MONTHYEARML20217D2841999-10-0404 October 1999 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program Covering Sept 1999 ML20211Q6361999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program Covering Jul & Aug 1999 ML20211J4181999-08-30030 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-160/99-203 on 990119-21.No Violations Noted ML20210E9231999-07-22022 July 1999 Provides Responses to 990228 Comments on Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Plan ML20210E9251999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Amend 14 to License R-97 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Authorizes Decommissioning of Gtrr,Per 10CFR50.82(b),IAW Decommissioning Plan,As Presented in 980701,990208 & 0528 Ltrs ML20210F3021999-07-22022 July 1999 Provides Responses to 990413 Comment on Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Plan.Comment on Removal of Cobalt-60 Should Be Referred to State of Georgia ML20196K3381999-07-0202 July 1999 Forwards Copy of EA & Fonsi Related to Application for Amend Dated 980701.Proposed Amend Would Change Facility OL R-97, Authorizing Decommissioning IAW Proposed Decommissioning Plan ML20195C3531999-05-28028 May 1999 Forwards Environ Rept for Decommissioning of Ga Tech Research Reactor,Per NRC Regulation 51.53(d).Environ Rept Submitted in Apr 1994,encl ML20207A9581999-05-21021 May 1999 Ack Receipt of Re Comments on Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Plan.Comments Will Be Considered as Part of NRC Ongoing Review of Decommissioning Plan ML20206R3061999-04-13013 April 1999 Submits Georgians Against Nuclear Energy Comments Re Intent of Georgia Tech to Decommission Neely Research Reactor at Georgia Inst of Technology,Atlanta,Ga ML20204G7561999-03-23023 March 1999 Ack Receipt of to Executive Director for Operations That Provided Comment on Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Plan ML20204G7701999-02-28028 February 1999 Submits Comment on NRC Approval of Georgia Inst of Technology Decommissioning Plan for Their Neely Nuclear Research Reactor on Campus of Georgia Tech Pursuant to 10CFR20.1405 & 10CFR50.82(b)(5) ML20210P1381999-02-0808 February 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Request for Addl Info,Dtd 981228. Rev 0 to Quality Assurance Program Plan for Site Characterization of Georgia Tech Neely Nuclear Research Ctr Encl ML20202A8401999-01-25025 January 1999 Forwards Notice & Solicitation of Comments,Per 10CFR20.1405 & 10CFR50.82(b)(5) for Proposed Action Concerning Decommissioning ML20202A8031999-01-25025 January 1999 Forwards Notice of Solicitation of Comments,Per 10CFR20.1405 & 10CFR50.82 (b)(5) for Proposed Action Concerning Decommissioning ML20202A8691999-01-25025 January 1999 Forwards Notice of Solicitation of Comments,Per 10CFR20.1405 & 10CFR50.82(b)(5) for Proposed Action Concerning Decommissioning ML20198K8781998-12-28028 December 1998 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Decommissioning Plan & License Termination Request for Facility License R-97 for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Submitted on 980701 ML20206P2481998-12-21021 December 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity to Comment Re Considered Issuance of Emergency Planning Exemption at Facility ML20197J3771998-12-10010 December 1998 Forwards Copy of Environ Assessment & Fonsi for Exemption from Emergency Plan Requirement of 10CFR50.54(q) for Georgia Inst of Technology Research Reactor.Exemption Granted ML20197J2801998-12-0404 December 1998 Responds to to NRC Commissioners Re Concerns That 980924 Response to Was Not from Commissioners. Weiss Response to Subj Ltr Reflects Positions & Policies Established by Commission ML20196H0821998-12-0303 December 1998 Forwards Environmental Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Licensee Application for Exemption from Emergency Planning Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q).Notice Indicates That NRC Considering Issuance of Exemption ML20155G9681998-11-0404 November 1998 Forwards Amend 13 to License R-97 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Removes Requirements for Security Plan to Protect Special Nuclear Matl Because License Does Not Allow Possession of SNM ML20154J8561998-10-0808 October 1998 Responds to Requesting Termination of Requalification Program for RO & Sro.Nrc Finds Request to Eliminate Operator Requalification Program Requirements Acceptable ML20197J3061998-10-0101 October 1998 Submits Complain That Addressed to NRC Commissioners Was Answered by Someone Else in Different Section ML20154D7881998-10-0101 October 1998 Forwards Three Entries in Safeguards Event Log Made During Months of Jul,Aug & Sept 1998,per 10CFR73.71(a) Through (C) ML20154E3821998-10-0101 October 1998 Forwards bi-monthly Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Months of Aug & Sept 1998 ML20153H2381998-09-24024 September 1998 Responds to on Concerns Related to Georgia Institute of Technology & Other Matters.Georgia Institute of Technology Submitted Decommissioning Plan by Ltr & Plan Currently Under Review by NRC Staff ML20153H2671998-08-27027 August 1998 Expresses Concern Re Georgia Institute of Technology Neely Nuclear Research Reactor,Contaminated Campus Area, Contaminated Reactor Bldg,Heavy Water & 200,000 Curies of Cobalt-60 Stored in Adjacent Bldg & in Pool ML20237E2461998-08-20020 August 1998 Requests NRC Approval of Exemption to Maintain Nnrc Emergency Preparedness Plan.Georgia Tech Was Defueled in Feb 1996 & All Nuclear Fuel Was Removed ML20237B6731998-08-10010 August 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of Jul 1998 ML20236U4891998-07-21021 July 1998 Informs of Termination of Tritium Monitoring Activities Due to Requirement Specified in TS Tables 2.1 & 3.1 ML20236U4061998-07-15015 July 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of June 1998 ML20236Q0671998-07-0101 July 1998 Requests Decommissioning Order for Ga Tech Research Reactor. Documentation Supporting Request,Listed.Reactor Is Currently in Safe Shutdown Condition & in Full Compliance W/Possession Only License.Page N-579 of Incoming Submittal Not Include ML20236J2561998-07-0101 July 1998 Informs That No Entries Were Made in Safeguards Event Log During Months of Apr,May & June 1998,per 10CFR73.71(a) Through (C) ML20236Q0731998-06-30030 June 1998 Issues Statement of Intent in Compliance w/10CFR50.75(e)(IV) Re State of Ga Support of Cost Estimate for Decommissioning of Ga Technology Research Reactor ML20236H5771998-06-18018 June 1998 Forwards Synopsis of NRC OI Completed Rept Re Alleged Discrimination by Georgia Institute of Technology Against Employee Who Filed Complaint W/Dol.Determined There Was Insufficient Evidence to Substantiate Allegation ML20154D6621998-06-0101 June 1998 Requests Termination of Requalification Program for Ros/Sros for License R-97.All Licenses for Ros/Sros Should Also Be Terminated.Fuel Has Been Removed from Facility & Licenses No Longer Needed ML20248J6711998-05-21021 May 1998 Forwards Monthly Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of Apr 1998 ML20247K3591998-05-0707 May 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-160/98-201 on 980420-21.No Violations Noted.Various Aspects of Safety & Emergency Preparedness Programs Including Selective Exams of Procedures & Representative Records Were Inspected ML20217G2681998-04-20020 April 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of Mar 1998 ML20217K6181998-04-0202 April 1998 Forwards Amend 12 to License R-97 & Se.Amend Removes Authority from License to Operate,Authorizes possession-only & Changes TS to Remove Operational Requirements of Reactor ML20202F4471998-02-0404 February 1998 Forwards Addl Info in Support of possession-only-license Amend Application Dtd 970807.Revised TS Re Rev to Facilitate Decommissioning,Encl ML20198H2661998-01-0202 January 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Months of Nov & Dec 1997 ML20197G7441997-12-12012 December 1997 Forwards RAI Re Submittals for Possession Only License for Georgia Tech Research Reactor.Response Requested within 60 Days of Date of Ltr ML20197J9891997-12-12012 December 1997 Responds to to Atlanta Ofc of EPA Re Georgia Tech Research Reactor.Nrc Evaluations Will Continue to Ensure Acceptable Application of Regulations to Protect Public Health & Safety,Including Decommissioning Activities ML20197H3701997-12-12012 December 1997 Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Submittals for Possession Only License for Georgia Tech Research Reactor ML20199K8571997-11-24024 November 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-160/97-201 on 971027-31.No Violations Noted.Various Aspects of Operations,Safety & Security Programs Inspected Including Selective Exams of Procedures & Representative Records & Interviews W/Personnel ML20199G9971997-11-17017 November 1997 Forwards Ga Tech Research Reactor 1997 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scenario.Exercise Scheduled for 971211 ML20202D1131997-11-13013 November 1997 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Deommissioning Program for Month of Oct 1997 ML20198T4371997-11-0606 November 1997 Submits Addl Info in Support of possession-only-license Amend & in Response to 970916 RAI 1999-09-03
MONTHYEARML20056A1041990-07-31031 July 1990 Responds to NRC 900720 Request for Addl Info Re 900605 Request for Amend to License R-97 ML20055H8311990-07-20020 July 1990 Approves Public Release of 900606 Request for Tech Spec Amend ML20055G2791990-07-17017 July 1990 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/90-02. Corrective Actions:Procedure 9310,Posting of Radiological Control Areas & Matls, Revised to Clarify Requirement for Positive Control Over High Radiation Area ML20011F4201990-03-0101 March 1990 Forwards Mod to Physical Security Plan.Mod Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20012A1771990-02-27027 February 1990 Forwards Proposed Changes to Georgia Tech Research Reactor Physical Security Plan. Changes Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20011F4111990-02-27027 February 1990 Forwards Proposed Rev to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20006D5351990-02-0909 February 1990 Forwards Addl Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/89-05.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d)) ML20012A3501990-01-26026 January 1990 Comments on Three Questions from 900123 Senior Reactor Operator & Reactor Operator Written Exams ML20005F8771990-01-0606 January 1990 Responds to Violations Identified in Insp Rept 50-160/89-02. Corrective Actions:Procedure 4000 Revised & Being Reviewed Against Stds ANS 7.60 & Procedure 7247 Drafted to Cover Area & Is Undergoing Review ML20006A5141990-01-0303 January 1990 Forwards Mod to Security Plan.Mod Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d)) ML19332C0901989-11-16016 November 1989 Forwards Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/89-05.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(d)) ML20248G3921989-09-28028 September 1989 Discusses Security Insp on 890927 & Submits Actions to Be Taken,Including Audit of Security Plan & Key & Card Control Procedure.First Four Actions Withheld ML20247E9011989-05-19019 May 1989 Forwards Revised Table I to Rev 1 to Emergency Preparedness Plan,Per Telcon ML20244B8811989-05-0303 May 1989 Comments on Written Reactor Operator Exam Given on 890427. Answer to Question B-12,although Taken from Sar,Deemed Wrong & Ambiguous ML20248G2681989-03-13013 March 1989 Notifies That DOE Funding for Converting Fuel from High to Low Enrichment Available During Fiscal Yr.Proposal Will Be Submitted in Apr ML20235T6661989-02-17017 February 1989 Discusses Proper Rev Number for Emergency Plan.Review of Emergency Plan Performed in Nov 1988 Resulted in Rev 4.Rev 4 Should Be Considered as Rev 2 Since Earlier Editions Did Not Receive Official Approval ML20235W9001989-02-17017 February 1989 Forwards Rev 1 to 1986 Annual Rept,Correcting Several Errors in Section 7, Environ Monitoring ML20235L3551989-02-14014 February 1989 Repts Progress to Date on Upgrading Procedures for Operations & Health Physics,Per Insp Rept 50-160/87-08.New & Revised Procedures Approved by NRC Listed as Stated ML20195G8311988-11-23023 November 1988 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/88-03. Corrective Actions:Emergency Plan Revised to Reflect Current Organizational & Functional Mgt Changes.Manager of Radiation Safety Ofc Delegated as Alternate Emergency Director ML20154P1981988-09-19019 September 1988 Informs of Managerial Changes & Shifts in Reporting Relationships Re Plant Operation ML20155C3231988-09-19019 September 1988 Requests Investigation Rept Re Neely Nuclear Research Ctr Activities ML20154F7851988-06-13013 June 1988 Responds to NRC Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/87-07.Requests Answers to Listed Situations Re Operation of Gtrr ML20154M7861988-05-13013 May 1988 Forwards Neely Nuclear Research Ctr Response to NRC Concerns Re Progress Toward Renewed Georgia Tech Research Reactor Operation.Subj Response Interim Rept Only & Informs That Georgia Tech President Will Request for Renewed Operation ML20151R1621988-04-0707 April 1988 Forwards Rept of Visit to Georgia Tech Research Reactor Facility to Inspect Facilities & to Interview Operational Staff, by W Kerr,Chairman of Acrs.Kerr Visited Neely Nuclear Research Reactor on 880324-25 ML20148J0611988-03-23023 March 1988 Advises of Typo in Date of Ltr Notifying NRC That Federal Funding Not Available for Converting Research Reactor from High to Low Fuel Enrichment.Correct Date Should Read 880315 Instead of 870315 ML20148C0631988-03-15015 March 1988 Advises That Federal Funding Unavaliable for Conversion of Reactor Fuel from High to Low Enrichment.Doe Has Withdrawn Offer to Initiate Conversion Because Reactor Operations May Not Be Continued.Doe Encl ML20148E9541988-03-0909 March 1988 Requests Deletion of All Names in Correspondence Re Incident Rept Before Being Placed in Pdr.Deletion May Be Achieved Either by Marking Out Name or Removing Entire Document ML20154F8101988-01-22022 January 1988 Forwards Results of Smear Surveys Taken During Month of Aug, Also Survey of Downs Apartment Taken on 880111 ML20236Y1831987-11-24024 November 1987 Forwards 870803 Gtices Program Rept Describing Problem W/ Gtstrudl Program.Rept Sent to All Svc Bureaus Offering Gtstrudl as Well as All safety-related Licensees Who Use Program ML20235E4601987-09-15015 September 1987 Responds to Request for Info Re Unaccounted for Fission Plate for Dismantled Agn 201 Training Reactor ML20236D1191987-07-15015 July 1987 Provides Revised Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/87-01 on 870209-23.Corrective Actions:Procedure to Govern D2 Concentration Analysis Being Devised & Steps Taken to Increase Number of Licensed Operators ML20235H0291987-07-0606 July 1987 Informs That Organizational Structure of Neely Nuclear Research Ctr Has Changed.Forwards Two Hc Bourne 870619 Memos Delineating Change.Amend to Tech Specs Will Be Requested to Reflect Change ML20216D2141987-06-15015 June 1987 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/87-03 on 870407-10.Corrective Actions:Reactor Operator Instructed to Use Radioactive Labels on Containers.Ra Karam 870506 Memo Requesting Reorganization of Nuclear Research Ctr Encl ML20214W4351987-05-26026 May 1987 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/87-04 on 870422-23.Corrective Actions:Encl Draft Procedure 6100, Emergency Notification Will Be Submitted to Nuclear Safeguard Committee for Approval on 870709 ML20214T6101987-05-25025 May 1987 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/87-01 on 870209-23.Corrective Actions:Procedures 7246 & 7220 Being Modified to Account for A.1.a & A.1.c & Devising & Writing New Procedure A.1.b ML20209A7621987-04-0707 April 1987 Responds to NRC Discussing Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/87-02.Corrective Actions:Failure to Secure Primary Coolant Sampling Line Caused by Operator Oversight. Procedure Addressed at Staff Meeting ML20207D1871986-12-19019 December 1986 Informs That Conversion of Fuel from High to Low Enrichment Will Not Occur During FY87 Due to Lack of Federal Funding. NRC Will Be Notified by 880327 Re Availability of Federal Funds for Conversion ML20202J3591986-04-10010 April 1986 Requests Mailing Address Be Revised as Indicated Due to Unnecessary Communication Delays W/Nrc ML20137P5901986-01-28028 January 1986 Forwards Amend 14 to Indemnity Agreement E-30.Item 2 of Attachment to Agreement Deleted in Entirety & Substituted ML20198H5381986-01-22022 January 1986 Responds to Insp Rept 50-160/85-04 on 851028-1101.Corrective Actions:Emergency Preparedness Plan Revised to Include Site Area Emergency Action Levels in Table 1.Rev 1 to Plan Encl ML20138N7931985-12-0909 December 1985 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-276/85-02 & 50-160/85-03 on 850826-29.Corrective Actions:New Procedure for Analyzing Liquid Waste Appended.W/Two Oversize Encls ML20136J1871985-11-20020 November 1985 Advises That Emergency Preparedness Plan Implemented on 851014.Emergency Procedures Encl ML20137P6151985-11-20020 November 1985 Requests 60-day Extension to Remove Unirradiated High Enriched U Fuel from Facility,Exemption from Developing QA Program for Shipping Fuel & Approval to Retain Three Elements of U-235,in Response to Show Cause Order ML20137P6331985-11-15015 November 1985 Requests Registration as User of Model ETR ML20138R8961985-11-0808 November 1985 Confirms Recent Telcon Granting Extension of Time Until 851218 to Respond to Insp Rept 50-160/85-03.Extension Necessary Due to Experimentation & Data Gathering to Verify Quantity of Ar-41 Escaping from Containment Bldg ML20117J3731985-05-0707 May 1985 Requests Deadline for Full Implementation of Approved Emergency Plan Be Extended from 850614 to 851014.Extension Required Due to Possible Physical Mod of Facility ML20091R6221984-06-11011 June 1984 Forwards Organization Chart Effective on 840701 & Advises of Appointment of RA Karam as Director of Nuclear Research Ctr. Ltr of Appointment Encl ML20091A9551984-04-26026 April 1984 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-160/84-01.Corrective Actions:Procedure 7202 Revised to Incorporate Instrument Setup Instructions & Procedure 4000 Revised to Include Containment Bldg Test Steps ML20091R6501983-12-0202 December 1983 Advises That RA Karam Will Replace Jl Russell as Director of Georgia Inst of Technology Nuclear Research Ctr Effective 831203 ML20082T7921983-10-0707 October 1983 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-160/83-01.Corrective Actions:All Radiological Safety Personnel Advised to Take More Care in Labeling Radioactive Matl Containers 1990-07-31
MONTHYEARML20217D2841999-10-0404 October 1999 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program Covering Sept 1999 ML20211Q6361999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program Covering Jul & Aug 1999 ML20195C3531999-05-28028 May 1999 Forwards Environ Rept for Decommissioning of Ga Tech Research Reactor,Per NRC Regulation 51.53(d).Environ Rept Submitted in Apr 1994,encl ML20206R3061999-04-13013 April 1999 Submits Georgians Against Nuclear Energy Comments Re Intent of Georgia Tech to Decommission Neely Research Reactor at Georgia Inst of Technology,Atlanta,Ga ML20204G7701999-02-28028 February 1999 Submits Comment on NRC Approval of Georgia Inst of Technology Decommissioning Plan for Their Neely Nuclear Research Reactor on Campus of Georgia Tech Pursuant to 10CFR20.1405 & 10CFR50.82(b)(5) ML20210P1381999-02-0808 February 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Request for Addl Info,Dtd 981228. Rev 0 to Quality Assurance Program Plan for Site Characterization of Georgia Tech Neely Nuclear Research Ctr Encl ML20206P2481998-12-21021 December 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity to Comment Re Considered Issuance of Emergency Planning Exemption at Facility ML20154E3821998-10-0101 October 1998 Forwards bi-monthly Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Months of Aug & Sept 1998 ML20154D7881998-10-0101 October 1998 Forwards Three Entries in Safeguards Event Log Made During Months of Jul,Aug & Sept 1998,per 10CFR73.71(a) Through (C) ML20197J3061998-10-0101 October 1998 Submits Complain That Addressed to NRC Commissioners Was Answered by Someone Else in Different Section ML20153H2671998-08-27027 August 1998 Expresses Concern Re Georgia Institute of Technology Neely Nuclear Research Reactor,Contaminated Campus Area, Contaminated Reactor Bldg,Heavy Water & 200,000 Curies of Cobalt-60 Stored in Adjacent Bldg & in Pool ML20237E2461998-08-20020 August 1998 Requests NRC Approval of Exemption to Maintain Nnrc Emergency Preparedness Plan.Georgia Tech Was Defueled in Feb 1996 & All Nuclear Fuel Was Removed ML20237B6731998-08-10010 August 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of Jul 1998 ML20236U4891998-07-21021 July 1998 Informs of Termination of Tritium Monitoring Activities Due to Requirement Specified in TS Tables 2.1 & 3.1 ML20236U4061998-07-15015 July 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of June 1998 ML20236J2561998-07-0101 July 1998 Informs That No Entries Were Made in Safeguards Event Log During Months of Apr,May & June 1998,per 10CFR73.71(a) Through (C) ML20236Q0671998-07-0101 July 1998 Requests Decommissioning Order for Ga Tech Research Reactor. Documentation Supporting Request,Listed.Reactor Is Currently in Safe Shutdown Condition & in Full Compliance W/Possession Only License.Page N-579 of Incoming Submittal Not Include ML20236Q0731998-06-30030 June 1998 Issues Statement of Intent in Compliance w/10CFR50.75(e)(IV) Re State of Ga Support of Cost Estimate for Decommissioning of Ga Technology Research Reactor ML20154D6621998-06-0101 June 1998 Requests Termination of Requalification Program for Ros/Sros for License R-97.All Licenses for Ros/Sros Should Also Be Terminated.Fuel Has Been Removed from Facility & Licenses No Longer Needed ML20248J6711998-05-21021 May 1998 Forwards Monthly Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of Apr 1998 ML20217G2681998-04-20020 April 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of Mar 1998 ML20202F4471998-02-0404 February 1998 Forwards Addl Info in Support of possession-only-license Amend Application Dtd 970807.Revised TS Re Rev to Facilitate Decommissioning,Encl ML20198H2661998-01-0202 January 1998 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Months of Nov & Dec 1997 ML20199G9971997-11-17017 November 1997 Forwards Ga Tech Research Reactor 1997 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scenario.Exercise Scheduled for 971211 ML20202D1131997-11-13013 November 1997 Forwards Status Rept for Georgia Tech Research Reactor Deommissioning Program for Month of Oct 1997 ML20198T4371997-11-0606 November 1997 Submits Addl Info in Support of possession-only-license Amend & in Response to 970916 RAI ML20198M7941997-10-14014 October 1997 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month of Sept 1997 ML20211A7061997-09-12012 September 1997 Forwards Status Rept for Ga Tech Research Reactor Decommissioning Program for Month Aug 1997 ML20217J6211997-07-28028 July 1997 Provides Concerns Re 2.206 Directors Decision & Ga Institute of Technology Neely Nuclear Research Reactor. Ltr for Docket as Well as 2.206 Docket Part & Svc List,Encl ML20217J8521997-07-28028 July 1997 Submits Info Re 2.206 Petition Under 10CFR20 Against Ga Institute of Technology Nuclear Research Reactor Located on Campus of Ga Tech in Middle of Downtown Atlanta ML20149K9341997-07-17017 July 1997 Forwards Entry in Safeguards Event Log Made During Month of April,May & June 1997,per 10CFR73.71(a)(c) ML20210L8901997-07-0707 July 1997 Forwards Rev 47 of Emergency Phone List.W/O Encl ML20141G2271997-06-30030 June 1997 Notifies NRC That on 970630,RA Karam Will Retire & Relinquish Directorship of Neely Nuclear Research Ctr,Ga Tech Research Reactor.N Hertel Will Be Appointed Director, Effective 970701 ML20137N9171997-04-0101 April 1997 Informs That No Entry in Safeguards Event Log Made During Jan,Feb & March 1997 ML20137B3031997-03-14014 March 1997 Submits Response to NRC Insp Rept 50-160/96-05.Corrective Actions:Licensees Promised to Develop Such Work Sheet & Put Into Practice on or Before 971201 ML20134L3061997-02-13013 February 1997 Responds to Notice of Exercise Weakness in Insp Rept 50-160/96-05.Corrective Actions:Will Conduct Emergency Drills & Will Conduct Addl Table Top Exercises ML20133F6441997-01-0808 January 1997 Informs That Pursuant to 10CFR73.71(a)(c),no Entry in Safeguards Event Log Made During Oct-Dec 1996 ML20134N0771996-11-18018 November 1996 Forwards Corrected Data Re Tritium Concentrations in Liquid Effluents for 1990-1995 ML20138G4271996-10-0808 October 1996 Informs That on 961126,licensee Planning to Hold Annual Emergency Drill.Attached Outline Gives Appropriate Details About Scenario ML20117J7791996-09-0202 September 1996 Requests Operator Licenses of Jn Copeland & Rv Demeglio Be Revoked ML20116B2561996-07-19019 July 1996 Informs NRC That Reactor Operators Kl Norton & Gm Comfort Have Left Ga Tech,Per 10CFR50.74.RO Licenses to Operate Gtrr Should Be Revoked ML20116A9671996-07-18018 July 1996 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/96-02. Corrective Actions:Conducted Meeting W/Radiation Safety Staff Re Regulatory Requirements & Replaced Retired Health Physicist Technician w/well-trained Health Physicist ML20137D4691996-06-27027 June 1996 Informs That B Statham Appointed Reactor Supervisor for Ga Tech Research Reactor,Effective Immediately ML20117K7521996-05-27027 May 1996 Requests NRC Assurance That Listed Documents Re 2.206 Petition Entered by Court Recorder Into Record.W/Certificate of Svc ML20117G2301996-05-13013 May 1996 Discusses Activities That Occurred at Neely Nuclear Research Ctr During Winter of 1995 & Lists Unsatisfactory Conditions Witnessed Re Facility Operations.Related Correspondence ML20108E6461996-05-0808 May 1996 Notifies Honorable Judges Bechhoefer,Kline & Lam of ASLB, That P Blockey-OBrien Will Present Testimony of Min of 30 Minutes on 960522,including But Not Limited to Listed Info. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 960510 ML20101D6271996-03-14014 March 1996 Discusses 10CFR2.206 Petition & New Info on Earthquake Risk, Possible Unsafe Conditions Developed Due to Site If Ga Tech Neely Reactor & Problems ML20097E6181996-02-0707 February 1996 Submits Notice of Shipment of Nuclear Matl from Atlanta,Ga to DOE in Aiken,Sc ML20097D8181996-01-27027 January 1996 Discusses 10CFR2.206 Petition Against Georgia Tech Reactor on Campus in Atlanta,Possible License Problems & Contamination Problems.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 960205 ML20096D0151996-01-10010 January 1996 Discusses P Blockey-OBrien 10CFR2.206 Petition & Ltrs Written to NRC & ASLB Judges Re Petition & Georgia Tech Neely Nuclear Research Reactor,Radioactive Contamination, Violations & ALARA Issue 1999-09-03
[Table view] |
Georgia Institute of Technology N
- w ye e,
O ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30332-0425 May 26, 1987 Mr. Douglas M. Collins, Chief Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30323
Dear Mr. Collins:
Inspection Report No. 50-160/87-04 This letter is our response to the referenced inspection conducted by Mr.
W.M. Sartor on April 22-23, 1987.
The deviation cited in the inspection report relates to devising a procedure describing notification methods including:
the title of the person responsible, the agencies which must be notified for each class of emergency, the time period during which notification must take place, and the information to be provided.
The attached draft for the procedure ~ in question will be submitted to the Nuclear Safeguards Committee for approval at the next' meeting (approximately J uly 9, 1987 ).
Other improvements suggested by Mr. Sartor have been earmarked for inclusion in our Emergency Plan and Procedures (see appended punchlist for June 1-5, '987).
We thank you for your help and suggestions and we hope that you will find our response satisfactory. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Sincerely yours, K
R. A. Karam Director RAK:jlr
As stated 8706160019 970526 PDR ADOCK 05000160 o
/ [
SGot a una a m. unn.uf s t m a ceova An EquW EducWoon and E%med opponung Inmon n
l Procedure 6100 8
l l Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site l
Emergency i Last Rev. App. 00/00/87 Emergency l
Notification i Page 1 of 4 I.
Purpose To delineate the steps to be taken and the appropriate organica-tions to be notified for each emergency type II. General Considerations Emergency notification rosters are posted throughout the facil-ity. Telephone numbers are listed for NNRC personnel, Georgia Tech support agencies, & off-site support agencies for local, state,
& federal assistance. Initial & follow-up emergency messages to 7
the NRC &, if applicable, to other offsite government agencies should, to the extent known, include the following:
1 Name, title, & telephone number of caller, & the location of
the incident 2
Description of the emergency event & class f,
Date & time of incident initiation 4
Type of expected or actual release (airborne, water-borne, surface spill) with estimated duration times t-5.
Quantity of radionuclides released or expected to be released y
6 Projected or actual dose rates outside of operations boundary Generally the Emergency Director is the person who initiates the notification process. Every effort should be made to locate him in case of an emergency. In his absence, an alternate emergency director would assume the responsibility.
III. Operational Event I = Immediately AA = After assessment has been made IN = If needed Civil disturbances or receipt of bomb threat non-specific to the reactor 1
Georgia Tech Police (GTP) 894-2500 (I) 2.
Alert NNRC staff & initiate assessment (I)
Personnel injury with or without radiological complications 1
GTP 894-2500 (I) 2 Ambulance 588-4141 (IN) 3.
Ilospital 588-4307 (IN)
Minor fire or explosion non-specific to the reactor or its control systems 1
GTP 894-2500 (AA) 2 Fire 659-2121 (IN)
- 7.,
l Procedure 6100 8
i i Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site i
Emergt i
l Last Rev. App. 00/00/87-Emergency i
Notificat i Page 2 of 4 Facility or individual contamina 1
1 Ilealth Physics (HP) 894-3605 s 2
See Roster for additional numbe 1
Unusual Events I = Immediately
' AA = After assessment has been made Radiological effluents at site boundary excee 98 10 MPC averaged i
over 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or 15 mrem whcle body accumulateu.n 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> i
1 GTP 894-2500--(AA) 2 NRC 331-4503 (AA) 3.
IIP - 894-3605 (I) 4 Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources (GDNR) 656-6903 (I)
Receipt of a bomb threat with possible radiological release implications 1.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 2.
NRC 331-4503 (AA)
Prolonged fire or minor explosion within facility but non-specific to the reactor or its control' systems 1
GTP 894-2500 (I) 2.
Fire 659-2121 (I)
Failure of an experiment with minor releases of radioactivity as determined by observing the.following ' levels on facility air monitors:
HAP Stack Particulates - > 27 MPC in Ci/sec Kanne - Stack Gas - 5850 microC1/sec Ar-41 equivalent
- 100:1 dilution factor applied from stack to perimeter fence 1
GTP 894-2500 (AA) 2.
NRC 331-4503 (AA) 3.
IIP 894-3605 (I)
Report of a tornado that could strike the facility & adversely affect reactor safety systems 1
IIP 894-3605 (I) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
!!RC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 1 l
l i
i Procedure 6100 3
I Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site i
Emergency i Last Rev. App. 00/00/87 Emergency l
Notification i Page 3 of 4 V.
Alert I = Immediately AA = After assessment has been made Radiological effluents at the site boundary exceeding 50 HPC when averaged over 24 hrs, or 75 mrem whole body accumulated in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 1
HP 894-3605 (I) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
NRC 331-4503 (AA) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (AA)
Radiation levels at site boundary of 20 mrem /hr for 1 hr. whole body or 100 mrem thyroid dose 1
HP 894-3605 (I) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
NRC 331-4503 (AA) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (AA)
Fire or explosion which might adversely affect the reactor or its safety systems 1
Fire 659-2121 (I) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
NRC 331-4503 (AA) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (AA)
Pool Level alarm & visual observation indicatind abnormal loss of water at a rate exceeding backup capacity 1
Fire 659-2121 (AA) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
HP 894-3605 (I)
Severe fuel damage or failure of an experiment resulting in sig-nificant releases of radioactivity as determined by observing the following levels on facility air & area radiation monitors:
HAP Stack Particulates - 27 MPC Kanne - Stack Gas - 5850 microCi/sec Ar-41 equivalent Two area radiation monitors in the Reactor Containment Building with readings above 100 mr/hr for 1 hr from an unexplained source 100:1 dilution factor applied from stack to perimeter fence 1
HP 894-3605 (I) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.
GT News Bureau 894-2452 (AA)
i Procedt re 6100 8
i i Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site i
Emergency I Last Rev. App. 00/00/87 Emergency i
Notificatici i Page 4 of 4 VI. Site Area Emergency I = Immediately Actual or, projected radiological efflue at site boundary exceeding 250 MPC when averaged over 24 i s or 375 mrem whole body or 500 mrem thyroid dose 1.
HP 894-3605 (I) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.
GT News Bureau 894-2452 (I)
Actual or projected radiation levels at the site boundary of 100 mrem /hr for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> whole body or 500 mrem thyroid dose 1
HP 894-3605 (I) 2.
GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.
GT News Bureau 894-2452 (I)
Partial or complete fuel meltdown resulting in releases of radio-activity as determined by measuring radiation ?.evels at site boundary using ionization chamber & air sampler 1
HP 894-3605 (I) 2 GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.
NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.
GT News Bureau 894-2452 (I)
- p NNRC PUNCHLIST June 1, 1987 Item Person la Charge Date Due Date Comp.
Physicals for Respirator Use Daphne Aycock a.
R. Boyd 9/15/87 b.
B. Downs 5/26/87 c.
D. McDowell 6/1/87 d.
J. Taylor 6/15/87 2.
Devise a Method to Analyze Bob Boyd 8/15/87 Waste Water Paul Sharpo 3.
Analysis of Liquid Waste Bob Boyd 6/1/87 Samples Comparison with Bernd Kahn 4.
Annual Training in Emergency Bob Boyd 7/15/87 Procedures 5.
Required Signs for Radiation Bob Boyd 7/1/87 Control 6.
Internal Audit for Health Bob Boyd 8/15/87 Physics 7.
Hood Inspections Bob Boyd 8/15/87 8.
Hand and Foot Counter and Bob Boyd 8/1/87 Frocedures 9.
Source Material Inventory Bob Boyd 10/1/87 10.
Fbps and Blueprints a.
Approved Changed Incor-David Cox 6/27/87 porated 11.
Level Alarm of D 0 David Cox 6/15/87 2
(Evaluation) 12.
Procedure and Surveillance a.
Review and Evaluate all Bill Downs 10/15/87 Procedures b.
Rod Calib. & Angle Question Bill Downs 10/15/87 13.
Internal Audit for Reactor Bill Downs 8/15/87 Operations Dean McDowell 14.
Devise document control and Bill Downs 3/15/87 Distribution System for Emergency Procedure and Plan Including Updating, Dating, and Revision Number w
's h
9 Item Person in Charge Date Due Date Comp.
Response to NRC Inspections a.
Inspection # 50-160/87-01 R.A. Karam 5/14/87 5/25/87 b.
Inspection # 50-160/87-03 R.A. Karam 6/26/87 c.
Inspection # 50-160/87-04 R.A. Karam 6/14/87 5/26/87 16.
Monthly Progress Reports to R.A. Karam Monthly 5/13/87 Savannah River Laboratory 17.
Proposal to Emory University R.A. Karam 5/31/87 and National Cancer Institute 18.
Proposal to Savannah River R.A. Karam 10/5/87 Laboratory l
Review of Nuclear Safeguards R.A. Karam 1/1/88 Committee Minutes for Reporting Facility Design Changes to NRC in Annual Report 20.
Audit of Hot Cell Operation
.Mahaffey 6/1/87 5/27/87 21.
Compliance with Jim Mahaffey's Sean McDowell 6/15/87 Report Mitch Mercer 22.
D Analyzer and Procedure Dean McDowell 8/15/87 2
Request to Renew B. Downs Dean McDowell 6/15/87 Lf. cense 24.
Special Nuclear Material Dean McDowell 10/1/87 Inventory Bob Boyd
- 25. Requalification Exam Dean McDowell 6/15/87 26.
Performance Observation 9f Dean McDowell 7/15/87 Licensed Operators 27.
Install Mirror Above Pool Dean McDowell 8/15/87 Dave Cox 28.
Criticality Alarms Mitch Mercer 5/13/87 5/13/87 a.
Above pool would not alarm b.
Monitor above Lab 149 does not work k
.w r.a..=~e
. gzw....
- ;., yr a.
- 29. External Audit of Health Nuclear 11/15/87
. Physics and Reactor Operations Safeguards
. Audits Committee ProceduresL2002, 2003, Annual Reports, 2004, 2005, 4901, 2006, 2010, 2011, console. Log, Health Physics, Experiment Approval Forms, Oper'ating Procedures for Adequacy
Deletion of Procedure 2210 Nuclear 7/9/87 Safeguards.
Committee 31.-
Update Emergency Telephone Judy Rodgers Every 3 Roster Quarterly Months:
- January, April,
- July, October
- 32. Update NNRC Punchlist Weekly Judy Rodgers Every Week
- 33. House Cleaning a.
Hot Cell Jerry Taylor 5/15/87 5/1/87 b.
Reactor Building Contain-Jerry Taylor 7/15/87 ment; All Three Floors c.
Office Space and Jerry Taylor 6/15/87 Laboratories
- 34. Change Resin Beds for Pool Jerry Taylor 6/1/87 5/25/87
- 35. Order New Resin Batch for Jerry Taylor 6/1/87 5/18/87 Reactor
- 36. Wash Chute with H O on a Jerry Taylor Weekly 2
Weekly Basis 6
S A.