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Forwards Revised Emergency Public Info/Education Matls for State of Ga Portion of Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone.Info Revised to Include Use of Fixed Sirens. Svc List Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/1986
From: Churchill B
To: Linenberger G, Margulies M, Paris O
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#286-613 OL, NUDOCS 8604020373
Download: ML20138C149 (55)


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March 28, 1986 we.YEmS DimECT D.abouw.Em (202) 822-1051 Morton B. Margulies, Chairman Mr. Gustave A.

Linenberger, Jr.

Administr,ative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Board U.S. Nculear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Washington, D.C.

20555 Dr. Oscar H.

Paris Administrative. Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 In the Matter of Georgia Power Company, et al.

(Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unitssl and 2)

Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425 b /


By letter dated October 4, 1985, Applicants transmitted to the Board and the parties copies of the text of the emergency public information/ education materials for the Georgia portion of the Vogtle plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone


Enclosed, for the information of the Board and the parties, are copies of those materials as revised to reflect the use of fixed sirens as an element of the public alert and notification system for the Vogtle EPZ.

9604020373 860328 DR ADOCK O 4

s SH Aw, PITTM AN, PoTTs & TROWBRIDGE A PARTNEASutp #NCLuceno PeOFES$eONAL CCnPORATONS Administrative Judges Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Page Two March 28, 1986 Also enclosed are copies of the text of the emergency pub-lic information/ education materials for the South Carolina por-tion of the Vogtle EPZ.

These essentially parallel the Georgia materials, with the exception of changes necessary to reflect matters such as different emergency planning agencies, and the South Carolina evacuation routes and shelters.


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w Bru W. Churchill Counsel for Applicants Enclosures as stated cc:

Service List (attached)

o UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of





Docket No. 50-424


50-425 (Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,


Units 1 and 2)


SERVICE LIST Morton B. Margulies, Chairman Douglas C. Teper Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 1253 Lenox Circle U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atlanta, GA 30306 Washington,'D.C.

20555 Docketing and Service Section Mr. Gustave A. Linenberger Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 Washington, D.C.

20555 Dr. Oscar H. Paris Bradley Jones, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Regional Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C.

20555 Commission Suite 3100 Bernard M.

Bordenick, Esq.

101 Marietta Street Office of Executive Legal Director Atlanta, GA 30303 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555 H. Joseph Flynn, Esquire Assistant General Counsel

~ Atomic Safety and Licensing Federal Emergency Management Board Panel Agency U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 500 C Street, S.W.

Washington, D.C.

20555 Washington, D.C.

20472 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.


  • Steven M. Rochlis

-Regional Counsel Federal Emergency Management Agency 1371 Peachtree Street, N.E.,

  1. 700 Atlanta, Georgia 30309
  • Federal Express

EMERGENCY INFORMATION ABOUT PLANT VOGTLE Plant Vogtle uses nuclear power in making electricity. An accident at Plant Vogtle is not likely.

But if there ever is a serious accident, you Will be warned about the emergency in one or more of these Ways.

l e outdoor sirens in your area


e NoAA westher radio e Radio stacons. W880-FM.104.3. Augusta: WGus-FM.102.2. Augusta; WNEZ-FM. 99.3. Aken WTC8-FM.106.7.orangeberg:WWBo-FM.92.7.Bamberg:WBBo-AM 1340. Augusta.

WGus-AM,1380. Augusta: WAKN-AM. 990. Aken; WBBD-AM. 790, Bamberg: WBAW-AM. 740. Bamwell e TV stabons Channets 6.12. or 26. Augusta

.verwies we w.n. n wans; boats we wens or ioudspeakns for perwis on and near me swannan aiv,

. oon tower wnnings by omngency workns WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE WARNED OF AN EMERGENCY l

e Stay calm. You will have time to take the needed steps.



e Leek at the map that follows. Find the letter and number of the zone where you are.

e Listen to one of these radio or TV stations for information.

e Radio WASQ FM 104.3 Augusta e R ad60 WOUS FM 102.2 Augusta l

e Radio WNSZ FM 9e.3 Akon i

e Radio WTCS - FM 108.7 Orangeborg e Radio WWSO - FM 92.7 Bamberg i

e Radio WSOQ - AM 1340 Augusta


e Radio WOUS AM 1300 Augusta e Radio WAKN-AM 9e8 AAen e Radio WSSO-AM 790 Bamcorg e Radio WSAW-AM 740 Barnwell eTV Ch. 8,12, or 28 Augusta e CHECK TO SEE IF AN ORDER FOR ACTION APPLIES TO YOUR ZONE.

e Take these steps to protect yourself if your zone is told to TAKE SHELTER.

e Keep a mind that cruidren who are e schools dunng an emergency will be cared for. The schoots are far eno;gn from Pfant Vogde so that the cruidren mil not need to take shetter. Do NoT try to meet your senool cruidren dunng an emergency. M school children will be cared for unol you are able to meet thm.

You can meet them as you ao on other days when the emergency is over.

e Go inside your house or some nearby buildmg. C:ose att windows and outside doors.

e Twn off heating or cooling systems. Put out fires in firectacas and stoves. Close tne flues.

l e SheNet your intestock if you can do that easdy. Place them on stored feed. Keep your pets mside.

e Place a damp and folded handkoretusf or towel over your nose and mouth if you must go outsade t

j e Stay insade untd the radio or TV says you can leave safe 4


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e Take these steps to protect yourself if your zone is told to EVACUATE.

i e Do aqy my to meet es efeieren uno as a school dunne an emergency. The schools are f ar enough from P' ant Vogue so tfut me cinidren udt ndt needle evacuate. M school cMdren mit be cared for unal you are able to meet them.

You mit be laid how a meet them when you sagn m at the Recepoon Center.

e Pack eMP%hatWwi del tar a'few days. Take 15e'boddet, grasses, dees. M drugs and "

wnportsit medianos, clotheg, boddag, baby suppisos, portacle radio, ffashlight. checsDock, credst can2s. and rnoortant papers.

e Shener your livestock A you can do that easdy. Leave them enough water and stored feed for several days. Leave ycur gets moule eth enough food and water for several days. You may take your pets eth you onfy if you do not pin to stay at the Recepean Center after you segn m.

e Turn off all appiences except your refngerator and freezer. Tum off the Ights.

e Lock tne undows and otaude doors.

e Te a wfute cloth to the front doorknot or the malbox as you leave. Secunty mi! be prtnnded for your area wNo you are gone.

e ftsmed nearey fnende and neghbors to evacuate. Do not use the phone tres for this, sece they are needed for offical calls.

  • Use your own car af you can. If you have room for them, see if any neighbors need a rde. Heio anyone who is handscapped or an evelid. If you need a nde yoursett, try to get one eth a fnend. If you have no way to get a nde, stay tuned to the radio or TV.

Lielen for the phone numoer to call to be pected up.

e Use the map that follows for the route to the Recepcon Center. The Center for Aken County to orther South A, hen High School or Kennedy Middle School on Pine Log Road. The Center for Mondals and Bamweil countos is e<ther Menea6e Elementary School on Highway 125 East or Farfax Pnmary School on Highway 278 in Fairfax.

  • Close car undows and vents.

e Keep your car radio tuned to one of these radao stacons as you dnve.

W880 -FM 104.3 WB80 - AM 1340 WGUS-FM 102.2 WGUS AM 1380 WNEZ -FM 99.3 WAKN AM 900 WTC8 -FM 106.7 W880 - AM 790 WWBO FM 92.7 W8AW AM 740 e Do not liegen to rumors. Follow the instruccons on the radio even d they dsffer from what s saul here.

e Sign in at the Recepcon Camer. Ask where to meet your schoci cMdren and other famdy members who dMi not evacuate eth you.

You can ateo be checked for radeon and get other help at the Center.

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.ABOUT PLANT VOGTLE Plant Vogtle uses nuclear power in making electricity. An accident at Plant Vogtle is not likely.

But if there ever is a serious accident. you will be warned about the emergency in one or more of tnese ways.

o Outdoor s.csna in your area e NOAA weather radio e WayneeDoro radio stations WBRO-AM,1310. and WWGA-FM.100.9 e Augusta TV stations. Channels 6.12. and 26 e VeNcles with sirens or loudspeakers; boats with sirens or loudspeakers for persons on and near the Savannah River e Door-to-door warnings by emergency workers WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE WARNED OF AN EMERGENCY

  • Stay calm. You will have time to take the needed steps.

e Look at the map that follows. Find the letter and number of the zone where you are.

e Listen to one of these radio or TV stations.

e Radio WSRO-AM 1310 Wsynesboro e Rad!o WWGA FM 100.9 Waynesboro e TV Channele 6.12.& 26 Augusta e CHECK TO SEE IF AN ORDER FOR ACTION APPLIES TO YOUR ZONE.

e Take these steps to protect yourself if your zonc is told to TAKE SHELTER.

e Keep in mind that children who are in school during an emergency will be cared for. Children at Girard Elementary Set ool will take shelter there. The other schools are far enough from Ptant Vogtle so that the children will not need to take shelter. Do NOT try to meet your school children during an emergency. All school children will be cared for until you are able to meet them.

You can meet with them as you do on other days when the emergency is over.

e Go inside your house or some nearby building. Close all windows and outside doors.

e Tum off heating or cooling systems. Put out fires in fireplaces and stoves. Close the flues.

e Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily. Place them on stored feed. Keep your pets inside.

  • Place a damp and folded handkerchief or towel over your nose and mouth if you must go outs 4de.
  • Stay inside until the radio or TV says you can leave safety.


e Take these steps to protect yourself if your zone is told to EVACUATE.

i e Do NOT try to meet your children who are in school during an emergency. Children at Girard Elementary School will be moved to the Reception Center if they need to evacuate. The other schools are far enough from Plant Vogtle so that the children will not need to evacuate. All school children will be cared for until you are able

~ _

to meet them. You will be told how to meet them when you sagn in at the Reception Center.

e Pack onfy what you will need for a few days. Take this bocklet. glasses, dentures presenption drugs and important medicines, clothing, bedding. baby sucolies, portaDie radio, flashlight. checkbook, credit cards, and important papers.

  • Shelter your livestock if you can do that essaly. Leave them enough water and stored feed for several days. Leave your pets insede with enough food and water for several days. You may take your pets with you onfy if you do not plan to stay at the Reception Center after you sign in, o Turn off all appliances except your refngerator and freezer. Turn-off the lights.

e Lock the windowt and outside doors, e Tie a white cloth to the front doorknob or the mailbox as you leave. Security will be provided for your area wnile you are gone.

e Remmd nearby friends and neighbors to evacuate. Do NOT use the phone lines for this, since they are necced for official calls.

e Use your own car if you can. If you have room for them. see if any neighbors need a nde. Heep anyone who is handicapped of an invalid. If you need a ride yourseif, try to get one with a fnend. If you have no way to get a ride, stay tuned to the radio or TV. Listen for the phone number to call to be picked up.

e Use the map in this phone book for the route to the Reception Center. The Center is Butte County Comprehensive High Scheel en Perimeter Road in Wayneebeto.

e Cloes car windows and vents.

  • Keep your car radio tuned to Waynoobero radie station WBRO-AM,1310, or WWGA-FM,100.S, for information as you drtvo. De not listen to rumors. Fellow the instructione en the radie even if they differ from what le said here e Sign in at the Recepticn Center. Ask where to meet your school children and other family members who did not evacuate with you. You can also be checked for radiation and get other help at the Center.



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Alvin W.

Vogtle Electric Generating Pl an t Plans To Help You During Emergencies.

Please Read Through This Booklet NOW And Keep It In A Handy P1 ace Put the letter and number of your zone in the box after you read this booklet

Y A Messaco To Our Neighbors and Friends (SC)

Your county and state governments have worked with Georgia Power Company to prepare these emergency plans.

They will help you to be safe if there is an accident at Plant Vogtle.

An accident is not likely, but you need to be prepared for one if you live within about ten miles from the plant.

This booklet will tell you what to do in case of an emergency.

Please read through the booklet now.

Make sure that you and all members of your f amily understand what it says.

Talk it over with your neighbors and other friends.

Some of them may need your help, or you may need theirs.

If you know of someone who is blind or does not read well, please read the booklet to.them.

The best way to be safe if there is an emergency is to know what to do ahead of time and to help each other.

Keep this booklet in a handy ~ place.

If you want more copies of it or have any questions about it, ask one of these offices for help now.

o Aiken County Emergency Services 828 Richland Avenue West Aiken, South Carolina 29801 Phone number (803) 642-1623 o Allendale County Disaster Preparedness Agency Allendale County Courthouse P.O. Box 507 Allendale, South Carolina 29810 Phone number (803) 584-4081 o Barnwell County Disaster Preparedness Agency Barnwell County Detention Center Calhoun Street Barnwell, South Carolina 29812 Phone number (803) 259-7013 o South Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division 1429 Senate Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Phone number (803) 758-2826 (until July 3, 1986)

Phone number (803) 734-8020 (effective July 4, 1986) o Plant Vogtle Visitors Center P. O. Box 282 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Phone number (404) 724-5197 If there is an emergency, do not listen to rumors.

Listen to one of the radio or TV stations listed in this bookl e t f or correc t information.



What To Do If You Are Warned 0f An Emergency At P1 an t Vogt1e o Stay calm.

You will have time to take the needed steps.

o Turn on your radio or TV.

Stay tuned to one of these stations as long as the emergency lasts.

- W880-FM 104.3 Augusta

- WBBQ-AM 1340 Augusta

- WGUS-FM 102.2 Augusta

- WOUS-AM 1380 Augusta

- 444EZ-FM 99.3 Aiken

- WAl04-AM 990 Aiken

- IdTCB-FM 104.7 Orangeburg

- WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell

- 148LT-FM 92.1 Bamberg

- TV Channels 4, 12, and 24 Augusta o Do not use the phone except for a personal emergency.

The phone lines will be needed f or of fici al calls.



My zone is (Look inside this booklet to find the letter and~ number of your zone if you have not already done this.)

o Take these steps to protect yourself if your zone is told to TAKE SHELTER.

_ Keep in mind that children who are in school during an emergency will be cared for.

The school s are f ar enough from Plant Vogtle so that the children will not need to take shelter.

Do NOT try to meet your school children during an emergency.

All school children will be cared for until you are able to meet them.

You can meet with them as you do on other days when the emergency is over.

_ Go inside your house or some nearby building.

Close all windows and outside doors.

_ Turn off heating or cooling systems.

Put out fires in fireplaces or stoves.

Close the flues.

_._ Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily.

Place them on stored feed.

Keep your pets inside.

_ Pl ace a damp and f ol ded handkerch i ef or towel over your nose and mouth if you must go outside.

_ Stay inside until the radio or TV says you can leave safely.

o Take these steps to protect yourself if your zone is told to EVACUATE.

_ Do NOT try to meet your cnildren who are in school during an emergency.

The schools are far enough f rom Pl an t Vogtl e so that the children will not need to evacuate.

All school children will be cared for until you are able to meet them.

You will be told how to meet them when you sign in at your Shelter.


__ Pack only what you will need for a few days.

Take this booklet, glasses, dentures, prescription drugs and important medicines, clothing, bedding, baby supplies, portable radio, flashlight, checkbook, credit cards, and important papers.

__ Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily.

Leave them enough water and stored feed for several days.

Leave your pets inside with enough food and water for several days.

You may take your pets with you only if you do not plan to stay at your Shelter after you sign in.

__ Turn off all appliances except your refrigerator and freezer.

Turn off the lights.

Lock all windows and outside doors.

__ Tie a white the front doorknob or the mailbox of your house as you leave.

Security will be provided for your area while you are gone.

__ Remind nearby friends and neighbors to evacuate.

Do not use the phone lines for this, since they are needed for official cal l s.

__ Use your own car if you can.

If you have room, check to see if any neighbors need a ride.

If you know someone who is handicapped or an invalid, give them a ride if you can.

If you need a ride yourself, try to get one with a friend.

If you cannot do that and have not sent in the Special Needs Card, stay tuned to the radio or TV.

Listen for the phone number to call to be picked up.

__ Follow the route below to your Shelter.

The Shelter for Aiken County is South Aiken High School on Pine Log Road.

The Shelter for Allendale and Barnwell Counties is Allendale Elementary School on U.S.

Highway 278

__ Traffic control officials will guide you on the trip.

2. My evacuation route is l

(Look inside this booklet to find your route on the map if you have not already done this.)

Close car windows and vents.

--_ Tune your car radio to one of these stations as you drive.

WSBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta WBBQ-AM 1340 Augusta WGUS-FM 102.2 Augusta WGUS-AM 1380 Augusta 144EZ-FM 99.3 Aiken WAl04-Mt 990 Aiken

WTCO-FM 106.7 Orcn00 burg WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell WWLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg Follow the directions given on these stations even if they are not the same as those in this booklet.

__ Sign in at your Shelter listed above.

__ Ask at the Shelter where to meet your school children and other family members who did not evacuate with you.

You can also get other help at the Shelter if you need it.

o Please read through the rest of this booklet for more de t a i l s i f you h ave no t al r e ady don e so.

If you want to keep some other notes on hand in case of an emergency, write them here.


Eme r Ge n c y. Response P1ans


If there is an accident at Plant Vogtle, experts will decide how severe it is.

Your State and County officials will tell you if you need to do anything, based on the plans described here.

Be sure these plans are clear to you.

If you have any questions while reading this booklet, ask one of the offices listed earlier for help now.

That way you will be prepared before an emergency can come up.

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When Wi11 An Em e r g e n c y Affeet You?


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency have studied this question.

.They have found that most likely you will not have to do anything.

However, if you live or work as close as 10 miles from Plant Vogtle, you will need to be prepared in case there is an emergency.

You may or may not be affected if your home or the place you work is in one of the zones on the map inside this booklet.

An accident could affect some parts of the map and not others.

That wi11 depend on where the wind is coming from, how strong it is, and on how bad the accident is.

To help you know if you will have to take some action or not, the map has 2 zones marked on it.

I t al so has 2 boat landings marked on the Savannah River.

The distances of the zones and boat landings from Plant Vogtle are shown here.

Zones on Boat Landings Distance from the Map on the River Pl ant Vogtle G-10 R-5 About 8 to 10 miles H-10 R-6 About 9 to 10 miles Radio and TV stations will broadcast during an emergency to tell you which zones and boat land,ings may be affected.

Unfold this booklet now and pick out the zone where you live or work.

Put that letter and number in the box on the front of the booklet to make it easy to find later if you need it.

Also write the letter and number in the blank with the number 1 in the Summary section.

Radio and TV stations will also tell you if the area of the Savannah River Plant will be affected.

Savannah River Plant officials will tell you what to do if you are at work at the Plant during an emergency.

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. How Wi11 You Ce Told About An Emo r g e n c y'P


You will find out about an emergency in one or more of these ways.


Outdoor sirens in your area will warn you, o A long blast of three to five minutes will sound.

o You may hear more than one blast from the siren.


Your weather radio will warn you.

o A loud tone will sound for about 20 seconds.

o A red light on the top near the front will flash.

o A short message will come on.


These radio stations will broadcast a warning.

o WBBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta o W88Q-AM 1340 Augusta o WGUS-FM 102.2 August a o WGUS-AM 1380 Augusta o WNEZ-FM 99.3 Aiken o WAMN-AM 990 Aiken o WTCB-FM 106.7 Orangeburg o WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell o WWLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg 4.

These TV stations will broadcast a warning.

o Channel 6

Augusta o Channel 12 Augusta o Channel 26 Augusta 5.

Vehicles will sound their sirens or loudspeakers.

Boats with sirens or loudspeakers will warn persons on and near the Savannah River.


Emergency workers and local officials will contact persons as needed.

Check your weather radio now to be prepared for possible warnings.

o Keep it in your bedroom.

o Keep it plugged in.

o Keep the power switch on.

o Read through the booklet called " Questions and Answers About Your NOAA Weather Radio."

If you do not have that booklet or if your weather radio l

does not work, call the Georgia Power Company's District i

Office in Waynesboro, Georgia, phone number (404) 554-2116.

Your weather radio will be replaced free.

The outdoor sirens can come on for these reasons.

l o To test the system.

These tests may be made as often as every (weeks / months).

You will be able to tell a siren test by o To warn of an emergency at Plant Vogtle.

Your weather radio can come on for these reasons.

o To tact tho cyctcm.

Thoco tecto will b3 med2 cround noon on Wednesdays unless there is a chance of severe weather at that time.

The system may also be tested at other times during drills, o To warn of severe weather.

o To warn of an emergency at Plant Vogtle.

When you get a warning, tune in to one of these radio or TV stations for more news.

Do not listen to rumors.

These stations will give you the correct information.

o Radio--FM 92.1, 99.3, 102.2, 104.3, and 106.7 o Radio--AM 740, 990, 1340, and 1390 o TV--Channels 6, 12, and 26 If there is an emergency at Plant Vogtle, these stations will tell you which zones are affected.

They will also say what actions to take for protection.

Stay tuped to one of these stations as long as the emergency lasts.

What Are The Actions You Might Need To Take?


You need to be prepared if a serious accident happens at Plant Vogtle.

A large dose of radiation is harmful to your health and might threaten your life.

The two actions you might be asked to take to protect yourself are called Take Shelter and Evacuate.

They are described in the next two sections.

Be sure you are clear about them.

If you have neighbors who are hard of hearing or who do not see or read well, please help them.

Be sure they know what they might need to do in an emergency.

Fill out the Special Needs Card that came with this booklet and mail it for them if they cannot do this themselves.

Use this card al so if you, or if someone you know, needs a wheelchair, a ride, or special. help of some other kind in an emergency.

i l

What If You Ar e Told To TAKE SHELTER?


This means to protect yourself by going inside a building and keeping out as much outside air as you can.

The building could be your house, the place you work, or some other nearby building.

Taking' shelter is a good thing to do if there i s a smal l amount of radiation in the air.

Do NOT try to meet your children who are in school during an emergency.

The schools are far enough from Plant Vogtle so that the children will not need to take shelter.

All school children will be cared for until you are able to meet them.

You can meet them as you do on other days when the emergency is over.

Follow these steps to protect yourself if there is a need to take shelter.

o Go inside a nearby building if you are outside.

Stay inside until the radio or TV says you can leave safely.

o Close all windows and doors to the outside.

o Turn off all fans, air conditioners, heaters, and furnace.

o Put out fires in fireplaces or stoves.

Close the flues to keep out the outside air.

o Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily and place them on stored feed.

Keep your pets inside.

o Put a damp and folded handkerchief or towel over your nose and mouth if you must go outside.

Stay out as short a time as you can.

o Stay tuned to one of these stations as long as the emergency lasts.

WBBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta WBBQ-AM 1340 Augusta WGUS-FM 102.2 Augusta WGUS-AM 1380 Augus(a WNEZ-FM 99.3 Aiken WAKN-AM 990 Aiken WTCB-FM 106.7 Orangeburg WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell WWLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg TV Channels 6, 12, and 26 August &

What I -F You Ar e Told To EVACUATE 7


This means that you and all f amily members who are wi th you should move to a place more than 5 miles outside the emergency area.

Go first to your Shelter, which is shown in this booklet.

Sign in when you get there.. That will make it possible to keep track of all persons during an emergency.

Do NOT try to meet your children who are in school during an emergency.

The schools are f ar enough from Pl ant Vogtle so that the children will not need to evacuate.

All school children will be cared for until you are able to meet them.

Do NOT try to meet your school children until you have signed in at your. Shelter.

You will be tol d how to meet them at that time.

Plans have been made to give you housing if you need it.

You may also need to be checked for radiation, which can be done at your Shelter.

The Shelters are shown on the map inside this booklet.

Unfold the booklet and follow the steps to find your Shelter and how to get there.

You can also find out what to take with you as you go.

1 I



The map and the chart on this page show you how to move out of your zone if you are told to evacuate.

Steps are also given to help you get ready for the trip.

Foi1ow These Steps To Be Prepared For An Emergency (SC)

1. Keep your important papers together.

That way you can gather them quickly when you need them.

2. Keep together other things you might use on a trip.

Examples are a flashlight, a tool Kit,'a portable radio, medical needs and personal items.

3. Keep enough gas in your car'for a short drive.
4. Fill out and mail the Special Needs Card NOW if you have not already done so.

Use it if you or someone you know would need special help at the time of an emergency.

Workers would then be sent during an emergency to help you or anyone who has special needs at that time.

5. Keep your NOAA weather radio in your bedroom.

Be sure it is PLUGGED IN and has the power swl tch (N.

Read through the booklet called " Questions and Answers About Your NOAA Weather Radio" if you have not already done so.

6. Keep feed on hand for a week if you own livestock.

If you have a livestock shelter, keep it in good shape.

Be prepared to be away for several days.


Fo11cm These Steps For Using The Map And The Chart


1. Find the zone on the map where you live or work.

Look on the map to get the letter and number of that zone.

Be sure to put that letter and number in the box on the front of the booklet if you have not already done so.

Also be suae to put it in the blank with the number 1 in the Summary section.

2. Find that same letter and number in the column on the chart headed " Zone."

To help you, the color will be the same as the color of your zone on the map.. Circle the letter and number of your zone on the chart.

3. Find the evacuation route for your zone.

Look across the chart to the next column headed

" Evacuation Routes." _This column tells you the number of the route to take to your Shelter.

The two numbered routes to the Shel ters are described below.

If you are working at the Savannah River Plant during an emergency, officials will direct you to the route to take, as shown on the chart.

o Evccuation Route 5.

East and then north on the road from Gray's Landing to Highway 5.

Northwest on Highway 5 to Highway 63.

North on Highway 63 to Highway 57.

North on Highway 57 to South Carolina 302.

South Carolina 302 to Pine Log Road in Aiken.

Right on aine Log Road to the Shelter at South Aiken High School.

o Evacuation Route 6.

North on the road from Steel Creek Landing (Highway 493) to South Carolina 125.

Southeast on South Carolina 125 to U.S. 278 in Allendale.

East on U.S. 278 to the Shelter at Allendale Elementary School.

Trace your route on the map.

Also write it in the blanks with the number 2 in the Summary section.

That will help you in an emergency.

4. Try this example.

It will show you if you are using the chart in the right way.

Suppose you Ilve or work in zone H-10.

You would go north on the road from Steel Creek Landing (Highway 493) to South Carolina Highway 125.

You would then go east on South Carolina 125 to U.S. Highway 278 in Allendale.

You would go east on U.S.

278 for five blocks to Allendale Elementary School.

5. Write or call one of the offices below NOW if you

hcwo cny quantions cbout your rcuto cr tho Shelter.

o Aiken County Emergency Services 828 Richland Avenue West Aiken, South Carolina 29801 Phone number (803) 642-1623 o Allendale County Disaster Preparedness Agency Allendale County Courthouse P.O. Box 507 Allendale, South Carolina 29810 Phone number (803) 584-4081 o Barnwell County Disaster Preparedness Agency Barnwell County Detention Center Calhoun Street Barnwell, South Carolina 29812 Phone number (803) 259-7013 o South Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division 1429 Senate Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Phone number (803) 758-2826 (until July 3, 1986)

Phone number (803) 734-8020 (effective July 4, 1986)

6. Read through the steps below.

They will tell you how to get ready and what to take if you are told to evacuate.


Zone Evacuation Routes G-10 Evacuation Route 5 H-10 Evacuation Route 6 If directed north on South Carolina 125 to Highway 63, take Savannah Evacuation Route 5 River OR Plant If directed south on South Carolina 125, take Evacuation Route 6 instead I


Foi1ow Those Steps To Get Ready For The Trip (SC)

1. Stay as calm as you can.

If you already know where to go and what to take, that will help.

You will have time to do what you need to do.

Remember that nuclear power pl ants do NOT explode.

2. Stay tuned to one of these stations for news about the emergency.

H o WBBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta o WBBQ-AM 1340 Augusta o WOUS-FM 102.2 Augusta o WGUS-AM 1380 Augusta o WNEZ-FM 99.3 Aiken o WAMN-AM 990 Aiken o WTCB-FM 106.7 Orangeburg o WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell o WWLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg o TV Channels 6, 12, and 26 Augusta

3. Keep in mind that children who are in school during an emergency will be cared for.

Do NOT try to meet your school children until you have signed in at your Shelter.

You will be told how to meet them at that time.

4. Gather what you and your family will need.

You will likely have to be away from home for a few days.

Take these things along if you can.

This booklet


_ Glasses, dentures, prescription drugs, other important medicines, and first aid kit

__ Extra clothing and shoes for each person in your family

__ Baby supplies; include a favorite sleep toy

__ Two bl anke ts f or each person ; or a sleeping bag, cot, or air mattress for each person

__ Portable radio and batteries

__ Flashlight and batteries

__ Some way to identify yourself, such as a driver's license 3 other important papers

__ Cash, checkbook, and credit cards

__ Magazines or books to read

5. Remember as you leave to do the following.

__ Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily.

Leave them enough water and stored feed for several days.

Leave your pets inside with enough water and food for several days.

You may take your pets with you only if you do not plan to stay at your Shelter.

__ Turn off all appliances except your refrigerator and freezer.

Turn off the lights.

__ Lock all windows and outside doors.

There will be security for the evacuated area.

__ Tie a white cloth to the front doorknob of your house or to your mailbox.

The white cloth will

i tell cmarg2ncy workoro that ycu hevo loft safely.

__ Remind nearby friends and neighbors about the need to evacuate.

Do NOT use the phone for this since the lines will be needed for official calls.

__ Use your own car if you can.

If you have room, check to see if any of your neighbors need a ride with you.

If you know someone who is handicapped or an invalid, give them a ride if you can.

You may need a ride yourself and cannot get one with a friend.

If you have already sent in the Special Needs Card, an emergency worker will pick you up.

If you have not sent in the Card, stay tuned to the radio or TV for information.

Listen for the phone number to call to be picked up.

__ Foll ow the rou te you have marked on the map in this booklet as you drive away.

Traffic control officials will help guide you on the trip.

__ Close car windows and vents.

Keep the air conditioner and heater off.

__ Listen to one of these radio stations for reports about your route and other news.

WBBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta WBBQ-#1 1340 Augusta WGUS-FM 102.2 Augusta WGUS-AM 1380 Augusta IMEZ-FM 99.3 Aiken WANN-#1 990 Aiken WTCB-FM 106.7 Orangeburg WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell IMLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg

d. Drive carefully to your Shelter and sign in.

Ask j

these kinds of questions when you get to your Shelter.

__ Where school children and other members of your family are, if they are not with you.

__ How to get checked for radiation.

__ How to get medical or other help.

When it is safe to go back home.

__ How to~get housing if you need it.

You do not have to stay at your Shelter after you sign in.

You may instead wish to stay with friends or relatives who live more than 15 miles from Plant i


Or you may wish to stay at a motel or hotel.

Cl asse s Of Accidents (SC)

Four classes of accidents could happen in nuclear power plants.


Noti ficati on of Unusual Event.

This is the least serious kind of problem.

It might lower the safety of the plant.

State and county of fici als would be told of it.

You would not have to do anything.



This means a more serious kind of problem.

It might lower plant safety still more.

State and county officials would be told about it.

It is not likely that you would have to do anything.


Site Area Emergency.

Th i s n.e ans some th i ng ser i ous has happened at the plant and it coulo lead to worse problems.

Some radioactive matter coulo be released very close to the plant, but this does not always happen.

State and county of f ic ials would be tol d and woul d prepare to help.

They might have to act to protect people near the plant.

You should listen to one of the radio or TV stations listed in this booklet to find out what to do.


General Emergency.

This is the most severe kind of problem.

There is a threat from radiation to the people near the plant.

State and county of ficials would tell people what to do for their safety.

They would use the radio and TV stations listed in this booklet to teII you what to do.

They would ask you to listen as long as the emergency lasts.

Where To Got More Information Or Other Help (SC)

Be sure that you, the members of your family, and your friends understand the information in this booklet.

Help each other if you can.

All of you will then know what to do if there is an emergency.

You can be prepared ahead of time and will not have to try to use the phone when the lines are needed for official business.

Call or write to one of the offices below NOW if you have questions about this booklet.

o Aiken County Emergency Services 828 Richland Avenue West Aiken, South Carolina 29801 Phone number (803) 642-1623 o Allendale County Disaster Preparedness Agency Allendale County Courthouse P.O.

Box 507 Allendale, South Carolina 29810 Phone number (803) 584-4081 o Barnwell County Disaster Preparedness Agency Barnwell County Detention Center Calhoun Street Barnwell, South Carolina 29812 Phone number (803) 259-7013 o South Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division 1429 Senate Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Phone number (803) 758-2826 (until July 3, 1986)

Phone number (803) 734-8020 (effective July 4, 1986) o Plant Vogtle Visitors Center P.


Box 282 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Phone number (404) 1724-5197 If you get a warning from your wea.ther radio or some other way of an emergency at Pl an t Vogtl e, tune to one of these stations.

Stay tuned as long as the emergency lasts.

Follow the directions given on these stations even if they are not the same as those in this booklet.

o WBBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta o WBBQ-AM 1340 Augusta o WGUS-FM 102.2 Augusta o WGUS-AM 1390 Augusta o WNEZ-FM 99.3 Aiken o WAMN-AM 990 Aiken o WTCB-FM 106.7 Orangeburg o WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell o telLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg o TV Channel s.6, 12, and 26

What Radiation Is


Everything around you, call ed " mat ter," is made up of smal l particles called " atoms."

Some matter is

" radioactive."

This means the atoms can break apart and give off energy in the form of " radiation."

This energy can be used to make electricity, to treat cancer, and in other helpful ways.

You live with radiation all the time, and take some of it into your body each day.

The amount is measured in

" millirems."

You get some of the f ol l owing amoun ts in a year from these sources.

o Cosmic rays--about 45 millirems o The earth--about 15 millirems o Your water, food, and air--about 25 millirems o The material in your house--about 30 millirems in a wooden house and about 50 millirems in a brick house o One chest X-ray--about 20 millirems o One round-trip airline flight from New York to London and back--about 4 millirems o A color TV set--about 1 mi11l rem Living next to a plant like Plant Vogtle will add about 1 millirem each year.

At times you must be-careful how much radiation enters your body.

If there is an accident at Plant Vogtle, some radioactive matter may escape and be carried in the air.

If the amount is large, an emergency warning will be broadcast.

You may then be asked to protect yourself from it.

Your house or some other building can often be a good shelter until the wind scatters and carries the matter away.

In some cases, though, you coul d be asked to l eave the area.

Cpecial Needs Card (SC)

Some people may'need special help if there is an emergency at Plant Vogtle.

Please fill out and mail the Special Needs Card if you, or someone you know, o needs help to travel.

o has a physical or mental problem.

Fill out a separate card for each person who needs special help in an emergency.

Please type or print as clearly as you can.

If you want more of these cards, check that space below and tell how many you need and where they should be sent.

Name of person who needs help:

Home address (street or rural route):

City and State:

Phone number:

Home Work Please check the reason or reasons that special help would be needed in an emergency.

This person:

__ has no way to travel.

__ is deaf or hard of hearing.

__ is blind or does not see well.

__ does not read well.

__ uses a wheelchair.

__ must stay in bed.

__ uses a kidney machine or other support machine.

__ needs help for another reason.

Please say why below.

Please send mes

__ more of these cards.

Number needed

__ more booklets.

Number needed:

__ some other information.

Please say what it is below.

l l

My name is i

Address (street or rural route):



Phone numbers i

1 j

Sign Werning A (for cpertsman) (SC)

EMERGENCY INFORMATION ABOUT PLANT VOGTLE You are near Plant Vogtle, a nuclear power plant.

An emergency at Plant Vogtle is not likely.

But if there is a serious emergency, you will be warned in one or more of these ways.

o Outdoor sirens o Vehicles with a siren or loudspeaker o Boats with a siren or-loudspeaker 1

What To Do If You Are Warned Of An Emergency o Stay calm.

You will have time to take the needed steps.

o Listen to one of these radio stations.

Stay tuned to find out what to do.

-- WBBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta

-- WS8Q-#1 1340 Augusta

-- WGUS-FM 102.2 Augusta

-- WOUS-AM 1380 Augusta

-- 144EZ-FM 99.3 Aiken

-- WAIO4-#1 990 Aiken

-- WTCB-FM 106.7 Orangeburg

-- WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell

-- WWLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg o Tell others who are nearby of the emergency.

o Look in the last two White Pages of one of these phone books for more details on what to do in an emergency.

-- Aiken County Directory, Bell South

-- Allendale County Directory, Bell South

-- Barnwell County Directory, Bell South i

Sign Wcrning B (fer hotelo, moto10, otc.) (SC)

EMERGENCY INFORMATION ABOUT PLANT UOGTLE You ase near Plant Vogtle, a nuclear power plant.

An emergency at Plant Vogtle is not likely.

But if there is a serious emergency, you may need to be warned of it.

You will be warned in one or more of these ways.

o Outdoor sirens in your area o NOAA weather radio o Radio stations:

WBBQ-FM, 104.33 WGUS-FM, 102.2; WEZ-FM, 99.33 WTCB-FM, 106.73 WWLT-FM, 92.13 WBBQ-AM, 1340; WGUS-AM, 1380g WAkN-AM, 990; WBAW-AM, 740 o TV stations:

Channels 6, 12, and 26, Augusta o Vehicles with sirens or loudspeakers o Door-to-door warnings by emergency workers What To Do If You Are Warned Of An Emergency o Stay calm.

You will have time to take the needed steps.

o Listen to one of these radio stations.

Stay tuned to find out what to do.

-- WBBQ-FM 104.3 Augusta

-- WBBQ-AM 1340 Augusta

-- WGUS-FM 102.2 Augusta

-- WGUS-AM 1380 Augusta

-- WEZ-FM 99.3 Aiken

-- WAKN-AM 990 Aiken

-- WTCB-FM 106.7 Orangeburg

-- WBAW-AM 740 Barnwell

-- WWLT-FM 92.1 Bamberg

-- TV Channels 6, 12, and 26 Augusta o Tell others who are nearby of the emergency.

o Look in the last two White Pages of one of these phone books for more details on what to do in an emergency.

-- Aiken County Directory, Bell South

-- Allendale County Directory, Bell South

-- Barnwell County Directory, Be11 South

w 4


Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Plans To Help You During Emergenc1es Pl e ase Read Through Th i s Book l e t NEEd And Keep It In A Handy Place Put the letter and number of your-zone in the box after you read this booklet l


A Mossace To Our Neighbors and Friends Your county and state governme,nts have worked with Georgia Power Company to prepare these emergency plans.

They will help you to be safe if there is an accident at Pl ant Vogtle.

An accident is not likely, but you need to be prepared for one if you live within about ten miles from the plant.

This booklet will tell you what to do in case of an emergency.

Please read through the booklet now.

Make sure that you and all members of your family understand what it says.

Talk it over with your neighbors and other friends.

Some of them may need your help, or you may need theirs.

If you know of someone who is blind or does not read well, please read the booklet to them.

The best way to be safe if there is an emergency is to know what to do ahead of time and to help each other.

Keep this booklet in a handy place.

If you want more copies of it or have any questions about it, ask one of these offices for help now.

o Burke County Emergency Management Agency Route 2, Box 510 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Phone number 554-6644 o Georgi a Emergency Managemen t Agency P.

O. Box 18055 Atlanta, Georgia 30314 Phone number (404) 454-4177 o Plant Vogtle Visi tors Center P. O. Box 282 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Phone number 724-5197 If there is an emergency, do not listen to rumors.

Listen to one of the radio or TV stations IIsted in this booklet for correct information.

. -e

i 4

OUMMARY What To Do If You Are Warned Of An Emergency At Pl an t Vogtle l

o Stay calm.

You will have time to take the needed steps.

j o Turn on your radio or TV.

Stay tuned to one of these


stations as long as the emergency lasts.

-- Radio WBRO-AM 1310 Waynesboro

-- Radio WWGA-FM 100.9 Waynesboro

-- TV Channels 6,

12, and 26 Augusta i

o Do not use the phone except for a personal emer ge ncy.

The phone lines will be needed for official cal l s.



My zone is (Look inside this booklet to find tha letter and number of your zone if you have not already done this.)

o Take these steps to protect yourself if your zone is told to TAME SHELTER.


__ Keep in mind that children who are in school during an emergency will be cared for.

Children at Girard Elementary School will take shelter there.

The other schools are far enough from Plant Vogtle so that the children will not need to take shelter.

Do NOT try to meet your school children during an emergency.

All school children will be cared for until you are able to meet them.

You can meet with them as you do on other days when the emergency is over.

__ Go inside your house or some nearby building.

Close all windows and outside doors.


__ Turn off heating or cooling systems.

Put out fires j

in fireplaces or stoves.

Close the flues.

__ Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily.

Place them on stored feed.

Keep your pets inside.

__ Place a damp and folded handkerchief or towel over your nose and mouth if you must go outside.

__ Stay inside until the radio or TV says you can leave safe 1y.

o Take these steps to protect yourself if your zone is told to EVACUATE.


__ Do NOT try to meet your children who are in school during an emergency.

Children at Girard Elementary School will be moved to the Reception Center if they need to evacuate.

The other school s are far enough f rom Pl an t Vogtl e so that the children will not need to evacuate.

All school children will be cared for until you are able to 1

i l


moot thcm.

Ycu will b) tol d how to moot thcm whon you sign in at the Reception Center.

__ Pack only what you will need for a few days.

Take this booklet, glasses, dentures, prescription drugs and importan t medicines, clothing, bedding, baby supplies, portable radio, flashlight, checkbook, cr edi t cr.cds, and importan t papers.

__ Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily.

Lt.avt them enough water and stored feed for several days.

Leave your pets inside with enough food and water for several days.

You may take your pets with you only if you do not plan to stay at the Reception Center after you sign in.

__ Turn off all appliances except your refrigerator and freezer.

Turn off the lights.

Lock all windows and outside doors.

__ Tie a white cloth to the front doorknob or the mailbox of your house as you leave.

Security will be provided for your area while you are gone.

__ Remind nearby friends and neighbors to evacuate.

Do not use the phone lines for this, since they are needed f or of ficial calls.

__ Use your own car if you can.

If you have room, check to see if any neighbors need a ride.

If you know someone who is handicapped or an invalid, give them a ride if you can.

If you need a rido yourself, try to get one with a friend.

If you cannot do that and have not sent in the Special Needs Card, stay tuned to the radio or TV.

Listen for the phcne number to call to be picked up.

__ Fol l ow the rou t e be l ow to the Reception Center in Waynesboro.

Traffic control of ficial s will guide you on the trip.

2. My evacuation route is (Look inside this booklet to find your route on the map if you have not already done this.)

__ Close car windows and vents.

__ Tune. your car radio to WORC-AM, 1310, or WWGA-FM, 100.9, as you drive.

Follow the directions given on these stations even if they are not the same as those in this booklet.

__ Sign in at your Reception Center.

The Center is Burke County Comprehensive High School, on Perimeter i

Road in Waynesboro.

__ Ack at tho Contor whoro to m20t your cchcol childron and other fantly members who did not evacuate with ycu.

You can also get other help at the Center if you need it.

o Please read through the rest of this booklet for more details if you have not already done so.

If you want to keep some other notes on hand in case of an emergency, write them here.



. _,, _ _,. - - _ _ ~ _ _. _ _ - _ _. -... - - ~ - -

Eme r ge n c y Response P1ans If there is an accident at Plant Vogtle, experts will decide how severe it is.

Your State and County officials will tell you if you need to do anything, based on the plans described here.

Be sure these plans are clear to you.

If you have any questions while reading this booklet, ask one of the offices listed earlier for help now.

That way you will be prepared before an emergency can come up.




.._-r-,_ _ _.,

When Will An Eme r ce n c y Affect You?

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency have studied this question.

They have found that most likely you will not have to do anything.

However, i f you l i v e or wor k as c l ose as 10 miles from Plant Vogtle, you will need to be prepared in case there is an emergency.

You may or may not be affected if your home or the

' place you work is in one of the zones on the map inside this booklet.

An acc i den t coul d af f ec t some par ts of the map and not others.

That will depend on where the wind is coming from, how strong it is, and on how bad the accident is.

To help you know if you will have to take some action or not, the map has 11 zones marked on it.

It also has 4 boat landings marked on the Savannah River.

The distances of the zones and boat landings from Plant Vogtle are shown here.

Zones on Boat Landings Distance from the Map on the River Plant Vogtle A

R-2 About 0 to 2 miles B-5 C-5 D-5 R-3 About 2 to 5 miles E-5 F-5 B-10 C-10 D-10 R-1 About 10 miles E-10 F-10 R-4 Radio and TV stations will broadcast during an emergency to tell you which zones and boat landings may be affected.

Unfold this booklet now and pick out the zone where you live or work.

Put that letter and number in the box on the front of the booklet to make it easy to find later if you need it.

Also write the letter and number in the blank with the number 1 in the Summary section.

Then come back to this page and read on.

How Wi11 You Ce To 1 cd


At:sou t An Eme r ge n c y?

You will find out about an emergency in one or more of these ways.


Outdoor sirens in your area will warn you.

o A long blast of three to five minutes will sound.

o You may hear more than one blast from the siren.


Your weather radio will warn you.

o A loud tone will sound.

o A short message will come on.

o The red light on the front will go on.


These radio stations will broadcast a warning.

o WBRO-AM 1310 Waynesboro o WWGA-FM 100.9 Waynesboro 4.

These TV stations will broadcast a warning.

o Channel 4

Augusta o Channel 12-Augusta o Channel 24 Augusta 5.

Vehicles will sound their sirens or loudspeakers.

Boats with sirens or loudspeakers will warn persons on and near the Savannah River.


Emergency workers and local officials will contact persons as needed.

Check your weather radio now to be prepared for possible warnings.

o Keep it in your bedroom.

o Keep it plugged in.

o Keep the power switch on.

o Read through the booklet called " Questions and Answers Abou t Your NOAA Weather Radi o."

If you do not have that booklet or if your weather radio does not work, call the Georgia Power Company's District Office in Waynesboro, 554-2116.

Your weather radio will be replaced free.

The outdoor sirens can come on for these reasons.

o To test the system.

These tests may be made as often as every (weeks / months).

You will be able to tell a siren test by o To warn of an emergency at Plant Vogtle.

Your weather radio can come on for these reasons.

o To test the system.

These tests will be made around noon on Wednesdays unless there is a chance of severe weather at that time.

The system may also be tested

at other timoo during drillo.

o To warn of severe weather.

o To warn of an emergency at Plant Vogtle.

When you get a warning, tune in to one of these radio or TV stations for more news.

Do not listen to rumors.

These stations will give you the correct information.

o Radio--1310 AM and 100.9 RM o TV--Channel s 6, 12, and 24 If there is an emergency at Plant Vogtle, these stations

'will tell you which zones are affected.

They will also say what actions to take for protection.

Stay tuned to one of these stations as long as the emergency lasts.

I f

What Are The Actions You Might Need To Take?

You need to be prepared if a serious accident happens at Plant Vogtle.

A large dose of radiation is harmful to your health and might threaten your life.

The two actions you might be asked to take to protect yourself are called Take Shel ter and Evacuate.

They are described in the next two sections.

Be sure you are clear about them.

If you have neighbors who are hard of hearing or who do not see or read well, please help them.

Be sure they know what they might need to do in an emergency.

Fill out the Special Needs Card that came with this booklet and mail it for them if they cannot do this themselves.

Use this card also if you, or if someone you know, needs a wheelchair, a ride, or special help of some other kind in an emergency.



What If You Ar e T o l cs T o TAKE SHELTER?

This means to protect yourself by going inside a building and keeping out as much outside air as you can.

The building could be your house, the place you work, or some other nearby building.

Taking shelter is a good thing to do if there is a small amount of radiation in the air.

Do NOT try to meet your children who are in school

  • during an emergency.

Children at Girard Elementary School will take shelter at their school.

The other schools are far enough from Plant Vogtle so that children will not need to take shelter during an emergency at the Plant.

All school children will Ibe cared for as long as there is a need for you to take shelter.

You can meet with them as you do on other days when the emergency is over.

Follow these steps to protect yourself if there is a need to take shelter.

o Go inside a nearby building if you are outside.

Stay inside until the radio or TV says you can leave

safely, o Close all windows and doors to the outside.

o Turn off all fans, air conditioners, heaters, and furnace.

o Put out fires in fireplaces or stoves.

Close the flues to keep out the outside air.

o Shelter your livestock if you can do that easily and place them on stored feed.

Keep your pets inside.

o Put a damp and folded handkerchief or towel over your nose and mouth if you must go outside.

Stay out as short a time as you can.

o Stay tuned to one of these stations as long as the emergency lasts.

-- Radio WBRO-AM 1310 Waynesboro

-- Radio WWGA-FM 100.9 Waynesboro

-- TV Channels 6,

12, and 26 Augusta l

l L

What If You Ar e Told To EVACUATE 7 This means that you and all family members who are with you should move to a place more than 5 miles outside the emergency area.

Go first to the Reception Center, which is Burke County Comprehensive High School on Perimeter Road in Waynesboro.

Sign in when you get there.

That will make it possible to keep track of all persons during an emergency.

Do NOT try to meet your children who are in school during an emergency.

Teachers and other adults will move the children from Girard Elementary School to the Reception Center at Burke County Comprehensive High School if they need to evacuate.

The other schools are far enough from Plant Vogtle so that the children will not need to evacuate.

All school children will be cared for until you are able to meet them.

Do NOT try to meet your school children untl1 you have signed in at the Reception Center.

You will be told how to meet them at that time.

Plans have been made to give you housing if you need it.

You may al so need to be checked for radi ation, which can be done at the Reception Center.

The Center is shown on the map inside this booklet.

Unfold the booklet and follow the steps to find the Center and how to get there.

You can also find out what to take with you as you go.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE TOLD TO EVACUATE The map and the chart on this page show you how to move out of your zone if you are told to evacuate.

Steps are also given to help you get ready for the trip.

Foi1ow These Steps To Be Pr e p ar e d For An Emergency

1. Keep your important papers together.

That way you can gather them quickly when you need them.

2. Keep together other things you might use on a trip.

Examples are a flashlight, a tool kit, and a portable radio.

3. Keep enough gas in your car for a short drive.
4. Fill out and mail the Special Needs Card NOW if you have not already done so.

Use it if you or someone you know would need special help at the time of an emergency.

Workers would then be sent during an emergency to help you or anyone who has special needs at that time.

5. Keep your NOAA weather radio in your bedroom.

Se sure it is PLUGGED IN with the power switch CN.

Read through the booklet called " Questions and Answers About Your NOAA Weather Radio" if you have not already done so.

d. Keep feed on hand for a week if you own livestock.

If you have a livestock shel ter, keep it in good shape.

Be prepared to be away for several days.

Fro l 1 cmas These Oteps For Using The Map And The Chart

1. Find the zone on the map where you live or work.

Look on the map to get the letter and number of that zone.

Be sure to put that letter and number in the box on the f r on t of the book l e t if-you have not already done so.

Also be sure to put it in the blank with *.he number 1 in the Summary section.

2. Find that same letter and number in the column on the chart headed " Zone."

To help you, the color will be the same as the color of your zone on the map.

Circle the letter and number of your zone on the chart.

3. Find the evacuation route f or your zone.

Look across the chart to the next column headed l

" Evacuation Routes."

This column tells you the number of the route to take to the Reception Center.

There are four routes to the Center, which is Burke County Comprehensive High School, on Perimeter Road in Waynesboro.

Each numbered route is described below.

If more than one route number is listed in the second column for your zone, choose the one that i s easi est f or you to f oll ow.

o Evacuation Route 1.

West on Georgia 80 to Georgia 56.

South on Georgia 54 to Perimeter Road. South on Perimeter Road to Reception Center.

o Evacuation Route 2.

West on Rouse Store Roed to Seven Oaks - Shell Bluff Road.

North on Seven Oaks - Shell Bluff Road to Sam Mead and Cates Mead Roads.

West on Sam Mead and Cates Mead Roads to Georgia 56.

South on Georgia 56 to Perimeter Road. South on Perimeter Road to Reception Center.

o Evacu at i on Rou te 3.

South on CC Road to Georgia 23.

East on Georgia 23 to County Road 457.

West on County Road 457 to Georgia 24.

West on Georgia 24 to Perimeter Road.

North on Perimeter Road to Reception Center.

o Evacuation Route 4.

West and south on Georgia 23 to Parker Bonnell Road.

West on Parker Bonnell Road to Georgia 24.

West on Georgia 24 to Perimeter Road.

North on Perimeter Road to Reception Center.

Residents of B-10:

South on Brigham's Landing Road to Georgia 23, or south on Royal Road to County Road 453 and west on County

Rocd 453 to Gacr0la 23.

Wact end ccuth en Georgia 23 to Parker Bonnell Road.

West on on Parker Bonnell Road to Georgia 24.

West on Georgia 24 to Perimeter Road.

North on Perimeter Road to Reception Center.

Trace your route on the map.

Also write it in the the blanks with the number 2 in the Summary section.

That will help you in an emergency.

4. Try this example.

It will show you if you are using the chart in the right way.

Suppose you live or work in zone E-5.

You would drive from the place you live or work to either Evacuation Route 1 or Evacuation Route 2, whichever is easier to follew.

If Evacuation Route 1 is easier, you would drive first to Georgia Highway 80.

You would go west on Georgia Highway 80 to Georgia Highway 56.

You would next go south on Georgia Highway 56 to Perimeter Road.

You would then take Perimeter Road south to the Reception Center.

OR Suppose Evacuation Route 2 is easier to follow.

You would drive first to Rouse Store Road.

You would go west on Rouse Store Road to Seven Oaks -

Shell Bluff Road.

You would go north on Seven Oaks

- Shell Bluff Road to Sam Mead and Cates Mead Roads.

You would go west on Sam Mead and Cates Mead Roads to Georgia Highway 56.

You would then go south on Georgia Highway 56 to Perimeter Road, and follow it south to the Reception Center.

5. Write or call one of the offices below NOW if you have any questions about your route or the Reception Center.

o Burke County Emergency Management Agency Route 2, Box 518 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Phone number 554-6666 o Georgia Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 18055 Atl an ta, Georgia 30316 Phone number (404) 656-6177

6. Read through the steps below.

They will tell you l

how to get ready and what to take if you are to;d to



l l

l CHART OF THE 11 ZONES AROUND PLANT V0GTLE Zone Evacuation Routes Zone Evacuation Routes i

Evacuation Route 2 B-10 Evacuation Route 4

- A OR Evacuation Route 3 Evacuation Route 3 C-10 OR Evacuation Route 3 Evacuation Route 4 B-5 OR Evacuation Route 4 Evacuation Route-2 OR Evacuation Route 2 D-10 Evacuation Route 3 C-5 OR OR Evacuation Route 3 Evacuation Route 4 D-5 Evacuation Route 2 Evacuation Route 1 OR E Evacuation Route 2 Evacuation Route 1 OR E-5 OR Evacuation Route 3 Evacuation Route 2 F-10 Evacuation Route 1 Evacuation Route 1 F-5 OR Evacuation Route 2 1

F o 1 1 o sas These Steps

' To Got Re ach F o r-The Tr i p

1. Stay as calm as you can.

If you already know where to go and what to take, that will help.

You will have time to do what you need to do.

Remember that nuclear power plants do NOT explode.


2. Stay tuned to one of these stations for news about l

the emergency.

o Radio W8RO-AM 1310 Waynesboro o Radio WWGA-FM 100.9 Wayne sboro o TV Channels 6,

12, and 26 Augusta

3. Keep in mind that children who are in school during an emergency will be cared for.

Do NOT try to meet your school children until you have signed in at the Reception Center.

You will be told how to meet them at that time.

4. Gather what you and your f uni t y will need.

You will likely have to be away from home for a few days.

Take these things along if you can.

__ This booklet

__ Gl asses, den tures, pre scr i p t i on drugs, other important medicines, and first aid kit

__ Extra clothing and shoes for each person in your family

__ Baby supplies; include a-favorite sleep toy

__ Two blankets for each persong or a sleeping bag, cot, or air mattress for each person

__ Portable radio and batteries

__ Flashlight and batteries

__ Some way to identify yourself, such as a driver's license; other important papers

__ Cash, checkbook, and credit cards

__ Magazines or books to read

5. Remember as you leave to do the f oll owi ng.

__ Shelter your livestock if you can do that i


Leave them enough water and stored feed for several days.

Leave your pets inside l

with enough water and food for several days.

j You may take your pets with you only if you do j

not plan to stay at the Reception Center.

__ Turn off all appliances except your refrigerator and freezer.

Turn off the lights.

__ Lock all windows and outside doors.

There will be security for the evacuated area.

__ Tie a whi te cloth to the front doorknob of your house or to your mailbox.

The white cloth will tell emergency workers that you have left safely.

__ Remind nearby friends and neighbors about the

need to evacuate.

Do NOT use the phone for this since the lines will be needed for official calls.

__,Use your. man car if you can.

If you have rnom, check to see if any of your neighbors need a ride with you.

If you know someone who is handicapped or an invalid, give them a ride if you can.

You may need a ride yourself and cannot get one with a friend.

If you have already sent in the Special Needs Card, an emergency worker will pick you up.

If you have not sent in the Card, stay tuned to the radio or TV for information.

Listen for the phone number to call to be picked up.

__ Fol l ow the route you have marked on the map in this booklet as you drive away.

Traffic control officials will help guide you on the trip.

__ Close car windows and vents..

Keep the air conditioner and heater off.

__ Listen to one of these radio stations for repo/ts about your route and other news.

o WORO-AM 1310 Waynesboro o WWGA-FM 100.9 Waynesboro

4. Drive carefully to the Reception Center in Waynesboro and si gn in.

Ask these kinds of questions when you get to the Center.

Where school children and other members of your family are, if they are not with you.

__ How to get checked for radiation.

__ How to get medical or other help.

__ When it is safe to go back home.

__ How to get housing if you need it.

You do not have to stay at the Reception Center after you sign in.

You may instead wish to stay with friends or relatives who live more than 15 miles from Plant Vogtle.

Or you may wish to stay at a motel or hotel.

C1 asse s Of Accidents Four classes of accidents could happen in nuclear power plants.


Notification of Unusual Event.

This is the least serious kind of problem.

It might lower the safety of the plant.

State and county officials would be told of it.

You would not have to do anything.



This means a more serious kind of problem.

It might lower plant safety still more.

State and county of ficials would be told about it.

It is not likely that you would have to do anything.


Site Area Emergency.

This means something serious has happened at the plant and i t could lead to worse problems.

Some radioactive matter could be released very close to the plant, but this does not always happen.

State and county of fici als would be told and would prepare to help.

They might have to act to protect people near the plant.

You should listen to one of the Waynesboro radio or Augusta TV stations to find out what to do.


General Emergency.

This is the most severe kind of problem.

There is a threat from radiation to the people near the plant.

State and county officials would tell people what to do for their safety.

They would use the Waynesboro radio and Augusta TV stations to tell you what to do.

They would ask you to listen as long as the emergency lasts.

Whero To Got More Information Or Other Help Be sure that you, the members of your family, and your friends understand the informationin this booklet.

Help each other if you can.

All of you will then know what to do if there is an emergency.

You can be prepared ahead of time and will not have to try to use the phone when the lines are needed for official business.

Call or write to one of the offices below NOW if you have questions about this booklet.

o Burke County Emergency Management Agency Route 2, Box 518 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Phone number 554-6666 o Georgia Emergency Management Agency P. O. Box 18055 Atlanta, Georgia 30316 Phone number (404) 656-6177 o Plant Vogtle Visitors Center P. O. Box 282 Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 Phone number 724-5197 If you get a warning from your weather radio or some other way of an emergency at Plant Vogtle, tune to one of these stations.

Stay tuned as long as the emergency lasts.

Follow the directions given on these stations even if they are not the same as those in this booklet.

o Radio W8RO-AM 1310 Waynesboro o Radio WWGA-FM 100.9 Waynesboro o TV Channels 6,

12, and 26 Augusta

What Radiation Is Everything around you, called " matter," is made up of smal l particles called " atoms."

Some matter is

" radioactive."

This means the atoms can break apart and give off energy in the form of " radiation."

This energy can be used to make electricity, to treat cancer, and in other helpful ways.

You live with radiation all the time, and take some of it into your body each day.

The amount is measured in

" millirems."

You get some of the follading amounts in a year from these sources.

o Cosmic rays--about 45 millirems o The earth--about 15 millirems o Your water, food, and air--about 25 millirems o The material in your house--about 30 millirems in a wooden house and about 50 millirems in a brick house o One chest X-ray--about 20 millirems o One round-trip airline flight from New York to London and back--about 4 millirems o A color TV set--about 1 millirem Living next to a plant like Plant Vogtle will add about 1 millirem each year.

At times you must be careful how much radiation enters your body.

If there is an accident at Plant Vogtle, some radioactive matter may escape and be carried in the air.

If the amount is large, an emergency warning will be broadcast.

You may then be asked to protect yourself from it.

Your house or some other building can often be a good shelter until the wind scatters and carries the matter away.

In some cases, though, you could be asked to leave the area.


Sign Werning A (for cpertsman)

EMERGENCY INFORMATION ABOUT PLANT VOGTLE You are near Plant Vogtle, a nuclear power plant.

An emergency at Plant Vogtle is not likely.

But if there is a serious emergency, you will be warned in one or more of these ways.

o Outdoor strens o Vehicles with a siren or loudspeaker o Boats wi th a siren or loudspeaker What To Do If You A r-e War n e d Of An Em e r g e n c y o Stay calm.

You will have time to take the needed steps.

o Listen to one of these radio stations.

Stay tuned to find out what to do.

-- WBRO-AM 1310 Waynesboro

-- WWGA-FM 100.9 Waynesboro o Tell others who are nearby of the emergency.

o Look in the last two White Pages of a Waynesboro/

Sardis phone book under " Emergency Notification Service."

There you will find more details on what to do in an emergency.

l l

l 1

Sign Wcrning B (for hotolo, motolo, otc.)

EMERGENCY INFORMATION ABOUT PLANT UOGTLE You are near Plant Vogtle, a nuclear power plant.

An emergency at Plant Vogtle is not likely.

But if there is a serious emergency, you may need to be warned of it.

You will be warned in one or more of these ways.

o Outdoor strens in your area o NOAA weather radio o Waynesboro radio stations WBRO-AM, 1310, and WGA-FM, 100.9 o August a TV st a t i on s, Ch ann e l s 4, 12, and 24 o Vehicles with sirens or loudspeakers o Door-to-door warnings by emergency workers What To Do If You Are Warned Of An Emergency o Stay calm.

You will have time to take the needed steps.

o Listen to one of these radio stations.

Stay tuned to find out what to do.

-- WBRO-/W 1310 Waynesboro

-- WGA-FM 100.9 Waynesboro o Tell others who are nearby of the emergency.

o Look in the last two Whlte Pages of a Waynesboro/

Sardis phone book under " Emergency Notification Service."

There you will find more details on what to do in an emergency.




Opecial Needs Card Some people may need special help if there is an

eergency at Plant Vogtle.

Please fill out and mail the Special Needs Card if you, or someone you know, l

o needs help to travel.

o has a physical or mental problem.

Fill out a separate card for each person who needs special help in an emergency.

Please type or print as

' clearly as you can.

If you want more of these cards, check that space below and tell how many you need and where they should be sent.

Name of paeson who needs help Home - addre., istreet or rural route):

City and State Phone number:

Home Work Please check the reason or reasons that special help would be needed in an emergency.

This person

__ has no way to travel.

__ is deaf or hard of hearing.

is blind or does not see well.

____ does not read well.

__ uses a wheelchair.

__ must stay in bed.

__ uses a kidney machine or other support machine.

__ needs help for another reason.

Please say why below.

Please send mes

__ more of these cards.

Number needed:


__ more booklets.

Number needed:

__ some other information.

Please say what it is below.

My name is:

Address (stree t or rural route):


Phone number:
