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Rev 2 to Nuclear Engineering & Operations (Neo) Procedure Neo 2.35, Pep Verification & Validation Program
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck, Millstone  File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1993
From: Baston G, Opeka J
Shared Package
ML20045H218 List:
NEO-2.35, NUDOCS 9307190251
Download: ML20045H227 (25)









(, D. Baston, Responsible Individual Director, Nuclear Production Materials Department CONCURRENCE N/A Director, Quality Services Department b

5*If-T3 APPROVAL Executive ViYe# residek-Nuclear Date P



9307190251 930707 n

235 2.s m DR ADOCK 05000213 3



Explanation of Revision To clarify the responsibilities of the. Action Plan Manager; to authorite the

- i Validation Team Leader to issue the validation notification letter; to add a line to the validation flow diagram indicating that the validation team continues to validate the action plan after communicating a Recommendation for Improvement to the Action Plan-Manager and Sponsor; to clarify the-need to document a validation start date on the PEP Deliverable Completion Form.

Primary Groups Affected by Revision All NE&O.

Recommended Training Emphasis Ensure employees understand interface with and responsibilities for imple-menting the PEP.

Comments by RI (designee)

None Person to Contact for Questions William Rudolph (Ext. 5590)

Richard Laudenat (Ext. 5217) i 3


  • 0 7

9 NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 Page 1 of 12 L






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NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS PROCEDURE NEO 2.35 PEP VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION PROGRAM 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides instructions to enable Nuclear Engineering and Operations (NEO) personnel to effectively implement the NEO Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) verification and validation program.

2.0 APPLICABILITY 2.1 This procedure applies to the NEO Group, which includes the North-east Nuclear Energy Company (NNEGO), the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO), the Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCO), and all other Northeast Utilities (NU) organizations providing support to the NEO Group.


3.1 Suonortine Document.g 3.1.1 NEO 1.02, "The Nuclea. Engineering and Operations Poli-cies and Procedures Manual."

3 l.2 NEO 2.13, " Nuclear Plant Records Program."

3.1.3 NEO 2.34, " Performance Enhancement Program."

3.1.4 Northeast Utilities Performance Enhancement Program Phase II Completion Report, June 1992.

4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Acronyms Executive Vice President-Nuclear EVP-N North Atlantic Energy Service Corp NAESCO

.i Nuclear Engineering and Operations NEO NU Northeast Utilities Performance Enhancement Program PEP Quality Services Department QSD Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer -

SVP NAESCO 4.2 Action Plan - The primary PEP work document that identifies the specific scope, objective (s), deliverables, schedule, resource


allocation, etc. of the area requiring performance improvement.

s NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 g

2n-2. no Page 2 of 12

I NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS PROCEDURE NEO 2.35 PEP VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION PROGRAM 1.0 FURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides instructions to enable Nuclear Engineering and Operations (NEO) personnel to effectively implement the NEO Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) verification and validation program.

2.0 APPLICABILITY 2.1 This procedure applies to the NEO Group, which includes the North-east Nuclear Energy Company (NNECO), the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO), the Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCO), and all other Northeast Utilities (NU) organizations I

providing support to the NEO Group.

3,0 REFERENCES 3.1 Supportinc Documenta 3.1.1 NED 1.02, "The Nuclear Engineering and Operations Poli-cies and Procedures Manual."

3.1.2 NEO 2.13 " Nuclear Plant Records Program."

3.1.3 NEO 2.34, " Performance Enhancement Program."

3.1.4 Northeast Utilities Performance Enhancement Program Phase II Completion Report, June 1992.

4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Acronyms EVP-N Executive Vice President Nuclear North Atlantic Energy Service Corp NAESCO Nuclear Engineering and Operations NEO NU Northeast Utilities PEP Performance Enhancement Program Quality Services Department QSD SVP Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer -

NAESCO 4.2 Action Plan - The primary PEP work document that identifies the specific scope, objective (s), deliverables, schedule, resource allocation, etc. of the area requiring parformance improvement.

s 1

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 235 Page 2 of 12

d 4.3 Action Plan Mancrer - The NU-employee responsible for directing the development and successful completion of a PEP Action Plan.

4.4 Decision Criteria - The acceptance threshold used by the Validation Team to determine whether or not the Intended Effect of an Action Plan has been achieved.

4.5 Deliverable - A section of the Action Plan entitled " Deliverables" which defines items that delineate or produce a product which establishes a process, issues a document, etc.

A Project /2 (P/2) milestone entry that states " Deliverable".

4.6 Intended Effect - The performance improvement to be achieved by implementing an Action Plan.

4.7 Management Advisory Groun - Senior nuclear industry consultants, external to NU, appointed by the EVP-N to provide independent oversight of the entire PEP.

4.8 PEP Committee - The VP, Millstone Station VP-Haddam Neck Station; VP, Nuclear Operations Support; VP-Nuclear Engineering Services; and the Director, Nuclear Licensing.

4.9 PEP Committee Soonsor - An NE&O Vice President on the PEP Committee assigned specific responsibility for overseeing the completion of one or more Action Plans.

4.10 PEP Team - Personnel reporting to the EVP-N for the purposes of administrative 1y managing the PEP and interfacing directly with the PEP Committee, Action Plan Managers, and Management Advisory Group members.

4.11 Validation - The process of determining if the intended effect of an Action Plan deliverable and/or the overall Action Plan has been accomplished.

4.12 Eglidation Acoroach - A set of questions, measures, and/or methods used by the Validation Team to determine if the Intended Effect of an Action Plan has been achieved.

4.13 Validation Criteria - The combination of the Intended Effect, Validation Approach, and the Decision Criteria.

4.14 Validation Plan - The document used by the Validation Team to direct the overall performance of an Action Plan validation.

4.15 yalidation Team - One or more technically qualified people responsible for independently determining if the Intended Effect of an Action Plan has been achieved.

4.16 Verification - The process of determining if the scope of an Action Plan deliverable has been fulfilled.

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 zu a.imo Page 3 of 12

Numerical designators applied to an 4.17 Work Breakdown Structure Action Plan Series for the purposes of providing traceability of a specific Action Plan to its corresponding root cause.

5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Executive Vice President-Nuclear (EVP-Ni Focuses on the overall management of the PEP with specific atten-tion to the resolution of management and policy issues. \\Ref. PEP TAB 2, p.13]

5.2 PEP Committee Sponsor 5.2.1 Performs Verification of Action Plan deliverables and documents the results.

5.2.2 Selects qualified personnel to perform Deliverable / Action Plan validation.

5.2.3 Reviews and approves Deliverable / Action Plan validation 1


5.2.4 Monitors actions to address recommendations for improve-ment resulting from validation activities.

5.3 PEP Action Plan Manarer 5.3.1 Completes Attachment 8.A, " PEP Deliverable Completion Form", to document the completion of an Action Plan deliverable.

5.3.2 Reviews and concurs with Deliverable / Action Plan valida-tion criteria.

5.3.3 Implements appropriate actions to resolve inadequacies identified during verification activities and informs the PEP Committee Sponsor upon completion.

5.3.4 Directs appropriate actions to address recommendations for improvement resulting from validation activities.

5.4 PEP Team Provides day-to day PEP project administration which includes processing Action Plan revisions, selectively performing Action Plan verification, validation and closure, coordinating Action Plan scheduling and status reporting, and interfacing with the EVP-N, PEP Committee, and Action Plan Managers on issues involving PEP implementation.

5.5 Validation Team Leader 5.5.1 Prepares the Validation Plan.

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 2n-2. n:o Page 4 of 12

4.17 Work Breakdown Structure - Numerical designators applied to an Action Plan Series for the purposes of providing traceability of a specific Action Plan to its corresponding root cause.

5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Executive Vice President-Nuclear (EVP-N)

Focuses on the overall management of the PEP vith specific atten-tion to the resolution of management and policy issues. \\Ref. PEP TAB 2, p.13) 5.2 PEP Committee Sponsor 5.2.1 Performs Verification of Action Plan deliverables and documents the results.

5.2.2 Selects qualified personnel to perform Deliverable / Action Plan validation.

5.2.3 Reviews and approves Deliverable / Action Plan validation criteria.

5.2.4 Monitors actions to address recommendations for improve-cent resulting from validation activities.

5.3 PEP Action Plan Manacer 5.3.1 Completes Attachment 8.A, " PEP Deliverable Completion Form", to document the completion of an Action Plan deliverable.

5.3.2 Reviews and concurs with Deliverable / Action Plan valida-tion criteria.

5.3.3 Implements appropriate actions to resolve inadequacies identified during verification activities and informs the PEP Committee Sponsor upon completion.

5.3.4 Directs appropriate actions to address recommendations for improvement resulting from validation activities.

5.4 PEP Team i

Provides day-to-day PEP project administration which includes processing Action Plan revisions, selectively performing Action Plan verification, validation and closure, coordinating' Action Plan scheduling and status reporting, and interfacing with the EVP-N, PEP Committee, and Action Plan Managers on issues involving PEP implementation.

5.5 Validation Team Leader


5.5.1 Prepares the Validation Plan.

1 NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 235 Page 4 of 12 1

5.5.2 Conducts the validation process in accordance with NEO 2.35 using the approved Validation Plan.

5.5.3 Interfaces with the Action Plan Manager and the PEP Committee Sponsor to resolve Validation Plan comments and to discuss the progress of the Validation.

5.5.4 Determines if the Intended Effect of the Action Plan has been achieved.

5.5.5 Prepares and issues the validation Report.


Validation Team 5.6.1 Assists the Validation Team Leader with the preparation of the Validation Plan.

5.6.2 Conducts the validation process in accordance with NEO 2.35 using the approved Validation Plan.

5.6.3 Determines if the Intended Effect of the Action Plan has been achieved.

5.6.4 Assists the Validation Team Leader with the preparation of the Validation Report.

5.7 Director. Nuclear Production Materials Department Maintains this procedure current.

6.0 INSTRUCTIONS Flow charts summarizing the sequence of primary actions, and the titles of the organizations and personnel responsible for them are shown in the Figures in Section 7.0.

Forms associated with the implementation of this procedure may be obtained by photocopying those provided in Section 8.0, Attachments.

6.1 The Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) has specified the need for verification and validation processes which are designed to provide NE&O management with a high level of assurahce that the intended goals and objectives of each PEP Action Plan are being achieved.

The following processes comprise the PEP verification and valida-tion programs and are described within this procedure.

6.1.1 Verification of Action Plan Deliverables 6.1.2 Validation of select Action Plan Deliverables and completed Action Plans.

'NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 Page 5 of 12

i l

6.2 PEP Verification Process i

6.2.1 Objective The primary objective of the PEP verification process is to determine if the scope of an Action Plan deliverable has been fulfilled.

6.2.2 Scope i

PEP verifications are performed on completed Action Plan y

deliverables. Not all Action Plan deliverables can/will i

l be verified due to the nature of the deliverable (e.g., a yes/no decision vs. the refinement of a work process).

6.2.3 Methods A PEP verification consists of a review performed by the PEP Committee Sponsor of the final work products which comprise the deliverable.

6.2.4 PEP Deliverable Completion The Action Plan Manager shall initiate and sign Section 1 of Attachment 8.A, and forward to the PEP Team following the completion of each Action Plan deliverable.

6.2.5 Verification Performance Refer to Figure 7.1 for an overview of the " PEP Verification Process". The PEP Team shall review Attachment 8.A (to assure appropriate documentation is attached) and forward to the PEP Committee Sponsor for action. Upon receipt of Attachment 8.A from the PEP i

Team, the PEP Committee Sponsor verifies that the deliverable work product (s) fulfills the scope of the deliverable as documented in the Action Plan. If the deliverable work product (s) is inadequate, the PEP Committee Sponsor informs the Action Plan Manager of the inadequacy.

The Action Plan Manager shall take the appro-priate actions to resolve the inadequacy and informs the PEP Committee Sponsor upon comple-tion.

6 NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 l Page 6 of 12 i

6.2 PEP Verification Process 6.2.1 Obj e ctive T

The primary objective of the PEP verification process is to determine if the scope of an Action Plan deliverable has been fulfilled.

6.2.2 Scope PEP verifications are performed on completed Action Plan deliverables.

Not all Action Plan deliverables can/will be verified due to the nature of the deliverable (e.g., a yes/no decision vs. the refinement of a work process).

6.2.3 Methods A PEP verification consists of a review performed by the PEP Committee Sponsor of the final work products which comprise the deliverable.

6.2.4 PEP Deliverable Completion The Action Plan Manager shall initiate and sign Section 1 of Attachment 8.A, and forward to the PEP Team following the completion of each Action Plan deliverable.

6.2.5 Verification Performance Refer to Figure 7.1 for an overview of the " PEP Verification Process". The PEP Team shall review Attachment 8.A (to assure appropriate documentation is attached) and forward to the PEP Committee Sponsor for action. Upon receipt of Attachment 8.A from the PEP Team, the PEP Committee Sponsor verifies that the deliverable work product (s) fulfills the scope of the deliverable as documented in the Action Plan.

i If the deliverable work product (s) is inadequate, the PEP Committee Sponsor informs the Action Plan Manager of the inadequacy.

The Action Plan Manager shall take the appro-priate actions to resolve the inadequacy and informs the PEP Committee Sponsor upon comple-tion.

6 NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 235-2.sro Page 6 of 12

-6.2.6 Documentation of Verification Results The results of the verification shall be documented on.A by the PEP Committee Sponsor and distributed to the PEP Team (original) and Action Plan Manager (copy).

6.2.7 PEP Team Verification Review The PEP Team shall review the information con-tained on Attachment 8.A and the information contained within the Action Plan file folder to determine if all Action Plan deliverables have been completed and those designated for verification have been verified. The PEP Team shall inform the PEP Committee that the Action Plan is complete and provide them with the date the Action Plan is tentatively scheduled to be validated. If all Action Plan deliverables have not been completed, Attachment 8.A shall be filed in the appropriate Action Plan folder for subsequent review and Action Plan statusing.

6.3 PEP Validation Process 6.3.1 Objectives The primary objective of the PEP validation process is to determine if the intended effect of select Action Plan deliverables and each completed Action Plan has been achieved.

6.3.2 Scope i

A PEP _ Validation may be performed following the completion of selected Action Plan deliverables and shall be performed following the overall completion of the j

Action Plan.

6.3.3 Methods i Refer to Figure 7.2 for an overview of the

  • PEP i

Validation Process".

-In general validation criteria should have the following characteristics: Be objective, i.e.,

minimize the role of personal opinion when formulating a conclusion.

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 2n-2.nn Page 7 of 12 2

'l repeatable, i.e.,

if a validation is repeated on an Action Plan, the.

results of the second measure should be similar.

l Be pertinent, i.e.,

the validation should actually measure what it was intended to measure.

For example, if measuring the intended effect of the

" Empowerment" Action Plan by looking at changes in decision making respon-l sibility and accountability,.a perti-nent measure could be a demonstrated increase in signature budgetary authorization or perhaps a reduction in the number of levels needed to sign-off a budgetary request. Be performed by an independent third

party, i.e., personnel who did not have a substantial role in creating i

the Action Plan's-deliverables.

6.3.4 Responsibility for Validation Decision The Action Plan Manager shall determine when the completed Deliverable / Action Plan should be validated. This decision shall be documented on.A. The following should be considered by the Action Plan Manager when determining to perform the validation: The elapsed time from the completion of the Action Plan to the start of the validation.

This provides sufficient time for Action Plan implementation to become effective. The availability of qualified person-nel to perform the validation. The Action Plan Manager shall transmit the completed Attachment 8.A to the PEP Team for action. The PEP Team shall act as the coordinating organization for all validation activities and shall inform the responsible PEP Committee Sponsor of the need to initiate the validation process..

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 235-2 no -

Page 8 of 12 Be repeatable, i.e.,

if a validation is repeated on an Action Plan, the results of the second measure should be similar. Be pertinent, i.e.,

the validation should actually measure what it was intended to measure.

For example, if measuring the intended effect of the

" Empowerment" Action Plan by looking at changes in decision making respon-sibility and accountability, a perti-nent measure could be a demonstrated increase in signature budgetary authorization or perhaps a reduction-in the number of levels needed to sign-off a budgetary request. Be performed by an independent third

party, i.e.,

personnel who did not have a substantial role in creating the Action Plan's deliverables.

6.3.4 Responsibility for Validation Decision The Action Plan Manager shall determine when the completed Deliverable / Action Plan should be validated. This decision shall be documented on Attachment B.A. The following should be considered by the Action Plan Manager when determining to perform the validation: The elapsed time from the completion of the Action Plan to the start of the validation.

This provides sufficient time for Action Plan implementation to become effective. The availability of qualified person-nel to perform the validation. The Action Plan Manager shall transmit the completed Attachment 8.A to the PEP Tesa for action. The PEP Team shall act as the coordinating organization for all validation activities and shall inform the responsible PEP Committee Sponsor of the need to initiate the validation.


NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 Page 8 of 12 q

1 i

6.3.5 Validation Team Selection & Qualification The PEP Committee Sponsor shall select personnel to perform the validation process. Validation may be performed by external organi-zations (e.g., INPO via an Assist Visit, Com-bined Utility Assessment Team Audits, etc.) as deemed appropriate by the PEP Committee Spon-Sor. A PEP Team member should serve on the Validation Team to assist with the administra-tion of the validation effort. The PEP Committee Sponsor shall designate a team member as the Validation Team Leader. Validation personnel shall meet the following qualifications at the time of assignment to the validation team. Possess competence in the area to be validated. Have been independent of the direct development of the Action Plan. Be available to participate and com-plete the assignment within the scheduled time period.

6.3.6 Vclidation Plan bevelopment, Review, and Approval Each Validation Plan (i.e., Attachment 8.B) shall be developed by an assigned Validation Team on a schedule to support the validation of the Action Plan. Development of the Validation Plan should consider the perspectives of those organiza-tions or individuals impacted by the Action j

' ' Plan deliverable."

"~~ ~


j The Validation Plan shall be signed by the Validation Team Leader and transmitted to the PEP. Team prior to the Action Plan Manager and FEP Committee Sponsor review. The Validation Plan shall be reviewed by the Action Plan Manager. Any comments should be resolved with the Validation Team Leader i

however if mutual agreement cannot be obtained, the comment shall be resolved by the PEP NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 Page 9 of 12

Committee Sponsor.

When acceptable, the. Action Plan Manager shall concur with the Validation Plan by signing and forwarding it to the PEP Team. The Validation Plan shall be reviewed by the PEP Committee Sponsor. Any comments shall be resolved with the Validation Team Leader.

When acceptable, the PEP Committee Sponsor shall approve the Validation Plan for implementation by signing and forwarding it to the PEP Team. The PEP Team shall provide the approved Valida-tion Plan to the Validation Team Leader prior to the beginning of the Validation.

6.3.7 Notification of Validation The Validation Team Leader shall notify the following personnel, by memo, prior to the beginning of a validation activity.

Action Plan Manager Executive Vice President-Nuclear PEP Committee Management Advisory Group The notification shall provide the title of the validation, a brief scope statement, the start date and anticipated completion date, and the name and phone number of the Validation Team Leader.

6.3.8 Initiation of the Validation Process The Validation Team Leader should contact appropriate interface personnel prior to commencing the validation activity to inform them of the validation schedule, key 4

objectives, and answer any questions regarding the validation process.

6.3.9 Assessment of Intended Effect The Validstion Team shall determine if-the completed Deliverable / Action Plan has adequately achieved its' intended effect. Recommendations for improvement shall be docu-mented and communicated to the PEP Committee Sponsor and Action Plan Manager upon identifi-cation.

4 NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 an-2.seo Page 10 of 12

Committee Sponsor. When acceptable, the Action Plan Manager shall concur with the Validation Plan by signing and forwarding it to the PEP Team. The Validation Plan shall be reviewed by the PEP Committee Sponsor. Any comments shall be resolved with the Validation Team Leader.

When acceptable, the PEP Committee Sponsor shall approve the Validation Plan for implementation by signin6 and forwarding it to the PEP Team. The PEP Team shall provide the approved Valida-tion Plan to the Validation Team Leader prior to the beginning of the Validation.

6.3.7 Notification of Validation The Validation Team Leader shall notify the following personnel, by memo, prior to the beginning of a validation activity.

Action Plan Manager Executive Vice President-Nuclear PEP Committee 1

Management Advisory Group The notification shall provide the title of the validation, a brief scope statement, the start date and anticipated completion date, and the i

name and phone number of the Validation Team Leader.

6.3.8 Initiation of the Validation Process The Validation Team Leader should contact appropriate interface personnel prior to commencing the validation activity to inforn them of the validation schedule, key objectives, and answer any questions regarding the validation process.

6.3.9 Assessment of Intended Effect The Validation Team shall determine if the completed Deliverable / Action Plan has adequately achieved its' intended effect. Recommendations for improvement shall be docu-mented and communicated to the PEP Committee Sponsor and Action Plan Manager upon identifi-cation.

6 NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 2n-2.sao Page 10 of 12

>4 k Appropriate actions shall be initiated _by the PEP Committee Sponsor and/or the Action Plan Manager to address the recommendations.

6.3.10 Documentation of PEP Validation Results The Validation Team shall prepare a report to describe the results of the validation.

B The report shall contain the following informa-tion and shall be consistent with the " Sample Format - PEP Validation Report" provided as.C.

Validation Title Dates of Validation Action Plan Manager Purpose of Validation Scope of Validation Results Recommendations Validation Performed By:

i Attachments (e.g., PEP Validation Criteria, etc.)

6.3.11 Communication of Validation Results The Validation Team Leader shall sign and

~ transmit the PEP Validation Report to the Manager, Performance-Enhancement Program. The PEP Team shall distribute the Validation Report to the following personnel at a minimumi


i Executive Vice President-Nuclear PEP Committee members.

I Action Plan Manager Management Advisory Group j

6.4 FEP-Records The following PEP documents shall be. retained in accordance with NEO 2.13.

I 6.4.1 PEP Deliverable Completion Forms 6.4.2 Validation Reports 7.0 FIGURES Firure No.

Ficure Title i

7.1 PEP Verification Process (Overview) 7.2 PEP Validation Process (Overview)

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 Page 11 of 12 i

P 8.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment No.

Attachment Title 8.A PEP Deliverable Completion Form 8.B PEP Validation Plan 8.C Sample Format - PEP Validation Report 8.D Major Changes from Previous Revision- (Rev. 1 Updated to Rev. 2) i l

l l

6 NEO 2.

Rev. 2 Page 12 of 12 1


Attachment No.

Attachment Title 8.A PEP Deliverable Completion Form 8.B PEP Validation Plan 8.C Sample Format - PEP Validation Report 8.D Major Changes from Previous Revision (Rev. 1 Updated to Rev. 2) i i

F t

f i

i l

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 ass-2.uro Page 12 of 12 i



( Action Pica Delivertble) figure 7.1 Action Plan Deliverable is PEP Team PEP Com=Ittee PEP Committee Action Plan Complete.

Reviews Sponsor

$ponsor Wanager Takes Attachment Performs Deliverable No Informs Appropriate 8.A s i

Verification i Work Products i

Action Plan i

Action to Action Plan Manager Transmits to of Adequate manager of Resolve the CompletesSection I PEP Causittee Action Plan Inadequacy Inadequacy.A 8 Sponsor Deliverable


Forwerds to FEP Team m.

JL Yes it All Action Verification Action Plan Plan Results Manager Deliverables Documented on Informs Completed E i

Attach 8.A 0

PEP Committee 4---

No Appropriately by $ponsor 8 Sponsor of Verlfled Transmitted Action Taken to PEP Teme


t Yes it PEP Tome Informs PEP Committee

Action Plan is Complets and l

Date Anticipated for Action Plan i

i Validation l

Rev.2 RfD 2.35 Page 7.1-1 of I l


(Selected Action Plan Deliverzbles and Completed Action Plans) j i

Figure 7.2

-~~) To F i gur e 7.1 for Attach. 8.A PEP Committee Sponsor Validation Tomm Action Plan Manager PEP Committee 5ponsor selects Validation Leader PEP Team Peviews Reviews Team Validation Plan 5 Validation Plan &

Process *2 Attach. 8.A Resolves any Comments Resolves any Comments Validation Team Signs validation Plan a validation Plan l with Validatinn Team with Validation Team Propsres Velldation and n

Leader leader Plan fransmits to the Forwards then Signs E Paturns then Signs & Returns PEP leam Validation Plan to Validation Plan Validation Plan l'W NEO 2.33 Action Plan Manager to the PEP Teme to the PEP Team i

1 5elscted Deliverable /

Action Plan is Completed PEP Teen Validation iome Action Plan Manager Validation Leader Provides Validation Initiates femm Plan to Validation.A 1

Contacts Interface i

Team Leader 4-----

and Performs Personnsi Prior fransmits to PEP Team Validation j6 to Cnmmencing the Mottfles Personnel Validation Prior to Validation Initiation No 1r Validation Team vstidation Team Wember Action Plan Wgr./

Prepares a PEP Conn. Sponsor Validation Report Yes Valldellon Mo Recommendtton Yes Discuss with and Transmits 1

Activity 1

for i

Action Plan Wgr/

i Initiate to PEP leam d6 Completed Improvement PEP Comm. Sponsor Appropriate for Review and Identified Actions Distribution


Document in


Validation Report No

!r PEP Team PEP Team Valldation Report Yes Davlows Validation i Complete and l

Distributes Keport IAW NEO 2.35 Validation Report


Rev.2 NEO 2.35 Pao. L 2-1 of I





Section 1: Action Plan Manager - Deliverable Information PEP Deliverable Identification (Obtained from Action Plan)

Deliverable ID#:

(Attach Completed Deliverable)

Date Completed:



Validation Should this Deliverable be Validated?

No Yes If Yes, when should the Deliverable Validation process be performed?


Have ALL Action Plan Deliverables been Completed?

No Yes If Yes, when should the Action Plan Validation process be performed?


Signature Authorization to Process Action Plan Manager:


(Transmit to PEP Team for Action)

Section 2:

PEP Team Review - Completeness PEP Team Member Date:

Section 3:

PEP Committee Sponsor - Deliverable VerificAt. ion Verification:

Please document your conclusions below.


Acceptable Acceptable with Comments (Attach)

,.__ Unacceptable (Attach information)

PEP Committee Sponsor:


(Transmit to PEP Team for Action)

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 2n-2,no Page 8.A-1 of 1



Action Plan Manager:

Validation Start Date:


Validation Plan Prepared By:


(Validation Team Leader)

Validation Plan Concurrence:


(Action Plan Manager)

Validation Plan Approved By:


(PEP Committee Sponsor) f (Deliverable / Action Plan) Scope and Objectives:




Intended Effect of the (Deliverable / Action Plan)

.i validation Approach Decision Criteria NEO 2.35 Rev. 2 2n-2,no Page 8.B-1 of 1

t i

..C (Sample Format - PEP Validation Report) i PEP VALIDATION REPORT - (Action Plan Number and Title)

Report #:

(VAL-Action Plan #-yr. sequence)



Dates of Validation:

Action Plan Manager:

Purpose of Validation:

(State why the validation was performed i.e.,

what was to be accomplished by performing this validation) t Scope of Validation:

(State the Action Plan deliverable (s), etc that was validated)


(Discuss the observations and conclusions result-ing from the validation. Indicate if the intend-ed effect of the Action Plan was accomplished.)


(Provide recommendations for improving the effec-tiveness of the Action Plan if appropriate)

Validation Performed By:

(List the Validation Team members and provide the signature of the Validation Team Leader)


(Validation Plan, etc.)

I l

NEO 2.35 Rev. 2'

-l 2n-2.wto Page B.C-1 of 1 p-



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