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Forwards Request for Addl Info to Complete NRC Review of Util 860327 Submittal Re Design Info on ESF Ventilation Sys to Be Installed in Fuel Handling Bldg.Tech Spec Change Request Required for Mod
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/18/1986
From: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Hukill H
NUDOCS 8609030462
Download: ML20212Q109 (5)


nms -o,g August - 18, 1986 e

Docket No. 50-289 Mr. Henry D. Hukill, Vice President -

and Director - TMI-1 GPU Nuclear Corporation P. O. Box 480 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057

Dear Mr. Hukill:


TMI-1 FHB ESF VENTILATION SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS By letter dated March 27, 1986, GPU provided design information concerning an ESF ventilation system to be installed in the fuel handling building as a result of commitments made during the TMI-1 restart hearings. Enclosed is a request for additional information necessary for the NRC staff to complete its review. You have not yet submitted a technical specification change request for this modification. Your amendment request may result in other questions by the NRC staff. In any event, we will need the answers to the enclosed questions to process the amendment.

S{ncerely, OfG0!aAL3gCRm 3g AAN F. swa.

John F. Stolz, Director PWR Project Direc.torate #6 Division of PWR Licensing-B


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page DISIRIBLITION ACRS-10 Gocket File > BGrimes NRC PDR JPartlow L PDR JThoma P8D-6 Rdg RIngram FMiraglia Gray File OGC-MNBB 9604 NThompsnn


EJordan TRoss e609030462 860818 RWeller PDR ADOCK 05000289 P PDR 84 M P -j PBD- PBD-6 -

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Mr. Henry D. Hukill Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, GPU Nuclear Corporation , Unit No. 1 cc:

Mr. R. J. Toole Mr. Richard Conte 0&M Director, TMI-1 Senior Resident Inspector (TMI-1)

GPU Nuclear Corporation U.S.N.R.C.

Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 P.O. Box 311 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Richard J. McGoey Manager, PWR Licensing Regional Administrator, Region I GPU Nuclear Corporation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 100 Interpace Parkway 631 Park Avenue Parsippany, New Jersey 70754 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 Mr. C. W. Smyth Mr. Robert B. Borsum TMI-1 Licensing Manager Babcock & Wilcox GPU Nuclear Corporation Nuclear Power Generation Division P. O. Box 480 Suite 220, 7910 Woodmont Avenue Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Ernest L. Blake, Jr., Esq. Governor's Office of State Planning Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge and Development 1800 M Street, N.W. '

ATTN: Coordinator, Pennsylvania Washington, D.C. 20036 State Clearinghouse P. O. Box 1323 Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq., Chairman Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Mr. Larry Hochendoner Washington, D.C. 20555 Dauphin County Comissioner Dauphin County Courthouse Mr. Frederick J. Shon Front and Market Streets Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. David D. Maxwell, Chairman Board of Supervisors Dr. Oscar H. Paris Londonderry Township Atomic Safety and Licensing Board RFD#1 - Geyers Church Road U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Thomas M. Gerusky, Director Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel Bureau of Radiation Protection U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Pennsylvania Department of Washington, DC 20555 Environmental Resources P. O. Box 2063 Atomic Safety &. Licensing Appeal Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Board Panel (8)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Thomas Y. Au, Esq.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Office of Chief Counsel Department of Environmental Resources Docketing and Service Section 505 Executive House Office of the Secretary P. 0._ Box 2357 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Washington, D.C. 20555 Ms. Louise Bradford TMIA 1011 Green Street Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102

Mr. Henry D. Hukill Three Mile Island Nuclear Station ,

GPU Nuclear Corporation Unit 1 TMIA 315 Feffer Street Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102 Bruce W. Churchill, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 l

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O FHB ESF Ventilation System Questions

1. Verify that the added mass of the new equipment and enclosure building does not significantly change the frequency of the fuel handling building.
2. Verify that the roof of the fuel handling building can adequately support the additional weight with load combinations including seismic events.
3. You have stated that "The internal generation of missiles from rotating machinery failure shall be considered in the design for separation and protection."
a. State the criteria for the design of the missile barriers and the location of the actual missile barriers installed.
b. State how your criteria compared to the criteria in the Standard Review Plan section 3.5.3 and explain the reasons for differences.
4. Provide the rationale for'the items classified as "Not Important to Safety" on page 12 of your March 27, 1986 submittal.
5. Provide sealant design criteria and data to assure its intended function throughout plant life, i.e. to provide a suitable seal for maintaining a negative pressure in the fuel ha'ndling building.
6. Describe the provisions and criteria for acceptance and surveillance testing to demonstrate that a negative pressure is maintained inside the fuel handling building. Otherwise justify the lack of such testing.
7. Clarify the provisions for manning the remote manual control panel during operation of the ESF Ventilation System.
8. Provide the rationale for excluding the effluent radiation monitor from the design criteria for protection systems as set forth in IEEE-279.

Clarify the means for assuring a reliable power supply for the effluent radiation monitor (Class 1E).

9. Provide the design criteria for the thermistor and ventilation flow control system.
10. State how the independence of Class 1E electrical equipment and circuits provided in the ESF ventilation system design compares to the criteria of Regulatory Guide 1.75.
11. Provide justification for any non-audible, non-flashing alarms involving the ESF filtration systems.
12. Provide the basis for the acceptability of the manual loading of the emergency power for the ESF ventilation system after a loss of offsite power, including timing and capacity of loading. Verify that unacceptable offsite releases will not occur prior to the system being powered following a loss of offsite power.
13. Document the drawings provided to the NRC for this review.

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14. Provide location and response time of radiation detectors relied on for automatic isolation of the TMI-1 fuel handling building operating floor ventilation system and tripping of the fuel handling building supply fans.

Describe means for assuring that a sufficiently rapid manual trip of the TMI-1 auxiliary and fuel handling building ventilation and exhaust fans will be provided after a TMI-1 fuel handling accident is detected (alarmed) to stop uncontrolled leakage of radioactive materials to the auxiliary building and hence to the environment.

15. Describe means for assuring sufficiently rapid manual trip of the TM1-2 normal ventilation fans and closure of the TMI-2 normal ventilation supply and exhaust ducts leading to and from the fuel handling operating floor.

Describe means for assuring that the filters in the TMI-2 ventilation system that are being relied on to mitigate the effects of a TMI-1 fuel handling accident will effectively control the release of radioactive materials.

16. Describe means for assuring that all effluents from a TMI-1 fuel handling accident will be sampled and monitored.
17. Describe the administrative cont'rols in place to preclude handling of heavy loads from the TMI-2 fuel pool over the stored spent fuel in the TMI-1 spent fuel pool.

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