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[Table view] |
I G709090699 070610 PDR ADOCK 05000341 PDR
3.1 Detroit B31 son
'10 3.2 Offsite Response Organizations 12 a_-__-_---_-
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SICTIN 1 - INHURCTIN The RMiological Emergency Response Preparedness (RERP) Program for Fermi 2 consists of the RERP Plan, the RERP Implementing Procedures (EPs), RERP Administrative Procedures (EPAs), and related emergency preparedness plans aM procedures of Federal, State, and local government agencies. The purpose of the program is to provide protection of plant personnel and the general public, to restrict the release of radioactivity, and to secure plant systems in a stable and safe configuration in the event of an emergency situation at Fermi 2.
The Fermi 2 RERP Program has the following objectives o
Effective coordination of emergency activities among onsite and offsite organizations having an emergency response role.
o Early warning and clear instructions to the general public in the affected area in the event of a radiological emergency.
o Continued assessment of actual or potential consequences both onsite and offsite.
o Effective and timely implementation of emergency measures.
o Continued maintenance of an a3 equate state of emergency.
The RERP Plan describes the RERP Program, including the nature of emergency response activities and the available emergency response resources and facilities.
The RERP Plan is applicable to Fermi 2 and its environs, including a plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) exteMing 10 miles and an ingestion pathway EPZ extending 50 miles. The 10-mile EPZ for the plume exposure pathway includes all areas within 10 miles of Fermi 2 in Monroe County, Michigan, a small portion of the southern tip of Wayne County, Michigan, and a small portion of the Province of Ontario, CanMa. The 50-mile ingestion pathway includes portions of Michigan, Ohio, aM Canada.
The Michigan Emergency Preparedness Plan, the Monroe County Emergency Operations Plan, the Wayne County Emergency Operations Plan, and the Brownstown Township Emergency Operations Plan describe the emergency planning and response for the respective government agencies. The Fermi 2 RERP Plan describes the interrelationships between the various Emergency Response Organizations.
The RERP Plan provides a description of the RERP Program as required by 10 CFR 50, Section 50.47. Appropriate criteria from NUREG-0654/FIMA-REP-1, Revision 1, Novenber 1980, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of RMiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" are also considered.
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SECTION 2 - PURPOSE Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness (RERP) planning for an incident at Fermi 2 is a cooperative effort involving Detroit Elison; local government agencies (county, city, village, and township); the States of Michigan and Ohio; Federal Government agencies; local ard provincial agencies in Ontario, Canada; and various organizations that provide support for these agencies. Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) have been established to assist in the planning effort.
Each organization has the responsibility to assure, through coordinated planning and regularly scheduled exercises, such as FEFMEX 87, that it can provide an effective emergency response 24 hoars a day.
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SECTION 3 - SCOPE, GLHCTIVES, AIO SDERATIONS FOR FEIGEEK 87 3.1 DETROIT EDISON 3.1.1 EXPE FERMEX 87 is scheduled as a ' Licensee-Only" exercise to be evaluated by the NBC. However, the Counties of Monroe, Wayne an3 Brownstown Township may participate. Since it is not a scheduled year for local participation, the local Energency Response Organizations will not be evaluated by FINA. As a result, the State of Michigan will participate on a limited basis to pass through the infoavation needed by the Counties to exercise their response organizations. The EXEICISE is designed to test B31 son's response to various plant emergencies; to establish the communications and coordination between Mison and offsite governmental Emergency Response Organizations and Facilities; and address the specific responsibilities, capabilities, and interfaces of each organized element of the Fermi 2 RERP Plan and Implementing Procedures.
A sinulated abnormal radiological incident at Fermi 2 will escalate from an UNUSUAL EENI' to a GENERAL D1ERGEtCY. As the capabilities of B31 son and the various offsite governmental response organizations are brought into play, the effectiveness and efficiency of Fermi 2's response will be independently evaluated by the NEC.
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GkTICTIVES The specific objectives of FEIMEX 87 will demonstrate:
The Mequacy of the RERP Plan aM ita Inplenenting Procedures and test the proficiency of the Emergency Response Organization to select aM use the appropriate procedures for response to the energency.
The capability of the Control Room operators to respoM to a rMiological incident at Fermi 2, by manipulating the sinulator controls, with a mininum of exercise messages and exercise Controller interftce and to use the Sinulator Control Room communications to conduct an exercise.
(The Sinulator is not being evaluated).
The integrated capability of the Energency Response Organization to respond to a sinulated energency event.
The effectiveness of the interfaces anong the Sinu]ator Control Room and the permanent Energency Response facilities, (Operational Support Center, Technical Support Center, and Emergency Operations Facility).
The adequacy and effectiveness of the permanent 'IT emergency communications network between Fermi 2, the State of Michigan, Monroe County, Wayne County and Canada.
Proficiency in recognizing, understanding, and applying the Emergency Action Levels in classifying energency eveats.
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The capability of the sinulator Control Room to properly use the procedures and forms provided for notification of the State and local governmental agencies within 15 minutes of classification of the energency event and provide followup reports on a periodic basis.
The capability of the Control Room to notify the NIC within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of declaration of the emergency event.
The capability of the Control Room to recognize when a release limit from an effluent stack is exceeded.
The capability of the TSC and EOF (when functional) to properly notify State and local governmental agencies within 15 minutes of classification of the event, and provide followup reports on a periodic basis.
The capability to perform timely and effective offsite dose assessnent based on plant conditions, potential / actual radiological releases, and meteorological conditions through the use of conputer software.
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The capability to recomend to the responsible State officials protective etions for the general public in the 10-mile EPZ based on plant corditions, potential and/or actual radiological releases and noteorological data on a timely basis (within 15 minutes of declaring a GENEPAL DdERGENCY).
The capability to reconnend to the responsible State officials protective actions for the general public in the 10-mile EPZ based on meteorological forecasts.
The capability of the Offsite RETTs to locate and track the plunn, to obtain air samples (if requested) and collect environmental samoles and deliver them to the EOF Laboratory.
The use of personnel dosimetry by the Emergency Response Organization in the Control Room, OSC, TSC and EOF.
The capability of Health Physics personnel to establish control points at the TSC and EOF and perform routine radiological surveys in the facilities.
The capability of Health Physics personnel to perform inplant surveys with the proper procedures and instrumentation.
The capability to authorize exceeding 10 CFR 20 exposure limits within the plant when requested.
The capability to use inplant iodine monitoring.
The capability to obtain iodine grab sanples, analyze, and properly use the results in offsite dose assessnent.
The capability to obtain and analyze PASS sanples as may be requested.
The capability to evruate an injured / contaminated worker from the site to a hospital offsite for decontamination and treatment.
The capability of the Offsite RETs to observe AIAPA monitoring prmtices while performing offsite monitoring.
To perform Assenbly an3 Accountability within 30 minutes.
The capability to conduct a shift change of the Emergency Response personnel within the TSC and EOP.
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3.1.3 SIMuumlD CGOITIOlqB 1.
Simulator For purposes of FEINEX 87, the sinulated power level history and other aspects such as nonoperational equipment are defined in the scenario sumary by the initial Sinulator conditions.
There are conditions the Sinulator is not programmed to provide as described below:
The area radiation monitor (AIN) channels will respond and indicate cffscale. The AIM readings are sinulated within the plant cocording to the location of the release and the area of Concern.
Stack effluent radiation monitors for SGrs, 'nirbine, Radwaste, and Reactor Building stacks are not available from the Sinulator. Releases to the environment are sinulated according to accident conditions.
Other a.
The capability to take chemistry sanples for analysis will be demonstrated. The analytical results are sinulated according to accident conditions.
Participation by Detroit Edison onsite personnel directly involved in responding to an emergency shall be carried out to the fullest extent possible - including the deployment of Fire Brigade, Radiological Monitoring Teams, Damage Control anS Rescue Teams, and other emergency workers.
All actions are to be played out, as nuch as possible, in accordance with emergency plan anS procedures as if it were a real emergency. Actions that cannot be played out shouM be identified to the CCNrRonrRR stating the reason why the action cannot be continued or nust be sinulated.
3.2 (FFSI'm RESPONSE GGLNIZATIONS 3.2.1 SmTE Gk71CTIVES The State of Michigan will have only limited participation and will not be establishing objectives.
l Wayne County will have only limited participation at the Joint Public Information Center and will not be establishing objectives.
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'Brownstown Township will have only limited participation at the Joint -
Public Information Center and will not be establishing objectives.
~ Monroe County will' have only limited participation at the Joint Public Information Center and will not be establishing objectives.
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