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Rev 14 to Fermi 2 Security Personnel Training & Qualification Plan
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Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1999
Shared Package
ML20210A301 List:
PROC-990630, NUDOCS 9907220061
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l Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure FERMI 2 SECURITY PERSONNEL TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION PLAN l


June 29,1999 I.0 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION MI/lif6n553............................. 1 - 1 2.0 CHAPTER 2: DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS #iiii6ff14....... 2-1 3.0 CHAPTER 3: EMPLOYMENT CRITERIA MNiidM..............

3-1 3.1 Suitability and Oualification.......................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Suitab ility....................................................

3-1 3.1.2 Physical Qualifications.....................................

3-1 3.1.3.

Mental Qualifications...................,................ 3-2 3.1.4 P.hysical Fitness Qualifications............................ 3-3 3.1.5 Contract Security Personnel.......................... 3-3 3.1.6 Material Search Personnel..........................

L3 3.1.7 Docume nta tion............................................

3.2 Trainine and Oualification Plan Reauirements..................... 3 4 3.2.1 Training Objective.......................................... 3-4 3.2.2 Scope of Training...........................................

3-4 3.2.3 Site Specific Training Requirements.................. 3-5 3.3 Oualification Reauirements..................................... 3-6 3.3.1 Critical Task Qualification Matrix........................

3-6 3.3.2 Conditions and Standards................................. 3-6 3.3.3 Duty Qualification..................................... 3-6 3.3.4 Critical Task Qualification Records................... 3-6 3.3.5 Training Materials.......................................... 3-7 3.3.6 Requalification............................................... 3-7 l

3.4 Weapons Trainine and Oualification Program.................... 3-7 3.4.1 Weapons Training........................................... 3-7 3.4.2 Weapons Qualification.....................................

3 -8 i

9907220061 990715 PDR ADOCK 05000341 F


I Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure l


FIGURE TITLE 3-1 Critical Task / Written Examination Matrix RWisI5n34 I


Physical Fitness Test Revision 12 B

Critical Task Qualification Matrix 5eViiid534 C

Conditions and Standards Revision 10 D

Records Retention Matrix Riviii6511$

E Semi-Automatic Handgun Qualification Course Revision 9 F

Shotgun Qualification Course Revision 9 G

Rifle Qualification Course Revision 9 H

9mm Carbine Qualification Course Revision 13

Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure DETROIT EDISON COMPANY FERMI 2 SECURITY PERSONNEL TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION PLAN 1.0 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This document details the Security Personnel Training and Qualification Plan (SPT&QP) by which the Fermi 2 Security Force will be selected, trained, tested and qualified. The SPT&QP is written in accordance with 10CFR73.55, 10CFR73 Appendix B, the Fermi 2 Physical Security and Safeguards Contingency Plans. All state laws applicable to the licensing of private security officers and the carrying of firearms are observed.

MYEIy;stilisiiNM'M~pedisiIiMMMMIEilli:his*ciFs kla%NRsaginnikid'W*aindipalificatkmplains4Tr

....'twaluated @to individuals bolag' assigned duIti 1Ris%gtraining andjusification'cyabintinnfan Pered%

'af training may. allow,certain generic secunty 1


ults b"""**'ia"... JMtrainimig trovidediwill.beknintained on file; j

Revision 14 1-1 June,1999

l Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document

%7thholdfrom Public Disclosure 2.0 CHAPTER 2: DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS Annual or Annually: A time frame describing the period of performance for an action required to be accomplished by the last day of the twelfth month from I

the date the action was previously performed. Each training requirement shall be performed within the specified time interval with:


A maximum allowable extension not to exceed 25% of the training interval, but; i


The combined time interval for any 3 consecutive training intervals she.11 not exceed 3.25 times the specified training interval.

CAS: Central Alarm Station - A continuously manned vital area which is constructed to bullet-resisting standards and functions as the primary location j

for the security system operations.

l CCTV: Closed Circuit Television CR: Control Room DECO: Detroit Edison Company Fermi 2: Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant General Supervisor, Security Operations: The member of the Security Force responsible for site security and implementation of the Physical Security Plan.

LLEA: The local law enforcer nt agencies with whom DECO Security has agreements for assistance.

MSF: Member of the Security Force: Security Officers, Watchpersons or other DECO employees or contractors who are trained and qualified to perform security tasks and job duties which are directly associated with the effective implementation of the Fermi 2 Physical Security Plan.

NRC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Security Management: The Director, Nuclear Security or selected personnel designated by the Director, Nuclear Security.

Revision 14 2-1 June,1999

t Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure 1

Nuclear Security Organization: Those personnel who directly or indirectly perform physical security management, operational or support requirements pursuant to the Physical Security Plan.

Owner Controlled Area: The area external and contiguous to the Protected Area which is l[rfgl by the Detroit Edison Company.

PersonnelQualification Acronyms:


CAS/SAS Operator GSSO:

General Supervisor Security Operations RFL:

Response Force Leader RFM:

Response Force Member SSS:

Security Shift Supervisor WP:

Watchperson Protected Area: An area encompassed by physical barriers to which access is controlled.

QRM: Qualification Responsibility Matrix Radiological Sabotage: Any deliberate act directed against the plant, component of the plant or transport into the Protected Area that could directly or j

indirectly endanger the public health or safety by exposure to radiation.

Response Force: Designated Security Officers whose duty is to provide initial response, follow-up response, or reinforcement for the purpose of neutralizing a security threat.

SAS: Secondary Alarm Station - An alarm station located in a continuously manned area onsite and equipped with redundant systems capability for the Central Alarm Station function.

Security Force: An onsite generic subentity of the Nuclear Security Organization directly responsible for providing security pursuant to the Physical Security Plan and the Safeguards Contingency Plan.

1 Revision 14 2-2 June,1999

Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure l

l Security Officer: Are trained, uniformed licensee or contract employee (s) who are armed while performing duties involving the protection of special nuclear material against theft, protection of Fermi 2 against radiological sabotage or both.

Security Shift Supervisor: The member of the Security Force assigned to shift who, in accordance with 10CFR73.55, has the authority to direct the security activities of all members of the Security Force.

SPT&QP: Security Personnel Training and Qualification Plan.

Vital Equipment: Any plant equipment, system, or device the failure, destruction or release of which could endanger public health and safety by an exposure to radiation. Equipment or systems which would be required to function to protect health and safety following such failure or destruction are also considered vital equipment.

Vital Island: One or more vital area (s) protected as a single entity.

Material Search Personnel: Trained licensee or contract employee (s) from another site organization, who in addition to their normal job function, perform searches of material for contraband or unauthorized items prior to the material entering the protected area. Material search personnel are unarmed and not uniformed.

Watchperson: A trained, unarmed licensee or contract employee (s), not necessarily uniformed, who provide protection for Fermi 2 and the special nuclear material therein in the course of performing other duties.

1 Revision 14 2-3 June,1999 l

Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure 3.0 CHAPTER 3: EMPLOYMENT CRITERIA


3.1 Suitability and Oualification 3.1.1 Suitability All persons hired to or assigned to the Nuclear Security Organization at Fermi 2 shall meet the following requirements:


Be mentally and physically qualified for assignment.


Be qualified for the position assigned throughjob-related education and/or experience.


Have no record of felony convictions involving the use of weapons and no felony convictions that reflect on the applicant's reliability.


Possess a high school education or the equivalent.


All Security Officers shall be at least 21 years of age.


All Watchpersons shall be at least 18 years of age.


A background investigation shall be performed on each individual as outlined in the Physical Security Plan.


An interview shall be conducted by a member of the Nuclear Security Staff or contract agency to appraise the candidate's suitability for the position.

l 3.1.2 Physical Qualifications Watchpersons are examined to determine whether they meet the requirements of10CFR73, Appendix B,I.B.I.a. Security Oflicers and Central Alarm Station operators are examined to determine whether they meet the requirements of 10CFR73, Appendix B, I.B.I.a and b. Security Officers and Central Alarm Station operators are Mijildi~siial'a~riMMidiiiliiistered by a licensed Revision 14 3-1 June,1999

i l

l Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure physicien. (Those individuals wearing corrective lenses, hearing aids, or afflicted with mild color vision defects shall demonstrate that they can perform required security duties prior to assignment by successful completion of the training program. All armed personnel whose I

uncorrected distance vision is 20/40 or less in the better eye shall have l

an extra pair ofeyeglasses available within the Protected Area.) Final attestment by the physician is required to certify that the examination has detected no condition that renders the individual incapable of performing assigned security tasks.

All security personnel assigned to the Nuclear Security Organization are observed by their supervisors for physical fitness. Individuals who have been determined to be physically unfit or incapacitated to the extent that they cannot perform their assigned duties shall be relieved and be required to provide medical certification of their capability to perform such duties before reassignment.

3.1.3 Mental Qualifications Successful performance of the tasks required for their duty assignments, identifieu in the Qualification section of this plan, requires individuals to possess such things as the acuity of senses and ability of expression necessary to ensure the successful performance of their duties.

All MSF are evaluated by a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, physician or other person professionally trained to identify emotional instability and determine whether their behavioral reliability is suitable to Nuclear Security Organization assignment. Certification of the results of this evaluation is provided to Nuclear Security



I Individuals who have a history of, or demonstrate behavioral characteristics that could adversely affect the proper discharge of their duties are not assigned to the Nuclear Security Organization.

Security supervisors observe their assigned security personnel to detect any indications of changes in behavior. Any individual suspected of being unstable is relieved from duty, counseled, and Revision 14 3-2 June,1999

i Detroit Edison Company internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure required to be evaluated by a professionally trained person to determine if sufficient emotional instability exists to warrant continued suspension from security duties.

3.1.4 Physical Fitness Qualifications l

Security Officers shall demonstrate physical fitness by successfully performing to the standards of one of the test methods described in Appendix A for initial qualification and annually thereafter.

Prior to participating in either test method described in Appendix A individuals are subject to a medical examination conducted by a licensed physician who shall determine and certify there are no medical contradictions for participation in the program. One of the physical fitness test methods shall be completed within 12 months of medical certification.

Those Security Officers, who by medical examination cannot participate in the physical fitness test or, who fail to satisfy the test requirements are temporarily relieved from response force duty until they meet the physical fitness requirements. Those officers who fail one c ? he testing methods will be retested in accordance with the t

testing method that they failed.

3.1.5 Contract Security Personnel Contract Security personnel are required to meet the suitability requirements and mental qualification standards for their assigned duties in accordance with sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.3 of the SPT&QP. A physical assessment is completed for contract security Watchpersons consisting of completion of a health history questionnaire which is reviewed by a licensed physician who attests to the candidate's suitability to perform assigned duties.

3.1.6 Material Search Personnel Material Search Personnel are required to meet the suitability requirements, and mental qualification standards for their assigned duties in accordance with sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.3 of the SPT&QP. A Revision 14 3-3 June,1999 j

I Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure physical assessment is completed for material search personnel consisting of completion of a health history questionnaire, which is reviewed by a licensed physician who attests to the candidate's suitability to perform assigned duties.

3.1.7 Documentation All background investigation documents, and physical and mental examination certifications for all members of the Nuclear Security Organization are retained in accordance with Appendix D.

Initial Physical Fitness test records and requalification physical fitness test records are maintained in accordance with Appendix D.

3.2 Trainine and Oualification Plan Reauirements 3.2.1 Training Objective 4

The objective of the DECO Nuclear Security Training Program is to train and qualify security personnel to protect Fermi 2 against radiological sabotage, as required bv the criteria Of 10CFR73, Appendix B.

Personnel completing the training programs are capable and qualified to execute the duties prescribed in the Physical Security and Safeguards Contingency Plans.

Nuclear Security Management ensures that all MSF are trained and qualified in accordance with Sections II, III, IV, and V of Appendix B,10CFR73 as described in the SPT&QP.

1 3.2.2 Scope of Training The training program presents equipment usage, officer duties and responsibilities, security skills, tactical training, weapons training and qualification, and response to contingency events. Annual refresher training and requalification are provided to maintain a high level of security skills.

Revision 14 3-4 June,1999

Detroit Edison Company internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure Individual and Security force effectiveness for contingency event response is demonstrated utilizing examinations, task evaluation checklists, and periodic drills and exercises.

3.2.3 Site Specific Training Requirements The M Security QiijanliiIdis uses formal classroom instruction and on-the-job training to train officers.

All members of the Security Force are required to successfully complete the training program and demonstrate the correct techniques required by the critical task evaluation conditions and standards applicable to their assigned duties.

Instructors document an individual's successful completion of classroom instruction and qualification critical tasks before the MSF is assigned related duties.

In order to train and test security personnel on tasks not normally performed, such as responding to contingency events, periodic exercises shall be conducted by the Security Operations Support staff, General Supervisor, Security Operations, Security Shift Supervisor, Bi Response Force Leader. The Lead Controller of the exercise critiques and documents the exercise. The Security Shift Supervisor is responsible for providing remedial instruction for officers to correct any deficient performance observed during the exercise.

The Security Shift Supervisors observe the performance of personnel assigned to their shifts. If an individual fails to demonstrate the required degree of proficiency, the Security Shift Supervisor removes the officer from the related duty assignment until satisfactory performance of the task (s) is demonstrated.

t l

Revision 14 3-5 June,1999

Detroit Edison Company internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure 3.3 Oualification Reauirements 3.3.1 Critical Task Qualification Matrix The Critical Task Qualification Matrix references personnel qualifications to the Nuclear Security Organization duty assignments which are evaluated to ensure successful implementation of the Safeguards and Physical Security Plans. The Matrix is shown in Appendix B.

.3.3.2 Conditions and Standards Conditions and Standards for critical security tasks are provided in Appendix C. The conditions and standards contain specific performance requirements that the examinee must satisfactorily perform to complete each critical task. The conditions and standards are listed for the appropriate duty assignment.

3.3.3 Duty Qualification The Security Shift Supervit or ensures that all personnel assigned to an operational shift have successfully demonstrated the required standards for their duty assignments in accordance with Appendices B and C.

3.3.4 Critical Task Qualification Records The Security Operations Support staff, the Security Shift Supervisor, the Response Force Leader, or members of the GSSO staff who are qualified as Security Shift Supervisors evaluate personnel in accordance with the Critical Task / Written Examination Matrix (Figure 3-1).

The evaluator documents individual performance of standards associated with critical tasks. For duty qualification, the evaluator records (on the evaluation check sheet) the results of the task which was evaluated.

Initial Qualification examinations and evaluation checklists and Revision 14 3-6 June,1999

Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure requalification examinations and evaluation checklists are maintained in accordance with Appendix D.

3.3.5 Training Materials Master copies of current training materials are retained onsite.

3.3.6 Requalification Nuclear Security Organization personnel identified in Section 3.3.4 of this plan, annually evaluate Nuclear Security Organization personnel in accordance with Appendices A-C.

Task requalification consists of written [niijrW@ examinations, which have established pass / fail criteria, and practical demonstrations of the critical task. Personnel assigned responsibility to instruct, develop, or revise course material, e.g., lesson plans, written examinations, etc., are exempt from taking written examinations for their own requalification. The practical demonstration consists of the member of the security force actually performing the task described by the critical task matrix in Appendix C.

3.4 Weapons Trainine and Oualification Procram 3.4.1 Weapons Training All Security officers receive weapons training in accordance with the provisions of this plan. The training ensures that the officers are aware of their responsibilities and the legal ramifications of firing a weapon, and are knowledgeable in the safe use of their assigned weapons. Their instruction includes weapons loading, unloading, reloading, cleaning and storage; combat firing, rapid firing, close quarter firing, stress tiring, and target recognition. Each individual must complete the initial training prior to being armed and annually thereafter.

f Revision 14 3-7 June,1999




Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document 1

Withholdfrom Public Disclosure


3.4.2 Weapons Qualification Security Officers are required to fire for initial qualification and I

annual requalification with assigned weapons. The live fire qualification courses (9MM Semi-Automatic Handgun, Basic Shotgun Course, Basic Rifle Course and 9mm Carbine Course) are described in Appendices E through H respectively. Additionally, night firing for familiarization is conducted annually.

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l Initial weapons qualification records and weapons requalification records are maintained in accordance with Appendix D.

1 i

l Revision 14 3-8 June,1999

Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure FIGURE 3-1 CRITICAL TASK / WRITTEN EXAMINATION MATRIX CRITICAL TASK EVALUATIONS:

Evaluator GSSO SUP*

CAS/SAS RFM WP Direc!gNuclearSecurityg 3

Ilsignate Security Operations Support X

.X X

X Staff ~nd~0SSO a

Tecurity Shift Supervisor +


X l Response Force Leader X



Evaluator GSSO SUP*

CAS/SAS RFM WP Q W Eu_cJea t icti ty p 3


%.d Security Operations Support X


X StaffliiFGS$d Security Shift Supervisor +


X Response Force Leader X



+ Includes members of the GSSO staff who are qualified as SSS.

  • SUP represents Security Shift Supervisor (SSS) and the Response Force Leader (RFL).

The SSS and the RFL can evahiate other SSS and RFL's on CAS/SAS, RFM, and WP written examination and critical tasks.

X Denotes what positions can be evaluated by the listed evaluator.

Revision 14 June,1999

r 1-i y

Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure l



Personnel Qualification Duty Assignment GSSO SSS RFL CAS/SAS RFM WP Personnel Access X

l Control Officer (1) l Personnel Search X

Officer (2)

Vehicle Search X

Officer l

Vehicle Escort X

J Officer Compensatory X

Measures (3)

Material Search X

Personnel (4)

Protected Area Patrol X

Response Force X

X Member CAS/SA.S Operator X


[5 Response Force X



U I2ader Security Shift X



Supervisor General Supervisor, X

Security Operations Revision 14 B-1 June,1999 L



i Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document j

Withholdfrom Public Disclosure NOTES:


MSF assigned this duty are only required to accomplish task items 9-12,24,26,30,31, and 34 of the Watchperson Evaluation Checklist.


MSF assigned to this duty are only required to accomplish task items 6-8,19,20,24,26,30 and 31 of the Watchperson Evaluation Checklist.


MSF assigned this duty are only required to accomplish task items 9,12,24,26,30,31 and 34 of the Watchperson Evaluation Checklist.


Material Search Personnel are required to accomplish only task items 18,19,& 20 of the Watchperson Evaluation Checklist.


,m_g M thef% g...

of: RPM gnatiharian3They;do.not.

to meet the

@~Pmetical tit (hW obstacio counci or weapons s

' pannintain CASSAS qnnlinnatiani Prior to MitPRdutiesLpesonnel'alisil? meet all*clernents' f RFM irislifiestkus (X)

Denotes personnel qualification which must be annually maintained.


Denotes personnel qualification, which is a training prerequisite for the duty assignment. The security personnel qualifying for these duty assignments are supervisory personnel, and therefore do not have to maintain proficiency in the performance of prerequisite qualification tasks.

Revision 14 B-2 June,1999

a e'

e Detroit Edison Company Internal Use Document Withholdfrom Public Disclosure APPENDIX D RECORDS RETENTION MATRIX RECORD LOCATION RETENTION PERIOD Initial physical fitness test records Training file Duration of employment plus (1) three years Requalification physical fitness test Training file Three years from date of testing records (1)

Initial qualification examinations and Training file Duration of employment plus evaluation checklists three years Rsxinalen navninariana a_nd Iraming file Three years from date of k;aluationhhar+1inte kualification hitial weapons qualification records Training file Duration of employment plus (1) three years j

Weapons requalification records (1)

Training file Three years from date of iisalifisati6d Background investigation documents Background file Duration of employment plus five years Physical examination and medical Edison Medical Three years from date of certification Department certification (1) = Does not apply to personnel only qualified as Watchperson Revision 14 D-1 June,1999 I


e atog h-k[

bo l,-)22[.4]



f WASHINGTON. D.C. 20555.0001


July 19, 1999 Mr. William P. Goranson Manager, Radiation Safety, Regulatory Compliance and Licensing Rio Algom Mining Corp.

6305 Waterford Boulevard, Suite 325 Oklahoma City, OK 73118

Dear Mr. Goranson:


AMENDMENT 15 TO SOURCE MATERIAL LICENSE SUA-1548 -- ANNUAL SURETY UPDATE The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed its review of Rio Algom Mining Corp.'s (RAMC's) annual surety update for the Smith Ranch facility. By a submittal dated June 29,1999, RAMC 's proposed surety amount for this surety update has been changed from $10.314 million to $8,029 million to reflect a change in scope from a five year forward estimate to a one year forward estimate. This change in scope was accepted by the NRC staff in a telephone conversation on June 24,1999, between John Lusher, Richard Turtil of the NRC, and Paul Goranson, Bill Ferdinand, and John McCarthy of RAMC. This approach made the surety estimate consistent with the scope of the Parent Company Guarantee held by the State of Wyoming.

RAMC indicated that the Smith Ranch facility was providing two surety vehicles, one held by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality-Land Quality Division and another held by the NRC. Both surety vehicles (Parent Company Guarantee) cover identical reclamation operations, and the only difference in the two surety vehicles is the cost associated with a five year forward scope (NRC) and a one year forward scope (WDEO). RAMC commented that providing two surety vehicles is excessive and inconsistent with sureties for other in-situ leach uranium recovery operators in the State of Wyoming that have their reclamation sureties, including the NRC portion, held by the State of Wyoming. RAMC requested that the NRC review License Condition 9.11 and amend the language of the condition to allow only one reclamation surety to be held by the State of Wyoming. RAMC also understands that the NRC will have the right to review and approve all changes to the surety amount held by the State that are related to NRC license activities. Additionally, RAMC agrees that the surety vehicle will meet NRC requirements. The NRC staff finds the request reasonable and acceptable.

t RAMC proposed a surety amount of $8.029 million to reflect: (1) construction of new and expansion of existing builoings; (2) additional surface disturbance associated with wellfield construction; and (3) groundwater reclamation during an additional year of commercial mining i

operations. The staff concludes that the revised 1999 surety amount of $8.029 million is


appropriate for the Smith Ranch facility.


xV 9907230334 990719 (9

PDR ADOCK 04008964 C


W. Gorenson '

l Rio Algom Limited proposed the continued use of the Rio Algom Limited Parent Company l

Guarantee Surety instrument for its wholly-owned subsidiary, Rio Algom Mining Corp. and the i

Smith Ranch facility. The staff review has determined that the current Parent Company Guarantee adequately covers the 1999 surety amount of $8.029 million, and meets all NRC criteria for this surety type.

Therefore, pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 40, Source Material License SUA-1548 is hereby amended by revising License Condition No. 9.11. All other conditions of this license shall remain the same. The enclosed license is being reissued to incorporate the above modification. An environmental review was not performed since this action is categorically excluded under 10 CFR 51.22(c)(10).

l l

l These changes to SUA-1548 were discussed between you and Mr. John Lusher, the NRC Project Manager for the Smith Ranch facility, on July 15,1999. If you have any questions concerning this letter or the enclosure, please contact Mr. Lusher at (301) 415-7694.

l Sincerely, l

Original Signed By John J. Surmeier, Chief Uranium Recovery and l

Low-Level Waste Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 40-8964 SUA 1548, Amendment No.15


As stated cc: G. Cash, WDEQ B. Ferdinand, RAMC Case Closed: L51828 DISTRIBUTION (w/ Encl.):

File Center NMSS r/f URLL r/f ARamirez JGunn ANorris BSpitzberg, RIV CNWRA ACNW (w/o Encl.):

JHolonich JKennedy DOCUMENT NAME: G:\\URLL\\JHL\\ AMEND-15.LTR *Please see previous concurrence.



URLL n /


%/9 NAME JLusher ARamirez DGillen JSurm4Ker DATE 7/ /99 7/ /99 7/M99 7// 779 9 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY This docume shouldP':t. 2 be made available to the PUBLIC Yd "I /IT/'i'i (Iratials)


W. Gora son '

Rio Aigom Limite roposed the continued use of the Rio Algom Limited Parent Company Guarantee Surety in rument for its wholly owned subsidiary, Rio Algom Mining Corp. and its Smith Ranch facility.

staff's review has determined that the 1999 surety amount of

$8.029 million is covered equately by the current Parent Company Guarantee.

Therefore, pursuant to Title 1 f the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 40, Source Material i

License SUA-1548 is hereby am ded by revising License Condition No. 9.11. All other conditions of this license shall rem the same. The enclosed license is being reissued to incorporate the above modification.

environmental review was not performed since these actions are categorically excluded unde 10 CFR 51.22(c)(10).

These changes to SUA-1548 were discusse between you and Mr. John Lusher, the NRC Project Manager for the Smith Ranch facility, July 15,1999. If you have any questions concerning this letter or the enclosure, please c tact Mr. Lusher at (301) 415-7694.

Si erely, John J.

rmeier, Chief Uranium covery and Low-Level aste Branch Division of Wa te Management Office of Nuclea Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 40-8964 SUA-1548, Amendment No.15


As stated cc: G. Cash, WDEQ B. Ferdinand, RAMC Case Closed: L51828 DISTRIBUTION (w/ Encl.):

File Center N' MSS r/f URLL r/f ARamirez JGunn ANorris BSpitzberg, RIV CNWRA ACNW (w/o Encl.):



_m URLL URLL ARamirek k NAME JLushe DGillen JSurmeier DATE 7//3/99 7/@ /99 7/ /99 7/ /99 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY This document 2.: !d net be made available to the PUBLIC 7 //J/ 6 ikials)


4 W. Goranson Rio Algom Limited proposed the continued use of the Rio Algom Limited Parent Company Guarantee Surety instrument for its wholly-owned subsidiary, Rio Algom Mining Corp. and the Smith Ranch facility. The staff review has determined that the current Parent Company Guarantee adequately covers the 1999 surety amount of $8.029 million, and meets all NRC criteria for this surety type.

Therefore, pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 40, Source Material License SUA-1548 lc hereby amended by revising License Condition No. 9.11. All other conditions of this license shall remain the same. The enclosed license is being reissued to incorporate the above modification. An environmental review was not performed since this action is categorically excluded under 10 CFR 51.22(c)(10).

These changes to SUA-1548 were discussed between you and Mr. John Lusher, the NRC Project Manager for the Smith Ranch facility, on July 15,1999. If you have any questions concerning this letter or the enclosure, please contact Mr. Lusher at (301) 415-7694.

Sincerely, V

W John J. Surmeier, Chief Uranium Recovery and Low-Level Waste Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket No. 40-8964 SUA-1548, Amendment No.15


As stated cc: G. Cash, WDEO B. Ferdinand, RAMC I