discharges is monitored by 011-R703. This flow rate instrumentation is located on the tedwesto dischafDs line prior to the junction with the CWR uecant line,
: b. CirculatinD Water Reservoir Decent Line - in accordance w th ODCM, the flow rate of the CWR decent line is monitored by N71-R802. The flow rate instrumentation is located on the decent line downstream of the junction with the liquid radweste effluent line. This instrumentation measures the total discharge flow rate from Fermi 2 to Lake Erie.
6.1.2                                          Non-ODCM Required Monitor An additional monitor not required b/ Fermi 2 ODCM is provided by Detroit Edison to reduce the likelihood of an unmonitored releasJ of radioactive liquids.
: 1. General Service Water - The General Service Water (GSW) Radiation Monitor (D11-N006) provides additional control of potential radioactive effluents. D11-N008 monitors the OSW System prior to discharge into the Main Condenser circulating water discharge line to the CirculatinD    J Water Fleservoir. Although not an ODCM required monitor, D11-N008        )
(N                                                                                                                                                                            monitors a primary liquid stream in the plant that also discharDes to    i b                                                                                                                                                                              the environment (Lake Erie via the Circulating Water Reservoir).
indication of radioactive material contamination in the OSW System I
would also indicate potential CWR contamination and the need to control all discharges from the CWR as radlosctive effluents.
6.2                                          Sampling and Analysis of Liquid Effluents The pro 0 ram far sampling and analysis of liquid waste is prescribed in the Fermi 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Table,1-1. This table distinguishes two types of liquid releases:
6.2.1                                        DATCH releases, defined as discrete volumes, normally processed through the radweste system to the waste sample tanks 6.2.2                                        COi.'INUOUS releases, from the Circulating Water Reservoir (CWR) System,
!                                                                                                                                                                        If it becomes contaminated Continuous releasse frem the CWR System are via the CWR decant line to Lake Erle.
The CWR System is at expected to becomo contaminated. Therefore, continuous radioactivo material retwases are not expected. However, the General Service Water (GSW) and the CWR systems interf ace with redloactive systems in the plant. Also, the OSW Intako is within a few hundred feet of the CWR decant lino discharDo to Lake Erie. Fe? these reasons, it is prudent to consider the OSW and the CWR a potential source of radioactive effluents and to sample them regularly, m
i ODCM-0.0 DRAri Page 0.0-4 0.2 1    DATCH Releases Fermi 2 ODCM Table requires that a sample representative of the tank contents be obtained before it is released. The table specifies the following program:
                -        Prior to each batch release, analysis for principal gamma emitters (le,cluding all peaks identified by gamma spectroscopy)
                  -      Once per month, analysis of one batch sample for dissolved and entrained Cases (gamma emitters). (See note in Section 6.2.2 below.)
                  -        Once per month, analysis of a composite sample of all releases that month for trillum (H-3) and gross alpha activlty. (The composite sample is required to be representative of the liquids released and sample quantitles of the composite are to be proportional to the quantitles of liquid discharged).
                  -      Once per quarter, analysis of a composite sample of all releases that quarter for Strontium (Sr)-Og, St-DO, and Iron (Fe)-55.
6.2.2      CONTINUOUS Releases Formi 2 ODCM Table requires that composite samples be collected from the CWR System,it contaminated. The table specifies the following sample analysis:
                    -      Once por month, analysis of a composite sample for principal gamma emitters and for 1-131.
                    -      Once per month, analysis of a composite sample for H-3 and gross alpha.
                    -      Once per month, analysis of weekly grab sampleo (composited) for dissolved and entrained gases (gamma emitters). (See note below.)
                      -    Once per quarter, analysis for Sr-89, -90 and Fe-55.
NOTE:      Identification of noble gases that are principal gamma emitung redlonuclidos are included in the gamma spectral analysis performed on all liquid radweste effluents. Therefore, the ODCM Table sampling and analysis for noble gases in batch releases (one batch per month) and continuous releases (monthly analysis of weekly grab samples) need not be performed as a separate program. The gamma spectral analysis on each batch release and on the CWR monthly composite meets the intent of this ODCM requirement.
__..__ _ _._ -._                .__._        m._ _ . _ _ _ _                        .--_._ _ _-    _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _
ODCM-6.0              ,
DRAFT Page 6.0-5 6.3 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpointo Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requires that the concentration of liquid radioactive effluents not exceed the unrestricted aren MPC at the discharge point to Lake Erle. Dissolved or entrained noble gases in liquid effluents are limited to a concentration of 2 E-04 UCl/ml, total noble gas activity. ODCM requires that radiation monitor setpoints be established to alarm and trip prior to exceeding the limits of ODCM
To meet this specification, the alarm / trip setpoints for liquid effluent moaltors are determined in accordance with the following equation:
SP -<                  CL (Df+ RR)
RR (6-1) where:.
SP        =      the setpoint,in UCl/mi, of the monitor measuring the radioactivity concentration in the effluent line prior to dilution. The setpoint represents a value which, if exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding the MPC in the unrestricted area CL        =    the. effluent concentration limit (ODCM Implementing 10 CFR Part 20.106 (i.e., MPC at discharge point) In UCl/mi, defined in Equation (6-4)                  -
RR        =      the liquid effluent release rate as measured at the radiation monitor location, in volume per unit time, but in the same units as DF, below DF        =      the dilution water flow as measured prior to the release point (Lake Erle)in volume por unit time                                                    y At Fermi 2 the available Dilution Water Flow (DF) is constant for a given release, and the waste tank Release Rate (RR) and monitor Setpoint (SP) are set to meet the condition of Equation (6-1) for a given effluent concentration Limit, CL NOTE:      If no dilution is provided, SP < CL Also,'when DF is large compared to RR, then (DF + RR)~,,DF.
6.3.1    -Liquid Radweste Effluent Line Monitor (D11-N007)
Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitor D11-N007 provides alarm and .
* automatic termination of releases prior to exceeding MPC. As required by ODCM Table and as discussed in ODCM Section 6.2.1, a sample
                                      .of the llquid radweste to be discharged is collectert and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to identify principal gamma emitting radlonuclides. From the measurers individual radionuclide concentrations, the allowable release rate is determined.
The allowable release rate is inversely proportional to the ratio of the r
radionuclide concentrations to the MPC values. The ratio of the measured L                                      concentration to MPC values is referred to as the *MPC fraction
* and is calculated by the equation:
l                                                                , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
MPCF =                    g (6-2) where:
MPCF                = fraction of the unrestricted area MPC for a mixture of radionuclides Ci a            concentration of each radlonuclide I measured in each tank prior to release (uCl/ml)
                                =          unrestricted area most restrictive MPC for each radionuclide i from 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix D, Table ll, Column 2. For dissolved and entrained noble gases an MPC value of 2E-04 uCl/mi shall be used.
Based on the MPCF, the maximum allowable release rate can be calculated by the following equation:
D' MAX RR = g CF                    SF (6-3) whern:
MAX RR                  =        maximum acceptable waste tank discharge rate (gal / min)
(Monitor #G11-R703)
DF                      =        dilution flow rate from the CWR as observed from the Control Room readout (gal / min) (Monitor #N71-RB02)
SF                      =        0.5, administrative safety factor to account for variations in monitor response and flow rates. The SF value of 0.5 provides for 100% variation caused by statistical fluctuation and/or errors in ineasurements. Also, this factor provides conservatism, accounting for the presence of radionuclides that may not be detected by the monitors (i.e., non-gamma emitters).
MPCF                    =        As previously defined by equation (6-2)
NOTE:  Equation (6-3) is valid only for MPCF >1; if the MPCF <1, the waste tank      _
concentration meets the limits of 10 CFR Part 20 without dilution, and the waste sample tank may be discharged at the maximum rate.
If MAX RR as calculated above is greater than the maximum discharge pump capacity, the pump capacity should be used in establishing the actual O
i f
ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-7
Release Rate RR for the radweste discharge. For the Waste Sample Tank the maximum discharge rate is 50 gallons per minute. The actual Release Rate RR la rnonitored in the Radweste Control Room by 011-R703.
The Concentration Limit (CL) of a liquid radweste discharge is the same as the effective MPC for the radionuclide mixture of the discharge. Simply, the CL (or effective MPC) represents the equivalent MPC value for a mixture of redlonuclides evaluated collectively. The equation for determining CL is:
CL = bC MPCF (6-4)
Desed on the Release Rate RR and Dilution Flow DF and by substituting Equation (6-4) for CL in Equation (6-1), the altrm setpoint is calculated by the equation:
Sp ,                C,
* SEf4
* DF + Bkg MPDF
* RR (6-5) where:
SP          = setpoint of the radiation monitor counts per second (cps)
Ci          = concentration of redlonuclide I as measured by gamma spectroscopy (uCl/ml)
O        SENi        = monitor sensitivity for radionuclide i based on cellbration curve (cps /(uCl/ml))
RR          = actual release rate of the liquid radweste dlw . -ige (gal / min)
MPCF      -  MPC fraction as determined by Equation (6-2)
Bkg        = background reading of monitor (cps)
DF          =  dilution flow rate of Circulating Water Decant Line as observed from Control Room readout (gal / min) monitor d'N71-R802.
A monitor sensitivity value of 1.0 06 cps /(uCl/ml) may be used in lieu of sensitivity values for individual radionucildes. This value is the sensitivity of Cr-51 determined from the primary calibration sensitivity curve. It is a conservative value for the nuclide mixes which have been seen in actual liquid discharges from rermi 2.
If no radlonuclides are measured by gamma spectroscopy, the alarm setpoint can be established at one half the setpoint of the previous discharge.
i ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-8 Prior to conductinD any batch liquid radwaste release, Equation (6-3) is used to determine the allowable release rate in accordance with ODCM
Equation (6-5)is used to determine the D11-N007 alarm sctpoint in accordance with ODCM
6.3.2  Circulating Water Reservoir Decent Line Radiation Monitor (D11-N402)
ODCM requires that the setpoint for the CWR Decent Line Radiation Monitor D11-N402 be established to ensure the radioactive rnatorial concentration in the decent line prior to discharge to Lake Erlo does not exceed MPC, unrestricted area (10 CFR 20, Appendix D, Table ll, Column 2).
The approach for determining the alarm setpoint for the CWR Decent Line Radiation Monitor is the same as presented in Section 0.3.1 for the liquid Radwerte Effluent Une Monitor. Equation (6-1) remains valid, except that, for the CWR Decant Line Monitor, the dilution flow previously assumed for diluting the DATCH liquid redweste effluents is now the release rate. There is no additional dilution prior to discharge to Lake Erle. Thus, Equation (0-1) simplifies to:
SP < CL (6-6)
Substituting Equation (6-4) for CL and Introducing a safety factor, the D11-N402 alarm setpoint can be calculated by the equation:
* SF p                                                            SP $ [MPCF O                                                                                    (0-7) where:
Ci          = concentration of each radionuclide iin the CWR decent line effluent uCl/mt)
MPCF        = MPC fraction as determined by Equation (6-2)
SF        = 0.5, administrative safety factor Normally, only during periods of batch liquid radwaste discharges will there exist any plant-related radioactive material in the CWR decent line.
6.3.3    Generic, Conservative Alarm Setpoint for D11-N402 The D11-N402 setpoint could be adjusted for each BATCH release as is done for the liquid radweste offluent line monitor. Based on the measured levels of redloactive material in a DATCH liquid release, the alarm setpoint for D11-N402 could be calculated usino Equation (6-7). However, during these planned releases, the concentrations will almost always be so low (due to dilution) that the D11-N402 Monitor will not Indicate measurable levels. The CWR decant line design flow is 10,000 gpm; and the maximum liquid radweste release rate is 50 gpm, providing a 200:1 dilution. The radioactive mategal conegntration of BATCH liquid releases is typically h.
the ran0e of 10' to 10~ uCl/ml. With a nominal 200:1 dilution p                  (actual dilution has been Dreater since in actual releases the decent line flow rate has been about 18,000 gpm), the CWR decent line monitor would
i l
ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-9 monitor diluted activity in the range of 5 x 10-10 to 5 x 10-7 uCl/ml.
D11-N402 Monitor response at these levels would be 0.1 to 100 cpm, depending on the particular radionuclide mixture and correspondinD instrument response. These response levels are less than tho monitor background levels.
In lieu of routinely adjusting the D11-N402 setpoints, generic, conservative setpoints have been established based on an analysis of nuclides seen in actual liquid discharges and on the primary calloration sensitivity curve.
6.3.4  Alarm Setpoint for GSW and RHR System Radiation Monitors Levels of redloactive material detectable above background at Radiation Monitor D11-N008 would be one of the first Indicators of contamination of the General Service Water (GSW) System and the CWR, Likewise, for the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System, the D11-N401 A and D Monitors would be one of the first indicators of contamination and subsequent contamination of the CWR. Therefore, to provide early Indication and assure prompt attention, the alarm setpoints for these monitors should be established as close to background as possible without incurring a spurious alarm due to background fluctuat!Ms. This levelis typically around three times background.                                                              I if the GSV) System or RHR System becomes contaminated, it may become necessary to ralso the radiation monitor setpoints. The alarm setpoints should be re-evaluated to provide the CR operator a timely Indication of p
d further increasing activity levels in the GSW or RHR System without spurious alarms. The method for this re-evaluation is the same as described above - the alarm setpoint established at three times its current reading. No regulatory limits apply for establishing a maximum value for      j these alarm setpoints since those monitors are located on plant systems and do not monitor final release points to the envirorment. However, as a practical matter, upper limits on the alarm setpoints can be evaluated using the methods of ODCM Section 6.3.1 based on the actual system flows, dilution and release paths in effect at the time.
6.3.5    Alarm Response - Evalua:Ing Actual Release Conditions
              . Normally, liquid release rates are controlled and alarm setpoints are established to ensure that the release does not exceed the concentration limits of ODCM (i.e.,10 CFR 20 MPCs at the discharge to Lake Erle).
However, if either Monitor D11-N007 or D11-N402 alarms during a liquid release,it becomes necessary to re-evaluate the release conditions to determine compliance with ODCM Following an alarm, the actual release conditions should be determined. Radioactive material concentretions should be evaluated by sampling the effluent stream or resampling the waste tank. Discharge flow and dilution water flow should be redetermined, l
The following equation may be used for the evaluation:
DF + RR q                              CJ (6-8)
ODCM-6.0 DRAFT PaDe 6.0-10 where:
                                                                                                      = measured concentration of radionuclide i In the effluent stream (uCl/ml)
                                                                                                      = the MPC value for radionuclide i from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 2 (uCl/ml),2 E-04 uCl/mi for dissolved or entrained noble gases                                                                                          i RR              = actual release rate of the liquid effluent at the time of the alarm,' gpm -
DF            = sctual dilution circulating water flow at the time of the release alarm, ppm NOTE:              For alarm on D11-N402 (CWR decant line), the Release Rate RR la the                                                                                                                !
Dilution Water Flow DF and the equation simplifies to (C;/MPC)                                                                    g <1, l
6.3.6              Liquid Redweste Monitor Setpoint Determination with Contaminated Circulating Water Reservoir                                                                                                                                                          I I
in the event the CWR is determined to contain radioactive material, the effective dilution capacity of the CWR is reduced as a function of the MPCF, To determine the available dilution flow capacity the MPCF for the CWR ls determined using equation (6-2). The MPCF of the CWR is used to ii bi d"# iia" ''a*                                    'a''a O                                                                              a i '='" '"                                                                                    :
CWR Dilution Flow - CWR Decant Flow Rate (GPM) * (1-CWR MPCF)
The resulting dilution flow rate is substituted in equation (6-3) to determine the maximum allowable release rate for discharges from the redweste system. Substituting the available CWR dilution flow from equetion (6-9),
the Liquid Radweste Monitor maximum release rate can be determined using                                                                                                          '
equation (6-3).
Once the available dilution flow and maximum cllowable release rate have been determined the radweste monitor setpoint can be determined using equation (6-5).
6.4        Contaminated GSW or RHR System - Quantifying and Controlling Releases The GSW Radiation Monitor (D11-N008) provides an indication of contamination of this system. The Monitors D11-N401 A and B perform this function for the-RHR System. Also, the CWR Decant Line Radiation Monitor monitors all liquid releases from the plant and would record any release to Lake Erle from either of these systems if contaminated, As discussed in ODCM Section 6.2.2, sampling and-analysis of the CWR System is required only if this system is contaminated, as would be indicated by D11-N402 or D11-N008. Nonetheless, periodic samples are collected
          -A.                                                      from the CWR Systern to verify ebsence of contamination. Although not required by -
(/                                                    the ODCM; periodic sampling and analysis of the RHR System is also performed since l
l' I
:--,y-      -
                                          .e,-~, e rm_-,  g- um,- .  ...,m  .eb % ,. v  ._. .,- .  ,.,_-,r.  . . .                y4_ - ...-- r m.-- ,-ee-wv.-,-,        %,      ._, . ..--,e          -.e,_,-%  -- .- 6._,-, . . , ' . . - e-- 3r      ---w-.
ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-11 It also is a potential source of contamination of the CWR and subsequent relear,es to Lake Erie. If contamination is found, further releases from the applicable system (GSW or RHR) via the CWR decent line must be evaluated and controlled to ensure that releases are maintained ALARA. The following actions will be considered for controlling releases.
          -          Sampling frequency of the applicable source (GSW or RHR System) and the CWR will be Increased until the source of the contam: nation is found and controlled. This frequency may be relaxed after the source of contamination has been Identified and isolated.
          -          Gamma spectral analysis will be performed on each sample.
          -          The measured radionuclide concentrations from the gamma spectral analysis will be compared with MPC (Equation 6-2) to ensure releases are within the limits of ODCM
          -          Based on the measured concentrations, the setpoint for the CWR Decent Line Radiation Monitor (D1141402) will be determined as specified in Section 6.3.2. If the ca! cult.ted setpoint based on the measured distribution is gre,ater than the current setpaint (see ODCM Section 6.3.3) no adjustment to the setp0!nt is required.
          -          Samples wlil be composited in accordance with ODCM Table 4.11,1,1,1-1 for monthly analysis for H-3 and gross alpha and for quarterly analysis for Sr-89, 90 and Fe-55.
          -          Each sample will be considered representative of the releasts that have occurred since the previous sample. For each sample (and corresponding release period), the volume of Ilquid released to the lake will be determined based on the measured CWR decant lins cumulative flow.
          -          From the sample analysis and the calculated volume released, the total radioactive material released will be determined and considered representative of the release period. Cumulativo doses will be determined in accordance with ODCM Section 6.5.
6.5  Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation - 10 CFR 50 The parameters of the liquid release (or estimated parameters, for a pre-release calculation) may be used to calculate the potential dose to the public from the release (or planned release). The dose calc.,lation provides a conservative method for estimating the impact of radioactive offluents released by Fermi 2 and for comparing that impact against limits set by the NRC in the Fermi 2 ODCM. The limits in the Fermi 2 ODCM are specified as quarterly and calendar year limits. This assures that the average over the year is kept as low as reasonably achievable.
;          6.5.1      MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Dose - Liquid Effluents ODCM limits the dose or dose commitment to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents from Fermi 2 to:
                      -    during any calendar quarter; t                        ,< 1.5 mrem to total body 1
ODCM-0.0 DRAFT PeDe 6.0-12 5 5.0 mrom to any organ
                -                    during any calender year; 5 3.0 mrom to total body 510.0 mrsm to any organ The calculation of the potential doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUDLIC is a function of the radioactive material releases to the lake, the subsequent transport and dilution in the exposure pathways, and the resultant Individual uptake. At Fermi 2, pre-operational evaluation of radiation 9xposure pathways Indicated that doses from consumption of fish from Leke Erle provided the most conservative estimate of doses from releases of radioactive liquids. However, with the proximity of the water intake for the City of Monroe, it must be assumed that Individuals will consume drinking water as well as fish that might contain radioactivity from discharges into Lake Erie.
Study of the currents in Lake Erie Indicates that the current in the Lagoona Beach embayment carries liquid effluents frem Fermi 2 north along the coast part of the time and south along the coast part of the time.
When the current flows north, liquid effluents are carried away frorn the Monroe Water intake, so only the fish consumption exposure pathway must be considered. When the current flows south, toward the Monroe Water intake, both fish consumption and drinking water consumption exposure pathways must be considered. To ensure conservatism in the dose modeling, the combined fish and drinking water pathway is used for evaluating the maximum hypothetical dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from liquid radioactive effluents, The following calculational methods may be used for determining the dose or dose commitment due to the liquid radioactive effluents from Fermi 2:
D, = 1.67 E-02 . VOL .          (Cg . Ag ,)
* Z (G-10) where:
                                                                  = dose or dose commitment to organ o or total body (mrem)
Ajo                                      = site-specific ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ o for radionuclide I (mrom/hr per uCl/ml)
Cl                                        - average concentration of radionuclide I in undiluted liquid effluent representative of the volume VOL (uCl/ml)
VOL                                        = total volume of liquid effluent released (gal)
DF                                          =                average dilution water flow (CWR decant line) during release period (gal / min)
Z                                            =
: 5. near field dilution factor n                                                                              (Derived from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev 0)
U 1
_ . _ . - - -              -        . - ~_-_              -.-._      -        . - - - -
1 ODCM-6.0 DRAFT PaDe 6.0-13              _
1.67 E-02          = 1 hr/60 min                                                            i l
l The site-specific ingestion dose / dose commitment factors (A lo)
I represents a composite dose factor for the fish and drinking water pathway. The site-specific dose factor is based on the NRC's generic                          !
maximum Individual consumption rates. Values of Ago are presented in                          i
'                      Table 6-1. They were derived in accordance with guldence of NUREO-0133                        l from the following equation:                                                                  l Alo = 1,14 E + 05 (UW/DW + Up
* BF )i DFl (6-11) where:
Up                    = 21 kg/yr adult fish consumption UW                    = 730 liters /yr adult water consumption Dw                    = 15.4, additional dilution from the near field to the water intake for the City of Monroe (Not dilution factor of 77 from discharge point to drinking water intake, Formi 2 UFSAR, Chapter 11, Tabie 11.2-11)
BFg                  = Bloaccumulation factor for radlonuclide 1 In fish from Table 6-2 (pCl/kg per pCl/ liter)
  - (~3                  DFj                  = dose conversion factor for nuclide I for adults in organ o V.                                            from Table E-11 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (mrom/pCl)                ,
1,14 E + 05          - 106 (pCl/uCl)        103 g,,jpg) 8760 (hr/yr)
The rad!onuclides included in the periodic dose assessment required by ODCM are those identified by gamma spectral analysis of the liquid waste samples collected and analyzed per the requirements of ODCM Table In keeping with the NUREG-0133 guidance, the adult age group represents the maximum exposed individual age group.
Evaluation of doses for other age groups is not required for demonstrating compliance with the dose criteria of ODCM The dose analysis for radionuclides requiring radiochemical analysis will be performed after receipt of_ results of the analysis of the composite samples, in keeping with the required analytical frequencies of ODCM Table, tritium dose analyses will be performed at least monthly; Sr-89, Sr-90 and Fe-55 dose analyses will be performed at least quarterly.
6.5.2 -    Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation in lieu of the individual radionuclide dose assessment presented in Section 6.5.1, the following simplified dose calculation may be used for demonstrating compliance with the dose _Ilmits of ODCM (Refer to -
Appendix A for the derivation of this simplified method.)
ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-14 Total Body Dtb " 9.69 E + 03 . VOL
                                                                                                                                        .            [C; DF e Z (6-12)
Maximum Organ D        ,    a 1.18 E + 04 . VOL DF e 2
                                                                                                                                            .                    [C              g (6-13) where:
                                                                          =    average concentration of redlonuclide Iin undiluted liquid effluent representative of the volume VOL (uCl/ml)
VOL                        =    volume of undiluted l!! auld effluent released (gel)
DF                        =    average dilution water flow (CWR decent line) during release period (gal / min)
Z                        -=    5, near field dilution factor (derived from Regulatory Oulde 1.109, Rev 0)
                                                                            =  conservatively evaluated total body dose (mrom)
Dmax                        "    conservatively evaluated maximum organ dose (mrom) l 9.6g E + 03                  =  0.0167 (hr/ min)
* 5.80 E + 05 (mrom/hr per uCl/ml, Cs-13s total body dose factor from Table 6.0-1) 1.18 E + 04                -  0.0167 (hr/ min)
* 7.09 E + 05 (mrom/hr per oCl/ml, Cs-134 liver dose factor from Table 6.0-1)
6.5.3                  Contaminated CWR System - Dose Calculation if the CWR System becomes contaminated, releases via the CWR System to Lake Erie must be included in the evaluation of the cumulative dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC as required by ODCM ODCM Section 6.4                                                                                                              7 described the methods for-quantifying and controlling releases from the l
CWR System.
For calculating the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, Equation (6-10) remains applicable for releases from the OSW System with the following j                                                assumptions:
                                                -      DF, Dilution Flow, is set equal to the average CWH docant line flow L,
rate over the release period.
L i
                                                  -    Ci, Radionuclide Concentration,is determined as specified in ODCM L                                                      Section 6.4.
  .w.- *s- nEs,w dr -m--  ----w--r-en-,.we-,rw          ,e,v-  ---w,--wm-          - , - , - - , ,- -rw--w,-,vw--,,-,.irw--.r-mr---,r,r                                          m ,-,-wvw.          .vv . r, r -o w -, ve e
ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-15
                      -      VOL. Volume Reiens.,        ..t equal to the total volume of the discharges to Lake Erle via the CWR decent line as specified in Section 6.4.
6.6    Liquid Effluent Dose Projections 10 CFR 53.30a tsquires licensees to maintain and operate the Radweste System to ensure releases are maintained ALARA. This requirement is implemented through ODCM This section requires that the Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing System be used to reduce the radioactive materiallevels in the liquid waste prior to release when the projected dose in any 31 day period wouls exceed:
        -              0.06 mrom to the total body, or
        -              0.2 mrom to any organ Wnen the projected doses exceed either of the above limits, the waste must be processed by the Liquid Radwaste System prior to release. This dose criteria for processing is established at one forty elghth of the design objective rate (3 mrom/yr, total body or 10 mrem /yr any or0an) in any 31 day period.
The applicable Liquid Waste Processing System for maintaining radioactive material releases ALARA Is the 100 Exchange System as delineated in Figure 6-1. Alternately, the Waste Evaporator (presented in the Fermi 2 UFSAR, Section 11.2) can be used to meet the NRC ALARA design requirements. it may be used in conjunction with or in llou of the ion Exchange System to meet the waste processing requirements of ODCM
Each BATCH release of liquid radweste is evaluated to ensure that cumulative rioses are rnanntained A1 ARA In keeping with the reguliements of ODCM, dose projections are made at least once por 31 days to evaluate the need for additional redweste processing to ensure future releases are maintained ALARA.
The following equationL may be used for the dose projection calculatiom Dtbp = Dtb (31/ d)
Dmaxp = Dmax (31/ d)
(6-15) where:
Dtbp          = the total body dose projection for the next 31 day period (mrem)
NOTE:          The reference calendar quarter is norrnally the current calendar quarter, if the dose projection is done in the first month of the quarter and is to be based on dose calculated for the previous quarter, the reference calendar quarter is the previous quarter.
Dtb              = the cumulative total body dose for all releases to date in the reference calendar quarter (normally the current quarter) as determined by equation (6-10) or (6-12) (mrem)
ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-16 Dmaxp
* the maximum organ dose projection for the next 31 day period (mrem)
* the cumulative maximum organ dose for all releases to dato in the reference calendar quarter as determined by Equation (6-10) or g6 13) (mrem) d
* the number of days from the beginning of the reference calendar quarter to the date of the most recent release in the reference calendar quarter.                                    ,
31    a  the number of days in projection END OF SECTION 6.0 s
ODCM-6.0 DRATT Page 6.0-17 i
TABLE 6.0-1 Fermi 2 Site Specific Liquid Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors Ago (mrem /hr per uCl/ml)
Nuclide              Bone              Liver              T Body              Thyroid      Kidney                Lung      GI-LLI H-3                      -
7.94 E-1            7.94 E- 1            7.94 E-1    7.94 E-1    ' 7.94E-1          7.94E-1 C-14              3.13E+ 4          6.26E+3              6.26E + 3            6.26E+3    6.26E+3          6.26E+3        0.26E+3 Na-24              4.16E+ 2          4.16E+ 2            4.16 E + 2          4.16E+ 2    4.16E+2          4.16E+ 2        4.16E+ 2          I P-32              1.39E+ 6          8.62E+4              5.36E+4                    -            -                  -    1.56E+ 5          l i
Cr-51                    -                -
1.29E+0              7.70E-1    2.84E-1          1.71E+ 0      3.24E+ 2 Mn-54                    -          4.40E+3              8.40 E + 2                -
1.31E+3                    -
1.35E +4 Mn-56                    -
1.11E+2              1.96E+ 1                  -
1.41E+2                    -
3.53E+3 FO-55              6.73E+2          4.65E+ 2            1.08E+2                    -            -          2.59E+ 2      2.67E+2 Fo-59            1.06E+3          2.50E+3              9.57E+2                    -            -
6.98E+2        8.32 E+3 Co-57                    -
2.19E+ 1            3.64E+ 1                  -            -                  -
5.55E+ 2 Co-58                    -
9.32E+ 1            2.09E+ 2                  -            -                  -    1.89E+3 Co-60                    -
2.68E+2              5.00E+2                    -            -                  -
5.03E+3 NI-63            3.18E+4          2.21 E+3            1.07E+3                    -            -                  -
4.60E+ 2 N1-65            1.29E+2          1.68E+ 1            7.66 E+ 0                  -            -                  -
4.26E + 2 Cu-64                    -
1.04E+1              4.89E+ 0                  -
2.63E + 1                  -
8.88E+2 q
k/ Zn-65                2.32E+4          7.38E+4              3.34 E + 4                  -
4.94 E+ 4                  -
4.65E+ 4 1.42E+ 1 Zn-69            4.94E+1          9.44E+1              6.57E+0                    -    6.14E +1 Br-82                    -                -
2.28E+3                    -          -                  -
2.62E+3 Br-83                    -                -
4.06 E+ 1                  -            -                  -
5.85E+1 Br-84                    -                -
5.27 E + 1                  -          -                  -
4.13E-4 Br-85                    --              -
2.16E+ 0                    -            -                  -
1.01 E-15 Rb-86                    -
1.01E+ 5            4.71 E + 4                  -            -                  -    1.99E+ 4 Rb-88                    -
2.90E+2              1.54 E+ 2                  -            -                  -    4.01E-9 Rb-89                    -
1.92E+2              1.35E+ 2                  -            -                  -
1.12E-11 Sr-89            2.38c+4                  -
6.83E+ 2                    -            -                  -    3.81E+3 Sr-90            5.85E+5                  -
1.44 E+ 5                  -            -                    -    1.69E + 4 Sr-91            4.38E+2                  -
1.77 E + 1                -            -                  -
2.09E +3 Sr-92              1.66E+2                  -
7.18E+ 0                  -            -                    -
3.29E+ 3 Y-90              6.28E-1                  -            1.68E-2                    -            -                  -
        -Y-91m              5.93E-3                  -
2.30 E-4                    -          -                    -
1.74 E-2 Y-91              9.20E+0                  -
2.46E- 1                    -            -                  -
5.06E+ 3 Y-92              5.51E-2                  -
1.61E-3                    -            -                  -
9.66E+ 2 4.83E-3                    -            -                  -
5.55 E + 3 Y-93              1.75 E- 1                -
8.78E-2                          2.04 E-1                    -
4.11 E + 2 Zr-95              4.04 E- 1        1.30E- 1                                        -
2.06E-3                          6.81E+ 3                    -
1.40 E + 3 Zr-97              2.24E-2          4.51 E-3                                        -
2.46E+2                    -    1.51 E 4 6 Nb-95              4.47 E+ 2        2.49 E + 2          1.34 E+ 2                  -
Nb-97              3.75E+ 0          9.48E-1              3.46E-1                    -
1.11 E + 0 3.50E+ 3 o ee              -
i.2ce+2              2.4 ' t + 1                -
2 88t+2                    -
2.aat+2 O =c T            99m  1.02E-2          2.88E-2              3.67 E- 1 1.48 E- 1 4.38E-1 2.72 E- 1 1.41 E-2 7.73 E-3 1.71 E + 1 4.54E- 14 Tc-101            1.05E-2          1.51 E-2                                        -
ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Pa9e 6.0-18 TABLE 6.0-1 Fermi 2 Site Specific Liquid ingestion Dose Commitment Factors Alo (mrom/hr per uCl/ml)
Nuclide    Bone                Liver      T Body        Thyroid    Kidney          Lung      Gl-LLI 5.43E+0                  -    2.34E40              -
2.07E+ 1              -    6.34E+ 2 Ru-103 4.52E-1                  -
1.78E-1              -    5.84E+0              -    2.76E+ 2 Ru-105 1.02E+ 1            -    1.56E+ 2              -    5.22E+ 3 Ru-106  8.07E+ 1 Rh-103m        -                  -
Rh-106        -
Ag-110m  1.75E+0            1.61 E+0    9.59E-1              -    3.17E+ 0              -    6.59E+ 2 Sb-124  2.18E+1          4.13E-1      8.66E40        5.20E-2          -
1.70E+ 1  6.20E+2 1.56E-1    3.32E+ 0        1.42E-2          -
1.00E+ 1  1.54 E+ 2 Sb-125  1.40E+ 1 9.35E+2      3.46E+ 2        7.76E+ 2  1.05E+4              -    1.03E+ 4 Tc-125m  2.58E+3 2.33E+3      7.94 E+ 2      1.67E+3    2.65E+4              -    2.19E+ 4 Tc-127m  6.52E+3 2.29E+ 1        7.85E+ 1  4.31E + 2            -    8.36E+ 3 Tc-127  1.06E+2          3.80E+ 1 Te-129m  1.11E+ 4          4.13E+3      1.75E+3        3.80E +3  4.62E+4              -
5.58E+4 7.37E+ 0        2.32 E+1    1.27E+ 2            -
2.28E + 1 Tc-129  3.02E+1            1.14E+ 1 Tc-131m 1.67 E+3          8.15E+2      6.79E+2        1.29E+3    8.25E+3                -
8.09E+4 Te-131  1.90E+ 1          7.93E+0      5.99E+0        1.56E+ 1  8 31E+1                -
2.69E+ 0 Tc-132  2.43E+3            1.57E+ 3    1.47E+3        1.7)E+3    1.51 E+ 4            -  7.42E+4 l-130  3.12E+1            9.21E+1    3.64E+ 1      7.81E+3    1.44E+ 2              -
7.93E+ 1 1-131  1.72E+ 2            2.46E+ 2    1.41 E+ 2      8.06E+4    4.21 E+2              -
6.49E+ 1 8.39E+0                        7.85E+ 0      7.85E+ 2  3.57E+ 1              -  4.21 E + 0 1-132                      2.24 E+ 1 1-133  5.87E+ 1            1.02E+2    3.11E + 1      1.50E+ 4  1.78E+2              -
9.17E+ 1 1-134  4.38E+ 0            1.19E+ 1    4.26E+ 0      2.00E + 2  189E+1                -    1.04 E-2 1-135    1.83E+ 1          4.79E+ 1    1.77E+1        3.16E+3    7.6BE+ 1              -    5.41E+1 5.80E+ 5              -    2.30E+5        7.62E+ 4    1.24 E + 4 Cs-134  2.98E+ 5            7.09E+ 5 Cs-136  3.12E+4            1.23E+ 5    8.87E+4              -    0.85E+4        9.40 E + 3  1.40 E+ 4 Cs-137  3.826+5            5.22E+5    3.42 E+ 5            -    1.77E+ 5      5.90E+4    1.01 E+4 Co-138  2.65E+ 2            5.22E+ 2    2.59E+2              -
3.84E+ 2      3.79E+ 1    2.23E-3 Ba-139  1.45E+0            1.04E-3    4.25E-2                -  D.68E-4        5.87 E-4    2.58E+ 0 Ba-140  3.04 E + 2          3.82 t:-)    1.99E+ 1              -  1.30E-1        2.19E-1    6.26E+ 2 Ba-141  7.06E-1            5.33E-4    2.38E-2                -  4.96E-4        3.03E-4    3.33E-10 De-142  3.19E- 1          3.28E-4    2.01 E-2              -
2.77E-4        1.86E-4    4.49E- 19 La-140  1.63E-1            8.22E-2    2.17 E-2              -          -              -
6.04E+3 La-142  8.35E          3.80E-3    9.46E-4                -          -              -
2.77 E+ 1 Ce-141  7.30E-2            4.94E-2    5 60E-3                -
2.29 E-2              -
1.89 E + 2 Co-143  1.29E-2            9.51E+0      1.05E            -
4.19E-3                -
3.56E+ 2 Ce-144  3.81 E+ 0          1.59E+ 0    2.04 E- 1            -
9.44E-1                -
1.29 E + 3 Pr-143  6.00E-1            2.41 E- 1    2.98E-2              -
1.39 E- 1              -  2.63E+3 1.96E-3            8.16E-4      9.98E-5                -  4.60E-4                -
2.83E- 10 4.40e-i            4.74t-i      2e4c-2                    2.77c-1                -
2.28t + 3 O "Pr-144 a-147                                                        -
i W- 187  2.96E + 2          2.48E + 2    8.66E + 1            -          -              -
8.12 E + 4 l
Np-239  3.49E-2            3.43E-3      1.89E-3                -
1.07 E-2              -
7.04 E + 2
ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-19 TABLE 6.0-2 Bloaccumulation Factors (BFi)
(pCl/kg per pCl/ liter)*
i Element                  Freshwater Fish 4                    9.0E-01 C                    4.6E+ 03 Na                    1.0E+02 P                    3.0E+ 03 Cr                    2.0E+ 02 Mn                    4.0E+02 Fe                    1.0E+02 Co                    5.0E4 01 NI                    1.0E+02 Cu                    5.0E+01 Zn                    2.0E+ 03 Dr                    4.2 E+ 02 Rb                    2.0E+ 03 Sr                    3.0E+ 01 Y                    2.5E+01 Zr                    3.3E+ 00 Nb                    3.0E+04 Mo                    1.0E+ 01 Tc                    1.5E+01 Ru                    1.0E+ 01 Rh                    1.0E+01 AD                    2.3 E+00 Sb                    1.0E+ 00 Te                    4.0E+ 02 1                    1.5E+01 Cs                  2.0E+ 03 Ba                  4.0E+00
    -                                                La                  2.5E+01 Ce                    1.0E+ 00 Pr                    2.5E+01 Nd                    2.5E+ 01 W                    1.2E+ 03
:                                                    Np                    1.0E+ 01 l
* Values in this table are taken from Regulatory Guide 1.109 except for phosphorus, which is adapted from NUREO/CR-1336, and silver and antimony, which are taken from UCRL 50564, Rev 1, October 1972.
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                          ODCM-7.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                        DRAFT O
v Page 7.0-1 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 7.0          OASEOUS EFFLUENTS 7.1          Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls 7.1.1      Effluent Monitoring - Ventilation System Releases The gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation required at Fermi 2 for controlling and monitoring radioactive effluents are specified in ODCM 3.3.7,12. The monitoring of each identified gaseous effluent release point must include the following:
                                      -        Noble Oss Activity Monitor
                                        -      lodine Sampler (sample cartridge containing charcoal or silver roollte)
                                        -        Particulate Sampler (filter paper)
                                        -        Sampler Flow Rate Monitor Meeting these requirements, a total of seven Eberline SPING Monitoring Systems are installed on the six gaseous release points (Onsite Storage Facility, Service Dullding. Radweste Dullding, Turbine Dullding, Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum, and Standby Oas Treatment System 7                                Division 1 and Division 2). The SPING Monitor outputs are recorded (d                                  electronically in the CT-2D Control Terminalin the Main Control Room.
In general, a reading exceeding the High alarm setpoint of the SPING Monitors causes an alarm in the Control Room. Fermi 2 ODCM Table identifies only the alarm function of the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum Effluent Monitor, the Standby Oas Treatment System Monitors, and the Onsite Storage Facility.
7.1.2      Main Condenser Offgas Moriitoring ODCM Table and Technical Specification Table specify monitoring requirements for the Offgas System at the 2.2 minute delay line. The following monitors are required:
                                          -      Hydrogen Monitor - used to ensure the hydrogen concentration in the Offges Treatment System is maintained less than 4% by volume as required by Technical Specification
                                          -        Noble Oas Activity Monitor - used to ensure the gross activity release rate is maintained within 340 millicuries per second after 30 minute decay as required by Technical Specification 3,11.2.7.
ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                                          Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                                                  Rev DRAFT                Date DTC        TMPLAN                                                  File 1715.02            Recipient
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-2 o
V              These two monitors perform safety functions. The Hydrogen Monitor monitors thu potential explosive mixtures in the Offgas System. lhe Noble Gas Monitor monitors the release rate from the main condenser ensuring doses at the exclusion area boundary will not exceed a small fraction of the limits of 10 CFR 100 In the event this effluent is inadvertently discharged directly to the environment bypassing the Offgas Treatment System.
7,1.3    Reactor Building Ventilation Monitors (Gulf Atomic)
The Gulf Atomic Monitors (D11-N408 and 410) on the Reactor Dullding Ventilation System provide on high radiation levels (above alarm setpoint)
Initiation of SGTS, Isolation of drywell vent / purge, Isolation of the RB and Control Center Ventilation Systems and initiation of Control Center recirculation modo ventilation. These monitors and functions are not required by Fermi 2 ODCM but are important in controlling containment          .
venting / purging.
7.2 Sampling and Analysis of Oaseous Effluents The program for sampling and analysis of gaseous waste is prescribed in Fermi 2 ODCM Table This table distinguishes two types of gaseous releases: (1) containment PURGE, treated as BATCH releases, and (2) discharges from the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum (including Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) when operating), and other building ventilation exhausts, treated as CONTINUOUS releases.
7.2.1      Containment PURGE ODCM Table requires that a grab sample be collected and analyzed before each containment drywell PURGE. Sampling and analysis are required within eight hours before starting a PURGE.
ODCM Table Footnote i and ODCM also require that if the PURGING or VENTING la through the Reactor Building Vent, rather than through SGTS, additional sample and analyses are required every twelve hours throughout the release period. Analysis must include principal gamma emliters and tritium prior to venting and purging.
For a planned containment PURGE. the results of the sample and analysis are used to establish the acceptable release rate and radiation monitor alarm setpoint in accordance with ODCM Section 7.3. This evaluation is necessary to ensure compilance with the dose rate limits of ODCM
The periodic camples collected throughout the PURGE / VENT period are used to ensure that release conditions over an extended period are maintained within ODCM limits.
7.2.2    Ventilation System Releases ODCM Table requires continuous samples of releases from the RB Exhaust Plenum, Standby Gas Treatment System, Radweste Building, Turbine Building. Service Duilding, and Onsite Storage Facillity. The table specifies the following program; I
                    -    Once por week, analysis of an adsorbent sample of I-131 and 1-133, l
plus analysis of a particulate sample for principal gamma emitters l
l l
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-3
                                                                                                  -      Once por month, analysis of a composite particulate sample of all releases (by release point) that rnonth for gross alpha activity.
                                                                                                  -      Once per quarter, analysis of a composite particulate sample of all releases that quarter for St-89 and St-g0.
                                                                                                  -      Once per month, analysis of a grab sample for principal gamma emitters (noble gases and tritium).                  ,
ODCM Table also requires continuous monitoring for noble gases. This requirement is met by the SPINO Monitors on each of the plant gaseous release points.
The ODCM requires more frequent sampling and analysis following reactor star up, shutdown, or change in thermal power exceeding 15% within one hr. The ODCM allows exceptions to this increased sampling schedule provided that neither one of the following conditions exist:
                                                                                                  -      Primarv coolant dose equivalent 1-131 has increased more than a factor of three.
                                                                                                  -      Reactor Building SPING noble gas monitor has increased rnore than a factor of three.
Orab samples of the Fuel Pool Ventilation Exhaust are required tritium analysis once per seven days whenever spent fuelis in the Spent (q        ,                                                                        fuel Pool. Also, grab samples for tritium are required when either the reactor well or the dryer separator pool la filled. These samples are taken at the Reactor Bullding Exhaust F'lenum and Standby Oas Treatment System (SOTS) when operating.
7.3  Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoint Determination 73.1                                                              Ventilation System Monitors Per the requirements of ODCM, alarm setpoints shall be established for the gasecus effluent monitoring instrumentation to ensure that the release rate of noble gases does not exceed the limits of ODCM
This section limits releases to a dose rate at the SITE BOUNDARY of 500 mrom/ year to the total body or 3000 mrem / year to the skin. From a l
grab sample analysis of the applicable release (i.e., grab sample of the Drywell or Ventilation System release), the radiation monitoring alarm setpoints may be established by the following calculational method. The i
measured radionuclide concentrations and release rate are used to calculate the fraction of the allowable release rate, limited by ODCM, by the equation:
FRAC = 1,67 E + 01
* X/O
* VF * [(C,
* K )  i 500 (7-1)
FRAC = 1.67 E + 01
* X/O
* VF * [{C; * (L +3 1.1_M 1) 3 3000 (7-2)
i ODCM-7.0 DilAf1 Page 7.0-4 g
FRAC                    =    fraction of the allowable release rate based on the identitled radlonuclide concentrations and the release flow rate X/O                      =    annual average meterological dispersion to the controlling site boufdary location from Table 7.0-4 (soc /m )                            ,
VF                        = Ventilation System flow rate for the applicable release point and monitor (liters / minute)
                                                    = concentration of noble gas redlonuclide i as determined by Damma spectral analysis of grab sample (uCl/cc)
Ki                        = total        body dose    conversion    f actorf,or noble7.0-3) gas radionuclide      I (mrom/yr  per uCl/m  from Table L1                        = beta skin dose conversion factor fgr noble gas radionuclide 1 (mrom/yr per uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3)
Mi                        = gamma alt dose conversion f actog for noble gas radionuclide I (mrad /yr per uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3) 1.1                      = mrom skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrem / mrad) 500                      = total body dose rate limit (mrem /yr) 3000                    = skin dose rate limit (mrom/yr) 1.67 E + 01              =
1 E + 03 (cc/ liter) * (1/60) (min /sec)
Based on the more limitinD (i.e, higher) value of FRAC as determined above, the alarm setpoints for the applicable monitors may be calculated by the equation:
SP =(AF .        h + Bkg FRAC (7-3)
SP                      =      alarm setpoint correspondinD to the maximum allowable release rate (uCl/cc)
Ukg                      =      background of the monitor (uCl/cc)
AF                        = administrative allocation ' actor (Table 7.0-2) for the specific monitor and type release, which corresponds to tha fraction of the total allowable release rate that is administratively allocated to the Individual release points.
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT A                                                                                                    Page 7.0-5 U
Ci                  = concentration of Noble Oas Radlonuclide I as determined by gamma spectral analysis of grab samplo (uCl/cc)
Note: If the monitor channel in question was showing a response to the effluent at the time of the grab sample, this response minus bacitground may be used in lieu of the summed grab sample concentrations.
The Allocation Factor (AF) is an administrative control imposed to ensure that combined releases from all telease points at Formi 2 will not exceed the regulatory limits on release rate from tho site (i.e., the release rate limits of ODCM From the Fermi 2 design evaluation of gaseous effluents presented in the UFSAR Section 11.3, representative values have been determined for AF. These values are presented in Table 7.0-2. These values may be changed in the future as warranted by operational experience, provided the site releases comply with ODCM In addition to the allocation factor, safety factors which have the effect of lowering the calculated setpoints may be applied. When combined with the Noble Gas Monitor calibration constant, the monitor sensitivity for Xe-133 may be used in lieu of the sensitivity values for the individual radionuclides. Decause of its lower gamma energy and corresponding monitor response, the Xe-133 sensitivity provides a conservative value for alarm setpoint determination.
7.3.2    Conservative, Generic Alarm Setpoints A conservative alarm setpoint can be established,in lieu of the Individual p
V            radlonuclide evaluation (described above) based on the grab sample analysis. This approach eliminates the need to adjust the setpoint periodically to reflect minor changes in radionuclide distribution or release flow rate. The alarm setpoint may be conservatively determined t,ased on the UFSAR design radionuclido distribution values as summarized in Table 7.0-1. If due to a change in plant conditions this UFSAR redlonuclide mix is no longer conservative, setpoints based on the UFSAR mix will be recalculated using data from plant samples.
For the radionuclide distribution given in UFSAR Table 11.3-5, the estimated total body dose rate is higher than the estimated skin dose rate. Therefore, the more restrictive setpoint is based on the total body dose rate limit and is calculated with Equations (7-1) and (7-3). The calculated setpoints are presented in Table 7.0-2. These setpoints are not necessarily the current setpoints.
7.3.3    Gaseous Effluent Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release Conditions The monitor alarm setpoint is used as the primary method for ensuring and demonstrating compliance with the release rate limits of ODCM
Not exceeding alarm setpoints constitutes a demonstration that release rates have been maintained within the ODCM limits. When an offluent Noble Gas Monitor exceeds the alarm setpoint, an evaluation of compliance with the release rate limits must be performed using actual release conditions. This evaluation requires collecting a sampite of the effluent to establish actual radionuclide concentrations and permit evaluating the monitor response. The following equations may be used for evaluating compliance with the release rate limit of ODCM
_ . _ _ _    ~ - _
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-6 l
* 1.67 E + 01 e X/O e VF e [(K ie C i)
* 1.67 E + 01 e X/O e VF e [((L; + 1.1 M li e Cs)                                                  l (7-5)                      !
I i
Dtb                      = total body dose rate (mrom//r)                                                            l Ds                      = skin dose rate (mrom/yr)
X/O-                      a atmospheric dispersion to the egtrolling SITE BOUNDARY location (sec/m )
VF                        =    Ventilation System release rate (liters / min)
                                                                      =    concentration of radionuclide I as measured in the grab sample or as correlated from the SPINO Noble Oss Monitor reading (uCl/cc)-                                                            ,.
Kl                            total body dose          conversion    factorf,or      noble              gas redlonuclide      1 (mrom/yr per uCl/m      from Table          7.0-3)
                                                                      =    beta skin dose conversion factor f r noble gas radionuclide I (mrom/yr por uCl/m from Table 7.0-3)
gamma air dose conve s%n factogfor noble gas                                          l radionuclide 1 (mrad /y car uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3) 1.1                      = mrom skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrom/ mrad)                                    t 1.67 E + 01              =    1 E + 03 (cc/ liter) e (1/60) (min /sec) 7.4              Contelnment Drywell VENTING and PURGING 7.4.1  - Release Rate Evaluation for drywell VENTING or PURGING, an evaluation of acceptable release rate                                            ,
should be performed prior to the release. Based on the measured noble                                              '
gas concentration in the grab sample collected per the requirements of ODCM Table, the allowable release rate can be calculated by the following equation:
RRtb =
00.AF                _
l                                                                        1.67 E + 01 e X/O a { (K1
* Ci )                              (7-6) or RR* =
3000. AF 1.67 E + 01 a X/O * {((Ll + 1.1 Mg) a Cg)
Q-m          ,w w        . , . .,-          - . - - . - -        p ,- ,        -..,-w,,      e .c m.    ,m.  ,y  e-.w,w  7wwwwermyw--m--,w-tm,3%.ywy.,yrw
l ODCtA-7.0 DRAFT O v Page 7.0-7        l Where:
                                                                                                                                                                        =  allowable release rate so as not to exceed a dose rate    ;
of 500 mrom/yr, total body (liters / minute)              ;
                                                                                                                                                                        =  allowable release rate so as not to exceed a dose rate    j RRs of 3000 mrom/yr, skin (liters /minuta)
AF                =  allocation factor for the applicable release point from Table 7.0-2 (default value is 0.5 for Reactor Dullding Exhaust Plenum) 500              = total body dose rate limit (mrem /yr)                        l 3000              =  skin dose rate limit (mrem /yr)
The lesser value (P3t b or RRs) as calculated above should be used for establishing the r flowable release rate for the drywell PURGINO or VENTING.
7.4.2      Alarm Setpoint Evaluation For a containment drywell VENTINO or PUROING, a re-evaluation of the alarm setpoint is needed to ensure compliance with the requirements of          .
ODCM For the Identified release path (R0 Exhaust Plenum or SOTS)      I and associated effluent Radiation Monitor, the alarm setpoint should be calculated using Equations (7-1), (7-2) and (7-3). In Equations (7-1) and t'                                                                                                                                        (7-2), the value of the Ventilation Flow VF should be established at the total release flow rate, including the contribution from the PURGE or VENT, if the cFlculated alarm setpoint is greater than the current setpoint, no              ,
abjustments are necessary.                                                      l 1
7.5                                          Quantifying Reisases - Noble Oases The determination of doses in the environment from releases is dependent on the mixture of the radioactive material. Also, NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21 requires reporting of individual radionuclides relertsed in gaseous effluents. Therefore, Detroit Edison must determine the quar,t!tles of the Individual radionuclides released.
For noble gases, these quantitles must be based on actual noble gas grab samples.
7.5.1    Sampling Protocol As required by ODCM, a gas sample is collected at levst monthly from each of the six gaseous release points (Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum, Standby Oas Treatment System, Redweste Building, Turbine Building, Onsite Storage Facility, and Service Building). As            i discussed in ODCM Section 7.2.2, this gas sample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to iderttify individual radionuclides (noble gases). To date (May 1990) noble ga ees have been detected only in the reactor building effluent.
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-8 (3
V in addition to these monthly samples from each release point, noble gas grab samples from the Offgas Vent Pipe rrsy be collected using the sample lines of the abandoned Offgas Vent Pipe Monitor (D11-N105 and 011-N108). Since noble gases are more concentrated at this point than at the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum, a greater number of noble gases are detected at this point. Sampling should be performed monthly at the Offgas Vent Pipe unless the reactor is shut down or noble gas concentrations increase aufficiently to allow detection of all significant noble gas nuclides at the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum.
For Containment PURGENENT, samples are collected prior to tne initiation of the release and periodically throughout the release (see ODCM Section 7.2.1). These samples are evaluated using Equations (7-4) and (7-5) to ensure that the site boundary dose rate limits of ODCM 'J.11.2.1 are not exceeded. For an extended PURGENENT pedod (e.g., longer than 48 hours),
drywell altborne activl'y levels will equilibrate. After equilibrium la reached, the quantification of the PURGF/ VENT can be adequately addressed by the periodic (typlcally weekly) sample and analysis of the Reactor Dullding Exhaust Plenum or Standby Oas Treatment System.
As required by ODCM Table, special samples are required of the RD Exhaust Plenum and SOTS following shutdown, startup or a THERMAL POWER change exceeding 15% within a 1 hour period. Exceptions to this special sampling are allowed as noted previously in ODCM Section 7.2.2.
O V          7.5.2  Release Concentratt.,n Determination for Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum in cases where both a RB Exhaust P! anum noble gas sample and an Offges Vent Pipe (OGVP) sample have been taken, the RB Exhaust Plenum noble gas concentratir ns are determined as follows: First, the RD SPING channel 1-5 readings (above background) at the times the two samples were taken are compared, and the noble gas concentrations for the sample taken at the lower RD SPINO channel 1-5 reading are normalized to the higher RD SPINO channel 1-5 reading. Second, a dilution factor relating OGVP concentrations to RD Exhaust Plenum concentrations is Calculated by dividing the RD Exhaust Plenum flow rate (nominally g.43 E4 cfm) by the OGVP flow rate as indicated in the control room (N62-R808, blue pen). Third, the OGVP noble gas concentretions are divided by this dilution factor. Fourth, the diluted OOVP noble gas concentrations are compared to the RD Exhaust Plenum noble gas concentratiom, and the higher of the the two concentration values for each nuclide :s taken to be the RB Exhaust Plenum concentration for that nuclide. (For pt rposes of calculation, the concentrations of nuclides which are not detected are taken to be zero.) Fifth, the resulting RB Exhaust Plenum concen rations are corrected for variations during the l
t release period by multillying each concentration value by the average RD SPING channel 1-5 reaa ng (above background) for the 1
____ _ _ _ _ _ _ .        . _ _ _ . _ . . __ . . . _ _ _ ___ ~___                          .- . _ _ _ _  .__ _ _. __.. .- -____.. _
ODCM-7 0 DRAl~T Page 7.0-9 period divided by the higher of the two RB SPINO channel 1-5 sample readings (above background) at time the samples were taken. These corrected values are then used as Ci in Equation (7-8) to determine the quantity of noble gases released.
7.5.3      Calculation of Activity Released The following equation may be used for determining the release quantitles from any release point based on the grab sample analysis:
Og = 1.0 E + 03
* VF
* T
* C1 (7-8)
Q)                                    = total activity released of radionuclide I (uCl)
VF                                    = Ventilation System release rate (liters / min)
T                                      = total time of release period (min) 1.0 E + 03                            = mililliters per liter Cl
                                                                  = concentration of redlonuclide I as determined by gamma spectral analysis of grab sample (uCl/cc) corrected for variations during release period as described in Section 7.5.2 7.6            Site Boundary Dose Rate - Radiolodine and Particulates ODCM limits the dose rate to <1500 mrem /yr to any organ for 1-131,1-133, tritium and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days. To demonstrate compilance with this limit, an evaluation is performed at a frequency no greater than that corresponding to the sampling and analysis time period (nominally once per 7 days). The following equation may be used for the dose rate evaluation:
Do = X/O * [(Rl
* 0 6)
                                      =      average organ dose rate over the sampling time period (mrom/yr) l X/O                  =
atmospheric dispersion to the corgrolling SITE DOUNDARY location i
for the Inhalation pathway (sec/m ) from Table 7-4 3
                                      =      dose parameter for radionuclide I, (mrotuiyr per uCl/m ) for the l
child inhalation pathway from Table 7-5 l
Og                  =      average release rate over the appropriate samplinD period and analysis frequency for radionuclide I -- 1-131,1-133, tritium or other radionuclide in particulate form with half-life greater than 8 days (UCL':cc)
                                                                                  * -      r-y-                              N
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-10 Q)s Og = Cl
* VF
* 1.67E + 01 Where:
VF                = f,'erage ventilation flow for release point (liters / min)
                                - Cr ,antration of radionuclide i as ostermined by gamma spectral analysis of media (uCl/ml) i 1.67E + 01        = IE + 03 (cc/litor) * (1 min / 60 sec) 7.6.1    Simplified Dose Rate Evaluation for Radiolodines and Particulates it is conservative to perform a simplified evaluation of allowable releases by
-                      applying the I-131 dose factor to all measured radionuclides. If the 1-131 dose factor is used for each nuclide in Equation (7-g) and if the calculated                '
dose rate does not ex: ecd 1500 mrom/ year, no additional analyses are needed to varify compilance with the ODCM limits on allowable release rate.
7.7  Noble Gas Effluent Dose Calculations - 10 CFR 50 7.7.1      UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Noble Gases ODCM requires a periodic assissment of releases of noble gases to evaluate compliance with the quarterly dose limits of 5 mrad, gamma-air and 10 mrad, beta-air and the calendar year limits 10 mrad, gamma-air and 20 mrad, beta-nir. The following eqcations may be used to calculate the k
gamma-air and beta-air dosts:
D. . = 3.17 E - 08
* X/O * [(Mg
* 00 (7-10) and D    = 3.17 E - 08
* X/O * ' [(Ng
* Og)
D                  = air dose due to gamma emiselons for noble gas I                  radionuclides (mrad)
D                  = air dose due to beta emissions for noble gas O                    radionuclides (mrad)
X/O -
                                            = atmospheric SITi! BOUNDARY  dispersion  to the cg) trolling location (sec/m
                        ' 0;                - cumuistive release of noble gas radionuclide i over the period of interest (uCl)
M-i                a air dose factor due to gamma erg'ssions from noble gas radionuclide I (mrad /yr per uCi/m , from Table 7.0-3)
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-11 Ni                  = air dose factor due to beta emissgons from noble gas radionuclide I (mrad /yr por uCl/m . Tablu 7.0-3) 3.17 E - 08          = 1/3.15 E + 07 (year /sec) 7.7.2    Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble Gases in llou of the individual noble gas radionuclide dose assessment presented above, the following simplified dose calculational equations may be used for verifying compliance with the dose limits of ODCM (Refer to Appendix C for the derivation and justification of this simplified method.)
D      = 2.0
* 3.17 E - 08
* X/O
* Mett * [Oi and Dg = 2.0
* 3.17 E - 08
* X/O
* Nett * [0i (7-13)
Mett                = 2.7    E /yr
                                                      + 03, per effectivg)    gamma-air dose factor (mrad              uCl/m Nett              = 2.3    E /yr
                                                      + 03, (mrad        per effectivg)bota-air uCl/m                dose factor 2.0                = conservatism factor to account for potential variability in the radionuclide distribution 7.8  Radiolodine and Particulate Dose Calculations                10 CFR 50 7.8.1    UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Radiolodine and Particulates in accordance with requirements of ODCM, a periodic assessment is required to evaluate compilance with the quarterly dose limit of 7.5 mrem and the calendar year Ilmit of 15 mrom to any organ. The following equation may be used to evaluate the maximum organ dose due to releases of I-131, tritium and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days:
Daop = 3.17 E - 08
* W
* SFp            [(R i* Q 1)
Whe re'.
Daop                = dose or dose commitment via controlling Pathway p and Age Group a (as identified in Table 7.0-4) to Organ o, including the total body (mrem)
W                  =    atmospheric dispersion parameter to the controlling location (s) as identified in Table 7.0-4:
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT PaDe 7.0-12 W                =  X/Q, atmospheric dispersion for Inhalation pathway and H-3 dose contribution via other pathways (sec/m )
W                =
D/Q, atmospheric deposition for veggation, milk and ground plane exposure pathways (m )
3 R1                = doge f actor for radionuclide I,(mrem /yr per uCl/m ) or (m - mrom/yr per uOl/sec) from Table 7.0-5 for each Age Group (a) and the applicable Pathway (p) as
* identitled in Table 7.0-4. Values for Ri were derived in accordance with the methods described in NUREG-0133. As noted in NUREG-0133 section, in the case that the milk animal is a goat, parameter values from Reg Guide 1.109 should be used. For 1-131, for example, use of the goat feed /forago consumption rate given in Table E-3 and the stable element transfer factor given in Table E-2 of Reg Guide 1.109 results in grass-goat-milk dose factors which are equivalent to the grass-cow-milk dose factors in Tbble 7.0-5 multiplied by 1.2.
0;                = cumulative -elease over the period of interest for radIonuclide I -- l-131 or radioactive material in particulate form with half-Ilfe greater than 8 days (uCl).
SFp              = annual seasonal correction factor to account for the fraction of the year that the applicable exposure pathway does not exist:
: 1) For milk and vegetation exposure pathways:
                                                                  = A six month fresh vegetation and Drazing season (May through October) limits exposure through this pathway to half the year
                                                                  = 0.5 (derived from Guide 1.109, Rev 1)
: 2) For Inhalation and ground plane exposure pathways:
                                                                  =  1.0 (derived from Reg Guide 1.109, Rev 1) 3.17 E - 08      =            1/3.15 E + 07 (year /sec)
The age group with the highest potential dose via the controlling pathway should be used for evaluating the maximum exposed individual. This determination is based on a comparison of the age group pathway dose conversion factors (Table 7-5). The infant age group is controlling for the milk pathway and the child age group is controlling for the vegetable pathway. Only the controlling age group and pathway identified in Table 7.0-4 need be evaluated for compliance with ODCM 311.2.3.
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-13
v 7.8.2      Simplified Dose Calculation for Radiolodines and Particulates in llou of the individual radionuclide (1-131 and particulates) dose assessment presented above, the following simplified dose calculation may be used for verifying compliance with the dose limits of ODCM
Dmax = 3.17 E - 08
* W
* SFp
* Ri -131 * [Qi
                                                                                    ,    (7-15)
Dmax                = maximum organ dose (mrem)
RI -131            = l-131 dose parameter for the thyrold for the identified controlling pathway
                                          = 4.76 E + 10, child thyrgld dose parameter for the vegetable pathway (m - mrem /yr per uCl/sec)
The ground plane exposure and inhalation pathways need not be considered when the above simplified calculational method is used because of the overall negligible contribution of these pathways to the total thyroid dose, it is recognized that for some particulate radionuclides (e.g., Co-60 and Cs-137), the ground exposure pathway may represent a higher dose contribution than either the vegetation or milk pathway. However, use of O                    the 1-131 thyroid dose parameter for all radionuclides will maximize the U                    organ dose calculation, especially considering that no other radionuclide has a h!gher dose parameter for any organ via any pathway than 1-131 for the thyrold via the vegetable or milk pathway.
The location of exposure pathways (critical receptors) and the corresponding maximum organ dose calculation should be based on the pathways identified by the annual land-use census (ODCM 3.12.2).
Otherwise, the dose should be evaluated based on the predetermined controlling pathways identified in Table 7.0-4.
7.9-  Gaseous Effluent Dose Projection As with liquid effluents, the Fermi 2 ODCM controls on gaseous effluents require
            " processing
* of gaseous effluents if the projected dose exceeds specified limits.
These controls implement the requirements of 10 CFR 50.360 on maintaining and using the appropriate radwaste processing equipment to keep releases ALARA.
ODCM requires that the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM be used to reduce radioactive material levels prior to discharge when the projected dose exceeds 0.3 mrem to any organ in any 31 day period (i.e., one-quarter of the design objective rate). Figure 7.0-1 presents the gaseous effluent release points and the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS applicable for reducing effluents prior to release.
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-14 Dose projection is performed at least once per 31 days using the following equation:
Dmaxp a Dmax * (31/ d)
Dmaxp          " maximum organ dose projection for the next 31 day period (mrem)
NOTE:          The reference calendar quarter is normally the current calendar quarter. If the dose projection is done in the first month of the quarter and is to be based on dose calculated for the previous quarter, the reference calendar quarter is the previous quarter.
                          = the cumulative maximum organ dose from the beginning of the reference calendar quarter (normally the current quarter) to the end of the most recently evaluated release period as determined by Equation (7-14) or (7-15) (mrem) d              = number of days from the beginning of the reference calendar quarter to the end of the most recently evaluated release period.
31            = number of days in projection END OF SECTION 7.0 9
'                                                                                                      ODCM-7.0 DRAFT 0                                                                                                  Page 7.0-15 TABLE 7.0-1 Def ault Noble Gas Radionuclide Distribution
* of Gaseous Effluents Radionuclide                Fraction of Total (Al/ A)i Kr-85tn                        0.10 Kr-85                          0.01 Kr-88                          0.04 Kr-89                          0.06 Xe-133                        0.67 Xe-135                        0.02 Xe-137                        0.02 Xe-138                        0.07 TOTAL                          0.99 NOTE:
* Data adapted from Fermi 2 UFSAR, Section 11.3, Table 11.3-5. Kr-90, Kr-91, Xe-139, and Xe-140 have been excluded from the distribution. Because of their short half-lives, they decay during transport off site to negligible levels of activity. Kr-87, Xe-131m, and Xe-133m have been excluded because of their negligible fractional abundance.
i ODCM-7.0 DRAFT O                                                                                                                                Page 7.0-16 TABLE 7.0-2 Generic Values for Evaluating Gaseous Release Rates and Alarm Setpoints Allocation      Allocated Dose Release Point                                                    Flow Rate
* Factor            Rate Limit        Generic Alarm (liter / min)        (AF)            (mrem / year)      Setpoint (uCl/ml)
Reactor Building                                                          2.67E6              0.50        T Body = 250          1.02E-4+ Bkg Exhaust Plenum                                                                                            Skin = 1500 D11-P280                                                                                                  Organ = 375 Standby Gas                                                                1.07E5            0.10        T Body - 25            6.12E-4+ Bkg Treatment System                                                                                            Skin = 150 Div i D11-P275                                                                                              Organ = 75 Standby Gas                                                                1.12E5            0.10          T Body = 25          6.17E-4 + Ukg Treatment System                                                                                            Skin = 150 Div ll D11-P276                                                                                            Organ = 75 Turbine Building                                                          8.67E6              0.20        T Body = 50            1.06E-5+ Bkg Ventilation                                                                                                Skin = 300 D11-P279                                                                                                  Organ a 150 Service Building                                                          9.06E5            0.01        T Body = 2.5          7.93E-6+ Bkg Ventilation                                                                                                Skin  =  15 D11-P282                                                                                                    Organ - 7.5 Radwaste Building                                                          1.13E6              0.02        T Body = 5            6.22E-6+ Bkg Ventilation                                                                                                Skin = 30 D11-P281                                                                                                    Organ = 15 Onsito Storage                                                            3.06E5              0.02        T Body = 5            1.g3E-4+ Bkg Building                                                                                                    Skin = 30 Ventilation                                                                                                Organ = 15 D11-P281 Reactor Building                                                          2.57E6            0.50        T Body a 125          0.10E-6 epm Ventilation **                                                                                              Skin -750 Gulf Atomic Monitors D11-N408,N410
* Ventilation flow rate values are subject to change due to plant modifications and changing plant conditions; therefore updated values may be used.
              **  D11-N408 and N410 will start the SGTS, close the Drywell Purge / Vent Valves, isolate Rx Building Ventilation System, isolate Control Center, ::nd initiate emergency recirculation mode. Alarm setpoints for these monitors are not required by the ODCM controls but have been included in this table for completeness.
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT V,o                                                                      PaDe 7.0-17 TABLE 7.0-3 Dose Factors for Noble Gases
* Total Dody            Skin            Gamma Air          Beta Air Gamma Dose          Beta Dose          Dose Factor      Dose Factor Nuclide        Factor Ki          Factor Li              Mi                Ni (mrem uCl/m/yg)per    (mrem uCl/m/yg)per      (mrad uCi/m  /yrf)er  (mrad uCl/m  /yrf) er Kr-83m          7.56E-02              -----            1.93E+ 01        2.88E+ 02 Kr-85m          1.17E+ 03          1.46E+03            1.23E+03        1.97E+03 Kr-85            1.61E+01          1.34E+ 03            1.72E+01        1.95E+ 03 Kr-87            5.92E+03          9.73E+03            6.17E+03        1.03E+04 Kr-88            1.47E+04          2.37E+03            1.52E+ 04        2.93E +03 Kr-89            1.66E+04          1.01 E+04            1.73E+ 04        1.06E+04 Kr-90            1.56E+04          7.29E+03            1.63E+04        7.83E+03 Xe-131m          9.15E+01          4.76E+02            1.56E+02        1.11E+03 Xe-133m          2.51E+02          9.94E+02            3.27E+02        1.48E+03 Xo-133          2.94E+02          3.06E+02          - 3.53E+02        1.05E+ 03 Xe-135m          3.12E+03          7.11E+02            3.36E+03        7.39E+02 Xe-135            1.81E+03          1.86E+03            1.92E+03        2.46E+03 Xe-137            1.42E+03          1.22E+04            1.51E+03        1.27E+04 Xe-138          8.83E+03          4.13E+03            9.21E+03        4.75E+03 p Ar-41              8.84E+ 03          2.69E+03            9.30E+03        3.28E+03 V
* Dose factors taken from NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 L
_ _ , _ _ _ _ , . - _ . _ . .                                    _ . _ -        _ _ _ _ _ .          -      _      .m.    . . _ _ _ _ . . _  m            - ->_
ODCM-7.0 DRAFT f/ 3 Page 7.0-18 M:
                                                                                    - TABLE 7.0                                                    Controlling Locations, Pathways, and Atmospheric Dispersion for Dose Calculations
* Atmospheric Dispersion Factor-ODCM                        Location                      Pathway (s) -              Controlling            X/O                          D/O 3                              2 Centrol                                                                                Age' Group          (sec/m )                        (1/m ) - a              site boundary                  noble gases                          N/A          RD: 2.75E-6                      N/A 1
(0.78 ml, N):                  direct -                                          TB: 1.35E-5 exposure                                            RW: 6.12E-6
              =              site boundary                  inhalation                          child          RB; 2.75E-6                    N/A (0.36 mi, NE)                                                                      TB: 1.35E-5
                                                                                                                          , RW: 6.12E-6              . site boundary                  gamma-air '                        -N/A            RB: 2.75E-6                    N/A.
(0.36 ml, NE) -                beta-air                                            TB: 1.35E-5 RW: 6.12E-6
  - p .:
    .g .
F          ~ -                residence                        milk,                            infant          RB: 1.24E-7                      9.57E-10
                                      .(2.1 mi, WNW) .                  Inhalation, and .                                  TB: 3.24E                    1.60 E-9
                                                                                                                                                            -1.20E-9 ground plane                                      RW: 2.02E                  NOTE:
              ' C 5The identified controlling locations and. pathways have been determined from the 1989 land-use                                                              "
                    - census. data 'The atmospheric dispersion factors for these locations were derived from.
meteorological data records for the period 1/1/89 to 12/31/89. Dispersion factors are given for the
                    - three gaseous release points from which radioactive releases other than natural products have been detected: the reactor building (RB), the turbine building (TB), and the radwaste building (RW).
Dispersion factors for other release points are available from the X/O and D/O data tables. New dispersion factors are calculated at the end of each calendar year based on the previous year's
                    . meterological data; such now factors should be used to calculate dose for the February Semiannual Effluent. Release Report pending revision of this table.
1 O:
1                    2 -          _            _      _ . _ _ _ . . .                                    _          _            _ ,_                        _ _ , ,_ _
7 eNo / 0 4 t i f t cos ret h.a r puse te*an t ment Factoes-n e * , an.i .t m r. ibm s ., t .< i., e - 4wi.t ODCM -7.0 hee./, Pee cve9 DRAFT g                                                                                                          Page 7.0-10 m i u.        eene        u e. 16tieu a n.e,              use      61-ai      7. nw r M-3
* 1.26te) 1.26te3 ' t.24te) 1.26tel 1.24te) 1.768*3 C-14        .1.82tet 3.4ttel 3.41E*3 3.411 3 3,41t*3 1.4tk*3 3.41te) ha-24      1.02t*4      1.02te4 1.02 ten      1.028*4      l.02 ten 1.021 4 1.02te4 P-32        1.32E 6 1.71t*4          -            -
* 8.64te4!*4 Ct-St          -          -
5.95tet 2.2 stet 1.44te4 1.326 3 1.00te2 Ma- 54          +        3.96t*4      -      9.441 3 1.40t*6 7.74t*4 4.30tel no-56          =        1.24teo      -      1.30t*0      9. 4 4 t e ) 2.021 4 t 815-1 fe-55      3.46te4 1.70E*4            .            .    - 7.211 4 4.031 3 3.94te3 te-59        l.1A1 4 2.78te4          -            -
1.02E.6 1.081 5 1.04te4 Co-57          -        6.925 2      -            .      3.701 5 3.141 4 6. 7 t t* 2 Co-5s          .        1.54t.3      .            -      9.24te5 1.06tel 2.071+3 Co-60          -        1.15t*4      -            -      5.97E*4    2. s 5t. 5 1.4 sten
                  #1-63      4.12t+5 3.14tes            .            .      1.7ste5 1.341 4 1. 4 5 t.4
                  #1-65        1.54t*0 2.101-1          -            -
5.60t+3 1.23Ee4 9.121-2 Cw-64          -        1.44t eo      =      4.428 0 6.78Ee3 4,90f*4 6.151 1 to-65      3.24t+4 1.03t+5            -
6.901 4 8.64t*5 5. 34 t*4 4.66t*4 ta-69      3.3st-2 4.11t-2            +      4.221 2 9.20Ee2 1.63tel 4.52t-3 St-82          -          -          *            -          -      1,04te4    1. 35t e 4 Br 43          .          .          -            -          -      2.32te2 2.4tE*2 ar-44          .          .          .            -          +      1.641 3 3.131 2 St-85          .          -          .            .          .          .      1.2 stet Rb-66          -        1.35t+5      -            .          -      1.661 4    5. 90Ee 4 tb-84          -        3.87E*2      -            .          .      3.34E-9 1.93t*2 Rb-89          -        2.56t+2      -            *          *
* 1.70t*2 St*89      3.048*5        *          -            +      1.40t+6 3.50tel 8.721 3 St-90      9.921+7        *          *
* 9.60te 6 7.221*5 6.10t+6
                  $t-91      6,19t*1        -          =
* 3.65t+4 1.91Ee5 2.50te0
                  $r 92      6.74t+0        -          *            -      1.65E+4 4.308 4 2.918 1 T-90        2.09t*3        -          -            -      1.70s.5 5.06t+1 5.6 t t e t T 9te      2.61E+1        .          -            .      1.92te) 1.311 0 1.02E-2 T-91        4.62t+5        .          .            -      1.70t+4 3.45t+5 1.24t*4 T-92        1.03 Eel      =          *
* t.51t+4 7.35t*4 3.02E-1 T-93        9.44tet        .          .            -      4.83te4 4.22 Eel 2.6tE*0 tr-95        1.07t+5 3.44t*4          -
5.421 4 t.77t+4 1.501+5 2.331*4
      .            It-97      9.64t*t 1.968 1            .      2.97tel 7.871 4 5.23Ee5 9.04teo
        %./        Db-95        1.41t*4 7.821 3          -
7.74te3 5.051 5 1.04tel 4.2tte)
Wb-97      2.238-1 5.62t-2
* 6.54E-2 2.40s,1 2.42t+2 2.05E-2 Nett            =        1.21E*2      -      1.91te2 9.121 4 2.48t*5 2.30t*1 To-tie      1.031-3 2.911 3            -
4.421-2 7.64t*2 4.16t*3 3.701-2 Tc-101      4.181-5 6.021-5
* 1.041-3 3.99te!
* 5.908-4 Bu-103      1;53tel        a
* 3.titel 5.05!*5 1.10Ee5 6.58tet Re+105      7.901-1        -          -
1.025 0 1.101 4 4.82t+4 3.111-1 pu-906      6.91t+4        =          =
1.341 5 9.36t+6 9.121 5 4.72te)
Rh*105e          -          -          .            .          .          .          .
gh-tD6          *          *          -            =          .          =          =
Aa-110e      1.04t*4 1.001 4          -
1.975 4      4.6)(+4. 3.02tel 5.94 te)
Sb-124      3.12t*4 5.89t+2 7.55Ee1
* 2.44t+6 4.04te$ 1.245 4
                  $b-125      5.345 4 5.95t+2 5.40t*1                -      1.74t*6 1.0tt5 1,16 tee Te+125m      3.42t+3 1.14t*3 1.05t*3 1.24t*4 3.14 t+ 5 7.06tet 4.67t*2 Te-127e      1.261+4 5.77E*3 3.29t*3 4.5a5 4 9.60s.5 1.50t+5 1.57t*3 Te-127      1.40!*C 4.425-1 1.06t+0 5.10t*0 6.51E*3 5.74t*4 3 10t-1 Te+129e      9.76te) 4.47143 3.44te) 3.66t+4 1.16t+6 3.431*5 1.541*3 Te-129 . .4.94E-2 2.391-2 3.901-2 . 1.371-1 1.94tel 1.57t+2 1.241-2 Te-131e    6,99tet 4.34E+1 5.50tet 3.095 1 1.44te% 5.54E+5 2.90tet Te-13t      1.111-2 5.95t 3 9.365 3 4.371-2 1.39t*3 1.44t+1 3.591-3 i
l_                To-832      2.60tet 2.151 2 t,90t*2 1.46t*3 2.86t+5 5.101 5 1.62t*2 1 110        4.548 3 1.34t*4 1.ltre6 2.09t *4                  -      7.49t*3    5.24te3 l                  I-131        2.52t*4 3.541 4 1.19t 7 4.13 t *4                  -
6.28t+1 2.05t*4 1-132        1.161 3 3.261 3 t.14tel 5.tst.1                    -
4.04te2 1.16 t + 1 1 133        8.64 Ee 3 f.482 4 - 2.15t 6 2.588 4                -    8.885 ) 4.52t+3 I-134      4.44te2 1.731 3 2.981 4 2.75t*3                    -
1.01E*0 6.15t+2 l                  I-135        2.648 3 6.9 ate) 4.44te5 1.11t+4                    -    5.255 3 2.57t+3 1:                Cs-134      3.73t*5 0.48t*5          -      2.87t*5 9.76te4 1.04t*4 7.28t*5 t
'                  Co 136      3. 90t
* 4 1.46E.1        -
s . 54 t*4  1.20te4 1.178 4 1. lot *5 Co-137      4.78Ee5 6.218e5            +
2.221*$ 7.52t*4 e.40E.3 4.28te5 Co-138      3.3tte! 6.2tt*2            -
4.80E*2 ~4.06tet        t.841-3 3.24t+2 44 119      9.341-1 6.640 4            -
: 4. 2 J t-4  3.76t*3 0.96t*2        2. 74 E-2 Sa 140      3.90r*4    4.90E*t      a      1.47tet 1.27t*4 f.181 5            1.57t*3 Se-141      1.000-1    7.53t+1      -
7.oot-5 1.94t*1 1.14t-7            3.34t-3 Sa.142      2.63t-2 2.70t-5          -
2.29t-i 1.19t*3              -      1.661-3 g%    i t.a - 140 Le t42 3.44t*2 6.831-1 1.74t*2 3.10E-l 1.36tel 4.581 5 4.58t*1 6.331 3 2.tttel 7.72E-2 Ce-84 9      f.99E*4    1.35te4      -
4.J4tel 3.62t*5 1.20t*5 1.53t*3 Co 143      f.84t*2    1.38Ee2      -
4.081 1 7.98te4 2.26tel 1.51tel Ce-144      3.41E.6    1.43t*6        -      0.481*$      7.781 6 8.16t*5        t.84t*5 Pr-14)      9.34te) 3.75tel          -
2.14t e ) 2.411-5 2.001 5 4.44t*2 P r - 144    3.01t-2 1.25t-2            -      7,05t.)      1.02Ee3 2.15t 8        1.531-1 Nat47        5.27tel- 6. tote 3        -
3.54re) 2.2tE*5 9.731 5 3.45te2 W-147        8.48te0 7.oateo          -            -
2.901 4 1.55t 5 2.441 0 Ny-239      2.)Ut*2 2.26t*1          -
: 7. QOt
* 1 3.76Fe4 1.19t*5 1.24t*1
Tw 7 0-s              %u m.e n ODCM-7.0 Se.. 2.m.t.u.. c.a.., 0*.*. t..i r.                        utnicta DRAFT g  m.ctlse        bone ,er i.C v.8)
Liver thrreta Endner Lena                          C1-113      f.!Odr Pago 7.0-20 u-3              -        1.27t*3 1.27t.3 1.27t*3 1.27te)                      1. 27 b 3 1.27b 3 C-14        -2. 60b 4 4.87b 3 4. 87 b 3 4.8 7b 3 4. 8 7b 3 4.47b3 4.47t*3 me-24      ,  1.38t*4 1. 38 be 1.34E 4 1. 38 b4 1.388 4 1. 38 b 4 1.38t*4 P-32          1.89t*6 l.101*$              =            =
* 9.28t*4 7.16 t* 4 Cc-51            -            .        7. 50D I 3.07E*l 3.10b4 3.00b 3 1.35t*2 no- 54            .        5.11b4          .        1.27t*4 1.98t*6 6.64t*4 8. 40t
* 3 no-56            -        1.701 0        -
1.79E.0 1.52t*4 5.74t*4 2.51t 1 to 55        3.34t*4      2.38t*4          .            .          1.24tel 4.191 3          5. 54 t* 1 f e-59        1.591 4 3.70t*4                -            .          1.531*6 t.78t*5 1. 4 3 t*4 Co-57            -        6.921*2          .            .          5.86t*5 3.14t*4 9.20t*2 Ce=58              .        2.071*3          .            .        1.348 6 9.52t*4 2.781 3 Co-40              e        1.51t*4          .            .        4.725*4 2.591 5          1. 94 t *4 ul 63        5.60b 5, 4.34 b4              .            .        3.07t.5 1.42b4 1.98b4 31-45        2.18be 1.93bt                  .            .        9. 36t* 3 3.67b4 1. 27b t co-64              =        1.031*0          .        6.41E*0 1.11t*4 6.14 D4 8.48b t to-6 $      3.46t*4 1. 34 b l              =      0. 64 t *4    1.24 b6      4. 66 b 4    6. 24 t*4 Z e-4 9      4.83E-2 9.201-2                =      6.021-2 1.541 3 2.85t*2 6.468 3 St 82            .            .            .            .              -          -        1.821 4 Sr*83              .            .            .            .              -          -        3.448 2 St-84              .            .            .            .              .          -        4. 3)t* 2 4r-85              =            .            .            .            *
* 9.81t*t Re86
* 1.90tel          .            -
* 1.77t*4      4.40t*4 t> 88              .        l 465*2          .            -
* 2.92 b 5 3.12te!
* 3.528*2          -            -            -      3. 34 b 7 2.315 2
      $r-49        4.34 Eel          e            a            .        2.421 6    3. 71 t
* 5  1. 2 5 t* 4 St 90        1.04t.8            -            =
* 1.618 7 7.65tel 6.64D6 tr 91        8.40E*1            .            =
* 6.071*4 2.56t*5 3.!1t*0 St-92        9.52t*0            .            -            -        2.745 4 1.19E*5 4.061 1 T-90        2.98t*3            .            .
* 2.93t*5 5. 59b l 8.00b t T-91s        3.70s.1            .            .            .        1.20t*3 3.02tet 1.425-2 T 91        6.411 5            .            .            -        2.941 6 4 t*9tel 1. 77b4 T-92        1.47E*1            .            .
* 2.64t*4 1.eSt*5 4.291 1 T-93        1.35b 2            .-          .            =        8.32b4 1.79b 5 3.72bo tr 95        1.443 5 4.585 4                -      6.74t*4 2.49t*4 1.49b $ 3.151 4 tr.97        1.38t*2 2.72tel                =      4.121 1 1.30!*$ 4.30t*5 1.268*1 ubtl        1.86t*4 1.031 4                .      1.00t*4 7.51t*5 9.68t**                  5. 64b 3 nut?        3.14 b1 7.78t-2                .      9.121-2        3. 9 3 t* 3 2.17t*3      2. 84 t-2
      > 99                =      1.69t*2          =      4.11 b 2      1. 54 t e l 2.49b $ 3.22te t Ta-993        1.38t-3 3.46b3                  -      5.76b2 1.151 3 6.131*3 4.99 b2 to.101        5.923-5 4.40b5                  =      1. 52b 3 4.47t*2 8.722-7 8.26b4 Re=103      2.10t*3            .            .      7.431 3 7.83t*5 1.09E*l 8.96t*2 Su-105    ,1.13b0              .            .      1.4tt*0 1. 42 b 4 9.04 b e 4.341-1 8e t06      9.841 4            .            .      1.9005 1.4 t b 7 9.6JE*! 1.24 b4 tk.103e            .            -            -            .            .          .            .
Am*106            .            .            .            .            .          -            .
As-ttee      1.38t*4 1.31E*4                  . 2. 5cb4 6.75b 6 2.73t*5 7.991 3 Sb t 24      4. 3cb4 7.941*2 9.76t+1                      .        3.85b6 3.98 b 5 1. 68 t* 4 sb125        7.342 4 8.08t*2 7.041 1                      .        2.74t*6 9.92 b4 1.721 4 fe.125e      4.88t*3 2.24t*3 1.40t*3                      .        5.36bl 7.50E*4 6.67t*2 fe 127e      1.801 4 4.161,3 4.38b 3                6. 54 b4 t.44t*6 1.59D S 3.18t*3 fe.137      2.01b6 9.12t-1 1.42t*0 7.28 b0 1.121 4 8.08 b4 4.42bt Te=129m      1.39t*4 4.58b 3 4.58b3 S.19b4 1. 98b 6 4.05tel 2.25b 3 Te.129      7.10E-2 1.38b3 5.18 b 2 2.661 1 3.30t*3 1.621 3 1.76E-2 te-t31e      9.848 1 4.01E+1 7.251 1 4.391 2 2.38t*5 4.2tt*5 4.02tet te.131      1.581-2 8.32b 3 1.241-2 6.18b 2 2.34t*3 1.51t*1 3.04D 3 Te-132      3. 60D 2 2.902 2 2.46t*2 1.951 3 4.49b 5 4.63t*5 2.191+2 2 130      6.24t*3 1.79t*4            1.49t*6 2.75t*4                  .      9.121 3 7.171 3
{        bt31        3. 54 be 4.911 4 1.461 7 4.4cb4                            -      6.49t*3 2. 44 t*4 2-132        1.591 3 4.38t*3 1.511 5 6.92t*3                            -      1.271 3 1.581 3 2-133        1.223 4 2.05t*4 2.921 6 3.591 4                            -      1.03t 4 6.22t*3 b134        8.88bt 2.32t*3 3.95b4                  3. 64 b 3          -
2.04 b t 8.40b2 1-135        3.70t*3 9.441 3 6.21E*5 1.491 4                            -
4.951 3 3.49E*3 Cs-134      $.02t*5 1.13r*6                  .      3.751 5 1.46t*5 9.74t*3 5. 49t e $
C4 136      5.151 4 1.94tal                  -      1.10t*5 1.78t*4 1.09t** 1.37E*5 Ce-137      6.7CE*5 8.48tel                  -      3.04t*5 1.2tte$ 8.48t*3 3 ttg*5 Co 134      4.66t*2 8.561 2                  -      6.42t*2 7.47t*1 2.701-1 4.44t*2 Sa-09        1.34t*0 9.44t-4                        8.asb4        6. 4e b 3    4.4 5b 3      3. 90D 2 E4-140      5.471 4 6.70tet                  .-    2.28tet 2.035 6 2.291 5 3.52 t
* 3 E -141      1.42E-t      1.068-4                  9.841-5 3.29t*3 7.46t-4 4.F4t-3 Ea-142      3.701-2 3.701 5                  . 3.14t-5 1.91t*3                  -      2.271-3 te l40      4.79t*2 2.34t*2                  .            -      2.141 5 4.871 5 6.26tet 9    La-142 Ce-141 Ce= 14 3 Ce-144
: 9. 6c b1 4.258-t
: 2. 84 t *4    1.901 4 2.641 2 1.941 2 4.891 4      2. 02 D *
: 8. 64 t e t 1.2106 1,g;g.4 1,;og,4 1. 06b t 8.88t*3 6.14 b 5 1.261 5 2.17b 3
: 1. 3cb 5 2.55t*5 2.16 t e l
: 1. 34 b 7    8. 64 D 5 2.621 5 Pr-143        1.341 4 5.31C*)                  -
3.09t*3        4. 8 3b 5 2. t a b 5 6.62b2 fr-144      4.3CE-2        1.76E-2            . t.75b 3 2.351-4 2.18b 3 N4-147      7.84b3 8. 56b 3                  .
5.02t 1 3.72t*5 1.821 5 5.13 b 2 W-137        1. 20 b t 9.76t*0                .            .      4.74g.4      t.77t*5      3. 4 ]Do NP-239      3.38b2 3.19tes                    .
1.c0E.2        6. 4 9b e 1.32t*5 1.77tet
Table 7LO-5          (4'atiaaedi n ..
* Cutte c-                                                    (area /rt per pCi/o 8 )
(                                                                                                                        {)pggprp mu n e.      so        u..r      rar r.a S                La.      t.8 o        Page 7.0-21 u-3            -
1.121 3 1.121*3 1.12te n t.12tel 1.125 3 1.128 3                                        i C-14      3.59 ten 4.738 3 4.71t*3 6.73t.3 6.735 3 6.73r*3 6.731 3                                            I Ma*24      1,61t*4 1.61t*4 1.411 4 1.61t*4 1.6tte4 1.6tte4                          1.61t+4 P-32      2. bot *6  1.14t*5        *                    -
* 4.22t+4 9.48t*4 Cr*5l          -        =      8. 5 5t
* 1 2.43tet          t.70t**  1.08t*3 1. 54 t* 2 nn- 54          .      4.29t*4        .
1.001 4 1.58t*4      2. 29t *4 9.51t+3 Mm-56          -      1.66t*0        -              1.67t*0' 1.3tt*6 1.231 5 3.t21-1 Fe*55      4.74t+4 2.521 4          -                    . 1.11t*5 2.87t*3 7.77t*3 Fe-59      2.07t+4 3.14t*4            -                    . 1.271 6 7.07t*4 t.47E*4 Co-57          -      9.038 2        -                  -    5.071 5 1.325 4 1.071 3 Co-58 '        -      1.77E*3        .                    -    1.11R e 6 3.441*4 3.t6t*3 Co-60          .      1.31E*4        .                  =    7.071 6 9.628*4 2.26t*4 Ni-63      8.21t*5 4.631 4            -                  -    2.75t*5 6.33t*3 2.80t*4 N!*45      2. itt *O 2.96t-1          .                  -    8. t 81 3 8.40t*4 1.648-1 C o-64          -      t.99t*0
* 6.031*0    9. 54 t+ 1 3.671 4 1.071*0 le*65      4.26t+4 1.131 5            -              1.14t*4    9. 95t* 5 1.63t*4 7.031 4 to-69      6.70t*2 9.661-3          -
5.855 2 1.42t*3 1.021 4 8.928-3 tr-82          .        .          .                    .        *
* 2.09t*4 8t*83          =        .          -                  -        -        -      4.74t*2 Br-84          *        .          -                  .        .        -      5.481e2 tr-85          -        =          =                    -        .        .      2.531 1 Ab-86          -      1.98t*5      -                    -        -    7.99t*3 1.14t*5 A b-88        -      5.62t*2      *                    -        -      1.721*1 3.465 2 2h-89          a      3.4 5te!      -                    -        a    1.895 0 2.00t*2 St-89      5.991 5        .          .                    -    2.16t*6  1.671*5. 1.721*4 Sr*90      1.01t*8        -          *                    -    1.481 7 3.435 5 6.44t*6 St-91      1.211 2        .          .                    . 5.331 4 1.74t+5 4.59t.0 it-92      1.31t*1        -          -                    -    2.40t*4 2.42t*5 5.25E-1 Y* 00      4.11t*3        =          .                    . 2.621 5 2.685 5 1.lts*2 Y-91e      5.075-1        *          -                    -    2.811 3 1.725 3 1.84t-2 T-91      9.141 5        .          -                    -    2.631 6 t.44t*5 2.441 4 Y 92      2.04t*1 -      -          -                    +    2.195 4 2.39t*5 5.81t-1 Y*93      1.86t*2        =          .                    -    7.448 4 3.49t*5 5.11t*0 Ir 95      t.90t*5 4.181 4          -              5.945 4 2.231 4 4.11t 4 3.70t*4 fs                    It-97      1.88t 2 2.721*t          .              3.495 1 1.13t*5 3.51t*5 9.60tet
(,, ,/                Mb-95      2.35t*4- 9.18C+3          -              8.621 3 8.14t*5 3.70t*4 6.558 3 ab-97      4.298 1 7,70t-2          -              8.551 2 3.428 3 2.781*4 3,601 2 me-99          -      1.72t*2      -              3.921 2 1.358 5 1.27t*5 4.26tet Te.993    1.782-3 3.488 3          -              5.07t-2 9. 51 t + 2 4.8ttel 5.771 2 Te-101    8.10E-5 8.315 5          .              1.4513 - 5.858e2 1.631 1 1.081-3 Re-103    2.79Ee3        -          -              7.03E+1 4.62t*5 4.48E'4          1.07E*3 Re 105 -  1.53t+0        -          -              1. 34 t *0 1.59t*4  9.951**    5.551 t 8e-106    1.365 5        -          -              1.848 5 1.43t*7 4.29E*5 1.69t*4 Rh-103e        -          -          .                    .        -        -          .
Rb-106          =        .          .                    -        -        -          -
A4 110e    1.691 4 1.141 4            -              2.12te4 5.481 4 1.00t*5 9.14t*3 Sb-124 - 5.74t*4 7.40E*2 1.261+2                          -    3.24t*6 1.641 5 2.00t*4 Sb-125    9.84t*4 7.59E*2 9.10tet                        -    2.321 4 4.03t+4 2.07t*4 Te-125e    6.731 3 2.33E+3 1.921 3                        . 4.77t*5 3.381 4 9.145 2 Te-127e    2.49E*4 8.351*3 6.07E 3 6.36t*4 1.448 6 7.14t*4 3.02g*3 Te-127    2.77E.0 9.511-1 1.961,0 7.07t*0 1. 00 t =4 5.621 4 6.811-1 Te 129e    1.921*4 - 4.8 5t*3 4.331 3 5.038 4 t.74t*4 t.821*5 3.04tel T e.129    9.77 t 3. 501 2 7.14t=2 2.572-1 2.93t*3 2.55t*4 2.381-2 Te-131e    1.34t*2 5.921 1 9.77 te t 4.005 2 2.04t+5 3.08t.5 5.07tet Te-131    2.171-2 8.44t-1 1.708-2 5.88t-2 2.05t.3 1.33E.3 6.591-3 Te-132    4.81t+2 2.721 2 3.178 2 8.778 3                      3.77t*5 t.341 5 2.631 2 1-130      8.182 3 t.44t*4 1.858 6 2.45t*4                          -    5.11t*3 8.441 3 2-131      4.811 4 4.812 4 1.628*7 7.ast+4                          -    2.448 3 2.73t 4 3-132      2.128 3 4.07t*3 1.041 5 6.251 3                          -    3.20s.3    1.88t*3 1 133      1.66te4 2.031 4 3.454*4 3.381 4 - -                            5.441 3 7.70t 3 1-134      1.17t+1 2.16t*3 3.07t*4 3.'0t+1              3          -    9.55tet 9.95te2 1 135      4.92t+3 8.73E.3 7.92t*5 1.541 4                          -    4.44t*3 4.t4t*3 Cs-134    6.31t+5 1.0tt+6              -
3.30s 5 t.21tel 3.85t*3 2.251 5 Cs=134    4.5tt*4 1.71te5          -              9.55t*4    1.451 4  4.18t*3' t.14t.5 Cs-137    9.07tes- S.25t*5          .              2.s28,5    1.04t.5 3.62tel 1.281 5 Co-138-    4.3.3te2 8.40t*2
* 6.22t*2 4.81tet 2.70t*2 5.351 2                            ,
Se* t 39 - 1.e4teo    ".841-4      -              8.62t-4    5.771 3 5.77t*4 5.378-2 44-140    7.4GE*4    e.48t*1      .              2.111 1 1.74 tee 1.021 5 4.33t*3
                        &a-141    1. 96 1- 1  S.b9E*4      .              9.473-5 2.921*3 2.75t+2 6.342-3 ka-142    5.00K-2 3.60s-5          -              2.911 5 t.641 3 2.748*0 2.79t-3
{'s La-140    4.44t*2    2.25t*2        .                  -    1.43t*5 2.26t*5 7.55tet t
    -I-La-142    1.30too 4.11t-t          -                    -    4.701 3 7.59t*4      1.29t-t i                        C -141    3.92t*4    1.95t+4      -              4.55t*3 5.44t.5      5. 66 t
* 4 2.901 3 Ce-143    3.64t*2 1.99t 2          -
8.14tet 1.151 5 1.27t*5 2.87t 1 Ce-144    4.77t*6 2.121*6
* 1.17t*4 1.20t*7 3.89t*5 3.411 5 Fr-143    1.85t*4    5.551 3
* 3.001 3 4.33tei 9.73t*4          9.141 2 Pr+144    5.96t-2 1.851-2          -
9.77t 1    1.57t*3  t.97t*2 3.oot-3 Nd+147    1.04t*4 f.73*63          -              4,811 3 3.28 Eel 4.21t*4        6. Site 2 W-187      1.631 1    9.64t*0      -                    -    4.115 4 9.10t*4      4.335 0 NP-239    4.648*2    3.34tet
* 9.731 1 5.81t*4 6.40te4 2.35tet
Tani. 74.s geeast.ooe>                                                    C)[)C;hi 7.0 44  tah.i. o es, Do.e 7.eie,. - s reat                                ()FLAFrT p.
i I/                                          co,es/r,  ,e,  eC4foo Page 7.0-22
    's Weellte      bone      L&ver      Thy, eld tieney        Luna      El LL2    1.bosy u3              -      6.478+2 6.47t*2 6.471 2 6;47t*2 6.47t+7 6.47t+2 Cate      *2.65t+4    5.31tel 5.312 3 5.3tte3 5.315 3 5.31tel 5.318 3
        .      Wa-24      1.061 4 1.065e4 1.06t*4            1.06t*4  1.061 4 1.04t 4 1.04te4 P-32      2.03te6 1.121 5              +          *        -      1.611 4 7.741 4 Ct-51          -          -        1.75t+t 1.321 1      1.28t*4 3.571 2 4.955 1 Me-54              -  2.531*4          -      4.98Ee3 1.00te6 7.06tel 4.945 3 Ma-56            i      1.54t*0            . 1.10E 0 1.25t*4 7.178 4 2.2tt-t Fe-55      1.971 4 1.17t*4            -          -    4.49E*4 1.09t*3 3.33t*3 Fe-59      1.36t+4 2.35t*4            -          -    l.02t+6 2.48te4 9.481 3 Ce-57          -      6.51t+2          -          -    3.795 5 4.44t*3 6.411 2 Co-54          -      1.221 3          -          -    7.77te$ 1.111 4 l.821 3
* Co-40          -      8.021*3          -          -    4. 5 t t+ 6 3.19t*4    1.18t*4 NA 63      3.39t*5 2.04t+4              -          -    2.091*$ 2.421e3 1.161 4                                e
                #1-65      2.39t+0 2.441-l              -          -    4.121 3 5.011 4 l.23t-t Co-64
* l.881*0          -      3.98t*0 9.30!*3 1.501 4 7.745 1 Za-45      1.931 4 6.26t*4            -      3.25t+4 6.47t+5 5.141 4 3.11 t *4 2 =-4 9    5.195-2 9.671 2            =      4.02t 2 1.471 3 1.321 4 7.181-3 Sc=82          -          -            -          -        -          -      1.331*4 Sr=83          -          -            -          -        -          -      3.81t+2 Br 84          =          .-          -          -        -
* 4.00t+1 a
Gr-85          =          =            -          =        =          .      2.04tet
            . RD-86            -      1.602 5          -          -        -      3.04 te l 8.821 4 8 b-44          -      5.57t+2          -          -        -      3.39te2 2.87t+2 R ,-89          -      3.211+1          -          -        -      6.825,1 2.068*2
            . ar-89        3.98t*5 ^ -                =          =    2.038 6    6.40t**    t.14t*4 Sr-90      6.09E 7        -            -          -    1.121 7 1.3ttel 2.591 6 sr-91      9.56t+1        -            -          -    5.268 4 t 34t*4 3.641 0 3r-92      t.05E+1          .
                                                        -          -    2,38t*4      1.40s.5 3.9tt-1 Y*90        3.291 3        -            -          -    3.698 5    1. 04 t. 5 8.82tet 1-91e      4.078-t        *            =          -    2.791 3 3.3 5t* 3 1.395 2 T-91        5.881 5        -            *
* 2.45 tee 7.031 4 1.571 4 T-92        1.64t+1        -            -          -    2.458 4 1.271 5 4.611 1 T-93        1.50E.2        -            -          -    7.641 4 1.671 5 4.071,0 tr-95      1.15t*5 3.79t.4            -      3.11t*4 1.75t*6 2.17te4 2.03t+4
  /'~'i r      5 It-97      1.501 2 2.56tet            -      2.59tel 1.101 5 1.40t+5 1.17tet
  ''-''        Mb 95      1.57E.4 6.631 3            -      4.721 3 4.795 5 1.278 4 3.18t*3 Mh-97      3.421 1 7.291-2            -      5.708 2 3.321,3 2.69te4 2.638-2 no-99          -      1.65te!          -      1.651 3 l.351 5 4.47t+4 3.231 1 Te-99e      1.401 3 2.841 3            -      3.112 2 4.111 2 2.03tel 3.721-2 Ts-101      6.511 5 8.231-5            -      9.795-4 5.84t+2 8.44t.2 8.121-4 Au-103      2.02t+3        -            -      4.26t*3 5.52E+5      1. 61 t* 4 6.79t+2 Rw=105      1.221*0        *
* 8.991-1  1.57t*4 4.44te4 4.10E-t 8v=106      8. 68t*4 -      -            -      1.07E*5 1.16te? 1.64Ee5          1.09t*4 Rh-103e          -              -        -        -          -          -
* th-104          -          *            *        -          *          *
* As*t10e    9.941 3 7.221 3              -
8b-124      3.79t*4 5.561 2 1.01E*2_ -1.09t*4            2.651 3.67  8 6 . 3. 1.20tet 6 5.91t*4      30t+4 - 5.005 3 8 b-125    5.171*4 4.77tel 6.231*1                -      1.64t*6 1.47t*4 1.098 4-7e=125e    4.761 3 1. 99tel 1.62t*3                -    4.471 5 1.298+4 6. 54 te2 Te-127e    1.671+4 '6.905 3 4.871 3 3.751 4 1.315 6 2.731 4 2.071 3 Te-127      2.23t*0 9.531-1 1.85teo 4.868 0 1.031 4 2.44t*4 4. Sit-1 Te-12 9e    1.41t+4 6.098 3 5.471*3. 3.181 4 1.481 6 6.901 4 2.23t.3 Te-129-    7.881-2 3.47I-2 6.75E-2 1.751-1 3.001 3 2.631*4 1.881-2 fe-13te    1.07tet 5. 50 s.1 8.935 1 2.65E 2 1.99t*5 1.19t+5 3.63te t Te-131      1.74E-3 8.22E-3 1.548-2 3.99E-2 2.06te3 8.225*3 5.008-3 Te-132      3.721+2 3.371+2 2.79t+2 1.03E+1 3.40t*5 4.418 4 1.76tel
                !=t30      6.365 3 1.391 4 1.601 6 1.531 4                  -      1.991 3 5.571 3 1-131      3.791 4 4.44t*4 1.44t+7 5.181 4                  -      1.04t*3 1.948 4 2-132      1.691 3 3.541 3 1.69te$ 3.95t*3                  -      1.901 3 1.261 3 2-133      1.321+4 1.92t*4 3.541 6 2.24t+4                  -      2.161 3 5. 60t + 1 1*t34      9.21t+2 1.481+1 4.45t.4 2.091 3                  -      1.291 3 6.651 2 1-135      3.46t*3 7.60E*3 6.96t+5 8.47tel                  -      1.83E 3 2.271 3 Cs-134      3.961,5 7.03t*5              -      1.90t*1 7.97t*4 1.331 3 7. 4 5t* 4 Ca 136      4.83t*4 1. 35t+ 5 -          -      5.64t*4 1.18t*4 1.43t*3 5.29t*4 Cs-137      5.49t*5 6.121*5              -      1.72t*5 7.13t*4 1.33te) 4.551 4 Cs-134      5.051 2 7.881 2            -      4.101 2  6. 54 t
* I 8.761 2 3.982 2 Sa-139      f.48t*0 9.648-4            -      5.921-4 5.95t*3 5.101 4 4.30 s.2 84 140    5.60t+4    5.60t*1
* 1.341*t  1. 40t*6 - 3. 84 8 4  2. 90t,3
'                Sa-141      1.572-1    3.04t-4          -      6.50E-5 2.97te) 4.75t*3 4.971-3 I                Ea-142    3.981 2    3. 30t- 5        -      1.905 5 1.55t*3 6.931*! t.941-3                                  .
    .h          L -140      5.051 2 2.00s.2            -          -    t.641 5 8.44t*4 1.tStet La-142      1.031+0 3.771-1                        -    4.221 3 5.931 4 9. 04 2-2
i    1 Co-141      2.771 4    1.67E*4          -      5.25te) 5.17t+5 2.168 4 1.99t.3 Ce-143      2.93t+2 1.93t+2            -      5.641 6  1.16t*5 4.911 4 2.2ttet Ce- 14 4    3.191+6 1.211 6            -      5.34t*5 9.84t+6 1.68 Eel 1.761 5 Pr 143      1.40t** 5.24E.1            -      1.97t+3 4.33E.5 3.72t*4 6. 991+ 2 Prat 44    4.791-2 1.45t-2            -      6.72E-3 1.61t+3 4.281*3 2.411-3 Md-147      7. 94 t* 3 8.13t*3          -      3.155.) 3.22t.5 3.12t*4          5. 00 E.2 l            ' W-187        1.30t*t 9.021 0            -          -    3.96t*4    3,54t*4 3.1J1 0
!                pp-239      3.718 2 3.321 1            -      6.62t*t 5.951 4 2.49E.4          1.44tet
f 1
Table 7.04        (eentinues)
S e. se...-C    -eim t.twer 0 .. r.c s.,s        m?                      ODCM-7.0
(.re /rr per ieC u. 4 f., a          na C-i4                          DRAFT
[v) t                              t.* 4 er.a er ee, iCu.eo s., other.                                  Page 7.0-23    ;
aucaise      8ene        1.4 ve r Thyro 64 Eisney        Lans    $1*LL2    f.8ady W-3      .      .      7.63t*2 7.631*2 7.63t*2 7<63t*2 7.63tel 7.61t*2 C-14        3.63t*5- 7.26 tee 7.26t*4 7.26te4 7.26t*4 7.26t*4 1.268 4 M. 24      2. 54 t *6 3.548 6 3.548 6 2.54t*4 2.541 6 2. 54 te6 2. 54 t *4 P.32      1.?tte10 1.048,9            .          .          . 1.92tet 6.601 4 Cr.51            .          .      1.?tt*4 6.30tel 3.808 4 7.20t*6 2.86te4 nn.54            .      4.40t*6        .      2.50s 6        . 2.57t*7 1.60t*4                        .
Ma.56            .      4.231-3        .      5,381-3        . 1.358 1 7.518 4    .
re-55      2.Stt*7 1.73t*7            .          .      9.67t*4 9.95E.6 4.041 6 re 59      2.98t*7 7.00t*7            .          .      1.95t*7 2.33t*8 2.68t*7 Co-57            .      1.285*6        .          .          . 3.251 7 2.138 6 Co-58            .      6.728 6        .          .          . 9.57te7 1.068*7 Co-60            .      1. 64 t* 7    .          .          . 3.085 8 3.621 7 mi-63        6.732*9 4.66tet            .          .          . 9.73t*7 1.26t*8
              #4 65        3.70s 1 4.818 2            .          .
* 1.22t*0 2.19t.2 Cc64              .      2.411 4        .      6.081 4        =    2.058*6 1.13t*4 2a 65        1.37t*9 4.36t*9            .      2.92t*9        .
2.75tet  1. 97t+ 9 In.69            .            .        .          .          .          .        .
8t-82            .          .        .          .          . 3.72t.7 3.251*7
              $r-83            .          .          .          .          . 1.49t-1  1.03t-1 St*84            *          .          .          .        .          .        .
8g.85            .          .          .          .        .          .        .
8b-86            .      2.598 9        .          .          .      5.115 8 1.21t*9 a b-48          .          .          .          .          .          .        .
8 b.89          .          .        .            .        .          .        .
              $s.89        1.458,9        .          .          .          . 2.331 8 4.168 7
              $r.90      4,64t*10          .        .          .          . 1.355 9 1.15Es to St 91 '      3.13t*4        .          .          .          . 1.49t*5 1.278 3 St 92        4.898 1        .        .          .          . 9.48t*0 2.111-2 T%          7.07tet        .        .          .          . 7.508 5 1.90t*0 T-91e            .          .        .          .          .          .        -
T 91        8.60t*3        *        .          .          . 4.738 6 2.30t*2 T-92        5.621 5        .        .          .          . 9.69t.1 1.58E-6 T-93        3.335 1        .        .          .          . 7.39t*3 6.431-3
  .-          It*95        9.412 3.032*2            .      4.76t+2        . 9.67t*5 2.05t*2
    /        2t-97        4.26E.1 9.59E-3          .      1.301-1        +    2.665*4 3.933-2 V        ub.95        4,251 4 4.598 4          .      4. 54 t*4      . 2.79t*8 2.67t*4 ut.97            .'          .        .          .          . 5.47E.9        -
Me 99            .      2.52t*7      .      5.721e7        .      5.851 7 4.80t*6 Tc.99e      3.25t*0 9.195 0          .      l.40t*2 4.508 0 5.441 3 1.171*2 78 101          .          .        .          . -      .          .          .
to 103      1.02te)        .        .      3.89t*3        =    1.19E.5 6.39t*2 te105        8.572-4        .        .      1.1t5 2        . 5.2st t 3.385-4 te106        2.04t*4        .        .      3.948 4      -.      1.32E.4 2.581*3 th.103e          .          .        .          .          .          .        .                          >
            - th*106          .          .        .          .          .
As*110m      5.835 7 5.395 7          .      1.068 8        . 2.201 10 3.201 7 86-124      2.57t*7 4.86tel 6.24t*4              .      2.005 7 7.3tt+8 1.025 7 ab 125      2.041 7 3.281 5 2.045 4              .      1.54t*7 2.255 8 4.46t*6 1e 125e      1.63t*7 5.90t*6 4.90E 6 6.431 7                  . 6,50t*7 2.188 6 To.127e      4.548*7 1.48*1 1.178 7 1.86t*8                  .      1.541 8 5.54t*6 Te t27      6.721*2 2.411 2 4.98t*2 2.76t*3                  . 5.301 4    1. 4 5t.2 Te=129s      4.04t*7 2.25t*7 2.08t*7- 2.525 8                . 3.04t*8 9.57t*6 Te.129          .                      .          .        .          *        .
Ts 131e      3.618 5 te77Ee5 2.80!*5 1.79t*6                  .      1.75t+7 t.47E* 5 Ts.13)          .          .          .          .          .
To 132      2.39E*6 1.55te6 9.711 6 1.49t*7                  . 7.32tel 1.45t*6 tot 30      4.26te5 1.261 4 t.07t+8 1.*6te6                  . 1.081 6  4. 96t* 5 1 131      2.968 8 4.24t*4 1.39tett 7.278 8
* 1.121*4 2.4st*4 1 132      t.641 1 4.371 1 1.53tet 6.978-1                  . 4.225-2 1.535-1 1 133        3.971 6 6.90t*4 1.01t*9 1.201 7                  . 6.20t*6 2.10!*4 -
1 134            .          .          .          .
1-135        1.398 4 3.63t*4 2.40E*6 5.835*4                  -    4.102 4 1.34t*4 Ca 134      5. 65t* 9 1.34te lo        .      4.35tet 1.44t*9 2.351 6 1.101 10 C.-136      2.61t*8 1.03t*9            .      5.14 t
* 8 7.87t** 1.17t*8 7.421 8 Cs-137      7.381 9 1.01E
* to        .      3.43g*9 1.14t*9 1.95t*8 4.6ttet Co.138            .          .        .          .
84 139      4.701-4        .          .          .          . 8,34 1-8  t.34s-9 8++140      2.49E*7 3.388*4            .      1.151'4    1.938 4 5.54t*7 1.741 6
: k. 141          .          .          .          .          .          .
E.*142          .          *          *          .          .
      ,        L. 140      4.491 0 2.26t*0            .          .          . 1.64tel 5.971-1
,      (./      La-142          .          .        .          .          . 3.0)t-8 1.25t*7 3.7t&*2 Ce-141      4.44 te3 - 3.271 3        .      1.52t*3        -
Ce=143      4.19t+1 3.09D 4          .      1.36tet        . 1.16t*6 3.42t+0 Ce-144      3.58t*5 1.50s.5          .      8.47t*4        -    1.211 8 1.12 t
* 4 Frat 43      1.59t*2 6.37t*t          .      1.681 1        . 6.945 5 7.44t*0 Frat 44                      .        .          .
W4 147      9.42 Eel 1.095e2
* 6.371**        . 5.231 5 6.52t*0 W 187        6.56t*3 5.441 3          .          .          . 1.801 4 t.925 3 Np.239      3.66too 3.601-1          .
1.125 0        -
7.39t*4 1.941 1
7eoin i o-s t eeot t e.ed 3                                                l nee, ste.4.Cee-niin ret >.or me** roeiere o tttmasta                  ODCM-7 0 DRAFT
{,-).                          teree/yr per >C1/e )8 fee W 3 and C-14                        p000 7*0-24
%,_,/                          (en a stes/yr per yct/sec) fee othere Nuclide    bone      Lives Thyroid tideer          Luht    $]*Lb2    I. hod y N-3          .      9.941 2 9.94tej 9.941 2 9.94te2        9. tete 2 9.94te2 C.14      6.70 Eel 1.34tel I.348 5 1.348 5 1.345 5 9.34tel 1.348 1 as.24      4.44t*6 4.448 6 4.44t*6 4.448 6 4.441 6 4.441 6 4.44 tee t.32      3.158 10 1.95t*9        .          .        . 2.658 9 1.22tet        .
* 2.748 4 1.tCtet 7.131*4 8.408 4          1. Dot *4 no.54        .      1.40te7      .      4.17te6      . 2.478 7 2.fste6 en.14        .      7.518 3      =      9.ict-1      . 4.948 1 1.318-3 te ll      4.45tep 2.16tet        .          . 2.pote7 1.37te7 7.345 4      5.20t*7 1.2ttet        .          . 3.821 7 2,87 tee 4.6st 7 Co.57        .      2.251 4      .          .        . 4.198 7 3 76 tee Ce=54        .      7.95te.      .          .        . 1.10Ee4 1.435 7 Co.60        .      2.78E.7      .          *
* 3.6'tet a    4.26E.7 N163      1.10t*l0 8.351 8        .          .
* 1.33tes 4.ettet e6 65      6.761-1 4.648 2        =          .        . 4.70t*0 3.948 2 Co-44
* 4.298 4      =      1.09tel
* 3.331 4 2.021 4 2 =.6 5    2. tite 9 7.311 9      .      4.6atet      . . 3.10tet 3.418 9 2e.49        .          .        .          .        .        .          .
Dr.02          .        .        .          .        .        =      l.64te7 tr.43        .          .        *          *        *
* 1.911-l St.84          .        .        .          =        *        *          *-
Sr.45          .        .        .          .        .        .          .
A b.46        =      4.73159      .          .        . 7.001 4 2.221 9 3 >-se        .        .        .          .        .        .          .
p p.s 9 _    .          .        .          .        .        .          .
St.89      2.67tet      =        *          *
* 3.188 8 7.661 7 S t. 90 ' 6.6ttete      .        .          .        . 1.848 9 1.43teto Srott      1.7$4 4      .        .          .        . 2.6ttel 2.29te)
St*92      8.951 1      .        .          .        . 2.381 1 3.918 2 f*D0      1.308 2      +        =          =
* t.07te6 3.501 0 Tatie          .        .        *          *        ..        .          .
T*91      1.181 4      .        .          .        -    4.48te6 4.241 2 T-92      1.D01 4      .        -          *        . 2.758 0 2.901-4 f.9)      4.30t.l -    .        .          .        . 1.311e4 1.181 2
, - _    It 95      1.618e3 S.231 2        .      7.67te2      +    1.208 6 3.59tel e          It 97      7.751.t 1.83t.t        .      2.32t.
* 4.15te4 7.04E.3 k'                                                                      3.345 4 4 305 4 E b.95    1.4 t tel 7.801 4      =      1.175 4
* p>-97          *        *        *          .        . 6.345 4
* Me-99          .      4.565,7      .      1.04tet      . 4.168 7 4.698 4 Tc.99e    3.641 0 1.87tet        .      2.345 2 4.735*0 8.038*4 2.04t*2 Ts 101        .        .        .          .        .        .
* av.103    1.81tel      .        .      6.40s.3      . l.52Een 7.75te2 Ru.105 -  1.178-3      .        .      1.971 1      . 1.2t!*0 6.04E-4 Re-104    3.758 4      -
* 7.238 4      . 1.80t*4 4.73Ee3 Sh.103e        .        .        .          .        .        .          .
Ab 106        .        .        .          .        .        .          .
As-110e    9.43te7 9.111 7        .      l.748 4      =    2.54telo 5.54t*7 Sb.124    4.11: * / 4.448 5 1.64 tel        . 4.01te? 9.25tes 1.79t*7 ab.121    3.6? e    3.998.$ 3.495e4        . 3.218 7 2.64Ee4 8.b48,6 Te.125e    3.00te? 1.04te7 6.395 6            .        .-    8.461 7 4.02Ee4 Te.127e    0.441*7 2.998 7 2.01t*7 3.428 6              . 2.toget 1.00E*7 Te.127    1.248*3 4.418*2 8.595e2 5.04kel
* 9.418e4 2.681 2 To.12 9e  1.ltte$ 4.10t*7 3.578 7 4.621 4              . 4.15te8 1.75t*7 To.129        .        .        .      l.67t-9
* 2.141 9        .
fe.Ilie    4.57tel 3.15tel 4.74tes 3.*2914              . 2.538 7 2.611 $
Ts=131        .        .        .          .        .        .          .
Ts.133    4.28tes 2.711,6 2.861 4 2.608 7              . 8.548 7 2.55 tee 1 130      7.49tel 2.17 tee 1.775 8 3.348 4            . l.67too 4.643 1 2 131      5.341 4 7.53tes 2.208 1% 1.30te9            -    1.49t*a 4.04tes 2 132      2. 90E.1 7.591-1 2.$6te1 1.201 0            -    3.318 4 2.721-1 8 133      7.24 tee 1.231 7 1.721 9 2.155*7            . 9.30 tee 3.731 6 1 434          .        .        .          .        .        .          -
2.l11      2.478 4 6.358*4 4.04t*6 1.005 1
* 7.038 4 2.31 tee Co.136    9.attet 2.311 10        .      7,34 t
* 9 2.80tet 2.821 4 l.07teto Co.134    4.41E*8    1.71189
* 9.51tet  1.40t.4 1.415 8 f tete 9 Co.137    1.34teIO 1.18te10
* 4.041*9 2.35Ee9 2.13Eet 4.20tet Co.sts        .        .        .          .        .        .          .
Se.139    8.691-4      .        .          .        . 7.755-7 2.331 9 te.140    4.058 7 $.918 4        .      2.021*4 4.00$et 7.491 7 3.131 4 se.141        .        .        .          .        .        .          .
Be=142        =        .        *          *        .        .          .
[ \    La.140    8.04t*0 3.96teo        .          .        . 2.231 5 1.051 0
  \,,,/  6a-142        .        .        .          .        . 2.231 7        .
Co.141    a.97tel 5.928e3        -
2.79te)      . t.49te! 6.atte2 Ce=143    7.498 1    5.60E*4      .      2.31t*1      . 1.481 4 4.25teo Co.164    6.341 5 2,72teS        =      1.63tei      =    1.44tet 3.348 4 tr.143    2.921 2 1.172 2        -      6.771 1      . 9.615 5 1.45tet pg.144        .        .        .          .        .        .          .
ud 147    1.81E*2 1.971 2
* 1.168 2      -    7.11t*5    1. tat.1 wat47      1.20t*4 9.Jete)        .          .        . 2.41t*4 3.43tel WP.339    6.99t*0 6.591 1
* 2.07teo      . 1.04tel 3. 44E.1
          .-                                                      -  .                      .  . .-  -~        . . ._ -
TatHe 70 5 (coa 4 4 mied) 8..e, 0...        niu,                      ODCM-7.0 m                            (.,e./n est cu.o !.t 8-3 . 4 C ie DRAFT-
  -(Qh..                        (. . .r ewyr e.r  cu... ) 5., ein.,,                                Pago 7.0-25 N.c u a    8 ..      user tnyr.u no.,            t8      si.u.2        f. soar m.3          . i,57te  1.s7tel 1.s7tes i sst+3 - i.578e3 1.s7te3 C i4    i.6stes 3.295es 3.29tes 3.29tes 3.29tes 3.29tes_3.29tes me 24    9.23t+6 9.231 6 9.23t*6 9.23t*6 9.23t=6 9.23t*6 9.231 6 P.32    7.77te10 3.64t+9        .          .      . 2.tStet 3.00te9        .        *    $.ht*4 1.5$t+4 1.03 Eel 5.41t*6 1.02tel Ms.54        .      2.091 7      . l.87 tee    .      l . 76 t' ' 7 5.581 6 Ma 54        =      1.318 2      . 1.344-2      .      l.90$*0 4.955-3 Fe 55    1.12tes 5.91te7        .          . 3.35t+7 1.101 7 t.84t.7 to-19    1.208 8 1.951 8        *
* 6.651 7 2.031 8 9.718 7 Co-57        .      3.445e6      *          *      . 3.141 7 7.771 6 C.-58        .      1.21t*7    .          .      . 7.081 7 3.721 7 Co.60        .      4.328 7      .          .      . 2.393 8 1.271 4 N1 43  2.96te10 1.591 9        .          .      . 1.073 8 1.01t*9 pl.65    1.668ee 1.56t.1        .          .      .      1.918+t 9.118-2 Ce.4          .      7.tSE*4    =    1.82 Eel      . 3.lete6 4.541 4
              ! 6$    4.13tet 1.101 10      . 6.94 1* 9    .      1.931 9 6.851 9 2 49          .          .      .          .      .      3.148 9            .
Sr 82        .          .      .          .      .            .        1. lit +8 Br.83        .          .      .          .      .            .        4.691-1 3r.44        .        .        .          .      .            .            .
3r.43        .        .        .          .      .            .            .
kh86          .      8.771*9    *          .      .      1.64t*8 5.391 9 8 b.88        .        .        .          .      .          .            .
8 b.8 9      .        .        .          .      .          .            .
Sr.89    6.62t+9      *        .          .      .      2.561 8 1.891 4 4r 90    1.121 11      .        .          .      .
1.11t*9 2.831*10 ar.91    t.4ttel      .        .          .      .      3.128,5 S.33te3 Sr.92    2.19t*0      .        .          .      .      4.145,1 4.761 2 T.90      3.228 2      .        .          *
* 9.151 5 8.611 0 y.9ts        .        .        .          .      =          .            .
Y-91      3.911 4      .        .          .      .
5.2tt*6 1.04 Eel f.92      2.461-4      .        .          .      -      7.101 0 7.038 6 T.93      1.061 0      .        .          .      .      1.578 4 2.908 2 tr.95    3.848 3 8.458*2        -    1.211 3      .      8.81tel 7.521 2 i-            3r.97    1.49Ee9 2.72t-1        =    3.911 1      .      4.13te4 1,615 1 NH95      3.188 5 1.24 Eel      . 1.16tel      =      2.39t*8 8.848 4 l            ub97        .          .        .          .      =      1.455-6            .
No.99        . 8.29t*7      . 1.77t+8      .      6.861 7      2.01**7 ts 99e    1.29Est 2.548et        . 3.688 2 1.29E*1 1.443 4 4.201 2 l            ts.101      =          .        .          .      .          .            .
Su.103    4.292 3      .        . 1.ost 4      .      1.Ittel 1.61te) se105    3.82E-3      .        . 3.36E 2      .      2.49t.0 1.391 3 se106    9.24t*4      .        . 1.251 5      =      1.44Ee6 1.15E*4 8n.103a      .        .        .          .      .          .            .
sh.106        .        .        .          .      .          .            .-
l' As.119e  2.091+8 1.4tt*8        +    2.63tes      . 1.68t+10 1.138 8 8p124    1.09tet 1.418 8 2.40te$          =    6.031 7 6.798 8 3.415 7 86 125    8.70E*7 1.415 6 8.068 4            . 4.858 7 2.00!e8 1.828 7
,            fe 125e  7.38t*7 2.00te? 2.07E*7            .      -      7.12 t* 7 9.44Ee4 Te 127e  2.088 8 5.60E*7 4.978 7 5.93t+8          -      1.68te8 2.47 e7 Te127 ~ 3.042 3 8.255 2 2.121 3 4.711e3            -      1.208 5 6.54t*2 Te.129e  2.728 4 7.611 7 8.788,7 8.00t+8          .      3.325e8 4.231 7 Te.129      .          .        . 2.875 9      .      6.121 8            .
Te.131a  1.601 6 5.53tes 1.145 6 5.35t*6          -      2.24t 7 5.89tes j-            To.131      .          .        .          .      .          .            .
To.132    1.025*7 4.528 6 6.58t*4 4.20te?          .      4.$$t+7 5.465 6 l            3 130    1.751 6 3.54t*6 3.90tes 5.29te6          .      1.46t+6 1.82t+4
!            2 131    1.30t*9 1.3ttet 4.34E+11 2.152 9          =      1.titet 7.46t*8 I            2*t32    6.86t.1 1.26te0 S.85tet 1.931*0          .      1.44teo 5.802 1 2 133    1.761 7 2.181 7 4.04E.9 3.63t+7          .      8.77te6 8.231 6 l
1 134        .          .        .          .      .          .            .
3 135    $.84t** 1.0$tel 9.302 6 1.6ttel          .      8.00te4 4.971 4 Ca.134  2.261 10 3.71teto      . 1.15t*10 4.11E.9 2.00 tea 7.81te9 Cs=134    1. Dote 1 2.761 9      =    1.47E*9 2.19t*8 9.70fe7 1.791 9 Co.137  3.22t.10 3.09teto      . 1.01Eeto 3.628 9 1.911 8 4.15 C + 9 Cs.138        .        .        .          .      .          .            .
ka.139    2.14I-7      .        .          .      .      1.23t-l 4.19t 9 l            Sa-140    1.17ted 1.031 5        . 3.34 E e4 6.12t+4 5.94Ee7 6.848 6 l            Se-141      .          .        .          .      .
5a.142        .        .        .          .      .          .
La-140    1.931*1 6.74t*0        .          .      .      1.48 Eel 2.277+0
-    [R(,j    La.14 2      .        .        .          .      .      2.515-4            .
Co.141    2.191 4 1.09te4        . 4.73 e3      .      l.34te7 1.42tel Ce.143    1.89te! 1.02Ea5        -
4.29tet      -      1.50t.6 1.48Eet Ca.144    1.67t+6 5.09t**        . 2.42t*5      .      t.33t*8 8.66t*4 Pr.143    7.231 2 2.17Ee2        =    1.171 2      -      7.802 5 3.591 1 Fr.144        .        .        .          .      .          .            .-
Nd.147    4.4$1 2 3.601 2        -    1.9.te2      .      5. 71tel 2.79tel WISP      2.91t+4    1.721 4    .        -.        .      2.421 6 7.73 Eel up-239    1.721 1    1.231,0    -
3.571 0      .      9.14E.4 8.683-t
Table 7 0-6          (c ont inues )
S e.. c,....Cs.-n4:6 r.ine., Deee,. . incint                                                              C)[)C:h4-7.0 (area /yr ter pC1/e l) f or N-1 an8 C-14                                                              DRAFT tea a en es/r, per ,Ct/.eri ser ein*,.                                                                Pago 7.0-2S pur!!8e        bone            Li*er        Thytone Elaney                            Lens        !!-LLI        T.Sedy N-3                .          2.38t*3 2.38t*3 2.38t*3 4.38tel 2.38t*3 2.388 3 C-14          3.23t*6 6.89tel 6.s9tel 6.89tel 6.89tel 6.89t*$ 6.89tel ha-24          1.41E*7 1.61E 7 1.61t+7 1.61E*7 1.6tte7 1.61E*7 1.61tel P-32          1.608 01 9.42E*9                  *                            =            .        3.17t*9 6.218e9 Cr*51              *
* 1.01t*1 2.301 4 2.05tel 4.711 6 t.61tel me-54
* 3.89t*7
* 8.631 6        .          1.431*7 8.831 4 n e. 56            -          3.211 2            -                        2.761-2        =          2.91E*0 1.511 -
7e-55          1.35te8 8.72t*7                  *
* 4.278 7 1.11&of 2.33t*7 fe st          2.25t+8 3.938 8                  -
* 1.16t*8 1.88t*8 1.55t*4 Ce*71              .          8.951 6          =                            .            .          3.05te? 1.46t+7 Co-58              =          2.431*7          *                            =            .        6.05tel 6.04t.7 Co-60              -          8.8tte?          *                            *
* 2.10t*8 2.088 4 Ni-63        1.49E*10 2.161*9                  *                            *            -        1.07t*8 1.211*9 N1-6%          3.511 0 3.971-1                  =                            =
* 3.02t+1 1.811 t Ce* 64              -          1.88tel
* 3.17tel
* 3.85t*6 8.69t+4 to-65          5.S$t+9 1.50E*10
* 9.23t.9          -        1.61t*10 4.78t+9 to-49              a              =              *                            *            -        7.36E-9            a trata              =              =              =                            +            *
* 1 . 94 :* 4 Gr.C3              -              -              .                            .            .              .        9.955-1 gr.84              .              .              .                            .            .              .            .
Sr-85              *              =            =                            =            *            *
* S t- 8 6
* 2.22tet0            =                            *
* l.491 8 1.101 10 3 D- 8 8            .            .              .                            .            .            .            .
36.-89              .              .            .                            .            .            .            .
St-89        1.26 tete            *        .
                                                              *                            *            -        2.391 8 3.611 8 S r - 90      1.228*11            *            *                            *            .        1.521+9 3.10te10 8t=91        2. 94 te l          -            *                            *
* 3.48t*1      1.06t.4 St-92        4.&5t*0            -              =                            =            -        S.015,4 1.738-1 Y. 90        6.80t*3            =              =                            .            .        9.39tel 1.821 8 y.91              .              .              .                            .            .            .              .
T 91          7.332 4            .              .                            .            .        5.261 4 1.951 3 T*92          5.228-4            .              .                            .            .        9.971*0 1.475 1 Y 93          2.251*0            .              .                            .            .        1.78t*4 6.13I.2 tr=95        6.63te3 1.66tel                    .                        l.79t )          .        8.28t*$ 1.18ge3
  <**        lt*97        3.99t*0 6.458 1                    -                        6.911-1          .        4.37t.4 3,138.t a b-95        S.titel 2.64I.$                  .                        1.75t*S          .        3.06tet 1.4ttel ND-97              *            .              .                            .            .        3.701 4            .
No-99              -        2.128*4            -                        3.17E*8          .        6.988*7 4.13te?
Te-99e        2.69t*1 5.551+1                    .                        $.97t*2 2.90!*1 1.61t*4 7.tSE*2 Tc.101              .              .              .                            .            .            .            .
Av.103        8.691*3            *              -                      1.811*4          -        1.04E.5 3.91tel Au-105        8.06t-3            -              -                      5.921-2          +        3.215 0 2.715 3 Ru-104        1.90t* 5            =              .                      2.25t*S          -        1.64 t+ 6 2.381*4 Rh+t03e            *
                                  =              .              -                          *            *            *
* Rh=104 As-110e      3.861 4 2.828 8                      -                    4.03t*8
* 1.46t*10 t.861+8 86-124        2.09t*8 3.081+6 S.54t*5                                          -      1.31t*4 4.46t*8 6. 4 9 t.1 8b-125        1.49t*8 1.451 6 1.87tel                                          --      9. 38 t* 7 1.995 8 3.071 7 Te-125e      1.511 8        5. D41 7 5.071 7                                *            =        7.181 7 2.04t*7 Te 127e      4.2tE*8 1.40t*8 1.221*8 1.041*9                                              -        1.70t*8 8.10t*7 Te.127        6.50t+3 2.181 3 1.29t*3 1.198 4                                              -        1.361 5 1.60s.3 Te-12*w        S.59t*8 1.97tet 2.t3t*8 1.40E*9
* 3.34t*8 4.62t*7 Te-129        2.081-9              -        1.751-9 1.145-9                                -      1.66E-7            .
Te-13te        3.38t*4 1.361 6 3.761 6 9.351 4                                              =      2.298 7 1.121 6
                                                  *                    =                      =            .            .            .
Te-131              .
T 132        2.10E*7        1. 04 1*7 1.54t*7 6.51tel                                      .        3.811 7 9.721 6 1 130        3.601 4 7.921 6 4.88E.8 8.70t+6                                              -        1.701 6 3.141 4 1 131        2.72;*9 3.21E*9 1.05tet2 3.751 9                                              -        1.151*8 1.4tt*9 1 132        1.421 0 2.89t*0 1.35t*2 3.22t*0
* 2.341 0 1.03t*0 2 133        3.72t*7 $.41t*7 9.841*9 6.36te7                                                .      1.161 6 1.581 7
* 1.01E=9                            .            =            *
* 2-134                =
                !*135          1.21t*l 2.411 5 2.16t*7 3.49te$                                              =      8.741*4 8.80t*4 Ca 134      3.45te10 6.802 10                              =          1.75E+10 7.141 9 1.851 4 6.411 9 Cs=136        1.96te9 5.77te9                                -          2.30tet 4.70t 8 4.765 7                  2.13t* 9 Ca*t37      5.15teto 4.021 10                                -        1.621,to 6.55t*9 1.8at*8 4.27t 9
                                                    .                                          .            -            =
* Ca 138              -                                          -
E4 139        4.551-7              .                          -                -            -      2.8st-5 1.321-8 ta-140        2.411 8 2.4ttel                                    -      S.71E*4 1.48tel 5.921 7 1.245 7 8.-143              .              .                          .              .
ga-143              .
La- 140      4.03tet        1.59t+1                            -              -            -      1.87tel      4. 09 t *0 La+142              =              *                              -            -            -      5.211-6            -
Ca-141        4.33E 4 2.44t*4                                      -    8.15tel            -      1.371 7 3.11te)
Co- 14 3      4.00E*2 2.65t*i                                      -    7.721 1            -      t.S$1 6 3.02t.1 Ce-144        2.33t*6 9.521 5                                      -    3.85t.1              -      1.33E.s 1.30t*5 Pr-143        1.49Ee3 S.59Ee2                                    -
2.081 2              -      7.89E*5 7.411'1 Pr-144              +              =                              =            -            -
pdat47      8.82t*2        9.06t*2                              -
3.49t*2            -      1.74t*5 1.351 1 W4147        6.12t*4        4.261*4                              -            .            -      2.501 6 1.471 4 Np-239        3.64t+1 3.251 0                                      -
6.49t*0              -      9.401*4        1.84t*0
Table 7.0-5      (**atim.8) 0<...-C.*-=+.6 r.o..e n... t a er. - aat ODCM-7.0 u s.
f- s                                                                                            DRAFT f                          t.r.wyr eer uCu.* > t.r 8 3 .            C-''
(}                        w . .,ewrr e.,        Cu... s.<    o. .                          Pa9e 7 0-27 noo ie. 8. c      uver thre.a ne..r                a.n.      sbu.      T. 8 ,
u-3          .      3.255 2 3.25t+2 3.25tet 3.25t+2 3.25t*2 3. 2 5 t.2 C-16    3.33t*5 6.66t*4 6.661*4 6.66 be 6.66E'4 6.66 tee 6.468 4 pa-26    1.648-3 1.84t*3 1.84 b 3 1,848-3 t.841 3 1.848-3 . 1.848 3 P-32    4.651 9 2.89t*8          *          .        .        5.231 8 1.8u. 4 Cr*51        *
* 4.22D3 1.56t*3 9.381 3 1.78t+6 7.075 3 Mn+ 54
* 9.tSE*6      +      2.728 6
* 2.80!*7 1.7 5t *6 nn 56        *          *        .          .        .          .          .
fe+55    2.93t+8 2.02t.8        .
* 1.13b 8 1.16te8 4.72t+7 f.-59    2.671*8 6.27t+8        -
* 1.75b 4 2.098+9 2.40te8 Co* S7
* 5.64b6        .          *
* 1.43t*8 9.375 6 Co.58        =      1.435 7      .          .        .        3.705 8 4.10t 7 Co-60
* 7.521*7      *          *
* t.411 9  1. 66t+ 8 N Wa3  1.495e10    1. 3 tb t    *          *
* 2.73b 8 6.33b8 mi.65        -          =        *          -          =          .
* Co-64        .      2.951-1
* 7.45b7        -        2.525-5 1.39E 7 2n-65    3.561 4 1.13b t          -      7.51t+8        .      7.138 8 5.128 8 2.-49        .          .        -          *          *          -          =
8r-82        =          a        *          *
* 1.44t+3 1.268+3 tr*83        =          =        =          -          *          *
* 8t*84        -          *        *          *        *          *          -
8r-85        =          =          =          =          =          =          =
* 4.871*8      *          *
* 9.60t*7 2.271*8 R >-88      *          *        =          +          *          =
* 8 >.8 9                .                    .
sr-89    3.01t*8      -        *          -          =      6.84t*7 8.65t*6 s e-90  1.24telo        =        +          +
* 3.59t.8 3.05t*9 8t*91        *          *        *          *
* 1.38t-9        -
Stat 2      *          =          *          *          =          =          =
T 90      1.07b2        *          *          *
* 1.13 b6  2. 86 t *0 g.g1.        .          .        .          .          .          .          .
T-91      1.13t*6      -          -          .          .      6.245 8 3.031 4 T.92          =        =          *          *          =          =          =
T-93        .          =          =          .          .      1.081-7        -
3r*95    1.84I.4 6.045 5
* 9.68t*5
* 1.91pt 4.095 5 tr-97    1.831-5 3.491-6          -
: 5. 58 8-6      .      1.145 0 1.691-6 t            Mb-95    2.29t+4 1.288 6          -      1.261+6        =      7.75t*9 4.46tel l            . 97        .          .        .          .          .          .          .
l No.99        -      1.09tel        +      2.468*5        -      2.52tel 2.078 4 Te-99m        =        =          =          -          +          .          -
Tc=101      *          *        *          *          =          =        .
* Rv.103  '1.04t*8        -          =      4.03b s        .      1.23 D10 4.55t*7 8 ,.105      =        =          =          *          *          =          =
Ru.106    2.80!*9      *        --      5.40t+9    *
                                                                      -    t.8tiett    3. 54 E + 4 Rh-103e      *        *          *          *          *          .
Rh=104        *        *          *          *          *          *
* As=t10m  6.691 6 4.19t+6          +      1.22t*7        .      2.521+9 3.67t+6
!            5>-12. 1.981*7 3.748 5 4. 80b4            =      1.541 7 5.621 8 7.85t*6 s>=125    1.91t*) 2.13b 5 1.941 4            -      1.67t+7 2.10b8 4.54 be Te-125e  3.591+8 1.30E*8 1.08t+8 1.46t+9                .      t.435*9 4.41E*7 T.+127e  1.12t*9 3.991+8- 2.85t+8 4.53t*9              .      3.741 9 1.341*8
          . Teal 27      *          =
* 1.091-9        .      2.101-4
* To 129s  1.16t+9 4.27b8 3.931 8 4.771*9                -      5.76E' 1.81t*8 T. 129      .          .          .          .          .                      .
Te-131m  4.511,2 2.21t+2      3. 50t+ 2 2.268 3        .      2.15,    1.84 t+ 2 Te-131        =        *          *          *          *          =          .
Te=132  't.60t+6 9.07Ee5 1.001 4 4.73t*6                .      4.291 7 -8.511 5 2 130    2.355-6 6. 94 t.6 5.881-4 1.081-5              +      5.981-6 2.745-6 2-131    1.08 b 7 1.548 7 5.05bt 2.64 b 7              .      4.078 6 8.83b6 3 132        *        =          =          =          .          -          -
2 133    4.308 1 7.47E-1 1.10b2 1.30!*0                .      6.72bt 2.28b t I.134        .        .          .          .          .          .          .
3-135        -        -          -          .          .          .          .
C.-134    4.571*8 1.54t*9          +      5.06t.a 1.681 8 2.741 7 1.28t+9 C.-136    1.181 7 4.67t*7          -      2.60t*7 3.34t*4 5.30E.6 3.36t+7 C.-137    8.72t*8 1.19t+9          -      4.05t+8 1.35b8 2.311,7 7.811 8 Co 138      -          *          *          *
: g. 139      .        -          .          -          .          .    .
* 8e-140  2.88b7 3.61E*4          -      1.23t+4 2.075 4 5.921 7 1.89b6
: 6. 141 ba-142      =        *          -          *
* L -140
        *)  u-142 Ce=141 3.60b 2 1.811-2
: 1. 40be
: 9. 48 t+ 1
4.40b 3 1.331,3 4.798-3 3.62b 7 1.08t*5
!            Ce=14 3  2.091-2 1.55t+1          -      4.80E-3        -      5.781    1.711-3
!            Ce.164    1.46t*6 6.09t=5          -
3.61t+5        -      4. 91 E *7. .2 8 3t *4 Pr=143    2.131 4 8.54t 3          .      4.931 3        .      9.3)t.7  1.06t*3 Pr-144      .          .          -          .          .          .          .
H-147    7.08t* 3 8.181,3        .      4.78g.3        .      3,93p 7 4.90t*2 W*t47    2.16b2 1.81E-2          .          .          .      5.92t*0 6.321-1 NP-239    2.561-1 2.518 2          -
7.841 2        -      5.151 3 1.39t 2
                                                                  ..          _          ._ .            - . m  _        _ __
Table 7 0-5 _ (e*=tleved3 ODCM-7.0 al., sr...-Ce -ee.t raa..r Oo.e r.eier.            tttucta DRAFT 4
  -\      y, t.ees/vr per .Ct/s i ) ter n 3 ..d c 14 (e8 s aren/yr per pC1/..c) for othern Page 7.0-28 Netjgde    , bone        Lleer 7byrel8 818ke r          Lena      C)*LL3      T.Sude u3              .    .
: 1. 94 te 2 l.948 2 l.94te2 t.94t+2 1.94t+2 1.94t*2 C-14      2.411 5 S.621+4 S.621+4 1.62t+4 S.62t+4 S.62t*4 5.61t+4 Ma 24      1.47t-3 1.475 3 1.478-3 1.471-3 1.471-3 1.471-3 1.47t*3 P-32      3.13t*9 2.44t*8          -          =          -      3.30t*8 1.12t+8 Cr-51          *
* 3.14t*3 1.241 3 8.071 3 9. 50 t+ 1 $.45te) nn-$4          =      6.94t*6
* 2.04t*6        a      1.43t+7 1.381 6 Ma-56          -            *      =          .          =          =            .
fe-ll      2.)$1 4 1.69t*8          *          -      1.07t+8 7.30t*7 3.931*7 fe 19      2.13t+8 4.98t*6          .          .      1.$78+4 1.185e9 1.92t+8 Co-57
* 4.531 6      -          -          -      4.45t*7 7.59t*6 Co-58          a      1.41t*7      *          +          =      1. 94 t + 8 3.25t*7 Co.60          =        5.83I 7      .          *
* 7.60t*8 1.31t*3 N6 43    1.$2t+10 1.07t=9          =          -
* 1.71tet $.111+8 p3 43          .          .        .          .          .          .            .
Co-64          -      2.411 7
* 4.105 7        =      1.878 5 1.138-7 1e-45      2.50t*4 8.69tes
* 3.56t+4      -      3.68t*8 4.058 8 2 n-69          =          *        .          *          *          *
* 3r 82          .            .        .          -          .          -      9.98t+2 tr*43          =          =        *        'a          =          *
* Sr-44          -            =        =          -          *          -            =
Br-85          =            *        -          -          -          *
* R b-86        =        4.06t*8      -          *
* 6.018e7 1.91t*8 as-te          .          .        .          .          .          .            .
3b.49          .            .        .          .          .          .            .    .
3r*89      2. 54 h*e        *        *          *        -      3.03t+7 7.298+6 St-90      8.05tet          *        *          *        -      2.26t*8 l.99t*9 Stett          *          *        =          *          -      1.10t*9          =
3r 92          *            *        *          *          *          *
* T* to      8.988*1          *        *          *
* 7,401 5 2.421*0 f 91e          =
                                              +        .          =        -          a.          -
T-91      9.56t+$          =        =          -        -      3.921 4 2.568 4 f.92            .          .        .          .        .          .          .
T-93          .            .        .          -        .      1.691-7          *
    /            tr 91      1.511e6 4.76teS
* 6.99E*5        .      1.10t*9 3.27tel
  .(''g)          tr-97      1.535-5 3.021-6          -    4.581-6        -      8.181-1 1.39E-6 86-95      1.795e6 9.941 5          a    9.64t*5        -      4.255 9 5.47t+5 Nb*l7          =          *        *        *          *          *
* Me-99          =        8.981 4
* 2.041 1        -      1.6ttel 1.71t*4 Te+99e          *          *        *        *          *          *            =
Te=101        *          *        *        *          *          *
* Av.103      4.60t+7        =
* 3.03t*4        -      7.18t*9 3.68t*7 Rv-105          -          -        *        *          *          *
* Ru-106      2.36t*9        =
* 4.55t+9        . - 1.138 11 2.978 4 Sh-103e        =          =        =          *          *
* a 84 106          -          *        *          *          *          *
* Aa 110e    $.062+6 4.79t*6          =      9.14t*4        -      1.352*9 2.911+6 sb-124      1.611*7 2.981 5 3.67t*4            -      1.411 7 3.26t+4 4.318 6 Sb=125      1.56t+7 1.71t+5 1.49t*4            -      1.371+7 1.221 8 3.66t*6 Te-125a    3.03E+8 1.09E*8 4.47t*7              =          .      8.941 4 4.05t+7 fe+127e    9.415+8 3.34E+4 2.24tte 3.82t+9                -      2.351 9 1.121 8 Te=127          a          =        =          *          .      1.75E-8          -
Te-129s    9.$41*8 3.565 8 3.09t*8 4.01t*9                .      3.601 9 1.521 8 T ,.129        .          .        .          .          .          .            .
Te-131e    3.768+2 1.8Cte2 2.71t+2 1.88te)                .      l.45t*4      1.50tet Te-131          *          *        -          =          =          =            =
Te-132      1.1$3*6 7.26t+5 7.46tel 6.971+4+              -      2.30E+7 6.94t*5 2 130      1.895-6 5.481-6 4.471-4 8.448-6              .      4.211-6 2.19E-6 2-131      8.95t*6 1.251+7 3.64t*9 J.16t*7                +      2.44t*6 6.73te6 1 132          .          .        .          .          .          .            .
1-133      3.591-1 6.10E-t 4.51E*1 1.071 0                -      4.611-t 1,841-1 i
3 136          .          .        .-        .          .          .            .
[                3 133          .          .        .          .          .          .            .
l              . Cs-134    1.23Eet 1.23t+9          -      3.91t+4 1.4et*8 1.53E+7 5.711 8 j                Ce-136 -  9.221 6 3.631 7          -      1.97t*7 3.111 4 2.921 6 2.44t+7 Cs-137    7.241 8 9.431 4          -      3.28tes t.271 8 1.371 7 3.36t+8 l                Co-138          .          -        =          *        *          -            .
g.- t 39 -      .          .        .          .          -          .            .
Ea-140    2.381+7 2.98t*4          +      9.882*3 t . 94 t *4  3.67t*7 1.531 6 Ba-l4l          .          *        *          *          -          -            -
84*t%2                      *        .          .          .          .
: f.        La-140    2.941-2 1.451-2          =
* a      8.331 2 3.871-3
(**      La-142          -          =        *          -          +          -            +
Ce-141      1.188 4 7.84E+3          -      3.70t+3      ,.      3.151 7 9.031 2 Ce-143    1.76t 2 1.281,1 . -            5.748-3        -      3.45t.2 1.43E-3 1.231 6 S.Dat*5          -      3.D41 5        -      3.098 8      6. 60 E.4 Ce-144 Fr 143    1.791 4 7.15t*3          -    4.16te3        .      S.90t*7 8.921 2 Pr*144 ud-147    6.24t+1 6.798 3          -    3,983 3        .      2.45t*7 4.Dete2 W-187      1.818-2      1.481-2      .          .        .      3.99t*0 1.171 3 Nr-239    2.23E-1 2.111-2          -    6.611-2        +      3.39t*3 1.173-2
Table 7.04 _ (eentinues Es. Grase-Cow-meat tathway Does tectore . Cults                          ODCM-7.0 ORAFT
(f _
(even/rr Per W.4/e8 ) for s-3 and C-14 (sa      ,.e/r. e., ,c4/.e. : ser .iner.                            Pago 7.0-29 nuellee    6ene      Liver Thyreis Elanei            1.um8    G 8 -1.tJ  T.8 ay N-1            . 2.34t*2 2.348e2 2.34tet 2.34te2 2.34te2 2.341 2 C 14      S.29Ee5 1.04t*5 f.06tel 1.06tel 1.06t S 1.06t+5 1.04t*$
na-26    2.345-1    2. 34 5-3 2.345 3 2.341-3 2.34t 3 2.341-3 2.345 3 P 32      7.4ttet 3.47Ee4            .          .        . 2.051 4 2.86tel Cr.11          .          . 6.891 3 1.341 3 8.93tel 4.471 $ 4.811 3 me-14          . 7.99 tee        .      2.24 tee      =    6.70t+6 2.13E.4 no.36          .          .          .          .        .        .          .
to-SS    4.57t*4 2.42t+8            .          . 1.378 8 4.498 7 7.Stte?
Te.59    3.78t 8 6.121 8            .          =    l.771+4 6.371,4 3.0$tes Ce-17          . 5.925*6        .          .        . 4.455 7 1.20t*7 Co-58        -.      1.65t*7        =          .        . 9.6CE.7 $.04tei Co.44          . 6.931 7        .          .      ,.      1.84t*8 2.048 4 N4 63    2.918 10 1.56tet            *          *        . 1.051 8 9.91tet ut.63          .          .          .          .        .        .          .
Co-64          . 3.248 7
* 7.825-7        . 1.521 5 1.965-7 ta-61    3.75t*4    1.00E*9        .      6.30t+4        =    t.761 4 6.22t*4 go.49          .          .          .          .        .        .          .
sr.42          .        .          .          .        .        .      1.56t+3 St.83          .          .          .          .        .        .          .
St 84          .          .          .          *        *        *
* 8t*85          .          =          =          .          .        .          .
St.66          . S.76t*8        .          .        . 3.711 7 3.54t*8 86 84          .        .          .          .        .        .          .
8ba49          .          =          .          .        .        .          .
St.89  + 4.821 8        .          .          *        . 1.841 7 1.384 7 3r.90    1.04te10        .          .          .        . 1.40tet 2.648 9 St=91          =        =          .          =        . 1.015 9        .
                $ rett        .        .          .          .        .        .          .
Y.90      1.701 2        .          .          .        . 4.841 5 4.55t*0 T-9te          .        .          .          .        .        .          .
T 91      1.418e4        .          .          .        . 2.418 8 4.835 4 f.92          .        .          .          .        .        .          .
T-93          .        .          .          .        .
1.55t-7        .
Ir*95    2.68E.6 5.49t*5          .      4.43t*$      . 6.141 4 5.241 5 tr 97    2.44E 5 4.105-6          .      S.891-6
* 4.218 1 2.425-4 l
J      ,>-,,
                                    . 201 6
                                                            ,.,,E.6 2.23te, 8.615 5 l              Ms.99        .      1.25t+5        .      2.67t+5      -    I.031 5 3.091 4 Te.99e        .          .          .          .        .        .          .
Ts.101        .          .          ..          *        *        *
* Re.103    1,565 4        .          .      3.918ea      . 4.04tet 5.988*7 Ru*105        .        .          .          .        .        .          .
Au-104    4.44t+9 -      .          .      5.99tet      . 4.901,10 5.54tes ab.103e      .          .          .          .        .        .          .
33 106        .          =          .          .        .        *          .
Aa.lton  8.40t*4 5.67t*6          .    't.068e7        . 6.75t+8 4.538 6 36 124    2.93E+7 3.40E+5 6.441 4              . 1.42t+7 1.838 4 4.03t+7 Sb.125    2.8St+7 2.19Ee5 2. 64 t*4            . 1.591 7 6.80te7 $.96te6 Te.125e  5.69t*4 1.54tes 1. 60t e s            .        . 5.491 8 7.59t*7
(              Te.127e  1.77E*9 4.788 8 4.241 4 5.041 9                -    1.44t*9 2.11t*4 Te.127        .          .          .      1.211 9      . 1.66E-4        =
Te.129e  1.818 9 5.045 4 5. 82 t* 8 5.30t+9
* 2.20t*9 2.80 tee Te.129        .          .          .          .        .        .          .
Te.13te  7.00te2 2.428*2 4.988 2 2.341 3                -    9.811 3 2.54te!
Te.131        .          .          .          .        .        .          .
Te.132    2.09 tee 9.271*5 1.35teo 8.6ct*6                . 9.331 6 1.121 6 l-              1 130    3.391 6 6.8SE-6      7. 54 E.4  f.021-1      . 3.201-6 3.535-6 l'              1 131    1.66tel 1.67tel      5. 52t+9 2.74t.7          -    1.491 6 9.49t+6 l              1 132          .        .          .          .        .        .          .
2 134    6.681 9 8.268 1 1.53tet 1.341 0                -    3.33E.1 3.121 1 1-134        .          .          .          .        .        .          .
3 135        .          .
Co.134    9.222 8 1.515 9          -      4.69t 4  1. 4e t* 8 8.15t*4 3.19E.8 Co.136    1.59t+7 4.37t*3          -      2.33t*7 3.478 6 t.542 6 2.811 7 Ca.137    1.3)(e9 1.28te9          .      4.166 8  1. 50E e4 7.99E*6 1.88t*8 Ca.138        .          .          .          .        .        .            .
g 139        .          .          .          .        .        .          .
Ee.140    4.39t*7 3.858 4          .      1.2$t*4 2.29t*4 2.22t+7 2.$6t+6 54 141        =          *          .          .        .        .          .
S 143        .          .          .          .        .        .            .
14 140    S.418 2 1.891-2          .          .        . 1.271 2 4.381-1 f
c..t.2 Ca.141  2.22 fee    1.11t*4        .      4.84t*3      -    1.3stof 1.64te)
Co-143    3.101 2 1.791 1          .      7.515-3      .
2.621 2 2.592-1 Ce-144    2.321 6 7.24te$          .      4.021 5      +    1.89E*8 1.241 5 7t.143    3.392 4 1.021 4          .      5.31t*3      . 3.44t.7    1.681 3
              .Pr*144                              =          =        .
n4 147    1.171 4 9.4st*3          -
5.20Ee)      -    1.50E*7    7. 348,2 W.187    3.365-2    1. 998-2      .          .        . 2.79t*0 8.92E-3 ep.239  4.202-1    3.02t-2        .
8.73E-2            2.23t*3 2.128-2
Tabla 7 0-5 4 concinued)
ODCM-7.0 Rs . Wesetation Fath ar Dose Tacters
* ALULT n                                                                                                    DRAFT i                            (ares /yr per pCi/a 8) for N-3 and C-64                          Pago 7.0-30
[\_,f/                              (ea a stee/yr per ecl/see) for oth. .
Nuc31de    bone      Liver    thyrois. Eaaney      Luns    Cl* LLE  T. body N-3          '-      2.26tel 2.26t*3 2.26te3 2.26t ) 2.26t*3 2.26t+3 C to      4.97tel 1.791 5 1.79E*5 1.79t+5 1.79t+5 9.79t*5 1.79tel No 24    2.16tel 2.76t+l 2.761*$ 2.76t+5 2.761 5 2.76t*5 2.76tel P 32      1.40E+9 4.731 7          -          -        -    1.58t+4 5.421*7 Cr*51        -          -      3.79t+4 1.038 4 4.19t*4 1.17t*7 4.668 4 Ma- 58        -      3.118e4      -      9.27te7      -    9.541 8 5.945 7 Me-Se        -      1.61t*1      -      2.041 1      -    5.131 3 2.85t+0 Te-55    2.09t+4 1.45t 8          -          -      8.061 7 8.29t*7 3.371 7 Fe-59    1 27te8 2.99tet          -          -      8.35te7 9.96t+8 1.14t*8 Co-57        -      1.17t*7      -          -        -    2.978 8 1.95t*7 Co-54        -      3.091 7      -          *        -    6.26t+8 6.92Ee?
Co-60        -      1.67t*4      -          -        -    3.14t*9 3.69t+8 84 63    1. 04 t
* 10 7.21t*8      -          -        -    1.50t*4 3.49t+8
                #1 65    6.15tel 7.995 0          -          -        -    2.03Ee2 3.65t*0 co-64        -      9.271 3      -      2. 34 E.4    -    7.908 5 4.35t.3 2e 45    3.171 8 1.01t*9          -      6.751 8      -    6.36t+4 4.56tes 2 m-69    8.151-6 1.47E 5          -      1.09t-5      -    2.511-6 1.16t-4 St 42        -          -        -          -        -    1.73t*6 1.51t*6 tr-83        -          -        -          -        -    4.638*0 3.21t*0 3r-44        -          -        -          -        -        -        -
Sr-85        -          -        -          -        -        =        =
a b-86        -      2.19t*8      -          -        -    4.321 7 1.021 8 R>-88        -          -        -          -        -        -        -
A b- 89      -          -        -          -        -        -        -
1r-49    9.96t+9        -        -          -        -    1. 60t+ 9 3.86t*8
                $ r-90  6.05t*11        -        -          -        -    1.755 10 1.481 11 Statt    3.201 5        -        -          -        -    1.521 6 1.29E*4 St-92    4.27E*3        -        -          =        =    8.461+3 1.851+1 Y 90      1.33t+4        -        -          =
* 1.4tt+8 3.56t+2 T-91e    5.43t-9        -        -          -            -
1.711-8      -
4 T*91      5.131 6        -        -          -        -    3.82t*9 1.371 5 Y-92      9.01t-1        -        -          -        -    1.581 4 2.635 2 Y 93      1.74t*2        =        -          -        -    5.52t+6 4.80t*0 3r 95    1.19E 6 3.81t+5          -      5.971 5      -    1.211+9 2.541 5
t tr-97    3.331 2 6.73t+t          -      1.02t**      -    2.085 7 2.083,1
    '# -        ub-95    t.42t+5 7.911 4          -    7.811 4        -    4.401 8 4.251 4 Mba91    2.905-6 7.34t*7          -    4.562-7        -    2.715-3 3.688-7 no-99        -      6.25t*6      -      1.4tte7      -    1.45t+7 1.191 6 Te-99e    3.068*0 8.46t*0          -    1.321 4 4.241 0 5.12t+3 1.10t+2 Te-101        --          -        -          *        -        -        -
Re-103    4.801 6        -          -    1.831 7        -    5.6tt*8 2.071 6 8 -105    5.39E*l        -        -    6.961 2        -    3.30t*4 2.13tet to-too    1.93Ee8        *        -    3.721*4        -  1.25te10 2.44t*7 Rh-103e      -          -          -        -          -        -        -
Rh-106        -            -        *        -          -        -        -
A8*1tDe    1.048 7 9.76t*6          -      1.921 7        =    3.981*9 5.801 6 8b=124    1.04t*8 1.96t+6 2.521 5            -      8.08t*7 2.95t+9 4.11t+7 8>-125    1.348 4 1.525 4 1.39tel            -      1.051 4 1.501 9 3,25t*7 Te-125e  9.64E+7 3.50te? 2. 90te ? 3.93E.8              -    3.865 8 1.291,7 Te-127a  3.49te8 1.25t+8 8.921 7 1.425 9                -      1.17t*9 4.268 7 Te-127    5.74Ee3 2.07t*3 4.271*3 2.351 4                -    4. 54 tel 5.25t*3
              - Te= 129e  2.55E+4 9.50t+7 4.75t*7 1.06t+9                -    1.28t+9 4.03t+7 Te-129    6.45t-4 2.50E-4 5.101-4 2.791-1                -    5.021-s 1.621-4 Te-t31a  9.12te5 4.46t*5 7. 06 1*5 6.52t+6              -    4. 4 3t+ 7 3.72t+5 Te-131        =          =        -          -        -        -
* Te-132    4.291 6 2.77te6 3.06t*6 2.67E 7                -
1.31E*8 2.60!*4 2*130    3.96tel 1.17t+6 9.90E.7 t.821 6                -      1.011 6 4.611 5 2-138    4.09t+7 1.161 8 3.79teto 1.982 4              -    3.051 7 6.631 7 2 132    5.74tet 1. 54 t+ 2 5.34t*) 2.45t+2            -    2.891 1 5.38tet 2 133    2.111 6 3.69'*4 5.42t+8 4.44t*6                -    3.311 6 1.121 4 2-134    1.065-4 2.88t-4 1.00t-3 4.591-4                -    2.511-7 1.031-4 1-135    4. cat +4  1.07t*5 7.041 4 1.71t+5            -    1.21t*5 3.94t*4
* Cs-134    4.66t** 1.111,10          -      3.59t*9 1.191 9 t.94t*8 9.07t*9 Ca-fle  -4.20E*7    1.46t*8      -      9.24t+7 1,27t+7 1.89t*7 1.195 4 Ca-137    4.361 9 8.70E*9          -
2.951 9 9.811 8    1.681*4 3.70E*9 Cs 138        -          -        -          -        -        -        =
r                8a-139    2.95E-2 2.10t-5          -      I . 94t- 5 1.195-5 5.231-2 8.64t-6 l
ka-140    1.29t*8 1.622 5          -      5.498 4 9.25t*4 2.65t+8 8.435 6 j                Sa-141        *          -        -          -        -        -        -
!                Ba-142        -          -        -          -        -        -        -
[ }        La-140    1.97t*3 9.921 2          -          -        -    7.281 7 2.62t*2
( ,,/ . La-142    t.602-4 6.351-5          -          -        -    4. set-1 1.545-5 Ca-141    1.96tel 1.33te5          -    6.17t*4        -    5.082 8 1.51t*4 Ce-143    1.00t+3 7.42t+5          -    3.26t*2        -    2.771 7 8.21tel Ce-144    3.29te7 1.38E.7          -    4. t48 6      - 1.77t+6 Pr-143    6.341 4    2. 54 t *4    -      1.471 4      -    2.78t+4 3.14t*3 Fr-144        -          -        -          -        -        -        -
Ndal47    3.34t.4 3.86t*4          -    2.251**        -    1.85t*8 2.31E.3 b-137    3.42t*4 3.19t+4          -          -        -    1.0$t*7    1.12t*4 Np-239    1.421*3 1.40t*2          -    4.375 2        -    2.87t*7 7.721 1
Table 10-5 ,J(conct ed)                                                              i 8... v..ei.i se. r.u..,    >..e  r.<ier. - ttraicta 00CM-7.0    l DRAFT        l
  . n; f
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                                            . <.e e./r, e., eC /.8 3 a., N- 3 . 4 c- ''
(e4 a otem/yr per yC1/ses) for others                                  Page 7*01-31 '
j Neelite    bene        Lleet thyrets flaney            Lens      C1 L14    f. bod t N-1          '.      2.59te3 2.59t.) 2.591 3 2.59t*3 2.59 ten 2.59t*5 C+14      1.45te6 3.91tel 2.911 5 2.91tel 3.911 5 2.915+5 2.91t+5 Na-24    2.45t+5 2.45tel 2.4Stel 2.451 5 2.45t+5 2.45t+5 2.458 5 P*32      1.61t*9 9.961 7            =        .          .      l.351 8 6.238e)
Ct=51          =          =    3.44t 4 1.361 4 8.85t*4 1.Dete? 6.205 4 re-54          .      4.528 8        . 1.351 8          -      9.271 8 8.971 7 no-56          .      1.458 1        . 1.83tet          .      9.54t*2 2.54teo re-55    3.251 8 2.311 8            .        .  ' 1.46t+8 9.981 7 5.38t*7 Fe-19    l.811 8 4.221 8            -        -      1.338 8 9.981 4 1.638 8 Ce-57          +      1.79&ef        -        .          .      3.341 8 3.00t 7 Co-58          -      4.341 7        -        .          .      6.64t.8 1.011+8 Co-60          +      2.49t*8        .        .          .      3.241 9 5.601 8 NA-43    1.61te10 1.13t*9            .        -          .      1.81t*8 5.451 8 94-65    5.731 1 7.321 0            -        .          .      3.97E*2 3.331*0 Co-64          =      8.401 3        . 2.121 4          .      6.511 5 3.95t+3 2 e+4 5  4.24t*8 1.47t+9            -    9.41tet          .      4.23t*8 4.86t+8 I n-69    8.191-6 1.56t=5
* 1.021-5          -      2.88t-5 1.091-6 Sr-82          =          =          -        -          -          -    1.33t*6 St-83          -          .          .        -          -          . 3.01te0 St+44          =          .        .          -          .          -          .
St 85          =          =          -        -          *          *
* Ab-86          -      2.731,8        -        -          -    e.051 7 1 281 8 A b-88        *          .          -        .          .          .          -
at-89          .          .        .          -          .          *
* 3 r-89  1.5tt+10          -        .          -          -      1.80t.9 4.33t+8 3r-90  7.511 11          .        .          .          . 3.111 10 1.45tell 8 rett    2.991 5          .        .          .          .      1.368 6 1.195 4 St-93    3.971 2          .        =          -          .      1.011 4 8.491 1 Y 90      1.248 4          .        -        .            .      1.02tes 3.348 2 T-91e    5.43t 9          .        .          -          -    2.548-7        =
a    T 91      7.87t+6        -          .        .            -    3.238,9 2.111+5 T-92      8.47t.1        .          .        .            . 2.328 4 2.451 2 T-93      1.63t+2          .        *        *            -    4.94t*6 4.471 0
                      .!r.95      1.741 4 5.491 5            -    4.075 5          . 1.27t.9 3.741 5 21-97    3.09t*2 6.11t+1            -    9.265 1          -    1.651+7 2.811 1
                        #b-95    1.921 5 1.068 5            =    1.03t*5        . 4.558 8 5.84t*4 8b-97    2.691-6 6.678 7            =    7.40s.7        .      1.591-2 2.448 7 Ne-99        .      5.742,6        -    1.31E.7        -      1.03t*7 1.091 6 Ts*99m    2.70!+0 7.545 0            . 1.125+2 4.192 0 4.951 3 9.778 1 74-101        .          -          .        .          .          .        .
Se+103    6.47I.6          =        . 2.42r+7          .      5.7418 2.94te6 Re-105    5.00E.1          .        . 6.3tE*2          -    4.041 4    1. 94 te t Se=106    3.098 4        '.          -
5.97E*8          -  1.48te to 3.9017 Ah-103a        .          -        =          *          .          -          =
Sh-106        *          .          .          .          -          .          .
[                    .AS.110s    1.521 7 1.44ke7            . 2.741 7        -      4.04t*9 8.748,6
                        #b.124    1.55t*4 2.851,6      3.51**5        .      1.35E+4 3.11t+9 6.03Ee7 Sb-125    3.14Ee4 2.348 6 2.04 tel            -
1.888 8 1.661 9 5. 00t
* 7 fe-125e    1.481 8 5.34Ee7 4.141 7              =          . 4.37tet 1.98t+7 fe=127a    5.511 8 1. 96 t* 4 1.318 8 2.248 9              -      1.375 9 4.568 7 l                      Te-137  .5.431 3 1.92tel 3.741e3 2.201 4                  -    4.19tel 1.17t*3
                    - to-129s  3.67E*8 1.36te8 1.185 8 1.543 9                  .      1.38t*9 5.81t*7 Te.129    6.221-4 2.328-4 4.45E-4 2.411-3                  -    3.40t 3 1.518-4 Te 131e  8.441 5 4.051 5 6.091 5 4.228 6
* 3.25t*7 3.3st+5 Te-131        a          =        =          =          .          .        .
Te-132    3. 90E 6 2.47Ee6 2. 60E*6 2.371 7                =    7.82E+7 2.321 6 3 130    3.54te$ -1.021 6 8.351 7 t.58te6                  -    7.87 Eel 4.09t*5 2 131    7.70t*7 1.08 t* 8 3.14 t* 10 1.85te8              -    2.13ts! 5.79t*7 E-132    5.18t+1      1.36te2 4.575 3 2.145 2              -    5.918 1 4.871 1 1-133    1.971 4 3.345 6 4.66t*8 5.86t+6                  . 2.331 6 1.028 6 l 134    9.591-5 2. 54 t-4 4.24t-3 4.011-4                -    3.35t-6 9.13t-5 2 135    3.68 tee 9.488 4 6.10t*6 1.50t*5 , -                    1.051 5 3.52t*4 Ca-134    7.09te9 1.67Esto
* 5.301 9 2.022 9 2.081 8 7.74t*9 Co-136    4.295 7 1.69t*8          -      9.19t+7    '.4 5t* 7 1.368 7 1,13t*4 Cs 137  1.012 10 1.352 10          -
4.59t*9 1.78t*9 1.921 8 4.69t*9 co-138        .          .        -          =          =          -          -
sa-139    2.778-2 1.931-5          -
1.84t-5    f. 341- 5 2.47E-1 8.081 4 84 140    1.381 8 1.691 5          -
5.75t*4 1.14 E+ 5 2.13t*4 4.918 4 8 -143        .          .          -        .          .          .        -
8a-142        .          .        -          -          .          -        -
I                La-140 La-142 1.40t+3 8.84E 2 - -
1.281-4 5.69t-5          -
5.08te? 2.351 2 1.73t*0 1.42t-5 Ce-141    2.821*5    1.88t*5      -
8.46t 4        -      5.341*4    2. tate 4 Ce-143    9.37E*2 6.821*5          -
3.06E.2        -      2.05t+7 7.62 ret Ce-144    5.211 7 2.182 7          -
1.30E.7        . 1.33tet0 2.831 6 Pr-14 3  7.121*4    2.84t*4      -
1.451 4        -    2.34tes 3.551 3 tr 144        -          -        -          .          -          -        -
44-147    3.631*4    3.94Ee*
* 2.321*4        -      1.421,8 2.361 3 W-187    3.55t*4 2.902 4          -          -          . 7.448 6 1.02te4 up-239    1.38te3 .1.301 2          -
4.09te2          -
2.101 7 7.245e1
f able 7 0-5    (c.. tin eg) a... ve, no.e r.cs.t. + cuito                              ODCM-7.0 C)F1/LFrr
(.se./rr per ,C /.i> :.t a-3 .          C-to Page 7.0-32 c.a . .se./,r ,er ,Cif.ees s., .tnee.
Nuciles        be.e        Liver  Thyr.i8 tieney          Lunt      El LLI    T. 8od y N-3              +      4.09t ) 4.01t*3 4.0tte) 4.09te) 4.011 3 4.0ttel Cale          3.505 6 7.01tel 7.01tel 7.011 6 7.018el 7.01Ee$ 7.011 6 Na*24        3.8)[el 3.33[e$ 3,33[e$ 3.g}{eg 3.g)[el 3.43(*$ 3.4){e$
P 32          1.371 9 1.58t*8          .          .        .      9.301 7 t.301 8 Cr-51            -            . 4.545 4 1.191 4 1.19tel 6.25t*6 1.14t*5 Ma- S4
* 6.61t*4      e      1.858 8      *      $.55t*4 1.76te8 M.-56            -        1,90tet      .      2.291 1        -      2.75t+3 4.285 0 Fe 15        4. Dotes 4.24tet          .          . 2.401 8 7.86t*7 1.311 8 Fe*59        4.01104 6.495 8          .          .      l.881*8 6.761 8 3.231 8 Ce-57            .      2.995 7      .          .        .      2.45t*8 6.04tel Co-58            .      4.47t*7      .          =          .      3.77t*8 1.98te8 Co-60            .      3.78tet      .          .          -
2.101 9 1.12t+9 us.43      3.951 10 2.111,9            -          .          .      1.42 te t 1.341 9 ut 65        1.055 2 9.89t*0          -          .          -
1.21te) 5.7?Ee0 Cu-64            .      1. tit +4
* 2.641 4        .      1.20tel 6.69t*1 2.-65        8.121 4 2.16t*9          .      1.36tet      .      3.80s.4 1.35t.9 1.-69        1.5t1 5 2.18t S          .      1.321-$        -      1.341 1 2.028-6 St+42            .          =        +          +          -          .      2. 04 t*6 tr-83            .          .        .          .          -          .      5.55t*0 8r*84            .          .        .          =          .          .          .
4r-85            -=          *        .          =          =          *
* R> 86            .        4.521*4      .          .          .      2.9)t*7 2.78tes 26-44            .          .        .          .          .          .          -
          $b=89            .            . -      -          .          .          .          .
        . Sr 89      3.59te10          .        .          .          .      l.39E.9 1.035 9 Stato      4.24t*12          a        .          -          +    1.67t+10 3.15t*11 3r*91        $.Sotel        =        .          .          .      l.21t*4 2.08t*4 St-92        7.28t*2        =        .          .          -      1.381 4 2.921 1 T.90          2.30t*4        =        .          -          -      4.561 7 6.17E*2 Y*tta        9.945-9        -        .          .          .      1.958 5        -
T.91          1.87E*7        .        .          .          .      2.49t*9 S.0tten T.92          1.56tec        .        .          .        -      4.511 4 4.461 2 Y 93          3.011 2        -        -          .          .      4.481 6 8.25t*0 3r-95        3.901 6 8.582 5          -      1.231 4      .      8.95tes 7.648 5
  's      tr*97        $.641*2 8.151 1-        -      1.171 2      .      1.234 7 4.418e1 N-        ub-95        4.101 5 1.392+5          .      1,55t*5      -      2.951 4 1.148 5 D b- 97      4. 90 8-6 8.851-7        =      9.812-7      .      2.731-1 4.131 7 Re-99            -        7.831 6      .      l.631 7      -      6.481e6 1. 94 5, 6 Te-993      4.65t*0 9.128 0          -      1.338 3 4.631 0 5.19t*3 1.511,2 Te-101          =            .        .          .        .          .          .
so-103        1.551 7        -
* 3.49t*7        =      3.99E.8 1.941 6 Re-10$        9.178 1        -        .      8.06tel
* 5.98t*4 3.33 Eel Re-106        7.45tes        -        -      1.0t!*9        -    1.16 tate 9.301 7 Rb-103.          .          -        .          .          .          .          .
Ah*104            *          -        *          *          *          *
* A8 110m 3.221 7 2.17t*7                .      4.0$1 7        .      2.54Est 1.74t*7 8>-124        3.52Ee8 4.$7Ee6 7.781 -9            -      1.961 4 2.201,9 1.231*8 SD-12$        4.99t*8 3.8$t*6 4.64t*3              -      2.781 8_ 1.198 9 1.0$E.8 Te-12 5e      3.518e8 9.50t+7 9.84 ten            .          .      3.381 4 4.67t*7 Te.127m      1.321,9 3.561 6 3.16t*4 3.77t*9                .      l.07t*9 1.171 8 Te.127        1.005 4 2.701 3 6.93t.3 2.851*4                .      3.91tel 2.15Ee3 Te.12*e      4.$41 4 2.392 4 2.75t*4 2.3tt*9                -      1.04t*9 1.33t*4 Te.129        1.151-3 3.22t-4 4.22t-4 3.371-3                -      7.171-2 2.74t+4 Te-131.      1.$41*6 5.331*5      1. lote 6 5.161 6        -      2.16t*7 $.64tel Te-131            .          .        .          .          -          .        -
Ts. l32      6.981 6 3.09f*4 4.50t*6 2.871 7                .      3.11t*7 3.731 6 2 130        6.211 5 1.26t+6 1.38t*4          1.48t*6      .      $.471 5 6.471 5 I-131-        1.431 8 1.441 8 4.76E 10 2.34t*8 -              -      1.28Ee7 4.18t*7 2 132        9.20E*1 1.698 2 7.44 t
* 3 2.59te2              -      1.99te2 7.77t 1 2-133        3.59t*6 4.44t*6 8.255 8 7.404 4                -      1.79E*6 1.641 6 I-134        1.70E-4 3.16t-4 7.28t-1 4.441-4                -      2.10t 4 1.461-4 1-135        6.541 4 't.18t*5 1.04t*7 1.812 5                .      8.98te4 5.571 4 Ce=134      1.60te10 2.631*10          -
8.14t*9 2.92t*9 1.421 8 5. 54 t*9 Ca.134        8.06t*7 2.228 8          -      1.14t*8 1.76t*7 7.79E*4 1.435 8 Cs-137      2.39t+10 2.291 10          .      7.448*9 2.641 9 1.431 8 3.381 9 Ca.133            -          -        .          -
_=            =          .
64-139      5.11t-2 2.73E-5          -      2.38t-5    1.615-5 2.951 0 1.44t-1 ba-140      2.771 8 2.43t*5          -      7.90C+4    1.451.$ 1.40Ee8 t.621 7 4 -14;            -          .        .          .          =          =          =
la-142            .          -        -          .          .          .
La-140      3.238 3 1.13t+3          -          .        -      3.15t*7 3.8t1 2
\s,s/ ) .
La-t42        2.321 4 7.401 5          -          -          -      1.47t+1 2.321-1 Ce-141        1.231 5 6.141 4          -      2.491 4        -      7.641 7 1.125,3 Ce- 14 3    1.73Ee3 9.36t*5          -      3.91t*2        +      1.37te? 1.361 2 Ce-144      1.271 4 3.991 7          -      2.21E*7        -    1.04t*10 6.741 6 Pr-143      1.481*5 4.448 4          -      2.41t*4      -      1.401 8 7.37t*3 Pr-144          -            -                    .          .
N4 147      7.16t 4 5.801 4          -      3.18te4      -      9.181,7 4.49t*3 W-181        6.471 4 3.431 4          *          *          -      5.341 6 1.721 4 NP-239      2.531 3 1.531,2          -      5.30!*2      -      1.34107 1.291 2
                                          - ~ . . -            _.
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  .\s_,)                    fe8 a eeee/yr per pCl/ese)
Nuclide                Any Or8ao N3                            -                                l C 14                            -                                '
n 24                      1.21&*7 P-32                            +
Ct 51                      4.68t*4 Ma- 54                    1.34t*9 Mo-56                      9.051 5 te-15                          -
re-59                      2.75t*8 Co*SS                      3.82t*4 Co-60                    2.16t*10                                j N1 63                          -                                  I M4-4$                    2.97tel Cu-64                    6.09te$
to-65                    7.45t*8 to-49                          -
fr-83                    4.89te)
St-84                    2.031 5 St 85                          -
R6-86                    8.981*6 R6-88                      3.29t*4 R6-89                      1.21t*$
3r-89                      2.16t*4                      .
Sa 90
* St-91                      2.19t*6 4t-92                      7.77tel T*to                      4.44t*3 T-91a                      1.011 5 T-91                      1.081*6 T-92                      1.80t*5 T 93                      1.85t*5 2t-95                    2.48t*4
    /"'Ns                It-97                    2.94t*6 k b-95                      1.36t*8
- (\ .s/)
    %                  Mo-99                      4,0$1*6
                        .Tc=99e                      1.831*5 fe-101                    2.041 4 Re-103                      1.09t*8 Ru-10$                    4.36t*$
Rw=106                    4.211 8 Rh-103s                        -
Rh-106                          -
As*110e                    3.671*9 Te-125m -                  1.15t*4 Te-127a                    9.171*4 Te-127                    3. 00 t* 3 Te-129e                    2.DCE*7 Te-129                    2.601 4 T e-131a                  8.03t*6 Te-831                    2.931*4 Te-132                    4.221*6 1-130                      5.53t*4 1 131                      1.72t*7 1-132                      1.24t*6 3-133                      2.47E*6 1 134                      4.49te$
1-135                      2.54t*6 Cs-134                    6.75t*9 Cs-136                    1.49tes Cs-137                  1. 04 t
* 10 Cs-438                    3.59E*5 Sa-139                    1.061*5 Ea-140                    2.0$t*7.
44-141                    4.18t*4 84 142                    4,491 4 La-140                    1.91t*7 La-142                    7.361*5 Ce-141                    1.34t*7 n                Ce-143 Ce*144 2.32t*6 6.95t*7 Pr-t43                        -
Pral44                    1.83te)
Md-147                    8.40E*6 M-187                      2.34t*6 pp-239                    1.71t*6
          -, T -
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NOTE: The NEPA ana charcoat filters icentified on the Standby Gas Treatment Sys t em -( SGT S ) are cart of t ne -
engineered safety feature and are not' considered Ventitation Enhaust Treatment Systems (VETS).              No effluent reduction was credited in the UFSAR 10CFR50 Appendia I evaluation for the HEPA filter installed in the Racmaste ventilation. Fermt 2 Conforms uitn 10CFR50 Appendt= I without VETS installed.                                                                !
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                    ODCM-8.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                  DRAFT Page 8,0-1 C\
\d                                          SPECIAL DUSE ANALYSIS 3.0    SPECIAL DOSF ANALYSES 8.1    Doses Due to Activities insirte the SITE DOUNDARy in accordance with ODCM, the Semlannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report submitted within 60 days after January 1 of each year shall include an assessment of radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY.
Two locations within the Formi 2 SITE BOUNDARY are accessible to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC for activities unrelated to Detroit Edison operational and support activities. l One is the over-water portion of the SITE BOUNDARY due east of the plant. Ice            j fishermen somettmas fish here during th6 winter. The other is the. Fermi 2 Visitor's Center, outside the protected treu (but inside the Owner Controlled Area),
approximately 470 meters SSW of the &ctor Building. The Visitor's Center la open          (
to the public and is routinely visited by MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, including school tour groups on a frequency of once per year.
Conservative assumptions of locations, exposure times and exposure pathways for assessing doses due to activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY are presented in Table 8.0-1. The calculational methods presented in ODCM Sections 7.6 and 7.7 may be used for determining the maximum potential dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC based on the above assumptions.
The potential dose from the fish pathway to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC engaged in pd          Ice fishing within the SITE BOUNDARY is accounted for by the modeling presented in ODCM Section 6.5. Therefore, no additional special dose analyses are required for this exposure pathway for reporting in the Sealannual Radlooctive Effluent Release Report, 8.2    Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - 40 CFR 190 The Semlannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall also include an assessment of the radiation dosa to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC for reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuel cycle sources (including dose contributions from effluents and direct radiation from onsite sources). For the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in the vicinity of the Fermi 2 site, the sources of exposure need consider only the radioactive effluents and direct exposure contribution from Fermi 2. No other fuel cycle facilities contribute significantly to the cumulative dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC In the immediate vicinity of the site. Davls-Besse is the closest fuel cycle facility located about 20 miles to the SSE. Due to environmental dispersion, any routine releases from Davis-Besse would contribute insigt.lficantly to the potential doses in the vicinity of Fermi 2.
ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                        Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                                Rev DRAFT            Date DTC      TMPLAN                                    File 1715.02          Recipient
                                                                                                            - ODCM-8.0 DRAFT Page 8.0-2
        . As appropriate for demonstrating / evaluating compliance with the limits of ODCM
        . 3.11.4 (40 CFR 190), the results of the environmental monitoring program may be used to provide data on actual measured levels of radioactive materialin the actual pathways of exposure.
8.2.1          Effluent Dose Calculations For purposes of implementing the surveillance requirements of ODCM 3.11.4 and the reporting requirements of ODCM, dose calculations for Fermi 2 may be performed using the calculational methods contained within this ODCM; the conservative controlling pathways and locations of Table 7.0-4 or the actual pathways and locations as identified by the land use census (ODCM 3.12.2 and ODCM 9.0) may be used. Liquid pathway doses may be calculated using Equation (6-10) Doses due to releases of radiolodines,' tritium and particulates are calculated based on Equation (7-14).
The following equations may be used for calculating the doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from releases of noble gases-                                                                                    l Dtb _a 3.1'7 E - 08
* X/O * [(Kl
* Og).
and Ds = 3.17 E - 08
* X/O * [([L +                  1 1.1 M il
* 0 6)
(8-2) where:
Dtb                        = total body dose due to gamma emissions for noble gas -
radionuclides (mrom)
                                                      = skin dose due to gamma and beta emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrad)                                                                    l 3
X/Q                        = atmospheric dispersion to the offsite location (sec/m )
l 0) .
                                                      = cumulative release of noble gas radionut se i over the
: period of interest (uCl)
                                                        =    Ci x VF x 1.67E + 01
                        . C)
                                                        =    concentration of radionuclide i as determined by gamma spectral analysis'of media (uCl/ml)
VF                          =    average ventilation flow for release point (liters / min)
1.67E + 01                        (1E + 03 ml/ liter) * (1 min /60 see)
Ki                                total noblebody        dose factor1due gas radionuclide    (mrem  to gamma
                                                                                                      /yr per uCl/m emissig)ns (from from                  ,
Table 7.0-3)
skin dose factor dul to beta emisglons from noble gas radionuclide I (mrom/yr per uCl/m ) (from Table 7.0-3) i
_              .    -_          ~ -            ~ . -          ~                .    .
ODCM-8.0 DriAFT Page 8.0-3 Mg                =
gamma (mrad  /yr air perdose uCi/mfary)or    for noble (from Table  7.0-3) gas radionucilde I 1.1              =  mrem sidn dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrem / mrad) 3.17 E - 08      =  1/3.15 E + 07 yr/sec Average annual meterological dispersion parameters or meterological conditions concurrent with the release period under evaluation may be used (e.g., quarterly averages or year-specific annual averages).
8.2.2  Direct Exposure Dose Determination From evaluations performed in the Fermi 2 Environmental Report, Section 5.3.4, the direct exposure to the highest offsite location from the Turbine Building N-16 skyshine dose has been calculated to be approximately 3 mrem / year. This value may be used as a baseline for actual direct exposure contributions during plant operations. - Other potentially significant direct exposure contributions to offsite individual doses may be evaluated based on the results of the environmental
    -              measurements (e.g., TLD, lon chamber measurements) or by the use of a radiation transport and shleiding calculational method. Orly during atypical conditions will there exist any potential for significant onsite sources at Fermi 2 that would yield potentially signifir..n: offsite doses to a MEMBER
                  - OF THE PUBLIC. However, should a situs' on exist whereby the direct
:            exposure contribution is potentially sign'elcant, onsite meaststements, offsite
,-U.                measurements and calculational technif ues will be used for determination of dose for assessing 40 CFR 190 compliance. The calculational techniques will be identified, reviewed, and approved at that time.
B.2.3  Dose Assessment Based on Radiological Environmental Monitoring Data Normally, the assessment of potential doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUB'.lC must be calculated based on the measured radioactive effluents at the plant, The resultant levels of radioactive material in the offsite environment are so minute as to be undetectabia. The calculational methods as presented in this ODCM are used for modeling the transport in the environment and the resultant exposure to offsite individuals.
The results of the radiological environment 81 monitoring program can l
l provide input into the overall assessment of impact of plant operations and radioactive effluents. With measured levels of plant related radioactive l                    material in principal pathways of exposure, a quantitative asser.sment of potential exposures can be performed. With the monitoring program not identifying any moasurable levels, the data provides a qualitative assessment - a confirmatory demonstration of the negligible impact.
l                    Dose modeling can be simplified into three basic parameters that can be l                    applied in using environmental monitoring data for dose assessment:
l D = C
* U
* DF (8-3)
LO l'
  ~    - . - -
ODCM-8.0 DRAFT P80s 8.0-4 where'.
D                  = dose or dose commitment C                  =  concentration in the exposure media, such as air concentration for the Inhalation pathway, or fish, vegetation or milk concentration for the ingestion pathway U                  =  Individual exposure to the pathway, such as br/yr for direct exposure, kg/yr for ingestion pathway DF                  = dose conversion factor to convert from an exposure or uptake to en Individual dose or dose commitment The appGcability of each of these bas!c modeling parameters to the usJ of environmental monitoring data for dose assessment is addressed below:
Cencontration - C The main value of using environmental sampling data to assess potential doses to Individuals is that the data represents actual measured levels of radioactive materialin the exposure pathways. This eliminates one main uncertelnty and the modeling has been removed - the release from the plant and the transport to the environmental exposure medium.        t
    'O                  Environmental samples are collected on a routine frequency per the ODCM.
To deterr.line the annual ave,sgo
* concentration in the environmental medium for use in assessing cumulative dose for the year, an average l
concentration should be determined based on the sampling frequency and measured levels:
                                                % = {(C)
* t)/365                              (8-4) i where:
l-                      -
Ci                = average concentration in the sampling medium for the
                                              . year-i-
CJ                  = concentration of each radlonuclide i measured in the indisidual sampling medium                              !
L                        t                  = period of time that the measured concentration is considered representative of the sampling medium l
(typically equal to the sampling frequency; e.g.,7 days for weekly samples,30 days for monthly samples),
j if the concentration in the sampling medium is below the detection L                        capabilities (ie., less than Lower Limits of Detection (LLD), a value of zero should be used for Ci (Ci = 0).
ODCM-8.0 DRAFT Page 8 0-5 g
Exposure - U Default Exposure Values (U) as recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.100 are presented in Table 8.0-2, These values should be useG only when specific data applicable to the environmental pathway being evaluated is unav611able.
Also, the routine radiological ervironmental monitoring program is desIDned to sample / monitor the environmental media that would provide early Indications of any measurable levels in the environment but not necessarily levels to which any Individual is exposed. For example, sediment samples are collected in the area of the liquirt discharge: typically, no individuals are directly exposed. To apply the mwasured levels of radioactivity in samples that are not directly applicable to exposure to realIndividuals, the approach recommended is to correlate the location and measured levels to actual locations of exposure.
HydroloDi cal or atmospheric dilution factors can be used to provide reasonable correlations of concentrations (and doses) at other locations.
The other alternative is to conservatively assume a hypotheticalIndividual at the sampling location. Doses that are calculated in this manner should be presented as hypothetical and very conservatively determined - actual exposure would be much less. Samples collected from the Monroe water supply intake should be used for estimating the potential drinking water doses. Other water samples collected, such as near field dilution area, are not applicable to this pathway.
A                  Dose Factors - DF V
The dose factors are used to convert thJ intake of the radioactive material to an Individual dose commitment. Values of the dose factors are presented in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109. The use of the RO 1.109 values applicable to the exposure pathway and maximum exposed Individual la referenced in Table 8.0-2.
Assessment of Direct Exposure Doses Thstmoluminescent Dosimeterw (TLD) are routinely used to assess the direct uposure component of radiation doses in the environment. However, bwause routine releases of radioactive material (noble Oases) are so low, the resultant direct exposure doses are also very low. A study
* performed for the NRC concluded that it was Denerally impractical to distinguish any plant contribution to the natural background radiation levels (direct exposure) below around la mrem per year. Therefore, for routine releases from nuclear power plants the ese of TLD is mainly confirmatory - ensuring actual exposures are w; thin the expected natural background variation.
* NUREO/CR-0711, Evaluation of Methods for the Determination of X- and Gamma-Ray Exposure Attributable to a Nuclear Facility Using Envimnmental TLD Measurements, Gall dePla'iqbe, June 1979, USNRC.
.  . _ _ . - _        . _ - - - - - - .    --_. . . ~ . . _ .
ODCM-8.0 DRAFT Tage 8.0-0 For releases of noble gases, environmental me<jeling using plant measured releases and atmospheric transpott models as presented in ODCM Sections 7.6 and 8.2.1 represents the best rnethod of assessing potential environmental doses. However, any observed variations in TLD measurements outside the norm should be evaluated.
TABLE 8.0-1 Assumptions for Assessing Doses Due to Activities inside SITE BOUNDARY les Fishing                  Visitor's Center Distance / Direction:            470 meters / E              470 meters / SSW Estimated Exposure                240 hr/yr                    4 hr/yr Time:                            (20 hr/ week over            (4 hr/ visit 1 visit 3 month period)            per year)
Exposure Pathways:                direct exposure              direct exposure (noble gases)                (noble gases)
Inhalation                  Inhalation (H-3,1- 131, - 133,          (H-3,1- 131, -133 particulates)              particulates)
Meteorological                    annual average              annual average Dispersion:                      (as determined fer          (as determined for year being evaluated)        year being evaluated) 3
~O                                              '1.59E-6 sec/m3            7.63E-6 sec/m b
* Meterological data is provit ed from the monitoring year 1989.
PaDe 0.0-8 TABLE 8.0-2 Recommended Exposure Rates in Lieu of Site Specific Data
* Table Reference Exposure Pathway            Maximum Exposed                                            Exposure Rates          for Dose Factor Age Group                                                                    from RG 1.109 Llquid Releases Fish '                                              Adult                                21 kg/y                      E 11 Drinking Water                                      Adult                                7301/y                        E-11 Dottom Sediment                                      Teen                                  67 h/y                        E-6                        i Atmobpheric Releases                                                                                                                              ,
                                                ' Inhalation                                          Teen                                  8,000 m3 /y                  E-8 Direct Exposure                                      All                                  6,100 h/y**                    N/A
                                                - Leafy Vegetables                                      Child                                26 kg/y                      E-13 Fruits, Vegetables                                  Teen                                  630 kg/y                      E-12 and Orain Milk                                                  infant                              3301/y                        E-14 A                                                                                                                                                                                    >
* Adapted from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table E-5
                                                  **    Not exposure of 6.100 h/y is based on thei total 8760 hours per year adjusted by a 0.7 shielding factor as recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.109.
l O
                              ,    - a -,:-;;.,,;;--.z , u a.--.- _ - - ..:-:-                                        -.,a;a...:..,,.,-.  -,---..,;-....-.:---.-....-:--..-.,.
Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                    ODCM-0.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                  DRAFT Page 9.0-1 q
  )                                    ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE CENSUS DATA 9.0    ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE CENSUS DATA A Land Use Census (LUC)la conducted annually in the vicinitV of the Fermi 2 site. This census fulfills two main purposes: 1) Meet requirements of ODCM 3.12.2 for identifying controlling location / pathway for dose assessment of ODCM; and 2) provide data on actual exposure pathways for assessing realistic doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC.
g.1    Land Use Census as Required by ODCM 3.12.2 As required by ODCM 3.12.2, a land use census shall be conducted during the growing season at least once per twelve months. The purpose of the census is to identify within a 5 mile distance the location in each of the 16 meterological sectors of all pilk producing animals, all meat producing animals, all gardens larger than 500 ft producing broadleaf vegetation, and the closest residence to the plant. The data from the LUC is used for updating the location / pathway for dose assessment and for updating the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.
If the census identifies a location / pathway (s) yleiding a higher poteritlal dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC than currently being assessed as required by ODCM (and ODCM Section 7.7 and Table 7.0-4), this new location pathway (s) shall be used for dose assessment. Table 7.0-4 shall be updated to include the currently identified controlling location / pathway (s). Also, if the census identifies a location (s) that yleids    ~
a calculated potential dose (via the same exposure pathway) 20% greater than a location currently included in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program,it o
(                  new location (s) shall be added to the program within 30 days. The sampling location (s), excluding control locations, having the lowest calculated dose may be deleted from the program after October 31 following the current census. As required by ODCM 3.12.2 and, the new location / pathway (s) shall be identified in the next Semlannual Radiation Effluent Release Report. The following guideline shall be used for assesstrig the results from the land use census to ensure compliance with ODCM 3.12.2.
g.1.1    Data Compilation
: 1. Compile all locations and pathways of exposure as identified by the land use census.
: 2. From this compiled data, identify any changes from the previous year's census. Identify the current controlling location / pathway (critical receptor) used in ODCM Table 7.0-4. Also, Identify any location currently included in the REMP (Table 10-1).
ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                          Release authorized by:
Change numbers incorporated:
DSN                                                                    Rev DRAFT        Date
    -~    DTC      TMPLAN                                                        File 1715.02      Recipient
ODCM-g.0 DRAFT Page g0-2 0            Determine the historical, annual average meterological dispersion 3.
parameters (X/Q. D/0) for any location to be evaluated for dose significance. All locations should be evaluated against the sama historical meterological data set.
9.1.2 Relative Dose Significance For locations which may receive a higher dose than the current critical receptor, calculate the relative dose significance by applicable pathways of exposure.
: 1. Relative dose calculations should be based on the actual Fermi 2 gaseous effluent releases for the most recent six month period of reactor operation.
: 2. The pathway dose equations of the ODCM should be used.
9.1.3 Data Evaluation
: 1. Formulate a listing of locations of high dose significance in descending order of relative dose significance, include the relative dose significance in the listing.
: 2. If any location / pathway (s)is identifled with a higher relative dose than the current critical receptor in ODCM Table 7.0-4, this location / pathway (s) should replace the previously Identified controlling p            location / pathway in Table 7.0-4. If the previously identified controlling d            pathway is no longer present, the current controlling location /pethway should be determined. In identifying the critical receptor for Table 7.0-4, all age groups and all pathways that may be present at each evaluated location are considered. The critical receptor is assumed to be a member of the age group with the highest calculated dose to the maximally exposed organ due to lodines, tritium and particulates.
Other receptors may have higher doses to other organs than the critical receptor has.
: 3. The Land Use Census data should be used to revise the REMP and Section 10.0 of the ODCM in accordance with ODCM 3.12.2, Action item b.
: 4. Any changes in either the controlling location /pethway(s) (critical receptor) for the ODCM dose calculations (Section 7.7 and Table 7.0-4) or the REMP (ODCM Section 10.0 cnd Table 10-1) shall be reported to NRC in accordance with ODCM 3.12 2, Action items a. and b. and ODCM
NOTE: As permitted by footnote to ODCM 3.12.2, broadleaf ve'etation sampling may be performed at the SITE DOUNDARY in two locations, in different sectors with highest predicted D/Os, in llou of the garden census. Also, for conservatism in dose assessment for compliance with ODCM (see also ODCM Section 7.7 and Table 7.0-4).
hypothetical exposure location / pathway (s) and conservative
(                          dispersion factors may be assumed (e g., milk cow at 5 mile
ODCM-9.0 DRAFT Page 9.0-3 location or garden at SITE DOUNDARY in highest D/O sector).
By this approach, the ODCM is not subject to frequent revision as pathways and locations chan0e from year to year.
A verification that the hypothetical pathway remains conservative and valid is still required. Also, for NRC reporting, the actual pathways and doses should be reported along with the hypothetical. The reporting of the actual pathway and doses provides a formal documentation of the more reallstic dose impact.                    ,
9.2  Land Use Census to Support Realistic Dose Assessment The LUC provides data needed to support the special dose analyses of the ODCM Section 8.0. Activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY should be periodically reviewed for dose assessment as required by ODCM (see also ODCM Section 8.1).
Assessment of reallstic doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC is required by ODCM 3.11.4 for demonstrating compliance with the EPA Environmental Dose
              . Standard,40 CFR 190 (ODCM Section 8.2).
To support these dose assessments, the LUC shall include use of Lake Erie water on and near the site. The LUC shallinclude data on Lake Erie use obtained from local and state officials. Reasonable efforts shall be made to identity Individual irrigation and potable water users, and Industrial and commercial water users whose source is Lake Erie. This data is used to verify the pathways of exposure used in ODCM Section 6.5.
v                                            END OF SECTiON 9.0
Nuclear Production - Formi 2                                                                        ODCM-10.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                    DRAFT O                                                                                                        Page 10.0-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL. MON 110 RING PROGRAM 10.0    RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Pro 0 ram (REMP) is conducted in accordance with the requirements of ODCM 3.12.1. The sampling and analysis pro 0 ram described herein was developed to provido representativo measutoments of radiation and radioactivo materials resultin0 from station operation in the principal pathways of exposure of MEMDERS OF THE                              ,
PUBLIC. This monitorinD program implomonts Section IV.B.2 of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50                            +
and thereby supplements the radioloDi cal effluent control program by verifying that the rnoasuratto concentrations of radioactivo materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways. Guidance for the development of this monitoring program is provided by the RadioloD cal                      i  Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring.
10.1      Sampling Locations SampilnD locations as required by ODCM 3.12.1 nro described in Table 10.0-1 and shown on the maps in Figures 10.0-1,10.0-2,10.0-3, and 10.0-4 Fermi 1 samplinD locations are shown in Figuro 10.0-5.
NOTE:                      For purposes of implementing ODCM 3.12.2, sampling locations will be modified as required to reflect the findings of the land uso census as
                  ~'N                                        described In ODCM Section 9.1.
(U 10.2        Reporting Levels ODCM 3.12.1, Action b, describes critoria for a Special Report to the NRC if lovels of plant-related radioactivo material, when averaged over a calendar quarter, exceed the prescribed lovels of ODCM Tablo 3.12.1-2. The reporting levels are based on the deslDn objectivo doses of 10 CFR 50, Appendix l (i.e., the annual limits of ODCM, and In other words, levels of radioactivo material in the respectivo sampling medium equal to the proscribed reporting levels are representativo of potential annual doses of 3 mrem, total body or 10 mrom, maximum or0an from liquid pathways; or 5 mrom, total body, or 15 mrem, maximum or0an for the gaseous effluent pathway. Those potential doses are modeled on the maximum Individual exposure or consumption rates of NRC Regulatory Guido 1.109.
The evaluation of potential dosos should be based solely on radioactive material resulting from plant operation. As stated in ODCM 3.12.1, Action b, the report shall also be submitted it radionucildes othat than those in ODCM Table 3.12.1-2 are detected (and are a result of plant offluents) and the potential doso exceeds the above annual desl0n objectivos. The method described in ODCM Section 8.2.3 may be used for assessing the potential dose and required reportinri for radionuclidos other than those in ODCM Table 3.12.1-2.
Dato approved:                                            Releaso authorized by:
(    Change numbers incorpordted:
DSN                                                                    Rev DRAFT        _Date DTC                      TMPLAN                                        File 1715 02          Recipient I                                                          .  - _ . _ _ . _ .
ODCM- 10.0 DRAFT Pago 10.0-2 10.3. Interlaboratory Comparison Program A major objective of this prograrn is to assist laboratorios involved in environmental radiation measurements to develop and maintain both an intrataboratory and an interlaboratory quality control program. This is accomplished through an extensivo laboratory Iritorcomparison study (" cross-check") program involving environmental media (milk, water, air, food, soll, and gasos) and a variety of radionuclidos with activitics at or near environmental lovels.
Simulated environmental samplos, containing known amounts of one or more radionuclidos, are prepared and routinely distributed to all laboratorios upon request.
These laboratories perform the required analyses and return their data to the Quality Assuranco Branch of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA performs statistical analysis and comparison with known values and analytical values obtained from other participating laboratories. A report and control chart are returned to each participant. The program thus enables each laboratory to document the procision and accuracy of its radiation data, identify instrument and procedural problems, and compare its performance with that of other laboratories.
The environmental laboratory la required to participate in a Commission-approved interlaboratory Comparison Program and to submit GA Program Progress Summary Reports to Detroit Edison on a bimonthly or quarterly basis. Those reports contain summary descriptions and performanco data summaries on reference standards, blank, blind, spiked, and duplicato analysos, at well as the USEPA and other Laboratory intercommission Programs, as applicable. A summary of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program results obtained is required to be included in the O                          Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to ODCM 5.g.1.7.
Participation in an approved interlaboratory Comparison Program ensures that an Indopondent check on the proclsion and accuracy of the measurements of radioactivo material in environmental sample matricos is performed as part of the QA Program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are valid for the purpose of Section IV.D.2 of Appendix 1 to'10 CFR Part 50.
l-l l
l O
ODCM-10.0 DRAFT                                      l PaDe 10.0-3 TABLE 10.0-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINO PROGRAM FERMI 2 SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND ASSOCIATED MEDIA KEY 1-  T      TLD Locations (Pg.10.0-4 to 10.0-6) 2-  S      Sediments Locations (Pg.10.0-7) 3-  F-      Fish Locations (Pg.10.0-7) 4-  M      Milk Locations (Pg.10.0-8) 5-  DW      Drinking Water Locations (Pg.10.0-9) 6-  SW'    Surface Water Locations (Pg.10.0-9) 7-- OW    - Ground Water Locations (Pg.10.0-9) 8-  API    Air Particulate / lodine Locations (Pg.10.0 10) g-  FP. Food Products Locations (Pg.10.0-11)
' :;h.
LO O,                                      ODCW 10.0 DRAFT Pace 10.0-4 TASLE 10.D-1 RedIofogIce1 Enw1ronmentel Won 1toring Program. Form 1 2 Seepte Lacet1ene and Aseec1eted medIe v
Dtrect Radletion Meteorological II    Stetton' ' Sector /Azteuth    Dietence free Leecription                              Wedte      Frequency Number        Direction      Reactor-(Apprem)
Otreet Redtstion      Q T1          NE/38'                1.3 al.      Estral Beach Pole on Lakeshore.
23 Polee 5 of Lakeview (Special Area)
                                                        . Tree et the Terminetten Broncho St (Spectet      Direct Redtation      Q T2          NNE/22'              T.2 mt Area) t.1 mi        Pole. NW Corner of.Seen Best Club Fence.          Ofrect Redtetion      Q T3          N/9' (Special Area)
* Site Boundary and Toll Rd. on $tte Fence by      Direct #sotetton      Q T4        -NWW/337'              O.6 mt API #2 0.6 el~      Site soundary and Toll Rd. on Site Fence by      Direct Radletion        Q TS          Nw/313 0 j-                                                        API #3 Pole. NE Corner of Seldge over Toll Rd            Direct Radietton        Q T6          WNw/293 8            0.6 et i
Pole, behind Doty Farm. 7512 N Custer Rd          Otreet Radletion-      C l        77          w/270'              14.2 at (Control) 1.9 at        Pole. NE Corner of Diste Hwy and Post Rd          Direct Radietten        Q TS          Nw/305*
'                                                        Pole. Nw Corner of Tro=Oley and Seen vie. Rd      Direct modtatten        O T9          NNw/334 0            1.5 at i
Pole. $ Side of Weseerent - 2 Pales W            Dirset Radletion        Q d
T1C        N/6 8                2.1 mt 4                                                        of Chineverre l                                                        Potnte mouttlee - W Jefferson and Campeu          Ofroct Redtstfon        Q
;          T11        NME/23'              6.3 at Rde. Pole on SE Corner of Bridge i                                                                                                                                  Q f          TV2        NNE/29 0            S.3 at        Pointe WoutIIee Game Area - Field Office. Pole Direct Redtetion j
near Tree. N Area of Perking Lot 1
Lobo and D*mie Hwy - Pole on SW Corner            Direct Radiation        Q
T13        N/056'              4.1 et with Light Lobo and Brandon - Pole on SE Corner near RR      Direct Radiation        Q T14        NNw/337'            4.4 mt Pole, behind Newport Post Jffice                  ilrect Radiation      Q T1$        Nw/315'              3.9 at l
l l
l T                      r
                                                                        '                                                                                                                    OOCW-10.0
_ ,1 Page 10.0-5 TASLI 10.D-1 RedieIog1cei Esiv1ronmentat monttnring Program. Formi 2 Sessie Lacet1one and Assecteted medIe Direct Radiation-tsetoorologIca1                                                              -
                                              -Statton                  : Sector /An tauth    Dietence from Ofrection      Reector (Appron)                                Descrtption                                media      Frequency Mumter-
                                                                ' T 16        www/283 8            4.9 el        Pole. SE of war ered Post Rde                                    Direct Redtetion      Q Yt7          w/271 8              4.9 at        Pole.                  Corner of hedeau and Lepred neer          Direct Redtatten      .Q Nobt1          m Park T18          wSm/247'              4.8 et      Pole. ME Corner of wentel eM Huro                                Direct Radiation      Q 1                                                                  719          $~s / 236'            5.2 et        tot Pole E of Feral'Stren on esterworks Rd.                      Direct Radiation      Q NE corner of intersection - Storitne State Park Rd Entrance Detwe/ waterworks (in I                                                                                                                  Ster 19ng State Park) wSw/257 8'            2.7 mt '    Pole. 5 Side of Wil s tems Act - 8 Potes w of                    Direct Radtstion      C i                                                                  T2D                      ,
i                                                                                                                  Olate Hwy (Special Aree)
T21-        w$m/239'              2.7 mt      Pole. N Stde of Peart et Perhetee - woodland                      Direct Radietton      Q 3
seecn ($p.ete                  Ar..)
T22          $/t72'                1.2 et      Pole. N Side of Pointe Aus Peaum 2 Poles w of                      Otreet Radietton      Q Long - $11e Soundsey T23          S$w/195'              1.1 mi      Pole. S Stdo ef Pointe Aus Pesum -1                    Pole w of Direct Redtetion        Q Huron nest to Vent Ptpe - $1to Soundary Formt Gate elong Potete Aus Poeus Rd - en                          Direct Redtetion      Q T24        Se/225'                t.2 et Fence Post u of Gate - Site Boundary Pole. Tott Rd - 13 Polee $ of Feral Dr                            Direct Radiation      Q T25        WSw/251'              1.5 sit WSw/259'                1.1 se t    Pole. Tott Rd. 6 Poses S of Fer=1 Dr                              Direct Radletion      Q 726 Pole. NE Corner of uc st tien and Emot Front St                    Direct Redtetten      Q T27        Sw/225'                6.8 et                                              e (Spectet Aree)
Pole. SE Corner of worter Creek and                              Direct Radiation      Q T29          Sw/229 8            10.7 mt t.epteisence (Controt)
Pole. E Side of S Otete. 1 Pole S of Albein                      Direct Redtetion      Q T29        mSw/237'              10.3 mi                                                                                      '
Pole. Custer. St. asery*e Park Corner of                          Direct Radiation      Q T3D          WSw/247'              7.8 at
'                                                                                                                    Ele and wonroe St. N Stde, nest to Rtwer.(Spectet Area)
T 4
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CDCM-tD.C DRAFT Page 10.0-6 TABLE 10.0-1 Radiological Envtreremontal S$onitoring Program. Formt 2 Sample Locettone and Assoctated Medte Direct Radiation Meteorological Stetton  Sector /Aatmuth              Dietence from                                                                Medte        Freqwency Directton                Reactor (Appros)                        Descriptton Number Ofrect Radtstion          C T31        W5W/2 ;*                      9.6 at              tot Pole M of Entrance Ortwo M11 ton " Pet
* Munson Recreettonal Reserve - M Custer Rd (Control)
Pole. Corner of Stony Creek and Finzet Roe    Direct Rectatten          O T32        www/295'                    10.3 mi Direct Radletion          Q T33        Nw/317'                      9.2 et              Pole. M Stdo of Grafton Rd. 1 Polo N of Ash /Grafton Intersection Utreet Redtetion        Q T34        NNw/330'                      9.7 mt              Pole. E side of Port Creek. 1 Pete 5 of wtll-Carteten Rd Direct Redtetton          C T35        N/359'                        6.9 et              Pole. S Stdo of S Huron Rtwer De across from Race St (Special Area)
Direct Radtatten        C T36        N/358'                        9.1 et              Pole. NE Corner of Gibretter end Co% fit Rds Direct Radietten        C T37        MNE/21'                      9.8 at              Pole. S Corner of Adees and G1bretter (scross from Humbug Merins}
Direct Radletten        C T38        WNw/294'                      t.7 et            Residence - 6594 M. Diste Hwy.
Direct Redtetion        Q T39        5/176 8                      0.3  mi            SE Corner of Protec ted Area Fence (PAF)
Ofrect Redtetion        C T40        S/170 0                      0.3  et along CeA - PAF Midney between OSA and Shteld mes: - PAF      Direct sectation        Q T41        SSE/161'                      C.2  at Midway elong Shtold mall - PAF                  Ofrect Redtettoa        C T42        55E/149'                      O.2  et Midney between Shtold well and Aus Sollers -    Otreet Sectation        C T43        SE/131'                      O.1  at PAF Otreet mediation        C T44        ESE/1C9'                      O.1  et            Oppostte 0557 Door - PAF T45        E/86*                        O.1  et          NE Cornee - PAF NE 5'de Berge Site - cn Feace                  Direct Pedt et t on      C T46        ENE/67 0                      0.2 et
CDCw-tc.0 O                                                                                                      DRAFT Page 10.0-7 TABLE 10.0-1 Redlelogical Environmental Monttoring Program. Feret 2 Sample Locattone and AsseCleted 95edte Ftsh and Sediment meteorological Stat 1on  Sect or / Aaisauth    D9stonce from                                                      Medie            Frequency Resttor (Apprem)                  Deseript4on Moseber      DlreCt1on SEDIMENTS Sedinent                SA S-1            $$2/165'            O.9 at          Pointe Aus Peeum. Shoreline to 500 ft offshore sighties directly to Land 8ese water Tower Formt 2 Discharge, approm 200 ft offshore    Sedteent                SA S-2            E/81'              O.2 et Estral Beach. sporo.= 200 ft offshore, off    Sediment                SA  J S-3          NE/39'                t.1 at                                                                                    l North shorettne where $=en Creek and Lake                                    i Erte meet l
Indian Trait s Community Sesch                sedteent                SA S-4          WSW/24t'              3.0 et Sediment                SA S-S          $NE/20'              11.7 et          Deco's Trenten Cheneet Power Plant intake sees (Contro1)
FISH Fish                    SA F-1        NNE/31'                9.5 at          Celeron Island (Controt)
Formt 2 Discharge (approm 1200 ft offshore)  Ftsh                    SA F-2          E/86 0                0.4 et Fish                    SA F-3          WSW/238'              4.8 mt          Brest Bay Wertne Area (Control)
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                                                                                                                ODCM-10.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                                                                                                            DRAFT Page 10.0-19
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                    ODCM- APP- A                              j Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                DRAFT                                    i Page A-1 O                  APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL BASIS FOR EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS LlOUlD EFFLUENT RELEASES Overview Ta simplify the dose calculation process, it is conservative to identify a controlling, dose-slDnificant radionucilde and to use its dose conversion factor in the dose calculailons.
Using the total release (i.e., the cumulative activity of all radlonucildes) and this single dose conversion factor as inputs to a one-step dose assessment ylelds a dose calculation method which is both dimple and conservative.
Fermi 2 does not have a large data base of previous releases of radioactive liquid effluents upon which to base the determination of the controlling, dose-significant Isotope. The Fermi 2 FSAR, Table 11.2-9 presents the estimated annual releases from liquid effluents as calculated using the NRC GALE computer code, (NUREG-0016, Revision 1) Site specific dose conversion factors (Ajo) from ODCM Table 0.0-1 were multiplied by the FSAR estimated annual release quantity to determine a relative dose significance. Table B-1 presents the results of this relative dose evaluation.
Because Cs-134 la the controlling nuclide for the total body dose and has the highest dose conversion factor among the nuclides evaluated for that dose, the use of its dose conversion factor in the simplified dose assessment method for evaluating the total body dose is demonstrably conservative.
Selection of the appropriate dose conversion factor for the maximum organ dose is not so straightforward. Ins;ection of Table A-1 shows that the thyroid dose la the controlling organ dose, and it follows that the lodines are the controlling redlonuclides. However, this identification is based upon the FSAR estimate of annual releases. To be adequately conservative when using this simpilfied method, it is appropriate to select the largest dose conversion factor from among all the radionuclides evaluated to assure that offsite doses are not mistakenly underestimated.
For the FSAR Table 11.2-9 isotopes evaluated, there are a few radionuclides with a higher dose conversion factor than 1-133 for the thyroid dose. Further inspection of Table 9-1 shows that P-32 is the major contributor to the dose to the bone, which is the second highest organ dose. P-32 has a high dose conversion factor (1.39 E + 06 mrem /hr per UCl/ml) and would provide additional conservatism if used as the simplifying dose conversion factor. However, analysis for P-32 is not required. P-32 decays by beta emission without any accompanying characteristic gammas.                                                                L Use of the P-32 dose conversion factor is therefore inappropriate. The next largest dose conversion factor of the evaluated radionuclides is Cs-134 for the dose to the liver at 7.09 E + 05 mrem /hr per uCl/ml. (The dose to the liver is the third largest organ dose.) As Cs-134 la easily measured with gamma spectroscopy, has a long half-life, and a high organ dose conversion factor, it is used as the controlling radionuclide for the simplified maximum organ dose assessment.
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ODCM-APP-A age A-2 I
                  - Simplified Method
                  - For evaluation of compilance with the dosa limits CDCM, the following simpilfled equations may be used:
Total Body D                                                                        ,
tb = DF a Z1.67 E - 02
* VM _ . A(Cs-li,4,th) * [C; (A-1)
              -      where:
Dtb.                          = dose to the total body (mrem)
VOL                            = volume of liquid effluents released (gal) ic -                  DF-                          = average circulating water reservoir decant line flow (gal /mht)
I Z                            = 5, near field dilution factor (derived from Regulatory Guide 1.109) f
                    ' A(Cs-134,te)                  =. 5.80 E + 05 mrom/hr per uCl/ml, the total body ingestion dose factor
                                                        . for Cs-134 i
                    'Cl                            = total concentration of all radionuclides (uCl/ml)                                      '
I N-                  1.67 E.- 02                  = - 1 Sr/60 m'-
                    . Substituting the value for the Cs-134 total body dose conversion factor, the equation                                    :
almplifies to:        4 Dtb = 9.69 E + 03 yM                            , [C, DF e Z (A-2)
MaulMef t Organ D          =  ' t.67 E - Oll . VOL                , A(Cs-154, liver)
* C, DF e 2 (A *:)
                                                              =  maximum organ dose (mrem)
: h.                    A(Cs-134,ilver)                        = 7.09 E + :05 mrem /hr per uCi/mi, the liver ingestion dose factor
.-                                    -.                        for Cs-134
i ODCM- APP- A DRAFT Page A-3 Substituting the value for the Cs-134 liver dose conversion factor, the eqtation simpilfles to:
D                                    a                      1.18E
* 04 . VOL CF = Z
                                                                                                                                                                              , [C g (A-4)
Tritium is not included in the limited analysis 'oio sssessment for liquid releases, because the potential dose resulting from normal ren tar c.' , eses is relatively negligible.
Furthermore, the release of tritium is a fun.                                                                                                  . operating history and is essentially unrelated to redweste systeri, c,. : tlons.
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2                                                                                                                                                        ODCM- APP-D Offsite Dose Calculation Manual                                                                                                                                                      DRAFT Page B-1
("/                      APPENDIX B: TECliNICAL BASIS FOR EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS GASEOUS RADWASTE EFFLUENTS Overview Dose evaluations for releases of gaseous radioactive effluents may be simplified by the use of an effective dose factor rather than radionuclide-specific dose factors. These effective dose f actors are applied to the total radioactive release to approximate the various doses in the environment; l.e., the total t,ody, gamma-air, and beta-air doses. The effective dose factors are based on the typical racionuclide distribution in the gaseous radioactive effluents. This approach reduces the analyses to a single multiplication (Kett, Mett, or Nett) times the quantity of radioactive gases released, rather than individual analyses for ecch radionuclide and summing the results to determine the dose.
Yet the approach provides a reasonable estimate of the actual doses since under normal operating conditions there Is relatively little variation in the radionuclide distribution.
Determination of Effecthre Dose Factors Effective dose transfer factors are calculated by the following equations:
Kett = [( Ki
* fl }
(B-1) where:
                    =  the effective total body dose factor due to gamma emissions from all noble Q,m                    gases released (mrem /yr por uCl/m3 , effective)
Ki              the total body dose factor due to gamma epissions from each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrem /yr per uCi/m , from Table 7.0-3) fi          = the fractional abundance of noble gas radionuclide i relative to the total noble gas activity (L + 1.1 M)ett = [((L +i 1.1 Mg)
* f i)
(B-2) where:
(L + 1.1 M)eff              = the effective skin dose factor due to beta and garpa emissions from all noble gases released (mrem /yr per uCl/m , effective)
(Li + 1.1 Mj)                = the skin dose factor due to beta and gamma emissions frog each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrem /yr per uCl/m ,
from Table 7.0-3)
ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved:                              Release authorized by:
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DSN                                                                                                                                                            Rev DRAFT    Date Recipient
    )    DTC    TMPLAN                                                                                                                                                  File 1715.02
/N                                                                                Page B-2
M eff =  [(M ia f t)
(B-3) where:
Mogg      = the effective air dose factor pue to gamma emissions from all noble gases released (mrad /yr po uCi/m , effective)
Mi        = the air dose factor due to gpma emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrad /yr per uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3)
Neff =    [(N ia f i)
(B-4) where:
Nett      = the effectiva air dose factor gue to bote emissions from all noble gases released (mrad /yr per uCl/m , effective)
Ni        = the air dose factor due to bgta emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrad /yr por uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3)
Normally, past radioactive effluent data would be used for the determination of the effective dose factors. Fermi 2, however, does not have a sufficient operating history at or near full power to provide a reasonable data base for determination of the typical radionuclide distribution in gaseous effluents. Therefore, the FSAR estimate of radionuclide
V  concentrations at the site boundary is used as the initial typical distribution. The effective dose factors derived from this distribution are presented in Table B-1.
Application To provide an additional degree of conservatism, a factor of 2.0 is introduced into the dose calculation when the effectivo dose factor is used. This conservatism provides additional assurance that the evaluation of doses by the use of a single effectivo dose factor will not significantly underestimate any actual doses in the environment.
For evaluating compilance with the dose limits of ODCM the following simplified equations may be used:
D    =  2.0 a 3.17 E - 08 X/O = Mett * [Og (B-5) and D    = 2.0 a 3.17 E - 08 . X/O a Neff a [Oi (B-6) where:
D                  = air dose due to gamma emissions for the cumulative release of all noble gases (mrad)
D                  =  air dose due to beta emissions for the cumulative release of all noble g                        gases (mrad)
i ODCM- APP-D DRAFT Page B-3 3
X/O                                        =  atmospheric dispersion to the controlling site boundary (sec/m )
3 fAoff                                      = 2.7 E + 03, effective gamma-air dose factor (mrad /yr per uCl/m )
3 Nett                                      = 2.3 E + 03, effective beta-air dose factor (mrad /yr per uCl/m )
                                                      =  cumulative release for all noble gas radionuclide3 (uCl) 3.17 E - 08                                = conversion f actor (yr/sec) 2.0                                        = conservatism factor to account for the variability in the effluent data Combining the constants, the dose calculation equations simplify to:
D              =    1.71 E - 04
* X/O * [ Og (B-7) and D            = 1.46 E - 04
* X/O * [03 (B-8)
The effective dose factors are used for the purpose of facilitating the timely assessment of radioactive effluent releases, particularly during periods when the computer or ODCM software may be unavailable to perform a detailed dose assessment.
1 l
  -- (,j-
      /] -
TABLE B-1 Effective Dose Factors - Noble Gas Effluents Total Body.        Skin Dot.e            Gamma Air                  Beta Air                      1 Dose Factor          Factor              Dose Factor                Dose Factor                    !
i 135 tope          Fractional
* Koff          (L+1.1Meff)              Moff                      Negg Abundance  _ (mrom/gr per      (mrom/gr per                                                                      ,
uCl/m/yg)por, - (mrad (mrad                        uCl/m/yg)per uCl/m )            uCl/m )
Kr-85m                  0.10        1.2E+02            2.8E+02              1.2E+ 02 -                2.0E+02 Kr-85                  0.01        1.6E-01            1.4 E+01              1.7E-01                    2.0E+01 Kr                0.04        5.9E+02            7.6E+02              6.1E+ 02                  1.2E + 02 Kr-89 .                0.06        1.0E+03            1.7E+03              1.0E+ 03                  6.4E+ 02
          = X3-133-                0.67        2.0E+02            4.7E+02              2.4E+02                    7.0E+02 X3-135                  0.02        3.6E+01            7.9E+01              3.8E+01                    4.9E+01 X -137                ' O.02 -      2.8E+01            2.8E+02              3.0E+01                    2.5E+02
          -Xa-138                  0.07        6.2E+02            1.0E+03              6.4 E+ 02                  3.3 E+02
        .- TOTAL                            - 2.6E+03            4.6E+ 03              2.7E+C3                    2.3E+03
* Radionuclide distribution as presented in ODCM Table 7.0-1, derived from Fermi 2 UFSAR, A            Section 11.3, Table 11.3-5. Kr-90, Kr-91, Xo-139, and Xe-140 have been excluded from the A,f          UFSAR distribution because of short half-lives and subsequent decay during environmental transport.' Kr-87, Xe-131m. and Xe-133m have been excluded because of their negligible -
fractional abundance.
i Ds
                                                                            ,-  -                  - , .                      .. _ ~ , -}}

Latest revision as of 14:05, 13 May 2020

Draft ODCM 0.0
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/1991
Shared Package
ML20086G127 List:
ODCM-.0-DRFT, ODCM-0.0-DRFT, NUDOCS 9112040214
Download: ML20086G135 (167)


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Nuclear Production -' Fermi 2 O D C M-0.0

/ Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT



Change numbers incorporated:

DSN Rev DRAFT Date DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient 9112040214 911124.

PDR fiDOCK O'5000341 P PDR

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ODCM-0.0 DRAFT p' _ Page 0.0-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section _ _ ,

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PART I - RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT CONTROLS 2.0-2 2.0 DEFINITIONS 3.0- 1 3.0 CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.0-2 3/4.0 Cortrols and Surveillance Requiremente. Applicability 3.0-4 3/ Radioactive Liquid Effluent Moniuring instrumentation 3.0-9 3/4.3 7.12 Radioactive Oaseous Effluent '4onitoring lostrumentation 3.0-18 3/ Liquid Effluents Concentrat'on 3.0-22 3/4.11'2 Liquid Effluent Dose

-3.0-23 3/4.i i.1.3 1.lquid Waste Treatrr.,nt 3.0-24 3/ Geseous Effluents Dose Rate 3.0-28 3/ Gascous Effluents Dose - Noble Gases 3.0-29 3/ Gaseous Effluents Dose - todine-131, lodine-133. Tritium, and Radionuclides in Particulate Form 3.0-30 3/ Offgas Treatment System 3.0-31 3A 11.2.5 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System

') 3.0-32 3/4.11 7.8 Venting or Purging

[V . 3.0-33 3/4.11.4 Radioactive Effluents Total Dose 3.0-34 3/4.12.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.0-46 3/4.12.2 Land Use Census 3.0-47 3/4.12.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program 4.0- 1 4.0 BASES 5.0-1 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.0-2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 5.0-2 Semlannual Effluent Release Report 5.0-4 5.15_ Majcr Changes to Radioactive Liquid, Gaseous, and Solid Waste Treatment Systems PART ll - CALCULATIONAL METHODS 6.0-2 6.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 6.0-2 6.1 Radiation Monitoring instrumentation and Controls 6.0-2 6.1.1 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Requirement 6.0-3 6.1.2 Non-ODCM Required Monitor 6.0-3 6.2 Sampling and Analysis of Liquid Effluents

- 6.0-4 6.2.1 BATCH Releases

. 6.0-4 6.2.2 CONTINUOUS Releases 6.0 6.3 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints O 6.0-5 6.3.1 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitor (D11-Nor /)

ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 0.0-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)

Page- Section 6.0-8 6.3.2 Circulating Water Reservoir Decant Lirie Radiation Monitor (D11-N402) 6.0-8 6.3.3 Generic. Conservative Alarm Sotpoint for D11-N402 6.0-9 6.3.4 Alarm Setpoint for GSW and RHR System Radiation Monitors 6.0-9 6.3.5 Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release Conditions 6.0-10' 6.3.6 Liquid Radwasta Setpoint Determination With Contaminated Circulating Water Pond 6.0-10 6.4 Contaminated GSW or RHR System - Quantifying and Controlling Releases 6.0-11 6.5 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation - 10 CFR 50 6.0-11 6.5.1. MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Dose - Liquid Effluents 6.0-13 6.5.2 Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation 6.0-14 6.5.3 Contaminated GSW System - Dose Calculation 6.0-15 6.6 Liquid Effluent Dose Projections 7.0-1 7.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 7.0-1 7.1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls 7.0-1 7.1.1 Effluent Monitoring - Ventilation System Releases 7.0- 1 7.1.2 Main Condenser Offgas Monitoring 7.0-2 7.1.3 Reactor Building Ventilation Monitors (Gulf Atomic)

O- 7.0-2 7.2 Sampling and Analysis of Gaseous Effluents 7.0- 2 7.2.1 Containment PURGE 7.0-2 7.2.2 Ventilation System Releases 7.0-3 7.3 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Sotpoint Determination 7.0-3 7.3.1 - Ventilatica System Monitors 7.0-5 7.3.2 Conservative, Generic Alarm Setpoints 7.0-5 7.3.3 Gaseous Effluent Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release Conditions 7.0-6 7.4 Containment Drywell VENTING and PURGING 7.0-6 7.4.1 Release Rate Evaluation 7.0-7 7.4.2 _ Alarm Setpoint Evaluation 7.0-7 7.5 Quantifying Releases - Noble Gases 7.0-7 7.5.1 Sampling Protocol 7.0-8 7.5.2 Release Concentration Determination for Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum 7.0-9 7.5.3 Calculation of Activity Released 7.0-9 7.6 Site Boundary Dose Rate - Radiolodine and Particulates 7.0-10 7.6.1 Simplified, Dose Rate Evaluation for Radiolodines and Particulates 7.0-10 7.7 Noble Gas Effluent Dose Caleplations - 10 CFR 50 7.0-10 7.7.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Noble Gases


ODCM-0.0 V DRAFT Page 0.0 .1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)

Page Section 7.0-11 7.7.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble Gases 7.0-11 7.8 Radiolodine and Particulate Dose Calculations - 10 CFR 50 7.0-11 7.8.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dore - Radiolodine and Particulates 7.0-13 7.8.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Radiolodines and Particulates 7.0-13 7.9 - Gaseous Effluent Dose Projection

  • 8.0-1 8.0 SPECIAL DOSE ANALYSES 8.0-1 8.1 Doses Due to Activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY 8.0- 1 8.2 Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - 40 CFR 190 8.0-2 8.2.1 Effluent Dose Calculations 8.0-3 8.2.2 Direct Exposure Dose Determination 8.0-3 8.2.3 Dose Acsossment Based on Radiological Environmental Monitoring Data 9.0-1 9.0 ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE CENSUS DATA 9.0-1 9.1 Land Use Census as Required by ODCM 3.12.2 9.0-3 9.2 Land Use Census to Support Realistic Dose Assessment 10 0-1 10.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 10.0-1 10.1 Sampling Locations 10.0-1 10.2 Reporting Levels 10.0-2 10.3 Interlaboratory Comparison Program APPENDICES A-1 A Technical Basis for Effective Dose Factors Liquid Effluent Releases B-1 B Technics' Basis for Effective Dose Factors Gaseous Radwaste Effluents TABLES 2.0-6 1.1 Surveillance Frequency Notation 2.0-7 1.2 Operational Conditions 3.0-5 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring instrumentation 3.0-7 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.0-10 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation l

ODCM-0.0 D DRAFT V Page 0.0-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)

Page Section 3.0-14 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring instrumentation Surveillance Requirements 3.0-19 4, Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis Program 3.0-24 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and analysis Program 3.0-35 3.12.1-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3.0-41 3.12.1-2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental Samples 3.0-42 4.12.1-1 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis 6.0-17 6.0- 1 Fermi 2 Site Specific Liquid Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors, Ajo 6.0-19 6.0 Bloaccumulation Factors (BFi) 7.0-15 7.0-1 Default Noble Gas Radionuclide Distribution of Gaseous Effluents 7.0-16 7.0-2 Generic Values for Evaluating Gaseous Release Rates and Alarm Setpoints 7.0-17 7.0-3 Dose Factors for Noble Gases 7.0-18 7.0-4 Controlling Locations, Pathways and Atmospheric Dispersion for Dose Calculations 7.0-19 7.0-5 Gaseous Effluent Pathway Dose Commitment Factors

_ TABLES 8.0 8.0-1 Assumptions for Assessing Doses Due to Activities inside SITE BOUNDARY 8.0-8 8.0 -2 Recommended Exposure Rates in Lieu of Site Specific Data 10.0-3 10.0-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Formi 2 Sample Locations and Associated Media

'10.0-13 -10.0-2 Radiological invironmental Monitoring Program, Fermi 1 Sample Locations 'd Associated Media A-4 A-1 Relative D .e Significance of Radionuclides in Liquid Effluents B-4 B-1 Effective Dose Factors - Noble Gas Effluents FIGURES 3.0-48 3.0-1 Map Defining Unrestricted Areas and Site Boundary for Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluents 6.0-20 6.0-1 Liquid Radioactive Effluent Monitoring and Processing Diagram 7.0-34 7.0- 1 Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Monitoring and Ventilation Systems Diagram i

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ODCM-0.0 .

' ( '- DRAFT Page 0.0-6 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)

Pago . Section 10.0-15 10.0-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - Site Area 10.0-16 10.0-2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - Greater than 10 Miles 10.0-17 10.0-3 Radiological Environmantal Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - within 10 Miles 10.0-18 10.0-4 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Sampling Locations - Sito Area (Lako Erio side) 10.0-1 g 10.0-5 Fermi 1 Sampling Locations END OF SECTION 0.0

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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-1.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 1.0-1 p



Part I of the Formi 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), which includes Sections 2.0 through 5.0, contains the controls and surveillance requirements for radioactive effluents and radiological environmental monitoring. It also contains requirements for the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report and the Semlannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

Part 11 of the ODCM biso describes the methodology and paramoters used in a) determining radioactive material releese rates and cumulative releases, b) calculating radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip set points, and c) calculating the corresponding dose rates and cumulative quarterly and yearly doses.

The methodology provided in Part il of this manual is accepthble for use in demonstrating compliance with the concentration ilmits of 10 CFR 20.106, the cumulative dose criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1, arid 40 CFR 190, and the controls in Part i of this manual.

More conservative calculational methods and/or conditions (e.g., location and/or exposure pathways) expected to yield higher computed doses than apprc,.riate for the maximally exposed person may be assumed in the dose evaluations for controlling the release of radioactive material from Fermi 2.

Part II, Section 6.0 of the ODCM describes equipment for monitoring and controlling liquid similar Information on gaseous effluent controls, sampilng, and dose evaluation.


<D Section 8.0 describes special dose analyses required for compliance with Fermi 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and 40 CFR 190 Section 9.0 describes the role of the annual land use census in identifying the controlling pathways and locations of exposure for assessing potential off-site doses. Section 10.0 describes the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.

The ODCM will be maintained at Fermi 2 for use as a reference guide and training document of accepted methodologies and calculations. Changes to the ODCM calculational methcdologies and parameters will be made as necessary to ensure reasonable corservatism in keeping with the principles of 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix l for demonstrating radioactive effluents are *As Low As Reasonably Achievable."

NOTE: Throughout this document words appearing all capitalized denote either definitions specified in the Fermi 2 Controls or common acronyms.

END OF SECTION 1.0 ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved: Release authorized by:

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Recipient DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 O

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-2.0-Offsite Dose Calculat' . Manual DRAFT Page 2,0-1 rw) 3%




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I ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved: Release authorized by:

l Change numbers incorporated:

'DSN Rev DRAFT Date DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Hanual DRAFT Page 2.0-3 fl

<J 2.0 DEFINITIONS ACTION Et ACTION shall be that part of a specification which prescribes remedial measures required under designated conditions.

CHANNEL CALIBRATION 2.4 A CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output such that it responds with the necessary ranSe and accuracy to known values of thei parameter which the channel monitors. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall encompass the entire channel including the sensor and alarm and/or trip functions, and shall include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps such that the entire channel is calibrated. Calibration of instrument channels with resistance temperature detectors (RTD) or thermocouple sensors shall consist of verification of operability of the sensing element and adjustment, as necessary, of the remaining adjustable devices in the channel.

CHANNEL CHECK 2.5 A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel behavior during operation by observation. This determination shall include, where

,possible, comparison of the channel indication and/or status with other indications and/or status derived from independent instrument channels

.(V] measuring the same parameter.


a. Analog channels - the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions and channel failuro trips.
b. Bistable channels - the injection of a simulated si;;nal into the sensor to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions.

The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST may be performed by any sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps such that'the entire channel is tested.

DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 2.9 DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 shall be that concentration of I-131, microcuries per gram, which alone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity and isotopic mixture of I-131. I-132, I-133, I-134, and I-135 actually present. The thyroid dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be those listed in Table III of TID-14844, " Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites."

FREQUENCY NOTATION 2.14 The FREQUENCY NOTATION specified for the performance of Surveillance (q f Requirements shall correspond to the intervals defined in Table 2.1.


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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 2.0 11 C-2.0 DEFINITIONS MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC 2.21 MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC shall include all persons who are not occupationally associated with the plant. This category does not include employees of the utility, its contractors or vendors. Also excluded from this category are persons who enter the site to service equipment or to make deliveries. This category does include persons who use portions of the site for recreational, occupational, or other purposes not associated with the plant.

OFF-GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM 2.23 An OFF-GAS TREATfiEST SYSTEM is any system designed and installed to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting reactor coolant system offgases from the reactor coolant and providing for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the total radioactivity prior to release to the environment.

OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONAL MANUAL 2.24 The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONAL MANUAL (ODCH) shall contain the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluent, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring alarm / trip setpoints, and in the conduct of the g radiological environmental monitoring program. The ODCM shall also contain (1) the hadiological Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Controls, and (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Reports required by Controls 5 9 1.7 and

CPERABLE - OPERABILITY 2.25 A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function (s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxilliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support


function (s).

OPERATIONAL CONDITION - CONDITION 2.26 An OPERATIONAL CONDITION, i.e., CONDITION, shall be any one inclusive combination of mode switch position and average reactor coolant temperature as specified in Table 2.2.

PURGE - PURGING 2 31 PURGE or PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas it required to purify the confinement.



Nuclear Production --Fermi _2- ODCH-2.0 Offsite-Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT


- 2 32 RATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 3293 MNT.

-REPORTABLE EVENT 2 34 A REPORTABLE EVENT shall be any of those conditions specified in Section 50 73 to 10 CFR Part 50.

SITE BOUNDARY 2 35 The SITE BOUNDARY shall be that line beyond which the land is neither owr.ed, nor otherwise controlled, by the licensee.

SOURCE CHECK 2.40 A SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response when the channel sensor is exposed to a radioactive source.

THERMAL-POWER 2.42 THERMAL POWER shall be. the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant.

UNRESTRICTED AREA 2.45 An UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY

-] access to which is not controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or for industrial, commercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes.

1 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM 2.46 A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be any system designed and reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoal absorbers and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing lodines or particulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the release to the environment. Such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents. -Engineered Safety Feature (ESP) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to be VENTILATION EIHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.

VENTING 2.47 VENTING shall be the controlled process of discharging air or gas from a confinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration or other operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas is not provided or required during VENTING. Vent, used in system names, does not imply a VENTING process.


Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 CDCH-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Kanual DRAFT Page 2.0-6


TABLE 2.1 SURVEll1ANCE FREQUENCY NOTATION NOTATION FREQUENCY S At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

D At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

W At least once per 7 days.

M At least once per 31 days.

Q At least once per 92 days.

SA At least once per 184 days.

A At least once per 366 days.

R At least once per 18 months (550 days).

S/U Prior to each reactor startup.

(m_) P Prior to each radioactive release.

NA Not applicable.


Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-2.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT (3 Page 2.0-7 V


1. POWER OPERATION Run Any temperature
2. STARTUP Startup/ Hot Standby Any temperature 3 HOT SHUTI/OWN Shutdown, ### > 200 degrees F
4. C0tD SHUTDOWN Shutdown, if, *** $ 200 degrees F
5. REFUELINGs Shutdown or refue1##,# $ 140 degrees F i The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Run, Startup/ Hot Standby, or Refuel position to test the switch interlock functions and related (V3 instrumentation provided that the control rods are verified to remain fully inserted by a second licensed operator or other technically qualified member of the unit technical staff.
    1. The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod drive is being removed from the reactor pressure vessel per Technical Specification 3 9.10.1.
  • Fuel in the reactor vessel with the vessel head closure bolts less


than fully tensioned or with the head removed.

    1. See Special Test Exceptions 3.10.1 and 310 3 of Technical Specifications.
      • The reactor mode switch may be placed in the Refuel position while a single control rod is being recoupled or withdrawn provided that the one-rod-out interlock is OPERABLE.


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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3 0-1





Change numbers incorporated:

DSN Rev DRAFT Date DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient r'h U

l I

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT r's I

t,) Page 3 0-2 CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABILITY CONTROLS 3 0.1 Compliance with the succeeding Controls is required during the OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS or other conditions specified therein; except that upon failure to meet the control, the associated ACTION requirements shall be met.

3 0.2 Noncompliance with a Control shall exist when the requirements of the control and associated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified time intervals. If the Control is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the Action requirements is not required.

303 When a Control is not met, except as provided in the associated ACTION requirements, within one hour act ton shall be initiated to place the unit in an OPERATIONAL CONDITION in which the control does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in

,r w 1. At least STARTUP within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, L.] 2. At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and 3 At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the ACTION requirements, the ACTION may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time of failure to meet the Control. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual Controls.

This Control is not applicable in OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 4 or 5 3 0.4 Entry into an OPERATIONAL CONDITION or other specified condition shall not be made unless the conditions for the Controls are met without reliance on provisions contained in the ACTION requirements. This prosision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS as required to comply with ACTION requirements. Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual Controls.


- . . - - -- - - . . -. -.. ._ . - - ~ - -

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 n Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3 0-3 X).



-4.0.1 -Surveillance Requirements shall be the OPERATIONAL ~

CONDITIONS or other conditions specified for individual Controls unless otherwise stated in an individual Surveillance Requirement.

4.0.2 Each Surveillance Requirement shall be performed within the specified

-surveillance interval with a maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25 percent of the specified surveillance interval.

4.0 3 Failure to perform a Surveillance Requirement within the allowed surveillance interval, defined by Surveillance 4.0.2, shall constitute noncompliance with the OPERABILITY requirements for a Centrol. The time limits of the ACTION requirements are applicable at the time it is identified I, hat a Surveillance Requirement has not been performed.

The ACTION requirements may be delayed for up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to permit the completion of the surveillance when the allowable outage time limits of the ACTION requirements are less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

-Surveillance Requirements do not have to be performed on inoperable equipment.

Entry into an OPERATIONAL CONDITION or other specified applicable 11.0.4 condition-shall not be made unless the Surveillance Requirement (s) associated with the Control have been performed within the applicable surveillance interval or as'otherwise specified. .This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS as required to comply with ACTION requirements.


l Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRLFT t'%. - Page 3 0-4 Q)

INSTRUMENTATIut RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT HONITORING INSTRUMENTATION CONTROLS 3 3 7 11 The radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3 3 7.11-1 shall be OPERABLE with their alarm / trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits of Control 311.1.1 are not exceeded. The alarm / trip setpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATIONAL MANUAL (ODCH).



a. With a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm / trip setpoint less conservative than required by the above control, immediately suspend the release of radioactivo liquid effluents monitored by the affected channel, or declare the channel inoperable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.
b. With less than the minimum number of radioactive liquid effluent

(~~) monitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in

\~/ Table 3 3 7.11-1. Restore the inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain why this inoperability was not corrected in a timely nanner in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

c. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4 3 7.11 Bach radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at the frequencies shown in Table 4 3 7 11-1.



a. Liquid Radmaste Effluent Line Dif-NOO7
s. Circulating water Reservoir Decant Line D11-N402
a. Liquid Radmaste Eff8 vent Line G11-R703 1 ft2
b. Circulating water Reservoir Decent Line N71-9802 i


Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0

^ Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT

(, ) Page 3 0-6 i

TABLE 3 3 7.11.1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONS ACTION 110 - With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases from this pathway may continue provided that prior to initiating a releases

a. At least two independent samples are analyzed in accordance with Control, and
b. At least two technically qualified individuals independently verify the release rate calculations and discharge line valving; Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.

ACTION 111 - With the number of channels OPERABLE less than the Minimum Channels OPEltABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that grab samples are collected p andanalyzedatleastcnceper12hoursforgrossradioactivigy V (beta or gamma) at a lower limit of detection of at least 10' microcurie /ml for Cs-137 Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.

-ACTION 112 - With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Chate <'s OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during actual releases. Pump performance curves generated in place may be used to estimate flow.

Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.


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1 Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 OICH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT T Page 3 0-8 (d

TABLE 11 3 7.11-1 (Continued)

TAllLE NOTATIONS (1) The CilANNEL PUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automatio isolation of this pat.hway occurs if any of the following conditions exists:

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm / trip setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.

(2) The CilANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of tho following conditions exists:

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above t.he alarm setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.

3 Instrument indicates a downacale failure.

4. Instrument controls not set in operate mode.

A (3) The initial QIANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using National Bureau

,V of Standards traceable sources. These standards shall permit calibrating the system over the range of energy and measurement espected during normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences. For subsequer.t OlANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration or are National Bureau of Standards traceable shall be used.

(4) OlANNEL QRCf shall consist of verifying indication of flow during periods of release. OLANNEL CilECK shall be made at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> on days on which continous, periodio or batch releases are made.

(5) The CilANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.

3 Instrument indicates a downscale failure.

(9 v


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Wuclear Production Fermi 2 ODCH-3.0

- Offsite fose Calculation Manual DRAFT C Pago 3 0-9 INSTRUMENTATION RADIOACTIVE CASEOUS EFTLUENT HONITORING IN HJHENTATION CONTROLS 3 3 7 12 The radioactive gaseous effluent zonitoring instrumentation channels shown in Table 3 3 7.12-1 ehall be OPERABLE with their alarm / trip set pints set to ensure that the limits of Control 311.2.1 are not execeded. The alars/ trip setpoints of these channels, with the exception of the offgas monitoring systca, shall be determined and adjusted in accordancu with the sethodology and parameters in the ODCH.

APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3 3 7.12-1 ACTIOWs

a. With a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm / trip setpoint less cor.servative than required by the above Control, immediately suspend the release of radioactive gaseous offluents sionitored by the affected channel, or declare the channel ir. operable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative, With less than the minimum number of radioactive gaseous effluent b" b.

monitoring instrumentation anannels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shown in Table 3 3 7 12-1. Restore t.he inoperable instrumentation to OPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain why this inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner in the next Sesiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

c. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMFXTS 4 3 7.12 Each radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION, and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at the frequrancies shown in Table 4 3 7.12-1.

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O _ w.3.e O O DRAFT Page 3.0-12 TABLE (Continued)


  • 121 i
a. Noble Gas Activity Monitor t
  • 122
b. Iodine Samplee 1
  • 122
c. Particulate Samplec 1
  • 123
d. Sampter Flow Rate Monitor


a. Noote Gas Activity Monttor
  • 122 I

D. Iodine Saepler 1;2 t

c. Particulate Samplee
  • 123 1
d. Samolee Flow Mate Monitee 4

i Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Ibnual DRAFT l' age 3 0-13 TABLE 3 3 7 12-1 (Continued)


  1. At all ti;aes.

se Not used.

m During operation of the main condenser air ejector.

  1. 11pring operation of the standby gas treatment systes.

ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 121 - With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided grab samples are taken at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and these samples are analyzed for gross activity within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.

ACTION 122 - With the number of channels OPERABLE one less than required by the Minious Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided that within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> samples are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment as

( required in Table >

ACTION 123 - With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.

ACTION 124 - Not used.

ACTION 125 - With the number of channels OPERABLE less thr.n required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases via this pathway may continue provided grab sampics are taken at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and these samples are analyzed for gross activity within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via this pathway.

ACTION 126 - Witi. the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, releases via this pathway to the ehironment may continue for up to 7 days provided that

a. The offgas system is not bypassed, and
b. The reactor building exhaust plenum noble gas effluent (downstream) monitor is OPERABLE; i Otherwise, be in at 1 cast 110T STANDDY within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

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O e.E..,.. O O ORAFT Page 3.0-15 TA9tE (Contlawed)


  • D M R(2) Q(4k
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  • NA. N A.

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  • w M.A. N.A. N.A.
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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT

( Page 3 0-17 TABLE (Continued)


  • At all times.
  1. During operation of the standby gas treatment system.

(1) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.
2. Circuit failure.

3 Instrument indicates a downscale failure.

4. Instrument controls not, set in operate mode (alarm or type). ,

(2) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using National Bureau of Standards traceable sources. These standards shall permit calibrating

-~ the system over the range of energy and measur? ment expected during normal 1

operation and anticipated operational occurrences. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that have been related to the initial calibration or are National Bureau of Standards traceable shall be used.

(3) Not used.

(4) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TP.ST shall also demonstrate that automatic isolation occurs on high level and that control room alarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:

1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoints.
2. Circuit failure.

3 Instrument indicates a downseale failure.

4. Instrument controls not set in the operate mode (alarm or type).

l l

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 o Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT U Page 3 0e18 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONCENTRATION CONTROLS 3 11.1.1 The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid offluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the concentrations specified in 10 CFR 20, t.ppendit B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolvedgrentrainednoblegases,theconcentrationshallbelimited to 2 I 10~ microcuries/a1 total activity.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


With the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS exceeding the above limits, immediately restore the cc3 centration to within the above limits, p

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS* Radioactive liquid wastes shall be sampled and analyzed according to the sampling and analysis program of Table The results of the radioactivity analyses shall be used in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH to assure that the concentrations at the point of release are maintained within the limits of Control 3 11.1.1.

O E)

Nuclear Production - Feral 2 ODCM-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3 0-19 TABLE RADIDACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM i Lower Limit Minimus of Detection Liquid Helease Sampling Analysis Type of Activity (LLD)a Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (uci/al)

P P A.BatchWgste Principal Canna Release -Each Batch Each Batch 5 I 10~7 '

Sample EsittersC Tanks (3) 1-131 1 1 10~0 P M Dissolved and 1 X 10-5 One Batch /M Entrained Cases (Camas Emitters)

P M H-3 1 1 10-5 Each Batch Composite d Cross Alpha i I 10"I P Q Sr-89, Sr-90 5 X 10~0 Each Batch Composite d Fe-55 1 1 10-6 B Continuous Releases

  • M PrinolpagGamma 5 I 10-7 General NA Esitters -

Service Composite d

.W ater I-131 1 x to" System (GSW) (if W H Dissolved and 1 I 10-5

-contaminated) Grab Sample Entrained Gases (Canna Esitters)

M- H-3 1 x 10-5 NA Composite d Gross Alpha 1 1 10-7  :

Q Sr-89, Sr-90 5 X 10~0 ,

NA Composite d re-55 1 X 10-6 l 10 L


l l

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0

(~ Offsita Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT

( Page 3 0-20 TABLE (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION "The LLD is defined, for purposes of these controls, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a not count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

For a particular measurement system, which may include radiochemical separation:

4.66 ab 11D =


  • V
  • 2.22 x 106.y. esp (-kt)

Wheret ,

11D is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above, as microcuries per unit mass or volume, k 8b is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate, as counts per minute, E is the counting efficiency, as counts per disintegration, V is the sample size in units of mass or volume, 2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurie, Y is the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable, histheradioactivedecayconstantfortheparticularradionuclide,and At for plant effluents is the elapsed time between the midpoint of sample collection and time of counting.

Typical values of E, V, Y, and A t should be used in the calculatior.

It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability M a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

bA batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume.

Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall be isolated, and then thoroughly mixed by a method described in the ODCH to assure representative sampling.

t l

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT O f se 3 0-24 TABLE (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION cThe principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification applies exclusively aret Hn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, In-65, Ho-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144. This does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered. Other peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuolides, shall also be analyzed rnd reported in the Sesiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.8.

dA composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid samples is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative of the liquids released. This any be accomplished through composites of grab samples obtained prior to discharge after the tanks have been recirculated.

'A continuous release is the discharEe of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volumel e.g., from a volume of a system that has an input flow dtring the continuous release.

O 3


Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dese Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3 0-22

]L RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS LIQUID EFFLUENTS DOSE CONTROLS 3 11.1.2 The dose or dose commitment to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released, from each reactor unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited

a. During any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 areas to the total body and to less than or equal to 5 areas to any organ, and
b. During any calendar year to less than or equal to 3 areas to the Wtal body and to less than or equal to 10 arens to any organ.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials in

,e liquid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and

\ submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed cor active actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits. This Special Report shall also include (1) the results of radiological ana bses of the drinking water source and (2) the radiological impact on finished drinking water supplies with regard to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141,


Safe Drinking Water Act.'

b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid er fluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH at least once per 31 days.

' Applicable only if drinking water supply is taken from the receiving water p body within 3 miles of the plant discharge.


Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT O e Ee 3 o-23 I

RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS LIQUID WASTE TREATMFWT CONTROLS 3 11.1 3 The liquid radwaste treatment systen shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portions of the systen shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in 11guld wastes prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to the liquid effluent, from each reactor unit, to UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) would exceed 0.06 mrem to the tot.a1 body or 0.2 area to any organ ,

any 31-day period. 1 APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With radioactive 11guld waste being discharged and in excess of the above limits and any portion of the liquid radwaste treatment systea not in operation, prepare and submit to the Coamission within 30 days pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2 a Specini Report that

, includes the following information:

1. Explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged without complete treatment, identification of any inoperable equipment or subsystems, and the reason for the inoperability.
2. Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status, and 3 Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a

_ recurrence.

b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIPIHFNTS 4.11.1 3 1 Doses due to liquid releases from each reactor unit to UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the aethodology and. parameters in the ODCH.

4.11.1 3 2 The installed 11guld radwaste treatment system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by meeting Controls 3 11.1.1 and 3 11.1.2.

O l

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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 OICM-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3 0-24 O.

RAD 10 ACTIVE EFFLUENTS GASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE RAT _E CONTROLS 3 11.2.1 -the dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the following:

a. For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 aress/yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 r. ream /yr to the skin, and
b. For iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and for all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to 1500 areas /yr to any organ.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


() Wit? We dose rate (s) exceeding the above limits, lamediately restore the re.'vae rate to within the above lialt(s).

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the above limits in accordance with the methodology and

_ parameters in the ODCH. The dose rate due to iodine-131, iodine-133, tritius, and all other radionuolides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the above limits in accordance w!th the methodology and parameters in the ODCM by obtaining representative samples and performing analyses in accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in Table



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.: -l Pope 3.0-25 1:



i Sinteum .

temer Ltett of

! .Seepitne Anotyste Type of Detect 9en (LLD)*

' Geseove meIesse Type Fr-_wy F-.-_ 4, Acttwity Aceiye4s (uCt#et) f P. S' P. S'

A. Contstament PURGE Each PURGE Escts PURGE Principal Govene Esattters b 1 e 10j (Pew Treatment) Grob Semple P M-3
  • w to

' ' B. Reactor Butiding gc.d.e ; yc  ; Principal Gemme Emittersh 1m TO'"

Eshaust Plenum Grob Semple MC H-3 1a 10-6 3 Standby Gas Tgest-ment $ystem


N Principel Gemme Enttters b 1a C. Red =este But t dt ng M M H-3 t a 10~"6 10-Turbine Butiding Grob Sample Service Suttolog 1 On-Site Storage Factfity l

D. Att Release Types Continuous' w8 1-131 1 e 10-12 f .

Adsorbent 1-133 5m 10-10 1" as ilsted in 8 and C above. ' Semple peg ,cgg.g go g.gtteru b 1 = 10~1' Continuous' we j' Porticulate Semple (I-131. others) ii

! Continuous' u Gross Alphe t a 10~II

' .Compostte Particulate f- 'Somote


4 Continuous f Q .Sr-89. Se-93 1 m 10~II

' Compostte

Porticulate Semple i f 1 a 10-6 Continuous Noble Gas Moble Gas Monttee Gross Sete ce Gemme


4 4

i k

i i

i 1

5 I

Nuclet.r Production - Fermi 2 OICH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT 0, Page 3 0-26 TABLE 1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION aThe 11D is defined, for purposes of these controls, as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a not count, above system background, that will be detected with 95% probability with only 55 probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real' signal.

For a particular acasurement system, which may include radiochealcal separationt 4.66 ab 11D *-


  • V ' 2.22 r 100
  • I e'sp (-ht)

Wheret 11D is the "a priori" loter limit of detection as defined above, as microcuries per unit mass or voluae, O b i the t d rd devi tio# or the 6 casro=#d oo#atiai r t or or the counting rate of a bisnh sample as appropriate, as counts per minute, E is the counting efficiency, as counts per disintegration, V is the sample sine in units of mass or volume, 2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per alcrocurie,

- Y is the fractional radiochemical yield, when applicable,

)istheradioactivedecayconstantfortheparticularradionuclide,and at for plant effluents is the elapsed tino between the midpoint of aasple collection and time of counting.

Typical values of E, V, Y, and At should be used in the calculation.

It should be recognized that the 11D is defined as an a priori (before the fact) 11 alt representing the capability of a acasurement systen and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular acasurement.


t Nuclear Production - Termi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAf*f Page 3 0-27 TARLE (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION DThe principal gamma 4%t>to tor which the LLD specification applies esclusively are the fuhoh radionuclidest Kr-87, Kr-88, Ie-133. Ie-133a, Ie-135, and Ie-133 in rek% 's As releases and Hn-54, re-59, C0-58, Co-60, In-65.

No.99, I-131, Cs-ty , 4 13h co-141, and Ce-144 in iodine and particulate releases. This liist en: int nean that only these nuclides are to be considered. Other (ydu the above nuclidnu, iludi(uida that areand also be analyzed identifiable, reported intogether with those of the Semiannual Radiactive Efflueat ittlere Report pursuant to Control 5 91.8. ,

cSampling and anal)s.ts shd1 also be performed following shutdown, startup, or a THERNAL POWE4 than(3 oncoeding 15% of RATED THERNAL POWER within a 1-hour period. This reentronen1. does not apply if (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 tar.cerAration in the primary coolant has not increased more '

than a factor of h and (if).the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased,more than a factor of 3 ,

dTritius grab samples shall be taken at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> when either .

the reactor well or the dryer-separator storage pool is flooded.

'Trittua grab samples shall be taken at least once per 7 days from the O- v a'ti tiaa a at era ta e at r# t root ar a a v r e #t r# 1 i ia the spent fuel po i rThe ratio of the anaple flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known for_the tino perio@ covered by each dose or dose rate calculation made in accordance with Controls 3,11.2.1, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 g$amples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after changing, or after renoval from sampler.

Sampling shall also be performed at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for at-least 7 days following each shntdown, startup or THERNAL POWER change exceeding 15% or RATED THERNAL POWER in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.and analyses shall be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of changing. When sample.a collected for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are analyzed, the corresponding LLDs-say be increased by a factor of 10. This requirement does not apply if (1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 concentration in the primary coolant has not ,tnereased more than a factor of 31 and (2) the noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased more than a factor of 3 h Required when the SCTS is in operation.

IThe containment shall be sampled and analyzed within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> prior to the start of any VENTING or PURGING and at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> during VENTING or PURGING of the drywell through other than SGTS.


Nuclear Production - Persi 2 ODCH-3 0

,, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3 0-28 (J



RADIDACTIVE EFFLUENTS CASCOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE - NOBLE CASES CONTROLS 3 11.2.2 The air dose due to nobio gases released in gaseous effluents, from each reactor unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE DOUNDARY (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the followingt

a. During any calendar .1uarter: Less than or equal to 5 mrada for gamma radiation and less Luan or equal to 10 mrada for beta radiation and,
b. During any calendar yeart Less than or equal to 10 mrads for gamma radiation and less than or equal to 20 mrads for beta radiation.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


,- a. With the calculated air dose from radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to


' ') the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to reduce the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.

b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for noble gases shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH at least once per 31 days.

,e3 k)

Nuclear Production - Termi 2 ODCH-3 0 DRAIT m Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Page 3 0-29 b)

RADIOACT!VE EFFLUENTS CASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE - 10 DINE-131,10D1HE-133. TRITIUH, AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORM CONTROLS 3 11.2 3 The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from iodine-131, todine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released, from reactor unit, to areas at and beyond the SITE DOUNDARY (see Figure 3 0-1) shall be limited to the followings

a. During any calendar quarter: Less than or equal to 7 5 areas to any organ and,
b. During any calendar years Less than or equal to 15 areas to any organ.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With the calculated dose from the release of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special Report that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit and defines the corrective actions that have been taken to Tshme the releases and the proposed corrective actions to be taken to assure that subsequent releases will be in compliance with the above limits.
b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.11.2 3 Cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year for todine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH at least once per 31 days.

t i

i r

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calcuistion Manual DRAFT r Page 3 0-30 i


APPLICABILITY: 'Whenever the main condenser steaa jet air ejectors are in operation.-


a. With the OFF-GAS TREATHENT SYSTEM inoperable for more than 7 days,  !

prepare and submit to the consission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Spooitication 6 9 2, a Spooial Report that includes the following informations ,

Identification of the inoperable equipment or subsystens and

1. '

the reason for the inoperability, fy 2. Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to v OPERABLE status, and 3 Summary description of action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence,

b. 1he provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable,
c. 1he provisions of Control 4.0.11 are not applicable.- .


4'.11.2.4 The OFF-GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be demona,trated OPERABLE by meeting Controls 3 11.2.1, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3


Nuclear Production - Permi 2 ODCH-3 0 p Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Q Page 3 0-31 .

t RADIDACTIVE EITLUENTS VENTILATION EIllAUST TREATHENT SYSTEH CONTROLS 3 11.2.5 The VENTILATION EIRAUST TREATHENT SYSTEM as described in the ODCH shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portions of the system shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge when the projected doses due to gaseous effluent releases from the site t.o UNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3 0-1) would exceed 0 3 ares to any organ in any 31-day period.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With radioactive gaseous waste being discharged in excess of the above limits and any portion of the VENTILATION EIllAUST TREATHENT -

SYSTEM not in operation, prepare and submit to the Coamission within 30 days pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2 a Special Report that includes the following information O i. Idenuficauea of anx 1a-rate eauir-at or s* sis the reason for the inoperability,

, aad

2. Action (s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLP status, and 3 Summary description of aetton(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.

!- b. 'lhe provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not. applicable.



1 1 1 Doses due to gaseous releases from the site shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH, when any portion of the VENTILATION EIHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM is not in use. The VENTILATION EIRAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by meeting Controla 3 11.2.1, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 O

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 OICH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAPT O raE 3 o-32 RADIOACTIVE EITLUENTS VENTING OR PURGING CONTROLS

a 3 11.2.8 VENTING or PURGING of the Mark I containment shall be through the standby gas treatment system or the reactor building ventilation system.

APPLICABILITYt Whenever the containment is vented or purged.


a. With the requirements of the above control not satisfied, suspena all VENTING or PURGING of the drywell.
b. The provision of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The containment shall be determined to be aligned for VENTING or O PURGING through the standby gas treatment system or the reactor building ventilation system within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> prior to start of and at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> during VENTING or PURGING of the containment. Prior to use of the purge system through the standby gas treatment system assure thatt

a. Both standby gas treatment system trains are OPERABLE Whenever the purge system is in use, and


b. Whenever the purge system is in uso dc.aing OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1 or 2 or 3, only one of the standby gas treatment system trains may be used. 3 The containment drywell shall be sampled and analyzed per Table of Control 311.2.1 within 8 hears prior to the start of and at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> during VENTING or P1RGING of the drywell through other than the standby gas treatment system.

ODCH-3 0 Nucicar Production - Fermi 2 DRAFT

(~T Offatte Dose calculation Manual Page 3 0-33


RADIDACTIVE EFFLUENTS TOTAL DOSE CONTRCLS 3 11.4 The annual (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources shall be lialted to less than or equal to 25 areas to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 areas.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials in liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits of Controls 3 11.1.2a., 3 11.1.2b., 3 11.2.2a., 3 11.2.2b., 3 11.2 3a., or 3 11.2 3b., calcuintions should be made including direct radiation contributions from the reactor units and from outside storage tanks to determine whether the limits of Control 3 11.4 havo been exceeded. If such is the case, prepare and submit to the Coamission within 30 days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9.2, a Special


A Report that defines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequent releases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits and includes the schedule for achieving conformance with the '

above limits. This Special Report, as defined in 10 CFR 20.4050, shall include an analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release (s) covered by this report.

It shall also describe levels of radiation and concentrations of

- radioactive material involved, and the cause of the exposure levels or concentrations. If the estimated dose (s) exceeds the above limits, and if the release condition resulting in violation of 40 CFR Part 190 has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 190. Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance is granted until staff action on the request is complete,

b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluents shall be determined in accordance with Controls,, and 4.11.2 3, and

( in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH. Cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation from the reactor w its and from outside storage tanks shall be determined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH. This requirement is applicable only under conditions set forth in Control 3 11.4, ACTION a.

Wuclear Production - Termi 2 ODCH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3.0-34


v RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONKENTAL HONITORING HONITORING PROGRAM C_0NTR0lJS 3 12.1 The radiological environsental monitoring program shall be conducted as specified in Table 3 12.1-1.

APPLICADILITY: At all times.


a. With the radiological environmental monitoring program not being conducted as specified in Table 312.1-1, prepare and submit to the Commission, in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report required by Control 5.9 1 7, a description of the reasons for not conducting the program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence,
b. With the level of radioactivity as the result of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceeding the reporting levels of Table 3 12.1-2 when averaged over any calendar quarter, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30

(~l days, pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 2, a Special Report

'> that identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that the potential annual dose # to A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than the calendar year limits of Controla 3 11.1.2, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 When more than one of the radionuclides in Table 3 12.1-2 are detected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted ift c

_oncentration (1) + concentration (2) + ...> 1.0 reporting level (1) reporting level (2)

When radionuclides other than those in Table 3 12-2 are detected and are the result of plant effluents, this report shall be submitted if the potential annual dose # to A KEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from all radionuclides is equal to or greater than the calendar year limits of Controls 3 11.1.2, 3 11.2.2, and 3 11.2 3 This report is not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents; however, in such an event, the condition shall be reported and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control

c. With milk or fresh leafy vegetable samples unavailabic from one or more of the sample locations required by Tab ~le 3 12.1-1, identify specific locations for cbtaining replacement samples and add them to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days.

The specific locations from which samples were unavailable may then

  • The methodology used to estimate the potential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE 4

PUBLIC shall be indicated in this report.

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-3 0 Offsite bose Calculation Manual DRAFT O PaSe 3 0-35 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HONITORING CONTROLS (Continued) i*e deleted from the monitoring program. Pursuant to Control 5.9 1.B.

'dentify the cause of the unavailability of samples and identify the new location (s) for ottaining replacement samples in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.8 and also include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCH reflecting the new location (s).

d. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.


4.12.1 The radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collected pursuant to Table 3 12.1-1 from the specific locations given in the table and figure (s) in the ODCH, and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements of Table 3 12.1-1 and the detection capabilities required by Table 4.12.1-1.


CDCp 3.0 DRAFT Page 3.0-36 TABLF 3.12.1-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Number of Representative Sampling and Type and Frequency Samples and Collection Frequency Of Analysis Esposure Path =ay Sample Locations

  • and/or Saeole Gamma dose quarterly.

D Quarterly 37 routine monitoring stations.

'. DIRECT RADIATION with two or more dosimeters placed as follows: 1) an inner ring of stations in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY and additionaf rings at approximately 2 5. and 10 miles. with a station in at least every other meteorciogical sector for each ring with the emception of tt'ose sectors over Lake Erie. The balance of the stations 8 should be placed in specist interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences, schools, and in 2 or 3 areas to serve as control stations.

2, AIRBORNF Continuous sampler nagiotodine Cannistee Racioiodine and Samples from 5 locations. operation with sample 1-138 analysis weekly.

Particulates Collectico usekly. or

a. 3 samples from close to mare frecuently if the 3 SITE BOUNDARY loca-tions, in different sectors.

required by dust Particulate Sa*ofee r Gross beta ractoactivity loading.

of tne highest calculated analysis following d

annual overage ground- filter changes level D,0.

Gamma Isotopic analysis' 1 samole from the wir r.?ty of e

b. of composite (by a community having itJ *1ghest location) quarterly.

calculated annual average groundlevel D/Q.

l O .O O COCM-3.0 DRAFT Page 3.0-37 TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)

RADIOLO' . ENVIRONMENTAL WONITORING PROGRAM Number of P*oresentative Sampling and Type and Frequency Exposure Path =ay ",4 pies and Cottection Frequency of Analysis and/or Sample 7* .,o l e Locations *

c. 1 sample from a control location, as for saample 15-30 km distant and in the least prevalent wind 1

direction. 1

3. WATERBORNE Composite sample over Gamma isotopic *ealysis' Surface # a. I sample upstream. t-month peelod 9 monthly. Compos to for a.
b. I sample dcwnstream. tritiu m analys*s aaarterly Quarterly Gamma isotopic" and
b. Ground Samples from 1 or 2 sources teltium analysis only if likely to be Quarterly if ground b

affectec . mater flow reversa* is noted.

Composite sample I-131 analysis on each

  • sample of each of 1 to over 2-meek pericd9 composite when the cose
c. Drinklog 3 of the nearest water when I-131 analysts calculated for the supplies that could be is performed, monthly consumption of the mater i

affected by its discharge. composite otherwise is greater than 1 mrem per year. Composite

b. 1 sample from a for gross beta and gamma control location isotopic analyses' Composite for monthly.

t ri t ium areal ys i s Cuart er ! y Semiannually Gamma isotopic smalysis' 1 sample from downstream area semiannually.

d. Sealment with existing or potential from s$oreline recreational value.

OOCM-3.0 DRAFT Page 3.0-38 l

TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)

RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAW Number of Representative sampling and Type and Frecuency Samples and Cettection Frecuency of Analysis Espesure Patn-ay Sample Locations' anc/cr Sample Semimonthly when Gamma isotopic' and 4, INGESTION Samples from milking animals I-131 analysts semimontnly

a. Mfik a. animals are on in 3 locations within 5 km pasture, monthly at when amissla are on distance having the highest pasture; monthly at dose potential. If there other times other times.

are none, then. I sample from milking animals in each of 3 areas between 5 to 8 km distant where doses are calculated to be gyeater l l

than 1 mrom per yr .

b. 1 sample from milking animals at a control location 15-30 km distant and in the least prevalent wind direction Sample in season, or Gamma isotopic aanlysis' I
n. Fism and a. 1 sample of each commercially semlannually if they on edible portions.

and recreationally impcrtant Inverteorates species in vicinity of plant are not seasonal discharge area.

b. I sample of same species in areas not influenced by plant d i scha rge ,

At time of harvest) Gamma isotopic analyses'

a. 1 sample of each principal on edible portions.
c. Food class of food products from Products any area that is irrigated by water in which liquid plant wastes have been discharged.

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Huclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-3 0 DRAFT Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Page 3 0-40

} .

TABLE 3 12.1-1 (continued)

TABLE NOTATIONS aspecific parameters of distance and direction sector from the centerline of one reactor, and additional description where pertinent, shall be provided for each and every sample location in Table 312.1-1 in a table and figure (s) in the ODCH. Refer to NUREG-0133, " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979 Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, malfunction of automatic sampling equipment and other legitimate reasons. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, every effort shall be made to complete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the knnual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Contol 5 9.1 7 It is recognized that, at times, it may not be possible or practicable to continue to obtain samples of the media of choics at the most desired location or time. In these instances suitable specific alternative media and locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question and appropriate . substitutions made within 30 days in the radiological environmental monitoring program. Pursuant to Control, identify the cause of the unavailability of samples for that pathway and identify the new location (s) for obtaining replacement samples in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and also include in the report a t]

k revised figure (s) and table for the ODCH reflecting the new location (s).

Done or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or in addition to, integrating dosimaters. For the purpose of this table, a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; two or more phosphors in a packet are considered as tro or more dosimeters. Film badges shall not be used as dosimeters for measuring direct radiation. The frequency of analysis or readout for TLD systems will depend upon the characteristics of the specific system used and should be selected to obtain optimum dose information with minimal fading.

cThe purpose of this sample is to obtain background information. If it is not practical to establish control locations in accordance with the distance and wind direction criteria, other sites that have valid background data may be substituted.

dAirborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples is greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis shall be performed on the individual samples.

' Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluents from the facility.

n Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 OLCH-3 0

. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT i Page 3 0 211 TABLE 3 12.1 1 (continued)

TABIE NOTATION IThe " upstream sample" shall be taken at a distance beyond significant influence of the discharge. The " downstream" sample shall be taken in an area beyond but near the mixing zone. " Upstream" samples in an estuary must be i taken far enough upstream to be beyond the plant ir. fluence.

gA composite sample is one in which the quantity (aliquot) of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of flowing liquid and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative of the liquid flow. In this program composite sample aliquots shall be collected at time intervals that are very shc.,rt (e.g., hourly) relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) in order to assure obtaining a representative sample.

hGroundwater samples shall be taken when this source is tapped for drinking or irrigation purposes in areas where the hydraulio gradient or recharge proporties are suiteble for contamination.

1The dose.shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, using the methodology and parameters in the ODCH.

JIf harvest occurs more tLan once a year, sampling shall be performed during O

each discrete harvest. If harvest occurs continuously, sampling shall be monthly. Attention shall be paid to including samples of tuberous and root food products.


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Nuclear Production - Ferai~2- ODCH-3 0-

. 'Offsite Dose Calculation Manual PRAFT l Page 3.0-4'l TABLE 4.12.1-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONS "This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.

Other that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides, shall s4 ..o be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5.9 1.7.

bRequired detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurements are given in Regulatory Guide 4.13.-

cThe LLD is defined, for purposes _of these Controls, es the smallest

= concentration:of radioactive material in a sample that will' yield a not count, above systen background, that_ will be detected with 955 probability with only 55 probability of-falsely. concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

'For'a particular seasurement systes, which may include radiochemical separation:

4.66 se LLD

  • E
  • V ' 2.22
  • Y
  • exp (-AAt)

-O Where:

LLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above, as picoeuries por unit mass or volume,-


sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of the counting rate-of a blank sample as appropriate, as counts per minute,

.c E is the counting efficiency, as counts per disintegration, V is -the sample size in units of mass or volume, the number of disintegrations per minute por picoeurie,

-Y:is the fractional' radiochemical yield, when applicable, histheradioactivedecayconstantfortheparticularradionuclide,and 4t for environmental samples is the elapsed time.between sample collection, or end of the sample collection period, and time of counting Typical values of E, V, Y, and A t used in the calculation.


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l Nuclear Production - Fermi 2- ODcH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT

- p\ n.- Page 3 0-45 TABtE 4.12.1-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATIONS It should be recognized that the LLD s defined as an a priori (before the ft ?} limit representing the capabi' of a measurement system and not as an a posi.eriori (after the fact) liml' '-ticular measurement. Analyses shall be performed in such a manner t% t ., N . - LLDs will'De achieved under routine conditions. Occasional!' ty - Tetuations, unavoidable small sample sizes, the presence of inu : ' .

t , cr other uncontrollable circumstances may render these LLDs m-9: In such cases, the contributing: factors shall be iden?=. - -" tea-in the Annual

-Radiological Environment.1 Operating - ..s t.) Control 5 9.1 7 d LLD for drinking water samples.


Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT

& Page 3 0-46 W

RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HONITORING LAND USE CENSUS CONTROLS 3 12.2 A land use census shall be conducted and shall identify within a distance of 8 km (5 miles) the location in each of the 16 meteorological sectors of the nearest milk gnimal, tge nearest residence and the nearest gardent of greater than 50 m (500 ft ) producing broad leaf vegetation.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With a land use census identifying a location (s) that yields a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than the values currently being calculated in Control 4.11.2 3, identify the new location (s) in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, pursuant to Control 5.9.1.B.
b. With a land use census identifying a location (s) that yields a calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) 20% greater than at a location from which samples are currently being G o'otained in accordance with Control 3 12.1, add the new location (s) to the radiological environmental monitoring program within 30 days.

The sampling location (s), excluding the control station location, having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (s), via the same exposure pathway, may be deleted from this monitoring proEram after October 31 of the year in which this land use census was conde.ted.

Pursuant to Control 5 9.1.8, identify the new location (s) in the next Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and also include in the report a revised figure (s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new location (s).

c. The provisions of Control 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.12.2 The land use census shall be conducted during the growing season at least once per 12 months using that infor' nation that will provide the best results, such as by a door-to-door survey, visual survey, aerial survey, or by consulting local agriculture authorities. The results of the land use census shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.7

  • Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds of vegetation h may be performed at the SITE BOUNDARY in each of two different direction sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of the garden census. Controls for broad leaf vegetation sampling in Table 3 12.1-1, Part ti.c, shall be followed, including analysis of control samples.

Nuclear Production - Ferni 2 ODcH-3 0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT

/O Page 3 0-47 V.

RADIOLOGICAL ENVI,RONMENTAL HONITORING INTERLABORATO. cdMPARISON PROGRAM CONTROLS 3 12 3 Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials supplied as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program that has been approved by the Commission.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With analyses n'ot being performed as required above, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1 7
b. The provisions of Controls 3 0 3 and 3 0.4 are not applicable.


\J 4.12 3 The Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be described in the ODCM, A summary of the results obtained as part of the above required Interlaboratory Comparison Program shall be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control 5 9 1.7 m

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Nuclear Production - l'ermi 2 ODCH-3 0

\ Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 3 0-48 i al!  !

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Figure 3.0-1 (also Figure 5.1.3-1 in Technical Specifications)


ODCH-4.0 Nuclear Production - Fermt 2 DRAFT Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 9 Page 4.0-1 SECTION 4.0 BASES O

AltMS - INF010iAT10N SERVICES Date approved: Release authorized by:

Change numbers incorporated:

DSN Hov DRAFT Date DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-4.0 DRAFT Offsite Dese Calculation Manual

( Page 4.0-2 INSTR" MENTATION BASES 3/4.3 7.11 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT HONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive 11guld effluent monitoring instrumentation is=provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual or potential releases of liquid effluents. The alarm / trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH to ensure that the alarm / trip will occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, 3/ RADI0 ACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT NONITORING INSTRUMENTATION The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation is provided to monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents during actual or potential releases of gaseous effluents.

The alarm / trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCH utilizing the system design flow rates as specified in the ODCH. This conservative method is e- used because the Fermi 2 design does not include flow rate measurement devices. This will ensure the alarm / trip will occur prior to exceeding the

(_)3 limits of 10 CFR Part 20. The OPERABILITY and use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requirements of General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.

3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 3/ CONCENTRATION This control is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactive materials released in liquid waste effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be less than the concentration levels specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. This limitation provides additional assurance that the levels of radioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result in exposures within (1) the Section II.'A design objectives of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50, to a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC and (2) the limits of 10 CFR Part 20.106(e) to the population. The concentration limit for dissolved or entrained noble gases is based upon the assumption that Xe-135 is the controlling radioisotope and its HPC in air (submersion) was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the methods described in International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.

The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in liquid waste samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs).

Detailed discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits can be found in HASL Procedure Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually), Currie, L. A. , " Limits for (w~} Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968), and Hartwell, J. K., " Detection Limits for Radionnalytical Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-SA-215 (June 1975).

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-4.0 n Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT

() Page 4.0-3 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 3/ DOSE This control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.A.

III. A, and IV. A of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50. The control implements the guides set forth in Section II. A of Appendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV. A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably 1.chievable." Also, for fresh water sites with drinking reasonable assurance that the operation of the facility will not result in radionuclide concentrations in the finished drinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40 CFR Part 141. 'Ihe dose calculation methodology and parameters in the ODCM implement the requirements in Sect 1)n III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The equations specified in the ODCH for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, p " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents i for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I,"

Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113 " Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I," April 1977 3/4.11.1 3 LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the liquid radwaste treatment system ensures that this system will be available for use whenever liquid effluents require treatment

_ prior to their release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be used, when specified, provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid offluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable". This specification implements the requirements of General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and the design objective given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.

The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Section II.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for liquid effluents.

3/4.11.2 CASE 00S EFFLUENTS 3/ DOSE RATE This control is provided to ensure that the dose at any time at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY from gaseous effluents from all units on the site will be O within the annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part 20 to UNRESTRICTED AREAS. The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR l Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 1. These limits provide reasonable

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-4.0 e Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 4.0-4 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS BASES 3/ DOSE RATE (Continued) assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in an UNRESTRICTED AREA ,

either within or outsite the SITE BOUNDARY, to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in Appendix B, Table II of 10 CFR Part 20 (10 CFR Part 20.106(b)). For HEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of that MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will usually be sufficiently low to compensate for any increase in the atmospherto diffusion ,

factor above that for the SITE BOUNDARY. Examples of calculations for such  !

MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, with the appropriate occupancy factors, shall be given )

in the ODCM. The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding gamma and beta dose rates above background to a HEMBER OF THE i PUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500 mrems/ year te the total body or to less than or equal to 3000 arems/ year to the skin.

These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding l thyroid dose rate limits above background to a child via the inhalation pathway' '

to less than or equal to 1500 mrems/ year.

O The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in gaseous V waste samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs).

Detailed discusMon of the LLD, and other detection limits can be found in HASL Procedures Manual, MASL-300 (revised annually), Currie, L. A., " Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968), and Hartwell, J. E., " Detection Limits for Radioanalvtical Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-SA-215 (June 1975).

3/ DOSE - NOBLE GASES This control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.B.

III. A, and IV.A of Appendix I,10 CFR rart 50. The control implements the guides set forth in Section II.B of Appendix 1. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section III. A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The dose calculation methodology and parameters established in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I,"

(7 u Rev!sion 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for EstimatinL atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Caseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for determining the air doses at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY see based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-4.0 DRAFT m- Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Page 4.0-5 V


'ihis control is provided to implement the requirements of Sections II.C, III.A.

and IV. A of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50. The controls are the guides set forth in Section II.C of Appendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in the Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Uection III.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data, such that the actual exposure of a HEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The ODCH calculational methodology and parameters for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the

, subject materials are consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routino Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory guide 1.111, " Methods for n Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine V Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977 These equations also provide for determining the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. The release rate controls for iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days are dependent upon the existing radionuclide pathways to man, in the areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY. The pathways that were examined in the development of these calculations weret (1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, (2) deposition of

- radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man, (3) deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals and meat producing animals grace with consumption of the milk and meat by man, and (4) deposition on the ground with subsequent exposure of man.

3/ 0FF-CAS TREATMENT SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of t.he OFF-CAS TREATHENT SYSTEM ensures that the system will be available for use whanever gaseous effluents require treatment prior to release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of these systems be used, when specified, provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." This control implements the requirements of General Design Criteria 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and the design objectivos given in Section II.D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a l suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and O

v II.C of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents,

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Nuclear Production - Feral 2L ODCM-4.0 Offsite' Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT


3/4;11.2 5 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM The requirement that the appropriate portions of this systen be used, when

- specified, provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The specified limits governing the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in Sections II.B and 'II.C of Appendix I,10 CFR Part 50, for gaseous effluents.

3/ VENTING OR PURGING This. control provides reasonable assurance that releases from drywell purging operations will not exceed-the annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part-20 for UKRESTRICTED AREAS.

3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSE jr) This control is provided to meet the dose limitations of 40 CFR Part 190 that have been incorporated into 10 CFR Part 20 by 46 FR 18525. The control v

requires the preparation and submittal of a Special-Report whenever the calculated doses from plant generated radioactive effluents and direct radiation exceed _25 area to the total body or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to 75 areas. For sites containing up to 4 reactors, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose to a NEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed the dose limits of 40 CFR Part 190 if the individual reactors remain;within twice the dose design objectives of Appendix;I, and if direct radiation doses-from the reactor units an1 outside storage tanks are kept small. The Special Report will describe a course of action that. should result in the limitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the 40 CFR Part 190 limits. .For the purpose of the.Special Report, it may be assumed that the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other than Luranium fuel cycle sources is negligible, with the exception that dose Sontributions from other'nuclearffuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of 8 km must be considered. If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is estimated to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR'Part 190,. the Special Report with a request for'a variance (provided the release conditions resulting-in violation'of 40 CFR Part 190 have not already been corrected), in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part:190.11 and 10 CFR Part 20.405c, is considered to be a timely request and fulfills the requirements of 40 CFR Part-

.190 until NRC staff action is completed. The variance only relates to the limits of 40 CFR Part 190,'and does not apply in any way to the other requirements for dose limitation of 10 CFR Part 20, as addresssed in Controls 3 11.1.1 and 3 11.2.1 An individual is not considered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she is engaged in carrying out any operation that

,O is part of the nuclear fuel cycle.


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Nuclear Production - Ferst 2 ODCH-4.0 p' v Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 4.0-7 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING l


3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM The radiclogical environmental avnitoring program required by this control j provides representative measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials  !

in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of HEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC resulting from the station operation. This monitoring program implementsSection IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50 and thereby supplements the radiological effluent .

monitoring program by. verifying that the measurcable concentrations of  ;

radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on j the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways, Guidance for this monitoring program is provided by the  !

Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Honitoring.

The initially specified monitoring program will be effective for at least the first 3 years of commercial operation. Following this period, program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.

The required detection capabilities for environmental sample analyses are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLDs required q by Table 4.12.1-1 are considered optimum for routine environmental measurements O in industrial laboratories. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

Detailed discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits, can be found in HASL Procedure Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually), Currie, L. A., " Limits for Qualitative Detection and Quantitative Determination - Application to Radiochemistry," Anal. Chem. 40, 586-93 (1968), and Hartwell, J. K., " Detection Limits for Radioanalytical Counting Techniques," Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company Report ARH-SA-215 (June 1975).

3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS This control is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to the radiological environmental monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census. The best information from the door-to-door survey, from aerial survey, from visual survey or from consulting with local agricultural authorities shall be used. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendig I to 10 CFR Part 50. Restricting the census to gardens of greater than 50 m provides assurance that significant exposure pathways via leafy vegetables will be identified and monitored since a garden of this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26 kg/ year) of leafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child.

To determine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions were made:

(1)20%ofthegardenwasusedforgrowingbroadleafvegetatgon(i.e.,similar to lettuce and cabbage), and (2) a vegetation yield of 2 kg/m

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-4.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 4.0-8 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HONITORING BASES 3/4.12.3 INTCRLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM The requirement for participation in an approved Interlaboratory Comparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assursnee program for envi/onmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are valid for the purposes of Section IV.B.2 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.



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5 9 1.7 Routine Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports shall include summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results of the radiological environmental surveillance activities for the report period, including a comparison as appropriate, with preoperational studies, with operational controls, and with previous environmental surveillance reports, and an assessment of the observad impacts of the plant operation on the -

environment. The reports shall also include the results of land use censuses required by Control 3 12.2. The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports shall include the results of analysis of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the Table and Figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and seasurments in the format of the table in the-Radiological Assessment Branch Technicul Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted n noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. If possible, the

() missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report.

The reports shall also include the followings a summary description of the radiological environmental monitoring paogram; at least two legible maps' covering all sampling locations keyed to a table giving distances and directions from the centerline of one reactor; the results of licensee participation _in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program, re aired by Control 3 12 3; discussion of all deviations from the sampling schedule of Table 3 12.1-1; and discussion of all analyses in which the LLD required by Table 4.12.1-1 was not achievable.

SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT" 5 9.1.8 Routine Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports covering the operation of the unit during the previous 6 months of operation shall be submitted witnin 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year.

'One map shall cover stations near the SITE BOUNDARY; a second shall include the more distant stations.

" A single submittal may be made for a mutiple unit station. The submittal should combine those sections that are common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCH-5.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT (Vl Page 5.0-3 ADAINISTRATIVE CONTROLS SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (Continued)

The Semiannual Radicactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Heasuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radior.ctivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Caseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, with data summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix B thereof.

The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted within 60 days after January 1 of each year shall include an annual summary of hourly meteorological data collected ove the previous year. This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listing on ma p tic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability, and precipit0 tion (if measured),

or in the form of joint frequency distributions of wind spet1, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.**' This same report shall include an assessment of the radiation doses due to the radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit or station during the previous calendar year. This same report shall also include an assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous efflue*'-~; to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities q inside the SITE BOUN F .igure

' 3 0-1) during the report period. All v assumptions used .ig these assessments, i.e., specific activity, exposure time and locat,' .1 be included in these reports. The assessment of radiation dose: 2 be performed in accordance with the methodology and parameters in OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION HANUAL (ODCH).

The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report to be submitted 60 days after January 1 of each year shall also include an assessment of radiation doses to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from reactor releases and other nearby uranium fue) cycle sources, including doses from primary effluent


pathways and direct ca:aation, for the previous calendar year to show conformance with 40 CFR Part 190, Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operation. The assessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with methodology and parameters in the ODCM.

The Semiannual Radioactive Erluent Release Reports shall include the following information for each class of solid waste (as defined by 10 CFR Part 61) shipped offsite during the report period:

a. Container volume,
b. Total curic quantity (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),
      1. 1n lieu of submission with the first half year Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of required meteorological data on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC upon request.

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c. Principal radionuclides (specify whether determined by measurement or estimate),
d. Source of waste and processing employed (e.g., dewatered spent resin, compacted dry waste, Svaporator bottoms),
e. Type of container (e.g., LSA, Type A, Type B, Large Quantity), and -
f. Solidification agent or absorbent (e.g., ccment, urea formaldchyde).

'the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include a list and description of unplanned releases from the site to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents made during the reporting period.

The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall include any chances made during the reporting period to the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCH) as described in Technical Specification 6.14.2.c, as well as a listing of new locations for dose calculations and/or environmental monitoring identified by the land use census pursuant to Control 3 12.2.

The Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports shall also include the following: an explanation as to why the inoperability of liquid or gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation was not corrected within the time specified f.n Control 3 3 711 or 3 3 712, respectively; and description of the events leading to liquid holdup tanks exceeding the limits of Technical Specification 3 11.1.4.



5.15.1 Licensee-initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems (liquid, gaseous, and solid):

a. Shall be reported to the Commission in the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period in which the evaluation was reviewed by the OSRO. The discussion of each change shall contain:
1. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determination that the change could be made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59
2. Sufficient detailed information to totally support the reason for the change without benefit of additional or supplemental information; O

O ' Licensees may choose to submit the information called for in this Control as part of the annual FSAR update.

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Page 5.0-5 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 3 A detailed description of the equipment, components, and processes involved and the interfaces with other plant systems; ,

1 11 . An evaluation of the change, which shows the predicted )

releases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseous ,

effluents and/or quantity of solid waste that differ from i those previously predicted in the license application and l amendments thereto;  ;

5. An evaluation of the chango, which shows the expected maximum exposures to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in the UNRESTRICTED AREA-and to the general population that differ from those previously estimated in the license application and amendments thereto;
6. A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactive -

materials, in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solid waste, to the actual releases for the period prior to when the changes are to be made; 7 An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel as a


. result of the change; and

8. Documentation of the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by.the'OSRO.
b. Shall become effective upon review and acceptance by the OSRO.


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6.0 Ll0UlO EFFLUENTS This settlen summer!res information on the liquid effluent radiation monitoring instrumentation and controls. More detailed Information is provided in the Fermi 2 UFSAR and Fermi 2 design dranigs from which this rummary was derived. This section also describes the sampling and analysis required by the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.

" Methods for calculating alarm setpoints for the liquid effluent mor.uors are presented. Also, fnethods for evaluating doses from liquid effluents are provided. ,


6.1 Radiation Monitoring instrumentation end Controls This section summattres the instrumentation and_ controls monitoring liquid effluents. l This discussion focuses on the role of tills equipment in assuring compliance with the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.

6.1.1 Offalte Oose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Requirement Fermi .: ODOM prescribes the monitoring required during liquid


rel6ases and the backup sampling required when monnors are Inopergble.

The liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation for controlling and monitoring

  • radioactivo effluents in accordance with the Fermi 2 ODCM is summatlied below:
1. Radiation Alarm - Automatic Release Termination
a. Liquid Radweste Effluent Line - The D11-N007 Radiation Monitor on the liquid redwaste effluent line provides the alarm and ,

automatic termination of Ilquid radioactive material releases prior to exceeding 1 Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC)

(10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table ll, Column 2) required by ODCM The monitor is located upstream of the Isolation Valve (011-F733) on the liquid radweste discharge line and monitors the concentration of liquid effluent before dilution by the circuleting water reservoir (CWR) decant flow.

l- 2. Radiation Alarm (only) l l a. Circulating Watar Reservoir (CWR) Decant Line - The CWR Decant Line Radiation Monitor (D11-N402) provides indication of the concentration of radioactive material in the diluted redloactive liquid rolesses just before discharge to Lake Erie. As required by l

ODCM, the alarm setpoint is established to alarm (only)

L prior to exceeding one MPC, t

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3. Flow Rate Meaturing Devices
a. Liquid Radwante Effluent Line - In accordance with ODCM, the release rate of liquid redweste discharges is monitored by 011-R703. This flow rate instrumentation is located on the tedwesto dischafDs line prior to the junction with the CWR uecant line,
b. CirculatinD Water Reservoir Decent Line - in accordance w th ODCM, the flow rate of the CWR decent line is monitored by N71-R802. The flow rate instrumentation is located on the decent line downstream of the junction with the liquid radweste effluent line. This instrumentation measures the total discharge flow rate from Fermi 2 to Lake Erie.

6.1.2 Non-ODCM Required Monitor An additional monitor not required b/ Fermi 2 ODCM is provided by Detroit Edison to reduce the likelihood of an unmonitored releasJ of radioactive liquids.

1. General Service Water - The General Service Water (GSW) Radiation Monitor (D11-N006) provides additional control of potential radioactive effluents. D11-N008 monitors the OSW System prior to discharge into the Main Condenser circulating water discharge line to the CirculatinD J Water Fleservoir. Although not an ODCM required monitor, D11-N008 )

(N monitors a primary liquid stream in the plant that also discharDes to i b the environment (Lake Erie via the Circulating Water Reservoir).

indication of radioactive material contamination in the OSW System I

would also indicate potential CWR contamination and the need to control all discharges from the CWR as radlosctive effluents.

6.2 Sampling and Analysis of Liquid Effluents The pro 0 ram far sampling and analysis of liquid waste is prescribed in the Fermi 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Table,1-1. This table distinguishes two types of liquid releases:

6.2.1 DATCH releases, defined as discrete volumes, normally processed through the radweste system to the waste sample tanks 6.2.2 COi.'INUOUS releases, from the Circulating Water Reservoir (CWR) System,

! If it becomes contaminated Continuous releasse frem the CWR System are via the CWR decant line to Lake Erle.

The CWR System is at expected to becomo contaminated. Therefore, continuous radioactivo material retwases are not expected. However, the General Service Water (GSW) and the CWR systems interf ace with redloactive systems in the plant. Also, the OSW Intako is within a few hundred feet of the CWR decant lino discharDo to Lake Erie. Fe? these reasons, it is prudent to consider the OSW and the CWR a potential source of radioactive effluents and to sample them regularly, m

i ODCM-0.0 DRAri Page 0.0-4 0.2 1 DATCH Releases Fermi 2 ODCM Table requires that a sample representative of the tank contents be obtained before it is released. The table specifies the following program:

- Prior to each batch release, analysis for principal gamma emitters (le,cluding all peaks identified by gamma spectroscopy)

- Once per month, analysis of one batch sample for dissolved and entrained Cases (gamma emitters). (See note in Section 6.2.2 below.)

- Once per month, analysis of a composite sample of all releases that month for trillum (H-3) and gross alpha activlty. (The composite sample is required to be representative of the liquids released and sample quantitles of the composite are to be proportional to the quantitles of liquid discharged).

- Once per quarter, analysis of a composite sample of all releases that quarter for Strontium (Sr)-Og, St-DO, and Iron (Fe)-55.

6.2.2 CONTINUOUS Releases Formi 2 ODCM Table requires that composite samples be collected from the CWR System,it contaminated. The table specifies the following sample analysis:

- Once por month, analysis of a composite sample for principal gamma emitters and for 1-131.

- Once per month, analysis of a composite sample for H-3 and gross alpha.

- Once per month, analysis of weekly grab sampleo (composited) for dissolved and entrained gases (gamma emitters). (See note below.)

- Once per quarter, analysis for Sr-89, -90 and Fe-55.

NOTE: Identification of noble gases that are principal gamma emitung redlonuclidos are included in the gamma spectral analysis performed on all liquid radweste effluents. Therefore, the ODCM Table sampling and analysis for noble gases in batch releases (one batch per month) and continuous releases (monthly analysis of weekly grab samples) need not be performed as a separate program. The gamma spectral analysis on each batch release and on the CWR monthly composite meets the intent of this ODCM requirement.


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DRAFT Page 6.0-5 6.3 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpointo Offsite Dose Calculation Manual requires that the concentration of liquid radioactive effluents not exceed the unrestricted aren MPC at the discharge point to Lake Erle. Dissolved or entrained noble gases in liquid effluents are limited to a concentration of 2 E-04 UCl/ml, total noble gas activity. ODCM requires that radiation monitor setpoints be established to alarm and trip prior to exceeding the limits of ODCM

To meet this specification, the alarm / trip setpoints for liquid effluent moaltors are determined in accordance with the following equation:

SP -< CL (Df+ RR)

RR (6-1) where:.

SP = the setpoint,in UCl/mi, of the monitor measuring the radioactivity concentration in the effluent line prior to dilution. The setpoint represents a value which, if exceeded, would result in concentrations exceeding the MPC in the unrestricted area CL = the. effluent concentration limit (ODCM Implementing 10 CFR Part 20.106 (i.e., MPC at discharge point) In UCl/mi, defined in Equation (6-4) -

RR = the liquid effluent release rate as measured at the radiation monitor location, in volume per unit time, but in the same units as DF, below DF = the dilution water flow as measured prior to the release point (Lake Erle)in volume por unit time y At Fermi 2 the available Dilution Water Flow (DF) is constant for a given release, and the waste tank Release Rate (RR) and monitor Setpoint (SP) are set to meet the condition of Equation (6-1) for a given effluent concentration Limit, CL NOTE: If no dilution is provided, SP < CL Also,'when DF is large compared to RR, then (DF + RR)~,,DF.

6.3.1 -Liquid Radweste Effluent Line Monitor (D11-N007)

Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitor D11-N007 provides alarm and .

  • automatic termination of releases prior to exceeding MPC. As required by ODCM Table and as discussed in ODCM Section 6.2.1, a sample

.of the llquid radweste to be discharged is collectert and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to identify principal gamma emitting radlonuclides. From the measurers individual radionuclide concentrations, the allowable release rate is determined.

The allowable release rate is inversely proportional to the ratio of the r

radionuclide concentrations to the MPC values. The ratio of the measured L concentration to MPC values is referred to as the *MPC fraction

  • and is calculated by the equation:


l , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _


MPCF = g (6-2) where:

MPCF = fraction of the unrestricted area MPC for a mixture of radionuclides Ci a concentration of each radlonuclide I measured in each tank prior to release (uCl/ml)


= unrestricted area most restrictive MPC for each radionuclide i from 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix D, Table ll, Column 2. For dissolved and entrained noble gases an MPC value of 2E-04 uCl/mi shall be used.

Based on the MPCF, the maximum allowable release rate can be calculated by the following equation:

D' MAX RR = g CF SF (6-3) whern:

MAX RR = maximum acceptable waste tank discharge rate (gal / min)

(Monitor #G11-R703)

DF = dilution flow rate from the CWR as observed from the Control Room readout (gal / min) (Monitor #N71-RB02)

SF = 0.5, administrative safety factor to account for variations in monitor response and flow rates. The SF value of 0.5 provides for 100% variation caused by statistical fluctuation and/or errors in ineasurements. Also, this factor provides conservatism, accounting for the presence of radionuclides that may not be detected by the monitors (i.e., non-gamma emitters).

MPCF = As previously defined by equation (6-2)

NOTE: Equation (6-3) is valid only for MPCF >1; if the MPCF <1, the waste tank _

concentration meets the limits of 10 CFR Part 20 without dilution, and the waste sample tank may be discharged at the maximum rate.

If MAX RR as calculated above is greater than the maximum discharge pump capacity, the pump capacity should be used in establishing the actual O

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ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-7


Release Rate RR for the radweste discharge. For the Waste Sample Tank the maximum discharge rate is 50 gallons per minute. The actual Release Rate RR la rnonitored in the Radweste Control Room by 011-R703.

The Concentration Limit (CL) of a liquid radweste discharge is the same as the effective MPC for the radionuclide mixture of the discharge. Simply, the CL (or effective MPC) represents the equivalent MPC value for a mixture of redlonuclides evaluated collectively. The equation for determining CL is:

CL = bC MPCF (6-4)

Desed on the Release Rate RR and Dilution Flow DF and by substituting Equation (6-4) for CL in Equation (6-1), the altrm setpoint is calculated by the equation:

Sp , C,

  • SEf4
  • DF + Bkg MPDF
  • RR (6-5) where:

SP = setpoint of the radiation monitor counts per second (cps)

Ci = concentration of redlonuclide I as measured by gamma spectroscopy (uCl/ml)

O SENi = monitor sensitivity for radionuclide i based on cellbration curve (cps /(uCl/ml))

RR = actual release rate of the liquid radweste dlw . -ige (gal / min)

MPCF - MPC fraction as determined by Equation (6-2)

Bkg = background reading of monitor (cps)

DF = dilution flow rate of Circulating Water Decant Line as observed from Control Room readout (gal / min) monitor d'N71-R802.

A monitor sensitivity value of 1.0 06 cps /(uCl/ml) may be used in lieu of sensitivity values for individual radionucildes. This value is the sensitivity of Cr-51 determined from the primary calibration sensitivity curve. It is a conservative value for the nuclide mixes which have been seen in actual liquid discharges from rermi 2.

If no radlonuclides are measured by gamma spectroscopy, the alarm setpoint can be established at one half the setpoint of the previous discharge.


i ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-8 Prior to conductinD any batch liquid radwaste release, Equation (6-3) is used to determine the allowable release rate in accordance with ODCM

Equation (6-5)is used to determine the D11-N007 alarm sctpoint in accordance with ODCM

6.3.2 Circulating Water Reservoir Decent Line Radiation Monitor (D11-N402)

ODCM requires that the setpoint for the CWR Decent Line Radiation Monitor D11-N402 be established to ensure the radioactive rnatorial concentration in the decent line prior to discharge to Lake Erlo does not exceed MPC, unrestricted area (10 CFR 20, Appendix D, Table ll, Column 2).

The approach for determining the alarm setpoint for the CWR Decent Line Radiation Monitor is the same as presented in Section 0.3.1 for the liquid Radwerte Effluent Une Monitor. Equation (6-1) remains valid, except that, for the CWR Decant Line Monitor, the dilution flow previously assumed for diluting the DATCH liquid redweste effluents is now the release rate. There is no additional dilution prior to discharge to Lake Erle. Thus, Equation (0-1) simplifies to:

SP < CL (6-6)

Substituting Equation (6-4) for CL and Introducing a safety factor, the D11-N402 alarm setpoint can be calculated by the equation:


  • SF p SP $ [MPCF O (0-7) where:

Ci = concentration of each radionuclide iin the CWR decent line effluent uCl/mt)

MPCF = MPC fraction as determined by Equation (6-2)

SF = 0.5, administrative safety factor Normally, only during periods of batch liquid radwaste discharges will there exist any plant-related radioactive material in the CWR decent line.

6.3.3 Generic, Conservative Alarm Setpoint for D11-N402 The D11-N402 setpoint could be adjusted for each BATCH release as is done for the liquid radweste offluent line monitor. Based on the measured levels of redloactive material in a DATCH liquid release, the alarm setpoint for D11-N402 could be calculated usino Equation (6-7). However, during these planned releases, the concentrations will almost always be so low (due to dilution) that the D11-N402 Monitor will not Indicate measurable levels. The CWR decant line design flow is 10,000 gpm; and the maximum liquid radweste release rate is 50 gpm, providing a 200:1 dilution. The radioactive mategal conegntration of BATCH liquid releases is typically h.

the ran0e of 10' to 10~ uCl/ml. With a nominal 200:1 dilution p (actual dilution has been Dreater since in actual releases the decent line flow rate has been about 18,000 gpm), the CWR decent line monitor would


i l

ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-9 monitor diluted activity in the range of 5 x 10-10 to 5 x 10-7 uCl/ml.

D11-N402 Monitor response at these levels would be 0.1 to 100 cpm, depending on the particular radionuclide mixture and correspondinD instrument response. These response levels are less than tho monitor background levels.

In lieu of routinely adjusting the D11-N402 setpoints, generic, conservative setpoints have been established based on an analysis of nuclides seen in actual liquid discharges and on the primary calloration sensitivity curve.

6.3.4 Alarm Setpoint for GSW and RHR System Radiation Monitors Levels of redloactive material detectable above background at Radiation Monitor D11-N008 would be one of the first Indicators of contamination of the General Service Water (GSW) System and the CWR, Likewise, for the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System, the D11-N401 A and D Monitors would be one of the first indicators of contamination and subsequent contamination of the CWR. Therefore, to provide early Indication and assure prompt attention, the alarm setpoints for these monitors should be established as close to background as possible without incurring a spurious alarm due to background fluctuat!Ms. This levelis typically around three times background. I if the GSV) System or RHR System becomes contaminated, it may become necessary to ralso the radiation monitor setpoints. The alarm setpoints should be re-evaluated to provide the CR operator a timely Indication of p

d further increasing activity levels in the GSW or RHR System without spurious alarms. The method for this re-evaluation is the same as described above - the alarm setpoint established at three times its current reading. No regulatory limits apply for establishing a maximum value for j these alarm setpoints since those monitors are located on plant systems and do not monitor final release points to the envirorment. However, as a practical matter, upper limits on the alarm setpoints can be evaluated using the methods of ODCM Section 6.3.1 based on the actual system flows, dilution and release paths in effect at the time.


6.3.5 Alarm Response - Evalua:Ing Actual Release Conditions

. Normally, liquid release rates are controlled and alarm setpoints are established to ensure that the release does not exceed the concentration limits of ODCM (i.e.,10 CFR 20 MPCs at the discharge to Lake Erle).

However, if either Monitor D11-N007 or D11-N402 alarms during a liquid release,it becomes necessary to re-evaluate the release conditions to determine compliance with ODCM Following an alarm, the actual release conditions should be determined. Radioactive material concentretions should be evaluated by sampling the effluent stream or resampling the waste tank. Discharge flow and dilution water flow should be redetermined, l

The following equation may be used for the evaluation:

DF + RR q CJ (6-8)


ODCM-6.0 DRAFT PaDe 6.0-10 where:


= measured concentration of radionuclide i In the effluent stream (uCl/ml)


= the MPC value for radionuclide i from 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 2 (uCl/ml),2 E-04 uCl/mi for dissolved or entrained noble gases i RR = actual release rate of the liquid effluent at the time of the alarm,' gpm -

DF = sctual dilution circulating water flow at the time of the release alarm, ppm NOTE: For alarm on D11-N402 (CWR decant line), the Release Rate RR la the  !

Dilution Water Flow DF and the equation simplifies to (C;/MPC) g <1, l

6.3.6 Liquid Redweste Monitor Setpoint Determination with Contaminated Circulating Water Reservoir I I

in the event the CWR is determined to contain radioactive material, the effective dilution capacity of the CWR is reduced as a function of the MPCF, To determine the available dilution flow capacity the MPCF for the CWR ls determined using equation (6-2). The MPCF of the CWR is used to ii bi d"# iia" a* 'aa O a i '='" '"  :

CWR Dilution Flow - CWR Decant Flow Rate (GPM) * (1-CWR MPCF)


The resulting dilution flow rate is substituted in equation (6-3) to determine the maximum allowable release rate for discharges from the redweste system. Substituting the available CWR dilution flow from equetion (6-9),

the Liquid Radweste Monitor maximum release rate can be determined using '

equation (6-3).

Once the available dilution flow and maximum cllowable release rate have been determined the radweste monitor setpoint can be determined using equation (6-5).

6.4 Contaminated GSW or RHR System - Quantifying and Controlling Releases The GSW Radiation Monitor (D11-N008) provides an indication of contamination of this system. The Monitors D11-N401 A and B perform this function for the-RHR System. Also, the CWR Decant Line Radiation Monitor monitors all liquid releases from the plant and would record any release to Lake Erle from either of these systems if contaminated, As discussed in ODCM Section 6.2.2, sampling and-analysis of the CWR System is required only if this system is contaminated, as would be indicated by D11-N402 or D11-N008. Nonetheless, periodic samples are collected

-A. from the CWR Systern to verify ebsence of contamination. Although not required by -

(/ the ODCM; periodic sampling and analysis of the RHR System is also performed since l

l' I


--,y- -

.e,-~, e rm_-, g- um,- . ...,m .eb % ,. v ._. .,- . ,.,_-,r. . . . y4_ - ...-- r m.-- ,-ee-wv.-,-,  %, ._, . ..--,e -.e,_,-% -- .- 6._,-, . . , ' . . - e-- 3r ---w-.

ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-11 It also is a potential source of contamination of the CWR and subsequent relear,es to Lake Erie. If contamination is found, further releases from the applicable system (GSW or RHR) via the CWR decent line must be evaluated and controlled to ensure that releases are maintained ALARA. The following actions will be considered for controlling releases.

- Sampling frequency of the applicable source (GSW or RHR System) and the CWR will be Increased until the source of the contam: nation is found and controlled. This frequency may be relaxed after the source of contamination has been Identified and isolated.

- Gamma spectral analysis will be performed on each sample.

- The measured radionuclide concentrations from the gamma spectral analysis will be compared with MPC (Equation 6-2) to ensure releases are within the limits of ODCM

- Based on the measured concentrations, the setpoint for the CWR Decent Line Radiation Monitor (D1141402) will be determined as specified in Section 6.3.2. If the ca! cult.ted setpoint based on the measured distribution is gre,ater than the current setpaint (see ODCM Section 6.3.3) no adjustment to the setp0!nt is required.

- Samples wlil be composited in accordance with ODCM Table 4.11,1,1,1-1 for monthly analysis for H-3 and gross alpha and for quarterly analysis for Sr-89, 90 and Fe-55.

- Each sample will be considered representative of the releasts that have occurred since the previous sample. For each sample (and corresponding release period), the volume of Ilquid released to the lake will be determined based on the measured CWR decant lins cumulative flow.

- From the sample analysis and the calculated volume released, the total radioactive material released will be determined and considered representative of the release period. Cumulativo doses will be determined in accordance with ODCM Section 6.5.

6.5 Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation - 10 CFR 50 The parameters of the liquid release (or estimated parameters, for a pre-release calculation) may be used to calculate the potential dose to the public from the release (or planned release). The dose calc.,lation provides a conservative method for estimating the impact of radioactive offluents released by Fermi 2 and for comparing that impact against limits set by the NRC in the Fermi 2 ODCM. The limits in the Fermi 2 ODCM are specified as quarterly and calendar year limits. This assures that the average over the year is kept as low as reasonably achievable.

6.5.1 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Dose - Liquid Effluents ODCM limits the dose or dose commitment to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents from Fermi 2 to

- during any calendar quarter; t ,< 1.5 mrem to total body 1


ODCM-0.0 DRAFT PeDe 6.0-12 5 5.0 mrom to any organ

- during any calender year; 5 3.0 mrom to total body 510.0 mrsm to any organ The calculation of the potential doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUDLIC is a function of the radioactive material releases to the lake, the subsequent transport and dilution in the exposure pathways, and the resultant Individual uptake. At Fermi 2, pre-operational evaluation of radiation 9xposure pathways Indicated that doses from consumption of fish from Leke Erle provided the most conservative estimate of doses from releases of radioactive liquids. However, with the proximity of the water intake for the City of Monroe, it must be assumed that Individuals will consume drinking water as well as fish that might contain radioactivity from discharges into Lake Erie.

Study of the currents in Lake Erie Indicates that the current in the Lagoona Beach embayment carries liquid effluents frem Fermi 2 north along the coast part of the time and south along the coast part of the time.

When the current flows north, liquid effluents are carried away frorn the Monroe Water intake, so only the fish consumption exposure pathway must be considered. When the current flows south, toward the Monroe Water intake, both fish consumption and drinking water consumption exposure pathways must be considered. To ensure conservatism in the dose modeling, the combined fish and drinking water pathway is used for evaluating the maximum hypothetical dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from liquid radioactive effluents, The following calculational methods may be used for determining the dose or dose commitment due to the liquid radioactive effluents from Fermi 2:

D, = 1.67 E-02 . VOL . (Cg . Ag ,)


  • Z (G-10) where:


= dose or dose commitment to organ o or total body (mrem)

Ajo = site-specific ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ o for radionuclide I (mrom/hr per uCl/ml)

Cl - average concentration of radionuclide I in undiluted liquid effluent representative of the volume VOL (uCl/ml)

VOL = total volume of liquid effluent released (gal)

DF = average dilution water flow (CWR decant line) during release period (gal / min)

Z =

5. near field dilution factor n (Derived from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev 0)

U 1


_ . _ . - - - - . - ~_-_ -.-._ - . - - - -

1 ODCM-6.0 DRAFT PaDe 6.0-13 _

1.67 E-02 = 1 hr/60 min i l

l The site-specific ingestion dose / dose commitment factors (A lo)

I represents a composite dose factor for the fish and drinking water pathway. The site-specific dose factor is based on the NRC's generic  !

maximum Individual consumption rates. Values of Ago are presented in i

' Table 6-1. They were derived in accordance with guldence of NUREO-0133 l from the following equation: l Alo = 1,14 E + 05 (UW/DW + Up

  • BF )i DFl (6-11) where:

Up = 21 kg/yr adult fish consumption UW = 730 liters /yr adult water consumption Dw = 15.4, additional dilution from the near field to the water intake for the City of Monroe (Not dilution factor of 77 from discharge point to drinking water intake, Formi 2 UFSAR, Chapter 11, Tabie 11.2-11)

BFg = Bloaccumulation factor for radlonuclide 1 In fish from Table 6-2 (pCl/kg per pCl/ liter)

- (~3 DFj = dose conversion factor for nuclide I for adults in organ o V. from Table E-11 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (mrom/pCl) ,

1,14 E + 05 - 106 (pCl/uCl) 103 g,,jpg) 8760 (hr/yr)

The rad!onuclides included in the periodic dose assessment required by ODCM are those identified by gamma spectral analysis of the liquid waste samples collected and analyzed per the requirements of ODCM Table In keeping with the NUREG-0133 guidance, the adult age group represents the maximum exposed individual age group.

Evaluation of doses for other age groups is not required for demonstrating compliance with the dose criteria of ODCM The dose analysis for radionuclides requiring radiochemical analysis will be performed after receipt of_ results of the analysis of the composite samples, in keeping with the required analytical frequencies of ODCM Table, tritium dose analyses will be performed at least monthly; Sr-89, Sr-90 and Fe-55 dose analyses will be performed at least quarterly.

6.5.2 - Simplified Liquid Effluent Dose Calculation in lieu of the individual radionuclide dose assessment presented in Section 6.5.1, the following simplified dose calculation may be used for demonstrating compliance with the dose _Ilmits of ODCM (Refer to -

Appendix A for the derivation of this simplified method.)


ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-14 Total Body Dtb " 9.69 E + 03 . VOL

. [C; DF e Z (6-12)

Maximum Organ D , a 1.18 E + 04 . VOL DF e 2

. [C g (6-13) where:


= average concentration of redlonuclide Iin undiluted liquid effluent representative of the volume VOL (uCl/ml)

VOL = volume of undiluted l!! auld effluent released (gel)

DF = average dilution water flow (CWR decent line) during release period (gal / min)

Z -= 5, near field dilution factor (derived from Regulatory Oulde 1.109, Rev 0)


= conservatively evaluated total body dose (mrom)

Dmax " conservatively evaluated maximum organ dose (mrom) l 9.6g E + 03 = 0.0167 (hr/ min)

  • 5.80 E + 05 (mrom/hr per uCl/ml, Cs-13s total body dose factor from Table 6.0-1) 1.18 E + 04 - 0.0167 (hr/ min)
  • 7.09 E + 05 (mrom/hr per oCl/ml, Cs-134 liver dose factor from Table 6.0-1)


6.5.3 Contaminated CWR System - Dose Calculation if the CWR System becomes contaminated, releases via the CWR System to Lake Erie must be included in the evaluation of the cumulative dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC as required by ODCM ODCM Section 6.4 7 described the methods for-quantifying and controlling releases from the l

CWR System.

For calculating the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, Equation (6-10) remains applicable for releases from the OSW System with the following j assumptions:

- DF, Dilution Flow, is set equal to the average CWH docant line flow L,

rate over the release period.

L i

- Ci, Radionuclide Concentration,is determined as specified in ODCM L Section 6.4.

.w.- *s- nEs,w dr -m-- ----w--r-en-,.we-,rw ,e,v- ---w,--wm- - , - , - - , ,- -rw--w,-,vw--,,-,.irw--.r-mr---,r,r m ,-,-wvw. .vv . r, r -o w -, ve e

ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-15

- VOL. Volume Reiens., ..t equal to the total volume of the discharges to Lake Erle via the CWR decent line as specified in Section 6.4.

6.6 Liquid Effluent Dose Projections 10 CFR 53.30a tsquires licensees to maintain and operate the Radweste System to ensure releases are maintained ALARA. This requirement is implemented through ODCM This section requires that the Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing System be used to reduce the radioactive materiallevels in the liquid waste prior to release when the projected dose in any 31 day period wouls exceed:

- 0.06 mrom to the total body, or

- 0.2 mrom to any organ Wnen the projected doses exceed either of the above limits, the waste must be processed by the Liquid Radwaste System prior to release. This dose criteria for processing is established at one forty elghth of the design objective rate (3 mrom/yr, total body or 10 mrem /yr any or0an) in any 31 day period.

The applicable Liquid Waste Processing System for maintaining radioactive material releases ALARA Is the 100 Exchange System as delineated in Figure 6-1. Alternately, the Waste Evaporator (presented in the Fermi 2 UFSAR, Section 11.2) can be used to meet the NRC ALARA design requirements. it may be used in conjunction with or in llou of the ion Exchange System to meet the waste processing requirements of ODCM

Each BATCH release of liquid radweste is evaluated to ensure that cumulative rioses are rnanntained A1 ARA In keeping with the reguliements of ODCM, dose projections are made at least once por 31 days to evaluate the need for additional redweste processing to ensure future releases are maintained ALARA.

The following equationL may be used for the dose projection calculatiom Dtbp = Dtb (31/ d)

Dmaxp = Dmax (31/ d)

(6-15) where:

Dtbp = the total body dose projection for the next 31 day period (mrem)

NOTE: The reference calendar quarter is norrnally the current calendar quarter, if the dose projection is done in the first month of the quarter and is to be based on dose calculated for the previous quarter, the reference calendar quarter is the previous quarter.

Dtb = the cumulative total body dose for all releases to date in the reference calendar quarter (normally the current quarter) as determined by equation (6-10) or (6-12) (mrem)

ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-16 Dmaxp

  • the maximum organ dose projection for the next 31 day period (mrem)


  • the cumulative maximum organ dose for all releases to dato in the reference calendar quarter as determined by Equation (6-10) or g6 13) (mrem) d
  • the number of days from the beginning of the reference calendar quarter to the date of the most recent release in the reference calendar quarter. ,

31 a the number of days in projection END OF SECTION 6.0 s


ODCM-6.0 DRATT Page 6.0-17 i

TABLE 6.0-1 Fermi 2 Site Specific Liquid Ingestion Dose Commitment Factors Ago (mrem /hr per uCl/ml)

Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 -

7.94 E-1 7.94 E- 1 7.94 E-1 7.94 E-1 ' 7.94E-1 7.94E-1 C-14 3.13E+ 4 6.26E+3 6.26E + 3 6.26E+3 6.26E+3 6.26E+3 0.26E+3 Na-24 4.16E+ 2 4.16E+ 2 4.16 E + 2 4.16E+ 2 4.16E+2 4.16E+ 2 4.16E+ 2 I P-32 1.39E+ 6 8.62E+4 5.36E+4 - - - 1.56E+ 5 l i

Cr-51 - -

1.29E+0 7.70E-1 2.84E-1 1.71E+ 0 3.24E+ 2 Mn-54 - 4.40E+3 8.40 E + 2 -

1.31E+3 -

1.35E +4 Mn-56 -

1.11E+2 1.96E+ 1 -

1.41E+2 -

3.53E+3 FO-55 6.73E+2 4.65E+ 2 1.08E+2 - - 2.59E+ 2 2.67E+2 Fo-59 1.06E+3 2.50E+3 9.57E+2 - -

6.98E+2 8.32 E+3 Co-57 -

2.19E+ 1 3.64E+ 1 - - -

5.55E+ 2 Co-58 -

9.32E+ 1 2.09E+ 2 - - - 1.89E+3 Co-60 -

2.68E+2 5.00E+2 - - -

5.03E+3 NI-63 3.18E+4 2.21 E+3 1.07E+3 - - -

4.60E+ 2 N1-65 1.29E+2 1.68E+ 1 7.66 E+ 0 - - -

4.26E + 2 Cu-64 -

1.04E+1 4.89E+ 0 -

2.63E + 1 -

8.88E+2 q

k/ Zn-65 2.32E+4 7.38E+4 3.34 E + 4 -

4.94 E+ 4 -

4.65E+ 4 1.42E+ 1 Zn-69 4.94E+1 9.44E+1 6.57E+0 - 6.14E +1 Br-82 - -

2.28E+3 - - -

2.62E+3 Br-83 - -

4.06 E+ 1 - - -

5.85E+1 Br-84 - -

5.27 E + 1 - - -

4.13E-4 Br-85 -- -

2.16E+ 0 - - -

1.01 E-15 Rb-86 -

1.01E+ 5 4.71 E + 4 - - - 1.99E+ 4 Rb-88 -

2.90E+2 1.54 E+ 2 - - - 4.01E-9 Rb-89 -

1.92E+2 1.35E+ 2 - - -

1.12E-11 Sr-89 2.38c+4 -

6.83E+ 2 - - - 3.81E+3 Sr-90 5.85E+5 -

1.44 E+ 5 - - - 1.69E + 4 Sr-91 4.38E+2 -

1.77 E + 1 - - -

2.09E +3 Sr-92 1.66E+2 -

7.18E+ 0 - - -

3.29E+ 3 Y-90 6.28E-1 - 1.68E-2 - - -


-Y-91m 5.93E-3 -

2.30 E-4 - - -

1.74 E-2 Y-91 9.20E+0 -

2.46E- 1 - - -

5.06E+ 3 Y-92 5.51E-2 -

1.61E-3 - - -

9.66E+ 2 4.83E-3 - - -

5.55 E + 3 Y-93 1.75 E- 1 -

8.78E-2 2.04 E-1 -

4.11 E + 2 Zr-95 4.04 E- 1 1.30E- 1 -

2.06E-3 6.81E+ 3 -

1.40 E + 3 Zr-97 2.24E-2 4.51 E-3 -

2.46E+2 - 1.51 E 4 6 Nb-95 4.47 E+ 2 2.49 E + 2 1.34 E+ 2 -

Nb-97 3.75E+ 0 9.48E-1 3.46E-1 -

1.11 E + 0 3.50E+ 3 o ee -

i.2ce+2 2.4 ' t + 1 -

2 88t+2 -

2.aat+2 O =c T 99m 1.02E-2 2.88E-2 3.67 E- 1 1.48 E- 1 4.38E-1 2.72 E- 1 1.41 E-2 7.73 E-3 1.71 E + 1 4.54E- 14 Tc-101 1.05E-2 1.51 E-2 -

ODCM-6.0 DRAFT Pa9e 6.0-18 TABLE 6.0-1 Fermi 2 Site Specific Liquid ingestion Dose Commitment Factors Alo (mrom/hr per uCl/ml)

Nuclide Bone Liver T Body Thyroid Kidney Lung Gl-LLI 5.43E+0 - 2.34E40 -

2.07E+ 1 - 6.34E+ 2 Ru-103 4.52E-1 -

1.78E-1 - 5.84E+0 - 2.76E+ 2 Ru-105 1.02E+ 1 - 1.56E+ 2 - 5.22E+ 3 Ru-106 8.07E+ 1 Rh-103m - -

Rh-106 -

Ag-110m 1.75E+0 1.61 E+0 9.59E-1 - 3.17E+ 0 - 6.59E+ 2 Sb-124 2.18E+1 4.13E-1 8.66E40 5.20E-2 -

1.70E+ 1 6.20E+2 1.56E-1 3.32E+ 0 1.42E-2 -

1.00E+ 1 1.54 E+ 2 Sb-125 1.40E+ 1 9.35E+2 3.46E+ 2 7.76E+ 2 1.05E+4 - 1.03E+ 4 Tc-125m 2.58E+3 2.33E+3 7.94 E+ 2 1.67E+3 2.65E+4 - 2.19E+ 4 Tc-127m 6.52E+3 2.29E+ 1 7.85E+ 1 4.31E + 2 - 8.36E+ 3 Tc-127 1.06E+2 3.80E+ 1 Te-129m 1.11E+ 4 4.13E+3 1.75E+3 3.80E +3 4.62E+4 -

5.58E+4 7.37E+ 0 2.32 E+1 1.27E+ 2 -

2.28E + 1 Tc-129 3.02E+1 1.14E+ 1 Tc-131m 1.67 E+3 8.15E+2 6.79E+2 1.29E+3 8.25E+3 -

8.09E+4 Te-131 1.90E+ 1 7.93E+0 5.99E+0 1.56E+ 1 8 31E+1 -

2.69E+ 0 Tc-132 2.43E+3 1.57E+ 3 1.47E+3 1.7)E+3 1.51 E+ 4 - 7.42E+4 l-130 3.12E+1 9.21E+1 3.64E+ 1 7.81E+3 1.44E+ 2 -

7.93E+ 1 1-131 1.72E+ 2 2.46E+ 2 1.41 E+ 2 8.06E+4 4.21 E+2 -

6.49E+ 1 8.39E+0 7.85E+ 0 7.85E+ 2 3.57E+ 1 - 4.21 E + 0 1-132 2.24 E+ 1 1-133 5.87E+ 1 1.02E+2 3.11E + 1 1.50E+ 4 1.78E+2 -

9.17E+ 1 1-134 4.38E+ 0 1.19E+ 1 4.26E+ 0 2.00E + 2 189E+1 - 1.04 E-2 1-135 1.83E+ 1 4.79E+ 1 1.77E+1 3.16E+3 7.6BE+ 1 - 5.41E+1 5.80E+ 5 - 2.30E+5 7.62E+ 4 1.24 E + 4 Cs-134 2.98E+ 5 7.09E+ 5 Cs-136 3.12E+4 1.23E+ 5 8.87E+4 - 0.85E+4 9.40 E + 3 1.40 E+ 4 Cs-137 3.826+5 5.22E+5 3.42 E+ 5 - 1.77E+ 5 5.90E+4 1.01 E+4 Co-138 2.65E+ 2 5.22E+ 2 2.59E+2 -

3.84E+ 2 3.79E+ 1 2.23E-3 Ba-139 1.45E+0 1.04E-3 4.25E-2 - D.68E-4 5.87 E-4 2.58E+ 0 Ba-140 3.04 E + 2 3.82 t:-) 1.99E+ 1 - 1.30E-1 2.19E-1 6.26E+ 2 Ba-141 7.06E-1 5.33E-4 2.38E-2 - 4.96E-4 3.03E-4 3.33E-10 De-142 3.19E- 1 3.28E-4 2.01 E-2 -

2.77E-4 1.86E-4 4.49E- 19 La-140 1.63E-1 8.22E-2 2.17 E-2 - - -

6.04E+3 La-142 8.35E 3.80E-3 9.46E-4 - - -

2.77 E+ 1 Ce-141 7.30E-2 4.94E-2 5 60E-3 -

2.29 E-2 -

1.89 E + 2 Co-143 1.29E-2 9.51E+0 1.05E -

4.19E-3 -

3.56E+ 2 Ce-144 3.81 E+ 0 1.59E+ 0 2.04 E- 1 -

9.44E-1 -

1.29 E + 3 Pr-143 6.00E-1 2.41 E- 1 2.98E-2 -

1.39 E- 1 - 2.63E+3 1.96E-3 8.16E-4 9.98E-5 - 4.60E-4 -

2.83E- 10 4.40e-i 4.74t-i 2e4c-2 2.77c-1 -

2.28t + 3 O "Pr-144 a-147 -

i W- 187 2.96E + 2 2.48E + 2 8.66E + 1 - - -

8.12 E + 4 l

Np-239 3.49E-2 3.43E-3 1.89E-3 -

1.07 E-2 -

7.04 E + 2

ODCM-0.0 DRAFT Page 6.0-19 TABLE 6.0-2 Bloaccumulation Factors (BFi)

(pCl/kg per pCl/ liter)*

i Element Freshwater Fish 4 9.0E-01 C 4.6E+ 03 Na 1.0E+02 P 3.0E+ 03 Cr 2.0E+ 02 Mn 4.0E+02 Fe 1.0E+02 Co 5.0E4 01 NI 1.0E+02 Cu 5.0E+01 Zn 2.0E+ 03 Dr 4.2 E+ 02 Rb 2.0E+ 03 Sr 3.0E+ 01 Y 2.5E+01 Zr 3.3E+ 00 Nb 3.0E+04 Mo 1.0E+ 01 Tc 1.5E+01 Ru 1.0E+ 01 Rh 1.0E+01 AD 2.3 E+00 Sb 1.0E+ 00 Te 4.0E+ 02 1 1.5E+01 Cs 2.0E+ 03 Ba 4.0E+00

- La 2.5E+01 Ce 1.0E+ 00 Pr 2.5E+01 Nd 2.5E+ 01 W 1.2E+ 03

Np 1.0E+ 01 l



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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-7.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT O

v Page 7.0-1 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 7.0 OASEOUS EFFLUENTS 7.1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Controls 7.1.1 Effluent Monitoring - Ventilation System Releases The gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation required at Fermi 2 for controlling and monitoring radioactive effluents are specified in ODCM 3.3.7,12. The monitoring of each identified gaseous effluent release point must include the following:

- Noble Oss Activity Monitor

- lodine Sampler (sample cartridge containing charcoal or silver roollte)

- Particulate Sampler (filter paper)

- Sampler Flow Rate Monitor Meeting these requirements, a total of seven Eberline SPING Monitoring Systems are installed on the six gaseous release points (Onsite Storage Facility, Service Dullding. Radweste Dullding, Turbine Dullding, Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum, and Standby Oas Treatment System 7 Division 1 and Division 2). The SPING Monitor outputs are recorded (d electronically in the CT-2D Control Terminalin the Main Control Room.

In general, a reading exceeding the High alarm setpoint of the SPING Monitors causes an alarm in the Control Room. Fermi 2 ODCM Table identifies only the alarm function of the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum Effluent Monitor, the Standby Oas Treatment System Monitors, and the Onsite Storage Facility.

7.1.2 Main Condenser Offgas Moriitoring ODCM Table and Technical Specification Table specify monitoring requirements for the Offgas System at the 2.2 minute delay line. The following monitors are required:

- Hydrogen Monitor - used to ensure the hydrogen concentration in the Offges Treatment System is maintained less than 4% by volume as required by Technical Specification

- Noble Oas Activity Monitor - used to ensure the gross activity release rate is maintained within 340 millicuries per second after 30 minute decay as required by Technical Specification 3,11.2.7.

ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved: Release authorized by:

Change numbers incorporated:

DSN Rev DRAFT Date DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient

ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-2 o

V These two monitors perform safety functions. The Hydrogen Monitor monitors thu potential explosive mixtures in the Offgas System. lhe Noble Gas Monitor monitors the release rate from the main condenser ensuring doses at the exclusion area boundary will not exceed a small fraction of the limits of 10 CFR 100 In the event this effluent is inadvertently discharged directly to the environment bypassing the Offgas Treatment System.

7,1.3 Reactor Building Ventilation Monitors (Gulf Atomic)

The Gulf Atomic Monitors (D11-N408 and 410) on the Reactor Dullding Ventilation System provide on high radiation levels (above alarm setpoint)

Initiation of SGTS, Isolation of drywell vent / purge, Isolation of the RB and Control Center Ventilation Systems and initiation of Control Center recirculation modo ventilation. These monitors and functions are not required by Fermi 2 ODCM but are important in controlling containment .

venting / purging.

7.2 Sampling and Analysis of Oaseous Effluents The program for sampling and analysis of gaseous waste is prescribed in Fermi 2 ODCM Table This table distinguishes two types of gaseous releases: (1) containment PURGE, treated as BATCH releases, and (2) discharges from the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum (including Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) when operating), and other building ventilation exhausts, treated as CONTINUOUS releases.

7.2.1 Containment PURGE ODCM Table requires that a grab sample be collected and analyzed before each containment drywell PURGE. Sampling and analysis are required within eight hours before starting a PURGE.

ODCM Table Footnote i and ODCM also require that if the PURGING or VENTING la through the Reactor Building Vent, rather than through SGTS, additional sample and analyses are required every twelve hours throughout the release period. Analysis must include principal gamma emliters and tritium prior to venting and purging.

For a planned containment PURGE. the results of the sample and analysis are used to establish the acceptable release rate and radiation monitor alarm setpoint in accordance with ODCM Section 7.3. This evaluation is necessary to ensure compilance with the dose rate limits of ODCM

The periodic camples collected throughout the PURGE / VENT period are used to ensure that release conditions over an extended period are maintained within ODCM limits.

7.2.2 Ventilation System Releases ODCM Table requires continuous samples of releases from the RB Exhaust Plenum, Standby Gas Treatment System, Radweste Building, Turbine Building. Service Duilding, and Onsite Storage Facillity. The table specifies the following program; I

- Once por week, analysis of an adsorbent sample of I-131 and 1-133, l

plus analysis of a particulate sample for principal gamma emitters l

l l

ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-3

- Once por month, analysis of a composite particulate sample of all releases (by release point) that rnonth for gross alpha activity.

- Once per quarter, analysis of a composite particulate sample of all releases that quarter for St-89 and St-g0.

- Once per month, analysis of a grab sample for principal gamma emitters (noble gases and tritium). ,

ODCM Table also requires continuous monitoring for noble gases. This requirement is met by the SPINO Monitors on each of the plant gaseous release points.

The ODCM requires more frequent sampling and analysis following reactor star up, shutdown, or change in thermal power exceeding 15% within one hr. The ODCM allows exceptions to this increased sampling schedule provided that neither one of the following conditions exist:

- Primarv coolant dose equivalent 1-131 has increased more than a factor of three.

- Reactor Building SPING noble gas monitor has increased rnore than a factor of three.

Orab samples of the Fuel Pool Ventilation Exhaust are required tritium analysis once per seven days whenever spent fuelis in the Spent (q , fuel Pool. Also, grab samples for tritium are required when either the reactor well or the dryer separator pool la filled. These samples are taken at the Reactor Bullding Exhaust F'lenum and Standby Oas Treatment System (SOTS) when operating.

7.3 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoint Determination 73.1 Ventilation System Monitors Per the requirements of ODCM, alarm setpoints shall be established for the gasecus effluent monitoring instrumentation to ensure that the release rate of noble gases does not exceed the limits of ODCM

This section limits releases to a dose rate at the SITE BOUNDARY of 500 mrom/ year to the total body or 3000 mrem / year to the skin. From a l

grab sample analysis of the applicable release (i.e., grab sample of the Drywell or Ventilation System release), the radiation monitoring alarm setpoints may be established by the following calculational method. The i

measured radionuclide concentrations and release rate are used to calculate the fraction of the allowable release rate, limited by ODCM, by the equation:

FRAC = 1,67 E + 01

  • X/O
  • K ) i 500 (7-1)

FRAC = 1.67 E + 01

  • X/O
  • VF * [{C; * (L +3 1.1_M 1) 3 3000 (7-2)

i ODCM-7.0 DilAf1 Page 7.0-4 g


FRAC = fraction of the allowable release rate based on the identitled radlonuclide concentrations and the release flow rate X/O = annual average meterological dispersion to the controlling site boufdary location from Table 7.0-4 (soc /m ) ,

VF = Ventilation System flow rate for the applicable release point and monitor (liters / minute)


= concentration of noble gas redlonuclide i as determined by Damma spectral analysis of grab sample (uCl/cc)

Ki = total body dose conversion f actorf,or noble7.0-3) gas radionuclide I (mrom/yr per uCl/m from Table L1 = beta skin dose conversion factor fgr noble gas radionuclide 1 (mrom/yr per uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3)

Mi = gamma alt dose conversion f actog for noble gas radionuclide I (mrad /yr per uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3) 1.1 = mrom skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrem / mrad) 500 = total body dose rate limit (mrem /yr) 3000 = skin dose rate limit (mrom/yr) 1.67 E + 01 =

1 E + 03 (cc/ liter) * (1/60) (min /sec)

Based on the more limitinD (i.e, higher) value of FRAC as determined above, the alarm setpoints for the applicable monitors may be calculated by the equation:

SP =(AF . h + Bkg FRAC (7-3)


SP = alarm setpoint correspondinD to the maximum allowable release rate (uCl/cc)

Ukg = background of the monitor (uCl/cc)

AF = administrative allocation ' actor (Table 7.0-2) for the specific monitor and type release, which corresponds to tha fraction of the total allowable release rate that is administratively allocated to the Individual release points.


ODCM-7.0 DRAFT A Page 7.0-5 U

Ci = concentration of Noble Oas Radlonuclide I as determined by gamma spectral analysis of grab samplo (uCl/cc)

Note: If the monitor channel in question was showing a response to the effluent at the time of the grab sample, this response minus bacitground may be used in lieu of the summed grab sample concentrations.

The Allocation Factor (AF) is an administrative control imposed to ensure that combined releases from all telease points at Formi 2 will not exceed the regulatory limits on release rate from tho site (i.e., the release rate limits of ODCM From the Fermi 2 design evaluation of gaseous effluents presented in the UFSAR Section 11.3, representative values have been determined for AF. These values are presented in Table 7.0-2. These values may be changed in the future as warranted by operational experience, provided the site releases comply with ODCM In addition to the allocation factor, safety factors which have the effect of lowering the calculated setpoints may be applied. When combined with the Noble Gas Monitor calibration constant, the monitor sensitivity for Xe-133 may be used in lieu of the sensitivity values for the individual radionuclides. Decause of its lower gamma energy and corresponding monitor response, the Xe-133 sensitivity provides a conservative value for alarm setpoint determination.

7.3.2 Conservative, Generic Alarm Setpoints A conservative alarm setpoint can be established,in lieu of the Individual p

V radlonuclide evaluation (described above) based on the grab sample analysis. This approach eliminates the need to adjust the setpoint periodically to reflect minor changes in radionuclide distribution or release flow rate. The alarm setpoint may be conservatively determined t,ased on the UFSAR design radionuclido distribution values as summarized in Table 7.0-1. If due to a change in plant conditions this UFSAR redlonuclide mix is no longer conservative, setpoints based on the UFSAR mix will be recalculated using data from plant samples.

For the radionuclide distribution given in UFSAR Table 11.3-5, the estimated total body dose rate is higher than the estimated skin dose rate. Therefore, the more restrictive setpoint is based on the total body dose rate limit and is calculated with Equations (7-1) and (7-3). The calculated setpoints are presented in Table 7.0-2. These setpoints are not necessarily the current setpoints.

7.3.3 Gaseous Effluent Alarm Response - Evaluating Actual Release Conditions The monitor alarm setpoint is used as the primary method for ensuring and demonstrating compliance with the release rate limits of ODCM

Not exceeding alarm setpoints constitutes a demonstration that release rates have been maintained within the ODCM limits. When an offluent Noble Gas Monitor exceeds the alarm setpoint, an evaluation of compliance with the release rate limits must be performed using actual release conditions. This evaluation requires collecting a sampite of the effluent to establish actual radionuclide concentrations and permit evaluating the monitor response. The following equations may be used for evaluating compliance with the release rate limit of ODCM

_ . _ _ _ ~ - _

ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-6 l


  • 1.67 E + 01 e X/O e VF e [(K ie C i)



  • 1.67 E + 01 e X/O e VF e [((L; + 1.1 M li e Cs) l (7-5)  !

I i


Dtb = total body dose rate (mrom//r) l Ds = skin dose rate (mrom/yr)

X/O- a atmospheric dispersion to the egtrolling SITE BOUNDARY location (sec/m )

VF = Ventilation System release rate (liters / min)


= concentration of radionuclide I as measured in the grab sample or as correlated from the SPINO Noble Oss Monitor reading (uCl/cc)- ,.


Kl total body dose conversion factorf,or noble gas redlonuclide 1 (mrom/yr per uCl/m from Table 7.0-3)


= beta skin dose conversion factor f r noble gas radionuclide I (mrom/yr por uCl/m from Table 7.0-3)



gamma air dose conve s%n factogfor noble gas l radionuclide 1 (mrad /y car uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3) 1.1 = mrom skin dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrom/ mrad) t 1.67 E + 01 = 1 E + 03 (cc/ liter) e (1/60) (min /sec) 7.4 Contelnment Drywell VENTING and PURGING 7.4.1 - Release Rate Evaluation for drywell VENTING or PURGING, an evaluation of acceptable release rate ,

should be performed prior to the release. Based on the measured noble '

gas concentration in the grab sample collected per the requirements of ODCM Table, the allowable release rate can be calculated by the following equation:

RRtb =

00.AF _

l 1.67 E + 01 e X/O a { (K1

  • Ci ) (7-6) or RR* =

3000. AF 1.67 E + 01 a X/O * {((Ll + 1.1 Mg) a Cg)


Q-m ,w w . , . .,- - . - - . - - p ,- , -..,-w,, e .c m. ,m. ,y e-.w,w 7wwwwermyw--m--,w-tm,3%.ywy.,yrw

l ODCtA-7.0 DRAFT O v Page 7.0-7 l Where:


= allowable release rate so as not to exceed a dose rate  ;

of 500 mrom/yr, total body (liters / minute)  ;

= allowable release rate so as not to exceed a dose rate j RRs of 3000 mrom/yr, skin (liters /minuta)

AF = allocation factor for the applicable release point from Table 7.0-2 (default value is 0.5 for Reactor Dullding Exhaust Plenum) 500 = total body dose rate limit (mrem /yr) l 3000 = skin dose rate limit (mrem /yr)

The lesser value (P3t b or RRs) as calculated above should be used for establishing the r flowable release rate for the drywell PURGINO or VENTING.

7.4.2 Alarm Setpoint Evaluation For a containment drywell VENTINO or PUROING, a re-evaluation of the alarm setpoint is needed to ensure compliance with the requirements of .

ODCM For the Identified release path (R0 Exhaust Plenum or SOTS) I and associated effluent Radiation Monitor, the alarm setpoint should be calculated using Equations (7-1), (7-2) and (7-3). In Equations (7-1) and t' (7-2), the value of the Ventilation Flow VF should be established at the total release flow rate, including the contribution from the PURGE or VENT, if the cFlculated alarm setpoint is greater than the current setpoint, no ,

abjustments are necessary. l 1

7.5 Quantifying Reisases - Noble Oases The determination of doses in the environment from releases is dependent on the mixture of the radioactive material. Also, NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21 requires reporting of individual radionuclides relertsed in gaseous effluents. Therefore, Detroit Edison must determine the quar,t!tles of the Individual radionuclides released.

For noble gases, these quantitles must be based on actual noble gas grab samples.

7.5.1 Sampling Protocol As required by ODCM, a gas sample is collected at levst monthly from each of the six gaseous release points (Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum, Standby Oas Treatment System, Redweste Building, Turbine Building, Onsite Storage Facility, and Service Building). As i discussed in ODCM Section 7.2.2, this gas sample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to iderttify individual radionuclides (noble gases). To date (May 1990) noble ga ees have been detected only in the reactor building effluent.


ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-8 (3

V in addition to these monthly samples from each release point, noble gas grab samples from the Offgas Vent Pipe rrsy be collected using the sample lines of the abandoned Offgas Vent Pipe Monitor (D11-N105 and 011-N108). Since noble gases are more concentrated at this point than at the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum, a greater number of noble gases are detected at this point. Sampling should be performed monthly at the Offgas Vent Pipe unless the reactor is shut down or noble gas concentrations increase aufficiently to allow detection of all significant noble gas nuclides at the Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum.

For Containment PURGENENT, samples are collected prior to tne initiation of the release and periodically throughout the release (see ODCM Section 7.2.1). These samples are evaluated using Equations (7-4) and (7-5) to ensure that the site boundary dose rate limits of ODCM 'J.11.2.1 are not exceeded. For an extended PURGENENT pedod (e.g., longer than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />),

drywell altborne activl'y levels will equilibrate. After equilibrium la reached, the quantification of the PURGF/ VENT can be adequately addressed by the periodic (typlcally weekly) sample and analysis of the Reactor Dullding Exhaust Plenum or Standby Oas Treatment System.

As required by ODCM Table, special samples are required of the RD Exhaust Plenum and SOTS following shutdown, startup or a THERMAL POWER change exceeding 15% within a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period. Exceptions to this special sampling are allowed as noted previously in ODCM Section 7.2.2.

O V 7.5.2 Release Concentratt.,n Determination for Reactor Building Exhaust Plenum in cases where both a RB Exhaust P! anum noble gas sample and an Offges Vent Pipe (OGVP) sample have been taken, the RB Exhaust Plenum noble gas concentratir ns are determined as follows: First, the RD SPING channel 1-5 readings (above background) at the times the two samples were taken are compared, and the noble gas concentrations for the sample taken at the lower RD SPINO channel 1-5 reading are normalized to the higher RD SPINO channel 1-5 reading. Second, a dilution factor relating OGVP concentrations to RD Exhaust Plenum concentrations is Calculated by dividing the RD Exhaust Plenum flow rate (nominally g.43 E4 cfm) by the OGVP flow rate as indicated in the control room (N62-R808, blue pen). Third, the OGVP noble gas concentretions are divided by this dilution factor. Fourth, the diluted OOVP noble gas concentrations are compared to the RD Exhaust Plenum noble gas concentratiom, and the higher of the the two concentration values for each nuclide :s taken to be the RB Exhaust Plenum concentration for that nuclide. (For pt rposes of calculation, the concentrations of nuclides which are not detected are taken to be zero.) Fifth, the resulting RB Exhaust Plenum concen rations are corrected for variations during the l

t release period by multillying each concentration value by the average RD SPING channel 1-5 reaa ng (above background) for the 1


____ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . __ . . . _ _ _ ___ ~___ .- . _ _ _ _ .__ _ _. __.. .- -____.. _

ODCM-7 0 DRAl~T Page 7.0-9 period divided by the higher of the two RB SPINO channel 1-5 sample readings (above background) at time the samples were taken. These corrected values are then used as Ci in Equation (7-8) to determine the quantity of noble gases released.

7.5.3 Calculation of Activity Released The following equation may be used for determining the release quantitles from any release point based on the grab sample analysis:

Og = 1.0 E + 03

  • T
  • C1 (7-8)


Q) = total activity released of radionuclide I (uCl)

VF = Ventilation System release rate (liters / min)

T = total time of release period (min) 1.0 E + 03 = mililliters per liter Cl

= concentration of redlonuclide I as determined by gamma spectral analysis of grab sample (uCl/cc) corrected for variations during release period as described in Section 7.5.2 7.6 Site Boundary Dose Rate - Radiolodine and Particulates ODCM limits the dose rate to <1500 mrem /yr to any organ for 1-131,1-133, tritium and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days. To demonstrate compilance with this limit, an evaluation is performed at a frequency no greater than that corresponding to the sampling and analysis time period (nominally once per 7 days). The following equation may be used for the dose rate evaluation:

Do = X/O * [(Rl

  • 0 6)




average organ dose rate over the sampling time period (mrom/yr) l X/O

atmospheric dispersion to the corgrolling SITE DOUNDARY location i

for the Inhalation pathway (sec/m ) from Table 7-4 3


= dose parameter for radionuclide I, (mrotuiyr per uCl/m ) for the l

child inhalation pathway from Table 7-5 l

Og = average release rate over the appropriate samplinD period and analysis frequency for radionuclide I -- 1-131,1-133, tritium or other radionuclide in particulate form with half-life greater than 8 days (UCL':cc)

  • - r-y- N

ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-10 Q)s Og = Cl

  • 1.67E + 01 Where:

VF = f,'erage ventilation flow for release point (liters / min)


- Cr ,antration of radionuclide i as ostermined by gamma spectral analysis of media (uCl/ml) i 1.67E + 01 = IE + 03 (cc/litor) * (1 min / 60 sec) 7.6.1 Simplified Dose Rate Evaluation for Radiolodines and Particulates it is conservative to perform a simplified evaluation of allowable releases by

- applying the I-131 dose factor to all measured radionuclides. If the 1-131 dose factor is used for each nuclide in Equation (7-g) and if the calculated '

dose rate does not ex: ecd 1500 mrom/ year, no additional analyses are needed to varify compilance with the ODCM limits on allowable release rate.

7.7 Noble Gas Effluent Dose Calculations - 10 CFR 50 7.7.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Noble Gases ODCM requires a periodic assissment of releases of noble gases to evaluate compliance with the quarterly dose limits of 5 mrad, gamma-air and 10 mrad, beta-air and the calendar year limits 10 mrad, gamma-air and 20 mrad, beta-nir. The following eqcations may be used to calculate the k

gamma-air and beta-air dosts:

D. . = 3.17 E - 08

  • X/O * [(Mg
  • 00 (7-10) and D = 3.17 E - 08
  • X/O * ' [(Ng
  • Og)


D = air dose due to gamma emiselons for noble gas I radionuclides (mrad)

D = air dose due to beta emissions for noble gas O radionuclides (mrad)

X/O -

= atmospheric SITi! BOUNDARY dispersion to the cg) trolling location (sec/m

' 0; - cumuistive release of noble gas radionuclide i over the period of interest (uCl)

M-i a air dose factor due to gamma erg'ssions from noble gas radionuclide I (mrad /yr per uCi/m , from Table 7.0-3)



ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-11 Ni = air dose factor due to beta emissgons from noble gas radionuclide I (mrad /yr por uCl/m . Tablu 7.0-3) 3.17 E - 08 = 1/3.15 E + 07 (year /sec) 7.7.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Noble Gases in llou of the individual noble gas radionuclide dose assessment presented above, the following simplified dose calculational equations may be used for verifying compliance with the dose limits of ODCM (Refer to Appendix C for the derivation and justification of this simplified method.)

D = 2.0

  • 3.17 E - 08
  • X/O
  • Mett * [Oi and Dg = 2.0
  • 3.17 E - 08
  • X/O
  • Nett * [0i (7-13)


Mett = 2.7 E /yr

+ 03, per effectivg) gamma-air dose factor (mrad uCl/m Nett = 2.3 E /yr

+ 03, (mrad per effectivg)bota-air uCl/m dose factor 2.0 = conservatism factor to account for potential variability in the radionuclide distribution 7.8 Radiolodine and Particulate Dose Calculations 10 CFR 50 7.8.1 UNRESTRICTED AREA Dose - Radiolodine and Particulates in accordance with requirements of ODCM, a periodic assessment is required to evaluate compilance with the quarterly dose limit of 7.5 mrem and the calendar year Ilmit of 15 mrom to any organ. The following equation may be used to evaluate the maximum organ dose due to releases of I-131, tritium and particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days:

Daop = 3.17 E - 08

  • W
  • SFp [(R i* Q 1)


Whe re'.

Daop = dose or dose commitment via controlling Pathway p and Age Group a (as identified in Table 7.0-4) to Organ o, including the total body (mrem)

W = atmospheric dispersion parameter to the controlling location (s) as identified in Table 7.0-4:


ODCM-7.0 DRAFT PaDe 7.0-12 W = X/Q, atmospheric dispersion for Inhalation pathway and H-3 dose contribution via other pathways (sec/m )

W =

D/Q, atmospheric deposition for veggation, milk and ground plane exposure pathways (m )


3 R1 = doge f actor for radionuclide I,(mrem /yr per uCl/m ) or (m - mrom/yr per uOl/sec) from Table 7.0-5 for each Age Group (a) and the applicable Pathway (p) as

  • identitled in Table 7.0-4. Values for Ri were derived in accordance with the methods described in NUREG-0133. As noted in NUREG-0133 section, in the case that the milk animal is a goat, parameter values from Reg Guide 1.109 should be used. For 1-131, for example, use of the goat feed /forago consumption rate given in Table E-3 and the stable element transfer factor given in Table E-2 of Reg Guide 1.109 results in grass-goat-milk dose factors which are equivalent to the grass-cow-milk dose factors in Tbble 7.0-5 multiplied by 1.2.

0; = cumulative -elease over the period of interest for radIonuclide I -- l-131 or radioactive material in particulate form with half-Ilfe greater than 8 days (uCl).

SFp = annual seasonal correction factor to account for the fraction of the year that the applicable exposure pathway does not exist:

1) For milk and vegetation exposure pathways:

= A six month fresh vegetation and Drazing season (May through October) limits exposure through this pathway to half the year

= 0.5 (derived from Guide 1.109, Rev 1)

2) For Inhalation and ground plane exposure pathways:

= 1.0 (derived from Reg Guide 1.109, Rev 1) 3.17 E - 08 = 1/3.15 E + 07 (year /sec)

The age group with the highest potential dose via the controlling pathway should be used for evaluating the maximum exposed individual. This determination is based on a comparison of the age group pathway dose conversion factors (Table 7-5). The infant age group is controlling for the milk pathway and the child age group is controlling for the vegetable pathway. Only the controlling age group and pathway identified in Table 7.0-4 need be evaluated for compliance with ODCM 311.2.3.


ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-13


v 7.8.2 Simplified Dose Calculation for Radiolodines and Particulates in llou of the individual radionuclide (1-131 and particulates) dose assessment presented above, the following simplified dose calculation may be used for verifying compliance with the dose limits of ODCM

Dmax = 3.17 E - 08

  • W
  • SFp
  • Ri -131 * [Qi

, (7-15)


Dmax = maximum organ dose (mrem)

RI -131 = l-131 dose parameter for the thyrold for the identified controlling pathway

= 4.76 E + 10, child thyrgld dose parameter for the vegetable pathway (m - mrem /yr per uCl/sec)

The ground plane exposure and inhalation pathways need not be considered when the above simplified calculational method is used because of the overall negligible contribution of these pathways to the total thyroid dose, it is recognized that for some particulate radionuclides (e.g., Co-60 and Cs-137), the ground exposure pathway may represent a higher dose contribution than either the vegetation or milk pathway. However, use of O the 1-131 thyroid dose parameter for all radionuclides will maximize the U organ dose calculation, especially considering that no other radionuclide has a h!gher dose parameter for any organ via any pathway than 1-131 for the thyrold via the vegetable or milk pathway.

The location of exposure pathways (critical receptors) and the corresponding maximum organ dose calculation should be based on the pathways identified by the annual land-use census (ODCM 3.12.2).

Otherwise, the dose should be evaluated based on the predetermined controlling pathways identified in Table 7.0-4.

7.9- Gaseous Effluent Dose Projection As with liquid effluents, the Fermi 2 ODCM controls on gaseous effluents require

" processing

  • of gaseous effluents if the projected dose exceeds specified limits.

These controls implement the requirements of 10 CFR 50.360 on maintaining and using the appropriate radwaste processing equipment to keep releases ALARA.

ODCM requires that the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM be used to reduce radioactive material levels prior to discharge when the projected dose exceeds 0.3 mrem to any organ in any 31 day period (i.e., one-quarter of the design objective rate). Figure 7.0-1 presents the gaseous effluent release points and the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS applicable for reducing effluents prior to release.



ODCM-7.0 DRAFT Page 7.0-14 Dose projection is performed at least once per 31 days using the following equation:

Dmaxp a Dmax * (31/ d)



Dmaxp " maximum organ dose projection for the next 31 day period (mrem)

NOTE: The reference calendar quarter is normally the current calendar quarter. If the dose projection is done in the first month of the quarter and is to be based on dose calculated for the previous quarter, the reference calendar quarter is the previous quarter.


= the cumulative maximum organ dose from the beginning of the reference calendar quarter (normally the current quarter) to the end of the most recently evaluated release period as determined by Equation (7-14) or (7-15) (mrem) d = number of days from the beginning of the reference calendar quarter to the end of the most recently evaluated release period.

31 = number of days in projection END OF SECTION 7.0 9


' ODCM-7.0 DRAFT 0 Page 7.0-15 TABLE 7.0-1 Def ault Noble Gas Radionuclide Distribution

  • of Gaseous Effluents Radionuclide Fraction of Total (Al/ A)i Kr-85tn 0.10 Kr-85 0.01 Kr-88 0.04 Kr-89 0.06 Xe-133 0.67 Xe-135 0.02 Xe-137 0.02 Xe-138 0.07 TOTAL 0.99 NOTE:
  • Data adapted from Fermi 2 UFSAR, Section 11.3, Table 11.3-5. Kr-90, Kr-91, Xe-139, and Xe-140 have been excluded from the distribution. Because of their short half-lives, they decay during transport off site to negligible levels of activity. Kr-87, Xe-131m, and Xe-133m have been excluded because of their negligible fractional abundance.


i ODCM-7.0 DRAFT O Page 7.0-16 TABLE 7.0-2 Generic Values for Evaluating Gaseous Release Rates and Alarm Setpoints Allocation Allocated Dose Release Point Flow Rate

  • Factor Rate Limit Generic Alarm (liter / min) (AF) (mrem / year) Setpoint (uCl/ml)

Reactor Building 2.67E6 0.50 T Body = 250 1.02E-4+ Bkg Exhaust Plenum Skin = 1500 D11-P280 Organ = 375 Standby Gas 1.07E5 0.10 T Body - 25 6.12E-4+ Bkg Treatment System Skin = 150 Div i D11-P275 Organ = 75 Standby Gas 1.12E5 0.10 T Body = 25 6.17E-4 + Ukg Treatment System Skin = 150 Div ll D11-P276 Organ = 75 Turbine Building 8.67E6 0.20 T Body = 50 1.06E-5+ Bkg Ventilation Skin = 300 D11-P279 Organ a 150 Service Building 9.06E5 0.01 T Body = 2.5 7.93E-6+ Bkg Ventilation Skin = 15 D11-P282 Organ - 7.5 Radwaste Building 1.13E6 0.02 T Body = 5 6.22E-6+ Bkg Ventilation Skin = 30 D11-P281 Organ = 15 Onsito Storage 3.06E5 0.02 T Body = 5 1.g3E-4+ Bkg Building Skin = 30 Ventilation Organ = 15 D11-P281 Reactor Building 2.57E6 0.50 T Body a 125 0.10E-6 epm Ventilation ** Skin -750 Gulf Atomic Monitors D11-N408,N410

  • Ventilation flow rate values are subject to change due to plant modifications and changing plant conditions; therefore updated values may be used.
    • D11-N408 and N410 will start the SGTS, close the Drywell Purge / Vent Valves, isolate Rx Building Ventilation System, isolate Control Center, ::nd initiate emergency recirculation mode. Alarm setpoints for these monitors are not required by the ODCM controls but have been included in this table for completeness.

ODCM-7.0 DRAFT V,o PaDe 7.0-17 TABLE 7.0-3 Dose Factors for Noble Gases

  • Total Dody Skin Gamma Air Beta Air Gamma Dose Beta Dose Dose Factor Dose Factor Nuclide Factor Ki Factor Li Mi Ni (mrem uCl/m/yg)per (mrem uCl/m/yg)per (mrad uCi/m /yrf)er (mrad uCl/m /yrf) er Kr-83m 7.56E-02 ----- 1.93E+ 01 2.88E+ 02 Kr-85m 1.17E+ 03 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+ 03 1.72E+01 1.95E+ 03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+ 04 2.93E +03 Kr-89 1.66E+04 1.01 E+04 1.73E+ 04 1.06E+04 Kr-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E+03 Xe-131m 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11E+03 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 Xo-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 - 3.53E+02 1.05E+ 03 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03 1.27E+04 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 4.75E+03 p Ar-41 8.84E+ 03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03 V


_ _ , _ _ _ _ , . - _ . _ . . _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ . - _ .m. . . _ _ _ _ . . _ m - ->_

ODCM-7.0 DRAFT f/ 3 Page 7.0-18 M:

- TABLE 7.0 Controlling Locations, Pathways, and Atmospheric Dispersion for Dose Calculations

  • Atmospheric Dispersion Factor-ODCM Location Pathway (s) - Controlling X/O D/O 3 2 Centrol Age' Group (sec/m ) (1/m ) - a site boundary noble gases N/A RD: 2.75E-6 N/A 1

(0.78 ml, N): direct - TB: 1.35E-5 exposure RW: 6.12E-6

= site boundary inhalation child RB; 2.75E-6 N/A (0.36 mi, NE) TB: 1.35E-5

, RW: 6.12E-6 . site boundary gamma-air ' -N/A RB: 2.75E-6 N/A.

(0.36 ml, NE) - beta-air TB: 1.35E-5 RW: 6.12E-6

- p .:

.g .

F ~ - residence milk, infant RB: 1.24E-7 9.57E-10

.(2.1 mi, WNW) . Inhalation, and . TB: 3.24E 1.60 E-9

-1.20E-9 ground plane RW: 2.02E NOTE:

' C 5The identified controlling locations and. pathways have been determined from the 1989 land-use "

- census. data 'The atmospheric dispersion factors for these locations were derived from.

meteorological data records for the period 1/1/89 to 12/31/89. Dispersion factors are given for the

- three gaseous release points from which radioactive releases other than natural products have been detected: the reactor building (RB), the turbine building (TB), and the radwaste building (RW).

Dispersion factors for other release points are available from the X/O and D/O data tables. New dispersion factors are calculated at the end of each calendar year based on the previous year's

. meterological data; such now factors should be used to calculate dose for the February Semiannual Effluent. Release Report pending revision of this table.

1 O:


1 2 - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ ,_ _ _ , ,_ _

7 eNo / 0 4 t i f t cos ret h.a r puse te*an t ment Factoes-n e * , an.i .t m r. ibm s ., t .< i., e - 4wi.t ODCM -7.0 hee./, Pee cve9 DRAFT g Page 7.0-10 m i u. eene u e. 16tieu a n.e, use 61-ai 7. nw r M-3

  • 1.26te) 1.26te3 ' t.24te) 1.26tel 1.24te) 1.768*3 C-14 .1.82tet 3.4ttel 3.41E*3 3.411 3 3,41t*3 1.4tk*3 3.41te) ha-24 1.02t*4 1.02te4 1.02 ten 1.028*4 l.02 ten 1.021 4 1.02te4 P-32 1.32E 6 1.71t*4 - -
  • 8.64te4!*4 Ct-St - -

5.95tet 2.2 stet 1.44te4 1.326 3 1.00te2 Ma- 54 + 3.96t*4 - 9.441 3 1.40t*6 7.74t*4 4.30tel no-56 = 1.24teo - 1.30t*0 9. 4 4 t e ) 2.021 4 t 815-1 fe-55 3.46te4 1.70E*4 . . - 7.211 4 4.031 3 3.94te3 te-59 l.1A1 4 2.78te4 - -

1.02E.6 1.081 5 1.04te4 Co-57 - 6.925 2 - . 3.701 5 3.141 4 6. 7 t t* 2 Co-5s . 1.54t.3 . - 9.24te5 1.06tel 2.071+3 Co-60 - 1.15t*4 - - 5.97E*4 2. s 5t. 5 1.4 sten

  1. 1-63 4.12t+5 3.14tes . . 1.7ste5 1.341 4 1. 4 5 t.4
  1. 1-65 1.54t*0 2.101-1 - -

5.60t+3 1.23Ee4 9.121-2 Cw-64 - 1.44t eo = 4.428 0 6.78Ee3 4,90f*4 6.151 1 to-65 3.24t+4 1.03t+5 -

6.901 4 8.64t*5 5. 34 t*4 4.66t*4 ta-69 3.3st-2 4.11t-2 + 4.221 2 9.20Ee2 1.63tel 4.52t-3 St-82 - - * - - 1,04te4 1. 35t e 4 Br 43 . . - - - 2.32te2 2.4tE*2 ar-44 . . . - + 1.641 3 3.131 2 St-85 . - . . . . 1.2 stet Rb-66 - 1.35t+5 - . - 1.661 4 5. 90Ee 4 tb-84 - 3.87E*2 - . . 3.34E-9 1.93t*2 Rb-89 - 2.56t+2 - * *

  • 1.70t*2 St*89 3.048*5 * - + 1.40t+6 3.50tel 8.721 3 St-90 9.921+7 * *
  • 9.60te 6 7.221*5 6.10t+6

$t-91 6,19t*1 - =

  • 3.65t+4 1.91Ee5 2.50te0

$r 92 6.74t+0 - * - 1.65E+4 4.308 4 2.918 1 T-90 2.09t*3 - - - 1.70s.5 5.06t+1 5.6 t t e t T 9te 2.61E+1 . - . 1.92te) 1.311 0 1.02E-2 T-91 4.62t+5 . . - 1.70t+4 3.45t+5 1.24t*4 T-92 1.03 Eel = *

  • t.51t+4 7.35t*4 3.02E-1 T-93 9.44tet . . - 4.83te4 4.22 Eel 2.6tE*0 tr-95 1.07t+5 3.44t*4 -

5.421 4 t.77t+4 1.501+5 2.331*4

. It-97 9.64t*t 1.968 1 . 2.97tel 7.871 4 5.23Ee5 9.04teo

%./ Db-95 1.41t*4 7.821 3 -

7.74te3 5.051 5 1.04tel 4.2tte)

Wb-97 2.238-1 5.62t-2

  • 6.54E-2 2.40s,1 2.42t+2 2.05E-2 Nett = 1.21E*2 - 1.91te2 9.121 4 2.48t*5 2.30t*1 To-tie 1.031-3 2.911 3 -

4.421-2 7.64t*2 4.16t*3 3.701-2 Tc-101 4.181-5 6.021-5

  • 1.041-3 3.99te!
  • 5.908-4 Bu-103 1;53tel a
  • 3.titel 5.05!*5 1.10Ee5 6.58tet Re+105 7.901-1 - -

1.025 0 1.101 4 4.82t+4 3.111-1 pu-906 6.91t+4 = =

1.341 5 9.36t+6 9.121 5 4.72te)

Rh*105e - - . . . . .

gh-tD6 * * - = . = =

Aa-110e 1.04t*4 1.001 4 -

1.975 4 4.6)(+4. 3.02tel 5.94 te)

Sb-124 3.12t*4 5.89t+2 7.55Ee1

  • 2.44t+6 4.04te$ 1.245 4

$b-125 5.345 4 5.95t+2 5.40t*1 - 1.74t*6 1.0tt5 1,16 tee Te+125m 3.42t+3 1.14t*3 1.05t*3 1.24t*4 3.14 t+ 5 7.06tet 4.67t*2 Te-127e 1.261+4 5.77E*3 3.29t*3 4.5a5 4 9.60s.5 1.50t+5 1.57t*3 Te-127 1.40!*C 4.425-1 1.06t+0 5.10t*0 6.51E*3 5.74t*4 3 10t-1 Te+129e 9.76te) 4.47143 3.44te) 3.66t+4 1.16t+6 3.431*5 1.541*3 Te-129 . .4.94E-2 2.391-2 3.901-2 . 1.371-1 1.94tel 1.57t+2 1.241-2 Te-131e 6,99tet 4.34E+1 5.50tet 3.095 1 1.44te% 5.54E+5 2.90tet Te-13t 1.111-2 5.95t 3 9.365 3 4.371-2 1.39t*3 1.44t+1 3.591-3 i

l_ To-832 2.60tet 2.151 2 t,90t*2 1.46t*3 2.86t+5 5.101 5 1.62t*2 1 110 4.548 3 1.34t*4 1.ltre6 2.09t *4 - 7.49t*3 5.24te3 l I-131 2.52t*4 3.541 4 1.19t 7 4.13 t *4 -

6.28t+1 2.05t*4 1-132 1.161 3 3.261 3 t.14tel 5.tst.1 -

4.04te2 1.16 t + 1 1 133 8.64 Ee 3 f.482 4 - 2.15t 6 2.588 4 - 8.885 ) 4.52t+3 I-134 4.44te2 1.731 3 2.981 4 2.75t*3 -

1.01E*0 6.15t+2 l I-135 2.648 3 6.9 ate) 4.44te5 1.11t+4 - 5.255 3 2.57t+3 1: Cs-134 3.73t*5 0.48t*5 - 2.87t*5 9.76te4 1.04t*4 7.28t*5 t

' Co 136 3. 90t

  • 4 1.46E.1 -

s . 54 t*4 1.20te4 1.178 4 1. lot *5 Co-137 4.78Ee5 6.218e5 +

2.221*$ 7.52t*4 e.40E.3 4.28te5 Co-138 3.3tte! 6.2tt*2 -

4.80E*2 ~4.06tet t.841-3 3.24t+2 44 119 9.341-1 6.640 4 -

4. 2 J t-4 3.76t*3 0.96t*2 2. 74 E-2 Sa 140 3.90r*4 4.90E*t a 1.47tet 1.27t*4 f.181 5 1.57t*3 Se-141 1.000-1 7.53t+1 -

7.oot-5 1.94t*1 1.14t-7 3.34t-3 Sa.142 2.63t-2 2.70t-5 -

2.29t-i 1.19t*3 - 1.661-3 g% i t.a - 140 Le t42 3.44t*2 6.831-1 1.74t*2 3.10E-l 1.36tel 4.581 5 4.58t*1 6.331 3 2.tttel 7.72E-2 Ce-84 9 f.99E*4 1.35te4 -

4.J4tel 3.62t*5 1.20t*5 1.53t*3 Co 143 f.84t*2 1.38Ee2 -

4.081 1 7.98te4 2.26tel 1.51tel Ce-144 3.41E.6 1.43t*6 - 0.481*$ 7.781 6 8.16t*5 t.84t*5 Pr-14) 9.34te) 3.75tel -

2.14t e ) 2.411-5 2.001 5 4.44t*2 P r - 144 3.01t-2 1.25t-2 - 7,05t.) 1.02Ee3 2.15t 8 1.531-1 Nat47 5.27tel- 6. tote 3 -

3.54re) 2.2tE*5 9.731 5 3.45te2 W-147 8.48te0 7.oateo - -

2.901 4 1.55t 5 2.441 0 Ny-239 2.)Ut*2 2.26t*1 -

7. QOt
  • 1 3.76Fe4 1.19t*5 1.24t*1

Tw 7 0-s %u m.e n ODCM-7.0 Se.. 2.m.t.u.. c.a.., 0*.*. t..i r. utnicta DRAFT g m.ctlse bone ,er i.C v.8)

Liver thrreta Endner Lena C1-113 f.!Odr Pago 7.0-20 u-3 - 1.27t*3 1.27t.3 1.27t*3 1.27te) 1. 27 b 3 1.27b 3 C-14 -2. 60b 4 4.87b 3 4. 87 b 3 4.8 7b 3 4. 8 7b 3 4.47b3 4.47t*3 me-24 , 1.38t*4 1. 38 be 1.34E 4 1. 38 b4 1.388 4 1. 38 b 4 1.38t*4 P-32 1.89t*6 l.101*$ = =

  • 9.28t*4 7.16 t* 4 Cc-51 - . 7. 50D I 3.07E*l 3.10b4 3.00b 3 1.35t*2 no- 54 . 5.11b4 . 1.27t*4 1.98t*6 6.64t*4 8. 40t
  • 3 no-56 - 1.701 0 -

1.79E.0 1.52t*4 5.74t*4 2.51t 1 to 55 3.34t*4 2.38t*4 . . 1.24tel 4.191 3 5. 54 t* 1 f e-59 1.591 4 3.70t*4 - . 1.531*6 t.78t*5 1. 4 3 t*4 Co-57 - 6.921*2 . . 5.86t*5 3.14t*4 9.20t*2 Ce=58 . 2.071*3 . . 1.348 6 9.52t*4 2.781 3 Co-40 e 1.51t*4 . . 4.725*4 2.591 5 1. 94 t *4 ul 63 5.60b 5, 4.34 b4 . . 3.07t.5 1.42b4 1.98b4 31-45 2.18be 1.93bt . . 9. 36t* 3 3.67b4 1. 27b t co-64 = 1.031*0 . 6.41E*0 1.11t*4 6.14 D4 8.48b t to-6 $ 3.46t*4 1. 34 b l = 0. 64 t *4 1.24 b6 4. 66 b 4 6. 24 t*4 Z e-4 9 4.83E-2 9.201-2 = 6.021-2 1.541 3 2.85t*2 6.468 3 St 82 . . . . - - 1.821 4 Sr*83 . . . . - - 3.448 2 St-84 . . . . . - 4. 3)t* 2 4r-85 = . . . *

  • 9.81t*t Re86
  • 1.90tel . -
  • 1.77t*4 4.40t*4 t> 88 . l 465*2 . -
  • 2.92 b 5 3.12te!


  • 3.528*2 - - - 3. 34 b 7 2.315 2

$r-49 4.34 Eel e a . 2.421 6 3. 71 t

  • 5 1. 2 5 t* 4 St 90 1.04t.8 - =
  • 1.618 7 7.65tel 6.64D6 tr 91 8.40E*1 . =
  • 6.071*4 2.56t*5 3.!1t*0 St-92 9.52t*0 . - - 2.745 4 1.19E*5 4.061 1 T-90 2.98t*3 . .
  • 2.93t*5 5. 59b l 8.00b t T-91s 3.70s.1 . . . 1.20t*3 3.02tet 1.425-2 T 91 6.411 5 . . - 2.941 6 4 t*9tel 1. 77b4 T-92 1.47E*1 . .
  • 2.64t*4 1.eSt*5 4.291 1 T-93 1.35b 2 .- . = 8.32b4 1.79b 5 3.72bo tr 95 1.443 5 4.585 4 - 6.74t*4 2.49t*4 1.49b $ 3.151 4 tr.97 1.38t*2 2.72tel = 4.121 1 1.30!*$ 4.30t*5 1.268*1 ubtl 1.86t*4 1.031 4 . 1.00t*4 7.51t*5 9.68t** 5. 64b 3 nut? 3.14 b1 7.78t-2 . 9.121-2 3. 9 3 t* 3 2.17t*3 2. 84 t-2

> 99 = 1.69t*2 = 4.11 b 2 1. 54 t e l 2.49b $ 3.22te t Ta-993 1.38t-3 3.46b3 - 5.76b2 1.151 3 6.131*3 4.99 b2 to.101 5.923-5 4.40b5 = 1. 52b 3 4.47t*2 8.722-7 8.26b4 Re=103 2.10t*3 . . 7.431 3 7.83t*5 1.09E*l 8.96t*2 Su-105 ,1.13b0 . . 1.4tt*0 1. 42 b 4 9.04 b e 4.341-1 8e t06 9.841 4 . . 1.9005 1.4 t b 7 9.6JE*! 1.24 b4 tk.103e . - - . . . .

Am*106 . . . . . - .

As-ttee 1.38t*4 1.31E*4 . 2. 5cb4 6.75b 6 2.73t*5 7.991 3 Sb t 24 4. 3cb4 7.941*2 9.76t+1 . 3.85b6 3.98 b 5 1. 68 t* 4 sb125 7.342 4 8.08t*2 7.041 1 . 2.74t*6 9.92 b4 1.721 4 fe.125e 4.88t*3 2.24t*3 1.40t*3 . 5.36bl 7.50E*4 6.67t*2 fe 127e 1.801 4 4.161,3 4.38b 3 6. 54 b4 t.44t*6 1.59D S 3.18t*3 fe.137 2.01b6 9.12t-1 1.42t*0 7.28 b0 1.121 4 8.08 b4 4.42bt Te=129m 1.39t*4 4.58b 3 4.58b3 S.19b4 1. 98b 6 4.05tel 2.25b 3 Te.129 7.10E-2 1.38b3 5.18 b 2 2.661 1 3.30t*3 1.621 3 1.76E-2 te-t31e 9.848 1 4.01E+1 7.251 1 4.391 2 2.38t*5 4.2tt*5 4.02tet te.131 1.581-2 8.32b 3 1.241-2 6.18b 2 2.34t*3 1.51t*1 3.04D 3 Te-132 3. 60D 2 2.902 2 2.46t*2 1.951 3 4.49b 5 4.63t*5 2.191+2 2 130 6.24t*3 1.79t*4 1.49t*6 2.75t*4 . 9.121 3 7.171 3

{ bt31 3. 54 be 4.911 4 1.461 7 4.4cb4 - 6.49t*3 2. 44 t*4 2-132 1.591 3 4.38t*3 1.511 5 6.92t*3 - 1.271 3 1.581 3 2-133 1.223 4 2.05t*4 2.921 6 3.591 4 - 1.03t 4 6.22t*3 b134 8.88bt 2.32t*3 3.95b4 3. 64 b 3 -

2.04 b t 8.40b2 1-135 3.70t*3 9.441 3 6.21E*5 1.491 4 -

4.951 3 3.49E*3 Cs-134 $.02t*5 1.13r*6 . 3.751 5 1.46t*5 9.74t*3 5. 49t e $

C4 136 5.151 4 1.94tal - 1.10t*5 1.78t*4 1.09t** 1.37E*5 Ce-137 6.7CE*5 8.48tel - 3.04t*5 1.2tte$ 8.48t*3 3 ttg*5 Co 134 4.66t*2 8.561 2 - 6.42t*2 7.47t*1 2.701-1 4.44t*2 Sa-09 1.34t*0 9.44t-4 8.asb4 6. 4e b 3 4.4 5b 3 3. 90D 2 E4-140 5.471 4 6.70tet .- 2.28tet 2.035 6 2.291 5 3.52 t

  • 3 E -141 1.42E-t 1.068-4 9.841-5 3.29t*3 7.46t-4 4.F4t-3 Ea-142 3.701-2 3.701 5 . 3.14t-5 1.91t*3 - 2.271-3 te l40 4.79t*2 2.34t*2 . - 2.141 5 4.871 5 6.26tet 9 La-142 Ce-141 Ce= 14 3 Ce-144
9. 6c b1 4.258-t
2. 84 t *4 1.901 4 2.641 2 1.941 2 4.891 4 2. 02 D *
8. 64 t e t 1.2106 1,g;g.4 1,;og,4 1. 06b t 8.88t*3 6.14 b 5 1.261 5 2.17b 3
1. 3cb 5 2.55t*5 2.16 t e l
1. 34 b 7 8. 64 D 5 2.621 5 Pr-143 1.341 4 5.31C*) -

3.09t*3 4. 8 3b 5 2. t a b 5 6.62b2 fr-144 4.3CE-2 1.76E-2 . t.75b 3 2.351-4 2.18b 3 N4-147 7.84b3 8. 56b 3 .

5.02t 1 3.72t*5 1.821 5 5.13 b 2 W-137 1. 20 b t 9.76t*0 . . 4.74g.4 t.77t*5 3. 4 ]Do NP-239 3.38b2 3.19tes .

1.c0E.2 6. 4 9b e 1.32t*5 1.77tet

Table 7LO-5 (4'atiaaedi n ..

  • Cutte c- (area /rt per pCi/o 8 )


( {)pggprp mu n e. so u..r rar r.a S La. t.8 o Page 7.0-21 u-3 -

1.121 3 1.121*3 1.12te n t.12tel 1.125 3 1.128 3 i C-14 3.59 ten 4.738 3 4.71t*3 6.73t.3 6.735 3 6.73r*3 6.731 3 I Ma*24 1,61t*4 1.61t*4 1.411 4 1.61t*4 1.6tte4 1.6tte4 1.61t+4 P-32 2. bot *6 1.14t*5 * -

  • 4.22t+4 9.48t*4 Cr*5l - = 8. 5 5t
  • 1 2.43tet t.70t** 1.08t*3 1. 54 t* 2 nn- 54 . 4.29t*4 .

1.001 4 1.58t*4 2. 29t *4 9.51t+3 Mm-56 - 1.66t*0 - 1.67t*0' 1.3tt*6 1.231 5 3.t21-1 Fe*55 4.74t+4 2.521 4 - . 1.11t*5 2.87t*3 7.77t*3 Fe-59 2.07t+4 3.14t*4 - . 1.271 6 7.07t*4 t.47E*4 Co-57 - 9.038 2 - - 5.071 5 1.325 4 1.071 3 Co-58 ' - 1.77E*3 . - 1.11R e 6 3.441*4 3.t6t*3 Co-60 . 1.31E*4 . = 7.071 6 9.628*4 2.26t*4 Ni-63 8.21t*5 4.631 4 - - 2.75t*5 6.33t*3 2.80t*4 N!*45 2. itt *O 2.96t-1 . - 8. t 81 3 8.40t*4 1.648-1 C o-64 - t.99t*0

  • 6.031*0 9. 54 t+ 1 3.671 4 1.071*0 le*65 4.26t+4 1.131 5 - 1.14t*4 9. 95t* 5 1.63t*4 7.031 4 to-69 6.70t*2 9.661-3 -

5.855 2 1.42t*3 1.021 4 8.928-3 tr-82 . . . . *

  • 2.09t*4 8t*83 = . - - - - 4.74t*2 Br-84 * . - . . - 5.481e2 tr-85 - = = - . . 2.531 1 Ab-86 - 1.98t*5 - - - 7.99t*3 1.14t*5 A b-88 - 5.62t*2 * - - 1.721*1 3.465 2 2h-89 a 3.4 5te! - - a 1.895 0 2.00t*2 St-89 5.991 5 . . - 2.16t*6 1.671*5. 1.721*4 Sr*90 1.01t*8 - * - 1.481 7 3.435 5 6.44t*6 St-91 1.211 2 . . . 5.331 4 1.74t+5 4.59t.0 it-92 1.31t*1 - - - 2.40t*4 2.42t*5 5.25E-1 Y* 00 4.11t*3 = . . 2.621 5 2.685 5 1.lts*2 Y-91e 5.075-1 * - - 2.811 3 1.725 3 1.84t-2 T-91 9.141 5 . - - 2.631 6 t.44t*5 2.441 4 Y 92 2.04t*1 - - - + 2.195 4 2.39t*5 5.81t-1 Y*93 1.86t*2 = . - 7.448 4 3.49t*5 5.11t*0 Ir 95 t.90t*5 4.181 4 - 5.945 4 2.231 4 4.11t 4 3.70t*4 fs It-97 1.88t 2 2.721*t . 3.495 1 1.13t*5 3.51t*5 9.60tet

(,, ,/ Mb-95 2.35t*4- 9.18C+3 - 8.621 3 8.14t*5 3.70t*4 6.558 3 ab-97 4.298 1 7,70t-2 - 8.551 2 3.428 3 2.781*4 3,601 2 me-99 - 1.72t*2 - 3.921 2 1.358 5 1.27t*5 4.26tet Te.993 1.782-3 3.488 3 - 5.07t-2 9. 51 t + 2 4.8ttel 5.771 2 Te-101 8.10E-5 8.315 5 . 1.4513 - 5.858e2 1.631 1 1.081-3 Re-103 2.79Ee3 - - 7.03E+1 4.62t*5 4.48E'4 1.07E*3 Re 105 - 1.53t+0 - - 1. 34 t *0 1.59t*4 9.951** 5.551 t 8e-106 1.365 5 - - 1.848 5 1.43t*7 4.29E*5 1.69t*4 Rh-103e - - . . - - .

Rb-106 = . . - - - -

A4 110e 1.691 4 1.141 4 - 2.12te4 5.481 4 1.00t*5 9.14t*3 Sb-124 - 5.74t*4 7.40E*2 1.261+2 - 3.24t*6 1.641 5 2.00t*4 Sb-125 9.84t*4 7.59E*2 9.10tet - 2.321 4 4.03t+4 2.07t*4 Te-125e 6.731 3 2.33E+3 1.921 3 . 4.77t*5 3.381 4 9.145 2 Te-127e 2.49E*4 8.351*3 6.07E 3 6.36t*4 1.448 6 7.14t*4 3.02g*3 Te-127 2.77E.0 9.511-1 1.961,0 7.07t*0 1. 00 t =4 5.621 4 6.811-1 Te 129e 1.921*4 - 4.8 5t*3 4.331 3 5.038 4 t.74t*4 t.821*5 3.04tel T e.129 9.77 t 3. 501 2 7.14t=2 2.572-1 2.93t*3 2.55t*4 2.381-2 Te-131e 1.34t*2 5.921 1 9.77 te t 4.005 2 2.04t+5 3.08t.5 5.07tet Te-131 2.171-2 8.44t-1 1.708-2 5.88t-2 2.05t.3 1.33E.3 6.591-3 Te-132 4.81t+2 2.721 2 3.178 2 8.778 3 3.77t*5 t.341 5 2.631 2 1-130 8.182 3 t.44t*4 1.858 6 2.45t*4 - 5.11t*3 8.441 3 2-131 4.811 4 4.812 4 1.628*7 7.ast+4 - 2.448 3 2.73t 4 3-132 2.128 3 4.07t*3 1.041 5 6.251 3 - 3.20s.3 1.88t*3 1 133 1.66te4 2.031 4 3.454*4 3.381 4 - - 5.441 3 7.70t 3 1-134 1.17t+1 2.16t*3 3.07t*4 3.'0t+1 3 - 9.55tet 9.95te2 1 135 4.92t+3 8.73E.3 7.92t*5 1.541 4 - 4.44t*3 4.t4t*3 Cs-134 6.31t+5 1.0tt+6 -

3.30s 5 t.21tel 3.85t*3 2.251 5 Cs=134 4.5tt*4 1.71te5 - 9.55t*4 1.451 4 4.18t*3' t.14t.5 Cs-137 9.07tes- S.25t*5 . 2.s28,5 1.04t.5 3.62tel 1.281 5 Co-138- 4.3.3te2 8.40t*2

  • 6.22t*2 4.81tet 2.70t*2 5.351 2 ,

Se* t 39 - 1.e4teo ".841-4 - 8.62t-4 5.771 3 5.77t*4 5.378-2 44-140 7.4GE*4 e.48t*1 . 2.111 1 1.74 tee 1.021 5 4.33t*3

&a-141 1. 96 1- 1 S.b9E*4 . 9.473-5 2.921*3 2.75t+2 6.342-3 ka-142 5.00K-2 3.60s-5 - 2.911 5 t.641 3 2.748*0 2.79t-3

{'s La-140 4.44t*2 2.25t*2 . - 1.43t*5 2.26t*5 7.55tet t

-I-La-142 1.30too 4.11t-t - - 4.701 3 7.59t*4 1.29t-t i C -141 3.92t*4 1.95t+4 - 4.55t*3 5.44t.5 5. 66 t

  • 4 2.901 3 Ce-143 3.64t*2 1.99t 2 -

8.14tet 1.151 5 1.27t*5 2.87t 1 Ce-144 4.77t*6 2.121*6

  • 1.17t*4 1.20t*7 3.89t*5 3.411 5 Fr-143 1.85t*4 5.551 3
  • 3.001 3 4.33tei 9.73t*4 9.141 2 Pr+144 5.96t-2 1.851-2 -

9.77t 1 1.57t*3 t.97t*2 3.oot-3 Nd+147 1.04t*4 f.73*63 - 4,811 3 3.28 Eel 4.21t*4 6. Site 2 W-187 1.631 1 9.64t*0 - - 4.115 4 9.10t*4 4.335 0 NP-239 4.648*2 3.34tet

  • 9.731 1 5.81t*4 6.40te4 2.35tet

Tani. 74.s geeast.ooe> C)[)C;hi 7.0 44 tah.i. o es, Do.e 7.eie,. - s reat ()FLAFrT p.

i I/ co,es/r, ,e, eC4foo Page 7.0-22

's Weellte bone L&ver Thy, eld tieney Luna El LL2 1.bosy u3 - 6.478+2 6.47t*2 6.471 2 6;47t*2 6.47t+7 6.47t+2 Cate *2.65t+4 5.31tel 5.312 3 5.3tte3 5.315 3 5.31tel 5.318 3

. Wa-24 1.061 4 1.065e4 1.06t*4 1.06t*4 1.061 4 1.04t 4 1.04te4 P-32 2.03te6 1.121 5 + * - 1.611 4 7.741 4 Ct-51 - - 1.75t+t 1.321 1 1.28t*4 3.571 2 4.955 1 Me-54 - 2.531*4 - 4.98Ee3 1.00te6 7.06tel 4.945 3 Ma-56 i 1.54t*0 . 1.10E 0 1.25t*4 7.178 4 2.2tt-t Fe-55 1.971 4 1.17t*4 - - 4.49E*4 1.09t*3 3.33t*3 Fe-59 1.36t+4 2.35t*4 - - l.02t+6 2.48te4 9.481 3 Ce-57 - 6.51t+2 - - 3.795 5 4.44t*3 6.411 2 Co-54 - 1.221 3 - - 7.77te$ 1.111 4 l.821 3

  • Co-40 - 8.021*3 - - 4. 5 t t+ 6 3.19t*4 1.18t*4 NA 63 3.39t*5 2.04t+4 - - 2.091*$ 2.421e3 1.161 4 e
  1. 1-65 2.39t+0 2.441-l - - 4.121 3 5.011 4 l.23t-t Co-64
  • l.881*0 - 3.98t*0 9.30!*3 1.501 4 7.745 1 Za-45 1.931 4 6.26t*4 - 3.25t+4 6.47t+5 5.141 4 3.11 t *4 2 =-4 9 5.195-2 9.671 2 = 4.02t 2 1.471 3 1.321 4 7.181-3 Sc=82 - - - - - - 1.331*4 Sr=83 - - - - - - 3.81t+2 Br 84 = .- - - -
  • 4.00t+1 a

Gr-85 = = - = = . 2.04tet

. RD-86 - 1.602 5 - - - 3.04 te l 8.821 4 8 b-44 - 5.57t+2 - - - 3.39te2 2.87t+2 R ,-89 - 3.211+1 - - - 6.825,1 2.068*2

. ar-89 3.98t*5 ^ - = = 2.038 6 6.40t** t.14t*4 Sr-90 6.09E 7 - - - 1.121 7 1.3ttel 2.591 6 sr-91 9.56t+1 - - - 5.268 4 t 34t*4 3.641 0 3r-92 t.05E+1 .

- - 2,38t*4 1.40s.5 3.9tt-1 Y*90 3.291 3 - - - 3.698 5 1. 04 t. 5 8.82tet 1-91e 4.078-t * = - 2.791 3 3.3 5t* 3 1.395 2 T-91 5.881 5 - *

  • 2.45 tee 7.031 4 1.571 4 T-92 1.64t+1 - - - 2.458 4 1.271 5 4.611 1 T-93 1.50E.2 - - - 7.641 4 1.671 5 4.071,0 tr-95 1.15t*5 3.79t.4 - 3.11t*4 1.75t*6 2.17te4 2.03t+4

/'~'i r 5 It-97 1.501 2 2.56tet - 2.59tel 1.101 5 1.40t+5 1.17tet

- Mb 95 1.57E.4 6.631 3 - 4.721 3 4.795 5 1.278 4 3.18t*3 Mh-97 3.421 1 7.291-2 - 5.708 2 3.321,3 2.69te4 2.638-2 no-99 - 1.65te! - 1.651 3 l.351 5 4.47t+4 3.231 1 Te-99e 1.401 3 2.841 3 - 3.112 2 4.111 2 2.03tel 3.721-2 Ts-101 6.511 5 8.231-5 - 9.795-4 5.84t+2 8.44t.2 8.121-4 Au-103 2.02t+3 - - 4.26t*3 5.52E+5 1. 61 t* 4 6.79t+2 Rw=105 1.221*0 *

  • 8.991-1 1.57t*4 4.44te4 4.10E-t 8v=106 8. 68t*4 - - - 1.07E*5 1.16te? 1.64Ee5 1.09t*4 Rh-103e - - - - - -
  • th-104 - * * - * *
  • As*t10e 9.941 3 7.221 3 -

8b-124 3.79t*4 5.561 2 1.01E*2_ -1.09t*4 2.651 3.67 8 6 . 3. 1.20tet 6 5.91t*4 30t+4 - 5.005 3 8 b-125 5.171*4 4.77tel 6.231*1 - 1.64t*6 1.47t*4 1.098 4-7e=125e 4.761 3 1. 99tel 1.62t*3 - 4.471 5 1.298+4 6. 54 te2 Te-127e 1.671+4 '6.905 3 4.871 3 3.751 4 1.315 6 2.731 4 2.071 3 Te-127 2.23t*0 9.531-1 1.85teo 4.868 0 1.031 4 2.44t*4 4. Sit-1 Te-12 9e 1.41t+4 6.098 3 5.471*3. 3.181 4 1.481 6 6.901 4 2.23t.3 Te-129- 7.881-2 3.47I-2 6.75E-2 1.751-1 3.001 3 2.631*4 1.881-2 fe-13te 1.07tet 5. 50 s.1 8.935 1 2.65E 2 1.99t*5 1.19t+5 3.63te t Te-131 1.74E-3 8.22E-3 1.548-2 3.99E-2 2.06te3 8.225*3 5.008-3 Te-132 3.721+2 3.371+2 2.79t+2 1.03E+1 3.40t*5 4.418 4 1.76tel

!=t30 6.365 3 1.391 4 1.601 6 1.531 4 - 1.991 3 5.571 3 1-131 3.791 4 4.44t*4 1.44t+7 5.181 4 - 1.04t*3 1.948 4 2-132 1.691 3 3.541 3 1.69te$ 3.95t*3 - 1.901 3 1.261 3 2-133 1.321+4 1.92t*4 3.541 6 2.24t+4 - 2.161 3 5. 60t + 1 1*t34 9.21t+2 1.481+1 4.45t.4 2.091 3 - 1.291 3 6.651 2 1-135 3.46t*3 7.60E*3 6.96t+5 8.47tel - 1.83E 3 2.271 3 Cs-134 3.961,5 7.03t*5 - 1.90t*1 7.97t*4 1.331 3 7. 4 5t* 4 Ca 136 4.83t*4 1. 35t+ 5 - - 5.64t*4 1.18t*4 1.43t*3 5.29t*4 Cs-137 5.49t*5 6.121*5 - 1.72t*5 7.13t*4 1.33te) 4.551 4 Cs-134 5.051 2 7.881 2 - 4.101 2 6. 54 t

  • I 8.761 2 3.982 2 Sa-139 f.48t*0 9.648-4 - 5.921-4 5.95t*3 5.101 4 4.30 s.2 84 140 5.60t+4 5.60t*1
  • 1.341*t 1. 40t*6 - 3. 84 8 4 2. 90t,3

' Sa-141 1.572-1 3.04t-4 - 6.50E-5 2.97te) 4.75t*3 4.971-3 I Ea-142 3.981 2 3. 30t- 5 - 1.905 5 1.55t*3 6.931*! t.941-3 .

.h L -140 5.051 2 2.00s.2 - - t.641 5 8.44t*4 1.tStet La-142 1.031+0 3.771-1 - 4.221 3 5.931 4 9. 04 2-2


i 1 Co-141 2.771 4 1.67E*4 - 5.25te) 5.17t+5 2.168 4 1.99t.3 Ce-143 2.93t+2 1.93t+2 - 5.641 6 1.16t*5 4.911 4 2.2ttet Ce- 14 4 3.191+6 1.211 6 - 5.34t*5 9.84t+6 1.68 Eel 1.761 5 Pr 143 1.40t** 5.24E.1 - 1.97t+3 4.33E.5 3.72t*4 6. 991+ 2 Prat 44 4.791-2 1.45t-2 - 6.72E-3 1.61t+3 4.281*3 2.411-3 Md-147 7. 94 t* 3 8.13t*3 - 3.155.) 3.22t.5 3.12t*4 5. 00 E.2 l ' W-187 1.30t*t 9.021 0 - - 3.96t*4 3,54t*4 3.1J1 0

! pp-239 3.718 2 3.321 1 - 6.62t*t 5.951 4 2.49E.4 1.44tet

f 1


Table 7.04 (eentinues)

S e. se...-C -eim t.twer 0 .. r.c s.,s m? ODCM-7.0

(.re /rr per ieC u. 4 f., a na C-i4 DRAFT

[v) t t.* 4 er.a er ee, iCu.eo s., other. Page 7.0-23  ;

aucaise 8ene 1.4 ve r Thyro 64 Eisney Lans $1*LL2 f.8ady W-3 . . 7.63t*2 7.631*2 7.63t*2 7<63t*2 7.63tel 7.61t*2 C-14 3.63t*5- 7.26 tee 7.26t*4 7.26te4 7.26t*4 7.26t*4 1.268 4 M. 24 2. 54 t *6 3.548 6 3.548 6 2.54t*4 2.541 6 2. 54 te6 2. 54 t *4 P.32 1.?tte10 1.048,9 . . . 1.92tet 6.601 4 Cr.51 . . 1.?tt*4 6.30tel 3.808 4 7.20t*6 2.86te4 nn.54 . 4.40t*6 . 2.50s 6 . 2.57t*7 1.60t*4 .

Ma.56 . 4.231-3 . 5,381-3 . 1.358 1 7.518 4 .

re-55 2.Stt*7 1.73t*7 . . 9.67t*4 9.95E.6 4.041 6 re 59 2.98t*7 7.00t*7 . . 1.95t*7 2.33t*8 2.68t*7 Co-57 . 1.285*6 . . . 3.251 7 2.138 6 Co-58 . 6.728 6 . . . 9.57te7 1.068*7 Co-60 . 1. 64 t* 7 . . . 3.085 8 3.621 7 mi-63 6.732*9 4.66tet . . . 9.73t*7 1.26t*8

  1. 4 65 3.70s 1 4.818 2 . .
  • 1.22t*0 2.19t.2 Cc64 . 2.411 4 . 6.081 4 = 2.058*6 1.13t*4 2a 65 1.37t*9 4.36t*9 . 2.92t*9 .

2.75tet 1. 97t+ 9 In.69 . . . . . . .

8t-82 . . . . . 3.72t.7 3.251*7

$r-83 . . . . . 1.49t-1 1.03t-1 St*84 * . . . . . .

8g.85 . . . . . . .

8b-86 . 2.598 9 . . . 5.115 8 1.21t*9 a b-48 . . . . . . .

8 b.89 . . . . . . .

$s.89 1.458,9 . . . . 2.331 8 4.168 7

$r.90 4,64t*10 . . . . 1.355 9 1.15Es to St 91 ' 3.13t*4 . . . . 1.49t*5 1.278 3 St 92 4.898 1 . . . . 9.48t*0 2.111-2 T% 7.07tet . . . . 7.508 5 1.90t*0 T-91e . . . . . . -

T 91 8.60t*3 * . . . 4.738 6 2.30t*2 T-92 5.621 5 . . . . 9.69t.1 1.58E-6 T-93 3.335 1 . . . . 7.39t*3 6.431-3

.- It*95 9.412 3.032*2 . 4.76t+2 . 9.67t*5 2.05t*2

/ 2t-97 4.26E.1 9.59E-3 . 1.301-1 + 2.665*4 3.933-2 V ub.95 4,251 4 4.598 4 . 4. 54 t*4 . 2.79t*8 2.67t*4 ut.97 .' . . . . 5.47E.9 -

Me 99 . 2.52t*7 . 5.721e7 . 5.851 7 4.80t*6 Tc.99e 3.25t*0 9.195 0 . l.40t*2 4.508 0 5.441 3 1.171*2 78 101 . . . . - . . .

to 103 1.02te) . . 3.89t*3 = 1.19E.5 6.39t*2 te105 8.572-4 . . 1.1t5 2 . 5.2st t 3.385-4 te106 2.04t*4 . . 3.948 4 -. 1.32E.4 2.581*3 th.103e . . . . . . . >

- th*106 . . . . .

As*110m 5.835 7 5.395 7 . 1.068 8 . 2.201 10 3.201 7 86-124 2.57t*7 4.86tel 6.24t*4 . 2.005 7 7.3tt+8 1.025 7 ab 125 2.041 7 3.281 5 2.045 4 . 1.54t*7 2.255 8 4.46t*6 1e 125e 1.63t*7 5.90t*6 4.90E 6 6.431 7 . 6,50t*7 2.188 6 To.127e 4.548*7 1.48*1 1.178 7 1.86t*8 . 1.541 8 5.54t*6 Te t27 6.721*2 2.411 2 4.98t*2 2.76t*3 . 5.301 4 1. 4 5t.2 Te=129s 4.04t*7 2.25t*7 2.08t*7- 2.525 8 . 3.04t*8 9.57t*6 Te.129 . . . . * .

Ts 131e 3.618 5 te77Ee5 2.80!*5 1.79t*6 . 1.75t+7 t.47E* 5 Ts.13) . . . . .

To 132 2.39E*6 1.55te6 9.711 6 1.49t*7 . 7.32tel 1.45t*6 tot 30 4.26te5 1.261 4 t.07t+8 1.*6te6 . 1.081 6 4. 96t* 5 1 131 2.968 8 4.24t*4 1.39tett 7.278 8

  • 1.121*4 2.4st*4 1 132 t.641 1 4.371 1 1.53tet 6.978-1 . 4.225-2 1.535-1 1 133 3.971 6 6.90t*4 1.01t*9 1.201 7 . 6.20t*6 2.10!*4 -

1 134 . . . .

1-135 1.398 4 3.63t*4 2.40E*6 5.835*4 - 4.102 4 1.34t*4 Ca 134 5. 65t* 9 1.34te lo . 4.35tet 1.44t*9 2.351 6 1.101 10 C.-136 2.61t*8 1.03t*9 . 5.14 t

  • 8 7.87t** 1.17t*8 7.421 8 Cs-137 7.381 9 1.01E
  • to . 3.43g*9 1.14t*9 1.95t*8 4.6ttet Co.138 . . . .

84 139 4.701-4 . . . . 8,34 1-8 t.34s-9 8++140 2.49E*7 3.388*4 . 1.151'4 1.938 4 5.54t*7 1.741 6

k. 141 . . . . . .

E.*142 . * * . .

, L. 140 4.491 0 2.26t*0 . . . 1.64tel 5.971-1

, (./ La-142 . . . . . 3.0)t-8 1.25t*7 3.7t&*2 Ce-141 4.44 te3 - 3.271 3 . 1.52t*3 -

Ce=143 4.19t+1 3.09D 4 . 1.36tet . 1.16t*6 3.42t+0 Ce-144 3.58t*5 1.50s.5 . 8.47t*4 - 1.211 8 1.12 t

  • 4 Frat 43 1.59t*2 6.37t*t . 1.681 1 . 6.945 5 7.44t*0 Frat 44 . . .

W4 147 9.42 Eel 1.095e2

  • 6.371** . 5.231 5 6.52t*0 W 187 6.56t*3 5.441 3 . . . 1.801 4 t.925 3 Np.239 3.66too 3.601-1 .

1.125 0 -

7.39t*4 1.941 1


7eoin i o-s t eeot t e.ed 3 l nee, ste.4.Cee-niin ret >.or me** roeiere o tttmasta ODCM-7 0 DRAFT

{,-). teree/yr per >C1/e )8 fee W 3 and C-14 p000 7*0-24

%,_,/ (en a stes/yr per yct/sec) fee othere Nuclide bone Lives Thyroid tideer Luht $]*Lb2 I. hod y N-3 . 9.941 2 9.94tej 9.941 2 9.94te2 9. tete 2 9.94te2 C.14 6.70 Eel 1.34tel I.348 5 1.348 5 1.345 5 9.34tel 1.348 1 as.24 4.44t*6 4.448 6 4.44t*6 4.448 6 4.441 6 4.441 6 4.44 tee t.32 3.158 10 1.95t*9 . . . 2.658 9 1.22tet .

  • 2.748 4 1.tCtet 7.131*4 8.408 4 1. Dot *4 no.54 . 1.40te7 . 4.17te6 . 2.478 7 2.fste6 en.14 . 7.518 3 = 9.ict-1 . 4.948 1 1.318-3 te ll 4.45tep 2.16tet . . 2.pote7 1.37te7 7.345 4 5.20t*7 1.2ttet . . 3.821 7 2,87 tee 4.6st 7 Co.57 . 2.251 4 . . . 4.198 7 3 76 tee Ce=54 . 7.95te. . . . 1.10Ee4 1.435 7 Co.60 . 2.78E.7 . *
  • 3.6'tet a 4.26E.7 N163 1.10t*l0 8.351 8 . .
  • 1.33tes 4.ettet e6 65 6.761-1 4.648 2 = . . 4.70t*0 3.948 2 Co-44
  • 4.298 4 = 1.09tel
  • 3.331 4 2.021 4 2 =.6 5 2. tite 9 7.311 9 . 4.6atet . . 3.10tet 3.418 9 2e.49 . . . . . . .

Dr.02 . . . . . = l.64te7 tr.43 . . * * *

  • 1.911-l St.84 . . . = * * *-

Sr.45 . . . . . . .

A b.46 = 4.73159 . . . 7.001 4 2.221 9 3 >-se . . . . . . .

p p.s 9 _ . . . . . . .

St.89 2.67tet = * *

  • 3.188 8 7.661 7 S t. 90 ' 6.6ttete . . . . 1.848 9 1.43teto Srott 1.7$4 4 . . . . 2.6ttel 2.29te)

St*92 8.951 1 . . . . 2.381 1 3.918 2 f*D0 1.308 2 + = =

  • t.07te6 3.501 0 Tatie . . * * .. . .

T*91 1.181 4 . . . - 4.48te6 4.241 2 T-92 1.D01 4 . - * . 2.758 0 2.901-4 f.9) 4.30t.l - . . . . 1.311e4 1.181 2

, - _ It 95 1.618e3 S.231 2 . 7.67te2 + 1.208 6 3.59tel e It 97 7.751.t 1.83t.t . 2.32t.

  • 4.15te4 7.04E.3 k' 3.345 4 4 305 4 E b.95 1.4 t tel 7.801 4 = 1.175 4
  • p>-97 * * * . . 6.345 4
  • Me-99 . 4.565,7 . 1.04tet . 4.168 7 4.698 4 Tc.99e 3.641 0 1.87tet . 2.345 2 4.735*0 8.038*4 2.04t*2 Ts 101 . . . . . .
  • av.103 1.81tel . . 6.40s.3 . l.52Een 7.75te2 Ru.105 - 1.178-3 . . 1.971 1 . 1.2t!*0 6.04E-4 Re-104 3.758 4 -
  • 7.238 4 . 1.80t*4 4.73Ee3 Sh.103e . . . . . . .

Ab 106 . . . . . . .

As-110e 9.43te7 9.111 7 . l.748 4 = 2.54telo 5.54t*7 Sb.124 4.11: * / 4.448 5 1.64 tel . 4.01te? 9.25tes 1.79t*7 ab.121 3.6? e 3.998.$ 3.495e4 . 3.218 7 2.64Ee4 8.b48,6 Te.125e 3.00te? 1.04te7 6.395 6 . .- 8.461 7 4.02Ee4 Te.127e 0.441*7 2.998 7 2.01t*7 3.428 6 . 2.toget 1.00E*7 Te.127 1.248*3 4.418*2 8.595e2 5.04kel

  • 9.418e4 2.681 2 To.12 9e 1.ltte$ 4.10t*7 3.578 7 4.621 4 . 4.15te8 1.75t*7 To.129 . . . l.67t-9
  • 2.141 9 .

fe.Ilie 4.57tel 3.15tel 4.74tes 3.*2914 . 2.538 7 2.611 $

Ts=131 . . . . . . .

Ts.133 4.28tes 2.711,6 2.861 4 2.608 7 . 8.548 7 2.55 tee 1 130 7.49tel 2.17 tee 1.775 8 3.348 4 . l.67too 4.643 1 2 131 5.341 4 7.53tes 2.208 1% 1.30te9 - 1.49t*a 4.04tes 2 132 2. 90E.1 7.591-1 2.$6te1 1.201 0 - 3.318 4 2.721-1 8 133 7.24 tee 1.231 7 1.721 9 2.155*7 . 9.30 tee 3.731 6 1 434 . . . . . . -

2.l11 2.478 4 6.358*4 4.04t*6 1.005 1

  • 7.038 4 2.31 tee Co.136 9.attet 2.311 10 . 7,34 t
  • 9 2.80tet 2.821 4 l.07teto Co.134 4.41E*8 1.71189
  • 9.51tet 1.40t.4 1.415 8 f tete 9 Co.137 1.34teIO 1.18te10
  • 4.041*9 2.35Ee9 2.13Eet 4.20tet Co.sts . . . . . . .

Se.139 8.691-4 . . . . 7.755-7 2.331 9 te.140 4.058 7 $.918 4 . 2.021*4 4.00$et 7.491 7 3.131 4 se.141 . . . . . . .

Be=142 = . * * . . .

[ \ La.140 8.04t*0 3.96teo . . . 2.231 5 1.051 0

\,,,/ 6a-142 . . . . . 2.231 7 .

Co.141 a.97tel 5.928e3 -

2.79te) . t.49te! 6.atte2 Ce=143 7.498 1 5.60E*4 . 2.31t*1 . 1.481 4 4.25teo Co.164 6.341 5 2,72teS = 1.63tei = 1.44tet 3.348 4 tr.143 2.921 2 1.172 2 - 6.771 1 . 9.615 5 1.45tet pg.144 . . . . . . .

ud 147 1.81E*2 1.971 2

  • 1.168 2 - 7.11t*5 1. tat.1 wat47 1.20t*4 9.Jete) . . . 2.41t*4 3.43tel WP.339 6.99t*0 6.591 1
  • 2.07teo . 1.04tel 3. 44E.1

.- - . . . .- -~ . . ._ -

TatHe 70 5 (coa 4 4 mied) 8..e, 0... niu, ODCM-7.0 m (.,e./n est cu.o !.t 8-3 . 4 C ie DRAFT-

-(Qh.. (. . .r ewyr e.r cu... ) 5., ein.,, Pago 7.0-25 N.c u a 8 .. user tnyr.u no., t8 si.u.2 f. soar m.3 . i,57te 1.s7tel 1.s7tes i sst+3 - i.578e3 1.s7te3 C i4 i.6stes 3.295es 3.29tes 3.29tes 3.29tes 3.29tes_3.29tes me 24 9.23t+6 9.231 6 9.23t*6 9.23t*6 9.23t=6 9.23t*6 9.231 6 P.32 7.77te10 3.64t+9 . . . 2.tStet 3.00te9 . * $.ht*4 1.5$t+4 1.03 Eel 5.41t*6 1.02tel Ms.54 . 2.091 7 . l.87 tee . l . 76 t' ' 7 5.581 6 Ma 54 = 1.318 2 . 1.344-2 . l.90$*0 4.955-3 Fe 55 1.12tes 5.91te7 . . 3.35t+7 1.101 7 t.84t.7 to-19 1.208 8 1.951 8 *

  • 6.651 7 2.031 8 9.718 7 Co-57 . 3.445e6 * * . 3.141 7 7.771 6 C.-58 . 1.21t*7 . . . 7.081 7 3.721 7 Co.60 . 4.328 7 . . . 2.393 8 1.271 4 N1 43 2.96te10 1.591 9 . . . 1.073 8 1.01t*9 pl.65 1.668ee 1.56t.1 . . . 1.918+t 9.118-2 Ce.4 . 7.tSE*4 = 1.82 Eel . 3.lete6 4.541 4

! 6$ 4.13tet 1.101 10 . 6.94 1* 9 . 1.931 9 6.851 9 2 49 . . . . . 3.148 9 .

Sr 82 . . . . . . 1. lit +8 Br.83 . . . . . . 4.691-1 3r.44 . . . . . . .

3r.43 . . . . . . .

kh86 . 8.771*9 * . . 1.64t*8 5.391 9 8 b.88 . . . . . . .

8 b.8 9 . . . . . . .

Sr.89 6.62t+9 * . . . 2.561 8 1.891 4 4r 90 1.121 11 . . . .

1.11t*9 2.831*10 ar.91 t.4ttel . . . . 3.128,5 S.33te3 Sr.92 2.19t*0 . . . . 4.145,1 4.761 2 T.90 3.228 2 . . *

  • 9.151 5 8.611 0 y.9ts . . . . = . .

Y-91 3.911 4 . . . .

5.2tt*6 1.04 Eel f.92 2.461-4 . . . - 7.101 0 7.038 6 T.93 1.061 0 . . . . 1.578 4 2.908 2 tr.95 3.848 3 8.458*2 - 1.211 3 . 8.81tel 7.521 2 i- 3r.97 1.49Ee9 2.72t-1 = 3.911 1 . 4.13te4 1,615 1 NH95 3.188 5 1.24 Eel . 1.16tel = 2.39t*8 8.848 4 l ub97 . . . . = 1.455-6 .

No.99 . 8.29t*7 . 1.77t+8 . 6.861 7 2.01**7 ts 99e 1.29Est 2.548et . 3.688 2 1.29E*1 1.443 4 4.201 2 l ts.101 = . . . . . .

Su.103 4.292 3 . . 1.ost 4 . 1.Ittel 1.61te) se105 3.82E-3 . . 3.36E 2 . 2.49t.0 1.391 3 se106 9.24t*4 . . 1.251 5 = 1.44Ee6 1.15E*4 8n.103a . . . . . . .

sh.106 . . . . . . .-

l' As.119e 2.091+8 1.4tt*8 + 2.63tes . 1.68t+10 1.138 8 8p124 1.09tet 1.418 8 2.40te$ = 6.031 7 6.798 8 3.415 7 86 125 8.70E*7 1.415 6 8.068 4 . 4.858 7 2.00!e8 1.828 7

, fe 125e 7.38t*7 2.00te? 2.07E*7 . - 7.12 t* 7 9.44Ee4 Te 127e 2.088 8 5.60E*7 4.978 7 5.93t+8 - 1.68te8 2.47 e7 Te127 ~ 3.042 3 8.255 2 2.121 3 4.711e3 - 1.208 5 6.54t*2 Te.129e 2.728 4 7.611 7 8.788,7 8.00t+8 . 3.325e8 4.231 7 Te.129 . . . 2.875 9 . 6.121 8 .

Te.131a 1.601 6 5.53tes 1.145 6 5.35t*6 - 2.24t 7 5.89tes j- To.131 . . . . . . .

To.132 1.025*7 4.528 6 6.58t*4 4.20te? . 4.$$t+7 5.465 6 l 3 130 1.751 6 3.54t*6 3.90tes 5.29te6 . 1.46t+6 1.82t+4

! 2 131 1.30t*9 1.3ttet 4.34E+11 2.152 9 = 1.titet 7.46t*8 I 2*t32 6.86t.1 1.26te0 S.85tet 1.931*0 . 1.44teo 5.802 1 2 133 1.761 7 2.181 7 4.04E.9 3.63t+7 . 8.77te6 8.231 6 l

1 134 . . . . . . .

3 135 $.84t** 1.0$tel 9.302 6 1.6ttel . 8.00te4 4.971 4 Ca.134 2.261 10 3.71teto . 1.15t*10 4.11E.9 2.00 tea 7.81te9 Cs=134 1. Dote 1 2.761 9 = 1.47E*9 2.19t*8 9.70fe7 1.791 9 Co.137 3.22t.10 3.09teto . 1.01Eeto 3.628 9 1.911 8 4.15 C + 9 Cs.138 . . . . . . .

ka.139 2.14I-7 . . . . 1.23t-l 4.19t 9 l Sa-140 1.17ted 1.031 5 . 3.34 E e4 6.12t+4 5.94Ee7 6.848 6 l Se-141 . . . . .

5a.142 . . . . . .

La-140 1.931*1 6.74t*0 . . . 1.48 Eel 2.277+0

- [R(,j La.14 2 . . . . . 2.515-4 .

Co.141 2.191 4 1.09te4 . 4.73 e3 . l.34te7 1.42tel Ce.143 1.89te! 1.02Ea5 -

4.29tet - 1.50t.6 1.48Eet Ca.144 1.67t+6 5.09t** . 2.42t*5 . t.33t*8 8.66t*4 Pr.143 7.231 2 2.17Ee2 = 1.171 2 - 7.802 5 3.591 1 Fr.144 . . . . . . .-

Nd.147 4.4$1 2 3.601 2 - 1.9.te2 . 5. 71tel 2.79tel WISP 2.91t+4 1.721 4 . -. . 2.421 6 7.73 Eel up-239 1.721 1 1.231,0 -

3.571 0 . 9.14E.4 8.683-t

Table 7 0-6 (c ont inues )

S e.. c,....Cs.-n4:6 r.ine., Deee,. . incint C)[)C:h4-7.0 (area /yr ter pC1/e l) f or N-1 an8 C-14 DRAFT tea a en es/r, per ,Ct/.eri ser ein*,. Pago 7.0-2S pur!!8e bone Li*er Thytone Elaney Lens  !!-LLI T.Sedy N-3 . 2.38t*3 2.38t*3 2.38t*3 4.38tel 2.38t*3 2.388 3 C-14 3.23t*6 6.89tel 6.s9tel 6.89tel 6.89tel 6.89t*$ 6.89tel ha-24 1.41E*7 1.61E 7 1.61t+7 1.61E*7 1.6tte7 1.61E*7 1.61tel P-32 1.608 01 9.42E*9 * = . 3.17t*9 6.218e9 Cr*51 *

  • 1.01t*1 2.301 4 2.05tel 4.711 6 t.61tel me-54
  • 3.89t*7
  • 8.631 6 . 1.431*7 8.831 4 n e. 56 - 3.211 2 - 2.761-2 = 2.91E*0 1.511 -

7e-55 1.35te8 8.72t*7 *

  • 4.278 7 1.11&of 2.33t*7 fe st 2.25t+8 3.938 8 -
  • 1.16t*8 1.88t*8 1.55t*4 Ce*71 . 8.951 6 = . . 3.05te? 1.46t+7 Co-58 = 2.431*7 * = . 6.05tel 6.04t.7 Co-60 - 8.8tte? * *
  • 2.10t*8 2.088 4 Ni-63 1.49E*10 2.161*9 * * - 1.07t*8 1.211*9 N1-6% 3.511 0 3.971-1 = =
  • 3.02t+1 1.811 t Ce* 64 - 1.88tel
  • 3.17tel
  • 3.85t*6 8.69t+4 to-65 5.S$t+9 1.50E*10
  • 9.23t.9 - 1.61t*10 4.78t+9 to-49 a = * * - 7.36E-9 a trata = = = + *
  • 1 . 94 :* 4 Gr.C3 - - . . . . 9.955-1 gr.84 . . . . . . .

Sr-85 * = = = * *

  • S t- 8 6
  • 2.22tet0 = *
  • l.491 8 1.101 10 3 D- 8 8 . . . . . . .

36.-89 . . . . . . .

St-89 1.26 tete * .

  • * - 2.391 8 3.611 8 S r - 90 1.228*11 * * * . 1.521+9 3.10te10 8t=91 2. 94 te l - * *
  • 3.48t*1 1.06t.4 St-92 4.&5t*0 - = = - S.015,4 1.738-1 Y. 90 6.80t*3 = = . . 9.39tel 1.821 8 y.91 . . . . . . .

T 91 7.332 4 . . . . 5.261 4 1.951 3 T*92 5.228-4 . . . . 9.971*0 1.475 1 Y 93 2.251*0 . . . . 1.78t*4 6.13I.2 tr=95 6.63te3 1.66tel . l.79t ) . 8.28t*$ 1.18ge3

<** lt*97 3.99t*0 6.458 1 - 6.911-1 . 4.37t.4 3,138.t a b-95 S.titel 2.64I.$ . 1.75t*S . 3.06tet 1.4ttel ND-97 * . . . . 3.701 4 .

No-99 - 2.128*4 - 3.17E*8 . 6.988*7 4.13te?

Te-99e 2.69t*1 5.551+1 . $.97t*2 2.90!*1 1.61t*4 7.tSE*2 Tc.101 . . . . . . .

Av.103 8.691*3 * - 1.811*4 - 1.04E.5 3.91tel Au-105 8.06t-3 - - 5.921-2 + 3.215 0 2.715 3 Ru-104 1.90t* 5 = . 2.25t*S - 1.64 t+ 6 2.381*4 Rh+t03e *

= . - * * *

  • Rh=104 As-110e 3.861 4 2.828 8 - 4.03t*8
  • 1.46t*10 t.861+8 86-124 2.09t*8 3.081+6 S.54t*5 - 1.31t*4 4.46t*8 6. 4 9 t.1 8b-125 1.49t*8 1.451 6 1.87tel -- 9. 38 t* 7 1.995 8 3.071 7 Te-125e 1.511 8 5. D41 7 5.071 7 * = 7.181 7 2.04t*7 Te 127e 4.2tE*8 1.40t*8 1.221*8 1.041*9 - 1.70t*8 8.10t*7 Te.127 6.50t+3 2.181 3 1.29t*3 1.198 4 - 1.361 5 1.60s.3 Te-12*w S.59t*8 1.97tet 2.t3t*8 1.40E*9
  • 3.34t*8 4.62t*7 Te-129 2.081-9 - 1.751-9 1.145-9 - 1.66E-7 .

Te-13te 3.38t*4 1.361 6 3.761 6 9.351 4 = 2.298 7 1.121 6

  • = = . . .

Te-131 .

T 132 2.10E*7 1. 04 1*7 1.54t*7 6.51tel . 3.811 7 9.721 6 1 130 3.601 4 7.921 6 4.88E.8 8.70t+6 - 1.701 6 3.141 4 1 131 2.72;*9 3.21E*9 1.05tet2 3.751 9 - 1.151*8 1.4tt*9 1 132 1.421 0 2.89t*0 1.35t*2 3.22t*0

  • 2.341 0 1.03t*0 2 133 3.72t*7 $.41t*7 9.841*9 6.36te7 . 1.161 6 1.581 7
  • 1.01E=9 . = *
  • 2-134 =

!*135 1.21t*l 2.411 5 2.16t*7 3.49te$ = 8.741*4 8.80t*4 Ca 134 3.45te10 6.802 10 = 1.75E+10 7.141 9 1.851 4 6.411 9 Cs=136 1.96te9 5.77te9 - 2.30tet 4.70t 8 4.765 7 2.13t* 9 Ca*t37 5.15teto 4.021 10 - 1.621,to 6.55t*9 1.8at*8 4.27t 9

. . - =

  • Ca 138 - -

E4 139 4.551-7 . - - - 2.8st-5 1.321-8 ta-140 2.411 8 2.4ttel - S.71E*4 1.48tel 5.921 7 1.245 7 8.-143 . . . .

ga-143 .

La- 140 4.03tet 1.59t+1 - - - 1.87tel 4. 09 t *0 La+142 = * - - - 5.211-6 -

Ca-141 4.33E 4 2.44t*4 - 8.15tel - 1.371 7 3.11te)

Co- 14 3 4.00E*2 2.65t*i - 7.721 1 - t.S$1 6 3.02t.1 Ce-144 2.33t*6 9.521 5 - 3.85t.1 - 1.33E.s 1.30t*5 Pr-143 1.49Ee3 S.59Ee2 -

2.081 2 - 7.89E*5 7.411'1 Pr-144 + = = - -

pdat47 8.82t*2 9.06t*2 -

3.49t*2 - 1.74t*5 1.351 1 W4147 6.12t*4 4.261*4 - . - 2.501 6 1.471 4 Np-239 3.64t+1 3.251 0 -

6.49t*0 - 9.401*4 1.84t*0

Table 7.0-5 (**atim.8) 0<...-C.*-=+.6 r.o..e n... t a er. - aat ODCM-7.0 u s.

f- s DRAFT f t.r.wyr eer uCu.* > t.r 8 3 . C-

(} w . .,ewrr e., Cu... s.< o. . Pa9e 7 0-27 noo ie. 8. c uver thre.a ne..r a.n. sbu. T. 8 ,

u-3 . 3.255 2 3.25t+2 3.25tet 3.25t+2 3.25t*2 3. 2 5 t.2 C-16 3.33t*5 6.66t*4 6.661*4 6.66 be 6.66E'4 6.66 tee 6.468 4 pa-26 1.648-3 1.84t*3 1.84 b 3 1,848-3 t.841 3 1.848-3 . 1.848 3 P-32 4.651 9 2.89t*8 * . . 5.231 8 1.8u. 4 Cr*51 *

  • 4.22D3 1.56t*3 9.381 3 1.78t+6 7.075 3 Mn+ 54
  • 9.tSE*6 + 2.728 6
  • 2.80!*7 1.7 5t *6 nn 56 * * . . . . .

fe+55 2.93t+8 2.02t.8 .

  • 1.13b 8 1.16te8 4.72t+7 f.-59 2.671*8 6.27t+8 -
  • 1.75b 4 2.098+9 2.40te8 Co* S7
  • 5.64b6 . *
  • 1.43t*8 9.375 6 Co.58 = 1.435 7 . . . 3.705 8 4.10t 7 Co-60
  • 7.521*7 * *
  • t.411 9 1. 66t+ 8 N Wa3 1.495e10 1. 3 tb t * *
  • 2.73b 8 6.33b8 mi.65 - = * - = .
  • Co-64 . 2.951-1
  • 7.45b7 - 2.525-5 1.39E 7 2n-65 3.561 4 1.13b t - 7.51t+8 . 7.138 8 5.128 8 2.-49 . . - * * - =

8r-82 = a * *

  • 1.44t+3 1.268+3 tr*83 = = = - * *
  • 8t*84 - * * * * * -

8r-85 = = = = = = =


  • 4.871*8 * *
  • 9.60t*7 2.271*8 R >-88 * * = + * =
  • 8 >.8 9 . .

sr-89 3.01t*8 - * - = 6.84t*7 8.65t*6 s e-90 1.24telo = + +

  • 3.59t.8 3.05t*9 8t*91 * * * *
  • 1.38t-9 -

Stat 2 * = * * = = =

T 90 1.07b2 * * *

  • 1.13 b6 2. 86 t *0 g.g1. . . . . . . .

T-91 1.13t*6 - - . . 6.245 8 3.031 4 T.92 = = * * = = =

T-93 . = = . . 1.081-7 -

3r*95 1.84I.4 6.045 5

  • 9.68t*5
  • 1.91pt 4.095 5 tr-97 1.831-5 3.491-6 -
5. 58 8-6 . 1.145 0 1.691-6 t Mb-95 2.29t+4 1.288 6 - 1.261+6 = 7.75t*9 4.46tel l . 97 . . . . . . .

l No.99 - 1.09tel + 2.468*5 - 2.52tel 2.078 4 Te-99m = = = - + . -

Tc=101 * * * * = = .

  • Rv.103 '1.04t*8 - = 4.03b s . 1.23 D10 4.55t*7 8 ,.105 = = = * * = =

Ru.106 2.80!*9 * -- 5.40t+9 *

- t.8tiett 3. 54 E + 4 Rh-103e * * * * * .

Rh=104 * * * * * *

  • As=t10m 6.691 6 4.19t+6 + 1.22t*7 . 2.521+9 3.67t+6

! 5>-12. 1.981*7 3.748 5 4. 80b4 = 1.541 7 5.621 8 7.85t*6 s>=125 1.91t*) 2.13b 5 1.941 4 - 1.67t+7 2.10b8 4.54 be Te-125e 3.591+8 1.30E*8 1.08t+8 1.46t+9 . t.435*9 4.41E*7 T.+127e 1.12t*9 3.991+8- 2.85t+8 4.53t*9 . 3.741 9 1.341*8

. Teal 27 * =

  • 1.091-9 . 2.101-4
  • To 129s 1.16t+9 4.27b8 3.931 8 4.771*9 - 5.76E' 1.81t*8 T. 129 . . . . . .

Te-131m 4.511,2 2.21t+2 3. 50t+ 2 2.268 3 . 2.15, 1.84 t+ 2 Te-131 = * * * * = .

Te=132 't.60t+6 9.07Ee5 1.001 4 4.73t*6 . 4.291 7 -8.511 5 2 130 2.355-6 6. 94 t.6 5.881-4 1.081-5 + 5.981-6 2.745-6 2-131 1.08 b 7 1.548 7 5.05bt 2.64 b 7 . 4.078 6 8.83b6 3 132 * = = = . - -

2 133 4.308 1 7.47E-1 1.10b2 1.30!*0 . 6.72bt 2.28b t I.134 . . . . . . .

3-135 - - - . . . .

C.-134 4.571*8 1.54t*9 + 5.06t.a 1.681 8 2.741 7 1.28t+9 C.-136 1.181 7 4.67t*7 - 2.60t*7 3.34t*4 5.30E.6 3.36t+7 C.-137 8.72t*8 1.19t+9 - 4.05t+8 1.35b8 2.311,7 7.811 8 Co 138 - * * *

g. 139 . - . - . . .
  • 8e-140 2.88b7 3.61E*4 - 1.23t+4 2.075 4 5.921 7 1.89b6
6. 141 ba-142 = * - *
  • L -140




  • ) u-142 Ce=141 3.60b 2 1.811-2
1. 40be
9. 48 t+ 1


4.40b 3 1.331,3 4.798-3 3.62b 7 1.08t*5

! Ce=14 3 2.091-2 1.55t+1 - 4.80E-3 - 5.781 1.711-3

! Ce.164 1.46t*6 6.09t=5 -

3.61t+5 - 4. 91 E *7. .2 8 3t *4 Pr=143 2.131 4 8.54t 3 . 4.931 3 . 9.3)t.7 1.06t*3 Pr-144 . . - . . . .

H-147 7.08t* 3 8.181,3 . 4.78g.3 . 3,93p 7 4.90t*2 W*t47 2.16b2 1.81E-2 . . . 5.92t*0 6.321-1 NP-239 2.561-1 2.518 2 -

7.841 2 - 5.151 3 1.39t 2

.. _ ._ . - . m _ _ __

Table 7 0-5 _ (e*=tleved3 ODCM-7.0 al., sr...-Ce -ee.t raa..r Oo.e r.eier. tttucta DRAFT 4

-\ y, t.ees/vr per .Ct/s i ) ter n 3 ..d c 14 (e8 s aren/yr per pC1/..c) for othern Page 7.0-28 Netjgde , bone Lleer 7byrel8 818ke r Lena C)*LL3 T.Sude u3 . .

1. 94 te 2 l.948 2 l.94te2 t.94t+2 1.94t+2 1.94t*2 C-14 2.411 5 S.621+4 S.621+4 1.62t+4 S.62t+4 S.62t*4 5.61t+4 Ma 24 1.47t-3 1.475 3 1.478-3 1.471-3 1.471-3 1.471-3 1.47t*3 P-32 3.13t*9 2.44t*8 - = - 3.30t*8 1.12t+8 Cr-51 *
  • 3.14t*3 1.241 3 8.071 3 9. 50 t+ 1 $.45te) nn-$4 = 6.94t*6
  • 2.04t*6 a 1.43t+7 1.381 6 Ma-56 - * = . = = .

fe-ll 2.)$1 4 1.69t*8 * - 1.07t+8 7.30t*7 3.931*7 fe 19 2.13t+8 4.98t*6 . . 1.$78+4 1.185e9 1.92t+8 Co-57

  • 4.531 6 - - - 4.45t*7 7.59t*6 Co-58 a 1.41t*7 * + = 1. 94 t + 8 3.25t*7 Co.60 = 5.83I 7 . *
  • 7.60t*8 1.31t*3 N6 43 1.$2t+10 1.07t=9 = -
  • 1.71tet $.111+8 p3 43 . . . . . . .

Co-64 - 2.411 7

  • 4.105 7 = 1.878 5 1.138-7 1e-45 2.50t*4 8.69tes
  • 3.56t+4 - 3.68t*8 4.058 8 2 n-69 = * . * * *
  • 3r 82 . . . - . - 9.98t+2 tr*43 = = * 'a = *
  • Sr-44 - = = - * - =

Br-85 = * - - - *

  • R b-86 = 4.06t*8 - *
  • 6.018e7 1.91t*8 as-te . . . . . . .

3b.49 . . . . . . . .

3r*89 2. 54 h*e * * * - 3.03t+7 7.298+6 St-90 8.05tet * * * - 2.26t*8 l.99t*9 Stett * * = * - 1.10t*9 =

3r 92 * * * * * *

  • T* to 8.988*1 * * *
  • 7,401 5 2.421*0 f 91e =

+ . = - a. -

T-91 9.56t+$ = = - - 3.921 4 2.568 4 f.92 . . . . . . .

T-93 . . . - . 1.691-7 *

/ tr 91 1.511e6 4.76teS

  • 6.99E*5 . 1.10t*9 3.27tel

.(g) tr-97 1.535-5 3.021-6 - 4.581-6 - 8.181-1 1.39E-6 86-95 1.795e6 9.941 5 a 9.64t*5 - 4.255 9 5.47t+5 Nb*l7 = * * * * *

  • Me-99 = 8.981 4
  • 2.041 1 - 1.6ttel 1.71t*4 Te+99e * * * * * * =

Te=101 * * * * * *

  • Av.103 4.60t+7 =
  • 3.03t*4 - 7.18t*9 3.68t*7 Rv-105 - - * * * *
  • Ru-106 2.36t*9 =
  • 4.55t+9 . - 1.138 11 2.978 4 Sh-103e = = = * *
  • a 84 106 - * * * * *
  • Aa 110e $.062+6 4.79t*6 = 9.14t*4 - 1.352*9 2.911+6 sb-124 1.611*7 2.981 5 3.67t*4 - 1.411 7 3.26t+4 4.318 6 Sb=125 1.56t+7 1.71t+5 1.49t*4 - 1.371+7 1.221 8 3.66t*6 Te-125a 3.03E+8 1.09E*8 4.47t*7 = . 8.941 4 4.05t+7 fe+127e 9.415+8 3.34E+4 2.24tte 3.82t+9 - 2.351 9 1.121 8 Te=127 a = = * . 1.75E-8 -

Te-129s 9.$41*8 3.565 8 3.09t*8 4.01t*9 . 3.601 9 1.521 8 T ,.129 . . . . . . .

Te-131e 3.768+2 1.8Cte2 2.71t+2 1.88te) . l.45t*4 1.50tet Te-131 * * - = = = =

Te-132 1.1$3*6 7.26t+5 7.46tel 6.971+4+ - 2.30E+7 6.94t*5 2 130 1.895-6 5.481-6 4.471-4 8.448-6 . 4.211-6 2.19E-6 2-131 8.95t*6 1.251+7 3.64t*9 J.16t*7 + 2.44t*6 6.73te6 1 132 . . . . . . .

1-133 3.591-1 6.10E-t 4.51E*1 1.071 0 - 4.611-t 1,841-1 i

3 136 . . .- . . . .

[ 3 133 . . . . . . .

l . Cs-134 1.23Eet 1.23t+9 - 3.91t+4 1.4et*8 1.53E+7 5.711 8 j Ce-136 - 9.221 6 3.631 7 - 1.97t*7 3.111 4 2.921 6 2.44t+7 Cs-137 7.241 8 9.431 4 - 3.28tes t.271 8 1.371 7 3.36t+8 l Co-138 . - = * * - .

g.- t 39 - . . . . - . .

Ea-140 2.381+7 2.98t*4 + 9.882*3 t . 94 t *4 3.67t*7 1.531 6 Ba-l4l . * * * - - -


84*t%2 * . . . .

f. La-140 2.941-2 1.451-2 =
  • a 8.331 2 3.871-3

(** La-142 - = * - + - +

Ce-141 1.188 4 7.84E+3 - 3.70t+3 ,. 3.151 7 9.031 2 Ce-143 1.76t 2 1.281,1 . - 5.748-3 - 3.45t.2 1.43E-3 1.231 6 S.Dat*5 - 3.D41 5 - 3.098 8 6. 60 E.4 Ce-144 Fr 143 1.791 4 7.15t*3 - 4.16te3 . S.90t*7 8.921 2 Pr*144 ud-147 6.24t+1 6.798 3 - 3,983 3 . 2.45t*7 4.Dete2 W-187 1.818-2 1.481-2 . . . 3.99t*0 1.171 3 Nr-239 2.23E-1 2.111-2 - 6.611-2 + 3.39t*3 1.173-2

Table 7.04 _ (eentinues Es. Grase-Cow-meat tathway Does tectore . Cults ODCM-7.0 ORAFT


(f _

(even/rr Per W.4/e8 ) for s-3 and C-14 (sa ,.e/r. e., ,c4/.e. : ser .iner. Pago 7.0-29 nuellee 6ene Liver Thyreis Elanei 1.um8 G 8 -1.tJ T.8 ay N-1 . 2.34t*2 2.348e2 2.34tet 2.34te2 2.34te2 2.341 2 C 14 S.29Ee5 1.04t*5 f.06tel 1.06tel 1.06t S 1.06t+5 1.04t*$

na-26 2.345-1 2. 34 5-3 2.345 3 2.341-3 2.34t 3 2.341-3 2.345 3 P 32 7.4ttet 3.47Ee4 . . . 2.051 4 2.86tel Cr.11 . . 6.891 3 1.341 3 8.93tel 4.471 $ 4.811 3 me-14 . 7.99 tee . 2.24 tee = 6.70t+6 2.13E.4 no.36 . . . . . . .

to-SS 4.57t*4 2.42t+8 . . 1.378 8 4.498 7 7.Stte?

Te.59 3.78t 8 6.121 8 . = l.771+4 6.371,4 3.0$tes Ce-17 . 5.925*6 . . . 4.455 7 1.20t*7 Co-58 -. 1.65t*7 = . . 9.6CE.7 $.04tei Co.44 . 6.931 7 . . ,. 1.84t*8 2.048 4 N4 63 2.918 10 1.56tet * * . 1.051 8 9.91tet ut.63 . . . . . . .

Co-64 . 3.248 7

  • 7.825-7 . 1.521 5 1.965-7 ta-61 3.75t*4 1.00E*9 . 6.30t+4 = t.761 4 6.22t*4 go.49 . . . . . . .

sr.42 . . . . . . 1.56t+3 St.83 . . . . . . .

St 84 . . . * * *

  • 8t*85 . = = . . . .

St.66 . S.76t*8 . . . 3.711 7 3.54t*8 86 84 . . . . . . .

8ba49 . = . . . . .

St.89 + 4.821 8 . . * . 1.841 7 1.384 7 3r.90 1.04te10 . . . . 1.40tet 2.648 9 St=91 = = . = . 1.015 9 .

$ rett . . . . . . .

Y.90 1.701 2 . . . . 4.841 5 4.55t*0 T-9te . . . . . . .

T 91 1.418e4 . . . . 2.418 8 4.835 4 f.92 . . . . . . .

T-93 . . . . .

1.55t-7 .

Ir*95 2.68E.6 5.49t*5 . 4.43t*$ . 6.141 4 5.241 5 tr 97 2.44E 5 4.105-6 . S.891-6

  • 4.218 1 2.425-4 l

J ,>-,,



. 201 6

,.,,E.6 2.23te, 8.615 5 l Ms.99 . 1.25t+5 . 2.67t+5 - I.031 5 3.091 4 Te.99e . . . . . . .

Ts.101 . . .. * * *

  • Re.103 1,565 4 . . 3.918ea . 4.04tet 5.988*7 Ru*105 . . . . . . .

Au-104 4.44t+9 - . . 5.99tet . 4.901,10 5.54tes ab.103e . . . . . . .

33 106 . = . . . * .

Aa.lton 8.40t*4 5.67t*6 . 't.068e7 . 6.75t+8 4.538 6 36 124 2.93E+7 3.40E+5 6.441 4 . 1.42t+7 1.838 4 4.03t+7 Sb.125 2.8St+7 2.19Ee5 2. 64 t*4 . 1.591 7 6.80te7 $.96te6 Te.125e 5.69t*4 1.54tes 1. 60t e s . . 5.491 8 7.59t*7

( Te.127e 1.77E*9 4.788 8 4.241 4 5.041 9 - 1.44t*9 2.11t*4 Te.127 . . . 1.211 9 . 1.66E-4 =

Te.129e 1.818 9 5.045 4 5. 82 t* 8 5.30t+9

  • 2.20t*9 2.80 tee Te.129 . . . . . . .

Te.13te 7.00te2 2.428*2 4.988 2 2.341 3 - 9.811 3 2.54te!

Te.131 . . . . . . .

Te.132 2.09 tee 9.271*5 1.35teo 8.6ct*6 . 9.331 6 1.121 6 l- 1 130 3.391 6 6.8SE-6 7. 54 E.4 f.021-1 . 3.201-6 3.535-6 l' 1 131 1.66tel 1.67tel 5. 52t+9 2.74t.7 - 1.491 6 9.49t+6 l 1 132 . . . . . . .

2 134 6.681 9 8.268 1 1.53tet 1.341 0 - 3.33E.1 3.121 1 1-134 . . . . . . .

3 135 . .

Co.134 9.222 8 1.515 9 - 4.69t 4 1. 4e t* 8 8.15t*4 3.19E.8 Co.136 1.59t+7 4.37t*3 - 2.33t*7 3.478 6 t.542 6 2.811 7 Ca.137 1.3)(e9 1.28te9 . 4.166 8 1. 50E e4 7.99E*6 1.88t*8 Ca.138 . . . . . . .

g 139 . . . . . . .

Ee.140 4.39t*7 3.858 4 . 1.2$t*4 2.29t*4 2.22t+7 2.$6t+6 54 141 = * . . . . .

S 143 . . . . . . .

14 140 S.418 2 1.891-2 . . . 1.271 2 4.381-1 f

c..t.2 Ca.141 2.22 fee 1.11t*4 . 4.84t*3 - 1.3stof 1.64te)

Co-143 3.101 2 1.791 1 . 7.515-3 .

2.621 2 2.592-1 Ce-144 2.321 6 7.24te$ . 4.021 5 + 1.89E*8 1.241 5 7t.143 3.392 4 1.021 4 . 5.31t*3 . 3.44t.7 1.681 3

.Pr*144 = = .

n4 147 1.171 4 9.4st*3 -

5.20Ee) - 1.50E*7 7. 348,2 W.187 3.365-2 1. 998-2 . . . 2.79t*0 8.92E-3 ep.239 4.202-1 3.02t-2 .

8.73E-2 2.23t*3 2.128-2

Tabla 7 0-5 4 concinued)

ODCM-7.0 Rs . Wesetation Fath ar Dose Tacters

  • ALULT n DRAFT i (ares /yr per pCi/a 8) for N-3 and C-64 Pago 7.0-30

[\_,f/ (ea a stee/yr per ecl/see) for oth. .

Nuc31de bone Liver thyrois. Eaaney Luns Cl* LLE T. body N-3 '- 2.26tel 2.26t*3 2.26te3 2.26t ) 2.26t*3 2.26t+3 C to 4.97tel 1.791 5 1.79E*5 1.79t+5 1.79t+5 9.79t*5 1.79tel No 24 2.16tel 2.76t+l 2.761*$ 2.76t+5 2.761 5 2.76t*5 2.76tel P 32 1.40E+9 4.731 7 - - - 1.58t+4 5.421*7 Cr*51 - - 3.79t+4 1.038 4 4.19t*4 1.17t*7 4.668 4 Ma- 58 - 3.118e4 - 9.27te7 - 9.541 8 5.945 7 Me-Se - 1.61t*1 - 2.041 1 - 5.131 3 2.85t+0 Te-55 2.09t+4 1.45t 8 - - 8.061 7 8.29t*7 3.371 7 Fe-59 1 27te8 2.99tet - - 8.35te7 9.96t+8 1.14t*8 Co-57 - 1.17t*7 - - - 2.978 8 1.95t*7 Co-54 - 3.091 7 - * - 6.26t+8 6.92Ee?

Co-60 - 1.67t*4 - - - 3.14t*9 3.69t+8 84 63 1. 04 t

  • 10 7.21t*8 - - - 1.50t*4 3.49t+8
  1. 1 65 6.15tel 7.995 0 - - - 2.03Ee2 3.65t*0 co-64 - 9.271 3 - 2. 34 E.4 - 7.908 5 4.35t.3 2e 45 3.171 8 1.01t*9 - 6.751 8 - 6.36t+4 4.56tes 2 m-69 8.151-6 1.47E 5 - 1.09t-5 - 2.511-6 1.16t-4 St 42 - - - - - 1.73t*6 1.51t*6 tr-83 - - - - - 4.638*0 3.21t*0 3r-44 - - - - - - -

Sr-85 - - - - - = =

a b-86 - 2.19t*8 - - - 4.321 7 1.021 8 R>-88 - - - - - - -

A b- 89 - - - - - - -

1r-49 9.96t+9 - - - - 1. 60t+ 9 3.86t*8

$ r-90 6.05t*11 - - - - 1.755 10 1.481 11 Statt 3.201 5 - - - - 1.521 6 1.29E*4 St-92 4.27E*3 - - = = 8.461+3 1.851+1 Y 90 1.33t+4 - - =

  • 1.4tt+8 3.56t+2 T-91e 5.43t-9 - - - -

1.711-8 -

4 T*91 5.131 6 - - - - 3.82t*9 1.371 5 Y-92 9.01t-1 - - - - 1.581 4 2.635 2 Y 93 1.74t*2 = - - - 5.52t+6 4.80t*0 3r 95 1.19E 6 3.81t+5 - 5.971 5 - 1.211+9 2.541 5


t tr-97 3.331 2 6.73t+t - 1.02t** - 2.085 7 2.083,1


'# - ub-95 t.42t+5 7.911 4 - 7.811 4 - 4.401 8 4.251 4 Mba91 2.905-6 7.34t*7 - 4.562-7 - 2.715-3 3.688-7 no-99 - 6.25t*6 - 1.4tte7 - 1.45t+7 1.191 6 Te-99e 3.068*0 8.46t*0 - 1.321 4 4.241 0 5.12t+3 1.10t+2 Te-101 -- - - * - - -

Re-103 4.801 6 - - 1.831 7 - 5.6tt*8 2.071 6 8 -105 5.39E*l - - 6.961 2 - 3.30t*4 2.13tet to-too 1.93Ee8 * - 3.721*4 - 1.25te10 2.44t*7 Rh-103e - - - - - - -

Rh-106 - - * - - - -

A8*1tDe 1.048 7 9.76t*6 - 1.921 7 = 3.981*9 5.801 6 8b=124 1.04t*8 1.96t+6 2.521 5 - 8.08t*7 2.95t+9 4.11t+7 8>-125 1.348 4 1.525 4 1.39tel - 1.051 4 1.501 9 3,25t*7 Te-125e 9.64E+7 3.50te? 2. 90te ? 3.93E.8 - 3.865 8 1.291,7 Te-127a 3.49te8 1.25t+8 8.921 7 1.425 9 - 1.17t*9 4.268 7 Te-127 5.74Ee3 2.07t*3 4.271*3 2.351 4 - 4. 54 tel 5.25t*3

- Te= 129e 2.55E+4 9.50t+7 4.75t*7 1.06t+9 - 1.28t+9 4.03t+7 Te-129 6.45t-4 2.50E-4 5.101-4 2.791-1 - 5.021-s 1.621-4 Te-t31a 9.12te5 4.46t*5 7. 06 1*5 6.52t+6 - 4. 4 3t+ 7 3.72t+5 Te-131 = = - - - -

  • Te-132 4.291 6 2.77te6 3.06t*6 2.67E 7 -

1.31E*8 2.60!*4 2*130 3.96tel 1.17t+6 9.90E.7 t.821 6 - 1.011 6 4.611 5 2-138 4.09t+7 1.161 8 3.79teto 1.982 4 - 3.051 7 6.631 7 2 132 5.74tet 1. 54 t+ 2 5.34t*) 2.45t+2 - 2.891 1 5.38tet 2 133 2.111 6 3.69'*4 5.42t+8 4.44t*6 - 3.311 6 1.121 4 2-134 1.065-4 2.88t-4 1.00t-3 4.591-4 - 2.511-7 1.031-4 1-135 4. cat +4 1.07t*5 7.041 4 1.71t+5 - 1.21t*5 3.94t*4

  • Cs-134 4.66t** 1.111,10 - 3.59t*9 1.191 9 t.94t*8 9.07t*9 Ca-fle -4.20E*7 1.46t*8 - 9.24t+7 1,27t+7 1.89t*7 1.195 4 Ca-137 4.361 9 8.70E*9 -

2.951 9 9.811 8 1.681*4 3.70E*9 Cs 138 - - - - - - =

r 8a-139 2.95E-2 2.10t-5 - I . 94t- 5 1.195-5 5.231-2 8.64t-6 l

ka-140 1.29t*8 1.622 5 - 5.498 4 9.25t*4 2.65t+8 8.435 6 j Sa-141 * - - - - - -

! Ba-142 - - - - - - -


[ } La-140 1.97t*3 9.921 2 - - - 7.281 7 2.62t*2

( ,,/ . La-142 t.602-4 6.351-5 - - - 4. set-1 1.545-5 Ca-141 1.96tel 1.33te5 - 6.17t*4 - 5.082 8 1.51t*4 Ce-143 1.00t+3 7.42t+5 - 3.26t*2 - 2.771 7 8.21tel Ce-144 3.29te7 1.38E.7 - 4. t48 6 - 1.77t+6 Pr-143 6.341 4 2. 54 t *4 - 1.471 4 - 2.78t+4 3.14t*3 Fr-144 - - - - - - -

Ndal47 3.34t.4 3.86t*4 - 2.251** - 1.85t*8 2.31E.3 b-137 3.42t*4 3.19t+4 - - - 1.0$t*7 1.12t*4 Np-239 1.421*3 1.40t*2 - 4.375 2 - 2.87t*7 7.721 1

Table 10-5 ,J(conct ed) i 8... v..ei.i se. r.u.., >..e r.<ier. - ttraicta 00CM-7.0 l DRAFT l

. n; f

\,,, .

. <.e e./r, e., eC /.8 3 a., N- 3 . 4 c-

(e4 a otem/yr per yC1/ses) for others Page 7*01-31 '

j Neelite bene Lleet thyrets flaney Lens C1 L14 f. bod t N-1 '. 2.59te3 2.59t.) 2.591 3 2.59t*3 2.59 ten 2.59t*5 C+14 1.45te6 3.91tel 2.911 5 2.91tel 3.911 5 2.915+5 2.91t+5 Na-24 2.45t+5 2.45tel 2.4Stel 2.451 5 2.45t+5 2.45t+5 2.458 5 P*32 1.61t*9 9.961 7 = . . l.351 8 6.238e)

Ct=51 = = 3.44t 4 1.361 4 8.85t*4 1.Dete? 6.205 4 re-54 . 4.528 8 . 1.351 8 - 9.271 8 8.971 7 no-56 . 1.458 1 . 1.83tet . 9.54t*2 2.54teo re-55 3.251 8 2.311 8 . . ' 1.46t+8 9.981 7 5.38t*7 Fe-19 l.811 8 4.221 8 - - 1.338 8 9.981 4 1.638 8 Ce-57 + 1.79&ef - . . 3.341 8 3.00t 7 Co-58 - 4.341 7 - . . 6.64t.8 1.011+8 Co-60 + 2.49t*8 . . . 3.241 9 5.601 8 NA-43 1.61te10 1.13t*9 . - . 1.81t*8 5.451 8 94-65 5.731 1 7.321 0 - . . 3.97E*2 3.331*0 Co-64 = 8.401 3 . 2.121 4 . 6.511 5 3.95t+3 2 e+4 5 4.24t*8 1.47t+9 - 9.41tet . 4.23t*8 4.86t+8 I n-69 8.191-6 1.56t=5

  • 1.021-5 - 2.88t-5 1.091-6 Sr-82 = = - - - - 1.33t*6 St-83 - . . - - . 3.01te0 St+44 = . . - . - .

St 85 = = - - * *

  • Ab-86 - 2.731,8 - - - e.051 7 1 281 8 A b-88 * . - . . . -

at-89 . . . - . *

  • 3 r-89 1.5tt+10 - . - - 1.80t.9 4.33t+8 3r-90 7.511 11 . . . . 3.111 10 1.45tell 8 rett 2.991 5 . . . . 1.368 6 1.195 4 St-93 3.971 2 . = - . 1.011 4 8.491 1 Y 90 1.248 4 . - . . 1.02tes 3.348 2 T-91e 5.43t 9 . . - - 2.548-7 =

a T 91 7.87t+6 - . . - 3.238,9 2.111+5 T-92 8.47t.1 . . . . 2.328 4 2.451 2 T-93 1.63t+2 . * * - 4.94t*6 4.471 0

.!r.95 1.741 4 5.491 5 - 4.075 5 . 1.27t.9 3.741 5 21-97 3.09t*2 6.11t+1 - 9.265 1 - 1.651+7 2.811 1

  1. b-95 1.921 5 1.068 5 = 1.03t*5 . 4.558 8 5.84t*4 8b-97 2.691-6 6.678 7 = 7.40s.7 . 1.591-2 2.448 7 Ne-99 . 5.742,6 - 1.31E.7 - 1.03t*7 1.091 6 Ts*99m 2.70!+0 7.545 0 . 1.125+2 4.192 0 4.951 3 9.778 1 74-101 . - . . . . .

Se+103 6.47I.6 = . 2.42r+7 . 5.7418 2.94te6 Re-105 5.00E.1 . . 6.3tE*2 - 4.041 4 1. 94 te t Se=106 3.098 4 '. -

5.97E*8 - 1.48te to 3.9017 Ah-103a . - = * . - =

Sh-106 * . . . - . .

[ .AS.110s 1.521 7 1.44ke7 . 2.741 7 - 4.04t*9 8.748,6

  1. b.124 1.55t*4 2.851,6 3.51**5 . 1.35E+4 3.11t+9 6.03Ee7 Sb-125 3.14Ee4 2.348 6 2.04 tel -

1.888 8 1.661 9 5. 00t

  • 7 fe-125e 1.481 8 5.34Ee7 4.141 7 = . 4.37tet 1.98t+7 fe=127a 5.511 8 1. 96 t* 4 1.318 8 2.248 9 - 1.375 9 4.568 7 l Te-137 .5.431 3 1.92tel 3.741e3 2.201 4 - 4.19tel 1.17t*3

- to-129s 3.67E*8 1.36te8 1.185 8 1.543 9 . 1.38t*9 5.81t*7 Te.129 6.221-4 2.328-4 4.45E-4 2.411-3 - 3.40t 3 1.518-4 Te 131e 8.441 5 4.051 5 6.091 5 4.228 6

  • 3.25t*7 3.3st+5 Te-131 a = = = . . .

Te-132 3. 90E 6 2.47Ee6 2. 60E*6 2.371 7 = 7.82E+7 2.321 6 3 130 3.54te$ -1.021 6 8.351 7 t.58te6 - 7.87 Eel 4.09t*5 2 131 7.70t*7 1.08 t* 8 3.14 t* 10 1.85te8 - 2.13ts! 5.79t*7 E-132 5.18t+1 1.36te2 4.575 3 2.145 2 - 5.918 1 4.871 1 1-133 1.971 4 3.345 6 4.66t*8 5.86t+6 . 2.331 6 1.028 6 l 134 9.591-5 2. 54 t-4 4.24t-3 4.011-4 - 3.35t-6 9.13t-5 2 135 3.68 tee 9.488 4 6.10t*6 1.50t*5 , - 1.051 5 3.52t*4 Ca-134 7.09te9 1.67Esto

  • 5.301 9 2.022 9 2.081 8 7.74t*9 Co-136 4.295 7 1.69t*8 - 9.19t+7 '.4 5t* 7 1.368 7 1,13t*4 Cs 137 1.012 10 1.352 10 -

4.59t*9 1.78t*9 1.921 8 4.69t*9 co-138 . . - = = - -

sa-139 2.778-2 1.931-5 -

1.84t-5 f. 341- 5 2.47E-1 8.081 4 84 140 1.381 8 1.691 5 -

5.75t*4 1.14 E+ 5 2.13t*4 4.918 4 8 -143 . . - . . . -

8a-142 . . - - . - -



I La-140 La-142 1.40t+3 8.84E 2 - -

1.281-4 5.69t-5 -

5.08te? 2.351 2 1.73t*0 1.42t-5 Ce-141 2.821*5 1.88t*5 -

8.46t 4 - 5.341*4 2. tate 4 Ce-143 9.37E*2 6.821*5 -

3.06E.2 - 2.05t+7 7.62 ret Ce-144 5.211 7 2.182 7 -

1.30E.7 . 1.33tet0 2.831 6 Pr-14 3 7.121*4 2.84t*4 -

1.451 4 - 2.34tes 3.551 3 tr 144 - - - .- - -

44-147 3.631*4 3.94Ee*

  • 2.321*4 - 1.421,8 2.361 3 W-187 3.55t*4 2.902 4 - - . 7.448 6 1.02te4 up-239 1.38te3 .1.301 2 -

4.09te2 -

2.101 7 7.245e1

f able 7 0-5 (c.. tin eg) a... ve, no.e r.cs.t. + cuito ODCM-7.0 C)F1/LFrr

(.se./rr per ,C /.i> :.t a-3 . C-to Page 7.0-32 c.a . .se./,r ,er ,Cif.ees s., .tnee.

Nuciles be.e Liver Thyr.i8 tieney Lunt El LLI T. 8od y N-3 + 4.09t ) 4.01t*3 4.0tte) 4.09te) 4.011 3 4.0ttel Cale 3.505 6 7.01tel 7.01tel 7.011 6 7.018el 7.01Ee$ 7.011 6 Na*24 3.8)[el 3.33[e$ 3,33[e$ 3.g}{eg 3.g)[el 3.43(*$ 3.4){e$

P 32 1.371 9 1.58t*8 . . . 9.301 7 t.301 8 Cr-51 - . 4.545 4 1.191 4 1.19tel 6.25t*6 1.14t*5 Ma- S4

  • 6.61t*4 e 1.858 8 * $.55t*4 1.76te8 M.-56 - 1,90tet . 2.291 1 - 2.75t+3 4.285 0 Fe 15 4. Dotes 4.24tet . . 2.401 8 7.86t*7 1.311 8 Fe*59 4.01104 6.495 8 . . l.881*8 6.761 8 3.231 8 Ce-57 . 2.995 7 . . . 2.45t*8 6.04tel Co-58 . 4.47t*7 . = . 3.77t*8 1.98te8 Co-60 . 3.78tet . . -

2.101 9 1.12t+9 us.43 3.951 10 2.111,9 - . . 1.42 te t 1.341 9 ut 65 1.055 2 9.89t*0 - . -

1.21te) 5.7?Ee0 Cu-64 . 1. tit +4

  • 2.641 4 . 1.20tel 6.69t*1 2.-65 8.121 4 2.16t*9 . 1.36tet . 3.80s.4 1.35t.9 1.-69 1.5t1 5 2.18t S . 1.321-$ - 1.341 1 2.028-6 St+42 . = + + - . 2. 04 t*6 tr-83 . . . . - . 5.55t*0 8r*84 . . . = . . .

4r-85 -= * . = = *

  • R> 86 . 4.521*4 . . . 2.9)t*7 2.78tes 26-44 . . . . . . -

$b=89 . . - - . . . .

. Sr 89 3.59te10 . . . . l.39E.9 1.035 9 Stato 4.24t*12 a . - + 1.67t+10 3.15t*11 3r*91 $.Sotel = . . . l.21t*4 2.08t*4 St-92 7.28t*2 = . . - 1.381 4 2.921 1 T.90 2.30t*4 = . - - 4.561 7 6.17E*2 Y*tta 9.945-9 - . . . 1.958 5 -

T.91 1.87E*7 . . . . 2.49t*9 S.0tten T.92 1.56tec . . . - 4.511 4 4.461 2 Y 93 3.011 2 - - . . 4.481 6 8.25t*0 3r-95 3.901 6 8.582 5 - 1.231 4 . 8.95tes 7.648 5

's tr*97 $.641*2 8.151 1- - 1.171 2 . 1.234 7 4.418e1 N- ub-95 4.101 5 1.392+5 . 1,55t*5 - 2.951 4 1.148 5 D b- 97 4. 90 8-6 8.851-7 = 9.812-7 . 2.731-1 4.131 7 Re-99 - 7.831 6 . l.631 7 - 6.481e6 1. 94 5, 6 Te-993 4.65t*0 9.128 0 - 1.338 3 4.631 0 5.19t*3 1.511,2 Te-101 = . . . . . .

so-103 1.551 7 -

  • 3.49t*7 = 3.99E.8 1.941 6 Re-10$ 9.178 1 - . 8.06tel
  • 5.98t*4 3.33 Eel Re-106 7.45tes - - 1.0t!*9 - 1.16 tate 9.301 7 Rb-103. . - . . . . .

Ah*104 * - * * * *

  • A8 110m 3.221 7 2.17t*7 . 4.0$1 7 . 2.54Est 1.74t*7 8>-124 3.52Ee8 4.$7Ee6 7.781 -9 - 1.961 4 2.201,9 1.231*8 SD-12$ 4.99t*8 3.8$t*6 4.64t*3 - 2.781 8_ 1.198 9 1.0$E.8 Te-12 5e 3.518e8 9.50t+7 9.84 ten . . 3.381 4 4.67t*7 Te.127m 1.321,9 3.561 6 3.16t*4 3.77t*9 . l.07t*9 1.171 8 Te.127 1.005 4 2.701 3 6.93t.3 2.851*4 . 3.91tel 2.15Ee3 Te.12*e 4.$41 4 2.392 4 2.75t*4 2.3tt*9 - 1.04t*9 1.33t*4 Te.129 1.151-3 3.22t-4 4.22t-4 3.371-3 - 7.171-2 2.74t+4 Te-131. 1.$41*6 5.331*5 1. lote 6 5.161 6 - 2.16t*7 $.64tel Te-131 . . . . - . -

Ts. l32 6.981 6 3.09f*4 4.50t*6 2.871 7 . 3.11t*7 3.731 6 2 130 6.211 5 1.26t+6 1.38t*4 1.48t*6 . $.471 5 6.471 5 I-131- 1.431 8 1.441 8 4.76E 10 2.34t*8 - - 1.28Ee7 4.18t*7 2 132 9.20E*1 1.698 2 7.44 t

  • 3 2.59te2 - 1.99te2 7.77t 1 2-133 3.59t*6 4.44t*6 8.255 8 7.404 4 - 1.79E*6 1.641 6 I-134 1.70E-4 3.16t-4 7.28t-1 4.441-4 - 2.10t 4 1.461-4 1-135 6.541 4 't.18t*5 1.04t*7 1.812 5 . 8.98te4 5.571 4 Ce=134 1.60te10 2.631*10 -

8.14t*9 2.92t*9 1.421 8 5. 54 t*9 Ca.134 8.06t*7 2.228 8 - 1.14t*8 1.76t*7 7.79E*4 1.435 8 Cs-137 2.39t+10 2.291 10 . 7.448*9 2.641 9 1.431 8 3.381 9 Ca.133 - - . -

_= = .64-139 5.11t-2 2.73E-5 - 2.38t-5 1.615-5 2.951 0 1.44t-1 ba-140 2.771 8 2.43t*5 - 7.90C+4 1.451.$ 1.40Ee8 t.621 7 4 -14; - . . . = = =

la-142 . - - . . .


La-140 3.238 3 1.13t+3 - . - 3.15t*7 3.8t1 2


\s,s/ ) .

La-t42 2.321 4 7.401 5 - - - 1.47t+1 2.321-1 Ce-141 1.231 5 6.141 4 - 2.491 4 - 7.641 7 1.125,3 Ce- 14 3 1.73Ee3 9.36t*5 - 3.91t*2 + 1.37te? 1.361 2 Ce-144 1.271 4 3.991 7 - 2.21E*7 - 1.04t*10 6.741 6 Pr-143 1.481*5 4.448 4 - 2.41t*4 - 1.401 8 7.37t*3 Pr-144 - - . .

N4 147 7.16t 4 5.801 4 - 3.18te4 - 9.181,7 4.49t*3 W-181 6.471 4 3.431 4 * * - 5.341 6 1.721 4 NP-239 2.531 3 1.531,2 - 5.30!*2 - 1.34107 1.291 2

- ~ . . - _.

ODCM-7.0 Tatste 7 0+5. j(continued) gg[(p(pr[

-s g R .. croune ti ae t in..y De.. recier.

Page 7.0-33

.\s_,) fe8 a eeee/yr per pCl/ese)

Nuclide Any Or8ao N3 - l C 14 - '

n 24 1.21&*7 P-32 +

Ct 51 4.68t*4 Ma- 54 1.34t*9 Mo-56 9.051 5 te-15 -

re-59 2.75t*8 Co*SS 3.82t*4 Co-60 2.16t*10 j N1 63 - I M4-4$ 2.97tel Cu-64 6.09te$

to-65 7.45t*8 to-49 -

fr-83 4.89te)

St-84 2.031 5 St 85 -

R6-86 8.981*6 R6-88 3.29t*4 R6-89 1.21t*$

3r-89 2.16t*4 .

Sa 90

  • St-91 2.19t*6 4t-92 7.77tel T*to 4.44t*3 T-91a 1.011 5 T-91 1.081*6 T-92 1.80t*5 T 93 1.85t*5 2t-95 2.48t*4

/"'Ns It-97 2.94t*6 k b-95 1.36t*8

- (\ .s/)

% Mo-99 4,0$1*6

.Tc=99e 1.831*5 fe-101 2.041 4 Re-103 1.09t*8 Ru-10$ 4.36t*$

Rw=106 4.211 8 Rh-103s -

Rh-106 -

As*110e 3.671*9 Te-125m - 1.15t*4 Te-127a 9.171*4 Te-127 3. 00 t* 3 Te-129e 2.DCE*7 Te-129 2.601 4 T e-131a 8.03t*6 Te-831 2.931*4 Te-132 4.221*6 1-130 5.53t*4 1 131 1.72t*7 1-132 1.24t*6 3-133 2.47E*6 1 134 4.49te$

1-135 2.54t*6 Cs-134 6.75t*9 Cs-136 1.49tes Cs-137 1. 04 t

  • 10 Cs-438 3.59E*5 Sa-139 1.061*5 Ea-140 2.0$t*7.44-141 4.18t*4 84 142 4,491 4 La-140 1.91t*7 La-142 7.361*5 Ce-141 1.34t*7 n Ce-143 Ce*144 2.32t*6 6.95t*7 Pr-t43 -

Pral44 1.83te)

Md-147 8.40E*6 M-187 2.34t*6 pp-239 1.71t*6

-, T -


ODCt3-T,0 -

(s x

. V DRAFT Page 7.0-34 FIGURE 7.0-1 +


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._ C*j"** 'h e

Sy -~

a R..e. m.O -y_ - ,1e_ .

NOTE: The NEPA ana charcoat filters icentified on the Standby Gas Treatment Sys t em -( SGT S ) are cart of t ne -

engineered safety feature and are not' considered Ventitation Enhaust Treatment Systems (VETS). No effluent reduction was credited in the UFSAR 10CFR50 Appendia I evaluation for the HEPA filter installed in the Racmaste ventilation. Fermt 2 Conforms uitn 10CFR50 Appendt= I without VETS installed.  !

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-8.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 8,0-1 C\

\d SPECIAL DUSE ANALYSIS 3.0 SPECIAL DOSF ANALYSES 8.1 Doses Due to Activities insirte the SITE DOUNDARy in accordance with ODCM, the Semlannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report submitted within 60 days after January 1 of each year shall include an assessment of radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY.

Two locations within the Formi 2 SITE BOUNDARY are accessible to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC for activities unrelated to Detroit Edison operational and support activities. l One is the over-water portion of the SITE BOUNDARY due east of the plant. Ice j fishermen somettmas fish here during th6 winter. The other is the. Fermi 2 Visitor's Center, outside the protected treu (but inside the Owner Controlled Area),

approximately 470 meters SSW of the &ctor Building. The Visitor's Center la open (

to the public and is routinely visited by MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, including school tour groups on a frequency of once per year.

Conservative assumptions of locations, exposure times and exposure pathways for assessing doses due to activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY are presented in Table 8.0-1. The calculational methods presented in ODCM Sections 7.6 and 7.7 may be used for determining the maximum potential dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC based on the above assumptions.

The potential dose from the fish pathway to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC engaged in pd Ice fishing within the SITE BOUNDARY is accounted for by the modeling presented in ODCM Section 6.5. Therefore, no additional special dose analyses are required for this exposure pathway for reporting in the Sealannual Radlooctive Effluent Release Report, 8.2 Doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC - 40 CFR 190 The Semlannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall also include an assessment of the radiation dosa to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC for reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuel cycle sources (including dose contributions from effluents and direct radiation from onsite sources). For the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC in the vicinity of the Fermi 2 site, the sources of exposure need consider only the radioactive effluents and direct exposure contribution from Fermi 2. No other fuel cycle facilities contribute significantly to the cumulative dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC In the immediate vicinity of the site. Davls-Besse is the closest fuel cycle facility located about 20 miles to the SSE. Due to environmental dispersion, any routine releases from Davis-Besse would contribute insigt.lficantly to the potential doses in the vicinity of Fermi 2.

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Change numbers incorporated:

DSN Rev DRAFT Date DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient


- ODCM-8.0 DRAFT Page 8.0-2

. As appropriate for demonstrating / evaluating compliance with the limits of ODCM

. 3.11.4 (40 CFR 190), the results of the environmental monitoring program may be used to provide data on actual measured levels of radioactive materialin the actual pathways of exposure.

8.2.1 Effluent Dose Calculations For purposes of implementing the surveillance requirements of ODCM 3.11.4 and the reporting requirements of ODCM, dose calculations for Fermi 2 may be performed using the calculational methods contained within this ODCM; the conservative controlling pathways and locations of Table 7.0-4 or the actual pathways and locations as identified by the land use census (ODCM 3.12.2 and ODCM 9.0) may be used. Liquid pathway doses may be calculated using Equation (6-10) Doses due to releases of radiolodines,' tritium and particulates are calculated based on Equation (7-14).

The following equations may be used for calculating the doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from releases of noble gases- l Dtb _a 3.1'7 E - 08

  • X/O * [(Kl
  • Og).

and Ds = 3.17 E - 08

  • X/O * [([L + 1 1.1 M il
  • 0 6)

(8-2) where:

Dtb = total body dose due to gamma emissions for noble gas -

radionuclides (mrom)


= skin dose due to gamma and beta emissions for noble gas radionuclides (mrad) l 3

X/Q = atmospheric dispersion to the offsite location (sec/m )

l 0) .

= cumulative release of noble gas radionut se i over the

period of interest (uCl)

= Ci x VF x 1.67E + 01

. C)

= concentration of radionuclide i as determined by gamma spectral analysis'of media (uCl/ml)

VF = average ventilation flow for release point (liters / min)


1.67E + 01 (1E + 03 ml/ liter) * (1 min /60 see)


Ki total noblebody dose factor1due gas radionuclide (mrem to gamma

/yr per uCl/m emissig)ns (from from ,

Table 7.0-3)



skin dose factor dul to beta emisglons from noble gas radionuclide I (mrom/yr per uCl/m ) (from Table 7.0-3) i

_ . -_ ~ - ~ . - ~ . .

ODCM-8.0 DriAFT Page 8.0-3 Mg =

gamma (mrad /yr air perdose uCi/mfary)or for noble (from Table 7.0-3) gas radionucilde I 1.1 = mrem sidn dose per mrad gamma air dose (mrem / mrad) 3.17 E - 08 = 1/3.15 E + 07 yr/sec Average annual meterological dispersion parameters or meterological conditions concurrent with the release period under evaluation may be used (e.g., quarterly averages or year-specific annual averages).

8.2.2 Direct Exposure Dose Determination From evaluations performed in the Fermi 2 Environmental Report, Section 5.3.4, the direct exposure to the highest offsite location from the Turbine Building N-16 skyshine dose has been calculated to be approximately 3 mrem / year. This value may be used as a baseline for actual direct exposure contributions during plant operations. - Other potentially significant direct exposure contributions to offsite individual doses may be evaluated based on the results of the environmental

- measurements (e.g., TLD, lon chamber measurements) or by the use of a radiation transport and shleiding calculational method. Orly during atypical conditions will there exist any potential for significant onsite sources at Fermi 2 that would yield potentially signifir..n: offsite doses to a MEMBER

- OF THE PUBLIC. However, should a situs' on exist whereby the direct

exposure contribution is potentially sign'elcant, onsite meaststements, offsite

,-U. measurements and calculational technif ues will be used for determination of dose for assessing 40 CFR 190 compliance. The calculational techniques will be identified, reviewed, and approved at that time.

B.2.3 Dose Assessment Based on Radiological Environmental Monitoring Data Normally, the assessment of potential doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUB'.lC must be calculated based on the measured radioactive effluents at the plant, The resultant levels of radioactive material in the offsite environment are so minute as to be undetectabia. The calculational methods as presented in this ODCM are used for modeling the transport in the environment and the resultant exposure to offsite individuals.

The results of the radiological environment 81 monitoring program can l

l provide input into the overall assessment of impact of plant operations and radioactive effluents. With measured levels of plant related radioactive l material in principal pathways of exposure, a quantitative asser.sment of potential exposures can be performed. With the monitoring program not identifying any moasurable levels, the data provides a qualitative assessment - a confirmatory demonstration of the negligible impact.

l Dose modeling can be simplified into three basic parameters that can be l applied in using environmental monitoring data for dose assessment:

l D = C

  • U

LO l'

~ - . - -

ODCM-8.0 DRAFT P80s 8.0-4 where'.

D = dose or dose commitment C = concentration in the exposure media, such as air concentration for the Inhalation pathway, or fish, vegetation or milk concentration for the ingestion pathway U = Individual exposure to the pathway, such as br/yr for direct exposure, kg/yr for ingestion pathway DF = dose conversion factor to convert from an exposure or uptake to en Individual dose or dose commitment The appGcability of each of these bas!c modeling parameters to the usJ of environmental monitoring data for dose assessment is addressed below:

Cencontration - C The main value of using environmental sampling data to assess potential doses to Individuals is that the data represents actual measured levels of radioactive materialin the exposure pathways. This eliminates one main uncertelnty and the modeling has been removed - the release from the plant and the transport to the environmental exposure medium. t

'O Environmental samples are collected on a routine frequency per the ODCM.

To deterr.line the annual ave,sgo

  • concentration in the environmental medium for use in assessing cumulative dose for the year, an average l

concentration should be determined based on the sampling frequency and measured levels:

% = {(C)

  • t)/365 (8-4) i where:

l- -

Ci = average concentration in the sampling medium for the

. year-i-

CJ = concentration of each radlonuclide i measured in the indisidual sampling medium  !

L t = period of time that the measured concentration is considered representative of the sampling medium l

(typically equal to the sampling frequency; e.g.,7 days for weekly samples,30 days for monthly samples),

j if the concentration in the sampling medium is below the detection L capabilities (ie., less than Lower Limits of Detection (LLD), a value of zero should be used for Ci (Ci = 0).


ODCM-8.0 DRAFT Page 8 0-5 g

Exposure - U Default Exposure Values (U) as recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.100 are presented in Table 8.0-2, These values should be useG only when specific data applicable to the environmental pathway being evaluated is unav611able.

Also, the routine radiological ervironmental monitoring program is desIDned to sample / monitor the environmental media that would provide early Indications of any measurable levels in the environment but not necessarily levels to which any Individual is exposed. For example, sediment samples are collected in the area of the liquirt discharge: typically, no individuals are directly exposed. To apply the mwasured levels of radioactivity in samples that are not directly applicable to exposure to realIndividuals, the approach recommended is to correlate the location and measured levels to actual locations of exposure.

HydroloDi cal or atmospheric dilution factors can be used to provide reasonable correlations of concentrations (and doses) at other locations.

The other alternative is to conservatively assume a hypotheticalIndividual at the sampling location. Doses that are calculated in this manner should be presented as hypothetical and very conservatively determined - actual exposure would be much less. Samples collected from the Monroe water supply intake should be used for estimating the potential drinking water doses. Other water samples collected, such as near field dilution area, are not applicable to this pathway.

A Dose Factors - DF V

The dose factors are used to convert thJ intake of the radioactive material to an Individual dose commitment. Values of the dose factors are presented in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109. The use of the RO 1.109 values applicable to the exposure pathway and maximum exposed Individual la referenced in Table 8.0-2.

Assessment of Direct Exposure Doses Thstmoluminescent Dosimeterw (TLD) are routinely used to assess the direct uposure component of radiation doses in the environment. However, bwause routine releases of radioactive material (noble Oases) are so low, the resultant direct exposure doses are also very low. A study

  • performed for the NRC concluded that it was Denerally impractical to distinguish any plant contribution to the natural background radiation levels (direct exposure) below around la mrem per year. Therefore, for routine releases from nuclear power plants the ese of TLD is mainly confirmatory - ensuring actual exposures are w; thin the expected natural background variation.
  • NUREO/CR-0711, Evaluation of Methods for the Determination of X- and Gamma-Ray Exposure Attributable to a Nuclear Facility Using Envimnmental TLD Measurements, Gall dePla'iqbe, June 1979, USNRC.

. . _ _ . - _ . _ - - - - - - . --_. . . ~ . . _ .

ODCM-8.0 DRAFT Tage 8.0-0 For releases of noble gases, environmental me<jeling using plant measured releases and atmospheric transpott models as presented in ODCM Sections 7.6 and 8.2.1 represents the best rnethod of assessing potential environmental doses. However, any observed variations in TLD measurements outside the norm should be evaluated.





TABLE 8.0-1 Assumptions for Assessing Doses Due to Activities inside SITE BOUNDARY les Fishing Visitor's Center Distance / Direction: 470 meters / E 470 meters / SSW Estimated Exposure 240 hr/yr 4 hr/yr Time: (20 hr/ week over (4 hr/ visit 1 visit 3 month period) per year)

Exposure Pathways: direct exposure direct exposure (noble gases) (noble gases)

Inhalation Inhalation (H-3,1- 131, - 133, (H-3,1- 131, -133 particulates) particulates)

Meteorological annual average annual average Dispersion: (as determined fer (as determined for year being evaluated) year being evaluated) 3

~O '1.59E-6 sec/m3 7.63E-6 sec/m b

  • Meterological data is provit ed from the monitoring year 1989.



PaDe 0.0-8 TABLE 8.0-2 Recommended Exposure Rates in Lieu of Site Specific Data

  • Table Reference Exposure Pathway Maximum Exposed Exposure Rates for Dose Factor Age Group from RG 1.109 Llquid Releases Fish ' Adult 21 kg/y E 11 Drinking Water Adult 7301/y E-11 Dottom Sediment Teen 67 h/y E-6 i Atmobpheric Releases ,

' Inhalation Teen 8,000 m3 /y E-8 Direct Exposure All 6,100 h/y** N/A

- Leafy Vegetables Child 26 kg/y E-13 Fruits, Vegetables Teen 630 kg/y E-12 and Orain Milk infant 3301/y E-14 A >


    • Not exposure of 6.100 h/y is based on thei total 8760 hours0.101 days <br />2.433 hours <br />0.0145 weeks <br />0.00333 months <br /> per year adjusted by a 0.7 shielding factor as recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.109.


l O

, - a -,:-;;.,,;;--.z , u a.--.- _ - - ..:-:- -.,a;a...:..,,.,-. -,---..,;-....-.:---.-....-:--..-.,.

Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-0.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 9.0-1 q

) ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE CENSUS DATA 9.0 ASSESSMENT OF LAND USE CENSUS DATA A Land Use Census (LUC)la conducted annually in the vicinitV of the Fermi 2 site. This census fulfills two main purposes: 1) Meet requirements of ODCM 3.12.2 for identifying controlling location / pathway for dose assessment of ODCM; and 2) provide data on actual exposure pathways for assessing realistic doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC.

g.1 Land Use Census as Required by ODCM 3.12.2 As required by ODCM 3.12.2, a land use census shall be conducted during the growing season at least once per twelve months. The purpose of the census is to identify within a 5 mile distance the location in each of the 16 meterological sectors of all pilk producing animals, all meat producing animals, all gardens larger than 500 ft producing broadleaf vegetation, and the closest residence to the plant. The data from the LUC is used for updating the location / pathway for dose assessment and for updating the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.

If the census identifies a location / pathway (s) yleiding a higher poteritlal dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC than currently being assessed as required by ODCM (and ODCM Section 7.7 and Table 7.0-4), this new location pathway (s) shall be used for dose assessment. Table 7.0-4 shall be updated to include the currently identified controlling location / pathway (s). Also, if the census identifies a location (s) that yleids ~

a calculated potential dose (via the same exposure pathway) 20% greater than a location currently included in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program,it o

( new location (s) shall be added to the program within 30 days. The sampling location (s), excluding control locations, having the lowest calculated dose may be deleted from the program after October 31 following the current census. As required by ODCM 3.12.2 and, the new location / pathway (s) shall be identified in the next Semlannual Radiation Effluent Release Report. The following guideline shall be used for assesstrig the results from the land use census to ensure compliance with ODCM 3.12.2.

g.1.1 Data Compilation

1. Compile all locations and pathways of exposure as identified by the land use census.
2. From this compiled data, identify any changes from the previous year's census. Identify the current controlling location / pathway (critical receptor) used in ODCM Table 7.0-4. Also, Identify any location currently included in the REMP (Table 10-1).

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-~ DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient

ODCM-g.0 DRAFT Page g0-2 0 Determine the historical, annual average meterological dispersion 3.

parameters (X/Q. D/0) for any location to be evaluated for dose significance. All locations should be evaluated against the sama historical meterological data set.

9.1.2 Relative Dose Significance For locations which may receive a higher dose than the current critical receptor, calculate the relative dose significance by applicable pathways of exposure.

1. Relative dose calculations should be based on the actual Fermi 2 gaseous effluent releases for the most recent six month period of reactor operation.
2. The pathway dose equations of the ODCM should be used.

9.1.3 Data Evaluation

1. Formulate a listing of locations of high dose significance in descending order of relative dose significance, include the relative dose significance in the listing.


2. If any location / pathway (s)is identifled with a higher relative dose than the current critical receptor in ODCM Table 7.0-4, this location / pathway (s) should replace the previously Identified controlling p location / pathway in Table 7.0-4. If the previously identified controlling d pathway is no longer present, the current controlling location /pethway should be determined. In identifying the critical receptor for Table 7.0-4, all age groups and all pathways that may be present at each evaluated location are considered. The critical receptor is assumed to be a member of the age group with the highest calculated dose to the maximally exposed organ due to lodines, tritium and particulates.

Other receptors may have higher doses to other organs than the critical receptor has.

3. The Land Use Census data should be used to revise the REMP and Section 10.0 of the ODCM in accordance with ODCM 3.12.2, Action item b.
4. Any changes in either the controlling location /pethway(s) (critical receptor) for the ODCM dose calculations (Section 7.7 and Table 7.0-4) or the REMP (ODCM Section 10.0 cnd Table 10-1) shall be reported to NRC in accordance with ODCM 3.12 2, Action items a. and b. and ODCM

NOTE: As permitted by footnote to ODCM 3.12.2, broadleaf ve'etation sampling may be performed at the SITE DOUNDARY in two locations, in different sectors with highest predicted D/Os, in llou of the garden census. Also, for conservatism in dose assessment for compliance with ODCM (see also ODCM Section 7.7 and Table 7.0-4).

hypothetical exposure location / pathway (s) and conservative

( dispersion factors may be assumed (e g., milk cow at 5 mile

ODCM-9.0 DRAFT Page 9.0-3 location or garden at SITE DOUNDARY in highest D/O sector).

By this approach, the ODCM is not subject to frequent revision as pathways and locations chan0e from year to year.

A verification that the hypothetical pathway remains conservative and valid is still required. Also, for NRC reporting, the actual pathways and doses should be reported along with the hypothetical. The reporting of the actual pathway and doses provides a formal documentation of the more reallstic dose impact. ,

9.2 Land Use Census to Support Realistic Dose Assessment The LUC provides data needed to support the special dose analyses of the ODCM Section 8.0. Activities inside the SITE BOUNDARY should be periodically reviewed for dose assessment as required by ODCM (see also ODCM Section 8.1).

Assessment of reallstic doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC is required by ODCM 3.11.4 for demonstrating compliance with the EPA Environmental Dose

. Standard,40 CFR 190 (ODCM Section 8.2).

To support these dose assessments, the LUC shall include use of Lake Erie water on and near the site. The LUC shallinclude data on Lake Erie use obtained from local and state officials. Reasonable efforts shall be made to identity Individual irrigation and potable water users, and Industrial and commercial water users whose source is Lake Erie. This data is used to verify the pathways of exposure used in ODCM Section 6.5.


Nuclear Production - Formi 2 ODCM-10.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT O Page 10.0-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL. MON 110 RING PROGRAM 10.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Pro 0 ram (REMP) is conducted in accordance with the requirements of ODCM 3.12.1. The sampling and analysis pro 0 ram described herein was developed to provido representativo measutoments of radiation and radioactivo materials resultin0 from station operation in the principal pathways of exposure of MEMDERS OF THE ,

PUBLIC. This monitorinD program implomontsSection IV.B.2 of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50 +

and thereby supplements the radioloDi cal effluent control program by verifying that the rnoasuratto concentrations of radioactivo materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmental exposure pathways. Guidance for the development of this monitoring program is provided by the RadioloD cal i Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring.

10.1 Sampling Locations SampilnD locations as required by ODCM 3.12.1 nro described in Table 10.0-1 and shown on the maps in Figures 10.0-1,10.0-2,10.0-3, and 10.0-4 Fermi 1 samplinD locations are shown in Figuro 10.0-5.

NOTE: For purposes of implementing ODCM 3.12.2, sampling locations will be modified as required to reflect the findings of the land uso census as

~'N described In ODCM Section 9.1.

(U 10.2 Reporting Levels ODCM 3.12.1, Action b, describes critoria for a Special Report to the NRC if lovels of plant-related radioactivo material, when averaged over a calendar quarter, exceed the prescribed lovels of ODCM Tablo 3.12.1-2. The reporting levels are based on the deslDn objectivo doses of 10 CFR 50, Appendix l (i.e., the annual limits of ODCM, and In other words, levels of radioactivo material in the respectivo sampling medium equal to the proscribed reporting levels are representativo of potential annual doses of 3 mrem, total body or 10 mrom, maximum or0an from liquid pathways; or 5 mrom, total body, or 15 mrem, maximum or0an for the gaseous effluent pathway. Those potential doses are modeled on the maximum Individual exposure or consumption rates of NRC Regulatory Guido 1.109.

The evaluation of potential dosos should be based solely on radioactive material resulting from plant operation. As stated in ODCM 3.12.1, Action b, the report shall also be submitted it radionucildes othat than those in ODCM Table 3.12.1-2 are detected (and are a result of plant offluents) and the potential doso exceeds the above annual desl0n objectivos. The method described in ODCM Section 8.2.3 may be used for assessing the potential dose and required reportinri for radionuclidos other than those in ODCM Table 3.12.1-2.


Dato approved: Releaso authorized by:


( Change numbers incorpordted:

DSN Rev DRAFT _Date DTC TMPLAN File 1715 02 Recipient I . - _ . _ _ . _ .

ODCM- 10.0 DRAFT Pago 10.0-2 10.3. Interlaboratory Comparison Program A major objective of this prograrn is to assist laboratorios involved in environmental radiation measurements to develop and maintain both an intrataboratory and an interlaboratory quality control program. This is accomplished through an extensivo laboratory Iritorcomparison study (" cross-check") program involving environmental media (milk, water, air, food, soll, and gasos) and a variety of radionuclidos with activitics at or near environmental lovels.

Simulated environmental samplos, containing known amounts of one or more radionuclidos, are prepared and routinely distributed to all laboratorios upon request.

These laboratories perform the required analyses and return their data to the Quality Assuranco Branch of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA performs statistical analysis and comparison with known values and analytical values obtained from other participating laboratories. A report and control chart are returned to each participant. The program thus enables each laboratory to document the procision and accuracy of its radiation data, identify instrument and procedural problems, and compare its performance with that of other laboratories.

The environmental laboratory la required to participate in a Commission-approved interlaboratory Comparison Program and to submit GA Program Progress Summary Reports to Detroit Edison on a bimonthly or quarterly basis. Those reports contain summary descriptions and performanco data summaries on reference standards, blank, blind, spiked, and duplicato analysos, at well as the USEPA and other Laboratory intercommission Programs, as applicable. A summary of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program results obtained is required to be included in the O Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to ODCM 5.g.1.7.

Participation in an approved interlaboratory Comparison Program ensures that an Indopondent check on the proclsion and accuracy of the measurements of radioactivo material in environmental sample matricos is performed as part of the QA Program for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are valid for the purpose of Section IV.D.2 of Appendix 1 to'10 CFR Part 50.


l-l l

l O

ODCM-10.0 DRAFT l PaDe 10.0-3 TABLE 10.0-1 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINO PROGRAM FERMI 2 SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND ASSOCIATED MEDIA KEY 1- T TLD Locations (Pg.10.0-4 to 10.0-6) 2- S Sediments Locations (Pg.10.0-7) 3- F- Fish Locations (Pg.10.0-7) 4- M Milk Locations (Pg.10.0-8) 5- DW Drinking Water Locations (Pg.10.0-9) 6- SW' Surface Water Locations (Pg.10.0-9) 7-- OW - Ground Water Locations (Pg.10.0-9) 8- API Air Particulate / lodine Locations (Pg.10.0 10) g- FP. Food Products Locations (Pg.10.0-11)

' :;h.



LO O, ODCW 10.0 DRAFT Pace 10.0-4 TASLE 10.D-1 RedIofogIce1 Enw1ronmentel Won 1toring Program. Form 1 2 Seepte Lacet1ene and Aseec1eted medIe v

Dtrect Radletion Meteorological II Stetton' ' Sector /Azteuth Dietence free Leecription Wedte Frequency Number Direction Reactor-(Apprem)

Otreet Redtstion Q T1 NE/38' 1.3 al. Estral Beach Pole on Lakeshore.

23 Polee 5 of Lakeview (Special Area)

. Tree et the Terminetten Broncho St (Spectet Direct Redtation Q T2 NNE/22' T.2 mt Area) t.1 mi Pole. NW Corner of.Seen Best Club Fence. Ofrect Redtetion Q T3 N/9' (Special Area)

  • Site Boundary and Toll Rd. on $tte Fence by Direct #sotetton Q T4 -NWW/337' O.6 mt API #2 0.6 el~ Site soundary and Toll Rd. on Site Fence by Direct Radletion Q TS Nw/313 0 j- API #3 Pole. NE Corner of Seldge over Toll Rd Direct Radietton Q T6 WNw/293 8 0.6 et i

Pole, behind Doty Farm. 7512 N Custer Rd Otreet Radletion- C l 77 w/270' 14.2 at (Control) 1.9 at Pole. NE Corner of Diste Hwy and Post Rd Direct Radietten Q TS Nw/305*


' Pole. Nw Corner of Tro=Oley and Seen vie. Rd Direct modtatten O T9 NNw/334 0 1.5 at i

Pole. $ Side of Weseerent - 2 Pales W Dirset Radletion Q d

T1C N/6 8 2.1 mt 4 of Chineverre l Potnte mouttlee - W Jefferson and Campeu Ofroct Redtstfon Q

T11 NME/23' 6.3 at Rde. Pole on SE Corner of Bridge i Q f TV2 NNE/29 0 S.3 at Pointe WoutIIee Game Area - Field Office. Pole Direct Redtetion j

near Tree. N Area of Perking Lot 1

Lobo and D*mie Hwy - Pole on SW Corner Direct Radiation Q


T13 N/056' 4.1 et with Light Lobo and Brandon - Pole on SE Corner near RR Direct Radiation Q T14 NNw/337' 4.4 mt Pole, behind Newport Post Jffice ilrect Radiation Q T1$ Nw/315' 3.9 at l

l l

l T r

' OOCW-10.0

_ ,1 Page 10.0-5 TASLI 10.D-1 RedieIog1cei Esiv1ronmentat monttnring Program. Formi 2 Sessie Lacet1one and Assecteted medIe Direct Radiation-tsetoorologIca1 -

-Statton  : Sector /An tauth Dietence from Ofrection Reector (Appron) Descrtption media Frequency Mumter-

' T 16 www/283 8 4.9 el Pole. SE of war ered Post Rde Direct Redtetion Q Yt7 w/271 8 4.9 at Pole. Corner of hedeau and Lepred neer Direct Redtatten .Q Nobt1 m Park T18 wSm/247' 4.8 et Pole. ME Corner of wentel eM Huro Direct Radiation Q 1 719 $~s / 236' 5.2 et tot Pole E of Feral'Stren on esterworks Rd. Direct Radiation Q NE corner of intersection - Storitne State Park Rd Entrance Detwe/ waterworks (in I Ster 19ng State Park) wSw/257 8' 2.7 mt ' Pole. 5 Side of Wil s tems Act - 8 Potes w of Direct Radtstion C i T2D ,

i Olate Hwy (Special Aree)

T21- w$m/239' 2.7 mt Pole. N Stde of Peart et Perhetee - woodland Direct Radietton Q 3

seecn ($p.ete Ar..)

T22 $/t72' 1.2 et Pole. N Side of Pointe Aus Peaum 2 Poles w of Otreet Radietton Q Long - $11e Soundsey T23 S$w/195' 1.1 mi Pole. S Stdo ef Pointe Aus Pesum -1 Pole w of Direct Redtetion Q Huron nest to Vent Ptpe - $1to Soundary Formt Gate elong Potete Aus Poeus Rd - en Direct Redtetion Q T24 Se/225' t.2 et Fence Post u of Gate - Site Boundary Pole. Tott Rd - 13 Polee $ of Feral Dr Direct Radiation Q T25 WSw/251' 1.5 sit WSw/259' 1.1 se t Pole. Tott Rd. 6 Poses S of Fer=1 Dr Direct Radletion Q 726 Pole. NE Corner of uc st tien and Emot Front St Direct Redtetten Q T27 Sw/225' 6.8 et e (Spectet Aree)

Pole. SE Corner of worter Creek and Direct Radiation Q T29 Sw/229 8 10.7 mt t.epteisence (Controt)

Pole. E Side of S Otete. 1 Pole S of Albein Direct Redtetion Q T29 mSw/237' 10.3 mi '


Pole. Custer. St. asery*e Park Corner of Direct Radiation Q T3D WSw/247' 7.8 at

' Ele and wonroe St. N Stde, nest to Rtwer.(Spectet Area)



T 4

i 4 .

CDCM-tD.C DRAFT Page 10.0-6 TABLE 10.0-1 Radiological Envtreremontal S$onitoring Program. Formt 2 Sample Locettone and Assoctated Medte Direct Radiation Meteorological Stetton Sector /Aatmuth Dietence from Medte Freqwency Directton Reactor (Appros) Descriptton Number Ofrect Radtstion C T31 W5W/2 ;* 9.6 at tot Pole M of Entrance Ortwo M11 ton " Pet

  • Munson Recreettonal Reserve - M Custer Rd (Control)

Pole. Corner of Stony Creek and Finzet Roe Direct Rectatten O T32 www/295' 10.3 mi Direct Radletion Q T33 Nw/317' 9.2 et Pole. M Stdo of Grafton Rd. 1 Polo N of Ash /Grafton Intersection Utreet Redtetion Q T34 NNw/330' 9.7 mt Pole. E side of Port Creek. 1 Pete 5 of wtll-Carteten Rd Direct Redtetton C T35 N/359' 6.9 et Pole. S Stdo of S Huron Rtwer De across from Race St (Special Area)

Direct Radtatten C T36 N/358' 9.1 et Pole. NE Corner of Gibretter end Co% fit Rds Direct Radietten C T37 MNE/21' 9.8 at Pole. S Corner of Adees and G1bretter (scross from Humbug Merins}

Direct Radletten C T38 WNw/294' t.7 et Residence - 6594 M. Diste Hwy.

Direct Redtetion Q T39 5/176 8 0.3 mi SE Corner of Protec ted Area Fence (PAF)

Ofrect Redtetion C T40 S/170 0 0.3 et along CeA - PAF Midney between OSA and Shteld mes: - PAF Direct sectation Q T41 SSE/161' C.2 at Midway elong Shtold mall - PAF Ofrect Redtettoa C T42 55E/149' O.2 et Midney between Shtold well and Aus Sollers - Otreet Sectation C T43 SE/131' O.1 at PAF Otreet mediation C T44 ESE/1C9' O.1 et Oppostte 0557 Door - PAF T45 E/86* O.1 et NE Cornee - PAF NE 5'de Berge Site - cn Feace Direct Pedt et t on C T46 ENE/67 0 0.2 et

CDCw-tc.0 O DRAFT Page 10.0-7 TABLE 10.0-1 Redlelogical Environmental Monttoring Program. Feret 2 Sample Locattone and AsseCleted 95edte Ftsh and Sediment meteorological Stat 1on Sect or / Aaisauth D9stonce from Medie Frequency Resttor (Apprem) Deseript4on Moseber DlreCt1on SEDIMENTS Sedinent SA S-1 $$2/165' O.9 at Pointe Aus Peeum. Shoreline to 500 ft offshore sighties directly to Land 8ese water Tower Formt 2 Discharge, approm 200 ft offshore Sedteent SA S-2 E/81' O.2 et Estral Beach. sporo.= 200 ft offshore, off Sediment SA J S-3 NE/39' t.1 at l North shorettne where $=en Creek and Lake i Erte meet l

Indian Trait s Community Sesch sedteent SA S-4 WSW/24t' 3.0 et Sediment SA S-S $NE/20' 11.7 et Deco's Trenten Cheneet Power Plant intake sees (Contro1)

FISH Fish SA F-1 NNE/31' 9.5 at Celeron Island (Controt)

Formt 2 Discharge (approm 1200 ft offshore) Ftsh SA F-2 E/86 0 0.4 et Fish SA F-3 WSW/238' 4.8 mt Brest Bay Wertne Area (Control)


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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM-10.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page 10.0-19


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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM- APP- A j Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT i Page A-1 O APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL BASIS FOR EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS LlOUlD EFFLUENT RELEASES Overview Ta simplify the dose calculation process, it is conservative to identify a controlling, dose-slDnificant radionucilde and to use its dose conversion factor in the dose calculailons.

Using the total release (i.e., the cumulative activity of all radlonucildes) and this single dose conversion factor as inputs to a one-step dose assessment ylelds a dose calculation method which is both dimple and conservative.

Fermi 2 does not have a large data base of previous releases of radioactive liquid effluents upon which to base the determination of the controlling, dose-significant Isotope. The Fermi 2 FSAR, Table 11.2-9 presents the estimated annual releases from liquid effluents as calculated using the NRC GALE computer code, (NUREG-0016, Revision 1) Site specific dose conversion factors (Ajo) from ODCM Table 0.0-1 were multiplied by the FSAR estimated annual release quantity to determine a relative dose significance. Table B-1 presents the results of this relative dose evaluation.

Because Cs-134 la the controlling nuclide for the total body dose and has the highest dose conversion factor among the nuclides evaluated for that dose, the use of its dose conversion factor in the simplified dose assessment method for evaluating the total body dose is demonstrably conservative.

Selection of the appropriate dose conversion factor for the maximum organ dose is not so straightforward. Ins;ection of Table A-1 shows that the thyroid dose la the controlling organ dose, and it follows that the lodines are the controlling redlonuclides. However, this identification is based upon the FSAR estimate of annual releases. To be adequately conservative when using this simpilfied method, it is appropriate to select the largest dose conversion factor from among all the radionuclides evaluated to assure that offsite doses are not mistakenly underestimated.

For the FSAR Table 11.2-9 isotopes evaluated, there are a few radionuclides with a higher dose conversion factor than 1-133 for the thyroid dose. Further inspection of Table 9-1 shows that P-32 is the major contributor to the dose to the bone, which is the second highest organ dose. P-32 has a high dose conversion factor (1.39 E + 06 mrem /hr per UCl/ml) and would provide additional conservatism if used as the simplifying dose conversion factor. However, analysis for P-32 is not required. P-32 decays by beta emission without any accompanying characteristic gammas. L Use of the P-32 dose conversion factor is therefore inappropriate. The next largest dose conversion factor of the evaluated radionuclides is Cs-134 for the dose to the liver at 7.09 E + 05 mrem /hr per uCl/ml. (The dose to the liver is the third largest organ dose.) As Cs-134 la easily measured with gamma spectroscopy, has a long half-life, and a high organ dose conversion factor, it is used as the controlling radionuclide for the simplified maximum organ dose assessment.

ARMS - INFORMATION SERVICES Date approved: Release authorized by:

Change numbers incorporated:


! DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02 Recipient

.m .. _ . . _ . __ .. _ _ . . _ ._ _ _ ._ _ _.

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ODCM-APP-A age A-2 I

- Simplified Method

- For evaluation of compilance with the dosa limits CDCM, the following simpilfled equations may be used:

Total Body D ,

tb = DF a Z1.67 E - 02

  • VM _ . A(Cs-li,4,th) * [C; (A-1)

- where:

Dtb. = dose to the total body (mrem)

VOL = volume of liquid effluents released (gal) ic - DF- = average circulating water reservoir decant line flow (gal /mht)

I Z = 5, near field dilution factor (derived from Regulatory Guide 1.109) f

' A(Cs-134,te) =. 5.80 E + 05 mrom/hr per uCl/ml, the total body ingestion dose factor

. for Cs-134 i

'Cl = total concentration of all radionuclides (uCl/ml) '

I N- 1.67 E.- 02 = - 1 Sr/60 m'-

. Substituting the value for the Cs-134 total body dose conversion factor, the equation  :

almplifies to: 4 Dtb = 9.69 E + 03 yM , [C, DF e Z (A-2)

MaulMef t Organ D = ' t.67 E - Oll . VOL , A(Cs-154, liver)

  • C, DF e 2 (A *:)



= maximum organ dose (mrem)

h. A(Cs-134,ilver) = 7.09 E + :05 mrem /hr per uCi/mi, the liver ingestion dose factor

.- -. for Cs-134

i ODCM- APP- A DRAFT Page A-3 Substituting the value for the Cs-134 liver dose conversion factor, the eqtation simpilfles to:

D a 1.18E

  • 04 . VOL CF = Z

, [C g (A-4)

Tritium is not included in the limited analysis 'oio sssessment for liquid releases, because the potential dose resulting from normal ren tar c.' , eses is relatively negligible.

Furthermore, the release of tritium is a fun. . operating history and is essentially unrelated to redweste systeri, c,. : tlons.

O 8


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Nuclear Production - Fermi 2 ODCM- APP-D Offsite Dose Calculation Manual DRAFT Page B-1

("/ APPENDIX B: TECliNICAL BASIS FOR EFFECTIVE DOSE FACTORS GASEOUS RADWASTE EFFLUENTS Overview Dose evaluations for releases of gaseous radioactive effluents may be simplified by the use of an effective dose factor rather than radionuclide-specific dose factors. These effective dose f actors are applied to the total radioactive release to approximate the various doses in the environment; l.e., the total t,ody, gamma-air, and beta-air doses. The effective dose factors are based on the typical racionuclide distribution in the gaseous radioactive effluents. This approach reduces the analyses to a single multiplication (Kett, Mett, or Nett) times the quantity of radioactive gases released, rather than individual analyses for ecch radionuclide and summing the results to determine the dose.

Yet the approach provides a reasonable estimate of the actual doses since under normal operating conditions there Is relatively little variation in the radionuclide distribution.

Determination of Effecthre Dose Factors Effective dose transfer factors are calculated by the following equations:

Kett = [( Ki

  • fl }

(B-1) where:


= the effective total body dose factor due to gamma emissions from all noble Q,m gases released (mrem /yr por uCl/m3 , effective)


Ki the total body dose factor due to gamma epissions from each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrem /yr per uCi/m , from Table 7.0-3) fi = the fractional abundance of noble gas radionuclide i relative to the total noble gas activity (L + 1.1 M)ett = [((L +i 1.1 Mg)

  • f i)

(B-2) where:

(L + 1.1 M)eff = the effective skin dose factor due to beta and garpa emissions from all noble gases released (mrem /yr per uCl/m , effective)

(Li + 1.1 Mj) = the skin dose factor due to beta and gamma emissions frog each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrem /yr per uCl/m ,

from Table 7.0-3)

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DSN Rev DRAFT Date Recipient

) DTC TMPLAN File 1715.02


/N Page B-2


M eff = [(M ia f t)

(B-3) where:

Mogg = the effective air dose factor pue to gamma emissions from all noble gases released (mrad /yr po uCi/m , effective)

Mi = the air dose factor due to gpma emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrad /yr per uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3)

Neff = [(N ia f i)

(B-4) where:

Nett = the effectiva air dose factor gue to bote emissions from all noble gases released (mrad /yr per uCl/m , effective)

Ni = the air dose factor due to bgta emissions from each noble gas radionuclide i released (mrad /yr por uCl/m , from Table 7.0-3)

Normally, past radioactive effluent data would be used for the determination of the effective dose factors. Fermi 2, however, does not have a sufficient operating history at or near full power to provide a reasonable data base for determination of the typical radionuclide distribution in gaseous effluents. Therefore, the FSAR estimate of radionuclide


V concentrations at the site boundary is used as the initial typical distribution. The effective dose factors derived from this distribution are presented in Table B-1.

Application To provide an additional degree of conservatism, a factor of 2.0 is introduced into the dose calculation when the effectivo dose factor is used. This conservatism provides additional assurance that the evaluation of doses by the use of a single effectivo dose factor will not significantly underestimate any actual doses in the environment.

For evaluating compilance with the dose limits of ODCM the following simplified equations may be used:

D = 2.0 a 3.17 E - 08 X/O = Mett * [Og (B-5) and D = 2.0 a 3.17 E - 08 . X/O a Neff a [Oi (B-6) where:

D = air dose due to gamma emissions for the cumulative release of all noble gases (mrad)

D = air dose due to beta emissions for the cumulative release of all noble g gases (mrad)


i ODCM- APP-D DRAFT Page B-3 3

X/O = atmospheric dispersion to the controlling site boundary (sec/m )

3 fAoff = 2.7 E + 03, effective gamma-air dose factor (mrad /yr per uCl/m )

3 Nett = 2.3 E + 03, effective beta-air dose factor (mrad /yr per uCl/m )


= cumulative release for all noble gas radionuclide3 (uCl) 3.17 E - 08 = conversion f actor (yr/sec) 2.0 = conservatism factor to account for the variability in the effluent data Combining the constants, the dose calculation equations simplify to:

D = 1.71 E - 04

  • X/O * [ Og (B-7) and D = 1.46 E - 04
  • X/O * [03 (B-8)

The effective dose factors are used for the purpose of facilitating the timely assessment of radioactive effluent releases, particularly during periods when the computer or ODCM software may be unavailable to perform a detailed dose assessment.


1 l


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TABLE B-1 Effective Dose Factors - Noble Gas Effluents Total Body. Skin Dot.e Gamma Air Beta Air 1 Dose Factor Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor  !

i 135 tope Fractional

  • Koff (L+1.1Meff) Moff Negg Abundance _ (mrom/gr per (mrom/gr per ,

uCl/m/yg)por, - (mrad (mrad uCl/m/yg)per uCl/m ) uCl/m )

Kr-85m 0.10 1.2E+02 2.8E+02 1.2E+ 02 - 2.0E+02 Kr-85 0.01 1.6E-01 1.4 E+01 1.7E-01 2.0E+01 Kr 0.04 5.9E+02 7.6E+02 6.1E+ 02 1.2E + 02 Kr-89 . 0.06 1.0E+03 1.7E+03 1.0E+ 03 6.4E+ 02

= X3-133- 0.67 2.0E+02 4.7E+02 2.4E+02 7.0E+02 X3-135 0.02 3.6E+01 7.9E+01 3.8E+01 4.9E+01 X -137 ' O.02 - 2.8E+01 2.8E+02 3.0E+01 2.5E+02

-Xa-138 0.07 6.2E+02 1.0E+03 6.4 E+ 02 3.3 E+02

.- TOTAL - 2.6E+03 4.6E+ 03 2.7E+C3 2.3E+03

  • Radionuclide distribution as presented in ODCM Table 7.0-1, derived from Fermi 2 UFSAR, A Section 11.3, Table 11.3-5. Kr-90, Kr-91, Xo-139, and Xe-140 have been excluded from the A,f UFSAR distribution because of short half-lives and subsequent decay during environmental transport.' Kr-87, Xe-131m. and Xe-133m have been excluded because of their negligible -

fractional abundance.


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