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Marked-up & Typed Up Revised TS Pages Eliminating TS SR for Nitrogen Cover Gas on Nearly Empty Primary Sodium Storage Tanks in Sodium Bldg Complex
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/20/1999
Shared Package
ML20205T532 List:
NUDOCS 9904270275
Download: ML20205T536 (4)



- Enclosure 3 NRC-99-0035


Page 2 I

Access to the facility shall be through locked gates in the fencing or locked doors. Doors in the building walls making up part of the perimeter shall be locked, secured from the inside, or.

permanently closed. The gates and doors may be unlocked and/or open when work is in progiess in the Protected Area or personnel are within. Security shall be maintained by 24-hour guard service within the owner controlled area boundary.

The Custodian (or Delegate) and the Fermi 2 Radiation Protection control point shall be responsible for keys to the facility. The Custodian and Fermi 2 Radiation Protection personnel shall only permit key use by authorized persons. Unescorted access to the Protected Area must be approved by the Custodian or Delegate. Records shall be kept of key issuance.

Temporary modifications may be made to the Protected Area boundary shown in Figure B-1, provided the boundary continues to meet the requirements of a Physical Barrier, as defined in Section A, and any access points meet the requirements in this Section.

If work needs to be performed on the Protected Area fence or building walls making up part of the perimeter, such that the requirements for the boundary will temporarily not be met, an individual shall be posted in the vicinity or observe the area remotely using a camera capable of viewing the afTected area, during periods when there is no ongoing work in progress or personnel within the Protected Area.


1. Access - Doors into the Reactor Building shall remain locked (or not operable from


outside the building) except for authorized entry.

2. Drains - There shall be no drains within the Reactor Building. Surrounding the Reactor Building below grade is the biological shield which forms an annulus around the Reactor Building. Drains from this annulus shall flow to a sump pump located outside the Protected Area.


1. Supply - The Primary System shall be connected to reserve and backup supplies of g

carbon dioxide (CO ). The pressure of the cover gas shall be maintained above 2

atmospheric pressure (see Table H-1). The supply system piping shall be fitted with a pressure relief valve set for approximately 5 psig.

2. Backun Supolv - The Primary System cover gas backup supply shall be sufficient to supply the system for eight days under norma! conditions.
3. Surveillances
a. Cover gas (CO ) Pressure in the Primary System shall be checked and recorded 2

i weekly.

b. The Primary Systen' (CO ) cover gas pressure relief valve shall be tested annually.

2 5 990420 990427gK0


4 Amendment No. g



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The Primary System cover gas supply system may be out of service for up to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

5. The Primary System cover gas pressure may be interrupted for no more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in any 30 day period.


~. Access - Normal access to the Fuel and Repair Building shall be limited to the door at the 1

southwest corner of the building. At least one other door shall be operable from the inside. Other external doors may be used, if needed, for work being carried out.


Drains - All drains are connected to sumps. The sump pumps discharge to the liquid waste holdup system. The pumps may be disconnected or decommissioned when no longer needed for disposing of radioactive waste.

F. WASTE DISPOSAL AND RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS Prior to commencing planned discharge of any radioactive liquid or gaseous effluent, a waste disposal system shall be functional and operating procedures developed.

All discharges ofliquid radioactive effluents from Fermi I shall be sampled and mialyzed by gamma spectral analysis and for tritium prior to release. Liquid radioactive effluents which have not been processed to remove particulates shall be monitored by a radiation monitor during discharges. If the radiation detection instrument is out of service such that the effluent cannot properly be monitored, discharge of the effluent shall be discontinued. During periods of use, the discharge radiation monitor shall be checked for response once a week with a radioactive source and shall be calibrated at least once every six months or before each discharge batch.

Radioactive gaseous effluents shall be monitored or sampled and analyzed for tritium during evolutions involving the cutting of pipe containing' sodium and during sodium processing.

Gaseous effluents from cutting pipe containing primary sodium or processing primary sodium shall also be monitored or sampled and analyzed for particulates. During other evolutions resulting in radioactive gaseous effluents, the effluents shall be monitored or sampled and analyzed for tritium and particulates.

The calculational method ofperforming dose calculations to show adherence to the following requirements shall be developed and documented prior to commencing planned discharges.

Calculations shall be performed for any year in which'a discharge of radioactive effluents

- occurs.

1. : Liauid Effluents - Radioactive waste discharges to offsite locations shall not exceed the limits given in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, on an instantaneous basis.
a. ' Dose Due to Release of Liauid Effluents - The calculated annual total quantity of radioactive material in liquid effluents from the facility shall not result in an annual Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE)in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure in excess of 5 mrem.

5 Amendment No.



Access to the facility shall be through locked gates in the fencing or locked doors. Doors in the building walls making up part of the perimeter shall be locked, secured from the inside, or permanently closed. The gates and doors may be unlocked and/or open when work is in progress in the Protected Area or personnel are within. Security shall be maintained by 24-hour guard service within the owner controlled area boundary.

The Custodian (or Delegate) and the Fermi 2 Radiation Protection control point shall be responsible for keys to the facility. The Custodian and Fermi 2 Radiation Protection personnel shall only permit key use by authorized persons. Unescorted access to the Protected Area must be approved by the Custodian or Delegate. Records shall be kept of key issuance.

Temporary modifications may be made to the Protected Area boundary shown in Figure B-1, provided the boundary continues to meet the requirements of a Physical Barrier, as def'med in Section A, and any access points meet the requirements in this Section.

If work needs to be performed on the Protected Area fence or building walls making up part of the perimeter, such that the requirements for the boundary will temporarily not be met, an individual shall be posted in the vicinity or observe the area remotely using a camera capable of viewing the affected area, during periods when there is no ongoing work in progress or personnel within the Protected Area.


1. Access - Doors into the Reactor Building shall remain locked (or not operable from outside the building) except for authorized entry.
2. Drains - There shall be no drains within the Reactor Building. Surrounding the Reactor Building below grade is the biological shield which forms an annulus around the Reactor Building. Drains from this annulus shall flow to a sump pump located outside the Protected Area.


1. SupplX - The Primary System shall be connected to reserve and backup supplies of carbon dioxide (CO ). The pressure of the cover gas shall be maintained above 2

atmospheric pressure (see Table H-1). The supply system piping shall be fitted with a pressure relief valve set for approximately 5 psig.

2. B-trun Sunnly - The Primary System cover gas backup supply shall be sufficient to supply the system for eight days under normal conditions.
3. Survedlances Cover gas (CO ) Pressure in the Primary System shall be checked and recorded a.

2 weekly.


b. The Primary System (CO ) cover gas pressure relief valve shall be tested annually.

2 4

Amendment No.

4. The Primary System cover gas supply system may be out of service for up to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.
5. The Primary System cover gas pressure may be interrupted for no more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in any 30 day period.


1. Access - Normal access to the Fuel and Repair Building shall be limited to the door at the southwest comer of the building. At least one other door shall be operable from the inside. Other external doors may be used, if needed, for work being carried out.
2. Drams - All drains are connected to sumps. The sump pumps discharge to the liquid waste holdup system. The pumps may be disconnected or decommissioned when no longer needed for disposing of radioactive waste.

F. WASTE DISPOSAL AND RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS Prior to commencing planned discharge of any radioactive liquid or gaseous emuent, a waste disposal system shall be functional and operating procedures developed.

All discharges ofliquid radioactive effluents from Fermi i shall be sampled and analyzed by gamma spectral analysis and for tritium prior to release. Liquid radioactive effluents which have not been processed to remove particulates shall be monitored by a radiation monitor during discharges. If the radiation detection instrument is out of service such that the emuent cannot properly be monitored, discharge of the effluent shall be discontinued. During periods of use, the discharge radiation monitor shall be checked for response once a week with a radioactive source and shall be calibrated at least once every six months or before each discharge batch.

Radioactive gaseous effluents shall be monitored or sampled and analyzed for tritium during evolutions involving the cutting of pipe containing sodium and during sodium processing.

Gaseous effluents from cutting pipe containing primary sodium or processing primary sodium shall also be monitored or sampled and analyzed for particulates. During other evolutions resulting in radioactive gaseous effluents, the emuents shall be monitored or sampled and analyzed for tritium and particulates.

The calculational method ofperforming dose calculations to show adherence to the following requirements shall be developed and documented prior to commencing planned discharges.

Calculations shall be performed for any year in which a discharge of radioactive effluents occurs.

1. Liquid Efhenin - Radioactive waste discharges to offsite locations shall not exceed the limits given in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, on an instantaneous basis.

Dose Due to Relanca of Liquid Effluents - The calculated annual total quantity of a.

radioactive material in liquid effluents from the facility shall not result in an annual Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure in excess of 5 mrem.

5 Amendment No.