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Forwards Rev 2 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual,Nuclear Generation Site Unit 1 & Rev 17 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual,Nuclear Generation Site Units 2 & 3
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 09/17/1985
From: Morgan H
To: Martin J
TAC-59403, NUDOCS 8511070287
Download: ML20198B855 (1)


$ **


TELEPHONE STATON MANAGER (7 9 di 368-624 i September 17, 1985 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region V 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596-5368 Attention: Mr. J. B. Martin, Regional Administrator

Dear Sir:


Docket Nos. 50-206, 50-361 and 50-362

,, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2 and 3 Enclosed are two copies of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1, and Units 2 and 3, Offsite Dose Calculation Manuals. These are being provided as a reference to be used with the revisions submitted in the Semiannual Effluent Report, and Monthly Operating Reports.

Please cortact us if we can be of further assistance.

Sincerely, MbM '

Enclosure cc: .F. R. Huey (USNRC Resident Inspector Units 1, 2 and 3) (w/o enclosure) I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Documenticontrol* Desk)

Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INP0) (w/o enclosure R5yi% W P P i V--

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Revision 2

. 3075c. 06-15 ,


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-( ODCM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................... iii L I S T O F TAB LES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i v - v INTRODUCTION .......................................................... vi 1.0 LIQUID. EFFLUENTS 1.1. . Liquid Ef fluent Moni tor Setpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.1.1 Batch Release Setpoint Determination............... 1-3 1.1.2 Continuous Release Setpoint Determination . . . . . . . . . 1-10 1.2 ' Dose Calculations for Liquid Effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 1.3 Representative Sampling.................................... 1-19 2.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS s~,] ..

2.1- Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints ........................ 2-1 2.1.1 2.1.2 Plant Stack ....................................... 2-1 Containmert Purge ................................. 2-5 2.1.3 Waste Gas Header .................................. 2-7 2.2 Gasecas Effluent Dose Rate ................................ 2-10 2.2.1 Noble Gases ....................................... 2-10 2.2.2- Radioiodines and Particulates ..................... 2-11 2.3' Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation ......................... 2-12 2.3.1- Noble Gases ....................................... 2-12 Historical Meteorology .................. 2-13 Concurrent Meteorology .................. 2-14 2.3.2 Radiciodines and Particulates ..................... 2-16 Historical Meteorology .................. 2-16 Concurrent Meteorology .................. 2-18 2 . .t Total Dose Calculations ................................... 2-55 2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public .... 2-55 2.4.2 Thyroid Dose ...................................... 2-58 i Rev. 2 06 '5-85 l

t 1


Page ,

3.0 PROJECTED DOSES 3.1 'Liqu'id Dose Projection .................................... 3-1 Gaseous Dose Projection ................................ .. 3-1 3.L 4.0 OPERABILITY OF EQUIPMENT ........................................ 4-1 5.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5  !



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i i: 11 Rev. 2 06-15-85 I

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,/O O ODCM LIST OF FIGURES Fiqure Title Page 4-1 SONGS 1 Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Systems ...... 4-2 4-2 SONGS 1 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Treatment Systems ..... 4-3 4-3 SONGS 1 Solid Waste Handling ................. .... ... 4-4 i

1 5-1 Radiological Environmental Sample Locations ............. 5-10


%J m


iii Rev. 1 01-02-85


Q LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 1-1 Liquid Effluent . Radiation Monitors

-Calibration Constant ...................................... 1-14 1-2 Dose Commitment Fators A 1-17 thru h ................................

1-18 2-1 Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors

l. Calibration Constant .................. ................... 2-9 2-2 Dose Factors for Noble Gas and Daughters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 2-3 Dose Parameters P g ....................................... 2-21 2-4. Controlli ng Location Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 2-5 Dose Parameters R for-Sector N ........................... 2-23 4

2-6 Dose Parameters R for Sector P ........................... 2-24 thru 2-25 Q 2-7 Dose Parameters R, for Sector Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 thru V 2-30 2-8 Dose Parameters R for Sector R ............ .............. 2-31 thru 2-34 2-9 Dose Parameters R for Sector A ........................... 2-35 thru 9

2-36 2-10 Dose Parameters R for Sector C ........................... 2-37 2-11 Dose Parameters R for Sector D ........................... 2-38 thru g

2-39 2-12 Dose Parameters R for Sector E ........................... 2-40 thru 3

2-41 2-13 Dose Parameters R for Sector F ........................... 2-42 thru 2-43 2-14 Dose Parameters R for Sector G ........................... 2-44 thru 9

2-46 O

iv Rev. 2 06-15-85

-a i


LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

Table Title Page 2-15 Parameters Used to Calculate R $


........................... 2-472-54 thru 1

5-1_ Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sample Locations . . . . 5-2 thru 5-7 5-2 Radiological Envir~ nental Monitoring Locations . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5 5 i Sector and Direction Designation for Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sample Location Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 i

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3 v Rev. 2 4

06-15-85 t ,--7, , - - - - , . - sv. 1a.--,.m- ec, 3c.,.-.---, e .e -e,+ r e -, . e r----,-%. w--. ..e*, -



RADIOLOGICAL EFFLUENT TECHNICAL. SPECIFICATIONS (NUREG 0472). The ODCM describes the methodology and parameters to be the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents. It also calculates the 1.iquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip setpoints. The ODCM contains a list of the sample locations for the radiological environmental monitoring program.

The ODCM will be maintained at the Site for use as a document of acceptable

= methodologies and calculations to be used in implementing the Technical

-Specifications. Changes in the' calculational methods or parameters will be incorporated into the ODCM in order to assure that the ODCM represents the present methodology.

O vi Rev. 1 01-02-85




1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints (3.15.1)

Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors provide alarm and automatic termination of rel2ase prior to exceeding the concentration limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 at the release point tc the unrestricted area. To meet specification 4.5.1.B and for the purpose of implementation of specification 3.15.1, the alarm / trip setpoints for liquid effluent monitors and flow measurement devices are set to assure that the following equation is satisfied:


< MPC,ff (1-1)

F+R Where:

MPC,ff = the effective effluent maximum concentration permissible limit (pCi/mt) at the release point to the unrestricted area for the radienuclide mixture being released,

= I

( ) (1-2) i=1 MPC 1-1 Rev. 1 01-02-85 w _- , . . -.---- . - . - - _ _ . . ., _

1.1- Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints (3.15.1) (Continued)

F, = fractional concentration of the i th radionuclide as obtained by sample analysis.

N = Nunber of radionuclides identified in sample analysis.

'MPC 9

= MPC of the i th radionuclide (10CFR20, App B, Table II, Column 2).

C, = the setpoint, in pCi/mt, representative of a radionuclide concentration for the radiation monitor measuring the radioactivity in the waste effluent line 4

prior to dilution and subsequent release.

i R = the permissible waste effluent flow rate at the radiation monitor location, in volume per unit time in the same units as for F.

F = the dilution water flow in volume per unit time. The dilution water flow is 150,000 gpm per circ pump (2 total) and 3,500 gpm per saltwater pump (3 total).

Administrative values are used to reduce each setpoint to account for the potential activity in other releases. These administrative values i

shall be periodically reviewed based on actual release data (including, for example, any saltwater discharge of the component cooling water heat exchanger) and revised in accordance with the Unit 1 Technical Specifications.

O 1-2 Rev. 1 i 01-02-85

1.1.1 Batch Release Setpoint Determination

-The waste flow (R) and monitor setpoint (C,) are set to

meet the condition of equation (1-1) for the effective MPC (MPC,ff) limit. The method by which this is accomplished is as follows

STEP 1: The isotopic concentration for each batch tank to be released is obtained from the sum of the measured concentrations in the tank as determine by analysis.

C =ICri + C, + C s +C g &C, p (1-3) i Where:

A C = The total concentration in each tank. (pCi/mt)

V I C 71 = The sum of the measured concentrations for each i

radionuclide, 1, in the gamma spectrum. (pCi/mt)

C Fe = The Fe-55 concentration as determine in the previous quarterly composite sample. (pCi/mt)

C, = The gross alpha concentration determined in the previously monthly composite sample. (pC1/mt)


1-3 Rev. 1 01-02-85

1.1.1 Batch Refrase Setpoint Determination (Continued)


C s = The Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentrations as determined in the previous quarterly cothposite sample. (pCi/mt)

C t = The H-3 concentration as determined in the previous monthly' composite sample. (pCi/mt)

NOTE: . For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be 2.0E-4 pCf/mt total activity.

s STEP 2:

The effective MPC (MPCeff) f r each batch tank, sump,-or blowdown line is determined using:

MPC = I (I-4)

'I C Cq I [ ri/C) S/C) (Ct/C) a/C) (CFe/C)-

i (MPC79) ((MPC 3 ()MPCt ) [(MPC,) (MPCp ,)

MPCgg, MPC s

, MPC t

, = the limiting concentrations of the MPCFe, MPC, appropriate radionuclide from 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2.

4 4

1 j ._

O i 1-4 Rev. 1 01-02-85

-- , - . . - _ _ _ _ , ., ___s_ . , . - , - . . . , . . . ,, . , - , - . _ , , -r, -

- - - +

e-- - . , - _ , -

1.1.1 Bstch Release Setpoint Determination (Continued)

(3 STEP 3:

The radioactivity monitor setpoint C,(pCi/mt),

may now be specified based on the values of C, I C79, F, MPC,ff and R to provide compliance i

with the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix 8, Table II, Column 2. The monitor setpoint in CPM is obtained by applying the appropriate calibration constant given in Table 1-1 to the calculated monitor concentration limit C,(pCi/mt). LIQUID RADWASTE EFFLUENT LINE (RT-1218)

The value for C,, the concentration limit at the detector, is determined by using:

O Cm-<


<aw) <r>

RC <ceu) RC (2-5) 22 nn MPC

  • MPC ***** PC effl eff2 effn Where:

n = Number of tanks to be released.

C,ff = Effective gamma isotopic concentration at the monitor for the tank combination to be released (equal to I Cg, for single tank releases),

i R1 (IC79);


+ R2 (IC79)2 + ... +Rn (ICg ,)n

, i i (1-6)

R3+R2 + ***

  • N n O

1-5 -Rev. 1 01-02-85 o LIQUID RADWASTE EFFLUENT LINE (RT-1218) (Continued)


(I Cgg)y, (I Cgg)2, etc. = The total gamma isotopic concentration i i of first tank, second tank, etc. (pCi/mt).

R , R , etc.

3 2 = The effluent flow rate from first tank, second tank, etc. Values of R for each tank are as follows:

Radwaste holdup tanks R = 50 gpm/ pump (x no. of pumps to be run)

Radwaste monitor tanks R = 50 gpm/ pump (x no. of pumps to be run)

Primary plant makeup tank R = 100 gam / pump (x no. of pumps A

U to be run)

NOTE: Since the values of R are much smaller than F, tha term (F + R) in equation (1-1) may be replaced by F.

MPCeffl, MPCeff2, etc. = Values of MPCeff fr m equation (1-4) for first tank, second tank, etc.

C , C , etc.

3 2

= Values of C, the total concentration, from equation (1-3) for the 'first tank, second tank, etc. in (pCi/mt.).



1-6 Rev. 2 06-15-85



RW and SG are administrative values used for simultaneous 1216 releases from the Radwaste Effluent discharge and the Steam Generators. The fractions RW and SG will be assigned 1216 such that RW + SG 5 0.8.

1216 ,

The 0.8 is an administrative value used to account for the potential activity for other releases. This assures that the total concentration from all release points to the plant i

discharge will not result in a release of concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 from the site.

l NOTE: If C,5 C,ff, then no release is possible.

To increase C,, increase dilution flow F (by running more pumps in the applicable discharge structure),

and/or decrease the effluent flow rates R , R , etc.

1 2 (by throttling the combined flow as measured on CV110 and recalculate.C, using the new F, R and equation (1-5). If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close to background as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

O 1-7 Rev. 1 01-02-85 STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN EFFLUENT LINE (RT-1216) m The value for C,, the concentration limit at the detector, is determined by using:

C*-< (SG1216) F iIC79 RC/MPC (1-7) eff Where:

C, IC79, MPCeff = The values of C, IC g3 and MPC,ff i i in STEPS 1) and 2) above for the Steam Generator blowdown.


R blowdown flow rate (maximum 400 gpm)

SG 1216 and RW are administrative values used for simultaneous releases from the Radwaste Effluent Line and the Steam Generator O sieweewn Line. T8e fractiens Rw end SG 121e wiii se essioned such that RW + SG 5 0.8.

1216 NOTE: If C, 5 ICg9, then no release is possible. To i

increase C,, increase dilution flow F (by running more pumps), and/or decrease the effluent flow rate R, and recalculate Cmusing the new F, R and equation (1-7).

r u_/

1-8 Rev. 2 06-15-85 STEAM GENERATOR' BLOWDOWN EFFLUENT LINE (RT-1216) (Continu TO If there is no release associated with this-monitor,_the monitor setpoint should be established as close to background as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

1.1.2 . Continuous Release Setpoint Determination STEP 1: -The isotopic concentiation for the continuous releases are obtained for-each release stream (steam generator blowdown, reheater pit sump or yard sump) from the sum of the respective measured concentrations as determined by analysis:

C =.ICyg + C, + Ct+C 3 +C, p (1-8) i Where:

C = Total concentration (pC1/mt)

ICg , = the total gamma activity (pCi/mt) associated with i

each radionuclide, 1, in the weekly composite analysis for.the release stream.


C, The total measured gross alpha concentration (pCi/mt) determined from the previous monthly composite analysis for thetrelease stream.

i 1-9 Rev. 1 01-02-85

1.1.2 Ccntinu:us Rals s3 Sitp; int Dst rminttirn (Continued)


p The totcl Fe-55 concentration as determined in the previous quarterly composite sample -for the release stream. (pCi/mt)

C t

=- the total measured H-3 concentration (pCi/mt) determined from the previously monthly composite analysis for the release stream.

C 3

= the total measured concentation (pCi/mt) of Sr-89 and Sr-90 as-determined from the previous quarterly composite analysis for the release stream.


The effective MPC (MPCeff) f r each release stream (steam generator blowdown, reheater pit sump or yard drain sump) is determined using:

= I MPC* I I


[ri/C) C (MPCs/C)

) (MPC,)

, da/C)((CFe/C)

C t/C)

(MPC3 ) ( 8 MPCpg) ((MPC )

t STEP 3: The setpoint (pCi/mt), for each continuous release radioactivity monitor may now be specified based on the respective values of C, IC73, F, MPC,ff, and R to i

provide compliance with the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B,. Table II, Column 2. The monitor setpoint, in CPM, is obtained by applying the appropriate calibration constant in Table 1-1 to the calculated monitor limit (pCi/mt).



'The value of C12'16, the concentration limit at the detector, is determined by using:

(SG1216) F ICg$

C 1216 5 (1-10)

RC/MPC,ff Where:

C 1216

= limiting concentration at monitor RT-1216 (pC1/mt).

C, ICgg, MPC,ff = values of C, IC gj and MPC eff 1 i (as defined in STEPS I and 2 above)

R = blowdown flow rate (maximum 400 gpm)

SG 1216 and RW are administrative values used for simultaneous releases from the Radwaste Effluent Line and the Steam Generator Blowdown Line. The fractions RW and SG will be assigned such 1216 that RW + SG 5 0.8.

1216 NOTE:

C,5 IC i , then no release is possible. To increase C,,

g increase the dilution flow F (by running more pumps),

and/or decrease the effluent flow rate R, and recalculate C, using the new values of F, R and equation (1-10).

O 1-11 Rev. 2 06-15-85

F ' r


The.value of'C2100, the concentration limit at the detector (pC1/mt), is determined by using:

C (32100) F IC79 I

2100 E ( 'II)

RC/MPC,ff Where:

C 2100

= limiting concentration at monitor.

RT-2100 (pCi/mt).

C, IC74, MPCeff = values of C, IC gg and MPC,ff f i (as defined in STEPS I and 2 above)

R = 350 gpm/ pump (x no. sump pumps to be run) _ YARD SUMP EFFLUENT LINE (RT-2101)

The value of C2101, the concentration limit at the (pC1/mt) detector, is determined by using:

(S ) F IC C

2101 E RC/MPC,ff O

1-12 Rev. 1 01-02-85

-a ,

l4 e O _ YARD SUMP EFFLUENT LINE (RT-2101) (Continued)

L..J Where:

C =

2101 limiting concentration at monitor RT-2101 (pCi/mt).

C, IC74, MPC,ff = values of C, IC and MPC 1 79 eff i

(as defined in STEPS I and 2 above)


= 1000 gpm/ pump (x no. sump pumps to be run)

(S2100) and (S2101) are administrative values used to accou simultaneous releases from the two sumps. The values are to be assigned such that (S2100) + (32101) { 0.2.

The 0.2 is an adninistrative value to account for the potential rN activity in other release pathways. This assures that the total


concentration from all release points to the plant discharge will not result in a release of concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 from the site.

NOTE: If either C2100 rC 2101 EI ri, then no release is i

possible from that sump. To increase C rC 2100 2101' increase the dilution flow F (by running more pumps) and recalculate C rC using the new value of F and 2100 2101 equation (1-11) and/or (1-12).


1-13 Rev: 1 01-02-85 i


' Table 1-1(*)

(") Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitor Calibration Constants MONITOR Co-60* I-131* Cs-137*

RT-1216 2.21E-8 2.64E-8 3.61E-8 RT-1218 3.27E-9 5.47E-9 6.85E-9 RT-2101 1.51E-9 2.19E-9 3.05E-9 RT-2100 1.51E-9 2.17E-9 3.02E-9 c *(vCi/cc/ cpm)

L)3 (a) This table provides typical (120's) calibration constants for the liquid effluent radiation monitors.

O C/

1-14 Rev. 1 01-02-85


1.2 D:s2 Calculati:n far Liquid Effluents (3.15.2)

. The dose commitment to an individual from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas are calculatad for the purpose of implementing Specification 3.15.2 1.

using the following expression.

n m D =-

I[A I(6tj C g F)]

j h3 1 s


e Where:

A =

h the site related edult ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or an organ, t, for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter, i, from Table 1-2 in mrem /hr per pCf/mt.

i-OL e = 18enem8e;eforieciseisemmaeedeet, emitters,i.




C 93 the average' concentration of radionuclide, i, in'the c3 diluted liquid effluent during time period, 4tj in(pCi/mt).

m = the number of time periods, J. -

i O 1 1-15 Rev. 1 01-02-85

1.2- D:s3 Calculttion for Liquid Effluents (3.15.2) (Continued)


d =

D the dose commitment to the total body or an organ, t, from the liquid effluent for the time period, m

I At , in mrem j

J F =

the near field average dilution factor for C 4j during j

the time period, Atg . This factor is the ratio of the maximum undiluted liquid waste flow during time period, At), to the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters, or m

, maximum liquid radioactive waste flow discharge structure exit flow Atj. = the length of the j th time period over which C93 and Fj are averaged _ for all liquid releases, in hours.

O 1-16 Rev. 2 06-15-85 '


TABLE 1-2 DOSE COMMITMENT FACTORS *, A (mrem /hr per pCi/mt) h Radio- l Total Nuclide  : Body Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 l 2.80E-1 2.80E 2.80E-1 2.80E-1 2.80E-1 2.80E-1 lNa-24' 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 Cr-51 5.60 3.30 1.20 7.04 1.40E3 Mn-54' 1.35E3 7.08E3 2.11E3 1 2.17E4 Mn-56 l 3.15El 1.78E2 2.26E2 5.67E3 l Fe-55 l 8.24E3 5.12E4 3.53E4 . l 1.97E4 2.03E4 1' Fe l 7.27E4 8.07E4 1.90E5 5.30E4 6.23E5 '

Co-57~ 2.36E2 1.42E2 3.60E3 Co-58 1.35E3 6.04E2 lCo-60 l 1.22E4 l 3.83E3 1.74E3 1 3.26E4-lCu-64 l 1.01E2 2.14E2 l 5.40E2 1.83E4

-lZn-65 2.32E5 1.61E5 5.13E5 3.43E5 3.23E5 lBr-84 9.39E-2 2.14E2 7.37E-7 lRb-88 9.492-1 1.79E0 0.00E0 s lSr-89 1.43E2 4.99E3 ,


-s lSr-90 l 3.01E4 1.23E5 I 1, 3.55E3 ISr-91 l 3.70E1  ! 4.37E2 lSr-92 1.50E0- l 3.48E1  !

l 6.90E2 lY-90 1.62E-1 l 6.06E0 l l 6.42E4

'Y-91m- 2.22E-3 5.72E-2 l  ! 1.68E-1 Y-92 l 1.55E-2 5.32E-1 l 9.32E3

~ lZr-95 l 3.47 1.60E1 1 5.12 8.03 1.62E4 lZr-97 '8.14E-2 8.80E-1 l 1.80E1 2.70E-1 5.51E4

-lNb-95 5.51E-1 1.84E0 l 1.02E0 l 1.01E0 6.22E3 lNb-95m 5.51E-1 l'.84E0 1.02E0 1.01E0 6.22E3 Nb-97 1.43E-3 1.55E-2 3.91E-3 < 4.56E-3 1.44E1 Mo-99 1 2.44E1 1.28E2 l 2.90E2 2.97E2 Tc-99M ' 4.66E-1 1.30E-2 l 3.66E-2 l 5.56E-1 ' 1.79E-2 2.17El

!Ru-103 4.61El 1.07E2 l l 4.08E2 2.25E4

'Ru-106 '~2.01E2 l 1.59E3 l l 3.07E3 1.03E5

Ag-110m.l 8.61E2 l 1.57E3 1.45E3 2.85E3 5.91E5

'$n-113 l l Sb-124 i 1.10E2 l 2.20E5 l 2.77E2 5.23 6.70E-1 7.85E3

'Sh-125 4.42E1 2.20E2 2.37 ' 2.00E-1 2.30E4 1.94E3 I Te-129m 1.48E2 9.33E2 3.48E2 3.20E2 3.89E3 4.67E3-Te-132- 1.24E2 2.40E2 1.32E2 1.46E2 1.27E3 6.25E3 I -131 1.79E2 2.18E2 3.12E2 1.02E5 5.36E2 8.24E1 I- 132 9.96E0 1.06El 2.84E1 9.96E2 4.54E1 5.35E0 I -133 3.95El 7.46El 1.30E2 1.91E4 2.26E2 1.17E2 II -134 l ~5.40E0 5.56E0 1.51El 2.52E2 2.40E1 1.32E-2 2.32E1 6.08E1 4.01E3 9.75E3 I-135l2.24E1 6.87El

-p -



- DOSE COMMITMENT FACTORS *, A (mrem /hr per pct /mt) I*

Radio- Total . l l Nuclide Body Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney Lung l GI-LLI l

Cs-134 ". 33E4 6.84E3 1.63E4 5.27E3 1.75E3 2.85E2

'Cs-136 2.04E3 7.16E2 2.83E3 1.57E3 2.16E2 3.21E2 Cs-137 7.85E3 8.77E3 1.20E4 4.07E3 1.35E3 2.32E2 Cs-138 -5.94E0 6.07E0 1.20E1 8.81E0 8.70E-1 5.11E-5 Ba-139 2.30E-1 7.85E0 5.59E-3 5.23E-3 3.17E-3 1.39El Ba-140- 1.08E2 1.65E3 2.07 7.00E-1 1.18 3.39E3 ,

La-140 2.10E-1 1.58 8.00E-1 5.84E4 Ce-141 2.60E-1 3.43 2.32 1.08 8.86E3 Ce-143- 4.94E-2 6.00E-1 4.47E-2 2.00E-1 1.67E4 Ce-144 9.59 1.99E2 7.47El 4.43E1 6.04E4 Nd-147 2.74E-1 3.96E0 4.58E0 2.68E0 2.20E4 W -187 2.68E0 9.16E0 7.66E0 i 2.51E3 Np-239 .1.92E-3 3.53E-2 3.47E-3 1.08E-2 l 7.13E2 I


1 0

1-18 Rev. 2 06-15-85

(3 1.3 Representative Sampling Prior to sampling of a batch release, each batch shall be thoroughly mixed to assure representative sampling. The methodology for mixing and sampling is described in S0123-1I1-5.2.1 Unit 1 Radioactive Liquid Radwaste Sampling and Analysis.

I) 1-19 Rev. 1 01-02-85




2.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints (3.16.1) 2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK

a. RT-1214, Gross Activity Monitor RT-1219, Noble Gas Monitor For the purpose of implementation of Specification 3.16.1, the alarm setpoint level for noble gas monitors is based on the gaseous effluent flow rate and meteorological dispersion factor.

The concentration at the detector is determined by using the smaller of the values from equations (2-1) and (2-2)



C (2120 m ec ) ( 500 mrem /yr) (10 Cf/pC1) det = (Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m') I (K , mrem /yr) ( (2-1) i 9 mC1/m3 C_)

9 C

tot C I m ec ) (3000 mrem /yr) (10 C1/pCi) l det = (Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m') E (L 9 + 1.1M , mrem /yr) ( C_)

i 9 I mC1/m8~ C tot O

2-1 Rev. 1 01-02-85

2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK (Continued) r~M

'J Where:

C =

det the instantaneous concentration at the detector, pC1/cc K =

g the total body dose conversion factor for the ith gamma emitting noble gas, mrem /yr per pCi/m8 , from Table 2-2 L, =

Skin Dose Conversion Factor for the ith noble gas, mrem /yr per pC1/m', from Table 2-2 M =

9 Air Dose Conversion Factor for the ith noble gas, mrem /yr per pCi/m2 , from Table 2-2 p

(,) 1.1 =

Conversion factor to convert gamma air dose to skin dose.

3000 r rem /yr =

skin dose rate limit, as specified by Technical Specification 3.16.1 500 mrem /yr =

total body dose rate limit, as specified by Technical Specification 3.16.1 Cj =

Concentration of the i th noble gas, as determined by sample analysis, pCi/cc O

V 2-2 Rev. 1 01-02-85

2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK (Continued)




C tot Total concentration of noble gases, as determined by sample analysis, pCi/cc Flow Rate = the plant vent flow rate, cfm


20,000 cfm/ fan (x no. of fans to be run) 2120 = conversion constant, cfm per m'/sec X/Q== historical annual average dispersion factor, 1.3E-5 sec/m' The smaller of the values of C det from equations (2-1) or (2-2) is to be used in the determination of the maximum permissible monitor alarm setpoint (cpm), as follows:

The maximum permissible alarm setpoint (cpm) is determined using

'q the calibration constant for the applicable Plant Stack Airborne u.)

Monitor given in Table 2-1. The maximum permissible alarm setpoint is the value corresponding to the concentration, C det (the smaller value from equation (2-1) or (2-2)). The calibration constant used is based on Kr-85 or on Xe-133, whichever yields a lower detection efficiency.

The alarm setpoint will be maintained at a value not greater than the maximum permissible alarm setpoint.

O 2-3 Rev. 2 06-15-85

2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK (Continued)


If there is no release associated with this monitor, the setpoint should be established as close as practical to background to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should inadvertent release occur,

b. RT-1254, Wide Range Gas Monitor The maximum Release Rate (pCi/sec) is determined by converting the concentration at the detector, C det to an equivalent release rate in pCi/sec, as follows:


A max (Cdet, pCi/cc) (flow rate, cc/sec) (2-3)



A max

= the maximum permissible release rate


C det the smaller of the values of Cdet btained from equations (2-1) and (2-2). -

1 1

Flow Rate= = Vent stack flow rate in cc/sec 9.44 x 10' cc/sec x (number of fans)

The Release Rate Setpoint will not be set greater than the maximum release rate determined above, when this monitor is being used to meet the requirements of l Technical Specification 3.16.1.

2-4 Rev. 2 06-15-85 b


2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK (Continsec)



-If there it no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close as practical to background to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

2.1.2 CONTAINMENT PURGE - RT-1212 For the purpose of implementation of Specification 3.16.1, the alarm setpoint level for noble gas monitors is based on the gaseous effluent flow rate from containment and the meteorological dispersion facter.

The limiting concentration at the detector is determined by using the smaller of the values of C from equations (2-4) det and (2-5).

C (2120 ,S_ ec ) ( 500 mrem /yr) (10 Ci/pci) det = (Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m') I (Kg , mrem /yr) ( (2-4) i mci /m3 C_)

g C

tot C (21 0 ,7 ec ) (3000 mrem /yr) (10 Ci/pC1) det = {T E rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m') I (L 4 + 1.1M , mrem /yr) ( C_) (2-5) g g i nCi/m' C tot O

2-5 Rev. 1 01-02-85

2.1.2 CONTAINMENT PURGE - RT-1212 (Continued) p G

p g7,,

C =

det the instantaneous concentration at the detector (RT-1212) in pC1/cc.

Flow Rate = the containment purge flow rate in cfm

= 20,000 cfm Other parameters are as specified in 2.1.1 above.

The smaller value of Cdet fr m equations (2-4) and (2-5) is to be used in determining the maximum permissible monitor alarm setpoint in cpm.

The maximum permissible alarm setting in cpm is determined by using the calibration constant for the Containment Airborne Monitor given in Table 2-1. The maximum permissible alarm setpoint is the cpm value corresponding to the concentration, C

det. The calibration constant is based on Kr-85 or Xe-133 whichever yields a lower detection efficiency.

The alarm setpoint will not be set greater than the maximum permissible alarm setting determined above.

I v

2-6 Rev. I 01-02-85

2.1.2 CONTAINMENT pVRGE - RT-1212 (Continued) t

3 If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close as practical to backgrcund to prevent spurious alarms yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

2.1.3 WASTE GAS HEADER - RT-1219 f

l For the purpose of Specification 3.16.1, the alarm setpoint I

level for noble gas monitors is based on the gaseous effluent flow rate and meteorological dispersion factor. Since the ,

waste gas header discharges to the plant vent stack, RT-1219 is l

used to monitor waste gas header releases.

When plant vent stack monitor RT-1219 is being used to monitor O

'v waste gas header releases, the setpoint determined by the smaller of the values from equations (2-1) and (2-2) will provide automatic termination of release from the waste gas '

header. Determine the maximum permissible waste gas header effluent flow rate corresponding to the vent stack monitor setpoint, C det in accordance with the following:

f 5 [kdet) (F) (2-6)

IC ri i

O 2-7 Rev. 1 01-02-85

2.1.3 WASTE GAS HEADER - RT-1219 (Continued)


D Where:


j f waste gas header effluent flow rate (cfm) l l F =

plant vent stack flow rate (cfm) used in equations (2-1) and (2-2)

C = limiting concentration (pCi/cc) at det detector RT-1219 as determined from the l 1

smaller of the values from equations (2-1) and (2-2) in Section 2.1.1. I

= total gamma activity (pCi/cc) of the waste ICg ,

i ,

gas holdup tank to be released, as determined '

( from the pre-release sample analysis, l



O 2-8 Rev. 2 06-15-85

i Table 2-II *)

^3 '

Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitor w- Calibration Constants i

MONITOR Kr-85* Cs-137*

i RT-1212 3.78E-8 6.32E-7 l

l l

RT-1214 1.69E-8 4.18E-8 l

RT-1219(b) 2.02E-8 5.36E-8 i

,- *(pCi/cc/ cpm)

's J i

II This table provides typical (120%) calibration con 2tants for the gaseous offluent radiation monitors.

(b) Calibration constarts for Monitor RT-1219 include a 5.17% dilution factor (airin-leakage).


v 2-9 Rev. 2 06-15-85


2.2 G seous Efflu:nt D:so Rate (3.16.1) p

() The methodology used for the purpose of implementation of Technical Specification 3.16.1 for the dose rate above background to an individual in an unrestricted area is calculated by using the following expressions:


f .

F *7 DTB = Il Ki ' 4 (X/Q) J 04l (2-7) I l

  • r~
  • 7 D

5 = jL Il (L 4 + 1.1Mj ) (X/Q) Q4l (2-8)

J Where:

p b TB

= total body dose rate in unrestricted areas due G

l to radioactive materials released in gaseous i l

ef fluents, in mrem /yr


D 3 skin dose rate in unrestricted areas due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents, in mrem /yr .


K g the total body dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrem /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2.

O 2-10 Rev. 1 01-02-85


L 2.2.1 FOR NOBLE GASES: (Continued)

I n U

L =

9 skin dose factor due to the beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in j mrem /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2 l

l Mj =

the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrad /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2. (Unit conversion constant of 1.1 mrem / mrad converts air dose to skin dose.)

Qj =

the release rate of radionuclide, i, in gaseous effluents in pCi/sec (X/Q) = 1.3E-5 sec/m'. The highest calculated annual


average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.


D, = I [I(P ik k) i) (2-9) i k Where:

O, = organ dose rate in unrestricted areas due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents, in mrem /yr 2-11 Rev. 2 06-15-85




! Q4 = the release rate of radionuclide,1, in gaseous effluents in pCi/sec l

P ik

= the dose parameter for radionuclide,1, for pathway, k, from Table 2-3 for the inhalation pathway in mrem /yr per pCi/m'. The dose factors are based on the critical individual 1

orgen and the child age group. l


l l l W


= the highest calculated annual average dispersion parameter for estimating the dose to an individual at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary for pathway k.

5 = 1.3E-5 sec/m8 for the inhalation pathway.

The location is the unrestricted area in the NW sector. ,

2.3 Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation 2.3.1 DOSE FROM NOBLE GASES IN GASEOUS EFFLUENT (3.16.2)

The air dose in unrestricted areas due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated using the following expressions:

O 2-12 Rev. 2 06-15-85 For historical meterology:



0 = 3.17x10 7 I1 [M4 (X/Q) Q4 ] (2-10)


0 = 3.17x10 6 I [Ng(X/Q)Q) 4 (2-11)


D =

r the total projected gama air dose from gaseous effluents, in mrad k D =

S the total projected beta air dose from gaseous effluents, in rad M =

4 the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, 1, in O mredeve ner uCiem> from tab 1e 2-2 N =

4 the air dose due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrad /yr  !

per pCi/m' from Table 2-2 (X/Q) = 1.3E-5 sec/m'. The maximum annual average atmospheric dispersion factor for any sector and distance at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.

O 2-13 Rev. 2 06-15-85 For historical meterology: (Continued) p.


'v' Q, = the amount of noble gas radionuclide, i, released in gaseous effluents in pCi.

3.17x 10 = inverse seconds / year

2. 3.1.2 For meteorology concurrent with release:

_a .

D re = 1.14x10 I [M, I (Atj (X/Q)f0 Oij)] (2-12)

D 00 = 1.14x10 I [N, I (Atj (X/Q)jo ij)] (2-13)


l l q V

D r0 = the total gamma air dose from gaseous ef fluents in sector 8, in mrad D = the t tal beta air dose from gaseous SO effluents in sector 0, in mrad O

2-14 Rev. 1 01-02-85

t I For meteorology concurrent with release: (Continued) o M

9 = the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrad /yr per pCi/m from Table 2-2.

8 Ng

= the air dose factor due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, j 1, in mrad /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2.

At j = the length of the j th time period over which (X/Q)fe andh)areaveragedforgaseous 9

releases in hours (X/Q)JO = the atmospheric dispersion factor for time p period At3 at exclusion boundary location in i

LJ sector 0 determined by concurrent meteorology, in sec/m8 h,3 *= the average release rate of radionuclide, i, in gaseous effluents during time period, At),

in pCi/sec

.s 1.4x10 = inverse hours / year O

2-15 Rev. 1 01-02-85


V The dose to an individual from I-131, I-133, radioactive materials in particulate form with half lives greater than eight days and H-3 in gaseous effluents released to unrestricted areas is calculated using the following expressions:

l For hictorical meteorology:

l D, = 3.17x10 I [I (R ikWk) 0 13 (2-14)

' i k l



D, the total projected dose from gaseous effluents to an individual, in mrem V


Q4 the amount of radioiodines, radioactive materials in particulate form and radionuclides othar than noble gases with -

half lives greater than eight days, 1, i released in gaseous ef fluents in pCi IR ikWk =

the sum of all pathways k for radionuclide, i, k

of the R,, W product in mrem /yr per pCf/sec.

The I RikNk value for each radionuclide, i, is k

given in Table 2-4. The given is the maximum IR ik k

N kf r all locations and is based on the most restrictive age groups.

O 2-16 Rev. 1 01-02-85 For historical meteorology: (Continued) h =

R ik the dose factor for each identified radionuclide, i, for pathway k (for the inhalation pathway in mrem /yr per pC1/m 8 and for the food and ground plane pathways in m2 mrem /yr per pC1/sec) at the controlling location. The Rik s' for each age group are given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-13. The R

ik values in these tables are obtained using the NRC supplied computer code. PARTS 1 (NUREG-0133), utilizing default and site l specific (where available) parameters listed in Table 2-14.

(Oy W =

k the annual average dispersion paramater for estimating the dose to an individual at the controlling location for pathway k.


(X/Q) for the inhalation pathway in sec/m'.

The (X/Q) for each controlling location is given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-13.


W/@ for the food and ground plane pathways in m. The (0/Q) for each controlling location are given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-13.

(O v

2-17 Rev. 1 01-02-85

I For meteorology concurrent with releases:

~h l


..tmn .

D = 1.14 x 10 e I I I [(at )j (Rike)(Njke)(Oij)] (2-15)


0 = the total annual dose from gaseous effluents to an 0

individual in sector 0 in mrem.

I atj = the length of the j th period over which W jke and l \

Q4 ) are averaged for gaseous released in hours l

Q) 9 = the average release rate of radionuclide, i, in gaseous effluents during time period at in pC1/sec 3



() R ik0 = the dose factor for each identified radionuclide 1, i

for pathway k for sector 0 (for the inhalation pathway in mrem /yr per pC1/m 8 and for the food and ground plane pathways in m2 mrem /yr per pCi/sec) at the controlling location.

The dose factor is based on the maximum dose to the most restrictive age group. A listing of R ik IO" the controlling locations in each landward sector for each group is given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-13.

The 0 is determined by the concurrent meteorology.


2-18 Rev. 2 06-15-85 For meteorology concurrent with releases: (Contir.ued)

(O Wjke = the dispersion parameters for the time period 4t j

for each pathway k for calculating the dose to an individual at the controlling location in sector 0 using concurrent meteorological conditions.

= (X/Q) for the inhalation pathway in sec/m'

= (D/Q) for the food and ground plane pathways in m" (vD l

I r

N) 2-19 Rev. 1 01-02-85




l lTotalBodyDosel Skin Dose Factor K 4 IGamma Air Dose lBetaAirDose I I l Factor L 3 Factor M g l Factor N IRadio- l (mrem /yr l l (mrem /yr (mrad /yr l (mrad /yr 4 per pCi/m') per pCi/m') I i' lNuclidel { I per pCi/m') I per pC1/m')


l l l  !

lKr-85m I 1.17E3* l 1.46E3 l 1.23E3 1.97E3 l l l I I I l

lKr-85 l 1.61El l 1.34E3 1.72E1

' l 1.95E3 l l l l l lKr-87 I 5.92E3 9.73E3 l 6.17E3 1.03E4 l

l l l

l l lKr-88 l 1.47E4 .

2.37E3 l 1.52E4 '

2.93E3 l

l l l l l lXe-131ml 9.15El l l 4.76E2 l 1.56E2 1.11E3 l l l l I i l IXe-133ml 2.51E2 l 9.94E2 3.27E2 I

1 l 1.48E3 I I I I I I lXe-133 l 2.94E2 l 3.06E2 l 3.53E2 1.05E3 i

l I l I i i l

! IXe-135ml 3.12E3 I 1 7.11E2 l 3.36E3 7.39E2 l



l IXe-135 l I

1.81E3 I I l 1.86E3  ! 1.92E3 2.46E3 l 1 I I i IXe-13S l 8.83E3 I

l 4.13E3 l 9.21E3 1 4.75E3 1 I l I I I IAr-41 1 8.84E3 l 2.69E3 9.30E3 I

l 1 l 3.28E3 I I l I i l l l I l I I I I I l l l l

l 1 I I I 1

I i l l l l 1 I l l l l l l l l l 1 l l l I I I I I l I l l l l l l l l l i I I I I l l

' l l I l l l l 1 l I i i l i i I

i I I i


  • 1.17E3 = 1.17 x 10'




  • ik CHILD AGE GROUP CRITICAL ORGAN l l Inhalation Pathway l l Radionuclide i (mrem /yr per pCi/m2 ) l Radionuclide l (mrem Inhalation Pathway l

/yr per pCi/sec)l l l H-3 ,

I f l 1.1E3 I I -131  ! 1.6E7 I I Cr-51 l 1.7E4 I -132 l 1.9E5 l l 1 Mn-54 l 1.6E6 I -133 l 3.8E6 l l

Co-57 5.1E5 l I -134 5.1E4 l Co-58 l l 1.1E6 l I -135 7.9E5 l 1 I l Co-60 7.2E6 I l Cs-134 l 1.0E6 l l \

Sr-89 2.2E6 Cs-136 1.7E5 l

l Sr-90 1.0E8 Cs-137 r l l I 9.1E5 l l .

I Zr-95 1 2.2E6 Ba-140 l 1.7E6 I I Nb-95 6.1E5 Ce-141 5.4E5 Te-129m 1.8E6 Cc-144 i 1.2E7 l


. l

. I i l I l l

I I l 1

l l

l l

l L_.

Cl* Source: USNRC NUREG-0133, Section 2-21 Rev. 2 06-15-85

r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


,ey CONTROLLING LOCATION FACTORS l IR $gW k l l k l l Radionuclide l mrem /yr per pCi/sec l I  !  ! j l (

H -3 1.33E-3 i Cr-51 3.10E-2 i Pn-54 8.08E0

! l Co-57 1.98E0 l Co-58 2.59E0 l Co-60 l 1.23E2 l l l Sr-89 l 5.95El l l Sr-90 l 2.38E3 l Zr-95 l 1.25El l Nb-95 l 2.16El i Te-129m 1.58E1 l Cs-134 4.42E1 l l Cs-136 . 1.00E0 l Cs-137 l 5.81El l Ba-140 l 4.76E-1 l Ce-141 l 9.01E-1 p

(j Ce-144 l 2.21El I -131 l 8.16El i I -133 2.40E0 l l I -135 5.05E-1 l UN-ID 2.38E3 I

l I

l l


l l

l t

I Footnote:

These values to be used in manual calculations are the maximum IR ik k

N kf r all locations based on the most restrictive age group.

2-22 Rev. 2 06-15-85

TABLE 2-5 l

v DOSE PARAMETER Ry FOR SECTOR N f Page 1 of 1 l Pathway =SurfBeach Distance = 0.2 miles l l X/Q = 7.5E-6 sec/m' D/0 = 2.4E-8 m 2 l

, l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult l lInhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food &lInhala-l Food &lInhala-l Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground Ition l Ground l tion l Ground Ition l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l PathwaylPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathwayi  ;

I i l l l l l l l l l H -3 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E1 l 0.0E0 l 5.1El l 0.0E0 l 1.6El l 0.0E0 l J Cr-51 l 0.0Eb ] 0.0E0 l 1.1El l 2.2E4 l 1.2E2 l 1.1ES I 4.1El l 1.9E4 l t Mn-54 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.5E2 l 6.6E6 l 2.7E3 l 3.2E7 l 9.5E2 l 5.7E6 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E2 l 1.6E6 l 1.3E3 l 7.9Et; l 3.9E2 l 1.4E6 l ,

l Co-58 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.6E2 l 1.8E6 l 3.8E3 l 8.7E6 1.3E3 l 1.6E6 l l I

l Co-60 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.0E3 l 1.0E8 l 1.0E4 l 4.9E8 3.5E3 1 8.8E7 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 1 0.L 0 1 6.2E3 l 1.0E2 l 1.8E4 l 4.9E2 l 3.7E3 I 8 9El l l Sr-90 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 t

0.0E0 l 4.4E6 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E6 1 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.3E2 1 1.2E6 l 6.0E3 l 5.8E6 l 1.8E3 l 1.0E6 l l Nb-95 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.8E2 l 6.6ES l 3.9E3 1 3.1E6 l 1.3E3 l 5.6ES l

! l Te-129m I 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.2E2 l 9.4E4 l 2.1E3 1 4.5E5 1 4.5E2 I 8.1E4 i (V'T l Cs-134 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E4 1 3.3E7 l 4.5E4 l 1.6E8 l 1.0E4 l 2.8E7 l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 1.8E3 l 7.2E5 1 7.8E3 3.4E6 l 1.8E3 l 6.2E5 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.6E3 1 4.9E7 l 3.4E4 2.4E8 l 7.6E3 l 4.2E7 l l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 ! 0.0E0 l 7.7E2 1 9.9E4 i 9.2E3 l 4.7ES I 2.7E3 l 8.dE4 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 5.9E2 1 6.6E4 l 5.1E3 1 3.1E5 1.5E3 l 5.6E4 l l Ce-144 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E3 l 3.3E5 l 3.5E4 l 1.6E6 1.0E4 l 2.9E5 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.7ES I 8.3E4 l 5.9E5 l 3.9E5 l 1.5E5 l 7.1E4 l l I -133 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E4 l 1.2E4 l 1.2E5 1 5.6f4 l 2.6E4 l 1.0E4 l l 1 -135 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.2E3 l 1.2E4 l 2.5E4 l 5.8E4 l 5.5E3 l 1.0E4 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.1E6 1 0.0E0 l 4.4E6 I 0.0E0 l 1.2E6 I 0.0E0 l 1 l l 1 l l l 1 I I l l l l l l l l l l l l i I l l I l l l l l l 1 1 I l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l 1 l l I I I l 1 I l l l l l l l 1 I I I I l l 1 I l l l l l l l l 1 I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l  !  !  !  !

O Inhalation Pathway, units =


Food & Ground Pathway, units = j 2-23 Rev. 2 06-15-85

TABLE 2-6 (v)

DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR P Page 1 of 2 r i l Pathway = Enlisted Beach Check-In Distance = 1.3 miles l l X/Q = 3.8E-7 sec/m2 D/Q = 1.3E-9 m 2 I

! l i i i i l l l Infant l Child j Teen l Adult l

1 lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- ' Food & I l Radio- l tion l Ground ltion l Ground ltion l Ground Ition Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l PathwaylPathway Pathway l l l l l  ! l l l l l l  !  ! I l 1 I I l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.9E2 l 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.6E2 l 1.1E6 l l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.8E4 l 3.2E8 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 7.2E3 l 7.8E7 1 l Co-58 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 2.4E4 l 8.7E7 Co-60 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 {

l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 6.5E4 l 4.9E9 j Sr-89 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.9E4 1 4 9E3 I I Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 3.4E4 l 5.7E7 l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.4E4 1 3.1E7 l b" l1 l Te-129m l 0.0E0 Cs-134 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 3.0E0 l 8.3E3 l 4.5E6 l 1 0.0E0 l 1.9ES l 1.6E9 l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E4 l 3.4E7 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E5 l 2.3E8 l l Ba-140 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 5.0E4 l 4.7E6 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.7E4 l 3.1E6 l  ;

I Ce-144 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.9E5 l 1.6E7 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.7E6 l 3.9E6 I I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.9E5 1 5.6E5 l I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 1.0E5 l 5.8E5 UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 0.0E0 l l l l l l l l l 1 I i l l l l l l l 1 I l l l l 1 I l l l l 1 l 1 I l 1 l l l l l 1 l l 1 l I l l 1 1 I I l 1 I I I I I l 1 l l l l l l l I l l 1 l l l 1 I I I I

! l I I I I

!  !  !  !  !  !  ! I p

v Inhalation Pathway, units = *C Food & Ground Pathway, units = I* # ")

j 2-24 Rev. 2 man

t'3 TABLE 2-6 C/

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR P Page 2 of 2 l Pathway = Former Nixon Estate (no garden) Distance = 2.6 miles l l X/Q = 1.5E-7 sec/m 2 D/Q = 4.3E-10 m 2 i

! . , i . l l l Infant l Child  ! Teen l Adult l Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala-l Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion I Ground l tion Ground l tion l Ground i INuclide lPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l Pathway PathwaylPathway l Pathwayl l l l l l l l l l l H -3 I 6.5E2 1 0.0E0 1 1.1E3 l 0.0E0 1 1.3E3 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E3 I 0.0E0 l Cr-51 1 3.6E2 l 3.7E6 l 1.1E3 l 3.7E6 1 3.0E3 l 3.7E6 1 3.3E3 1 3.7E6 l Mn-54 l 2.5E4 l 1.1E9 l 4.3E4 l 1.1E9 l 6.7E4 l 1.1E9 I 7.7E4 l 1.1E9 i Co-57 I 4.9E3 l 2.7E8 l 1.3E4 l 2.7E8 l 3.1E4 1 2.7E8 l 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 I l Co-58 1.1E4 l 3.0E8 l 3.4E4 1 3.0E8 l 9.5E4 l 3.0E8 l 1.1E5 l 3.0E8 l l Co-60 3.2E4 l 1.7E10 l 9.6E4 l 1.7E10 l 2.6E5 l 1.7E10 l 2.8E5 l 1.7E10 l l Sr-89 , 4.0E5 l 1.7E4 l 6.0E5 l 1.7E4 1 4.3E5 l 1.7E4 1 3.0E5 l 1 7E4 l l Sr-90 l 4.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E8 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E8 1 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l Zr-95 l 2.2E4 l 2.0E8 l 6.1E4 l 2.0E8 l 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 l 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 I Nb-95 l 1.3E4 l 1.1E8 l 3.7E4 l 1.1E8 l 9.7E4 l 1.1E8 l 1.0E5 l 1.1E8 l

( ,) l Te-129m l 3.2E4 l 1.6E7 l 5.0E4 l 1.6E7 l 5.2E4 l 1.6E7 l 3.7E4 1 1.6E7 I

'v' l Cs-134 l 7.0E5 I 5.5E9 l 1.0E6 I 5.5E9 l 1.1E6 l 5.5E9 l 8.5ES l 5.5E9 i i Cs-136 l 1.3E5 l 1.2E8 l 1.7E5 l 1.2E8 l 1.9E5 l 1.2E8 l 1.5E5 l 1.2E8 l l Cs-137 l 6.1E5 l 8.2E9 1 8.3E5 l 8.2E9 l 8.5ES l 8.2E9 l 6.2E5 l 8.2E9 l l Ba-140 1 5.6E4 l 1.6E7 I 7.4E4 l 1.6E7 l 2.3E5 l 1.6E7 'l 2.2E5 l 1.6E7 l l Ce-141 1 2.2E4 l 1.1E7 l 5.7E4 l 1.1E7 l 1.3E5 l 1.1E7 l 1.2E5 1.1E7 l l Ce-144 l 1.5ES l 5.6E7 l 3.9E5 1 5.6E7 l 8.6E5 I 5.6E7 l 8.2E5 5.6E7 l 1 I -131 l 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.6E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.2E7 1.4E7 l l I -133 l 3.6E6 l 2.0E6 l 3.8E6 l 2.0E6 l 2.9E6 I 2.0E6 l 2.2E6 l 2.0E6 I I I -135 l 7.0E5 1 2.0E6 1 7.9E5 l 2.0E6 l 6.2E5 l 2.0E6 l 4.5E5 1 2.0E6 l l UN-ID l 4.1E7 1 0.0E0 l 1.0E8 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E8 l 0.0E0 I 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l l l l l l l l l 1 I I I I I I l l l l l l l 1 I I I I l l 1 1 I l l l 1 l l l l 1 i l l 1 l l 1 I I I I I I l l 1 1 I I I I l 1 l 1 I I l 1 l l l I l 1 I I l l l 1 I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 I I l l l l 1 I l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l 1 I l l 1 I 8 1 f  ?  !  !  ! ,

() Inhalation Pathway, units = *C Food & Ground Pathway, urits = (* Y")

j 2-25 Rev. 2 06-15-85 L

n TABLE 2-7 V

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR Q Page 1 of 5 l Pathway =StateParkOfficeTrailer Distance = 0.4 miles l l X/0 = 4.6E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 2.5E-8 m 2 l l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult I l i  : i  ! .  ! , l l lInhala- Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- Food & l l Radio- l tion Ground ition l Ground l tion l Ground l tion Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway Pathway l Pathway lPathwayl i i I i i i l l l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E2 1 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l.0.0E0 l 7.6E2 l 1.1E6 l l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.8E4 1 3.2E8 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 7.2E3 l 7.8E7 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.4E4 l 8.7E7 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' 6.5E4 l 4.9E9 I l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 6.9E4 1 4 9E3 l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 2.3E7 l 0.0E0 l

'Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.4E4 l 5.7E7 l l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.4E4 l 3.1E7 l

(') l Te-129m l 0.0E0 C:-134 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 8.3E3 l 4.5E6 l t ./ l l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.9ES l 1.6E9 l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.3E4 l 3.4E7 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E5 l 2.3E9 l l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 5.0E4 l 4.7E6 l l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.7E4 l 3.1E6 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.9E5 l 1.6E7 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.7E6 l 3.9E6 l l I -133 J 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.9E5 l 5.6E5 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 l 5.8E5 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.3E7 l 0.0E0 l l l i l l l l I I I I l l l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l 1 I i l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I ~I I I I I I l 1 l i I I I I i l  !  !  !  !  ! l  !

Inhalation Pathway, units =


U Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* # #)

j 2-26 Rev. 2 06-15-85 b

(] TABLE 2-7 V

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR Q Page 2 of 5 l Pathway =EnlistedBeachRecreationBuilding Distance = 1.0 miles l X/Q = 1.2E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 5.7E-9 m 2 l l

l, Infant Child Teen l Adult

[ f l l lInhala-l Food &lInhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food &l l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground tion l Ground : tion l Ground l INuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway lPathwayl i i i i i i i i l H -3 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.6E2 l 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 J 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.5E2 l 1.3E6 l l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.2E4 l 3.9E8 l l Co-57 I 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.0E3 l 9.8E7 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 3.0E4 l 1.1E8 I l Co-60 l 0.0E0 j 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 8.1E4 l 6.1E9 l l Sr-89 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 8.7E4 l 6.2E3 l l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 2.8E7 I 0.0E0 l J Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l A.3E4 l 7.2E7 l l Nb-95 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.0E4 1 3.9E7 l (g) l Te-129m 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E4 l 5.6E6 l l Cs-134 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.4E5 l 1.9E9 l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 4.2E4 1 4.3E7 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.8E5 l 2.9E9 l j Ba-140 j 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.2E4 l 5.9E6 l l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 I 3.4E4 l 3.9E6 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E5 l 2.0E7 l J I -131 ) 0.0E0 j 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.4E6 l 4.9E6 l 1 I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.1E5 l 7.0E5 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E5 l 7.2E5 l j UN-ID j 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 2.8E7 0.0E0 l l I I I l l l 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 'l l l l 1 l

l l 1 I I I l l l l 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I '

I I I I I I I I I i l l l I  ! l l l l 1 I I I I I l l l l l 1 I I l l 1 I I I l l l I I I I I I I l l  !  ! l l l l l l  !

InhalationPathway, units ={C Food & Ground Pathway, units = s 2-27 Rev. 2 06-15-85 i

)J TABLE 2-7 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR Q Page 3 of 5 l Pathway = USMC Commercial Use Distance = 1.5 miles l l X/Q = 6.7E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 3.0E-9 m 2 l l l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult l l Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l lNuclide jPathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l

! l l l l l l 1 1 I I I I I I I l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.3E2 1 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E3 1 1.6E6 l l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.6E4 1 4.7E8 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.1E4 l 1.2E8 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.9E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.6E4 l 1.3E8 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 9.7E4 l 7.4E9 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 l 7.4E3 l l Sr-90 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 j 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.4E7 l 0.0E0 l Zr-95 l 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.1E4 l 8.6E7 o l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.6E4 1 4.7E7 U l i

Te-129m l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E4 l 2.9E5 l 6.7E6 1 2.3E9 l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.0E4 1 5.1E7 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.1E5  ! 3.5E9 I l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.5E4 1 7.0E6 l l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.1E4 I 4.7E6 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.8E5 l 2.4E7 l 1 I -131 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.1E6 I 5.9E6 l l I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.4E5 l 8.4E5 l l I -135 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 l 8.6E5 l UN-ID 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.4E7 1 0.0E0 I

. I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l I I I l I l l l l l l 1 I I I I  ! l l I I l l l l 1 I I I I i l l 1 I I I l 1 I I I I I I I l l l l l l 1 I I I I I l l l l l l l 1 l 1 I I I I I I l i l l l l l l l l l 1 I I i l l l I I l l l l l  !  !  !  ! 1 Inhalation Pathway, units = C Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* " ")

j 2-28 Rev. 2 06-15-85 t  ;

f .

TABLE 2-7 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR Q Page 4 of 5' Pathway = San Clemente Ranch (No Residents) Distance = 2.0 miles l 2

X/Q = 4.1E-7 sec/m D/Q = 1.7E-9 m 8 l

. , , , l Infant l Child i Tee'n l Adult l Inhala- l Food & Inhala- l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- l Food &

Radio-  ! tion l Ground ' tion l Ground ition Ground ltion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway Pathway PathwaylPathway Pathway l

-l l l l l .

. I l l l- l l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E3 1 0.0E0 2.6E3 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E3 l l Cr-51' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.1E6 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E7 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 l l Mn-54 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.5E8 l 0.0E0 l 9.2E8 l 0.0E0 l 9.4E8 l l Co-57 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.4E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.2E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E8 l l Co-58 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.~0E0 l 3.7E8 1 0.0E0 l 5.9E8 l 0.0E0 6.1E8 l

l. Co-60 . 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.1E9 l 0.0E0 3.2E9 l 0.0E0 3.1E9 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.5E10 l 0.0E0 1.5E10 1 0.0E0 9.8E9 l l Sr l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0. l 1.4E12 l 0.0E0 8.3E11 l 0.0E0 6.7E11 1

-l Zr-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ! 0.0E0 l 8.8E8 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E9 l'O.0E0 l 1.2E9 l l Nb-95 1 0 0E0 l n.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.9E8 l 0.0E0 4.5E8 1 0.0E0 1 4.7E8 l t -

l Te-129m l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.9E9 l 0.0E0 1.8E9 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E9 l l Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l G.0E0 2.6E10 1 0.0E0 1.6E10 l 0.0E0 1 1.1E10 l '

Cs-136 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 2.2E8 l 0.0E0 1.7E8 l 0.0E0 1.7E8 Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0- l 0.0E0 l 2.4E10 l 0.0E0 1.4E10 1 0.0E0 9.1E9 Ba-140 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.8E8 l 0.0E0 2.1E8 1 0.0E0 l~2.6E8 i Ce-141 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E8 l 0.0E0 l 5.3E8 1 0.0E0 l 5.0E8 l Ce-144 l.0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E10 l 0.0E0 '

l 1.3E10 1 0.0E0 1 1.1E10 l I -131 -l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0- l 0.0E0 l 4.8E10 l 0.0E0 3.1E10 1 0.0E0 3.8E10 l I -133 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 -l 8.1E8 l 0.0E0 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 5.3E8 i .

I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 9.8E6 -1 0.0E0 5.7E6 l 0.0E0 6.6E6 l I UN-ID l 0.0E0- l 0.0E0 j 0.0E0- l 1.4E12 l 0.0E0 8.3E11 l 0.0E0 6.7E11 l 1 I I I I l l 1 I l l 1 l l l l 1 1 I l 1 I I l 1- 1 I I  !

! I l 1 I i l l 1 I I '

I l l 1 l I I l L ,

!  ! l  !  ; I Inhalation Pathway, units = T#

Food & Ground Pathway, units = f* # #)

j 2-29 Rev. 2 06-15-85 .

L ~_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ._ _. _ _ _. -

TABLE 2-7 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR Q Page 5 of 5 l Pathway = S.C. Resident W Garden Distance = 3.9 miles l l X/Q = 1.5E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 5.3E-10 m 2  ;

I i i i I I I I Infant l Child  ! Teen I Adult l l Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala-l Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l tion Ground l tion l Ground I lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway! Pathway l PathwaylPathway l PathwayjPathway l Pathway l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l I I I l I l H -3 l 6.5E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E3 l 4.0E3 l 1.3E3 l 2.6E3 l 1.3E3 l 2.3E3 l l Cr-51 l 3.6E2 l 3.7E6 l 1.1E3 l 9.8E6 1 3.0E3 l 1.4E7 l 3.3E3 l 1.5E7 l

[ Mn-54 l 2.5E4 l 1.1E9 l 4.3E4 l 1.8E9 l 6.7E4 l 2.0E9 l 7.7E4 l 2.0E9 l l Co-57 l 4.9E3 l 2.7E8 l 1.3E4 l 5.1E8 l 3.1E4 l 6.0E8 l 3.1E4 l 5.6E8 l l Co-58 [ 1.1E4  ! 3.0E8 I 3.4E4 l 6.7E8 l 9.5E4 l 8.9E8 l 1.1E5 l 9.1E8 l l Co-60 1 3.2E4 l 1.7E10 l 9.6E4 l 1.9E10 l 2.6E5 l 2.0E10 l 2.8E5 l 2.0E10 l l Sr-89 l 4.0E5 l 1.7E4 i 6.0E5 l 3.5E10 l 4.3E5 l 1.5E10 l 3.0E5 l 9.8E9 l l Sr-90 l 4.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E8 l 1.4E12 l 1.1E8 l 8.3E11 l 9.9E7 l 6.7E11 l l Zr-95 l 2.2E4 l 2.0E8 1 6.1E4 l 1.1E9 l 1.5ES l 1.4E9 l 1.5E5 l 1.4E9 I p l Nb-95 l 1.3E4 Te-129m l 3.2E4 l 1.1E8 l 1.6E7 l 3.7E4 l 5.0E4 l 4.0E8 l 2.9E9 l 9.7E4 l 5.2E4 5.6E8 1.8E9 l 1.0E5 l 3.7E4 l 5.8E8 l l 1.2E9 l v l l Cs-134 l 7.0E5 1 5.5E9 l 1.0E6 l 3.1E10 l 1.1E6 2.2E10 l 8.5E5 l 1.6E10 l l Cs-136 l 1.3E5 1 1.2E8 l 1.7E5 -l 3.4E8 l 1.9E5 l 2.9E8 l 1.5E5 l 2.9E8 l l Cs-137 l 6.1ES i 8.2E9 l 8.3E5 1 3.2E10 l 8.5E5 l 2.2E10 l 6.2E5 l 1.7E10 l '

l Ba-140 l 5.6E4 l 1.6E7 I 7.4E4 l 2.9E8 l 2.3E5 l 2.3E8 l 2.2E5 l 2.8E8 l l Ce-141 l 2.2E4 l 1.1E7 l 5.7E4 l 4.1E8 l 1.3E5 l 5.4E8 l 1.2E5 l 5.1E8 l Ce-144 1 1.5E5 l 5.6E7 l 3.9E5 l 1.0E10 l 8.6E5 l 1.3E10 l 8.2E5 l 1.1E10 l I -131 l 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.6E7 l 4.8E10 l 1.5E7 l 3.1E10 l 1.2E7 l 3.8E10 l l I -133 1 3.6E6 l 2.0E6 l 3.8E6 l 8.1E8 l 2.9E6 I 4.6E8 l 2.2E6 1 5.3E8 l l I -135 l 7.0E5 l 2.0E6 1 7.9ES l 1.2E7 1 6.2E5 l 7.7E6 l 4.5E5 l 8.6E6 l l UN-ID l 4.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E8 l 1.4E12 l 1.1E8 l 8.3E11 l 9.9E7 l 6.7E11 l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 I I I l I I I I I I I l l 1 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l 1 I I l l l l l l 1 l l 1 l 1 I I I I I I I I l l l l l l 1  ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i l l l 1 I I p

v Inhalation Pathway, units =

h" Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* j3 2-30 Rev. 2 06-15-85 L


.l TABLE 2-8 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR R Page 1 of 4 l' Pathway = San Onofre Mobile Homes Distance = 1.1 miles l X/Q = 6 3E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 3.6E-9 m ' ' '

i i i . . ,

l i Infant  ! Child l Teen Adult l l .

Inhala-l Food &lInhala- Food & lInhala- l Food & Inhala-l Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground ition Ground l tion l Ground tion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway PathwaylPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l l l  : l l l l l 1 I I I l l l l l 1

'l H -3 l 6.5E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E3 l 0.0E0 1.3E3 l 0.0E0~ l 1.3E3 1 0.0E0 l l-Cr-51 1 3.6E2 l 3.7E6 l 1.1E3 1 3.7E6 3.0E3 l 3.7E6 l 3.3E3 1 3.7E6 l l Mn-54 l 2.5E4 l 1.1E9 l 4.3E4 l 1.1E9 l 6.7E4 l 1.1E9 l 7.7E4 l 1.1E9 l l Co-57 4.9E3 l 2.7E8 l 1.3E4 .l 2.7E8 l 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 l 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 l l 'Co-58 1.1E4 [ 3.0E8 l 3.4E4 l 3.0E8 l 9.5E4 l 3.0E8 l 1.1ES l 3.0E8 l  ;

I Co-60 l 3.2E4 l 1.7E10 l 9.6E4 l 1.7E10 l 2.6E5 l 1.7E10 l 2.8E5 l 1.7E10 l l Sr-89 l 4.0E5 l l'.7E4 l 6.0E5 l 1.7E4 l 4.3E5 l 1.7E4 l 3.0E5 1.7E4 l

-l Sr-90 l 4.1E7 0.0E0 l 1.0E8 i 0.0E0 l 1.1E8 l 0.0E0 9.9E7 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 l 2.2E4 2.0E8 l 6.1E4 l 2.0E8 l 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 1.5E5 2.0E8 l Nb-95 l 1.3E4 1 1.1E8 l 3.7E4 l 1.1E8 ! 9.7E4 l 1.1E8 i 1.0E5 1.1E8 l Q ll Te-129m l.3.2E4 -l 1,6E7 l 5.0E4 l 1.6E7 5.2E4 l Cs-134 1 7.0E5 l 5.5E9 l 1.0E6 l 5.5E9  ; 1.1E6 l 1.6E7 l 5.5E9 i

3.7E4 1.6E7 8.5E5 l 5.5E9 l

l l Cs-136 l 1.3E5. I 1.2E8 l.1.7ES l 1.2E8 l 1.9E5 l 1.2E8 l 1.5E5 l 1.2E8 l l Cs-137 6.1E5 l 8.2E9 l 8.3E5 l 8.2E9 l 8.5ES I 8.2E9 l 6.2E5 l 8.2E9 l l Ba-140 5.6E4 l 1.6E7 I 7.4E4 l 1.6E7 l 2.3E5 l 1.6E7 2.2E5 1.6E7 .l l Ce-141 2.2E4 l 1.1E7 l 5.7E4 l 1.1E7 l 1.3E5 l 1.1E7 1.2E5 1.1E7 i

~l Ce-144 1.5E5 l 5.6E7 l 3.9E5 1 5.6E7 -l 8.6ES l 5.6E7 l 8.2E5 , 5.6E7 l l I -131 l 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.6E7 1 1.4E7 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.2E7 l 1.4E7 l l I -133 1 3.6E6 l 2.0E6 l 3.8E6 l 2.0E6 2.9E6 2.0E6 l 2.2E6 l 2.0E6 l

'l I -135 l 7.0E5 l 2.0E6 1 7.9ES l 2.0E6 l 6.2E5 2.0E6 l 4.5E5 l 2.0E6 l l UN-ID l 4.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E8- l C.0E0 l 1.1E8 1 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l

'l l I I I I I I 'I l l 1 I I l l 1 i

'l i I I I l I I l- 1 I I I I l l l l l l 1 I i l l 1 I I I I I I i i I I l I l \ l l I I l \

l I l 1 l 1 I I I l 1 I I I I I I i l I I I  ! l 1

.I I I I I I I I I

!'  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  ! i Inhalation Pathway, units = h" Food & Ground Pathway, units = (" ")

2-31 Rev. 2 06-15-85 ,


TABLE 2-8 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR R Page 2 of 4 i i l Pathway = San Clemente Ranch (No Residents) Distance = 2.1 miles l l X/Q = 2.3E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 1.2E-9 m 2 [

i i i e i i l l Infant i Child i Teen l Adult l I  ! i  : i  ; i  ! i l l lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & ;Inhala- l Food & l l Radio-  ! tion l Ground l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l l l l l l l l l l H -3 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E3 1 0.0E0 l 2.6E3 1 0.0E0 l 2.3E3 l l Cr-51 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 6.1E6 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 l l Mn-54 [ 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.5E8 l 0.0E0 l 9.2E8 l 0.0E0 l 9.4E8 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.4E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.2E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E8 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 5.9E8 1 0.0E0 l 6.1E8 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.1E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.2E9 l 0.0E0 1 3.1E9 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.5E10 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E10 0.0E0 l 9.8E9 l l Sr-90 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E12 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E11 0.0E0 l 6.7E11 l l Zr-95 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.8E8 l 0.0E0 1.2E9 0.0E0 l 1.2E9 l l Nb-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E8 l 0.0E0 4.5E8 , 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 l


\s' l Te-129m l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E9 l 0.0E0 . 1.8E9 l 0.0E0 1 1.2E9 l l Cs-134 I 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.6E10 l 0.0E0 l 1.6E10 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E10 l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.2E8 l 0.0E0 l 1.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 1.7E8 l l Cs-137 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.4E10 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E10 1 0.0E0 l 9.1E9 l l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.8E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.1E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E8 l 0.0E0 l 5.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 5.0E8 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E10 l 0.0E0 1 1.3E10 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E10 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.8E10 1 0.0E0 l 3.1E10 l 0.0E0 l 3.8E10 l l 1 -133 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 8.1E8 l 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 1 0.0E0 l 5.3E8 l l I -135 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.8E6 l 0.0E0 l 5.7E6 1 0.0E0 l 6.6E6 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 1 1.4E12 l 0.0E0 8.3E11 l 0.0E0 l 6.7E11 l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I I I I I I l l 1 I I I I l l l 1 I l l I I I l l l l 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 I I l 1 l l l l l l l I l l l 1 I I I i I i l l l l 1 1 I I l l l l  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !

Inhalation Pathway, units = h#

G 1 Food & Ground Pathway, units = # #)

2-32 Rev. 2 06-15-85 i

TABLE 2-8 p) y_

DOSE PARAMETER R.' FOR SECTOR R Page 3 of 4 l Pathway =SanClementeRanchPacking Distance = 2.4 miles l l X/Q = 1.9E-7 sec/m 2 0/Q = 9.1E-10 m 2 l l . . . i  !

l l Infant  ! Child  ! Teen l Adult l l Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food &lInhala-l Food & Inhala- Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground ltion Ground Ition l Ground ltion Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway lPathwaylPathwayl Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l l l l l l l l l l l l H -3 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 4.0E3 1 0.0E0 2.6E3 1 1.3E3 l 2.3E3 l l Cr-51 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.1E6 1 0.0E0 1.0E7 l 3.3E3 l 1.5E7 l l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 6.5E8 l 0.0E0 l 9.2E8 l 7.7E4 l 2.0E9 l l Co-57 1 0.0E0 j 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.4E8 l 0.0E0 1 3.2E8 l 3.1E4 l 5.6E8 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 5.9E8 l 1.1E5 l 9.1E8 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.1E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.2E9 l 2.8E5 l 2.0E10 I l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 3.5E10 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E10 l 3.0E5 l 9.8E9 l l Sr-90 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E12 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E11 l 9.9E7 l 6.7E11 l l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.8E8 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E9 l 1.5E5 l 1.4E9 l l Nb-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E8 l 0.0E0 l 4.5E8 l 1.0E5 I 5.8E8 l

(] l Te-129m j 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.9E9 l 0.0E0 l 1.8E9 l 3.7E4 l 1.2E9 l

'o l Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 2.6E10 l 0.0E0 1.6E10 l 8.5E5 l 1.6E10 l l Cs-136 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.2E8 l 0.0E0 1.7E8 l 1.5E5 l 2.9E8 l l Cs-137 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 2.4F10 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E10 l 6.2E5 1 1.7E9 l l Ba-140 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.8E8 1 0.0E0 l 2.1E8 l 2.2E5 l 2.8E8 l l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E8 0.0E0 l 5.3E8 l 1.2E5 l 5.1E8 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.0E10 0.0E0 l 1.3E10 l 8.2E5 l 1.1E10 l l I -131 [ 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.8E10 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E10 l 1.2E7 l 3.8E10 I I I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E8 l 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 l 2.2E6 l 5.3E8 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 9.8E6 l 0.0E0 l 5.7E6 l 4.5E5 l 8.6E6 l l UN-10 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.4E12 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E11 l 9.9E7 l 6.7E11 l l l 1 1 I I l l l l 1 1 I I I I I I l l 1 1 I I I I i l 1 l l l l 1 1 I l I I i l l l l 1 I l l l l l 1 I I I I I ,

I l l 1 I i l l l 1 l l l l l l l l l i I l l i I l l l l I i l 1 l l l l I l 1 1 I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l l t t  ! l  !  ! 1 I I I Inhalation Pathway, units =

h" Food & Ground Pathway, units =

2-33 Rev. 2 06-15-85


gq TABLE 2-8 U

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR R Page 4 of 4 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Ste; herd Distance = 1.3 miles l l X/Q = 5.0E-7 sec/m' 0/Q = 2.8E-9 m 2 l l i i i i l l l Infant l Child i Teen l Adult l Inhala-l Foot & Inhala-l Food &lInhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food &

IRadio- l tion I Grou/d '.t an l Ground l tion i Ground [ tion I Ground l lNuclide (Pathway l Pathway l Pati,way l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathwayl i i l i i i i I i l l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 l 2.3E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.9E2 7.0E0 l 3.2E2 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 1 0.0E0 l 3.4E4 1.8E1 l 9.0E4 l I Mn-54 j 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 I 4.3E2 l 1.6E7 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 1.7E2 l 4.0E7 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.7E7 I 5.9E2 l 5.4E7 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 I 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 l 1.6E3 1 6.0E8 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0  ! 4.8E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E7 l 1.7E3 1 3.0E7 l l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 0.0E0 l 3.1EE I 5.5E5 4.8E9 l l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 0.0E0 l 1.5EE l 8.3E2 2.6E8 I I Nb-95 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 1 2.5EE I 5.7E2 1 4.5E8 I

() l Te-129m I 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 l 2.0E2 l 3.0E8 l V Cs-134 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 1 0.0E0 1 3.9E8 I 4.7E3 l 5.3E8 l l

! Cs-136 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 8.1E2 I 9.7E5 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 I 0.0E0 l 3.5E8 3.4E3 l 4.9E8 l l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 I 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 l 1.2E3 l 2.8E5 l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 I 6.6E2 l 1.9E6 l Ce-144 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 I 4.5E3 l 1.3E8 l I -131 1 0 OE0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.6E6 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 I 6.6E4 l 1.6E6 l l I -133 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.9E-2 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 l 1.3E4 l l I -135 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 1.4E-181 0.0E0 1 7.8E-191 2.5E3 l 1.4E4 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 1 3.1E9 l 5.5ES l 4.8E9 l l l l l l l l l I I I I i l l I i i l I I I I I I I I I I I i l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 1 l l l  ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i l i I I I I I I l l l 1 I l l I I I Inhalation Pathway, units = f Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* # d j

2-34 Rev. 2 06-15-85

( _ _ _

TABLE 2-9 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR A Page 1 of 2 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) Distance = 0.8 miles l X/Q = 8.4E-7 sec/m' D/Q 6.5E-9 m 2 l l i i i i  !

l l Infant  ! Child l Teen l Adult l l I i  ! > l l i l

-lInhala- l Food & IInhala- l Food & lInhala- Food & Inhala- Food & I Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l tion Ground tion Ground l Nucl_ide . Pathway lPathwaylPathwayl Pathway l Pathway lPathwayPathway Pathway l l l l I l l l H -3 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E2 0.0E0 1.9E2 1 7.0E0 1 3.2E2 l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 0.0E0 3.4E4 l 1.8E1 9.0E4 l Mn-54 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 l 4.3E2 1.6E7 l Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 1.7E2 4.0E7 l Co-58 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.7E7 l 5.9E2 5.4E7 l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 l 1.6E3 i 6.0E8 l Sr-89 0.0E0 l 1.7E3 l 3.0E7 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 4.8E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E7 i Sr-90 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 l 4.8E9 l Zr-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 1 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 l 8.3E2  ! 2.6E8 l l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 [ 5.7E2 l 4.5E8 l O

v l

l Te-129m 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 Cs-134 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E8 l 4.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 l 2.0E2 3.9E8 l 4.7E3 l 3.0E8 l 5.3E8 l Cs-136 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 1.2E5 l 8.1E2 ' 9.7E5 l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 4.6E8 1 0.0E0 3.5E8 3.4E3 4.9E8 l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.2E5 i 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.2E3 2.8E5 l Ce-141 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 7.0E5 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E2 1.9E6 I .Ce-144 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 5.1E7 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 l 4.5E3 1.3E8 l I -131 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.6E6 0.0E0 1.1E6 l 6.6E4 1.6E6 I -133 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 1.1E-2 1 1.2E4 i 1.3E4 I -135 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.4E-18l 0.0E0 7.8E-19 2.5E3 1.4E4 UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 I I l l l l l l l l I l l l l l l I l I i l l l l l l l 1 l l 1 l I I I I I l 1 I l l l l I I I l 1 l l ,

i 1 l i I I I i l 1 I l l 1 1 I i l Inhalation Pathway, units = "C Food & Ground Pathway, units = Y")

2-35 Rev. 2 06-15-85 L

v TABLE 2-9 DOSE PARAMETER R, FOR SECTOR A Page 2 of 2 l Pathway =CampSanMateo Distance = 3.5 miles l l X/Q = 7.6E-8 sec/m' D/Q = 4.3E-10 m 2 l l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult l I i  ! i  ! ,  ! i  !

l lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & l l Radio- l tion Ground Ition l Ground l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway PathwaylPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway [ Pathway l Pathwayl i i i i i i l i H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.3E3 1 0.0E0 l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E3 l 3.7E6 l l Mn-54 1 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.7E4 l 1.1E9  !

l Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 l l Co-58 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E5 l 3.0E8 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.8E5 l 1.7E10 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.0E5 l 1.7E4 l l Sr-90 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 1.0E5 1.1E8 I O ll i te-129m i o.oso Cs-134 1 0.0E0 i o.oeo i o.oeo 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 i o.oso l 0.0E0 i o.oso i o.oso i 3.7e4 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.5E5 1.ee7 1 5.5E9 i

l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 l 1.2E8 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 6.2E5 l 8.2E9 l l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.2E5 l 1. tie 7 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 1.1E7 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.2E5 l 5.6E7 l l I -131 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 l 1.4E7 l l I -133 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.2E6 l 2.0E6 l l 1 -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.5E5 1 2.0E6 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 I I l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l I I l l I l l l l l l l l l 1 l l  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !

Inhalation Pathway, units = h" Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* " ")

j O -

3107c 2-36 Rev. 2 06-15-85

\ . _ _ . _ . . _

/7 TABLE 2-10 V

DOSE PARAMETER R. FOR SECTOR C Page 1 cf 1 i i l Pathway = Camp San Onofre Distance = 2.7 miles  !

X/Q = 9.3E-8 sec/m' D/0 = 8.3E-10 m 2 l Infant  ! Child Adult l l l Teen l l l l i l i . . I i l l lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & 1 l Radio- Ition l Ground ! tion l Ground ltion Ground l tion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway! Pathway l PathwaylPathway Pathway l Pathway l Pathwayl i i I i i I I i l l H -3 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.3E3 l 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E3 l 3.7E6 l l Mn-54 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 [ 0.0E0 l 7.7E4 l 1.1E9 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E5 1 3.0E8 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.8E5 l 1.7E10 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l'3.0E5 l 1.7E4 l l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 1 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 l 1 Nb-95 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 l 1.1E8 l

( l Te-129m I 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.7E4 l 1.6E7 l l Cs-134 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.5E5 5.5E9 I '

l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 1.2E8 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.nE0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.2E5 8.2E9 l l Ba-140 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.2E5 l 1.6E7 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.2E5 l 1.1E7 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 8.2E5 l 5.6E7 l l I -131 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.2E7 l 1.4E7 l l I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.2E6 l 2.0E6 l l I -135 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.5ES l 2.0E6 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l 1

l l l I I l l 1 I I l l l l l l l l l l I I l l l l l I l 1 l l l l l l l l l 1 l l l l .

I I I l l l I I l l

Inhalation Pathway, units = h" 2

Food & Ground Pathway, units =

" ")

j 2-37 Rev. 2 06-15-85


O TABLE 2-11 V

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR D Page 1 of 2 l Pathway = Sheep (Meat)andShepherd Distance = 0.2 miles l l X/Q = 4.5E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 4.8E-8 m 2 I Infant Child Teen Adult f f f lInhala-l Food &lInhala-l Food &lInhala-l Food &lInhala-l Food &l l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground (tion l Ground (tion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway! Pathway l Pathway l l l l l I i i i I I l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E2 l 0.0E0 1 1.9E2 l 7.0E0 l 3.2E2 l l Cr-51 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 1 0.0E0 1 3.4E4 ( 1.8E1 l 9.0E4 l l Mn-54 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 2.3E6 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 l 4.3E2 l 1.6E7 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 1 2.3E7 l 1.7E2 1 4.0E7 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.7E7 l 5.9E2 1 5.4E7 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 l 1.6E3 1 6.0E8 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.8E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E7 l 1.7E3 l 3.0E7 l l Sr-90 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 l 4.8E9 l l Zr-95 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 l 8.3E2 1 2.6E8 l l Nb-95  ! 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 1 2.5E8 l 5.7E2 4.5E8 l f) l Te-129m l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E8 1 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 1 2.0E2 3.0E8 l v l Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.9E8 1 4.7E3 l 5.3E8 l l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 8.1E2 l 9.7E5 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.5E8 l 3.4E3 l 4.9E8 l l Ba-140 1 0 Cc0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 1 1.2E3 l 2.8E5 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.156 I 6.6E2 l 1.9E6 l 1 Ce-144 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 [ 0.0E0 I 8.3E7 1 4.5E3 l 1.3E8 l l I -131 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.6E6 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 l 6.6E4 l 1.6E6 l l I -133 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.9E-2 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 l 1.3E4 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E-181 0.0E0 l 7.8E-19l 2.5E3 l 1.4E4 I l UN-10 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 1 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 l 4.8E9 I I I I I I l l l l l l l 1 I l l l l l f I l 1 I l l l 1 l l l 1 l l l l l l 1 I I l 1 1 I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l l l l l 1 I I l l 1 l l l l l l I I I l l l l l l 1 l I l l l 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1  !  ! I l ,  !  !  ! I Inhalation Pathway, units = *C O " ")

Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* j 2-38 Rev. 2 )

06-15-85  :


3 TABLE 2-11 (O

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR D Page 2 of 2 l Pathway =CampSanOnofre Distance = 2.9 miles l l X/Q = 7.0E-8 sec/m' D/Q = 7.2E-10 m r j

! . , , , l l l Infant l Child l Teen Adul t l l l i  ! i  ! . i l l IInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & Inhala- l Food & Inhala- l Food & l l Radio- l tion l Ground Ition l Ground tion l Ground [ tion i Ground l l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l PathwaylPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l lNuclide l l l l l l l l l H -3 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E3 l 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.3E3 l 3.7E6 l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.7E4 l 1.1E9 l Co-57 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 i Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.1ES l 3.0E8 l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.8E5 l 1.7E10 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 3.0E5 l 1.7E4 l l Sr-90 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 l 1.1E8 l Ol i l

Te-129 Cs-134 i o.oeo l 0.0E0 i o.oso l 0.0E0 i o.oso l 0.0E0 i o.oso 1 0.0E0 i o.oso l 0.0E0 i o oeo l 0.0E0 i 3.7e4 l 8.5E5 i 1.ee7 l 5.5E9 i

l 1 Cs-136 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.5E5 l 1.2E8 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 6.2E5 l 8.2E9 l l Ba-140 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.2E5 l 1.6E7 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0F0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 1.1E7 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.2E5 l 5.6E7 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 l 1.4E7 l l 1 -133 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.2E6 l 2.0E6 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.5ES I 2.0E6 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l 1 I I I I l l l l l l 1 I I i i I l 1 l 1 1 I I I l l l l l l l l I I l l l 1 l I l 1 1 I I l l 1 I I I I I I I l I I l I I I I I I l l l l l l I I I I I l l  ! I I I I l l I I I I I I l l l 1 l 1 I I l l l l l 1 I .

l l l l  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !

Inhalation Pathway, units = *C Food & Ground Pathway, units = I* # ")

j 2-39 Rev. 2 06-15-85 i

TABLE 2-12 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR E Page 1 of 2 l Pathway = Sheep (Meat)andShepherd Distance = 0.4 miles l l X/Q = 3.3E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 4.3E-8 m 2 i l . , i i l l l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult l Inhala-l Food & Inhala- l Food & Inhala- Food & ' Inhala- Food &

Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground ltion l Ground tion Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway lPatnwayl Pathway l Pathway lPathwayPathwey Pathway l l l l l l l l l l l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.9E2 l 7.0E0 l 3.2E2 l l Cr-51 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 l 0.0E0 l 3.4E4 l 1.8E1 l 9.0E4 l l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 I 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 l 4.3E2 l 1.6E7 l Co-57 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 1 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 1.7E2 l 4.0E7 l Co-58  ! 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E7 l 0.0E0 1 2.7E7 l 5.9E2 l 5.4E7 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 l 1.6E3 6.0E8 l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.8E7 l 0.0E0 1 2.5E7 l 1.7E3 3.0E7 l Sr-90 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 4.0E9 1 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5ES i 4.8E9 l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 l 8.3E2 l 2.6E8 l Nb-95 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 l 5.7E2 l 4.5E8 Oli i Cs-134 Cs-136 1 0.0E0 te-129= i o oeo l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 i o.oeo 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 i o.oeo l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 3.3e8 l 4.7E8 l 1.4E5 i o oso l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 2 se8 l 3.9E8 l 1.2E5 i 2 oe2 l 4.7E3 l 8.1E2 i 3 oe8 i l 5.3E8 l

l l l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l S.7E5 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.5E8 3.4E3 l 4.9E8 l l Ba-140 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 1.2E3 1 2.8E5 l l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 6.6E2 l 1.9E6 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 1 4.5E3 l 1.3E8 l l I -131 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.6E6 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 l 6.6E4 l 1.6E6 l l I -133 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 l 1.3E4 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E-18l 0.0E0 l 7.8E-191 2.5E3 l 1.4E4 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 1 4.8E9 l l 1 I I i l l i I I I I I I l l l l l l l l 1 l l l l l l l l l I l l l 1 i l i i I I l l l l l l i I l 1 I l 1 l l l I I l l l I l l l l 1 1 I I I I l l l 1 I I l l l l l l 1 l l l l l l 1 i l I I l  ! l l l l l l l l l l l

!  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  ! I Inhalation Pathway, units = h" Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* j l

2-40 Rev. 2 06-15-85

( l

p v

TABLE 2-12 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR E Page 2 of 2 l Pathway =CampHorno Distance = 4.2 miles l l X/Q = 6.2E-8 sec/m 2 D/Q = 5.8E-10 m 2 l l Infant Chila l Teen l Adult l lInhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food &

IRadio- l tion l Ground jtion Ground ltion l Ground [ tion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l PathwaylPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathwayi F  !  !  !  !  !  !  ! l 1 I I I I I I I I i l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E3 l 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 0.UE0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E3 1 3.7E6 l l Mn-54 { 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.7E4 l 1.1E9 i l Co-57 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E5 1 3.0E8 1 ,

l Co-60 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 2.8E5 l 1.7E10 '

l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.0E5 l 1.7E4 l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 I Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 l 1.1E8 l Oll 7e-129m i o.oso i o.oeo i o.oso Cs-134 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 Cs-136 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i o.oeo l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 i o.oso l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 i o.oso i 3.7e4 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.5E5 l 1.5ES i 1.8e7 l 5.5E9 I 1.2E8 l 8.2E9 i

l l

l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 6.2E5 l l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.2E5 l 1.6E7 l l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 1.1E7 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 8.2E5 5.6E7 l l 1 -131 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 1.4E7 l l I -133 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.2E6 1 2.0E6 l l I -135 I 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.5E5 l 2.0E6 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 1 0.0E0 l l l l l l 1 l 1 I I I I I I l l l l 1 I I l l l l l 1 I I I I l l l l l i I I i i i I I l l 1 l l l l 1 I I I I I i i l i I l l 1 l l l 1 l l l I I I I I I l l l l I l l l  ! I I ,

I I I I I l I l l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I l l  !  !  !  !  ! l  !  !

q Inhalation Pathway, units =

U Food & Ground Pathway, units = b " d j

2-41 Rev. 2 ,

06-15-85  !

L _


r^x TABLE 2-13

.V DOSE PARAMETER R.' FOR SECTOR F Page 1 of 2 l Pathway = Sheep (Meat)andShepherd Distance = 0.7 miles l l X/Q = 1.0E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 8.5E-9 m 2 l l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult i F i l , l . l . l l IInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & Inhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & l l Radio- ltien l Ground ltion l Ground tion l Ground l tion Ground l INuclide l Pathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l Pathway PathwaylPathway Pathway l l l l l l l l l l l H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.3E2 0.0E0 l 1.9E2 7.0E0 l 3.2E2 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 0.0E0 l 3.4E4 1.8E1 l 9.0E4 l l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 ! 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 4.3E2 l 1.6E7 l l Co-57 I 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 1.7E2 l 4.0E7 l l Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E7 1 0.0E0 l 2.7E7 5.9E2 l 5.4E7 l l Co-60 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 , 1.6E3 1 6.0E8 l 1 Sr-89 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.8E7 0.0E0 2.5E7 l 1.7E3 l 3.0E7 l l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 0.0E0 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 l 4.8E9 l l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 0.0E0 1.5E8 8.3E2 l 2.6E8 l l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 5.7E2 l 4.5E8 I O I Te-129m I 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E8 l 0.0E0 1 2.5E8 l 2.0E2 l 3.0E8 b l Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.9E8 1 4.7E3 1 5.3E8 l l

l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 8.1E2 l 9.7E5 l l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.5E8 1 3.4E3 l 4.9E8 l l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 l 1.2E3 1 2.8E5 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 l 6.6E2 l 1.9E6 l l Ce-144 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 l 4.5E3 l 1.3E8 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.6E6 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 l 6.6E4 l 1.6E6 l l I -133 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 l 1.3E4 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E-18l 0.0E0 l 7.8E-19] 2.5E3 l 1.4E4 l l UN-10 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 1 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 l 4.8E9 l l 1 I I I I I I l l i l 1 1 I l l l l I i l i l I I I i l l l l l l l 1 I I l l l l l l 1 I I I I I I I i l l 1 I l l l l I I I I i l I l l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l I I I I I l l 1 Inhalation Pathway, units = 5" O 1 Food & Ground Pathway, units =

2-42 Rev. 2 06-15-85


) TABLE 2-13 DOSE PARAMETER R, FOR SECTOR F Page 2 of 2 l Pathway =SanOnofreStateParkCuardShack Distance = 1.0 miles l l X/Q = 6.1E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 4.9E-9 m 2 l l l Infant Child l Teen l Adult l l l i i i  ! i l l lInhala- Food & lInhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food & IInhala- l Food & l JRadio- l tion l Ground ition l Ground [ tion l Ground l tion Ground l l Pathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathwayl lNuclide '

l l l l l  ! l 1 I I I l l 1 I I l H -3 ) 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.3E2 l 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E3 l 1.6E6 l l Mn-54 j 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 [ 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.6E4 l 4.7E8 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E4 l 1.2E8 l J Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 3.6E4 l 1.3E8 l l Co-60 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.7E4 l 7.4E9 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.0E5 l 7.4E3 l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.4E7 l 0.0E0 l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0  ; 5.1E4 l 8.6E7 l c l Nb-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.6E4 l 4.7E7 I C l l

Te-129m } 0.0E0 Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E4 l 6.7E6 l 2.9ES l 2.3E9 l

j j Cs-136 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 5.0E4 5.1E7 l l Cs-137 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.1E5 3.5E9 l J Ba-140 j 0.0E0 J 0.0E0 } 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 7.5E4 l 7.0E6 l l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.1E4 1 4.7E6 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.8E5 1 2.4E7 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.IE6 l 5.9E6 l l I -133 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 7.4E5 l 8.4E5 l l I -135 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E5 l 8.6E5 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.4E7 0.0E0 l 1 i  ! I i l l l I I I I I I I I I l l 1 I i i i I I l l 1 1 I I I I I l l l l l l I I I I i l l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l l l l

) i I I I I I I I I I i i i l i I I I I I I i l I I I I I I I I I I I I l  !  !  !  !  !  !  !  !

Inhalation Pathway, units =


Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* " ")

j 2 43 Rev. 2 06-15-85


/3 TABLE 2-14 V

DOSE PARAMETER R.' FOR SECTOR G Page 1 of 3 l Pathway =SanOnofreStateParkBeachCampground Distance = 1.0 miles l l X/Q = 6.1E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 2.9E-9 m 2 l l Infant l Child l Teen I Adult l Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground l tion l Ground Ition l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l PathwaylPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 l I l H -3  ; 8.0E1 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.6E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.6E2 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 4.4E1 l 5.7E5 l 1.3E2 l 5.7E5 l 3.7E2 l 5.7E5 l 4.1E2 5.7E5 l l Mn-54 l 3.1E3 l 1.7E8 l 5.3E3 l 1.7E8 I 8.2E3 l 1.7E8 I 9.5E3 l 1.7E8 l l Co-57 l 6.0E2 l 4.2E7 l 1.6E3 1 4.2E7 l 3.9E3 l 4.2E7 l 3.9E3 1 4.2E7 l l Co-58 l 1.4E3 l 4.7E7 l 4.2E3 l 4.7E7 l 1.2E4 l 4.7E7 l 1.3E4 l 4.7E7 l l Co-60 l 3.9E3 l 2.6E9 l 1.2E4 1 2.6E9 l 3.2E4 l 2.6E9 l 3.5E4 l 2.6E9 l l Sr-89 l 4.9E4 l 2.7E3 1 7.4E4 l 2.7E3 l 5.3E4 2.7E3 3.7E4 l 2.7E3 l Sr-90 1 5.0E6 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 0.0E0 1.2E7 1 0.0E0 l Zr-95 l 2.7E3 l 3.1E7 l 1.8E4 l 3.1E7 l 1.8E4 3.1E7 1.8E4 l 3.1E7 l l Nb-95 l 1.6E3 l 1.7E7 l 4.6E3 l 1.7E7 l 1.2E4 l 1.7E7 1.3E4 l 1.7E7 l 4.5E3 l 2.4E6 h~ l Te-129m l 3.9E3 l 2.4E6 l 6.2E3 l 2.4E6 l 6.4E3 l 2.4E6 l 8.4E8 1.0E5 l 8.4E8 l

l Cs-134 l 8.6E4 l 8.4E8 l 1.2E5 l 8.4E8 l 1.4E5 l l Cs-136 l 1.7E4 l 1.8E7 1 2.1E4 1 1.8E7 1 2.4E4 l 1.8E7 1.8E4 l 1.8E7 l l Cs-137 l 7.5E4 l 1.3E9 l 1.0E5 l 1.3E9 l 1.0E5 l 1.3E9 7.6E4 l 1.3E9 l l Ba-140 6.9E3 l 2.5E6 l 9.1E3 l 2.5E6 1 2.8E4 l 2.5E6 l 2.7E4 1 2.5E6 l l Ce-141 2.7E3 1 1.7E6 l 7.0E3 l 1.7E6 l 1.6E4 l 1.7E6 l 1.5E4 l 1.7E6 l l Ce-144 1 1.8E4 l 8.6E6 1 4.8E4 l 8.6E6 l 1.1E5 l 8.6E6 l 1.0E5 l 8.6E6 l l I -131 l 1.8E6 l 2.1E6 l 2.0E6 l 2.1E6 l 1.8E6 l 2.1E6 l 1.5E6 l 2.1E6 l l I -133 4.4E5 1 3.0E5 l 4.7E5 l 3.0E5 l 3.6E5 3.0E5 2.6E5 l 3.0E5 l l I -135 8.6E4 l 3.1E5 l 9.7E4 l 3.1ES I 7.6E4 3.1E5 5.5E4 1 3.1E5 l l UN-ID l 5.0E6 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 1 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 0.0E0 1.2E7 l 0.0E0 l 1 l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l 1 l 1 I I l l l 1 I l l l 1 I I l l l l I I I I I l l l 1 I I I I I I l l 1 l l 1 l 1 l l I I I l l I I I I I I I I l 1 1 I I i 1 l l l I l I i l I l l l 1 l l l l l I l l l l l l 1 l Inhalation Pathway, units =

h" Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* '

Yd 1

2-44 Rev. 2 l 06-15-85 l k i

TABLE 2-14 p) m DOSE PARAMETER R.' FOR SECTOR G Page 2 of 3 l Pathway =HighwayPatrolWeightStation Distance = 2.2 miles l l X/Q = 1.8E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 7.0E-10 m 2 l l Intant  ! Child  ! Taen l Adult I l i  ; i i i i l l lInhala- l Food & IInnala- l Food & IInhala- l Food & Inhala- l Food & I l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion l Ground Ition l Ground tion l Ground l lNuclide l Pathway lPathwayjPathwaylPathwaylPathwayl Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l l l l l l l l l H -3 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.9E2 l 0.0E0 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 7.6E2 1.IE6 l l Mn-54 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.8E4 3.2E8 l l Co-57 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 7.2E3 l 7.8E7 I Co-58 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.4E4 l 8.7E7 l Co-60 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 6.5E4 l 4.9E9 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 6.9E4 l 4 9E3 l i Sr-90 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.4E4 l 5.7E7 l l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 2.4E4 1 3.1E7 l l Te-129m l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 8.3E3 l 4.5E6 l O-l Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.9E5 l 1.6E9 l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.3E4 l 3.4E7 l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.CEO l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.4E5 l 2.3E9  !

l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.0E4 l 4.7E6 l l Ce-141  ! 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.7E4 l 3.1E6 l l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 j 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.9E5 l 1.6E7 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.7E6 l 3.9E6 I l I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.9ES 5.6E5 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 5.8E5 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 0.0E0 l 1 I I I I I I i i l I l l l l l I I I I I I l l l l l I I I I l l l l 1 l l l 1 I I l l 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 I I I I I I l l l 1 I I l l l l l l l l l I I I I l 1 Inhalation Pathway, units =  ?"

u # d Food & Ground Pathway, units = b f

2-45 Rev. 2 06-15-85


O T^8's 2-14 DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR G Page 3 of 3 l Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Shepherd Distance = 2.9 miles l 1 X/Q = 1.2E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 4.4E-10 m 2 l l Infant Child l -Teen Adult

. Inhala- l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- l Food & lInhala- l Food &

Radio- tion l Ground l tion l Ground tion l Ground l tion l Ground l Nuclide Pathway l PathwaylPathway l PathwaylPathway l Pathway l Pathway ' Pathwayl i I I I I I I I I l I l 1 I I J. H -3 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.9E2 l 7.0E0 3.2E2 l l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 l 0.0E0 l 3.4E4 l 1.8E1 9.0E4 l l -Mn-54 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 l 0.0E0 1 4.0E6 1 4.3E2 l 1.6E7 Co-57 l 0.0E0. l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 1.7E2 l 4.0E7 Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E7 l 0.0E0 1 2.7E7 5.9E2 l 5.4E7 l Co-60 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 -l 1.3E8 0.0E0 .] 2.6E8 1.6E3 6.0E8 l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.8E7 0.0E0 l 2.5E7


l 1.7E3 3.0E7 l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 4.8E9 l Zr-95 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 1.5E8 l 8.3E2 2.6E8 1 Nb l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 l 0 ,.

l Te-129m l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 3.3E8 l Cs-134 _l'O.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.5E8 3.9E8 2.0E2 3.0E8 4.7E3 .l 5.3E8 l

l l Cs-13G l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 8.1E2 l 9.7ES l Cs-137 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 3.5E8 3.4E3 l 4.9E8 Ba-140 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.2E3 l 2.8E5 l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 7.0E5 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 6.6E2 l 1.9E6 Ce-144 l 0.0E0 J 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 4.5E3 l 1.3E8 I -131- 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.6E6 1 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 6.6E4 1.6E6

.I -133- l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E-2 . 1.2E4 1.3E4 l I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.4E-181 0.0E0 7.8E-19 i 2.5E3 1.4E4 UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5E5 i 4.8E9 I I I I i i I i l l l l

l i i i l 1 l  !

I I l I l l 1 1 I l l l l l l l l l l 1

l , ,  ;

Inhalation Pathway, units = *C Food & Ground Pathway, units =


2-46 Rev. 2 06-15-85


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t O N,)

LABLE 2-15

" PARTS" PARAMElfRS USED TO CALCULATE R i Page 7 or 8 Com- Sec- Distance No2 lAGE 80RG Land Use pay m (milesL GF ZIN IV TP FG FPF FGT FPG fB FBF Comments

20. I 2 Meat (Sheep)' ESE F 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 2 2 Meat (Sheep) ESE F 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 3 2 Heat (Sheep) ESE F 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 IB=1 week /yr CF and ZIN =

le 2 Meat (Sheep) ESE r 0.7 0.0055 0.0055 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 ? days /yr.

( Shephe rd )

21, 1 2 San Onorre State ESE F 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pa rk Guard Shack 2 2 San Onorre State ESE F 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park Guard Shack 3 2 San Onorre State ESE F 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pa rk Gua rd Shack 16 2 San Onorre State ESE F 1.0 0.31425 0 . 31:25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 brs/ week =

Park Gua rd Shack 3,000 hrs /yr.

22, 1 2 San Onorre State SE C 1.0 0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r45 days /yr=

Beach Campground 1,08G hrs /yr.

2 2 San Onorre State SE G 1.0 0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is5 days /yr=

Beach Campground 1,080 hrs /yr.

3 2 San Onorre State SE G 1.0 0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 4 days /yr=

1. 0t10 h rs/y r.

Beach Campground 14 2 San Onorre State SE G 1.0 0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 4 days /yre Beach Campground 1,080 hds/yr.

23. 1 2 liighway Patrol SE G 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weigh Station 2 lii ghway Pa t ro l SE G 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

Weigh Station 3 2 liighway Pa t ro l SE G 2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weigh Station is 2 liighway Pa t rol . SE G 2.2 0.2283 0.2283 0 0 0 0 "O O O O iso hrs / week =

Weigh Station 2,000 hrs /yr.

2-53 Rev. 2 06-15-85

, L 8

NJ 5 8

f . _



8 o s t

n r=


/N .

2-5 1

e kI r v-e m ezy e6 g m e / R0 a o wds P C ny 1 aa

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O V 0 0 0 0 T 5 T T 3 3

1 D 1

- E 5 0 2 S N 5 -

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P 0 0 0 0 0 -

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S Se

( (h P

1LVP 1 YYY a p R  :

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G A 1 2 3 4 I

q 4 N 2 y



G 2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public The total annual dose or total dose commitment to any member of the public, due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation, from uranium fuel cycle sources within 5 miles of the site is calculated using the following expressions. This methodology is used to meet the dose limitations of 40CFR190 per twelve consecutive months.

The transportation of radioactive material is excluded from the dose calculations.

The total air dose is calculated as follows:

{} DA=DA1 atB+DA23 At B



D = t tal air dose in mrem / year A

D = Air dose for Unit 1 in mrem / year A1 at B

= percent (decimal equivalent) meteorology in the beach sectors D = Air dose for Units 2 and 3 in mrem / year A23 O

2-55 Rev. 1 01-02-85 k


(^) 2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public (Continued) s.j The total body liquid dose is determined by:

D =

L DL; + DL23 Where:


= t tal body liquid dose in mrem / year D y

= total body liquid dose for Unit 1 in mrem / year for the past 12 consecutive months D


= total body liquid dose in mrem / year for Units 2 and 3 for the past 12 consecutive months The background dose to an individual member of the public is obtained by calculating the average quarterly n

() TLD dose of those TLD's from 5 to 50 miles distant from the site. The background is subtracted from the highest quarterly reading beach TLD to determine the direct dose as given below:

O * -O (2-15)

D f (Obeach g bkgf

( )

uj 2-56 Rev. I l 01-02-85 l k


(~) 2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public (Continued)

LJ Where:

D = direct dose in mrem / year D

D = highest quarterly reading beach TLD in mrem for benh i quarter i D = average quarterly TLD dose of those TLD's from bk91 5 to 50 miles distant from the site in mrem f<. quarter i The total dose can now be determined by:

D T = (DA+D)T D g +D L (~


D = t tal air dose in mrem / year T

D = total air dose in mrem / year from Equation (2-13)

A D = direct dose in mrem / year from Equation (2-15)

D T = beach occupancy factor which is equivalent to O

beach occupancy time of 300 hours0.00347 days <br />0.0833 hours <br />4.960317e-4 weeks <br />1.1415e-4 months <br /> per year.

D = total body liquid dose in mrem / year from L

Equation (2-14) n E


2-57 Rev. 1 01-02-85



%,j' 2.4.2 Thyroid Dose The dose from gasecus effluents is calculated as follows:

Dy =

(D T1 x AtB) + (D T23 x atB) (2-17)


D 7

= total thyroid dose from gaseous effluents in mrem / year D


= thyroid dose from gaseous effluents for Unit 1 in mrem / year for the past 12 consecutive months D


= thyroid dose from gaseous effluents for Units 2 and 3 in mrem / year for the past 12 consecutive months F

At g = percent (decimal equivalent) meteorology in the beach sectors n$



The thyroid dose from liquid effluents is determined as l




  • UTL23 (2-18)


D = t tal thyroid dose from liquid effluents in TL mrem / year D = thyroid dose for Unit 1 from liquid effluents in TL1 mren./ year for the past 12 consecutive months D = thyroid dose for Units 2 and 3 from liquid TL23 effluents in mrem / year for the pas 12 consecutive months.


w 2-58 Rev. 1 01-02-85

Q 2.4.2 Thyroid Dose (Continued)

The thyroid dose from all effluents during the reporting period are calculated as follows:


D TD D7+DTL (2-19)

Where: l 1


= t tal thyroid dose in mrem / year Dy = thyroid dose from gaseous effluents in mrem / year D = thyr id dose from liquid effluents in TL i

mrem / year i

O l

t 3108c O

2-59 Rev. 1 01-02-85 l


3.1 Liquid Dose Projection (4.5.3)

The methodology used for projecting a liquid dose for Specification 4.5.3 is as follows:

1. Determine the monthly total body and organ doses resulting l

i from releases during the previous twelve months. j l

2. Projected Dose = Previous 12 month's dose divided by 12  !

! for the total body and each organ.

l 3.2 Gaseous Dose Projection (4.10.4) l I

The methodology used for projecting a gaseous dose for Specification 4.16.4 is as follows:

1. Determine the monthly gamma, beta and organ dose resulting from releases during the previous twelve months.
2. Projected Dose = Previous 12 month's dose divided by 12 for the gamma, beta and organ doses.

(D v

3-1 Rev. 2 06-15-85 k- _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - --

4.0 OPERABILITY OF EQUIPMENT The flow diagrams defining the treatment paths and the components of the l radioactive liquid, gaseous and solid waste management systems are shown in Figures 4-1 thru 4-3.

i I

i f

O 4-1 Rev. 1 01-02-85 L____

O C O 1


c< y s,.

"*'*'" c;

- . . . ~

condense, l

1r di f 1

Coolant Radwaste Processing System y , ,,,,, c ,

g con.,o, s, si-as. T.n=

Reactor System _

Equis,. Drains R**c

coosent s',.. 1 r Flash Valve Leakage  % o, y ,,n  ; y,,,

& CondensedSteam too ca n.

(______7____________ 8 Hoadup lI Holdup Holdup

-# tank - -g D- * **am

'; Tann -g ***'*


. 33 Tan. -> ****

o.nwn.,'.a1., --t' 7000 ca. ft. g 7,g,,,,,,, ,gg, ,, ,,,

Miscellaneous Liquid Processing System l To want. Gas ,

g stores. Tant ' s Aux. Bldg. ,, , ,a, Floor Drains _, sunding  ;

Equip. Leakage sump 7, h------g se,ip,.,

a,,,a, Ma**

k p & Tank Overflow a g g- - q - - - - - 7 m 8 3 u

8 l T g______ I

, g Lab wastes Rad Chem , l Monito# g Sample Drains ""9 oraaNnank I " *' I **""* " * * '

  • c* "-

a 6 I "**"- - _ - .> to an,.

Decontaminaticn g

' Maaor Showers Fuel 0*gc** "-

g ,

abwdown v.ed g Storage Bldg. Dr in Tenk p  : tant , , , ,


  • ** "- g Drains onitor i I Equipment son r. -

L - - --- L - -I, on, g g p,, m Leakage in -+ s*"8 g sumo Sphere I

h .

Reactor m. actor -

Coolant Leakage

--9 sump (Rg at

_] -

Spent Rosin Drains Pacific Ocean Steam Generator Blowdown Liquid Waste-Discharge System Figure 4-1 Rev. 2 06-15-85

O O O For Continuous Release p---.- -- $

! s ("uTEb I I Waste Gas I Waste Gas Cryogenec Gases from: O Surge Tank I

,' Decay Tanks  ;. Waste G s - )M To Atmosphere

1. Gas Stripper 125 Ft3 3125 Ft 3 System
2. Flash Tank
3. Gaseous Vents 7

.. _ l Contaenment Air P l Fan h > h l C l A lFanh A pan E m u -

A l Fan j C gg m Auxiliary Building y-- ------------ g g Turtune Area

  • I '" To Atmosphere Stm. Condenser l l Aw I .

Elector y j L l

I Condenser  ! Profilter I Pu a High Efficency Fitter b--- - --==---- -] C Charcoal Adsorb.

Containment, Auxiliary Building and Turbine Area Ventilation System Radioactive Gaseous-Waste System Figure 4 - 2 Rev. 2 06-15-85

r- ,




ynanSygnyO yo






o INTO DRUn05 BY -








  • The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sample Locations are identified in Figure 5-1. These sample locations are described l ir. Tables 5-1 and 5-2 and indicates the distance in miles and the direction, determined from degrees true north, from the center of the Units 2 and 3 building complex. Table 5-3 gives l

l the sector and direction designation for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sample Location Map, Figure 5-1.

  • If a milk producing dairy animal is discovered within the 5 mile radius O of the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) during the annual land use census, V a monthly sampling analysis of the milk will commence.

5-1 Rev. 1 01-02-85 L

l O Page 1 of 6 V


Direct Radiation 59 SONGS Meteorological Tower 0.3 NW 10 Bluff 0.8 NW 40 SCE Training Center - Mesa 0.8 NW l 8 Noncommissioned Of ficers Beach Club 1.2 NW 34 San Onofre School 1.7 NW 9 Basilone Road /I-5 Freeway Offramp 2.0 NW 21 Concordia Elementary School - San Clemente 3.5 NW 20 San Clemente Pier 5.0 NW 1 City of San Clemente (SDG&E Offices) 5.6 NW 24 San Clemente High School 6.0 NW 25 Convalescent Home - San Clemente 8.0 NW 23 San Clemente General Hospital 8.2 NW 28 Doheny Fire Station - Capistrano Beach 9.5 NW 27 U.S. Post Office - Dana Point 10.5 NW 29 San Juan Capistrano Fire Station 10.8 NW 26 Dana Hills High School 11.0 NW 37 Laguna Niguel Fire Station 13.5 NW 30 Laguna Beach Fire Station 17.5 NW 32 Santa Ana Police Department 32.0 NW Q


  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-2 Rev. 1 01-02-85 i

g Page 2 of 6 V

TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Direct Radiation (Continued) l l

l 14 Huntington Beach Generating Station 37 NW 39 Basilone Road Trailer Park 1.4 NNW '

l 19 San Clemente Highlands 5.0 NNW l 31 Aurora Park Mission Viejo 18.6 NNW 2 Camp San Mateo 3.5 N 33 Camp Talega 5.7 N i 11 El Camino Training Annex n (formerly Visitors Center) 0.2 NNE j V 35 Range 312 (Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton) 4.7 NNE 12 South Edge of Switchyard 0.2 NE 3 Camp San Onofre 2.6 NE 36 Range 208C (Marine Corps Baw, Camp Pendleton) 4.0 NE 41 Old Route 101 - East 0.3 E 16 East Site Boundary 0.5 E 4 Camp Horno 4.5 E 42 Horno Canyon 4.6 E 44 Fa11 brook Fire Station 18.0 E 15 East-southeast Site Boundary 0.2 ESE 7 Old Route 101 - East-southeast 0.5 ESE 45 Interstate 5 Weigh Station 2.0 ESE 6 Old Route 101 - East-southeast 3.0 ESE

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-3 Rev. 1 01-02-85

Page 3 of 6 TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Direct Radiation (Continued) 5 Camp Las Pulgas 8.5 ESE 49 Camp Chappo 12.8 ESE 48 Mainside (Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton) 15.0 ESE 52 Vista Fire Station 21 ESE 54 Escondido Fire Station 32 ESE 13 Site Boundary 0.13 SE 46 San Onofre State Beach Park 1.4 SF O 38 San Onofre State Beack Park 3.6 SE

( 47 Camp Las Flores 8.6 SE 43 Edson Range (Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton) 10.6 SE 50 Oceanside Fire Station 15.5 SE 51 Carlsbad Fire Station 18.6 SE 53 San Diego County Operations Center 45 SE 58 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 3) 0.1 S 57 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 2) 0.1 SSW 56 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 1) 0.1 W 55 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 1) 0.2 W 22 Coast Guard Station - San Mateo Point 2.7 WNW 17 Transit Dose - -

18 Transit Dose - -

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (soctor) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Lirection is determined from degrees true north.

5-4 Rev. 1 01-02-85

('] Page 4 of 6 V

TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Airborne 6 SONGS Meteorological Tower 0.3 NW 1 CityofSanClemente(SDG&EOffices) 5.5 NW 3 Huntington Beach Generating Station 37 NW 4 Northeast Site Boundary 0.2 NNE 2 Camp San Onofre 1.8 NE i

5 Units 2 and 3 Switchyard 0.13 ESE l

i Soil Samples O

b 3 Basilone Road /I-5 Freeway Offramp 2.0 NW i 4 Huntington Beach Generating Station 37 NW 1

! 5 East Site Boundary 0.2 NNW 1 Camp San Onofre 2.5 NE l 2 Old Route 101 - Southeast 3.0 SE l

Ocean Water l

l D Newport Beach 30 NW A Station Discharge Outfall - Unit 1 0.5 SW B Outfall - Unit 2 0.7 SW C Outfall - Unit 3 0.7 SW O

  • Distance (niles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-5 Rev. 1 01-02-85

(v ') Page 5 of 6 TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • l Drinking Water 1 Tri-Cities Municipal Water District Reservoir 8.7 NW 3 Huntington Beach 37 NW 2 San Clemente Golf Course Well 3.5 NNW l

Sediment from Shoreline (Beach Sand) 2 San Onofre Surfing Beach 0.9 NW 4 Newport Beach (North End) 30 NW O1 San On fre State Beach 0.6 SE 3 San Onofre State Beach 3.5 SE Local Crops 1 San Mateo Canyon 2.6 NW 2 Southeast of Oceanside 22 SE O

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.


5-6 Rev. 1 01-02-85

(l Page 6 of 6 v

TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Non-Migratory Marine Animals C Newport Beach 30 NW l B Units 2 and 3 Outfall 0.7 SSW l \

A Unit 1 Outfall 0.6 WSW I l

Kelp D Newport Beach 30 NW j C Barn Kelp Bed 6.6 SSE p A San Onofre Kelp Bed 1.5 S

(~') B San Mateo Kelp Bed 3.5 WNW i Ocean Bottom Sediments I

I E Newport Beach 30 NW D Unit 3 Outfall 0.9 S C Unit 2 Outfall 0.8 SSW A Unit 1 Outfall 0.5 W I

B Unit 1 Outfall 0.6 W

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-7 Rev. 1 01-02-85




  • S1 San Onofre Beach -W 0.40 W P  ;

S2 El Camino Training Annex (formerly ,

Vistors Center) - NW 0.35 NW Q 53 Mesa - NNW 0.44 NtM R S4 MCB - Camp Pendleton -N 0.44 N A SS MCB - Camp Pendleton - NNE 0.41 NNE B 56 MCB - Camp Pendletor. - NE 0.36 NE C i l

57 MCB - Camp Pendleton - ENE 0.55 ENE D l

c 58 MCB - Camp Pendleton -E 0.44 E E 59 San Onofre State Beach - ESE 0.39 ESE F l


  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-8 Rev. 1 01-02-85

q TABLE 5-3 V


DEGREES TRUE NORTH l FROM SONGS 2 AND 3 MID-POINT NOMENCLATURE l Sector Center Sector 22.5 Limit Line Limit Sector

  • Direction l 348.75 0 & 360 11.25 A N 11.25 22.5 33.75 B NNE 33.75 45 56.25 C NE 56.25 67.5 78.75 0 ENE 78.75 90 101.25 E E 101.25 112 123.75 F ESE 123.75 135 146.25 G SE 146.25 157 168.75 H SSE 168.75 180 191.25 J S 191.25 202.5 213.75 K SSW 213.75 225 236.25 L SW 236.25 247.5 258.75 M WSW 258.75 270 281.25 N W 281.25 292.5 303.75 P WNW 303.75 315 326.25 Q NW 326.25 337.5 348.75 R NNW
  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

) 3109c 5-9 Rev. 2 06-15-85

r_ - _ .-_____-____-__--_ _ _ _ _ -

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l i


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f, j,7f(

Revision 17 3081c 06-15-85


! r^'s Cl TABLE OF CONTENTS l P_ age LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................... iii LIST OF TABLES ........................................................ iv-v l


! INTRODUCTION .......................................................... vi l

l 1.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints ......................... 1-1 1.1.1 Batch Release Setpoint Determination .............. 1-3 l 1.1.2 Continuous Release Setpoint Determination ......... 1-9 1.2 Dose Calculations for Liquid Effluents .................... 1-19 l

1.3 Representative Sampling.................................... 1-22 l 2.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS



2.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints ........................ 2-1  !

l w -)

2.1.1 2.1.2 Plant Stack ....................................... 2-1 Condenser Evacuation System........................ 2-5 2.1.3 Containment Purge ................................. 2-8 2.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate ................................ 2-16 2.2.1 Noble Gases ....................................... 2-16 2.2.2 Radioiodines and Particulates ..................... 2-17 2.3 Gaseous Ef fluent Dose Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 2.3.1 Noble Gases ....................................... 2-19 Historical Meteorology .................. 2-19 Concurrent Meteo rology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 2.3.2 Radiciodines and Particulates ..................... 2-21 Historical Meteorology .................. 2-21 Concurrent Meteorology .................. 2-23 2.4 Total Dose Calculations ................................... 2-60 2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public .... 2-60 2.4.2 Thyroid Dose ...................................... 2-63

!O)t-1 Rev. 17 06-15-80


P,. ale 3.0 PROJECTED DOSES 3.1 Liquid Dose Projection .................................... 3-I 3.2 Gaseous Dose Projection ................................... 3-1 I f

4.0 OPERABILITY OF EQUIPMENT ....................................... 4-1 5.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 1

\v O

11 Rev. 16 01-30-85



Figure Title Page 4-1 SONGS 2 and 3 Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Systems . . . . . . 4-2 4-2 SONGS 2 and 3 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Treatment Systems . . ... 4-3 4-3 SONGS 2 and 3 Solid Waste Handling ............................ 4-4 5-1 Radiological Environmental Sample Locations................... . 5-10




u-l l

l O

V (11 Rev. 16 01-30-85

ODCM LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 1-1 Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitors Calibration Constants ..................................... 1-18 1-2 Dose Commitment Fators A it ................................ 1-20 2-1 Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors Calibration Constants ..................................... 2-15 2-2 Dose Factors for Noble Ga s and Daughters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2-3 Dose Parameters P ik ....................................... 2-26 2-4 Control l i ng Loca tion Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 2-5 Dose Parameters 9R for Sector P............................ 2-28 thru 2-31 2-6 Dose Parameters jR for Sector Q............................ 2-32 thru 2-36 f) 2-7 Case Parameters 4R for Sector v R............................ 2-37 thru 2-39 2-8 Dose Parameters R gfo r Sec to r A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40 th ru 2-41 2-9 Cose Parameters 4R for Sector 0............................ 2-42 2-10 Dose Parameters R 9fo r S e c to r C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 3 t h*u 2-4e 2-11 Dose Parameters R 4fo r Sec to r D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 5 thru ,

2-46 2-12 Dose Parameters RI fo r Sec to r E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47 thru 2-48 l

2-13 Dose Parameters yR for Sector F.......... ................. 2-49 thru 2-50 2-14 Dose Parameters R If o r Sec to r G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-51 thru 2-52 O

C' iv Rev. 17 06-15-85 .


(_/ LIST OF TABLES (Continued))

Table Title Page 2-15 Parameters Used to Calculate R, ........................... 2-53 thru 2-59 5-1 Radiological Environmental !!anitoring Sample Locations .... 5-2 thru "

5-7 5-2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations ........... 5-8 5-3 Sector and Direction Designation for Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sample Location Map .............. 5-9 3

(v .

6 s

s l

i l

l l

y Rev. 17 .






ODCM desc?ibes the methodology and parameters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents. It also calculates the liquid and gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation alarm / trip setpoints. The ODCM contains a list of the sample locations for the radiological environmental monitoring program.

s The ODCM will be maintained at the Site for use as a document of acceptable methodologfes and calculations to be used in implementing the Technical

. Specifications. Changes in the calculational methods or parameters will be

(~') ipcorporated into the ODCM in order to assure that the ODCM represents the t.

present methodology.








+. i 1

1, l

l l

O v ,

i vi Rev. 16 l s- 01-30-85



1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints (

Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors provide alarm and automatic termination of release prior to exceeding the concentration limits specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 at the release point to the unrestricted area. To meet this specification .

and for the purpose of implementation of specification, the alarm / trip setpoints for liquid effluent monitors and flow measurement devices are set to assure that the following equation is satisfied:


  1. " "If (I-1)
O Where:

MPCeff = the effective effluent maximum concentration permissible limit (pCi/mt) at the release point to the unrestricted area for the radionuclide mixture being released,

= I I

) (1-2) i=1 MPC, O

V 1-1 Rev. 16 01-30-85 i

1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints (' (Continued) f\b Where:

F I = fractional concentration of the i th radionuclide as obtained by sample analysis.

N = Number of radionuclides identified in sample analysis.

MPC, = MPC of the i th radionuclide (10CFR20, App B, Table II, Column 2).

C, = the setpoint, in pCi/mt., representative of a

  • radionuclide concentration for the radiation monitor measuring the radioactivity in the waste effleent iine prior to dilution and subsequent release.

j R = the permissible waste effluent flow rate at the radiation monitor location, in volume per unit time in the same units as for F.

F '= the dilution water flow in' volume per unit time. The dilution water flow (F) is constant.

= 185,000 gpm/ pump (x number of circ pumps to be run)

The design flowrate of each circulating water pump is 205,000 gpm.

The value used in the determination of F, takes into account factors such as frictional' losses,' pump inefficiency, and tidal flow, and provides reasonable assurance that the radioactive release concentration is not underestimated.

e^g O

1-2 Rev. 16 01-30-85


1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints ( (Continued)



Administrative values are used to reduce each setpoint to account for the potential activity in other releases. These administrative values shall be periodically reviewed based on actual release data (including, for example, any saltwater discharge of the component cooling water heat exchanger) and revised in accordance with Unit 2/3 Technical Specifications.

1.1.1 Batch Release Setpoint Determination The waste flow (R) and monitor setpoint (c) are set to meet the condition of equation (1-1) for the effective MPC (MPCeff) limit. The method by which this is accomplished is as follows:

o b STEP 1: The isotopic concentration for each batch tank (or sump) to be released is obtained from the sum of the measured concentrations in the tank (or sump) as determined by analysis.

C =ICgj + C, + C 3 +C t +C, p (1-3) i Where:

C = The total concentration in each batch tank. (pCi/mt)

. I-C ig = The sum of the measured concentrations for each i

radionuclide, i, in the gamma spectrum. (pCi/mt)

C Fe = The Fe-55 concentration as determined in the previous quarterly composite sample. (pCi/mt) 1-3 Rev. 16 01-30-85

1.1.1 Batch Release Setpoint Determination (Continued)

C, = The gross alpha concentration determined in the

! previously monthly composite sample. (pCi/mt)

C 3 = The Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentrations as determined in the

. previous quarterly composite sample. (pCi/mt)

C t

=.The H-3 concentration as determined in the previous monthly composite sample. (pCi/mt)


NOTE: for dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2.0E-4 pCi/mt total activity.

J STEP 2: The effective MPC (MPCeff) f r each batch tank (or sump)~

] is determined using


= 1 (1-4)

MPC*II C C I [ Ti/C) s/C) (Ct/C) a/Cl Fe/C) 1 (MPCgg) (MPC

( s )(MPCt ) [(MPC,) ((MPC Fe)

MPCgg, MPC 3 , MPC g , = the limiting concentrations of the MPCFe, MPC, appropriate radionuclide from 10CFR20, Appendix B,. Table II, Column 2.

i O

. uJ 1-4 Rev. 16 01-30-85

1.1.1 Eiatch Release Setpoint Determination (Continued)



The radioactivity monitor setpoint C,(pCi/mt),

may now be specified based on the values of C, I C7$, F, MPCeff and R to provide compliance i

with the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. The monitor setpoint (cpm) is taken from the applicable calibration constants given in Table 1-1 to correspond to the calculated monitor concentration limit C,(pCi/mt).

I RADWASTE DISCHARGE LINE MONITOR (2/3-7813) l The value for C,, the concentration limit at the detector, is determined by using:


\d Cm-< (RW) RC (F) (Ceff) (1-5)

Ry C) 22 RC nn MPC + MPC eff2 ***** MPC effl effn Where:

n = Number of tanks to be released.

C eff = Effective gamma isotopic concentration at the monitor for the tank combination to be released (equal to IC 74 for single tank releases).

7 .i Ry (IC i g ,); + R2 (IC74)2 + ... +Rn (icy $)n

= i i (1-6)

R3+R2 + ... + R n O

1-5 Rev. 16 01-30-85 ' RADWASTE DISCHARGE LINE MONITOR (2/3-7813) (Continued)

im i [' .

(I Cgg)3, (I Cgg)2, etc. = The total gamma isotopic concentration i i of first tank, second tank, etc. (pCi/mt).

Ry , R2 , etc. = The effluent flow rate from first tank,


second tank, etc. Values of R for each tank are as follows:

Radwaste Primary Tanks R = 140 gpm/ pump (x no. of pumps to be run)

Radwaste Secondary Tanks R = 140 gpm/ pump (x no. of pumps to be run)

Primary Plant Makeup Tank R = 160 gpm/ pump (x no. of pumps to be run)

Condensate Monitor.. Tanks R = 100 gpm/ pump (x no. of pumps to be run)

. (3

() NOTE: Since the values of R are much smaller than F, the term (F + R) in equation (1-1) may be replaced by F.

MPC,ffy, MPCeff2, etc. = Values of MPC,ff from equation (1-4) for.

first tank, second~ tank, etc.

C1 , C2 , etc. = Values of C, the total concentration, from.

equation (1-3) for the-first tank, second tank, etc. in pCi/mt.

f 1-6 Rev. 16 01-30-85 L. .RADWASTE DISCHARGE LINE MONITOR (2/3-7813) (Continued)

~U RW and SG88-2' 3089-2' 3088-3' 3089-3 are administrative values used for simultaneous releases from the Radwaste Effluent discharge and any or all of the four Steam Generators. The fractions RW and SG88-2' 3089-2, SGgg_3, SG89-3 will be assigned such that RW + SG88-2 + 3089-2 + 3088-3 + 3089-3 5 0.8.

The 0.8 is an administrative value used to account for the l potential activity from other release points. This assures that the total concentration from all-release points to the plant discharge will not result in a release of concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 from the site.

A 50 NOTE: If C,5 C,ff, then no release is possible. To increase C,, increase dilution flow F (by running more circulating water pumps in the applicable dis-charge structure), and/or decrease the effluent flow rates R3 , R2 , etc. (by throttling the combined flow as measured on 2/3FI-7643, 2FIC-4055, 2FIC-4056, 3FIC-4055 or 3FIC-4056 as appropriate) and recalculate C, using the new F, R and equation (1-5).

If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close to background as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

a 1-7 Rev. 16 01-30-85 l

.. _. = - . . . - . . - . . ._. .. NEUTRALIZATION SUMP DISCHARGE LINE MONITOR

'(2RT-7817, 3RT-7817)

.The value for C 2 r C , the concentration limit at the 3

1 Unit 2 or Unit 3 detector, is determined by using:

(B2 )(0.1) F IC 7$

C2 I I (I'7)

RC/MPC,ff (83)(0.1) F IC gg C3 $ i (1-8)

RC/MPC,77 Where:


C, ICg9, MPCeff The values of C, IC g, and MPCeff i i '

as defined in STEPS 1) and 2) for the Neutralization Sump.


- \] -. R = 400 gpm/ pump x (number of sump pumps to be run)

C 2= the instantaneous concentration at the detector (2RT-7817) in pCi/cc C3= the instantaneous concentration at the detector (3RT-7817) in pCi/cc B2 and 83are administrative values used to account for simultaneous releases from both SONGS 2 and SONGS 3

neutralization sumps. The fractions 82 and B3 "III be assigned such that B2+B3 < 1.0.

l LO l'

1-8 Rev. 16 01-30-85 L -_ _ l NEUTRALIZATION SUMP DISCHARGE LINE MONITOR (2RT-7817, 3RT-7817) (Continued)

The 0.1 is an administrative value used to account for the potential activity from other release points. This assures that

.the total concentration from all-release points to the plant discharge will not result in a release of concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 from the Site.

NOTE: If C 2 rC 35IC79, then no release is possible. To i

increase C r C3 , increase dilution flow F (by running 2

more pumps), and/or decrease the effluent flow rate R, (by throttling the flow as measured on 2FI-3722 and 3FI-3772), and recalculate C rC using the new F, R 2 3 y and equation (1-7) or (1-8).

If.there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close to background as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

1.1.2 Continuous Release Setpoint Determination The waste flow (R) and monitor setpoint (C,) are set to meet the condition of equation (1-1) for the effective MPC (MPC,ff) limit. The method by which this is accomplished is as follows:

O 1-9 Rev. 16 01-30-85 i

1.1.2 Continuous Release Setpoint Determination (Continued)

(j STEP 1: The isotopic concentration for the continuous releases are obtained for each release stream (steam generator blowdown, steam generator blowdown bypass and turbine building sump) from the sum of the respective measured concentrations as determined by analysis:

C = IC79 + C, + Ct+C s i

+C,p (1-9)


1 C. = Total concentration (pCi/mt)

IC 79

= the total gamma activity (pCi/mt) associated with i

each radionuclide, i, in the weekly composite analysis for the r41 ease stream.

C, = The total measured gross alpha concentration (pCi/mt).

determined from the previous monthly composite analysis for the release stream.

C Fe

= The total Fe-55 concentration (pCi/mt) as determined in the previous quarterly composite sample for the ,

release stream.

, C t

= The total measured H-3 concentration (pCi/mt) determined from the previously monthly composite analysis for the release stream.

C 3

= the total measured concentation (pCi/mt) of Sr-89 and Sr-90 as determined from the previous quarterly composite analysis for the release stream.

1-10 Rev. 16 01-30-85

1.1.2 Continuous Release Setpoint Determination (Continued)

STEP 2: The effective MPC (MPC,ff) for each release stream (steam generator blowdown, or turbine building sump) is determined using:

1 (1-10)

'II C I [ ri/C) s/C) a/Q (CFe/C) (Ct/C) i (MPC9 ) ((MPCs


) (MPCp ,) (MPCt )

STEP 3: The setpoint, C,(pC1/mt), for each continuous release radioactivity monitor may now be specified based on the respective values of C, IC79, F, MPCeff, and R to i

provide compliance with the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix 8, Table II, Column 2. The monitor setpoint (cpm) f] is taken from the applicable calibration constants given in Table 1-1 to correspond to the calculated monitor limit C,(pCi/mt).


The value for C 2 r C , the concentration limit at the 3

Unit 2 or Unit 3 detector is determined by using:

(B2 )(0.1)(F)ICg , (1-11)

C2 I I RC/MPC eff (83 )(0,1)(F)ICg, (1-12)

C3 5 i RC/MPC eff-f Where:


C, ICg ,, MPC,ff The values of C, I C g, and MPC,ff i i as defined in STEPS 1) and 2) for the Steam Generator blowdown.

R= blowdown flow rate (maximum'of 500 gpm)

Where R is the effluent flow the radiation monitor as defined in STEP 2.

C2= the instantaneous concentration at the Unit 2 detector (2RT-7817) in pCi/cc 1

C3= the instantaneous concentration at the Unit 3 detector (3RT-7817) in pCi/cc B2 and 83are administrative values used to account for

-simultaneous releases from both SONGS 2 and SONGS 3 neutralization sumps. The fractions 8 and B will 2 3 be assigned such that 82+B3 5 1.0.


1-12 Rev. 17 06-15-85

- . .- . ~ . . . .. . . - _


The 0.1 is an administrative value used to account for the potential activity from other release points. This assures that the total concentration from all release points to the plant discharge will not result in a release of concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, a Column 2 from the Site.

NOTE: If C 2 rC3{ECari, then no release is possible. To i

increase C r C3, increase dilution flow F (by running.

2 more circulating water pumps), and/or decrease the o

effluent flow rate R, (by throttling the flow as measured on 2FI-3722 and 3FI-3772), and recalculate j] C 2 rC 3using the new F, R and equation (1-11) or (1-12).

If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close to background

as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

O 1-13 Rav. 16 01-30-85 STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN BYPASS DISCHARGE LINE MONITORS (3 (2RT-6753, 2RT-6759, 3RT-6753, 3RT-6759)


The value for C59-2, C53-2' 59-3 rC 53-3, the concentration limit at the Unit 2 or Unit 3 detectors, is determined by using:

(SG88-2)(F)I Cg$

C 59-2 5 i (1-13)

RC/MPC eff (SG89-2)(F)I Cgg C

53-2 I I (1-14)

RC/MPC,ff (SG88-3)(F)I Cgg C

59-3 5 i (1-15).

RC/MPC eff (SG89-3)(F)I C7g C

53-3 $ i (1-16)

RC/MPC eff Where:

(v^') C, I Cgg, MPCeff = values of C, I C gj and MPC,ff i i (as defined in STEPS 1 and 2 above) for the steam generator blowdown bypass.

R = 200 gpm Where R is the maximum blowdown bypass effluent flowrate per steam generator.

C59-2 =(2RT-6759) the instantaneous in pCi/ccconcentration at the Unit 2 detector C53-2 =(2RT-6753) the instantaneous in pCi/cc concentration at the Unit 2 detector C

59-3 = 3RT-6759)

(the instantaneous in pCi/cc concentration at the Unit 3 detec A

V C53-3 = (3RT-6753) the instantaneous in pCi/ccconcentration at the Unit 3 detector 1-14 Rev. 16 01-30-85 STEAM GENERATOR BLOWDOWN BYPASS DISCHARGE LINE MONITORS

(~ ] DRT-6753, 2RT-6759, 3RT-6753, 3RT-6759) (Continued) 9 RW, SG88-2' 3089-2' 3688-3' 3689-3 are administrative values used for simultaneous releases from the Radwaste Effluent discharge and all four Steam Generators. The values for RW, SG88-2, SG89-2, SG88-3' 3089-3 will be assigned such that RW + SG88-2 + bO89-2 + SG88-3

  • b689-3 5 0.8.

The 0.8 is an administrative value used to account for the potential activity from other release points. This assures that the total concentrations from all release points to the plant discharge will not result in a release of concentrations exceeding the limit of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 2, from the Site.

{) NOTE: If C59-2, C53-2, C59-3, rC 53-3 5fCri (f r the respective steam generator), then no release is possible.

To increase C59-2, C53-2, C59-3 rr C 53-3, increase dilution flow F (by running more circulating water t

pumps), and/or decrease the effluent flow rate R (by throttling the flow as measured on 2FIC-4055, 2FIC-4056, 3FIC-4055, 3FIC-4056 or 2/3FI-7643, as appropriate) and recalculate C59-2, C53-2, C59-3 rC 53-3 using the new values of F, R and equation (1-13), (1-14), (1-15) or (1-16).

If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close to background as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure and U alarin should an inadvertent release occur.

1-15 Rev. 16 01-30-85


sv /

The value for C 2 rC3 (the concentration limit at the Unit 2 or Unit 3 detector) is determined by using:

(T.,)( 0.1)( F)IC g9

- (1-17)

C ., <


i RC/MPC eff (T3 )(0.1)(F)ICg, (1-18)

C3 f I RC/MPC eff Where:

'h C, IC7g, MPCeff = values f C, IC ,gand MPCeff 1 i (as defined in STEPS 1 and 2 above) for the turbine building sump U

R = 50 gpm/ pump (x no. sump pumps to be run)

C2= the instantaneous concentration at the Unit 2 detector (2RT-7821) in pCi/cc. ,

C3= the instantaneous concentration at the Unit 3 detector (3RT-7821) in pCi/cc.

T2 and T 3are administrative values used to account for simultaneous releases from both SONGS 2 and SONGS 3 turbine plant > umps. The fractions T2 and T3 will be assigned such that T2+T3 5 1.0.



I-16 Rev. 16 01-30-85

. TURBINE PLANT SUMP MONITORS (2RT-7821, 3RT-7821) (Continued)


NJ The 0.1 is an administrative value to account for the potential acitivity from other release points. This assures that the total concentration from all release points to the plant discharge will not result in a release of concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 from the Site.

NOTE: If C 2 rC 3$ECg4 (for the respective sump), then i

no release is possible. To increase C r C , increase 2 3 the dilution flow F (by running more circulating water pumps) and recalculate C # using the'new value 2 3 of F and equttion (1-17) cr (1-18).

If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close to background as practical to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

O 1-17 Rev. 16 01-30-85 L

A Table 1-1(*)

h Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitor Calibration Constants MONITOR Co-60* Ba-133* Cs-137*

2RT-6753 1.86E-8 1.96E-8 2RT-6759 1.79E-8 1.91E-8 3RT-6753 1.72E-8 1.92E-8 3RT-6759 1.74E-8 1.90E-8 2/3RT-7813 1.79E-9 3.58E-9 5.60E-9 2RT-7817 2.10E-9 3.19E-9 4.93E-9 2RT-7821' 2.08E-9 3.17E-9 4.61E-9 3RT-7817 2.24E-9 2.99E-9 4.63E-9 O 3RT-7821 2.15E-9 3.30E-9 4.72E-9

  • (pCi/cc/ cpm)

(*) This table provides typical (120%) calibration constants for the liquid effluent radiation monitors.

.O 1-18 Rev. 16 )

01-30-85 L

c .

1.2 Dose Calculation for Liquid Effluents (


The dose commitment to an individual from radioar.tive materials in liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas are calculated for the purpose of implementing Specification using the following expression.

D =

I[A 9 I(Atj C 93 Fj )] (1-19)


A 9

= the site related adult ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or an organ, t, for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter, i, from Table 1-2 in mrem /hr per pCi/mt.

C 93

= 'the average concentration of radionuclide, i, in the y undiluted liquid effluent during time period, At in (p(,i/mt).

j D = the dose commitment to the total body or an organ, t, from the liquid effluent for the time period, At), in mrem F


= the near field average dilution factor for C during 93 the time period, At). This factor is the ratio of the maximum undiluted liquid waste flow during time period, Atj , to the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters, or

_ maximum liquid radioactive waste flow

- discharge structure exit flow At j = the length of the j th time period over which C and Fj are averaged for all liquid releases,

$3 in hours.

1-19 Rev. 16 01-30-85

C TABLE 1-2 DOSE COMMITMENT FACTORS *, A (mrem /hr per pCi/mt) h l Radio- Total  !

l l l l lNuclide Body Bone Liver l Thyroid l Kidney l Lung GI-LLI l l l l l H-3 l 2.80E-1 2.80E-1 l 2.80E-1 l 2.80E-1 l l 2.80E-1 l 2.80E-1 l lNa-24 l 4.57E-1 l 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 l 4.57E-1 l 4.57 l 4.57E-1 l 4.57E-1 l lCr-51 S.60 l [ 3.30 l 1.20 7.04 l 1.40E3 l lMn-54 1.35E3 l l 7.08E3 l 2.11E3 l l 2.17E4 l lMn-56 l 3.15El l l 1.78E2 l l 2.26E2 l l 5.67E3 l lFe-55 l 8.24E3 l 5.12E4 3.53E4 l

( 1.97E4 l 2.03E4 l lFe-59 l 7.27E4 l 8.07E4 1.90E5 l l 5.30E4 l 6.23E5 1

'Co-57 l 2.36E2 l l 1.42E2 l l l l 3.60E3 l lCo-58 l 1.35E3 l l 6.04E2 l l l l 1.22E4 {

lCo-60 l 3.83E3 l l 1.74E3 l l l l 3.26E4 l lCu-64 l 1.01E2 l l 2.14E2 l l 5.40E2 l l 1.83E4 1

'Zn-65 l 2.32E5 l 1.61E5 l 5.13E5 l l 3.43E5 l l 3.23E5 l Br-84 l 9.39E-2 l l 2.14E2 l l l l 7.37E-7 i

Rb-88 l 9.49E-1 l l 1.79E0 l l l l 0.00E0 l Sr-89 l 1.43E2 l 4.99E3 (V

l l l l l 8.00E2 i lSr-90 l 3.01E4 1.23E5 l l l l l 3.55E3 lSr-91 l 3.70E1 l l l l l 4.37E2 lSr-92 l 1.50E0 3.48E1 l l l l 6.90E2 lY-90 l 1.62E-1 6.06E0 l l l l 6.42E4 lY-91m l 2.22E-3 5.72E-2 l l l l l 1.68E-1 l lY-92 l 1.55E-2 l 5.32E-1 l l l l l 9.32E3 l lZr-95 l 3.47 l 1.60E1 l 5.12 l 8.03 l l 1.62E4 l lZr-97 l 8.14E-2 l 8.80E-1 l 1.80E1 1 2.70E-1 l l 5.51E4 lNb-95 l 5.51E-1 l 1.84E0 l 1.02E0 l l 1.01E0 l l 6.22E3 lNb-95m l 5.51E-1 l 1.84E0 l 1.02E0 [ l 1.01E0 l l 6.22E3 l lNb-97 l 1.43E-3 l 1.55E-2 3.91E-3 l l 4.56E-3 l l 1.44E1 l lMo-99 l 2.44E1 l 1.28E2 l l 2.90E2 l [ 2.97E2 l lTc-99m l 4.66E-1 l 1.30E-2 l 3.66E-2 l 5.56E-1 l 1.79E-2 1 2.17El l lRu-103 l 4.61El l 1.07E2 l l 4.08E2 l 2.25E4 l lRu-106 l 2.01E2 l 1.59E3 l l 3.07E3 l 1.03E5 l lAg-110ml 8.61E2 l 1.57E3 l 1.45E3 2.85E3 l l l 5.91E5 l lSn-113 l l l l .

l l 2.20E5 l lSb-124 1.10E2 l 2.77E2 l 5.23 1 6.70E-1 l l l 7.85E3 lSb-125 4.42E1 l 2.20E2 l 2.37 l 2.00E-1 l l 2.30E4 l 1.94E3 lTe-129m. 1.48E2 l 9.33E2 l 3.48E2 l 3.20E2 l 3.89E3 1 4.67E3 i lTe-132 l 1.24E2 l 2.40E2 l 1.32E2 l 1.46E2 l 1.27E3 l 6.25E3 l lI -131 l 1.79E2 l 2.18E2 l 3.12E2 l 1.02E5 1 5.36E2 l 8.24E1 l lI- 132 l 9.96E0 l 1.06El l 2.84E1 l 9.96E2 l 4.54E1 l 5.35E0 lI -133 l 3.95El l 7.46El l 1.30E2 l 1.91E4 l 2.26E2 l 1.17E2 lI -134 l 5.40E0 l 5.56E0 l 1.51El l 2.52E2 l 2.40E1 l 1.32E-2 (7

q)lI -135 i

l 2.24E1 li 2.32E1 li 6.08E1 li 4.01E3 li 9.75El l li 6.87El i


(mrem /hrperpCi/mt) l Radio- Total l l Nuclidel' Body Bone Liver Thyroid Kidney l Lung GI-LLI l

'Cs-134 ' 1.33E4 6.84E3 1.63E4 5.27E3 l 1.75E3 2.85E2

'Cs-136 2.04E3 7.16E2 2.83E3 1.57E3 l 2.16E2 3.21E2 Cs-137 7.85E3 8.77E3 1.20E4 4.07E3 1 1.35E3 2.32E2 Cs-138 5.94E0 '6.07E0 1.20E1 8.81E0 l 8.70E-1 5.11E-5 Ba-139 2.30E-1 l 7.85E0 5.59E-3 5.23E-3 3.17E-3 1.39El (Ba-140 l 1.08E2 l 1.65E3 2.07 7.00E-1 1.18 3.39E3 lLa-140 l 2.10E-1 1.58 8.00E-1 5.84E4 lCe-141 2.60E-1 3.43 , 2.32 1.08 8.86E3 lCe-143 4.94E-2 6.00E-1 l 4.47E-2 2.00E-1 1.67E4 Ce-144 9.59 1.99E2 7.47El 4.43E1 l 6.04E4 Nd-147 2.74E-1 3.96E0 4.58E0 2.68E0 l 2.20E4 lW.-187 2.68EO. 9.16E0 7.66E0 l 2.51E3 lNp-239 1.92E-3 3.53E-2 . 3.47E-3 '

l 1.08E-2 l 7.13E2

1. I O

. i, O 1.3 Representative Sampling Prior to sampling of a batch release, each batch shall be thoroughly mixed to assure representative sampling. The methodology for mixing and sampling is described in 50123-III-5.1.23, " Radioactive Liquid Sampling and Analysis."

O 3081c i

O  !

1-22 Rev. 16 01-30-85 L_

. .- ._ - - .. _- .. - - . . . -_ - ~ _ .



, 2.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints ( i Administrative values are used to reduce each setpoint to account i for the potential activity in other releases. These administrative values shall be periodically reviewed based on actual release data

  • and revised in accordance with the Unit Technical Specifications. ,

2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK - 2/3RT-7808, 2RT-7865-1, 3RT-7865-1  ! 2/3RT-7808 - Plant Vent Stack Monitor For the purpose of implementation of Specification, i the alarm setpoint level for noble gas monitors is based i

on the gaseous effluent flow rate and the meteorological dispersion factor.

r The concentration at the detector corresponding to a 500 mrem /yr total body dose rate at the exclusion area boundary is determined by:


C (0.45)(2120 ,3 c

) ( 500 mrem /yr) (10 Ci/pCi)

(2-1) det = (Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m')[I (K g , mrem /yr) ( 4 )]

, i pCi/m' C tot Where:

C det

= the instantaneous concentration at the detector, pCi/cc 0.45 = an administrative value used to account for potential activity from other gaseous release pathways 2-1 Rev. 16 01-30-85

- c --s--w- rep +t--- --+y -e e- .s i-- -. -+w-s- - - r~r- - - -

2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK - 2/3RT-7808, 2RT-7865-1, 3RT-7865-1

(] (Continued)

U Kg = the total body dose conversion factor for the ith gamma emitting noble gas, mrem /yr per pCi/m',

from Table 2-2 C


= Concentration of the i th noble gas, as determined by sample analysis, pCi/cc C


= Total concentration of noble gases, as determined by sample analysis, (pCi/cc) = IC i 4 Flow Rate = the plant vent flow rate, cfm

= 83,000 cfm/ fan (x no. of fans to be run) 2120 = conversion constant, cfm per m'/sec 500 mrem /yr = total body dose rate limit, as specified by Technical Specification X/Q = historical annual average dispersion factor, sec/m'

= 4.8E-6 sec/m8 The concentration at the detector corresponding to a 3000 mrem /yr skin dose rate at the exclusion area boundary is determined by:


C (0.45)(2120,,jsc ) (3000 mrem /yr) (10 Ci/pci)

(2-2) det = (Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m )[I(L9 + 1.1M 3

j , mrem /yr)( 4 )]

i pC1/m 8 C tot 2-2 Rev. 17 06-15-85

2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK - 2/3RT-7808, 2RT-7865-1, 3RT-7865-1 (m (Continued) i O


L = Skin Dose Conversion Factor for the ith noble gas, 9

mrem /yr per pCi/m', from Table 2-2 M,


Air Dose Conversion Factor for the i th noble gas, ,

mrem /yr per pCi/m2 , from Table 2-2 1.1 = Conversion factor to convert gamma air dose to skin dose 3000 mrem /yr = skin dose rate limit, as specified by Technical Specification Other values in equation (2-2) are defined in equation (2-1).


,V The smaller of the values of C det from equations (2-1) or (2-2) is to be used in the determination of the maximum permissible monitor alarm setpoint (:pm), as follows:

The maximum permissible alarm setpoint (cpm) is determined using the calibration constant for 2/3RT-7808 given in Table 2-1.

The maximum permissible alarm setpoint is the " cpm" value corresponding to the concentration, Cdet (the smaller value from equation (2-1) or (2-2)). The calibration constant used is based on Kr-85 or on Xe-133, whichever yields a lower detection efficiency (the largest value in terms of pCi/cc/ cpm).

The alarm setpoint will be maintained at a value not greater than the maximum permissible alarm setpoint.

(3 V

2-3 Rev. 16 01-30-85

i 2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK - 2/3RT-7808, 2RT-7865-1, 3RT-7865-1  ;

(Continued) l

! If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor

setpoint should be established as close as practical to l

l background to prevent sourious alarms and yet assure an alarm I

should inadvertent release occur.

l- 2RT-7865-1 and 3RT-7865-1 Wide Range Gas Monitors The maximum release rate (pCi/sec) for Wide Range Gas e

Monitors is determined by converting the concentration at the detector, Cdet (pCi/cc) to an equivalent release rate in pCi/sec, as follows:

i A bdeta- pCi/cc)(flowrate, cc/sec) max = (2-3) 2 L O Where:

A = the maximum permissible release rate, pCi/sec max C



the smaller of the values of Cdet obtained from equations (2-1) or (2-2).

Flow Rate = flow rate, cc/sec i = (3.917 x 10' cc/sec per fan) (number of fans to be run) 2= a factor to compensate for the split flow between Unit 2 and Unit 3 plant vent stacks The release rate setpoint will not be set greater than the maximum release rate determined above, when this monitor is being used to meet the requirements of Technical Specification

l l 2-4 Rev. 16 l 01-30-85

i. . - - _

2.1.1 PLANT VENT STACK - 2/3RT-7808, 2RT-7865-1, 3RT-7865-1 (Continued)

If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close as practical to background to prevent spurious alarms and yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

2.1.2 CONDENSER EVACUATION SYSTEM - 2RT-7818, 2RT-7870-1, 3RT-7818 or 3RT-7870-1 , 2RT-7818 and 3RT-7818 Condenser Air Ejector Monitors For the purpose of implementation of Specification, the alarm setpoint level for noble gas monitors is based on i the gaseous effluent flow rate and the meteorological dispersion factor. #

O '

The concentration at the detector corresponding to a total body dose rate of 500 mrem /yr at the exclusion area boundary is determined by using:

C (0.1)(0.5)(2120 ,$ /ec ) ( 500 mrem /yr) (10 Ci/pC1)

(2-4) det = (Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m')[I (Kg , mrem /yr) ( J4 _ )]

i pCi/m' C tot The concentration at the detector corresponding to a 3000 mrem /yr skin dose rate at the exclusion area boundary is determined by using:

f ' '

C (0.1)(0.5)(2120 ,i *,c ) (3000 mrem /yr) (10 Ct/pC1) det = (Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m')[I(L g + 1.1Mg , mrem /yr)( C _ )] (2-4a) 4 1 pC1/m 3 C tot 2-5 Rev. 16 -


% eE s


/~'s 2RT-7818, 2RT-7870-1, 3RT-7818 or 3RT-7870-1 (Continued)



,y 0.1 is an administrative value used to account for potential activity from other gaseous release pathways.

0.5 is an administrative value used to account for releases from both SONGS 2 and SONGS 3 condenser air S.c ejectors simultaneously. Other parameters are specified in, above.

The smaller of the values Cdet from equations (2-4) or

'$v (2-4a) is to be used in determining the maximum permissible


monitor alarm setpoint (cpm), as follows:

The maximum permissible alarm setting (cpm) is

(}- determined by using the calibration constant for the corresponding Condenser Evacuation System Monitor given in Table 2-1. The maximum permissible alarm setpoint is the cpm value corresponding to the

,m concentration, Cdet, [ smaller value from equation-(2-4) or (2-4a)].

The calibration constant used is based on Kr-85 or on

, },, 's Xe-133, whichever yields a lower detection efficiency 4.

(higher value in terms of pCi/cc/ cpm). The alarm setpoint will not be set greater than the maximum permissible alarm setting determined above.


, If there is no release associated with this monitor, t.- e

. the monitor setpoint should be established as close as

(} practical to background to prevent spurious alarms yet


[ assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

2-6 Rev. 16 01-30-85


2RT-7818, 2RT-7870-1, 3RT-7818 or 3RT-7870-1 (Continued) 2RT-7870-1 and 3RT-7870-1 Wide Range Gas Monitors The maximum release rate (pCi/sec) for Wide Range Gas Monitors is determined by converting the concentration at the detector, Cdet.(pCi/cc), to an equivalent release rate in pCi/sec.

A, = (Cdet, pCi/cc) (flow rate, cc/sec) 4s= Where:

" 3; Amax = the maximum permissible release rate, pCi/sec C

det = the smaller value of Cdet, as obtained from O

L/ equations (2-4) and-(2-4a) flow rate = flow rate of the condenser air ejector, cc/sec

= 4.719E5 cc/sec (conservatively assumed as design-flow rate)

If there is no release associated with this monitor, the

-monitor setpoint should be established as close as practical to background to prevent spurious alarms yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

C f))


2-7 Rev. 16 01-30-85 L

1 I

2.1.3 CONTAINMENT PURGE - 2RT-7804-1*, 3RT-7804-1*, 2RT-7828,

('c 2RT-7865, 3RT-7865


For the purpose of implementation of Specification 3'.11.2.1, the alarm setpoint level for noble gas monitors is based on the gaseous effluent flow rate and the meteorological dispersion factor.

The concentra' tion at the detector corresponding to a total body dose rate of 500 mrem /yr at the exclusion boundary is determined by using:

C 2 m sc')b# " M WM (2-6) det2 _-(Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m )[E (Kg , mrem /yr) ( _Cg _ )]

2 i- pC1/m' C tot p

-d C (0.45)(P)(2120,3jsc 3 ) ( 500 mrem /yr) (10 Ci/pCi)

(2-7) det3 _-(Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m')[I (Kg , mrem /yr) ( Cg _ )]

i pCi/m' C tot

  • 7804 to be used'until the completion and turnover of DCP53N. Until turnover is complete and upon adoption of Unit 2 Tech Spec Amendment 31 and Unit 3 Tech . Spec Amendment 20, either Section or,may be used to determine the' maximum permissible alarm setting.

2-8 Rev. 16 01-30-85

2.1.3 CONTAINMENT PURGE - 2RT-7804-1*, 3RT-7804-1*, 2RT-7828, 2RT-7865, 3RT-7865 (Continued)

The concentration at the detector corresponding to a 3000 mrem /yr skin dose rate at the exclusion area boundary is determined by using:

C 2 M m c ) " N


(2-6a) .

det2 -(Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m')[I(L4 + 1.1M 4

, mrem /yr)( _C _ )]

i pC1/m 3 C 4

tot C 3 M m c ) M N det3 _(Flow rate, cfm) (X/Q, sec/m )[E(L 4 + 1.1M , mrem /yr)( C _ )] (2-7a)


2 4

i pC1/m 8 C 4

tot where:

Cdet2 = The instantaneous concentration of the Unit 2 detector

,D in pCi/cc.

V Cdet3 = The instantaneous concentration of the Unit 3 detector in pCi/cc.

0.45 is an administrative values used to account for potential activity from other gaseous release pathways.

P2 and P3 are administrative values used to account for simultaneous purges of both SONGS 2 and SONGS 3. The fractions P2 and P3will be assigned such that P2+P3 5 1.0.

Flow rate = the containment purge flow rate in cfm

= 40,000 cfm full purge

= 2,000 cfm mini purge Other parameters are as specified in above.

2-9 Rev. 16 01-30-85

2.1.3 = CONTAINMENT PURGE - 2RT-7804-1*, 3RT-7804-1*, 2RT-7828,

( 2RT-7865, 3RT-7865 (Continued)

The smaller of the values cf maximum permissible C IUS det2 equation.(2-6) or (2-6a) and C det3 fr m equations (2-7) ,

or (2-7a) is to be used in determining the maximum permissible monitor alarm setpoints. Maximum Permissible Alarm Setting (RT-7865)

The maximum permissible alarm setting for the Wide Range Gas Monitor expressed as a maximum release rate (pCi/sec) is determined by converting the concentration at the detector, '

Cdet (pCi/cc),to an equivalent release rate in pCi/sec.

A max = (Cdet, pCi/cc) (flow rate, cc/sec)





= the maximum permissible release rate C

det = the smaller value of Cdet, as obtained from equation (2-6, 2-6a) for Unit 2 or (2-7, 2-7a) for Unit 3.

flow rate = flow rate, cc/sec

= either 9.439E5 cc/sec for mini purge or 1.888E7 cc/sec for main purge. Maximum Permissible Alarm Setting (RT-7804) (2RT-7828)

The maximum permissible alarm setting for 2RT-7828 is in pCi/cc and is the smaller of the values of Cdet2 (y cc) from equations (2-6) and (2-6a).

2-10 Rev. 16 01-30-85

2.1.3 CONTAINMENT PURGE - 2RT-7804-1*, 3RT-7804-1*, 2RT-7828, q 2RT-7865, 3RT-7865 (Continued)

.v The maximum permissible alarm setting for 7804-1 is in cpm and is determined by using the calibration constant for the Unit 2 or Unit 3 Containment Airborne Monitor given in Table 2-1. The Maximum permissible alarm setpoint is the cpm value corresponding l

to the concentration, Cdet (pCi/cc), obtained from the smaller of l equations (2-6, 2-6a) for Unit 2 or (2-7, 2-7a) for Unit 3. The calibration constant is based on Kr-85 or on Xe-133 whichever yields a lower detection efficiency (larger value in terms of pCi/cc/ cpm).

The alarm setpoint will not be set greater than the maximum permissible alarm setting determined above.

tO V If there is no release associated with this monitor, the monitor setpoint should be established as close as practical to background to pevent spurious alarms yet assure an alarm should an inadvertent release occur.

2.1.4 WASTE GAS HEADER 7865, 2/3RT-7808 l For the purpose of Specification, the alarm setpoint level for noble gas monitors is based on the gaseous effluent flow rate and the meteorological dispersion factor. Since the waste gas header discharges to the plant vent stack, either 3RT-7865 or 2/3RT-7808 may be used to monitor waste gas header releases.

O 2-11 Rev. 16 01-30-85

2.1.4 WASTE GAS HEADER 7865, 2/3RT-7808 (Continued) 5.

The concentration at the detector corresponding to a total body dose rate of 500 mrem /yr or a skin dose rate of 3000 mrem /yr at the exclusion area boundary is determined by using equations (2-1) or (2-2) with sample concentration (Cg ) and (Ctot) being obtained from the waste gas decay tank to be released.

The smaller of the values of maximum permissible concentration (Cdet) from equation (2-1) or (2-2) is to be used in determining the maximum permissible monitor alarm setpoint.

2/3RT-7808 The maximum permissible alarm setting (cpm) is determined by using the calibration constant for plant vent stack O monitor 7808 given in Table 2-1. The maximum permissible V

setpoint is the cpm value corresponding to the concentra-tion Cdet, (smaller value from equation (2-1) or (2-2)).

3RT-7865 The maximum permissible alarm setting is expressed as a maximum release rate (pCi/sec) and is determined by converting the concentration at the detector, C det' to an equivalent release rate in pCi/sec by equation (2-8).

A, = _(Cdet2 pC1/cc) (flowrate, cc/sec) (2-8) 2



2-12 Rev. 16 01-30-85

.f .*

2.1.4 WASTE GAS HEADER 7865, 2/3RT-7808 (Continued)



Ade: = the maximum permissible release rate, sci /sec C

det = the smaller value of Cdet, as obtained from equation (2-1) or (2-2).

flowrate = flowrate, cc/sec-

= 7.83E7 cc/sec for 2 fan operation or 3.92E7 cc/sec-for 1 fan operation 2 = corrects for 3-7865 viewing only 1/2 the total Plant Vent Stack Flow. A release from the waste gas header is not possible if:

(f Cg ) ( ),Cdet (2-9)


IC4 i = total concentration in waste gas holdup tank to be released f = waste gas header effluent flow rate, cfm F = plant vent stack flowrate in cfm (166,000 cfm for 2 fan operation; 83,000 for 1 fan operation) det = smaller of the values of C det from C

equation (2-1) or (2-2) with C4 being obtained from the waste gas holdup tank to be released O.-

2-13 Rev. 16 01-30-85

2.1.4 , WASTE GAS HEADER -'3-7865, 2/3RT-7808 (Continued)

If a release is not 5,ossible, adjust the waste gas header flow by determining the maximum permissible waste gas header effluent flow rate corresponding to the Vent' Stack Monitor setpoint in

, accordance with the following:

l .

f < (0.9)(Cdet)(F) (2-10)

IC g L I Where:

f = waste gas header effluent flow rate (cfm)

F = plant vent stack flow rate (cfm) used in-I equation (2-1) or (2-?)

C det = the smaller of the value of Cdet from equation (2-1) or (2-2)

IC4 = total gamma activity (pCi/cc) of the i' 4 waste gas holdup tank to be released, as determined from the pre-release sample analysis.

The 0.9 is an admi'istrative value to account.for the potential activity from other releases in the same release pathway.

O 2-14 Rev. 16 01-30-85


Table 2-1(*)

Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitor Calit.rt. tion Constants f

MONITOR Kr-85* Xe-133*

2RT-7804-1C 3.07E-8 3.86E-8 3RT_-7804-IC 2.76E-8 3.93E-8 2/3RT-7808C 2.90E-8 4.23E-8 2RT-7818A 3.67E-8 5.30E-8 2RT-7818B 6.30E-5 1.33E-5 3RT-7818A 3.88E-8 4.40E-8 3RT-78188 6.49E-5 3.14E-5 l

O l

  • (pC1/cc/ cpm)

(*)This table provides typical (S20%) calibration constants for the gaseous effluent radiation monitors.  !

O 2-15 Rev. 17 06-15-85

2.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate (

The-methodology used-for the purpose of implementation of Technical Specification for the dose rate above background to an individual in an unrestricted area is calculated by using the following expressions:


F 7 DTB = Il Kg (X/Q) Q4lJ (2-11) i L 4


  • 7 D

3 = Il (L 4 + 1.1M j) (X/Q)-Q4_.;l (2-12) i L Where:

Q b TB

= total body dose rate in unrestricted areas due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents, in mrem /yr 1

D =

3 skin dose rate in unrestricted areas due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents, in mrem /yr i

L K = the total body dose factor due to gamma g

emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrem /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2.

1 0

2-16 Rev. 16 01-30-85


i -

> j. _

2.2.1 FOR' NOBLE GASES: (Continued)

.h L =

9 skin dose factor due to the beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide,1, in mrem /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2

~M 9 = the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrad /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2.

(conversion constant of 1.1 mrem / mrad converts air dose to skin dose.)

Q9 =

the release rate of radionuclide, i, in gaseous effluents in pCi/sec i (X/Q) =

4.8E-6 sec/m'. The maximum annual' average atmospheric dispersion factor for any sector or distance at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.


D o = I [I (P ik E) k i] (2-13) i k Where:

D, = organ dose rate in unrestricted areas due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents, in mrem /yr 2-17 Rev. 17 06-01-85


()- THAN EIGHT DAYS: (Continued)

Qi =

the release rate of radionuclide,1, in gaseous effluents in pCi/sec


P ik the dose parameter for radionuclide, 1, for pathway, k, from Table 2-3 for the inhalation pathway in mrem /yr per pCi/m'. The dose factors are based on the critical individual organ and the child age group.

W =

k the highest calculated annual average dispersion parameter for estimating the dose to an individual at or beyond the O

d l

unrestricted area boundary for pathway k. '

= 4.8E-6 sec/m' for the inhalation pathway.

e -, The location is the unrestricted area in the l NW sector.


= 4.3E-8 m for the food and ground plane pathways. The location is the unrestricted area in the E sector.

O 2-18 Rev. 17 M-M-f2

2.3 Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculation o 2.3.1 DOSE FROM N0BLE GASES IN GASEOUS EFFLUENTS (

The air dose in unrestricted areas due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is calculated using the

, following expressions:

l' For historical meteorology:

Dg = 3.17x10 ~I M,[ (X/Q) 09 ] (2-14)

) i i


Dg = 3.17x10 I N g[ (X/Q) Q$ ] (2-15) '



D 7 the total projected gama air dose from gaseous effluents, in mrad


O g the total projected beta air dose from gaseous effluents, in mrad


( 3.17x10 = (inverse seconds per year)


M 4

the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrad /yr per pCi/m from Table 2-2 8

Ng =

the air dose due to beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrad /yr per pCi/m8 from Table 2-2 0

2-19 Rev. 16 01-30-85

l l For historical meterology: (Continued)

(X/Q) = 4.8E-6 sec/m'. The maximum annual average atmospheric dispersion factor for any sector or distance at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.


-Q 4 the amount of noble gas radionuclide, i, l released in gaseous effluents in pCi. For meteorology concurrent with release:


D gg = 1.14x10 I M9 [I (at) (X/Q)je ij)] (2-16) s D

O SO = 1.14x10 iI N4 [I j( Atj (X/Q)je Oij)] (2-17)

U i

I Where:

D ie = the total gamma air dose from gaseous effluents in sector 0, in mrad i D

SO = the total beta air dose from gaseous effluents in sector 0, in mrad Mg = the air dose factor due to gamma emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, 1, in mrad /yr per pC1/m 8 from Table 2-2.

Ng = the air dose factor due tc beta emissions for each identified noble gas radionuclide, i, in mrad /yr per pCi/m' from Table 2-2.

2-20 Rev. 17 06-15-85 For meteorology concurrent with release: (Continued)


At j = the length of the j th time period over which (X/Q))g and h99 are averaged for gaseous releases in hours (X/Q)je = the atmospheric dispersion factor for time .

l period Atj at exclusion boundary location in '

sector 6 determined by concurrent meteorology, in sec/m8 h gj = the average release rate of radionuclide, i, in gaseous effluents during time period, at),

in pCi/sec O


The dose to an individual fram tritium, radiofodines and radioactive materials in particulate form with half lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released to unrestricted areas is calculated using the following expressions: For historical eneteorology:


D, = 3.17x10 t[(IR ikWk) 01 ] (2-18) i k n

LJ 2-21 Rev. 16 01-30-85

y- For historical meteorology: (Continued) n

% ]



Og the total projected dose from gaseous effluents to an individual, in mrem


Q, the amount of each radionuclide, i, (tritium,radiciodine, radioactive

  • material in particulate form with half lives greater than eight days), released in gaseous effluents in pCi IR ikN k =

the sum of all pathways k for radionuclide, i, k

of the R 4, W product in mrem /yr per pCi/sec.

The I RikWk value for each radionuclide, 1, is k

given in Table 2-4. The given is the maximum IR ikW kf r all locations and is based on the k

most restrictive age groups.


R ik the dose factor for each identified radionuclide, i, for pathway k (for the inhalation pathway in mrem /yr per pCi/m' and for the food and ground plane pathways in m8 - mrem /yr per pCi/sec) at the controlling location. The R 's f r each ik controlling location for each age group are given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-14.


2-22 Rev. 16 l 01-30-85 For historical meteorology: (Continued) 10 W =

k the annual average dispersion parameter for estimating the dose to an individual at the-controlling lecation for pathway k.

W =

(X/Q) for the inhalation pathway in sec/m2 .

k The (X/Q) for each controlling location is given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-14.

W = (0/Q) for the food and ground plane pathways k


in m .

The (D/Q) for each controlling location are given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-14. For meteorology concurrent with releases:

..tmn .

D = 1.14 x 10 I [(At)) (Rike) (Wjke) (O ij )]

I o (2-19)


D e = the total annual dose from gaseous effluents to an individual in sector 0 in mrem.

At j = the length of the j th period over which W and jke Q

43 are averaged for gaseous released in hours Q

43 = the average release rate of radionuclide, i, in gaseous effluents during time period Atj in pCi/sec l

2-23 Rev. 16 01-30-85 l For meteorology concurrent with releases: (Continued)


e R

ike = the dose factor for each identified radionuclide i, for pathway k for sector 8 (for the inhalation pathway in mrem /yr per pC1/m 2 and for the food and ground plane pathways in m2 mrem /yr per pCi/sec) at the controlling location. A listing of R

ik f r the conuoHing locations in each landwaM sector for each group is given in Tables 2-5 thru 2-14. The 0 is determined by the concurrent meteorology.

Wjke = the dispersion parameter for the time period At 3

for each pathway k for calculating the dose to an individual at the controlling location in sector e using concurrent meteorological conditions.

= (X/Q) for the inhalation pathway in sec/m 8


= (D/Q) for the food and ground plane pathways in m O l 2-24 Rev. 16 ,




Total Body Dose Skin Dose Gamma Air Dose Factor K Factor L i Beta Air Dose )

Factor M Factor N

' Radio- (mrem /yr i (mrad /yr i l

(mrad /yr i (mrem /yr l l Nuclidel perpCi/m') per pC1/m2 ) l per pCi/m') l per tC1/m2 )


Kr-85m l

1.17E3* 1.46E3 1.23E3

! 1.97E3 l

Kr-85 1.61El 1.34E3 1.72E1 l 1.95E3 Kr-87 5.92E3 9.73E3 6.17E3 1.03E4 l

Kr-88 1.47E4 2.37E3 1.52E4 l 2.93E3 .

I l  !


Xe-131m. 9.15El l 4.76E2 1.56E2 '

1.11E3  !

l Xe-133m 2.51E2 9.94E2 3.27E2 i 1.48E3 l Xe-133 2.94E2 1 3.06E2 3.53E2 l 1.0EE3 Xe-135m 3.12E3 7.11E2 3.36E3 7.39E2 Xe-135 1.81E3 1.86E3 1.92E3 2.46E3 Xe-138 8.83E3 4.13E3 9.21E3 4.75E3

'Ar-41 8.84E3 2.69E3  !

9.30E3 3.28E3 -4


i I

L l

1 O' *1.17E3 = 1.17 x 10' '




  • ik CHILD AGE GROUP CRITICAL ORGAN l l Inhalation Pathway l l Inhalation Pathway I i Radionuclide I' (mrem /yr per pC1/m') l Radionuclide 'I (mrem /yr per pCi/sec)'

i  !

l '

j H-3 1 1.1E3 I -131 1 1.6E7 I I l Cr-51 1 1,7E4 I -132 1.9E5 1 1 I Mr,-54 I l 1.6E6 I I -133 3.8E6 I .

I l Co-57 l 5.1E5 I -134 l 5.1E4 I I I l Co-58 l 1.1E6 I -135 7.9E5 ,

I  !

Co-60 l l l 7.1E6 Cs-134 l 1.0E6 l 1 i l l l Sr-89 l 2.2E6 I Cs-136 1.7E5 l

l 1 I l

I l l Sr-90 1.0E8 c l 1 Cs-137 l 9.1E5 (9

v l I l l Zr-95 l 2.2E6 l Ba-140 l 1.7E6 I l 1 l l Nb-95 l 6.1ES l Ce-141 5.4E5 1

l l l l Te-129m 1.8E6 l Ce-144 1.2E7 l

I I I f l 1 1 1 I I l ) ,

i i 1 l l I i  !

I I i

I l l \

l I l

l l l I I I I I I I I I I I '

I I l I ,

l i i

l l 1

,  !  !  ! I n


l 2-26 Rev. 17 06-15-85



Radionuclide mrem /yr per pCi/sec i

I -

H -3 6.38E-4 I Cr-51 1.68E-2 Mn-54 3.88E0 Co-57 2.64E0 Co-58 3.57E0 Co-60 5.89El Sr-89 4.90E1 l 2r-90 1.96E3 l Zr-95 1.72E1 i N'-SS o 2.97El l Te-129i,: 2.18E1 Cs-134 l 3.64E1 Cs-136 4.81E-1 Cs-137 i 3.36El Ba 140 3.92E-1 Ce-141 7.42E-1 O Ce-144 I -131 1.82E1 6.72E1 I -133 1.87E0 I -135 3.91E-1 UN-ID 1.96E3 l

Footnote: These values to be used in manual calculations are the maximum IR ik Wkfor all locations based on the most restrictive age group.

k 2-27 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TABLE 2-5 (3


DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR P Page 1 of 4 Pathway = Surf Beach Distance = 0.4 miles i X/Q = 1.8E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 8.2E-9 m 2 l Infant Child l Teen l Adult I i  ! I i l 'Inhala- l Food & Inhala- Food & lInhala- Food & lInhala- l Food &

' Radio- tion l Ground L tion Ground l tion ' Ground ' tion Nuclide l Ground

  • Pathway l Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway Pathway l Pathway:

I l H -3 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.2E1 0.0E0 5.1El 0.nE0 Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 1.6El 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.1El 2.2E4 l 1.2E2 1.1ES l 4.1El 1.9E4 Mn-54 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.5E2 6.6E6 l 2.7E3 3.2E7 l 9.5E2 5.7E6 '

Co-57 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E2 1.6E6 l 1.3E3 7.9E6 1 3.9E2 1.4E6 Co-58 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.6E2 1 1.8E6 3.8E3 8.7E6 Co-60 l 1.3E3 1.6E6 l l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.0E3 1.0E8 1.0E4 4.9E8 l 3.5E3 l 8.8E7 l l Sr-89 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.2E3 1.0E2 l 1.8E4 4.9E2 Sr-90 l 3.7E3 8 9El l l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.1E6 1 0.0E0 ' 4.4E6 l 0.0E0 { 1.2E6 0.0E0 l l Zr-95 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 6.3E2 l 1.2E6 6.0E3 ' 5.8E6 l Nb-95 l 1.8E3 1.0E6 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 3.8E2 l 6.6ES 3.9E3 3.1E6 1.3E3 5.6E5 O

l Te-129m 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 5.2E2 l 9.4E4 l 2.1E3 4.5E5 4.5E2 8.1E4


l Cs-134 0.0E0 0.0E0 O l Cs-136 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.1E4 1.8E3 l 3.3E7 l 7.2E5

! 4.5E4 7.8E3 1.6E8 3.4E6 1.0E4 1.8E3 2.8E7 6.2E5  ;

l Cs-137 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.6E3 4.5E7 3.4E4 Ba-140 l 2.4E8 7.6E3 4.2E7 l ' O.0E0 ' O.0E0 l 7.7E2 9.9E4 9.2E3 4.7E5 2.7E3 8.4E4 Ce-141 [

0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.9E2 6.6E4 5.1E3 3.1E5 1.5E3 Ce-144 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E3 3.3E5 l 3.5E4 1.6E6 1.0E4 5.6E4 )

2.9E5 t

1 I -131 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.7E5 l 8.3E4 5.9E5 3.9E5 1.5E5 7.1E4 l


! I -133 l 0.0E0 '

O.0E0 l 4.0E4 1.2E4 1.2E5 5.6E4 2.6E4 1 1.0E4 I -135 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 8.2E3 1.2E4 l 2.5E4 5.8E4 5.5E3 1.0E4 l

UN-10 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.1E6 0.0E0 l 4.4E6 0.0E0 1.2E6 0.0E0 (

l l l l

1 l

l l l l 1 l  !

l l l

l l


l Inhalation Pathway, units = * [*

Food & Ground Pathway, units a b L*"'*M pC1/sec 2-28 Rev. 17 06-15-85



DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR P Page 2 of 4 Pathway = Enlisted Beach Distance = 1.2 miles X/Q = 3.8E-7 sec/m' 0/Q = 1.4E-9 m 8 Infant l Child Teen I Adult lInhala- Food & Inhala-l Food &lInhala- Food &

Radio- l tion 'Inhala- l Food &

Ground l tion l Ground ; tion l Ground [tfon ' Grcund INuclide (Pathway l PathwaylPathsay l Pathway Pathway l Pathway l Pathway Pathway l l l - -- F  ! l  !

I l l H -3 2.6El l 0.0E0 l 4.5El 0.0E0 5.1El 0.0E0 5.6El I

l Cr-51 1.4E1 l 1.9E5  ! 4.3E1 l 0.0E0 1.9E5 1.2E2 1.9ES l 1.3E2 1.9ES l Mn-54 1.0E3 l 5.5E7 1.7E3 5.5E7 2.7E3 5.5E7 Cc-57 1.9E2 1 3.1E3 5.5E7 l 1 1.4E7 5.3E2 1.4E7 1.3E3 1.4E7 l 1.3E3 1.4E7 i Co-58 4.5E2 1.5E7 1.4E3 1.5E7 3.8E3 1.5E7 Co-60 l 1.3E3 i 1 4.3E3 l 1.5E7 i 8.6E8 l 3.8E3 1 8.6E8 1.0E4 i 8.6E8 l 1.1E4 ) 8.6E8 l Sr-89 l 1.6E4 l 8.6E2 ' 2.4E4 l 8.6E2 i

Sr-90 l 1.8E4 I 8.6E2 l 1.2E4 I 8 GE2 1 l 1.6E6 l 0.0E0 4.0E6 l 0.0E0 l 4.4E6 l 0.0E0 ) 4.CE6 Zr-95 l 8.7E2 l 1.0E7 2.4E3 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E7 l 6.0E3 l 1.0E7 l 6.0.13 l 1.0E7 I Nb-95 1 5.1E2 l 5.5E6 1.5E3 5.5E6 l 3.9E3 l 5.5E6 l 4.2E3 l 5.5E6 Te-129m l 1.3E3 1 7.9E5 2.0E3 7.9ES l 2.1E3  ! 7.9E5 j O Cs-134 1 2.8E4 2.7E8 ' 4.1E4 2.7E8 l 1.5E3 l 7.9ES d Cs-136 l 5.4E3 6.0E6 6.8E3 6.0E6 4.5E4 7.8E3 2.7E8 6.0E6 l 3.4E4 l 2.7E8 Cs-137 ' 2.4E4 4.1E8 3.3E4 I 5.9E3 l 6.0E6 '

l 1 4.1E8 ' 3.4E4 , 4.1E8 l 2.5E4 1 4.1E8 Ba-140 2.2E3 l 8.2E5 l 3.0E3 8.2E5 9.2E3 8.2E5 ' 8.7E3 8.2E5 Ce-141 i 8.6E2 l 5.5E5 l 2.3E3 5.5E5 5.1E3 5.5ES 4.8E3 5.5E5 l Ce-144 l 5.9E3 l 2.8E6 l 1.6E4 ' 2.8E6 3.5E4 2.8E6 3.3E4 ' 2.8E6 I -131 l 5.9ES 6.9ES l 6.5ES 6.9ES 5.9ES 6.9E5 I -133 4.8E5 6.9ES l 1.4E5 9.8E4 l 1.5E5 9.8E4 1.2E5 9.8E4 8.6E4 9.8E4 I -135 l 2.8E4 1.0E5 l 3.2E4 1.0E5 ' 2.5E4 1.0E5 l 1.8E4 1.0E5 UN-ID l 1.6E6 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 0.0E0 4.4E6 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 0.0E0 I '

I  !

l l

I l

l l l l l l

' l

< l l

I I )

Inhalation Pathway, units = N i

Food & Ground Patnway, units = IE- h-j"d l 2-29 Rev. 17 06-15-85


U DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR P Page 3 of 4 Pathway = Enlisted Beach Campground Check-In Distance = 1.5 miles X/Q = 3.0E-7 sec/m' 0/0 = 1.1E-9 m 8 I Infant Child l Teen Adult i  ;

Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food & ,Inhala- 1 Food & Inhala-Radio- tion Food &

Ground ; tion . Ground tion Ground tion

Nuclide Pathway Ground Pathway Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway l

I H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.9E2 0.0E0 Cr-51 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 7.6E2 1.1E6 Mn-54 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ,l 0.0E0 1.8E4 3.2E8 l l Co-57  ! 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 Co-58 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 7.2E3 i 7.8E7 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.4E4 8.7E7

! Co-60 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 ! 0.0E0 Sr-89 l

6.5E4 4.9E9 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.9E4 Sr-90 0.0E0 l 4 9E3 '


. 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.CEO ( 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 0.0E0 Zr-95 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 Nb-95 l 3.4E4 5.7E7 '

0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.4E4 3.1E7 Ol 1e-129m 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 Cs-134 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 L 0.0E0 l 8.3E3 4.5E6

' O.0E0 0.0E0 0,0E0 0.0E0 l 1.9E5 , 1.6E9 Cs-136 0.0E0 '

O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 Cs-137 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 3.3E4 1 3.4E7 1 0.0E0 , O.CEO 1.4E5 1 2.3E8 Ba-140 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 5.0E4 ) 4.7E6 Co-141 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 . 0.0E0 Ce-144 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.7E4 3.1E6 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1.9ES I -131 1.6E7 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.7E6 3.9E6 I -133 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.9E5 l 5.6E5 1 -135 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ' , O.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.0E5 UN-10 t ,

l 5.8E5 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 2.3E7 l 0.0E0 l I I

I l

I l

InhalationFathway, units =%h food & Ground Pathway, units =

d 2-30 Rev. 17 06-15-85


DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR P Page 4 of 4 Pathway = Former Nixon Estate (no garden) Distance = 2.8 miles X/Q = 1.1E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 3.4E-10 m

  • l Infant Child Teen l Adult l

Inhala-l Food &lInhala- Food &lInhala- Food & Inhala- l Food &

Radio- .

tion Ground tion Ground l tion Ground tion Ground Nuclide LPathway Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway l n l I H -3 6.5E2 l 0.0E0 1.1E3 0.0E0 1.3E3 0.0E0 1.3E3 l 0.0E0 Cr-51 3.6E2 l 3.7E6 1.1E3 3.7E6 l 3.0E3 3.7E6 3.3E3 3.7E6 Mn-54 2.5E4 l 1.1E9 l 4.3E4 1.1E9 l 6.7E4 1.1E9 7.7E4 1.1E9 Co-57 4.9E3 l 2.7E8 1.3E4 2.7Ed l 3.1E4 2.7E8 3.1E4 2.7E8 Co-58 1.1E4 l 3.0EE 3.4E4 3.0E8 l 9.5E4 3.0E8 1 1.1ES 1 3.0E8 Co-60 3.2E4 l 1.7E10 9.6E4 1.7E10 l 2.6E5 1.7E10 ' 2.8E5 1.7E10 Sr-89 4.0E5 l 1.7E4 6.0E5 1.7E4 4.3E5 1.7E4 i 3.0E5 1 7E4 Sr-90 4.1E7 I 0.0E0 l 1.0E8 0.0E0 1.1E8 Zr-95 2.2E4 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 0.0E0 l 2.0E8 l 6.1E4 2.0E8 1.5ES 2.0E8 1.5E5 2.0E8 Nb-95 '

1.3E4 ? 1.1E8 3.7E4 1.1E8 9.7E4 1.1E8 1.0E5 1.1E8 Te-129m l 3.2E4 1.6E7 5.0E4 1.6E7 l 5.2E4 1.6E7 3.7E4 1.6E7 Cs-134 l 7.0E5 5.5E9 l 1.0E6 5.5E9 1.1E6 O- Cs-136 1.3E5 1.2E8 l 1.7E5 , 1.2E8 1.9E5 5.5E9 1.2E8 8.5E5 1.5ES 5.5E9 1.2E8 C5-137 6.1E5 i 8.2E9 1 8.3E5 8.2E9 8.5ES 8.2E9 6.2E5 8.2E9 Ba-140 5.6E4 1.6E7 7.4E4 1.6E7 2.3E5 1.6E7 2.2E5 1.6E7 Cc-141 2.2E4 1.1E7 5.7E4 1.1E7 1.3E5 1.1E7 1.2E5 1.1E7 Ce-144 1.5E5 5.6E7 3.9ES 5.6E7 8.6ES 5.6E7 8.2E5 5.6E7 I -131 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 1.6E7 1.4E7 1.5E7 1.4E7 1.2E7 1.4E7 I -133 3.6E6 l 2.0E6 3.8E6 2.0E6 2.9E6 2.0E6 2.2E6 2.0Er I I -135 7.0E5 l 2.0E6 I 7.9E5 2.0E6 6.2E5 2.0E6 4.5E5 2.0E6 UN-IO 4.1E7 1 0.0E0 1.0E8 0.0E0 1.1E8 0.0E0 9.9E7 0.0E0 l

1 l

l 1 I l

l i

Inhalation Pathway, units = { ,M Food & Ground Pathway, units = j]-

2-31 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TABLE 2-6 DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR Q Page 1 of 5 Pathway = State Park Office Trailer Distance = 0.6 miles X/Q = 2.2E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 1.2E-8 m 8

! Infant Child l Teen l Adult

'Inhala- Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala-l Food &

' Radio- tion Ground tion l Ground tion Ground tion Nuclide Pathway Pathway ' Pathway ' Pathway Pathway l Ground Pathway l Pathway l Pathway '

H -3 0.0E0 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.9E2 0.0E0 Cr-51 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 Mn-54 1 7.6E2 1.1E6 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 Co-57 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.8E4 l 3.2E8 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 7.2E3 l 7.8E7 Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 2.4E4 8.7E7 Co-60 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.5E4 4.9E9 Sr-89 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 Sr-90 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 6.9E4 4 9E3 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E7 l 0.0E0 Zr-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.4E4 1 5.7E7 Nb-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.4E4 3.1E7 Te-129m 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.3F1 4.5E6 Cs-134 pd Cs-136 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.9'.- 1.6E9 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.3E 3.4E7 Cs-137 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4Eu 2.3E9 Ba-140 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 5.0E4 4.7E6 Co-141 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.7E4 3.1E6 Ce-144 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' 1.9E5 1.6E7 I -131 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.7E6 I -133 3.9E6 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.9E5 I -135 5.6E5 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.0E5 UN-ID 5.BE5 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E7 0.0E0

! I InhalationPathway, units ={h Food & Ground Pathway, units = ")

[3 2-32 Rev. 17 06-15-85


DOSE PARAMETER R, FOR SECTOR Q Page 2 of 5 Pathway = Enlisted Beach Recreation Building Distance = 1.2 miles l -

X/Q = 8.2E-7 sec/m* D/Q = 4.0E-9 m 2 l Infant Child Teen Adult Inhala- Food & Inhala-i Food & Inhala- Food & lInhala-H -

' Food &

Radio- tion Ground tion Ground tion Ground tion Ground Nuclide ' Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway I '

H -3 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.6E2 0.0E0 Cr-51 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 9.5E2 1.3E6 Mn-54 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' 2.2E4 3.9E8 Co-57 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 9.0E3 9.8E7 Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.0E4 1.1E8 Co-60 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.1E4 6.1E9 Sr-89 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.7E4 6.2E3 Sr-90 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 2.8E7 0.0E0 Zr-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.3E4 7.2E7 Nb-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.0E4 3.9E7 Te-129m 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.0E4 5.6E6 Cs-134 O Cs-136 Cs-137 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.4E5 4.2E4 1.9E9 4.3E7 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.8E5 2.9E9 Ba-140 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.2E4 5.9E6 Ce-141 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.4E4 3.9E6 Ce-144 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E5 2.0E7 I -131 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.4E6 4.9E6 I -133 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.1ES 7.0E5 I -135 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E5 7.2E5 i UN-10 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.8E7 0.0E0 d

i InhalationPathway, units =[C '

Food & Ground Pathway, units = I" ' "I j

2-33 Rev. 17 06-15-85

O, TAB LE. 2-6


.( "

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR Q Page 3 of 5 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Shepherd Distance = 1.5 miles X/Q = 6.2E-7 sec/m' 0/Q = 2.9E-9 m 2 l Infant ) Child l' Teen l Adult Inhala- Food & 'Inhala- Food & Inhala ' Food & ; Inhala-Radio- tion Food &

Ground tion Ground . tion Ground l tion Nuclide Pathway Ground .

Pathway ' Pathway Pathway! Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway H -3 ' O.0E0 [ 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E2 0.0E0 1.9E2 7.0E0 3.2E2 Cr-51 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.7E4 0.0E0 3.4E4 1.8E1 9.0E4 Mn-54 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E6 0.0E0 l

4.0E6 4.3E2 1.6E7 Co-57 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.3E7 0.0E0 2.3E7 1.7E2 4.0E7 Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E7 0.0E0 2.7E7 5.9E2 5.4E7 Co-60 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E8 Sr-89 0.0E0 1 2.6E8 1.6E3 6.0E8 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.8E7 0.0E0 2.5E7 1.7E3 Sr-90 3.0E7 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.0E9 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5ES Zr-95 4.8E9 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.1E7 0.0E0 1.5E8 8.3E2 Nb-95 2.6E8 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' 1.3E8 ! 0.0E0 2.5E8 5.7E2 Te-129m 4.5E8 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.3E8 0.0E0 2.5E8 2.0E2 pV Cs-134 Cs-136 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.7E8 1 0.0E0 3.9E8 4.7E3 3.0E8 5.3E8 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E5 0.0EO. 1.2E5 8.1E2 Cs-137 9.7E5 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 4.6E8 0.0E0 3.5E8 3.4E3 4.9E8 Ba-140 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 1.2E5 ! 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.2E3 2.8E5 Ce-141 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 7.0E5 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E2 1.9E6 Ce-144 0.0E0 .0.0E0 0.0E0 5.1E7 0.0E0 8.3E7 3

4.5E3 1.3E8 I1131 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.6E6 ! 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E4 I -133 1.6E6 0.0C0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.9E-2 0.0E0 1.1E-2 1.2E4 I -135 1.3E4 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.5E3 UN-10 1.4E4 0.0E0 0. 0E0- 0.0E0 4.0E9 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5E5 i

4.8E9 l

l l

Inhalation Pathway, units = "C y Food & Ground Pathway, units = I" "' Y")

j 2-34 Rev. 17 06-15-85 l


V DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR Q Page 4 of 5 Pathway = San Onofre Heights Distance = 1.7 miles l X/Q = 4.9E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 2.2E-9 m 2

' l Infant Child l Teen l Adult IInhala- Food & (Inhala- Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- l Food &

Radio- l tion Ground ; tion Ground ' tion I Ground tion Ground Nuclide Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway. Pathway Pathway Pathway:

I I H -3 l 6.5E2 0.0E0 1.1E3 l 0.0E0 1.3E3 0.0E0 1.3E3 0.0E0 i Cr-51 l 3.6E2 i 3.7E6 1.1E3 l 3.7E6 3.0E3 3.7E6 3.3E3 3.7E6 l Mn-54 2.5E4 l 1.1E9 J 4.3E4 l 1.1E9 6.7E4 1.1E9 7.7E4 1.1E9 Co-57 . 4.9E3 l 2.7E8 l 1.3E4 l 2.7E8 ' 3.1E4 2.7E8 3.1E4 2.7E8 Co-58 l 1.1E4 l 3.0E8 ' 3.4E4 3.0E8 9.5E4 l 3.0E8 '

1.1E5 3.0E8 Co-60 l 3.2E4 l 1.7E10 9.6E4 1.7E10 L 2.6E5 Sr-89 l 1.7E10 l 2.8E5 1.7E10 l l 4.0E5 1.7E4 . 6.0E5 1.7E4 4.3E5 l 1.7E4 l 3.0E5 1.7E4 i Sr-90 l 4.1E7 0.0E0 l 1.0E8 ' O.0E0 1.1E8 1 0.0E0 [ 9.9E7 0.0E0 Zr-95 1 2.2E4 2.0E8 6.1E4 2.0E8 1.5E5 l 2.0E8 l 1.5ES 2.0E8 Nb-95 l 1.3E4 1.1E8 3.7E4 1.1E8 , 9.7E4 l 1.1E8 l 1.0E5 1.1E8 Te-129m L 3.2E4 1.6E7 i 5.0E4 l 1.6E7 l 5.2E4 l 1.6E7 l 3.7E4 1.6E7 N Cs-134 7.0E5 5.5E9 l 1.0E6 l 5.5E9 1.1E6  ! 5.5E9 8.5E5 5.5E9 Cs-136 1.3E5 1.2E8 l 1.7E5 l 1.2E8 1.9E5 l 1.2E8 1.5E5 l 1.2E8 Cs-137 6.1E5 8.2E9 l 8.3E5 l 8.2E9 8.5ES 8.2E9 6.2E5 8.2E9 Ba-140 5.6E4 , 1.6E7 1 7.4E4 1.6E7 2.3E5 1.6E7 2.2E5 1.6E7 Ce-141 2.2E4 l 1.1E7 l 5.7E4 1.1E7 1.3E5 1.1E7 1.2E5 1.1E7 Ce-144 1.5E5 l 5.6E7 l 3.9E5 5.6E7 , 8.6ES 5.6E7 l 8.2E5 5.6E7 l I.-131 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.6E7 ,

1.4E7 l 1.5E7 1.4E7 l 1.2E7 1.4E7 l I -133 3.6E6 l 2.0E6 l 3.8E6 l 2.0E6 l 2.9E6 2.0E6 l 2.2E6 l 2.0E6 l I -135 7.0E5 l 2.0E6 l 7.9E5 l 2.0E6 1 6.2E5 2.0E6 l 4.5E5 l 2.0E6 l UN-ID 4.1E7 l 0.0E0 1.0E8 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E8 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l l l 1 1 I

l. I I I I I I l l l l I l l 1 l l l I I l I l l l l l l l 1 1 I I I I i l I I I i l l Inhalation Pathway, units =

h" Food & Ground Pathway, units = I" "I l 2-35 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TABLE 2-6 k

DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR Q Page 5 of 5 Pathway = San Clemente Ranch (No Residents) Distance = 2.2 miles >

X/Q = 3.4E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 1.4E-9 m 2 l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult Inhala- Food &lInhala- Food & lInhala- l Food & Inhala- l Food &

Radio- tion Ground tion Ground l tion Ground tion Ground

, Nuclide ' Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway; Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway I l l H -3 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.0E3 0.0E0 2.6E3 0.0E0 2.3E3 Cr-51 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.1E6 0.0E0 l 1.0E7 0.0E0 1.2E7 l Mn-54 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.5E8 ! 0.0E0  ! 9.2E8 0.0E0 9.4E8 l Co-57 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 2.4E8 0.0E0 3.2E8 0.0E0 2.9E8 l Co-58 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.7E8 0.0E0 5.9E8 0.0E0 1 6.1E8 l Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.1E9 0.0E0 3.2E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 Sr-89 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.5E10 0.0E0 1.5E10 1 0.0E0 l 9.8E9 Sr-90 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E12 0.0E0 8.3E11 0.0E0 l 6.7E11 Zr-95 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 , 8.8E8 ' O.0E0 1.2E9 0.0E0 1.2E9 Nb-95 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.9E8 l 0.0E0 4.5E8 '

O.0E0 4.7E8 Te-129m l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.9E9 0.0E0 1.8E9 0.0E0 1.2E9 Q

U Cs-134 1 0.0E0 Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0

' O.0E0 l 2.6E10 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.6E10 0.0E0 1.1E10 l 2.2E8 1.7E8 0.0E0 1.7E8 Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.4E10 1 0.0E0 1.4E10 0.0E0 9.1E9 Ba-140 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.8E8 l 0.0E0 2.1E8 l 0.0E0 2.6E8 Ce-141 0.0E0 0.0E0 ,' O.0E0 l 4.0E8 0.0E0 5.3E8 l 0.0E0 5.0E8 Ce-144 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E10 0.0E0 ' 1.3E10 1 0.0E0 1.1E10 i I -131 l 0.0E0 L :0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.8E10 0.0E0 3.1E10 l 0.0E0 3.8E10

'I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E8 0.0E0 4.6E8 l 0.0E0  ! 5.3E8 I -135 l 0.0E0 ! 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 9.8E6 , 0.0E0 , 5.7E6 l 0.0E0 6.6E6 UN-ID l 0.0E0 0.0E0  !

0.0E0 l 1.4E12 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E11 l 0.0E0 6.7E11 l l l 1 l 1 I  ! I I I I I I I I i I i I I I l i I I I I I I l 1 1 1 I l l l l l l l

l ,

I I I I Inhalation Pathway, units = "C O Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* ")

2-36 Rev. 17 06-15-85


V DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR R Page 1 of 3 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Shepherd Distance = 0.9 miles X/Q = 8.3E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 5.2E-9 m 2 l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult Inhala- Food & Inhala- l Food & lInhala- Food & Inhala- l Food &

Radio- tion Grcund l tion Ground tion Ground tion lNuclide Pathway I Ground I Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway l Pathwayl i i I

, H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 , 2.3E2 1 0.0E0 1.9E2 7.0E0 3.2E2 l Cr-51 1 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 L 0.0E0 3.4E4 1.8E1 9.0E4 Mn-54 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 0.0E0 4.0E6 4.3E2 1.6E7 Co-57 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E7 0.0E0 2.3E7 1.7E2 i 4.0E7 Co-58 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E7 0.0E0 2.7E7 5.9E2 5.4E7 Co-60 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.3E8 0.0E0 2.6E8 1.6E3 6.0E8 l l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 'l 0.0E0 4.8E7 1 0.0E0 2.5E7 Sr-90 l l 1.7E3 3.0E7 i l 0.0E0 0.0E0 ,

0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 Zr-95 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 1.5E8 8.3E2 2.6E8 Nb-95 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 2.5E8 l 5.7E2 4.5E8 Te-129m l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 , 3.3E8 { 0.0E0 1 2.5E8 l 2.0E2 3.0E8 Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.9E8 l 4.7E3 5.3E8 l Cs-136 ' O.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 Cs-137 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 8.1E2 9.7E5 i l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 4.6E8 ' O.0E0 l 3.5E8  ; I 3.4E3 4.9E8 l B3-140 , 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.2E5 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 1.2E3 2.8E5 Ce-141 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1 7.0E5 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E2 1.9E6 Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 5.1E7 0.0E0 8.3E7 4.5E3 1.3E8 l I -131 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.6E6 l 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E4 1.6E6 i

l I -133 1 0.0E0 . 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 ,

1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 l 1.3E4 l I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E-18] 0.0E0 l 7.8E-191 2.5E3 1.4E4 UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 ' 5.5E5 4.8E9 I I I l l I I I l 1 1 I ,

I l l 1 l l l l '

I i i I .

I l I l l I i 1 l l l  ! I l l l l l l 1 1 I I I i

-l I l I I l l l Inhalation Pathway, units = "C /

Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* " d j

2-37 Rev. 17 06-15-85

. TABLE 2-7 O

-DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR R l Pathway = San Onofre Mobile Homes Distance = 1.3 miles X/Q = 4.7E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 2.8E-9 m 2 l Infant Child l Teen l Adult

, 'Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food & IInhala- l Food &

Radio- tion Ground l tion Ground tion Ground ' tion l Ground Nuclide Pathway l PathwaylPathway Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway l l l H -3 6.5E2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E3 l 0.0E0 1 1.3E3 0.0E0 1.3E3 0.0E0 Cr-51 3.6E2 1 3.7E6 l 1.1E3 l 3.7E6 3.0E3 l 3.7E6 3.3E3 3.7E6 i

.I Mn-54 l 2.5E4 l 1.1E9 l 4.3E4 l 1.1E9 6.7E4 l 1.1E9 l 7.7E4 ' 1.1E9- l l Co-57 ~ l-4.9E3 2.7E8 l 1.3E4 l 2.7E8 1 3.1E4 l 2.7E8 3.1E4 2.7E8 l l Co-58 l 1.1E4 3.0E8 3.4E4 3.0E8 9.5E4 1 3.0E8 1.1E5 3.0E8 l Co-60 1 3.2E4 1.7E10 9.6E4 . 1.7E10 2.6E5 l 1.7E10 2.8F5 1.7E10 Sr-89 l 4.0E5 l 1.7E4 6.0E5 l 1.7E4 4.3E5 l 1.7E4 3.0E5 l 1.7E4 Sr-90 1 4.1E7 l 0.0E0 1.0E8 l 0.0E0 1.1E8 l 0.0E0 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l Zr-95 l 2.2E4 2.0E8 6.1E4 2.0E8 1.5E5 2.0E8 1.5E5 1 2.0E8 Nb-95 l 1.3E4 1.1E8 3.7E4 1.1E8 l 9.7E4 1.1E8 1.0E5 l 1.1E8 Te-129m l 3.2E4 1.6E7 5.0E4 1.6E7 1 5.2E4 1.6E7 3.7E4 1.6E7 Cs-134 l 7.0E5 l 5.5E9 1.0E6 I 5.5E9 l 1.1E6 5.5E9 8.5E5 5.5E9 ,

Cs-136 l 1.3E5 l 1.2E8 1.7ES l 1.2E8 l 1.9E5 l 1.2E8 1.5E5 1.2E8 l Cs-137 l 6.1E5 l 8.2E9 8.3E5 I 8.2E9 8.5E5 l 8.2E9 6.2E5 8.2E9 i Ba-140 l 5.6E4 l 1.6E7 7.4E4 l 1.6E7 2.3E5 1.6E7 2.2E5 1.6E7 Ce-141 l 2.2E4 l 1.1E7 5.7E4 l 1.1E7 l 1.3E5 1.1E7 1.2E5 1.1E7 Ce-144 l 1.5E5 l 5.6E7 3.9E5 l 5.6E7 8.6E5 5.6E7 8.2E5 5.6E7 I -131 i

l 1 1.5E7 l 1.4E7 l 1.6E7 l 1.4E7 1.5E7 1.4E7 l 1.2E7 l 1.4E7 l I -133 l 3.6E6 l 2.0E6 l 3.8E6 l 2.0E6 2.9E6 , 2.0E6 l 2.2E6 1.2.0E6 l I -135 I 7.0E5 1 2.0E6 l 7.9E5 l 2.0E6 6.2E5 1 2.0E6 I 4.5E5 1 2.0E6 l

, UN-ID l 4.1E7 l 0.0E0 ' 1.0E8 l 0.0E0 1.1E8 l 0.0E0 ' 9.9E7 [ 0.0E0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I i 1 1 I I I I l l I I I I I I I I I I I ,

I I I I I I l l l 1 l 1 I I I I l l i I I I I I

! l l  !  !  !

Inhalation Pathway, units = *C (3

Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* # ")

j 2-38 Rev. 17 06-15-85 l

TABLE 2-7 O) u DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR R Page 3 of 3 Pathway = San Clemente Ranch (No Residents) Distance = 2.3 miles l X/Q = 2.0E-7 sec/m 2 D/Q = 1.0E-9 m r l Infant f Child Teen l Adult

'Inhala-l ' Food & lInhala- l Food & Inhala- ' Food & Inhala-l Food &

Radio- l tion Ground l tion l Ground : tion Ground ltion l Ground l

lNuclide l Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway PathwaylPathway Pathway!

l H -3 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.0E3 l 0.0E0 2.6E3 0.0E0 2.3E3 l Cr-51 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.1E6 0.0E0 1.0E7 0.0E0 1.2E7 l

Mn-54 ,

0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.5E8 0.0E0 1 9.2E8 0.0E0 ,

9.4E8 Co-57 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.4E8 0.0E0 3.2E8 0.0E0 2.9E8 Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.7E8 0.0E0 5.9E8 0.0E0 6.1E8 l l Co-60 ' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.1E9 0.0E0 l 3.2E9 , 0.0E0 3.1E9 l Sr-89 '0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 3.5E10 0.0E0 l 1.5E10 l 0.0E0 l 9.8E9 l Sr-90 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E12 0.0E0 l 8.3E11 0.0E0 l 6.7E11 l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.8E8 0.0E0 l 1.2E9 0.0E0 l 1.2E9

' Nb-95 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E8 0.0E0 l 4.5E8 i 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 Te-129m l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.9E9 1 0.0E0 1 1.8E9 ' O.0E0 l 1.2E9 Cs-134 ' O.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E10 0.0E0 1 1.6E10 0.0E0 1.1E10 ,

J Cs-136 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 2.2E8 0.0E0 l 1.7E8 0.0E0 1.7E8 Cs-137 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.4E10 0.0E0 1.4E10 1 0.0E0 9.1E9 Ba-140 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.8E8 0.0E0 2.1E8 0.0E0 ! 2.6E8 Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.0E8 0.0E0 5.3E8 0.0E0 ' 5.0E8 l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.0E10 0.0E0 1.3E10 0.0E0 1.1E10 l I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.8E10 0.0E0 3.1E10 l 0.0E0 ,. 3.8E10 I -133 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.1E8 0.0E0 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 l 5.3E8 I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 9.8E6 0.0E0 5.7E6 0.0E0 1 6.6E6 UN-ID l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.4E12 0.0E0 ' 8.3E11 0.0E0 6.7E11 1 1 I

! l l 1 l 1 I I I .

I I I I, I l' l l l l l l l l 1 l l l l l I I l 1 1 I 1 l

1 I Inhalation Pathway, units = "C Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* "*

js 2-39 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TA B LE. 2-8 O

v DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR A Page 1 of 2 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Shepherd Distance = 0.2 miles X/Q = 6.0E-6 sec/m' l D/Q = 5.0E-8 m 2 1

1. Infant Child l Teen l Adult l Inhala-l Food &'Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food &

Radio- l tion ' Ground tion ' Ground tion Ground tion Ground

  • lNuclide Pathway Pathway l Pathway Pathway 1 Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway l l l I I H -3  ; 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 2.3E2 1 0.0E0 1.9E2 7.0E0 Cr-51 l 3.2E2  !

l ' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.7E4  ! 0.0E0 3.4E4 1.8E1 l 9.0E4 Mn-54 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.3E6 , 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 4.3E2 1.6E7 Co-57 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E7 0.0E0 2.3E7 i

1.7E2 4.0E7 l Co-58 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 1.4E7 0.0E0 2.7E7 5.9E2 1 5.4E7 l Co-60 [ 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.3E8 0.0E0 2.6E8 Sr-89 l 1.6E3 1 6.0E8 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.8E7 i 0.0E0 i 2.5E7 1.7E3 l 3.0E7 Sr-90 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5E5 Zr-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.8E9 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 1.5E8 8.3E2 2.6E8 Nb-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 l Te-129m 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.3E8 0.0E0 1 2.5E8 2.0E2 3.0E8 N Cs-134 (d l l Cs-136 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 <

0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.7E8 1.4E5 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 3.9E8 l 1.2E5 4.7E3 8.1E2 5.3E8 9.7E5 l Cs-137 ., 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.6E8 0.0E0 3.5E8 3.4E3 l 4.9E8 l Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.2E5 i 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.2E3 l 2.8E5 Ce-141 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E2 ' 1.9E6 Ce-144 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 5.1E7 0.0E0 8.3E7 1 4.5E3 1.3E8 I -131 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.6E6 0.0E0 1.1E6 l 6.6E4 1.6E6 I -133 l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 1.3E4 l I -135 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.4E-18l 0.0E0 1 7.Ed-19 ' 2.5E3 1.4E4 l UN-ID l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1

4.0E9 I 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 1 I i I I I l I I I I l l I I I '

I I I l  ! l  ! l I l l l I I I l l l 1 l i I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l 1 I I I I I I I i I ,

i l I I I I I I 1

f I f I i f f InhalationPathway, units =]

Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* "

j 2-40 Rev. 17 06-15-85



Pathway = Camp San Mateo Distance = 3.6 miles X/Q = 7.1E-8 sec/m 2 D/Q = 4.1E-10 m 2 Infant l Child Tee, l Adult Inhala- Food & Inhala- l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food &

l Radio- tion Ground . tion ' Ground l tion Ground l tion Ground Nuclide Pathway Pathway) Pathway Pathway' Pathway Pathway l Pathway Pathway l l l 1 -I  !

l H -3 j 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.3E3 l 0.0E0 i Cr-51 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.3E3 3.7E6 Mn-54 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 7.7E4 1.1E9 Co-57 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.1E4 2.7E8 Co-58 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 Co-60 1

0.0E0 l 1.1E5 3.0E8 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.8E5 l 1.7E10 Sr-89 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 Sr-90 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 3.0E5 l 1.7E4 l 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 0.0E0 l Zr-95 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 .l 0.0E0 0.0E0 - 1.5E5 2.0E8 l Nb-95 , 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.1E8 1 Te-129m l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 3.7E4 1.6E7

% Cs-134 l 0.0E0 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 0.0E0 ,

0.0E0 l 0.0E0 8.5E5 5.5E9 s ts-136 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 . 1.5E5 1.2E8 l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 6.2E5 8.2E9 Ba-140 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.2E5 1.6E7 i Ce-141 l 0.0E0 -l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 1 1.2E5 1.1E7 l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l' O.0E0 8.2E5 5.6E7 I -131 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.2E7 l 1.4E7 I -133 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 2.2E6 [ 2.0E6 I -135 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.5E5 l 2.0E6 UN-ID 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 9.9E7 l 0.0E0 l l I l

1 l l l I .

l l I I I I l I i 1 l l 1 I l 1 .

l i I l l l 1 1

L ,  !  ! '

InhalationPathway, units =]j*h" Food & Ground Pathway, units = f* Y")


-3102c 2-41 Rev. 17 06-15-85


( T U

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR B Page 1 of 1 l Pathway = Sheep (Meat)andShepherd Distance = 0.2 miles l X/Q = 6.1E-6 sec/m' l D/Q = 5.3E-8 m 2 l Infant Child l Teen l Adult l l lInhala-l Food &l'Inhala- Food & Inhala- l Food & Inhala-l Food &

l Radio- l tion l Ground l tion I Ground l tion l Ground tion lNuclide l Ground l l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway Pathway l Pathway l Pathway. Pathway l Pathway l l l l l l H -3 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E2 0.0E0 l 1.9E2 l 7.0E0 3.2E2 l Cr-51 1 0.0E0 . 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.7E4 l 0.0E0 l 3.4E4 l 1.8E1 9.0E4 l Mn-54 ' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 l 4.3E2 1.6E7 l Co-57 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 Co-58 0.0E0 l 1.7E2 l 4.0E7 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.7E7 5.9E2 l 5.4E7 l Co-60 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 1.6E3 6.0E8 1 Sr-89 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.8E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E7 1.7E3 3.0E7 l l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 8.3E2 2.6E8 l Nb-95 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.3E8  ! 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 Te-129m l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l l 3.3E8 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 2.0E2 3.0E8 1 (3 l Cs-134 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 0.0E0 3.9E8 4.7E3 5.3E8 V l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.4E5 , 0.0E0 1.2E5 8.1E2 9.7ES l

l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 3.5E8 3.4E3 4.9E8 l Ba-140 } 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 0.0E0 i 1.0E5 1.2E3 2.8E5 l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 6.6E2 1.9E6 l Ce-144 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 4.5E3 1 1.3E8 l I -131 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.6E6 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E4 l 1.6E6 l I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.9E-2 0.0E0 1.1E-2 , 1.2E4 l

l 1.3E4 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E-18l 0.0E0 ,

7.8E-19l 2.5E3 l 1.4E4 l l UN-ID l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 4.8E9 1 1 l l 1 I I I I I I l i I I I i i ,

I l l l l \ l l 1 l l I l l l l 1 I I l l l l l l '

l l l l 1 I I I l l l l l l l l l l 1 I I I l l l l l I I I i

!  !  ! i  !  !  !

InhalationPathway, units =]

p Food & Ground Pathway, units = js 2-42 Rev. 17 06-15-85 i

TABLE 2-10 O

V DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR C Page 1 of 2 l Pathway = Sheep (Meat)andShepherd Distance = 0.2 miles l X/Q = 6.5E-6 sec/m' l D/Q = 6.1E-8 m 2 l Infant l Child l Teen Adult l Inhala- Food &lInhala- Food & Inhala-l Food & :Inhala- Food &

l Radio- l tion Ground ltion Ground tion l Ground tion lNuclide 1 Pathway Pathway Pathway l Ground Pathway Pathway l Pathway Pathway ' Pathway l

I H -3 0.0E0 I l 0.0E0 0.0E0- 2.3E2 0.0E0 1.9E2 7.0E0 Cr-51 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.7E4 3.2E2 l 0.0E0 3.4E4 1.8E1 9,0E4 l Mn-54 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E6 Co-57 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 4.3E2 1.6E7 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 1.3E7 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 1.7E2 4.0E7 Co-58 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E7 0.0E0 2.7E7

- 5.9E2 5.4E7 Co-60 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E8 0.0E0 2.6E8 l 1.6E3 l 6.0E8 Sr-89 ' O.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.8E7 Sr-90 1 0.0E0 l 2.5E7 l 1.7E3 I 3.0E7 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 1 3.1E9 ' 5.5E5 4.8E9 l Zr-95 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 1 1.5E8 8.3E2 2.6E8 Nb-95 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.3i8 ' O.0E0 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 Te-129m 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.3E8 0.0E0 2.5E8 2.0E2 3.0E8 D


Cs-134 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 4.7E8 , 0.0E0 3.9E8 4.7E3 5.3E8 l Cs-136 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 1.2E5 8.1E2 9.7ES l Cs-137 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l.4.6E8 l 0.0E0 3.5E8 3.4E3 4.9E8 Ba-140 l 0.0E0 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.2E3 E.8E5 l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 7.0E5 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E2 1.9E6 I Ce-144 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 0.0E0 8.3E7 4.5E3 l 1.3E8 l l I -131 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.6E6 0.0E0 1.IE6 6.6E4 1.6E6 l l I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.9E-2 0.0E0 i 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 1.3E4 l l I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.4E-18 0.0E0 l 7.8E-19l 2.5E3 UN-ID l

1.4E4 l l l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l

l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 l l

l l

l l.

i 1 I I I I I l I 1 I I l l l l l  ! I l I

I I I '

I i I


I l l 1 l l l l l i

, , , I, ,

Inhalation Pathway, units = 5" Food & Ground Pathway, units = (m r r) j 2-43 Rev. 17 l

06-15-85 L

TABLE 2-10

, o DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR C Page 2 of 2 l Pathway =CampSanOnofre Distance = 2.6 miles X/Q =-1.0E-7 sec/m2 D/Q = 9.8E-10 m 2 Infant Child l Teen l Adult l' lInhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- ' Food & Inhala-l Food &

Radio- l tion l Ground tion Ground tion Ground tic 1 l Ground Nuclide l Pathway l Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway

\ \ \ l H -3 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E3 l 0.0E0 l Cr-51 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.3E3 ( 3.7E6 Mn-54 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 7.7E4 1.1E9 l Co-57 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.1E4 2.7E8 L Co-58 l-0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.1E5 3.0E8 ,

Co-60 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.8E5 1.7E10 l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.0E5 1.7E4 Sr-90 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 L 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 9.9E7 0.0E0

Zr-95 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.5E5 2.0E8 l

l Nb-95 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.1E8

Te-129m 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.7E4 1.6E7 l

{l l l

l Cs-134 Cs-136 l 0.0E0 Cs-137 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.5E5 1.5E5 6.2E5 i

5.5E9 1.2E8 8.2E9 Ba-140 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.2E5 1.6E7 l Ce-141 l 0.0E0 ,l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.2E5 l 1.1E7 j Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 8 .2E5 l 5.6E7 l I -131 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.UE0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1.2E7 l 1.4E7

, I -133 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 2.2E6 l 2.0E6 I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.5ES l 2.0E6 UN-ID l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 9.9E7 { 0.0E0 I I l l l l l l I i  !

I I I l I L i I

!. 1 l l l l l l i.

I I l

i I

' .l 1 I I l 1 l l i I I I I l I i l i I Inhalation Pathway, units = "C Food & Ground. Pathway, units = (* #' "}

/s 2-44 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TABLE 2-11 O

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR D Page 1 of 2 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Shepherd Distance = 0.2 miles X/Q = 6.3E-6 sec/m 2 D/Q = 6.6E-8 m 2 Infant l Child l Teen l Adult lInhala- Food & Inhala-  ! Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food &

' Radio- tion , Ground tion Ground ! tion ' Ground tion Ground Nuclide Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway.. Pathway Pathway l ,

l I I ,

I I H -3 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0 .0E0 ' 2.3E2 0.0E0 1.9E2 Cr-51 i

l 7.0E0 l 3.2E2 l 0.0E0  ; 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.7E4 0.0E0  ! 3.4E4 l 1.8E1 { 9.0E4 Mn-54 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E6 0.0E0 4.0E6 Co-57 l 4.3E2 l 1.6E7 0.0E0 . 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E7 0.0E0 2.3E7 { 1.7E2 l 4.0E7 Co-58 .

0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.4E7 0.0E0 2.7E7 ' 5.9E2 5.4E7 Co l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ,l 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 0.0E0 2.6E8 1.6E3 6.0E8 Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.8E7 l 0.0E0 2.5E7 1.7E3 3.0E7 l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 Zr-95 5.5E5 4.8E9 l l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 8.3E2 2.6E8

'Nb-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0  ! 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 1 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 Te-129m l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 3.3E8 l 0.0E0 2.5E8 ' 2.0E2 3.0E8 O Cs-134 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.7E8 l 0.0E0 3.9E8 4.7E3 5.3E8 V Cs-136 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 1.2E5 8.1E2 , 9.7E5 Cs-137 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 ' 3.5E8 3.4E3  ! 4.9E8 Ba-140 0.0E0 0.0E0 .

0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 1.2E3 2.8E5 Ce-141 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 6.6E2 1.9E6

) Ce-144 ,1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 5.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 l 4.5E3 1.3E8 l I -131 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.6E6 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 l 6.6E4 1.6E6 l I -133 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 l 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 1.3E4 l I -135 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l' 1.4E-18' O.0E0 l 7.8E-19l 2.5E3 1.4E4 l UN-ID ' O.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 4.0E9 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5E5 ' 4.8E9 I l l I I i

l 1 I I I i i I I l l l l l 1' I l l I l l l l l l .

l , l l I

, ,l InhalationPathway, units =]

Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* # #)

j 2-45 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TA B LE. 2-11 q


DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR D Page 2 of 2 Pathway = Camp San Onofre Distance = 2.8 miles X/Q = 7.4E-8 sec/m 2 D/Q = 7.8E-10 m 2 Infant Child l Teen Adult lInhala-l Food & Inhala- l Food & 'Inhala- l Food & Inhala- Food &

Radio- tion l Ground i tion Ground tion ' Ground tion Ground

'Nuclide. } Pathway Pathway.: Pathway Pathway ' Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway H -3 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E3 0.0E0 Cr-51 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.3E3 -3.7E6 Mn-54 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 1 0.0E0 7.7E4 1.1E9 Co-57 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.1E4 1 2.7E8 Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.1E5 3.0E8 I Co-60 0. 0E0 . 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.8E5 1.7E10 Sr-89 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.0E5 1.7E4 i Sr-90 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 9.9E7 0.0E0 l Zr-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.5E5 2.0E8 l Nb-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.0E5 l

1.1E8 l Te-129m 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0

' ,. 3.7E4 1.6E7

- 3 Cs-134 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 Cs-136 l 0.0E0 8.5E5 5.5E9 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.5E5 1.2E8 Cs-137 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 6.2E5 8.2E9

, Ba-140 0.0E0 .1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 2.2E5 1.6E7 l Ce-141 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.2E5 1.1E7 l Ce-144 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 .l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.2E5 5.6E7 l I -131 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 1.2E7 1.4E7 l I -133 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 2.2E6 2.0E6 0 I -135 . l.0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 4.5E5 2.0E6 UN-ID 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 9.9E7 0.0E0 I

l l

l I l l l l l

.I '

l l I I I I

!  ! l Inhalation Pathway, units = 5"

'O Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* ' ")

j 2-46 Rev. 17


TABLE 2-12 O

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR E Pre 1 of 2 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Shepherd Distance = 0.3 miles X/Q = 4.5E-6 sec/m' 0/Q = 5.9E-8 m 2 l Infant Child l Teen Adult Inhala- Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- l Food &

Radio- tion Ground l tion Ground l tion Ground l tion l Ground Nuclide Pathway l Pathway Pathway Pathway.' Pathway Pathway l Pathway l Pathway l l l l l I I I H -3 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E2 l 0.0E0 1.9E2 l 7.0E0 1 3.2E2 Cr-51 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.7E4 l 0.0E0 3.4E4 l 1.8E1 9.0E4 Mn-54 ).0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E6 l 4.3E2 1.6E7 Co-57 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l'0.0E0 l 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.3E7 l 1.7E2 4.0E7 Co-58 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 l 1.4E7 l 0.0E0 l 2.7E7 l 5.9E2 5.4E7 Co-60 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.6E8 l 1.6E3 l 6.0E8 Sr-89 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.8E7 l 0.0E0 1 2.5E7 1.7E3 l 3.0E7 Sr-90 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 5.5ES l 4.8E9 Zr-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7  ! 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 8.3E2 2.6E8 Nb-95 0.0E0 .l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.3E8 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 Te-129m 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.3E8 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 2.0E2 l 3.0E8 G

Cs-134 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.7E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.9E8 4.7E3 5.3E8 kJ Cs-136 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E5 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 8.1E2 9.7E5 Cs-137 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.6E8 0.0E0 l 3.5E8 3.4E3 .

4.9E8 Ba-140 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.2E5 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 1.2E3 l 2.8E5 Ce-141 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 7.0E5 0.0E0 l 1.1E6 6.6E2 l 1.9E6 Ce-144 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 5.1E7 0.0E0 l 8.3E7 4.5E3 1.3E8 l I -131 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.6E6 0.0E0 1.1E6 l 6.6E4 1.6E6 l I -133 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.9E-2 l 0.0E0 1.1E-2 l 1.2E4 1.3E4 l'

I -135 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.4E-18 : 0.0E0 7.8E-19 l 2.5E3 1.4E4 UN-ID l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5ES ' 4.8E9 l i I I I I I l 1  ! I I l



1. l ,

I l l I I l 1 I I I Inhalation Pathway, units = $"

o Food & Ground Pathway, units =

c 2-47 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TABLE 2-12 b


' Pathway = Camp Horno . Distance = 4.0 miles X/Q = 6.,6E-8 sec/m' 0/Q = 6.4E-10 m 2 Infant Child l Teen Adult l Inhala- Food & , Inhala- ' Food & Inhala-) Food & Inhala- Food &

l Radio- ltion Ground tion Ground tion Ground ' tion Ground

'Nuclide Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway. Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway i

H -3 0.0E0 - 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E3 0.0E0 Cr-51 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.3E3 3.7E6 Mn-54 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 7.7E4 1.1E9

? .Co-57 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 '

O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.1E4 2.7E8 i Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.1E5 3.0E8 l Co-60 0.0E0 f 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.8E5 1.7E10 ,

l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 3.0E5 1.7E4 l l Sr l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 9.9E7 0.0E0 l Zr-95 l 0.0E0 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.5E5 2.0E8

'Nb-95 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.1E8 Te-129m l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.7E4 1.6E7 p Cs-134 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.5E5 5.5E9 d l Cs-136 l 0.0E0 . 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.5E5 1.2E8 Cs-137 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 6.2E5 8.2E9 Ba-140 j 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.2E5 l 1.6E7 Ce-141 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.2E5 1.1E7

l. Ce-144 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 8.2E5 5.6E7 I -131 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.2E7 1.4E7 I -133 l 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 j 2.2E6 2 J56 I -135 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.5E5 2.0E6 l UN-ID 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 ' 9.9E7 0.0E0 I

l l

l 'l l l 1 I I I I I I I l I

Inhalation Pathway, units = "C n

V Food & Ground Pathway, units = f* ")

2-48 Rev. 17 06-15-85


TABLE 2-13

-Q V

DOSE PARAMETER R; FOR SECTOR F Page 1 of 2 Pathway = Sheep (Meat) and Shepherd Distance = 0.5 miles X/Q = 1.8E-6 sec/m' D/Q = 1.7E-8 m 2 Infant l Child l Teen l Adult Inhala-l Food & Inhala-l Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food &

Radio- ) tion l Ground tion l Ground tion Ground tion l Ground Nuclide Pathway- Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway I

H -3 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E2 0.0E0 l 1.9E2 7.0E0 1 3.2E2 Cr-51 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 L 1.7E4 l 0.0E0 3.4E4 1.8E1 l 9.0E4 Mn-54 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.3E6 l 0.0E0 4.0E6 Co-57 4.3E2 l 1.6E7 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 l 0.0E0 2.3E7 1.7E2 1 4.0E7 Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.4E7 ' O.0E0 2.7E7

- 5.9E2 1 5.4E7 Co-60 l 0.0E0 . 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E8 0.0E0 1 2.6E8 1.6E3 6.0E8 l Sr-89 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 4.8E7 0.0E0 1 2.5E7 1.7E3 3.0E7 Sr-90 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 4.0E9 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l'0.0E0 l 0.0E0 8.1E7 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 Nb-95 8.3E2 l 2.6E8 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.3E8 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 l Te-129m 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.3E8 0.0E0 1 2.5E8 2.0E2 3.0E8 l


Cs-134 Cs-136 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0

'0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.7E8 0.0E0 3.9E8 4.7E3 5.3E8 l l 0.0E0 l 1.4E5  ! 0.0E0 1.2E5 8.1E2 9.7E5 l Cs-137 0.0E0 ' O.0E0  ! 0.0E0 l 4.6E8 0.0E0 .3.5E8 3.4E3 4.9E8 >

Ba-140 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 0.0E0 1.0E5 1.2E3 2.8E5 Ce-141 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 7.0E5 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E2 1.9E6 Ce-144 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 5.1E7 0.0E0 8.3E7 l 4.5E3 1.3E8 I -131 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.6E6 0.0E0 1.1E6 ' 6.6E4 1.6E6 I -133 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.9E-2 0.0E0 1.1E-2 1.2E4 1.3E4 I -135 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E-18 0.0E0 7.8E-19 2.5E3 1.4E4 UN-ID 0.0E0 0.0E0 i 0.0E0 4.0E9 0.0E0 1 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 l l l l

l 1 l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l i I I V l l 1 I I I I I I Inhalation Pathway, units = 5" Food & Ground Pathway, units = I" f]' c i

2-49 Rev. 17 l 06-15-85  ;


TABLE 2-13 O DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR F Page 2 of 2 Pathway = San Onofre State Park Guard Shack Distance = 0.8 miles L X/Q = 8.1E-7 sec/m2 D/Q = 7.1E-9 m 2 I Infant 5 Child Teen Adult l l Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food & IInhala- Food & Inhala- Food &

Radio- tion Ground ' tion Ground ; tion , Ground tion Ground lNuclide Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway' Pathway Pathway I

H -3 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.3E2 0.0E0 Cr-51 l 0.0E0 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 Mn-54 0.0E0 l 1.1E3 1.6E6 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.6E4 4.7E8 Co-57 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 l 1.1E4 1.2E8 Co-58 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l' O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.6E4 1.3E8 l

Co-60 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 9.7E4 7.4E9 Sr-89 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.0E5 7.4E3 l Sr-90 l 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 3.4E7 O.0E0 l

Zr-95 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 5.1E4 8.6E7 Nb-95 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' 3.6E4 4.7E7 Te-129m 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E4  ; 6.7E6 O Cs-134 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 2.9E5 2.3E9 d

i Cs-136' O.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 5.0E4 5.1E7 Cs-137 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.1ES 3.5E9 Ba-140 , 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 7.5E4 7.0E6

, Ce-141 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.1E4 4.7E6 i

Ce-144 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.8E5 2.4E7 I -131 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 4.1E6 1 5.9E6 I -133 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0  ! 0.0E0 7.4E5 8.4E5 I -135 L 0.0E0 0.0E0 ' O.0E0 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.5E5 8.6E5 l UN-ID 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 3.4E7 0.0E0 l l l i l l l 1 1 1 l I 1

I I l I

! I I

-l l

, I I I t ,

Inhalation Pathway, units = "C Food & Ground Pathway, units = (* # ")

j 2-50 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TABLE 2-14 (3


Page 1 of 2 Pathway = San Onofre State Park Beach Campground Distance = 0.8 miles X/Q = 7.7E-7 sec/m' D/Q = 3.9E-9 m 2 l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult Inha'.a-l Food & Inhaia  ! Food & Int:la- l Food & Inhala-l Food &'l Radio-  ! tion l Grourd l tion Ground tion ~ Ground ' tion Nuclide PatNay l Ground Pathway! Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway l

l l l i l H -3 8.0E1 0.0E0 1.4E2 ' O.0E0 1 1.6E2 0.0E0 Cr-51 1

l 1.6E2 0.0E0 4.4E1 5.7E5 l 1.3E2 5.7ES ' 3.7E2 5.7E5 l 4.1E2 5.7E5 Mn-54 3.1E3 1.7E8 5.3E3 1.7E8 8.2E3 1.7E8 Co-57 l 9.5E3 1.7E8 l 6.0E2 4.2E7 1.6E3 4.2E7 3.9E3 4.2E7 l 3.9E3 4.2E7 l Co-58 l 1.4E3 .l 4.7E7 4.2E3 4.7E7 1.2E4 4.7E7 Co-60 l 1.3E4 4.7E7 l 3.9E3 2.6E9 1.2E4 l 2.6E9 3.2E4 2.6E9 l 3.5E4 2.6E9 l l Sr-89 4.9E4 2.7E3 7.4E4 2.7E3 l 5.3E4 2.7E3 l 3.7E4 l 2.7E3 l Sr-90 l 5.0E6 1 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 0.0E0 l Zr-95 l 2.7E3 l 3.1E7 l 1.8E4 3.1E7 l 1.8E4 3.1E7 l 1.8E4 3.1E7 i Nb-95 l 1.6E3 l 1.7E7 ' t.6E3 1.7E7 l 1.2E4 1.7E7 l 1.3E4 1.7E7 l Te-129m 3.9E3 l 2.4E6 1 6.2E3 2.4E6 l 6.4E3 2.4E6 1 4.5E3 2.4E6 p

v Cs-134 8.6E4 l 8.4E8 1.2E5 8.4E8 l 1.4E5 8.4E8 ' 1.0E5 8.4E8 Cs-136 l 1.7E4 1.8E7 2.1E4 l 1.8E7 l 2.4E4 1.8E7 1.8E4 1.8E7 Cs-137 l 7.5E4 i 1.3E9 1.0E5 l 1.3E9 1.0E5 1.3E9 7.6E4 1.3E9 Ba-140 6.9E3 2.5E6 9.1E3 1 2.5E6 2.8E4 2.5E6 2.7E4 l 2.5E6 Ce-141 i 2.7E3 1.7E6 . 7.0E3 l 1.7E6 1.6E4 .

1.7E6 1.5E4 l 1.7E6 Ce-144 l 1.8E4 l 8.6E6 1 4.8E4 l 8.6E6 1.1E5 l 8.6E6 1.0E5 l 8.6E6 l I -131 1.8E6 2.1E6 l 2.0E6 l 2.1E6 1.8E6 l 2.1E6 1.5E6 2.1E6 1 -133 4.4E5 3.0E5 l 4.7E5 3.0E5 ,1 3.6E5 l 3.0E5 2.6E5 3.0E5

) I'-135 8.6E4 3.1E5 l 9.7E4 3.1E5 l 7.6E4 1 3.1E5 5.5E4 3.1E5 l UN-ID 5.0E6 0.0E0 l 1.2E7 0.0E0 l 1.3E7 0.0E0 ' 1.2E7 0.0E0 I i l I i l i l 1 l I l

1. 1 I I l l l l l l l 1 I l l l' 1

I I l 1 1 I l l l 1 I I t f f I

I l I f f '

Inhalation Pathway, units = $"

o D Food & Ground Pathway, units = I" " ")

j 2-51 Rev. 17 06-15-85

TAB LE. 2-14 O

DOSE PARAMETER Rg FOR SECTOR G Page 2 of 2 IPathway= Sheep (Meat)andShepherd Distance = 2.7 miles l X/Q = 1.2E-7 sec/m 2 D/Q = 4.8E-10 m 2 l

-l Infant l Child l Teen l Adult Inhala- Food & Inhala- Food & Inhala- l Food & Inhala- Food &

J Radio- 'l tion l Ground : tion Ground tion Ground tion t l Ground

  • lNuclide lPathway ' Pathway Pathway Pathvay Pathway Pathway Pathway l Pathway

-H -3 , 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 2.3E2 0.0E0 . 1.9E2 ' 7.0E0 3.2E2 Cr-51 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1,7E4 0.0E0 l 3.4E4 1.8EI C.0E4 Mn-54 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 ! 2.3E6 0.0E0 4.0E6 4.3E2 1.6E7 Co-57 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E7 0.0E0 2.357 1.7E2 4.0E7 i Co-58 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E7 0.0E0 2.7E7 5.9E2 5.4E7 l Co-60 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.3E8 0.0E0 2.6E8 1.6E3 Sr-89 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 , 4.8E7 6.0E8 l 0.0E0 2.5E7 1.7E3 3.0E7 l Sr-90' O.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 l 3.1E9 l 5.5ES 4.8E9 '

Zr-95 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0- l 0.0E0 l 8.1E7 l 0.0E0 l 1.5E8 8.3E2 2.6E8 l Nb-95 i 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 1.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 5.7E2 4.5E8 l ~Te-129m 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 3.3E8 l 0.0E0 l 2.5E8 2.0E2 3.0E8 Cs-134 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 O' l Cs-136' 0.0E0  ; 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 4.7E8 l 0.0E0 1.4E5 l 0.0E0 3.9E8 1.2E5 4.7E3 8.1E2 5.3E8 9.7E5 Cs O.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 . 4.6E8 l 0.0E0 l 3.5E8 3.4E3 4.9E8 I Bi. r 1 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 l 1.2E5 l 0.0E0 l 1.0E5 1.2E3 2.8E5 Ce-141 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 1 0.0E0 7.0E5 l 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E2 l 1.9E6 Ce-144 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 5.1E7 l 0.0E0 8.3E7 4.5E3 1.3E8 l

I -131 i 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 , 1.6E6 l 0.0E0 1.1E6 6.6E4 1.6E6 I -133  ! 0.0E0 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.9E-2 0.0E0 1.1E-2 1.2E4 1.3E4 I -135 0.0E0 , 0.0E0 0.0E0 1.4E-18 0.0E0 7.8E-19 2.5E3 1.4E4 UN-ID 0.0E0 l 0.0E0 0.0E0 l 4.0E9 l 0.0E0 3.1E9 5.5E5 4.8E9 I I l l 1

1' l l 1 I I I I I I I I l l l l l l

l l I 1 I l l l l l l Inhalation Pathway, units = "C O) "

Food & Ground Pathway, units = I* ")

j 2-52 Rev. 17 06-15-85

7 , .

, r r f r yry 5 o s yr =

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O O O TABt.E 2-15 PARAMETFRS USED IN " PARTS" CALCULATION OF R i Page 7 of 7 Com- Sec- Distance No lAGE 10xc Land Use pass lor (miles) CF ZIN _FV .FPF

_[P_ FG FGT_ _FPC FB FBF Comments 23, 1 2 San Onorre State ESE F O.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pa rk Guard Shack 2 2 Sa n Onof re S ta te ESE F 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park Guard Shack 3 2 San Onorre State ESE F 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park Cuard Shack 4 2 San Onorre State ESE F 0.8 0.3425 0.3425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 hrs / week =

Pa rk Gua rd Shack 3,000 hrs /yr.

24. 1 2 San onorre State SE G O.8 0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 days /yr=

Beach Campground 2 2 San Onorre State SE G 0.8 1,080 hrs /yr.

0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 days /yr=

Beach Campground 1,080 hrs /yr.

3 2 San onorre State SE C 0.8 0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 days /yr=

Beach Campground 4 2 San Onorre State SE G 0.8 1.080 hrs /yr.

0.1233 0.1233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 days /yr=

Beach Campg round 1,080 hds/yr.

25, 1 2 Heat (Sheep) SE C 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 2 2 Meat (Sheep) SE G 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 3 2 Heat (Sheep) SE G 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 FB=1 week /yr.

4 2 Meat (Sheep) SE G GF and ZIN =

2.7 0.0055 0.0055 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0192 0.0078 2 days /yr.

( Shephe rd )

Other Values Used in " PARTS" Code H = 8.0 YC = 2.0 YL = 2.0 QC = 50 YV = 2.0 QG = 6 YP = 0. 7 NOTE: All parameters defined in NUREG-0133, page D-2, 2-59 Rev. 17 06-15-85


O 2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public I

The total annual dose or total dose commitment to any member of the public, due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation, from uranium fuel cycle sources within 5 miles of the site is calculated using the following expressions. This methodology is used to meet the dose limitations of 40CFR190 per twelve consecutive months.

The transportation of radioactive material is excluded from the dose calculations.

1 The total air dose is calculated as follows:

DA=DA1 Atg+DA23 At g (2-20)

Il V  !



= t tal air dose in mrem / year D


= Air dose for Unit 1 in mrem / year at B

= percent (decimal equivalent) meteorology in the beach sectors D


= Air dose for Units 2 and 3 in mrem / year 2-60 Rev. 16 01-30-85

2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public (Continued) m The total body liquid dose is determined by:

D L = DLy+DL23 (2-21) i Where:



= total body liquid dose in mrem / year s D = total body liquid dose for Unit *1 in mrem / year L1 for the past 12 consecutive months D


= total body liquid dose in mrem / year for Units 2 and 3 for the past 12 consecutive months  ;

The background dose to an individual member of the public is obtained by calculating the average quarterly r' ) TLD dose of those TLD's from 5 to 50-miles distant from the site. The background is subtracted from the highest quarterly reading beach TLD to determine the direct dose as given below:


= I (Dbeach -D .) (2-22) i i bkgi w

l O

2-61 Rev. 16 01-30-85

e 2.4.1 Total Dose to Most Likely Member of the Public (Continued)

'd ~


D D = direct dose in mrem / year D

beach = highest quarterly reading beach TLD in mrem for i quarter i D = average quarterly TLD dose of those TLD's from bk91 5 to 50 miles distant from the site in mrem for quarter i The' total dose can now be determined by:

g +O g D

T = (DA+D)T D (2-23)



= total air dose in mrem / year D

A = total air dose in mrem / year from Equation (2-20)

D D = direct dose in mrem / year from Equation (2-22) l T = beach occupancy factor which is equivalent to beach occupancy time of 300 hours0.00347 days <br />0.0833 hours <br />4.960317e-4 weeks <br />1.1415e-4 months <br /> per year.

D L = total body liquid dose in mrem / year from Equation (2-21) i O

2-62 Rev. 16 01-30-85

2.4. 2 - Thyroid Dose n


The dose from gaseous effluents is calculated as follows:


Dy (D T1 x Atg) + (D T23 x AtB) (2-24)


Dy = total thyroid dose from gaseous effluents in mrem / year D


= thyroid dose from gaseous effluents for Unit 1 in mrem / year for the past 12 consecutive months D


thyroid dose from gaseous effluents for-Units 2 and 3 in mrem / year for the past 12 consecutive months At

percent (decimal equivalent) meteorology in the B

beach sectors 3

.Ar'.'/ -

The thyroid dose from liquid effluents is determined as folldws:

D =

TL DTL1 + DTij$ (2-25)



= total thyroid dose from liquid effluents in mrem / year D


= thyroid dose for Unit 1 from liquid effluents in

,, , mrem / year for the past 12 consecutive months D



thyroid dose for Units 2 and 3 from liquid effluents in mrem / year for the pas 12 consecutive months.

o 2-63 Rev. 16 01-30-85

_ - - - - . . , ., , . . . . . - , . , _ . _ - - . , . . . . -.w.- , ,-. , c-.

a' ..

2.4.2 Thyroid Dose (Continued)

D The thyroid dose from all effluents during the reporting

. period are calculated as follows:


  • TD UI+DTL (2-26)

, Where:



= total thyroid dose in mrem / year D


= thyroid dose from gaseous effluents in mrem / year D


= thyroid dose from-liquid effluents in.

mrem / year i

i O t

3103c i

i i

1 a



O i

4 1-

' 2-64 Rev. 16 01-30-85 l 4

- - . _ ._. . - _ . _ . _ _ , _ _ . - - . , , . . , . . - _ . ~ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .




. O) 3.1 Liquid Dose Projection (

The methodology used for projecting a liquid dose over 31 days for Specification is as follows:

1. Determine the monthly total body and organ doses resulting from releases during the previous twelve months.
2. Projected dose = Previous 12 months dose divided by 12 for the. total body and each organ.

3.2 Gaseous Dose Projection (

The methodology used for projecting a gaseous dose over 31 days

/ for specification is as follows:

1. Determine the monthly gamma beta and organ dose resulting from releases during the previous twelve months.
2. Projected dose = Previous 12 months dose divided by 12 for the gamma, beta and organ doses.

O 3-1 Rev. 17 06-15-85

.. . v.-..--....-- . . ..- -....-... -..--.-.. ..-.....-. - ... .- - -.. - -. - .. . - - . . . -.

i. . .

4.0 OPERABILITY OF EQUIPMENT l- The flow diagrams defining the treatment paths and the components of the '

l-~ radioactive liquid, gaseous and solid waste management systems are shown 4 -

-in Figures 4-1 thru 4-3.

i i

a I-y Ir l-t j.

i l

t. (


j 1

-O  !

i 1.

1-l i

a i

!L i i 1

!. -t i

t-t i i 4 i i- '

L O ,

t i  !

4-1 Rev. 16

01-30-85 I

.1 . .

O O -


(UNIT 2)




~ ~














O O O l

l A







Rev. 17 )

06-15-85 '


,o f ()

Nj l





' ~





' ~ "" ~




.f Rev. 17 06-15-85 t



  • O-The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sample Locations are identified in Figure 5-1. These sample locations are described in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 and indicates the distance in miles and the direction, determined from degrees true north, from the center of the Units 2 and 3 building complex. Table 5-3 gives the sector and direction designation for the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Sample Location Map, Figure 5-1.


() .

  • If a milk producing dairy animal is discovered within the 5 mile radius of the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) during the annual land use census, a monthly sampling analysis of the milk will commence.

5-1 Rev. 16 01-30-85

[ ___ _ _



Page 1 of 6




  • I Direct Radiation 59 SONGS Meteorological Tower 0.3 NW 10 Bluff 0.8 NW 40 SCE Training Center - Mesa 0.8 NW 8 Noncommissioned Officers Beach Club 1.2 NW 34 San Onofre School 1.7 NW 9 Basilone Road /I-5 Freeway Offramp 2.0 NW 21 Concordia Elementary School - San Clemente 3.5 NW 20 San Clemente Pier 5.0 NW 1 City of San Clemente (SDG&E Offices) 5.6 NW 24 San Clemente High School 6.0 NW 25 Convalescent Home - San Clemente 8.0 NW 23 San Clemente General Hospital 8.2 NW 28 Doheny Fire Station - Capistrano Beach 9.5 NW 27 U.S. Post Office - Dana Point 10.5 NW 29 San Juan Capistrano Fire Station 10.8 NW 26 Dana Hills High School 11.0 NW 37 Laguna Niguel Fire Station 13.5 NW 30 Laguna Beach Fire Station 17.5 NW 32 Santa Ana Police Department 32.0 NW
  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-2 Rev. 16 01-30-85

Page 2 of 6

. b' 3 TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Direct Radiation (Continued) 14 Huntington Beach Generating Station 37 NW 39 Basilone Road Trailer Park 1.4 NNW 19- San Clemente Highiands 5.0 NNW 31 Aurora Park Mission Viejo 18.6 NNW 2 Camp San Mateo 3.5 N 33 Camp Talega 5.7 N 11 El Camino Training Annex (formerly Visitors Center) 0.2 NNE l 35 Range 312 (Marine Corps Base,.

Camp Pendleton) 4.7 NNE 12 South Edge of Switchyard 0.2 NE 3 Camp San Onofre 2.6 NE 36 Range 208C (Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton) 4.0 NE '

41 Old Route 101 - East 0.3 E 16 East Site Boundary 0.5 E 4 Camp Horno 4.5 E 42 Horno Canyon 4.6 E 44 Fa11 brook Fire Station 18.0 E 15 East-southeast Site Boundary 0.2 ESE 7 Old Route 101 - East-southeast 0.5 ESE 45 Interstate 5 Weigh Station 2.0 ESE n6


Old Route 101 - East-southeast 3.0 ESE

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-3 Rev. 16 01-30-85

Page 3 of 6 TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Direct Radiation (Continued) 5 Camp Las Pulgas 8.5 ESE 49 Camp Chappo 12.8 ESE 48 Mainside (Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton) 15.0 ESE 52 Vista Fire Station 21 ESE


54 Escondido Fire Station 32 ESE 13 Site Boundary 0.13 SE 46 San Onofre State Beach Park 1.4 SE 38 San Onofre State Beack Park 3.6 SE 47 Camp Las Flores 8.6 SE 43 Edson Range (Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton) 10.6 SE 50 Oceanside Fire Station 15.5 SE 51 Carlsbad Fire Station 18.6 SE 53 San Diego County Operations Center 45 SE 58 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 3) 0.1 S 57 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 2) 0.1 SSW 56 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 1) 0.1 W 55 San Onofre State Beach (Unit 1) 0.2 W 22 Coast Guard Station - San Mateo Point 2.7 WNW 17 Transit Dose - -

18 Transit Dose - -


  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-4 Rev. 16 01-30-85 l

r Page 4 of 6 TABLE 5-1 (Continued)



  • Airborne I 6 SONGS Meteorological Tower 0.3 NW 1 City of San Clemente (SDG&E Offices) 5.5 NW i

l 3 Huntington Beach Generating Station 37 NW 4 Northeast Site Boundary 0.2 NNE

, 2 Camp San Onofre 1.8 NE 5 Units 2 and 3 Switchyard 0.13 ESE Soil Samples 3 -Basilone Road /I-5 Freeway Offramp 2.0 NW 4 Huntington Beach Generating Station 37 NW

, 5 East Site Boundary 0.2 NNW j 1 Camp San Onofre 2.5 NE 2 Old Route 101 - Southeast 3.0 SE f Ocean Water D Newport Beach- 30 NW A Station Discharge Outfall - Unit 1 0.5 SW B Outfall - Unit 2 0.7 SW C Outfall - Unit 3 0.7 SW

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-5 Rev. 16 01-30-85

Page 5 of 6 TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Drinking Water ,

1 Tri-Cities Municipal Water District Rese Sir 8.7 NW 3 Huntington Beach 37 NW 2 San Clemente Golf Course Well 3.5 NNW Sediment from Shoreline (Beach Sand) 2 San Onofre Surfing Beach 0.9 NW 4 Newport Beach (North End) 30 NW 1 San Onofre State Beach 0.6 SE 3 San Onofre State Beach 3.5 SE Local Crops 1 San Mateo Canyon 2.6 NW 2 Southeast of Oceanside 22 SE 1


  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-6 Rev. 16 01-30-85

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TABLE 5-1 (Continued)


  • Non-Migratory Marine Animals C Newport Beach 30 NW
  • B Units 2 and 3 Outfall 0.7 SSW A Unit 1 Outfall 0.6 WSW Kelp D Newport Beach 30 NW C Barn Kelp Bed 6.6 SSE A San Onofre Kelp Bed 1.5 S B San Mateo Kelp Bed 3.5 WNW Ocean Bottom Sediments \

l E Newport Beach 30 NW D Unit 3 Outfall 0.9 S C Unit 2 Outfall 0.8 SSW A Unit 1 Outfall 0.5 W B Unit 1 Outfall 0.6 W i

  • Distance midpoint. (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-7 Rev. 16 01-30-85


  • S1 San Onofre Beach -W 0.40 W P S2 El Camino Training Annex (formerly Vistors Center) - NW 0.35 NW Q S3 Mesa - NNW 0.44 NNW R l 54 MCB - Camp Pendleton -N 0.44 N A 55 MCB - Camp Pendleton - NNE 0.41 NNE B S6 MCB - Camp Pendleton - NE 0.36 NE C  !

S7 MCB - Camp Pendleton - ENE 0.35 ENE D S8 MCB - Camp Pendleton -E 0.44 E E i

59 San Onofre State Beach - ESE 0.39 ESE F i

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.

5-8 Rev. 16 01-30-85

TABLE 5-3 l

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! FROM SONGS 2 AND 3 MID-POINT NOMENCLATURE Sector Center Sector 22.5 Limit Line Limit Sector

  • Direction i 348.75 0 & 360 11.25 A N 11.25 22.5 33.75 B NNE 33.75 45 56.25 C NE 56.25 67.5 78.75 0 ENE 78.75 90 101.25 E E 101.25 112 123.75 F ESE 123.75 135 146.25 G SE 146.25 157 168.75 H SSE

) 168.75 180 191.25 J S 191.25 202.5 213.75 K SSW 213.75 225 236.25 L SW 236.25 247.5 258.75 M WSW i 258.75 270 281.25 N W 281.25 292.5 303.75 P WNW 303.75 315 326,25 Q NW 326.25 337.5 348.75 R NNW

  • Distance (miles) and Direction (sector) are measured relative to Units 2 and 3 midpoint. Direction is determined from degrees true north.



5-9 Rev. 17 06-15-85