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Forwards C Reed Re Schedule for Fuel Loading Dates & Notice of Appearance.W/O Notice of Appearance. Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1984
From: Gallo J
To: Callihan A, Cole R, Mark Miller
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8403160011
Download: ML20087E072 (3)








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i L PLAZA WiLUAM G. BEALE. 1885 1923 CHPCAGO. ILLINOIS 60602 TELEPHONE 3t2 '581500 0FF:20FSECi((?

March 13, 1984 CCCn:.itt.3 a 3cg BRANCH Marshall E. Miller, Esq., Chairman Dr. A. Dixon Callihan Administrative Law Judge Administrative Law Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Union Carbide Corporation U.

S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.


Box Y Washington, D.C.

20555 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Dr. Richard F. Cole Administrative Law Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.

S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Gentlemen:

In accordance with the Commission's disclosure requirements, I am enclosing a February 28, 1984 letter from Mr.

Cordell Reed, Vice President, Commonwealth Edison Company to NRC's Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Mr. Harold R.


As stated in the letter, the fuel loading dates for Braidwood Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 are presently scheduled for August, 1985 and August, 1986 respectively.

I am also enclosing my Notice of Appearance in this case.

A Notice of Appearance from my colleague, Ms. JoAnne G.

Blocm, will be filed shortly.

Since the schedule set forth in the August 23, 1979 Stipulation among the parties is largely obsolete, counsel for Commonwealth Edison is seeking to schedule a meeting of the parties next week to discuss a revised schedule and the status of contentions.

The Board will be advised promptly of the results of this endeavor.

l Sincerely, b.

oseph Gallo fA160011 313 One of the Attorneys for.

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Commonwealth Edison Company O

JG:sv j

Enclosures cc:

Service List Dsos

,e C:mm:nw;;lth Edis:n

  1. / 1 One Erst Nat,ona' Praia Cn.cago minois Address Reply to Post Othee Box 767 Chicago. Ilhnois 60690 February 28, 1984 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Byron Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Braidwood Generating Station Units 1 and 2 Fuel Load Date NRC Docket Nos. 50-454, 50-455, 50-456, and 50-457

Dear Mr. Denton:

fuel loading of the Byron and Bra'idwood units.This is to inform you of cha Because of the recent long as possible within the final construction ano startup seq fuel load dates for the other units have been revised in a recent The of construction schedules and budgets.

review Prior to the ASLB's January 13 1984 Decision, Commonwealth Edison was devoting considerable resourc,es towards completing construc-tion and testing of Byron 1 in time to load fuel on Febr'uary 15, To us, it appeared that this was an achievable fuel load date.


have required NRC agreement regarding deferral of certain preoperational It would tests beyond fuel load.

Station, we were reasonably sure this agreement could be obtained, B NRC concurrence was not reached prior to issuance of the ASLB Initial but Decision.

As a result of the ASLB's Deci-m, e Byron 1 fuel load will be postponed as long as possible within s,4

,al construction and startup sequence.

This can be done, fo; exanvie ay completing all prooperational tests before initial, fuel loading and conducting further 3

interrupted for minor repairs to various plant systems. hot operatio Current schcoules indicate that the plant can be ready on this basis by April 20, l

1984 and we are focusing our resources upon meeting that date.

of course, the porribility that unforeseen circumstances will srevent usThere is, from meeting this goal.

In any event, 1 cill be fully reedy to loadsfuel no,later than July 1, seems highly likely that B L

issuance of an operating license beyond Delay in July 1, 1984 will almost cortainly have an adverse effect upo,n the startup of the unit.

1984 therefore represents our best estimate of the end of the periodJuly 1,

'g available for appellate review and, if necessary, further evidentiary h3arings before significant costs due to licensing delays will begin to accrue.

Those costs total approximately $38 million per month.




  • r H. R.

Deaton February 28, 1984 As you may know, for financial planning and reporting purposes, we have assumed that Byron 1 will load fuel on September 1, 1984.

This estimate provides.for possible licensing delays and is not dictated by when the plant should be physically ready to load fuel.

As noted earlier, Commonwealth Edison's resources are being focused on making Byron 1 completely ready for fuel load well in advance of July 1, 1984.

We hope that the NRC Staff can support us in meeting an earlier date but we understand that there are competing demands upon staff resources.

In light of Byron l's circumstances it is requested that NRC Staff resources be allocated to support fuel load promptly after resolutio.n of the pending license appeal.

There is some uncertainty concerning when that might be, but we believe that resources should be al?ocated on a basis consistent with the shortest reasonable schedule.

In a recent budget review, the commercial service dates for Byron 2 and Braidwood 1 ano 2 have also been revised.

The fuel load and commercial service dates for Byron 2 have been postponed five months.

Fuel loading of Byron 2 is now expected to occur in October, 1985.

The Braidwood 1 and 2 commercial service dates have been postponed six months.

We hope however, to keep a tighter schedule than that and to be ready to load fuel only four months later than previously announced.

That would allow fuel loading in August 1985 and August 1986 for Braidwood 1 and 2, respectively.

We are working towards those dates and request that, if possible, the Staff also do so.

2 I will continue to keep you advised of changes in our schedules for these i. nits.

Please direct questions to this office.

Very truly yours, 4

Q 0 :,

Cordell Reed Vice-President.

Im cc:


G. Keppler - Region III ll 8147N

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