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Informs That Encl Amend to 800211 Order Issued in Response to 850412 & 0618 Tech Spec Change Requests 48 & 50, Respectively,Re Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-43 Concerning Recovery Operations Plan.Requests Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/1985
From: Snyder B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Standerfer F
Shared Package
ML20138G911 List:
GL-83-43, NUDOCS 8510280083
Download: ML20138G907 (4)



h k kf A $b Distribution:

Docket No n50-320 f October 18, 1985 NRC PDR Local PDR TMI HQ R/F Docket No. 50-320 [J n er WDTravers MTMasnik RAlfeller Mr. F. R. Standerfer ggf Vice President / Director CCowgill Three Mile Island Unit 2 LChandler, ELD GPU Nuclear Corporation P.O. Box 480 IE (5)

Middletown, PA 17057 TBarnhart (4)

LSchneider RLazo, ASLAP JSaltzman SECY

Dear Mr. Standerfer:

M-town Office ACRS (16)


Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2 RDiggs, LFMB JRHall Operating License No. DPR-73 DEisenhut/HDenton ARosenthal, ASLAB Docket No. 50-320 Technical Specification Change Requests No. 48 and 50 The Nuclear Regulatory Comission has issued the enclosed Amendment of Order in response to your April 12, 1985 and June 18, 1985 requests to modify sectior.s of the Appendix A Proposed Technical Specifications (PTS).

Our review of the Recovery Operations Plan Changes requested by these two letters is presented in separate concurrently issued correspondence. Our review of the Appendix B change, requested in the April 12, 1985 letter, will be issued in separate correspondence.

Your April 12, 1985 letter requested changes to the Appendix A PTS to confom with the requirements contained in the NRC Generic Letter 83-43,

" Reporting Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Sections 50.72 and 50.73, and the Standard Technical Specifications." Other changes requested delete requirements for equipment and monitoring that are no longer needed and propose editorial changes to improve clarity. You also requested that s reference to the Programatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) 2 be dropped from the definition of " review significant"; under the current mME definition, you are required to make a determination as to whether E documents implementing the cleanup are bounded by the PEIS. Your June 18,

@f 1985 letter also requested a number of administrative changes to correct or t.
o clarify the PTS.

at g The staff has reviewed the safety evaluations in your April 12, 1985 and June 18, 1985 letters and has concluded, with the exception noted below, O, that your requests are acceptable with minor changes as discussed with your 3 staff. We have determined that it is not appropriate to delete the PEIS as k a document used to determine review significance; however, for those activities that are clearly within the scope of an NRC approved system description, SER or TER, no additional comparison to PEIS values is .S #e required. The text of the definition for " review significant" has been Q.W

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l Docket No. 50-320 Mr. Ek. R. Standerfer Vice President / Director Three Mile Island Unit 2 GPU Nuclear orporation P.O. Box 480 fliddletown, PA 7057 Dear fir. Standerfe


Three Mile I and Nuclear Sta on, Unit 2 Operating Lice se No. DPR-73 Docket No. 50-3 i

Technical Specifi tion C nge Regrests No. 48 and 50 1

The Nuclear Regulatory Commiss has issued the enclosed Amendment of Order in response to your April , 1985 and June 18, 1985 requests to modify sections of the Appendi A roposed Technical Specifications (PTS).

Our review of the Recovery 0 ratio Plan Changes requested by these two letters is presented in sep ate conc rrently issued correspondence. Our

, review of the Appendix B c ange, reque ed in the April 12, 1985 letter.

will be issued in separat correspondenc . .

j Your April 12, 1985 le er requested change to the Appendix A PTS to

confonn with the requ rements contained in t NRC Generic Letter 83-43,

" Reporting Requireme ts of 10 CFR Part 50, Sec ions 50.72 and 50.73, and the Standard Techn al Specifications." Other anges requested delete requirements for uipment and monitoring that ar no longer needed and propose editoria changes to improve clarity. You 1so requested that reference to th Programatic Environmental Impact S tement(PEIS) be dropped fro the definition of " review significant. ' As you know you are currently equired to make a determination as to wh ther or not

! documents im ementing the cleanup are bounded by the PE . Your June 18,

! 1985 letter also requested a number of administrative chan es to correct or clarify th PTS.

The staf has reviewed your safety evaluations in your April 1,1985 and June 18 1985 letters and has concluded, with the exception noted below, that y ur requests are acceptable with minor changes as discussed with your staff We have determined that it is not appropriate to delete the PEIS as ad ument used to determine review significance; however, for those activities that are clearly within the scope of an NRC approved system description, SER or TER, no' additional comparison to PEIS values is required. Thetextofthedefinitionfprpreiewsignificant"hasbeen A MV et1UI Ff _

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lir. F. R. Standerfer changed accordingly.

Since the February 11, 1980 Order imposing the PTS is currently pending before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, the staff will be advising the Licensing Board of this Amendment of Order through a Notice of Issuance of Amendment of Order and a llotion to Conform to the Proposed Technical Specifications in Accordance Therewith.

A Federal Register Notice for the subject issuance is enclosed. Copies of ^

the relate 3 Safety Evaluation and revised pages for the PTS are also enclosed.

! Sincerely,

, Origina! simd by l

B. J. SnWer Bernard J. Snyder, Program Director l Three flile Island Program Of fice Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


i 1. Amendment of Order l 2. Safety Evaluation i

3. Proposed Technical Specifications Page Changes
4. Federal Register Notice cc: T. F. Deonitt l R. E. Rogan l S. Levin

! W. II. Linton J. J. Byrne A. W. ftiller Service Distribution List (seeattached)

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TMI-2 SERVICETTSY Dillis Bisby. Site Manager Dr. Thomas Mur1Cy U.S. Department of Energy Regional Administrator. Region ! P.O. Son 88 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cossaission Middletown. PA 17057 0311 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia. PA 1940t David J. McGoff Division of Three Mlle Island Programs John F. Wolfe. Esq.. Chairman. NE-23 Administrative Judge U.S. Department of Energy .

Chevy Chase. MD. 20015 William Lochstet .

Dr. Oscar H. Paris 104 Davey Laboratory Administrative Judge Pennsylvania State University Atomic safety and Licensing University Park. PA 16802 -

Board Panel U.S. Muc* ear Regulatory Commission Randy Myers. Editorial Washingt:A. D.C. 20555 The Patriot 812 Market St.

Dr. Frederick H. Shon Harrisburg. PA 17105 Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Robert B. Borsue Board Panet Sabcock & Wilcon U.S. % clear Regulatory Cossnission Nclear Power Generation Diviston Washington 3.C. 20555 Suite 220 7910 Woodmount Ave.

Karin W. Carter Sethesca. M3. 20814 Assistant Attorney General 505 (secutive House Michael Churchhi11. Esq.

P.O. Son 2357 P!LCOP Marrisburg. PA 17120 1315 Walnut St.. Suite 1632 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud Envirofunental Coalition on Linda W. Little Nclear Power 5000 Hermitage DR.

433 Orlando Ave.

State College. PA 16801 R a l,ei gh .NC 27612 George F. Trowbridge. Esq. Marvin I. Lewis 6504 Bradford Terrace Shaw Pittman. Potts and Philadelphia. PA 19149 Trowbridge 1800 M. St.. NW. Jane Lee Washington. 0.C. 20036 183 valley Rd.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel [tters.PA 1731g U.S. nuclear Reguistory Consission Washington. D.C. 20555 J.B. Liberman. Isouire Serlack.!sraels. Liberman Atomic *,afety and Licensing Acceal Panel 26 droadway

. U.S. Nclear Regulatory Cossnission New York. NY 10004 Washington. D.C. 20555 Walter W. Cohen. Consumer Advocate Department of Justice Secretary 5trawberry Souare.14th Floor U.S. % clear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Chief. DoCheting & ServfCe Granch Harrisburg. PA 17127 Washington. 0.C. 20555 (dward O. 5 wart Mr. Larry Hochendoner Board of supervisors Dauphin County Cosuissioner Londonderry Townsht, P.O. Bos 1295 Rr0 #1 Geyers Church Rd.

Marrisburg. PA 17108-1295 Middletown. PA 17057 John [. Minnich. Chairperson. ,

Robert L. Knupp. [souf re Dauphin County Board of Commissioners Assistant Solicitor Dauphin County Courthouse Knupp and Andrews Front and Market Streets P.O. Son P Marrisburg. PA 17101 407 N. Front St.

Harrisburg. PA 17108 Daughtn County Office of Emergency Preparedness John tevin. Esquire "

Court House. Room 7 Pennsylvania Pubite utilities Cosa.

Front & Market Streets P.O. Son 3265 Marrisbur g. PA 17101 Harrisburg. PA 17120 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region !!! Office ATTN: CIS Coordinator Curtistuilding(StathFloor)

, 6tn & Walnut Streets Mr. Edwin Eintner Philadelphia. PA 19106 Executive vice President General Public Utilities Nuclear Corp.

Thomas M. Gerusky. Ofrector 100 Interpace Parkway Sureau of Radiation Protection Parsippany. NJ 07054 Department of Envirofunental Resources P.O. Dos 2063 Marfisburg. PA 17120 N" UN n New fra Of fice of Environmental Planning 8 West King Street Department of [nvironmental Resources Lancaster. PA 17602 P.O. Box 2063 Marrisburg. PA 17120 eD**