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Rev 6 to MP 717.7, Target Rock Safety Relief Valve - Topworks Changeout
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1997
MP-717.7, NUDOCS 9706110325
Download: ML20140E314 (16)



gr.Jf5/esu 4K1

  • NDS Document Transmittal 6/5/97 To: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Addressee Unique # 140 Document Control Desk ROUTINE distribution Washington, D.C. 20555 The following documents have been revised. You are currently on distribution for these documents. Verify that all documents are included in this distribution set.

DMUMENT REY CQElES MP 717.7 6 1 9706110325 970604 PDR ADOCK 05000245 P PDR l 0 l k{\\f{ \k}kll$\\,hkh ,,

Return this form to NDS, MP475,3rd Floor, C/O Rick Lundh (x2446) as soon as received.

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t *

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-~ .



, \

1 Target Rock Safety Relief Valve Topworks Changeout MP 717.7 Rev. 6 i SToe- Tsixx Acr hvisw

. t r . ,

S Approval:

PORC Mtg. No: _

l Cf7-C90 Date: (ri- L/ -9'7 Effective Date: 's 9 7 Level of Use SME: J. Pernal ,

General l l

. Millstone Unit 1 4

(v Maintenance Procedure Target Rock Safety Relief Valve-Topworks Changeout TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. PURPOSE....................................................2
2. P R E R E Q U I S ITES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. P R E CAUTI O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. I N STR U CTI O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.1 Topworks Assembly Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.2 Topworks Assembly Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5. REVI EW AND SIGN- OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6. R EFE R EN CES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
7. S U M M ARY OF CHANG ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A'ITACIIMENTS AND FORMS Attachment 1, " Valve Body Insulation" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 At tachm e nt 2, "Topworks Lift" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Attachment 3, " Inspection Data Record" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3

MP 717.7 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 General 1of15

m. -

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1.1 Objective The objective of this procedure is to provide instructions for removal and installation of the topworks for the main steam safety relief valve.

1.2 Discussion The main steam safety relief valves are Target Rock Model 7567F pilot-operated valves and consist of two principle assemblies: a pilot stage assembly and a main stage assembly. These two assembly stages are directly coupled to provide a unitized, dual-function, safety and relief valve.

The pilot stage assembly is the pressure-sensing and control element and the main stage assembly is a sy. tem fluid-actuated follower valve which provides the pressure relief function. Self-actuation of the pilot assembly at set pressure vents the main piston chamber, permitting the system pressure to fully open the main assembly, which results in system depressurization at full rated flow. The topworks assembly discussed and described in this procedure consists of an air operator and the pilot stage subassembly. This procedure provides instructions to remove and install the topworks.

() Before performing maintenance on the topworks, any valve insulation and the solenoid and manifold assembly must be removed. Removal and installation of the solenoid is covered by MP 717.8," Main Steam Safety Relief Valve-Solenoid Changeout (EO)."

1.3 Applicability This procedure applies to the following local ids:

1-MS-3A," Main Steam Safety / Relief A Valve" 1-MS-3B," Main Steam Safety / Relief B Valve" 1-MS-3C, " Main Steam Safety / Relief C Valve" 1-MS-3D, " Main Steam Safety / Relief D Valve" 1-MS-3E," Main Steam Safety / Relief E Valve" 1-MS-3F," Main Steam Safety / Relief F Valve"


M' "7 7 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. t .

Genera 2 of 15

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q -

2. PREREOUISITES b 2.1 General 2.1.1 Planned valve repairs have been evaluated in accordance with l

WC 3, "ASME Section XI Repair and Replacement Program." If necessary, an ASME Section XI Repair and Replacement Plan has been prepared and approved and included in the AWO. .

2.2 Documents 2.2.1 C MP 715C," Installation of Lockwire and Lockplates" 2.2.2 MP 717.8," Main Steam Safety Relief Valve-Solenoid Changeout (EQ)"

2.3 Measuring and Test Equipment (M&TE) 2.3.1 All M&TE has been calibrated in accordance with WC 8,

" Control and Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment" and the calibration is current.

2.3.2 QA torque wrenches (click or dial type) with a minimum accuracy 3 and maximum torque wrench full scale value listed in the table below for the specified torque application range:

Specified Torque Maximum Torque Wrench ,

Minimum Accuracy Application Range Full Scale Value 95 to 105 ftelbs 200 to 350 ftelb 5%

2.4 Tools and Consumables l

2.4.1 Tools

  • Standard mechanic's tool kit i
  • Wire cutters l 2.4.2 Equipment l l
  • Hoisting slings l
  • Hoist, minimum 1-ton capacity O Level of Use .

MP 717.7 ST P THINK ACT -REVIEW Rev. 6 GeneM 3 of 15 l

2.4.3 Consumables d

  • Approved cleaning solvent such as Polywater HydraFoam 2020 ,

Approved 0-ring lubricant such as Versilube Low-lint rags Never-Seez (Nickel Special) anti-seize thread lubricant Temporary protective covers for 3-inch diameter of pilot body and exposed portion of safety relief valve 2.4.4 Spare Parts Gasket (4 /8-inch OD x 33/8-inch ID x 0.125 inch ) i Gasket (63/16-inch OD x Su/io-inch ID x 0.125 inch)

Lockwire (annealed 0.032 inch diameter) l

3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 All consumables used in or on power plant components must be controlled in accordance with CC 1, " Control of Chemical Consumable Products."

3.2 Components being disassembled must be match marked to aid in -

reassembly. Delicate parts or critical mating surfaces must not be match  !


t 3.3 All O-rings and gaskets that are exposed during maintenance must be replaced.  ;

3.4 Approved thread lubricant and anti-seize' compound must be applied to all threads prior to installation.

3.5 These valves fall within the ASME Section XI boundary. Repair or replacement of pressure-retaining components must be evaluated in accordance with WC 3,"ASME Section XI Repair and Replacement Program."

A MP 717.7 Level of Use gg STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 4 of 15



f a


4.1 Topworks Assemblylimoval 4.1.1 Refer To Attachment 1, and, E necessary, REMOVE valve insulation.  !

4.1.2 Refer To MP 717.8," Main Steam Safety Relief Velve-Solenoid '

Changeout (EQ)," and REMOVE solenoid and manifold assembly. l 4.1.3 RECORD serial number and setpoint of topworks assembly being removed onto AWO and Attachment 3. -

4.1.4 Refer To Figure 1, and REMOVE lockwire from studs and nuts.  ;

Figure - 1. Topworks Removal M k L I

.a Lockwired studs and nuts O~ M I

L -~ ~ _ -

4.1.5 REMOVE nuts.

4.1.6 TAG and STORE nuts.  ;


1. Sling must be rigged to exert lifting force on axial centerline of pilot assembly for a vertical lift to prevent damage to the portion of pilot body which extends into base.
2. Removing the topworks when the base is hot may cause galling.

4.1.7 E necessary, ALLOW base to cool.

MP 717.7 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 j General 5 of 15 '

. - . - - - - - _ - . . . - . . . . ~ . _ . . - - . _ . . . .. - - .

4.1.8 Refer To Attachment 2, and RIG hoist and sling to topworks 1

y assembly for vertical lift.

J C A U T .I O N l Topworks assembly nmst be lifted gently to avoid any impact to 3-inch diameter end.


) 4.1.9 Gently LIFT topworks assembly free of base and studs. ,

4.1.10 REMOVE and DISCARD gaskets.  ;

4.1.11 INSTALL temporary protective cover on 3-inch diameter of  ;

, pilot body.


To maintain the valve setpoint accuracy, the topworks assembly must be maintained in an upright position during transport. 1

4.1.12 Gently PLACE topworks assembly on firm base or cribbing in an i

upright position.  !

I-4.1.13 TAG and PREPARE topworks assembly for shipping as necessary.


4.1.14 INSTALL temporary cover or protective wrap on exposed part of l safety relief valve, and PREVENT entry of foreign traterials and
damage to gasket sealing surfaces, i

4 l


.O MP 717.7 Level of Use

] ggggg STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 6 of 15 J.


..-r-e. r

i 1

4.2 Topworks Assembly Installation

! NOTE i

] Figure 2 shows main steam lines and valve setpoints.  ;

i i 4.2.1 RECORD serial number and setpoint of topworks assembly being

installed onto AWO and Attachment 3.

Figure - 2. Main Steam Lines i l 1  !

]  !

l l j Ladder '


! Airlock  ;

Drywell i

I l-MS-3A l Setpoint  !

Equip ient jC 1995 psig.

1-MS-3F llatch .

Setpoint l 1125 psig. Reactor -



i i

! l-MS-3E Setpoint 1-MS-3D j l 1125 psig. SetPoint i i110 psig.

. 1-MS-30 - 1-MS-3B /

i Setpoint -

I Setpoint i 125 psig. Z 1125 psig i _

4 1 's s' Imddes 1 l D C B A l

I l

O Level of Use MP 7I7 7 STOP THINK ACT REVli3V Rev.6 General 7 or is i


, C A UTIO N i

i To maintain the valve setpoint accuracy, the topworks assembly must be transported in an upright position.

4.2.2 Refer To Attachment 2, and RIG hoist and sling to topworks assembly for vertical lift.


NOTE Vent ports must be free of any foreign material such as tape or protective wrap before installation.

4.2.3 REMOVE protective wrap or temporary covers from safety relief valve.

4.2.4 Gently LIFT topworks assembly and PERFORM the following:


a. Refer To Attachment 2 and INSTALL new gaskets.

n U. b. REMOVE protective wrap or temporary covers from topworks assembly, and ENSURE tape has been removed i

from vent ports.

C A UTIO N Topworks assembly must be gently lowered to avoid any impact to 3 inch diameter end or damage to new gaskets.

4.2.5 POSITION topworks assembly and gently LOWER assembly into valve base.

4.2.6 Refer To Attachment 2, and, using approved lubricant, LUBRICATE stud threads.

O Level of Use MP 717.7 ggggg STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 8 of 15

. . . - -.. -. _ ~-... .-- -. _ .. . - . . . - - . - - . - - . _ . . - . - .

l l

= . ~ i j

4.2.7 INSTALL' nuts onto studs and TORQUE nuts as follows:

a. Refer To Figure 3, and, using criss-cross pattern, dual VERIFY and TORQUE bolts in the following increments:

l Figure - 3 Torque Pattern l

1 l 8 5 1

l i

i E 4 3  ;

l l

l 6

7 S


1) 30 ftelbs (25 to 35 ftalbs) l
2) 60 ftalbs (55 to 65 ftalbs)
3) 100 fielbs (95 to 105 ftelbs) ,
b. RECORD the following onto Attachment 3:

Measur,:d torque value l

Torque wrench serial number t .


  • Calibration due date i  ;

i 1 4.2.8 Refer To C MP 715C," Installation of Lockwire and Lockplates,"

and INSTALL lockwire to studs and nuts.

4.2.9 Independently VERIFY lockwire installation, and RECORD verification onto Attachment 3.

4.2.10 Refer To MP 717.8," Main Steam Safety Relief Valve-Solenoid Changeout (EQ)" and INSTALL solenoid and manifold assembly.

iO iG MP 717.7 ll Level of Use I STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 General 9 of 15

3 3

4.2.11. . lE necessary, Refer To Attachment 1, INSTALL insulation onto valve body, and ENSURE the following:

4 I

. No insulation gaps exist between valve body and main steam  ;

e piping.  !

i i .

No insulation is installed above bonnet lower flange level.



4 i

I 1

I a

} J 1

'I i

I l lO i

4 i

1 1

i j 4

5 4

1 I.

MP 717.7 Level of Use .-

ST P THINK ~ACT REVIEW Rev. 6 General 10 of 15 i

5. REVIEW AND SIGN-OFE 5.1 Review and sign-off for this procedure is satisfied by review and sign-off of the AWO and Attachment 3.
6. REFERENCES 6.1 NNECo Accident Prevention Manual 6.2 Memo MP1-DE-94-2080, "MP1 SRV Insulation Gaps and Damaged Buckles 6.3 GE SIL 196 Supplement 16," Target Rock SRV Insulation Maintenance" 6.4 Administrative Procedures 6.4.1 CC 1, " Control of Chemical Consumable Products" 6.4.2 WC 3, "ASME Section XI Repair and Replacement Program" 6.4.3 WC 8, " Control and Calibration of Measuring and Test Equipment" 6.5 Maintenance Procedures 6.5.1 C MP 715C," Installation of Lockwire and Lockplates" 6.5.2 MP 717.8," Target Rock Safety Relief Valve-Solenoid Changeout (EO) 6.6 Vendor Manual 6.6.1 25202-726-001 A, Target Rock Corp," Safety and Relief Valve Model 7567F Technical Manual 6.7 Other Documents 6.7.1 GE SIL No.196, Rev.1," Target Rock SRV Insulation Maintenance"


OF CHANGES 7.1 Made various editorial and reference changes as a result of the Biennial



!O Level of Use MP 717 7


General 11 of 15 1



7.2 Incorporated System Manager review comments regarding removing the ,

(' - ') topworks w hen the base is hot, maintaining the topworks in a vertical '

position during transport, and using the necessary torque increments and !

torque pattern to eliminate leakage.

7.3 Incorporated GE SIL No.196, Rev.1, " Target Rock SRV Insulation Maintenance," regarding valve body insulation integrity.


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\j1 MP 717.7 l Level of Use '

STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 General 12 of 15 l

Attachment 1

Valve Body Insulation (Sheet 1 of 1)

, O.

l l I 1 l 4

r 1 I I


i No insulation above bonnet a lower flange level _qp 8

i i

! I 1

/ ~ ~ 's Insulation I

g \

[~~~~ l 1 -'s

\--- l l l , . l


d l


/f ,l i ,-

I I i i



D 1

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, r O Level of Use hip 717.7 SW M ,C REWEW Rev.6 General 13 of 15

Attachment 2 Topworks Lift (Sheet 1 of 1)

, LJ , g 1 l 200 lbs l Lift Capacity l

!i l I 1 A 1 A i Air Operator LL ( Assembly Lift vertically until pilot assembly is clear of I hase and studs.

4 g l l

_ Pilot Body I h  !

Gaskets l


\ -

Stud i

( ~

i 4 Base

( e g 'Nm 1

//// w //


MP 717.7 Level of Use STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev.6 Genera 14 of 15 .


Attachment 3 l Inspection Data Record )

l .

(Sheet 1 of 1) j C  !

AWO Local ID l 1

Serial Number and Setpoint of Topworks Removed '

l Serial Number and Setpoint of Topworks Installed Acceptance

Step Inspection Measurement Criteria Performed By Verifier Topworks torque ftelbs 95 to 105 ftalbs Torque wrench serial No. Calibration due date i Lockwire OSAT 4.2.9 mounting bolts O UNSAT Lockwire installed l Comments l

1 l

l Worked Performed By Date l

Data Reviewed By Date Maintenance Supervisor I

O MP 717.7 l

Level of Use  ;

OP M ACT REWEW Rew 6 General ]

15 of 15 l

l t i
