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EN-86-074A:on 870313,order Issued Imposing Civil Penalties in Amount of $3,000 to Univ of Utah,Based on Transportation, Health Physics,Safeguards & Operations Violations Noted in 860930 Enforcement Notification EN-86-074
Person / Time
Site: 05000072, University of Utah
Issue date: 03/13/1987
From: Beach A, Flack E
EN-86-074A, EN-86-74A, NUDOCS 8703170388
Download: ML20207R575 (1)


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b es March 13, 1987 EN 86-74A 0FFIkEOFINSPECTIONANDENFORCEMENT NOTIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT ENFORCEMENT ACTION-Licensee: University of,Jtah, Salt Lake City, Utah Docket No. 50-)72 and 50-407 License Nos. R-25 and R-126


IMPOSITION OF. CIVIL PENALTIES - $3,000 By EN 86-74 dated September 30, 1986 the Comission was notified of the intent of IE to issue a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties in the amount of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) to the University of Utah.

This action was based on transportation, health physics, safeauards, and operation violations. The transportation violations resulted from radioactive material in the form of a TRIGA reactor core component beina transported from the University of Utah campus to a location in Salt. Lake City for maintenance and back to the university without shippina p' apers, proper labelina, or radioloaical surveys to determine external radiation or contamination limits. The health physics violations involved the failure to perform adequate surveys and the

-failure to maintain control of the TRIGA reactor core component. Three safe-guards violations involvina the Physical Security Plan and four violations involving the operation of the TRIGA reactor were also identified. Collectively, these violations demonstrated the need for improved control of licensed activities to ensure adherence to NRC requirements and safe performance of licensed activities.

The licensee responded to the Notice in letters dated October 29, 1986. After careful consideration of,the licensee's response, the staff has concluded that the violations assessed civil penalties did occur as set forth in the Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties. Accordinaly, an Order Imposing Civil Penalties in the amount of $3,000 has been issued today. Under the terms of the Order, the licensee may within 30 days of the date of the Order, pay the civil penalties or request a hearina.


E. Flack, IE 29823 A. Beach, IE 24909 Distribution:

H Street

'Ao MNBB 62.Y Phillips h!db EW Willste

?VJ Chairman ec EDO NRR IE NMSS Com. Roberts DED/ROGR OIA Com. Asselstine PA 01 Com. Bernthal OGC AE0D Com. Carr RM ACRS


Air Riahts 7.'Y/ Reaional Offi, cps MAIL SECY CA SP RI @.2 3 RIV Yt.23 ADM: Doc. Mgt. Br.

0GC RII V/23RV y: 2_3 PDR RIII W.2 3 RES 8703170388 870313 PDR I&E h-3.3 EN-86-074A PDR
