IR 05000458/1998005

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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-458/98-05 on 980417
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/1998
From: Collins E
To: Mcgaha J
50-458-98-05, 50-458-98-5, NUDOCS 9806090226
Download: ML20248J631 (5)


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JUN - 3 1998 John R. McGaha, Vice President - Operations .

l River Bend Station Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 220 St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775 SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-458/98-05

Dear Mr. McGaha:


Thank you for your letter of May 18,1998, in response to our letter and Notice of Violation dated Apri! 17,1938, involving design documentation deficiencies with the Environmental Design Criteria. Your request to provide a supplemental violation response by June 18,1998, detailing the long-term corrective actions and review of the design and licensing basis of the Standby Gas Treatment System is acceptable. We will review the supplemental violation response upon receipt.

Sincerely, 4 A Elmo E. Collins, Chief Project Branch C Division of Reactor Projects Docket No.: 50-458 License No.: NPF-47 l

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9906090226 990603 PDR ADOCK 05000458 l, G PDR t

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[ Entergy Operations, Inc. -2-l l


Executive Vice President and


Chief Operating Offict r l Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 31995 Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995 Vice President Operations Support Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 31995 Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995 l


General Manager Plant Operations River Bend Station Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 220 St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775 Director - Nuclear Safety River Bend Station Entergy Operations, Inc. I P.O. Box 220 St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775 Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway P.O. Box 651 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Mark J. Wetterhahn, Esq.

l Winston & Strawn 1401 L Street, N.W. l


Washington, D.C. 20005-3502


Manager- Licensing l l River Bend Station I l Entergy Operations, Inc. l l P.O. Box 220

! St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775 i



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Entergy Operations, Inc. -3-The Honorable Richard P. leyoub Attorney General Department of Justice -

State of Louisiana P.O. Box 94005 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9005

- H. Anne Plettinger 3456 Villa Rose Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806

- President of West Feliciana Police Jury

~ P.O. Box 1921 St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775 William H. Spell, Administrator Louisiana Radiation Protection Division P.O. Box 82135.

' Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884-2135 l-

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- Entergy Operations, Inc. -4-ggg _3 1ggg bec to DCD (IE01) ~

bec distrib. by RIV:

Regional Administrator Senior Resident inspector (Grand Gulf)

DRP Director DRS-PSB

- Branch Chief (DRP/C) MIS System Project Engineer (DRP/C) RIV File Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) Resident inspector i





l i-DOCUMENT NAME: R:\_RB\RB805AK.GDR To receiwo copy of document, leuNeste in box:"C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy RIV:PE:DRP/C C:DSPlC JFMelfi;df Nm EEC61liffs 6/ 1 /98 s 6/ ') /98 l

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t Etitergy Operations, Inc. -4-JUN - 3 1998

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bec distrib. by RIV:

Regional Administrator Senior Resident inspector (Grand Gulf)

DRP Director DRS-PSB Branch Chief (DRP/C) MIS System Project FI,gineer (DRP/C) RIV File Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) Resident inspector


DOCUMENT NAlvid: R:\_RB\RB805AK.GDR To receive copy of document, Indicate in box: "C" = Copy without enclosurus "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy RIV:PE:DRP/C C:DF)P/,C f.M_e,1f[d, fJn EECMffs 6/ 4 /98 # 6/ S /98



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Y Entergy oper.tions. inc.

.f River Bend Station 5485 U S Highway 61



~~= Entergy Mike ~

Fax 504 635 5008 Rick J. King i Nea Safety & Regulatory Mairs May 18,1998' d L.


w MAY 2 6 ~ ' n '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

ATTENTION: Document Control Desk, OP-17  ;

Washington, D.C. 20555


i Subject: Reply to Notice of Violation in Inenection Report 50-458/98-05 River Bend Station - Unit I License No. NPF-47 l Docket ?!o. 50-458 s File Nos.: G9.5, G15.4.1 i RBG- 44506 RBF1-98-0134 i

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOl) is submitting an interim response to the Notice of  ;

Violation 50-458/9805-01 and will submit a supplemental response on June 18, 1998, as discussed with Mr. Elmo Collins, Branch Chief NRC Region IV on April 30,1998. ,

This supplemental response will allow River Bend Station sufficient time to determine the causes of the subject violation and design deficiencies associated with the Standby Gas Treatment System (GTS) such as elevated flow rates identified during the recent forced outage.

in 1997, several Condition Reports were written concoming the Standby Gas Treatment System (GTS) and negative pressures in the Auxiliary Building. ' As a result, evaluations to assess equipment impacts were conducted. Additionally, measures were implemented to address Auxiliary Building access. However, the


need to update design documentation (Air Conditioning System and Ventilation Systems - Air and Hydronic Balancing, S&W Specification 216.300) to reflect actual pressures within the Auxiliary Building and Shield Annulus with Standby Gas Treatment running was not recognized. Additionally, the Environmental Design Criteria and other design and licensing bases documents were not considered for impact. During March and April 1998, to enable modification 95'-(457 M _ -_ _ 9


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R2 ply to Notice of Violation in 50-458/98-05

May 18,1990 RBG-44506 RBF1-98-0_134 Page 2 of 3 development to mitigate excessive Auxiliary Building vacuum, the RBS Staff extensively reviewed and evaluated documentation. Documents such as the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR), Technical Specifications and other design and licensing bases documents were the subjects of this research. It was during this period that the need to reconcile system operational characteristics and design information was recognized. In a parallel effort, operational tests of the Standby Gas Treatment System (GTS) were performed. These tests l revealed that measured air flow through the Standby Gas Treatment (GTS) Filter

"B" was greater than the design flow for the filter. This issue is being addressed in the RBS Corrective Action Program.

Upon identification of the elevated fk,w rates, rebalancing of the system flow was conducted. The filter flow rate was established within 12,500 CFM plus or minus 10 percent. In the balanced configuration, the Technical Specification and system design requirements (flow rates) were met except for one post-accident off-site dose calculation assumption (the transient exhaust flow rate from the Auxiliary Building) that could not be met. Further engineering evaluation determined that the system is capable of performing its safety function in the rebalanced configuration.

The root cause analysis for Notice of Violation 50-458/9805-01 will also include the recantly identified concem related to the elevated flows tnrough the filters.

Both issues deal with system performance parameters recognized as requiring resolution.

In order to correct Standby Gas Treatment System design deficiencies and j update design information the following aro p!anned:

Interim: I RBS plans to take actions that will improve access to the Auxiliary Building with one train of Standby Gas Treatment running. The original plan to reduce negative pressure within the Auxiliary Building is not feasible at this time given system design requirements. Altemative plans are being developed. These plans will be included in our final response.

Long Term:

Modifications to the Standby Gas Treatment System will allow an individual to access the Auxiliary Building under all design modes of Standby Gas Treatment System (GTS) operation. These modifications are scheduled for implemen+ation prior to startup following Refueling Outage 8.



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Reply ts Notice of Violation in 50-458/98-05


May 18,1998 RBG-44506 ,

RBF1-98-0134 Page 3 of 3 Design Review:

In conjunction with the long term solution discussed above, further review of the design and licensing basis of the Standby Gss Treatment System (GTS) and secondary containment will be performed. The results of this review will be used to develop a System Design Criteria Document and update licensing basis documentation. The new System Design Criteria Document is scheduled for completion prior to the startup following Refueling Outage 8.

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. David i.orfing of my staff at l (504) 381-4157.




pJK/rlb cc: Regional Administrator i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400  ;

Arlington, TX 76011 NRC Sr. Resident inspector P.O. Box 1050 St. Francisville, LA 70775 David Wigginton NRR Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission M/S OWFN 13-H-3 Washington, DC 20555 l  ;