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Informs That Staff Review of 990121 Application Requesting Renewal of License SNM-690,has Identified Addl Info Needed. Info Specified in Encl Should Be Provided within Thirty Days of Ltr
Person / Time
Site: 07000754
Issue date: 07/26/1999
From: Rayland A
To: Murray B
TAC-L31006, NUDOCS 9907290068
Download: ML20210E936 (5)


m July 26, 1999 Mr. Ben Murray Senior Licensing Engineer General Electric Company Vallecitos Nuclear Center 6705 Vallecitos Road Sunol, CA 94586



Dear Mr. Murray:

This refers to your application dated January 21,1999, requesting renewal of Materials License SNM-960.

Our review of your application has identified additional information that is needed before final action can be taken on your request. The additional information, specified in the enclosure, should be provided within 30 days of this letter. Please reference the above TAC Number in future corre',pondence related to this request.

If you have questions regarding this matter I can be reached at 301-415-8102 or by e-mail adr@nrc.aov, Sincerely, Original signed by:

Andrew D. Rayland Licensing Team 1 Licensing and international Safeguards Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Docket 70-754 License SNM-960



As stated w os u DISTRIBUTION (Control No.170S)

Docket 70-734 PUBLIC NRC File Center Region IV NMSS r/f FCSS r/rf LIB r/f WBritz, RIV TPham CGasin Madams

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_f NAME ARayland:mm Ak PShea CEmef0hb' l'

DATE 7/,ll/99 703 /99 7/3 7/99

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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20565 0001 o

l July 26,1999 Mr. Ben Murray Senior Licensing Engineer General Electric Company Vallecitos Nuclear Center 6705 Vallecitos Road Sunol, CA 94586



Dear Mr. Murray:

This refers to your application dated January 21,1999, requesting renewal of Materials License SNM-960.

Our review of your application has ident;fied additional information that is needed before final action can be taken on your request. The additional information, specified in the enclosure, should be provided within 30 days of this letter. Please reference the above TAC Number in future correspondence related to this request.

If you have questions regarding this matter I can be reached at 301-415-8102 or by e-mail adrfglnre cov, Sincerely,


l Andrew D. Rayland Licensing Team 1 Licensing and International Safeguards Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Docket 70-754 License SNM-960 '



As stated L


Request For AdditionalInformation Application Dated January 21,1999 General Electric Va!!ecitos Nuclear Center i

l Docket No.70-754 Please provide the following information:


Change Appendix 1, Para 1.0 of the renewal application to clarify the activities for which you are requesting authorization. Provide a description of your fuel research reactor assembly activities and clarify whether they constitute fuel fabrication or research and development activities, as defined in 10 CFR 70.4. If you intend to perform fuel fabrication activities, then provide a Supplement to Applicant's Environmental Report as required by 10 CFR 51.60.


l 2.

During an inspection last Nov,1998 an inspection follow up item was opened regarding i

a negative lodine bias in the stack effluent measurements. During the licensing review visit to the site in June, NRC headquarter staff was informed that GE-Val staff have prepared a position paper describing the iodine bias. Please provide a copy of this position paper.


Correct the Table of Contents sections for both Appendix A and Appendix B of the application.


Modify Appendices A and B to be consistent with the use of the term that describes the

" Building 102 storage poor (e.g., the Remote Handling Operation (RHO) pool [p. A-5-4),

the storage pool [p.1-4}, the RML storage pool [p. 3-6}, storage pool area [p. 7-6. 5. Modify Appendices A and B to be consistent with the use of the term that describes the " solid waste storage facility" (e.g., solid waste storage facility [p. A-5-4], Hodzontal Waste Storage (p,3-6}, and Solid Waste Storage [p.13-5}). 6. Modify Section 2.2 of Appendix A to include clarifying language that the use of SNM enriched to greater than 10 weight percent U-235 outside the NTR requires NRC pre-l approval. 7. Modify Section 3.0 of Appendix A to include definitions for the terms Safe AccOmulations, Safe Concentrations, Safe Geomotries, Safe Mass, Safe Spacing, and Safe Volume. In the definitions, it is appropriate to reference the correct other sections in Appendix A that provide more information (e.g., Sections 6.3,6.4,6.10). i

2 8. Modify Section 3.5 of Appendix A to include the acronym (CLA) in the title. 9. In Appendia A, either (1) justify the use of a different definition in Section 3.16 for the term Specia/ Nuclear Materialthan is in 10CFR70 or (2) modify the definition to conform to the rule. 10. Modify Section 4.2 of Appendix A to include clarifying language that, before criticality safety program activities become dynamic at the site, the licensee will provide additional staff experienced in criticality safety. 11. Modify Section 4.2.3 of Appendix A to include clarifying language that, before criticality I safety program activities become dynamic at the site, the Manager of Criticality Safety is ) required to a demonstrable level of experience to qualify for the position. i dn 12. Modify Section 2.6 of Appendix B to correctly provide references to the NRC. 13. Modify Section 2.9.2 of Appendix B to include clarifying language that, until criticality safety staff are qualified (i.e.,1 year), they will work under the direct guidance of their Area Supervisor. 14. Modify Section 2.10.2 of Appendix B to include the acronym (CA) after using the phrase Change Authorization. 15. Modify Section 3.8 of Appendix B to include clarifying language that excepted areas from criticality safety alarm monitoring are described 10 Section 3.8.2 of Appendix B. RADIATION PROTECTION 16. Page A-4-1, Section 4.1; in the first line, " radiation area" shMd be replaced by " Area i where the licensed material will be used or stored." 17. Page A-4-3, Section 4.4, the VTSC should include a member who meets the minimum qualifications of a Radiation Safety Specialist. 18. Page A-4-4, Section 4.5; "Special Nuclear Material" should be replaced by " licensed material." 19. Page A-7-1, Section 7.3; this section should state that all radiation workers shall complete a formal training in radiation safety prior to working with licensed material independently. l 20. Page A-8-2, Section 8.3; this section should include the following commitments: a. A routine radiological survey to work area shall be conducted for determining alpha, beta / gamma surface contamination levels and external exposures. l

r 1; e 3 l b. The frequency of the survey and the action levels will be established based on l the Table 1," Acceptable Frequencies for Surveys," and Table 1,

  • Recommended Action Levels for Removable Surface Contamination *, respectively of Regulatory Guide 8.21.

21. Page A-8-3, Section 8.5; this section should specified the frequencies for analyzing 1 personnel dosimeters, the action levels and actions to be taken when the action levels are exceeded. 22. Page A-8-4, Section 8.10; incorporate License Condition S-4 into this section. 23. Page A-8-5, Section 8.11; this section should include a program for monitoring workers' Internal exposures. The program should include at least the following: a. When air sampling measurements results are used for workers' annual intake of radioactive material, the air sampling program shall be conducted in accordance with Table 1," Air Sampling Recommendation Based on a Estimated intakes and Airborne Concentration", of Regulatory Guide 8.25, Air Sampling in the Workplace. b. When bioassay measurements results are used for determining workers' annual intake of radioactive material, bioassay program shall be conducted in accordance with Regulatory Guide 8.9, Acceptable Concepts, Models, Equations, and Assumptions for A Bloassay Program. l 24. Page A-8-5, Section 8.12; this section should be revised to state that an individual whose skin or personal clothing is found contaminated above background levels shall not allow to exit a restricted area without prior approval of the staff of the Radiation Safety component. l FIRE PROTECTION i l 25. Do the facilities containing licensed material meet the fire safety criteria specified in the l Industrial Standard from the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 801, " Standard l for Fire Protection for Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials," 1998 Edition? If not, specify the differences. l Accendix B of the aoolication 26. Page 2-9, Section 2.9; this section should state that all radiation workers shall complete a formal training in radiation safety prior to working with licensed material independently. 27. Page 4-1, Section 4.1; revise to prohibit smoking, eating, drinking, storing food beverages in areas where there is potential for contamination with radioactive material. 28. Page 4-2, Section 4.2; revise to state that individual respiratory protection equipment shall be used in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1703. 29. Page 4-5, Section 4.5; delete requests for exemptions to 10 CFR 20.1601 and 1601(a).}}