MONTHYEARML20212L9931999-10-0505 October 1999 Forwards Fr Notice,Notice of Public Meeting & Agenda for Public Informational Meeting to Be Held on 991020 Re Safety of Periodic Shipments of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel for Post Irradiation Exam at GE Vallecitos Site ML20217F2071999-09-29029 September 1999 Provides Follow Up to Earlier Ltr Requesting Public Mtg to Hear from County Health Officials & Residents About Plan to Ship Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods Through Alameda County to GE Vallecitos Nuclear Center Near Pleasanton ML20211N7391999-09-0101 September 1999 Forwards Replacement Pages to Appendices to SNM-960, Submitted in Response to Rai,Dtd 990726.Editing Line in right-hand Margin of Revised Pages Indicates Changes ML20210T8531999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Notice to Fr Concerning GE-Vallecitos Nuclear Center Application for Renewal of License SNM-960 & Solicitation for Public Meeting If Needed ML20210E9361999-07-26026 July 1999 Informs That Staff Review of 990121 Application Requesting Renewal of License SNM-690,has Identified Addl Info Needed. Info Specified in Encl Should Be Provided within Thirty Days of Ltr ML20205Q4351999-04-15015 April 1999 Approves Route Described in Re Transport of Spent Fuel from Dundalk Marine Terminal Baltimore,Md,To Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasant,Ca ML20204J2411999-03-24024 March 1999 Ack Receipt of Application for Renewal of License SNM-960, Transmitted by .Staff Has Conducted Preliminary Review of Renewal Application & Accepted Application for Formal Review.Review Schedule Will Be Provided in Future ML20210U0401999-02-0202 February 1999 Forwards Info Requesting Route Approval in Accordance with 10CFR73,for Shipment of Irradiated Test Fuel Rods ML20202G1091999-01-28028 January 1999 Submits Response to NRC Re Upcoming Licensing Actions Through Fiscal Yr 2000 ML20203B3901999-01-27027 January 1999 Forwards Amend 2 to License SNM-960,updating Technical, Organizational & Environ Action Level Changes.Safety License Condition Has Been Revised to Include Dates of 980709 & 1120.Safety Evaluation Rept Also Encl ML20198S8981999-01-0404 January 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/98-02 on 981116-19.Major Activities Reviewed Included,Radiation Protection,Environ Protection,Emergency Preparedness,Radwaste Mgt, Transportation & Maint.No Violations Were Noted ML20196A4021998-11-20020 November 1998 Submits Response to NRC 981022 RAI Re Licensee Requested Changes to Appendices a & B of License SNM-960.Revised Pages of Subject License,Encl ML20155G5601998-10-30030 October 1998 Responds to Requesting Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from Limerick Nuclear Power Station,Pottstown,Pa to Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton, CA ML20155A5381998-10-22022 October 1998 Requests Addl Info Re 980709 Application for Amend to License SNM-960,revising Apps a & B.Addl Info,Specified in Encl,Should Be Provided within Thirty Days of Ltr ML20155F4231998-10-0202 October 1998 Advises of Shipment Completion of Two BWR Reactor Fuel Rods from DAEC Under Provisions of SNM-1270 License.Shipment Was Moved Entirely by Tri-State Motor Transport from Palo,Iowa on 980919 to Pleasanton,California on 980920 ML20151X1041998-09-11011 September 1998 Approves 980827 Request to Amend Spent Fuel Shipment Route Approved,Per Sf Shankman to M Kirkland, Designating Use of Interstate 215 Around Salt Lake City,Ut ML20151W6621998-08-18018 August 1998 Forwards Info NRC Classifies as Safeguards Info.Contents Requested to Be Handled & Dispersed Only on need-to-know Basis,Per 10CFR73.21.Without Encl ML20236Q2551998-05-29029 May 1998 Forwards Info Requesting Route Approval IAW 10CFR73 for Shipment of Irradiated Test Fuel Rods from Philadelphia Electric Co,Limerick Nuclear Power Station to Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr.Shipment Will Be Made by GE ML20236Q2481998-05-29029 May 1998 Forwards Info Requesting Route Approval IAW 10CFR73 for Shipment of Irradiated Test Fuel Rods from Duane Arnold Energy Ctr to GE Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr.Shipment Will Be Made by GE Nuclear Energy ML20247B8371998-04-29029 April 1998 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 70-0754/97-02 & 70-0754/98-01.Corrective Actions:Concluded That Any Measured Gross Alpha or Beta Radioactivity in Contents of Imhoff Tank Resulted from Naturally Occurring Radioisotopes ML20212H3001998-03-25025 March 1998 Forwards GE 1997 Annual Rept, Which Provided Updated GE Corporate & Financial Info ML20217D5851998-03-24024 March 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/98-01 on 980224-26 & 0305.No Violations Noted.Conduct of Activities Was Characterized by Implementation of Effective Programs in Areas of Mgt Organization & Controls & Operational Event Review ML20203B9241998-02-12012 February 1998 Forwards Amend 1 to License SNM-960,updating License to Include Organizational Changes & Changes to Environ Action Levels & Safety Evaluation ML20217Q0361998-02-12012 February 1998 Forwards Amend 1 to Licensee SNM-960,updating License to Reflect Organizational Changes & Changes to Environ Action Levels.Safety License Condition S-1 Revised to Include Date of 970604.Corrected Ltr ML20202D5941998-02-0505 February 1998 Advises That Inbound Shipment from Empresa Nacional Del Uranio,S.A.(Enusa) of U Scrap Being Returned for re-cycle Consisting of UO2 Packed in 1 USA/4986/AF & 59 USA/0220/AF Packages Has Been Completed on Schedule ML20202D6141998-01-19019 January 1998 Provides Advance Notice of Inbound Shipment of UO2 Packed in 1 USA/4986/AF & 50 USA/0220/AF Packages to GE Wilmington, Delaware on 980130 ML20198B7631997-12-17017 December 1997 Forwards Partially Withheld Insp Rept 70-0754/97-201 on 971117-18.No Violations Noted.Rept Details Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20197A8121997-12-16016 December 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/97-02 on 971201-09.No Violations Noted.Conduct of Activities at Facility Characterized by Implementation of Effective Programs in Areas of Radiation Safety,Radioactive Effluents,Environ Protection & EP ML20198Q6411997-11-0404 November 1997 Responds to Ieb 97-002, Puncture Testing of Shipping Packages Under 10CFR71. Requested Actions of Item 1 Conducted for Three Certified Type B & Fissile Matl Shipping Packages.Items 2 & 3 Not Applicable ML20212E9921997-10-30030 October 1997 Submits 30-day follow-up Rept Re Failure of Criticality Detector Sys Alarm to Sound on 971001 & 1002 When Ambe Neutron Check Source Was Placed to Detector ML20217C3131997-10-29029 October 1997 Forwards Corrected Pages to Approval Dtd 971017.Pages Reflect Typo in Iowa Portion of Route Whereby I-235 Replaced w/I-35 ML20211A0191997-08-15015 August 1997 Forwards Info Requesting Route Approval IAW 10CFR73,for Shipment of Irradiated Test Fuel Rods ML20141B7881997-06-0404 June 1997 Forwards Replacement Pages to App a, License Conditions for Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr, & App B, Demonstration for SNM License Renewal for Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr to Current License SNM-960 ML20141J3091997-05-20020 May 1997 Second Final Response,For Dockets 5000231,7000754 & 7001066, to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App B Encl & Will Be Available in Pdr.Forwards Computer Printout of Records Available in PDR ML20141C1351997-05-14014 May 1997 Discusses 970225 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from TMI Nuclear Power Station Near Middletown,Pa,To Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca. Arrangements W/Law Enforcement Agencies,Completed ML20137X8951997-04-16016 April 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/97-01 on 970331-0403.No Violations Noted.Lack of Timeliness in Responding to Internal Insp Findings & Issuance of Safety Insp Repts Indicate Need for Mgt Attention in Subj Area ML20137L3381997-04-0303 April 1997 Responds to 970224 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from Dundalk Marine Terminal, Baltimore,Md to Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca ML20135F8551997-02-25025 February 1997 Forwards Info Re Request for Route Approval IAW 10CFR73,for Shipment of Irradiated Test Fuel Rods ML20135F8601997-02-24024 February 1997 Forwards Info Re Request for Route Approval IAW 10CFR73, for Shipment of Irradiated Test Fuel Rods ML20135F7611996-12-10010 December 1996 Informs That Mf Weber Branch Chief for Fuel Cycle Licensing Branch,Effective 961118 ML20135D4471996-12-0202 December 1996 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/96-02 on 961112-15 & 18.No Violations Noted ML20129H3231996-09-17017 September 1996 Submits Advance Notice of Import Shipment of SNM Consisting of 1,488 Nuclear Fuel Rods in Form of UO2,to Ge,Wilmington, Nc ML20128N5911996-08-27027 August 1996 Submits Advance Notification of Inbound Shipment of Special Nuclear Matl of Low Strategic Significance from Hanover, Germany to San Jose,Ca ML20058J1721993-12-0808 December 1993 Forwards Revised Pages to App a Re Proposed License Conditions & App B Re Demonstration Section to Licensee Current Application for Renewal of License SNM-690 ML20056H6211993-09-0808 September 1993 Notification of 931005-08 Meetings in Pleasanton,Ca to Discuss License Renewal ML20046D0091993-07-23023 July 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/93-02 on 930707-09 & 12.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20045F8081993-07-0101 July 1993 Discusses 930616 Request Re Approval of Highway Route for Transporting Irradiated Reactor Fuel from Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station,Cordova,Il,To GE Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca.Document Contains Safeguard Info ML20045E0771993-06-24024 June 1993 Responds to Licensee 930423 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from Hope Creek Nuclear Station,Salem,Nj to GE Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca ML20035B8181993-03-26026 March 1993 Notifies That within NRC Ofc of Nuclear Matl Safety & Safeguards,Responsibility for Licensing of Facility Has Been Transferred from Fuel Cycle Safety Branch to Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Safeguards ML20126F3831992-12-17017 December 1992 Grants 921007 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transportation of Spent Fuel from Duane Arnold Energy Ctr, Palo,Iowa to GE Company Facility,Pleasanton,Ca.Listed Encls Constitute Approval of Route 1999-09-29
MONTHYEARML20059F6501990-08-27027 August 1990 Advises That 900820 Request for Petition for Reconsideration of Denial of Specific Exemption from Financial Assurance Instrument Requirements of 10CFR50 & 70 Under Review.Request for Temporary Extension of 900831 Filing Deadline Granted ML20043H8451990-06-15015 June 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/90-01 on 900521-24 & Notice of Violation ML20006A8851990-01-26026 January 1990 Ack Receipt of 890421 Application for Renewal of License SNM-960.License Will Not Expire Until Application Finally Determined by Commission ML20246L1191989-08-31031 August 1989 Advises That 890404 Request for Approval of Route to Transport Spent Reactor Fuel Meets 10CFR73.37 & Approved. NRC Has Completed Arrangements W/Law Enforcement Agencies Along Route ML20246F3241989-08-23023 August 1989 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/89-03 on 890809-11 & 14.No Violations Noted ML20247D6411989-07-18018 July 1989 Advises That 890511 Request for Approval of Route for Transport of Spent Fuel Consistent w/10CFR73.37 & Approved. Deviation from Route Requires Notification as Soon as Possible ML20245A2651989-06-13013 June 1989 Advises of Approval of Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel Per 890224 Request.W/Sanitized Safeguards Info Encl ML20244C8911989-06-0505 June 1989 Ack Receipt of 890424 Application for Renewal of License SNM-960.License Shall Not Expire Until Application for Renewal Has Been Finally Determined by Commission ML20244C8581989-06-0202 June 1989 Issues Amend 4 to License SNM-960,per Encl Pages 1 & 4 to License,Amending Condition 12 to Incorporate Changes for Radiological Contingency Plan Submitted by ML20247D1651989-05-0909 May 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/89-02 on 890403-11.No Violations Noted ML20205T0511988-11-0303 November 1988 Notifies of 890110 Meeting W/Region V in San Francisco,Ca Re NRC Reactor Operator Licensing Program ML20154G6511988-09-13013 September 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/88-02 on 880801-05 & 0825. No Violations Noted ML20151X8381988-08-16016 August 1988 Forwards Announcement of Criticality Alarm Sys Workshop Sponsored by Doe.W/O Stated Encl ML20151U7071988-08-11011 August 1988 Informs of NRC Interpretation of Section 10CFR50.74(a) Re Changes in Operator or Senior Operator Status.When Operator Goes from Licensed to Nonlicensed Position W/Possibility of Reassignment to Licensed position,50.74 Does Not Apply ML20155B6331988-06-0606 June 1988 Forwards Revised Pages 1 & 4 of License SNM-960 (Identifying as Amend 3 on Page 1 & Revising Condition 12 on Page 4), Safety Evaluation & Determination of Eligibility for Categorical Exclusion for Radiological Contingency Plan ML20155D2781988-06-0303 June 1988 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0754/88-01 ML20153E4481988-05-0303 May 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/88-01 on 880322-30 & 0411 & Notice of Violation ML20151L3371988-04-15015 April 1988 Confirms That License Condition 7.2.4 of License SNM-960 Covers Blending Activities as Proposed in ML20234F0041987-12-30030 December 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/87-04 on 871202-14.No Violations Noted ML20235C6841987-09-16016 September 1987 Notifies of 871027-28 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Licensee Workshop in Atlanta,Ga to Bring Together NRC Officials & Fuel Cycle Licensee Representatives to Discuss Various NRC Programs & Policies ML20237G4921987-08-28028 August 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/87-03 on 870728-30.No Violations Identified ML20234C6231987-06-30030 June 1987 Forwards Pages 1 & 4 to Amend 2 to License SNM-960,changing Condition 12 to Incorporate 870406 Changes to Radiological Contingency Plan ML20215H6151987-06-16016 June 1987 Forwards Safeguards Insp Rept 70-0754/87-02 on 870602-04.No Violations or Deviations Identified ML20213G2301987-05-11011 May 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/87-01 on 870407-10 & 21.No Violations Noted ML20207T8881987-03-20020 March 1987 Approves Encl Sanitized Spent Fuel Route Survey for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Lynchburg,Va to Pleasanton,Ca,Per 870202 Request ML20212E5731987-02-19019 February 1987 Approves Encl Sanitized Spent Fuel Route Survey for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Morris,Il to Lynchburg,Va,Per 870202 Request.Assurance of Highway Safety Discussed ML20210D9311987-02-0303 February 1987 Forwards Revised Page 1 to License SNM-960,identified as Amend 1 & Revised Annex A,Clarifying Responsibilities of Criticality Safety Manager & Vallecitos Technological Safety Council.Safety Evaluation Also Encl ML20207N0401987-01-0909 January 1987 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/86-03 on 861031,1114,21 & 24.Insp Consisted of Confirmatory Radiological Surveys Performed Following Decontamination.Radwaste Storage Area Meets Guidelines for Unrestricted Use ML20214E3561986-11-19019 November 1986 Approves Route,Contained in ,To Transport Spent Reactor Fuel from West Jefferson,Oh to Morris,Il. Appropriate State Officials Should Be Contacted During Seasonal Periods W/Inclement Weather.Route Encl ML20215N8381986-10-31031 October 1986 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/86-02 on 860908-18.No Violations Noted.Rept Reflects in-ofc Insp Activities & Info Developed by Telcon,Through 861016 ML20211D3341986-10-14014 October 1986 Approves 860822 & 29 Requests for Encl Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Monticello,Mn to Morris,Il. Route Meets Requirements of 10CFR73.37 & Acceptable ML20210K7691986-04-25025 April 1986 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/86-01 on 860228-0307.No Violation Noted ML20210K4871986-04-23023 April 1986 Approves 860321 Proposed Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Cordova,Il to Pleasanton,Ca.Sanitized Approved Route Encl ML20198H0731986-01-27027 January 1986 Approves 851115 Request for Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel from Morris,Il to Richland,Wa.Route Meets Regulatory Requirements in Accordance w/10CFR73.37 for Shipments of Spent Fuel.Approved Route Encl ML20138B3531985-10-0808 October 1985 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/85-02 on 850904-19.No Violations Noted ML20135C9241985-09-0909 September 1985 Approves Encl Spent Fuel Route from Monticello,Mn to Pleasanton,Ca in Response to ML20024B8871983-01-13013 January 1983 Clarifies Safeguards Licensing Policy Re Inventory Requirements of SNM Contained in Liquid & Solid Waste Matls Stored at Site.Request for Exception from 10CFR70.51 Should Be Submitted for Storage of Holding Account Waste Discards ML20054L4181982-06-25025 June 1982 Requests Integrated site-wide Emergency Preparedness Plan by 821103 ML20053B6381982-05-24024 May 1982 Informs of 10CFR170,Category 13 Fee Requirement for 820128 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Shipment of Spent Fuel ML20052E5331982-04-30030 April 1982 Advises That Invoice Will Be Issued Re Review of 820128 Request for Approval of Route for Shipment of Irradiated Reactor Fuel ML20052C1051982-04-27027 April 1982 Notifies of Telephone Number Change for NRC Operations Ctr as of 820601.Facility Procedures Should Be Revised ML20049H6751982-02-19019 February 1982 Forwards IE Insp Rept 70-0754/8201 on 820114-15.No Noncompliance Noted ML20040F9411982-01-22022 January 1982 Responds to .Period for GE to Prepare & Submit Supplemental Data Requested in NRC Extended. Extension Granted So That Radiological Contingency Plan Can Be Incorporated Into site-wide Emergency Plan NUREG-0810, Advises That Radiological Contingency Plan Submitted on 811030 Is Incomplete & Fails to Conform to Guidance in Std Format Included w/810211 Order.Addl Info Should Be Sent by 820127.NUREG-0810 Encl.W/O Encl1981-12-28028 December 1981 Advises That Radiological Contingency Plan Submitted on 811030 Is Incomplete & Fails to Conform to Guidance in Std Format Included w/810211 Order.Addl Info Should Be Sent by 820127.NUREG-0810 Encl.W/O Encl ML20040D5601981-12-22022 December 1981 Forwards Effects of Natural Phenomena on GE Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr - Bldg 102 at Pleasanton,Ca. Rept Is Summary of All Increments of Subj Analysis.Nrc Endorsed Summary in Support of Renewal of License SNM-960.W/o Encl ML20039B9931981-12-11011 December 1981 Informs That No Addl Fee Required for 810814 Application for Amend to License SNM-9160 ML20039A3731981-12-0101 December 1981 Advises That Invoice for Shipping Route Approval Review Fee Is Forthcoming ML20033A1361981-10-30030 October 1981 Informs That License SNM-960 Is Amended Authorizing Recovery of 150 G U-235 to Achieve Enrichment of 4% or Less ML20005C0251981-10-30030 October 1981 Forwards IE Insp Rept 70-0754/81-02 on 810915-18.No Noncompliance Noted.Failure to Follow Internal Procedures in Loading Nuclear Matl Vault Not Cited as Noncompliance ML20032B7231981-10-23023 October 1981 Requests Info Re Decommissioning Plan Needed for Renewal of License by 811130.Info Re Decontamination & Decommissioning at End of Plant Life,Decontamination to Unrestricted Use Levels & Financial Responsibility Required 1990-08-27
MONTHYEARML20212L9931999-10-0505 October 1999 Forwards Fr Notice,Notice of Public Meeting & Agenda for Public Informational Meeting to Be Held on 991020 Re Safety of Periodic Shipments of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel for Post Irradiation Exam at GE Vallecitos Site ML20210T8531999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Notice to Fr Concerning GE-Vallecitos Nuclear Center Application for Renewal of License SNM-960 & Solicitation for Public Meeting If Needed ML20210E9361999-07-26026 July 1999 Informs That Staff Review of 990121 Application Requesting Renewal of License SNM-690,has Identified Addl Info Needed. Info Specified in Encl Should Be Provided within Thirty Days of Ltr ML20205Q4351999-04-15015 April 1999 Approves Route Described in Re Transport of Spent Fuel from Dundalk Marine Terminal Baltimore,Md,To Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasant,Ca ML20204J2411999-03-24024 March 1999 Ack Receipt of Application for Renewal of License SNM-960, Transmitted by .Staff Has Conducted Preliminary Review of Renewal Application & Accepted Application for Formal Review.Review Schedule Will Be Provided in Future ML20203B3901999-01-27027 January 1999 Forwards Amend 2 to License SNM-960,updating Technical, Organizational & Environ Action Level Changes.Safety License Condition Has Been Revised to Include Dates of 980709 & 1120.Safety Evaluation Rept Also Encl ML20198S8981999-01-0404 January 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/98-02 on 981116-19.Major Activities Reviewed Included,Radiation Protection,Environ Protection,Emergency Preparedness,Radwaste Mgt, Transportation & Maint.No Violations Were Noted ML20155G5601998-10-30030 October 1998 Responds to Requesting Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from Limerick Nuclear Power Station,Pottstown,Pa to Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton, CA ML20155A5381998-10-22022 October 1998 Requests Addl Info Re 980709 Application for Amend to License SNM-960,revising Apps a & B.Addl Info,Specified in Encl,Should Be Provided within Thirty Days of Ltr ML20151X1041998-09-11011 September 1998 Approves 980827 Request to Amend Spent Fuel Shipment Route Approved,Per Sf Shankman to M Kirkland, Designating Use of Interstate 215 Around Salt Lake City,Ut ML20217D5851998-03-24024 March 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/98-01 on 980224-26 & 0305.No Violations Noted.Conduct of Activities Was Characterized by Implementation of Effective Programs in Areas of Mgt Organization & Controls & Operational Event Review ML20217Q0361998-02-12012 February 1998 Forwards Amend 1 to Licensee SNM-960,updating License to Reflect Organizational Changes & Changes to Environ Action Levels.Safety License Condition S-1 Revised to Include Date of 970604.Corrected Ltr ML20203B9241998-02-12012 February 1998 Forwards Amend 1 to License SNM-960,updating License to Include Organizational Changes & Changes to Environ Action Levels & Safety Evaluation ML20198B7631997-12-17017 December 1997 Forwards Partially Withheld Insp Rept 70-0754/97-201 on 971117-18.No Violations Noted.Rept Details Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20197A8121997-12-16016 December 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/97-02 on 971201-09.No Violations Noted.Conduct of Activities at Facility Characterized by Implementation of Effective Programs in Areas of Radiation Safety,Radioactive Effluents,Environ Protection & EP ML20217C3131997-10-29029 October 1997 Forwards Corrected Pages to Approval Dtd 971017.Pages Reflect Typo in Iowa Portion of Route Whereby I-235 Replaced w/I-35 ML20141J3091997-05-20020 May 1997 Second Final Response,For Dockets 5000231,7000754 & 7001066, to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App B Encl & Will Be Available in Pdr.Forwards Computer Printout of Records Available in PDR ML20141C1351997-05-14014 May 1997 Discusses 970225 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from TMI Nuclear Power Station Near Middletown,Pa,To Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca. Arrangements W/Law Enforcement Agencies,Completed ML20137X8951997-04-16016 April 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/97-01 on 970331-0403.No Violations Noted.Lack of Timeliness in Responding to Internal Insp Findings & Issuance of Safety Insp Repts Indicate Need for Mgt Attention in Subj Area ML20137L3381997-04-0303 April 1997 Responds to 970224 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from Dundalk Marine Terminal, Baltimore,Md to Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca ML20135F7611996-12-10010 December 1996 Informs That Mf Weber Branch Chief for Fuel Cycle Licensing Branch,Effective 961118 ML20135D4471996-12-0202 December 1996 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/96-02 on 961112-15 & 18.No Violations Noted ML20056H6211993-09-0808 September 1993 Notification of 931005-08 Meetings in Pleasanton,Ca to Discuss License Renewal ML20046D0091993-07-23023 July 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/93-02 on 930707-09 & 12.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20045F8081993-07-0101 July 1993 Discusses 930616 Request Re Approval of Highway Route for Transporting Irradiated Reactor Fuel from Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station,Cordova,Il,To GE Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca.Document Contains Safeguard Info ML20045E0771993-06-24024 June 1993 Responds to Licensee 930423 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transport of Spent Fuel from Hope Creek Nuclear Station,Salem,Nj to GE Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr,Pleasanton,Ca ML20035B8181993-03-26026 March 1993 Notifies That within NRC Ofc of Nuclear Matl Safety & Safeguards,Responsibility for Licensing of Facility Has Been Transferred from Fuel Cycle Safety Branch to Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Safeguards ML20126F3831992-12-17017 December 1992 Grants 921007 Request for Approval of Route to Be Used for Transportation of Spent Fuel from Duane Arnold Energy Ctr, Palo,Iowa to GE Company Facility,Pleasanton,Ca.Listed Encls Constitute Approval of Route ML20065S7731990-12-20020 December 1990 Forwards Amend 5 to License SNM-960,SER & 901220 Memo Granting Categorical Exclusion.Amend Deletes License Condition 12 Re Requirements for Radiological Contingency Plan ML20058C3291990-10-24024 October 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/90-02 on 900904-07,24-25 & 1005. No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20059F6501990-08-27027 August 1990 Advises That 900820 Request for Petition for Reconsideration of Denial of Specific Exemption from Financial Assurance Instrument Requirements of 10CFR50 & 70 Under Review.Request for Temporary Extension of 900831 Filing Deadline Granted ML20043H8451990-06-15015 June 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/90-01 on 900521-24 & Notice of Violation ML20055C9401990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Response to Questions Re Decommissioning of Pu Facilities ML20006A8851990-01-26026 January 1990 Ack Receipt of 890421 Application for Renewal of License SNM-960.License Will Not Expire Until Application Finally Determined by Commission ML20246L1191989-08-31031 August 1989 Advises That 890404 Request for Approval of Route to Transport Spent Reactor Fuel Meets 10CFR73.37 & Approved. NRC Has Completed Arrangements W/Law Enforcement Agencies Along Route ML20246F3241989-08-23023 August 1989 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0754/89-03 on 890809-11 & 14.No Violations Noted ML20247D6411989-07-18018 July 1989 Advises That 890511 Request for Approval of Route for Transport of Spent Fuel Consistent w/10CFR73.37 & Approved. Deviation from Route Requires Notification as Soon as Possible ML19327B4071989-06-28028 June 1989 Advises That NRC Form 327s Forwarded to NMSS or Region II Ofc to Be Marked as 10CFR2.790(d) or Natl Security Info ML20245A2651989-06-13013 June 1989 Advises of Approval of Route for Transport of Spent Reactor Fuel Per 890224 Request.W/Sanitized Safeguards Info Encl ML20244C8911989-06-0505 June 1989 Ack Receipt of 890424 Application for Renewal of License SNM-960.License Shall Not Expire Until Application for Renewal Has Been Finally Determined by Commission ML20244C8581989-06-0202 June 1989 Issues Amend 4 to License SNM-960,per Encl Pages 1 & 4 to License,Amending Condition 12 to Incorporate Changes for Radiological Contingency Plan Submitted by ML20247D1651989-05-0909 May 1989 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/89-02 on 890403-11.No Violations Noted ML20205T0511988-11-0303 November 1988 Notifies of 890110 Meeting W/Region V in San Francisco,Ca Re NRC Reactor Operator Licensing Program ML20154G6511988-09-13013 September 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/88-02 on 880801-05 & 0825. No Violations Noted ML20151X8381988-08-16016 August 1988 Forwards Announcement of Criticality Alarm Sys Workshop Sponsored by Doe.W/O Stated Encl ML20151U7071988-08-11011 August 1988 Informs of NRC Interpretation of Section 10CFR50.74(a) Re Changes in Operator or Senior Operator Status.When Operator Goes from Licensed to Nonlicensed Position W/Possibility of Reassignment to Licensed position,50.74 Does Not Apply ML20155B6331988-06-0606 June 1988 Forwards Revised Pages 1 & 4 of License SNM-960 (Identifying as Amend 3 on Page 1 & Revising Condition 12 on Page 4), Safety Evaluation & Determination of Eligibility for Categorical Exclusion for Radiological Contingency Plan ML20155D2781988-06-0303 June 1988 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0754/88-01 ML20153E4481988-05-0303 May 1988 Forwards Safety Insp Rept 70-0754/88-01 on 880322-30 & 0411 & Notice of Violation ML20151L3371988-04-15015 April 1988 Confirms That License Condition 7.2.4 of License SNM-960 Covers Blending Activities as Proposed in 1999-08-12
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/ - S h-i 07000754P409 v
,,.., q. g,7
^ %ct to General Electric Company
. uetions.
Mr. H. W. Kirkland, Specialist
Hazardous Materials Transportation
.g,, g(, g{.
Hall Code 512
.,F m OIS DOCU'rD'T AS 175 Curtner. Avenue San Jose. CA 95125 (ineert proper classification)
This is in regard to your request for approval of a route to be used for transport of spent reactor fuel as contained in your letter of November 15, 1985.
The route requested in your letter as modified in the enclosure is judged to meet the regulatory requirements in accordance with 10 CFR 73.37 for shipments of spent fuel and is approved.
Arrangements with law enforcement agencies along the route as required by '
10 CFR 73.37(a)(2) have been completed by the NRC staf f.
Data relating to these arrangements and a copy of the approved route are enclosed. This information is to be incorporated into your shipment plans and provided to g
your carrier along with instructions regarding its use.
Please note that assuring highway safety is the responsibility of the licensee and carrier and our approval is not intended to provide relief in this regard.
During seasonal periods when inclement weather with accompanying hazardous road conditions can occur with short notice, the appropriate state police should be contacted with regard to road conditions before a shipment commences.
Please note that the notification requirements of 10 CFR 73.37(f) and 73.72 for each shipment still apply. When making a notification to a governor or his designee, it should be very specific especially with regard to notifica-tion of series shipments. Written notification nust designate exactly how nany individual shipments are to be included.
In the event the number of shipments in a series is revised, the change notification should indicate that it is a revision of the original notification and an increase or decrease in the number of shipnents.
In addition, the chango notification should spec-ify that the information for any of the shipments in the revised series may not be decontrolled until ten days af ter the arrival at the destination of the last shipment in that series.
"'c ' >
.....................g..g..g.g. g.
.. y i
""'I 8601300061 060127
.(.g..... j..~N.
PDR ADOCK 07000754 c
PDR Nac ronu ais no.coi sacu o24o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
, n..- n.v. _
i y
_ s.3 43 g
q Mr. fi. W. K,irkland JAN 2 7 iS35 Should yois require additional infornation or have questions concerning this natter. please contact Charles $1111 nan of ny staff at (301) 427-4220.
mofu George W. "cCor'<le. Chief Safeguards Rector and Transportation
Licensing Granch Division of Safeguards. NMSS
As stated Morris /Hanford 07000754P40R DISTRIBUTION:
w/ enclosure w/o enclosure Docket File /70-754 SGRT r/f Case File /70-754 MSS r/f Region III RFonner Region IV LCRouse Region V DWeiss PDR (Sanitized)
CHillman RRentschler Route only:
SGagner, PA
S%........ SGRT... y "....
.. S GRI...
,,, F,]py,d,,,k.. RRk$G,gh),g,r....,GM,c,Co,rk),e.,,..
,cw W
om> 1.(..f........... 1. /..Iw.8. 6........
- 1. /.sV.8. 6...........
- 1. [,.../.8. 6..........
une rosu ais <io,soi wr cu o24o OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
.,~~..-~~-._.n.~4 w_.
. n.. ~ -.
SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL ROUTE G.E. Spent Fuel Storage Facility, Morris Il to DOE Hanford Facility, Richland, Washington JAN 1986 1
l O
OF LEA RESPONSE CAPABILITIES AND SAFE HAVENS ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE G.E. Spent Fuel Storage Facility, Morris, Illinois to DOE Hanford Facility, Richland, Washington NOTE:
Safe havens are indicated on the route strip charts by a lower case letter of the alphabet in parenthesis. These safe havens were designated by the NRC route analysis teams with the assis-tance of law enforcement agencies along the route as available for temporary refuges until appropriate assistance arrives. The basic criteria used to identify a safe haven were availability of a large parking area, nighttime lighting, where possible, and rapid law enforcement response to the safe haven.
Should a safe haven be required, refer to the following state summaries for specific identification and location.
N la JM 1986
F000 AND FUEL STOPS The businesses and locations listed below were identified by the NRC route analysis teams as possible food and fuel stops. All possible stops along the route are not listed. Only a few of the locations were visited by the NRC teams.
In order to be listed, food and fuel stops were required to be close to the route.
Multiple Truck Stops. Quad Cities area. IL.
Texaco Truck Stops.
I-80 Exit 19, IL.
Union 76 Truck Stop. Located at junction of I-80 and US-51, IL.
Standard and Union 76 Truck Stops.
I-80 Exit 284 Walcott, IA.
Skelly Truck Stop.
I-80 Exit 242.
Union 76 Truck Stop.
I-80 Exit 143 DesMoines, IA.
Apco Truck Stop.
I-80 Exit 93 Stuart, IA.
Verland Plaza's Skelly Truck Stop and Warin Oil Company. Conocco Truck Stop. Exit 60 Atlantic, IA.
Sapp 8rothers Truck Stop.
Phillips 66.
I-80 Exit 440 Sarpy County, NE.
Greenwood Truck Plaza, Standard Oil.
I-80 Exit 420 Cass County, NE.
Grant's Truck and Car Stop.
I-80 Exit 363 York County.
Bosselman's Truck Plaza, Standard 011. US-34 at I-80 Grand Island, NE.
Wood River Truck Plaza, Skelly 011.
I-80 Exit 300 Wood River, NE.
Multiple Truck Stops.
I-80 North Platte, NE.
Union 76 Truck Stop.
1-80 Exit 126 Ogalla, NE.
Truck Stop.
I-80 mile marker 388 Antelope, WY.
Multiple Truck Stops.
I-80 Cheyenne, WY.
1 JAN g.g
Truck Stop.
I-80 Walcott, WY Exi t.
Multiple Truck Stops.
I-80 Rock Springs, WY.
Flying J Truck Stop. Ogden, UT I-84/15 21st Street Exit, UT.
Truck Stop.
I-84 Exit 7 at Snowville, UT.
Rex's Chevron. Food, fuel, facilities and telephone. US-15 and I-86 junction, 10.
Skinners Chevron. I-84 Exit 211, ID.
Phillips 66 Truck Stop.
I-84 Exit 208 Burley Falls, ID.
Texas Truck Stop. Exit 141 approximately 34 miles west of Twin Falls,10.
Cutrate Diesel Fuel Truck Stop.
I-84 Exit 13 approximately 25 miles northwest of Nampa, 10.
Mobile Truck Stop.
I-84 Exit 327. OR.
Truck Stop.
I-84 Campbell Street Exit Baker, OR.
Husky Truck Stop.
I-84 Exit 265 La Grande, OR.
r 4
Arrowhead Truck Stop.
I-84 Exit 216 Pendleton, OR.
Numerous truck stops. Richland area, WA.
l 2
delN 2
Dresden Road south to Lorenzo Road 3 miles 2.
Lorenzo Road east to I-55 6 miles 3.
I-55 northeast to I-80 11 miles 4.
I-80 west to I-280 117 miles 5.
1-280 to Iowa state border 10 miles Subtotal 147 miles IOWA 6.
1-280 west / north to I-80 9 miles 7.
I-80 west to I-680 261 miles 8.
1-680 west to I-29 15 miles 9.
1-29 south to I-680 9 miles 10.
I-680 west to Nebraska border 5 miles Subtotal 299 miles NEBRASKA 11.
I-80 west to I-80 13 miles 12.
I-80 west to Wyoming border 452 miles Subtotal 465 miles WYOMING
1-80 west to Utah border 404 miles UTAH 14.
I-80 west to I-80N/84 20 miles 15.
I-80N/84N to Idaho border 97 miles Subtotal 117 miles IDAHO 16.
I-80 west to I-80N/84 278 miles OREGON 17.
1-84 north to 05-395 186 miles
- 18. US-395 north to OR-207 6 miles
- 19. OR-207 west to US-730 7 miles
- 20. US-730 east to Washington border 16 miles Subtotal 215 miles 3
- 21. US-730 north to US-395 4 miles
- 22. US-12 west to WA-240 25 miles
- 23. WA-240 west to WA-240 bypass 2 miles
- 24. WA-240 bypass to Stevens Drive 6 miles
- 25. Stevens Drive north to facility via DOE Admin / Security 20 miles checkpoint Subtotal 57 miles TOTAL:
1982 miles l
i 4
JAN ess
EMERGENCY PHONE MUMBER: Area Code (815) (217)
J0LIET PERU 57{ET5)726-6291 or IF T815)224-3032 or (217)782-7762 (217)782-7762 Comm:
[CH 9 MT.
,,,,CH 9/19 LLEA:
>P SP eJoliet GE Morris Facility--
2 3
ePeru (off route)
.i Grundy Will Grundy La Salle MILES IN County County County County JURISDICTION 9
18 22 31 d
27 49 80 KEY ROA0 TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris. Il to Richland WA e
LEA Response Center
Morris Factitty to Lorenzo Road (13 miles);
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police
Lorenzo Road to I-55 (6 miles);
5 Sneriff
1-55 (northeast) to I-80 west (11 miles);
CP City Police
- 4 I-80 to 1-280 (106 miles).
CB Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car) bH[No. Channel Monitored R
React Group MT Mobile Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required 5
,,_,,CH 9. R. CH 9 MT,,,,,,_CH 9. R. CH 9 LLEA:
(b) eRock Island i +6 dureau Henry County Rock Island MILES IN County i
County County i JURISDICTION 38 32 9
TOTAL MILES 118 150 159 KEY ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris, IL to Richland. WA e
LEA Response Center
I-280 north to towa (58 miles);
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police
Iowa Border (1-280) to I-80.
S Snerif f CP City Police C'P County Police CB Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car)
'Cii/NO Channel Monitored R
React Group MT Mobile Telephone E
Escort Required 6
MA 1386 h--,=*.=
~ ~~~' ---
DAVEMPORT CEDAR RAPIDS SP(800)525-5555 or SP 800-525-5555 or (319)359-0388 (319)3 % -1944 Cones:
MT.. aCH 9. R.
MT.. mCM 9 LLEA:
SP SP IL/IA eCedar Rapids eDavenport (E)
(off route) (c)
i i
i I
f Scott Cedar Johnson Iowa I
MILES IN County County 1
County County g
25 3
25 1
25 I
i i
i TOTAL MILES 159 188 2k3 238 263 KEY ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris, IL. to Richland, WA e
LEA Response Center
I-80 west to I-680 (279 miles);
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police 5
Sheriff CP City Police C'P County Police C8 Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car)
@NO Channel Monitored R
React Group MT Mobile Telephone E
Escort Reemtred 7
s-T L%
E=ERT.ENCY PHONE hum 3ERS: Arei Code (515)
Des Moines 5FradoT575-5555 or (515)281-5114 Conn:
,c=3 CH 9. R LLEA:
SP (e)
(f) eDes Moines (E)(g)
~ " ~
i I
l l
Poweshiet Ja sper Polt Dall as i
i MILES Im County County JURIS0!CTIOM i
25 I
g County County 25 27 8
23 I
t I
I TOTAL MILES 263 288 313 340 36 3 KEY
LE A Response Center 7.
I-80 west to 1-680 (279 miles);
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police Sheriff CP City Police C'P County Police CB Raito Monitored (Base)
CR Radio Monitored (Car)
.Cn/N0 Channel Monitored R
React Group MT Mobile Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required 8
JAN 1115
ATLANTIC SP(800)525-5555 or (112) 243-4224 Com:
SP IA/NE eAtlantic (h)
(off route)
i T- ~,
3 9
, Madison Adair Ca ss Pottawattaisie i
, County County County County JURIS0!CTIOM 2
25 24 53 s
TOTAL MILES 363 365 390 414 467 KEY ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris. IL to Richland, WA e
LEA Response Center 7
1-80 west to I-680 (279 miles);
MP/SP Hignway Patrol / State Police
- 8.1-680 west to 1-29 (15 miles);
5 Sherif f
'9.1-29 south to 1-680 (9 miles);
CP City Police
C'P County Police C8 Radio Monitored (8ase)
CB Radio Monitored (Car) b_iTN0 Channel Monitored R
React Group P
Mobile Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required 9
OMAHA LINCOLN S'P(402) 331 -3333
$li-(Tdf)4 77-3951 Corun:
MT. _ a CH 9 MT - a CH 9.
SP SP IA NE e0mana (E)
(b) elincoln (E)
Dougla s Sa rpy Ca ss Lancaster MILES im County County County County JuRIS0!CTIOM 15 16 12 26 i
TOTAL MILES 467 482 499 510 536 KEY ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris. Il to Richland, WA
I-680 west to I-80 (13 miles);
e LEA Response Center
I-80 west to Wyoming (452 miles);
HP/SP Mighway Patrol / State Police 5
Snerif f CP City Police C'P Cou9ty Police CB Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car) r =,
Cn/m3 Channel Monitored R
React Group MT Mobile Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required JAh y' '
SP (305)J82-8962 Corw MT _ a CH 9 LLEA:
eGrand Island (c)
(d) g 17~
(e) (f)(off route)(g)
(h) i Seward fork Hamt iton Hall Boffalo MILES IM County County County County County JUR153!CTIDM i
25 24 25 25 37 e
t TOTAL "ILES 536 56 1 58 5 610 635 672 REY ROAO TRAMSPORTATION ROUTE - Marris. IL to Richland, WA e
LEA pesponse Center 12.
1-80 west to Wyoming (452 miles);
HP/SP Hir,$ ray Patrol / State Police 5
Snerif f CP City Police C*P County Poltce C3 Radio M3nttored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car)
CM/NO Cnannel Nnttored R
React Group MT Mobile Teleptose (Useable)
E Escort Require 1 11 M
B66 N-
MEB4 ASKA EMEEEC PH0iE WP3ERS: Area Code (308)
$ (308)532-2468 Com:
^ '
MT, CH 9. R c
HP, S (1)
(j) s urth Platte (t)
Dawson Lincoln g
MILES I4 County County JualS3ICTICM 43 I
61 I
t i
i TOTAL MILES 672 720 781 CET ROAD TR ANSPORTATION route - Morris, IL to Richland, WA e
LEA Response Center
- 12. I-80 west to Wyoming (452 miles);
MP/SP Higw ay Patrol / State Police 5
Sheriff CP City Police C*P County Police CB Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Rasto Monitored (Car)
Ds/40 Chancel Monitored R
React Group MT tntle Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required eI4h y-12
NEB 4As[A E*E20E T Y P4 N V 3Eas: Area Code (308)
UGALLALA SIDMEY 5'-(13T2ss-364 m a)2s4-4342 Cw:
MT, _ aCH 9 LLEA:
S HP (Ilehallala (a)
(n)eStcney Eett%
fleuel Cheyenne MILES It County County County JURIS3ICTIOM 43 31 41 T3!*L "ILES hs1 824 855 896 KEY ROA3 TR AMSPORTATIO1 ROUTE - Forris, IL to Ricniand, WA e
LEA aesponse Center
- 12. I-83 west to Wy:wntng (452 miles);
MP/SP Mig %ay Patrol / State Police Sherif f CP City Police C*P County Police CR Radio Monitored (Base)
CS Radio Nettored (Car)
N43 Channel Monitored R
React Group MT mbtle Telephow (Useable)
E Escort Required 13 JA,g l
l MEBR ASE 4 /ieTO=i%
Area Cade (803) (337)
CHE YEnE HTTa]UT442 ac93 (3071777-7301 5 (337)778-3700 Case:
MT. mCH 9/19. a CH 9/13/19 LLE4:
' YQPt! C STATE LI%E eCheyenne
_ _ _s)
7 (a)(b)(c) (off route) (d) tieall Laramie I
9?iES Im County County JJa ISJICTIC4 36 66 I
t TMat "ILES eM 932 W4
- Et 4043 TR4%$PATATIO4 RJJTE - ft>rris. IL to Richlan1. 4 e
LE4 aesso*se Center
- 12. I-80 west to Wyoming (452 miles);
PPtSP Miseway Fatrol/ State Police
I-80 wast to Uta% (404 miles);
5 Snerif f CP City Police C*P CA-ty Police CS Gatis Mcnttore-S (lase)
CF stadio Monitred (Car)
$%3 Chamael monitored 4
3eact Grous t m ie Telepeone (uses%1e)
E Escort aeytres 14
.lji) fE 4A f o 4
tsa l
me sa o
t L
I 6
3 r
2 i
s a
N le 1 56 1
r 147 1
i 037 9
e 9$2 1
4 244 9
0 422 t
E 4
433 H
s O
5M77 a
d a
g 33 t
t 1
A33 s
t CM U
s I
o d
H 5
M y
a P
T d
T t
e 4
7 t
4 s
e 5
P w
1 5
1 3
8 i
R t
y T
I at nr2 3
r uB A
9 ao J
3 0
1 v
vw 6
5 0
1 355 W96 t6 966 a
e 222 c
444 9
e 477 1
,l t
r s
o g r s
i r
yy P
aa a
))1 E27 7
a nr mC e
JJ t
p L
aad e
s 5f3 f
lb u5 rt U
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AC tt ees 1T(3 C_
n5 a
ea ds
44 '? a cam wt rr Ls n 5 e/
t t o e
e Cl l_
o esi t
- r r
er csat p
.itmapew st t a cl moee ul oP t o p
l P os rTn s /f a t t t Ca 8
esfP yc s e et 9
p t aactt r 9
%ir y a. d a nCt o 4 ;et aae:
ria9ahetE s
Ei s
a 9
2 S
T t_
9C 1!
0 GE S5 L
9 o
mE 9
a E!
A M eH5CC - OC d
ka nT P
3 EP C
" J T
!llll l
uwim E=EaGEiCf PC%E *p3E45: Area Code (200) (307)
RXK SPRICS EV195704 iFTabT3U-9290 WTeM 442-9393 (307) 332-6621 (337) 789-2141 (sa.m.- Sp.m.)
( ea.m. - Sp.m.)
5 (337) 352-6930 5 (307) 789-2331
Comum wT. aCH 9/19. 4 MT CH 9/19 e
_. --.. _ f )
.. _.kl eiect Springs eEvanston
5=cet= ster Uinta t
- !LES 14 County County JJt1531 T104 143 53 T3TAL ":LES 1132 1278 1335 EEf ROA3 TR AMSPORTATION ROUTE - mrris. IL to Richlans, is2 e
LEA Response Center
- 13. I-83 west to Utah (404 miles);
M8/57 NigN ay Patrol / State Police 5
Sheriff CP City Police C*P C m ty Police C3 Radio e nttored (Base)
C3 Radio Nnitored (Car)
Channel enttored R
Geact Group MT McStie Telegno=e (usesSte)
E Escort Required 15 Uid
iWTuuT)7FEW22 iiPTs51DT6-sssi iPT851)479-9290 HP(801)723-7614 HP(801)723-7614 (usually 24 nrs)
$ (8011734-9441 Comm:
CH 9/19 d CH 9/19.'4
MT CH 9/19. R MT
_ CH 9
_ CH 9/19. R CH 9 CH 9/19 LLEA:
WY UT IDAHQ e Coalville ST4TE LINE (a) e Port of Entry (off route)(b)
(c) e Ooden (E) e Brignam City e Tremonton 14 15 i
i I
Sumet t stergan Weber Box Elder MILES In County County County County JURISDICTION 37 8
21, 69 20 TOTAL MILES 1336 13'73 1394 1414 1483 g
LEA Response Center 14 I-80 west to I-804/84 (29 attes);
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police
- 15. I-804/84 north to Idaho (118 miles);
5 Snertff CP City Police C'P County Police C8 Radte Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car)
GTm0 Channel stenitored R
React Group MT mobile Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required 17 5S6
IPf2 Nil 737-7210 SPT70s)733-7210 SP (208)733-7210 Dispatch (24 hrs) dispatch (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)
BtMLEY ITEc31678-2251 Com:
^ ~ - ~
___ _ - _e _Cotterei _ _ - e Burley (a) (b) e Twin Falls c) e Bliss Oneida Cassia Mi nidok a g
Jerome g
g Gooding i
MILES IM County County County County County JURISDICTION 14 42 I
15 l
38 8
28 I
i l
l 1
l TOTAL MILES 1483 1497 1539 1554 1592 1620 EET ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris IL to Richland. WA e
LEA Response Center
I-84 northwest to Oregon (278 miles);
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police 5
Sheriff CP City Police C*P County Police CS Radio Monitored (Base)
CS Radio Monitored (Car)
CH/NO Channel Monitored R
React Group MT
%hile Telephone (Usemble)
E Escort Required 18 JAh D66
BOISE 5FTIO8)384-2900
_ CH 9/19 LLEA:
(e) e Boise iM i
l i
g Et niore Ada g
g Canyon g
Payette MILES IN County County County County JURISDICTION I 56 1
44 I
18 I
20 i
l i
i TOTAL MILES 1928 1984 2028 2046 2066 K_E Y ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris IL to Richland; WA E
e LEA Response Center
- 16. 1-B4 northwest to Oregon HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police S
Sheriff CP City Police C'P Cour:ty Police CB Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car)
M Channel Monitored R
React Group MT mb11e Telephone (useable)
E Escort Required JAN 1986 19
$P (503)889-6468 3 TIT 03)523-5866 5)~0iOV963-7174 5)-(51f3T276-2121
$P(503)567-2222 Comm:
.CH 9. R MT CH 9 MT..
.CH 9. R MT.,
rH 9. R
.CH 9. R CH 9/19 CH 7/9/19 CH 9/17/19 CH 9/19 CH 9/19 LLEA:
SP SP SP SP SP ID OR WASHINGTON STATE LINE (a) e Ontario (b) e Baker (c) e La Grande (d Le Pendleton e Heralston
i 1
18 *W *TF Malheur Raker Union l
Umatilla j
MILES IN County County County County JURISOICTION 24 65 42 I
- l t
I i
i TOTAL MILES 1620 1644 1709 1751 1822 g
LEA Response Center
I-84 north to US-395 (186 miles):
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police
US-395 north to OR-201 (6 miles);
S Sheriff
OR-207 west to US-730 (7 miles);
CP City Police
US-730 to Washington border (16 miles).
C'P County Police CB Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car)
CH/NO Channel Monitored R
React Group
- iT Mobile Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required 20 JAlt ryg N
HP-(169TT83-6102 Conen:
.CH 9. R J H 17/19 LLEA:
HP QR WA eKennewick (a)
(off route) ~~ 7 ~ ~
~ ~ - ~
ef 32 l
- 25 Franklin Benton MILES IN County l
TOTAL MILES 1822 1844 1879 KH ROAD TRANSPORTATION ROUTE - Morris. Il to Richland. WA e
LEA Response Center
US-730 north to US-12 (4 miles);
HP/SP Highway Patrol / State Police
US-12 west to WASH 240 (25 miles);
S Sheriff
WA-240 north to DOE Facility (31 miles).
CP City Police
WA-240 Bypass west to Stevens Drive (6 miles) and C'P County Police
DOE Admin / Security Checkpoint (20 miles).
CB Radio Monitored (Base)
CB Radio Monitored (Car) 50 Channel Monitored R
React' Group MT Mobile Telephone (Useable)
E Escort Required 21 M