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Forwards Pages 1 & 4 to Amend 2 to License SNM-960,changing Condition 12 to Incorporate 870406 Changes to Radiological Contingency Plan
Person / Time
Site: 07000754
Issue date: 06/30/1987
From: Rouse L
To: Cunningham G
Shared Package
ML20234C626 List:
NUDOCS 8707060572
Download: ML20234C623 (4)



f NMSS/M Cyde Material i

! FCl)f _ _

FCAF:GCC Docket No.70-754 4 % 8 0 1967

{F%F d

License No. SNM-960 p s-t/

Amendment No. 2 g


General Electric Company Vallecitos Nuclear Center

'N M

t/id ATTN: Mr. G. E. Cunningham j

Senior Licensing Engineer P. D. Box 460

' i g j) 2. h, / M M '

Pleasanton, California 94566 i N8ItifIl I9 "V

Gentlemen gg g


Pursuant to Title 10, Code of Federal D.egulations, Part 70, toffdi~tTon u. of Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-960 is hereby amended to incorporate i

the changes submitted for your Radiological Contingency Plan (RCP) by your letter j

of April 6, 1987. Accordingly. Condition 12, shall read as follows:

i Condition 12.

l The licensee shall implement, maintain, end execute the response measures of his


Radiological Contingency plan submitted to the Commission on October 29, 1982, et seo., and latest revision dated April 6.1987. The licensee shall also prepare and maintain implementing proceoures for his Radiological Contingency Plan as necessary to implement the Plan.

(This Radiological Contingency Plan and associated implementing procedures incorporate the emergency planning requirements of 10 CFR 70.22(1) as they refer to onsite planning and notification.) The licensee shall make no change in his Radiological Contingency Plan that would decrease the response effectiveness of the Plan without prior Commission approval as evidenced by a license amendment.

The licensee may make changes to his Radiological Contingency Plan without prior Commission approval if the changes do not decrease the response effectiveness of the Plan. The licensee shall maintain racords of changes that are made to the Plan without prior approval for a period of two years from the


date of the change and shall furnish the Chief, Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, Division of Fuel Cycle, Medical, Academic, and Commercial Use Safety, hMSS, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and the NRC Regional Office-Region V at the address specified in Appendix D of 10 CFR Part 20, a report containing a description of each change within six months after the change is made.

All other conditions of Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-960 license shall remain the same.

Based on our review of the revisions to your RCP, we agree with your conclusions that these changes do not decrease the response effectiveness of


the Plan. This amendment is issued for the convenience of the Commission to maintain up-to-date references to the Plan for your license.

1 8707060572 870630 PDR ADOCK 07000754 C


General Electric Company 2

gg I'

Enclosed are revised pages 1 and 4 of Special Nuclear Material License No.

SNM-960 (identifying this action as Amendment No. 2 on page 1 and revising Condition 12 on page 4). Also enclosed are copies of our Safety Evaluation and determination of eligibility for categorical exclusion from the requirement for an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement, in accordance with the ;rovisions of 10 CFR Part 51, supporting issuance of this Amendment.

FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION oes*ww Clenn A.Teny Leland C. Rouse, Chief Fuel Cycle Safety B anch 3

Division of Fuel Cycle, Medical,

'l Academic, and Commercial Use Safety -



l i


Revised License pages 1 and 4 2.

Safety Evaluation Report 3.

Categorical Exclusion l


' Docket No.70-754 PDR NMSS R/F FCAF R/F FCSB R/F FBrown GCComfort Region V LCRouse DWeiss, LFMB OSmith, SG EBrach, SGLB SHO BBrock, RV GBennington, SGLB GTerry l

l l




..... g...\\



l NAME:GCConn oi ht

. Y se


l DATE:06/30/87

QE/2h/87 A6/4d/87 :



2IOC Form 374 D

g i



I Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438),and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in seliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire,, and transfer byproduct. -

source, and special nuc! car material designated below; to use such rnaterial for the purpose (s) and at the pbce(s) designated below;to deliver or transfer such material to persorn authorited to rec.eive it b acerrdance with the regulations of the appUq:ble Part(s). This licente shall be deerned to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomk Energy Act cf 1954, as amended, and is subject to all spplicable raies, regulations and orders cf the Nuctcar keplatory CormaMod now or he;eafter in effe:t and to any

.onditions specified below.

g i

1 y

Licensee 1


General Electric Comp.wny

3. bcuse number

. P I

e I

M SJM-960,AmendmentNo.2 Aqq g () g y

',4.kbplStihlate Pleasanton, California 94566. 0 bQ i~ p i


P. O. Box 460 May 31, 1989 h.s.V

.._ s n Reference No.%sN54

5. Docket or



6. Special Nuclear Matg>jal%Fpssession Limits W..



andAuthorizedPlagfUs b


$9, i

k The following quantities of specM puc,leafmater'a M[:.3" the maximum h

e that the licensee may thi.s license.nThe author { zed k:

places of use are sp, ossess atra0y(one-timeYunde fie (the 3e te thei espective poss.ession limits.


Ei f '




Q O$f' hQ

%at to'w i

. 10 perce6 for authorized 6.1.1 U-235. 50 kg en hed'tp)Qs-n or 9

Rtiv i ties. The terihl maynbef nlt uformgof;irradiafed special nuclear I

i material with its att,.endant by-productiand reactor-produced transuranic, ty i

0 g-6.1.2 U-235. 4 kg enriched 5tBmore than 10 percent for' authorized activities.

b h;

'the material may be in the fprm of irradiatedtspecial nuclear material with its attendant by-productFandjreactorppr6duced transuranic.

g n

6.1.3 Plutonium. 500 grams in any form in addition to the irradiated cuantities il as referenced to in Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 above.

Ej El 6.1.4 U-233. 200 grams in any form.

f r

k I

L l

1 i

y l

. I I

i 1

i I



b p,cg or pAcgi, l 5

License number p

SNM-960, Amendment No. 2 l


70-/54 1

m u se l

o 1 8.

~he licensee 1 hall comply with the provisions of the attached Annex B, l l

" License Conditinn for Leak Testing Sealed Byprcduct Material Sources gj' and Sealed Plutonium Sources," for all sealed plutonium sources as authorized hll under this licerse and in the licensee's possession and/or supervision.

7 0

1 9.

As part of the conditions presented in Section 8.12 " Contamination-Free h

i s

Articles" of Appendix A, " License Conditions for the Vallecitos Nuclear g l J

Center," of the application, the licensee shall observe the " Guidelines aj for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for p

l Unrestricted Uses," dated July,1982, that are found in the attached Annex C.

10. Should the licensee decide to te

'a4bthi bd[f fapd in addition to the



requirements of 10 CFR 70.3 ation and Term ati of Licenses,"

g l 1

(invoked as a result of sa ision), the licensee sh fecommissionthe gi facilities operated und is license in accordance wit 4h'e l

decommissioning plan fo$t>icense No. SNM-960 as submitted bf,). general etter dated N

L February 17, 1982. ten ial commitment to assure that sa decommissioning newed.Z1979 and is l

y dy 1 l

is accomplished is pr ntel e licensee's lette hereby incorporated d$fa pro f this licens g

11. At such time that flC111 ties ch@

y b}ic decont[minated k

for proposed unresttjfted relefs ac ecce nnex C),

licensee sit ere radio ive b{


shall submit a repo,rt' that e%, '

sed on e.

e re t shall p

s materials were used*dhd s briefly describe op(f)tio kna tr F is ma - al s.u d in E

J the facilities and shall a M

l t s f

eco" nati activities.

i e of facilities l

e th

($' f The report shell pro @in r r e !r i r

h and the site, includ a de~

.m i

utvey ds and y

k instrumentation used, sha 'inludp

% @Q'e tion g ey data for p

n the facilities and gro The licens py the t to obtain WI

'f acilities o

.ndividual str es if. it is W!

9 release of certain areas f

demonstrated that ongoing ic(jwities in other areas wil lead to recontamina-


q tion of the area or structurr prged,for releasej h 12. The licensee shall implement, maintai aNexTute the response measures of his f


Radiological Contingency Plan submitted to the Commission on October 29, 1982, p


et seq., and latest revision dated April 6,1987. The licensee shall also prepare N,


and maintain implementing procedures for his Radiological Contingency Plan as El i

necessary to implement the Plan. (This Radiological Contingency Plan and associated i

implementing procedures incorporate the emergency planning requirements of 10 CFR h


70.22(1) as they refer to onsite planning and notification.) The licensee shall y

j make no change in his Radiological Contingency Plan that would decrease the p

response effectiveness of the Plan without prior Commission approval as evidenced ll


by a license amendment. The licensee may make changes to his Radiological 5

Contingency Plan without prior Commission approvaliif the changes do not decrease l


1 the response effectiveness of the Plan. The licensee shall maintain records of


changes that are'made to the Plan without prior approval for a period of two years y

from the date of the change and shall furnish the Chief, Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, p



Division of Fuel Cycle, Medical, Academic, and Commerical Use Safety, U.S.

I Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and the NRC Regional Office-1 Region V at the address specified in Appendix 0 of 10 CFR Part 20, a report


s containing a description of each change within six months after the change is made.

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