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Notice of Violation from Insp on 860422-25
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/21/1986
Shared Package
ML20211P723 List:
REF-QA-99901056 99901056-86-01, 99901056-86-1, NUDOCS 8607230348
Download: ML20211P726 (1)



APPENDIX A Henry Vogt Machine Company Docket No. 99901056/86-01 NOTICE OF VIOLATION As a result of the inspection conducted on April 22-25, 1986 and in accor-dance with Section 206 of the Energy Peorganization Act of 1974 and its im-plementing regulations 10 CFR Part 21, the following violation was identified and categorized in accordance with NRC Enforcement Policy (10 CFR Part 2, Ap-pendix C), 49 FR8583 (March 8, 1984):

Section 21.31 of 10 CFR Part 21 dated May 31, 1984 states, in part, "Each...,

corporation.... subject to the regulations in this part shall assure that each procurement document for a facility.... issued...on or after January 6,1978 specifies, when applicable, that the provisions of 10 CFR Part 21 apply'."

Contrary to the above, the Henry Vogt Machine Company has not imposed the pro-visions of 10 CFR Part 21 on vendors that supply calibration services for me-Such metal-tallurgical testing equipment and temperature monitoring devices.

lurgical testing equipnent and temperature monitoring devices are routinely used by Henry Vogt to control and assure the quality of material in valves sup-plied to their nuclear customers.

(86-01-01) i 8607230348 860721 PDR GA999 EMVVOGT PDR 99901056 n