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Forwards Info Re Flued Head Analyses of Main Steam & Feedwater Penetrations,Per J Halapatz Request
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek, Callaway  Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 09/16/1981
From: Petrick N
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
SLNRC-81-103, NUDOCS 8109220533
Download: ML20010G798 (4)


{{#Wiki_filter:1 SNUPPS Standardized Nuclear Urnt c Power Plant System 5 Choke Cherry Road Nicholas A. Petrick v ryted 20e50 Executi ve Director September 16, 1981 SLNRC 81-103 FILE: 0278 SUBJ: NRC Request for Information - Materials Engineering .

F s Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
                                                                                            #$Q 5 Ic      f U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C.         20555 lI'             30 Mr 7 fy h' 4 =v:6 4 Docket Nos. STN 50-482, STN 50-483, and STN 50-486                                        y


SLNRC 81-71, dated August 17, 1981, same subject k

Dear Mr. Denton:

The attached information was requested by Mr. J. Halapatz of the NRC's Materials Engineering Branch. Very trul yours,

                                                           ,C%C Q Nicholas A. Petrick RLS/jdk Attachment cc:      J. K. Bryan            UE G. L. Koester          KGE D. T. McPhec           KCPL D. F. Schnell          UE W. A. Hansen           NRC/ CAL T. E. Vandel           NRC/WC D  I
                                                                                    $Os I      I 8109220533 810916 PDR ADOCK 05000482                                               -


SNUPDS cDC-51 Main Steam and Main Feed . Main Steam Isolation Valves Penctration Caps Flued Head Penetration Main Feed Isolation Valves Thickness LSNT Valves; MS: AB-HV11 66*F

1. NRC proposed Pen. Thickness LSNT Pen.
                                                                                                                               & varioca MF: AE-FV42 60*F LSNT                                                                                                              parts 9 P-83 &      0.937" (see Ite: s         P-1              8.0"       113*F various l P-86                #5 below'                                                                    thicknesses P-5              5.5"        98'F P-43        0.937" (see Ite   a f5 below >

A. Flaed heads for both main feed and A. (See item #5A below)

2. Ncrmal Opera- (See item #5 below) tion main steam penetration are at normal operating system flued temperature which i

I are well above the proposed LSMT's. Main Steam Main Feed A. (See Item f5A below)

3. Maintenance (See Item $5 below) A. Hot Standby - the and Testing A. Hot Standby - For these conditions the small motor driven main flued head will be feed pump will be used at system fluid ten- for hot st'andby'c'nditions.


                                        "                                                                             o perature which are) The hot feedwater will LSMr's.                       keep the flued head well l

B. Cold Shutdown - above the LSNr. l (see Item #5 below) 5. Cold Shutdown- see #5 A. For DBAs normal A. For DBAs see 4A for A. (See Item #5A below)

4. Postulated (See Item #5 below) main steam. l Accidents operating tempera- '

ture and pressures B. For other conditions are assumed as ini- see 48 for main steam tial conditions. See 2 A above. B. For postulated accident at other initial conditions see 3 above. 1 See Next-Page for Item #5

                                                                                                                             -                                    l j

f . _ . _ . _ . a ., GDC-51 . Main Steam and Main Feed Main Steam Isolation Valves Penetration Capa Flued Head Penetrations Main Feed Isolation Valves

5. Remarks A. The design of the pene- A. For the CSD condition, 4. (See Item #5A for A. MSIV's and MFIV's are tration caps listed above pipe break loads would main steam) not considered part of the has been evaluated and the not be induced on the containment boundary (see currcat design shows that maia steam flued head. B. (See Item #5B for response to GDC-57, in FSAR they are properly sized to Therefore, an analysis main Steam) Section 3.1) and therefore, fulfill their function; was performed to deter- need not be considered i.e., the design thick- mine the minimum required under CDC-51 review.

ness is more than suffi- wall thickness with than B. However, a similar cient to maintain con- load missing. This argument can be offered for tainment function. thickness was found to the MSIV's and MFIV's as B. However, it has been be f 2.5". (Gee, gitacheJ) that for the flued heads. calculated that to ful- B. Pipebreak loads are (See 5A and 5B under fill the same function, the' largest loads on the main feed and main steam the minimum required . flued heads and are the flued heads) wall thickness is:55/8". controlling factore (750%) Under code requirements in establishing.the flued material of this thick- head dimension, ness need not be impact C. The limiting tempera-tested. Therefore, caps ture condition on the with a minimum required flued head occurs during

              ' wall thickhess 'of 5/8"    the hydrostatic test of will maintain containment    the steam generators.

function for all tempera- For this test, tempera-tures. tures are maintained above 70*F. 0 3

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                                    .Peference                                           1),'/1      Stress     ' Analhs,is'.                  ' lor         ,   Flued       Head:               Cor       tI
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                                                                         ', '                  Iihor       GNUPPS,Ref.lB'
                                                                                                        -S-104,70ll                      Mafn Steam PeriatrSt(bnNIW              t M@s,                   -

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                                                                                               ' ,'!Februaryf 8,'                     1978               Kg,         Sargerit lj l j .} ! y]l,                 'Ir(d,ds'tV                                                                       (                                     ,

3 s. f ,%Ml

                                                                     ,'                                                                                                                                       nininig                                                         eicnght 2y istress' j        'for SNUPPS,  Analysis            Main 'for  'Foedwater     rlue'daliead     Pehetgat             corg!1'pna                MfpI 6.f bljt' t

8 - R-S-104702,1 Rev. A, Sargent! Ig$ti Division,'Febrbiry 8, 1978 . , s't Qif ' Gentlemen: ' i N As per your request, we have evaluated the acceptability ll,0 PS

         '                           mainstean, and feedwater penetrations assuming thatSthe'llon                                                                                                                                                                   udinal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         'hj$NU{d,-(4                                           G through head thickness were to be changed from the exist'id                                                                                                                                                                    'nli'gura .

I tion to 2.5". .@ m .. 1,[

p. 1,'

j (g, ., 'f; i 9 4 gest ltan@ i ' Stress analyses for thin geometrica). condition,iiri istress intensities are within a and faulted (excluding pipe break) load conditioned INJ N f' i:k

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         !                                 j,       1M itl t     ?     d The longitudinal through head design thickness,'q.l!K.h'N                                                                                                       excludi'ng:, . peybre'ak                                                                              '<

loads, for the mainsteam and feedwater SNUPPS Flued-}leadfpenetration'g. s,*. is hereby re-established as 2.5". l G M i i d fi J$ S[

                                                                                                                                                                                            '! Nj l L,f.! { N                                                  h.

i If questions arise, please contact the undersigriedh , , s. tz .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,k                                             li           1 :,

L f~sEcitr Very truly yours,

                                                                                                                                                                                                           -                          "         h.4 i                             l         4              ,

3h h" *hi? f; 'l s i SARGENT INDUSTRIES E i >

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ;T . M. , . ?' i ' ,
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