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Forwards Amend 1 to CPPR-112,safety Evaluation & Notice of Issuance
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/27/1978
From: Boyd R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Rhode G
Shared Package
ML20197C043 List:
NUDOCS 7811140258
Download: ML20197C037 (3)


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OCT 2 7 a Docket No:

50-410 Mr. Gerald K. Rhode, Vice President Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 300 Erie Boulevard West Syracuse, New York 13202.

Dear Mr. Rhode:

SUBJ ECT: AMENDMENT TO CONSTRUCTION PE.1MIT FOR NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 Your letter of February 6,1978, as amended by letter of August 16, 1978, transmitted a request for amendment of Construction Permit CPPR-il2 for Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2, to add Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Long Island Lighting Company, and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation as co-owners of and co-applicants for that facility.

We have reviewed your request for amendment and have concluded that the above-named utilities are financially qualified to participate in the ownership of Nine Mile Point 2.

We have also concluded that inclusion of these utilities as co-owners and co-applicants does not involve a significant hazards consideration, does not constitute an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of the public, and is not inimical to the common defense and security. The bases for these conclusions are set forth in the enclosed safety evaluation.

In addition, we have concluded that this amendment involves an action which is insignificant from the standpoint of environmental impact and pursuant to 10 CFR Section 51.5(d)(4) that an environmental impact statement or negative declaration and environmental impact appraisal need not be prepared in connection with the issuance of these amendments inasmuch as no changes in design, construction or operation are involved.


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Local PDR LWR-4 Reading Attorney, OELD JRutberg, OELD RBoyd DBVassallo SAVarga HSilver MService FJWilliams AToalston, AIG WMiller IDinitz RDeYoung VAMoore RHVollmer MLErnst DCrutchfield RPDenise RJMattson, SS JKnight DFRoss RLTedesco DSkovholt Lana A. Cobb EP Project Manager EP Licensing Assistant


J. R. Buchanan, NSIC T. B. Abernathy, TIC A. Rosenthal, ASLAB J. Yore, ASLBP ACRS (16)

Mr. Gerald K. Rhode Enclosed are Amendment No. I to CPPR-ll2 for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 which reflects the changes discussed above, and a copy of a related notice which has been forwarded to the Office of the Federal Register for publication.


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Roger S. Boyd, Di ector Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



Safety Evaluation 2.

Amendment 1 to CPPR-ll2 3.

Federal Register Notice

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation ces:

Arvin E. Upton, Esq.

LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1757 N Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C.

20036 Anthony Z. Roisman, Esq.

Natural Resources Defense Council 917 15th Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C.

20005 Mr. Richard Goldsmith Syracuse University College of Law E. I. White Hall Campus Syracuse, New York 13210 T. K. DeSoer, Director Technological Developrent Programs New York State Energy Office Swan Street Building Core 1 - 2nd Floor Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II Office ATTN:

EIS Coordinator 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10007 Staff Coordinator New York State Atomic Energy Council New York State Depatment of Commerce l

99 Washington Street Albany, New York 12210 l

Mr. Alvin L. Krakau Chairman, County Legislature County Office Building l

46 East Bridge Street Oswego, New York 13126 Mr. Robert P. Jones Supervisor Town of Scriba R.D. #4 Oswego, New York 13126

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