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Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-160/87-04 on 870422-23.Corrective Actions:Encl Draft Procedure 6100, Emergency Notification Will Be Submitted to Nuclear Safeguard Committee for Approval on 870709
Person / Time
Site: Neely Research Reactor
Issue date: 05/26/1987
From: Karam R
Neely Research Reactor, ATLANTA, GA
To: Dan Collins
NUDOCS 8706160019
Download: ML20214W435 (8)



Georgia Institute of Technology N




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O ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30332-0425 May 26, 1987 Mr. Douglas M. Collins, Chief Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30323

Dear Mr. Collins:


Inspection Report No. 50-160/87-04 This letter is our response to the referenced inspection conducted by Mr.

W.M. Sartor on April 22-23, 1987.

The deviation cited in the inspection report relates to devising a procedure describing notification methods including:

the title of the person responsible, the agencies which must be notified for each class of emergency, the time period during which notification must take place, and the information to be provided.

The attached draft for the procedure ~ in question will be submitted to the Nuclear Safeguards Committee for approval at the next' meeting (approximately J uly 9, 1987 ).

Other improvements suggested by Mr. Sartor have been earmarked for inclusion in our Emergency Plan and Procedures (see appended punchlist for June 1-5, '987).

We thank you for your help and suggestions and we hope that you will find our response satisfactory. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Sincerely yours, K

R. A. Karam Director RAK:jlr


As stated 8706160019 970526 PDR ADOCK 05000160 o


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l Procedure 6100 8

l l Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site l

Emergency i Last Rev. App. 00/00/87 Emergency l

Notification i Page 1 of 4 I.

Purpose To delineate the steps to be taken and the appropriate organica-tions to be notified for each emergency type II. General Considerations Emergency notification rosters are posted throughout the facil-ity. Telephone numbers are listed for NNRC personnel, Georgia Tech support agencies, & off-site support agencies for local, state,

& federal assistance. Initial & follow-up emergency messages to 7

the NRC &, if applicable, to other offsite government agencies should, to the extent known, include the following:

1 Name, title, & telephone number of caller, & the location of


the incident 2

Description of the emergency event & class f,


Date & time of incident initiation 4

Type of expected or actual release (airborne, water-borne, surface spill) with estimated duration times t-5.

Quantity of radionuclides released or expected to be released y

6 Projected or actual dose rates outside of operations boundary Generally the Emergency Director is the person who initiates the notification process. Every effort should be made to locate him in case of an emergency. In his absence, an alternate emergency director would assume the responsibility.

III. Operational Event I = Immediately AA = After assessment has been made IN = If needed Civil disturbances or receipt of bomb threat non-specific to the reactor 1

Georgia Tech Police (GTP) 894-2500 (I) 2.

Alert NNRC staff & initiate assessment (I)

Personnel injury with or without radiological complications 1

GTP 894-2500 (I) 2 Ambulance 588-4141 (IN) 3.

Ilospital 588-4307 (IN)

Minor fire or explosion non-specific to the reactor or its control systems 1

GTP 894-2500 (AA) 2 Fire 659-2121 (IN)




l Procedure 6100 8

i i Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site i

Emergt i

l Last Rev. App. 00/00/87-Emergency i

Notificat i Page 2 of 4 Facility or individual contamina 1

1 Ilealth Physics (HP) 894-3605 s 2

See Roster for additional numbe 1


Unusual Events I = Immediately

' AA = After assessment has been made Radiological effluents at site boundary excee 98 10 MPC averaged i

over 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or 15 mrem whcle body accumulateu.n 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> i

1 GTP 894-2500--(AA) 2 NRC 331-4503 (AA) 3.

IIP - 894-3605 (I) 4 Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources (GDNR) 656-6903 (I)

Receipt of a bomb threat with possible radiological release implications 1.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 2.

NRC 331-4503 (AA)

Prolonged fire or minor explosion within facility but non-specific to the reactor or its control' systems 1

GTP 894-2500 (I) 2.

Fire 659-2121 (I)

Failure of an experiment with minor releases of radioactivity as determined by observing the.following ' levels on facility air monitors:

HAP Stack Particulates - > 27 MPC in Ci/sec Kanne - Stack Gas - 5850 microC1/sec Ar-41 equivalent

  • 100:1 dilution factor applied from stack to perimeter fence 1

GTP 894-2500 (AA) 2.

NRC 331-4503 (AA) 3.

IIP 894-3605 (I)

Report of a tornado that could strike the facility & adversely affect reactor safety systems 1

IIP 894-3605 (I) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

!!RC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 1 l

l i




i Procedure 6100 3

I Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site i

Emergency i Last Rev. App. 00/00/87 Emergency l

Notification i Page 3 of 4 V.

Alert I = Immediately AA = After assessment has been made Radiological effluents at the site boundary exceeding 50 HPC when averaged over 24 hrs, or 75 mrem whole body accumulated in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 1

HP 894-3605 (I) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

NRC 331-4503 (AA) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (AA)

Radiation levels at site boundary of 20 mrem /hr for 1 hr. whole body or 100 mrem thyroid dose 1

HP 894-3605 (I) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

NRC 331-4503 (AA) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (AA)

Fire or explosion which might adversely affect the reactor or its safety systems 1

Fire 659-2121 (I) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

NRC 331-4503 (AA) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (AA)

Pool Level alarm & visual observation indicatind abnormal loss of water at a rate exceeding backup capacity 1

Fire 659-2121 (AA) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

HP 894-3605 (I)

Severe fuel damage or failure of an experiment resulting in sig-nificant releases of radioactivity as determined by observing the following levels on facility air & area radiation monitors:

HAP Stack Particulates - 27 MPC Kanne - Stack Gas - 5850 microCi/sec Ar-41 equivalent Two area radiation monitors in the Reactor Containment Building with readings above 100 mr/hr for 1 hr from an unexplained source 100:1 dilution factor applied from stack to perimeter fence 1

HP 894-3605 (I) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.

GT News Bureau 894-2452 (AA)




i Procedt re 6100 8

i i Last Rev. 00/00/87 Site i

Emergency I Last Rev. App. 00/00/87 Emergency i

Notificatici i Page 4 of 4 VI. Site Area Emergency I = Immediately Actual or, projected radiological efflue at site boundary exceeding 250 MPC when averaged over 24 i s or 375 mrem whole body or 500 mrem thyroid dose 1.

HP 894-3605 (I) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.

GT News Bureau 894-2452 (I)

Actual or projected radiation levels at the site boundary of 100 mrem /hr for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> whole body or 500 mrem thyroid dose 1

HP 894-3605 (I) 2.

GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.

GT News Bureau 894-2452 (I)

Partial or complete fuel meltdown resulting in releases of radio-activity as determined by measuring radiation ?.evels at site boundary using ionization chamber & air sampler 1

HP 894-3605 (I) 2 GTP 894-2500 (I) 3.

NRC 331-4503 (I) 4 GDNR 656-6905 (I) 5.

GT News Bureau 894-2452 (I)

p NNRC PUNCHLIST June 1, 1987 Item Person la Charge Date Due Date Comp.


Physicals for Respirator Use Daphne Aycock a.

R. Boyd 9/15/87 b.

B. Downs 5/26/87 c.

D. McDowell 6/1/87 d.

J. Taylor 6/15/87 2.

Devise a Method to Analyze Bob Boyd 8/15/87 Waste Water Paul Sharpo 3.

Analysis of Liquid Waste Bob Boyd 6/1/87 Samples Comparison with Bernd Kahn 4.

Annual Training in Emergency Bob Boyd 7/15/87 Procedures 5.

Required Signs for Radiation Bob Boyd 7/1/87 Control 6.

Internal Audit for Health Bob Boyd 8/15/87 Physics 7.

Hood Inspections Bob Boyd 8/15/87 8.

Hand and Foot Counter and Bob Boyd 8/1/87 Frocedures 9.

Source Material Inventory Bob Boyd 10/1/87 10.

Fbps and Blueprints a.

Approved Changed Incor-David Cox 6/27/87 porated 11.

Level Alarm of D 0 David Cox 6/15/87 2

(Evaluation) 12.

Procedure and Surveillance a.

Review and Evaluate all Bill Downs 10/15/87 Procedures b.

Rod Calib. & Angle Question Bill Downs 10/15/87 13.

Internal Audit for Reactor Bill Downs 8/15/87 Operations Dean McDowell 14.

Devise document control and Bill Downs 3/15/87 Distribution System for Emergency Procedure and Plan Including Updating, Dating, and Revision Number w


's h

9 Item Person in Charge Date Due Date Comp.


Response to NRC Inspections a.

Inspection # 50-160/87-01 R.A. Karam 5/14/87 5/25/87 b.

Inspection # 50-160/87-03 R.A. Karam 6/26/87 c.

Inspection # 50-160/87-04 R.A. Karam 6/14/87 5/26/87 16.

Monthly Progress Reports to R.A. Karam Monthly 5/13/87 Savannah River Laboratory 17.

Proposal to Emory University R.A. Karam 5/31/87 and National Cancer Institute 18.

Proposal to Savannah River R.A. Karam 10/5/87 Laboratory l


Review of Nuclear Safeguards R.A. Karam 1/1/88 Committee Minutes for Reporting Facility Design Changes to NRC in Annual Report 20.

Audit of Hot Cell Operation

.Mahaffey 6/1/87 5/27/87 21.

Compliance with Jim Mahaffey's Sean McDowell 6/15/87 Report Mitch Mercer 22.

D Analyzer and Procedure Dean McDowell 8/15/87 2


Request to Renew B. Downs Dean McDowell 6/15/87 Lf. cense 24.

Special Nuclear Material Dean McDowell 10/1/87 Inventory Bob Boyd

25. Requalification Exam Dean McDowell 6/15/87 26.

Performance Observation 9f Dean McDowell 7/15/87 Licensed Operators 27.

Install Mirror Above Pool Dean McDowell 8/15/87 Dave Cox 28.

Criticality Alarms Mitch Mercer 5/13/87 5/13/87 a.

Above pool would not alarm b.

Monitor above Lab 149 does not work k

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29. External Audit of Health Nuclear 11/15/87

. Physics and Reactor Operations Safeguards

. Audits Committee ProceduresL2002, 2003, Annual Reports, 2004, 2005, 4901, 2006, 2010, 2011, console. Log, Health Physics, Experiment Approval Forms, Oper'ating Procedures for Adequacy


Deletion of Procedure 2210 Nuclear 7/9/87 Safeguards.

Committee 31.-

Update Emergency Telephone Judy Rodgers Every 3 Roster Quarterly Months:

January, April,
July, October
32. Update NNRC Punchlist Weekly Judy Rodgers Every Week
33. House Cleaning a.

Hot Cell Jerry Taylor 5/15/87 5/1/87 b.

Reactor Building Contain-Jerry Taylor 7/15/87 ment; All Three Floors c.

Office Space and Jerry Taylor 6/15/87 Laboratories

34. Change Resin Beds for Pool Jerry Taylor 6/1/87 5/25/87
35. Order New Resin Batch for Jerry Taylor 6/1/87 5/18/87 Reactor
36. Wash Chute with H O on a Jerry Taylor Weekly 2

Weekly Basis 6

S A.
