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Enclosure 22: Tsd 24-055, Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Exposure Pathways, Revision 0
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 08/01/2024
From: Bisson J
Holtec Decommissioning International, Radiation Safety & Control Services
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML24214A209 List:
HDI-OC-24-018 24-055, Rev 0
Download: ML24214A078 (1)


OFFICIAL USE ONLY / USAGE EXCLUSIF Distribution Coefficient (Kd) of Radionuclides in Soil Samples ctfrom Chalk River LaboratoriesRscs RSCS TSD 24- 017 Rev 0 D1

Radiation Safety & Contro l Services Page 1 of 49

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analyses for the Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Exposure Pathways Te chnical Support Document No. 2 4 - 0 55 Revision 0

Prepared by: ______________________________________________________

Joseph Bisson, Technical Consultant

Reviewed by:

C h ristopher C. Messier, Sr. Director of Engineering

Approved by: ______ ________________________________________________

Eric Darois, CHP, Executive Director

Radiation Safety & Control Services, Inc 93 Ledge Road, Seabrook, NH 03874 1-800-525-8339 (603) 778-2871 (Outside USA) RSCS June 27, 2024 Rad iat io n Safety & Cont ro l Se rvices

91 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885 - 2468 phone: 1-800-525-8339

  • fax: 603-778-6879 i nfo@rad safety. com w ww. rad safety. com Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 2 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Contents 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 2 Method of Calculation.........................................................................................................3 3 Input and Calculations.........................................................................................................4 4 Results................................................................................................................................. 8 5 Conclusions.........................................................................................................................9 6 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 28

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 3 of 49 Exposure Pathways

1 Introduction

This calculation supports development of DCGL values for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (OCNGS). Its purpose is to identify risk (dose)-sensitive parameters (i.e., those parameters that produce a significant change in the calculated dose with changes in their value) in the modeling of the Instantaneous Release (IR) scenario as part of the development of Basement Fill Model (BFM) derived concentration guideline levels (DCGL) for below-grade concrete structures.

Identification of risk -sensitive parameters is a necessary process to account for uncertainty in input values. The uncertainty associated with risk -sensitive parameters is addressed in subsequent DCGL calculations by using reasonably conservative input values based on the results of RESRAD-Onsite probabilistic analyses. Thus, the results of this calculation support the subsequent development of DCGL values for assessing residual radioactive contamination associated with below-grade concrete structures targeted to remain onsite at license termination.

The RESRAD model and computer code was developed at Argonne National Laboratory as a multifunctional tool to assist in developing radiological criteria for assessing the dose associated with residual radioactive material and has undergone extensive review, benchmarking, verification, and validation. The RESRAD-Onsite 7.2 Users Guide [1] was used as a reference for code use.

The RESRAD-Onsite code includes probabilistic modules that permit the user to perform a sensitivity analysis to identify parameters that have the greatest impact on dose. The probabilistic modules allow the evaluation of dose as a function of parameter distributions.

The probabilistic analyses were performed for the OCNGS site using the RESRAD-Onsite code (version 7.2) with the exposure pathways assumed for an Industrial Use (IU) compliance scenario. The results of this calculation are applicable only to the OCNGS site.

2 Method of Calculation

The approach taken in this calculation consists of two primary phases: the selection of input parameter values and performing RESRAD-Onsite code executions.

Input parameters were treated as either deterministic (a single value is assigned) or stochastic (a parameter distribution is assigned). Treatment depended on parameter type, availability of Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 4 of 49 Exposure Pathways

site-specific data, and the relevance of the parameter in the dose calculations. Behavioral and metabolic parameters were treated as deterministic and were assigned values from NUREG/CR -

5512 [2] or NUREG/CR-7267 [3]. Physical parameters for which site-specific data are unavailable were assigned parameter distributions from NUREG/CR-7267 or assigned a deterministic value from NUREG/CR-5512.

The RESRAD-Onsite Probabilistic Output Report provides regression and correlation coefficients for the average doses at the user defined evaluation times. The Partial Rank Correlation Coefficient (PRCC) has been used to identify risk -sensitive parameters. NUREG/CR-7267 and NUREG/CR-6697 [4 ] recommend the use of the PRCC for cases where a non -linear relationship exists, such as in the case for the Industrial Use Scenario. PRCC values greater than zero (positive value) or less than zero (negative value) id entify whether risk -sensitive parameters are positively or negatively correlated to dose, respectively.

The criterion for risk-sensitivity used in this calculation was a PRCC value with an absolute value greater than 0.25. To address the uncertainties associated with the input parameters identified as risk-sensitive, the 25th percentile value of the parameters distribution was selected for risk-sensitive parameters that had a negative PRCC value, and the 75th percentile value of the parameters distribution was selected for risk -sensitive parameters that had a positive PRCC value. The 75th percentile and 25th percentile values are recommended as reasonably conservative input values for calculations of DCGL values for open land areas at the OCS site.

The approach of assigning 25th and 75th percentile values of a risk -sensitive parameters distribution to account for uncertainty in DCGL values has been accepted in past decommissioning projects (e.g., Yankee Rowe, Zion, Connecticut Yankee, Humboldt Bay, Fort Calhoun Station, and SMUD) by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and State regulators.

3 Input and Calculations

A site-specific suite of potential ROCs has been identified for the OCS site [5]. OCS ROCs are listed in Table 1. RESRAD-Onsite 7.2 automatically accounts for progeny radionuclides with input for several of the OCS ROCs. Progeny radionuclides are also listed in Table 1.

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Table 1: Potential Radionuclides-of-Concern Identified for the OCNGS Site

ROCa Progenyb ROCa Progenyb

Am-241 Np-237, Th-229, U -233 Nb-94 ---

C-14 --- Ni-63 ---

Cm-243 Ac-227, Am -243, Pa-231, Np-237 Th-229, U -233 Pu-239, U -235

Cm-244 Pu-240, Ra -228, Th-228, Pu-238 Pb-210, Po -210, Ra -226, Th-232, U -236 Th-230, U -234

Cs-137 --- Pu-239 Ac-227, Pa -231, U -235

Co-60 --- Pu-240 Ra-228, Th-228, Th -232, U-236

Eu-152 Gd-152 Pu-241 Am-241, Np-237, Th-229, U-233

Eu-154 --- Sb-125 Te-125m

Fe-55 --- Sr-90 ---

H-3 --- Tc-99 ---

Mn-54 ---

a ROC = radionuclide-of -concern identified for the OCS site.

b Included automatically with input of parent ROC.

The scenario modeled in this calculation is an IR scenario, which is one of t hree scenarios that support development of DCGL values for below-grade concrete structures. The IR scenario assumes an instantaneous release of radioactive contamination on the surfaces of below-grade concrete basements to the fill material that is within 1m o f the concrete surfaces creating a contaminated volume (CV). The resultant CV remains below site grade, covered by 3ft (0.91m) soil, and extends to a depth of 43ft (13.1m), which is the depth of the Reactor Building foundation walls. Portions of the CV reside in both the unsaturated and saturated zones based Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 6 of 49 Exposure Pathways

on site geological features. The water table is assumed at the site average groundwater table depth and the below-grade concrete structures are assumed not to impede groundwater flow.

The configuration of contaminated zone (CZ) created by the CV is shown in Figure 1.

The CV is assessed using the IU exposure pathways. The IU scenario assumes the average member of the critical group is a hypothetical full-time site worker assigned to outdoor tasks and who also catches and consumes fish from the intake/discharge canal during off-hours. The pathways used to estimate human radiation exposure resulting from residual radioactivity in the soil for this scenario are:

  • Direct external radiation exposure pathway
  • Inhalation exposure pathway
  • Ingestion exposure via aquatic food from the intake/discharge canal
  • Inadverten ingestion of contaminated soil

3ft ( 0. 91m) c ove r <--- Final Site Cover I

26. 74% a bove GW t a ble

GW t a ble @ 14. 5ft ( 4. 42m)

73. 26% be low GW t a ble

<---------------- CZ width = 145.3ft (44.3m) = LPAF -------------------->

ye llow = C V

Figure 1 Conceptual Configuration of the CV (note: not to scale)

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The CV was calculated using the surface areas of below-grade concrete surfaces for the Reactor Building (RB), Turbine Building (TB), Old Radwaste Building (ORB), and stack area provided in Table 1 of Holtec-00045 Calc-001. The surface areas (m2) are multiplied by 1 m to obtain the total volume of fill material immediately adjacent at 1m to the concrete surfaces: CV, m3 =

(surface area, m2) x (1m adjacent fill). Table 2 shows these calculations.

Table 2. Contaminated Volume Calculations

Below-Grade Instant Release Surface Area CV ft2 m2 m3

Reactor Building 78,655 7,307 7,307 Turbine Building 96,535 8,968 8,968 Old RW Building 14,224 1,321 1,321 Stack Area 27,862 2,588 2,588 Total Volume 217,276 20,184 20,184 The CZ and length parallel to aquifer flow (LPAF, a RESRAD -Onsite input parameter) are calculated from the CV, assuming a disk configuration with a thickness (CV t) equal to the height of RB wall, 43 ft (13.11m) (source of RB wall height: Holtec- 00045 Calc-001).

CZ Area (m2) = CV (m3)/CVt (m) = r2 20,184 m3/13.11 m = r2 1539.59 m2 = r2 = CZ area 490.07 m2 = r2 22.14m = r 2r = diameter = 44.27m = LPAF The CZ area and LPAF values were rounded to 1539.6 m2 and 44.3m, respectively, for RESRAD-Onsite input.

Fractions of CV in the unsaturated zone (UZ) and saturated zone (SZ):

Cover thickness = 3 ft (0.91 m)

Height of RB wall left in place under cover = 43 ft (Holtec- 00045 Calc-001)

The average ground water (GW) depth for wells near the RB, TB, and ORB is 14.5ft based on Oyster Creek supplied groundwater information. Appendix A provides OCNGS site groundwater information.

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Depth to GW = 14.5 ft, which leaves (14.5 ft - 3 ft cover =) 11.5 ft of RB wall above GW.

Fraction of CV above GW = 11.5 ft/43ft = 0.2674 Fraction of CV in SZ (i.e., below the average depth to groundwater table) = (43-11.5) ft/43 ft = 0.7326 The contaminated zone is located directly under 3-ft (0.91m) cover; therefore, there is no uncontaminated UZ layer above the CZ (refer to Figure 1).

Sand is assumed as soil type for cover and fill material (consistent with soil type assumed in calculations for surface soil DCGL values and supported by information provided in the OCNGS Hydrogeologic Investigation Report [6], the O yster Creek Station H istorical Site Assessment [7],

and well installation logs). Distributions for K d values, density, porosity, field capacity, and RESRAD b parameter for sand are taken from NURREG/CR -7267 and are applied in the probabilistic analyses.

Table 3 summarizes the input values/distribution and the reference source for each input parameter.

4 Results

RESRAD-Onsite 7.2 was executed for each ROC using the input values provided in Table 3. An absolute PRCC value 0.25 was used as the criterion for identifying risk-sensitive input parameters.

Table 4 summarizes the risk -sensitive parameters for each ROC. Selected pages from the RESRAD-Onsite 7.2 Uncertainty Reports from each code execution are provided in Appendix B.

RESRAD-Onsite parameters identified as risk -sensitive are highlighted in yellow.

Table 5 summarizes the 25th and 75th percentile values for each identified risk -sensitive input parameter for each ROC.

Note: For the risk -sensitive parameters, the 75th percentile value of the distribution was selected when the absolute value of the PRCC was 0.25 and the PRCC had a positive value.

The 25th percentile value was selected when the absolute value of the PRCC value was 0.25 but had a negative value.

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5 Conclusions

Risk-sensitive input parameters varied among the ROCs and included parameters such as

  • Distribution coefficients (Kd values) in the CZ
  • Kd values in the S Z
  • Density of cover material
  • Hydraulic gradient in SZ
  • Fish transfer factor
  • Aquatic food fraction
  • Evapotranspiration coefficient The 25th and 75th percentile values for risk -sensitive parameters (presented in Table 4) provide reasonably conservative input for developing DCGL values based on the IR scenario with the application of IU exposure pathways.

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Table 3. Input Values for RESRAD-Onsite Parameters - Probabilistic Analysis for BFM IR Scenario

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario RESRAD Exposure Pathways

External Gamma Open Inhalation Open Plant Ingestion Close Meat Ingestion Close Milk Ingestion Close Aquatic Foods Open Drinking Water Close Soil Ingestion Open Radon Close Distribution's Statistical Median/

Parameter (unit) Typea Priorityb Treatmentc Value/Distribution Basis Parametersd Mean

1 2 3 4

Soil Concentrations

Basic radiation dose P 3 D 25 10 CFR 20.1402 NR NR NR NR limit (mrem/y)

Initial principal P 2 D 1 Unit Value NR NR NR NR radionuclide (pCi/g)

Distribution coefficients (sandsoil type assigned to contaminated, unsaturated. and saturated zones) (cm 3/g)

Ac-227 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 7.44 1.1 0.001 0.999 1700

Am-241 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.91 1.95 0.001 0.999 1000

Am-243 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.91 1.95 0.001 0.999 1000

C-14 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.04 1.82 0.001 0.999 21

Cm-243 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 8.13 2.64 0.001 0.999 3400

Cm-244 P 1 S Truncated lognormal -n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 8.13 2.64 0.001 0.999 3400

Co-60 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 5.56 2.89 0.001 0.999 260

Cs-137 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.27 1.79 0.001 0.999 530

Eu-152 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 6.86 4.01 0.001 0.999 955

Eu-154 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 6.86 4.01 0.001 0.999 955

Fe-55 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 5.77 0 0.001 0.999 320

Gd-152 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 1.61 3.22 0.001 0.999 5 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 11 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

H-3 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 -2.81 0.5 0.001 0.999 0.06

Mn-54 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.89 2.64 0.001 0.999 980

Nb-94 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 7.31 1.39 0.001 0.999 1500

Ni-63 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 4.87 2.3 0.001 0.999 130

Np-237 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 2.64 1.39 0.001 0.999 14

Pa-231 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 7.6 1.1 0.001 0.999 2000

Pb-210 P 1 S Truncated lognormal -n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 5.39 1.39 0.001 0.999 220

Po-210 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 4.61 1.79 0.001 0.999 100

Pu-238 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 5.99 1.39 0.001 0.999 400

Pu-239 P 1 S Truncated lognormal -n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 5.99 1.39 0.001 0.999 400

Pu-240 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 5.99 1.39 0.001 0.999 400

Pu-241 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 5.99 1.39 0.001 0.999 400

Ra-226 P 1 S Truncated lognormal -n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 8.04 2.08 0.001 0.999 3100

Ra-228 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 8.04 2.08 0.001 0.999 3100

Sb-125 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 2.83 1.79 0.001 0.999 17

Sr-90 P 1 S Truncated lognormal -n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 3.09 1.79 0.001 0.999 22

Tc-99 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 -3.22 1.1 0.001 0.999 0.04

Te-125m P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 6.31 3.22 0.001 0.999 550

Th-228 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.55 2.4 0.001 0.999 700

Th-229 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.55 2.4 0.001 0.999 700

Th-230 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.55 2.4 0.001 0.999 700

Th-232 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 6.55 2.4 0.001 0.999 700

U-233 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 4.7 2.48 0.001 0.999 110

U-234 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 4.7 2.48 0.001 0.999 110

U-235 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 4.7 2.48 0.001 0.999 110

U-236 P 1 S Truncated lognormal-n ANL/EVS/TM-14/4 4.7 2.48 0.001 0.999 110

Initial concentration P 3 D 0 Ground water NR NR NR NR of radionuclides uncontaminated present in groundwater (pCi/l)

Calculation Times

Time since placement P 3 D 0 NR NR NR NR of material (y)

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 12 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Time for calculations P 3 D 0, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR (y) 1000 Contaminated Zone

Area of P 2 D 1539.6 Based on contaminated NR NR NR NR contaminated zone volume and height of RB (m2) wall.

Thickness of P 2 D 13.1 CZ thickness set to RB NR NR NR NR contaminated zone wall height.


Length parallel to P 2 D 44.3 Set to diameter of CZ. NR NR NR NR aquifer flow (m)

Does the initial contamination penetrate the water Yes Based on site features and RB dimensions.


Contaminated fraction below water table D.7326 Based on OCGS site data; NR NR NR NR average groundwater depths recorded for wells around the RB, TB, and ORB.

Cover and Contaminated Zone Hydrological Data

Cover depth (m) P 2 D 0.91 3ft cover assumed. NR NR NR NR

Cover density (g/cm3) P 2 S TruncatedNormal Site soil type = sand (2017 1.5105 0.159 0.001 0.999 1.5105 Hydrogeologic Investigation Report).

Input for density of fill material = NUREG/CR -7267 density distribution for site soil type - sand.

Cover erosion rate P 2 D 6E-04 Assumed final site grade is NR NR NR NR (m/y) level. Input for erosion rate = NUREG/CR-7267 erosion rate for site with shallow slope (i.e.,

relatively level)

Density of P 1 S TruncatedNormal Site soil type = sand 1.5105 0.159 0.001 0.999 1.5105 contaminated zone (OCNGS Hydrogeologic (g/cm3) Investigation Report).

Input for density of fill material = NUREG/CR -7267 density distribution for site soil type - sand.

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Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Contaminated zone P 2 D 6E-04 Assumed same as cover. NR NR NR NR erosion rate (m/y)

Contaminated zone P 2 S Bounded Normal NUREG/CR-7267 0.43 0.06 0.2446 0.6154 0.43 total porosity distribution for site soil type -sand

Contaminated zone P 3 D 0.18 Value based on site-NR NR NR NR field capacity specific soil type (sand) ;

calculated using equation in NUREG/CR-7267 (documented in Calculation ENG-OCS- 007)

Contaminated zone P 2 D 2741 OCNGS Hydrogeologic NR NR NR NR hydraulic Investigation Report conductivity (m/y)

Contaminated zone b P 2 S Bounded NUREG/CR-7267 - 0.0253 0.216 0.501 1.90 0.975 parameter Log Normal n distribution for site soil type - sand

Humidity in air (g/m3) P 3 D 6.6 FromRegional and Site -NR NR NR NR Specific Absolute Humidity Data for Use in Tritium Dose Calculations [8].

Evapotranspiration P 2 S Uniform NUREG/CR-7267 0.5 0.75 NR NR 0.625 coefficient distribution

Average annual wind P 2 D 3.13 Internet search: NR NR NR NR speed (m/s) https://www.windfinder.c om/windstatistics/oyster_c reek_barnegat_bay (documented in Calculation ENG-OCS- 007).

Precipitation (m/y) P 2 D 1.4 Annual Report on the NR NR NR NR Meteorological Program at Oyster Creek Generating Station - average annual precipitation for 2015 through 2020 (documented in Calculation ENG-OCS- 007).

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Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Irrigation (m/y) B 3 S Uniform Distribution determined 0 0.08 0.04 using methodology described in Data Collection Handbook and NUREG/CR-6697 (documented in Calculation ENG-OCS- 007).

Irrigation mode B 3 D Overhead Overhead irrigation is NR NR NR NR common practice for crops in U.S.

Runoff coefficient P 2 D 0.2 Value determined using NR NR NR NR methodology described in Data Collection Handbook and NUREG/CR-7267 (documented in Calculation ENG-OCS- 007).

Watershed area for P 3 D 1.01E+08 NJ-GeoWeb (NJDEP NR NR NR NR nearby stream or BGIS) (documented in pond (m2) Calculation ENG-OCS-007).

Accuracy for - 3 D 1.00E-03 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR water/soil computations Saturated Zone Hydrological Data

Density of saturated P 1 S Truncated Normal NUREG/CR-7267 1.5105 0.159 0.001 0.999 1.5105 zone (g/cm3) distribution for site soil type -sand

Saturated zone total P 1 S Truncated Normal NUREG/CR-7267 0.43 0.06 0.001 0.999 0.43 porosity distribution for site soil type - sand

Saturated zone P 1 D 0.25 2017 Hydrogeologic NR NR NR NR effective porosity Investigation Report

Saturated zone field P 3 D 0.18 Value based on site-NR NR NR NR capacity specific soil type (sand);

calculated using equation in NUREG/CR-7267

Saturated zone P 1 D 2741 OCNGS Hydrogeologic NR NR NR NR hydraulic Investigation Report conductivity (m/y)

Saturated zone P 2 S Uniform OCNGS Hydrogeologic 0.01 0.04 0.025 hydraulic gradient Investigation Report Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 15 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Saturated zone b P 2 S NR CZ in SZ NR NR NR NR parameter

Water table drop P 3 D 0 CZ in SZ NR NR NR NR rate (m/y)

Well pump intake P 2 D 9.6 Input has no impact NR NR NR NR depth (m below because drinking water water table) exposure pathway is not an open pathway.

Model: P 3 D ND ND model recommended NR NR NR NR Nondispersion (ND) for contaminant areas or Mass-Balance >1,000 m2 (MB)

Well pumping rate P 2 S NR Drinking water pathway NR NR NR NR (m3/y) suppressed.

Unsaturated Zone Hydrological Data

Number of P 3 D 0 See Figure 1. NR NR NR NR unsaturated zone strata

Unsat. zone 1, P 1 D N/A UZ strata set to 0; input for NR NR NR NR thickness (m) UZ parameters not used.

Unsat. zone 1, soil P 2 S N/A UZ strata set to 0; input for NR NR NR NR density (g/cm3) UZ parameters not used.

Unsat. zone 1, total P 2 S N/A UZ strata set to 0; input for NR NR NR NR porosity UZ parameters not used.

Unsat. zone 1, P 2 D N/A UZ strata set to 0; input for NR NR NR NR effective porosity UZ parameters not used.

Unsat. zone 1, field P 3 D N/A UZ strata set to 0; input NR NR NR NR capacity for UZ parameters not used.

Unsat. zone 1, P 2 D N/A UZ strata set to 0; input for NR NR NR NR hydraulic UZ parameters not used.

conductivity (m/y)

Unsat. zone 1, soil-P 2 S N/A UZ strata set to 0; input for NR NR NR NR specific b parameter UZ parameters not used.


Inhalation rate (m3/y) B 3 D 8400 NUREG/CR-7267 NR NR NR NR

Mass loading for P 2 S Continuous linear NUREG/CR-7267 2.3E-5 inhalation (g/m3)

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Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Exposure duration B 3 D 30 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR

Indoor dust filtration P 2 S Uniform NUREG/CR-7267 0.15 0.95 0.55 factor

Shielding factor, P 2 S Bounded lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 -1.3 0.59 0.044 1 0.2725 external gamma Fraction of time B 3 D 0.03 Fraction of calendar year NR NR NR NR spent indoors assuming 1h/workday for daily work breaks Fraction of time B 3 D 0.2 Fraction of calendar year NR NR NR NR spent outdoors assuming 7h/workday for outside tasks Shape factor flag, P 3 D Circular Circular contaminated NR NR NR NR external gamma zone assumed Ingestion, Dietary

Fruits, vegetables, B 2 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR grain consumption ingestion pathway inactive (kg/y)

Leafy vegetable B 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR consumption (kg/y) ingestion pathway inactive Milk consumption B 2 D N/A Input not required - milk NR NR NR NR (L/y) ingestion pathway inactive Meat and poultry B 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR consumption (kg/y) ingestion pathway inactive Fish consumption B 3 D 20.6 NUREG/CR-5512, Vol. 3 NR NR NR NR (kg/y)

Other seafood B 3 D 0.9 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR consumption (kg/y)

Soil ingestion rate B 2 S Triangular NUREG/CR-7267 0 0.39 1 0.39 (g/yr)

Drinking water intake B 2 D N/A Input not required - NR NR NR NR (L/y) drinking water pathway inactive Contamination P 3 D N/A Input not required - NR NR NR NR fraction of drinking drinking water pathway water inactive Contamination P 3 N/A Input not required - water fraction of household pathway inactive water Contamination P 3 D N/A Input not required - NR NR NR NR fraction of livestock drinking water/ingestion water pathways inactive Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 17 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Contamination P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR fraction of irrigation ingestion pathway inactive water Contamination P 2 D Triangular NUREG/CR-7267 NR NR NR NR fraction of aquatic food Contamination P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR fraction of plant food ingestion pathway inactive Contamination P 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR fraction of meat ingestion pathway inactive Contamination P 3 D N/A Input not required - milk NR NR NR NR fraction of milk ingestion pathway inactive Ingestion, Non-Dietary

Livestock fodder M 3 D N/A Input not required - m eat NR NR NR NR intake for meat ingestion pathway inactive (kg/d)

Livestock fodder M 3 D N/A Input not required - milk NR NR NR NR intake for milk (kg/d) ingestion pathway inactive

Livestock water M 3 D N/A Input not required - water NR NR NR NR intake for meat (L/d) ingestion pathway inactive

Livestock water M 3 D N/A Input not required - milk NR NR NR NR intake for milk (L/d) ingestion pathway inactive

Livestock soil intake M 3 D N/A Input not required - m eat NR NR NR NR (kg/d) ingestion pathway inactive

Mass loading for P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR foliar deposition ingestion pathway inactive (g/m3)

Depth of soil mixing P 2 S Triangular NUREG/CR-7267 0 0.15 0.6 0.23 layer (m)

Depth of roots (m) P 1 S N/A Input not required - plant 0.3 4 1.85 ingestion pathway inactive

Drinking water P 3 D N/A Input not required - NR NR NR NR fraction from ground drinking water ingestion water pathway inactive

Household water P 3 N/A Input not required -

fraction from ground drinking water pathway water inactive Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 18 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Livestock water P 3 D N/A Input not required - NR NR NR NR fraction from ground drinking water/meat water ingestion pathways inactive

Irrigation fraction P 3 D N/A Input not required - NR NR NR NR from ground water drinking water pathway inactive

Wet weight crop P 2 S N/A Input not required - plant 0.56 0.48 0.001 0.999 1.75 yield for Non-Leafy ingestion pathway inactive (kg/m2)

Wet weight crop P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR yield for Leafy ingestion pathway inactive (kg/m2)

Wet weight crop P 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR yield for Fodder ingestion pathway inactive (kg/m2)

Growing Season for P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR Non-Leafy (y) ingestion pathway inactive

Growing Season for P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR Leafy (y) ingestion pathway inactive

Growing Season for P 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR Fodder (y) ingestion pathway inactive

Translocation Factor P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR for Non-Leafy ingestion pathway inactive

Translocation Factor P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR for Leafy ingestion pathway inactive

Translocation Factor P 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR for Fodder ingestion pathway inactive

Weathering Removal P 2 S N/A Input not required - plant 5.1 18 84 33 Constant for ingestion pathway inactive Vegetation (1/y)

Wet Foliar P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR Interception Fraction ingestion pathway inactive for Non-Leafy

Wet Foliar P 2 S N/A Input not required - plant 0.06 0.67 0.95 0.58 Interception Fraction ingestion pathway inactive for Leafy

Wet Foliar P 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR Interception Fraction ingestion pathway inactive for Fodder Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 19 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Dry Foliar P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR Interception Fraction ingestion pathway inactive for Non-Leafy

Dry Foliar P 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR Interception Fraction ingestion pathway inactive for Leafy

Dry Foliar P 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR Interception Fraction ingestion pathway inactive for Fodder Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

Fruits, non -leafy B 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR vegetables, and grain ingestion pathway inactive

Leafy vegetables B 3 D N/A Input not required - plant NR NR NR NR ingestion pathway inactive

Milk B 3 D N/A Input not required - milk NR NR NR NR ingestion pathway inactive

Meat and poultry B 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR ingestion pathway inactive

Fish B 3 D 7 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR

Crustacea and B 3 D 7 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR mollusks

Well water B 3 D N/A Input not required - NR NR NR NR drinking water pathway inactive

Surface water B 3 D N/A Input not required drinking NR NR NR NR water pathway inactive

Livestock fodder B 3 D N/A Input not required - meat NR NR NR NR ingestion pathway inactive Special Radionuclides (C-14)

C-12 concentration P 3 D 2.00E-05 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR in water (g/cm3)

C-12 concentration P 3 D 3.00E-02 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR in contaminated soil (g/g)

Fraction of P 3 D 2.00E-02 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR vegetation carbon from soil Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 20 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Fraction of P 3 D 9.80E-01 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR vegetation carbon from air

C-14 evasion layer P 2 S Triangular NUREG/CR-7267 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 thickness in soil (m)

C-14 evasion flux P 3 D 7.00E-07 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR rate from soil (1/s)

C-12 evasion flux P 3 D 1.00E-10 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR rate from soil (1/s)

Fraction of grain in B 3 D 0.2500 NUREG/CR-7267 NR NR NR NR beef cattle feed Fraction of grain in B 3 D 0.1000 NUREG/CR-7267 NR NR NR NR milk cow feed Inhalation Dose Conversion Factors (mrem/pCi inhaled) from FGR11 (contained in RESRAD Dose Conversion Library)

Ingestion Dose Conversion Factors (mrem/pCi ingested) from FGR11 (contained in RESRAD Dose Conversion Library)

Plant Transfer Factors (pCi/g plant)/(pCi/g soil)

Note: Plant ingestion pathway closed - input for plant transfer factors not required for Industrial Use dose calculations.

Meat Transfer Factors (pCi/kg)/(pCi/d)

Note: Meat ingestion pathway closed - input for meat transfer factors not required for Industrial Use dose calculations.

Milk Transfer Factors (pCi/L)/(pCi/d)

Note: Milk ingestion pathway closed - input for milk transfer factors not required for Industrial Use dose calculations.

Bioaccumulation Factors for Fish ((pCi/kg)/(pCi/L))

Ac-227 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.2 1.1 2.5E+01

Am-241 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 5.5 1.1 2.4E+02

Am-243 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 5.5 1.1 2.4E+02

C-14 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 13.0 1.1 4.4E+05

Cm -243 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.4 1.1 3.0E+01

Cm -244 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.4 1.1 3.0E+01

Co -60 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 4.3 0.9 7.4E+01

Cs -137 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 7.8 0.9 2.4E+03

Eu-152 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 4.9 1.6 1.3E+02

Eu-154 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 4.9 1.6 1.3E+02 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 21 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Fe -55 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 5.1 1.9 1.6E+02

Gd-152 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.4 1.1 3.0E+01

H-3 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 0 0.1 1.0E+00

Mn -54 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 5.5 1.9 2.4E+02

Nb-94 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 5.7 1.1 3.0E+02

Ni-63 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.0 0.6 2.0E+01

Np-237 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.0 1.1 2.0E+01

Pa-231 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 2.3 1.1 1.0E+01

Pb -210 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.2 1.1 2.5E+02

Po -210 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.6 1.5 3.7E+01

Pu -238 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 10.0 1.0 2.2E+04

Pu -239 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 10.0 1.0 2.2E+04

Pu -240 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 10.0 1.0 2.2E+04

Pu -241 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 10.0 1.0 2.2E+04

Ra -226 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 1.4 1.9 4.1E+00

Ra -228 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 1.4 1.9 4.1E+00

Sb -125 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.6 1.5 3.7E+01

Sr -90 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 1.1 1.4 3.0E+00

Tc -99 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 3.0 1.1 2.0E+01

Te -12m P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 5.0 0.4 1.5E+02

Th-228 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 4.6 1.1 9.9E+01

Th-229 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 4.6 1.1 9.9E+01

Th-230 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 4.6 1.1 9.9E+01

Th-232 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 4.6 1.1 9.9E+01

U-233 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 0.0 2.5 1.0E+00

U-234 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 0.0 2.5 1.0E+00

U-235 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 0.0 2.5 1.0E+00

U-236 P 2 S Lognormal-n NUREG/CR-7267 0.0 2.5 1.0E+00 Bioaccumulation Factors for Crustacea/ Mollusks ((pCi/kg)/(pCi/L)) RESRAD default value for each radionuclide applied

Graphics Parameters

Number of points 32 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Spacing log RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 22 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Input Values for Probabilistic Analysis: OCNGS BFM Instantaneous Release Scenario to Support the Industrial Use Compliance Scenario

Time integration parameters

Maximum number of 17 RESRAD Default NR NR NR NR points for dose Table 2 Notes:

a P = physical, B = behavioral, M = metabolic b 1 = high-priority parameter, 2 = medium -priority parameter, 3 = low -priority parameter c D = deterministic, S = stochastic d Distributions Statistical Parameters:

Lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation Bounded lognormal -n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = minimum, 4 = maximum Truncated lognormal-n: 1= mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = lower quantile, 4 = upper quantile Bounded normal: 1 = mean, 2 = standard deviation, 3 = minimum, 4 = maximum Triangular: 1 = minimum, 2 = mode, 3 = maximum Uniform: 1 = minimum, 2 = maximum NR = not required

Table 3: Sensitive Input Parameter by Radionuclide

ROC Risk-Sensitive Parameter PRCC Value Am-241 Kd of Am-241 in CZ -0.93 Kd of Am-241 in SZ -0.86 Aquatic Food 0.57 Fish Transfer Factor for Am 0.75 C-14 Aquatic Food 0.60 Fish Transfer Factor for C 0.85 Kd of C-14 in CZ -0.93 Kd of C-14 in SZ -0.47 Cm-243 Aquatic Food 0.58 Kd of Cm-243 in CZ -0.68 Kd of Pu-239 in CZ -0.76 Fish Transfer Factor for Pu 0.70 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 23 of 49 Exposure Pathways

ROC Risk-Sensitive Parameter PRCC Value Cm-244 Aquatic Food 0.62 Fish Transfer Factor for Pu 0.79 Kd of Cm-244 in CZ -0.52 Kd of PU-240 in CZ -0.84 Co-60 Density of cover material -0.97 Kd of C0-60 CZ -0.34 Kd of Co-60 in SZ -0.26 Cs-137 Density of cover material -0.36 Aquatic Food 0.47 Kd of Cesium-137 in CZ -0.89 Kd of Cesium-137 in SZ -0.61 Fish Transfer Factor for Cs 0.68 Eu-152 Density of cover material -0.92 Kd of Eu-152 in CZ -0.36 Kd of Eu-152 in SZ -0.30 Eu-154 Density of cover material -0.92 Kd of Eu-154 in CZ -0.39 Kd of Eu-154 in SZ -0.31 Fe-55 Evapotranspiration coefficient -0.38 Aquatic Food 0.85 Fish Transfer Factor for Fe 0.94 H-3 SZ Hydraulic Gradient -0.88 Aquatic Food 0.97 Fish Transfer Factor for H 0.60 Mn-54 Density of cover material -0.91 Kd of Mn-54 in CZ -0.55 Kd of Mn-54 in SZ -0.43 Nb-94 Density of cover material -0.82 SZ hydraulic gradient -0.50 Kd of Nb-94 in CZ 0.92 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 24 of 49 Exposure Pathways

ROC Risk-Sensitive Parameter PRCC Value Ni-63 Aquatic Food 0.53 Kd of Ni-63 in CZ -0.94 Kd of Ni-63 in SZ -0.70 Fish Transfer for Ni 0.48 Np-237 Aquatic Food 0.76 Kd of Np-237 in CZ -0.94 Kd of Np-237 in SZ -0.30 Fish Transfer Factor for Np 0.79 Pu-238 Aquatic Food 0.66 Kd of Pu-238 in CZ -0.92 Kd of Pu-238 in SZ -0.44 Fish Transfer Factor for Pu 0.87 Pu-239 Aquatic Food 0.68 Kd of Pu-239 in CZ -0.92 Kd of Pu-239 in SZ -0.44 Fish Transfer Factor for Pu 0.87 Pu-240 Aquatic Food 0.68 Kd of Pu-240 in CZ -0.93 Kd of Pu-240 in SZ -0.32 Fish Transfer Factor for Pu 0.87 Pu-241 Aquatic Food 0.64 Kd of Pu-241 in CZ -0.91 Kd of Pu-241 in SZ -0.64 Fish Transfer Factor for Pu 0.84 Sb-125 Density of cover material -0.68 Aquatic Food 0.34 Kd of Sb-125 in CZ -0.72 Fish transfer factor for Sb 0.65 Sr-90 Aquatic Food 0.64 Kd of Sr-90 in CZ -0.94 Kd of Sr-90 in SZ -0.49 Fish transfer factor for Sr 0.68 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 25 of 49 Exposure Pathways

ROC Risk-Sensitive Parameter PRCC Value Tc-99 SZ Hydraulic Gradient -0.63 Aquatic food 0.88 Fish transfer factor for Tc 0.97

Table 5: RESRAD-Generated Percentile Values for Risk -Sensitive Parameters Percentile Value Risk-Sensitive Parameter Affected ROC 25 th 75th Kd in CZ Am-241 2.69E+02 C-14 6.13E+00 Cm-243 5.74E+02 Cm-244 5.74E+02 Co-60 3.71E+0 1 Cs-137 1.58E+02 Eu-152 6.40E+0 1 Eu-154 6.40E+01 Mn-54 1.66E+02 Nb-94 3.81E+0 3 Ni63 2.77E+0 1 Np-237 5.49E+0 0 Pu-238 1.56E+02 Pu-239 1.56E+02 Pu-240 1.56E+02 Pu-241 1.57E+02 Sb-125 5.07E+0 0 Sr-90 6.58E+0 0 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 26 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Percentile Value Risk-Sensitive Parameter Affected ROC 25 th 75th Kd in SZ Am-241 2.69E+02 C-14 6.13 E+00 Co-60 3.71E+01 Cs-137 1.58E+02 Eu-152 6.40E+01 Eu-154 6.40E+01 Mn-54 1.66E+02 Ni63 2.77E+01 Np-237 5.49E+00 Pu-238 1.56 E+02 Pu-239 1.56 E+02 Pu-240 1.56 E+02 Pu-241 1.57E+02 Sr-90 6.58E+00 Density of cover material Co-60 1.40E+00 Cs-137 1.40E+00 Eu-152 1.40E+00 Eu-154 1.40E+00 Mn-54 1.40E+00 Nb-94 1.40E+00 Sb-125 1.40E+00 SZ hydraulic gradient H-3 1.75E-02 Nb-94 1.75E-02 Tc-99 1.75E-02 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 27 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Percentile Value Risk-Sensitive Parameter Affected ROC 25 th 75th Fish transfer factor Am-241 5.14E+02 C-14 9.28E+05 Cs-137 4.47E+03 Fe-55 5.90E+02 H-3 1.07E+00 Ni-63 3.01E+01 Np-237 4.21E+01 Pu-238 4.32E+04 Pu-239 4.32E+04 Pu-240 4.32E+04 Pu-241 4.32E+04 Sb-125 1.00E+02 Sr-90 7.71E+00 Tc-99 4.21E+01 Aquatic food fraction Am-241 6.10E-01 C-14 6.10E-01 Cm-243 6.10E-01 Cm-244 6.10E-01 Cs-137 6.10E-01 Fe-55 6.10E-01 H-3 6.10E-01 Ni-63 6.10E-01 Np-237 6.10E-01 Pu-238 6.10E-01 Pu-239 6.10E-01 Pu-240 6.10E-01 Pu-241 6.10E-01 Sb-125 6.10E-01 Sr-90 6.10E-01 Tc-99 6.10E-01 Evapotranspiration coefficient Fe-55 5.62E-01 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 28 of 49 Exposure Pathways


1. ANL/EVS/TM-18/1, RESRAD-Onsite 7.2 Users Guide, April 2018
2. NUREG/CR-5512, Volume 3, Residual Radioactive Contamination from Decommissioning: Parameter Analysis, Draft Report for Comment, October 1999
3. NUREG/CR-7267, Default Parameter Values and Distribution in RESRAD -ONSITE V7.2, RESRAD-BUILD V3.5, and RESRAD-OFFSITE V4.0 Computer Codes, February 2020
4. NUREG/CR-6697, Development of Probabilistic RESRAD 6.0 and RESRAD -BUILD 3.0 Computer Codes, Nov. 2000
5. Radionuclide Selection for DCGL Development-Oyster Creek Station Site Characterization Project, January 2022
6. Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, GHD, January 2017
7. Oyster Creek Station Historical Site Assessment, Rev. 2, November 2021
8. Health Physics, Vol. 39, Regional and Site -Specific Absolute Humidity Data for Use in Tritium Dose Calculations, 1980

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 29 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Appendix A OCNGS Site Groundwater Information

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 30 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 7/26/2021 8.05 10/24/2022 8.21 1/27/2020 8.82 4/25/2022 8.92 MW-15K-1A 5/19/2020 8.97 West of TB 8.9 5/3/2021 9.05 10/18/2021 9.34 8/17/2020 9.53 4/18/2023 9.61 7/26/2021 16.60 10/24/2022 16.75 10/18/2021 16.85 1/27/2020 17.00 MW-16D 5/3/2021 17.03 North side of RB 17.0 4/24/2023 17.11 8/17/2020 17.18 5/19/2020 17.26 4/25/2022 17.43 7/26/2021 14.55 5/3/2021 14.92 5/19/2020 15.10 1/27/2020 15.20 MW-1A-2A 10/18/2021 15.31 South of ORB 15.5 10/24/2022 15.42 4/25/2022 15.92 8/17/2020 16.24 10/12/2020 16.55 7/26/2021 10.82 5/3/2021 11.11 5/19/2020 11.46 1/27/2020 11.67 MW-1I-1A 10/24/2022 11.71 North of TB 11.8 10/18/2021 11.85 4/25/2022 12.28 4/24/2023 12.32 8/17/2020 12.58 10/12/2020 12.62 MW-1I-2A 7/26/2021 11.30 North of TB 12.3 5/3/2021 11.65

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 31 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 10/24/2022 12.03 5/19/2020 12.11 1/27/2020 12.25 10/18/2021 12.35 4/25/2022 12.68 4/20/2023 12.70 8/17/2020 13.04 10/12/2020 13.23 5/3/2023 10.16 5/3/2021 10.58 10/24/2022 10.62 1/27/2020 10.67 MW 3A Farm 4/25/2022 10.70 Not considered - REMP control 5/19/2020 10.90 2/8/2021 10.94 10/18/2021 11.00 1/27/2020 11.24 10/12/2020 11.54 10/12/2020 9.80 8/17/2020 10.20 10/24/2022 10.59 10/18/2021 10.64 MW-52 5/3/2021 10.65 Not considered - too far west 1/27/2020 10.68 4/20/2023 10.80 4/25/2022 10.81 5/19/2020 10.96 10/24/2022 10.17 4/25/2022 10.70 1/27/2020 10.71 5/3/2021 10.85 MW-53 5/19/2020 10.90 West of TB 10.9 10/12/2020 11.05 10/18/2021 11.20 4/18/2023 11.30 8/17/2020 11.34 MW-54 10/12/2020 5.53 Not considered - too far west 1/27/2020 7.00 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 32 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 8/17/2020 7.25 10/24/2022 7.54 10/18/2021 7.75 4/25/2022 7.80 5/3/2021 7.82 4/20/2023 8.11 5/19/2020 8.20 10/12/2020 9.86 8/17/2020 10.25 10/24/2022 10.42 7/26/2021 10.43 MW-55 1/27/2020 10.61 West of TB 10.6 10/18/2021 10.80 4/18/2022 10.85 4/25/2022 10.90 5/3/2021 10.93 5/19/2020 11.25 10/24/2022 10.65 8/17/2020 10.68 7/26/2021 10.91 1/27/2020 11.02 MW-56I 10/18/2021 11.10 West of TB 11.1 10/12/2020 11.11 4/18/2023 11.15 5/3/2021 11.45 4/25/2022 11.60 5/19/2020 11.65 10/12/2020 10.10 8/17/2020 10.45 10/24/2022 10.75 10/18/2021 10.92 MW-57I 4/20/2023 10.95 Not considered - too far west 7/26/2021 11.03 5/19/2020 11.08 5/3/2021 11.10 1/27/2020 11.20 4/25/2022 11.23 MW -59I 10/12/2020 12.47 West of TB 13.1 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 33 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 10/24/2022 12.79 8/17/2020 12.90 7/26/2021 13.15 10/18/2021 13.15 4/18/2023 13.15 1/27/2020 13.30 5/3/2021 13.40 5/19/2020 13.42 4/25/2022 13.47 10/24/2022 10.37 10/12/2020 10.43 8/17/2020 10.45 4/18/2023 10.60 MW-61I 1/27/2020 10.84 West of TB 10.9 4/25/2022 10.95 10/18/2021 11.05 7/26/2021 11.10 5/3/2021 11.30 5/19/2020 11.47 10/18/2021 11.65 10/12/2020 12.82 7/26/2021 12.90 1/27/2020 13.17 MW-62 8/17/2020 13.36 North of TB 13.3 5/19/2020 13.51 10/24/2022 13.56 5/3/2021 13.75 4/25/2022 13.98 4/24/2023 14.41 10/12/2020 9.85 8/17/2020 10.43 10/24/2022 10.62 7/26/2021 10.65 MW-64 10/18/2021 10.80 Not considered - too far west 5/3/2021 11.00 4/20/2023 11.02 1/27/2020 11.06 4/25/2022 11.15 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 34 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 5/19/2020 11.30 5/19/2020 11.51 10/24/2022 11.64 10/12/2020 11.90 8/17/2020 12.05 MW-65 7/26/2021 12.13 West of TB 12.2 10/18/2021 12.27 4/18/2023 12.41 5/3/2021 12.45 4/25/2022 12.53 1/27/2020 12.68 10/24/2022 18.22 7/26/2021 18.30 5/19/2020 18.44 4/24/2023 18.47 MW-67 8/17/2020 18.59 inside TB footprint 18.6 1/27/2020 18.68 4/25/2022 18.78 10/18/2021 18.85 5/3/2021 18.87 10/12/2020 19.03 MW-68I 8/17/2020 17.25 South of RB 17.4 10/12/2020 17.51 7/26/2021 15.62 10/24/2022 15.64 1/27/2020 16.03 10/18/2021 16.05 MW-71 5/3/2021 16.10 South of RB 16.2 5/19/2020 16.35 8/17/2020 16.40 4/24/2023 16.43 4/25/2022 16.61 10/12/2020 16.81 10/24/2022 17.92 7/26/2021 17.94 MW-72 1/27/2020 17.98 North of RB 18.2 10/18/2021 18.03 8/17/2020 18.05 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 35 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 5/3/2021 18.20 4/24/2023 18.21 5/19/2020 18.30 4/25/2022 18.42 10/12/2020 18.50 7/26/2021 17.57 8/17/2020 17.61 1/27/2020 17.64 4/24/2023 17.75 W-10 10/24/2022 17.79 South of RB 17.8 10/18/2021 17.80 10/12/2020 17.88 5/3/2021 17.90 4/25/2022 18.09 5/19/2020 18.15 7/26/2021 13.20 4/25/2022 13.52 5/3/2021 13.60 10/24/2022 13.76 W-12 10/18/2021 13.80 North of RB 13.9 5/19/2020 13.85 1/27/2020 13.90 4/24/2023 14.20 8/17/2020 14.45 10/12/2020 14.85 10/24/2022 19.02 8/17/2020 19.10 7/26/2021 19.22 1/27/2020 19.26 W-13 10/18/2021 19.37 North of RB 19.5 4/24/2023 19.47 4/25/2022 19.48 10/12/2020 19.52 5/19/2020 19.73 5/3/2021 20.65 10/24/2022 17.70 8/17/2020 17.90 NW of ORB 17.3 7/26/2021 17.95 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 36 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg)

W-14 1/27/2020 17.96 W-14 4/24/2023 18.11 W-14 10/18/2021 18.12 W-14 5/3/2021 18.30 W-14 4/25/2022 18.31 W-14 W-14 W-14 W-14 5/19/2020 18.45 W-15 7/26/2021 10.35 W-15 5/3/2021 10.60 W-15 1/27/2020 10.87 W-15 10/18/2021 11.13 W-15 4/25/2022 11.37 NW of ORB 11.4 W-15 10/24/2022 11.41 W-15 5/19/2020 11.80 W-15 4/24/2023 12.01 W-15 8/17/2020 12.07 W-15 10/12/2020 12.45 W-16 7/26/2021 8.07 W-16 5/3/2021 8.33 W-16 5/19/2020 8.53 W-16 1/27/2020 8.65 W-16 10/18/2021 8.87 Not considered - too far north W-16 10/24/2022 9.00 W-16 4/25/2022 9.17 W-16 4/24/2023 9.23 W-16 8/17/2020 9.71 W-16 10/12/2020 10.30 8/17/2020 19.25 10/24/2022 19.29 1/27/2020 19.62 10/18/2021 19.72 W-1A 10/12/2020 19.75 Not considered - outside PA 4/24/2023 20.09 4/25/2022 20.34 5/3/2021 20.46 5/19/2020 20.56 W-24 7/26/2021 12.58 South of TB 13.7 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 37 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 10/24/2022 12.72 5/3/2021 13.12 1/27/2020 13.30 5/19/2020 13.50 10/18/2021 13.73 4/25/2022 14.27 10/12/2020 14.65 8/17/2020 14.75 4/24/2023 14.77 7/26/2021 14.25 10/18/2021 14.35 10/24/2022 14.56 5/3/2021 15.26 W-3 4/20/2023 15.58 West of TB 15.4 4/25/2022 15.83 10/12/2020 15.86 1/27/2020 15.95 5/19/2020 16.08 8/17/2020 16.25 10/24/2022 17.56 7/26/2021 17.73 10/12/2020 17.76 10/18/2021 17.98 W-34 8/17/2020 18.00 South of TB 18.0 1/27/2020 18.10 5/3/2021 18.15 4/24/2023 18.16 4/25/2022 18.34 5/19/2020 18.35 8/17/2020 16.20 7/26/2021 16.45 1/27/2020 16.50 10/12/2020 16.52 W-4 10/18/2021 16.56 West of TB 16.7 10/24/2022 16.62 4/20/2023 16.65 4/25/2022 16.92 5/3/2021 17.02 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 38 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 5/19/2020 17.15 10/24/2022 12.40 1/27/2020 12.51 1/27/2020 12.52 2/8/2021 12.55 W-4A 10/18/2021 12.70 Not considered - too far SE 4/24/2023 12.70 10/12/2020 12.71 5/3/2021 12.76 4/25/2022 12.81 5/19/2020 12.98 7/26/2021 11.61 5/3/2021 12.15 10/24/2022 12.27 5/19/2020 12.30 W-5 1/27/2020 12.35 Not considered - too far NW 10/18/2021 12.75 4/25/2022 12.82 4/24/2023 13.00 10/12/2020 13.05 8/17/2020 13.10 8/17/2020 19.64 7/26/2021 19.95 10/12/2020 20.03 1/27/2020 20.05 W-6 4/24/2023 20.08 Not considered - too far NW 10/18/2021 20.15 10/24/2022 20.20 4/25/2022 20.36 5/3/2021 20.55 5/19/2020 20.60 10/24/2022 14.34 7/26/2021 14.45 5/3/2021 14.91 W-9 1/27/2020 15.03 South of RB 15.2 10/18/2021 15.05 5/19/2020 15.15 4/25/2022 15.58 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 39 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Average Well Date DTW General Location Depth (fbg) 4/24/2023 15.66 8/17/2020 15.70 10/12/2020 16.00 Average for wells near TB, RB, 14.5 Average All 13.89 and ORB

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 40 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Appendix B

PRCC Values at Time of Peak of the Mean Dose

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 41 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Am-241 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/10/24 15:41 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Am241 Input File : BFM-IU_AM241.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Kd of Am-241 in Contaminated Zone 11 -0.02 13 -0.02 1 -0.93 1 -0.74 Kd of Am-241 in Saturated Zone 5 -0.04 7 -0.04 2 -0.86 2 -0.47 Kd of Np-237 in Contaminated Zone 17 -0.01 19 -0.01 24 0.00 24 0.00 Kd of Np-237 in Saturated Zone 1 0.24 1 0.23 15 0.02 16 0.01 Kd of Th-229 in Contaminated Zone 22 -0.01 23 -0.01 17 -0.02 18 -0.01 Kd of Th-229 in Saturated Zone 19 -0.01 21 -0.01 20 -0.01 21 0.00 Kd of U-233 in Contaminated Zone 26 0.00 26 0.00 27 0.00 27 0.00 Kd of U-233 in Saturated Zone 20 -0.01 20 -0.01 22 0.01 22 0.00 Density of cover material 10 0.03 11 0.02 6 0.04 9 0.01 Density of contaminated zone 7 -0.04 4 -0.11 21 -0.01 12 -0.01 Contaminated zone total porosity 9 -0.03 5 -0.08 13 -0.02 8 -0.02 Contaminated zone b parameter 14 0.02 16 0.02 14 -0.02 15 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 27 0.00 27 0.00 5 -0.18 5 -0.05 Irrigation 6 0.04 8 0.04 19 0.02 20 0.00 Density of saturated zone 23 -0.01 12 -0.02 10 -0.03 6 -0.03 Saturated zone total porosity 18 -0.01 10 -0.03 11 0.03 7 0.02 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 24 -0.01 24 -0.01 25 0.00 25 0.00 Mass loading for inhalation 16 -0.01 18 -0.01 23 -0.01 23 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 15 0.02 17 0.01 12 -0.03 14 -0.01 External gamma shielding factor 12 0.02 14 0.02 7 -0.04 10 -0.01 Soil ingestion 4 -0.05 6 -0.04 26 0.00 26 0.00 Aquatic food 8 0.04 9 0.03 4 0.57 4 0.20 Depth of soil mixing layer 21 -0.01 22 -0.01 18 -0.02 19 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for Am 2 0.23 2 0.21 3 0.75 3 0.33 Fish transfer factor for Np 3 0.19 3 0.18 8 0.04 11 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Th 13 -0.02 15 -0.02 16 -0.02 17 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for U 25 0.01 25 0.01 9 -0.03 13 -0.01

C-14 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/10/24 16:00 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_C14 Input File : BFM-IU_C14.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 19 0.00 19 0.00 15 -0.01 16 0.00 Density of contaminated zone 16 0.00 12 -0.01 7 -0.05 6 -0.04 Contaminated zone total porosity 11 -0.01 8 -0.04 6 -0.05 5 -0.05 Contaminated zone b parameter 7 0.03 9 0.03 19 0.00 19 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 13 0.01 14 0.01 5 -0.08 7 -0.02 Irrigation 18 0.00 18 0.00 9 0.03 10 0.01 Density of saturated zone 8 0.03 4 0.08 12 -0.01 8 -0.01 Saturated zone total porosity 6 0.03 3 0.10 18 0.00 15 0.00 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 14 -0.01 15 -0.01 17 0.00 18 0.00 Mass loading for inhalation 5 0.04 7 0.04 14 -0.01 14 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 10 0.01 11 0.01 10 0.02 11 0.01 External gamma shielding factor 17 0.00 17 0.00 13 -0.01 13 0.00 Soil ingestion 15 0.00 16 0.00 16 0.00 17 0.00 Aquatic food 2 0.14 2 0.13 3 0.60 3 0.23 Depth of soil mixing layer 12 0.01 13 0.01 8 -0.04 9 -0.01 Thickness of evasion layer of C-14 in soil 9 -0.02 10 -0.02 11 -0.02 12 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for C 1 0.37 1 0.37 2 0.85 2 0.50 Kd of C-14 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.08 5 -0.07 1 -0.93 1 -0.77 Kd of C-14 in Saturated Zone 4 -0.05 6 -0.04 4 -0.47 4 -0.16

Cm-243 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/10/24 20:24 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Cm243 Input File : BFM-IU_CM243.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 11 0.03 13 0.03 11 0.02 11 0.01 Density of contaminated zone 28 0.00 24 0.01 26 0.00 19 -0.01 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 42 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Contaminated zone total porosity 31 0.00 28 0.00 30 0.00 23 0.00 Contaminated zone b parameter 16 0.02 18 0.02 28 0.00 31 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 18 0.02 20 0.01 13 -0.02 13 -0.01 Irrigation 19 0.01 21 0.01 8 -0.03 8 -0.01 Density of saturated zone 22 -0.01 10 -0.03 32 0.00 28 0.00 Saturated zone total porosity 23 -0.01 12 -0.03 33 0.00 30 0.00 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 5 -0.07 5 -0.07 18 0.01 18 0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 32 0.00 32 0.00 29 0.00 32 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 15 -0.02 17 -0.02 21 -0.01 22 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 12 0.03 15 0.02 14 0.02 14 0.01 Soil ingestion 8 0.04 9 0.04 10 -0.02 10 -0.01 Aquatic food 2 0.21 2 0.19 4 0.58 4 0.33 Depth of soil mixing layer 10 -0.03 11 -0.03 25 0.00 27 0.00 Kd of Ac-227 in Contaminated Zone 13 0.03 14 0.02 12 -0.02 12 -0.01 Kd of Ac-227 in Saturated Zone 25 -0.01 26 -0.01 15 0.01 15 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Ac 26 -0.01 27 -0.01 20 0.01 21 0.00 Kd of Am-243 in Contaminated Zone 24 -0.01 25 -0.01 24 0.01 26 0.00 Kd of Am-243 in Saturated Zone 17 -0.02 19 -0.02 31 0.00 33 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Am 14 -0.02 16 -0.02 19 0.01 20 0.00 Kd of Cm-243 in Contaminated Zone 9 -0.04 8 -0.04 3 -0.68 3 -0.43 Kd of Cm-243 in Saturated Zone 20 -0.01 22 -0.01 7 -0.09 7 -0.04 Fish transfer factor for Cm 4 0.10 4 0.09 5 0.17 5 0.08 Kd of Pa-231 in Contaminated Zone 30 0.00 31 0.00 27 0.00 29 0.00 Kd of Pa-231 in Saturated Zone 33 0.00 33 0.00 22 0.01 24 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Pa 7 0.04 7 0.04 9 0.03 9 0.01 Kd of Pu-239 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.14 3 -0.13 1 -0.76 1 -0.53 Kd of Pu-239 in Saturated Zone 6 -0.05 6 -0.05 6 -0.13 6 -0.06 Fish transfer factor for Pu 1 0.40 1 0.38 2 0.70 2 0.45 Kd of U-235 in Contaminated Zone 27 0.00 29 0.00 16 0.01 16 0.01 Kd of U-235 in Saturated Zone 21 -0.01 23 -0.01 23 0.01 25 0.00 Fish transfer factor for U 29 0.00 30 0.00 17 -0.01 17 -0.01

Cm-244 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 16:42 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Cm244 Input File : BFM-IU_CM244.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 30 0.01 30 0.00 17 -0.02 19 -0.01 Density of contaminated zone 16 0.02 7 0.05 15 0.03 6 0.03 Contaminated zone total porosity 25 0.01 12 0.03 24 0.01 11 0.02 Contaminated zone b parameter 11 0.03 14 0.03 27 0.01 28 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 17 0.02 20 0.01 12 -0.03 14 -0.01 Irrigation 10 0.03 13 0.03 28 -0.01 29 0.00 Density of saturated zone 29 -0.01 18 -0.02 31 0.00 26 0.00 Saturated zone total porosity 20 -0.02 8 -0.04 25 -0.01 17 -0.01 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 5 -0.07 5 -0.06 10 -0.04 12 -0.02 Mass loading for inhalation 8 0.04 10 0.03 6 -0.07 7 -0.03 Indoor dust filtration factor 24 0.01 26 0.01 16 0.02 18 0.01 External gamma shielding factor 31 0.00 31 0.00 32 0.00 32 0.00 Soil ingestion 9 0.04 11 0.03 14 0.03 16 0.01 Aquatic food 2 0.26 2 0.22 3 0.62 3 0.32 Depth of soil mixing layer 15 -0.02 19 -0.02 30 0.01 31 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Cm 27 0.01 28 0.01 7 0.06 8 0.02 Fish transfer factor for Pu 1 0.51 1 0.49 2 0.79 2 0.52 Fish transfer factor for U 26 -0.01 27 -0.01 8 -0.05 9 -0.02 Kd of Cm-244 in Contaminated Zone 6 -0.06 6 -0.05 4 -0.52 4 -0.25 Kd of Cm-244 in Saturated Zone 12 0.03 15 0.02 11 0.03 13 0.01 Kd of Pu-240 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.16 3 -0.14 1 -0.84 1 -0.62 Kd of Pu-240 in Saturated Zone 13 -0.03 16 -0.02 5 -0.09 5 -0.04 Kd of Ra-228 in Contaminated Zone 14 -0.03 17 -0.02 20 -0.02 22 -0.01 Kd of Ra-228 in Saturated Zone 32 0.00 32 0.00 18 -0.02 20 -0.01 Kd of Th-228 in Contaminated Zone 19 -0.02 22 -0.01 22 0.01 24 0.01 Kd of Th-228 in Saturated Zone 28 -0.01 29 -0.01 9 0.04 10 0.02 Kd of Th-232 in Contaminated Zone 21 0.02 23 0.01 26 0.01 27 0.00 Kd of Th-232 in Saturated Zone 23 -0.01 25 -0.01 29 -0.01 30 0.00 Kd of U-236 in Contaminated Zone 22 -0.01 24 -0.01 21 -0.02 23 -0.01 Kd of U-236 in Saturated Zone 4 0.11 4 0.09 13 0.03 15 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Ra 18 -0.02 21 -0.01 19 0.02 21 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Th 7 0.05 9 0.04 23 -0.01 25 -0.01

Co-60 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/10/24 16:14 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Co60 Input File : BFM-IU_CO60.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 43 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Density of cover material 1 -0.68 1 -0.68 1 -0.97 1 -0.96 Density of contaminated zone 8 -0.02 4 -0.06 7 0.07 4 0.06 Contaminated zone total porosity 5 -0.04 3 -0.09 8 0.06 6 0.05 Contaminated zone b parameter 16 0.01 16 0.01 15 0.02 15 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 4 -0.04 6 -0.03 10 -0.03 12 -0.01 Irrigation 12 -0.02 13 -0.01 13 0.03 14 0.01 Density of saturated zone 18 0.00 18 0.00 12 -0.03 7 -0.02 Saturated zone total porosity 14 0.01 7 0.03 14 -0.02 10 -0.02 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 3 -0.06 5 -0.04 9 -0.06 11 -0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 15 -0.01 15 -0.01 17 0.01 17 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 7 0.02 9 0.02 11 -0.03 13 -0.01 External gamma shielding factor 9 0.02 10 0.02 6 0.07 9 0.02 Soil ingestion 6 0.03 8 0.02 18 0.00 18 0.00 Aquatic food 13 0.02 14 0.01 5 0.08 8 0.02 Depth of soil mixing layer 17 -0.01 17 0.00 16 -0.02 16 0.00 Kd of Co-60 in Contaminated Zone 11 -0.02 12 -0.01 2 -0.34 2 -0.10 Kd of Co-60 in Saturated Zone 10 -0.02 11 -0.02 3 -0.26 3 -0.07 Fish transfer factor for Co 2 0.13 2 0.09 4 0.20 5 0.05

Cs-137 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 17:06 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Cs137 Input File : BFM-IU_CS137.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 12 -0.01 14 -0.01 5 -0.36 5 -0.15 Density of contaminated zone 11 0.01 7 0.03 14 -0.01 11 -0.02 Contaminated zone total porosity 14 0.01 8 0.03 13 -0.01 10 -0.02 Contaminated zone b parameter 15 0.00 16 0.00 16 0.00 16 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 7 -0.02 10 -0.02 6 -0.11 7 -0.04 Irrigation 17 0.00 17 0.00 7 0.05 9 0.02 Density of saturated zone 16 0.00 11 0.01 8 -0.05 6 -0.06 Saturated zone total porosity 8 0.01 5 0.04 11 -0.02 8 -0.03 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 5 -0.03 6 -0.03 9 -0.02 12 -0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 10 -0.01 13 -0.01 10 -0.02 13 -0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 9 0.01 12 0.01 17 0.00 17 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 13 0.01 15 0.01 15 0.01 15 0.00 Soil ingestion 18 0.00 18 0.00 18 0.00 18 0.00 Aquatic food 2 0.12 2 0.12 4 0.47 4 0.21 Depth of soil mixing layer 6 -0.02 9 -0.02 12 0.02 14 0.01 Kd of Cs-137 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.09 3 -0.08 1 -0.89 1 -0.75 Kd of Cs-137 in Saturated Zone 4 -0.05 4 -0.05 3 -0.61 3 -0.30 Fish transfer factor for Cs 1 0.26 1 0.25 2 0.68 2 0.36

Eu-152 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 07:55 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Eu152 Input File : BFM-IU_EU152.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 2 -0.36 2 -0.33 1 -0.92 1 -0.91 Density of contaminated zone 14 0.01 6 0.04 8 0.04 5 0.04 Contaminated zone total porosity 11 0.02 4 0.05 14 0.02 6 0.02 Contaminated zone b parameter 7 -0.02 11 -0.02 17 -0.01 18 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 6 0.03 10 0.03 21 0.00 21 0.00 Irrigation 15 0.01 15 0.01 6 0.04 9 0.01 Density of saturated zone 12 -0.02 5 -0.05 19 -0.01 16 -0.01 Saturated zone total porosity 9 -0.02 3 -0.06 16 -0.01 7 -0.01 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 16 0.01 16 0.01 18 0.01 19 0.00 Mass loading for inhalation 19 0.00 19 0.00 20 -0.01 20 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 10 -0.02 13 -0.02 5 -0.04 8 -0.01 External gamma shielding factor 3 -0.04 7 -0.03 12 0.02 14 0.01 Soil ingestion 5 -0.03 9 -0.03 15 0.01 17 0.01 Aquatic food 4 0.03 8 0.03 9 0.03 11 0.01 Depth of soil mixing layer 8 0.02 12 0.02 11 0.02 13 0.01 Kd of Eu-152 in Contaminated Zone 21 0.00 21 0.00 2 -0.36 2 -0.14 Kd of Eu-152 in Saturated Zone 18 0.01 18 0.01 3 -0.30 3 -0.12 Fish transfer factor for Eu 1 0.45 1 0.43 4 0.18 4 0.07 Kd of Gd-152 in Contaminated Zone 17 -0.01 17 -0.01 13 0.02 15 0.01 Kd of Gd-152 in Saturated Zone 20 0.00 20 0.00 7 -0.04 10 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for Gd 13 -0.02 14 -0.01 10 -0.03 12 -0.01

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 44 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Eu-154 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 08:16 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Eu154 Input File : BFM-IU_EU154.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 1 -0.43 1 -0.42 1 -0.92 1 -0.89 Density of contaminated zone 11 -0.02 4 -0.05 14 -0.02 11 -0.02 Contaminated zone total porosity 7 -0.03 3 -0.07 11 -0.03 8 -0.03 Contaminated zone b parameter 10 0.02 13 0.02 15 0.01 15 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 8 -0.02 11 -0.02 10 -0.03 12 -0.01 Irrigation 6 -0.03 10 -0.02 7 -0.06 10 -0.02 Density of saturated zone 16 0.01 8 0.03 9 0.05 6 0.06 Saturated zone total porosity 13 0.01 5 0.04 8 0.05 5 0.06 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 18 0.00 18 0.00 13 -0.02 14 -0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 5 0.03 9 0.03 17 0.01 17 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 4 0.03 7 0.03 12 0.02 13 0.01 External gamma shielding factor 14 0.01 15 0.01 6 0.07 9 0.03 Soil ingestion 17 0.01 17 0.01 16 -0.01 16 0.00 Aquatic food 3 0.04 6 0.04 5 0.09 7 0.04 Depth of soil mixing layer 9 0.02 12 0.02 18 0.01 18 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Eu 2 0.10 2 0.09 4 0.18 4 0.07 Kd of Eu-154 in Contaminated Zone 12 -0.02 14 -0.01 2 -0.39 2 -0.16 Kd of Eu-154 in Saturated Zone 15 -0.01 16 -0.01 3 -0.31 3 -0.13

Fe-55 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 10:48 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Fe55 Input File : BFM-IU_FE55.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 17 0.00 17 0.00 15 0.01 15 0.00 Density of contaminated zone 8 -0.02 4 -0.04 6 -0.05 6 -0.04 Contaminated zone total porosity 9 -0.01 5 -0.03 9 -0.04 7 -0.04 Contaminated zone b parameter 6 0.02 9 0.01 18 0.00 18 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 11 -0.01 11 -0.01 3 -0.38 3 -0.12 Irrigation 12 0.01 12 0.01 13 0.02 13 0.00 Density of saturated zone 3 -0.02 3 -0.06 4 -0.09 4 -0.08 Saturated zone total porosity 10 0.01 6 0.02 5 0.05 5 0.05 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 14 -0.01 14 -0.01 10 0.03 10 0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 13 0.01 13 0.01 12 -0.02 12 -0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 16 0.00 16 0.00 14 0.01 14 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 18 0.00 18 0.00 11 0.02 11 0.01 Soil ingestion 5 0.02 8 0.02 8 -0.04 9 -0.01 Aquatic food 2 0.21 2 0.16 2 0.85 2 0.46 Depth of soil mixing layer 15 -0.01 15 0.00 17 0.00 17 0.00 Kd of Fe-55 in Contaminated Zone 4 0.02 7 0.02 7 0.05 8 0.01 Kd of Fe-55 in Saturated Zone 7 0.02 10 0.01 16 0.01 16 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Fe 1 0.64 1 0.64 1 0.94 1 0.82

H-3 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 09:29 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_H3 Input File : BFM-IU_H3.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 15 -0.02 16 0.00 18 0.00 18 0.00 Density of contaminated zone 5 0.21 3 0.20 4 0.23 3 0.16 Contaminated zone total porosity 7 -0.06 6 -0.06 6 -0.11 5 -0.07 Contaminated zone b parameter 12 0.02 14 0.01 8 -0.03 10 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 8 0.04 10 0.01 7 0.04 9 0.01 Irrigation 13 0.02 15 0.01 16 0.01 16 0.00 Density of saturated zone 14 -0.02 8 -0.02 14 -0.02 8 -0.01 Saturated zone total porosity 16 -0.01 9 -0.01 13 -0.02 7 -0.01 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 2 -0.83 2 -0.43 2 -0.88 2 -0.39 Mass loading for inhalation 11 -0.03 13 -0.01 9 -0.03 11 -0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 17 0.01 17 0.00 12 -0.03 14 -0.01 External gamma shielding factor 6 0.06 7 0.02 10 0.03 12 0.01 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 45 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Soil ingestion 18 -0.01 18 0.00 15 -0.02 15 0.00 Aquatic food 1 0.94 1 0.80 1 0.97 1 0.85 Depth of soil mixing layer 10 0.03 12 0.01 17 0.00 17 0.00 Kd of H-3 in Contaminated Zone 4 -0.27 5 -0.08 5 -0.23 6 -0.05 Kd of H-3 in Saturated Zone 9 0.03 11 0.01 11 -0.03 13 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for H 3 0.53 4 0.18 3 0.60 4 0.15

Mn-54 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 09:40 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Mn54 Input File : BFM-IU_MN54.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 1 -0.12 1 -0.12 1 -0.91 1 -0.86 Density of contaminated zone 5 -0.03 3 -0.08 6 0.05 4 0.07 Contaminated zone total porosity 4 -0.03 2 -0.10 9 0.04 5 0.05 Contaminated zone b parameter 15 0.00 15 0.00 10 0.04 12 0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 6 -0.02 7 -0.02 8 -0.05 10 -0.02 Irrigation 17 0.00 18 0.00 11 0.04 13 0.01 Density of saturated zone 18 0.00 17 0.00 12 -0.03 8 -0.03 Saturated zone total porosity 14 0.01 6 0.04 15 -0.01 11 -0.02 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 10 -0.01 11 -0.01 16 -0.01 16 0.00 Mass loading for inhalation 9 -0.02 10 -0.02 17 -0.01 17 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 16 0.00 16 0.00 7 -0.05 9 -0.02 External gamma shielding factor 12 0.01 13 0.01 13 0.03 14 0.01 Soil ingestion 13 0.01 14 0.01 18 0.00 18 0.00 Aquatic food 3 0.05 5 0.05 4 0.12 6 0.05 Depth of soil mixing layer 7 -0.02 8 -0.02 14 -0.02 15 -0.01 Kd of Mn-54 in Contaminated Zone 8 -0.02 9 -0.02 2 -0.55 2 -0.26 Kd of Mn-54 in Saturated Zone 11 -0.01 12 -0.01 3 -0.43 3 -0.19 Fish transfer factor for Mn 2 0.06 4 0.06 5 0.09 7 0.04

Nb-94 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/07/24 11:35 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Nb94 Input File : BFM-IU_NB94.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 1 -0.62 1 -0.56 2 -0.82 2 -0.49 Density of contaminated zone 6 0.02 4 0.06 5 0.08 4 0.09 Contaminated zone total porosity 13 -0.01 9 -0.02 13 0.02 6 0.02 Contaminated zone b parameter 10 -0.02 12 -0.01 6 -0.04 7 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 8 -0.02 10 -0.01 17 0.00 17 0.00 Irrigation 17 0.00 17 0.00 12 -0.02 14 -0.01 Density of saturated zone 12 -0.01 7 -0.02 15 0.01 9 0.01 Saturated zone total porosity 7 -0.02 6 -0.05 18 0.00 18 0.00 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 3 -0.24 3 -0.18 3 -0.50 3 -0.19 Mass loading for inhalation 16 0.01 16 0.00 14 -0.01 15 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 18 0.00 18 0.00 11 -0.02 13 -0.01 External gamma shielding factor 4 0.07 5 0.05 4 0.09 5 0.03 Soil ingestion 14 0.01 14 0.01 9 0.02 11 0.01 Aquatic food 5 -0.03 8 -0.02 7 -0.04 8 -0.01 Depth of soil mixing layer 9 0.02 11 0.01 10 0.02 12 0.01 Kd of Nb-94 in Contaminated Zone 2 0.47 2 0.37 1 0.92 1 0.77 Kd of Nb-94 in Saturated Zone 15 -0.01 15 -0.01 8 -0.03 10 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for Nb 11 0.01 13 0.01 16 -0.01 16 0.00

Ni-63 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 16:56 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Ni63 Input File : BFM-IU_NI63.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 46 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Density of cover material 13 0.00 15 0.00 9 0.02 10 0.01 Density of contaminated zone 7 0.04 4 0.11 17 0.00 14 0.00 Contaminated zone total porosity 6 0.04 3 0.12 18 0.00 18 0.00 Contaminated zone b parameter 12 0.01 12 0.01 10 -0.02 11 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 9 -0.01 9 -0.01 5 -0.10 6 -0.03 Irrigation 8 0.02 8 0.02 7 0.04 8 0.01 Density of saturated zone 15 0.00 13 -0.01 6 -0.05 5 -0.05 Saturated zone total porosity 16 0.00 14 0.01 13 -0.01 7 -0.01 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 4 -0.07 6 -0.07 12 -0.02 13 -0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 14 0.00 16 0.00 8 -0.03 9 -0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 18 0.00 18 0.00 11 0.02 12 0.01 External gamma shielding factor 17 0.00 17 0.00 14 0.01 15 0.00 Soil ingestion 11 -0.01 11 -0.01 16 0.01 17 0.00 Aquatic food 2 0.17 2 0.16 3 0.53 3 0.19 Depth of soil mixing layer 10 -0.01 10 -0.01 15 0.01 16 0.00 Kd of Ni-63 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.08 5 -0.08 1 -0.94 1 -0.86 Kd of Ni-63 in Saturated Zone 5 -0.05 7 -0.05 2 -0.70 2 -0.31 Fish transfer factor for Ni 1 0.18 1 0.17 4 0.48 4 0.17

Np-237 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/07/24 12:45 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Np237 Input File : BFM-IU_NP237.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 21 0.00 21 0.00 14 0.02 17 0.01 Density of contaminated zone 6 -0.03 5 -0.09 20 0.01 16 0.01 Contaminated zone total porosity 5 -0.04 4 -0.12 22 0.01 18 0.01 Contaminated zone b parameter 17 0.00 17 0.00 10 -0.03 12 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 19 0.00 19 0.00 6 -0.04 7 -0.01 Irrigation 11 0.02 12 0.02 21 0.01 22 0.00 Density of saturated zone 15 -0.01 9 -0.02 19 -0.01 9 -0.01 Saturated zone total porosity 10 -0.02 7 -0.06 15 0.02 5 0.02 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 8 -0.02 10 -0.02 17 -0.01 20 0.00 Mass loading for inhalation 22 0.00 22 0.00 8 0.04 10 0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 12 -0.01 13 -0.01 23 0.00 23 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 9 -0.02 11 -0.02 5 0.05 6 0.01 Soil ingestion 24 0.00 24 0.00 24 0.00 24 0.00 Aquatic food 2 0.18 2 0.16 3 0.76 3 0.33 Depth of soil mixing layer 7 0.03 8 0.03 7 0.04 8 0.01 Kd of Np-237 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.18 3 -0.16 1 -0.94 1 -0.81 Kd of Np-237 in Saturated Zone 4 -0.08 6 -0.07 4 -0.30 4 -0.09 Kd of Th-229 in Contaminated Zone 18 0.00 18 0.00 11 0.03 13 0.01 Kd of Th-229 in Saturated Zone 13 -0.01 14 -0.01 13 0.03 15 0.01 Kd of U-233 in Contaminated Zone 20 0.00 20 0.00 18 -0.01 21 0.00 Kd of U-233 in Saturated Zone 16 0.00 16 0.00 9 0.04 11 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Np 1 0.43 1 0.42 2 0.79 2 0.36 Fish transfer factor for Th 23 0.00 23 0.00 16 0.02 19 0.00 Fish transfer factor for U 14 0.01 15 0.01 12 -0.03 14 -0.01

Pu-238 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/18/24 15:42 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Pu238 Input File : BFM-IU_PU238.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 23 0.01 24 0.01 22 0.01 23 0.00 Density of contaminated zone 12 0.02 5 0.05 7 -0.04 5 -0.04 Contaminated zone total porosity 15 0.01 6 0.03 11 -0.03 6 -0.03 Contaminated zone b parameter 30 0.00 30 0.00 23 -0.01 24 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 6 -0.03 8 -0.03 5 -0.08 7 -0.02 Irrigation 18 -0.01 19 -0.01 33 0.00 33 0.00 Density of saturated zone 33 0.00 31 0.00 24 -0.01 14 -0.01 Saturated zone total porosity 25 -0.01 14 -0.01 15 0.02 9 0.02 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 9 -0.02 11 -0.02 29 0.00 29 0.00 Mass loading for inhalation 7 0.03 9 0.02 6 -0.08 8 -0.02 Indoor dust filtration factor 8 0.03 10 0.02 20 -0.01 21 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 20 0.01 21 0.01 27 -0.01 27 0.00 Soil ingestion 27 0.00 27 0.00 28 0.00 28 0.00 Aquatic food 2 0.15 2 0.13 3 0.66 3 0.27 Depth of soil mixing layer 13 0.02 15 0.01 21 0.01 22 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Th 22 0.01 23 0.01 17 -0.02 18 0.00 Fish transfer factor for U 5 0.04 7 0.03 31 0.00 31 0.00 Kd of Pu-238 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.14 3 -0.13 1 -0.92 1 -0.73 Kd of Pu-238 in Saturated Zone 4 -0.09 4 -0.08 4 -0.43 4 -0.14 Kd of Pb-210 in Contaminated Zone 10 0.02 12 0.02 30 0.00 30 0.00 Kd of Pb-210 in Saturated Zone 14 -0.01 16 -0.01 14 0.02 16 0.01 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 47 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Kd of Po-210 in Contaminated Zone 19 -0.01 20 -0.01 12 0.03 13 0.01 Kd of Po-210 in Saturated Zone 16 0.01 17 0.01 26 -0.01 26 0.00 Kd of Ra-226 in Contaminated Zone 21 0.01 22 0.01 32 0.00 32 0.00 Kd of Ra-226 in Saturated Zone 26 0.00 26 0.00 19 -0.01 20 0.00 Kd of Th-230 in Contaminated Zone 17 -0.01 18 -0.01 25 0.01 25 0.00 Kd of Th-230 in Saturated Zone 11 0.02 13 0.02 8 0.04 10 0.01 Kd of U-234 in Contaminated Zone 29 0.00 29 0.00 9 0.04 11 0.01 Kd of U-234 in Saturated Zone 31 0.00 32 0.00 10 0.04 12 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Pb 32 0.00 33 0.00 13 0.03 15 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Po 24 0.01 25 0.01 16 0.02 17 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Pu 1 0.37 1 0.37 2 0.87 2 0.54 Fish transfer factor for Ra 28 0.00 28 0.00 18 0.02 19 0.00

Pu-239 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/11/24 18:13 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Pu239 Input File : BFM-IU_PU239.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 17 0.01 19 0.01 12 0.03 13 0.01 Density of contaminated zone 25 0.00 20 0.01 27 0.00 23 0.00 Contaminated zone total porosity 12 -0.01 5 -0.04 21 -0.01 16 -0.01 Contaminated zone b parameter 8 -0.02 9 -0.02 22 0.01 24 0.00 Evapotranspiration coefficient 10 -0.02 12 -0.01 5 -0.06 5 -0.02 Irrigation 22 0.00 24 0.00 7 0.05 8 0.01 Density of saturated zone 18 -0.01 10 -0.02 15 -0.02 6 -0.02 Saturated zone total porosity 23 0.00 17 -0.01 24 0.00 21 0.00 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 11 -0.02 13 -0.01 14 -0.02 15 -0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 13 -0.01 14 -0.01 6 -0.05 7 -0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 26 0.00 26 0.00 25 0.00 26 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 20 0.01 23 0.00 16 -0.02 17 -0.01 Soil ingestion 5 -0.03 6 -0.03 20 -0.01 22 0.00 Aquatic food 2 0.08 2 0.07 3 0.68 3 0.28 Depth of soil mixing layer 7 -0.02 8 -0.02 13 0.02 14 0.01 Fish transfer factor for U 19 -0.01 21 0.00 17 0.02 18 0.01 Kd of Pu-239 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.08 3 -0.07 1 -0.92 1 -0.73 Kd of Pu-239 in Saturated Zone 4 -0.05 4 -0.04 4 -0.44 4 -0.15 Kd of Ac-227 in Contaminated Zone 6 -0.02 7 -0.02 11 -0.03 12 -0.01 Kd of Ac-227 in Saturated Zone 15 -0.01 16 -0.01 23 -0.01 25 0.00 Kd of Pa-231 in Contaminated Zone 21 -0.01 22 0.00 10 -0.03 11 -0.01 Kd of Pa-231 in Saturated Zone 24 0.00 25 0.00 19 -0.01 20 0.00 Kd of U-235 in Contaminated Zone 27 0.00 27 0.00 9 0.04 10 0.01 Kd of U-235 in Saturated Zone 14 -0.01 15 -0.01 8 -0.04 9 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for Pu 1 0.48 1 0.47 2 0.87 2 0.53 Fish transfer factor for Ac 16 0.01 18 0.01 18 -0.01 19 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Pa 9 -0.02 11 -0.01 26 0.00 27 0.00

Pu-240 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/12/24 09:03 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Pu240 Input File : BFM-IU_PU240.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 5 -0.05 6 -0.04 25 -0.01 25 0.00 Density of contaminated zone 27 0.00 22 0.01 9 0.03 6 0.03 Contaminated zone total porosity 23 0.01 13 0.02 10 0.03 7 0.03 Contaminated zone b parameter 21 -0.01 23 -0.01 14 -0.02 15 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 20 0.01 21 0.01 5 -0.07 8 -0.02 Irrigation 18 0.01 19 0.01 29 0.00 29 0.00 Density of saturated zone 17 0.01 7 0.04 15 0.02 9 0.02 Saturated zone total porosity 10 0.03 4 0.08 7 0.04 5 0.04 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 22 0.01 24 0.01 6 -0.05 10 -0.02 Mass loading for inhalation 16 -0.02 18 -0.02 24 0.01 24 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 12 0.02 14 0.02 17 -0.02 17 -0.01 External gamma shielding factor 11 -0.02 12 -0.02 19 -0.02 19 -0.01 Soil ingestion 9 -0.03 11 -0.02 12 0.03 13 0.01 Aquatic food 3 0.19 3 0.17 3 0.68 3 0.28 Depth of soil mixing layer 15 -0.02 17 -0.02 23 0.01 23 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Th 29 0.00 29 0.00 28 0.00 28 0.00 Fish transfer factor for U 28 0.00 28 0.00 13 -0.02 14 -0.01 Kd of Pu-240 in Contaminated Zone 2 -0.20 2 -0.19 1 -0.93 1 -0.73 Kd of Pu-240 in Saturated Zone 4 -0.08 5 -0.07 4 -0.32 4 -0.10 Kd of Ra-228 in Contaminated Zone 26 -0.01 27 -0.01 22 -0.01 22 0.00 Kd of Ra-228 in Saturated Zone 14 -0.02 16 -0.02 16 -0.02 16 -0.01 Kd of Th-228 in Contaminated Zone 7 0.03 9 0.03 27 0.00 27 0.00 Kd of Th-228 in Saturated Zone 24 -0.01 25 -0.01 18 0.02 18 0.01 Kd of Th-232 in Contaminated Zone 6 0.04 8 0.04 21 -0.01 21 0.00 Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 48 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Kd of Th-232 in Saturated Zone 8 0.03 10 0.03 8 -0.03 11 -0.01 Kd of U-236 in Contaminated Zone 13 -0.02 15 -0.02 26 -0.01 26 0.00 Kd of U-236 in Saturated Zone 19 -0.01 20 -0.01 11 -0.03 12 -0.01 Fish transfer factor for Pu 1 0.36 1 0.35 2 0.87 2 0.53 Fish transfer factor for Ra 25 -0.01 26 -0.01 20 0.02 20 0.00

Pu-241 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/08/24 20:53 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Pu241 Input File : BFM-IU_PU241.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Kd of Am-241 in Contaminated Zone 18 -0.01 21 -0.01 13 -0.03 14 -0.01 Kd of Am-241 in Saturated Zone 27 0.01 27 0.01 6 -0.06 7 -0.02 Kd of Np-237 in Contaminated Zone 13 0.01 16 0.01 11 -0.04 11 -0.01 Kd of Np-237 in Saturated Zone 11 0.02 14 0.02 15 0.02 17 0.01 Kd of Th-229 in Contaminated Zone 19 -0.01 22 -0.01 19 -0.02 21 -0.01 Kd of Th-229 in Saturated Zone 16 0.01 19 0.01 7 -0.06 8 -0.02 Kd of U-233 in Contaminated Zone 14 0.01 17 0.01 21 0.01 22 0.00 Kd of U-233 in Saturated Zone 24 -0.01 25 -0.01 23 0.01 24 0.00 Density of cover material 12 -0.02 15 -0.01 18 -0.02 20 -0.01 Density of contaminated zone 10 0.02 5 0.05 20 -0.01 12 -0.01 Contaminated zone total porosity 20 0.01 8 0.02 26 -0.01 15 -0.01 Contaminated zone b parameter 22 -0.01 23 -0.01 10 -0.05 10 -0.02 Evapotranspiration coefficient 6 0.03 7 0.03 5 -0.15 6 -0.05 Irrigation 17 -0.01 20 -0.01 8 0.06 9 0.02 Density of saturated zone 26 -0.01 13 -0.02 9 -0.05 5 -0.05 Saturated zone total porosity 21 0.01 10 0.02 28 0.00 28 0.00 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 23 0.01 24 0.01 12 0.03 13 0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 30 0.00 30 0.00 17 -0.02 19 -0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 15 -0.01 18 -0.01 30 0.00 30 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 5 0.04 6 0.03 14 -0.03 16 -0.01 Soil ingestion 9 -0.02 12 -0.02 27 -0.01 27 0.00 Aquatic food 3 0.14 3 0.13 3 0.64 3 0.27 Depth of soil mixing layer 28 -0.01 28 -0.01 24 -0.01 25 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Am 25 -0.01 26 -0.01 16 0.02 18 0.01 Fish transfer factor for Np 7 -0.03 9 -0.02 22 -0.01 23 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Th 29 0.00 29 0.00 25 -0.01 26 0.00 Fish transfer factor for U 8 0.02 11 0.02 29 0.00 29 0.00 Kd of Pu-241 in Contaminated Zone 2 -0.16 2 -0.14 1 -0.91 1 -0.71 Kd of Pu-241 in Saturated Zone 4 -0.08 4 -0.08 4 -0.64 4 -0.27 Fish transfer factor for Pu 1 0.40 1 0.39 2 0.84 2 0.50

Sb-125 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/07/24 13:15 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Sb125 Input File : BFM-IU_SB125.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 3 -0.11 3 -0.10 2 -0.68 2 -0.47 Density of contaminated zone 9 -0.02 7 -0.06 18 0.00 15 0.01 Contaminated zone total porosity 7 -0.03 4 -0.10 19 0.00 17 0.00 Contaminated zone b parameter 12 0.02 12 0.02 11 0.02 11 0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 16 0.01 16 0.01 20 0.00 21 0.00 Irrigation 5 0.05 9 0.05 9 0.02 9 0.01 Density of saturated zone 11 -0.02 8 -0.06 21 0.00 20 0.00 Saturated zone total porosity 8 -0.03 6 -0.08 16 0.01 12 0.01 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 14 0.02 14 0.02 10 0.02 10 0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 10 -0.02 11 -0.02 13 0.01 14 0.01 Indoor dust filtration factor 20 0.00 20 0.00 15 0.01 18 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 19 0.00 19 0.00 14 -0.01 16 0.00 Soil ingestion 18 -0.01 18 -0.01 12 -0.02 13 -0.01 Aquatic food 2 0.15 2 0.14 4 0.34 4 0.18 Depth of soil mixing layer 17 0.01 17 0.01 17 0.00 19 0.00 Kd of Sb-125 in Contaminated Zone 4 -0.09 5 -0.09 1 -0.72 1 -0.53 Kd of Sb-125 in Saturated Zone 6 -0.04 10 -0.04 8 -0.05 8 -0.03 Kd of Te-125m in Contaminated Zone 15 -0.01 15 -0.01 6 -0.11 6 -0.06 Kd of Te-125m in Saturated Zone 13 -0.02 13 -0.02 5 -0.20 5 -0.10 Fish transfer factor for Sb 1 0.39 1 0.38 3 0.65 3 0.43 Fish transfer factor for Te 21 0.00 21 0.00 7 0.09 7 0.05

Basement Fill Model: Probabilistic Analysis for the RSCS TSD 24 -055 draft Rev 0 Instantaneous Release Scenario Assuming Industrial Use Page 49 of 49 Exposure Pathways

Sr-90 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/07/24 10:51 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Sr90 Input File : BFM-IU_SR90.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 18 0.00 18 0.00 7 0.03 10 0.01 Density of contaminated zone 7 0.02 4 0.07 9 -0.02 6 -0.02 Contaminated zone total porosity 11 0.02 6 0.05 8 -0.03 5 -0.03 Contaminated zone b parameter 17 -0.01 17 -0.01 10 -0.02 11 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 15 -0.01 15 -0.01 5 -0.07 7 -0.02 Irrigation 16 -0.01 16 -0.01 6 0.04 9 0.01 Density of saturated zone 14 0.01 10 0.02 11 -0.02 8 -0.02 Saturated zone total porosity 10 0.02 5 0.06 17 0.00 15 0.00 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 4 -0.05 7 -0.05 12 -0.02 12 -0.01 Mass loading for inhalation 8 -0.02 11 -0.02 14 -0.01 14 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 6 0.03 9 0.03 16 0.00 17 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 12 0.01 13 0.01 13 0.01 13 0.00 Soil ingestion 13 -0.01 14 -0.01 18 0.00 18 0.00 Aquatic food 2 0.14 2 0.13 3 0.64 3 0.26 Depth of soil mixing layer 9 -0.02 12 -0.02 15 0.00 16 0.00 Kd of Sr-90 in Contaminated Zone 3 -0.09 3 -0.09 1 -0.94 1 -0.85 Kd of Sr-90 in Saturated Zone 5 -0.04 8 -0.04 4 -0.49 4 -0.17 Fish transfer factor for Sr 1 0.30 1 0.30 2 0.68 2 0.28

Tc-99 Results:

RESRAD Regression and Correlation output 06/07/24 13:32 Page: Coef 1 Title : OCS BFM_Industrial Use_IR_Tc99 Input File : BFM-IU_TC99.RAD

Coefficients for peak of mean dose time Dose Coefficient = PCC SRC PRCC SRRC Repetition = 1 1 1 1 Description of Probabilistic Variable Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Sig Coeff Density of cover material 7 -0.03 8 -0.02 17 0.00 17 0.00 Density of contaminated zone 5 0.06 4 0.10 5 0.08 4 0.05 Contaminated zone total porosity 18 0.00 16 0.00 6 -0.07 6 -0.05 Contaminated zone b parameter 12 0.02 13 0.01 10 -0.02 11 -0.01 Evapotranspiration coefficient 8 0.03 9 0.02 11 0.02 12 0.00 Irrigation 17 0.00 18 0.00 16 0.00 16 0.00 Density of saturated zone 9 -0.03 5 -0.05 14 -0.01 10 -0.01 Saturated zone total porosity 15 -0.01 12 -0.01 9 -0.03 7 -0.02 Saturated zone hydraulic gradient 3 -0.26 3 -0.15 3 -0.63 3 -0.18 Mass loading for inhalation 13 0.02 14 0.01 12 -0.02 13 0.00 Indoor dust filtration factor 14 -0.01 15 0.00 18 0.00 18 0.00 External gamma shielding factor 11 0.03 11 0.01 8 0.03 9 0.01 Soil ingestion 16 0.01 17 0.00 7 -0.04 8 -0.01 Aquatic food 2 0.45 2 0.28 2 0.88 2 0.40 Depth of soil mixing layer 10 -0.03 10 -0.01 15 0.00 15 0.00 Kd of Tc-99 in Contaminated Zone 4 -0.08 6 -0.05 4 -0.21 5 -0.05 Kd of Tc-99 in Saturated Zone 6 0.03 7 0.02 13 -0.01 14 0.00 Fish transfer factor for Tc 1 0.80 1 0.76 1 0.97 1 0.86

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