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Contends That Intervenors Govt Accountability Project,Lone Tree Council,B Stamaris & M Sinclair Do Not Represent Midland County Community,As Intervenors Claim
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 04/30/1984
From: Chatterton R
To: Dircks W
OL, OM, NUDOCS 8405150462
Download: ML20084M638 (2)





' cys :Dircks Roe Rehm EMEMNDM geppj er EW GCunningham "L%YX) ECONOMIC - ' WY

' k W A Eem aKI)w;I20se i;#/? D hket Files 50-329, 330 E E Y E EKI]N'ill'MR[1)OE .

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April 30, ~1984 - 7w - i 4- ' ' -

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Mr. William J. Dirck. .E 2

' 22 f j, N; c,/[d.R. . -

og, Nuclear Regulatory Comission ,ll,'[, ,, ,.,_ . .. ., -

7735 Old Georgetown ~ Road ~Wr E

" ^Ww - '. .

Washington, D.C. 20555 ff. ~, ,~' gyhghy]g7og


Dear Mr. Dirck:

On April 27, 1984 there was a meeting held between Consumers Power Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Comission. Also in Attendance, as indicated in the paper, were persons specifically representing GAP, Lone Tree Council.

Barbara Stemaris, and Mary Sinclair, all of whom oppose the Nuclear Power Plant Project. Further this group alleges to be " representing the comunity" while in fact they represent very few in the community.

Was the meeting held on April 27, 1984 open to the public? Or, in other words, could we have had representatives attend this meeting who would have truly represented the majority of the people in the comunity? If there are future meetings of this nature may we have a representative attend?

The groups I mentioned above are self-appointed or appointed by a very small group, and for the most part are not from the comunity that they allegedly represent. They should not be in any way considered as represntatives or spokepersons for the Midland County comunity, for they DO NOT.

Their concerns on safety has already been addressed and their statements on economics are short ranged, inaccurate and in some cases absurd. ,

The County of Midland, the State of Michighn,$ fact, the bnited States .

cannot afford to allow a small but vocal group to continue to interfere with the well being of their great Country.

Sincerely, '


j[ ..


RBC/sm -

300 Rodd Street Midland," Michigan 48640 ' ~ ~ Phone 517/839 0340 0405150462 040430 PDR ADOCK 05000329 H PDR



fire erunguisher. A tnern New Procuct t.warc in the medium comoarty category was presented t) sarm, Inc for its 7a00 Pulsa23 84000~ ' serve C0n0

  • Pump. These awarOS were- presented O, urtng the NSPE winter adeettrts. January 15 21,,1984.,in san Francisco s . .; . De resDot -

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  • Thle foll0 Wing art /de /$ excerpt'ed from seVeral sources. ' small handful of scientists whd have been trYing to Electrong f a,nd proVt0es supporttnQ Views for the arUCle in tnis issut . frignttn tnt DuDilC aDout the cangers of radl2 Don.
  • OY

. of the PEI Industry forum,'."$5fety and tne Energy in , "J00malists frequently make implicit judgments on 4 Contr'a i

duitT1eS*#. sdendflC issues," he said, "treadng them ilke DollUcal or . MemD

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50Clal issues On wnlen everyone is entlued to an ODinion. PEER shou fr. ' Twenty fiv'e" countries now Drdd'uce nuclear generated They do not recognize that a scenufic Consensus is based

  • IngJrporm

'elsctridty. Ten more plan to do so by the end of.the ' on vast amounts of cata, technioues and expenence. and .r < e .+. .

  • l* oec20s,The interna 00nal growth of this energy source is n0rmany agreed UDon by Over 90 percent of those . %r.. .N W raises Quesdons about wnat. If anytning, America stands
  • Dossessing these. The public wants and is entlDed to be  ; p tv- -

to lose if it faits nudear energy development.

Inf ormed of tne sClentific consensusi DUt Instead it gets  :? g

. ., , America helDed Dioneer the technology of the wond's' tne ODlnlons Of journallSts."--Miroedy.a's.rL.* w

  • U g inudear plants. Nudear generated e6ectricity in the U.S . "Are the esumated dangers Of'r10!adon larger now . %..

. j grew to a record 283 billion idl0 Watt hours last year #. tnan they were 10 years ago ? The scient!flC consensus ts a . - .;

dose' to 13 Dercent of the n300n's total electrlCity Dr0- -

resounding 'no'. but the medla have IDl4 the DUDllC that ' ,$.

l duction. Ughty four Diants are.novit Ilcensed to operate' , ,lt is 'Yes', Note that this is a str1Ctfy sderlufic Question, . . , .


, t . across the Country, and 56 more are betrig built. In terms ' witn,no.r00ngfor political considerations,",conen said.. t* ^..-

. of total nudear electric generatin0 capacity, Amer 1Ca re * ' . In conddsson/ Cohen said that these jour.. *. ' g-


.) mains number one.e, * .; C p C W'8 M 'N a **

  • nalism are costing our nation thousands of unnecessary .s .%...W.T

'..'i But since 1978, America has undergone a time of na - deatns and wasting billions. of. Collars every year. *e di k ! .*

4 donal nesltadon. For flVe years now, no new nudear Moreover, tney nave QuadruDied the inflatlerKorrected . -- '


t. Dower Diants nave been Ordered in the U.S. During tnis cost of new electr1C Dower in the U.S. making it twice as '., Wnat do

' ~ same Derlod, there have been Orders for at least 20 such exoensive as in Europe or Japan. "We can only Surmisc , a use for? {

plants in other Darts of the wond. even with the global what economic HAVOC tnis will wreak in the next few . Ing to get

' economic slumD. France, the Soviet Union, and JaDan are decades," he added. ."'f Ic s NSPEIPEIJ

' among tne many Countries Committed to nuclear eleC*

, Will we have to play a Costly game of CatenUD in the Cessful In

  1. tncity as an economic, secure attemative to oil fired and comDeutlen ahead? America runs the rtsE of doing just. committe f Coalfired Dower, as reDorted by tne U.S. Committee for tnat -If tney ignore tne growing International fellance ConGCt tf1

" Energy Awareness. ~~ %"C/ M *' 'T' - #~ on nudear energy, and the reason behind tne growtn. .. dinate the

'* ' The national nes!tation that Dresency exists 15 due ac- The National Academy of Sciences has stated tnat coal Theidea

,. cordlng to,Bemard L Cohen. Dr0fessor of DnYsics at the and nudear Dower are the Only economlC attemauven .. Board of C University of Pittsburgh and author of 9efore It's Tpo for large. scale application in the remainder of this cen. ' .and attrac)

,LJft: A $dencst's. Case for Nudear EnerW. to an tury. Nudear ger,erated electndty is a secure, deDend. ;being forj aDie," economic energy sourtt, for militons of DeoDie in

. . Amartcan DVDilC which,has been badry misinformed.


.r "As a consecuence of tnis misinformation," Cohen. many Countries. And tney plan to use more of it in tne ment < -

states,"We are sDending hundreds of mill 60ns of dollars ' years to come. . * * .,

. . . , The clea

!e! Der life savea by Drotecung DeoDie from radiation, wrnie *

  • The accident at Three Mlle island DromDted reforms in . lege comr1 we are disdaining to sDend one thousandtn of tnat safety nuclear regulauon, ano Diant ooerations. Sesides .' not afford M amount to Drotect DeoDie from disease, automobile aC- plant safety, anotner big Contem has been nuclear but in ma ddents and other common dangers." - waste. An ImDortant steD toward solving the waste Drob. have acce
it has been found that more than 80 Dercent of tne lem is the Nudear Waste Policy Act of 1982 whicn directs , Vantages a Dublic believes tnat nudear Dower is more dangerous the Federal govemment to begin the Drocess leading to . The cod tnan its DrinctDal comDetitor, coal burning, wnlen is the Dermanent disDosal of higfHevel nuclear waste, in before tni tyDica!!y estimated to idfl 10.000 Americans each year deep geologic formations that have been staole for cnalrman with its air Dollutton - some studies estimate 50,000. millions of years. These Dermanent reDositories will be Dut from i Cohen finds this a tragic situadon, unnecessarily killing almost twlte as deed as the Empire State Building is high, tion, con 1 thousands of peoDie and wasting blillons of dollars every The geologic disposal method has been judged the safest Seckley. V year and is pnmartly brought about due to overtoverage by many govemments and scientific bodies. They agree
  • ,.q,,.

by the American Dublic's source of nuclear informadon tnat reDositories deep underground can isolate me

-- the medla telectronic, Drtnt and joumalistnit waste Dermanency. . . . s. t , ? . ? - .  %. N2

' 4 More tnan 100 accioents involving transport of radioac. '- w' Japan now oDerates 25 nuclear units, and aspects to e ;.'2ive

. material tne Dast few decades, but have received the rad!adon f[,them combined has less than a one percent cnance nadonal exposure in all of

  • media coverage in. ' ' double its nudear capacity are busy designing of the, edge thelt owrl advanced reactors, and.p. .ug-thus gaining in nudear energy tecnnology, Y :

. causing even a single deattt'There was tremendous '

This country has a lot more oltnatural gas, and coal ,

e coverage of tne Tnroe Mile taland (Two accident althouen ' tnan eltner France or Japan, put oil suDpties are uncer. .

, cl Investigacons have concluded tnat there was never taln. Natural gas is more valuable for otner uses than for",',#,,CW7O 1 any signincant danger to.the Dublic.-- tne media sell bumipg in Dower Diants. And coal, tnough essentsal...-e As Dart t haven't transmitted tnat message and condnue to imply can't be expected to do the job'. An many countries * *during trH

v. tnac.TMLwarsa near miss off disaster l.*,,rd '.. ../ .. tnroughout tne worid, nudear Dower is now suDDfying a ; .* of July 9, l

' 6 Anotner joumalistse falling, according to Cohen, is in suestantial snare of tne electricity that peoDie consume. vemon, .

not trying to neID tne public understand the dangers of 8y 1985, over hatt of France's electncity will be nudear.f '*of Mondu radiation.."The best way to do tnts, always used by scien. .

generated. The cost of Droducing a nudear kilowatt hour Busses csts in trying to entienten the Dublic," he said, "Is to com- In France is 25 Dercent cheaper tnan with coat and 55 Der. ADO D.m ,

pare tne raciauen being reported with the mucn higher cent cheaDer tnan witn oII. it takes only six years or so to non at 5:

radiation doses we all receive trom natural sources of get a nuclear Dia it bulit there united 10ngdom, and cruise in -

. medicar X.rsys." Tne radiacon due to a.1 accioent in a West Cermany all generate a greater share of their elec. . deDart tnd Rochester, New York nuclear Diant last year was a leading tncity from nuclear Dower Diants than tne U.S. .

ner and d national news story for two days, but witn all tnat Tne view of a scienust and tne U.S. Commtttee for retum trt

, coverage the Dublic never was told tnat no one got as Energy Awareness raise the oue: tion, due to misinforma., Cnannel o mucn raatation as he gets every day from natural sources. con and nationat nesitation: "wnat does America stand about 9-0(

.. v Cohen teHeves that Journalism I,s consutung only a, to lose lf it f alls. behind in nuclear energy't . .'.. . trto .*back I
