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Forwards Changes to FSAR Section 17.3, QA During Long-Term Preservation. Revised Section 17.3 Incorporated Into FSAR Amend 7
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 02/26/1988
From: Sorensen G
GO3-88-063, GO3-88-63, NUDOCS 8803040281
Download: ML20147E118 (19)


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LWashington Public Power Supply System -

Box 1223 Elmai Washington 98541 (206)482 4428 -


' February 26, 1988 G03-88-063- .

Docket No. 50-508 i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consnission.

Attention: Document Control Desk-Washington, DC 20555 t-d






- s) Supply System . Letter '(G03-87-301), G. C. Sorensen to ,

U.S.. NRC Document Control Desk, subject "Changes to  :

the ' Quality Assurance Program Description", dated l September-30, 1987


b) . Sup' ply - System Letter (G03-88-039), G. C. Sorensen to U.S. NRC Document Control Desk, subject "Amendment 7 to the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)", dated '

February 16, 1988.

Reference a) transmitted the addition to the FSAR of Section 17.3,

~ "Quali ty Assurance During Long-term Preservation. Since the above notification, there have been changes and corrections made to the Quality Assurance Program Description. Both Section 17.3 and the enclosed  !

changes have been incorporated into Amendment No. 7 of the FSAR j (Reference b).

I i

8803040281 880226 I g PDR ADOCK 05000508 A DCD i 1 ---,4,m..-..--...,,--, ~.._--, _.- , , . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ ~ , _ _ . - -

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission G03-88-063 Attention: Document Control Desk . February 26, 1988 Page Two If you have any questions please contact Mr. D. W. Coleman, WNP-3 Project Licensing Manager, phone (206) 482-4428, Ext. 5'36.

G. C. Sorensen, Manager Regulatory Programs DWC/tn Attachments cc: Mr. J. A. Adams, NESCO Mr. M. F. Barnoski, Combur. tion Engineering Mr. W. C. Brauer, Pacific Power & Light Co.

Mr. W. L. Bryan, Washington Water Power Co.

Mr. W. J. Finnegan, Puget Sound Power & Light Co.

Mr. C. Goodwin, Portland General Electric Co.

Mr. C. R. Healey, Ebasco - New York Mr.'D. Kirsch, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region V Mr. J. R. Lewis, BPA Mr. J. B. Martin, U. S. NRC Region Y Office, Regional Administrator Mr. S. Prussman, Ebasco - New York Mr. N. S. Reynolds, Bishop, Cook, Purcell & Reynolds Mr. D. Smithpeter, BPA Ms. R. M. Taylor, Ebasco - Elma Ebasco - New York


WNP-3 FSAR 17.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE DURING LONG-TERM PRESERVATION In the Sumer of 1987 the Supply System and Ebasco site organizations, including the Quality Assurance organization, merged. The Supply System and Ebasco Corporate office functions and responsibilitig including AE functions and responsibilities maintain their individual auto and remain un- 64n * *g, changed. This section describes the Project Qualit/

surance Program as it pertains to Corporate and the WNP-3 site activities duMng the extended construction delay. The Project Quality Assurance Program meets or exceeds 10CFR50, Appendix B, and ANSI N45.2,1971 requirements. The Quality Assurance Program is established by the Supply System Design and Construction Quality Assurance Manual WMC-015, and is in accordance with the Ebasco WNP-3 QA Manual ETR 1001 and the Combustion EngineeMng (NSSS Yendor) Quality Assurance Program detailed in CESSAR-F, Chapter 17. The Quality Program responsi-bilities descMbed in FSAR Chapter 17.1 and Chapter 17.2 are suspended until the restart of construction.


Section descHbes the organizational relationships within the Supply System and assigns the authorities and responsibilities for the administration l

i and implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. Assigned authoHties and l

responsibilities demonstrate the organizational freedom of Quality Assurance.

This organizational freedom is acccmplished through Corporate and Project l structures which provide independence from Supply System organizations l responsible for construction. Section descMbes the site organ-ization and responsibilities. .

At tne Cc:porate Level, the Director and staff of Licensing and Assurance, and at the Project (jobsite) Level, the Project QA Manager and staff, are com-pletely ti on. "

free from the responsibility of cost and scheduling during "construc-The Director, Licensing and Assurance, and the Project QA Manager have the freedom and authodty to identify quality-related probiems, initiate corrective actions (including stop work) and recomend or provide solutions -

t and to veHfy the implementation of corrective actions.

The WNP-3 project is admiq'stered by a Site Manager. The Site Manager i;,

directly accountable to the Manager of Construction Projects and is respon- N sible for the safe long-tenn preservation of the project.

The i;1tegrated organizations of the Supply System /Ebasco are presented on Figures 17.3-1,17.3-2, and 17.3-3. The functional responsibilities fo" tho implementation of the Quality Assurance Program are assigned as follon:


WNP-3 FSAR Supply System Corocrate Managing Director The Managing Director of the Supply System has the ultimate responsibility for the Quality Assurance Program. The Managing Director shall assure that the program is implemented and maintained by assigning the appropriate authority and responsibility to the Director of Licensing and Assurance. Deputy Managing Of rector The Deputy Managing Director has delegated authority to implement policies of the Managing Director. The Deputy Managing Director reports to the Managing Director and is responsible for:

a) Coordinating and integrating the activities of Supply System organizations.

i b) Supporting and advising the Managing Director on the performance of Supply System functions and evaluations of such.

! c) Acting for the Managing Director, as required.

l '

17.3.T .1.3 Chief Financial Officar The Chief Financial Officer reports to the Managing Director, and is respons-ible for the development of Corporate material management and procurement policy and the procurement and control of Cogorate multiple project and l

' specialized materials and' related services required to support tne design and construction of Supply System nuclear power plants. Director, Engineering The Director, Engineering, reports to the Managing Director and is responsible for:

a) Providing technical and engineering support to the project.

b) Assisting the Project Engineering organization in providing technical direction to the Architect Engineer.

c) Assisting the project in performing technical overview of Supply System activi ties.

d) ASME Code consultation to the project, including interfacing with ASME, as the Owner, e) Perfonning and managing selected technical programs, having appli-cability to several projects.


WNP-3 FSAR f) Providing independent technical evaluations when requested by the Managing Director.

y oi g) Overall Supply System engineering records management policy.

Implementation of the policy with regards to functions described in M t,

this manual is the responsibility of all Directorates, as applicable.

  • I

E8 Assistant Managing Director, Operations e The Assistant Managing Director, Operations reports to the Managing Director " "e and is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all Supply System gg operating power plants

- ~ ~ Manager of Construction Projects The Manager of Construction Projects reports to the Director, Engineering and is responsible for development and implementation of policies and programs supporting the long-term preservation phase.

ibe Manager of Construction Projects carries out his responsibilities through the Site Managers and Engineering Managers at WNP-1 and WNP-3. Manager, Support. Services

' The Manager, Support Services, reports to the Assistant Managing Director, Operations, and is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and programs wnich support design, construction and operation of

, Supply System plants. Areas in which the Manager of Support Services provides

! support for the projects include industrial safety and fire protection, administration, security and radiological programs. He is also responsible for ensuring that Supply System Stancards Laboratory calibration of measuring and test equipment is performed in accordance with approved procedures which establish calibration frequencies, procedures used, recall methods, ident-ification requirements, tolerances and records required to establish equipment history and calibration data. _ Director, Licensing and Assurance 1

l The Director, Licensing and Assurance reports to the Managing Director and is responsible for the overall development, implementation and verification of the Supply System Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs to ensure compliance with regulations, codes and standards. These responsi-bilities include:

a) Interpretation of ASME Section III, Owners Responsibilities and Section XI Code Quality Assurance requirements and Quality Assurance manual i

requirements.Section III consultation with the N Certificate Holder on other ASME Code requirements.

l 17.3-3

' WNP-3 FSAR b)

Definition, approval, revision and controlled distribution of Supply System Quality Assurance manuals to ensure that the manuals adequately describe requirements.

'c) Approval of all corporate and project quality affecting implementing procedures and instructions and Project Quality Assurance Instructions.

d) Detemining tne adequacy and effectiveness of program implementation.

e) Apprising the Managing Director of the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs by periodic reporting of activities, trends and problems, through established corrective action systems.

f) " '

Exercising'the "auth'ority vested in the Quality Assurance organization to cause the acceptance or rejection of materials and components based on conformance verification to engineering requirements and the requirements of the ASME Code,Section III Owners responsibilities and Section XI.


Ensuring that Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safaty and Regulatory policies and programs provide Project Quality Assurance and Licensing Managers the freedom to inform the Director of Licensing and Assurance of significant conditions affecting quality, h) Maintaining cognizance of changing regulatory requirements and pro-viding controlled interface between the Supply System and Regulatory agencies so as to assure tnat commitment documents receive the neces-sary. degree and depth of review prior to transmittal .

1) Exercising authority to stop nonconfoming work of any Supply System Contractor or Supplier organization; and notification of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI) of the work stoppage for ASME activities, j)

Ensuring the adequacy, clarity and appropriateness of Supply System Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regulatory oriented com-munications and commitments directed to Supply System direct contracts and the Authorized Inspection Agency, for OwnersSection III, Section VIII, and Section XI activities.

k) Ensuring that significant conditions affecting quality or Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Programs, which are identified by Project Quality Assurance and which are addressed to the Licensing and Assurance Directorate for resolution, are adequately investigated and/or corrected.

1) Providing licensing support functions in such areas as acquisition and maintenance of nuclear power plant construction permits and operating licenses.


r WNP-3 FMR .

m) Administrating Supply System Corporate and Project Quality Assurance and Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Program activities.

The Director, Licensing and Assurance has effective consnunication channels with all Supply System senior management positions and has no duties or responsibilities unrelated to quality / safety assurance and licensing. To accomplish the above defined role, the Director, icensing and Assurance operate through the Manager, Programs and Audi ' the Manager, Regulatory Progr sj .d Manager, n Operational Assurance Programs. Manager, Programs and Audits The Manager, Programs and Audits reports to the Director, Licensing and Assurance and is responsible for the development and implementation of the Quality Assurance program at WNP-3 during the long-tem preservation phase.

He is also responsible for Procurement QA; QA functions associated with plant modifications; qualification and certification of Supply System nondestructive examination and inspection personnel and other personnel requiring certifi-cation; surveillance of nondestructive examination and inspection activities; has the lead role for acqu1Mng and maintaining ASME Certificates of Author-ization, and maintains an organization of qualified auditors responsible for verifying implementation of the Quality Assurance Program.

a) EnsuMng that ASME Code requirements. are properly interpreted and included in the Quality Assurance program requirements, b) Interfacing with the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI) AuthoMzed Inspection Agency for OwnersSection III, VIII, and XI responsibilities and the Enforcement Authority.

c) Ensuring that a written agreement with an AuthoHzed Inspection Agency is obtained to provide for ANI Services; and that the ANI is provided free access for CwnersSection III, VIII, and XI responsibilities.

d) Fnsuring that all nondestructive examination personnel involved in examination activities are certified in accordance with ASNT and/or the ASME Code, e) Acquisition and maintenance of ASME Certificates of Authorization and/or Owners Certificates.

f) Providing for certification of Supply System personnel who perform quality affecting activities, g) Developing and maintaining the Supply System Design & Construction and ASME Quality Assurance Program Manual, h) Reviewing and approving Project Quality Assurance Instructions.



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Reviewing and concurring with offsite design documents (such as drawing and contract specification review and approval) to assure conformance to the QA Program requirements.


Reviewing proposed changes to the Quality Assurance Program, defined in SAR documents, for the Director, Licensing and Assurance approval, k) Providing technical services to other Licensing and Assurance departments, as requested.

1) Assuring Initial Quality Assurance Indoctrination and Training for Supply System personnel is accomplished.

m) Quality Assurance functions associated with plant modifications that are comparable to activities occurring during the initial construction phase, n) Vendor qualification, review and concurrence with vendor furnished programs and procedures, source verification (e.g., surveillances, i

inspections and audits at Vendor's Facilities) and receiving inspection of vendor furnished items received at the Corporate warehouses througn the Manager, Procurement Quality Assurance.

! r o) Performing Quality Assurance audits of internal Supply System organizations and external organizations. (e.g., AE/CM); except for Management Audits.

p) Developing audit schedules and selecting qualified personnel to perfor n the activities of this function. i q) Certification of Audit Team Leaders, c) Training of audit personnel, s) Participating in audits and providing overview of AE activities.

t) Periodic review of Corporate and Project audit reports to identify any quality trends which may constitute a need for a corrective action.

j u) Maintenance of audit records.

L Manager, Regulatory Programs The Manager, Regulatory Programs, reports to the Director, Licensing and Assurance, and is responsible for the development and implementation of i

' policies and programs which support design, construction and operation of Supply System plants in the area of Nuclear Licensing. Areas in which the Manager of Regulatory Programs provides support for the projects include 17.3-6 L _ . _ _--_ --- .- - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -- -'

WNP-3 FMR environmental compliance and licensing. The Manager of Regulatory Programs is responsible for establishment and maintenance of Supply System / regulatory interfaces and assuring that nuclear licensing transmittals receive an adequate, competent and timely review prior to making commitments. WNP-3 Site, Suoply System /Ebasco Organization The WNP-3 organization, managed by the Site Manager and Deputy Site Manager, is comprised of a Support Manager, Technical Manager, P1 ant Preservation Manager and Preservation EngineeMng Manager, who report directly to the Site Manager / Deputy Site Manager. Quality Assu,rance, EngineeMng, and Safety are matHxed to the Site Manager / Deputy Site Manager but report administrative 1y to other Directorates. For matrixed functions, the Site Manager / Deputy Site Manager establish functional priorities and manage their contribution to the achievement of the Project plan.

Th embined Supply System and Ebasco site project organization is shown in Fi gc. e 17.3-3. Functional responsibilities for the Project which includes implementation of the Quality Assurance Program are assigned as follows: WNP-3 Site Manager The WNP-3 Site Manager is directly accountable to the Manager of Construction Projects and is responsible for the following:

a) Plant Preservation during the extended construction delay and ccm-pTeting the construction, startup, testing and completion of project exception items of WNP-3 in conformance with all quality, safety, and regulatory requirements.

b) Authority for Supply System site business administration, financial and personnel mattars. Provides, designates and manages Supply System overview / management for functions performed by Ebasco. r Deputy WNP-3 Site Manager a) The Deputy WNP-3 Site Manager is accountable to the WNP-3 Site Manager and is responsible for the following:

1) Provides management and staff support to the WNP-3 Site Manager.
2) During the absence of the WNP-3 Site Manager is responsible for accomplishment of those tasks defined in Paragraph a) with exception of those that may only be delegated to Su ply System employees.


__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ - _ .- _ - _ . __ E__ _ ._ _

, m WNP-3 FMR b) 'The Deputy WNP-3 Site Manager is the Ebasco Project General Manager, the Senior Ebasco Site representative, and is accountable to the Ebasco Senior Vice President and General Manager Corporate Sponsor and responsible for the following:

1) Construction Engineer responsibilities.
2) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III requirements for N-Certificate holder responsibilitias. .
3) Authority for Ebasco contractual and financial matters.
4) Manage and administer the matrixed Ebasco Engineering Design functions. Industrial Safety and Fire Protection The Industrial Safety and Fire Protection Specialist is accountable to the

' Corporate Safety and Fire Protection Manager and provides support to the Project through the WNP-3 Site Manager. The Industrial Safety and Fire Protection Specialist is responsible for the following:

a) Assists int the development, implementation and maintenance of the Site Industrial Safety and Fire Protection Programs, Health, Fitness for Duty, and Hazard Communication. Performs periodic audits and reports.

1 on the adequacy of the site industrial safety and fire protection '

programs. Quality Assurance The Project maintains a site Quality Assurance organization independant from organizations responsible for engineering, procurement and construction.

Personnel performing quality functions will not be responsible for or associ-ated with others who are performing the work which they are inspecting nor will they be responsible for performing the work over which they are providing surveillance, a) The Quality Assurance Manager is accountable to the Supply System Manager, Programs and Audits and provides assistance to the WNP-3 Site Manager / Deputy WNP-3 Site Manager, as part of the project management team, in implementing the quality assurance concepts into project work activities. This Manager has direct access to tne Ebasco Director of Quality Assurance, to provide Ebasco Management with the appropriate level of assurance that the requirements of their Quality Assurance Program (ETR1001) are being implemented. He is responsible for conducting Project QA/QC activities in accordance with the applicable requirements of 10CFRSO, Appendix B, and ANSI N45.2-1971. The Quality Assurance Manager is reponsible for the following:



1) YeMfies implementation of the Project Quality Assurance requirements.
2) YeMffes, by inspections, surveillances, and reviews that the Project organizations are implementing all applicable quality '


3) Reviews and approves quality affecting Project programs and control procedures.
4) Provides interface with NRC for inspections, notifications, and enforcement actions.
5) Stop work authority.

! 6) Reporting to the WNP-3 Site Manager, tho Director, Licensing and

! Assurance and the Ebasco Director, Quality Assurance, significant conditions adverse to quality.

7) Identification and reporting of nonconformances.
8) Reporting- QA problems and trends to the Manager, Programs and Audits and the Ebasco Director, Quality Assurance for use in l developing standards for management systems to precluda repetition of QA proDiems.
9) Provide surveilTance over mateMal storage, handling and control acti vi ties.
10) Provide receiving inspection of purchased items.
11) Assure necessary QA documentation has been provided, reviewed sad i

approved by appropriate personnel.


12) Establish and maintain controlled Quality Assurance files of quality records generated by Site QA or turned over to Sito QA by others.
13) Assures adequate staffing and training of personnel, b)
  • The Ebasco Assistant Quality Assurance Manager for ASME,Section III activities is accountable to the WNP-3 Quality Assurance Manager. He is also accountable to the Ebasco Director of Quality Assurance and is responsible for assuMng the implementation of the Ebasco ASME,Section III Program as the representative of the N Certificate Holder. In addition, the following ASME Code,Section III duties reserved to Ebasco, may only be performed by him:



1) Review and approval of the Quality Assurance Program and site quality affecting procedures.
2) Provide overview of the implementation of the Rasco approved WNP-3 ASME Code,Section III Program functions to assure compliance.
3) Review and approval of ASME Code Data Reports.
4) Assure all QA/QC personnel are appropriately qualified, trained, and certified.
5) Control and application of appropriate ASME N Stamp symbol .
6) Interface with New York for ASME Code,Section III r'equirements. Preservation Engineering Preservation Engineering is compMsed of Ebasco Site Support EngineeMng (ESSE), Ebasco Resident Engineers-Discipline and Supply System Engineers. The Ebasco Home Office Engineering authority residing at Site has not been ince-grated but resides with Ebasco Resident Engineering and ESSE personnel assigned to Preservation EngineeMng. This authority is dalegated in accor-dance with ETR-1001 and the Ebasco EngineeMng Procedures. The Preservation

, EngineeMng Manager, who is the ESSE Project Engineer, is responsible for administeMng these Ebasco Home Office engineeMng functions delegated to i si te. The Preservation EngineeMng Manager also implements the requirements' l

of the applicable Project policies and procedures. The following are Preservation Engineering functions:

a) Process and approve design changes in accordance with Dasco EngineeMng Procedures and Project quality assurance requirements.

b) Disposition and evaluate Site Nonconformanca Reports. .

c) Monitor the Plant Preservation Program, initiate / approve changes to WMC-051 Preservation Program as required to assure adequate preservation of assets, d) Review Maintenance Work Requests (MWR).

e) Prepare Work Packages for permanent plant and for significant temporary construction activities to be performed.

f) reponses for 10CFR50.55(e) and 10CFR21 reports and other responses to the NRC. .

1 17.3-10

, ,. WNP-3 FSAR g) Provide technical support for licensing activities and assure confonnar.ce of Preservation Engineering activities to SAR or EFSEC commitments, h) Assure technical adequacy of Field Purchase Requisitions and performs -

technical evaulation of bid response packages for permanent plant materials and equipment.

1) Administer the site Welding Program and assure that all permanent plant welding activities and the control of all WNP-3 filler material are in accordance with the approved Site Welding Program and quality assurance requirements.

', 4) Provide engineering support for, state (EFSEC) and federal environ-mental licensing matters.

k) Assure training of assigned personnel.

provides support to the Project Project Technical through a direct interface with the Site itanager with responsibilities Project Technical is comprised of a Supply System Project Technical Manager, Engineering Manager and a Licensing Manager.. The Project Technical Manager is accou

  • respe.ntable tsitrittofor thethe J:;F-3 Site !Meijer/0eputy 'J:;r-3 Site Manage and H ^--

follcwing: truction Project a) Overviews AE design activities and implemen he technical policies and objectives of the Supply System.

b) Obtains necessary licenses and permits, c) Provides site direction to the Engineering Manager and Licensing Manager.

d) Assures training of assigned personnel.

e) Manages the Owners responsibility for the design of the Project and ensures its technical adequacy. Engineering The Supply System Engineering Manager is accountable to the Manager of Construction Projects and provides Project Support through the Project Technical Manager with responsibilities for the following:

a) Monitors AE and NSSS Supplier engineering for technical adequacy. -

b) Approves the use and release of design criteria, technical speciff-cations and other design documents.

1 7.3-11

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- \

WNP-3  ;

, FSAR l l

c) Approves technical content and scope of equipment and construction contracts (including approval of contract closecuts to signify that all technical requirements have been acceptably met) and .najor design changes. Approves the technical aspects of contract bid evaluations. )

i d)

Reviews and concurs with the techical content of licensing documents ,

and assures conformance of engineering activities to MR or EFSEC 1

connitments and other engineering documents for technical adequacy.

e) Assures training of assigned personnel.

f) As a member of the Nonconfonnance Review Board, approves and/or ,

evaluates NCR dispositions for compliance to established requirements, g) Plans and implements WNP-3 ASME Section XI programs. Licensing The Supply System Licensing Manager is accountable to the Corporate Regulatory Programs Manager and provides support to the Project through a direct interface with the Project Technical Manager with responsibilities for the following:

a) Coordination of preparation and review of licensing submittals among Project, headquarters staff, consultants, the NSSS supplier, and the AE/CM.

b) Maintains and controls interface with NRC licensing. This includes l

review of submittals to the NRC for consistency with prior comitments as well as with Supply System policies and procedures.

j c) Assures timely licenses are obtained from the NRC in support of plant schedules.

d) Monitors the performance of NSSS supplier and the AE/CM licensing activities.

e) Assures the training of assigned personnel.

f) Coordinates evaluation of operational experience of other nuclear power plants. P1 ant Preseryation Plant Preservation's function is to preserve, operate and maintain the plant and the construction sita during the extended delay period. Plant Preser-vation is comprised of a Manager, an Operations Supervisor and a Maintenance Manager. Tne operations and maintenance groups are matrixed to the Project from the Manager, Hanford Generating Plant /Packwood Generating Plant.

17.3-12 l

o WNP-3 FSAR The Plant Preservation Manager provides support to the project and reports directly to the WNP-3 Site Manager / Deputy WNP-3 Site Manager. The Plant Preservation Manager is responsible for the operation and maintenance of  :

construction and pemanent systems and the preservation of plant and construction equipment, materials and facilities. Tne following are Plant Preservation functions:

a) Preserve and protect the plant during.the extended construction delay.

Maintain and operata plant and site support systems.

b) Assure adequate training of assigned site personnel engaged in plant operational, maintenance and support activities.

c) Develop and maintain approved program and procedures which provide administrative and technical controls for the operation and maintenance of the plant and control of plant records, reports and files.

d) Provide a continuing review and resolution of plant operating problems and safety related matters to assure safe plant operation.  :

e) Operata and maintain plant components efficiently and effectively during provisicoal acceptance and following final acceptance. Project Support Project Sepport is cc,mprisen of a Project Support Manager, Support Services l Manager, and an Administration Manager and matrixed Business and Security operations.

The Project Support Manager is accountable to the WNP-3 Site Manager / Deputy ,

WNP-3 Site Manager and is responsible for the following:

! a) Providing management and staff support to the WNP-3 Site Manager.

b) Providing Administrative, Business, Support Services, and Security l support during preservation of WNP-3. i l

c) Assures training of assigned personnel. Support Services Support Services is responsible to ensure that any responsibilities in the areas of procurement, warehousing, materials and document control are performed in accordanc:a with ~ approved procedures and in full compliance with the Applicable Codes and Standards.

The Support Semices Manager reports to the Project Support Manager. He is responsible for Records Management, Finance and Controls, Warehouse / Material Control and Data Processing.


WNP-3 FSAR l a) Records Management is responsible for implementation of the WNP-3


Records Program, and establishing a reco,rd retention schedule, l

- t b) Finance and Controls is accountable to the Corporate Controller and provides support to the Project through the Project Support Manager.

c) Warehouse / Material Control is responsible for the material control and warehousing functions and assists the Quality Assurance Manager /

Designee with all receiving data required to review all documentation ang perfom physical material inspections and acceptance. Security Security is accountable to the Supply System Corporate Security Programs Manager and provides security support to the Project through a direct interface with WNP-3 Support Manager.

17.3.12 2.W.3 Administration Tne Administration Manager is accountable to the Project Support Manager and is responsible for Administrative support for the Project organization, providing material management support by preparing / processing purchases requisitions, purchase orders and coordinating revisions and updates of Plant Procedure . .4 Business


The Business Manager is accountable to the Supply System Manager, Corpcrate Contracts and Materials Management and supports the Projects through the Projec*, Support Management by providing contract administration support.


! Refer to FSAR Sections through

i 4

I 17.3-14




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4 EFFECTIVE 09/01/87 FIGilnE 17.3-1

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, EFFECTIVE 09/01/87 FIGUQE 17.3-3 '

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