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Forwards Final Response to Structural Engineering Branch Audit Finding 4 Re Containment Buckling,Including Status List of Audit Findings & 220 Series Questions
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 08/13/1986
From: Sorensen G
To: Knighton G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GO3-86-450, NUDOCS 8608190059
Download: ML20205F002 (6)


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Washington Public Power Supply System Box 1223 Elma, Washington 98541-1223 (2061482-4428 August 13, 1986 G03-86-450 Docket No. 50-508 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. G. W. Knighton, Director PWR Project Directorate #7 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555





Letter (G03-86-399), G. C. Sorensen to G. W. Knighton, subject

" Resolution of Key Licensing Issues - Deconvolution Analysis,"

dated July 14, 1986.

l In the reference, the Supply System indicated that a final response to Structural Engineering Branch Audit Finding #4 (Containment Buckling) would be transmitted to the NRC within one month. Our final response is attached herewith. This now completes all responses to the Structural Audit Findings. A status list of all the Audit Findings and 22C series questions is also attached.

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8608190059 860813 PDR A

ADOCK 05000508 PDR 00


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4 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation G03-86-450 Attention: Mr. G. W. Knighton, Director August 13, 1986 Page Two If you have any questions, please contact Mr. D. W. Coleman, WNP-3 Project Licensing Manager, Ext. 5436.

+tw ev G. C. Sorensen, Manager Regulatory Programs DWC/cae Attachments: 1. Final Response to Structural Engineering Branch Audit #4 (Containment Buckling)

2. Status List of Audit Findings and 220 series questions cc: Mr. J. A. Adams, NESCO Mr. M. F. Barnoski, Combustion Engineering Mr. R. M. Boucher, Pacific Power & Light Co.

Mr. W. L. Bryan, Washington Water Power Co.

Mr. G. Dick, NRC Mr. W. J. Finnegan, Puget Sound Power & Light Co.

Mr. J. R. Lewis, BPA Mr. M. Pierson, Ebasco - New York Mr. N. S. Reynolds, Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell & Reynolds Ms. R. M. Taylor, Ebasco - Elma Mr. B. D. Withers, Portland General Electric Co.

Mr. H. Worchel, Ebasco - New York

  • Document Control Desk - U. S. NRC I


  • 40 copies of the attachments j

AUDIT FINDING NO. 4 Calculations for the buckling analysis of the steel containment were reviewed, it was found that:

a) The containment was designed, fabricated and erected - by Chicago Bridge and Iron (CBI). WPPSS has officially appointed Ebasco as their agent to review CBI's work and fulfill all the ASME owner requirements for a code-stamped vessel. Ebasco has not co":pleted their review.

b) Buckling criteria used by CBI is not in accordance with the current staff position. Specifically, the oesign of the shell was made without con-sideration of major penetrations. CBI is aware of the staff's concern on current industry design, but the calculations observed by the staff are not updated.

c) It could not be determined by the staff that computer programs used in the design of the containment vessel were verified in accordance with NUREG-0800 requirements.

RESPONSE TO FINDING NO. 4 a) Designation of Ebasco as the Owner's Designee for WNP-3 in accordance with the Mandatory Code (1974 Edition), paragraph NA-3260 was an integral part of the Supply System /Ebasco contract. Certification of the ASME Design / Stress Report for the WNP-3 Steel Containment Vessel was completed on March 14, 1986.

This item is considered closed.

b) As a resul t of Audit Finding 4(b), Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI) was directed to perform a study to detennine the maximum stress level in the general area of large ope.nings. Large openings are defined as pene-

! trations which exceed 10 percent of the containment vessel diameter. The l largest containment opening (i .e. , the 32 ft. di meter construction I hatch) was selected by CBI for this study as a worst case.

The CBI study determined the maximum local stresses for Level D service conditions in accordance with the Ebasco Certified Design Specification 3240-213. These stresses included loadings from seismic (SSE), dead and l live loads, pressure, and jet loads resulting from postulated pipe break events.

At the construction hatch opening, the maximum compressive stress state determined by CBI for Level D service loads was used to complete a buck-ling evaluation in accordance with paragraph NE-3222 of Section III of l

the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (1977 edition,1974 mandatory Code date). Further buckling evaluations were completed utilizing the rules of Code Case N-284 (released August 1984). In addition, a modified and more conservative approach to the implementation of Code Case N-284 was also considered. Results of the buckling interaction for each of these evaluation methods is tabulated below. The interaction is based on the Code Case guidance that the ratio of the actual stress to the allow-able buckling stress be equal to or less than one (1).

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Buckling Evaluation Method Interaction Ratio NE-3222.l(a) 0.19 NE-3133.6 0.39 Code' Case N-284 0.42 N-284 Modified 0.84 As shown by the tabulation, buckling interaction for WNP-3 containment large openings is seen to satisfy the ASME Code requirements regardless of the method applied. The modified Code Case results are based on a safety factor of two (2) combined with a further 25 percent reduction of the N-284 allowable buckling stress. The Code Case N-284 specified safety factor is 1.34 for Level D service conditions with no reduction in allowable buckling stress required.


This item is considered closed.

c) We consider that NRC Question 220.26 addresses item c) of Audit Finding No. 4. The final response to NRC Question 220.26 was submitted to the NRC on January 17, 1984, letter number G03-84-30.

This item is considered closed.

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