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Forwards Changes to QA Program Description,Re Organizational Structure Per 830110 Notice of Final Rulemaking.Program Description Will Be Incorporated Into FSAR Chapter 17 by Future FSAR Amend
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 06/13/1983
From: Bouchey G
To: Martin J
GO3-83-472, NUDOCS 8306230373
Download: ML20072D691 (42)



,~ :p Washington Public Power Supply System ,

Box 1223 Elma, Washington 98541 (206)482-4428 '

Docket No. 50 - 508 June 13, 1983 G03-83-472 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region V Attention: Mr. J. B. Martin, Regional Administrator Office of Inspection and Enforcement 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 260 Walnut Creek, California 94596-5368


NUCLEAR PROJECT 3 CHANGES TO THE QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Pursuant to the direction contained in the Notice of Final Rule-making concerning Reporting of Changes to the Quality Assurance Program, published Monday, January 10, 1983 in the Federal Register, the Washington Public Power Supply System hereby submits the WNP-3 Quality Assurance program description. This program description was originally submitted as part of the WNP-3 Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Deviation #26-WP, and was subsequently approved by letter dated October 30, 1981.

The changes being contemplated relate primarily to the description of the Supply System's organizational structure although other minor changes and clarifications have been made. These changes will not reduce any Supply System commitments. This program description will

be incorporated into Chapter 17 of the WNP-3 FSAR in a future Amend-ment.

The Ebasco Quality Assurance Program is fundamentally the same as the Ebasco Corporate Quality Assurance Program which is contained in ETR-1001, "Ebasco Quality Assurance Program Manual". The Nuclear Regu-latory Commission initially approved Ebasco Report ETR-1001, Revision 0, March 14, 1975 as a Topical Quality Assurance Program on May 12, 1975.

Subsequent corporate modifications to ETR-1001 are included in the project unique version on a regular basis following review and approval of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, e.g., Revision 11 to ETR-1001 was accepted on May 17, 1983.

8306230373 830613 PDR ADOCK 05000500 '


\ ,l 38-o\

Mr. J. B. Martin Page 2 CHANGES TO THE QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION June 13, 1983 Due to specific site and project requirements, departures from Ebasco's Corporate Quality Assurance Program as established in ETR-1001 are necessary. These modifications are considered superficial in nature and are included in the manual only as clarification for specific site needs, e.g., project unique titles. Such changes to ETR-1001 are controlled in accordance with Company Procedure Number Seven. Ebasco considers that these changes do not downgrade the established require-ments of the Ebasco Corporate Quality Assurance Program as applied for the WNP-3 Projects. Each page of the project unique ETR-1001 which is modified for the WNP-3 project is clearly identified as modified for the project. No reduction in Supply System commitments has been made in this revision.

Combustion Engineering Incorporated, the NSSS vendor, is not consid-ering any revision to its Topical Report designated CENPD-210A, Revision 3, approved by letter dated November 16, 1977.

Should you have any further questions or desire futher clarification, the Supply System point of contact for this matter is Mr. K. W. Cook, Licensing Project Manager (206/482-4428, ext. #5436).

Very truly yours, G. D. Bouchey, Manager Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs cc: D. J. Chin - Ebasco NY0 J. A. Adams - NESCO*

i D. Smithpeter - BPA

! A. Vietti - NRC Ebasco - Elma WNP-3 Files - Richland NRC Resident Inspector A. A. Tuzes - CE l N. S. Reynolds - D & L G. W. Knighton - NRC l




) ss CHANGES TO THE QUALITY COUNTY OF GRAYS HARBOR) ASSURANCE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION I, K. W. COOK, being duly sworn, subscribe to and say that I am the WNP-3 Licensing Project Manager for the WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM, the applicant herein; that I have full authority to execute this oath; that I have reviewed the foregoing; and that to the best of my knowledge, information and beli'f the statements made in it are true.

DATED 96 ,_,_ /3 , 1983.


K. W. Cook, WNP-3 Licensing Project Manager On this day personally appeared before me K. W. COOK to me known to be the individual who executed the foregoing instrument and Ecknow-ledged that he signed the same as his free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.

GIVEN under my hand and seal this l3D day of u.n b ,1983.

0. uk Notary Public in>and for the _

State of Washington Residing at b

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e s' WNP-3 FSAR i


Washington Public Power Supply System shall implement an overall Quality Assurance Program (QA Program) for the design, procurement, construction and operation of Supply System's Nuclear Project No. 3 (WNP-3) in accordance with the requirements

-of Appendix "B" of.10CFR50. As the applicant, the Supply System is responsible for the plant and will take appropriate actions to assure that it is designed, pro-cured, constructed and operated in~accordance with sound engineering principles and practices. Systems, components and structures that are safety-related, in the con-

' text of^10CFR20, 10CFR50 and 10CFR100, will be designed, specified, fabricated, in-stalled, tested and operated in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, 7

codes, standards specifications and procedures. The objective of the Supply System is to implement a QA Program that is responsive to the requirements of NRC Regula-l' tions,10CFR50, Appendix "B", " Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants" by assuring that quality-related efforts are performed in a controlled manner and -

are documented to provide objective evidence of compliance.


This Section describes the organizational relationships within the Supply System and assigns the authorities and responsibilities for the administration and imple-mentation of the Quality Assurance Program. Assigned authorities and responsibil-ities demonstrate the organizational freedom of Quality Assurance. This organiza-tional freedom is accomplished through Corporate and Project structures which pro- '.

vide independence from Supply System organizations responsible for " construction".

At the Corporate Level, the Director and staff of Licensing and Assu'rance, and at, the Project (jobsite) Level, the Project QA Manager and staff, are completely free ( 1 from responsibility of cost and scheduling during " construction". The' Director, ;

i Licensing and Assurance and the Project QA Manager have the freedom and authority ,

~to identify quali.ty related problems, initiate corrective actions (including stop L work)'and recommend or provide solutions and to verify the implementation of cor-rective actions.

Each nuclear power plant Project is administered by a Project Program Director.

4 The Program Director is directly accountable to the. Director of Operations and is hletion of construction of the.

i responsible projects.- Thefor Programthe safe, Directorsuccessful accomplishesand timely theco?

Pro ject responsibilities by man- 1 aging and directing the Engineering Organization-(the AE), which is performing de-

~s ign; the Construction Management Organization, which manages the installatien sub-contractors on the project; and Project 3 Supply System. personnel. The Engineering Organization (the AE) and she Construction Management' Organization may be a dif,-

ferent or the same entity. N. -


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'i WNP-3 FSAR Page 2



The organizations of the Supply System and Su'pply System Quality ~ Assurance are pre-

.sented in Figures 17.1-1 and 17.1-2 and 17.1-3. The functional responsibilities for the implementation of the Supply System Quality Assurance Program are assigned as follows: CORPORATE

.1 The Managing Director of the Supply System has the ultimate responsibility for the Quality Assurance. Program. The Managing Director shall assure that the program is implemented'and maintained by assigning the appropriate authority and responsibility to the Director of Licensing and Assurance.

.2 The Deputy Managing Director has delegated authority to implement policies of.

the Managing Director. The Deputy Managing Director is accountable to the Managing Director and is responsible for:

a) coordinating and integrating the activities of Supply System organizations I \ b) Supporting and" advising the Managing Director on the performance of

' Supply System functions and evaluations of such.

acting for thei Managing Director, as required.

N c)

.3 The Direct'or of. Operations reports and is accountable to the Managing Director for development ~and implementation of policies and programs supporting the design, construction and operational phase. .

.c The Director of Operations carries out his responsiblities through the Direc-tor of Power Genecation; the Director of Technology; and the Program Directors.

.3.1 The Director of Power Generation reports to the-Director of Operations and is responsible for ensuring that the calibration'of measuring and test equipment is performed in accordance with approved procedures which establish calibration frequencies, procedJres used, recall methods, identification' requirements, tolerances and records required to estab-lish equipment history and calibration data.

- .3.2 The Director, Technology reports to the Director of Operations and is responsible for:


,. 5 ,

[a) Providing technical and engineering support to the Project.

KP b) I Assisting the Project Engineering organization in providing tech-H -$ i nical direction to the Architect Engineer.


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c) Assisting the Project in performing technical overview of Supply System activities.


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- i WNP-3 FSAR .f Page 3 '



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  1. CORPORATE (Cont'd) d) ASME Codeiconsultation to the o roject, including interfacing with ASME.


'/ e) Performing and managing salected technical programs, having appli-cability_ to several Project . including preoperational environ-l mental monitoring and geology.

f) Providing independent technical evclearions when requested by the Director of Operations. j 1  :

g) Overall Supply System records management policy. Implementation of-the policy with regards to functions described in this manual is the responsibility of all Directorates, as applicable.

.4 TheDirectorofSupportServicesreportstotheManwing'Directoffandisre-e sponsible for the development and implementaton'e' palicies and programs which ~

support design, construction and operation of Supply System plants in the '

areas of safety and security. Areas in which the Director of Support Services t

'6'< provides support for th" Projects include industrial safety and fire protec-s tion, technical trainin , administration and security.

L .. ,

.5 TheChiefFinancialffficerreportstotheManagingDirectorandisrespon-

.g /< /

sible for the develo(nent of Corporate material management and procurerrent 1/ policy and the procu ement and control of Corporate multiple project and spe-44 c  ; cialized materials and related services required to support the design and 7 g. j- construction of Supply System nuclear power plants.

(g '

.6' TheDirectr;Lhcensingand-AssurancereportsandisaccountabletotheMan-aging Director for the overall development, implementation and verification of h;7, .s. .the Supply System Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regu latory Programs to ensure! compliance with regulations, codes and standards. These responsi-q '!l, I

'bilitiar include:

f i;e ,

a) interpretation of ASME Code quality assurance requirements and Quclity

' Assurance manual requirements.

n b) Definition, approvai, revision and distribution of Supply System Quality H Assurance manuals to ensure that the manuals adequately describe

)- requirements.


c) \ Approval of all corporate and oject quality affecting implementing procedures and instructions and Project Quality Assurance Instructions.


d) Detarminb:g the adequacy and effectiveness of program implementaticn.

4[ e) Apprising the Managing Director of thcI effectiveness of the Quality >

Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs by periodic re-porting of activities, trends andjproblems, through established correc-tive action systems. ( ,


  1. a f

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t WNP-3 FSAR Page 4 CORPORATE (Cont'd) f) Exercising the authority vested in the Quality Assurance organization to

. cause the acceptance or rejection of materials and components based on conformance verification to engineering requirements and the require-

. ments of the ASME Code.


.g) Ensuring that Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regulatory poli-

, - 3 cies and programs provide Project Quality Assurance and Licensing Man-4 agers the freedom to inform the Director of Licensing and Assurance of

, e significant conditions affecting quality.

, . h) Maintaining cognizance of changing regulatory requirements and providing controlled interface between the Supply System and regulatory agencies so as to assure that commitment documents receive the necessary degree and depth of reviews prior to transmittal.

i) Exercising authority to stop nonconforming work of any Supply System


Contractor or Supplier organization; and notification of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI) of the work stoppage for ASME activities.

j) t 4 Ensuring the adequacy, clarity and appropriateness of Supply System Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regulatory oriented communica-

" tions and comitments directed to Supply System direct contracts and the 4 Authorized Inspection Agency.

k) Ensuring that significant conditions affecting quality or Nuclear Safety g and Regulatory Programs, which are identified by Project Quality Assur- ,

yI y

ance and which are addressed to the Licensing and Assurance Directorate for resolution, are adequately investigated and/or corrected.

1) Providing licensing support functions in such areas as acquisition and maintenance of nuclear power plant construction permits and operating h licenses.



m) Administering Corporate and Project Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety b g and Regulatory Program activities.

  • r i r, i n) .

Establishment and maintenance of adequate and qualified Licensing and A 5' - Assurance staffing (on-site as well as off-site) levels based on work

'W' load analysis.

h j 'i e' The Director of Licensing and Assurance has effective comunication channels with all Supply System senior management positions and has no duties or re-sponsibilities unrelated to quality / safety assurance and licensing. To accom-plish the above defined role, the Director of Licensing and Assurance operates through the Manager of Construction Quality Assurance, the Manager of Audits and the Manager of Nuclear Safety & Regulatory Programs.

The Director of Licensing and Assurance is supported by the following:

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WNP-3 FSAR Page 5 CORPORATE (Cont 'd)

.6.1 The Manager, Construction Quality Assurance reports to the Director, Licensing and Assurance and is responsible for the development and im-plementation of the Quality Assurance program during the Nuclear Power Plant Design and Construction phases. He is also responsible for Pro-curement QA; plant modifications; qualification and certification of Supply System nondestructive examination and inspection personnel and other personnel requiring certification; surveillance of nondestructive examination and inspection activities; and has the lead role for acquir-ing and maintaining ASME Certificates of Authorization. Included in his responsibilities are:

a) Ensuring that ASME Code requirements are properly interpreted and included in the Quality Assurance program requirements, b) Interfacing with the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI), Authorized Inspection Agency and the Enforcement Authority, c) Ensuring that a written agreement with an Authorized Inspection Agency is obtained to provide for ANI Services; and that the ANI is provided free access.

d) Ensuring that all nondestructive examination personnel involved in examination activities are certified in accordance with ASNT and/or the ASME Code.

e) Acquisition and maintenance of ASME Certificates of Authorization and/or Owners Certificates.

f) Ensuring the appropriate certification of Supply System personnel who perform quality affecting activities.

I g) Developing and maintaining the Supply System ASME Quality Assurance Program Manual.

h) Reviewing and approving Project Quality Assurance Instructions.

1) Reviewingandconcurringwithoff-sitedesigndocuments(suchas drawings and specifications) to assure conformance to the QA Pro-gram requirements.

j) Reviewing proposed changes to the Quality Assurance Program, de-fined in SAR documents, for Director of Licensing and Assurance approval.

k) Providing technical services to other Licensing and Assurance departments as requested.

1) Providing Initial Quality Assurance Indoctrination and Training for Supply System personnel.

WNP-3 FSAR l- Page 6

' CORPORATE (Cont 'd) m) Quality Assurance functions associated with plant modifications ,

that are comparable to activities occuring during the initial con-

struction phase.

n) Vendor qualification, review and concurrence with vendor furnished programs and procedures, source verification (e.g., surveillances, inspections and audits at Vendor's Facilities) and receiving in-

.spection of vendor furnished items received at the Corporate warehouses.

.6.2. The Manager of Audits reports to the Director, Licensing and Assurance, 1

and is responsible for maintaining an organization of qualified auditors responsible for verifying implementation of the Quality Assurance Pro-gram as follows:

a) Performing quality assurance audits of internal Supply System orga-

nizations and external organizations (e.g., AE/CM); except for Man- i agement Audits.

j b) Developing audit schedules and selecting qualified personnel to

perform the activities of this function.

c) Certification of Audit Team Leaders. l d) Training of audit personnel.

e) Participating in audits and providing overview of AE activities.

-f) Periodic review of Corporate and Project audit reports to identify

any quality trends which may constitute a need for corrective -

l action.

g) Maintenance of audit records.

.6.3 .The Manager of Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Program reports to the i Director, Licensing and Assurance, and is responsible for the develop-

. ment and implementation of policies'and programs which support design, construction and operation of Supply System plants in the areas of Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs. Areas in which the Manager of 4

Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs provides support for the Projects include nuclear safety assurance, environmental compliance and licensing. The Manager, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs is re-sponsible for establishment and maintenance of Supply System / regulatory interfaces and assuring that nuclear licensing transmittals receive an adequate, competent and timely review prior to making comitments.


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WNP-3 FSAR t Page 7-i 17.l'.l.2 WNP-3 SITE

.1 The WNP-3 Program responsible and accountable to the Director of Operations for the safe, successful and timely completion of the project.

This role is accomplished through the management and direction of the Archi-2 tect Engineer and Construction Management organization and Supply-System personnel.

Organizations performing quality related activities which report to the Pro-gram Director include Project Engineering, Project Management and Completion


.2 The objective of Project Management is to provide support to the Program Director by directing overall engineering, project management and construction

' activities through the Business Manager, the Engineering Manager and the Con-struction Manager. .

.2.1 Project Management will provide the following functions:

a) Review and approve equipment and construction specifications and changes thereto, to assure that the contractual requirements delin-eated in the bidding documents and the general and special condi-tions sections provide the requirements necessary to administer the

- contract effectively.

I b) Administer the Ebasco contract to assure that activities affecting quality are performed in accordance with the requirements specified in the procurement documents, and when nonconformances are identi-

fled, approved corrective action is implemented in a timely and effective manner. ,

c) Be responsible for quality of the work, implementation of sched-ules, cost control techniques, policies and objectives of the Supply System.

I .2.2 -Project Engineering shall be responsible for performing the following:

! a) Review and approve,prepurchased equipment and construction specifi-cations and changes thereto to assure that the Supply System, regu-i latory, code and standard requirements are included and are tech-

,- nically adequate.

b) As members of the Nonconformance Review Board, approve and/or i determine the disposition of nonconforming items, material or conditions found during site activities.



c) Provide personnel to the Supply System Project Quality Assurance >

Group to assist in vendor surveillance activities and to perform surveillance and audits of site contractors and AE/CM Home Office j activities.

d) Provide technical information and/or direction for accomplishment of QA/QC functions when requested by the Project QA Manager.

WNP-3 FSAR Page 8 WNP-3 SITE (Cont 'd)

.2.3 Completion Management is accountable to the Program Director for Records Management activities and for the Test and Startup Program until fuel load. These responsibilities include:

a) Directing and coordinating the Test and Startup activities (until fuel load) performed by the AE/CM, NSSS Supplier, Vendor, Contrac-tor, and Supply System organizations.

b) Interfacing with Licensing to obtain all the necessary licenses and permits for Test and Startup.

c) Directing and coordinating the Record Management activities.

.2.4 The Project Quality Assurance Manager reports to the Manager of Con-struction Quality Assurance and is responsible for verifying implemen-tation of the Supply System's Quality Assurance Program of the WNP-3 Project. The Project Quality Assurance Manager provides assistance to the Program Director to integrate Quality Assurance with other Project organizations' activities.

The minimum qualification requirements for the Project Quality Assur-ance Manager include a BS degree in engineering or a related field and ten (10) years experience in nuclear Quality Assurance or technically related activities. Directly related experience may be substituted for academic requirements where the candidates record of performance clearly demonstrates an ability to fill the position without question.

The Project Quality Assurance Manager is independent from the Supply System organizations responsible for engineering, procurement and construction.

The Project Quality Assurance Manager has the freedom and authority to identify quality problems, initiate, recommend or provide corrective actions, verify the implementation of the corrective action and control further processing, delivery or installation of a nonconforming item, or a deficiency or unsatisfactory condition until proper disposition has been made, including stopping work for quality reasons.

The Project Quality Assurance Manager shall be responsible for:

a) verification of the implementation of the Design and Construction Quality Assurance Requirements Manual b) Stop Work Authority c). identification and reporting of nonconformances

WNP-3 FSAR-Page 9 WNP-3 SITE (Cont'd) d) verification by audits and surveillances that the AE, CM, selected contractor and other project organizations are implementing appli-cable quality requirements e) assuring that adequate staffing is obtained to implement QA actions at the project f) the assignment of adequately trained and qualified / certified per-sonnel to perform quality verification activities g) overview AE/CM approval of contractor's procedures and instructions h) reporting to the Program Director and Director, Licensing and Assurance, significant conditions adverse to quality

1) reporting QA problems and trends to the Manager of Construction Quality Assurance for use in developing standards for Licensing and Assurance management systems to preclude repetition of QA problems. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The Supply System maintains ultimate responsibility for the Quality Assurance Pro-gram and has delegated certain Quality Assurance functions to the following major organizations.

a) Ebasco Services, Incorporated (Ebasco)

Architect-Engineering, Construction Management and Quality Assurance Services Ebasco has been contracted to provide the Architect-Engineering, Construction Management and Quality Assurance activities for WNP-3. As AE and Construction Manager, Ebasco is responsible for generation and administration of specifica-tions for procurement of prepurchased equipment and construction activities.

These contract specifications are sent to the Supply System for review and

approval prior to award of contracts. The Ebasco QA responsibility includes Home Office QA and vendor surveillance. (See Section 17.1.2).

Ebasco is responsible for conducting formalized Quality Assurance Audits of I contractors and manufacturers.

i b) Combustion Engineering, Incorporated (CE)

Nuclear Steam Supply System Supplier CE has been contracted to provide the Nuclear Steam Supply System which in-l cludes the responsibility of QA/QC activities within their scope of supply.

1 (See Section 17.1.3).

c) Figure 17.1-2 illustrates the relationship between the Supply System, Ebasco, CE and other contractors.

i l


O F WNP-3 FSAR Page 10 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM The Supply System's Program is based upon and provides for the assignment of Quality Classifications to structures, components and systems as identified in Table 3.2-1 of this FSAR. Structures, components and systems are classified as Quality Class I, II-Augmented, II and G in accordance with their design basis and functional or regulatory requirements. The Supply System Quality Assurance classi-fications are as follows:

Quality Class I Any Safety Related structure, system, subassembly, component or design character-istic for which the requirements of Appendix B, 10CFR50 are applied.

The Supply System has, and may elect to designate a non-safety related structure, system, subassembly, component or design characteristic Quality Class I.

Quality Class II-Augmented (IIA)

Those non-safety related structures, systems, subassemblies, components or design characteristics which are required to meet applicable commerical standards and for which additional QA requirements are stipulated to ensure that all design, con-struction, and testing provisions are met and dccumented. The additional QA re-quirements are delineated in the applicable FSAR sections.

Quality Class II Any non-safety related structure, system, subassembly, component or design charac-teristic which, as a result of being defective, could cause a safety hazard to plant personnel, an extended reduction in unit output, an unscheduled unit trip, or equipment damage. Quality Class II items / services are required to meet applicable commerical standards.

Quality Class G l

Any non-safety related system, structure, subassembly, component or design charac-teristic required to meet applicable comerical standards.

l Safety-related - Those structures, systems, subassemblies, components, or design l

characteristics which are necessary to assure the following:

(1) The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary, (2) The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, or 1

(3) The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to the guideline l

exposures of 10CFR100.

l l


Structures, systems, and components which are designated ANS Safety Class I, 2 or 3 and electrical Class IE are safety-related.

The Supply System's Design and Construction Quality Assurance Requirements Manual contains the written policios and Quality Assurance requirements (QAP.'s) on which the WNP-3 Site Quality Assurance Program is based. These requirements are derived from and conform to the requirements of~ ANSI N45.2 and 10CFR50, Appendix B. A matrix of the Supply System QA requirements and corresponding criteria from 10CFR50, Appendix B appears in the table below followed by a description of the scope covered by these procedures.

Supply 10CFR50, Appendix B Criteria System QAR i I Organization QAR-1 II Quality Assurance QAR-2 III Design Control QAR-3 IV Procurement Document Control QAR-4 i

V Instructions, Procedures and Drawings QAR-5 VI Document Control QAR-6

_VII . Control of Purchased Material, Items QAR-7 and Services l VIII Identification and Control of Material, QAR-8 Parts and Components IX Control of Special Processes QAR-9 X Inspection QAR-10

.XI Test Control QAR-ll XII Control of Measuring and Test Equipment QAR-12 XIII Handling, Storage, Shipping and Preservation QAR-13 XIV Inspection, Test and Operating Status QAR-14 XV Nonconforming Materials and Items QAR-15 XVI Corrective Action QAR-16


Supply 10CFR50, Appendix B Criteria System QAR XVII Quality Assurance Records QAR-17 XVIII Audits QAR-18 a) Organization, QAR-1 Establishes an organizational structure that will direct the re-sources of the Supply System and its contractors to engineer, de-sign, procure. fabricate, manufacture, install, construct and test the Supply System Nuclear Project to maximize safety, reliability and efficiency, b) Quality Assurance Program, QAR-2 Defines the Quality Assurance Program established by the Supply System for design and construction. Included in this program is a system for classifying structures, systems, components,-design characteristics and procurement documents to determine the Quality Assurance activities associated with each item.

c) Design Control, QAR-3 Establishes a system of independent reviews to assure applicable quality, regulatory, code and design basis requirements are pro-perly translated into design and procurement documents for each structure, system and component. The documented review provides a check for design adequacy, inspectability and compatibility with l

intended usage.

! d) Procurement Document Control, QAR-4 l

Establishes a system to assure that procurement documents and changes thereto incorporate the technical and quality assurance requirements necessary to assure the quality and integrity of pro-cured material, equipment and services.

e) Instructions -Procedures and Drawings, QAR-5 Establishes a system defining the requirements and responsibilities controlling the preparation, review, approval and release of in-structions, procedures and drawings which implement quality requirements.

f) Document Control, QAR-6

l. Establishes a system to control the issuance of documents, includ-ing changes thereto, which prescribe activities affecting quality.

WNP-3 FSAR Page 13 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (Cont 'd) g) Control of Purchased Material, Items and Services, QAR-7 Establishes a system to assure material, equipment and services are procured in accordance with the requirements specified in the pro-curement documents.

h) Identification and Control of Materials, Parts and Components, QAR-8 Establishes a system for the identification and control of mate-rial, parts, components, equipment and partially completed assem-blies to assure that items incorporated into the plant are of pro-per configuration and, when necessary, traceable to all supporting quality assurance documentation.

1) Control of Special Process, QAR-9 Establishes a system for the control of special processes.

j) Inspection, 0AR-10 Establishes a system which assures the program requirements for in-spection are delineated in the specifications and contracts and assures that inspection and surveillance activities are performed in accordance with pre-determined requirements delineated in writ-ten instructions in a planned and systematic manner, k) Test Control, OAR-11 Establishes a system to assure that plant testing activities are performed in accordance with pre-determined requirements approved and delineated in written instructions.

1) Control of Measuring and Test Equipment, 0AR-12 Establishes a system for the control, calibration and adjustment of tools, gauges, instruments and other inspection, measuring, testing

' and maintenance devices at specified periods to assure the usage of

! proper type, range and accuracy necessary to verify conformance to established requirements.

m) Handling, Storage, Shipping and Preservation, QAR-13 Establishes a system to control the handling, storage, shipping, i cleaning and preservation of material, parts, components and equip-ment in accordance with written and approved procedures, instruc-tions and recommendations, to assure that the design integrity and function of the item are maintained.

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WNP-3 FSAR Page 14 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (Cont 'd) n), Inspection, Test and Operating Status, QAR-14 f

Establishes a system to indicate the inspection, test and operating status for all structures, systems or components to preclude the inadvertent bypassing of their inspection and test requirements and to prevent their inadvertent operation.

0) Nonconforming Material and Items, QAR-15
Establishes a system to assure that nonconformances are identified, i documented, segregated or otherwise controlled to prevent inadver-tent use or installation and that notification of action taken is transmitted to the affected parties.

p) Corrective Action, QAR-16 Establishes a system to assure that significant conditions adverse to quality are identified, the cause determined, documented, brought to the attention of upper management, corrected as soon as possible and that measures are taken to preclude repetition.

q) Quality Assurance Records, QAR-17 Establishes a system for the control and maintenance of all records j sufficient and necessary to provide objective evidence of the activities affecting quality.

r) Audits, QAR-18 Establishes a system of audits to be performed in a planned and

systematic manner to verify compliance and effectiveness of the Supply System Quality Assurance Program.

.1 Supply System Licensing and Assurance is responsible for establishing Quality Assurance policy, goals, and objectives through the development and admini-stration of the Supply System QA Program. This program is defined in the Supply System Design and Construction Quality Assurance Requirements Manual developed by the Manager, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Program and reviewed and approved by the Director, Licensing and Assurance and-endorsed by the Managing Director.

.2 Supply System QA personnel have the authority and responsibility to perform

, any actions necessary, including Stop Work Authority, to accomplish their man-date as delineated in the Design and Construction Quality Assurance Require-ments Manual. --In matters of conflict regarding Quality Assurance policies or

.the Quality Assurance organizations authority to enforce them at the working level, the Director of Licensing and Assurance has direct access to all levels of upper management, including the Managing Director for satisfactory resolution.


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.3 To assure that Supply System personnel performing quality related activities are knowledgeable of QA procedures and requirements and will be proficient in implementing them, training is established and documented as required by the applicable Supply System Quality Assurance Procedures / Instructions. This training consists of:

Initial formal indoctrination and training and orientation on the pur-a) pose, scope and implementation of applicable codes and standards, in-cluding 10CFR50, Appendix B. This initial training phase also includes specific detailed instruction on the Supply System's QA procedures and instructions, Project Management procedures and other activities which

! directly relate to the employees job functions. Supply System supervi-

! sory personnel also indoctrinate and train personnel performing quality

, related activities in the principles and techniques of the activity being performed.

L 4 b) On-going instruction by lecture, reading assignment discussion and pre-planned presentation, supplemented by outside courses as deemed


.4 The Supply System's QA Program will comply with the requirements contained in 10CFR50, Appendix B and the guidance contained in NRC Regulatory Guides, ANSI t Standards and the NRC documents entitled, " Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants",

Revision 1 (Gray Book) and " Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Construction Phase of nuclear Power Plants", (Green Book). Exceptions to the Regulatory Guides during Design and Construction are stated in FSAR Table 1.8-1. Exceptions to the Regulatory Guides during Operations are described in

. Section 17.2. Regulatory Guide 1.58 will provide the basis for compliance by the Supply System to the QA requirements of Appendix B to 10CFR50 for person-nel qualifications.

.5 . Contractors shall be required by contract specifications to provide certifica-tion of.their personnel who are qualified in accordance with ASNT-TC-1A to

' Ebasco for approval by an Ebasco ASNT-TC-1 A Level III individual (s).

! .6 The Supply System QA Program's scope, implementation and effectiveness is audited by the Supply System's Corporate QA audit organization. Audit reports and correspondence generated are presented / routed to the Supply System's Upper Management, and. Project Management, so that management can regularly assess j the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance Progras

.7 On an annual basis, the Supply System's m.agement will arrange for an inde-pendent audit and evaluation of the adequacy, scope, implementation and effec-tiveness of the Supply System QA Program. This will be accomplished by knowl-

! edgeable personnel outside the Licensing and Assurance Organization to assure an objective program. assessment. Results from this independent review will be reported to the Managing Director.

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5 l ;WNP-3 FSAR Page 16



.8 The Supply System requires its Quality Class I contractors, including Ebasco and CE, to establish and implement Quality Assurance Programs consistent with

the applicable criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B. The Quality Assurance Pro-9 rams of Ebasco and CE are reviewed for compliance with Appendix B by the i Supply System. All Quality Class I contractor's Quality Assurance Programs


are reviewed by Ebasco and/or the Supply System.

} .9 Control of quality related activities including management and technical in-

.terfaces between the contractor, the A/E, the Nuclear Steam System Supplier, I and the Owner during the phaseout of Design and Construction System turnover j will be exercised by Ebasco in its role as Construction Manager in accordance with the QA program described in Section 17.1.2.


.10 All quality related turnover activities performed by the construction contrac-tors /AE/CM/ Supply System will be governed by the Design and Construction Qual-

ity Assurance Requirements Manual for the period through Provisional Accep-tance. Quality related activities performed after Provisional Acceptance will be governed by the Operational QA program described in Section 17.2, with the
exception of work returned to the construction contractors /AE/CM, in accor-

. dance'with Test and Startup procedures / instructions, which will be governed by the QA programs described herein.


.11 The details of the Ebasco and CE QA Programs are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3 respectively. DESIGN CONTROL The Supply System has organized and followed a system of design review and approval

- .by QA, Engineering, Licensing, Operations and Project Management of Supply System i and Ebasco generated procurement documents for the Supply System Quality Class I systems, structures, subassemblies, components and design characteristics.

.1 In all cases, prior to submittal to either the Supply System or Ebasco for re-view and/or approval, the design contractors, including Ebasco, are respon-sible for verifying that the design meets the requirements of the specifica-

tion, is connensurate with good design practices and that the components can
be readily inspected. This verification is achieved by the performance of

[ design reviews, the use of alternate or simplified calculation methods, or by

!. the performance of a suitable testing program as described in the Contractor Quality Assurance Program. The verification or checking process is performed by individuals or groups other than those who performed the original design.

Where a test program is used to verify the adequacy of a specific design fea-

-ture in lieu of other verification or checking processes, it includes suitable qualification testing of a prototype unit under the most adverse design condi-I tions. Design control' measures are applicable to items such as the follow-

. ing: reactor physics, stress, thermal hydraulic, radiation and accident

i. analysis, compatibility of material; accessibility for in-service inspection, maintenance and repair, and the delineation of acceptance criteria for inspec-tions and tests.

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c-WNP-3 FSAR' Page 17 DESIGN CONTROL (Cont'd)

.2 Supply System Project Engineering has the primary responsibility for the tech-nical review and approval of Supply System and Ebasco generated prepurchased equipment and construction specifications.

Each discipline (mechanical, electrical, nuclear and civil) as applicable reviews the specifications to assure technical adequacy. The depth of this review is outlined in an engineering design review checklist utilized by the reviewing engineer for each Supply System Quality Class I specification. The design review checklist outlines a review of:

a) Design requirements, including the appropriate section of the FSAR and NRC Regulatory Guides; b) Codes and standards requirements; c) Classification of characteristics; d) Materials selection adequacy; e) Testing requirements; f) Welding requirements; g) Identification and serialization; and, h) Preservation, packaging and handling.

.3 Supply System Licensing reviews the specifications to assure conformance to SAR and other regulatory requirements.

.4 Supply System Plant Management reviews the specifications to assure that the item being specified can be inspected, operated and maintained.

.5 Supply System Project Management reviews and approves the specifications to assure that the general and special conditions sections contain adequate requirements for contract administration.

.6 Supply System QA and/or Ebasco QA (Site and/or Home Office) reviews and ap-proves the specifications to assure that adequate requirements are included in the specifications. The QA review assures that:

a) The specifications contain the necessary QA requirements; b) The test and special processes are properly identified and contain appropriate acceptance / rejection criteria; c) That applicable QA codes and standards are specified; and d) Quality classifications are identified.


  • O'



'Page 18 i DESIGN CONTROL (Cont'd) t QA signs the design review route sheet for coment and approves concurrence issues of the specifications to assure that the QA requirements are included and that the specifications have been through the required Supply System design review.  ;


-.7 Design changes, including field changes, are subject to design control mea-sures comensurate with those applied to the original design and are approved by the organization that performed the original design. Documentation per-taining to Design Control of Supply System Quality Class I procurement docu-ments will become part of the objective evidence of the quality of the appli-cable items and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retrievable, sys-tematic manner.

. .8 The details of the design control measures implemented by Ebasco and CE are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3 respectively.

.9 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated i procurement documents be reviewed and approved to verify that requirements have been included which provide for the development and implementation of a Quality Assurance Program fw Supply System Quality Class I items and activi-ties which specifically comply with 10CFR50, Appendix B criteria. In addi-tion, the contractors and vendors of Supply System Quality Class I items and activities are required to have their Quality Assurance Program comply with applicable parts of ANSI N45.2 and additional requirements as delineated in

' the-procurement documents.



.10 The procurement documents specify that the contractors and vendors of Supply

System Quality Class I items and- activities develop and implement design and interface control procedures which assure

a) Translation of regulatory requirements and design bases correctly into the design documents; b) Incorporation of appropriate quality standards with deviations and changes being controlled; c) Application of design control measures; d) Proper design verification or checking methods such as design reviews, alternate calculations, or qualification testing is performed. Where a <

test program is used to verify the adequacy of a design, a qualification test of a prototype unit under the most adverse design conditions will i be used; e) Individuals or groups responsible Tor design verification or checking are other than those who performed the original design; f) Design and specification changes, including field changes are subject to 4 the same controls applicable to the original design; L . _ . - _ . - . _ . . _ - _ . _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ . . _ . - _ _ _ _ . _ _ . - _ - -

WNP-3 FSAR Page 19 DESIGN CONTROL (Cont'd) g) Design documents and revisions thereto are distributed to responsible individuals in a timely manner and controlled to prevent inadvertent use of superseded material; h) Errors and deficiencies which adversely affect safety related struc-tures, systems and components in the design process are documented and that appropriate corrective action has been taken; i) Design documents, design reviews, records and changes thereto are col-lected, stored and maintained in a systematic and controlled manner; j) Standard "off the shelf" comercial or previously approved materials, parts and equipment (that are essential to the safety related functions of the structures, systems and components) are selected and reviewed for suitability of application.

.1 Supply System or Ebasco Generated Specifications and Drawings Supply System or Ebasco Engineering prepares Client Comment, re-vised Client Comment and Bidding documents for WNP-3 in accordance with all applicable Codes and Standards and QA Procedures utilizing engineering data generated from technical memorandums, project cri-teria documents, SAR comitments and/or Supply System require-ments. Calculations and specification data are independently re-viewed and checked by engineers experienced in the appropriate engineering discipline.

The Supply System or Ebasco Engineering prepares specifications and associated drawings which are reviewed and approved internally.

The Client Comment Issue of the AE prepared specifications and associated drawings are then sent to the Supply System for review and approval.

Client Comment Issues are reviewed at the Supply System and are assigned to a Reviewing Engineer for technical review and to QA, Licensing, Plant Management, and Project Management for their asso-ciated review. Each engineering discipline, as applicable, per-forms the technical review in accordance with Supply System design review procedures / instructions. Project Maaagement is responsible for th2 overall review and approval of the Client Comment Issue.

Project Engineering is responsible for the technical review and resolution of comments resulting from that review.

For Ebasco generated specifications, the comments are resolved sith Ebasco. Pages and drawings which are affected by Supply System re-view are corrected by Ebasco and returned to the Supply System for concurrence. These pages and drawings are reviewed to assure that coments have been resolved and incorporated and the original Sup-ply System reviewers acceptance is secured on comments which have been rejected. Rejected coments which are not acceptable will be resolved to the satisfaction of the Supply System.

WNP-3 FSAR 4 :Page 20 -DESIGN CONTROL (Cont 'd) i Bidding Documents are then assembled from the Revised Client Com-i ment Issue and approved via sign off on the Bid Issue Approval Sheet by Project Management.


' 'For Supply System generated specifications, the technical review is accomplished in a manner similar to Ebasco prepared specifications except the review, corrections and r? visions are between Supply

System Corporate Engineering and Project Engineering.
.2 Contractor and Vendor Generated Drawings and Specifications When a contractor or a vendor initiates a design, he is required to perform design review activities in accordance with internal design review procedures which must include measures for controlling de-
sign interfaces. Upon completion of this review, his design draw-ings and specifications are forwarded to Ebasco for interface review.

t Ebasco conducts a review of the drawings and specifications in

.accordance with Ebasco procedures which includes measures to con-trol the receipt, approval and transmittal of vendor drawings and an approval of the procedures and specifications required to be j submitted to Ebasco in accordance with the procurement documents.

.c Vendor drawings, specifications and other documents are transmitted i to the Supply System staff in accordance with the contract submit-

! tal requirements. Supply System personnel review these transmit-

- tais on a selective basis and transmit any comments to Ebasco for


Supply System reviews of transmittals for Supply System direct 4

purchases are performed in accordance with Corporate Procedures /

, Instructions.

! PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL I Procurement of materials, parts, components and construction activities for WNP-3 is accomplished through prepurchased equipment and construction specifications and contracts prepared by the Supply System or Ebasco for the Supply System. The award of' contracts is based on-an evaluation of bidder proposals. Approval to award a contract is obtained from the Supply System Board of Directors and Executive Com-mittee personnel.

.l' -Proposals which take exception to technical or quality requirements are evalu-ated by Supply System Engineering, Ebasco Engineering, and/or Ebasco Home Office Engineering and/or QA, Ebasco Project QA and Supply System QA. Excep-tions to contracts must present acceptable alternatives to the specification requirements.


.Page 21 PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CONTROL (Cont 'd) l .2 The Supply System QA Program requires that the Supply System and Ebasco de-velop and implement measures which assure that procurement documents are pre-

! pared, reviewed, approved and issued under controlled conditions. In addi-

-tion, addenda issued prior to bid opening and control change orders issued after' bid awards, require a review and approval connensurate to that performed on the original procurement document.These control measures were established and in effect-prior to the writing of this document. These measures are

' described in Section 17.1.2.

.3 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents (excluding purchase requisitions and purchase orders) be reviewed and approved by Supply System and Ebasco (of Ebasco generated) QA personnel. These reviews verify the inclusion of. applicable quality require-ments. The procurement documents require that contractors and vendors of Sup-ply System Quality Class I items have a QA Program which meets the applicable i j requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B and ANSI N45.2.

.4 The Supply System QA Program requires that the Supply System and Ebasco gene-rated procurement documents (excluding purchase requisitions and purchase orders) be reviewed and approved by Supply System and Ebasco (if Ebasco gene-rated) Engineering personnel. These reviews verify the inclusion of appli-cable design, regulatory, code, material, testing, metal joining, part identi-fication, spare parts,Lcleaning, preservation, packaging, handling, storage, shipping, installation and other design procurement related requirements.

.5 Supply System generated purchase requisitions and purchase orders will be re-viewed and approved by Supply System QA and Engineering in accordance with the Supply System QA Program. Ebasco-generated purchase requisitions and purchase .

i orders will be reviewed and approved in accordance with measures established l in Section 17.1.2 The Supply System will review implementation of these mea-sures by. audits and surveillances.

.6 The review and approval of Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents is documented. This documentation is-filed and maintained in a controlled, traceable, retrievable and systematic manner.

.7 Documentation requirements are specifically delineated in the procurement documents indicating to the bidders, contractors and vendors which documents

'must be submitted for information or approval.

8. Procurement documents include requirements which assure the right of access by Supply System and/or Ebasco personnel to the contractor's operations or the j- vendor's facilities and records. QA requirements are incorporated in procure-ment documents in accordance with tneir quality class and complexity. Bidders i on Supply System Quality Class I documents are requested to submit with their bids a comprehensive QA Plan describing their QA system, policies, responsi-

! bilities and procedures which will be, or are being, implemented to control quality throughout all phases from design to final shipment, erection, fabri-

cation, installation, testing or start-up, as applicable.


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.9 After bid openings and prior to contract award, bids are reviewed to determina the acceptability of the bidder's QA programs. This evaluation may consist of an examination of their QA plans and evaluation of past quality performance based on previous experience with the Supply System or Ebasco and/or a review of the A/E bid evaluations. QA evaluations, if deemed necessary, are per-formed in accordance with approved procedures. After the documented bid eval-uation, the Supply System Project Manager is notified as to the acceptability of the bidder's QA program.

.10 Supply System QA reviews and approves the Architect-Engineer's and the NSSS Contractor's respective QA program. The Architect-Engineer in turn approves the QA programs of other contractors and suppliers as part of their contract with the Supply System.

.11 The details of the procurement document control measures implemented by Ebasco and CE are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively. INSTRUCTIONS, PROCEDURES AND DRAWINGS

.1 Supply System Design and Construction Quality Assurance Requirements Manual delineates the methods by which the Supply System complies with the criteria of 10CFRS0, Appendix B. Implementation of Supply System QA Program assures control of the activities affecting quality. A listing of the QA procedures comprising Supply System Design and Construction Quality Assurance Require-ments Manual is recorded in Section

.2 The Supply System QA Program requires Ebasco to have based the development of their QA Program and the procedures for its implementation on the requirements i of 10CFR50, Appendix B. Ebasco generated procurement documents require that

! instructions, procedures and drawings relative to the work being performed i will be maintained in the work area and available for reference by the person-

! nel performing the work.

.3 Contractors and vendors, including Ebasco and CE, are required to have written instructions, procedures, policies and/or drawings which govern their quality related activities and which include appropriate quantitative and qualitative acceptance / rejection criteria. Contractors and vendors, including Ebasco and l CE, are required to impose similar documentation requirements on their l subcontractors.


! .4 The details of the measures which Ebasco and CE implement to assure the devel-l opment and issuance of instructions, procedures and drawings are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively.

l DOCUMENT CONTROL l .1 Document control is implemented by the Supply System, Ebasco and CE in accor-dance with the requirements delineated in their respective QA Manuals.

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.2 These requirements provide measures to assure that appropriate written in-structions, procedures, policies, drawings and procurement documents including changes thereto, are properly reviewed and approved prior to release. Changes to these applicable documents require a review and/or approval commensurate to that performed on the original document. Changes to design documents are de-scribed in Section These reviews and/or approvals verify the inclu-sion of adequate quality requirements and evaluate the impact of the changes on other project activities. Issuance of controlled documents is performed by personnel assigned distribution authority by the QA Program. This controlled

, issuance is designed to distribute controlled documents in a timely manner to the locations where the applicable activity is being performed and to prevent the use of obsolete or superseded documents.

.3 The Supply System QA Program provides for the controlled updating of the Sup-ply System Design and Construction Quality Assurance Requirements Manual through a process that specifically requires holders of a controlled copy of the Supply System QA Program Manual to return a receipt verifying that the manual has been updated, the superseded pages were removed and returned and/or destroyed.

.4 Procurement documents generated by the Supply System, Ebasco and CE require that contractors and vendors, including their subcontractors, of Supply System Quality Class I items have document control procedures in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix B.

.5 The Supply System QA Program document control measures, as delineated in the procurement documents, requires that quality related documentation be avail-able prior to the performance of the activity to which they relate.

! .6 The Supply System QA Program document control measures pertain as a minimum to contract specifications, contract drawings, QA Program Manual procedures, operating procedures, quality related instructions and various process, test and inspection procedures as delineated in the contract specifications.

.7 The details of the document control measures implemented by Ebasco and CE are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively. CONTROL 0F PURCHASED MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES As described in Section, procurement for WNP-3 is accomplished through procurement documents. These documents contain sections which describe the general 4 conditions, special conditions and technical specifications which the contractor is required to meet. The requirements of these sections assure purchased material, equipment and services, whether purchased directly or through contractors, conforms to design requirements. Measures to control these activities include a review and approval of procurement documents; source evaluation and selection, vendor surveil-lance,-inspections and audits by the Supply System or Ebasco; and receiving inspec-tion of these items upon receipt at the site.

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.2 QA requirements are incorporated in procurement documents in accordance with their quality class and complexity. . Bidders on the Supply System Quality Class I contracts are required to submit with their bids a comprehensive QA plan describing their QA systems, policies, responsibilities and procedures which will be, or are being implemented to control quality throughout all phases from design to final shipment erection, fabrication, installation, testing or start-up, as applicable.

.3 The Supply System QA Program requires surveillance of contractors and vendors be performed in accordance with written procedures and that surveillance activities be planned to verify and document that the contractors and vendors are conforming to the requirements of the procurement documents.


.4 In addition, the Supply System QA Program requires that receiving inspection t of items at the site be performed in accordance with written procedures, and that receiving inspection activities be planned to verify and document that

for the material, equipment or component being received, documentation is
available at the site prior to' installation or use.

.5 The Supply System QA Program requires that received items will be stored and handled on a controlled basis with nonconforming items being processed in j accordance with the requirements described in Section

l .6- Documentation pertaining to the control of purchased material, equipment and services will become part of the objective evidence of the quality of the applicable items and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retrievable i systematic manner.

. .7 The details of the measures which Ebasco and CE implement to assure the con-trol of purchased material, equipment and services are described in Section 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively. IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL 0F MATERIALS, PARTS AND COMP 0NENTS i .1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents contain requirements for the development and implementa-tion of measures for the identification and control of materials, parts and 3

components. These reviews and approvals assure that identification and mark-ing requirements have been adequately delineated and that the location and.

method of identification and marking do not adversely affect the function or 4 quality of the subject item.

.2 Procurement documents require a positive system of identification and control

. of materials, parts, components and partially completed subassemblies while in storage, warehousing and holding areas and during their fabrication, manufac-

, turing, installation and construction.

.3 These identification and control measures establish a means by which items can

-be traced to-and conformance verified with their' applicable documentation.




.4 Verification that the items have been properly identified is to be performed during vendor surveillance activities prior to shipment of the items. Identi-fication is.further verified during receiving inspection at the site to assure that identification status was not adversely affected during shipping and to i

provide a verification check if the vendor surveillance verification was waived.

.5 Documentation pertaining to the identification and control of materials, parts l and components will become part of the objective evidence of the quality of

! the applicable items and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retriev-  ;

able systematic manner.  :

.6 The details of the measures which Ebasco and CE implement to assure the iden-tification and control of materials, parts and components are described in l

l Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively. CONTROL 0F SPECIAL' PROCESSES

.1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated

, procurement documents contain requirements which provide for the development

- and implementation of measures:for-the control of special processes. These

! requirements specify applicable codes, standards, specifications and any

, special requirements necessary for the control of the delineated special processes.

.2 In addition, the procurement documents specify that special processes will be l

performed and controlled in accordance with written procedures which delineate

- those special processes procedures which will be submitted to Ebasco or Supply System for information or review and coments.

.3 The procurement documents will require that procedures be developed to control i such special processes as

l a) Welding b) Cleaning c) Heat Treating d) Nondestructive Examination J-

. e) Repairing

.4 Essential ingredients of these procedures shall include:

.a) Equipment utilized in the performance, inspection and control of.special processes that require qualification shall be qualified to its intended usage prior to being installed or used.

WNP-3 FSAR Page 26 CONTROL OF SPECIAL PROCESSES (Cont'd) b) Personnel performing any special processes shall be qualified in accor-dance with applicable standards prior to the performance of work.

c) Data collected in conjunction with the control of special processes shall include the type of operation, results, acceptability, action taken when deficiencies were noted and the identification of the inspector and/or data recorded.

.5 Special processes procedures, qualification documentation, inspection and test results will become part of the objective evidence of the quality of the ap-plicable item and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retrievable, systematic manner.

.6 The details of the measures which Ebasco and CE implement to assure that con-trol of special processes are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively. INSPECTION

.1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents contain requirements which provide for the development and implementation of inspection measures. These requirements specify that inspections will be performed by contractor personnel who are independent from the individual or group responsible for performing the activity being inspected.

.2 The procurement documents specify that inspection activities will be nerformed and controlled in accordance with written pucedures, instructions and/or checklists. These procedures, instructions ard/or checklists are required to include:

l a) Identification of quality characteristics to be inspected.

l b) Identification of those contractor individuals or the organization responsible for performing the inspection operation.

c) Acceptance / rejection criteria.

d) Description of the method of inspection.

e) Evidence of completion of inspection.

1 f) Record of the results of the inspection operations.

.3 The procurement documents further require that procedures, instructions and drawings relative to the work being performed will be maintained in the work area and available for reference by the personnel performing the work.


WNP-3 FSAR Page 27' INSPECTION (Cont'd)

.4 Contractors and vendors are required by the procurement documents to specify

-the qualification requirements for inspection personnel and to assure that each inspector's qualifications are maintained current. The contractors and vendors are further required to perform inspection of modifications, repairs and replacement items, which are made after the initial inspections,.in a man-ner consnensurate with the original inspection requirements or to the Supply System and/or Ebasco approved alternatives.

.5 Inspection equipment is required to be calibrated as described in Section

.6 Ebasco has been delegated the responsibility to perform source inspection, site receiving inspection of prepurchased items and surveillance of site construction inspection activities.

.7 Supply System is responsible for source inspection and site receiving inspec-tion of Supply System direct purchases. The Supply System has and may assume responsibility for source inspection / site receiving inspection of Ebasco Administered Prepurchased items / services.

.8 Pre-inspection planning for Prepurchased vendors developed by Ebasco QA will define inspection requirements, sequence of inspections, inspect';on methods, acceptance criteria and provide a tabulation of results for documented evi-dence that the particular quality characteristic inspected actually conforms to the specifications.

.9 The Supply System QA will perform surveillance on Supply System direct pro-curements and perform an overview of the CM and contractor organizations for the purposes of. evaluating their performance and verification of implementa-tion.of corrective action.

.10 Source inspection will be accomplished by Supply System /Ebasco's vendor sur-

- ve111ance group using inspection plans' developed by Supply System /Ebasco from

' the procurement documents. This inspection will assure adequate control of

processes to assure that the required quality is obtained when inspection is not possible or disadvantageous.

.11 The NSSS Supplier (CE) is responsible for source surveillance of its sub-ven-dors. The Supply System will provide surveillance, through the Home Office and Site Organizations, over both CE and its sub-vendors.

.12 Inspection planning data sheets will become part of the objective evidence of the quality of the applicable items inspected and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retrievable, systematic manner.

.13 The details of the inspection measures implemented by Ebasco and CE and described in Section 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively.


.1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents contain requirements governing tests to be performed by vendors and contractors. The test requircrrents shall include adequate test prerequisites},instructionsfortesting(includingenvironmentalconditions, if applicable proper instr fled, responsible individual or group. The procurement documents require that testing be performed in accordance with written procedures, instructions and/or plans which define the overall inspection and test requirements, the acceptance / rejection criteria and the data to be recorded.

.2 The Supply System QA Program further requires that site testing be monitored in accordance with testing inspection plans which provide for:

a) An itemized list of the status identification system to be employed (i.e., tags, numbering system).

b) An itemized list of the documents to be reviewed or referenced to verify the testing and inspection status of the system or component to be tested.

c) An itemized list of the tests to be performed.

d) An itemized list of the testing devices to be utilized.

e) A detailed list of acceptance criteria together with adequate space to reflect actual results.

.3 Construction testing will be performed by the contractors to ensure that in-stalled equipment meets applicable codes, standards and design requirements.

.4 The contractors will be required to prepare inspection and test procedures which define overall inspection and test requirements, test equipment to be used, criteria for acceptance and data to be recorded. These plans shall be approved by Ebasco. Integrity tests (i.e., hydrostatic, continuity, resis-tance, etc. and flushing tests) will be performed in accordance with these approved procedures. The contractor will be required to provide control of installed equipment in accordance with an accepted equipment tagging proce-l dure. Upon completion of contractor installation and testing of a given sys-tem, all associated inspection and test records will be turned over to Ebasco and the Supply System for review and concurrence.

.5 System inspections will be performed by the Supply System Start-Up Group to ensure that equipment is installed in accordance with design requirements and that the system installation is complete. Following resolution of any dis-crepancies, contractor tags will be removed, Supply System tags installed and control of the system will then be transferred to the Supply System for test-ing purposes. Contractor test documentation will become a part of the overall permanent plant testing records.


se WNP-3 FSAR y


Page 29 ~ TEST CONTROL (Cont 'd) ,

a 7

.6 Test control documentation will become part of the objective evidence of the' quality of the applicable items tested and will be filed and maintained insa traceable, retrievable and systematic manner.


. s s

.7 The details of the test control measures implemented by Ebasco and CE are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively.' , CONTROL OF MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT s

.1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents contain requirements which provide for the development ,

andimplementationofmeasurestocontrolmeasuringandtestequfpment'. The'se requirements specify: i

% ~ '

a) Contractor's and vendor's procedures describe the calib~ ration technique, calibration frequency, maintenance and control of all .neasuring and $est instruments, tools, gauges, fixtures, reference stan: lards,- transfer standards, and nondestructive examination equipment which- a'ri to be used in the measurement, inspection and monitoring of components, systems and structures. -

m .. s b) Allowable deviations from calibration standards (tolerances) will be specified in the contractor's and vendor's pt oc.edures.  ;

c) Inspection, measuring, testing and yaintenance devices are calibrated and adjusted at scheduled intervals against certified standards having known valid relationships to national standards, when such standards exist. ' "

d) Calibration intervals for each device are based on the type of equip-ment, required accuracy, intended usage and other conditions affecting inspection, measurement, testing and maintenance control.

e) Calibration standards are maintained, calibrated and used in an environ-ment having temperature and humidity controls that are compatible with required accuracy and operating characteristics of the standards. ,

f) Records are maintained that indicate the calibration history anh the .

next scheduled calibration date for each controlled device.- W 4 1

8 l g) Eachinspection, measuring,testingandmaintenancedeviceis[pNoerlys identified with serial numbers, or other suitable identification'and has' l .* its last and next scheduled calibration dates clearly indicated. J \

h) Devices that have not been properly maintained or calibrated in accor- ~

dance with specified schedules have been identified and removed from l

> service.

l i

s l ,

a s s

f  : 4 f f'y M? .

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3{ ,WNP-3 FSAR Page 30

'4 3


't (Cont'd) 1 ii ) An.invehisation will be conducted and documented to determine the vali-ic'; dity of previous inspections performed when measuring and test equipment E g .> are found to be out of calibration.

R -; G ' i Y .. s .2 Documentation pertaining to the control of measuring and test equipment will k( .


become'part 'of the obje'ctive evidence of the quality of the applicable items j s.q M _ , m and will be~ filed aad maintained in a traceable, retrievable and systematic 7 .; 'N manner. ,

4 'y The details of the measures which Ebasco and'CE implement to assure the con-

,.f m trol of special processes are described in. Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3,

Q ' - (- respectively.



?, D .1 TheSupplySysteaQA?Pr99ramrequiresthatSupplySystemandEbascogenerated procurement doc (ments contain requirements which provide for the development and implementation of appropriate cleaning, preservation, handling, storage, 4

shipping'and preserv$ tion measures.

l .2 These. requirements specify that procedures will be developed based on the re-quirements of thetprocurement documents, with consideration to the need for special tools, equipment and qualified personnel.

1 t

s - .3 Cleaning..preservatioc,chandling, storage, shipping and preservation require-(I ments arelincorporated iito the procurement documents to assure that the 4.( g jtem's' designed integriO and ability to function are maintained.

. q .%, , #

L\* '

es.4 Q Items delivered to the .,ite are stored, handled and preserved-in accordance

4. 1with procurement documents and equipment manufacturer's requirements. Manu-
- s . . facturer's instructions gay be modified provided adequate engineering justifi-s *< cation is provided and documented. These functions are performed in accor-

.<Q dance with approved procedures and instructions on a scheduled basis and cor-

?Q rective action is taken when required. The overall program is under the sur-QQ- veillance of.Ebasco's Site.QA.

Documentatico pertiining to the cleaning, preservation, handling,. storage and


h .5 h

v '

MD shipping of"the items ~will become part of the objective evidence of the Qual-ity of the applicable items and will be filed and maintained in a traceable,

' .& -retrievable and systematic manner.

s I M 6 The details of the measures which Ebasco and CE implement to assure control of

. the cleaning, preservation, handling, storage and shipping of the items are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively.

'=- ..


  • }) 4 d~ li.

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.1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents contain requirements which provide for the development and implementation of inspection, test and operating status measures. These requirements specify that procedures will be developed to assure that speci-fied inspections and tests are performed and that the acceptability of the items with regard to their inspection, test and operating status are known throughout the manufacturing, installation and start-up testing phases. . In addition, the procedures are required to specifically delineate the methods by which the inspection, testLand operating status of an item will-be identified and.the controls which will be implemented to control the ute of the identifi-


1 i _ cation methods. The implementation of the status identification system will be designed to preclude the inadvertent bypassing of required inspections or tests, unless formally waived, and to prevent the inadvertent operation of the equipment.

.2- Documentation pertaining to the inspection, test and operating status of items will become part'of the objective evidence of the quality of the applicable items, and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retrievable and sys-tematic manner.

.3 The details of'the measures which Ebasco and CE implement to assure implemen-1 tation of an inspection, test and operating status system are described in 4 Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively. ' NONCONFORMING MATERIALS AND ITEMS l .1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents be reviewed and approved to verify that requirements have been included which provide for the development and implementation of I measures to assure control of nonconforming materials and items. The Quality Assurance Programs of the Supply System, Ebasco, CE, other contractors, sub-i contractors and vendors will provide for the identification, documentation, l segregation, review, disposition and notification te affected organizations of nonconforming materials, parts, components, services or other program activi-ties at any stage of manufacturing, fabrication, erection, or construction to prevent their inadvertent use or installation. Written procedures will pro-vide for the handling, processing, dispositioning and reinspection of noncon-forming materials, parts, components, services or other program activities.

.2 . Nonconforming items shall be identified and marked with a " HOLD" tag (when Lpossible); removed to a " HOLD" area, roped ~off, or otherwise segregated to prevent their inadvertent use or installation.

.3 Detection and Documentation of Nonconformances The detection and documentation of nonconformances detected is as follows:

a) . Site Nonconformances t


All Supply ' System Project personnel shall have the authority to either issue a Hold Tag or assure that the appropriate Contractor / Supplier.

issue its' Hold Tag to stop work or control further processing of noncon-forming item (s) which may be in direct violation of the following:

1) The FSAR-
2) Engineering, construction, or material specifications
3) Applicable codes and standards
4) Project Quality Assurance Procedures 5)- Contractor's Quality Assurance Procedures If determined to be a nonconformance it will be documented in accordance with an approved procedure. Site Nonconformance detected by the Supply System, Ebasco, and those nonconformances detected by construction con-tractors which require Owner /AE dispositions are processed by Ebasco in accordance with the QA program described in Section 17.1.2. Ebasco's QA program describes'the dispositioning process, including the criteria which requires approval of the Nonconformance Review Board (NRB); and the membership of the NRB, which includes Supply System Project Engineering.

b) Vendor Nonconformances Nonconforming material, parts, components, services, or other program activities detected by Supply System and/or Ebasco during vendor sur-veillance activities will be brought to the attention of the Vendor's Quality Assurance personnel for their initiation of nonconformance con-trol using their procedure. Failure of the vendor to take appropriate actions will result in appropriate corrective actions initiated by the Supply System or Ebasco.

Nonconformances detected during fabrication / manufacturing by the vendor will be identified and controlled in accordance with the vendors QA pro-gram. All vendor nonconformances dispositioned "Use As is" or " Repair" are'made part of the permanent inspection records and reported to the Supply System in accordance with contract requirements.

.4 Review of Nonconformances Ebasco QA is responsible for assuring that nonconformance documents generated by the Supply System, vendors, contractors or Ebasco, which identify signifi-cant or possibly significant deviations as outlined in 10CFR50.55(e) or 10CFR21, have been properly evaluated and processed.

.5 The details of the measures which Ebasco and CE implement to assure the con-trol of nonconforming materials, parts or components are described in Sections 17.1.2 and-17.1.3, respectively.


.1 The-Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents contain requirements which provide for the development and implementation of measures to assure that conditions adverse to quality are identified, evaluated, corrected documented and reported to the appropri-ate levels of management- . In addition, the cause of significant conditions adverse to quality are required to be identified, evaluated, corrected to pre-clude repetition, documented and reported to the appropriate levels of management.

.2 The procurement documents require the contractor or. vendor to take timely cor-rective action when requested by the Supply System and/or Ebasco. This re-

.quirement is in addition to their own procedure for implementing corrective action which the procurement documents specify.

.3 Documentation pertaining to corrective actions will become part of the objec-tive evidence of the quality of the applicable items and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retrievable, systematic manner.

.4 The details of the corrective action measures implemented by Ebasco and CE are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively. QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS

.1 The Supply System QA Program requires that Supply System and Ebasco generated procurement documents contain requirements which provide for the development and implementation of measures to assure that documentation necessary to pro-vide objective evidence of the activities affecting quality are generated, re-viewed, approved, filed and maintained in accordance with Appendix B of 10CFR50.

.2 Procurement documents require that contractors or vendors:

a) Have written measures to control the filing and retrieval of QA Records.

i b) Have QA records which provide sufficient information to permit identifi-cation between the records and the item or activity to which they apply.

t c) Have QA records which are legible, complete and authenticated and dated I by authorized personnel.

d) Maintain control over the QA records to assure that revisions are per-formed by authorized personnel under controlled conditions in accordance with written procedures. Revisions will include the date of the revi-sion and identification of the person making the revision.


! e) Maintain their QA records in a retrievable, identifiable and systematic manner.

I l

h L

m 3

'WNP-3 FSAR-Page 34- QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS- (Cont'd) f) Have their QA records accessible for review by the Supply System and/or Ebasco.

g) Have QA record storage facilities whicn are constructed and located _to prevent destruction by fire, flooding, or theft and to prevent deterio-ration from temperature or humidity conditions.

.3 . Ebasco has been given the responsibility to receive, store and maintain QA records for the Supply System at the site.

.4 QA records will be kept at the site in a storage facility constructed and located to prevent the contents from being destroyed by fire, flooding or theft, or deterioration by temperature or humidity conditions.

.5 Ebasco has'been given.the responsibility to review QA records to assure their correctness and completeness. QA records shall be submitted to Ebasco in ac-cordance with the requirements of the procurement documents. QA records are utilized to' verify that' activities affecting quality have occurred, and that they-have been performed in compliance with specified requirements. Analysis of conditions adverse to quality are performed as indicated in Section and These analyses utilize QA records as-one means of disclosing discrepancies and nonconforming conditions. Furthermore,QA records provide the basis upon which dispositioning and verification of reso-lutions are accomplished.

.6 Safety related equipment will not be installed until it is assured that the on-site documentation for that equipment does meet the' applicable specifica-tion and/or code requirements, or that a-certification, stating this documen-i tation is available and will be furnished and signed by an authorized repre-r sentative of the manufacturer, is received and acceptable. In the event that l

neither the complete documentation package or adequate certification is avail-i able, or hardware deficiencies exist, but exceptional construction or handling considerations justify-that safety related equipment be stored in place or in-stalled, the following conditions shall be met:

a) An engineering evaluation will be made to determine the degree of risk associated with storing in place or installing such equipment.

,b) As the engineering evaluation dictates, management will determine l

whether the equipment will simply be stored in place or whether it may l be ' set' in place, ' aligned, bolted, grouted and connected. The decision will'be documented and any hold points or limitations clearly identified in accordance with approved CM procedures. Any equipment so installed

will be properly tagged regarding degree of non-conformance and in no
case will such equipment be placed in service or used for any pre-opera-tional testing until the non-conformance conditions are rectified and

. such is documented.

.7 The details of the Quality Assurance record measures that are implemented by

.Ebasco and CE are described in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3 respectively.


.1 The Supply System QA Program requires the contractors and vendors and their sub-contractors to develop and implement a comprehensive system of planned and documented audits. These audit activities are required to be performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists. Audit measures are to assure that:

a) Audits are performed by appropriately trained personnel not having responsibility in the areas being audited.

b) Audits are conducted periodically based on a preplanned schedule.

c) Audits include an objective evaluation of quality related practices, procedures, instructions, work areas, activities items and documenta-tion. In addition, audits include an evaluation of the effectiveness of implementing compliance to specified requirements, d) Audit results are documented'and reported to the appropriate levels of management who review and evaluate these reports to determine quality trends and program effectiveness.

e) Management action is taken to correct deficient areas.

f) Follow-up audits are performed to verify corrective action and to evalu-ate the effectiveness of implementation.

.2 Audits determine the adequacy of, and adherence to, the Supply System, Ebasco and other contractors QA programs and the effectiveness of their implementa-tion. This is determinined by:

i a) The Direc.cor, Licensing and Assurance, and the Project QA Manager review l reports of audits performed by the Supply System's Corporate QA on l

Ebasco Home Office, and WNP-3 Site Organizations, NSSS Home Office and l

Supply System.

b) The Project QA Manager reviews reports of audits performed by Ebasco and

Supply System Site QA on Ebasco, contractor and vendor activities.


.3 Each applicable criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B, is scheduled to be audited by Ebasco in accordance with the program described in Section 17.1.2. The Man-ager, Audits is responsible for auditing the AE/CM and Supply System site organizations performing quality affecting activities for compliance to the applicable criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B. Supply System project QA will conduct unscheduled audits on the AE/CM and contractor activities as necessary.

.4 The Supply System audit results are documented and reported to the appropriat.e levels of management for implementation of corrective action. The responses to the Supply System audit findings are verified for implementation and effec-tiveness during follow-up audits.

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WNP-3 FSAR Page 36 AUDITS (Cont 'd)

.5 Documentation pertaining to audits will become part of the objective evidence of quality of the applicable items and will be filed and maintained in a traceable, retrievable, systematic manner.

The details of the audit activities implemented by Ebasco and CE are described


.6 in Sections 17.1.2 and 17.1.3, respectively.

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FI G UR E 17.1- 1 l









FIGURE 17.1-2

4 e