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Forwards Info Re Planned Insp Effort for Next 6 Months at Duane Arnold.Info Provided to Minimize Resource Impact on Staff & to Allow for Scheduling Conflicts.Attachment 2 Contains Historical Listing of Plant Issues
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/02/1998
From: Lanksbury R
To: Frantz J
NUDOCS 9812150179
Download: ML20197J669 (28)


e e December 2, 1998 Mr. John F. Franz, Jr.

Vice President, Nuclear Alliant Tower 200 First Street SE P. O. Box 351 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-0351




Dear Mr. Franz:

On November 4,1998, the NRC staff held an inspection resource planning meeting (IRPM).

The IRPM provided a coordinated mechanism for Region lli to adjust inspection schedules, as neederi, prior to the conclusion of the Plant Performance Review cycle in April 1999.

Enclosure 1 of this letter advises you of our planned inspection effort for the next 6 months at Duane Arnold.

This attached information is provided to minimize the resource impact on your staff and to allow for scheduling conflicts and personnel availability to be resolved in advance of inspector arrival onsite. The rationale or basis for each inspection outside the core inspection program is provided so that you are aware of the reason for emphasis in these program areas. Resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature.

Enclosure 2 contains a historical listing of plant issues, referred to as the Plant issues Matrix (PIM), that was considered during the IRPM. The PIM includes only items from inspection reports or other docketed correspondence between the NRC and IES Utilities.

We will inform you of any changes to the inspection plan. If you have any questions, please contact me at 630-829-9631.


/s/ R. D. Lanksbury Roger D. Lanksbury, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 5 Docket No.: 50-331 -

License No.: DPR-49


1. Inspection Plan
2. Plant issues Matrix See Attached Distribution DOCUMENT NAME: G:kluan\insppin7.dua To receive e copy of this docuenent,Indcote in the bos *C" = Copy without ettachenent/ enclosure "E" = Copy with attechenent/ enclosure

= ne

OFFICE Rlli __, E Rill Rlli Rlli NAME Lanksb h p DATE 12/2/98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 9812150179 981202 i PDR ADOCK 05000331 -

G pm y

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CL 4 J. Franz cc w/encis: E. Protsch, Executive Vice President Energy Delivery Alliant; President, IES Utilities, Inc.

G. Van Middlesworth, Plant Manager K. Peveler, Manager, Regulatory Performance Chairperson, Iowa Utilities Board Distribution:

RPC (E-Mail)

Project Mgr., NRR w/encls J. Caldwell, Rlil w/encls '

C. Pederson, Rill w/encls B. Clayton, Rill w/encls SRI Duane Arnold w/encls DRP w/encls TSS w/encls DRS (2) w/encls Rlli PRR w/epcis d [

- PUBLIC IE 01 w/encls Docket File w/encls

]5 GREENS LEO (E-Mail)

DOCDESK (E-Mail) l


i 150002 l

l I


INSPECTION / ACTIV17Y PLAN IP -Inspection Procedure Core - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants)

TBD - Date to be determined later.

NUMBER OF TYPE OF INSPECTION NRC INSPECTICNI I TITLEIPROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS / PLANNED DATES ACTIVITY-ACTIVITY INDIVIDUALS COMMENTS IP71001 Licensed Operator Requal 2 November 30 - December 4, Core 1998 IP84750 Liquid & Gaseous Effluent 2-3 November 30 -December 4, Core IP83750 Occupational Rad:ation Exposure 1998 IP73753 Inservice inspection 1 TBD Core IF83750 Occupational Radiation Exposure 1-2 June 7 - 1 V,1999 Core

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PLANT ISSUES MATRIX "' 888 Duane Arnold Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Colurnn = "SALP* ; SALP Area = "All/Murtiple' , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 7/28/1998 Positive IR 98008 NRC All/ Multiple 3A Improved performance was noted second half of the scheduled refueling outage. The number of self-revealing events, human errors, communication problems, and planning and scheduling deficiencies, decreased.

2 7/28/1998 Negative IR 98008 Licensee All/ Multiple 3B SA A mispositioning of a valve during the LOOP-LOCA test was caused in part by a lack of attention to detail by an operator. Additionally, the test conductor / coordinator failed to properly perform his verification function by not reading the procedure steps himself and then verifying proper actions. The mispositioning was licensee identified and corrected during the conduct of the surveillance test.

3 5/13/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98008 NRC All/ Multiple 1C 2A The inspectors assessed the drywell material conditior, following the primary containment closeout inspection by operations

  • personnci and daermined that the licensee failed to adequately verify that the drywell general area was free of trash and debris.

4 4/28/1998 Negative IR 98006 NRC All/ Multiple 1A Operators and engineers took the reactor manual control system out-of-service for modifications for approximately 27 hours3.125e-4 days <br />0.0075 hours <br />4.464286e-5 weeks <br />1.02735e-5 months <br /> without a thorough review of the implications of taking that system out-of-service during power operations. Further, they were not timely in restoration of that system to service even though operators would have had to rely on a safety-related reactor trip function to insert control rods if a reactivity excursion occurred during installation of the modification.

5 4/28/1998 Negative IR 98006 NRC All/ Multiple 1A Operators and engineers took the primary means of reactivity ccntrol out-of-service for modifications for approximately 27 hours3.125e-4 days <br />0.0075 hours <br />4.464286e-5 weeks <br />1.02735e-5 months <br /> without a thorough review of the implications of taking that system out-of-service during power operations. Further, they were not timely in restoration of that system to service even though operators would have had to rely on a safety-related reactor trip function to insert control rods if a reactivity excursion occurred during installation of the modification.

Page 1 of 2


  1. A counter number used for NRC intemal editing.

DME The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID CY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.


  • Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1 Operational Performance:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal EEI* Escalated Enforcement issue - Waiting Final NRC Action escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients LER License Event Report to the NRC with the " General Statement of Policy and C - Programs and Processes Licensing Licensing issue from NRR Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600. 2 Material Condition:

Misc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding etc.) However, the NRC has not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3 Human Performance:

Positive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the iirial decisions A - Work Performance Strength Overall Strong Licensee Performance are made. Before the NRC makes its B - Knowledge, Ski!!s, and Abilities enforcement decision, the licensee will be URI" Unresolved Inspection item C - Work Environment provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-l Notice of Violation - Severity Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4 Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-Il Notice of Violation - Severity Level 11 (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design VIO/SL-Ill Notice of Violation - Severity Level ill conference. B - Engineering Support VIO/SL-IV Notice of Violation - Severity Level IV ** URIs are unresolved items about which C - Programs and Processes Weakness Overall Weak Licensee Performance 5 Pr Identification and Resolution:

wh e ue ues s acceptable item, a deviation, a nonconformance, or a violation. However, B - Analysis ID BY C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealeri identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

Other identification unknown Page 2 of 2

' S' PLANT ISSUES MATRIX ' **8 Duane Arnold Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP' SALP Area =

  • Operations * , Beginning Data = *10/1/1997* : Ending Date = *10/20/1998*
  1. _ DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION l 1 9/4/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Operations 1A The conduct of operations continued to be professional. Good communication and coordination between operations and reactor engineering personnel were noted during the scheduled power reduction for turbine valve testing.

2 9/4/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Operations 1C The operations training staff provided adequate training to operations personnel in support of Improved Technical Specification implementation, based on interviews with licensed operators, and the assessment of operator log entries for limiting conditions for operation associated with certain plant conditions.

3 9/4/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Operations 1C The licensee's historic review of operability of the torus water level transmitters following the identification of out-of-tolerance calibration equipment was thorough.

4 9/4/1998 Strength IR 98012 NRC Operations SB The licensee effectively used its corrective actions program to track and resolve questions that developed during Improved Technical Specification training sessions to ensure consistent guidance was provided to operating crews.

5 8/19/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Operations 1A Operators exhibited good working knowledge of plant equipment.

Operators effectively communicated and coordinated surveillance test activities with plant personnel.

6 8/19/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Operations 1A On a daily basis, operation shift managers took a conservative and critical approach in controlling maintenance and surveillance testing activities. In particular, shift managers limited maintenance and surveillance testing activities conducted in sensitive equipment areas such that only one activity was allowed to occur at a time.

7 8/19/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Operations 1B Operation's personnel responded in an appropriate manner when a lightning strike caused the reactor water cleanup pump, well water pump, and the control building chiller systems to trip. Operation's personnel restored the systems in a timely fashion.

8 7/28/1998 Positive IR 98008 NRC Operations 1B Strict procedural adherence and effective management oversight contributed to operations personnel performing an error free startup following Refuel Outage 15.

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/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duana Arnold Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP' , SALP Area = ' Operations * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* . Ending Date = *10/20/1998*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 9 7/28/1998 VIO/SL-IV 1R 98008 NRC Operations 1C The licensee discovered that one HPCI room wall could not withstand the postulated high energy line break pressure. The licensee took corrective actions as appropriate but failed to report this condition to the NRC in a licensee event report. Without intervention by the inspectors this issue would not have been reported.

10 7/28/1998 NCV 1R98008 Licensee Operations 1C 3B During the refueling outage, two separate configuration control problems ,

occurred which resulted in two non-cited violations. A scram discharge drain isolation valve was likely mispositioned due to operations personnel's unfamiliarity with the unique characteristics of the valve and its positioning. A control rod drive cooling water riser valve and exhaust valve were likely mispositioned due to the lack of procedural specifics in restoring the valve lineup.

11 7/10/1998 Positive IR 98301 NRC Operations 1A During observations of conduct of operations in the actual Control Room, the inspectors noted that control room access was well controlled. Shift tumover was effectively performed; however, the noise level was high at times but manageable. The operators demonstrated an appropriate level of attentiveness to annunciators and were knowledgeable of plant conditions. Overall, the inspectors concluded that an appropriate level of awareness and professionalism existed in the control room.

12 7/10/1998 Weakness IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C Several of the license applicants demonstrated some generic weaknesses during administration of the operating tests. The four Senior Reactor Operator applicants were unable to provide consistent implementation of the station's emergency plan. This included classifying and making the appropriate notifications of emergency events. Several applicants demonstrated weaknesses in diagnosing events, recognizing off-normal trends, and using procedures and the Technical Specification.

All of the three 13 7/10/1998 Negative IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C Two apparent procedure weaknesses were identified by the examiners.

The first weakness pertained to procedural wording of the Emergency Plan implementing Procedure which allowed for inconsistent emergency action level (EAL) classifications and notifications. The second weakness concemed the lack of procedure update to an Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) Support Procedure.

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PLANT ISSUES MATRIX '" ' SS8 Duano Arnsid Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP' , SALP Area =

  • Operations * . Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 14 7/10/1998 Weakness IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C Some licensed operator performance weaknesses were identified by the examiners during the examination verification and validation week. The '

weaknesses were related to performance issues during the simulator scenarios and were considered safety significant. The licensee performed remedial training on the licensed operator crew prior to the crew retuming to shift.

15 7/10/1998 Positive IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C The training staff's knowledge of the examination development guidelines, attention to detail during examination development, and the ability to develop technically accurate job performance measure (JPM) and written examination material in accordance with the examination guidelines were, in general, considered satisfactory.

16 7/10/1998 Positive IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C in general, the training staff properly prepared the simulator for administration of the operating test. The simulator performed satisfactorily during the examination; however, some minor simulator setup errors and equipment deficiencies did occur. The examiners were able to complete the examination and property evaluate applicants despite the simulator problems.

17 7/10/1998 Weakness IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C Three examination failures were directly attributable to deficiencies noted during the written test. The high failure rate and below average grades on the written examination suggested that the training program did not well prepare the applicants for the examination. Several apparent knowledge deficiencies were identified through the written examination, including some understanding of system response, knowledge of operator actions, i and bases for technical specifications.

18 7/10/1998 Positive IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C Applicant performance in the operating examination was generally satisfactory. During the operating examination, the applicants' control and supervision of reactivity manipulations and communications, in particular the shift briefing, was considered a strength.

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1/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES VATRIX Duane Arnold Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* SALP Area = " Operations * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* . Ending Date = *10/20/1998*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 19 7/10/1998 Negative IR98301 NRC Operations 1C The examiners considered the applicants' performance in event diagnosis, recognition of abnormal trends, and the use and familiarity of operating procedures were, at times, weak and needed some improvement. The SRO applicants' apparent lack of consistency in determining the required methodology of classifying emergencies and completing the event notification forms was also considered a weakness.

Furthermore, the ability of applicants to properly recognize and apply the improved technical specificaticn (ITS) limiting condition for operation (LCO) was considered a notable weakness.

20 7/10/1998 Weakness IR 98301 NRC Operations 1C Examinations were administered to two Reactor Operator license applicants and four Senior Reactor Operator applicants. Both Reactor Operator applicants and one Senior Reactor Operator applicant failed the examination and were denied operator licenses.

21 5/20/1998 Weakness IR 98008 Licensee Operations 1C SA Operation's personnelidentified that one train of the standby gas treatment system exceeded 720 hours0.00833 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.7396e-4 months <br /> run time without Technical Specifications-required testing being conducted. However, the 25 percent allowable extension to the surveillance interval was not fully used. T he cause of the problem was an ineffective run time tracking mechanism. The required testing was performed and the licensee revised the tracking procedure.

22 4/28/1998 VIO/SL-IV 1R 98006 NRC Operations 1A 1C The Operating Log and Operations Shift Supervisor Log did not accurately document the status of reactivity control equipment and indicated a lack of attention to detail. The six failures to make required log entries documenting the operational status of the RMCS were considered a violation.

23 4/28/1998 Negative IR 98006 NRC Operations 1C Reduction of nuisance rod blocks and alarms to prevent unnecessary operator distractions showed good safety focus; however, the lack of  !

Probablistic Risk Assessment calculations for online reactor manual ,

control system maintenance led to a narrowly focused decision to perform '

the maintenance online.

24 4/26/1998 Negative IR 98004 Licensee Operations 3A Two configuration control issues occurred during the refueling outage (RFO 15) associated with the scram discharge drain valve jacking mechanisms mispositioned and two hydraulic control unit valves found in the wrong position. No adverse plant effects occurred as a result in either case.

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"' ' "8 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duane Arnold Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP" , SALP Area = " Operations * ; Beginning Date = "10/1/1997" , Ending Date = *10/20/1998*

  1. DATE TYPE l SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 25 4/15/1998 NCV 1R 98004 Licensee Operations 2B Operators missed daily routine technical specification surveillances on two occasions due to the lack of attention to routine activities. This resulted in two non-cited violations.

26 4/12/1998 Negative IR 98004 Self- Operations 1C Operations personnel demonstrated a lack of planning and coordination Revealed by allowing certain maintenance tagout and testing activities to be conducted simultaneously which resulted in several control rods drifting into the reactor core during refuel operations.

27 4/2/1998 Positive IR 98004 NRC Operations 1A Operations personnel began the refueling outage (RFO 15) by performing an error free shutdown. Refueling activities on the refuel bridge and in the control room were also performed without error.

28 3/20/1998 Positive IR 98006 NRC Operations 1C Operators were not timely in their recovery of normal manual rod control as indicated by the length of time the Rod Manual Control System was allowed to remain out-of-service, and the time that elapsed prior to conducting Post Modification Testing.

29 3/20/1998 V!O/SL-iV IR 98006 NRC Operations 3A The shift tumover sheets reflected the current status of the Rod Manual Control System (RMCS) modifications. However, the Operating Log and Operations Shift Supervisor Log did not accurately document the status of reactivity control equipment and indicated a lack of attention to detail.

The six failures to make required log entries documenting the operational status of the RMCS were considered a violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V.

30 3/17/1998 Negative IR 98003 NRC Operations 1A An operations shift supervisor did not take a generic approach when presented with information regarding a suspect condition of a hydraulic control unit (HCU) nor question the operability of the HCU.

31 3/17/1998 Positive IR 98003 NRC Operations 1A The overall conduct of operations was professional as demonstrated by the rigorous use of procedures and thorough shift tumovers.

32 3/17/1998 Negative IR 98003 NRC Operations 3B Operations personnel displayed a lack of attention to detail by unknowingly repositioning a control rod hydraulic control unit solenoid housing during work activities. This resulted in several control rod hydraulic control units being in a suspect condition.

33 3/17/1998 Negative IR 98003 Licensee Operations SA A suspect HCU condition was not identified by licensee personnel during IR 99003 plant tours.

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i /20/iwe PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duane Arnold Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP" . SALP Area =

  • Operations" ; Beginning Date = *10/1/1997" ; Ending Date = *10/20/1998*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 34 2/4/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98002 NRC Operations SA The inspectors and licensee identified three instances where the limiting condition for operation was exceeded for primary containment isolation valves. This resulted in three violations. The inspectors were concemed that several discussions were necessary with licensee personnel before a review of the issue was initiated. The inspectors concluded that the licensee took the appropriate action following identification of the issue.

Violations of Technical Specification 3.7.B.1, Technical Specification 3.7.B.2, and Technical Specification 3.7.B.3 35 1/22/1998 Strength IR 98002 NRC Operations 1A The conduct of operations continued to be professional, with appropriate focus on safety as demonstrated by prompt identification of emergent equipment issues and the well-controlled power reduction on January 22, 1998.

36 12/22/1997 Positive IR 97017 NRC Operations 1A The conduct of operations was professional and focussed on safety as evidenced by error-free performance during infrequently performed evolutions. These infrequently performed evolutions included receipt of new fuel and emergent repair of a steam line drain.

37 12/22/1997 Positive IR 97017 NRC Operations 1C The licensee's completed and planned actions for cold weather protection were adequate to protect plant components and systems from cold weather. Other/NA 38 12/22/1997 Negative IR 97017 NRC Operations 3A There was one instance of concem regarding operator attention to detail during performance of routine surveillance testing. An operator did not question the unreasonably low filter train differential pressure during the standby gas treatment surveillance test. Personnel Performance Deficiency 39 11/10/1997 Strength IR 97016 NRC Operations 1A The conduct of operations was professional; shift tumovers and briefings were thorough, communications were effective, and tagouts were properly prepared. Teamwork / Skill Level 40 11/10/1997 NCV IR 97016 NRC Operations 3A During a routine monthly standby diesel generator surveillance test, the inspectors identified that an auxiliary operator failed to complete a step as required. This was a non-cited violation. Personnel Performance Deficiency 41 11/10/1997 Strength IR 97016 NRC Operations 5B Active involvement by plant management in the review of Action Requests and root cause reports resulted in effective self-assessment.

Self-Critical Page 6 of 8

PLANT ISSUES MATRIX i r2 wins Dunne Arn'ald .

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascerdng): Search Column = *SALP' ; SALP Area =

  • Operations * ; Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* ; Ending Data = *10/20/1996*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 42 10/10/1997 Positive IR 97015 NRC Operations 1A The conduct of operations was professional; shift tumovers and briefings were thorough, communications were effective, and tagouts were .

properly prepared.

43 10/10/1997 NCV IR 97016 Licensee Operations 3A During a routine monthly standby diesel generator surveillance test, the inspectors identified that an auxiliary operator failed to complete a step as required. This was a norvited violation.

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  1. A counter number used for NRC intemal editing.

DATE The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Ucensee Event Report.

O CY Identification of who discovered the issue see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.


DEV Deviation from NRC Requirements

  • Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1 Operational Performance:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal EEP Escalated Enforcement Issue - Waiting Final NRC Action escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients LER License Event Report to the NRC with the " General Statement of Policy and C - Programs and Processes Licensing Licensing issue from NRR Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action (Enforcemetd Policy), NUREG-1600. 2 Material Condition:

Misc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding, etc.) However, the NRC has not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Ceted Violation enforcemen', decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Individual Poor Ucensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3 Human Performance:

Positive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be moriefied when the final decisions A - Work Performance Strength Overall Strong Licensee Performance a mah Befope E makes its B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities enforcement decision, the b,censee will be URI'* Unresolved Inspection item C - Work Environment provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-I Notice of Violation - Severity Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4 Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-il Notice of Violation - Severity Level II (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design VIO/SL-lit Notice of Violation - Severity Level lit conference. 8 - Engineering Support VIO/SL-IV Notice of Violation - Severity Level IV ** URis are unresolved items about which C - Programs and Processes Weakness Overall Weak Licensee Performance 5 Pr tem ntification and Resolution:

e e ques o s acceptable item, a deviation, a .

nonconformance, or a violation. However, B- Analysis ID BY C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

Other identification unknown Page 8 of 8


Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): SePrch Column = *SALP' , SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/70/1998'
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 9/4/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Maintenance 3A in general, surveillance test and maintenance activities were conducted in an acceptable manner. The inspectors observed good planning for and execution of maintenance activities associated with the residual heat removal and residual heat removal service water system maintenance outages.

2 8/19/1998 Negative IR 98009 Self- Maintenance 3A Two examples of personnel errors occurred when instrument technicians Revealed accidentally bumped sensitive instruments causing the initiation of half ,

scram signals.

3 8/19/1998 Negative IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 3A Two examples were identified by inspectors where maintenance personnel exited the area and left behind work items that lay across the boundaries between contaminated and clean areas.

4 8/19/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Maintenance 3A 1A In general, maintenance and surveillance testing activities were t conducted in an acceptable manner. The inspectors observed effective communications between control room operators and instrument technicians during surveillance testing activities.

5 7/28/1998 Positive IR 98008 NRC Maintenance 2A SC The licensee promptly resolved emergent equipment issues that were identified during the inspection period. All of these equipmer't problems were resolved within the associated TS allowable outage times.

6 7/28/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98008 Self- Maintenance 2B Inadequate post-maintenance testing resulted in the outboard Revealed recirculation sample valve being inoperable for over 4 months. The l primary containment function was still met with the inboard valve. This indicated a weakness in the post-maintenance testing program.

t 7 7/28/1998 Positive IR 98008 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors observed that work activities were effectively performed and well-controlled. The licensee was proactive in establishing a test conductor / coordinator for the complex and infrequently performed loss of off off-sight power - loss of coolant accident (LOOP - LOCA) test. The test conductor / coordinator was responsible for performing verification of completion of steps as an additional measure to ensure proper test configuration.

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PLANT ISSUES MATRIX u/20/in8 Duano ArnrId Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* , SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/19
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 8 7/28/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98008 Licensee Maintenance 3A SC The licensee appropriately identified and corrected issues involving missed quality control (OC) inspections during the refueling outage. In only one of three cases was the OC inspection required per the goveming OC inspection procedure. Corrective action in that case resulted in re-performing the work with the proper QC involvement. Although QC inspections were not required by the administrative procedure, they were specified in the maintenance action request package and the failure to perform the inspections as specified indicated a lack of attention to detail.

9 6/30/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98010 NRC Maintenance 2B 3B The licensee failed to establish a program to indoctrinate and train maintenance personnel on performing Grayboot applications on safety related components. The failure to property train personnel in this area resulted in the installation of an undersized Grayboot connector and contributed to the failure of another application. l 10 6/30/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98010 NRC Maintenance 3A Several examples were identified conceming failure to follow procedural requirements during performance of maintenance activities. The specific examples were limited to the installation of certain electrical (Grayboot) connectors.

11 5/19/1998 LER LER 1998-006 Licensee Maintenance 3A Inadequate post replacement test on the standby liquid control system explosive valves due to inadequate planning. A VT-2 examination was subsequently performed satisfactorily. The event was caused by a failure to identify the requirement to perform a VT-2 examination following replacement at the time the job was planned.

12 5/2/1998 LER LER 1998-004 Licensee Maintenance 2A SC Failure of four main steam relief valves and one main steam safety valve to meet Technical Specification setpoints. Cause of the main steam relief valve failures was inadequate corrective actions and the cause of the main stearn safety valve failure was not known. All main steam relief valve pilots and the main steam safety valves have replaced with valves that were previously set pressure tested.

13 4/27/1998 Negative IR 98004 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors were concemed that reference use procedures were not changed in accordance with the licensee's policy on procedural adherence during the calibration and replacement of a relay.

14 4/21/1998 Negative IR 98004 Self- Maintenance 3A Three human performance circumstances occurred during the first l Revealed ,

j several weeks of the refueling outage due to communication problems l and not following industry safety practices.

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M/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duana Arnsid Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = 'SALP' , SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998*

DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 15 4/13/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98004 Self- Maintenance 2B Five unexpected engineered safety actuations (ESF) occurred during the Revealed first several weeks of the refueling outage due to communication problems, scheduling and planning deficiencies, and the failure to follow the prerequisites listed on the surveillance procedure. One ESF actuation resulted in a violation for the failure to folicw procedural prerequisites.

16 4/10/1998 LER LER 1998-003 Self- Maintenance 2B Invalid engineered safety feature actuations of Group til primary Revealed containment isolation system components caused by loss of instrument AC control power and procedure deficiencies.

17 4/3/1998 LER LER 1998-002 Self- Maintenance 1C An unexpected group I containment isolation occurred during the Revealed performance of a surveillance test procedure. The cause of this event was inadequate procedure.

18 4/3/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98004 NRC Maintenance 5B The failure to perform adequate post-maintenance testing resulted in the inoperability of a primary containment isolation valve for over four months. This resulted in a violation.

19 3/20/1998 Negative IR 98006 Self- Maintenance 5B The reduction of nuisance rod blocks and alarms to prevent unnecessary Revealed operator distractions showed good safety focus; however, the lack of Probablistic Risk Assessment calculations for online Rod Manual Control System (RMCS) maintenance led to a narrowly focused decision to perform the mair.tenance online. The Duane Arnold Energy Center technical specifications do not address RMCS operability at power.

20 3/17/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98003 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors ident!Iied several examples of the licensee's failure to comply with the procedure for restraining transient equipment or materials in Seismic Category I areas.

21 3/17/1998 Positive IR 98003 Self- Maintenance SC The licensee promptly resolved emergent equipment material condition Revealed issues that were identified during the inspection period. These emergent equipment issues included a steam leak in the offgas recombiner vault, a water leak from the high pressure coolant injection pump, failed radiation monitors, and a failed pressure switch in the reactor protection system.

All of these equipment problems were resolved well within the associated Technical Specification allowable outage times. Personne: from the maintenance departments provided good support and exhibited good teamwork in resolving the issues.

Page 3 of 7

11/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duane Arnold '

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP" , SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* . Ending Date = *10/20/1998*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 22 2/4/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Maintenance 2A Residual heat removal service water, emergency service water, standby gas treatment, and emergency diesel generator systems equipment was property maintained. Housekeeping within the plant was acceptable in most cases.

23 2/4/1998 Negative IR 98002 NRC Maintenance 2B The inspectors identified weak controls in the testing and installation of standby liquid control system squib valve explosion charges. Specifically, there were no formal controls to ensure that Technical Specification requirements regarding charges coming from the same batch would be adhered to.

24 2'4/1998 NCV IR 98002 NRC Maintenance SC Corrective action following identification of an incorrect o-ring in a safety-related chiller was inadequate. There was no action taken to determine cause or prevent recurrence of another failure. The failure to initiate corrective actions to prevent recurrence of the incorrect o-ring was a violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI. This was considered a minor violation per Section IV of the NRC Enforcement Policy.

25 2/4/1998 Positive IR 98002 Self- Maintenance SC The licensee promptly resolved equipment issues that occurred during  ;

Revealed the inspection period. Maintenance personnel provided good support and exhibited good teamwork in resolving the issues. Additional efforts were planned to reduce containment atmosphere monitor system leakage and prevent this from continuing to be a recurring problem.

26 12/22/1997 Positive IR 97017 NRC Maintenance 2A The licensee maintained the reactor core isolation cooling system in the proper standby readiness condition. Minor discrepancies were promptly resolved. Involved Management 27 12/22/1997 Positive IR 97017 Self- Maintenance 2B The licensee promptly resolved the emergent equipment issues that Revealed occurred during the period. Maintenance activities were property prioritized and completed in a timely manner. Emergent equipment issues included 125 Vdc battery charger problems, an air leak on a instrument air compressor filter, and a control building chiller oil leak.

Involved Management 28 12/22/1997 Negative IR 97017 NRC Maintenance 3A The inspectors identified that the licensee did not follow the procedural controls in the engineered maintenance action process for an activity where relay coils were replaced with those with a different voltage rating. Personnel Performance Deficiency Page 4 of 7

11/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duana Arnsid Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP" ; SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 29 12/22/1997 Positive IR 97017 Self- Maintenance SA The licensee promptly responded to 125 Vdc battery charger problems.

Revealed involved Management 30 12/22/1997 Negative IR 97017 Licensee Maintenance SA The licensee identified four examples where problems were encountered during routine planned maintenance. The causes appeared to be related to weak pre-job planning or new procedure revisions. The inspectors concluded that problems were property handled as they came up.

However, these prob l ems represented an increase in the number of work planning problems over that typically encountered and resulted in safety-related equioment being out-of-service longer than necessary.

Inadequate Procedure / instruction 31 11/10/1997 Negative IR 97016 NRC Maintenance 2A Safety-related systems and components were properly maintained and materiel condition was good. However, scaffolding materials were not properly controlled in two cases. Other/NA 32 11/10/1997 VIO/SL-IV IR 97016 NRC Maintenance 3C The inspectors identified that on numerous occasions over a 6 month period that the refuel floor material accountability log (MAL) was not balanced as required. Also, the refuel floor supervisor failed to ensure that the MAL was periodically balanced as required. This was a violation of Technical Specification Inadequato Oversight 33 11/10/1997 Negative IR 97016 NRC Maintenance SC Emergent equipment issues were, in general, promptly resolved.

However, in one case, the licensee's response to degraded oil in the residual heat removal service water pump motor was weak. Inadequate ,

Oversight 34 10/10/1997 Strength IR 97015 NRC Maintenance 2B The risk assessment processes were an acceptable means of implementing the eauipment out-of-service evaluation. The use of a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) based tool by the scheduling group and a shutdown PRA in the scheduling and management of outages were viewed as a good commitment to online risk assessment. Involved Management 35 10/10/1997 Strength IR 97015 NRC Maintenance 2B "

Structures, systems, and components were properly scoped into the Maintenance Rule program. The development of system basis documents was considered a good process to compile information regarding scoping and performance criteria and other pertinent information. Issues were identified conceming system boundaries definitions, repetitive maintenance preventible functional failures (MPFFs), and MPFF determinations. Involved Management Page 5 of 7

PLANTISSUES MATRIX iir20/iwe Duano Arnrid Search Soded by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascendirg): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Maintenance * ; Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* ; Ending Date = *10/20/1998*


The performance criteria for reliability and unavailability, although in some ,

cases higher than the PRA assumptions, were adequately justified through the use of sensitivity studies. In general, performance criteria had been established to effectively monitor equipments performance.

However, a violation was identified because several examples were ident;fied in which the established performance criteria were not effective for monitoring performance. This was a violation of 10 CFR 50.65(a)(1) and 10 CFR 50.65(a)(2). Inadequate Oversight 37 10/10/1997 Strength IR 97015 Licensee Maintenance SA The cuality assurance audits identified a number of issues and recommendations to improve the Maintenance Rule program. The ese of ,

outside personnel provided independent insights into the program. Self >

Critical Page 6 of 7

. .~ s . .- ._ ,, ,- ,. . . . _ ._ , . .. .


t A counter number used for NRC intemal editing.

DATE The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date~

the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

s SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID CY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.


  • Eels are apparent violations of NRC 1 Operational Performance:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal EEI' Escalated Enforcement issue - Waiting Final NRC Action escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients LER License Event Report to the NRC he Tenwal StaMment of Mcy ap C - Rograms and hsses Licensing Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action Licensing issue from NRR 2 Material Condition:

(Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.

Misc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding, etc.) However, the NRC has not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement dedsion on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Indivdual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entnes 3 Human Performance:

Positive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions A - Work Performance Strength Overall Strong Licensee Performance re made. Before the NRC makes its B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities enforcement decision, the licensee will be C - Work Environment URl" Unresolved Inspection Item provided with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-1 Notice of Violation - Seventy Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4 Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-II Notice of Violation - Severity Level !! (2) request a predecisional erdorcement A - Design VIO/SL-Ill Notice of Violation - Severity Level lit conference. B - Engineering Support VIO/SL-IV Notice of Violation - Severity Level IV " URis are unresolved items about which C - Programs and Processes Weekness Overall Weak Licensee Performance

" d ""

e e so sa 5 Problem identification and Resolution:

acceptable item, a deviation, a A - Identification nonconformance, or a violation. However, B- Analysts ID BY C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Ucensee The licensed utility conclusions on the % sues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed Identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusiore are made.

Other identification unknown Page 7 of 7

"' 898 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duzna Arnold Se uch Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Engineering * , Beginning Date = "10/1/1997* ; Ending Date = *10/20/1998"
  1. _DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 9/4/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Engineering 2B The licensee continued to effectively assess and test components and systems for year 2000 computer software readiness.

2 9/4/1998 Negative IR 98012 NRC Engineering 2B Several of the temporary mNifications for nonsafety-related equipment were not being addressed in a timely fashion.

3 9/4/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Engineering 2B Temporary modifications in place had adequate safety evaluations and proposed engineering resolutions. There were no significant longstanding temporary modifications in place for equipment important to safety.

4 8/19/1998 Positve IR 98009 Licensee Engineering SA SC The licensee identified and corrected several incorrect maximum and minimum average power range monitor setpoint values used in surveillance testing.

5 7/28/1998 Positive IR 98008 Licensee Engineering 4B 5A During the refueling outage, the licensee discovered that high pressure ccolant injection (HPCI) peak room pressure during a postulated high energy line break would reach 6.3 psi and that one HPCI room wall could not withstand that pressure. This discovery was a result of the licensee conservatively broadening its assessment by including the HPCI room walls after its initial assessment of the HPCI room peak pressure on the HPCI room doors.

6 4/29/1998 LER LER 1998-005 Licensee Engineering 2A Inoperability of containment atmosphere hydrogen and oxygen monitors due to sample inaccuracies caused by insufficient heat tracing and insulation on system piping. The cause of this event was the less than adequate implementation of original design requirements.

7 4/28/1998 VIOISL-IV IR 98006 NRC Engineering 4B The post modification testing for the reactor manual control system failed to verify the proper operation of all components associated with the equipment modifications and was considered a violation of Technical Specificatiuns.

8 4/27/1998 VIO/SL-IV 1R 98004 NRC Engineering 4A The containment hydrogen / oxygen monitor system was inoperable due to a design discrepancy which existed since its installation.

Page 1 of 4

1/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duono Arnrid Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* , SALP Area =

  • Engineering * , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10f20/1998*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 9 3/20/1998 URI 1R 98006 NRC Engineering 4C A 50.59 screening correctly identified that a safety evaluation for the Rod Manual Control System (RMCS) mocifications was not required..

However, no 50.59 screening addressed removal of the RMCS from service during plant power operation. The inspectors concluded that further inspection was required to determine if a violation ci 10 CFR requirements had occurred. This is considered an unresolved item.

10 3/20/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98006 NRC Engineering 4C The Rod Manual Control System modifications appeared to correctly address the identified equipment problems. However, the post modification testing failed to verify the proper operation of all components associated with the equipment modifications and was considered a violation of Duane Amold Energy Center Technical Specifications.

11 3/17/1998 Negative IR 98003 Self- Engineering 4A Software support personnel installed new process computer software Revealed without consulting with operations personnel and without fully evaluating the effect on plant monitoring equipment. This resulted in a challenge to the operating crew when multiple APRM comparison alarms were received and reactor power was reduced until the reason for the alarms could be determined.

12 3/17/1998 Positive IR 98003 Self- Engineering SC The licensee promptly resolved emergent equipment material condition Revealed issues that were identified during the inspection period. These emergent equipment issues incit ded a steam leak in the offgas recombiner vault, a water leak from the high pressure coolant injection pump, failed radiation monitors, and a failed pressure switch in the reactor protection system.

All of these equipment problems were resolved well within the associated Technical Specification alloweble outage times. Engineering personnel provided good support and exhibited good teamwork in resolving the issues.

13 2/4/1998 NCV 1R 98002 Licensee Engineering 5A The licensee identified four examples where current surveillance testing did not meet current Technical Specification (TS). These were identified during a thorough review as part of the conversion to improved TSs.

14 2/4/1998 Positive IR 98002 Self- Engineering SC The licensee promptly resolved equipment issues that occurred during Revealed the inspection period. Engineering personnel provided good support and exhibited good teamwork in resolving the issues. Additional efforts were planned to reduce containment atmosphere monitor system leakage and prevent this from continuing to be a recurring problem.

Page 2 of 4

M/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duane Arnold Search Sorted ty Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP' . SALP Area =

  • Engineering * . Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* . Ending Date = *10/20/1998
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 15 12/22/1997 Positive IR 97017 Self- Engineering SC The licensee promptly resolved the emergent equipment issues that Revealed occurred during the period. Engineering department personnel provided appropriate support where requested. Emergent equipment issues included 125 Vdc battery charger problems, an air leak on a instrument '

air compressor filter, and a control building chiller oil leak.

16 11/19/1997 VIO/SL-IV IR 98002 NRC Engineering 58 The inspectors identified that testing was performed on a safety-related control building chiller without a safety evaluation. A violation of 10 CFR 50.59 was identified.

17 11/10/1997 Negative IR 97016 NRC Engineering 2B The inspectors identified a concem with the procedure usage requirements for the high pressure coolant injection keep-fill modification. Inadequate Procedure / Instruction 18 11/10n997 Strength IR 97016 NRC Engineering 4B "

In general, the engineering department's involvement in and support of plant activities such as emergent equipment issues and surveillance testing was good. Engineering personnel promptly evaluated a potential 10 CFR Part 21 issue involving piping welds on the Fairbanks Morse diesel engines. Ultrasonic test results indicated that the issue was not a problem at Duane Amold. Involved Management 19 11/10/1997 Licensing IR 97016 NRC Engineering SC Corrective actions to several spent fuel pool licenseing basis issues were completed and no additional concems were noted. Involved Management 20 10/10/1997 Strength IR 97015 NRC Engineering 28 The licensee had an effective structural monitoring program. Inspections adequately assessed the conditions of structures and corrective actions were initiated to correct deficiencies. Involved Management 21 10/10/1997 Negative IR 97015 NRC Engineering 4B The system engineers were experienced and knowledgeable about their systems. Some system engineers, however, were not always cognizant of how the MR interfaced with their systems. Teamwork / Skill Level Page 3 of 4


  1. A counter number used for NRC intema! editing. [

PATE The date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document @ contains the issue information: IR for NRC inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

ID CY Identification of who discoverec' the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - 2ngineering, Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Mechng Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.


  • Eels ars apparent violations of NRC 1 Operational Performance:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requirements that are being considered for A - Normal EEI' Escalated Enfomement Issue - Waiting Final NRC Action escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients LER Ucense Event Report to the NRC w e eneral em n f cy ap C - Wograms and hesses Licensing Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action Licensing issue from NRR 2 Material Condition:

(Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.

Misc Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding, etc.) However, the NRC has not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation enforcement decision on the issues B - Programs and Processes Negative Individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3 Human Performance:

Positive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions A - Work Performance Strength Overal! Strong Licensee Performance are mah Before the NRC makes its B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities enforrWent decision, the hcensee will be C - Work Environment URI,, Unresolved Inspection item provD t with an opportunity to either VIO/SL-l Notice of Violation - Seventy Level I (1) rea .W to the apparent violation or 4 Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-II Notice of Violation - Severity Level 11 (2) rep st a predecisional enforcement A - Desicn VIO/SL-ill Notice of Violation - Severity Level til conference. B - Engineering Support VIO/SL-IV Notice of Violation - Severity Level IV ** URIs are unresolved items about which C - Programs and Processes Weakness Overall Weak Licensee Performance 5 Problem identification and Resolution:

w$h her h ue n ques on s acceptable item, a deviation, a A - Identification nonconformance, or a violation. However, B - Anaysis ID BY C - Resolution the NRC has not reached its final Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final Self-Revealed identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are made.

Other identification unknown Page 4 of 4

11/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX i Duane Arnold Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* , SALP Area = *Ptant Support' , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998*

  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 1 9/4/1998 Positive IR 98012 NRC Plant 3A Radiation protection personnel provided effective support during Support radicgraphy activities that were conducted by contractors on August 26 and 27,1998. Adequate radiation area and high radiation area boundaries were established and controlled. Survey instruments were .

properly used to ensure that the radioactive sealed source was in the shielded position after each radiographic exposure.

2 8/19/1998 Positive IR 98009 NRC Plant 1B The fire brigade responded in a timely fashion when called upon and Support appropriately extinguished a smoking transformer (277 volt to 120 volt) by i directing isolation of its power source.

3 8/19/1998 Negative IR 98009 NRC Plant 3A Radiation protection personnel established a contamination boundary, but Support failed to recognize that tools, rags, and plastic bags lay across the boundary between the clean and contaminated areas. This was an attention-to-detail concem.

4 8/15/1998 Negative IR 98011 NRC Plant 1C With the exception of minor amounts of cobalt-60 detected in the sewage Support discharge canal sediments, the REMP sample results were consistent with normal background. The licensee had not fully evaluated the sewage discharge canal sediment results, and the 1996 and 1997 annual reports did not thoroughly explain the source of the cobalt-60 nor its relationship to previous sample results.

5 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Plant 1C The chemistry staff properly implemented an cnalytical and Support radiochemistry instrument quality control program that was consistent with industry and NRC guidance. Generally, quality control results indicated that instruments were performing with a good degree of accuracy and precision.

6 8/14/1998 Strength IR 98011 NRC Plant 1C 3B The radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP) was properly Support implemented in accordance with the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual and program procedures. Air sampling equipment was properly calibrated, and the REMP technician demonstrated good analytical techniques.

Page 1 of 5

11/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Duana Arnsid ,

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Swth Column = *SALP' ; SALP Area =

  • Plant Support' ; Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998*
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 7 8/14/1998 Strength IR 98011 NRC Plant 1C 3B Control of plant water chemistry was effective in reducing corrosive Support impurities in the reactor coolant system Measured values of chloride and su! fates were routinely below the licensee's limit of detection.

Additionally, the licensee continued to demonstrate a strong commitment to advanced technologies (e.g., noble metal chemical addition, hydrogen water chemistry, and zinc addition). The chemistry staff closely monitored and evaluated chemistry parameters and evaluated excursions.

8 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Plant 2A The chemistry staff performed good monitoring of system operability for Support the meteorological tower. The calibrations and surveillances for the meteorological tower were property performed and the licensee properly maintained the monitoring instrumentation.

9 8/14/1998 Positive IR 98011 NRC Plant 3B During routine chemistry sampling, chemistry technicians demonstrated Support excellent analytical practices and procedure adherence. When anomalies were experienced, technicians acted in a conservative manner and requested assistance from chemistry supervision.

10 8/14/1998 Strength IR 98011 NRC Plant SA SC The chemistry, RP, and quality assurance staffs performed Support comprehensive reviews of the chemistry program and REMP. The inspector observed that the chemistry organization was critical of its performance and had taken corrective actions to address identified deficiencies.

11 4/24/1998 Positive IR 98007 NRC Plant 1C The planning for the installation and removal of shielding properly Support addressed radiological controls. The ALARA Review incorporated lessons teamed from previous work performed at the facility and addressed anticipated radiological conditions.

12 4/24/1998 Positive IR 98007 NRC Plant 1C The inspector concluded that the staff maintained effective oversight of Support accumulated outage dose. Although the RP staff did not utilize formal methods, the staff performed comparisons of radiation work permit totals to outage goals and provided graphical representations of outage performance for licensee management.

Page 2 of 5

11/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Ducn3 Arn:Id Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = "SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Plant Support' , Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE l ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 13 4/24/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98007 NRC Plant 1C One violation was identified conceming the training of chemistry Support technicians on the post accident sampling system. The inspectors identified that three technicians had not performed surveillances at the 2 year frequency required by procedure to maintain qualification on the post accident sampling system. This failure indicated a lack of thoroughness in the licensee's actions to resolve post accident sampling system training problems previously identified by the NRC.

1a 424/1998 VIO/SL-IV !R98007 NRC Plant 3A Two violations were identified conceming the failure to property adhere to Support radiation work permit requirements and the failure to properly post the torus as a high radiation area. In addition, the inspectors identified weaknesses in the radiological controls and planning of the torus diving evolutions. Although no unexpected personnel doses were observed, the RP staff did not fully consider or evaluate NRC generic communications conceming controls and barriers to prevent divers from receiving unplanned exposures from underwater radiation sources.

15 4/24/1998 VIO/SL-IV IR 98007 Licensee Plant 3A Four examples of a violation of station procedures were identified Support conceming incidents in which personnel entered radiatiori areas and high radiation areas but did not have the proper dosimetry. The licensee identified and documented six incidents in which individuals had entered radiological areas with either inactivated electronic dosimeters or without ele::tronic dosimeters. Although the licensee performed adequate assessments of worker doses, the incidents indicated a lack of personnel attention to RP requirements. In addition, corrective actions for a similar, previous noncited violation were not adequate to prevent these incidents.

16 4/24/1998 V!O/SL-IV IR 98007 Licensee Plant 3A Two examples of a violation were identified conceming the failure of two Support workers to properly adhere to RP controls for entry into a high radiation area. Although the licensee's review of the incident was thorough, the violation was similar to a previous NRC Notice of Violation for not adhering to RP work instructions. The inspectors identified that problems in communications, worker performance, and RP technician oversight contributed to the incident.

Page 3 of 5

/20/1998 PLANT ISSUES MATRIX Durno Arnsid .

Search Sorted by Date (Descending) and SMM Codes (Ascending): Search Column = *SALP* ; SALP Area =

  • Plant Support' . Beginning Date = *10/1/1997* , Ending Date = *10/20/1998
  1. DATE TYPE SOURCE ID BY SALP SMM CODES DESCRIPTION 17 4/24/1998 Negative !R 98007 Licensee Plant 3A SA The inspector found radiological hazards in the faci!ity to be acceptably Support controlled and posted. Personnel were knowledgeable of radiological conditions and renuirements. However, the licensee identified a technician who was inattentive to duty. In addition, the inspectors observed radiological housekeeping problems in the reactor drywell and the radwaste building which challenged effective contamination control.

18 4/24/1998 Negative IR 98007 NRC Plant SC The licensee's actions to resolve issues regarding the capability of the Support post accident sampling system to obtain representative samples of containment atmosphere for iodine analysis were not timely. Although the issue had been identified in early 1997, the licensee had not addressed the problem until the time of this inspection.

19 4/4/1998 VlO/SL-IV IR 98007 Self- Plant SB One violation was identified conceming the inadequate eva!uation of the Revealed Support radiological effects incident to the low pressure core injection system full flow testing on April 4,1998. Specifically, the licensee failed to adequately evaluate the effect of operational charsges on radiological conditions within the facility, which resulted in areas that were not properly posted and controlled as high radiation areas.

20 3/17/1998 Positive IR 98003 NRC Plant 1C Radiation protection personnel provided good support during the high Support pressure coolant injection system and reactor core isolation cooling system surveillance tests.

21 2/4/1998 Positive IR 98002 NRC Plant 1C Radiation protection personnel provided good support during the Support traversing incore probe replacement 22 12/22/1997 VIO/SL-IV IR 97017 NRC Plant 1C The licensee's Respiratory Protection Program was inadequately Support implemented. Severalindividuals required to be qualified to wear respirators had expired qualifications. Violation of Technical Specification 6.9.1. Inadequate Oversight 23 12/22/1997 Positive IR 97017 NRC Plant 3A A fire watch performed duties appropriately. The required areas were Support toured in the required times in accordance with the licensee's fire plan.

The inspectors had no concems. Teamwork / Skill Level 24 11/10/1997 Positive IR 97016 NRC Plant 1C The inspectors observed good radiation protection support for the reactor Support core isolation cooling simulated auto actuation test and for the high pressure coolant injection system quarterly operability test.

Teamwork / Skill Level Page 4 of 5


  1. A counter number used for NRC intemal editing. o 4

DATE T he date of the event or significant issue. For those items that have a clear date of occurrence use the actual date. If the actual date is not known, use the date the issue was identified. For issues that do not have an actual date or a date of identification, use the LER or inspection report date.

TYPE The categorization of the issue - see the TYPE ITEM CODE table.

SOURCE The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Licensee Event Report.

O BY Identification of who discovered the issue - see table.

SALP SALP Functional Area Codes - Engineering. Maintenance, Operations, Plant Support and All/ Multiple (i.e., more than one SALP area affected).

SMM CODES Senior Manager Meeting Codes - see table.

DESCRIPTION Details of the isme from the LER text or from tne IR Executive Summaries.


  • Eels are apparent violations of NRC l 1 Operational Performar ce:

ED Escalated Discretion - No Civil Penalty requiremer.ts that aro being considered for 1

A - Normal EEI' Escalated Enforcement issue - Waiting Final NRO Action escalated enforcement action in accordance B - During Transients .  !

LER License Event Report to the NRC w the Temral Statement of Poucy and C - Programs and Processes Licens!ng Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action  !

Licensing issue from NRR (Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600. 2 Material Condition:

Mise Miscellaneous (Emergency Preparedness Finding, etc.) However, the NRC has not reached its final A - Equipment Condition NCV Non-Cited Violation B - Programs end Processes enforcement decision on the issues Negative individual Poor Licensee Performance identified by the Eels and the PIM entries 3 Human Performance:

Positive Individual Good Licensee Performance may be modified when the final decisions Strength A - Work Performance j Overall Strong Licensee Performance am made. Befom the NRC makes its B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities I URI" Unresolved inspection item enforcement decision, the licensee will be provided with an opportunity to either C - Work Environment VIO/SL-1 Notice of Violation - Seventy Level I (1) respond to the apparent violation or 4 Engineering / Design:

VIO/SL-It Notice of Violation - Severity Level II (2) request a predecisional enforcement A - Design VIO/SL-Ill Notice of Violation - Seventy Level ill conference. B - Engineering Support VIO!SL-IV Notice of Violation - Severity Level IV " URis are unresolved items about which C - Programs and Processes Weakness " " ""

Overall Weak Licensee Performance e en s s 5 Problem Identification and Resolution:

acceptable item, a deviation, a A - identification ID BY nonconformance, or a violation. However, B - Analysis l the NRC has not reached its final C

  • Resolution Licensee The licensed utility conclusions on the issues, and the PIM NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission entries may be modified when the final l Self-Revealed Identification by an event (e.g., equipment breakdown) conclusions are msde.

Other Identification unknown Page 5 of 5
