IR 05000416/1980019

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IE Insp Rept 50-416/80-19 on 800812-15.Noncompliance Noted: Failure to Provide Calibr & Control Procedures for Torque Wrench Multipliers
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/1980
From: Ang W, Herdt A
Shared Package
ML19351D932 List:
50-416-80-19, NUDOCS 8011200460
Download: ML19351D952 (4)


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101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., SulTE 3100 o,

o ATI.ANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Report No. 50-416/80-19 Licensee: Mississippi Power and Ligh*. Company Jackson, MS Facility Name: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Docket No. 50-416 License No. CPPR-118 Inspection at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station near Port Gibson, Mississippi Inspector:

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W. P. Aug Date Signed


Approved by:


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A. R. Herdt, Section Chief, RCES Branch Datd Signed SUMMARY Inspection August 12-15, 1980 Areas Inspected This routine unannounced inspection involved 22 inspector-hours onsite in the areas of pipe support baseplate designs using' concrete expansion anchor bolts (IEB 79-02); seismic analysis for as-built safety-related piping systems (IEB 79-14).



Of the 2 areas inspected, 1 item of noncompliance was found in 1 area, (Inf ra c-l tion - failure to provide calibration and control procedures for torque wrench multipliers - paragraph 5).

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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • G. B. Rogers - Manager of Construction
  • T. E. Reaves - Manager of QA
  • J. W. Yelverton - Field QA' Supervisor Other licensee employees contacted included 3 construction craftsmen and 4 technicians.

Other Organizations Bechtel Power Corporation

  • R. L. Scott - Project QA Manager

Reactor Controls Incorporated

-*D. G. Brock - Site Manager NRC Resident Inspector

  • A. G. Wagner
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection sccpe and findings were summarized on August 15, 1980 with i

those persons indicated in Paragraph I above. The noncompliance concerning calibration and control of torque wrench multipliers (infraction 80-19-02, paragraph 5) was acknowledged by the licensee. The unresolved item concerning control rod drive piping and supports (80-19-01 paragraph 5) was also discussed.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings i

Not' inspected.


-Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to determine whether they are acceptable or may involve noncompliance or deviations.

A new unresolved item identified during this inspection is discessed in paragraph 5.










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Pipe Support Baseplate Designs Using Concrete Expansion Anchor Bolts (IEB 79-02)

On August 10, 1979, the licensee responded to IEB 79-02. An inspection was performed to verify compliance with IEB 79-02 requirements and licensee commitments.

Control rod drive hydraulic piping system and supports were installed by Reactor Controls Incorporated (RCI).

Two of the supports (scram volume supports) were installed with concrete expansion anchors and were inspected.

The supports were shown on RCI drawings GG-007 Rev. 5 and GG-009-2 Rev. 4.

The supports did not meet all the drawing requirements and the drawing aid


not appear to provide all the necessary installation requirements - speci-fically the concrete expansion anchor size was not specified. RCI, however,


indicated that the supports were just temporarily installed with the knowledge that revised loads may eventually change the hanger design. No installation records for the temporary supports were available according to the RCI site manager.

Pending final design and installation of these supports, this item shall be identified as unresolved item 80-19-01 " Temporary CRD system pipe supports".

The AE and constructor, Bechtel, commissioned the University of Tennesee to perform tests to determine the effects of unused bolt roles adjacent to concrete expansion anchors. Data was obtained from the tests to confirm Bechtels criteria for evaluation of unused bolt holes, h, wever,the tests also provided data that indicated significantly lower capacities than the manufacturers published capacities for one inch diameter wedge type concrete expansion anchors.

To re-evaluate this condition, additional tests were perfo rmed. These tests showed higher capacities than the first tests but still significantly lower capacities than the manufacturers published


In an attempt to resolve this condition, Bechtel, the University of Tennessee,


and the manufacturer will be meeting to discuss the tests and determine the cause for the difference.

The licensee has identified this item as a potential 10 CFR 50.55(e) condition. This shall be identified as licensee identified item 80-19-03

" Anchor Bolt Ultimate Strength.

The licensee uses bolt torque to satisfy IEB 79-02 requirements. When questioned regarding the use of torque wrench multipliers, the licensee's constructor indicated that although no torque wrench multipliers were used for IEB 79-02 requirements, multipliers were used for assembling RHR pump Q1E12C002 C-B.

No procedures were available for checking or controlling torque wrench multipliers. Five torque wrench multipliers, including the one used on the RHR pump, were checked by Bechtel calibration laboratory.

All multipliers produced approximately 12% less torque than the expected multiplied torque.

This appears to be in noncompliance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix "B" Criterion XII and shall be identified as infraction 80-19-02 -


" Failure to provide calibration and control procedures for torque wrench multipliers".











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Nonconformance report 4978 was reviewed. The nonconformance had identified that HVAC support QS251G005H36 was installed with a concrete expansion anchor


j that had been welded together. The licensee had evaluated this condition to


be not reportable since the remainder of the support would have been adequate even if the deficient bolt had not been installed. Bechtel calculations to confirm this were reviewed.


The following supports were randomly selected and inspected for compliance with IEB 79-02 requirements. These supports were installed for spent fuel pool cooling and cleanup system piping shown on Bechtel Drawing 9645-HL-1351D Rev. 8.


i Q1G41G011R04 I

Q1G41G011R08 Q1G4'G011R05 Q1G41G011R07 i

Pending licensee completion of IEB 79-02 requirements, the Bulletin shall remain open.

No additional items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Seismic Analysis for As-Built Safety Related Piping Systems (IEB 79-14)


In response to IEB 79-14 and infraction 80-08-01, the licensee is performing a pipe support re-inspection program. An inspection was performed to verify -

licensee' commitments. Portions of the spent fuel pcol cooling and cleanup piping system shown on Bechtel' Drawing 9645-HL-1351 and the following pipe supports were inspected:

Q1G41G011R04 Q1G41G011R05 Q1G410011R07 Q1G41G011R08


Pending completion of IEB 79-14 requirements and licensee commitments IEB

79-14 shall remain open.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were








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