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Forwards Draft Bechtel Rept, Groundwater Numerical Modeling, Dtd Feb 1986.Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1986
From: Doris Lewis
To: Linenberger G, Margulies M, Paris O
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#186-265 OL, NUDOCS 8603040453
Download: ML20154B861 (32)


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WASHINGTON. D. c. 20036


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.> Pe ruary 28, 1986

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Morton B. Margulies, Chairman Mr. Gustave A.

Linenberger, Jr.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Board U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Washington, D.C.

20555 Dr. Oscar H. Paris Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 In the Matter of Georgia Power Company, et al.

(Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 5 0-4 2 4 and 5 0-4 2 5 04-Gentlemen:

Attached for the information of the Licensing Board and of the parties is a draft report, " Ground-water Numerical Modeling" (February 1986).

Sincerely, G603040453 060220



PDR ADOCK 05000424

w. 8"4 O

PDH David R. Lewis Counsel for Applicants cc w/onc1:

Service List g


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of





Docket No. 50-424


50-425 (Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,


Units 1 and 2)


SERVICE LIST Morton D. Margulies, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C.

20555 Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Appeal Board Panel Washington, D.C.

20555 U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dr. Oscar H. Paris Washington, D.C.

20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Douglas C. Teper Washington, D.C.

20555 1253 Lenox Circle Atlanta, Georgia 30306 Bernard M. Bordenick, Esq.

Office of Executive Legal Director Tim Johnson U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Campaign for a Prosperous Washington, D.C.

20555 Georgia l

1083 Austin Avenue, N.E.

Bradley Jones, Esquire Atlanta, GA 30307 l

Regional Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Docketing and Service Section Commission Office of the Secretary I

Suite 3100 U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory l

101 Marietta Street Commission I

Atlanta, GA 30303 Washington, D.C.

20555 i


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Bechtel Inc.

February 1986 I


1 1


  • s GROUND-WATER NUMERICAL N0 DEL FOR V0GTLE A numerical model was used to simulate the ground-water conditions at the Vogtle plant site and its vicinity.

It was intended to complement the analytical calculations of ground-water flow and travel times. The specific objectives of the ground-water flow simulation for the Vogtle site were to:


Investigate if the assumption of persistently high permeabilities of Utley limestone throughout the area is consistent with water levels in the vicinity of the site; 2.

Determine the location of the ground-water divide with respect to the power-block area; and i


Investigate the influence of backfill on water levels in the power block area.

The methodology and results of the numerical enalysis and the conclusions derived therefrom are described in the following sections. The numerical model used is GS2, described in " Documentation and User's Guides G82 &

GS3 - Variably Saturated Flow and Mass Transport Models" (NURgG/CR-3901, April 1985).


Ground-Water Flow Simulation The finite-element mesh used for the ground-water flow simulation is shown in Figure 1.

This mesh contains 455 nodes and 413 elements. To improve accuracy, the mesh is refined in the power block area where the (14773) 1 t

nodal spacing is approximately equal to 150 ft. The elements become b

progressively larger toward the boundaries.

The boundary conditions imposed on the model are shown in Figure 1.

The model extends to the stroene bordering the interfluvisi, ridge on which the plant is located. The boundary conditions of the model at these streams are constant head conditions. That is, water levels remain at the elevation of the streams at these boundaries, or, as in the case of the boundary along the Savannah River, at the top of the mari exposed along the bluff. The levels of the streams were determined from the U.S.

Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangle topographic sheets covering the The top of the earl was taken from Figure 2.5.1-30 of the Vogtle area.

FSAR. Beneath the narrow area at the northwest boundary between the Mathes pond drainage and the tributary to Daniels Branch, no-flow conditions.are specified.

An average annual recharge rate equal to 15 inches was specified throughout the model. This is a maximum of reported values for the region and corresponds to about one third of the average annual precipitation in the area.

The transmissivity in the study area, based on field and laboratory j

tests, is postulated to range from 2,000 to 25,000 syd/ft (as11ons per f

day per foot) in the north where the Utley limestone is present, and between 500 and 4,000 spd/ft in the south where only the sands of the


(14773) 2 J

_.a 4

Esenwell Group are present. Transmissivity values within theau ranges were successively assumed in the model until a satisfactory agreement i

between calculated and observed water levels prior to construction was obtained. The water-level data prior to construction were used for calibration of the model because they most closely approximate a steady-state condition. The results of this calibration procedure are presented below.

The water levels used as a reference for the model calibration were i

weighted averages of measurements made between January 1, 1971, and May 30, 1974, kt each of thirteen wells located at the site of the Vogtle plant prior to construction. It is assumed that the reported water levels taken during that period are all valid measurements representing j

the water table. Because there are few observation wells in I

the southern part of the study area, the local topography was used to I

provide upper bounds to the model results. Specifically, criteria for acceptable results in the southern part of the study area are that water levels cannot be higher than a level 20 feet below ground surface.

f II.

Model Test Cases The T (transmissivity) distribution that was found to provide the most satisfactory agreement between measured and calculated water levels is i

shown in Figure 2.

This simulation assumes three areas of aquifer materials with similar T values equal to, from north to south, 16,000 8pd/ft (area 1), 8,000 spd/ft (area 4), and 2,000 spd/ft (area 2).

The Utley limestone is present in areas 1 and 4.

The results of the (14773) 3

e 3

sinalation are shown in Figures 3A and 3B, and in Table 1.

Area 3, not i

included in this sinalation, is the area excavated to the mari and backfilled for tha power block structures. It is the rectangular area within the dashed line of Figure 35.

Figure 3A presents five-foot contours of the calculated water levels for this combination of transmissivity and a recharge rate of 15 in/yr. Figure 33 is a close-up i


view of the power block area, with one-foot contour intervals. The i

weighted-average water level measurements are shown in parentheses next


to the well locations in the figures.


Figures 4 through 8 present results assuming different distributions of 4

4 transmissivity in the study area. Figures 4A and AB and Table 2 show the results obtained with T = 16,000 gyd/ft in areas 1 and 4 and T = 2,000 l

syd/ft in area 2; the same combination of transmissivities as in Figures f

3A and ~35 except that the transmissivity in area 4 is increased to 16,000 i

f spd/ft (equal to that of area 1).

The results of this case is similar to

'l f

that of Figures 3A and 35.

However, the fit to the south of the power block (i.e.; well 124) is not as satisfactory as when the intermediate transmissivity zone is included in the model (compare Tables 1 and 2).


l l

In Figures 5A and 55. T is increased to 20,000 spd/ft in areas 1 and 4, i

and T in area 2 is decreased to 400 spd/ft. This combination of transmissivities is seen to yield water levels that are too low in the i


north and excessively high in the south (Table 3), and is considered i


1 I

a (14773) 4 l


I Figures 6A and 63, and Table 4 correspond to the case when T = 16,000 b

spd/ft in area 1, 8,000 spd/ft in area 4, and 4,000 syd/ft in area 2; that is, same conditions as in Figures 3A and 35 and Table 1, except that I

the transmissivity in the southern part of the model has been increased.


Figures 7A and 75 (Table 5), and Figures SA and SE (Table 6) are two additional cases applying T = 8,000 syd/ft in area 4 and 4,000 gyd/ft in I

area 2, but reducing the transmissivity in the northern part of the model, (area 1); first to 12,000 syd/ft and then to 8,000 spd/ft, respectively. Neither of these cases are found to improve the model l

calibration achieved in Figure 3, which is therefore considered the best case among the simulations performed in this study to fit the apparent weighted average water-level conditions prior to construction.

l III. Influence of Backfill on Water Levels 1.

G Figures 9A and 95 and Table 7 show the results when backfill material is included in the model at the power block excavation. The backfill material was assigned a transmissivity of 8(0 spd/ft (area 3) based on a permeability of 1200 ft/yr and a thickness of 35 feet. The zone of


backf111 material is that area inside the dashed rectangle on Figures 9A and 98.

Recharge in the model is assumed to be siellar to preconstruction conditions except in the power block excavation area.

In t

that area it is restricted to the portion that will not be covered by surface paving or buildings. The largest open area available to recharge l

is in the southern portion of the backfill. The calculated water levels in the power-block area with backfill in-place are slightly higher than without backfill (i.e., Figures 3A and 33).

(1477s) 5 t






Conclusions Based on the results of the numerical modeling presented in sections II and *.II it is concluded that:


Of the model test cases used in this study, the closest approximation of transmissivities in the study area is as shown in figure 2, wherein the study area is divided into three transmissivity zones: 16,000 spd/ft in the northern part (area 1),

2.000 syd/f t in the southent part (area 2), and 3000 spd/f t in a transition zone (area 4) between the high-and low-transmissivity regions.


High permeabilities (i.e., transmissivities greater than 16,000 2.

sp4/ft) are not persistent in the area underlain by the Utley timestone.


Over the range of transmissivity values modeled, the ground-water divide remains ecuth of the ple:st.


A slight rise in water levels is apparent beneath the power block area when tu backfill material is considered. The direction of ground-water flow rossins frou south to north beneath the power block.

N (14773) 6





Table 1 - Match of Water Levels at Wells by "Best-Fit" Case l



Observation Wells Mcdel Simulation Water Level Elev.

Water Elev.

Di++erenco No.

(Weighted Average. Ft)


(Ft) 42D 159 161 2

124 166 16e 0

129 1$6 160 2

140 164 160

-4 142 15s 157 1

143 158 159 1

176 164 165 1

177 164 160

-4 l '7d 161 160

-1 243 149 156 f3 244 160 158

-2 I

245 160 161 1

249 160 160



Statistics of water level difforonces:

Artthmetic mean 0.2 Standard deviation 3.1 Sum of squarnH d1VidQd by N (N213) 9.4 an=======_


2 n...........

l Is O


l 3


Table 2 - Match of Water Levois at Wells by Test Caso 1


Observation Wolls Model Simulation Water Level Elev.

Water Elev.

Difference No.

(Weighted Average, Ft)


(Ft) i l

42D 159 162 0

124 166 165

-1 129 158 161 3

l 140 164 161

-3 l

142 156 157 1

143 158 160 2

176 164 165 1

177 164 162

-2 178 161 160

-1 243 148 156 0

044 160 159

-1 045 160 162 2

249 163 161

-2 Statistics of water lovel difforencost


Arithmotic mean 0.0 Standard deviation 2.0 Sum of squares divtdod by N (N=13) 8.S i



e l


l 1


l Table 3 - Match of Water Lovels at Wells by Test Case 2 l

l ms======================u==========s=======================

l l

l Observation Wolls Model Simulation l

Water Level Elev.

Water Elev.

Difference t


(Weighted Average, Ft)


(Ft) i l

l 42D 159 165 6

124 166 le9 3

129 158 lo3 5

140 164 164 0

142 l'J 6 loo 4

143 158 lo2 4

176 164 174 10 177 164 16e 2

170 161 160

-1 243 148 158 10 t

244 160 161 1

l 245 160 165 5

l 249 163 164 1

l l

Statistics of water level difforences:


Arithmet1c innan 3.9 Standard deviation 3.3 Gum of squaros divided by N (Nm10) 25.7


i l



Table 4 - Match of Water Levels at Wells by Test Caso 3


I Observation Wells Model Simulation Water Level Elev.

Water Elev.

Difference No.

(Weighted Average, Ft)


(Ft) 42D 159 158

-1 124 166 161

-5 1.'9 159 159 0

140 164 159

-S 142 156 153

-1 143 158 157

-1 176 164 157

-5 177 164 157

-7 176 161 160

-1 243 148 154 6

244 160 156

-4 245 160 158

-2 i

249 163 159

-5 Statistics of water level differences:


Arithmetic mean

-2.5 Standard deviation 3.3 Sum of squares divide?d by N (N=13) 16.9


I 4

l l




Table 5 - Match of Water Levels at Wells by Test Case 4


Observation Wells Model Simulation Water Lovel Elev.

Water Elev.

Difference No.

(Weighted Average. Ft)


(Ft) 42D 159 160 1

124 166 162

-4 129 158 157 1

140 164 159

-5 142 156 156 0

143 158 159 1

176 164 160

-4 177 164 158

-6 178 161 160

-1 243 148 156 8

244 160 159

-2 245 160 160 0

249 163 159

-4 Statistics of Water lovel differences:


Artthmetic mean

-1.2 Standard deviation 3.5 Sum of squares divided by N (N=13) 13.C


i 9



Table 6 - Match of Water Levels at Wells by Test Case 5


Observation Wells Model Simulation

__ _____==

Water Level Elev.

Water Elev.

Difference No.

(Weighted Average. Ft)


(Ft) 42D 159 165 6

124 166 167 1

129 158 164 6

140 164 164 0

142 156 161 3

143 158 16s

.a 17e 164 164 0

177 164 163

-1 178 161 161 0

243 148 160 12 244 160 162 2

245 160 164 4

l 249 163 163 O

l 9tatistics of water level differences:


Arithmetic mean 3.1 Standard d'evi a t i on 3.6 Sum of squares divided by N (N=13) 22.2 l


l l

l l



i Tabl'e 7 - Match of Water Levels at Wells by Test Case 6


Observation Wells Model Simulation Water Level Elev.

Water Elev.

Difference No.

(Weighted Average, Ft)


(Ft) 42D 159 159 0

124 166 166 0

129 1'58 159 1

140 164 160

-4 142 156 157 1

143 158 158 0

176 164 166 2

177 164 160

-4 178 161 160

-1 243 148 155 7

244 160 157

-3 245 160 160 0

249 163 159



Statistics of water level differences:

Arithmetic mean

-0.4 Standard deviation 2.9 Sum of squares divided by N (N=13) 8.7


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