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Forwards Page 13 of Asco Catalog NP-1,omitted from Exhibit F to Applicants 860224 Testimony of Gt Baenteli,G Bockhold, Sj Cereghino,Wv Cesarski & Hj Quasny on Contention 10.5 Re Solenoid Valves.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/1986
From: Joiner J
To: Linenberger G, Margulies M, Paris O
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#186-278 OL, NUDOCS 8603050176
Download: ML20154C464 (2)



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ATTORNCYS AT LAW cru otca ev

00ChETED ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 tj gpp

  • o4 ese-sooo JAM ES EAolNCF' waittes o.acci om mve nt.

N MR -3 P3 :21 1

February 27, 1986 0FFO v Morton B.

Margulies, Esquire 00cHCis;a n Chairman

, Administrative Judge BOUCH Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U. S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.


20555 Dr. Oscar H.

Paris i

Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U. S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.


20555 Mr. Gustave A.

Linenberger, Jr.

Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.

C.-20555 RE:

In re Georgia Power Company, et al. (Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, UnItsT 50-424 and 50-425Oand 2)

NRC Docket Nos.


Dear Administrative Judges:

Exhibit F to the Applicants' Testimony of George J.

Baenteli, George Bockhold, Jr., Stephen J.

Cereghino, William V.-Cesarski, and Harold J. Quasny on Contention 10.5 (ASCO. Solenoid Valves) submitted on February 24, 1986, consisted of ASCO Catalog.No. NP-1.

Page 13.of j

that catalog was inadvertently omitted from the copy attached to that testimony.

A copy of that page is enclosed.

Yours trul; 30gh h M

b' 'M 4

l 4

.d G

Amec E. Joiner p

s i

j JEJ:mh Enclosure cc:

Service List bj

0 High Flow


08d-I!8 4 WAY SOLENOtD VALVES 2 Position Sinole and Dual Solenoids BULLETIN For(oilfree) Instrument Air M to 1" N.P.T.

NP8344 General Description These are hasvy du*y two position 4 Caution: Do not energize both sole-way valves with rugged forged brass noids sirr;ultaneously.


bodies and so;; pet type seats and Pipe Sites: X', W. %". %" and 1 " N.P.T.

discs, providing tight seating.

The main valve discs are power driven Vetre Parts in Contact with Media:

in bo*h directions by line pressure -

Body - Brass.

2 Seals - Ethylene Propylene.

Applicatforts Discs - Viton Primarily u>ed as piiot operators ort Core Tube - 30f, S.s.

Coll: Continuous Duty Ctass H.

larger controf valves in nuclear power plants.

Core and Plugnut - 430F s.s.

Temperature: Fluid: To 180*F.

They are also use.1 in applicaNo s, Sprbgs -- 302 s.s. ang t 7-W s.s.

Ambient: Nom:nal Range, 32 F. to such as: Coil - Copper.

1 60 F.

i e cylinders

  • clutches Filot Seat Cartrioge - Brass


lhthMounable in any posiM Specifications Shaft Gasket - t ead/ clad Cooper.

without affectog operation.

Operation:Two types avauabie:

No Aluminum Parts.

Coarse FKter:lotegralin valve inlet.


(a) Single Solencid - The valve Solenold Enchsures: Two types are changes position when the solenoid available:

f is energized; the va!ve returns to its orgn al position when de-energized.

(a) Watertght (NEMA 4 and 8).

Optional Features:


f Ib) Oue! So!enoids - The valve (b) Expfosion-Froof - Watt'stight

  • Junction Box Sc(enoid Er. closure.


( changes position wnen one to enoid (NEMA 7C,7D End 4).

(Watertight Solanold Only).

rs energiied. Vatve wm not return to Electricat: Standard Voltages:

. Manual Operefor its ong:nal position until ccpot,ite 24 120 240' 0wttrnuitiples).

480 velts' A-C 60 Hz Hhin 11

  • 4"ThrcadedConduit. Hub r erg z me ta i y (or contc vousty 6.12,24.125, 250 volts. D-C. (battery
  • Screw TerminaNs.

Min.r mm on time of coil for dual Voltages)-

(Watertight Solenold Only).

solem1 valves is 0.3 second on air Other voltages available when ser a recuired.

  • Viton Elastomers Spec &ations r

t Oc e< s tung


rm... m.a 3,

j s...,

'*;tOf -


3 mi m -..



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