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Ack Receipt of 861218 Response to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-354/86-45.Corrective Actions Will Be Examined During Future Insp
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1987
From: Martin T
To: Corbin McNeil
Public Service Enterprise Group
NUDOCS 8701140017
Download: ML20207N149 (2)

See also: IR 05000354/1986045


{{#Wiki_filter:._ _

                                                   JAN 0 61987
            Docket No. 50-354
            Public Service Electric & Gas Company
            ATTN: Mr. C. A. McNeill, Jr.
                    Vice President - Nuclear
            Post Office Box 236
            Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038
            Subject:    Inspection 50-354/86-45
            This refers to your letter dated December 18, 1986 in response to our letter
          ' dated November 18, 1986.
            Thank you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions documented
            in your letter. These actions will be examined during a future inspection of
            your licensed program.
            Your cooperation with us is appreciated.
                                                        M L Co.E.
                                                        051AlidiSikEc~db                    h][[cv m f
                                                 ,[gomas       T. Martin,
                                                         Division  of Radiation Direct'or
                                                                                     Safety and
            R. S. Salvesen, General Manager, Hope Creek Operations
            A. E. Giardino, Manager, Station Quality Assurance
            W. H. Hirst, Manager, Joint Generation Projects Department, Atlantic
              Electric Company
            L. A. Reiter, General Manager - Licensing and Reliability
            Rebecca A. Green, Bureau of Radiation Protection
            Public Document Room (PDR)
            Local Public Document Room (LPDR)
            Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)
            NRC Resident Inspector


            State of New Jersey
        8701140017 870106
        PDR     ADCCK 05000354                                                                         y
        Q                    PDR
                                        OFFICIAL RECORD COPY        RL HC 86-45 - 0001.0.0
                                                                    12/30/86                       [
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      Region I Docket Room'(with concurrences)'
      Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o enc 1)
      DRP Section Chief
      Robert J. Bores, DRSS


      RI:DRSS              RI:DRSS            RI:DRSS

' RI:DRSS i Niinitz Kottan Shanbaky Bellamy

      12/3)/85            -42.  , . .
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.         .
                                                      Putt c Service
                                                      Eie:tnc and Gas
    CorDin A. McNeill. Jr.       Put,ic Service Eiectnc anc Gas Comoany P O Box 23E.Mancocks Bndge N,:0B038 609 339 4800
    See 5 es :e-:
    Et ea-
                                                                December 18, 1986
            United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
            Region 1
            631 Park Avenue
            King of Prussia, PA            19406
            Attention:     Thomas T. Martin, Director
                           Division of Reactor Safety and Safeguards
            NRC INSPECTION 50-354/86-45
            DOCKET NO. 50-354
            Public Service Electric and Gas Company has received the subject
            inspection report dated November 18, 1986 which identified eleven
            (11) Open Items regarding the implementation of NUREG-0737, items
            II.B.3, Post Accident Sampling Capability, II.F.1-1, Noble Gas
            Effluent Monitors, II.F.1-2, Sampling and Analysis of Plant
            Effluents, II.F.1-3, Containment High-Range Monitor and
            III.D.3.3, Improved Inplant Iodine Monitoring.
            PSE&G has either planned or taken actions in response to the
            identified deficiencies and the other commitments made by PSE&G
            during the course of the inspection (noted in bection 10.0 of tne
            inspection report). Attachment A to this letter identifies those
            corrective actions which are planned or have been taken as
            requested in the cover letter of the inspection report.
            Should you have any questions with regard to this transmittal, do
            not hesitate to call.
                                                                        ]dQd) 3 [M
                            . --                                  .   _           -.    _             -


          Mr. Thomas T. Martin            2  12-18-86
          C  Mr. D. H. Wagner
             USNRC Licensing Project Manager
             Mr. R. W. Borchardt
             USNRC Senior Resident Inspector
  :q-             g-


9          .
      .                              ATTACHMENT A
                 PSE&G RESPONSES TO NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-354/86-45
                                        OPEN ITEMS
        OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-01
        -    Reactor Coolant Sampling improvement items
        a.   Sample needles were bent during the first attempt at taking
             an undiluted reactor coolant sample.
             PSE&G has reviewed and evaluated the sample vial positioning
             and alignment. A change to the positioning and alignment
             shall be completed under Design Change Request (DCR)
             4-HMM-86-1325 in the second quarter of 1987.
        b.   The liquid sample vial septum retaining ring was damaged
             (split) during sampling to the extent that it no longer
             retained the septum.
             The split retainer ring used in the large volume undiluted
             sample has been changed to a non-split retainer ring. This
             has been revised in Procedure CH-EO.SH-001(0). Additional
             precautions requiring checking the condition of the vial
             immediately after the sample has been withdrawn into the
             lead pig have been incorporated into CH-EO.SH-001(O).
        OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-02
             Containment Air Sampling improvement items
         a.  Suitable silver zeolite cartridges were not available at the
             Hope Creek site for airborne iodine sampling. Also, the
             charcoal cartridges used during the test were not purged.
             Chemistry has placed silver zeolite cartridges on storeroom
             folio 31-9643. The General Electric PASS is designed with
             purging capabilities after the sample has been taken
             allowing fur noble gas activity to be purged from the
             cartridges. This is contained within procedure
             CH-EO.SH-001(0), step
          b. The PASS s.7mpling procedure does not specify whether to use
              the air sarapler rotameter or the flow maintained by the
             limiting flow orifice in calculating airborne particulate
             and iodine activity.
             Chemistry uses the air sampler rotameter in accordance with
              Procedure CH-EO.SH-001(O), steps and
             The total volume through the cartridge and particulate
              filter is calculated on Attachment 4 of the procedure.
              -.  - _ . .-.   .
                                      .          ._   - _ . . .
 .      .

. .

      .   c.    The PASS sampling procedure requires that an airborne
                particulate and iodine sample be taken for a preset time
                rather than allowing the technician taking the sample to
                vary the time based on the amount of radioactivity being
                collected on the sampling media.
                The setpoint of the process radiation monitor for the
                drywell sample will be lowered to less than or equal to 50
                mR/hr to serve as an alert to chemistry personnel to cease
                sampling. This action will be completed by January 31,
                1987. Chemistry Procedure CH-EO.SH-001(O) has been revised
                to call for samole size limitation when there is a rapid
                climb in the panel process monitor reading.
          OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-03
                Chloride analysis improvement items
          a.    PSE&G was found not to be a registered user of the shipping
                cask which was designed for shipping of PASS undiluted
                liquid samples.   Also, there were no procedures for sample
                loading and closure of the cask.
                Pursuant to the requirement of 10CFR 71.12, PSE&G requested
                to become a registered user of the "AS-1 NUPAC cask on
                October 7, 1986. Since that time, we have received the
                vendor manuals from both the Pooled Inventory Management
                System (PIMS) group and from NUPAC and these manual
                documents are now controlled by the engineering department.
                A procedure for PAS-1 cask use has been written and either
                the procedure or the vendor manual will be used as a
                temporary procedure when (and if) the cask is used.
          b.    PSE&G had not established maximum dose rate criteria for use
                in determining when a PASS liquid sample can ce analyzed
                onsite without exceeding GDC-19 criteria.
                Chemistry Procedure CH-EO.SH-004 has been revised to provide
                the abort point above which onsite chloride analysis will
                not be performed.   The trigger level for this is 50 mR/hr
                contact on the vial. This value is based on the fact that
                the ion-chromatograph equipment is outside the shielded hood
                setup for other PASS wet chemical analyses. Samples with
                contact doses exceeding this value will be shipped to
                Babcock & Wilcox for analysis.
          OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-04
              - PSE&G will review core damage assessment methodology to
                ensure that appropriate radionuclides are determined in
                order to implement the core damage estimate procedure


  .     RESPONSE
         a.  Revisions have been made to CH-EO.SH-004(0), PASS Post-
             Accident Sample Analysis, to include a gamma scan printout
             as an attachment to the procedure. The Chemistry
             Coordinator may use the nuclides contained within
             CH-TI.ZZ-011(0) off the printout to calculate core damage.
        OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-05
             The procedure for performing dissolved gas sampling at the
             PASS did not provide guidance for reinitiating sample flow
             following the collection of a liquid sample.
         a.  Chemistry has revised Procedure CH-EO.SH-001(0) to clarify
             the steps and provide guidance for reinitiating sample flow
             for dissolved gas sampling.      Procedure was revised and
             technicians were retrained on that portion of the procedure.
        OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-06
             Other PASS improvement items
         a.  Technicians which were assigned to perform the PASS sampling
             during the inspection were not qualified on the use of
             All seventeen chemistry technicians and assistants who may
             be called upon to take a PASS sample were qualified in the
             use of SCBAs as of October 20, 1986.
         b.  Dose limits had not been established for removing the
             transport shield and handling an undiluted vial of reactor
             water in the chemistry laboratory.
             PSE&G has established that samples that can be diluted will
             be diluted for handling and analysis within the chemistry
             labora to ry .   For sample analyses that may not be amenable to
             dilution (e.g., pH), it is prudent to set a maximum
             allowable dose rate for the sample. Using the worst case
             coolant scenario, calculation indicate that the quarterly
             extremity dose limits could be approached (not exceeded).
             The whole body dose is not limiting for this activity under
             design basis accident conditions. Therefore, a maximum
             allowable dose rate of 500 mR/hr outside the cask is being
             evaluated as a potential criteria. This value represents a
             scenario about 50% of the design basis case and would
             provide a significant margin of safety for meeting GDC-19
             criteria.      However, based on the GDC-19 analysis of time and
             dose, the design basis accident case meets tne design
 ; ._.


         c.   Tho tongs used for removing the containment gas esmple vial
              from the sample vial holder did not work.
              The tongs have been modified to allow the analyst to remove
              the vial without difficulty and transport it to the shielded
              cask in keeping with ALARA practices.
         OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-07
              Noble Gas Effluent Monitor improvement items
         a.   The use of CRCONV, a computer program used to correct
              detector response to total concentration, in the dose
              assessment procedure needs clarification.
              PSE&G feels that the existing dose assessment procedures
              (manual and computer) provide the necessary conversion from
              total noble gas concentration to dose. The appropriate
              CRCONV conversion factors within the RMS channel setpoint
              have been installed.
          b,c & d
              The inspector requested verification of the concentrations
              of Xe-133 and Kr-85 used by the vendor in the original type
              test of the RD-72 detectors, the linearity of the RD-72
              detectors as they approach maximum concentration of 105
              uci/cc and the reproducibility of the volume viewed by the
              high-range detectors as installed in the shield.
              The Hope Creek RD-72 detectors (high-range effluent
              channels) have been calibrated in accordance with the
              vendor's methodology utilizing NBS traceable transfer
              sources and are considered to be fully operable.   However,
              the inspectors expressed specific conerns with respect to
              the vendor's type calibration of the RD-72 detectors.
              These concerns will be addressed by conducting site tests
              which are beyond the normal requirements for radiation
              monitoring system startup. Specifically, site testing will
              consist of utilizing gaseous Xe-133 and Kr-85 sources for at
               least 2 concentrations per channel to verify the detector     ,
              linearity through the count rate region required to achieve    l
               the stated 105 uci/cc channel range. This testing will be
              used to verify gaseous officiencies, detector linearity, and
               the reproducibility of the high-range chamber volume to
              supplement the vendor supplied test data.
              At the current time, all six RD-72 installed at Hope Creek
              have been calibrated using not only the vendor's sources,
               but also sets of NBS traceable camma and beta disc sources
               to verify detector energy response. In addition, the
               linearity of each channel has been tested in excess of 105
               CPM using solid Sr-90 disc sources.


          To implement                                a nsw sito temporcry
    *                      the sdditionelwill
          procedure RP-TE.SP-012(Q)        tacting,itten
                                              be wr      prior to December
          31, 1986. This procedure will be reviewed by site Radiation
          Protection staf f members to assure that ALARA is practiced
          in the source handling. Required test fixtures and sources
          will also be specified during procedure development and
          review.    Following the selection of appropriate test
          fixtures and sources, these items will be purchased with
          delivery scheduled to avoid excessive source decay prior to
          use in the calibrations. Since testing of these channels
          could interfere with normal effluent monitoring, these
          activities must be scheduled within the restraints of plant
          operation. Due to the relatively high concentrations of
          Xe-133 and Kr-85 gas required for testing, this testing will
          only be conducted following careful fabrication of a test
          loop for gas handling. Similarly, a special source holder
          must be fabricated prior to use of the largest linearity
          test source to reduce personnel exposure.
          With reasonable source delivery times and test fixture
          fabrication times, these testing activities are expected to
          be completed by March 31, 1987.
      e.  The inspectors suggested that PSE&G consider regular
          verfication the database setpoints for these monitors.
          PSE&G is developing a computer program to provide
          verification of database setpoints on a regular basis.
           Procedure RP-AP.SP-001(0) will be revised by January 31,
           1987 to require verification of all Tech Spec related
           satpoints at least weekly, ar.d all non-Tech spec related
           setpoints semimonthly.
      f.   The inspector suggested that PSE&G consider the maintenance
           of a list of required spare parts for the Radiation
           Monitoring System.
           The Hope Creek Station planning department currently retains
           a list containing more than 300 line items of spare parts.
      OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-08
      -    Improvement items for sampling and analyses of plant
       a.  The inspector suggested that the north and south plant vent
           skid operation procedure be revised to provide for the
           locally controlled collection of a brief grab sample in the
            idle sample position.
           The vent sample collection procedure RP-TI.SP-003(Q) is
           being revised to include a sample volume (i.e., time
           sampling) limitation based on Noble Gas concentration
           readout (i.e., less than 30 seconds of sampling time in
           Noble Gas concentrations exceeding 1 uCi/cc). Procedure
            revision will be completed by January 31, 1987.
        -                                                                             l


                   Note:     The procedure was incorrectly referenced as
                      (RP)ST-003(0) in the inspection report.                         !
      b.          The inspector suggested modification of the FRVSV skid
                   operation procedure to limit the time of the first
                   post-accident grab sample to f acilitate its removal from the
                   shield and its transport.
                   Procedure RP-SO.ST-002(0) will be revised by January 31,
                   1987 to limit the time of the first grab sample that is
                   obtained following the onset of post-accident concentrations
                  of radiogases.
                   Note:     The procedure was incorrectly referenced as
                   RP-ST-004(0) in the inspection report.
      c.           The inspector suggested that spare loaded particulate filter
                   and iodine cannister holders be provided so that the sample
                   holder does not have to be unloaded by hand to install a
                    fresh particulate filter and iodine cannister.
                   Spare particulate filter and iodine cannister holders are
                   currently available onsite for installation on the skids
                   subsequent to filter holder removal.
      d.          The inspector suggested a revision to the north and south
                   plant vent skids operation procedure to require that samples
                  be purged prior to their transport.
                   Procedure RP-T1.SP-003(0), Operation of the NPV and SPV
                   Skids will be revised by January 31, 1987 to include purging
                  of samples using a portable nitrogen source prior to sample
      c.           The inspector suggested that a supplementary readout
                    location for the FRVSV be provided so the person performing
                    the sample will have a local readout.
                   PSE&G has evaluted the need to re-locate the FRVSV Area
                   Radiation Monitor (ARM).     Because the annunciator for the
                  ARM is in close proximity to the skid and the technician is
                   performing the sample changeout will have a portable dose
                   rate instrument in his/her possession, ARM local readout
                   relocation is not required. In addition to using portable
                   dose rate survey instrumentation, technicians obtaining
                   samples normally have in their possession portable radios
                   such that they are in constant communication with personnel
                   at the 137' Elevation Control Point.     Personnel at the
                  Control Point have access to the RM-ll Console where they
                  can obtain FRVSV skid and ARM radiation data.
      OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-09
                   Containment High Range Monitor improvement items
          - _ _ _ ___           _  ,_            -     .      -
                                                                               . - .-


     a.  The inspector noted that the Containment High Range Monitor
         was not described in alarm response procedures.
         Procedure OP-AR.ZZ-Oll(0) is being revised to address this
         concern. The estimated issue date of this procedure
         revision is January 31, 1987.
     b.  The monitor surveillance procedure (IP-CC.SP-041(0)) does
         not verify alarm annunication (signal transfer from the
         RM-80 to the RM-ll),
         This procedure will be revised to include verification of
         alarm annunciation by January 31, 1987.
    c.   Documentation was not available to substantiate
         qualification of the installed cable / connector information.
         General Atomic Test Report E-254-960 dated May 1, 1981
         considered Raychem WCSF-N to be a prequalified material
         based upon Franklin Research Laboratories - Final Report
         F-C4033-3 and the Raychem Energy Division Report Number
         EDR-5019.    The subject of these reports were cable splices
         and did not include metallic electrical connectors.
         Further study has revealed that Conax Corpcration Design
         Qualification Test Report IPS-1054 has included the Amphenol
         82-816 HN Connector (metallic) protected by Raychem WCSF-N
         shrink tubing as a qualified cenfiguration.     A safety
         evaluation performed by PSE&G Engineering has esablished the
         similarity between the tested configuration and the Hope
         Creek configuration. This safety evaluation has established
         that the high range containment monitor cable assembly is
         qualified to Hope Creek environmental and Design Basis
         Earthquake conditions for a service life of 22 years, after
         which the outer WCSF-a tubing is to be replaced (assuming
         maximum temperature conditions prevail throughout the entire
         22 years of use).
    OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-10
         Improvement items for In-Plant Iodine Instrumentation Under
         Accident Conditions
    a.   The inspector requested that the acceptability of the
         methods used by PSE&G to determine the efficiency of SAM-2
         single channel analyzer be evaluated or that the method be
         changed to provide a geometry which is more consistent with
         the iodine deposition to be expected (i.e. face loaded,
         uniform iodine deposition).
         A face loaded uniform " calibration" zeolite cartridge has
         been ordered from our vendor which will alleviate potential
         geometry problems associated with the counting of these
         samples. The anticipated delivery date is Janaury 15, 1987.
 .      .


   ..     b.  Tho insosctor suggested that "hanos on* training with
      ,       emergency sampling equipment be provided as opposed to the
              current practice of procedure walk throughs with some hands
             oon training being given during emergency. exercises.
              " Hands-on" training is being provided for set-up and
              operation of emergency sampling equipment including the use
              of the 9.5 liter Marinelli beaker with vacuum pump and SAM-2
              single. channel analyzers. .As of December 5, 1986,-19 out of
              25 Radiation Protection technicians had received this
          c.  The inspector identified a number of deficiencies related to
              the Emergency Procedures which address NUREG-0737 Item
              III.D.3.3 (EP IV-ll2 and EP-IV-113).
              The following changes were made to these procedures in
              response to the inspectors comments. The affected pages are
              attached (see Attachment B):
              1)  The locations for sample pumps were indicated to be at
                  the 137 foot elevation locker, the 124 foot control
                  room /OSC locker and the TSC. (See Step 3.12, Page 1 of
                  Attachment B).
              2)  A minimum sample volume for low volume air samples is
                  provided.   The time period is 30 minutes for an MDA of
                  25% MPC I-131, or for a shorter duration at the
                  direction of the Radiation Protection Coordinator or his
                  designee.   (See Step 3.14.2, Page 2 of. Attachment B).
              3)  The sample " turnover" requirement to ensure the
                  Radiation Materials Coordinator receives samples is to
                  turn in the sample to the RMC or his designee directly.
                   (See Step 3.17, Page 2 of Attachment B).
              4)  The sample documentation requirements are clarified and
                  described by reference to the proper' attachments for a
                  Marinelli air sample and an air sample analysis work
                  sheet.   (See Step 3.11 and 3.11.1 and referenced
                  attachments, Pages 3-6 of Attachmenmt B).
              5)  An " abort-point" or hold point is defined in reference
                  to EP IV-104 Section 3.10, which instructs development
                  of hold points based on the preceding steps of that
                  procedure.   (See Step 3.13, Page 7 of Attachment B).
              6)  The nitrogen purge location for purging sample
                  cartridges is in a place that will facilitate exposure
                  reduction and not interfere with the measurements in
                  progress (See Step 3.12.2, Page 8 of Attachment B).
              7)  The terms " habitable / accessible" were defined as low
                  background areas  (< 0.5 mR/hr.).
    ,     8)  The maximum allowable background to count / analyze sample
              cartridges is defir.ed as < 0.5 mR//hr. (See Step
               3.12.2.b, Page 9 of Attachment B) .
          9)  The survey geometry used for estimating iodine deposited
              on charcoal cartridges was described as closed window,
               cartridge inlet side up and at the center of the
               cartridge. A diagram was also provided (See Step
               3.12.4.b, Page 9 and 10 of Attachment B) .
          10) The dose rate criteria for selecting a method to analyze
               a sample based on size of source and geometry was
               revised.   From NUREG-4297 (source size correction
               factors) a correction factor of C.6 was determined and
               incorporated, changing the hold point of 5 mR/hr to 3
               mR/hr. (See Step 3.12.3.a, Page 9 of Attachment B).
          11) An equation for determination of iodine airborne
               activity when using the SAM-2 was established and is


               included in the procedure.     (See page 6 of Attachment
          12) The location of Ba-133 check sources for verifying
               efficiency of SAM-2 was identified as the Control Point
               locker at the 137 foot elevation (See Step 91, Page 12
               of Attachment B).
          13) The minimum acceptable vacuum required for use of the
               9.5 liter evacuated Marinelli is identified as 20 inches
               mercury (See Step 3.11.2, Page 1 of Attachment B).
          14) Geometry of cartridge when using the SAM-2 is
               described. The geometry is inlet side down (arrows
               pointing up) and is diagramed.     (See Step 91, Page 10
               and 12 of Attachment B).
           15) Acceptable samole storage locations are described and
               referenced in EP IV-lll as the sample storage cave and
               or a lead pig (See Steps 3.8 and 4.1, Page 13 and 14 of
               Attachment B).
      d.   Procedure RP-SA.ZZ-002(O), Airborne Radioactivity Analysis
          was missing from the controlled procedures in the Hope Creek
          Technical Support Center (TSC).
          The set of controlled Radiation Protection procedures
           located in the main TSC area is not a complete set. This
           set includes selected procedures which may provide guidance
           to Radiation Protection personnel assigned to the TSC.
           Maintenance of a controlled copy of the Airborne
           Radioactivity Analysis procedure within the TSC is neither
           appropriate nor necessary. However, it should be noted that
           two (2) complete controlled sets of Radiation Protection
           procedures are located in the upper level of the TSC (Hope
           Creek Radiation Protection office area) for use, if needed.
                                    ._. -.


   , e.  The inspector noted that Procedure RP-TI.ZZ-031(O) is
         referenced in Emergency Procedures but that this procedure
         has not been formally established and approved for use.
         The purpose of this procedure is to replace a current
         chemistry sample analysis procedure. RP-TI.ZZ-031(Q), Gamma
         Spectroscopy Counting is being developed and is scheduled
         for completion on February 1, 1987.
     f.  The inspector suggested the dedication of additional SAM-2s
         in the emergency lockers of the Hope Creek Emergency
         Response Facilities.
         SAM-2s will be added to the lockers in the Control Room and
         TSC in addition to the SAM-2 which is already available at
         the control point.    Additional SAM-2s are also available
         at the instrument issue room on the 124' elevation.
     OPEN ITEM 50-354/86-45-11
         OA and Design Review improvement items
     a.  Applicable procedures did not address actions required to
         ensure the availability of the elevator which is used to
         transport the PASS sample to the chemistry laboratory.
         Emergency Procedure EP IV-204 has been revised to state that
         the Chemistry Activities Coordinator shall be responsible
         for notifying the Control Room to energize elevator 31-04
         via motor contol center MCC-00B474. Procedure
         CH-EQ.SH-007(O) (for transporting the PASS sample) will be
         revised by January 31, 1987 to include a precaution that the
         Chemistry Activities Coordinator ensure that elevator 31-04
         is appropriately energized prior to transportation of the
         PASS sample.
     b.  The PASS Operation and Maintenance Instruction Manual dated
         November 1981 did not reflect as-built design changes which
         have been prescribed by the manuf acturer (General Electric)
         and incorporated into the system.
         PSE&G has discussed this with the manuf acturer.   General
         Electric is to provide an updated manual which incorporates
         all of the aforementioned changes / revisions by December 31,
     c.  The inspector requested clarification of the calibration
         rEqdirements for PASS panel instrumentation.
         Hope Creek FSAR Section, item J.6 states that
         " equipment used for post accident sampling analysis will be
         calibrated or tested approximately every six months." In
         keeping with this commitment, test sampling is performed
         every six months by the Chemistry department to determine


          the cccurecy of the cquipmont. If problems are encounterod,
          appropriate instrumentation will be recalibrated at that
          time.   Othe rwise , those instruments which are necessary for
          PASS sampling are calibrated every 18 months.
      d.  The inspector suggested that an-adaptor be developed to
          facilitate the operation of PASS panel control switch
          An adaptor to provide the additional leverage required to
          facilitate the rotation and holding of control switch HC-652
          will be incorporated into the PASS panel in accordance with
          Design Change Request (DCR) 4-HME-86-1326. This DCR is
          projected for completion in the first quarter of 1987.
          PSE&G made several other performance related commitments
          during the course of the inspection. The commitments made
          and related responses are as follows:
       a. The Chemistry department was to issue a directive providing
          specific guidance relative to the certification of personnel
          for operation of the PASS.
          Chemistry Directive CH-DD.ZZ-018 was written and implemented
          on September 29, 1986.
       b. PSE&G committed to revise the PASS procedure by September
          29, 1986 to provide clear guidance for dissolved gas
          Procedure CH-EO.SH-001(0), Revision 4 was revised by
          September 29, 1986 and approved on October 1, 1986 to
          include clarification of dissolved gas sampling and
          resolution of performance-related problems identified by NRC
          during observation of dissolved gas sampling.
       c. PSE&G committed to qualifying at least one Chemistry
          Technician or Chemistry Assistant per shift in the revised
          PASS procedures prior to startup subsequent to the end of
          the inspection.    PSE&G also committed to qualifying all
          Chemistry Technicians and Chemistry Assistants in the
          revised procedures by October 10, 1986.
          Prior to startup subsequent to the end of the inspection, at
          least one Chemistry Technician or Chemistry Assistant was
          qualified. All Chemistry Technicians and Chemistry
          Assistants were qualified on PASS by November 26, 1986. The
          October 10, 1986 date was not met because of testing
          restrictions on equipment imposed by the Hope Creek Power
          Ascension program.


     d. PSE&G committed to comploting Salf Contcinsd Br@cthing
 ,      Apparatus (SCBA) training for Chemistry Technicians and
        Chemical Assistants by November 12, 1986.
        All Chemistry Technicians and Assistants were SCBA qualified
        by October 20, 1986,
     e. PSESG committed to providing " hands-on" training in use of
        the in-plant iodine sampling equipment for at least one
        Radiation Protection technician per shift prior to startup
        subsequent to the end of the inspection. PSE&G also
        committed to providing this training for all Radiation
        Protection technicians on an expedited basis.
        Prior to startup subsequent to the inspection at least one
        Radiation Protection Technician per shift had received
        " hands-on" training in the use of in-plant iodine sampling
        equipment including the 9.5 liter Marinelli beakers with
        vacuum pumps and the SAM-2 single channel analyzers.
        Training for other Radiation Protection Technicians is
                _             _ - _ .
          .                                      ATTACHMENT   B              PAGE 1
                                                                           EP IV-112
                                                                           Pa. 3 of 9
    )(    15'-100 -13 3.11.1 Use only a Marinelli beaker which has 20" Mc
                                      or more of vacuum pressure.    EPIV-113
                                      Attachment 3 provides correction table for
                                      values less than 30" Ho.
                        3.11.2 For beakers less than 20" Ha or to incre'ase
                                      pressure obtain a vacuum pump from 124'          ;
                                      elevation, instrument issue room. Disconnect
                                      filter holder assembly from stopcock. Attach
                                      vacuun pump to stopcock opposite vacuum cauge
                                      (Attachment 1). Start pump and evacuate
                                      Marinelli between 20" and 30" Ha. Close
                                      stopcock before shutting pump or removing
                        3.11.3 Obtain from 137' elevation locker a samplina
                                      head.   Check for Radeco filter /cartridce       l
                                      holder, particulate filter paper and silver
                                      zeolite cartridge, and connect this assembly
                                      to the valve of the above Marinelli beaker.
                                      Note: The entire assembly may already be
                                      pre-assembled. Check O-rinas of the Radeco
                                      holder and carefully clean them, if necessary,
                                      to ensure an air-tight seal.
                        3.11.4 Attach the sampling head to the Marinelli
                                      beaker and hand tighten to ensure an air-tight
                                      fit.   The airticht integrity of this sampling
                                      system is critical due to the small size of
                                      the air sample to be obtained. A small air
                                      leak could completely invalidate the results
                                      of the sampling leading to subsequent
                                      unnecessary exposures or over-exposure to
                        3.11.5 Bag the sampler assembly leaving only the fil-
                                      ter holder exposed to prevent contamination of
                                      the outside of the Marinelli heaker (which
                                      could cross contaminate the H.P.Ge detector
                                      durino analysis.)

lG-- 9f-lC L -l 3.12 For only iodine determination, use a low volume air f v - 9 7 - 10 F sampler with battery pack (H-809 B2). Both are

                        obtained at 137' locker, 124' CR/OSC locker, and at
                        TSC. Check charge on bettery pack by turning it on.
                        If it is not charged obtain another from above
                        locations or 124' instrument issue room. Use
                        Attachment 3 for logaina data.
              MCGS                                                              Rev. 2
                                                                                                --                 e-s
                                                                            PAGE 2
                                                                                                                EP IV-ll2
                                                                                                                Pg. 5 of 9
      S(o-- W- ioc                  ') 3.14.2 For the low volume air sampler, turn the
                                                    instrument on and ensure flow meter is
                                                    operating.            Note the flow rate on Attachment                             ,
                                                    3. Run the sampler for the time neriod of 30
                                                    minutes for an MDA of 25% MPC I-131 or for
                                                    shorter duration at direction of RPS/desiqnate
                                                     (if high activity indicated). After
                                                    completing sampler, note time and depart from
                                                    area immediately. When in a low background
                                                    area obtain a contact dose rate of sample.
                              3.15     While transporting the sample assembly, keep it at
                                       arms lenath or use a mobile pic. This will reduce
                                       exposure from the sample as much as possible.
                              3.16      For ALARA purposes label the sample with the date,
                                       time and location of the air sample in a low dose
                                        rate area.          For the Marinelli include the initial
                                       vacuum level on the label.                          It may be necessary to
                                        re-bag the Marinelli assembly if used, and tag the
                                       sampler assembly since radiation emanating from the
                                       sample will not be distinguishable from possible                                        -
                                       external contamination (exterior of beaker may be
                                       smeared to confirm).
     8b -45 106-3 3.17                 Return to the Control Point or other area as directed
                                       by the RPC and turn in the sa.mple to the Radiation
                                       Materials Coordinator / designate.
               4.             References
                       1.        Hone Creek Generating Station Emergency Plan, Section 3
                                 ( 0.rq a n i z a t ion ) .
                       2.        Salem Generating Station Emergency Plan Procedures,
                                 Volume II, Section IV, Radiation Protection Emercency
                                 Procedure, EP IV-ll2.
               5.             Signature Page


               6.             Attachments
                              1.        Diagram of Sampler Assembly
                              2.        Marinelli Air Sample Analysis Worksheet
                              3.        Iodine Air Sample Analysis Worksheet
               HCGS                                                                                                     Rev. 2


          --    , , _ . - - .        .    -           ,      .,. - , . , . - . , . - - . ,    ,    - - - . -. -       -          . _ ,
          --..-       - - - -
                                                        PAGE 3
                                                                               EP IV-ll2
                                                                               Pg. 2 of 9
                   3.2        Assemble a team comprised of in-plant radiation
                              monitorina technicians and designate a team leader.
                              (Two person entries shall be the minimum used.)
                              Clearly define the purpose, location and the aporo-
                              priate hold points for the team. Physical hazards
                              (steam, water, etc.) as well as radiological hazards
                              which may be encountered by the samplina team should
                              be discussed.
                   3.3        Ensure that the team members have the proper
                              clothing, dosimetry, and equipment desianated on the
                              RWP/ERWP.   Self-contained breathing aonaratus (SCBA)
                              may be worn as a precautionary measure.
                    3.4       Ensure that the team members are properly briefed,
                              ecuipped and are familiar with the areas to be
                              entered and this samplina procedure.
                    3.5       Inform the team of a route, as practical, which
                              minimizes the radiation exposure to the team
                              members. Track the dose to the team members and
                              observe the appropriate abort points.
                    3.6        Instruct team to periodically check their dosimetry.
                    3.7        Ensure that contamination control is maintained to
                               the degree possible under the circumstances.
                    3.8        At the conclusion of the mission, proceed with
                               personnel and eauipment decontamination, as
                    3.9        Ensure that the results of the samplina are proper 1v
                               documented and the team is debriefed at the conclu-
                               sion of the mission.         Provide a briefina to the RPC.
                     THE TEAM MEMBERS SHALL:
                     3.10      Obtain a briefing from the RPC cor.cerning the tyne of
                               samples to be taken.
 8b-Hr- 106 - 4 3.11           ror iodine and/or noble cas determination obtain key
                               from Control Point for locker at 137' elevation.
                               Obtain a Marinelli beaker (See Attachment 1) .         IE no       l
                               heakers are available go to CR/OSC emergency locker.
                               Use Attachment 2 for locoinq data.
                MCGS                                                                Rev. 2
                                          - _ - _ _ - . --       .      ,                   . - _
                                               PAGE 4
                                                                       EP IV-112
                                                                       Pa. 3 of 9
     $4 - Ni'-10 C - 4 3.11.1 Use only a Marinelli beaker which has 20" Ha
                                 or more of vacuum pressure.     F.PIV-113
                                 At tac hmen t 3 provides correction table for
                                 values less than 30" Ha.
                         3.11.2 For beakers less than 20" Ha or to incre'ase
                                 pressure obtain a vacuum pump from 124'
                                 elevation, in s t rument issue room.   Disconnect
                                 filter holder assembly from stopcock. Attach
                                 vacuun pump'to stopcock opposite vacuum cauce
                                 (Attachment 1). Start pump and evacuate
                                 Marinelli between 20" and 30" Ho.      Close
                                 stopcock before shutting pump or removing
                         3.11.3 Obtain from 137' elevation locker a samolina
                                 head.    Check for Radeco filter /cartridae        ;
                                 holder, particulate filter paper and silver
                                 zeolite cartridge, and connect this assembly
                                  to the valve of the above Marinelli heaker.
                                 Note: The entire assembly may already be
                                 pre-assembled. Check 0-rinas of the Radeco
                                  holder and carefully clean them, if necessary,
                                  to ensure an air-tight seal.
                         3.11.4 Attach the sampling head to the Marinelli
                                  beaker and hand tighten to ensure an air-tight
                                  fit.   The airticht intearity of this sampling
                                  system is critical due to the small size of
                                  the air sample to be obtained. A small air
                                  leak could completely invalidate the results
                                  of the sampling leading to subsequent
                                  unnecessary exposures or over-exposure to
                          3.11.5 Bag the sampler assembly leaving only the fil-
                                   ter holder exposed to prevent contamination of
                                   the outside of the Marinelli heaker (which
                                   could cross contaminate the H.P.Ge detector
                                   during analysis.)
                    3.12  For only iodine determination, use a low volume air
                          sampler with battery pack (H-809 B2). Both are
                          obtained at 117' locker, 124' CR/OSC locker, and at
                          TSC.   Check charge on battery pack by turning it on.
                          If it is.not charged obtain another from above
                          locations or 124' instrument issue room. Use
                          Attachment 3 for locoinc data.

I Rev. 2

                                                      PAGE 5
                                                                                         EP IV-li2
                                                                                         Pace 8 of 9

&%-H T- lO l ~ M

                                                 ATTACRMENT 2
                                    MARINELLI AIR SAMPLE ANALYSIS
      AIR SAMPLE NUMBER                                  RWP NUMBER,
       LOCATION                                     General Area Dose Rate                    mR/hr
       DATE/ TIME
       TYPE OF ANALYSIS (NG and/or I)
       VOLUME CORRECTION (or use Attachment 3, EP IV-113)
       1.  Initial Vacuum Pressure (Pa):
       2. V e   (cc)    = 9500 x Pa/30.0                Pa = actual cauce pressure
                                                            in inches
                   Ve   = 950r x       /30.0
                   V e- =                 (cc)                                                         ,
                Noble Gas (Marinelli)                         Iodine (Filter /Cartridae)
          Germanium Spec. Analysis                        Germanium Spec. Analysis
          attached Y           N                          attached Y            N
          If yes, Dose Ra te at d.etector                  If yes, Dose Rate at detector
          face is                mr/hr                     is                 mr/hr
                                                           If no:
          If no:                                           1. D.R.    (1 ft) =              mr/hr
          1. D.R. (1 ft)       =              mr/hr            @            (time)
              @           (time)                           2. A (uci)     =   (400) D.R. (mr/hr)
          2. A (uci/cc)      =   D.R.  =                       A= 400 (           ) =           uCi
              or                                           or
          1. D.R. (2 ft)       =               mr/hr       1. D.R. (2 ft)       =
                  @                (time)                      @                  (time)
          2. A (uCi/cc) = (4.0) (D.R.)                     2. A (uCi) = (1600) D.R. mr/hr
              uCi/cc = (4.0) (               ) =               A= 1600 (           ) =          uCi
                                                           Activity Concentration I-131
                                                           A.C.  =  (       )   uCi/ (        ) cc =
              Instrument Used:                             Instrument Used:
              Serial Number:                               Serial Number:
              Cal. Due Date:                               Cal. nue Date:
      HCGS                                                                                      Rev. 2
                                                                       ..              .         . -  . . -   - -
           '                                                                      -
                                                              PAGE 6
 8 D W-Ice - 4                                         ATDOMENT 3                                             EP IV-ll2
                                                                                                              Po. 9 of 9
                                         AIR SAMPM ANALYSIS lORK 91EET
    Sanpled from:                      Date/ Time Collected                  7bchnician               Samole Tme
    Stcrt Time   Stop Time          Flow Rate        7btal Voltrne         5 min. Bkod.       Pa-133 Count (cm)
    Dats of Source                Ba-133 Activity                           Decay Correction Valve (D.C.V.)
                                                          (uCi)                         (Attach. 4 EP IV-113)
    Analyzer Used     Serial or Channel #       Counter Efficiency Cal. Due Date                   Gemetry Used
      tow volume Samoler                                                        Marinelli Samole
    Sample Time * Flow Rate * 2.832E4 = Tbtal Vohrne                         Corrected Voltane = 9500 * Pa/30
                                                                             Where Pa is actual pressure
           mins * (2.832E4) *(              ) cfm =                     cc   (or use Attac!Tnent 3)
                                                                             Ve(cc) = 9500 *            /30 =         cc -
                                       Ba-133 cm * 1.2
     Eff. (cpn/dpm)      =                                                    =             can (from EPIV-ll3
                                      uCi *              (D.C.V.)*2.2E6                     dm           step 9-h)
                              (Corrected cm - background)                  4.5E-7                                  uCi
     Activity (uCi)      =                                                                            =            cc
                                          Eff. (can/ dan)                           Ve (cc)
                                                                                                        of Iodine

I Total Airborne Radioactivity Concentration (uCi/cc) l

    Technician               Date/ Time Analyzed           Rad. Prot. Suw./ Shift TN                 Date

i ! l HCGS Pev. 2 -

                  "    7   ~                           -        * ' -
                                                  r-                                             -..        -   --         ,   , . _
                                                  PAGE 7
                                                                           EP IV-ll2
                                                                           Pg. 4 of 9
                           3.12.1 Place the iodine cartridge and a filter paper
                                   into the filter holder with the filter paper
                                   in front of the cartridge facing the environ-
                           3.12.2 Mark with an arrow the direction of air flow
                                   throuch the iodine cartridge. Attach the fil-
                                   ter housino to the sampler.
? b - 4 $~- J Dc. - 5 3.13 The team should be briefed by ALARA Review                        .
                           Coordinator or the Senior Radiation Protection
                           Technician as to what the hold points are (Ref.
                           EPIV-104.3.10).    The team shall proceed to the
                           desianated sampling location, continously monitorino
                           the dose rates and periodically checking their                     ,
                           dosimeters. If a hold or abort point is reached,
                           (determined by ALARA Review Coordinatbr or Senior
                           Radiation Protection Technician) return immediately
                           to the Control Point and notify the RPC of the reason               ,
                           for the abort.                                                      ,
                      3.14 When the designated sampling location is reached,                   ,
                           perform a radiation survey and document the readings               j
                           on Attachment 2.
                           3.14.1 For the Marinelli assembly, check the readina
                                   of the vacuum gauge level and record on side
                                   of beaker in Ha, and on Attachment 2. Slowly               !
                                   open the Marinelli beaker valve to which the               j
                                   Radeco holder is attached.        This will draw a         '
                                   maximum sample volume of 9500 cc through the               l
                                   filter and cartridce and provide a noble cas                -
                                    in the beaker as well. A slight hiss should
                                   he heard if tlw am5ient noise levels are not
                                   excessive. After the vacuum gauce has                      !
                                   returned to 0 inches of vacuum, close the                   I
                                   valve, note the time and deoart from the area


                HCGS                                                           Rev. 2
                                 -    . .       .      _ . - - - - .        .   .,.  . - - .
                                                              PAGE 8
                                                                                                                EP IV-113
                                                                                                                Pg. 3 of 18
                       3.10           Continue monitoring background radiation levels for
                                       marked increases.
                       3.11           Continue to monitor your exposure. Using pocket
                                      dosimeters and calculations, continue updating ex-
                                      posure status.    If doses exceed or are likely to

- exceed previously determined limits, contact the

                                      Radiation Protection Coordinator at the Control
                        3.12          Analyze an emergency grab air sample (obtained using
                                      EP IV-112.)
                                      3.12.1   Separate the filter / cartridge from the
                                              Marinelli beaker or air sampler, as
                                              used, by unscrewing the top off the Radeco
                                              cartridge holder and removing the filter and
                                              cartLidge. Double bag the Marinelli, if


                                              used, and the filter / cartridge.                                 Label each


                                               sample accordingly.
                                               For iodine determination, temporarily place
  $h-%PIOC-b                          3.12.2


                                               the Marinelli beaker, if used, in a place
                                               that will facilitate exposure reduction and
                                               not interfere with the measurement in
                                               progress, and purge the cartridge for one
                                               minute using the portable nitrogen supply.
                                               Although the         residual effluent from the
                                               cartridge.contains essentially negligable
                                               noble gases, ensure that the effluent is
                                               properly vented.
                                       3.12.3  Iodine concentration determination


                                               a.   If the count room's background is low
                                                    ( < 0.5 mR/hr) determine sample exposure
                                                    rate using an RO2 or RO2A (obtained from


                                                    instrument issue room). Close the window
                                                    of the instrument and hold the bottom of
                                                    the detector one inch from the sample
                                                    cartridge (See Attachment 1). Insure
                                                    that cartridge has arrows down (inlet
                                                    side up).
               HCGS                                                                                                  Re v . 2
       -     -   - __.__-- - _ ..-.-.                     . .  . _ . . ,  , _ - - - - . . - . - _ - _ _ . - - .               - . - . - _ . .


         -                                     PAGE-9
                                                                     EP IV-ll3
                                                                     Pg. 4 of 18
     8 ( - 4 h~    1 0 C, - 10         - If the sample exposure rate is less than
                                           3mR/hr sample may be counted using H.P.
                                           Ge spectrometry system in-accordance with
                                           RP-SA.22-002(Q) 5.2, Iodine Air Sample
                                           Analysis (3 mR/hr based on ref. 4).
                                       - If the sample exposure rate is greater
                                           than'3 mR/hr use the rule of thumb
                                           calculation to determine iodine
                                           concentration (3 mR/hr based on ref. 4),
                                b.  If counting room is in high background for
                                    counting     (> 0.5.mR/hr) determine sample
                                    exposure rate using an RO2 or RO2A. Close
                                    the window of the instrument and hold the
                                    bottom of the detector case one inch from     the
                                    sample cartridge (See Attachment 1). Insure
                                    that cartridge has arrows down (inlet side
   f b -- 4 f- 10 C - ?                 - If the sample exposure rate is less than
                                            3 mR/hr take the sample to a low
                                            background (< 0 5mR/hr) area and perform
                                            the analysis using a SAM-2 with an RD22
                                            probe in accordance with Attachment 2 (3
                                            mR/hr based on-ref. 4).
                                        - If the sample exposure rate is greater
                                            than 3 mR/hr use the following rule of
                                            thumb calculation to determine iodine
                                            concentration (3 mR/hr based on ref. 4).
                        3.12.4 Perform the rule of thumb procedure for iodine
                               concentration determination, as follows.
                                 a.  Place the cartridge in any convenient
                                     location in the counting room, such as on
                                     a table.
  S b - 4 5 -- l o c. -4         b.  Put the RO2 or RO2A, closed window, one foot
                                     from the front and center of the cartridge
                                      (inlet side up, See Attachment 1).
                                                                           Rev. 2
            HCGS                         .
                                                                       PAGE 10
 '; g (, -4 5'-- 10 6 - 't
                                                                                                                                            EP IV-ll3
                                                                                                                                            Pg. 10 of 18
                                                                  ATTACHMENT 1
                                                                SOURCE PLACEMENT
                                                                                                                                  Window Closed
                                                                              1 Inch
                 Inlet Side          e---                                     -
                                                [                       f                (Arrows Indicate Air Flow)                                                .
                                                                                        With Cartridge
                                                                                  e                     -
                                                                                  (                                                              '
                                                                                                                                                     -  Arrows
                With Disc Source
                                                                                         i                                         i                    Air Flow
                                                             Ba-                '
                                                                                                                                                        Inlet Side
                                                              RD22                                                                                      RD22
                                                              Probe                                                                                     Probe
              HCGS                                                                                                                                     Rev. 2
                 _   . _ _ _ _ _ _        _ . - . . _ . _ ,              ._.               _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ ._.   -


        -                                   PAGE 11
                                                                     EP IV-ll3
                                                                     Pg. 13 of 18
                 h)  If instructed to do so by the RPC, calculate the
                     efficiency of the instrument following steps below.
                     Otherwise record the efficiency from the instrument on
                     Attachment 6 and proceed to 9.i.

b'NI-ICL- O 1) obtain Ba-133 source from Control Point Locker at 137'

                     elevation or count room and place on the detector, in the
     ,               center (See Attachment 1). Press reset - start button
                     for one minute count.   Note count rate in cpm on
                     Attachment 6.
                 2)  Note posted activity on Ba-133 (uCi) source label and the
                     decay correction factor on Attachment 6.
                 3)  Determine the ef ficiency using the following equation (on
                     Attachment 6).                                      .
       Eff. (cpm /dpm) = com Ba-133 * 1.2 (Energy Correction Factor)
                           uCi(Ba-133 Activity) * Decay Correction Factor *2.2E6
                     Decay correction f actor f rom Attachment 4.
                 4)  Remove the Ba-133 source and note the efficiency on
                     Attachment 6.
                  1.2 is a correction factor to allow for the difference
                  in energy abundancies between Ba-133 and I-131.
                 i.  Count background for 5 minutes (set count time to 5 and
                     X1) and record this value on Attachment 6. Total
                     background counts divided by five minutes is background
                 j.  Determine the corrected volume sampled using Attachment 4
                     and record on Attachment 6.
            HCGS                                                        Rev. 2
                                   --                            -
                                                 PAGE 12                            '
                                                                        EP IV-ll3
                                                                        Pg. 2 of 18
                             Normally, the Chemistry Counting Room would be
                             designated the " hot" lab.
                 3.4        Determine amount of samples awaiting analysis and
                            consider establishing relative priorities for each
                            before the backlog becomes excessive. Samples and
                            data for evaluating Protective Action Guides should
                            receive the highest priority.
                 3.5        Inform the inplant monitoring technician where to
                            deliver samples.
                 3.6        Ensure that the designated counting room is prepared
                            prior to sample arrival and counting room personnel
                            have the proper clothing and dosimetry as designated
                            on the RWP.   NOTE:  THE MINIMUM PROTECTIVE CLOTHING
                            RUBBER OR TWO PAIRS OF LATEX (SURGEON's) GLOVES, AND
                            PERSONAL DOSIMETRY.   The following equipment shall be
                            available in the counting room.
                            a.   HP Ge spectrometry system
                            b.   SAM-2 dual channel analyzer with an RD 22 probe.
                            c.   Survey meter with a closed window (photon detec-
                                 tion) readout in mR/hr and a range allowing
                                 readings to the nearest 0.5'mR/hr.    (An
                                 instrument such as the RO2 or E-520 is
                 3.7        Perform contamination surveys before taking the


                            sample into the counting room.
 8 4 - %~- 100-lI3. 8        Survey the sample and store in lead pigs, if
                            available, or sample vault.    Locate sample as f ar
                             away from personnel as possible for exposure
                  3.9        Handle all samples with tongs or tweezers, if


             HCGS                                                            Rev. 2
                   . - .      -
  r~        ~
              ,                                PAGE 13
   .      .
                                                                       EP IV-ll3
                                                                       Pg. 14 of 18
                     k. To determine activity concentration place Saran wrapped
                        sample on detector face and take 5 minute count. Divide
                        count rate by 5, subtract background and use in equation
                        (on Attachment 6):
    (corrected cpm - backaround)* 4.5E-7         =  Activity Concentration (uCi/cc)
     Corrected Volume (cc) * Eff. (cpm /dpm)

L -- 4 f- lCx_ - 1 ~~

                   3 1. Carefully mark and save all samples for later laboratory
                        e valuat ion. Wrap samples in clean Saran wrap or
                        equivalent (e.g., surgical gloves) for storage. If
                        sample is to be saved refer to EPIV-lll and Radiation
                        Material Coordinator / designate.  Sample must be
                        identified as radioactive material.
                HCGS                                                       Rev. 2
