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Energy Information Administration. 2004. State Energy Profiles 2002. January. (Excerpt). Us Department of Energy
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Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 01/31/2004
US Dept of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
2130-07-20506, TAC MC7624 DOE/EIA-0629(2002)
Download: ML072670401 (5)



State Electricity Profiles 2002 January 2004 Energy Information Administration

State Electric Profiles Page I of 3 rEnergy Information Administration Homer Statistics fro te 0.tS, Glossary c iaIF, EePy - iProfnlet Home > Electricity > State Electricity Profiles State Electricity Profiles 2004 Edition DOEIEIA -0629 Date of Data: 2004 Data Release Date: June 2006 Individual State Electric Profiles State Electric Profiles Format Net ummer Net Generation Total Retail Sales Average Retail Price 2004 Entire Report pdf Name Capability (megawatthours) (megawatthours) (cents/kWh)

(m e g aw atts ) 137 , _ _ _ _ _

00Entire Report Pdf Alabama 30,647 137,354,771 86,870,51911 6.08 2001 Imr eo Alaska 1,851 6,526,717 5,788,484 10.99 2001 U.S. Summaries Odf Arizona 11 24,303 104,564,143 66,933,251][ 7.45 1999 Entire Report pAdf Arkansas 13,538 51,927,632 43,672,360 5.671 1999 U.S. Summaries pdf California 58,306 194,780,355 252,764,0151 11.451 1998 Entire Report pdf Colorado 11,085 47,869,492 46,723,841 6.951 1998 U.S. Summaries pdf Connecticut -7,929 32,633,4081 32,214,6101 10.261 1996 Entire Report pdf Delaware 11 3,428 7,855,553 11,761,153 7.53 1996 U.S. Summaries pdf District of Columbia l 8061 36,487]1 11,414,847 7.47 Individual State Electricity Backissues Profiles Florida 50,654 218,117,928 218,584,494]1 8.16E GeorgiaII 35,338 126,812,715 129,465,784 1.58 Hawaii 2,3111 11,410,403 10,731,5201 15.70

[Idaho 2,986 10,863,0391 21,808,67414.97 Illinois 42,032 191,957,778 139,253,9566.

ILndiana 26,7341F 127,770,396 103,094,2631 5.581 Iowa 1 10,873 43,248,189 40,9027 6.40 Kansas -10,850 46,782,659 37,126,54011 6.371 Kentucy 19,627 94,529,947 86,521,156] 16 Louisiana 26,465 98,172,309 79,737,112 7.13 Maine 4,190 19,098,885 12,367,668 9.69 Maryland 12,499 52,052,770' 66,891,700 7.151 II II II profiles/eprofiles_sum.html 10/5/20/06

EIA - Historical Energy Information and Statistics Page I of 2 qeia) Energy Information 0fio Administration S.'e:

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Energy Overview MER AER Annual Energy. Review annual data starting in 1949 Energy production, consumption, net imports; more... 7/27/06 Energy Perspectives: 1949-2005 (html or pdf)

Consumption by Sector MER AER trends and milestones in the long-term 7/27/06 Residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, State Energy Data and electric power consumption of energy; more...

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Crude oil and product prices; costs of crude oil imports by country; electricity retail prices; natural gas prices.

Financial Indicators -----AER Price and value of fossil fuel production, imports, http://www.eia.doe. gov/overview-hd.html 10/5/2006

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Table 1. 2002 Summary Statistics ItemIi Value U.S. Rank New jcrsey NFRC P, qioiI,) ...... ... ..... ...... ..................... .............................. ............. .......... .. MACC ri'mi ry E niergy So u r c ...................................................... ....... .................. ............ Nuclear Net Suinmer Capability (megzi:atts t. ........................................... :.................. 18.384 21 E le c tric Ut jil if ........................... ............ $....... . ................ ...... . .. .... ....... ... 1,244 42 Itrdependle ti P,wer ltrodnectrs & Combined Heat and Pio cr ......................... 17,140 Net (Gcterati-in (rtegawalvhttb rr) ...... ................... ....... ......................... (,1.569.31-7 Electric Utilities ............................................. 1,569.056 44 lndepe tRleutIwer 'Procdutcer. & Cont hined IHeat and Rost ........................ btl,tltll0,33 I 6 Ittisiots tltitisalld t sl 1rtf tol.

Sulfur Dioxide .................................................. 49 36 Nitto gc n O xide . ............................. ................ ......... 41 36 C a rbo n Dio xide ................................................... . ........................ .. ............. 22.339 37 S tullu r D io ,ide/sq . rode .. ............................................................ . ................. 7 17 Nitro gcn O xide/s q. m ile .................................................................................... 5 7 Carbon Dioxidelsq. mile ........................................................................ 3.01 I 9 Utility aitd ESP Retail Electricity Sales (ategawarthourl) ...................................... 74,460.421 20 Utility Retail Electricity Sales (megav.atthoursl ................................................ 73,368,045 20 l-SP Rttil Electricity Sales tmegawaithourtr) ................................................. 1.092.376 12 Direct Use (uiegawatthours) .................. 14.141.784 4 Avtrage Retail Prie (cents/kW h) .......................................................................... 9.31 M(

See foottotes at end f tables.

Table 2. Ten Largest Plants by Generating Capability, 2002 Net Capability Energy Sources Operating Ctompany N MW)

Plant New Jersey

1. PSEG Salem Generating .................................. Petrileumn, Nuclear P0SEGNuclear LLC 2.259
2. Bergen ................... .... .. .... ............ O ther, Gas PSEC Fosil L.L.C 1,224
3. lISEG H dtulst Geuera i......................

rt ........... Other, Petrrleum, Gas PSEG Fossil LLC 1.120

4. ISEtIl Hope Creek Getter ................................ Nuclear PSEG Nuclear LLC 1,049
5. Linden Cogen Plant .......................................... Pettoleuttt. Other. Gas Cogei Teclhnologies Linden Vent 9)00
6. 'SEG Bueltngtrt Gener ................................... Olher, Gas PSEG Fossil LLC N02
7. AES Red Ork I.IC ....................................... Gas AES Red Oak LLC 792
8. PSEG Mercer Gencratin ................................... Other. Gas, Coal PSEG Fosil LLC 777
9. PSEG Linden Generatin ................................... Other, Pettoleuni. Gas PSEG Fossil LLC 775
10. PSEG Kearny Geticratin .................................. Other, PetrilctTn, Gas PSEG Frissil I.L.C 764 See lfotinores at end of tables.

Table 3. Top Five Utilities Ranked by Retail Sales, 2002 (Megawatthotirs)

Utility All Sectors I Residential Cottnnercial I Industrial I Other New Jersey A. Public Scrvice Elecric&Gas Co ................................ 41,555,465 12.825,350 21,664,674 6,684,529 380,912 B. Jersey Cetitral Power&Light Co ........................... :.... 20,562,264 8,972,974 8,462,157 3,045.994 81,139 C. Atlantic City Electric Co lpany ................................. 8.583.371 4,103.761 3.693,045 739,644 46,921 D. Rockland Electric Company ....................................... 1,542,342 696,176 776.409 62,972 6,785 E. City of Vineland .......................................................... 481,649 134,608 136,624 206,041 4,376 T o ta l ............................................................................. 72.725.091 26,732.869 34,732,9(09 10.739,180 520,133 Percentage of Utility Sales .......................................... 98 99 97 97 90 See fentlitttles at end of tables.

Energy Information Administration/State Electricity Profiles 2002 135