ML20154A740 | |
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Site: | Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png |
Issue date: | 09/24/1998 |
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ACP-1.2-2.88, NUDOCS 9810020426 | |
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SEP 2 41998 1
k CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL PROCEDURE Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Makeup Monitoring Program ACP 1.2-2.88 Original This procedure implements Technical Specification 6.8.1.g.
it Director-Haddam Neck Station PORC Mtg. No.:
/ Date:
9-\\0- %
Effective Date:
Y"N~ f[
Level of Use Responsible Individual:
Information J. F. Bibby
ACP 1,24.5B 9810020426 980920 PDR ADOCK 05000213 W
1 SEP 2 41998 ACP 1.2-2.88 Original Connecticut Yankee Administrative Control Procedure Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Makeup Monitoring Program TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 IN S TR U CTI O N S........................................................................................................ 2 1.1 General....................................................................................................................2 l.2 Program E lements....................................................................................... :..... 2
...................................................................................................!............6 2.1 S o urc e Doc um e n ts........................................................................................ 6 2.2 S uppo rtin g Documents............................................................................................ 6 l
3.0 COMMITMENTS.................................................................................................................7 1
1 4.0 S U M MARY o f C HANG ES................................................................................ 7 De finitions................................................................................................ 8
\\ Equipment, and Components....................................................'............. 10 l
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SEP2 41998 ACP 1.2-2.88 Original
l.0 INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 General 1.1.1 Requirements 1
The regulatory requirements for a Fuel Storage Pool and Makeup Monitoring Program are contained in Haddam Neck Technical Specification 6.8.1.g.
1.1.2 Objectives The objective of this Program is to provide reasonable assurance that the structures, systems and components (SSCs) and water sources used for forced spent fuel pool cooling and for maintaining spent fuel pool water level are 1
capable of fulfilling their intended function.
1.1.3 Program Scope,and Applicability The Program requires that the crimary method for spent fuel pool cooling and the primary method for spent fuel pool water makeup capability be monitored and maintained. Definitions for monitoring and maintaining are fqpd in
Although the Service Water System (SWS) provides the existing heat sink for the fuel pool, this system is scheduled to be replaced in the fourth quarter of 1998. Based on this, individual SWS components are not included in. However, the SWS will centinue to be monitored by verifying it provides adequate heat sink to maintain fuel pool temperature within normal limits. SWS monitoring will cease when the Intermediate Cooling and Spray Cooling Systems are performing the heat sink function.
The Program is applicable to those activities that ensure the continued function of the SSCs and water sources used for forced spent fuel pool cooling and for maintaining spent fuel pool water level. Equipment, and components included in this program are itemized in Attachment 2.
. Program Elements 1.2.1 Spent Fuel Quality Assurance (SFQA) Program Reduces the likelihood of an unplanned loss of forced Spent Fuel Cooling through application of a QA program to applicable Equipment, Components
and Systems.
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ACP 1.2-2.88 Original Elements of SFQA program are described in ACP 1.2-2.86," Spent e
Fuel Quality Assurance Program" 1.2.2 Spent Fuel Pool Leakage Monitoring Spent Fuel Pool Leakage Monitoring includes:
_ Observation of system / pool integrity; l
Measurement and trending of water additions to the fuel pool; e
Collection, measurement, analysis and trending of water collected e
from the liner leakage collection standpipe; Periodic visual leakage checks of system boundary valves; and Periodic sampling / analysis of monitoring wells located to the west of e
the fuel building.
Radiation monitoring of the secondary side of the fuel pool heat exchangers.
Procedures that implement leakage monitoring activities include:
ENG 1.7-175," Fuel Pool Leakage Monitoring" RPM 5.1-3," Collection of Surface and Subsurface Soil, Shoreline Sediment, Asphalt and Liquid Samples for Scoping and., e
Characterization Surveys" 1.2.3 Water Chemistry Control
) Vater chemistry control is achieved by: (1) Using high quality water for system initial filling and normal makeup,(2) Purifying water during opervion using installed or temporary filters and/or demineralizers, and (3)
Periodically sampling and analyzing of systems water and adjusting the use of purification subsystems as necessary to maintain high quality water in the systems.
The Spent Fuel Pool Cooling (SFPC), Intermediate Cooling (IC),
Spray Cooling (SC) and Primary Water (PW) Systems are filled with demineralized water.
The normal makeup to the SFPC, IC, and SC systems is demineralized water.
The SFPC System has a skimmer pump and filter subsystem that removes surface particulates.
The SFPC system also has a purification subsystem that is designed to e
Processes fuel pool water through a filter and demineralizer.
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SEP 2 41998 ACP 1.2-2.88 Original
These subsystems will be operated as necessary to maintain fuel pool e
water quality within applicable specifications.
The IC System is closed loop and is nst normally subject to water quality degradation. The System has side-stream filters for removal of fine particulates. These filters are in operation whenever the IC system is in operation.
Sodium Hypochlorite treatment of the SWS, as necessary, reduces j
e the probability of fouling in the fuel pool heat exchangers while SWS is used as the heat sink.
When necessary, techniques will be utilized to maintain water quality within applicable specifications whenever forced cooling of the fuel pool is required.
The SC System has side-stream filters for removal of fine particulates.
These filters are in operation whenever the SC is in operation.
Sampling and analysis of the fuel pool water is performed at a frequency to ensure anomalous water chemistry conditions are identified before they could cause degradation of the fuel, fusi pool
liner, fuel racks or cooling system components.
Re SFPC and SC Systems water chemistry control mechanisms will be adjusted based on the results of sampling / analysis.
Water chemistry sampling, analysis and acceptance criteria are contained in the following procedures:
CHM 7.1-1 " Demineralized Water Control (WT, CST, DWST, PWST and RPWST)"
CHM 7.4-1 " Borated Water Systems Control (SFP, BAMT, RWST)"
CHDP 1.0-4," Chemistry Data Review" e
1.2.4 Freeze Protection The Primary cooling system and Primary makeup system are protected from freezing by the following: (1) Most of the system components are located within heated areas / buildings, (2) Components located outside heated areas are either engineered to be passively protected against freezing by draining or
are heat traced, or are heated, and (3) Monitoring of system operation, Level of Use information 4 of10
SEP 2 41998 ACP 1.2-2.88 Original weather conditions and heat tracing ensures potential freezing conditions are
identified and rectified before system damage can occur.
Procedures that provide monitodng of weather conditions, building heating and elecide heat trace operation include:
PMP 9.9-146 " Freeze Protection Equipment Preventive Maintenance" i
PMP 9.1-52 " Cold Weather Operations" e
1.2.5 Decommissioning / Nuclear Island Maintenance Rule Manual Maintenance Rule compliance facilitates the integration of other CY programs and processes which impact the plant maintenance functions during decommissioning.
Maintenance Rule compliance is the primary objective. The program provides reasonable assurance that the structures, systems, and components (SSCs) required to maintain Spent Fuel Storage function and that SSC performance is routinely monitored.
1.2.6 Component Readiness Inspectionffesting Program
This program establishes the requirements for component readiness testing of pumps, valves, pressure relief devices, supports and pressure leak inspections required to support safe storage of spent fuel at CY.
1.2.7 Normal Operation The following procedures ensure normal operation of the systems is adequately monitored and controlled:
SUR 5.1-0B," Steady State Operational Surveillance (Defueled)"
NOP 2.10-1," Spent Fuel Pit Cooling System Operation" NOP 2.24-6," Service Water System Normal Operation"*
NOP 2.23-6," Primary Water System Operations" WCM 2.2-5 " Foreign Material Control"
- While SWS is used as the fuel pool cooling heat sink 1.2.8 Off-Normal Operation The following procedures ensure off normal conditions are recognized and corrected in a timely manner.
AOP 3.2-59," Loss of Spent Fuel Cooling" (and associated
Annunciator Response Procedures)
ANN 4.2-13B," Heat Trace Trouble PWST" Level of Use information 5 of 10
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SEP 2 41998 ACP 1.2-2.88 Original ANN 4.4.4-27,"PWST Low Level" e
l.2.9 Training Program The Training Program ensures that only qualified personnel perform design, operation, surveillance and maintenance activities on applicable systems, structures and components, The CY Training Program is implemented by ACP 1.2-2.28, e
" Training and Qualification of CY Personnel" and lower tiered procedures.
1.2.11 Haddam Neck Technical Specifications Technical Specifications sections 3/4.9,5.0 and 6.0 support the Fuel Storage Pool and Makeup Monitoring Program by specifying operability of necessary systems and components, by ensuring necessary design features are maintained and by ensuring an adequate number of qualified personnel are available to perform the monitoring and maintenance functions delineated herein.
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2.1 Source Documents 2.1.1 Technical Specification 6.8.1.g 2.2 Supporting Documents 2.2.1 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Licensing Basis / Design Basis (LB/DB) Document.
2.2.2 UFSAR Chapters 1,3,7,8,9, and 15 2.2.3 Technical Specifications sections 3/4.9,5.0, and 6.0 2.2.4 Chemistry Criteria and Specifications for Westinghouse Pressurized Reactors", Rev 4, August 1985 2.2.5 ACP 1.2 2.86," Spent Fuel Quality Assurance Program" 2.2.6 ENG 1.7-175," Fuel Pool Leakage Monitoring"
2.2.7 RPM 5.1-3," Collection of Surface and Subsurface Soil, Shoreline Sediment, Asphalt and Liquid Samples for Scoping and Characterization Surveys" Level of Use information 6 of10
SEP2 41998
ACP 1.2-2.88 Original l
k 2.2.8 CHM 7.1-1, " Demineralized Water Control (WT, CST, DWST, PWST and l
l 2.2.9 CHM 7.4-1 " Borated Water Systems Control (SFP, BAMT, RWST)"
l 2.2.10 CHDP 1.0-4," Chemistry Data Review" 2.2.11 SUR 5.1-0B " Steady State Operational Surveillance (Defueled)"
2.2.12 PMP 9.9-146 " Freeze Protection Equipment Preventive Maintenance" 2.2.13 PMP 9.1-52 " Cold Weather Operations" 2.2.14 NOP 2.10-1," Spent Fuel Pit Cooling System Operation" 2.2.15 NOP 2.23-6," Primary Water System Operations" 2.2.16 WCM 2.2-5 " Foreign Material Control" l
2.2.17 AOP 3.2-59," Loss of Spent Fuel Cooling"
2.2.18 ANN 4.2-13B," Heat Trace Trouble PWST" l
2.2.19 ANN 4.4.4-27,"PWST Low Level" 2.2.20 ANN 4.7-23A/B," Spent Fuel Pit High/ Low Level" 2.2.21 NOP 2.24-6," Service Water System Normal Operation" 3.0 COMMITMENTS i
None 4.0
of CHANGES Origiri issue 1
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SEP2 41998 ACP 1.2-2.88 Original
Definitions (Page 1 of 2)
A coordinated set of activities including normal operation, data accumulation, observation, surveillance and evaluation that ensures the condition of the system or component is known.
A coordinated set of activities that ensure the condition of the system or component satisfies the Licensing Basis and Design Basis as specified in Reference 2.2.1 Primary method for spent fuel pool cooling.
- 1. The current heat sink for the fuel pool is the SWS. However, this will be replaced by the Intermediate Cooling and Spray Cooling during the fourth quarter of 1998.
- 2. Operation of the spray cooling pumps and fans is optional, depending ori' atmospheric conditions, and is controlled consistent with Freeze Protection The Primary method for spent fuel pool cooling is forced cooling using one fuel pool cooling pump, and one fuel pool heat exchanger. The heat sink for the fuel pool heat exchanger consists of one of the following:
One Service Water Pump and a flow path from the pump to a fue.
~, ieat exchanger and to the Service Water Discharge Header.
One Intermediate Cooling Pump with flow through one Spray Cooler, one spray cooling pump and two spray cooler fans.
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l ACP 1.2-2.88 Original
Definitions (Page 2 of 2)
Primary method for spent fuel pool water makeup NOTE Other fuel pool makeup sources such as the RPWST and DWST are available and may be used.
The Primary method for spent fuel pool water makeup is from the PWST with one Primary Water Transfer Pump, piping and valves to transfer water from the Primary Water Transfer Pumps to the Fuel Pool Cooling System.
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ACP 1.2-2.88 Original
Equipment, and Components Included in the Fuel Storage Pool and Makeup Monitoring Program Component Number Description P-21-1 A/P-21-1 AM Fuel Pool Cooling Pump / Motor P-21-1 B/P-21-1 BM Fuel Pool Coaling Pump / Motor E-10-1 A Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Exchanger E-10-1 B Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Exchanger P-90 1 A/ P-90-1 AM Skimmer Pump / Motor P-90-1 B/ P-90-1 BM Skimmer Pump / Motor ST-7-1 A Skimmer Strainer ST-7-1 B Skimmer Strainer FL-62-1 A Skimmer Filter FL-62-1 B Skimmer Filter I-1-lC Fuel Pool Cooling lon Exchanger FL-65-1 A Fuel Pool Cooling Filter HT-FP-PNL-B, CKT 9,13,14 Heat tracing for connecting piping to/from SFC.
LIS 619 Fuel Pool Level Switch
TIA-619 Fuel Pool Temperature Switch TK-20-1 A Primary Water Storage Tank P-29-1 A/P-29-1 AM Primary Water Transfer Pump / Motor j
P-29-1 B/P-29-1 BM Primary Water Transfer Pump / Motor LT-1007/LI-1007 PWST Level Transmitter / Indicator CKT 14A LP-Pl-1 Heat Tracing for PWST and connecting piping P-192-1(2)A(B)
Spray Cooling Pumps TK-123-1 A(B)
Spray Surge Tank FL-200-1(2)A(B)
Spray Cooling Filters E 177-1 A(B)
Spray Coolers F-110-1 A,2A; F-111-1 B,2B Spray Cooler Fans P-193-1(2)A(B)
Intermediate Cooling Pumps TK-124-1 A(B)
Intermediate Cooling Surge Tank FL-201-1(2)A(B)
Intermediate Cooling Filters N/A Fuel Pool Structure (including liner)
N/A Spent Fuel Racks LI-619 Fuel Pool Level Indicator TI-619A Fuel Pool Temperature Indicator
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U. S. Nucle:r Reguintory Commission CY-98-157/ Attachment 2/Page 1 Haddam Neck Plant TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT ll.C.3.1 SPENT FUEL POOL WATER CHEMISTRY September 1998
U. S. Nucl=r Regulatory Commission CY-98-157/ Attachment 2/Page 2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS II.C PLANT SYSTEMS II.C.3.1 SPENT FUEL POOL WATER CHEMISTRY LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The Spent Fuel Pool water chemistry shall be maintained within the limits specified in the following table:
TABLE II.C.3.1-1 ParameterJ
- Lim ng Condition fory W Inspection &'
Operation ~
Testing Frequency-Chloride 5 0.15 ppm Once monthly Fluoride 5 0.15 ppm Once monthly APPLICABILITY While spent fuel is stored in the spent fuel pool.
ACTION With chloride or fluoride concentration greater than the above values, perform an engineering evaluation within 30 days to determine the effects of the out-of-limit condition. Take corrective actions as required to return the pool water chemistry to the limits of Table ll.C.3.1-1 as determined by the engineering evaluation, ll.C.4.1 INSPECTION AND TEGTING REQUIREMENTS The spent fuel pool cheraistry shall be tested for compliance with the limits, and at the frequencies, stated in the table above.
BASES Chloride and fluoride are controlled to reduce the potential for stress corrosion cracking of the spent fuel assemblies and structures in contact with the spent fuel pool water.
SAFETY EVALUATION NUMBER SY-EV-97-0099 ll.C-1 September 1998 l
September 1998