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Nonroutine,Nonradiological Environ Rept 50-313/75-31:on 750527,one Parameter Chemical Concentration Increased Across Plant Exceeding Ets.Cause Beyond Facility Control.Ets Chemical Discharge Limits Are Being Reviewed
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1975
Shared Package
ML19326B637 List:
NUDOCS 8004160412
Download: ML19326B638 (3)



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\ 10 Non-Routine, Non-Radiological Envir.nmental Report No. 50-313/75-31 2.. Report Date: ' June 9, 1975 3. Occurrence Date: . May 27, 1975

4. Facility: Arkansas Nuclear One-Unit 1 Russellville, Arkansas
5. Identification of Occurrence:

Che'mical concentration of one parameter increased across the plant in 4-excess of Environmental Technical Specification limits.


6. Conditions Prior to Occurrence: ' ~

Steady-State Power ~X -

Reactor Power 2414 MWth Hot Standby Net Output- MWe Cold Shutdown Percent of Full Power 94 %

Refueling Shutdown Load Changes During Routine  !

Power Operation 4

Routine .ap Operation Routine Shutdown Operation Other - (specify)

S 4

7. Description of' Occurrence:

Samples taken from point 20 and the discharge canal on May 27, 1975, indicate that the Chloride concentration was higher in the discharge canal than at point 20 by 118 mg/1. Technical Specification limit is 25 mg/1'. ~

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' Non-Routine, Non-Radiological Environuental Report No.- 50-313/75-31

8. Designation of Apparent Cause of Occurrence: -

l I Design -

Procedurc Manufacture Unusual Service Condition i Including Environmental *

j. Installation /

Construction Component Failure .


Other (specify) _

Samples were taken when four circulating water pumps were operating.

No chemical _dischargos were being made; therefore, cause was beyond 4

control of the plant. ,

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9. Analysis of Occurrence:

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l' Circulating water entering the plant is from a clean *.ource in comparison to discharge embayment containing muddy waters from tte Arkansas ~ River.

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} Non-Routino, Non-Radiological Environme . a1 Report No. 50-313/75-31 l


10. Corrective Action:

! - : i - .

We are reviewing our ETS chemical limits with thc Arkansas Department of

  • i Pollution Control and Ecology. -It has been determined that there is no '

~ basis for many of 'our ETS chemical . discharge limits and.that our water

. sampling and testing program does not verify that we are meeting or are  ;

l .not meeting conditions of our permit to discharge into the Arkansas River (

l or the conditions of the Arkansas Water Quality Standards, Regulation '


Number 2 (Table 2-3 in ETS). .

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f 11. Failure Data:


' -The : circumstances of this report are similar to those reported in Non-Routine, Non-Rediological Environmental Reports No. 50-313/75-25

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through 50-313/75-30.

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