ML20245B843 | |
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Site: | Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png |
Issue date: | 06/25/1987 |
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FOIA-87-306 NUDOCS 8707010341 | |
Download: ML20245B843 (3) | |
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MONTHYEARML20212L2171999-10-0101 October 1999
[Table view]Responds to Recent Ltr to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners,Wd Travers & Ferc,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island ML20212K1241999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to Chairman Jackson,Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performace of Millstone to Ensure That Public Health & Safety,Adequately Protected ML20212L1831999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to Wd Travers Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Millstone to Ensure Adequate Protection to Public Health ML20212L1971999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to Chairman Jackson & Commissioners Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance to Ensure Public Health & Safety ML20212L2081999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance ML20212J9991999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to President Clinton,H Clinton, Chairman Jackson &/Or Wd Travers Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Plant to Ensure That Public Health & Safety Adequately Protected ML20112E8911996-05-24024 May 1996 FOIA Request to Inspect & Copy Original OL Issued by Aec/Nrc for Util & EPP Issued as App B to Plant OL SNRC-2192, Forwards Both Copies,Signed by Util President Cv Giacomazzo, of Amend 7 to Indemnity Agreement B-87.Util Returning Copies Because Effective Date Left Blank1995-05-15015 May 1995 Forwards Both Copies,Signed by Util President Cv Giacomazzo, of Amend 7 to Indemnity Agreement B-87.Util Returning Copies Because Effective Date Left Blank ML20082B9131995-03-13013 March 1995 Submits Corrected Page for Insertion Into Final Rept Re Confirmatory Survey of RB & Phase 4 Systems at Plant ML20081A9321995-03-0707 March 1995 Forwards Final Rept Orise 95/B-81, Confirmatory Survey of Reactor Bldg & Phase 4 Sys Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A6531995-03-0707 March 1995 Forwards Final Rept Orise 95/B-80, Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg,Suppression Pool,Phase 2 Phase 3 Sys,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny ML20081B5801995-02-21021 February 1995 Forwards Final Rept Confirmatory Survey of Reactor Bldg & Phase 4 Sys Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A6841995-02-21021 February 1995 Forwards Final Rept Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg, Suppression Pool,Phase 2 & Phase 3 Sys,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A7001995-01-30030 January 1995 Forwards Rev 1 to Draft Rept Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg,Suppression Pool,Phase 2 & Phase 3 Sys, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny ML20081A7111995-01-30030 January 1995 Forwards Rev 1 to Draft Rept Confirmatory Survey of Reactor Bldg & Phase 4 Sys,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Brookhaven,Ny SNRC-2189, Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program,Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept, Jan-June 19941995-01-20020 January 1995 Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program,Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept, Jan-June 1994 SNRC-2188, Responds to NRC Request for Addl Info Re Certain Elevated Levels Found During Phase 4 Confirmatory Survey1995-01-20020 January 1995 Responds to NRC Request for Addl Info Re Certain Elevated Levels Found During Phase 4 Confirmatory Survey SNRC-2187, Forwards Snps Annual Man-Rem Rept, Including Individuals for Whom Personnel Monitoring Provided During CY94,per 10CFR20.407(a) & (B).Rept Also Includes Individuals Identified in 10CFR20.202(a),who Require Monioring1995-01-11011 January 1995 Forwards Snps Annual Man-Rem Rept, Including Individuals for Whom Personnel Monitoring Provided During CY94,per 10CFR20.407(a) & (B).Rept Also Includes Individuals Identified in 10CFR20.202(a),who Require Monioring SNRC-2182, Forwards Final Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Cy 1994, Including Last Revised Copies of ODCM & Pcp.Rept Prepared for Closeout Purposes as Part of Completion of Plant Decommissioning1994-11-0101 November 1994 Forwards Final Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Cy 1994, Including Last Revised Copies of ODCM & Pcp.Rept Prepared for Closeout Purposes as Part of Completion of Plant Decommissioning ML20077L3331994-10-25025 October 1994 Forwards Revised Proposed Confirmatory Survey Plan for Reactor Bldg Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny ML20076K3881994-10-20020 October 1994 Forwards Proposed Confirmatory Survey Plan for Reactor Bldg, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny,For Review & Comment ML20077M8351994-10-20020 October 1994 Forwards Draft Rept, Confirmatory Survey of Radwaste Bldg, Suppression Pool & Phase 2 Systems,Shoreham Nuclear Power Station,Brookhaven,Ny SNRC-2184, Forwards Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 4. Portions Withheld1994-10-12012 October 1994 Forwards Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 4. Portions Withheld SNRC-2185, Summarizes Results from Revised Exposure Pathway Analysis Using Corrected Dcf for External Exposure for Cs-137.Rev 1 to Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl1994-10-0404 October 1994 Summarizes Results from Revised Exposure Pathway Analysis Using Corrected Dcf for External Exposure for Cs-137.Rev 1 to Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl ML20076F9251994-09-26026 September 1994 Forwards Final Rept Orise 94/I-80, Confirmatory Survey of Turbine Bldg,Site Grounds & Site Exteriors Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven,Ny SNRC-2183, Forwards Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-871994-09-23023 September 1994 Forwards Amend 6 to Indemnity Agreement B-87 SNRC-2181, Notifies of Equipment Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Rept on Phase I Final Survey Status,Provided in Util .Equipment Changes Described in Encl Table 11994-09-14014 September 1994 Notifies of Equipment Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Rept on Phase I Final Survey Status,Provided in Util .Equipment Changes Described in Encl Table 1 SNRC-2180, Forwards 940829 Memo Entitled, Technical Evaluation of Dusting from Concrete Blocks, Addressing Issue Discussed in Insp Rept 50-332/94-021994-09-0101 September 1994 Forwards 940829 Memo Entitled, Technical Evaluation of Dusting from Concrete Blocks, Addressing Issue Discussed in Insp Rept 50-332/94-02 SNRC-2179, Proposes That Release Criterion for Soil Be Applied to Certain Other Bulk Matls Which Will Remain at Plant Upon Completion of Decommissioning.Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl1994-09-0101 September 1994 Proposes That Release Criterion for Soil Be Applied to Certain Other Bulk Matls Which Will Remain at Plant Upon Completion of Decommissioning.Analysis of Bulk Matl Reconcentration Potential & Possible Exposure Pathways Encl ML20072P1591994-08-17017 August 1994 Forwards Revised, Confirmatory Survey Plan for Radwaste Bldg & Suppression Pool for Plant SNRC-2178, Forwards Proprietary Response to NRC Concerns Re Survey Instruments Used for Termination Survey.Extensive Discussion Provided in Interest of Rapidly Bringing Outstanding Concerns to Close.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(a)(4))1994-08-17017 August 1994 Forwards Proprietary Response to NRC Concerns Re Survey Instruments Used for Termination Survey.Extensive Discussion Provided in Interest of Rapidly Bringing Outstanding Concerns to Close.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790(a)(4)) SNRC-2176, Informs of near-term Completion of Decommissioning of Shoreham Nuclear Power Station & Hereby Respectfully Requests Support in Achieving Timely Termination of Facility possession-only License NPF-821994-08-0404 August 1994 Informs of near-term Completion of Decommissioning of Shoreham Nuclear Power Station & Hereby Respectfully Requests Support in Achieving Timely Termination of Facility possession-only License NPF-82 SNRC-2177, Forwards Rev 3 to Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan. Portions of Rept Withheld1994-08-0404 August 1994 Forwards Rev 3 to Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan. Portions of Rept Withheld ML20071L8741994-07-29029 July 1994 Forwards Confirmatory Survey Plan for Radwaste Building & Suppression Pool for Review & Comment SNRC-2175, Provides Notification of Survey Location Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Repts on Phases 1,2 & 3 Final Survey Status Provided in Refs 1,2 & 3 Respectively1994-07-18018 July 1994 Provides Notification of Survey Location Changes to Shoreham Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Repts on Phases 1,2 & 3 Final Survey Status Provided in Refs 1,2 & 3 Respectively SNRC-2173, Forwards Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 3. Proprietary Pages to Rept Also Encl.Proprietary Pages Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)1994-06-14014 June 1994 Forwards Termination Survey Final Rept Phase 3. Proprietary Pages to Rept Also Encl.Proprietary Pages Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) SNRC-2172, Certifies That All SNM as Irradiated Fuel Permanently Removed from Site & That Decommissioning/Decontamination Work on Biological Shield Wall Complete,In Accordance W/Nrc Approving Amend 11 to Pol NPF-821994-06-0707 June 1994 Certifies That All SNM as Irradiated Fuel Permanently Removed from Site & That Decommissioning/Decontamination Work on Biological Shield Wall Complete,In Accordance W/Nrc Approving Amend 11 to Pol NPF-82 SNRC-2171, Submits Resolution of Items Identified by NRC Region I Project Inspector,Pertaining to Planned Final Draindown & Discharge of Spent Fuel Storage Pool,Following Complete Removal of Irradiated Fuel1994-06-0202 June 1994 Submits Resolution of Items Identified by NRC Region I Project Inspector,Pertaining to Planned Final Draindown & Discharge of Spent Fuel Storage Pool,Following Complete Removal of Irradiated Fuel SNRC-2170, Requests Approval of Proposed Change to Shoreham Decommissioning Plan for Addl Remedial Decontamination of Shoreham Spent Fuel Storage Pool Beyond That Originally Specified in Decommissioning Plan1994-05-20020 May 1994 Requests Approval of Proposed Change to Shoreham Decommissioning Plan for Addl Remedial Decontamination of Shoreham Spent Fuel Storage Pool Beyond That Originally Specified in Decommissioning Plan SNRC-2168, Notification to NRC of Transfer of Device Containing 30 Uci Cs-137 Source.Device Transferred to JW Merkel,Terra Analytics,Inc1994-05-13013 May 1994 Notification to NRC of Transfer of Device Containing 30 Uci Cs-137 Source.Device Transferred to JW Merkel,Terra Analytics,Inc SNRC-2169, Informs That Based on Recent Discussions Between Officials, Licensee Decided to Retain Organizational Position at Least Until Fuel Removed from Site1994-05-11011 May 1994 Informs That Based on Recent Discussions Between Officials, Licensee Decided to Retain Organizational Position at Least Until Fuel Removed from Site SNRC-2167, Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 19931994-04-29029 April 1994 Forwards Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept Jan-Dec 1993 ML20029D2571994-04-28028 April 1994 Advises That Jc Brons Resigned to Pursue Employment W/ Another Util Co,Effective 940429 SNRC-2165, Submits Technical Info on Biological Shield Wall Blocks to Be Surveyed1994-04-22022 April 1994 Submits Technical Info on Biological Shield Wall Blocks to Be Surveyed SNRC-2163, Provides Notification of Equipment Changes to Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Report on Phase I Final Survey Status Provided in Util1994-04-21021 April 1994 Provides Notification of Equipment Changes to Facility Which Have Occurred Subsequent to Report on Phase I Final Survey Status Provided in Util ML20065M3701994-04-20020 April 1994 Responds to NRC Verbal Request for Info Re Estimated Cost for Decommissioning SNRC-2161, Forwards 1994 Internal Cash Flow Projection for Shoreham Nuclear Power Station1994-03-30030 March 1994 Forwards 1994 Internal Cash Flow Projection for Shoreham Nuclear Power Station SNRC-2160, Forwards Financial Info Required by 10CFR50.71(b)1994-03-30030 March 1994 Forwards Financial Info Required by 10CFR50.71(b) ML19348B1751994-03-17017 March 1994 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Proposals Recommending Removal of Licensing Conditions Imposed as Part of Technical Resolution to Address Concerns Re Reliability of Tdi EDGs Following Crankshaft Failure at Plant in Aug 1983 ML18153A9011994-03-14014 March 1994 Forwards Summaries of 17 Repts of Errors by HHS-certified Testing Labs & Other Relevant Incidents Involving Drug Testing.W/O Encls 1999-10-01 Category:NRC TO LEGAL/LAW FIRM MONTHYEARML20043B4931990-05-23023 May 1990
[Table view]Responds to Raising Concern Re NRC Agreement to Stay Effective Date of Two Proposed Amends to Permit Util to Disband Local Offsite Emergency Organization & Reduce Size of Security Force.Nrc Review Not Yet Completed ML20044A1061990-05-18018 May 1990 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Records.App a Records Encl & Available in PDR ML20042G9891990-05-0707 May 1990 Confirms Understanding That NRC Will Stay Action on Issuance of Amends to OL Re Physical Security Plan & Emergency Planning Until 900515.Action Requested to Permit Law Firm to Seek Judicial Intercession ML20034C4361990-04-27027 April 1990 Advises That 900405 Request for Either Denial of Exemption from Onsite Primary Property Damage Insurance Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w)(i) or Announcement of Intention to Defer Decision Until Fes on Decommissioning Proposal Denied ML20012B8851990-03-12012 March 1990 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App G Records Encl.Info in App G Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5,6 & 7) ML20246G9611989-08-29029 August 1989 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Records.Apps a & B Records Encl & Available in PDR ML20246N9801989-08-25025 August 1989 Forwards Fr Notice of Receipt of 890726 Petition Filed on Behalf of Scientists & Engineers for Secure Energy,Inc ML20246F5381989-08-24024 August 1989 Ack Receipt of Petition Filed on 890804 on Behalf of Long Island Assoc Requesting Suspension of Util Actions Re Min Posture Condition,Investigation of Violations & Environ Review for Decommissioning ML20246C2741989-08-21021 August 1989 Ack Receipt of 890726 Petition,Requesting Same Action Be Taken as Requested in 890714 Petition ML20246J7531989-08-15015 August 1989 Forwards Fr Notice Re 890714 Petition on Behalf of Shoreham- Wading River Central School District ML20247Q2041989-08-0101 August 1989 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Records.App a Records Encl & Available in PDR ML20247D8981989-07-20020 July 1989 Ack Receipt of 890714 Petition Filed for Shoreham-Wading River Ctr School District Requesting EDO Issue Immediately Effective Order to Util to Cease & Desist from Activities Re Defueling & Destaffing of Plant ML20245G8961989-06-28028 June 1989 Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.App a Records Available in Pdr.App B & Portions of App C Records Encl.App C Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20244C4651989-04-17017 April 1989 Final Response to FOIA Request for Records.App E Record Encl & Available in Pdr.App F Records Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20247Q7971989-04-0606 April 1989 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Records.App C & D Records Available in Pdr.App D Records Encl ML20247N5621989-04-0303 April 1989 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Records.App a Documents Available in Pdr.App B Records Encl & Available in PDR ML20247K6551989-03-31031 March 1989 Responds to FOIA Request for Records.App Documents Encl & Available in PDR ML20246P1211989-03-23023 March 1989 Responds to to Zech Expressing Concerns Re Adequacy of Util Electrical Power Supply for Summer & Need for Expedited Licensing of Plant ML20235V1091989-02-0303 February 1989 Advises of NRC Acceptance of Offer to Send Commission Matls of Record in County of Suffolk Vs Lilco Case Re Licensing Shoreham Facility.Related Correspondence IA-88-572, Final Response to FOIA Request.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Licensing Board Decision Not Certified to Commission.Commission Chose,Through Exercise of Discretionary Authority,To Take Jurisdiction Over Sanctions1988-12-0101 December 1988 Final Response to FOIA Request.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Licensing Board Decision Not Certified to Commission.Commission Chose,Through Exercise of Discretionary Authority,To Take Jurisdiction Over Sanctions ML20195K0081988-12-0101 December 1988 Final Response to FOIA Request.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Licensing Board Decision Not Certified to Commission.Commission Chose,Through Exercise of Discretionary Authority,To Take Jurisdiction Over Sanctions ML20206E3941988-11-0303 November 1988 Partially Grants & Partially Denies 880919 Appeal Re Dh Grimsley 880811 Denial of FOIA Request for Listed Documents.Portions of App Documents Remain Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20155A9621988-09-29029 September 1988 Advises That Mhb Technical Associates Has Not Been on NRC or Official Commission Svc List for Sometime.Related Correspondence ML20155H2241988-09-16016 September 1988 Final Response to Appeal of Denial of FOIA Request for Documents Re Facility Operation at 25% Power.Forwards App a Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR ML20155B0621988-08-30030 August 1988 Responds to 880623 Appeal of NRC 880526 Denial of FOIA Request for Documents Re Lilco.Portions of Encl Document B-1 Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5) ML20153H3521988-08-17017 August 1988 Responds to Portion of Appealing Dh Grimsley 880526 Response to FOIA Request.Denied Portions of Record Can Now Be Released ML20153G9211988-08-11011 August 1988 Final Response to FOIA Request for Records Re Shoreham Offsite Emergency Plan.App G Documents Available in Pdr.App H Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5).No Further Action Being Taken on Appeal Ltr IA-88-357, Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re FEMA Info on Facility Exercises.Document 1 Listed on App Available in PDR & Document 2 Forwarded & Available in PDR1988-08-0101 August 1988 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re FEMA Info on Facility Exercises.Document 1 Listed on App Available in PDR & Document 2 Forwarded & Available in PDR ML20153C1561988-08-0101 August 1988 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re FEMA Info on Facility Exercises.Document 1 Listed on App Available in PDR & Document 2 Forwarded & Available in PDR ML20207E0371988-07-21021 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Offsite Emergency Plan.Forwards App F Documents.Apps E & F Documents Available in PDR ML20151E0821988-07-13013 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App D Documents Available in PDR ML20151N1981988-07-0707 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App C Documents & Documents Available in PDR ML20151C7301988-07-0101 July 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App B Documents & Informs That App a & B Available in PDR ML20154M7821988-05-26026 May 1988 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App D.App D Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5).No Further Action Taken on 880503 Appeal Ltr 88-A-27 ML20154E7661988-05-13013 May 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App C Document,Consisting of 880111 Daily Highlight Memo,Encl & Available in PDR ML20150C6391988-03-15015 March 1988 Informs That NRC Not Contemplating Calling Witnesses for Remand Hearing on Emergency Broadcast Sys Issue,Per Suffolk County 880308 Interrogatories.Related Correspondence ML20196H9251988-03-0303 March 1988 Notifies That NRC Does Not Intend to Make Formal Response to Recipient 880301 Interrogatories Due to Extremely Limited Time Available for Discovery.Further Questions May Be Posed During Urbanik Deposition on 880304.Related Correspondence ML20195J9161988-01-26026 January 1988 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Records Re NRC Rule Amending 10CFR50.47(c)(1) & 10CFR50,App E Re Offsite Emergency Planning W/O State & Local Govt Participation. Forwards App G Documents.App F Documents Available in PDR ML20234C1241987-12-29029 December 1987 Advises That If Author Has Cognizable Legal Claim That Appointment of Judge Gleason to Replace Judge Margulies for Plant Proceeding Prejudices Clients,Arguments May Be Presented to Aslb,Per .Served on 8712331 ML20237B4361987-12-14014 December 1987 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App B Document, Board Notification 84-024,encl & Also Available in PDR ML20236R0661987-11-18018 November 1987 Advises That Svc List Indicates Distribution of Meeting Notices to Counsel for Suffolk County,Per 871023 Request. Law Firm Already on Svc List to Receive Documents Re Facility Licensing Activities ML20236P7631987-11-13013 November 1987 Advises That Judge Jp Gleason Appointed as Chairman in Plant Proceedings Which Judge Margulies Presided,In Response to .Served on 871116 ML20235M4251987-07-13013 July 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Acrs. Forwards Documents for Categories One & Three of FOIA Request.Review of 21 Addl ACRS Documents Continuing IA-87-306, Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Util Application for & NRC Denial of License for Low Power Testing & Info Re Backup Power Source of Diesel Generators Supplied by Transamerica Delaval,Inc.Documents Available in PDR1987-06-25025 June 1987 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Util Application for & NRC Denial of License for Low Power Testing & Info Re Backup Power Source of Diesel Generators Supplied by Transamerica Delaval,Inc.Documents Available in PDR ML20245B8431987-06-25025 June 1987 Responds to FOIA Request for Documents Re Util Application for & NRC Denial of License for Low Power Testing & Info Re Backup Power Source of Diesel Generators Supplied by Transamerica Delaval,Inc.Documents Available in PDR ML20234E4571987-06-23023 June 1987 Partial Response to FOIA Request for 771026 Minutes of ACRS Subcommittee on Fluid/Hydraulic Dynamic Effects Meeting in Portland,Or & Addl ACRS Documentation.Documents Identified on App H & Addl ACRS Documents Encl ML20215J7501987-06-15015 June 1987 Forwards Response to Re L Lanpher Informal Request for Documents to NRC Staff.Related Correspondence ML20215J7131987-06-15015 June 1987 Responds to 870611 Request for Documents Re Contemplated NRC Staff Testimony of Schwartz & Weiss,Given Exam of Same Witness in 870114 Deposition.Related Correspondence ML20215L9511987-05-0707 May 1987 Apologizes for Lack of Response to 870206,0303 & 0402 Ltrs Re Legal Issues on Util Request for Exemption from 10CFR50, App E,Section IV.F.1.Action Deferred on Util Request & No Requirement Exists to Resolve Legal Issue ML20154E9101987-04-10010 April 1987 Forwards Calculations of Lg Hulman Requested During 870310 Deposition.Related Correspondence 1990-05-07 Category:OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEARML20212L1831999-10-0101 October 1999
[Table view]Responds to Recent Ltr to Wd Travers Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Millstone to Ensure Adequate Protection to Public Health ML20212J9991999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to President Clinton,H Clinton, Chairman Jackson &/Or Wd Travers Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performance of Plant to Ensure That Public Health & Safety Adequately Protected ML20212K1241999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to Chairman Jackson,Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concern Re Millstone Npps.Nrc Continues to Monitor Performace of Millstone to Ensure That Public Health & Safety,Adequately Protected ML20212L1971999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to Chairman Jackson & Commissioners Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance to Ensure Public Health & Safety ML20212L2081999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltrs to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners & Wd Travers,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island.Nrc Continues to Monitor Plant Performance ML20212L2171999-10-0101 October 1999 Responds to Recent Ltr to President Wj Clinton,Chairman Jackson & Commissioners,Wd Travers & Ferc,Expressing Concerns Re Millstone NPPs & Continued Lack of Emergency Mgt Plan for Eastern Long Island ML19348B1751994-03-17017 March 1994 Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Proposals Recommending Removal of Licensing Conditions Imposed as Part of Technical Resolution to Address Concerns Re Reliability of Tdi EDGs Following Crankshaft Failure at Plant in Aug 1983 ML18153A9011994-03-14014 March 1994 Forwards Summaries of 17 Repts of Errors by HHS-certified Testing Labs & Other Relevant Incidents Involving Drug Testing.W/O Encls ML20059J8101994-01-26026 January 1994 Responds to 930701 & 16 Ltrs Re Changes to Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Revised Security Plan for Long Term Defueled Condition,Fuel Storage in Spent Fuel Identified as Rev 2. Changes Acceptable ML20058P2831993-12-0808 December 1993 Advises That Rev 2 to Security Plan for Long Term Defueled Condition,Fuel Storage in Spent Fuel Pool Consistent W/ Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable for Inclusion Into Plan W/Encl Exceptions.Exceptions Withheld Per 10CFR73.21 ML20058D1971993-11-22022 November 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/93-03 on 930801-1008.No Violations Noted.Weaknesses Were Identified in Initial Fuel Shipment at Shoreham Station ML20058K7301993-11-16016 November 1993 Informs That Case 93-4269,State of Nj Vs Long Island Power Authority Filed on 930921,seeking to Prevent Barge Shipments of Slightly Spent Fuel from Defunct Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant to Limerick Plant Dismissed on 931021 ML20062J7981993-11-0505 November 1993 Forwards EA & Finding of No Significant Impact in Response to 930706 Request for Exemption from Revised Requirements of 10CFR20 for Unit 1.Schedular Exemption Granted ML20059B2231993-10-22022 October 1993 Ack Receipt of 931008 Petition Filed W/Edo,Requesting That Commission Take Immediate Action to Halt Ongoing Shipments of Fuel ML20057F2071993-09-30030 September 1993 Forwards Exemption from Emergency Preparedness Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q),per 930126 Request & SER ML20073E1291993-09-14014 September 1993 First Partial Response to FOIA Request for Records Re Plant Design Assessment for SRV & LOCA Loads.Forwards App a Documents.Documents Also Available in Pdr.Review of Addl Records Ongoing ML20057B7201993-09-14014 September 1993 Forwards EA & Finding of No Significant Impact in Response to 930126 Request for Exemption from Emergency Preparedness Requirements of 10CFR50.54(q).Informs That After EA & Fonsi Published in Fr,Exemption Can Be Granted ML20057D8981993-09-13013 September 1993 Forwards Enclosure (8) to SECY-93-166 Re Proposed Characteristics of Design Basis Vehicle.W/O Encl ML20056H1991993-08-26026 August 1993 Responds to Re Changes to Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Guard Training & Qualification Plan Identified as Rev 6.Rev Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable for Inclusion Into Plan ML20056H5131993-08-26026 August 1993 Accepts Changes to Safeguards Contingency Plan Identified as Rev 6.Changes Consistent w/10CFR50.54(p) ML20024H9721993-08-24024 August 1993 Discusses 930608 & 930721 Correspondence Which Provides Detailed Root Cause Analysis of 930429 Incident Involving Jib Crane Used on Refuel Floor of Plant & Summary of Corrective Actions Taken IR 05000322/19930021993-08-16016 August 1993 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-322/93-02 ML20056C7151993-07-14014 July 1993 Forwards Amend 10 to License NPF-82 & Se.Amend Revises Defueled TS by Deleting Requirement That Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Be Submitted on Semiannual Basis & Eliminates Requirements for Ac Sources ML20045G5161993-07-0707 July 1993 Forwards Details of Info Received by NRC Re Activities at Plant,Which Are Exempt from Public Disclosure Under 10CFR73.21,to Be Reviewed & Requestes That Results of Review & Disposition Be Submitted within 30 Days of Ltr Date ML20045G1011993-07-0101 July 1993 Discusses Review of Draft, Confirmatory Survey of Turbine Internal Components... & Requests Update to Include Ref to Fe-55 Correction Factor ML20045E7701993-06-25025 June 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/93-01 on 930101-0507.No Violations Noted ML20056G0041993-06-25025 June 1993 Submits Info Re Implementation of Training Rule 10CFR50.120 for Licensees of Plant in Decommissioning Process ML20045C5151993-06-18018 June 1993 Informs That Licensee Revised Security Plan,Rev 1,acceptable for Meeting Requirements of 10CFR73.67 ML20045C4271993-06-16016 June 1993 Forwards Enforcement Conference Rept 50-322/93-02 on 930609 & Notice of Violation.Conference Held to Discuss Violations Noted During Insp on 930506-07 in Response to 930429 Event ML20044H1821993-06-0101 June 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/93-02 on 930506-07.Violations & Weaknesses Noted & Will Be Discussed During 930609 Enforcement Conference ML20044G5911993-05-26026 May 1993 Approves Use of Salt Water Drain tank,G-11-TK-190,as Alternative Method to Drain Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water ML20044F2351993-05-21021 May 1993 Withdraws Amend 10 to License NPF-82,since Amend Erroneously Sent Out in Advance of 30-day Waiting Period of Sholly Notice Being Published in Fr.Amend Will Be Reissued at Later Date ML20044F2411993-05-18018 May 1993 Forwards Amend 10 to License NPF-82 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Revises Defueled TS by Adding Requirement That Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Be Submitted Annually, Revised 10CFR50.36a Instead of Semiannually ML20044D6291993-05-12012 May 1993 Confirmatory Action Ltr I-93-06 Delineating NRC Understandings of Util Actions to Address 930429 Incident Involving Jib Crane Used on Refuel Floor,Failure of Lifting Device & Topping of Jib Crane Onto Refuel Floor ML20035G1701993-04-16016 April 1993 Approves Rev 0 to Shoreham Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan, Per 921202,930108 & 0415 Ltrs ML20035F0941993-04-15015 April 1993 Informs That Licensee 930326 Submittal of Plant Security Plan for Shipment of Slightly Irradiated Fuel Acceptable ML20058M0361993-04-12012 April 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records in App L Which Are Being Withheld Partially for Listed Reasons,(Ref FOIA Exemptions 5) ML20035B4371993-03-19019 March 1993 Forwards PECO OL Change Request Re Receipt of Shoreham Fuel for Use in Limerick Nuclear Power Station.Nrc Understands That Transnuclear,Inc Will Formally Withdraw Pending Export License Application After Fuel Removed from Shoreham Plant ML20045C8201993-03-0808 March 1993 Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Records Listed in App G Which Are Being Made Available in Pdr.Records Listed in Apps H & I Are Partially & Totally Withheld,Respectively (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5 & 6) ML20044B8611993-03-0303 March 1993 Submits Results of Review of & 930211 Telcon Request for Approval for Phased Decommissioning of Existing Liquid Radwaste Sys & Installation of Temporary Liquid Sys as Part of Decommissioning Plan ML20128G6271993-02-0202 February 1993 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/92-05 on 921013-1231.No Violations Noted.One Unresolved Item Described.Decommissioning Activities Generally Well Managed ML20128H2951993-01-29029 January 1993 Informs That NRC Has Reviewed & Approved Licensees Ltr LSNRC-2019 Dtd 921230,requesting Change to Shoreham Decommissioning Plan in Accordance W/Condition 4 for Decommissioning Order ML20034H9811993-01-26026 January 1993 Final Response to FOIA Request for Weekly Info Rept Re Shoreham.Rept Regards Matls Licensing Site Insp ML20044C1581993-01-0707 January 1993 Final Response to FOIA Request for Info.Forwards 840320 Memo from Nj Palladino to Commissioners Re Licensing Delays. Document Already Available in PDR ML20126G9351992-12-22022 December 1992 Submits Results of Review of 921204 & 14 Requests for Approval of Changes to Decommissioning Plan Covering Decommissioning of Existing Liquid Radwaste Redundant Sys. Removal of Redundant Sys Approved ML20126F9431992-12-16016 December 1992 Provides Interim Response to Re Transnuclear Inc Application for License to Export Irradiated Fuel from Facility in New York to Cogema in France ML20126G9231992-12-16016 December 1992 Forwards Comments Per Review of Rev 0 to Decommissioning Project Termination Survey Plan,Submitted Via . Addl Info Needed to Complete Review of Proposal to Exclude Fe-55 from Consideration W/Surface Contamination Limits ML20128E1061992-12-0202 December 1992 Forwards Insp Rept 50-322/92-04 on 920627-1012 & Notice of Violation ML20133N0981991-08-27027 August 1991 Forwards Viewgraphs Used by Long Island Lighting Power Assoc During Meeting W/Nrc on 910816 ML20029B5861991-03-0707 March 1991 Informs That Time Provided by NRC for Commission to Review DD-90-8 Has Expired.Commission Has Declined Review.Decision Become Final Agency Action on 910301.W/Certificate of Svc 1999-10-01 |
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p W ASHING TCN, D. C. 20555 JUN 2 51987 Mr. Anorew Davidovits Pomerantz, Levy, Haudek, Block and Grossman 295 Madison Avenue IN RESPONSE REFER New York, NY 10017 TO F01A-87-306
Dear Mr. Davidovits:
This is in response to your letter dated May 29, 1987, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), records relating to (1) Long Island Lighting Company's (LILC0) application for and NRC's denial of a license for low power testing; LILC0's documentation of the Shoreham facility related to LILC0's back-up power source of diesel generators supplied by Transamerica DeLaval, Inc. (TDI); and (2) use of TDI generators at any other nuclear facility including all production.
The NRC maintains a docket file (nJmber 50-322) in its Public Document Room (PDR), 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, which contains a voluminous amount of records related to the licensing and regulation of the Shoreham plant. Librarians are available to assist the public visiting the PDR to inspect and obtain copies of records.
Copies of these records are also maintained at a Local Public Document Room (LPDR) which is located near the site of the Shoreham plant.
The LPDR collection of records is maintained in the Shoreham-Wading River Public Library, Route 25A, Shoreham, NY 11786.
Ms. Francine Dimmick, Reference Clerk, (516) 929-4488, is able to assist the public concerning access to the LPDR collection. The PDR and LPDR docket files contain records subject to category one of your request, particularly) the hearing section and the application (e.g., Final Safety Analysis Report section.
For your information, please note that in addition to plant docket files, the PDR maintains a docket file on TDI, docket number 99900334. This docket file contains copies of reports on inspections at TDI and related correspondence.
However, for the following plants that have or had TDI generators, any inspection reports and safety evaluation reports that might mention TDI are filed in the appropriate PDR plant docket files. Such reports may provide desired information regarding the references in category two of your request to "use" of TDI generators "at any other facility including all production".
Plants PDR Docket Numbers Belleforte 1 and 2
'50-438; 50-439-Catawba 1 and 2 s50-413; 50-414/
Comanche Peak 1 and 2 50-445; 50-446/
Grand Gulf 1 and 2 d50-416; 50-417s/
Midland 1 and 2 329; 50-330 Perry 1 and 2
/ 50-440; 50-441 /
Rancho Seco v50-312 River Bend 1 and 2 d 50-458; 50-459" San Onofre 1 v50-206 Shearon Harris 1 and 2 v50-400; 50-401/
Shoreham v50-322 Vogtle 1 and 2 v50-424; 50-425 8707010341 870625 PDR FOIA DAVIDDVIB7-306 PDR s
Mr. Andrew Davidovits The PDR also maintains copies of opinions, such as those referenced in your request, and records discloseo in responses to F0IA requests. The NRC has received a number of previous F0IA requests regarding the Shoreham plant and TDI generators. We are enclosing a list of FOIA requests that address records subject to categories one and two of your request and other records which may be of interest to you.
In light of the fact that, as noted above, the NRC has already made available to the public a voluminous amount of records subject to your request, which may satisfy your interest in these matters, we are taking no further action on your request at this time. We suggest that you inspect pertinent records at the PDR and LPDR ano, if you are interested in additional records, submit a separate letter or F0IA request specifically describing any additional records in which you may be interested.
If we do not receive any further correspondence regarding this request by July 14, 1987, we will assume you have no further interest in these matters at this time and will close our file on your F0IA request. You may, of course, submit another FOIA request at any time you may be interested in any additional records.
If you have any questions Ms. Linda Robinson at (301)your F0IA request, please telephone regarding this response to 492-8133.
Sincerely, 7& lN / W" Donnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration and Resources Management
As stated
e Re:
F01A-87-306 RELATED F0IA REQUESTS Shoreham plant F01A-84-250 F01A-84-267 F01A-85-190 F01A-85-199 TDI generators F01A-84-275 FOIA-84-459 F01A-84-544 F01A-84-554 F01A-84-886 F01A-85-360 F01A-86-656