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Notice of Violation from Insp on 880112-0210.Violations Noted:Required Fire Watches Not Initiated & Fire Suppression Sys Inoperable for 14 H
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1988
From: Verrelli D
Shared Package
ML20150B289 List:
50-348-88-03, 50-348-88-3, 50-364-88-03, 50-364-88-3, NUDOCS 8803160286
Download: ML20150B298 (2)



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ENCLOSURE 1 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Alabama Power Company Dccket Nos. 50-348 and 50-334 Farley 1 and 2 License Nos. NPF 2 and NPF-8 During the Nuclear Regulate *y Commission (NRC) inspection conducted on January 12 - February 10, 1988 violations of NRC requirements we*e identified.

The violations involved procedural violations and a violation of fire protec-tion Technical Specification In accordance with the "General State-ment of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions," 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (1986), the violation is cited below:

A. Technical specification 6.8.1 requires that applicable written procedures reconinended in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.33, Revisior. 2,1978 shall be established, implemented and maintained.

Contrary to the above, the following examples of deficient procedural implementation or adequacy were noted.

1. Procedure 1-50P-8.1, High Head Safety Injection System, check list 1-50P-8.1A, requires breaker FA-M4 in Motor Control Center (MCC) 1A, for boron injection surge tank heater, to be in the closed position.

During power operation on January 20, 1988 breaker FA-Ma was in the open position.

2. Procedure 2-S0P-24, Service Water System, check list 2-50P-24.0A requires breaker HKL-J3 in MCC 1K, cooling and lubrication strainer to Train A service water pumps, to be in the closed position. During power operation on January 27, 1988 Breaker HKL-J3 was in the open position.
3. Procedure 1-SOP-24, Service Water System, check list 1-SOP-24.0A requires breaker HKL-K4 in MCC IK, for cooling and lubrication strainer to the Train A service water pumps, to be in the closed position. During power operation on January 27, 1988 Breaker HKL-K4 was in the open position.
4. Procedure 2-S0P-50.6, liquid Waste Processing System Miscellaneous Sump Pump and Retaining Basin Operation, check list 2-SOP-50'.6A, requires breaker HCC-05 in MCC 200, to sump pump N2WO95058-N for safet.v related valve pit 2VB-2, to be in the closed position. During power operation on January 2?,1988 Breaker HCC-D5 was in the open position.
5. Technical Specification surveillance requirement 4.7.4 requires that the service water system be demonstrated operable by verifying that each accessible valve (manual, power operated or automatic) in the flow path, servicing safety related equipment that is not locked, sealed or otherwise secured in position, is in its correct position at least once per 31 days.

8803160286 880225 8 DR ADOCK 050


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Alaba'a m Power Company 2 Docket Nos. 50-348 and 50-364 Farley 1 and 2 License Nos. NPF 2 and NPF-8 During power operation on February 5,1988 the service water lube and cooling water piping systems on Unit 1 and Unit 2 were not included in FNP-1-2-STP-24.5, Service Water Flow Path Verification.

This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement I).

B. Technical Specification requires the fire suppression system (spray and/or sprinkler system) be operable whenever the equipment in the protected areas is required to be operable. The Action statement states that, with one or more of the above required spray and/or sprinkler systems inoperable, within one hour establish a continuous fire watch with backup fire suppression equipment for those areas in which redundant systems or components could be damaged; for other areas, establish an hourly fire watch patrol.

Contrary to the above, on January 19-20, 1988 the required fire watches were not initiated. Unit 1 fire suppression system was inoperable for approximately 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> when the fire protection panel switch was inadvert-ently placed in the over ride position. The fire detection system remained operable.

This is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement I).

Pursuant to the provision of 10 CFR 2.201, Alabama Power Company is hereby required to submit a written statement or explanation to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555, with a copy to the Regional Administrator, Region II, and a copy to the NRC Resident Inspector, Farley, within 30 days of the date of the letter transmitting this Notice. This reply should be clearly marked as a "Reply to a Notice of Viola-tion" and should include (for each violation): (1) admission or denial of the violation, (2) the reason for the violation if admitted, (3) the corrective steps which have been taken and the results achieved, (4) the corrective steps which will be taken to avoid further violations, and (5) the date when full complian:e will be achieved. Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending the response time. If an adequate reply is not received within the time specified in this Notice, an order may be issued to show cause why the license should not be modified, suspended, or revoked or why such other action as may be proper should not be taken.


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DaidM.Ve[>,relli, Chief Re ctor Pr6jects Branch 1 Division of Reactor Projects Dated at Atlanta, Georgia this 25th day of February 1988

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