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Forwards Revised Burke County Plan Pages Re EP-4 & EP-1/EP-1(a)/EP-2(b).In Accordance w/860513 Ltr to Board, Revised Plan Pages Re EP-2/EP-2(h) on Public Info for Transients Will Be Provided on or Before 860701.W/svc List
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/1986
From: Ridgway D
To: Bordenick B, Rochlis S
CON-#286-633 OL, NUDOCS 8606200162
Download: ML20206D704 (12)


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-822-1227 June 16, 9,8.6 smygmc Q* s

% ; i, 4 Bernard'M. Bordenick, Esq. Steven M. Rochlis, Esq.

Office of Executive Legal Director Regional Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission- Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, 0.C. 20555 1371 Peachtree St., N.E. #700 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 In the Matter of Georgia Power Company, et al.

(Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2) >

-Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425 e /


By its-April 29, 1986 " Memorandum and Order (Ruling On Applicants ' Motion For Summary Disposition of Contention EP-4) ,"

the Licensing Board. approved provisions for the treatment of contam-inated injured individuals in a Vogtle emergency, and directed.that certain changes be made to the Georgia and Burke County Plans to reflect those provisions. The Board further directed that the Staff and FEMA verify those plan changes by June 30, 1986.

Similarly,'by its May 12, 1986 " Memorandum and Order (Ruling On Motion-For Summary Disposition of Intervenor's Contention EP-1/

EP-1(a)/EP-2(b)) ," the Licensing Board approved the provisions for prompt notification to Burke County of an emergency at Plant Vogtle, and directed that certain changes be made to the Burke County Plan to accurately reflect those provisions. The Board further directed that the Staff and FEMA verify those plan changes by August 4, 1986.

In letters to the Licensing Board dated May 13 and May 20, 1986, Applicants explained that -- since the Board's orders concern

. the offsite emergency plans (which are not within Applicants' control) -- Applicants had consulted with appropriate offsite emergency management officials. Those officials indicated that the next full revision of.the state and local plans for the Nevertheless, Vogtle EPZ is presently scheduled for early Fall 1986.

the officials agreed to provide revisions of the subject sections of the offsite plans to FEMA and the NRC Staff in accordance with the Board's orders. Specifically, the officials agreed to provide the


8606200162 860626

{DR ADOCK 05000424 PDR h")

SHAw, PITTMAN, PoTTs & TROWBRIDGE A PARTNER $Nep INCLWO+*eG P8 tort 3sioMAL Commonatiows Bernard M. Bordenick, Esq.

Steven M. Rochlis, Esq.

June 16, 1986 Page Two revised sections of the Georgia and Burke County Plans which concern medical treatment of contaminated injured individuals (EP-4) to FEMA and the NRC Staff no later than June 16, 1986. Similarly, the officials agreed to provide the revised sections of the Burke County Plan which accurately identify the back-up means of notification and indicate the line of succession of EMA personnel (EP-1/EP-1(a)/

EP-2(b)) by July 1, 1986. The Licensing Board approved these arrangements by letter to Applicants' counsel dated May 22, 1986.

Pursuant to our commitments, enclosed please find the revised plan pages relative to EP-4 and EP-1/EP-1(a) /EP-2 (b) . In accordance with out May 13, 1986 letter to the Licensing Board, the revised plan pages relative to EP-2/EP-2(h) (public information for transients) will be provided on or before July 1, 1986.

Sincerely, ,

Delissa A. Ridgway Counsel for Applicants cc: Service List (attached)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )


GEORGIA POWER COMPANY, et al. ) Docket No. 50-424

) 50-425 (Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, )

Units 1 and 2) )

SERVICE LIST Morton B. Margulies, Chairman

  • Douglas C. Teper Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 1253 Lenox Circle U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atlanta, GA 30306-Washington, D.C. 20555
  • Docketing and Service Section Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Commission ,

Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Oscar H. Paris Bradley Jones, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Regional Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C. 20555 Commission Suite 3100

  • Bernard M. Bordenick, Esq. 101 Marietta Street Office of Executive Legal Director Atlanta, GA 30303 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 H. Joseph Flynn, Esquire l

j Assistant General Counsel

, Atomic Safety and Licensing Federal Emergency Management

! Board Panel Agency l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 500 C Street, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20472 l

Atomic Safety and Licensing i

Appeal Board Panel

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
  • Indicates Attachments

~ ' " '


State of Georgia REP Plan Burke County Plan ,

Page 53

2. Notification to hunters, fishermen, other sportsmen will be performed on an area wide basis and may take @ to one hour. The Burke County Emergency Managment Agency will maintain close coortfination with hunting clubs that use the area for necessary assistance.
3. Notification and evacuation procedures for handicapped persons living in Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ art addressed in Standing Operating Procedures maintained by Burke County Emergency Managment Agency and the Health and Social Service Departments of Burke County.
4. Notification for school officials at Girard Elmentary School Will be accomplished by the Prompt Notification Systa (PNS). The Burke County Emergency Management Agency will also contact the school by i

telephone and/or pager system.

D. Notification Procedures 1

In the event of a radiological emergency at Plant Vogtle, the Georgia Powr Conparty official designated as Emergency Director will be responsible for notifying state and local authorities utilizing the Emergency Notification Network (ENN) in accortf ance with Section E., Vogtle

- Electric Generating Plant Emer13ency Plan, Volme 1.

1. Should the ENN be inoperable, Burke County Emergency Operating Center p will be notified at the following 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day telephone number:

404/554-6666. paoceouars ans nor sue s+5fol j 4 f* 13 In the event the above rhr :::::t h ;:::hd, the Burke County Sheriff's Department will be notified at the following 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a de 8 l

[ telephone number: 404/554-2133.

d[ ).A The Burke County Em radio network on f requency 39.98 MHz will serve

,as a back@ channel between Plant Vogtle EF and Burke County E(I:.

S/. The Burke Cbunty Emergency Managment Agency's key staff, emergency workers and other emergency response personnel will be notified in pg accordance with procedures outlined in Section V., paragraph F. and Attachent C of this plan.

6/. Burke County Em will initiate request through gem for assistance f rom DE Savannah River Plant and/or State of South Carolina relative to notification and warning of transient population along Savannah River.

7 8. The utility will take appropriate action to restrict rail traffic on the Georgia Poer Conpary spur line within the Pime Exposure Pathway EPZ (only rail line involved).


4. As specified in the Burke County EMA Central Dispatcher's procedure, the Central Dispatcher will contact the most senior EMA official available, EMA Director, in accordance with the following line of succession:

First Deputy EMA Director, Second Deputy EMA Director, EMA Operations '

Officer, and the EMA Training Officer.

6106A June, 1986 .

d BURKE COUNTY PLAN CHANGES TO SATISFY BOARD RtLING ON EP-4 and GA. ANNEX D existing Page 51 (already changed to comply)

. State of Georgia REP Plan Burke County P1an Page 19 I

.(  ;

(4) Burke County Emergency Medicc1 Service (include s personnel and vehicles).~

(5) Burke County Board of Education.

(6) Burke County Sheriff's Department.

(7 ) USDA, ASCS, County Agent anc Home Economist.

(8) Local medical practitioners.

(9) State and local Emergency Management Radiological Protection Officers (RP0s).

6. Burke County Hospital
a. Will be notified by one or more of the following agencies:

(1) Burke County Emergency Management Agency.

(2) Burke County Health Department.

b. Provide tne following services to support emergency .

gf operations:

(.2)[ In-patient hospital care and hospital f acility support.

(.5),(17 Professional medical service support in reception and care service f acilities.

(3) merge medi ser ce sup rt a transp tation /

) Eva ation of no -ambul ory tients rom t are ected yt ncid . ( rgency edical rvi .) __

1 (4)g Maintain access to the radioprotective drugs 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day (reference paragraph E, page 10),

c. Maintain corinunications with the Emergency Operating Center on operations and support needs and coordinate with the following agencies on support services (1) Burke County Health Department.

(2)' Local medical practitioners (ms, RNs, LPNs).

(3) State Department of Human Resources.

(4) Hospitals from adjacent jurisdictions to include Hr.ana

( Hospital in Augusta, Georgia (secondary medical c are_

fact 11ts),

t Or of(si(c Viclivu o( cL fad *tologica l acc tdent, 'inc.luding c.onhamindhd in p re d .

1_ . - - - __ -

INSERT to page 19 of the Burke. County Plan (1) Primary facility for the treatment of offsite vitims of a See radiological accident, including the contaminated injured.

Attachment A, paragraphs C.2 and C.3 e

I a

4 6116A

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State of Georgia REP Plan Burke County Plan Page 35 ,

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2. Broadcast System (E85) Plan and provide.Ed addit *~


66)- $

In the event that officials fmm Burke County desire to gy *e d initiate '


protective action measures, the Burke County GEVA EVA Director, p @S upon direction fmm local elected officials, will request that activate the Prompt Notification System.


Response _ C N C. M O

! Response will begin at the time the Radiologic g of this attachent.' e, 1.

If there are injuries at the plant site ( plant officials twill contact 9 the Humana Hospital in Augusta, Georgia~2in acc Generating Plant. -

l b

2. The primary medical facility Should the capacity of this facility be exceeded, for the thecare of offs

@ha. )

Georgia. victims ob en secondary medical facility for theocated Wheeler

t "ht ";;t 4 Road in Augusta, Georgia (for procedures m1stive to use of pri and secondary medical facilities, see Annex D, Section F., Pa 4 t, is needed at EOC and

+1. If fire, emergency medical or security service sup request assistance. tal The Burke County Emergency Management staff, all local governm 5A'. department / agency personnel, and EMA volunteers ass support responsibilities in this plan will respond to the incide unoer direction and/or coordination of the Burke County EPA D .

GI. Onnil direction and contml to initiate action and conduct;ercy operations will be exercised in accordance with this L l

i , the Burke County Emergency Operations Plan and Georgia Na ~

l Disaster Operations Plan.

D. Public Infomation Dissemination of information to the pubite and the i news med coordinated and controlled by the Pubite Affairs Officers from G Power, Georgia Emergency Management Agency and Burke Co l Management Agency operating out of the Plant Vogtle near s ,

Operating Facility, or the designated Joint inate Media Office Park.

individuais in charge of the various response activities, l d press and disse the information to the press and public through regularly schedu e t


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3, In the event a radiation accident victim regirts more definitin care than can be provided at the primary or secondary facility ha may be transported to the Oak Ridge Associated Uniwrsities Medical Division. Oak Ridge lespital of the Methodist Church

. (ORHK). Oak Ridge Tennessee.

i 1

t .

State of Georgia REP - Annex 0 Page 51 F. Medical /Public Health Services

, 1. . Medic 1 Care Facilities

a. Primary Medical Cam The primary medical f acility for the care of off site contaninated i

injured victims of an incident at the Alvin W. Vogtle Plant will be Burke County Hospital in Waynesboro, Georgia,

b. Secondary Medical Cam The secondary medical f acility for the cart of offsite contaminated injured victims of an incident at the Alvin W. Vogtle Plant will be Wmana itspital on Wheeler Road in Augusta.


c. Intensive Medical Cart In the event a radiation accident victim requires more definitive care than can be provided at the primary or secondary f acility he may be transported to the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Medical Division, Oak Ridge tespital of the Methodist Church (ORHT), Oak Ridge. Tennessee. ORHK telephone numbers art as follows:

615/482-2441 OPJitt-Switchboartf-24 hour 615/576-1005 Department of Energy DE Oak Ridge Operations 626-1 005 Department of Energy /0ak Ridge Operations FTS DE Radiation Assistance Program FTS 626-1005 or 615/525-7885

d. Capabilities Humana Burke County Hosoital has a licensed bed capacity 1heseof hospitals
40. have Hospital has a licensed bed capacity of 374.

the necessary equipment and protective clothing to treat contaminated injured victims. The utility has contracted with a private corporation to provide training for the hospital staffs.

As necessary, supplemental training for EMrs and hospital emergency room personnel will be provided by the Georgia Department of Hean Resources.

2. Comunications l

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