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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20206S2915 May 1999Informs That on 990420 Council Provided ten-day Comment Period on Council Order 731 Recommending Governor Approval of Amend of Site Certification Agreement for Satsop Power Plant Site
ML20202C76722 January 1999Forwards Order Terminating Construction Permit CPPR-154 for WNP-3/5 Site.Safety Evaluation Associated with Action Also Encl
ML20198Q7134 January 1999Forwards EA & Fonsi Re 960808 Application.Assessment Being Forwarded to Ofc of Fr for Publication
ML20155J9735 November 1998Forwards Addl Detailed Info Re Restoration & Renovation of Site Bldgs Re Util Plans to Renovate Site for Reuse as Industrial Park by Local Government Entity
ML20155G7792 November 1998Forwards Insp Rept 50-508/98-201 on 981027-28.No Violations Noted.Insp Included Review of Activities to Terminate Construction Permit CPPR-154
ML20116M7198 August 1996Requests Termination of Construction Permit (CPPR-154) of Nuclear Project 3 & Withdrawal of Pending OL WNP-3
ML20082A77728 March 1995Forwards WPPSS Nuclear Projects 1,3,4 & 5 Restoration Plan
ML20078M4963 February 1995Advises of Termination of Util Projects 1 & 3
ML20059B76820 October 1993Requests Code Case N-520 Approval for Nuclear Projects 1 & 3
ML20057A6033 September 1993Forwards Rev 6 to Procedure WMC-051, Preservation of Assets Program, Reflecting Installation of Two Desiccant Type Dehumidifiers for Controlling Relative Humidity within Reactor Auxiliary/Reactor Bldg Superstructure
ML17286B2748 October 1991Forwards Rev 0 to Washington Nuclear Plant 3 Seismic Design Basis Model Validation,Soil Variation Studies, in Response to Open Items in Draft Safety Evaluation Re Soil/Structure Interaction/Deconvolution IssueFinite Element Analysis
Design basis earthquake
ML17286B2667 June 1991Requests Approval to Revise Tornado Design Criteria,Per Reg Guide 1.76,Section C.1.2 for Rotational & Translational Velocities. Justification for Revised Tornado Design Criteria Encl
ML20073P94713 May 1991Forwards Rev 5 to WMC-051, WNP-3 Preventive Maint Requirements by Equipment Type
ML17286A5362 January 1991Discusses Interpretation of 10CFR73,App B,Paragraph Ii.B Re Security Records Retention Period
ML17286A35712 October 1990Requests That Name Be Kept on Mailing List & That Firm Name Be Changed to Winston & Strawn in Response to 900927 Ltr
ML20062A8981 October 1990Responds to NRC Re Wish to Remain on Mailing List
ML20059M09227 September 1990Advises That Name Will Be Removed from Mailing List Unless Notification of Wish to Remain on List to Continue to Receive Info Re Facility Received within 30 Days
ML20059M09027 September 1990Informs That Name Will Be Removed from Mailing List Unless Notification of Wish to Remain on List to Continue to Receive Info Re Facility Received within 30 Days
ML20059A54116 August 1990Provides Notice of Changes in Key Personnel
ML20056A71727 July 1990Forwards Partial Vol 1 & Vols 4,5,6 & 7 of FSAR Re Potential Subduction Zones Earthquakes in State of Wa Coastal Area.W/O EnclsEarthquake
ML20044A4938 June 1990Requests That NRC Review of Facility Seismic Rept Completed & SER Issued as Soon as Possible.Facility Seismic Issue Resolution to Minimize Uncertainties Surrounding Economic Evaluations of Deferred Plants Important
ML20042G39711 May 1990Forwards Revised WMC-051, Washington Nuclear Plant-3 Preservation of Assets Program, Incorporating Changes Noted Through Preservation Experience & Successes Achieved in Improving Environ within Plant Bldgs
ML20012B6941 March 1990Forwards Compilation of Responses to Regulatory Impact Survey Questionnaire,Per Generic Ltr 90-01
ML19325D18312 October 1989Confirms That Seismic Design Data Submitted Under Separate Cover to R Pichumani,Per 891003 Request
ML20246N31930 August 1989Forwards Addl Info Re Plant Soil Structure Interaction Analysis/Deconvolution Issue,Per 890213 Request.Results Presented in Encl Supplemental Rept Demonstrate Overall Significant Level of Conservatism in Seismic Design BasisSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Finite Element Analysis
ML20247R61325 May 1989Documents Understanding of Agreements Re Geosciences Review & Preparation of Draft SER & Requests That Staff Schedule Geoscience Review to Be Completed by Sept 1989 in Order That Work Accomplished Currently Not LostEarthquake
ML20247L31411 May 1989Forwards Insp Rept 50-508/89-01 on 890413-14 & 0508.No Violations Noted
ML17285A20723 January 1989Forwards Wppss 1988 Annual Financial Rept.W/O Encl
ML20206L76721 November 1988Submits Addl Info in Response to Questions on Geosciences Program Clarifying Rates of Erosion Along State of or & State of Wa Coastlines Re Formation of Modern Wavecut Platforms.Questions Arose from NRC Sept 1988 Visit
ML20153F40429 August 1988Forwards Sassi Analysis & Further Clarification of Elastic Half Space Analysis Providing Confirmation That Finite Element Methodology Used for Plant Design Basis Sufficiently ConservativeSafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20153E28026 August 1988Forwards Corrected Page 1 of NRC Forwarding Insp Rept 50-508/88-02 Re Readiness Review Module C3-02 Concrete. Ltr Issued W/O Date Annotated on First Page
ML20153G42322 August 1988Forwards Readiness Review Module C3-02 Concrete Insp Rept 50-508/88-02.Concrete Const Completed at Time of Work Stoppage Deemed Acceptable Assuming Open Items Resolved. Listed Items Will Be Pursued During Future Reviews & Insps
ML20207G52510 August 1988Forwards Plots Showing Computed Distributions of Frequency of Exceedance Displayed in Terms of Fractile Hazard Curves in Seismic Hazard Rept
ML20150G04430 June 1988Forwards Response to Questions 230.1 & 230.2 Re Resolution of Key Licensing Issues Concerning Questions on Cascadia Subduction Zone
ML20196C30917 June 1988Defers Responses to NRC Bulletins & Generic Ltrs Unless NRC Specifically Requests That Util Respond for Facility.Util Will Reply to Outstanding Bulletins & Generic Ltrs That Require Response Following Resumption of Const
ML20154D26616 May 1988Forwards Order Extending Const Completion Date to 990701 for Plant,Per Util 841102 & 860310 Requests.Safety Evaluation & Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Also Encl
ML20154R92513 May 1988Responds to NRC Bulletin 88-003, Inadequate Latch Engagement in Hfa Type Latching Relays Mfg by Ge. Action on Bulletin Will Be Added to Plant Tracking Sys as Work to Be Accomplished Following Restart of Const
ML20154F31913 May 1988Advises That Due to long-term Const Delay Status of Plant, Action Re Suppl 1 to NRC Bulletin 87-002, Fastner Testing to Determine Conformance W/Applicable Matl Specs, Will Be Deferred Until After Restart of Const
ML20154F59013 May 1988Informs That Assurance That Program Implemented to Address Corrosive Effects of RCS Leakage at Less than Tech Spec Limits Per Generic Ltr 88-05 Will Not Be Provided Until After Restart of ConstBoric Acid
ML20151S41621 April 1988Responds to Generic Ltr 88-03, Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps. Commitment to Developing Procedures & Training for Recognizing Gas Binding Conditions & Restoring Operable Status of Safety Sys Still Valid
ML20153G5785 April 1988Advises That 880226 Changes & Corrections to Amend 7 of FSAR Section 17.3 Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50,App B & Acceptable
ML20150D13018 March 1988Forwards Responses to NRC 830503 & 11 Requests for Addl Info Re Application for Ol.W/Eight Oversize Drawings
ML20148B51015 March 1988Informs of Relocation of NRR to Stated Address in Rockville,Md
ML20148G12411 March 1988Forwards Insp Rept 50-508/88-01 on 880222-26.No Violations Noted
ML20147J0347 March 1988Responds to Sorensen Providing Proposed Schedule for Completion of Review of Geosciences Issues.Proposed Schedule Acceptable.Eforts Will Be Made to Accommodate Geosciences Issues for Facility
ML20147H2744 March 1988Informs That Response to NRC Bulletin 88-001, Defects in Westinghouse Circuit Breakers, Delayed Until After Restart of Const
ML20147D38429 February 1988Forwards Seismic Hazards Assessment, Final Rept Per NRC 830503 Request for Addl Info Re Question 230.6Earthquake
ML20147E11826 February 1988Forwards Changes to FSAR Section 17.3, QA During Long-Term Preservation. Revised Section 17.3 Incorporated Into FSAR Amend 7Fitness for Duty
Nondestructive Examination
Fire Protection Program
ML20149L99623 February 1988Ack Receipt of 880205 Request for Info & Documents Re Certain Costs Billed to Util for June 1984 - Dec 1986 Review Period.Response Forthcoming
ML20149M0035 February 1988Requests Review of Details of Billings for Listed Periods & Transmittal of Copies of Billings for Periods of June 1984 - Dec 1984 & Dec 1984 - June 1985.Questions Delineated in Encl