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Insp Rept 50-261/93-11 on 930515-0611.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Survellance Observation,Maint Observation,Meetings W/Local Officials & Followup
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1993
From: Christensen H, William Orders
Shared Package
ML14178A363 List:
50-261-93-11, NUDOCS 9308050101
Download: ML14178A365 (18)

See also: IR 05000261/1993011










Report No.: 50-261/93-11


Carolina Power and Light Company

P. 0. Box 1551

Raleigh, NC 27602

Docket No.:


License No.: DPR-23

Facility Name: H. B. Robinson Unit 2

Inspection Conducted: May 15 - June 11, 1993

Lead Inspector: )6De


W. T. Orders, Senior Re

ent I pector


Other Inspectors: L. W. Garner, Senior Resident Inspector

C. R.fgle, Resident Inspector

Approved by:

H. 0. Christensen, Section Chief

Dfte Signed

Division of Reactor Projects



This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the areas of operational

safety verification, surveillance observation, maintenance observation,

meetings with local officials, and followup.


A violation with two examples was identified involving: failure to follow

procedures regarding a heat trace circuit which remained in alarm for

approximately 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and failure to follow procedures during the performance

of an operations surveillance test when control room operators altered the

chemical volume control system operation and configuration outside the scope

of the procedure without initiating a temporary procedure change -or discussing

their actions with the shift supervisor (paragraph 3).

Another violation was identified for failing to report to the NRC, within 4

hours of notification of South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental

Control authorities, that weir discharge temperature limits had been exceeded.

(paragraph 3).

9308050101 930702


ADOCK 05000261




A third violation was identified for failure to properly maintain procedure

CM-008, Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump, Turbine, and Auxiliaries

Maintenance, in that a precaution to verify the turbine overspeed trip

setpoint following maintenance had been erroneously deleted (paragraph 4).

An unresolved item was identified concerning the potential inoperability of

the boric acid storage tanks involving indications of temperatures less than

the Technical Specification minimum (paragraph 3).

Another unresolved item was identified for the artificial temperature offset

required to force the boric acid heat trace annunciators to alarm at the

nominal setpoints and for the two boric acid heat trace indication circuits

which were discovered to be disabled (paragraph 5).

A third unresolved item was identified concerning the degradation of the A

emergency diesel generator ventilation system involving a damper that had been

manually blocked open (paragraph 3).

A weakness was identified, in that the annunciator panel procedure for a boric

acid heat trace trouble alarm failed to provide actions for a high temperature

condition (paragraph 3).


weakness was identified, in that the calibration procedures for

reactor coolant system water level instruments failed to include a functional

test of the control room alarm (paragraph 6).



Persons Contacted

  • R. Barnett, Manager, Projects

C. Baucom, Senior Specialist, Regulatory Compliance

D. Bauer, Regulatory Compliance Coordinator, Regulatory Compliance

  • S. Billings, Technical Aide, Regulatory Compliance

B. Clark, Manager, Maintenance

  • T. Cleary, Manager, Technical Support

D. Crook, Senior Specialist, Regulatory Compliance

  • C. Dietz, Vice President, Robinson Nuclear Project

R. Downey, Shift Supervisor, Operations

  • J Eaddy, Manager Environmental and Radiation Support

S. Farmer, Manager, Engineering Programs, Technical Support

R. Femal, Shift Supervisor, Operations

W. Flanagan Jr., Acting Plant General Manager

  • W. Gainey, Manager, Plant Support
  • J. Harrison, Manager, Regulatory Compliance

B. Harward, Manager, Engineering Site Support, Nuclear Engineering


P. Jenny, Manager, Emergency Preparedness

D. Knight, Shift Supervisor, Operations

A. McCauley, Manager, Electrical Systems, Technical Support

R. Moore, Shift Operations Coordinator, Operations

D. Morrison, Shift Supervisor, Operations

  • C. Olexik, Manager, Plant Assessment Department

A. Padgett, Manager, Environmental and Radiation Control

D. Seagle, Shift Supervisor, Operations

M. Scott, Manager, Performance Engineering, Technical Support

E. Shoemaker, Manager, Mechanical Systems, Technical Support

W. Stover, Shift Supervisor, Operations

  • A. Wallace, Acting Operations Manager
  • D. Waters, Manager, Regulatory Affairs
  • A. Whitehead, Manager Plant Support Services

D. Winters, Shift Supervisor, Operations

Other licensee employees contacted included technicians, operators,

engineers, mechanics, security force members, and office personnel.

NRC Management Visits

H. Christensen, Chief, Projects Section lA, Division of Reactor

Projects, visited the site on June 9 and 10, 1993. Mr. Christensen

toured the facility with the residents and attended the meetings with

the local officials. He also met with the licensee's Manager of Project


  • Attended exit interview on June 17, 1993.

Acronyms and initialisms used throughout this report are listed in the

last paragraph.



Plant Status

The unit began the report period operating at full power and continued

operation at or near full capacity until approximately 12:40 p.m., on

the afternoon of May 25. At that time, the licensee initiated a power

decrease to 60 percent to reduce the circulation/service water discharge

temperature to Lake Robinson in order to comply with the NPDES permit.

Unit operation was limited to 60 percent power for the rest of the month

of May. On June 2, following repair of a leaking air fitting on one of

the main feedwater regulating valves and after an increase in allowable

weir discharge limits under the NPDES permit, power was increased to 100

percent. The unit operated at full power for the remainder of the

report period. At the end of this report period, the unit had completed

260 days of continuous operation.

3. Operational Safety Verification (71707)

The inspectors evaluated licensee activities to confirm that the

facility was being operated safely and in conformance with regulatory

requirements. These activities were confirmed by direct observation,

facility tours, interviews and discussions with licensee personnel and

management, verification of safety system status, and review of facility


To verify equipment operability and compliance with TS, the inspectors

reviewed shift logs, Operations records, data sheets, instrument traces,

and records of equipment malfunctions. Through work observations and

discussions with Operations staff members, the inspectors verified the

staff was knowledgeable of plant conditions, responded properly to

alarms, adhered to procedures and applicable administrative controls,

cognizant of in-progress surveillance and maintenance activities, and

aware of inoperable equipment status. The inspectors performed channel

verifications and reviewed component status and safety-related

parameters to verify conformance with TS. Shift changes were routinely

observed, verifying that system status continuity was maintained and

that proper control room staffing existed. Access to the control room

was controlled and operations personnel carried out their assigned .

duties in an effective manner. Control room demeanor and communications

were appropriate.

Plant tours and perimeter walkdowns were conducted to verify equipment

operability, assess the general condition of plant equipment, and to

verify that radiological controls, fire protection controls, physical

protection controls, and equipment tagging procedures were properly


Failure To Make Timely NRC Notification

On the morning of May 25, 1993, the inspectors were advised by the

Manager of Regulatory Compliance of a pending notification to State of

South Carolina authorities for weir discharge temperatures in excess of

NPDES permit limits. During this initial conversation, the inspectors



questioned the licensee relative to the need for a 4-hour non-emergency

notification to the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72 (b)(2)(vi).

Later that day, in response to a licensee request, the inspectors

contacted the NRR project manager responsible for Robinson to obtain

confirmation that an NRC notification should be made if the State was

notified of this event. On the morning of May 26, 1993, the inspectors

relayed the conclusion of the NRR project manager's investigation to the

licensee, which was that a 4-hour non-emergency notification was


At 12:53 p.m., on May 26, 1993, the licensee made an information only

call to the NRC. In that call, the licensee provided information on six

daily maximum weir discharge temperature excursions above the 98.6 *F

NPDES permit limit. These excursions occurred from May 15, 1993, to

May 20, 1993. Additionally, the licensee also provided information on

compensatory measures taken as a result of the elevated weir discharge

temperatures. These measures included reducing Unit 2 power to 60

percent and taking Unit 1 off line. During subsequent discussions with

the inspector, the licensee indicated that the original intention was to

transmit the information to the HDO to satisfy the requirements of

10 CFR 50.72 (b)(2)(vi). However, after discussions with the HDO and in

the absence of knowledge that formal written notification to the State

had been made from the licensee's corporate office, the report was

communicated to the NRC as "info only".

Following this notification, the inspectors requested clarification

from the licensee of information provided from CP&L corporate

(Environmental Services) to South Carolina state officials. As a result

of this request, site personnel determined that a letter detailing the

temperature excursions in excess of the NPDES permit limits had been

transmitted from CP&L corporate offices to South Carolina state

officials on the evening of May 25, 1993. Accordingly, at 4:45 p.m., on

May 26, 1993, the licensee made a 4-hour non-emergency notification to

the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72 (b)(2)(vi) documenting this

correspondence. The failure to make a timely notification to the NRC

documenting notification of State authorities of excessive weir

discharge temperatures is considered a violation. VIO: 93-11-01, Failure

To Make A Timely Notification To The NRC Of A Notification To State


On June 2, 1993, CP&L Corporate Environmental Services advised the State

of South Carolina that the weir discharge limit for the month of May was

exceeded. This was followed by a 4-hour non-emergency notification in

accordance with 10 CFR 50.72 (b)(2)(vi). The inspectors determined that

this notification was made within the required time frame.

Failure To Follow Procedures

[Boric Acid Heat Trace Circuit 1 In Alarm]

At 8:30 a.m., on May 20, 1993, the inspectors noted that the local

annunciator for heat trace circuit I was in alarm, indicating a high


temperature situation of approximately 207' F. This circuit provides

heat trace protection for the suction and discharge piping associated

with BATP B between valves CVC-379, CVC-341, CVC-334, and CVC-336.

After the inspectors questioned the operator about the alarm, the

associated piping was cooled and the alarm cleared by recirculating the

contents of BAST B. Following the recirculation, the temperature of

the circuit again rose to greater than 200* F. A subsequent adjustment

to the circuit's thermostat by I&C personnel restored heat trace circuit

1 to normal operation.

In response to the inspectors' questions, the on-shift, inside AO stated

he was aware that the circuit was in alarm, but had been unable to

investigate the cause of the alarm since turnover (about 90 minutes

before). The inspectors reviewed the strip chart recording of the

circuit's temperatures and determined that it had been at or near the

alarm setpoint since 2:45 a.m. that morning. The strip chart recording

had been reviewed and initialed 4 times by two different operators

during the 6-hour period the high temperature alarm existed before the

condition was questioned by the inspectors. The previous shift inside

AO and shift supervisor stated that they were both aware of the alarm

condition. However, they erroneously attributed the alarm to residual

heat from the motor/pump generated from the performance of OST-107,

Boric Acid Blender Control, Valve and Pump Operation, which had been

conducted earlier on their shift. The previous shift AO and shift

supervisor also stated that the temperature of the circuit declined near

the end of the shift. From the stripchart, the inspectors determined

that the temperature of the circuit did decrease approximately 2 degrees

from about 3:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., on May 20, 1993. However, a degree

of this change appeared to be an offset which occurred coincident with

the change in the stripchart paper at 6:20 a.m. The prior shift inside

AO and shift supervisor acknowledged that they had taken no action to

determine the cause of the alarm or to reduce the temperature of heat

trace circuit 1 after the high temperature condition occurred.

Furthermore, the inspectors determined that the condition was not noted

in either the AO's logs or the shift supervisor's logs. Additionally,

no turnover was conducted on this item with the oncoming shift.

The inspectors reviewed the guidance available to Operations personnel

for alarms on boric acid heat trace circuits. A portion of this

guidance was in the form of an E-Mail memo to the shifts from the Shift

Operations Coordinator dated April 19, 1993. That guidance required

that inside A~s evaluate and initial heat trace chart recordings every 2

hours. This E-mail also discussed applying the appropriate LCO for TS

circuits in alarm. However, the E-mail focused on heat trace circuit

alarms for low temperature. Annunciator procedure APP-036-H2 provided

operator actions for Boric Acid Heat Trace Trouble Alarms on panel APP

036. Step 2 of this procedure requires the operator to determine the

reason for the abnormality and gives examples of deficiencies which

could result in alarms on heat trace circuits. As in the E-Mail memo,

the majority of actions of APP-036-H2 are directed at resolving low

temperature conditions.


OMM-001, Operations-Conduct of Operations, Section 5.9.2, Annunciator

Panel Procedure Guidelines, requires that "when the diagnosis of the

alarm concludes that the actions listed in the APP are not appropriate,

then the existing plant conditions, diagnosis conclusion, and the

actions taken shall be logged." Additionally, OMM-001, Section 5.16,

Local Panel Indication, states: "Corrective action should be initiated

on local controls and indications to ensure proper system operation."

The failure of Operations personnel to determine the cause of the alarm

as required by APP-036-H2; to document their conclusions regarding the

alarm as required by OMM-001;

and to take corrective actions as

specified by OMM-001 constitutes a violation for failure to determine

cause, log the diagnosis of, and take corrective actions for the heat

trace circuit 1 alarm condition. This event denotes one of two examples

which collectively comprise VIO: 93-11-02, Failure To Follow Procedures

For a Heat Trace Circuit In Alarm/Failure To Follow Procedure During

Performance Of OST-254.

As discussed above, APP-036-H2 primarily addressed low temperature alarm

conditions on boric acid heat trace circuits. The failure of APP-036-H2

to provide actions for a high temperature condition is considered a


[Residual Heat Removal System Leak Check]

On May 27, 1993, while performing a routine leak test surveillance of

the RHR system, control room operators determined that valve HCV-142

(RHR To Letdown Line Isolation Valve) would not open after they had

adjusted letdown pressure to 350 psig as required by applicable

procedure OST-254, Residual Heat Removal System and RHR Loop Sampling

System Leak Test. The air operated valve was visually examined and it

was found that although it had a full open signal, as evidenced by local

air pressure indications, the valve was closed. The operators discussed

the issue amongst themselves and concluded that the valve's failure to

open was probably attributed to the 350 psig pressure differential

across it. Accordingly, after they referred to steam tables, the

operators concluded that letdown pressure could be reduced to 104 psig

without flashing the system. They theorized that this lower pressure

would allow the valve to open.

Without consulting the shift supervisor or processing a temporary

procedure change, the operators reduced letdown pressure until valve

HCV-142 opened. The pressure was then returned to 350 psig and that

portion of the test completed. The actions taken to reduce pressure to

accomplish the test were then discussed with the shift supervisor. At

the shift supervisor's direction, a temporary change to the procedure

was developed and the test completed.

This act not only constituted a failure to follow procedure OST-254, but

was in violation of Technical Specification which specifies the

requirements for making temporary procedure changes.


Technical specification, Procedures, Tests and Experiments,

requires in part that written procedures be established, implemented,

and maintained concerning the activities delineated in Appendix A of

Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, February 1978, which in turn specifies in

parts 1.d, 3.d, and 3.n procedures for procedure adherence, temporary

procedure changes, operation of the emergency core cooling system, and

operation of the chemical and volume control system, respectively.

Administrative procedure AP-006, Procedure Adherence, states in section

5.1 that adherence to approved plant operating procedures is mandatory.

Section 5.2 delineates the only three mechanisms through which a

deviation from an approved procedure can occur; those being either a

permanent procedure change, a temporary procedure change or in an

emergency situation, a "deviation." In this particular situation, in as

much as the evolution was not an emergency situation, a temporary

procedure change appears to have been appropriate.

Technical specification requires that temporary changes to

procedures, tests or experiments be approved by two members of the plant

staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator License.

The temporary change must be documented and reviewed within 21 days to

determine if the change constitutes an unreviewed safety question.

Contrary to the above, on May 27, 1993, control room operators did not

follow OST-254, in that when they were unsuccessful in getting valve

HCV-142 to open when performing step 16 of section 7.1, they altered

CVCS operation and configuration in an attempt to open the valve. This

was done outside the scope of the applicable procedure and without

initiating a temporary procedure change or discussing it with the shift


The above event constitutes the second example of failure to follow

procedures identified in this report which collectively comprise

Violation 93-11-02, Failure To Follow Procedures For a Heat Trace

Circuit In Alarm/Failure To Follow Procedure During Performance Of OST


Feedwater Regulating Valve Air Line Leak

On May 31, 1993, with the Unit at 60 percent power, a steam flow-feed

flow mismatch occurred as a result of the C feedwater regulating valve

(FCV-498) beginning to fail closed. In response to this annunciated

alarm condition, the operators took remote manual control of the valve

in accordance with AOP-010, Inadequate Feedwater Flow. Following

repairs to stop a leak on an air line to the valve's positioner, the

valve was restored to automatic control on June 1, 1993.

The inspectors reviewed a stripchart of steam generator parameters

recorded during the transient and discussed the transient with

operations personnel. The inspector concluded that prompt operator

actions probably minimized the consequences of the transient.


The inspectors witnessed portions of the troubleshooting and repair

efforts performed to return the valve to service. Specifically, the

inspectors witnessed a torque check of the C feedwater regulating valve

lock bar capscrews in accordance with WR/JO 93HTY008. This check was

accomplished without incident. In addition, the inspectors were present

for the tightening of a plug on a tee connection in the air line to the

valve's positioner (accomplished per WR/JO 93AFZL). The inspectors also

attended the pre-job brief conducted for this evolution and witnessed

control room activities coincident with the repair. The inspectors

concluded that the appropriate precautions were taken and that the

evolution was well-conducted.

As a part of the post-maintenance inspection efforts, the inspectors

reviewed a safety analysis dated October 18, 1987, approving the

practice of placing a feedwater regulating valve in local manual

control; thereby, defeating a feedline isolation signal for the valve.

This same approach was used for the repairs on June 1, 1993, to minimize

the possibility of a plant transient as a result of the repair efforts.

The conclusion of the analysis was based on a review of the steam break

analysis assuming that the feedwater regulating valve fails to close.

Isolation of the feedline is provided by the feedwater header section

valves. The inspectors have no further questions on the transient or the

repair efforts.

Boric Acid Storage Tank Inoperability

On Monday, May 31, 1993, an operator noted low temperature alarms for

boric acid heat trace circuitry coincident with the recirculation of

both the A and B BASTs. Low temperature alarms were received for heat

trace circuits 3 (BATP B discharge), 35 (BAST B discharge), 7 (piping

downstream of BAST B recirculation valve HCV 105), and 8 (piping

downstream of BAST A recirculation valve HCV 110). The fact that these

low recirculation piping temperatures could indicate temperatures less

than the TS minimum for the BASTs.was recognized by the operators. The

observed heat trace circuit performance and the concerns on BAST

operability were communicated to the system engineer by the operators in

an E-mail message dated May 31, 1993. On Tuesday, June 1, 1993, the

inspectors questioned Operations management on the need for an

operability determination based on the potential for BAST temperatures

of less than 145'F. At 5:00 p.m. that afternoon, the licensee entered a

72-hour operability determination in accordance with OMM-039,

Operability Determination. The determination was completed at 4:00 p.m.

on June 2, 1993, and concluded that both trains of the boric acid

flowpath had been inoperable for an unknown period of time. The

determination also concluded that the recirculation restored the tanks

to an operable condition. It was also noted in the operability

determination that recirculation at an interval of less than 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />

would prevent the low temperature excursions during recirculation of the

BASTs. Following the operability determination, the licensee instituted

a 4-hour recirculation schedule, with temperatures monitored by

operations personnel, for the in-service BAST A. This tank was

sufficient to satisfy TS requirements for boric acid inventory. At this


recirculation frequency, no additional temperature excursions below 145*

were observed in the in-service BAST A recirculation flowpath. The

recirculation frequency of BAST B was varied, while observing

temperatures in the recirculation flowpath, in an effort to extend the

recirculation interval and determine the cause of the temperature

excursions. At the end of the inspection period, the licensee was

recirculating BAST B every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Temperatures of the piping in the recirculation path for BASTS A and B

were observed by ETS personnel during recirculation on June 2, 1993.

Data was collected to determine if temperatures less than 1450 occurred

in any leg of the recirculation piping. The inspectors witnessed the

data gathering, observed temperatures on the heat trace strip chart

recorder, and independently reviewed plots of the observed temperatures.

The minimum temperatures indicated on any segment were 1420F for the A

flowpath and 138*F for the B flowpath. This occurred with the BASTs

indicating approximately 163'F. No temperatures were observed on any

segment of piping below the precipitation point for the existing

concentrations in the BASTs. When the recirculations were repeated 5

hours later, no temperature in either flowpath dropped below the 145*F

TS limit for the BASTs.

At the end of the inspection period, the licensee was attempting to

address the issue of past inoperability of the boric acid system.

Pending the completion of the licensee's operability determination, this

item remains unresolved. URI: 93-11-03, Potential Inoperability Of The

Boric Acid Storage Tanks.

Inadequate Engineering Analysis

On June 5, 1993, an engineering supervisor provided the inspectors with

a written analysis of a B BAST pump performance test performed on

June 4, 1993. The test had been performed to address questions

regarding the potential for boric acid precipitate buildup in the BAST

discharge lines during previous low temperature conditions in the BAST.

During the review of this material, the inspectors noted that the

percentage change of the measured pump discharge pressure from the

manufacturer's pump curve had been used to adjust the measured pump

discharge flow to determine the pump flow rate at design conditions.

However, since the pump curve in the region of interest indicated that

each foot change in pump head would result in more than a 2 gpm increase

in flow, the percentage change in head was not the correct-factor to

utilize in projecting the pump flow at design conditions. The

evaluation of the test data was technically incorrect. This was

discussed with the engineering supervisor. Later, the inspectors were

presented with a technically acceptable analysis; however, the results

of this revised analysis could not be used to conclusively demonstrate

that precipitation had not occurred. At the end of the report period,

the licensee was evaluating other information which would address the

question. The issue of temperatures below the precipitation point for

the boric acid solution will be resolved in the inspectors' review of

URI 93-11-03.



Degraded Diesel Generator Ventilation System

On June 10, 1993, during the performance of bi-weekly surveillance test

OST-401 on the A EDG, licensee personnel observed that the room

ventilation air return damper was partially open when it was to have

been closed. The damper is designed to automatically close when the

ambient air temperature is above 55'F. With the damper partially open,

the efficiency of the ventilation system was degraded. The licensee

found that the damper had been manually blocked open by a wooden wedge

which had apparently been manufactured for the purpose. The licensee is

currently evaluating the impact of this illicit modification on the

system's ability to perform its intended safety function. Pending the

completion of that evaluation, this issue will remain unresolved.

URI: 93-11-04, Degraded Diesel Generator Ventilation System.

Two violations were identified.

4. Surveillance Observation (61726)

The inspectors observed certain safety-related surveillance activities

on systems and components to ascertain that these activities were

conducted in accordance with license requirements. For the surveillance

test procedure addressed below, the inspectors determined that

precautions and LCOs were adhered to, the required administrative

approvals and tagouts were obtained prior to test initiation, testing

was accomplished by qualified personnel in accordance with an approved

test procedure, test instrumentation was properly calibrated, and that

the test conformed to TS requirements.

Specifically, the inspectors witnessed/reviewed portions of OST-202,

Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater System Component Test (Monthly).

During post-OST discussions with Engineering Tech Support personnel, the

requirement to test the turbine overspeed trip mechanism following

certain maintenance activities was discussed. Based on the results of

these discussions, the inspectors reviewed ONS Action Item Number 90

010. This item specified that CM-008 (Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater

Pump, Turbine, and Auxiliaries Maintenance) be revised to include a

precaution to test the turbine overspeed trip setpoint following renewal

of the trip striker pin or striker spring. This ONS action item was

derived from SOER 89-01. The action item was accomplished through

Revision 8 to CM-008, on August 23, 1990. However, the inspectors noted

that the precaution was not contained in the current revision of CM-008.

Based on an interview of the Manager of Maintenance Support Programs,

the inspectors learned that the precaution was erroneously deleted from

the procedure during Revision 12 to CM-008. This revision became

effective on November 25, 1992, and was accomplished as part of the

procedure upgrade program. The fact that the precaution was the result

of an ONS action item was not clear since Revision 8 to CM-008 failed to

reference this commitment as required by AP-004, Procedure Control.

After the erroneous deletion was identified, the licensee revised CM-008

to include the appropriate precaution on testing the turbine overspeed


device and promptly initiated a review of all safety-related maintenance

procedures to ensure their accuracy.

The licensee concluded from their investigation of this error that no

maintenance had been performed on the turbine overspeed mechanism since

Revision 12 to CM-008 had been made. The inspectors independently

reviewed a computerized listing and brief description of all maintenance

performed on the AFW system since 1991 and concurred with the licensee's

observation. Thus, the inspectors concluded that the safety signifi

cance of the deletion was minimal.

This event is similar in nature to an event addressed in NCV 93-05-03.

In that particular situation, a procedure step which had been implement

ed in response to a Violation, was erroneously deleted during a later

revision to the procedure. The corrective actions associated with NCV

93-05-03 included a review of all safety-related maintenance procedures

to ensure that procedure revisions which had been made pursuant to

commitments or corrective actions taken as a result of previously

identified findings, were still embodied in the procedures. The

corrective actions taken at that time did not, however, include a review

of those procedures to verify that previous procedure revisions

implemented to include external inputs such as derived from industry

experience, SOERs, IENs, etc., were still incorporated. Indeed, as

referenced above, the requirement to test the turbine overspeed trip

setpoint following renewal of the trip striker pin or striker spring had

its genesis in SOER 89-01. Accordingly, the licensee's review failed to

detect the erroneous deletion.

Technical Specification requires that procedures be

maintained for activities referenced in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide

1.33, Revision 2, February 1978. Appendix A, Item 9 requires written

procedures for maintenance that can affect the performance of safety

related equipment. CM-008 provides maintenance instructions for the

steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump. During revision 12 to CM-008, the

precaution to test the overspeed mechanism following renewal of the trip

striker pin or striker spring was erroneously deleted. The failure to

properly maintain CM-008 is a violation. VIO: 93-11-05, Failure To

Properly Maintain Maintenance Procedure CM-008.

During the course of this inspection, the inspectors noted that Opera

tions Surveillance Test procedure OST-202, Steam Driven Auxiliary

Feedwater System Component Test, required that the turbine mechanical

overspeed trip device be exercised before the pump was run for the

test. The inspectors were concerned that this practice constituted pre

dispositioning of the equipment, similar to stroking a valve prior to

performing a valve stroke test. After discussing this issue with the

licensee, they initiated a review of the history associated with

performing the mechanical overspeed trip mechanism test, and elected to

revise the procedure to require the test be performed once per refueling

cycle. The licensee also stated that they would run the pump before and

after testing the trip mechanism to ensure pump operability.

One violation was identified.

5. Maintenance Observation (62703)

The inspectors observed safety-related maintenance activities on systems

and components to ascertain that these activities were conducted in

accordance with TS, approved procedures, and appropriate industry codes

and standards. The inspectors determined that these activities did not

violate LCOs and that required redundant components were operable. The

inspectors verified that required administrative, material, testing, and

radiological controls were adhered to. In particular, the inspectors

observed/reviewed the following maintenance activities:

WR/JO 93HTY008

Perform Feedwater Regulating Valve Lock

Bar Capscrew Torque Check (FCV-498)


Troubleshoot FCV-498 To Determine Cause Of

Not Responding Properly In Auto

WR/JO 93BUY341

Calibrate B Boric Acid Storage Tank

Temperature Indicating Controller

WR/JO 93BWR231

Calibrate The L&N Heat Trace Recorders

Troubleshooting Of FCV-498

The inspectors witnessed repair efforts to feedwater regulating valve C

accomplished under WR/JO 93HTY008 and WR/JO 93AFLZ1.

These efforts are

discussed in paragraph 3.

Calibration of Boric Acid Heat Trace Recorder 1

On June 2, 1993, the inspectors witnessed calibration of heat trace

recorder number 1 in accordance with WR/JO 93BWR231. This consisted of

a calibration of the stripchart recorder and the associated

annunciators. The effort was conducted as part of the licensee's

investigation into the observed low temperatures in boric acid

recirculation piping while recirculating the BASTs. During the

calibration of the annunciators, the inspectors noted that the desired

alarm setpoints, as entered into the electronic controller for the

stripchart recorder, were approximately 9 degrees higher than the

nominal 150'F setpoint. This bias was required in order to have the

annunciator alarm when the stripchart recorder indicated approximately

150'F. When questioned by the inspectors, the technicians where unable

to provide any explanation as to why this offset was necessary.


Additionally, during the calibration, it was noted that Circuit 31 (the

normal boration line between FT-113 and CVC-354) was not indicating.

Investigation by the technician revealed that the indication for this

circuit had been disabled with a dip switch in the stripchart recorder

housing. During subsequent discussions, the system engineer stated that

he had found another circuit similarly disabled the prior week.

Pending the licensee's resolution of these issues, they remain

unresolved. URI: 93-11-06, Offset Required In Heat Trace Alarm

Circuitry And Disabled Indication For Boric Acid Heat Trace


No violations or deviations were identified. Except as noted above, the

area/program was adequately implemented.

6. Followup (92700, 92701, 92702)

(Open) LER 92-11, Conditions Outside Design Basis Due to Inadequate

Seismic Restraints. This item, regarding inadequately supported Copes

Vulcan valves, was discussed in IR 92-16. The inspectors verified,

prior to cycle 15, that the supports identified in the LER as not

meeting short-term criteria were modified as committed. The LER

indicated that short-term qualified supports would be upgraded to long

term criteria by no later that RO-15. Design activities were in

progress to develop modifications to address these supports. Based upon

preliminary design activities, there were an estimated 62 supports that

required modifications. Furthermore, there were 38 long-term qualified

supports that were identified to be inspected because as-built

documentation could not be found for some specific attributes.

In addition to the supports associated with the Copes Vulcan valves

discussed above, there were two other processes which have identified

short-term qualified supports. The piping improvement program

identified 109 supports on 8 lines that were short-term qualified and

another 70 supports on various lines that require inspection as describe

above. Normal operating activities (i.e., deficiency identification

program and engineering activities) resulted in the identification of an

estimated 13 additional supports that require upgrade to long-term

criteria and 3 supports that require inspections. Specifically, 4

issues were identified via normal operating activities. These were:

(1) main steam line support embedded plate had broken grout; (2) control

room cooler hot-gas bypass line temperature was outside design

specification; (3) SI and CS pumps suction piping associated with the

recirculation pathway were designed to 100* F verses the 210'F

anticipated after an accident; and (4) the CS headers inside the CV were

analyzed empty, whereas due to the RWST head these headers are partially


In summary, 184 supports may require upgrading to long-term criteria and

another 111 supports need inspections. Design modification packages

have been completed for 26 supports and 15 supports have been inspected.

Support design was scheduled to be completed by the end of June;


however, construction reviews and outage scheduling will not be

completed until August 1, 1993. Thus, although it was anticipated that

the work would be performed before the end of RO-15, there was a

possibility some of the work will not be completed by that time. This

item will remain open pending completion of modification package

development and implementation.

(Closed) VIO 92-27-02, Failure To Implement GP-008 In That RCS Water

Level Instrumentation Loops Were Not Calibrated As Required.


inspectors verified that GP-008, Draining The Reactor Coolant System,

had been revised, as stated in the Reply To A Notice Of Violation, dated

December 4, 1992, to require individual sign-offs for calibration of

each component in LT-403 and LT-404 RCS level instrumentation loops.

The inspectors also confirmed that the "Master WR List" for GP-008 was

changed to include calibration of LT-403 and LT-404.

The inspectors noted that the calibration procedure for the alarm

switches LSL-403 and LSL-404 did not include a verification that when a

switch actuates a visible and audible indication is received in the

control room. In addition, through discussions with I&C planners and

document reviewers, the inspectors determined that there were no

procedural requirements to verify that these alarm features work

properly. GL 88-17, Loss Of Decay Heat Removal, enhancement item 1.d

recommended that visible and audible indications of abnormal conditions

in level be provided. The licensee's response to Generic Letter 88-17,

dated February 1, 1989, stated that "An alarm will be added in the

control room for each level indicator."

LSL-403 and LSL-404 were

provided to meet this commitment. Implicit in the recommendation to

provide an alarm is the expectation that the alarm features will be

functionally tested periodically. Failure to verify that the alarm is

received in the control room when these switches are calibrated/tested

is a weakness. The inspectors also noted that since annunciators are

considered to be nonsafety-related, non-MST calibration procedures

typically do not verify proper operation of the alarms/annunciators.

This was discussed with the Maintenance Manager, who disagreed with the

inspectors characterization of this problem as being a weakness.

However, he indicated that procedures for LSL-403 and LSL-404 would be

revised to include alarm verification. The MSTs that were upgraded as

part of the maintenance procedure rewrite program verified that alarms

were received during testing.

(Closed) VIO 92-34-04, Failure To Adequately Establish EPP-9 In That

Steps Were Provided To Operate The RHR Pump At Pressures Above Its

Shutoff Head Without A Caution Note Prior To Steps. The inspectors

reviewed the Reply To A Notice Of Violation dated February 11, 1993.

AP-022, Document Change Procedure, was verified to have been revised as

committed. In addition, the inspectors verified that EPP-9, Transfer To

Cold Leg Recirculation, Revision 11, issued on January 5, 1993, provided

a caution note to warn operators that operation of RHR Pumps in a dead

headed condition for greater than 9 minutes could result in pump damage.


The applicability of this violation to other EPPs will be inspected as

part of the followup activities associated with IFI 91-22-10 regarding

the AOP/EOP upgrade project. This item is considered closed.

No violations or deviations were identified. Except as noted above, the

area/program was adequately implemented.


Information Meeting With Local Officials (94600)

On June 9 and 10, 1993, information meetings were held with local

officials representing the City of Hartsville, the County of Darlington

and the County of Florence. The meetings were held in the offices of

the officials at their request. The mission and functional organization

of the NRC and its relationship to the community were discussed. The

meetings were informal with the attendees responding with questions of

interest and importance to their communities. Plant operational safety,

security, emergency plans, and community staffed plant fire response

were of high interest to the groups. The response by the officials was

very positive and provided a good opportunity for interface and followup

communication. H. Christensen, Chief, Project Section IA, Division of

Reactor Projects, attended and participated in the meetings.


Exit Interview (71701)

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on June 17, 1993, with

those persons indicated in paragraph 1. The inspectors described the

areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed

below and in the summary. Dissenting comments were not received from

the licensee. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the

materials provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this


Item Number

Description/Reference Paragraph



Failure To Make A Timely Notification To

The NRC Of A Notification To State Authorities

(Paragraph 3).



Failure To Follow Procedures For a Heat

Trace Circuit In Alarm/Failure To Follow

Procedure During Performance Of OST-254

(Paragraph 3).



Failure To Properly Maintain Maintenance

Procedure CM-008 (Paragraph 4).



Potential Inoperability Of The Boric Acid

Storage Tanks (Paragraph 3).



Degraded Diesel Generator Ventilation

System (Paragraph 3).



URI: Offset Required In Heat Trace Alarm

Circuitry And Disabled Indication For Boric Acid

Heat Trace Temperature (Paragraph 5).


List of Acronyms and Initialisms


Ante Meridiem


Auxiliary Operator


Abnormal Operating Procedure


Annunciator Panel Procedure


Boric Acid Storage Tank


Boric Acid Transfer Pump


Component Cooling Water


Code of Federal Regulations


Corrective Maintenance


Carolina Power & Light


Containment Spray


Chemical & Volume Control System


Emergency Diesel Generator


Emergency Operation Procedure


End Path Procedure


Engineering Technical Support




Flow Control Valve


Flow Transmitter


Gallons Per Minute


Generic Letter


General Procedure


Hand Control Valve


NRC Headquarters Duty Officer


Instrumentation & Control


That is


Inspection Report


Limiting Condition for Operation


Licensee Event Report


Level Transmitter


Maintenance Surveillance Test


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System


Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Operations Management Manual


Onsite Nuclear Safety


Operations Surveillance Test


Post Meridiem


Pounds Per Square Inch - Gage


Reactor Coolant System


Residual Heat Removal


Refueling Outage


Refueling Water Storage Tank


Safety Injection


Significant Operating Experience Report


Technical Specification



Unresolved Item




Work Request


Work Request/Job Order