ML20204F599 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Fermi |
Issue date: | 01/06/1987 |
From: | Booker S, Fick R, Rush G DETROIT EDISON CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20204F025 | List: |
References | |
POM-44.220.102, NUDOCS 8703260226 | |
Download: ML20204F599 (33) | |
9 i
Jet Pump Instrument Lines Excess Flow Check Valves Functional Test PROCEDURE NUMBER:
44.220.102 REVISION:
SR R. Fick Name of preparer S. A. Bender /s/
Date 09/12/86 Administrative Format Reviewer G. L Rush /s/
Date 11/16/86 Technical Reviewer (s)
Date Date N/A Date Supervisor, OA Stephen J. Booker /s/
Date 12/23/86 Resp Section Head or OSRO Member / Alternate Further Approval Required for SR or SP Procedures:
R. S. Lenart /s/
Date 12/23/86 OSRO Chairman or Alternate R. S. Lenart /s/
Date 12/23/86 Plant Manager The following approved Procedure Change Requests are incorporated in this revision:
M4798 This revision lXldoes lldoes not constitute periodic review.
Revision Summary:
Updated References, format and acceptance criteria for periodic review.
J/g ff ev 4
Date PIS PIS File 1703.02 Recipient [39 s
DC 0 00 43 l
PDR a,,
POM 44.220.102 R, vision 4 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3
1.0 Purpose 3
2.0 References 4
3.0 Required Equipment 4
40 Precautions and Limitations 5
5.0 Prerequisites 5
60 Procedure 5
6.1 Jet Pump Rack Loop A (H21-P009) Excess Flow Check Valves 13 6.2 Jet Pump Rack Loop B (H21-P010) Excess Flow Check Valves 21 7.0 Acceptance Criteria ENCLOSURES 1
Valve diagram H11-P009 (081986) 2 Valve diagram H11-P010 (081986) l k
Functional Test Checklist (081986) 2 Independent Verification Sheet (081986)
POM 44.220.102 R ;visiin 4 Page 3 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To satisfy the once per 18 months testing requirements of the Fermi 2 Technical ly Specifications Section, Table 3.6.3-1.D.11 and the Inservice Testing requirements of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.Section XI (Tech. Spec. 4.0.5) by verifying the operability of the Jet Pump Instrumentation Excess Flow Check Valves.
2.1 Use Refer,ences 2.1.1 Plant Operations Manual (POM) Procedure 12.000.013. Radiation Work Permit 2.1.2 POM Procedure 12.000.018, Surveillance Program 2.1.3 POM Procedure 12.000.043. Verification of Correct Performance of Operating Activities 2.1.4 POM Procedure 41.000.09. Process Instrumentation Removal From and Return to Service 2.1.5 POM Procedure 41.000.11. Calibration of Process Instrumentation i
k 2.2 Source References 2.2.1 Fermi 2 Techr'ical Specifications Section 3/4.6.3, Primary Containment isolation Valves 2.2.2 POM Procedure 41.000.03. Instrumentation Calibration Records 2.2.3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI 2.2.4 Fermi 2 Inservice Testing Pump and Valve Program 2.2.5 Equipment History Folders for the following excess flow check valves B21-F515A (V13-2332)
B21-F515B (V13-2333)
B21-F515C (V13-2334)
B21-F515D (V12-2335)
B21-F515E (V13-2336) 821-F515F (V13-2337)
B21-F515G (V13-2338)
B21-F515H (V13-2339)
B21-F515L (V13-2340)
B21-F515M (V13-2341)
B21-F515N (V13-2342)
B21-F515P (V13-2343)
B21-F515R (V13-2344) 821-F515S (V13-2345)
B21-F515T (V13-2346)
B21-F515U (V13-2347)
B21-F514A (V13-2328)
B21-F5148 (V13-2329)
B21-F513C (V13-2326)
B21-F513D (V13-2327)
B21-F514C (V13-2330)
B21-F514D (V13-2331)
B21-F516A (V13-2348) 821-F516B (V13-2349) 3
POM 44 220102 R;visi:n 4 P ge 4 226 Edison Drawings:
61721-2042-6 Rev F Schematie Diagram Transient Monitoring System Points 109 thru 115 6l721-2095-25
- Rev. G Schematic Diagram Jet Pump instrumentation System 61721-2281-9 Rev.K General Arrangement Jet Pump Rack H21-P009 61721-2281-10 Rev.J General Arrangement Jet Pump Rack H21-P010 61721-2291-4 Rev.C Excess Flow Check Valve Test Panet H21-P402D Assembly & Waring Diagram 61721-2291-5 Rev.C Excess Flow Check Valve Test Panet H21-P402E Assembly & Wiring Diagram 61721-2291-11 Rev.C Excess Flow Check Valve Typical Flow Diagram. Wiring Diagram and Conduit Mounting Detail 61721-2538-3 Rev.D Schematic Diagram Excess Flow Check Valves Test Panels H21-P402D 61721-2538-5 Rev.D Schematic Diagram Excess Flow Check Valves Test Panels H21-P402E 61721-2538-6 Rev.E Schematic Diagram Excess Flow Check Valves Test Panels H21-P402E 6M721-2090 Rev.K Diagram Nuclear Boiler System 3.0 REQUIRED EQUIPMENT 3.1 Communications Equipment as required by Step 5.7.
4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Always read a step in its entirety before performing that step.
4.2 Appropriate safety precautions shall be taken when working on energized equipment.
4.3 If testing is interrupted after the prerequisites are signed off, reverify the prerequisites and doucment this in the comments section of the Surveillance Performance Form.
POM 44.220102 R0 vision 4 Page 5 4.4 Safety precautions unique to individual instruments, if any, will be described in the
" Remarks" section of the Equipment Specifications Sheet.
4.5 Notify the Nuclear Shift Supervisor (NSS) of any steps that cannot be satisfactorily completed, so that he can take any necessary action.
4.6 Because the process fluid being worked with is potentially contaminated, exercise care I
when connecting and disconnecting test equipment, operating valves, and pressurizing l
and venting the process instrument.
5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 Obtain a Radiation Work Permit (RWP) in accordance with Reference 2.1.1,if required 5.2 Perform the applicable Steps 4.3.1 through 4.3.9 of Reference 2.1.5.
5.3 Although it is the primary intent to perform this procedure with the plant in Condition 4 or 5 with at least 500 PSIG available to actuate the check valves, this procedure may alsc be performed in plant mcde 1,2 or 3 where stable conditions are present to avoid changes in the output signal of the associated process instrumentation.
5.4 Obtain permission from the (NSS) to perform the Surveillance activity in accordance with Reference 2.1.2 5.5 Establish direct communications between the following locations as required:
5.5.1 For Section 6.1; H11-P805, H21-P402D, and H21-P009.
552 For Section 6.2; H11-P805, H21-P402E, and H21-P010.
5.6 Inform the Control Room Nuclear Supervising Operator (NSO) that the following indications will be out of service and will remain at the indication present at the timt cf transmitter isolation. Indications could change during the course of this test if instrument isolation valve leakage is present.
o B21-R608 A through W, Jet Pump Flow Indicators, on H11-P619 o B21-R611 A Loop A Jet Pump Flow Indicator, on H11-P603 o B21-R6118. Loop B Jet Pump Flow Indicator, on H11-P603 o B21-R613 (Red Pen). Reactor Jet Pump Total Flow, on H11-P603 o B21-R613 (Blue Pen), Reactor Core Plate Pressure Drop, on H11-P603 o B21-R612, Jet Pump Developed Head, on H11-P603 o B21-R604 A through D Calibrated Jet Pump Flow, on H11-P603 o General Electric Transient Analysis Recording System (GETARS) Channels 21 through 28 o Process Computer Points A694 (8017) and A709 (8018) 6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Jet Pump Rack Loop A (H21-P009) Excess Flow Check Valves
POM 44.220.102 R:visi:n 4 Page 6 NOTE:
Instrumentation and valves are located on Rock H21-P009 unless specified otherwise.
6.1.1 Drain Manifold Setup 1.
Verify closed the (12) twelve drain valves associated with the following transmitters: (Refer to Enclosure 1) 821-NO34A B21-N034R B21-NO34C B21-N034T 821-NO34E B21-NO34V B21-NO34G B21-NO33A B21-NO34J B21-NO33C B21-NO34L B21-NO34N 2.
Remove the drain plug from the drain manifold associated with the above transmitters.
NOTE: Connect a length of tygon tubing to the drain manifold, and route the tubing to the nearest floor drain or provide other means of collecting drain fluid.
6.1.2 Transmitter Setup NOTE:
Transmitter removal from service is in accordance with Reference 2.1.4. Refer to Enclosure 1.
Isolate FXE-B21-N034A by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34C by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-NO34E by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-NO34G by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
b 5.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34J by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
- Isolate FXE-B21-NO34L by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-NO34N by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve:
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-N034R by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
l 9.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34T by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
l l
POM 44.220.102 R;visitn 4 Paga 7 10.
Isolate FXE-B21-N034V by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve, then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-NO33A by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
k 12.
Isolate FXE-B21-N033C by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve:
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
6.1.3 B21-F515A (V13 2332) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515A excess flow check valve closure, by opening the Yl B21-NO34A LOW side drain valve, V1.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel a.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515A.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F515A.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO34A LOW side drain valve V1.
lY 4.
On test panel H21-P4020, depress the B21-F515A reset pushbutton and venty:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515A red open light is ON.
b On H11-P805, the B21-F515A red open light is ON.
6.1 4 B21-F515C (V13-2334) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515C excess flow check valve closure, by opening the p
'l B21-N034C LOW side drain valve, V2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panet a.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515C.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-FS15C.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-N034C LOW side drain volve, V2.
POM 44.220102 Revisian 4 Page 8 4.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F515C reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515C red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515C red open light is ON.
6.1.5 B21-F515E (V13-2336) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515E excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO34E LOW side drain valve, V3.
N 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515E.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F515E.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
h 3.
Close the B21-NO34E LOW side drain valve. V3.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F515E reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515E red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515E red open light is ON.
6.1.6 B21-F515G (V13-2338) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515G excess flow check valve closure, by opening the B21-NO34G LOW side drain valve, V4 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panet (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515G.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valv'e test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F515G.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO34G LOW side drain valve, V4.
lY 4.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F515G seset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515G red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515G red open light is ON.
l l
POM 44.220.102
R;visian 4 Page 9 6.1.7 B21-F515L (V13-2340) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515L excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO34L LOW side drain valve, V6.
lN 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515L.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F515L c.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO34L LOW side drain valve, V6.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F515L reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515L red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515L red open light is ON.
6.1.8 B21-F515N (V13-2342) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515N excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO34N LOW side drain valve V7.
lN 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating pane' (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515N.
b The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panet (H21-P402D) is ON. for B21-F515N.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO34N LOW side drain valve, V7.
lN 4.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F515N reset pushbutton and
. verify:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515N red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515N red open light is ON.
6.1.9 B21-F515R (V13-2344) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515R excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO34R LOW side drain valve, V8.
POM 44.220.102 Revisi:n 4 Page 10 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve Indicating panel (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515R.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F515R.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21 NO34R LOW side drain valve, V8.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F515R reset pushbutton and verity:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515R red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the 321-F515R red open light is ON 6.1.10 B21-F515T (V13-2346) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515T excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO34T LOW side drain valve, V9.
l 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON for B21-F515T.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P4020) is ON, for B21-F515T.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold 3.
Close the B21-NO34T LOW side drain valve V9.
l 4
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F515T reset pushbutton and ve rif y.
On H21-P402D, the B21-F515T red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515T red open light is ON.
6.1.11 B21-J514A (V13-2328) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F514A excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO33A LOW side drain valve, V5.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on the rear of H11-F805) is ON, for B21-F514A.
1 POM 44.220.102 R:visi:n 4 Page 11 b.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P4020) is ON, for 921-F514A.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO33A LOW side drain valve, V5.
lY 4.
On test pane! H21-P402D, depress the B21-F514A reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F514A red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F514A red open light is ON.
6.1.12 B21-F513C (V13-2326) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F513C excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO33C LOW side drain valve V10.
l4 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panet (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for 821-F513C.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F513C.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold 3.
Close the B21-N033C LOW side drain valve. V10 4.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F513C reset pushbutton and verity:
On H21-P402D the B21-F513C red open light is ON.
b On H11-P805. the B21-F513C red open light is ON.
6.1.13 B21-F514C (V13-2330) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F514C excess flow check valve closure by opening the q
B21-NO33C HIGH side drain valve, V11.
I i
. Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F514C.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel g i21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F514C.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO33C HIGH side drain volve, V11.
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POM 44.220.102 Revisi:n 4 Pags 12 4.
On test panet H21-P402D, depress the B21-F514C reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402D, the B21-F514C red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F514C red open light is ON.
6.1.14 B21-F516A (V13-2348) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F516A excess flow check valve closure by opening the HIGH side drain valve, V12, connected to the B21-NO34 series transmitters h
Verify the following-a.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panet (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F516A.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402D) is ON, for B21-F516A.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the HIGH side drain valve. V12, for the B21-NO34 series transmitters.
On test panel H21-P402D, depress the B21-F516A reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402D. the B21-F516A red open light is ON.
On H11-P805. the B21-F516A red open light is ON.
6.1.15 Transmitter Return to Service NOTE:
Transmitter return to service is performed in accordance with Reference 2.1.4.
Refer to Enclosure 1.
Return FXE-B21-NO34A to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34C to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
. Return FXE-821-NO34E to service by opening its HIGH side instrument k
isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-821-N0340 to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
l 5.
Return FXE-821-NO34J to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation velve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-821-NO34L to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve: then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
POM 44.220.102 R;visi:n 4 Page 13 7.
Return FXE-B21-NO34N to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34R to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34T to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-821-NO34V to service by opening its HIGH side instru nent isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO33A to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO33C to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
6.1.16 Replace the drain manifold drain plug removed in Step
6.2 Jet Pump Rack Loop 8 (H21-P010) Excess Flow Check Velves NOTE:
Instrumentation and valves are located on Rack H21-P010 unless specified otherwise.
6.2.1 Drain Manifold Setup 1.
Verify closed the (12) twelve drain valves associated with the following q
transmitters: (Refer to Enclosure 2) 821-NO348 821-NO34K B21-NO34U B21-N034D B21-NO34M B21-NO34W B21-NO34F B21-NO34P B21-NO33B B21-N034H B21-N0345 B21-NO33D 2.
Remove the drain plug from the drain manifold associated with the above transmitters.
NOTE: Connect a length of tygon tubing to the drain manifold, and route the tubing to the nearest floor drain or provide other suitable means to collect the drain fluid.
6.2.2 Transmitter Setup NOTE:
Transmitter removal from service is in accordance with Reference 2.1.4. Refer to Enclosure 2.
i 1.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34B by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; b
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34D by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve:
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
POM 44.220.102 Revisi:n 4 Page 14
.l 3.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34F by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-NO34H by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-N034K by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-N034M by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-821-N034P by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34S by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34U by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve; b
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO34W by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO33B by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve, then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Isolate FXE-B21-NO33D by closing its LOW side instrument isolation valve then close its HIGH side instrument isolation valve 13.
Isolate PDXE-B21-N032 by closing its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
14 isolate PDXE-B21-NO35 by closing its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
6.2.3 B21-F515B (V13-2333) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515B excess flow check valve closure by opening the B21-NO34B LOW side drain valve. V1.
lll 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flJw check valve indicating panel (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON for B21-f 515B.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-FS15B.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-N034B LOW side drain valve, VI.
POM 44.220.102 R'; vision 4 Page 15 4.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F5158 reset pushbunon and verify:
On H21-P402E, the B21-F515B red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515B red open light is ON.
6.2.4 821-F515D (Vi3-2335) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515D excess flow check valve closure by opening the b
B21-NO340 LOW side drain valve, V2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel a.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON. for B21-F515D.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON for B21-F515D.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO34D LOW side drain valve, V2.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F515D reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402E, the B21-F515D red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515D red open light is ON.
6.2.5 B21-F515F (V13-2337) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515F excess flow check valve closure by opening the b
B21-NO34F LOW side drain valve. V3.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel a.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515F.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-F515F.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold c.
Close the B21-NO34F LOW side drain valve. V3.
lq On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F515F reset pushbunon and 4.
On H21-P402E, the B21-F515F red open fight is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515F red open fight is ON.
POM 44.220102 Revisi:n 4 n
Page 16
J 6.2.6 B21-F515H (V13-2339) Functional l'est i
Obtain the B21-F515H excess flow check va'lve closure by opening the B21-NO34H LOW side drzin valve. V4.
f 2.
Veri */ the following:
The green closed light on ths excess flow check velN im!!cetir$ panel e.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON. for 821-F515H.
The grnen closed light on the excess flow check veive test panel (H21-P402E) 13 ON. for 821-F515Hi That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.'
3 Close the B21-NO34H LOW side drain valvs. V4 i
On test panet H21 P402E, depress the B11 -F515H reset pushbutton and l
On H21-P402E. the B1,1-F515H' red opt n light is ON.
On H11-P805. the B21-F515H red open light is ON.
6.2.7 B21-F515M (V13-2341) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F515M excess fics; check vMee closure by opening tiie B21-N034M LON side drain valvo. V3 h
Verify the following:
a The green closed ligt;! on the axcess flow check valve indicating panel (on the,; ear of H11-P305) is ON. for 821-F515M b.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON. for 821-F515M c.
That little or no process fluid issued fiom the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO34M LOW side drain valve. V6.
g 4.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F515M ret'at p nhbuttoa and verify:
On H21-P402E, the B21-F515M red open light is ON.
',2 b.
On H11-F6'J5, the 821-F515M red opsa Pght:13 ON.
6.2.8 B21-F515P (V13-23 43) Functiones Test 1.
.Obtein the B21-F515P excess flow check valve clohure by spaning the B21-NO34P LOW side drain talve. V7.
f 4
g v
- L
1 POM 44.220102 j
R;visiin 4 4
L Page 17 i
Verify the follow' ing:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515P.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-F515P.
A c.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
4 3.
Close the B21-NO34P LOW side drain valve, V7.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F515P reset pushbutton and L
1 a.
On H21-P402E, the B21-F515P red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515P red open light is ON 6.2.9 B21-F515S (V13-2345) Functional Test 1
Obtain the B21-F515S excess flow check valve closure by opening the N
B21-N034S LOW side drain valve. V8.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON. for B21-F515S.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-F515S.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-NO34S LOW side drain valve. V8 lY lC 4.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F515S reset pushbutton and e,
On H21-P402E, the B21-F515S red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515S red open light is ON.
$.2.10 B21-F515U (V13-2347) Functional Test I
.l 1.
Obtain the B21-F515U excess flow check valve closure by opening the lY B21-NO34U LOW side drain valve. V9.
I 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel a.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F515U.
POM 44.220.102 R;visian 4 Page 18 b.
The green closed light on the exess ?!ow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) la ON, for B21-F515U.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifolo.
Close the B21-N034U LOW side drain valve. V9.
l4 4.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F515U reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402E, the B21-F515U red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F515U red open light is ON.
6.2.11 B21-FS14B (V13-2329) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F514B excess flow checit valve closure by opening the B21-NO338 LOW side drain valve. V5.
l'l 2.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on_the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F514B.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-F5148.
That httle or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the B21-N033B LOW side drain valve, V5.
l8f 4.
On test panel H21-P402E. depress the B21-F514B reset pushbutton and v'Gfy:
On H21-P402E. the B21-F5148 red open light is ON b.
On H11-P805. the B21-F5148 red open light is ON.
6.2.12 B21-FS13D (V13-2327) Functional Test.
Obtain the B21-F513D excess flow check veW i Id,ure by opening the gg I*
B21-NO33D HIGH side drain valve, V11.
' Varify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel (on t.5e rear of H11-P805) Ir, ON. for B21-F513D.
The closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-F513D.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the 821-NO33D HIGH side drain valve, V11.
POM 44.220101 Revision 4 Page 19 4.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F513D reset pushbutton and verity; a.
On H21-P402E, the B21-F513D red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F513D red open light is ON.
6.2.13 B21-F514D (V13-2331) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F514D excess flow check valve closure by opening the N
B21-NO33D LOW side drain valve, V10.
Verify the following:
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating panel a.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F514D.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-F514D.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold 3.
Close the B21-NO33D LOW side drain valve. V10.
f 4.
On test panel H21-P402E, depress the B21-F514D reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402E, the B21-F514D red open light is ON.
On H11-P805, the B21-F514D red open light is ON.
6.2.14 B21-F516B (V13-2349) Functional Test 1.
Obtain the B21-F516B excess flow check valve closure by opening the lI HIGH side drain valve, V12, connected to the B21-N034 senes transmitters 2.
Verify the following:
e' The green closed light on the excess flow check valve indicating par a.
(on the rear of H11-P805) is ON, for B21-F516B.
The green closed light on the excess flow check valve test panel (H21-P402E) is ON, for B21-F516B.
That little or no process fluid issued from the drain manifold.
Close the HIGH side drain valve, V12, connected to the B21-NO34 senes
\\Y transmitters.
On test panet H21-P402E, depress the B21-F5168 reset pushbutton and verify:
On H21-P402E, the B21-F516B red open light is ON.
POM 44.220.102 Revisi:n 4 P g3 20 b.
On H11-P805, the B21-F5168 red open light is ON.
6.2.15 Transmitter Return to Service NOTE:
Transmitter return to service is in accordence with Reference 2.1.4.
Refer to Enclosure 2.
Return FXE-B21-N034B to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation velve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-821-NO34D to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34F to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34H to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve..
Return FXE-B21-NO34K to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
s 6.
Return FXE-B21-NO34M to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-821-N034P to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34S to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34U to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO34W to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-B21-NO33B to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
Return FXE-821-N033D to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve; then open its LOW side instrument isolation valve.
I 13.
Return PDXE-B21-NO32 to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
Return PDXE-821-NO35 to service by opening its HIGH side instrument isolation valve.
6.2.16 Replace the drain manifold drain plug removed in Step
1 I
l l
POM 44.220.103 R0 vision 4 Page 21 7.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 7.1 The functional test of the following excess flow check valves is acceptable if the closur'e of the valve occurred as required, and all associated steps were completed satisfactorily.
B21-F515A (V13-2332)
B21-F515B (V13-2333)
B21-F515C (V13-2334)
B21-F515D (V12-2335)
B21-F515E (V13-2336)
B21-F515F (V13-2337) 821-F515G (V13-2338)
B21-F515H (V13-2339) 811-F515L (V13-2340)
B21-F515M (V13-2341) 821-F515.N (V13-2342)
B21-F515P (V13-2343)
B21-F515R (V13-2344)
B21-F515S (V13-2345)
B21-F515T (V13-2346)
B21-F515U (V13-2347)
B21-F514A (V13-2328)
B21-F514B (V13-2329)
B21-F513C (V13-2326)
B21-F513D (V13-2327)
B21-F514C (V13-2330)
B21-F514D (V13-2331)
B21-F516A (V13-2348)
B21-F5168 (V13-2349)
POM 44.220.102 Enci::suro 1, Paga 1 cf 1 081986 VALVE DIAGRAM H11-P009 e
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POM 44.220.102 O
Encl: sura 2. Pag 31 cf 2 081986 VALVE DIAGRAM N11-P010 3 <
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POM 44.220.102. Page 2 of 2 081986 VALVE DIAGRAM H11-P010 Etc X'
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POM 44.220.102 Attachm:nt 1, Pag 31 cf 8 081986 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST initials Data Step Number 5.1 RWP obtained 5.2 Requirements satisfied 5.3 Plant Condition Condition 5.4 NSS p'ermission 5.5.1 Communications established for Section 6.1 5.5.2 Communications established for Section 6.2 5.6 NSO informed 6.1.1 1.
Drain valves closed 2.
Drain plug removed 6.1.2 1.
821-NO34A isolated 2.
821-N034C isolated 3.
821-N034E isolated 4.
921-N034G isolated 5.
821-N034J isolated 6.
821-NO34L isolated 7.
B21-NO34N isolated 8.
B21-N034R isolated 9.
821-NO34T isolated 10.
B21-NO34V isolated 11.
821-N333A isolated 12.
B21-NO33C isolated 6.1.3 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green fight ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.4 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green fight ON
POM 44.220.102 Attachm:nt 1, Page 2 Cf 8 081986 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST Step Number initials Data b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.5 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.6 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.7 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.8 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.9 1.
Valve opened
POM 44.220.102 Attachm:nt 1, Pag 3 3 cf 8 081986 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST Step Number Initials Data 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.10 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green hght ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.11 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green hght ON C.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.12 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
GreJn light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.13 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.14 1.
Valve opened 04
POM 44.220.102 Attachm:nt 1, Pag 2 4 Cf 8 081986 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST Initials Data Step Number 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset, depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.1.15 1.
821-NO34A in service 2.
821-NO34C in service 3.
821-N034E in service 4.
821-NO34G in service 5.
821-NO34J in service 6.
821-NO34L in service 7.
B21-N034N in service 8.
821-N034R in service 9.
B21-N034T in service 10.
821-NO34V in service 11.
821-N033A in service 12-821-N033C in service 6.1.16 Drain plug replaced 6.2.1 1.
Drain valves closed 2.
Drain plug removed 6.2.2 1.
821-NO348 isolated 2.
821-NO340 isolated 3.
B21-NO34F isolated 4.
B21-NO34H isolated 5.
821-NO34K isolated
B21-N034M isolated 7.
B21-NO34P isolated 8.
821-NO34S isolated 9.
821-NO340 isolated 10.
B21-NO34W isolated 11.
B21-NO338 isolated 12.
B21-NO33D isolated 13.
821-NO32 isolated 14.
B21-NO35 isolated 6.2.3 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green fight ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON i
POM 44.220.102 Attachm:nt 1, Pag) 5 cf 8 081g86 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST Step Number Initials Data b.
Red light ON 6.2.4 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3
Vafve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.5 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.6 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.7 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.8 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed
s POM 44.220.102 Att:chment 1 Pa a 6 Cf 8 081g86 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST Step Number Initials Data 4.
Roset depressed s.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.9 1
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.10 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a
Red light ON b
Red hght ON 6.2.11 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.12 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Oreen light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed s.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.13 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON I
POM 44.220.102 t
Attachm:nt 1, Pag) 7 cf 8 081986 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST Step Number initials Data b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Reset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.14 1.
Valve opened 2.
Green light ON b.
Green light ON c.
No flow 3.
Valve closed 4.
Roset depressed a.
Red light ON b.
Red light ON 6.2.15 1.
B21-NO34B in service 2.
B21-NO34D in service 3.
B21-NO34F in service 4.
B21-NO34H in service 5.
B21-NO34K in service 6.
B21-NO34M in service 7.
B21-NO34P in service 8.
B21-NO34S in service 9.
B21-NO34U in service 10.
B21-NO34W in service 11.
B21-NO33B in service 12.
B21-NO33D in service 13.
821-NO32 in service 14.
B21-NO35 in service 6.2.16 Drain plug replaced
$7.1 The closure of the following excess flow check valves ocaurred as required, and all associated steps were completed satisfactorily:
Initials initials
'821-F515A (V13-23.32)
- B21-F515B (V13-2333)
- B21-F515C (V13-2334)
- B21-F515D (V13-2335)
- B21-F515E (V13-2336)
- B21-F515F (V13-2337)
- B21-F5150 (V13-2338)
- B21-F515H (V13-2339) 5 Minimum requirements for Tech. Spec. Operability
- Meets ISI test type CT-EF requirements
POM 44.220.102 i Page 8 of 8 081986 FUNCTIONAL TEST CHECKLIST
- B21-F515L (V13-2340)
- B21-F515M (V13-2341)
- B21-F515N (V13-2342)
- B21-F515P (V13-2343)
- B21-F515R (V13-2344)
- B21-F515S (V13-2345)
- B21-F515T (V13-2346)
- B21-F515U (V13-2347)
- B21-F514A (V13-2328)
- B21-F514B (V13-2329)
- B21-F513C (V13-2326)
- B21-F513D (V13-2327)
- B21-F514C (V13-2330)
- B21-F514D (V13-2331)
- B21-F516A (V13-2348)
- B21-F516B (V13-2349)
- Meets ISI test type CT-EF requirements REMARKS:
Time Completed:
Date Completed.
Test Personnel (Printed Name)
Signatures initials NOTE:
Following the completion of this test, ensure the requirements of 4.4.9 through 4 4.18 of Reference 2.1.5 and 3.3 of Reference 2.1.3 where applicable are satisfied. Inform the NSS that this surveillance is complete.
This Checklist and Attachment 2 constitute the necessary documentation to ensure satisfactory completion of this test and should be maintained together.
POM 44.220.102 Attachm:nt 2. Page 1 of 1 081966 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION SHEET
Start Time
/Date initial /Date 1.
On Jet Pump Rack Loop A (H21-P009) verify:
(Refer to Enclosure 1) a.
The 12 drain valves are closed. (V1 through V12)
f b.
The drain plug is properly replaced.
On Jet Pump Rack Loop A (H21-P009). verify the following transmitters have their HI and LO instrument isolation valves OPEN: (Refer to Enclosure 1) initial /Date initial /Date B21-NO34A:
l B21-NO34E:
On Jet Pump Rack Loop B (H21-P010) verify:
(Refer to Enclosure 2) l a.
The 12 drain valves are closed. (V1 through V12)
The drain plug properly replaced.
On Jet Pump Rock Loop B (H21-P010), verify the following transmitters have their Hi and LO instrument isolation valves open: (Refer to Enclosure 2)
Initial /Date initial /Date B21-NO348
Individual Performing Independent Verification Printed Name initials Signature END i