ML20043C117 | |
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Site: | Fort Calhoun ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/24/1990 |
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MONTHYEARLIC-99-0098, Forwards Revs to Fort Calhoun Station EPIPs & Emergency Planning Forms Manual.Document Update Instructions & Summary of Changes Are Included on Confirmation of Transmittal Form Attached1999-10-15015 October 1999
[Table view]Forwards Revs to Fort Calhoun Station EPIPs & Emergency Planning Forms Manual.Document Update Instructions & Summary of Changes Are Included on Confirmation of Transmittal Form Attached ML20217G9261999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-10 on 990913-17.One NCV Noted ML20217G2331999-10-14014 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-09 on 990913-17.No Violations Noted LIC-99-0091, Submits Suppl Response to GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal, in Response to NRC RAI During 990817 Meeting with Util1999-10-0808 October 1999 Submits Suppl Response to GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal, in Response to NRC RAI During 990817 Meeting with Util LIC-99-0097, Forwards Final RO & SRO License Applications,As Requested in ,Certifying That Training Completed for Six RO Candidates,Three Instant SRO Candidates & One Upgrade SRO Candidate.Without Encls1999-10-0707 October 1999 Forwards Final RO & SRO License Applications,As Requested in ,Certifying That Training Completed for Six RO Candidates,Three Instant SRO Candidates & One Upgrade SRO Candidate.Without Encls ML20217B5111999-10-0606 October 1999 Forwards Amend 193 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TS Sections 2.10.4,3.1 & Table 3-3 to Increase Min Required RCS Flow Rate & Change Surveillance require- Ments for RCS Flow Rate ML20216H7231999-09-29029 September 1999 Informs That Util 980325 Response to GL 97-06, Degradation of SG Internals, Provides Reasonable Assurance That Condition of Util SG Internals in Compliance with Current Licensing Bases for Fort Calhoun Station,Unit 1 ML20212L9571999-09-27027 September 1999 Informs That Follow Up Insp for Drill/Exercise Performance Indicator Will Be Conducted During Wk of 991001 LIC-99-0089, Forwards Preliminary License Exam Applications for Six Ros, Three Instant SROs & One Upgrade SRO Candidate,Per Preparation for Ro/Sro Licensing Exams to Be Administered on 991025-29 at Fcs.Without Encl1999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Preliminary License Exam Applications for Six Ros, Three Instant SROs & One Upgrade SRO Candidate,Per Preparation for Ro/Sro Licensing Exams to Be Administered on 991025-29 at Fcs.Without Encl LIC-99-0092, Forwards Revised Epips,Including non-proprietary Rev 8 to EPIP-RR-66,rev 3 to EPIP-EOF-24,rev 14 to RERP-Section F,Rev 11 to RERP-Section I,Rev 12 to RERP-Appendix C & RERP & EPIP Indexes.Proprietary Rev 3 to EPIP-EOF-24,pages 1-3,encl1999-09-21021 September 1999 Forwards Revised Epips,Including non-proprietary Rev 8 to EPIP-RR-66,rev 3 to EPIP-EOF-24,rev 14 to RERP-Section F,Rev 11 to RERP-Section I,Rev 12 to RERP-Appendix C & RERP & EPIP Indexes.Proprietary Rev 3 to EPIP-EOF-24,pages 1-3,encl LIC-99-0087, Forwards Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams1999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams LIC-99-0088, Forwards Documentation Associated with SRO License Renewal Application for Cd Darrow.Applicant Has Satisfactorily Completed Applicable FCS Requalification Program.Without Encls1999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards Documentation Associated with SRO License Renewal Application for Cd Darrow.Applicant Has Satisfactorily Completed Applicable FCS Requalification Program.Without Encls LIC-99-0080, Requests Approval of Attached Rev to QAP Contained in App a of Usar,Revising Commitment Re Qualifications of Personnel Performing Quality Control Insps of Activities Affecting Fire Protection1999-09-16016 September 1999 Requests Approval of Attached Rev to QAP Contained in App a of Usar,Revising Commitment Re Qualifications of Personnel Performing Quality Control Insps of Activities Affecting Fire Protection LIC-99-0085, Forwards Revs 18 & 19 to TDB-VI, COLR for FCS Unit 1,IAW TS 5.9.5.Rev 18 Resulted from Reevaluation of Cycle 18 Setpoints & Rev 19 Resulted from Changes in Cycle 19 Refueling Boron Concentrations & Addition of TS Parameters1999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Revs 18 & 19 to TDB-VI, COLR for FCS Unit 1,IAW TS 5.9.5.Rev 18 Resulted from Reevaluation of Cycle 18 Setpoints & Rev 19 Resulted from Changes in Cycle 19 Refueling Boron Concentrations & Addition of TS Parameters IR 05000285/19990081999-09-0707 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-08 on 990907-0811.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Exam of Activities Conducted Under License as Relate to Safety & to Compliance with Commission Rules & Regulations & with Conditions of License ML20211P2581999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-06 on 990809-12.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Exam of Activities Under License as Related to EP & to Compliance with Commission Rules & Regulations & with Conditions of License ML20211L3241999-09-0202 September 1999 Informs That Due to Administrative Error,Page 2-50 of TSs Contained Error on 2.10.2(2) of Amend 192 to License DPR-40 Issued on 990727.Corrected Page Encl LIC-99-0083, Requests Participation in internet-based Y2K Early Warning Sys (Yews),As Noted in NRC Info Notice 99-25.Plant Point of Contact Will Be JW Chase1999-09-0202 September 1999 Requests Participation in internet-based Y2K Early Warning Sys (Yews),As Noted in NRC Info Notice 99-25.Plant Point of Contact Will Be JW Chase ML20211J9231999-09-0202 September 1999 Forwards SE Accepting Licensee 990301 Requests for Relief Re Third 10-year ISI Interval for Plant,Unit 1.Relief Proposed Alternatives to Requirements in ASME B&PV Section XI,1989 Edition,Paragraphs IWA-5242(a) & IWA-5250(a)(2) LIC-99-0077, Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Revised EP Forms, Including FC-EPF Index,Pp 1 Dtd 990805,pp 2 Dtd 990812,rev 11 to FC-EPF-9,rev 12 to FC-EPF-10,rev 9 to FC-EPF-11,rev 2 to FC-EPF-12 & Rev 3 to FC-EPF-38.Proprietary EP Withheld1999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Revised EP Forms, Including FC-EPF Index,Pp 1 Dtd 990805,pp 2 Dtd 990812,rev 11 to FC-EPF-9,rev 12 to FC-EPF-10,rev 9 to FC-EPF-11,rev 2 to FC-EPF-12 & Rev 3 to FC-EPF-38.Proprietary EP Withheld ML20211F4491999-08-25025 August 1999 Forwards Ltr from Ja Miller,Dtd 990819,which Notified State of Iowa of Deficiency Identified During 990810,Fort Calhoun Station Biennial Exercise.One Deficiency Identified for Not Adequately Demonstrating Organizational Capability LIC-99-0078, Forwards Rev 16C to FCS Site Security Plan,Per Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Rev Has Been Determined Not to Degrade Effectiveness of Current Security Plans.List of Changes, Provided.Encl Withheld1999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards Rev 16C to FCS Site Security Plan,Per Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Rev Has Been Determined Not to Degrade Effectiveness of Current Security Plans.List of Changes, Provided.Encl Withheld LIC-99-0076, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period from Jan-June 1999,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)1999-08-20020 August 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period from Jan-June 1999,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) LIC-99-0075, Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Fcs,Unit 1,per Plant TS 5.9.1.Revised Rept for June 1999,encl Due to Inadvertent Reporting of Gross Electrical Energy Data When Net Electrical Energy Data Was Required1999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Fcs,Unit 1,per Plant TS 5.9.1.Revised Rept for June 1999,encl Due to Inadvertent Reporting of Gross Electrical Energy Data When Net Electrical Energy Data Was Required ML20210R1491999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-07 on 990719-23.No Violations Noted.Nrc Identified One Issue Which Was Evaluated Under Risk Significance Determination Process & Was Determined to Be of Low Risk Significance ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20211B7881999-08-10010 August 1999 Transmits Summary of Two Meetings with Risk-Informed TS Task Force in Rockville,Md on 990514 & 0714 ML20210N1991999-08-0909 August 1999 Informs That as Result of NRC Review of Licensee Responses to GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1 & Suppl 1 Rai,Staff Revised Info in Reactor Vessel Integrity Database & Releasing Database as Rvid Version 2 ML20210P8991999-08-0909 August 1999 Forwards FEMA Final Rept for 990630 Offsite Medical Drill. No Deficiencies or Areas Requiring Corrective Action Identified During Drill LIC-99-0072, Requests That Licensee 990526 Application for Amend & Related Documents,Be Withdrawn.Util Requests That NRC Review Attached Responses to Ensure That Upcoming Submittal Will Be Acceptable1999-08-0606 August 1999 Requests That Licensee 990526 Application for Amend & Related Documents,Be Withdrawn.Util Requests That NRC Review Attached Responses to Ensure That Upcoming Submittal Will Be Acceptable ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams LIC-99-0068, Documents OPPD Response to Requested Actions in GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal1999-08-0202 August 1999 Documents OPPD Response to Requested Actions in GL 99-02, Laboratory Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal LIC-99-0070, Requests Reinstatement of SRO License Previously Held by K Grant-Leanna (License SOP-43569).Operator Is Current on All requalification-training Topics & Has Completed License Reactivation Program1999-07-28028 July 1999 Requests Reinstatement of SRO License Previously Held by K Grant-Leanna (License SOP-43569).Operator Is Current on All requalification-training Topics & Has Completed License Reactivation Program LIC-99-0040, Forwards Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Performed Per 10CFR50.59 & Revs to USAR Other than Those Resulting from 10CFR50.59.Encl Info Covers Period of 981101-9903311999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Performed Per 10CFR50.59 & Revs to USAR Other than Those Resulting from 10CFR50.59.Encl Info Covers Period of 981101-990331 ML20210G1851999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Amend 192 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Consists of Changes to TS in Response to 990129 Application LIC-99-0071, Informs That Util Expects to Submit Four Licensing Actions in Each of Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates1999-07-26026 July 1999 Informs That Util Expects to Submit Four Licensing Actions in Each of Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates LIC-99-0057, Forwards 1999/2000 Statement of Cash Flow from Operations, as Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums for Period of 990630 to 0006301999-07-26026 July 1999 Forwards 1999/2000 Statement of Cash Flow from Operations, as Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums for Period of 990630 to 000630 ML20216D6951999-07-26026 July 1999 Informs That During 990614 Review of Fort Calhoun,Nrc Noted That Drill/Exercise Performance Indicator Has Entered White Band,Which Indicated Level of Licensee Performance That Warranted Increased Regulatory Response LIC-99-0069, Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Epips,Including FC- Epf Index Page & Page 2 ,rev 0 to FC- EPF-42,EPIP Index (Page 1 of 2) & EPIP-OSC-2, Cover & Pages 19 & 20.Proprietary Encls Withheld1999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Epips,Including FC- Epf Index Page & Page 2 ,rev 0 to FC- EPF-42,EPIP Index (Page 1 of 2) & EPIP-OSC-2, Cover & Pages 19 & 20.Proprietary Encls Withheld ML20210D9471999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Amend 191 to DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Authorizes Rev to Licensing Basis as Described in Updated Safety Analysis Rept to Incorporate Mod for Overriding Containment Isolation ML20210C0201999-07-20020 July 1999 Informs That Due to Administrative Oversight,Revised TS Bases Provided in to Fort Calhoun Station Were Not Dated.Dated Pages to TS Encl ML20210C2041999-07-20020 July 1999 Discusses 990715 Mgt Meeting with Midamerican Energy Co Re risk-informed Baseline Insp Program Recently Implemented at Cooper & Fort Calhoun Stations ML20210B0761999-07-19019 July 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-05 on 990601-0710.No Violations Noted ML20209G5351999-07-15015 July 1999 Informs That Staff Incorporated Rev of TS Bases Provided by Licensee Ltr Dtd 980904,into Fort Calhoun Station Tss. Staff Finds Revs to Associated TS Bases to Be Acceptable. Revised Bases Pages Encl ML20209F5741999-07-12012 July 1999 Ack Receipt of Transmitting Exercise Scenario for Upcoming Biennial Offsite Exercise Scheduled 990810.Scenario Reviewed & Acceptable ML20209G5591999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Detailed Listing of Staff Concerns with C-E TR NPSD-683,rev 3 & RCS pressure-temperature Limits Rept LIC-99-0066, Forwards Fort Calhoun Performance Indicators Rept for May 19991999-07-0707 July 1999 Forwards Fort Calhoun Performance Indicators Rept for May 1999 LIC-99-0060, Forwards Proprietary & non-proprietary Revs to Fort Calhoun Station Emergency Plan Forms (Epf),Including FC-EPF,FC-EPF-1 & FC-EPF-17.Proprietary Info Withheld1999-07-0101 July 1999 Forwards Proprietary & non-proprietary Revs to Fort Calhoun Station Emergency Plan Forms (Epf),Including FC-EPF,FC-EPF-1 & FC-EPF-17.Proprietary Info Withheld LIC-99-0063, Requests Termination of License Held by MR Anderson (License SOP 43812) for Fort Calhoun Station.Anderson Ended Employment Effective 9906241999-07-0101 July 1999 Requests Termination of License Held by MR Anderson (License SOP 43812) for Fort Calhoun Station.Anderson Ended Employment Effective 990624 ML20209D8771999-07-0101 July 1999 Summarizes 990630 Public Meeting Conducted in Fort Calhoun, Ne Re Results of Completed Culture Survey,Plant Status, Facility Activities Re New NRC Oversight Process & License Renewal.Licensee Handout & Attendance List Encl 1999-09-08 Category:NRC TO UTILITY MONTHYEARML20062G6561990-11-19019 November 1990
[Table view]Forwards Amend 134 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Addresses Two Administrative Changes ML20216K0541990-11-14014 November 1990 Forwards Safety Evaluation Denying Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R for Fire Area 34B for Wide Range Nuclear Power Instrumentation Channels.Required Level of Protection Not Provided ML20062E4641990-11-0909 November 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-42 on 901015-19.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20058H0551990-11-0101 November 1990 Forwards List of Unimplemented Gsis,Per Generic Ltr 90-04 ML20058C6821990-10-24024 October 1990 Offers No Comment on Annual Exercise Scenario Submitted Via ML20058A3901990-10-19019 October 1990 Advises That Maint Team Reinspection Scheduled for Wks of 901203 & 10.Meetings Will Be Scheduled on 901113-14 in Preparation for Insp.List of Required Matls Encl ML20062B6041990-10-12012 October 1990 Forwards Amend 133 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Modifies Tech Spec to Increase Refueling Boron Concentration & Revise Storage Requirements of Spent Fuel Pool Region 2 ML20059M6751990-09-28028 September 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-35 on 900729-0910.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20059N3311990-09-28028 September 1990 Forwards Final SALP Rept 50-285/90-24 for Period of May 1989 - Aug 1990.Actions Discussed in 900726 SALP Mgt Meeting & Util 900827 Response to Initial SALP Rept Considered to Be Responsive to NRC Concerns & Recommendations ML20059K3691990-09-14014 September 1990 Ack Receipt & Review of Changes to Emergency Plan Re Emergency Facilities & Equipment Based on Review of .Proposed Changes Acceptable ML20059K7061990-09-14014 September 1990 Disagrees W/Position That More Detailed Design & Safety Assessment Using Ipe/Pra Appropriate Framework,Per Generic Ltr 89-19 ML20059J9871990-09-13013 September 1990 Provides Info Re Generic Fundamentals Exam Section of Operator Licensing Written Exam to Be Administered on 901010.W/o Map of Exam Area & Preliminary Instructions to Participant Encl ML20056B4071990-08-20020 August 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-34 on 900730-0803.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Unresolved Items Identified in Paragrphs 2.1 & 4.0 of Encl Insp Rept ML20059A2211990-08-17017 August 1990 Forwards Evaluation of Cen 387-P, Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification. Info Provided by C-E Owners Group in Ref 1 & 2 Inadequate to Justify Meeting All Appropriate Limits for 40-yr Plant Life ML20058N3711990-08-10010 August 1990 Advises That Programmed Enhancements for Generic Ltr 88-17, Loss of DHR, Acceptable ML20058M8071990-08-10010 August 1990 Discusses Closeout of NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. Util Replaced Four Transmitters Which Fell within Scope of Bulletin During Refueling & Maint Outage ML20056A5761990-08-0707 August 1990 Forwards Request for Addl Info to Review Alternate Seismic Criteria & Methodologies for Facility ML20056A7551990-08-0606 August 1990 Advises of Concluded Investigation Case 4-87-016 Re Alleged False Welding Records,Violations of Employee Protection & Cheating on Welding Performance Tests.Allegations Unsubstantiated ML20056A1721990-07-30030 July 1990 Advises That Written Licensing Exams Scheduled on 901113 & Operating Licensing Exams Scheduled on 901114 & 15.Licensee Requested to Furnish Ref Matl Listed in Encl 1 by 900917 in Order to Avoid Exam Being Rescheduled ML20056A3461990-07-27027 July 1990 Summarizes 900724 Meeting W/Util in Region IV Ofc Re Changes to Operator Licensing Program ML20055J1461990-07-23023 July 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-30 on 900513-0616 & Notice of Violation.App C Withheld from Public Per 10CFR73.21 ML20055G1791990-07-18018 July 1990 Ack Receipt of Advising NRC of Corrective Actions in Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-285/90-13. Implementation of Actions Will Be Reviewed During Future Insp ML20055G3931990-07-16016 July 1990 Informs That Financial Info Submitted for 1990 in Util Satisfies 10CFR.140 Requirements ML20055F6841990-07-12012 July 1990 Forwards Initial SALP Rept 50-285/90-24 for May 1989 - Apr 1990 IR 05000285/19900021990-07-0909 July 1990 Ack Receipt of 900507 & 0629 Responses to Violations & Deviations Noted in Insp Rept 50-285/90-02 ML20055G0171990-07-0606 July 1990 Forwards Amend 132 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes Tech Spec Pages 5-1,5-5,5-8 & 5-9a to Incorporate Title Changes as Result of Reorganization & Partial Relocation of Emergency Planning Dept IR 05000285/19900141990-06-21021 June 1990 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-285/90-14 ML20055C7901990-06-18018 June 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-26 on 900416-0512.Violations Noted.No Citations Issued for Violations Discussed in Paragraphs 5.a,5.b, & 5.c of Rept ML20055C8051990-06-15015 June 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-25 on 900402-06 & 16-19 & Notice of Violation.Violations Pertain to Inadequate Assessment Aids,Detection Aids,Compensatory Measure & Key Control ML20059M9681990-06-13013 June 1990 Forwards NRC Performance Indicators for First Quarter 1990. W/O Encl ML20043G3151990-06-11011 June 1990 Forwards Exam Rept 50-285/OL-90-01 on 900529-30.All Three Applicants Passed All Parts of Exams.Appropriate Licenses Issued ML20043F3071990-06-0606 June 1990 Advises That 890304,0417,0518 & 0705 Changes to Emergency Preparedness Plan Acceptable ML20043E2851990-06-0606 June 1990 Forwards Summary of 900503 Mgt Meeting W/Util in Region IV Ofc Re Effectiveness of Ongoing Programs at Plant During SALP Period of May 1989 - Apr 1990.List of Attendees Also Encl ML20043E3061990-05-30030 May 1990 Advises That Description of motor-operated Valve Program Should Be Available for Review by 900628 or First Refueling Outage After 891228,per Generic Ltr 89-10.Program in Generic Ltr Expands Scope of Program Outlined in Bulletin 85-003 ML20043C1171990-05-24024 May 1990 Forwards Safety Enhancement Program Rept 50-285/90-23 on 900402-06.Team Observed That Safety Enhancement Program Items Not,In Some Cases,Being Ref in Affected Procedures & Performance Indicators Not Developed in Some Cases ML20043B5781990-05-24024 May 1990 Forwards Corrected Amend 130 to License DPR-40,modifying Tech Spec 2.12, Control Room Sys. Change Necessary in Order to More Accurately Direct Application of Tech Spec to Equipment Originally Intended to Address ML20034C9451990-05-24024 May 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-13 on 900301-0414 & Notice of Violation.Violations Involve Failure to Take Adequate Corrective Actions to Control Use of Danger Tags ML20043B5811990-05-23023 May 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-29 on 900423-27 & Notice of Violation.Violation Involved Failure to Complete Procedure During 1989 ML20043B4641990-05-21021 May 1990 Ack Receipt of Re Violations & Deviations Noted in Insp Rept 50-285/90-02.Proposal for Submittal of Revised Response to Notice of Deviation by 900629 Acceptable ML20043D0851990-05-18018 May 1990 Forwards Amend 131 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Modifies Tech Specs for Chemical & Vol Control Sys to Lower Boric Acid Concentration & Eliminate Heat Tracing of Circuits ML20042G5961990-05-0909 May 1990 Advises That 900425 Changes to Emergency Plan Acceptable. Revs Involved Correction of Typos in Table of Contents & Section B ML20042G1291990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-18 on 900326-30.Noncited Violation Noted.Open Item Noted Re Followup Surveys & Controls for Fuel Transfer Tube ML20042G1201990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Sys Entry & Retest Insp Rept 50-285/90-04 on 900326-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20042G1181990-05-0707 May 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-27 on 900402-06.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20042G2311990-05-0404 May 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-22 on 900312-16 & 0409-12.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20042G1651990-05-0404 May 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-28 on 900423-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted ML20042F5261990-04-30030 April 1990 Agrees to 900323 Request for Extension of Scheduling of Requalification Training for Emergency Response Personnel & Encourages Acceleration of Scheduling of Retraining Under Plan to Max Extent Possible ML20034C5891990-04-27027 April 1990 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/90-14 on 900312-16 & Notice of Violation ML20043A1661990-04-27027 April 1990 Forwards Amend 129 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Removes Provision of Tech Specs 3.0.1 That Limits Combined Time Interval for Surveillances to Less than 3.25 Times Specified Interval ML20034C5861990-04-26026 April 1990 Informs of Issuance of NUREG/BR-0122, Examiners Handbook for Developing Operator Licensing Written Exams 1990-09-28 Category:OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEARML20217G9261999-10-15015 October 1999
[Table view]Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-10 on 990913-17.One NCV Noted ML20217G2331999-10-14014 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-09 on 990913-17.No Violations Noted ML20217B5111999-10-0606 October 1999 Forwards Amend 193 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TS Sections 2.10.4,3.1 & Table 3-3 to Increase Min Required RCS Flow Rate & Change Surveillance require- Ments for RCS Flow Rate ML20216H7231999-09-29029 September 1999 Informs That Util 980325 Response to GL 97-06, Degradation of SG Internals, Provides Reasonable Assurance That Condition of Util SG Internals in Compliance with Current Licensing Bases for Fort Calhoun Station,Unit 1 ML20212L9571999-09-27027 September 1999 Informs That Follow Up Insp for Drill/Exercise Performance Indicator Will Be Conducted During Wk of 991001 IR 05000285/19990081999-09-0707 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-08 on 990907-0811.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Exam of Activities Conducted Under License as Relate to Safety & to Compliance with Commission Rules & Regulations & with Conditions of License ML20211P2581999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-06 on 990809-12.No Violations Noted.Insp Consisted of Exam of Activities Under License as Related to EP & to Compliance with Commission Rules & Regulations & with Conditions of License ML20211L3241999-09-0202 September 1999 Informs That Due to Administrative Error,Page 2-50 of TSs Contained Error on 2.10.2(2) of Amend 192 to License DPR-40 Issued on 990727.Corrected Page Encl ML20211J9231999-09-0202 September 1999 Forwards SE Accepting Licensee 990301 Requests for Relief Re Third 10-year ISI Interval for Plant,Unit 1.Relief Proposed Alternatives to Requirements in ASME B&PV Section XI,1989 Edition,Paragraphs IWA-5242(a) & IWA-5250(a)(2) ML20211F4491999-08-25025 August 1999 Forwards Ltr from Ja Miller,Dtd 990819,which Notified State of Iowa of Deficiency Identified During 990810,Fort Calhoun Station Biennial Exercise.One Deficiency Identified for Not Adequately Demonstrating Organizational Capability ML20210R1491999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-07 on 990719-23.No Violations Noted.Nrc Identified One Issue Which Was Evaluated Under Risk Significance Determination Process & Was Determined to Be of Low Risk Significance ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20211B7881999-08-10010 August 1999 Transmits Summary of Two Meetings with Risk-Informed TS Task Force in Rockville,Md on 990514 & 0714 ML20210P8991999-08-0909 August 1999 Forwards FEMA Final Rept for 990630 Offsite Medical Drill. No Deficiencies or Areas Requiring Corrective Action Identified During Drill ML20210N1991999-08-0909 August 1999 Informs That as Result of NRC Review of Licensee Responses to GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1 & Suppl 1 Rai,Staff Revised Info in Reactor Vessel Integrity Database & Releasing Database as Rvid Version 2 ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams ML20210G1851999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Amend 192 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Consists of Changes to TS in Response to 990129 Application ML20216D6951999-07-26026 July 1999 Informs That During 990614 Review of Fort Calhoun,Nrc Noted That Drill/Exercise Performance Indicator Has Entered White Band,Which Indicated Level of Licensee Performance That Warranted Increased Regulatory Response ML20210D9471999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Amend 191 to DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation.Amend Authorizes Rev to Licensing Basis as Described in Updated Safety Analysis Rept to Incorporate Mod for Overriding Containment Isolation ML20210C0201999-07-20020 July 1999 Informs That Due to Administrative Oversight,Revised TS Bases Provided in to Fort Calhoun Station Were Not Dated.Dated Pages to TS Encl ML20210C2041999-07-20020 July 1999 Discusses 990715 Mgt Meeting with Midamerican Energy Co Re risk-informed Baseline Insp Program Recently Implemented at Cooper & Fort Calhoun Stations ML20210B0761999-07-19019 July 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-05 on 990601-0710.No Violations Noted ML20209G5351999-07-15015 July 1999 Informs That Staff Incorporated Rev of TS Bases Provided by Licensee Ltr Dtd 980904,into Fort Calhoun Station Tss. Staff Finds Revs to Associated TS Bases to Be Acceptable. Revised Bases Pages Encl ML20209F5741999-07-12012 July 1999 Ack Receipt of Transmitting Exercise Scenario for Upcoming Biennial Offsite Exercise Scheduled 990810.Scenario Reviewed & Acceptable ML20209G5591999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Detailed Listing of Staff Concerns with C-E TR NPSD-683,rev 3 & RCS pressure-temperature Limits Rept ML20209D8771999-07-0101 July 1999 Summarizes 990630 Public Meeting Conducted in Fort Calhoun, Ne Re Results of Completed Culture Survey,Plant Status, Facility Activities Re New NRC Oversight Process & License Renewal.Licensee Handout & Attendance List Encl ML20196F4931999-06-24024 June 1999 Discusses 990617 Public Meeting at Dana College,Blair,Ne Re Overview of Pilot Insp Program ML20196D2321999-06-21021 June 1999 Forwards Corrected Cover Ltr for Insp Rept 50-285/99-04. Original Cover Ltr Incorrectly Stated That Rept Contained Two Noncited Violations,When Rept Actually Documented Only One ML20195J2121999-06-14014 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 990316,which Transmitted Rev 16B to Site Security Plan,Rev 2 to Safeguards Contingency Plan & Rev 6 to Training & Qualification Plan for Plant,Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) ML20195J2481999-06-11011 June 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-04 on 990425-0531.Violations Identified & Being Treated as Noncited IR 05000285/19990041999-06-11011 June 1999 Corrected Ltr Forwarding Insp Rept 50-285/99-04 on 990425-0531.Insp Determined That One Violation of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as Noncited Violation, Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20195G3141999-06-10010 June 1999 Ack Receipt of & Encl Objectives for Facility Emergency Plan Exercise,Scheduled for 990810 ML20195E8391999-06-0909 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Transmitting Changes to Licensee Emergency Plan,Rev 14 & Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure OSC-1 Under Provisions of 10CFR50,App E,Section IV ML20195G3621999-06-0808 June 1999 Ack Receipt of ,Which Transmitted Changes to Fort Calhoun Station Emergency Plan,App A,Rev 15,under Provisions of 10CFR50,App E,Section V.Nrc Approval Not Required ML20207G4661999-06-0808 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Which Transmitted Changes to Fort Calhoun Station EP Implementing Procedure EPIP OSC-1, Emergency Classification,Rev 30,under Provisions of 10CFR50, App E,Section V ML20207G4741999-06-0808 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Which Transmitted Changes to Fort Calhoun Station EP Implementing Procedure EPIP-OSC-1, Emergency Classification,Rev 31,under Provisions of 10CFR50, App E,Section V ML20207G2981999-06-0808 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Which Transmitted Changes to Fort Calhoun Station Radiological Er Plan,Section E,Rev 22,under Provisions of 10CFR50,App E,Section V.Nrc Approval Not Required Due to Determination That Effectiveness Unchanged ML20207G4631999-06-0808 June 1999 Ack Receipt of Which Transmitted Changes to Fort Calhoun Station Ep,App B,Rev 4,under Provisions of 10CFR50,App E,Section V.No Violations Identified During Review ML20207G3401999-05-27027 May 1999 Informs That NRC Held Planning Meeting on 990511 for Fort Calhoun Station to Identify Insp Activities at Facility for Next 6 to 12 Months.Informs of NRC Planned Insp Activities & Offers Licensee Opportunity to Provide Feedback ML20207A9041999-05-24024 May 1999 Informs That NRR Reorganized,Effective 990328.As Part of Reorganization,Div of Licensing Project Mgt Was Created. Reorganization Chart Encl ML20206U6331999-05-18018 May 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-03 on 990314-0424.Four Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20206L4151999-05-10010 May 1999 Forwards SE of OPPD Response to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves ML20206H4471999-05-0707 May 1999 Informs That on 990407,NRC Administered Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam.Licensee Facility Did Not Participate in Exam,However,Copy of Master Exam with Answer Key,Encl for Info.Without Encl ML20206E7201999-04-28028 April 1999 Responds to Meeting Conducted 990419 in Fort Calhoun,Ne Re Results of PPR Completed 990211.Addl Topics Discussed Included New Assessment Process & Upcoming Actions Planned in Response to Y2K Concerns ML20205Q5671999-04-15015 April 1999 Forwards Amend 190 to License DPR-40 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises TS 5.2.f & TS 5.11.2 to Change Title of Shift Supervisor to Shift Manager ML20205J2751999-04-0202 April 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-02 on 990131-0313.No Violations Noted.During Insp,Licensee Conduct of Activities at Fort Calhoun Station Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations,Sound Engineering & Maint Practices ML20205A7191999-03-19019 March 1999 Informs That on 990211 NRC Staff Completed PPR of Fort Calhoun Station.Review Was Conducted for All Operating NPPs to Develop an Integrated Understanding of Safety Performance ML20207K6151999-03-11011 March 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/99-01 on 990208-26.One Noncited Violation Was Identified ML20207E8691999-03-0303 March 1999 Forwards Correction to Amend 188 to License DPR-40 for Plant,Unit 1.Administrative Error,Three Pages of TSs Contained Errors,An Incorrect Page Number,Missing Parenthesis & Misspelled Words ML20203F2041999-02-11011 February 1999 Informs That During 990208 Telcon Between Mc Ralrick & J Pellet & T Stetka,Arrangements Were Made for Administration of Licensing Examinations at Fort Calhoun Station for Week of 991018 1999-09-07 |
See also: IR 05000285/1990023
'y l
NAY 24 l150
In Reply Refer To:
Omaha Public Power District
W. G. Gates, Division Manager
Nuclear Operations
444 South 16th Street Mall
Mail Stop 8E/EP4
Omaha, Nebraska 68102-2247
This refers to the team assessment of the Safety Enhancement Program conducted
by Mr. T. F. Westerman and other NRC personnel during the period April 2-6,
1990, of activities authorized by NRC Operating License DPR-40 for the Fort
Calhoun Station, and to the discussion of our findings with you-and other
members of Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) at the conclusion of the
The enclosed report presents the results of the team assessment that was
performed to evaluate the status of the Safety Enhancement Program (SEP),
The NRC team reviewed selected SEP items and focused on the effectiveness and
results achieved.
OPPD reported that, at the time of this inspection, 61 of
72 SEP items were completed and 20 items were closed.
Closed meant that
independent verification and validation was complete and all identified
weaknesses. resolved.
The team observed that the SEP items were not, in some cases, being referenced
in the affected procedures (completion of institutionalization),. performance'
indicators had not been developed in some cases, and/or more representative
1ndicator data were available. These observations are being brought to your-
attention'for consideration as enhancements to the closure process.
It was
also the team's observation that, during the approximately 2 years of the
existence of the SEP, five individuals have been assigned at various times to
oversee the completion of the-items contained in the SEP.
This has resulted in
an apparent lack of continuity in resolving some issues identified during
previous NRC assessments.
It is our understanding that you will address this
concern and that a full-time OPPD employee has been assigned until the oversight
function is completed.
The team's review indicated that the SEP Item 55 commitment to install alarms
on all very high radiation area doors had not been interpreted by OPPD to
include similar entrances which utilized hatches.
It is our understanding that
you will provide a letter by May 4,1990, to Region IV to describe your action
with regard to this SEP item.
- R
RPMullikin;df TFWesterman
5/ /90
5/ /90
5/ /90
5/ /90
5/ /90
- previously concurred
9006040072 900524
ADOCK 05000283
Omaha-Public Power District'
Overall, it appeared, based on the results of this assessment, that OPPD has
demonstrated positive steps toward improving the overall safety performance at
Fort Calhoun-Station by the implementation of the items contained in the SEP.
OPPD has made substantial progress toward the completion of. all SEP items.
.Should you have'any; questions concerning this assessment, we will be pleased to'
discuss them with you,
OriginalSigned By: _
Samuel J. Con;ne
Samuel J. Collins, Director-
Division of Reactor Projects
NRC Assessment Report
cc w/ enclosure:
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae
ATTN: - Harry H. Voigt, Esq.
1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.
Washington County Board
of Supervisors-
- ATTN: Jack Jensen, Chairman
Blair, Nebraska 68008
Combustion Engineering, Inc.
-ATTN: Charles B. ' Brinkman, Manager
Washington Nuclear Operations
12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 330
Rockville, Maryland 20852-
Department of Health
ATTN:, Harold Borchert, Director
Division of Radiological Health
301' Centennial Mall, South
P.O. Box'95007
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
. Fort Calhoun Station
G. R. Peterson, Manager
P.O. Box 399
Fort Calhoun, Nebraska 68023
., w
- -
/o '
. Omaha Public Power District
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
ATTN:- Resident Inspector
-P.O.-Box 309.
Fort Calhoun, Nebraska 68023
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Regional Administrator, Region IV
611 Ryan Plaza Drive Suite 1000
Arlington, Texas 76011-
bec to DMB-(IE01)
bec distrib, by RIV:
- R..D. Martin
- Resident Inspector
- SectionChief(DRP/C)
- MIS System;
- RIV File
- kSTS Operator
- Project Engineer (DRP/C)
Lisa Shea, RM/ALF
- A. Bournia, NRR Project Manager (MS:
- w/766
- [
- n
_. .