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Forwards Supplemental Info in Response to Questions Raised During 830105 Meeting Re Request for Limited Exemption Concerning Prompt Notification Sys
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 01/17/1983
From: Ferguson R
To: Dircks W
Shared Package
ML17277B584 List:
GO2-83-37, NUDOCS 8501150269
Download: ML17277B585 (8)



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Jll Shannon January 17, 1983 G02-83-37 fir. Hilliam J. Dirck'.

Exectuvie Director for Operations Nuclear Regulatory Commission hashington, D. C. 20555

Dear tlr. Dircks:




Letter, RL Ferguson to HJ Dirck.,

dated tlovember. 8, 1982, s sub'e During our meeting with NRC staff on J n r , 1 3, were asked to respond wi th greater specifici ty reg r Il ergency system/plan provis'.ons that we propose to assure pub 'c th and safety within the EPZ, if our referenced exe!!Iption request.l owed.

Attached please find s p mental information responding to the questions you raised. ~ ~


Me judqe tha t e propo~ p visions described in the attachment describe e comm .I -ens p, ogram th provides reasonable assurance of adequately '

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'rJ pr ect pub 'c u th and safety.

Ve 'ul v IrS, R. L. Ferguson, Hanaging Director KR';l/sm Attachment cc: R Auluck HRC ll C'lin BPA 399 R OeYoung tBiC 850109 Fowler 850i 1602hq 05000gq7 PDR *0 ~

H DES lx F1 el NRC 917Q PDR F

ii Ler"is EFSEC t) Roynolds DSL AUTI 'OR KR Mise FOR SIGNATVRE OF: >~~ y FOR AFF ROY A'F i ey ~lannon AFFROVEC



Immediately east of MHP-2 are the construction sites for MHP-1 and MNP-

4. There is a siren at MNP-2 adequate to alert anyone outside of buildings at MNP-1 and MHP-4. Loudspeaker and siren systems are in existence on these sites to coordinate evacuation and assure coverage to all personnel INDUSTRIAL AREAS WITHIN 10 HILES De artment o'f Ener Facilities Mi thin 10 miles the Department of Energy has the FFTF, the 300 Area and the Mye Barricade. Department of Energy'security will 'be contacted by either telephone or radio.

The Depart...ent of Energy has existing procedures for notification of their areas. Sirens, alarms and loudspeaker systems are in place in most '

of'heir areas. Their ability to promptly notify all transient residents ~

in thes work areas will be responsive to the 15/45 minute guidelines.

Other North Richland Businesses C


While nominally within 10 miles of the site, this business area is right at the boundary of the 10 mile EPZ. The various employers/buildings will be contacted either by phone or messenger within 45 minutes, i'-;,g TRANSIENTS The Columbia River is 4 miles east of 'MNP-2. Along this reach of the river, especially for about 2 miles upstream along the east bank, is a heavily used recreational fishing area. The most intense usaoe is in late'summer, early ,all.

The area is also used by waterfowl hunters. Both banks and the islands are hunted from where the 10 mile EPZ intersects the river to the north down to the'ichland city limits at the south between mid-October and mid-January.

Pleasure boaters and water skiers use the stretch of the Columbia and

- the shoreline ivithin the EPZ from spring through fall, but most intensely during June through August.

A few fishermen also use the stretch of the Yakima River a. the southwest margin of the EPZ at various periods of the year.

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Regarding the Columbia River, we have an existing inter-agency agreement with the U. S. Coast Guard to use resources/personnel from the Kennewick Coast Guard station to close access to the river reach of interest.

Depending on the promptness of notification desired, two alternatives are available for river-oriented transient notification. The Coast Guard, acting with little agency interaction, will close the river reach within the 10 mile radius within 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. If more rapid action is dictated, use of the DOE Hanford Patrol boat and Benton County Sheriff boat will enable a river closure to be accomplished more rapidly. The Hanford Patrol boat would start through the river reach from the north, the Sheriff's Department boat would proceed north from Richland.

Response times to get a notification started will be shortest during high river use times and longest when the river would be expected to be virtually vacant.

The present Emergency Plan has a total of 14 sirens which are there partially to notify transients and partially to increase confidence that residents within 5 miles are alerted. The principal benefit of sirens with respect to transients would be to reduce the number of interactions between the Coast Guard and the public needed to accomplish the objective of closing the river segment. The river usage of greatest concern is fishermen usage of the east bank of river upstream from our pumphouse for about two miles. We will place a single siren on our pumphouse to.

promptly notify river users. This should reduce the need for Coast Guard person-to-person interactions, and shorten the time needed to clear the river.

Through cooperative agreements under emergency conditions, the Sheriff can call upon other law enforcement authorities to perform various tasks, Primary use areas of the Yakima River are adjacent to Highway 240. Users will be informed as a peripheral task in the process of controlling use of State Highway 240, which will be done by the law en orcement officers in the vicinity at the time of initiation of area access con rol. It is estimated that notification of transients in the vicinity of the Yakima River can be accomplished within 45 minutes.

Other incidental t. ansient occupants, farm workers, upland bird hunters, and incidental travelers will be expected to be informed by residents or emergency broadcasting system radio. No special provisions are being made in their regard.

RESIDEHTS'ithin 5 l1iles All resid nce within 5 miles will be provided with tone-activated radios. The single siren on the pumphouse will also assist in notifying resdients on the east bank of the river who might be outside.

pPI l Between 5 and 10 Miles Prompt notification of residents between 5 and 10 miles of the site is the portion of this plan receiving the most consideration. Reasonable alternatives examined included:

o Tone-activated radios in all residences, o door-to-door notification of residents using various emergency response organizations, .such as volunteer fire departments, 9 traveling all roads with siren equipped vehicles, ala Paul Revere, o telephone notification, and o make no special provision for emergency notification of residents between 5 and 10 miles.

Each of these alternatives has certain strong features and weaknesses; or example, door-to-door notification can be slow, depending on time of day when initiated and the resources available to conduct it, and telephone notification may threaten to overload telephone company abilities.

Because of the sparsely populated character .of the 5-10 mile area around MHP-Z, and the distance from the plant, we believe that reasonable notification for residents of this area can be provided by radio and TY announcements on the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) and by actions- of the type listed above. However, since we have already purchased sufficient tone-activated radios, we will distribute them rather than spend additional efforts examining alternative notification schemes at this time. As our understanding cf accidents and accident source terms continues to develop, and depending on difficulties encountered maintaining a tone-activated radio system, we may wish to bring this issue before you at a later time. A major part of our decision to deploy the radios at this time is a limit on our staff resources to proceed in a different direction than that already charted between now and our scheduled exercise in June 1983.