ML20077C922 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Monticello, Fermi |
Issue date: | 05/30/1991 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20077C910 | List: |
References | |
3.5.E.1-&-2-1, NUDOCS 9412070106 | |
Download: ML20077C922 (2) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:Y . MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT TSI 3.5.E.1 &2 - 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION INTERPRETATION MANUAL Revision 0 TITLE: T. S. INTERPRETATION NO.:3.5.E.1 & 2 - 1 Page 1 of 2 l REFERENCE TECH SPEC PAGE: 106 REV.: 129 l l RELATED SPECIFICATIONS 3.7.A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: l i "1. When irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel and reactor coolant temperature is less i than 212oF, all low pressure core and containment cooling subsystems may be j inoperable provided no work is being done which has the potential of draining the reactor vessel except as allowed by specification 3.5.E.2 below.
- 2. When irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel and the vessel head is removed, the l
suppression chamber may be drained completely and no more than one control rod drive housing or instrument thimble opened at any one time provided that the spent fuel pool gates are open and the fuel level is maintained at a level of greater than or equal to 33 feet." PREPARED BY: bM DATE: S 9[ USER REVIEW BY: uen DATE: $ l REVIEWED BY: DATE: f/7/9/ (GSghP) OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING NO: /8O I DATE: f - 3 (? - 9 / APPROVED BY: % M. DATE: f-3 o - 9 / Interoretation:
- 1. When is compliance with soecification 3.5.E.2 reauired?
Specification 3.5.E.2 applies only if control rod drive housings or instrument thimbles are to be opened.
- 2. Do specifications 3.5.E.1 & 2 allow oumo down of torus level at the beainnina of an outaae before the reactor head is removed?
Yes, provided reactor coolant is below 212 F and no work that could create a drain path from the vessel (such as opening a control rod drive housing, instrument thimble, or other potential drain path) is allowed to occur. Resp Supv: AsTToPM l Assoc Ref: TS 'ITUTERPs IsR:.N Freq: 0 yrs Doc Type: Il23 l ARMS: TSI l Admin initials: Mg(d ) Date: (.o -h-9 / GU mil 9412070106 941130 PDR ADOCK 05000341 P PDR ~.
~ TITLE: T. S. INTER,PRETATION NO.:3.5.E.1 & 2 - 1 Page 2 of 2 Discussion: Technical Specification 3.7.A establishes the LCO requirement for torus water volume. The specified volume is required only when the reactor coolant temperature is above 212oF, or, when work is being done which has the potential to drain the vessel. Control rod drive work and under vessel work on core instrunentation, during which instrument thimbles or drive housings may be opened, are exan.ples of work that has the potential to drain the vessel. 1 Specification 3.5.E.2 provides an exception to Spt.dfication 3.7.A which allows draining of the torus during control rod drive and core instrumentation work provided certain other conditions are met. This exception recognizes that it may be necessary to drain the torus concurrent with control rod drive and core instrument maintenance. It limits the potential drain path size by requiring that only one housing or thimble be open and it establishes the availability of sufficient water inventory to assure core cooling if the seal on that housing or thimble opening is lost. The basis of the requirement for maintaining torus water volume when work is being done which has the potential to drain the vessel is presumably an assumption that torus water could be available via low pressure Emergency Core Cooling Systems to maintain 6r restore vessel level in the event drainage occurs. This presumption is consistent with Specification 3.5.E.1, which allows all low pressure systems to be inoperable provided l the same conditions that allow the torus to be drained are satisfied. i 1 l mil
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